Module # 3 - Part Ii: The Act: 8. Activity # 1

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Module # 3 - PART II: THE ACT

8. Activity # 1
1.    Recall immediate responses of the government to moral dilemmas to address
the Covid-19. Differentiate responses that are based on reason and those based
on feelings. Give at least 5 immediate responses with 10-15 sentences for each
one since each answer calls for a differentiation.
1. One of the responses of the government is when no one will be allowed to go
outside if it is not important. So no one is allowed to go to school, offices or go to
other places. It is totally lockdown. There is only a specific time to buy foods and
necessities. There is only one person of the family who is allowed to go outside
and that person needs to have a quarantined pass. It 40 days quarantine. It is
also hard to go to the public market to buy foods because there is no public
transportation. Some people think that it is like a Martial Law because Police
officers are everywhere and they can cuff people who are not wearing a mask.
There is no freedom this time but the government is just protecting us from
COVID 19. The government is trying to stop the increasing positive cases. They
think that we need to prevent it as early as we can because it will go hard soon
to prevent it if there already large positive cases of COVID 19.
2. Businesses need to stop in 40 days. It includes a mall, restaurants, and also
offices. Only front liners are allowed to go to work like medical workers, delivery
men, police officers, army, and media. There a lot of people who lose their jobs.
The Philippine economy also declines. Some people said that if they die, their
cause of death is not COVID 19, but famine. That is why the government is
giving a grocery and allowance to Filipino people in the order they have still food
to eat and money to buy for their foods. Every barangay, the government official
giving relief door to door because they preventing people to go outside. Some
people are still ranting because even though the government is giving relief, it is
still not enough to sustain their needs. Yes, it is hard, but the government said
that we need to do this because will all going to die if we let you go outside and
3. The government call out all the medical front liner to fight COVID 19. However,
there are lot of medical front liners died because of COVID 19. The working
hours is no longer humane. They are not also allowed to their family because
their families might infect of COVID 19. The government has nothing to do about
it, because there are only few medical workers in the Philippines. Government
also need the help of medical front liners because they are professional about it.
Although it is a great sacrifice for medical front liner, they need to do it. Despite
of this catastrophe, they still doing their sworn oath. To ease the sacrifices of the
medical workers, non government organization raise funds to put up tents and
bed for medical workers. Although, we are all experiencing this kind of
pandemic, there still a lot of people who willing to help.
4. The government is not allowing anyone to enter the Philippines. OFW is the
most affected by this. There are a lot of OFW who lose their job because of this
pandemic. There are of OFW that decide to go back to the Philippines to be with
their family. Because of this pandemic, they are not allowed to be with their
family immediately because they need to be under quarantine. They need to
stay in the hotel and wait until 14 days. They are with the other OFW. Of course,
OFW is already missing and they want to be with their family already. The
government is just protecting us especially their family to avoid the spread of the
virus. At the end of the 14 days quarantine, they will let them be with their family.
5. The government is implementing the motor barrier. It is a barrier between the
driver and the passenger of the motor. The government implements it to avoid
social contact with the driver. Likewise, to implement also the social distancing.
There are a lot of drivers that are against it. It causes an accident because of the
wind that passes through the barrier. The barrier may de unattached to the driver
and fly to the other driver. Although there are already accidental reports like this,
it is still implemented. They stick to the rules even there are a lot of accidents

Module # 3 – PART II: THE ACT

9. Assessment Quiz
Identify the term/s being referred to.
1. This holds that the truth or falsity of ethical dispositions is independent of the feelings,
attitudes, or standards of a person or group of persons.
2. Individuals who conclude that being good involves both thinking and feeling.
3. This claim that any legitimate truth may claim must be empirically verifiable.
4. This theory basically states that moral judgments express positive or negative feelings.
True or False. Write T if the statement is true and F  if the statement is false.
__FALSE___1. Subjectivism can account for the act of disagreement in ethics.
__TRUE___2. Emotions like our love for our friends and family, are a crucial part of what gives
life meaning, and ought to play a guiding role in morality.
__FALSE___3. Emotivism holds that the truth or falsity of ethical proposition is dependent on
the feelings, attitudes or standards of a person or group of persons.
_TRUE____4. Ethics without-feeling also appears to go against Christian philosophy’s emphasis
on the feelings, attitudes or standards of a person or group of person.
__TRUE___5. Ethical subjectivism runs contrary to the principle that there is objectivity in
__FALSE___6. Ethical subjectivism is about what things are good and what things are bad.
_TRUE____7.  Emotivism states that moral judgments express positive or negative feelings.
_TRUE____8. According to emotivism, moral judgments are not statements of act but are mere
expression of the emotions of the speaker.
__TRUE____9. Some hold that reason and emotion are not really opposites.
__TRUE____10. Some ethicist believe that ethics is not a matter of emotion.
  Identification. Identify the term/s being referred to.
___ARTHUR SCHOPENHAUER ___1. The German philosopher who explained that when we
become conscious of ourselves, we recognize that our essential qualities are endless urging,
craving, striving, wanting and desiring.
_WILL_______________2. This is important as one of the distinct parts of the mind, along with
reason and understanding.
____SELF DISCIPLINE ____________3. The giving up of instant pleasure and satisfaction for
a higher and better goal such as executing a good rational moral decision.
________MORAL EMOTION________4. Many ethicists believe that this is also important in
carrying out moral decisions.
_______SELF CONTROL _________5. It encompasses endowing the inner strength to focus,
all the energy on a moral and preserve until it is accomplished.

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