Primary Science Resources-Compressed

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Do not taste, smell or eat anything unless given

Listen carefully and follow instructions from
teachers and helpers at all times.
Wear googles, gloves and a lab coat when
Report any incidents immediately.
Clear up any spills immediately.
Wash your hands before and after touching
materials, make sure you have permission to
touch materials in class.
We will be working with materials at boiling point
and using electric cooking plates. Make sure you
follow all instructions from the teacher or
parent helper.
Can you rearrange the letters in this anagram to
Properties and Changes make a word that describes a property of materials?

of Materials
Challenge Cards beampiermel
What does it mean?

Can you rearrange the letters in this anagram to

make a word that describes a property of materials?
What is an
lertham ractadnuc irreversible change?
Can you give
What does it mean?
five examples of
irreversible changes?
Can you create an A-Z of properties and Can you describe two
changes of materials?
chemical reactions
A =attract
C =conductor
and two

B =boiling
D =dissolve physical reactions
that are caused by heating?

Match these mixtures with the Can you explain why these objects
processes used to separate them: are made from these materials?

Sand and Water Sieving Wellingtons are made from rubber.

Sugar and Water Evaporating Roofs are made from slates.
Pasta and Flour Magnetism Windows are made from glass.
Copper Nails and Filtering Pans are made from metal.
Iron Nails
Electrical wires are covered in plastic.
Change detectives

Changes card sort

Melting ice sodium

Freezing milk

Melting wax Burning candle

Dissolving salt

Fizzing sodium
bicarbonate and Melting
tartaric acid in chocolate
Copyright © Australian Academy of Science, 2014. ISBN 978 0 85847 325 6 Resource sheet 4
(ThoughtCo, n.d.)
Criteria 3 2 1 0
Application of science Used a table, image and/or Used a table, image and/or Used a table, image and/or No table, image and/or figure
experiment into visual figure to represent all four figure to represent no more figure to represent one to represent experiments.
representation. experiments. than three experiments. experiment.
Analysis of pipe cleaner Clearly states all changes which Clearly states two to three Clearly states one change which No change stated, no process
shapes, sand and water have occurred from start to changes which have occurred occurs from start to finish of stated and no identification of
concentrate, digestion and finish of all experiments. from start to finish of all most experiments. physical or chemical changes
berooca and water Acknowledged the process in experiments. Acknowledged the process in given.
experiment. which changes have occurred Acknowledged the process in which changes have occurred
for all experiments. which changes have occurred for one experiment.
Correctly identified physical or for half of the experiments. Attempted to identify physical
chemical changes. Attempted to identify physical or chemical changes.
or chemical changes.
Science vocabulary used. Used at least four science Used up to three science words Used up to two science words No science vocabulary used.
words from the class word wall. from the class word wall. from the class word wall.
Student exit ticket- explain
Assessment Task:

Making changes Year 6 Unit 1

Testing change: Reversible or irreversible?
Name Class

Teacher Date

To plan and conduct an investigation into reversible and irreversible changes, including identifying variables
to be changed and measured, describing potential safety risks, identifying improvements to methods and
constructing texts to communicate ideas, methods and findings.

In your science lessons you have been learning about reversible and irreversible changes. There has been
some discussion about what is meant by reversible and irreversible changes and
claim that:
All the changes that occur to materials because of heating can be reversed through cooling.

Part A: Investigating changes

In Part A, you will:

develop an investigation question to test claim and make predictions

identify potential safety risks and suggest how these can be reduced

identify variables to ensure fair testing

design an investigation method.

Part B: Observing changes

In Part B, you will:
conduct the investigation

record observations and data

consider changes to the method that would improve data


The investigations you design may include candle flames used to heat different materials. Your teacher
must check your method to ensure you have carefully considered all aspects of safety before you start your

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Part A: Investigating changes

Plan an investigation that will test claim:

All the changes that occur to materials because of heating can be reversed through cooling.
Your teacher will provide four different materials for you to test:




bicarbonate soda.
You will need to observe and record what happens when you heat and cool the four different materials.
After the materials have been in the freezer overnight, your teacher will give them to you.

Experiment design

Investigation question

1. What effect does ____________________________ have on _______________________?


2. Make a prediction about which of the four materials will undergo a reversible/irreversible change.

I predict that _______________________________ will undergo a reversible change.

I predict that _______________________________ will undergo an irreversible change.

Materials and equipment


3. Identify any potential safety risks and suggest how these risks could be reduced.

Potential risk How risk can be reduced

Loose hair/clothing/jewellery Tie hair back, secure loose clothing and remove

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Fair test

4. In the table below, identify:

one variable that you will change

one variable that you will measure or observe

the variables that you will keep the same.

What to change What to measure/observe What to keep the same

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5. Write down the steps you are going to use to investigate the claim.
(Hint: Remember to return materials to the freezer after you have added heat.)

Use additional pages if required.

Submit your method for approval.

Wait until your method has been approved before starting the investigation.

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Part B: Observing changes

Conduct the investigation and then complete the observations and questions below.


6. Collect your data by recording observations in the table below.

Initial observations Observations Did it Observations Did it

(from freezer) (during and after heating) melt? (after cooling in freezer) solidify?

ice Yes/No Yes/No

wax Yes/No Yes/No

cheese Yes/No Yes/No

Yes/No Yes/No

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7. Classify the observable changes you investigated as reversible or irreversible by placing a tick or a cross
in the correct column.

Material Reversible change Irreversible change




bicarbonate soda

8. Explain your reasons for classifying the changes as reversible or irreversible.

9. Compare the observable changes between the ice and cheese. What are the differences?

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10. All the materials were placed back in the freezer after heating. How does this help you to accurately
determine whether or not a material went through a change?

11. What worked well in your investigation? What changes could you make to the investigation method to
improve the data collected? Justify why this is an improvement.


12. Explain why you agree or disagree with the claim:

All the changes that occur to materials because of heating can be reversed through cooling.
(Hint: Refer to your investigation and the observations you recorded to guide your answer. Remember to
use scientific language.)

8 of 9
Science Inquiry 3 2 1 0
Formulates an Clearly states Clearly states Incorrectly No question
investigative the independent the independent states the completed.
question. and dependant and dependant independent and
variable as a variable however dependant
question. no question variable.
Makes Shows Shows Show prediction No predication
predictions prediction for all prediction for 3 for 1 or 2 given.
about which of four materials. materials. materials.
the four
materials will
undergo a
reversible or
Plan and Correctly Correctly Correctly Incorrectly
conduct a fair identifies one identifies most identifies one of identifies the
test. variable which but not all of the variables. variables.
will change, one the variables
variable to be which will
measured and change, be
the variables measured or
staying the stay the same.
Use equipment Follows the Requires Requires Does not follow
and materials safety rules at reminding of the reminding of the the rules.
safely all times. rules once. rules twice.
Make and All components 80% of the Less than 60% Table not
records of the table are table answered. of the table completed.
observations answered. answered.
Construct and Completes all Completes 80% Completes less Table not
identifies rows of table. of table. than 60% of the completed.
patterns via a table.
Reflection Makes comment Makes comment Completes only Neither
of whether they of whether they one comment, completed.
agree to the agree to the either
statement or not statement or agreement
and why. not. statement or
At least two At least one improvement
improvement improvement statement.
statement given. statement given.
Mix and Match- cut out and display on board or use IWB.

First Material Second Material Process


Mix and Match- cut out and display on board or use IWB.


Mix and Match- cut out and display on board or use IWB.

Science 3 2 1 0
Identifies the Defines Defines Defines No definition
difference irreversible and irreversible and irreversible and given.
between reversible reversible reversible
reversible and changes in changes in changes with
irreversible detail. Discusses detail. little detail.
changes. relationship with
physical and
Identifies States and States and States No processes
processes in explains at least explains up to 2 processes with stated.
which a change 3 processes e.g.: processes. no explanation.
of state can Melting
occur. Freezing
Describes what Correctly Correctly Correctly No description
happens when explains physical explains physical identifies one given.
materials are and chemical and chemical physical or
mixed. reactions. reactions. chemical
Example given to reaction when
demonstrate materials are
what happens mixed.
when materials
Identifies how Demonstrates in Demonstrates Demonstrates No statement on
change in state detail use of use of previous use of previous recycling is
can assist with previous investigation to investigation to given.
recycling. investigation to show the show the
show the process of process of
process of recycling. recycling.
recycling. Able Able to apply Does not relate
to apply the the benefits of to class novel.
benefits of recycling with
recycling with the class novel
the class novel.
Demonstrates Uses three Uses two Uses one No example
investigation examples of how examples of how example of how given.
into Aboriginal Aboriginal and Aboriginal and Aboriginal and
and Torres Torres Strait Torres Strait Torres Strait
Strait Islander Islander People Islander People Islander People
used their used their used their
knowledge of knowledge of knowledge of knowledge of
reversible reversible reversible
reversible processes e.g. processes e.g. processes e.g.
processes. making fuel making fuel making fuel
torches. torches. torches.
Reflects on Includes at least Includes at least Includes at least No experiment
previous 3 experiments 2 experiments 1 experiment discussed.
experiments. from the unit. from the unit. from the unit.

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