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Change Management

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A. Discuss the need for change for the company in the scenario using either the systems

contingency model or the organizational life cycle model.

To continue to compete and be productive a change is needed in which leadership focuses

on its people and fosters a culture of innovation and learning. Using the Systems Contingency

Model, Zeon should begin training its employees in newer technologies, inclusiveness, and

welcoming new ideas. (Acrobatiq, 2017). Using this model, the company with be able to boost

performance in its staff and avoid the possibility of then becoming complacent. This change will

also bring about synergy within its departments.

B.  Describe the differences between a learning organization and a traditional organization.

In a leaning Organization, the focus is to provide continual learning, which can be

accomplished by allowing employees to share their ideas and have an open dialogue about

processes and procedures while providing open opportunities for creativity and encouraging

employees to take risks. (Acrobatiq, 2017).

To the opposite in a Traditional Organization, the company functions through a chain of

command or a hierarchy where communication moves between the levels, and usually by the

time it teaches the lower levels of the organizational pyramid decisions are already made, and

employees are expected to function with obedience and not make decisions on their own.

(Acrobatiq, 2017).

1. Identify which stage of Woolmer’s 5-stage model the company is currently in.

The Utrax is currently functioning in stage three, The Mature organization.

The company is in this stage because they have identified the need for learning, which is crucial

to continue growth. They have consulted with an outside firm to evaluate this need and make

recommendations on becoming a learning organization, which indicates that they are now
progressing in a direction that will open up development opportunities for its employees in all


1. Explain how the company from the scenario would use Senge’s 5 disciplines to

become a learning organization.

Systems thinking is having an understanding of the entire company and functions within the

various departments and how they work together (Acrobatiq, 2017).

Personal Mastery

That is important to the change initiative because as individuals learn and grow within

the organization, the organization has the potential to learn and grow as well.

Mental models

That can be applied by creating and fostering a culture of open-mindedness where an

individual can share their beliefs and visions and learn from one another to gain an

understanding of how this belief or assumptions not only have an impact on individuals and also

the impacts that have in the work environment (Acrobatiq, 2017).

Shared Vision

That can be applied by leaders sharing their vision of the direction they want the

company to go and educating their employees on it will take to get there.

Team Learning

This can be applied by developing training and learning groups that enable individuals to

work together to discover and solve problems.

C.  Identify the end result and nature of change to take the company from a traditional

organization to a learning organization using Balogun and Hope-Hailey’s model.

The nature of change and the result of Utrax to a learning organization will be

Adaptation. By taking the Adaption approach, the organization moves toward its goals in

incremental steps, which all for better buy-in, the ability to make changes along the way if

needed, and also the ability to maintain current performance outputs (Acrobatiq, 2017)

D.  Discuss how four steps of the action research model could be applied to the change

process (traditional organization to learning organization) for the company in the


Four steps of the Action Research Model that could be applied to move Utrax to a learning

organization would be to Consult with OD/Change Management Expert and formulate a

preliminary Diagnosis, plan action steps jointly, and Implement (Acrobatiq, 2017).

The consultation with the OD/Change Management Expert provides the opportunity to

discuss the organization’s current status and share the vision in which the company would like to

go. It is applied by the organization's leaders sharing data of its departments, such as how they

function, the need to integrate them to sustain consistent growth and development.

E.  Recommend two innovation strategies that management could use to transition the

company in the scenario from a traditional organization to a learning organization.

To aid Utrax Manufacturing in its transition into a learning organization, two strategies that

could be used would be the Exploration and Innovation Roles. Exploration would be used to

individuals and teams to use their creativity to develop solutions to issue, and if found beneficial,

the solutions can be implemented (Acrobatiq, 2017).

F.  Discuss how four steps of Kotter’s 8-step model could be applied to the change process

for the company in the scenario.

Establish a Sense of Urgency

It can be applied by communicating the vision and moving quickly to the learning phase.

Thus will prevent the loss of momentum and keep the initiative moving forward.

Empower Others to Act on the Vision

Utrax can apply this by training and developing its employees who will contribute to the

vision's building blocks to come together. This step is essential because without employees

feeling empowered, there may be many missed opportunities that could slow down progress.

Generate Short-term Wins

It's crucial because these wins are a way to manage the transformation successes and help

provide insight into the next steps in the process.

Major the Original Methods in the Culture

As new processes develop, the approaches must be anchored to the culture to ensure that

they align with the direction the company is headed and provided sustained growth in all areas.

G.  Explain how each of the five pillars of sustainable change could be applied to sustain

the learning organization environment of the company in the scenario.

As with any transformation, the process begins with the leaders. Executive and senior

managers need to break down management levels, making them slimmer in their pillars.


Utrax must create a new strategy that continues in growth and development through

continual learning. The strategy would need to encompass internal learning and learning about
the customers and their needs, and it is essential to keep developing new and innovative



This adjustment can be achieved by all levels of the organization, sharing the same vision of

learning, and finding new ways that individuals and the corporation can learn and empower

employees to own their development (Acrobatiq, 2017).


The structure of the organization will need to change. Utrax will need to do away with the

bureaucratic formation it had with the traditional organization and become a balanced

organization with stable leadership and embraces ideas and concepts from the bottom up.


Resource Management System will ensure that employees are efficient in their development

and how they serve the customers’ needs. Without these systems in place, it would be difficult

for Utrax to measure if more change is needed for their growth.


Acrobatiq. (2017). Change Management. [Learning Resource for C721-Change Management].

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