Research Proposal On Child and Adolescent Development Subject Eed511

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A Research Proposal
College of Teacher Education
Lucban, Quezon

Presented by:



A student’s level of intelligence is said to be reflected by the grades that one

attains. When a student gets a high grade, it is concluded that one has learned a lot, and if

not, the student would most likely have attained lesser learning. Nevertheless, there are

numerous factors that greatly affect the grades of every student such as the intelligence

quotient, study habits, age, year, social status, etc. But, it has long been recognized that in

the process of learning the study habits of the students play an important role in their

performance academically.

The study will be conducted inside Lucena East 3 Elementary School, Lucena

City.The learning environment in the edifice generates various effects towards the

participants. Therefore, resulting to how the participants scope up with their studies.

At this point in time, the researchers would like to investigate the possible

relationship of study habits and the factors affecting to it to the academic performance of

the Grade six students in Lucena East 3 Elementary School. The research findings of the

study will provide basis and awareness not just for students but as well as the teachers

and school administration.

Earlier studies reveal that most of the problem that contributes to poor

performance in tests and examination were lack of proper study.  Most students are

devoting less time to their studies because of many factors that could be taken account

Recently, the popular trend of social media occupies greater fraction to these

factors. In the Philippines, there are now 45.4 million Facebook users according to

Internet Society. This means that students spend more time on it rather than studying or

revising their lesson. Thus, technology greatly influences the students’ desire to learn.

According to Hussain (2000) study habit refers to predispositions which students

have developed towards private readings through a period of time. According to him,

study habit is a gateway to successful achievement in studies.

A great deal of research provides evidence that study habits and study attitudes

are both significant variables, which determine the academic performance of students.

Yet, in spite of the perceived importance of study habits and study attitudes to academic

achievement, it seems that education institution still pays little attention to understanding

these factors (Baquiran, 2011).

On Gudagavanar and Halayannavar’s research, “Influence of Study Habits on

Academic Performance of Higher Primary Students,” study habits play a very important

role in the life of students. Success or failure of each student depends upon his own study

habits. Of course, study is an art and as such it requires practice. Some students study

more but they fail to achieve more. Others study less but achieve more. Success of each

student definitely depends upon ability, intelligence and effort of students. No doubt,

regular study habits bring their own rewards in the sense of achievement of success.

Statement of the Problem

The study intended to find out the factors affecting the study habits of the Grade

Six students of Lucena East 3 Elementary School and how these factors influence the

academic performance of the said students.

This will be answered by the following questions:

1. What are the factors affecting the study habits of the Grade 6 students of Lucena

East 3 Elementary School?

2. How do these factors affect their academic performance?

Scope and Delimitation

This study limits its coverage only to the Senior High School students of Davao

Doctors College for the School Year 2016-2017. The study will focus on the factors

affecting the study habits on the academic performance of the students. The primary data

will be descriptive in nature to determine an actual representation of the students’

perspective in the study. The respondents will be randomly selected, which compromises

20 percent of the total population.

Significance of the Study

This research aims to benefit students, specifically Senior High School students,

and also the administration of Davao Doctors College in a way for them to be able to

understand the factors in the students’ study habits which affect their academic

performance. It is important to have a clear understanding on what hinders and improves

one’s educational achievement. Hence, this assimilation will provide deeper awareness

for the beneficiaries on how the relationships of these variables affect one another.

Results concluded in this research can aid the school administration in enhancing the

curriculum and strategies toward a more effective delivery of learning.  Teachers will

also be help in understanding better diversity of learning of their students and develop

more effective teaching strategies, and teacher-student relationship in the educational



Review of Related Literature

This chapter aims to provide strong foundation to this study which contains

gathered research works of different literature and references by the researchers. It covers

the review of relevant literatures which is explained accordingly.  These are presented to

determine the connection of various findings and theories in relation to the independent

and dependent variables.

Study habits are termed as the methods of study of students. Study habits are

student’s ways of studying whether systematic, efficient or inefficient (Ayodele &

Adebiyi, 2013) implying that efficient study habits produces positive academic

performance while inefficient study habits leads to academic failure.  Marquez (2009)

also pointed out that a student who is successful in his desired career has good study

habits. In line with this, she stated that students should apply these habits to all of their

classes. She also suggested that the students should not try to study all the subjects in a

single period. However, every students has his own study habits depending on his

preferences with regards to the duration of time devoted in studying , what place or

environment would be the best venue to study , the study skills and techniques will the

student utilizes during his study and more. It will depend upon the person if he is

voluntarily interested in studying or be prompted by the distraction of the social

networking sites such as facebook , twitter , instagram, tumblr, etc. which all of these can

be easiliy accessed through their phones and majority of the students possesses a

smartphone as what they’ve called it.  Studying is the key to excel in one’s academic

performance, because it not only prepares a student to excel in class but reinforces the

lessons that already been taught.

Academic excellence or achievement plays an important role in an individual

placement, be it in the academic institutions or job placement. Due to this, many people

are concerned with the ways they can enhance their academic achievement. The emphasis

on academic excellence which is also prevalent worldwide has encouraged many studies

about the conditions promoting it. The role of academic achievement as one of the

predictors of one’s life success and also in the aspect of academic placement in schools to
higher institutions as well as the level of employability in one’s career is inevitable

(Kyoshaba, 2009).

Academic performance, which is measured by the examination results, is one of

the major goals of a school. Hoyle (1986) argued that schools are established with the

aim of imparting knowledge and skills to those who go through them and behind all this

is the idea of enhancing good academic performance. Academic performance or

achievement is the outcome of education, the extent to which a student, teacher or

institution has achieved their educational goals. Academic performance is commonly

measured by examinations or continuous assessment but there is no general agreement on

how it is best tested or which aspects are most important, procedural knowledge such as

skills or declarative knowledge such as facts (Annie, Howard & Mildred, 1996).

Time management has been referred to as a set of techniques for managing,

planning and appropriate using of time. According to  Steel (2007) procrastination

consists of the intentional delay of an intended course of action, in spite of an awareness

of negative outcomes, and according Ferrari, O’Callaghan and Newbegin, (2005) it often

results in unsatisfactory performance (Klassen, Krawchuk & Rajani, 2008). Academic

procrastination also was defined as leaving academic tasks, such as preparing for exams

and doing homework to the last minute and to feel discomfort out of this (Çapan, 2010).

Anecdotally, it has been suggested that approximately 95% of all college students

procrastinate (Ellis & Knaus, 1977). Other researchers have estimated the prevalence of

procrastination among college students to vary between 25% and 50% depending on the

type of academic tasks being completed (Solomon & Rothblum, 1984). Furthermore,

several studies have found a moderate to strong negative correlation between academic
procrastination and academic performance (Van Eerde, 2003). For college students

particularly, academic procrastination has been associated with guilt, stress, neuroticism,

low self-esteem and low grades (Fritzsche, Young & Hickson, 2003).

A direct relationship exists between Social media usage and the academic

performance of students in universities. However, the darker side within technological

evolution has resulted in dilemmas such as the setback of real values of life especially

among students who form the majority of users interacting through the use of social

networking sites. Online social networking sites focus on building and reflecting social

associations among people who share interests and or activities. With so many social

networking sites displayed on the internet, students are tempted to abandon their

homework and reading times in preference for chatting online with friends. Many

students are now addicted to the online rave of the moment, with Facebook, Twitter etc.

Today most youths and students possess Facebook accounts. The reason most of

them perform badly in school might not be far- fetched. While many minds might be

quick to blame the poor quality of teachers, they might have to think even harder, if they

have not heard of the Facebook frenzy (Oche & Aminu .2010). Olubiyi (2012) noted that

these days’ students are so engrossed in the social media that they are almost 24 hours

online. Even in classrooms and lecture theatres, it has been observed that some students

are always busy pinging, 2going or Facebooking, while lectures are on. Times that ought

be channeled towards learning, academic research and innovating have been crushed by

the passion for meeting new friends online, and most times busy discussing trivial issues.

Hence most students’ academics suffer setback as a result of distraction from the social

media. In (Obi, Bulus, Adamu &Sala’at2012), it was observed that the use of these sites
also affect students’ use of English and grammar. The students are used to short forms of

writing words in their chat rooms; they forget and use the same in the classrooms. They

use things like 4 in place of for, U in place of You, D in place of The etc. and this could

affect their class assessment. Social networking sites although has been recognized as an

important resource for education today, studies however shows that students use social

networking sites such as Facebook for fun, to kill time, to meet existing friends or to

make new ones (Ellison, Steinfield, and Lampe 2007). Although it has been put forward

that students spends much time on participating in social networking activities, with

many students blaming the various social networking sites for their steady decrease in

grade point averages (Kimberly, Jeong and Lee, 2009), it also shows that only few

students are aware of the academic and professional networking opportunities the sites

offered. According to Kuppuswamy and Shankar (2010), social network websites grab

attention of the students and then diverts it towards non-educational and inappropriate

actions including useless chatting. Whereas on the other hand, (Liccardi, Ounnas,

Massey, Kinnunen, Midy, & Sakar. 2007) reviewed that the students are socially

connected with each other for sharing their daily learning experiences and do

conversation on several topics.Tinto (1997) argued that extracurricular activities and

academic activities are not enough to satisfy some student those who are suffered by

social networking isolation. This shows that social networks are beneficial for the

students as it contributes in their learning experiences as well as in their academic life.

Trusov, Bucklin, & Pauwels (2009) noted that the Internet is no doubt evolution of

technology but specifically social networks are extremely unsafe for teenagers, social

networks become hugely common and well-known in past few years.

According to Palm Beach Community College (PBBC, 2008) they said that a

student must have a special place to study with plenty of room to work. And students

should not be cramped. They presupposes that study time will go better if a learner take a

few minutes at the start to straighten things up. A desk and straight-backed chair is

usually best, “Don't get too comfortable--a bed is a place to sleep, not to study,” as what

they said. A student must have everything close at hand (book, pencils, paper, coffee,

dictionary, computer, calculator, tape recorder,etc.) before starting to study. Students are

not suggested to spend on time jumping up and down to get things. The PBCC suggests

also that distracting noise should be minimized however they said that there are some

people need sound and some like silence. In this case, a learner must find what works for

him or her. Culprits are family and friends. Consider a "do not disturb" sign and turning

on your answering machine is the way also to have better study habits according to the

PBBC..Frank Pogue (2000) did a research project to determine why students fail. What

he founds to be true in that study habits survey was that more than 30 years ago still rings

true today--students fail because they do not know how to study.

He said that a student should make sure that he/she has a good study environment,

a good desk, a sturdy chair, good light, comfortable room temperature and a quiet

atmosphere. That means he/she should eliminate all external and internal distractions.

Second, get a good overview of the assignment before starting the work. Know what

skills, facts and ideas that are expected to master and the ground that are expected to

cover. Start with most difficult subject first, while the mind is freshest and most

Hence, the study focuses on the factors that affect the study habit of the students.

In line with this, the researchers would like to know the effect of the study habit to their

academic performances.

Learning occurs continuously throughout our lives and it is therefore important to

understand that what might work for others do not necessarily have to work for others as

well. However, it is still important that students should be consistent along with their

studies. According to the theories of study habits, there are broadly two types of students.

The first category is of the students who study for a shorter duration, have a good

concentration and are able to get good scores without much effort. The second category

includes students who have a rather poor concentration, and need a lot of hardwork to get

good scores. With a regular study habit you will find that the child will study at a time

that it is deemed normal to study.To conclude, study habits may vary from student to

student perspective because not everyone achieve the style of learning process like what

other can achieve for themselves.

There may be a lot of factors that can affect the study habit of one student but it’s

all depend to him on how he can manage to do his studies without minding the

hindrances and acquire study habits in the end.

Review of Related Studies

The study conducted by Marcus Credé and Nathan R. Kuncel (2008) at the

University of Albany reveals that study habit, skill, and attitude inventories and

constructs were found to rival standardized tests and previous grades as predictors of

academic performance, yielding substantial incremental validity in predicting academic

performance. The meta-analysis examined the construct validity and predictive validity

of 10 study skill constructs for college

students.They found that study skill inventories and constructs are largely independent of

both high school grades and scores on standardized admissions tests but moderately

related to various personality constructs; these results were inconsistent with previous

theories. Study motivation and study skills exhibit the strongest relationships with both

grade point average and grades in individual classes. They also said that Academic

specific anxiety was found to be an important negative predictor of performance. In

addition, significant variation in the validity of specific inventories is shown. Scores on

traditional study habit and attitude inventories are the most predictive of performance,

whereas scores on inventories based on the popular depth-of-processing perspective are

shown to be least predictive of the examined criteria. Overall, study habit and skill

measures improve prediction of academic performance more than any other non-

cognitive individual difference variable examined to date and should be regarded as the

third pillar of academic success.

According to the (2009), students who are very successful in

their desired career have good study habits. It is stated in the website that students apply

these habits to all of their classes. The website also recommends some tips in improving

study habits. The website also suggests that the student should try not to study all the

subjects in just a period. The website also added that if you try to do too much studying at

one time, you will tire and your studying will not be very effective. Space the work you

have to do over shorter periods of time. Taking short breaks will restore your mental

A study conducted by University of Kentucky was to determine if the college

success can be improved with the Student Attitude Inventory (SAI). The inventory was

developed in Britain and contains 47 items which attempt to identify students in higher

education on the basis of: (1) motivation, (2) study methods, (3) examination technique,

and (4) lack of distractions toward academic work. Students in six Kentucky community

colleges were asked to express their attitudes toward study habits on the Student Attitude

Inventory. There were 996 students in the sample population (413 males and 583

females). A measure of ability (composite American College Test score) and academic

performance (cumula grade-point average) were obtained for each student sampled. The

Student Attitude Inventory did contribute a statistically significant amount of variance

beyond an ability measure for males and females. ( Mark E. Thompson, 2005).

According to Mark Crilly (2000), Successful students are able to balance social activities

with good study habits. A diversion from studies will alleviate stress and help prevent

from becoming fatigued. He said that a student should make sure that he must take a

break for an hour after studies to meet with friends, to play some cards, work out at the

gym, or to gab with a new acquaintance. For this way, that student will find concentration

when he does study, if he plans a social activity afterwards. He said, “To develop a

healthy social life, develop routine study habits. After supper, lug your book sand

homework to the library, find a comfortable and quiet niche, and study for two or three

hours, taking intermittent 10 minute breaks every 45 minutes or so.” Making friends with

whom you share similar study habits, and share a table or a study space with them would

be a best way in developing study habits as what Mark said.

Breus (2006) research studies demonstrate that daytime sleepiness from chronic

sleep deprivation and poor quality sleep has significant impacts on daytime behavior and

academic performance, as well as concentration, attention, and mood. Even 20 fewer

minutes of needed sleep may significantly affect behavior in many areas. One study

showed that those

students with C‘s, D‘s and F‘s got about 25 fewer minutes of sleep and went to bed an

average of 40 minutes later than A and B students. From elementary school through high

school and beyond, a great many of our children are chronically sleep-deprived. With

more than 2/3 of all children having some kind of sleep problem, and most adolescents

not getting enough sleep, many will struggle to meet the barrage of new challenges,

demands, and emotions of a new school year. It is not widely recognized and appreciated

just how pervasive and critical quality sleep is for brain development and how it directly

influences daytime functioning, performance, mood and behavior.

Conceptual Framework


Time Management
VARIABLE Study Habits
Study Environment
Use of Social Media

The independent variables of the study, including time management, study

environment, and use of social media, influences the dependent variable which is the

study habits.
Gestalt psychology mentions the Law of Proximity which he tends to form groups

according to the way they are spaced, with the nearer once being grouped together

(Tria,et Al. 1998). When applied to learning, regular and instantaneous study periods tend

to result in a better performance than inconsistent study periods do.

Thorndikes Law of Exercise further supports this kind of principle stating that,

other things being equal, the more frequent a modifiable connection between a situation

and response is used, the stronger is the connection.

When a connection between a situation and a response is not being used for a

period of time, the connection weakens. As to learning, a student who stimulates regular

study periods tends to develop certain methods in studying to enhance academic


This study focuses on the factors affecting study habits and how it affects the

academic performance of the Senior High School students of Davao Doctors College. In

this view, the researchers want to study the factors which affect the study habits.

Theoretical Framework

This study is based on Gestalt’s Field theory. The word “Gestalt” means

“pattern”, it expresses the idea of perceptual whole, or a total pattern. The Gestalt Theory

of Learning was first formulated in Germany about 1912. Prominent names associated

with Gestalt Psychology include; Werthemeimer Koffka and Kohler.

Gestalt learning principles include the following, among others:

 Teachers should try to develop into children an integrated approach to learning

and the solution of problems. Learning will be more meaningful if children can

establish a relationship among different aspects of knowledge.

 Children should be encouraged in order to facilitate their interaction with the


 The learner should be encouraged to set their own goals for learning.

 Divergent as well as convergent thinking should be present among children.

 The learner should be presented with the figure ground relations so that we can

see the inter-relatedness among phenomena.

Educational relevance of Gestalt theory indicates the need for considering the whole

but also the details with the environment. This implies that in understanding the academic

performance of a students, the environment which stimulates certain study skills, study

techniques , use of instructional materials and teaching method should be considered to

know the perception and understanding of a lesson by student. Hence, appropriate

teaching method, good questioning technique, practical teaching and relevant

instructional material are necessary for development of study techniques and improved

performance (Ugboaja, 2004).

Secondly, the role of a teacher to assist the student is emphasized. A teacher collects

academic data on students, they include, students’ scores on academic achievement, study

techniques, special academic talents, learning, difficulties, class attendance and

educational they may necessary for insight or perceptional process of learning.

Another relevant of gestalt theory is that knowledge should be graded in a

hierarchical way to enable children at least obtain some glimpses of the problem before

they mature to figure out the whole solution.

Learners should be introduced from simple to complex problems to facilitate learning

(lyany-Abia, 2005). Gestalt theory takes into account factors such as motivation,
maturation level of student experience, background of the learners, the learners intelligent

and interest.

The above factors explain the degree in which students can be influenced to form

study techniques and improve in academic performance.

Definition of Terms

Academic Performance – extent to which a student, teacher or institution has achieved

their educational goals

Senior High School Students – the learners of the additional two years of the k to 12

program of the Department of Education

Social Media – are computer-mediated technologies that allow the creating and sharing of

information, ideas, career interests and other forms of expression via virtual communities

and networks.

Study Habits – the behaviors used when preparing for tests or learning academic material.

Study Environment – the process of organizing and planning how to divide your time

between specific activities.

Time Management – the process of planning and exercising conscious control over the

amount of time spent on specific activities, especially to increase effectiveness, efficiency

or productivity.


Research Design

This study will use the phenomenological design in its attempt to determine,

describe, and analyze relationships between time management, study environment, and

use of social media to the independent variable which is the study habits.

Respondents of the Study

The study will have Senior High School students who are enrolled during the

recent school year at Davao Doctors College. The 20 percent of the total population will

be the sample size of the study. The sample population is 92 taken the total from the 462

Senior High School students of Davao Doctors College.  All of the participants will

be selected through simple stratified random sampling. This sampling method is

conducted where each member of a population has an equal opportunity to become part

of the sample. In order to conduct this sampling strategy, the researcher will divide first

the population into different strata- students who belong to their respective tracks –

Accountancy, Business, and Management (ABM), Science, Technology, Engineering, and

Mathematics (STEM), Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS) and the General

Academic Strand (GAS).

Instrument of the Study

For this study, the researchers design a self-administered questionnaire for the

data gathering process to achieve the main objective of the study. The primary aim of the
questionnaire is to determine the respondents’ profile according to: (1) Time Management

(2) Study Environment (3) Usage of Social Media.  This research will use a mixture of

closed questions and open comments in the questionnaire.  A closed question is one that

has pre-coded answers.  The simplest is the dichotomous question to which the

respondent must answer yes or no.  Through closed questions, the researcher will be able

to limit responses that are within the scope of this study.

Survey Questionnaire

Name: _____________________

Track&Section: ______________

Age: ______Gender: _______ Date: _________


Please put check (√) on the space that corresponds to what you are actually doing,

thinking, and feeling regarding the statement. There are no right and wrong answers to

the following questions. Rest assured that your answers will be treated in strictest way

and will be used only for this study.

1. What is your average grade?

       A _____ A- ______ B______ B- ______ C______  D______

2. How far in advance do you start studying for exam?

One month ____ Two weeks______ One week _____ Days before_____ The night


3.  What time of day do you do the most studying?

Morning (6 a.m. to noon _____ Afternoon (noon to 6 p.m.) _____ Evening (6 p.m. to 9

p.m.) _____ Night (9 p.m. to 12 a.m.) _____ Late night (12 a.m. to 6 a.m.) _____

4. On average, how many hours do you study for exam?

20-24 hours ______ 15-19 hours_______10-14 hours _______ 5-9 hours ________ 1-4

hours _________

5. What is your favorite way to study?

Repeating points out loud _____ Writing index/flash cards_______ Writing outlines

_______ Highlighting text ______ Studying in a group _______ Others (Please Specify) :


6. Where is your favorite place to study?

Dorm room _____ Bedroom _______ Library ______ Coffee shop _______ Parents’

home ______ Campuspub/bar _____ Student’s hub _______ Others (Please


7. What is your favorite study break?

Exercise _______ Watching TV/movie ____Surfing the Internet _______ Napping

_________ Socializing ______ Playing video games ______ Praying/meditating ______

Others (Please Specify):_________

8. Which of the following social media tools do you use? (Choose all that apply)


Instagram_____ Others (Please Specify):_______

9. How many hours do you spend in using these social media?

1-2 hours_______ 2-4 hours _______ 5-6 hours __________ 6-10 hours_______

Others(Please Specify):________
10.  Do you believe that your social media habits have negatively influence your study


Yes______ No_________

11. Do you believe that your social media habits have positively influence your study


Yes_______ No _______



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Internet Links
Kyoshab, M. (2009). Factors affecting academic performance of undergraduate students

at Uganda Christian University. Retrieved December 4, 2013 from Retrieved from:

Kaushar, M. (2013). Study of Impact of Time Management on Academic Performance of

College Students, Ikaram Jagannath College Of Arts, Commerce And Science. (Mar. -

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Thompson,M., (2005). The Prediction of Academic Achievement by The British Study

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Crede, M. & Kuncel, N. (February 21, 2009). Study Habits, Skills, and Attitudes: The

Third Pillar Supporting Collegiate Academic Performance. Retrieved from:


In every school setting, students are perpetually in search of academic success.

(December 7, 2013). Study Habits and Students’ Academic Performance. Retrieved from


Obar, Jonathan A.; Wildman, Steve (2015). Social media definition and the governance

challenge: An introduction to the special issue. Retrieved from:


The Phenomenological Perspective. (December 9, 2009). Gestalt Theory. Retrieved from
What is Time Management. (September 14, 2014). Time Management Definition.

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