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Submitted to

Ma'am Razia Sharig

Submitted by
Muhammad Zaheer Ul Haque
Q-1: the right choice is D cultural marketing

Q-2: Benefits from cultural marketing orientation:

Sapphire has been now and will receive various rewards

from obtaining this marketing orientation.

High notoriety: since they have received another act of

presenting biodegradable packs that forestall plastic
utilization, yet support planting seeds, they would win
a high notoriety in the general public from each and
every individual who has essential information in
regards to current ecological issues.

Backing from NGOs: the NGOs around the world that are
stressing upon better condition will surely bolster
them in one manner or the other. The help can be
monetary marketing, and so on.

Worldwide Support: the universal associations which are

quick to stop the plastic utilization and advance
planting new trees would energize and bolster the
sapphire gathering for concocting such a splendid
thought. They would specify them and spread the
notoriety over the globe.
Affiliations; when they will get a high status in the
public arena different brands and organizations will
quickly attempt to make a connection for joint endeavor
on the grounds that connecting their name with such a
perfect brand will support their deals also.

Also, they would cooperate with seed organizations and

receive rewards, since they are helping them sell seed.

Simple marketing: the brand can additionally advance

their image effortlessly by partner it with the
strategic counter natural issues. They can motto with
reuse, and use plants and centrality of plants to
advance themselves. Much of the time of mindfulness
crusades which are predominantly expected to make
natural mindfulness would make sapphire their image

Society: sapphire would effortlessly turn into the most

loved decision of natural cognizant and delicate
individuals who accept that we should take part in
prosperity of the earth in one way or the other. In
this manner they would incline toward sapphire over

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