Bridgehead Test Style Guide

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Writing Must Be:

 Creative. Avoid clichés and repetitions. They should only be used if

they make sense in a specific context and if they can make the
notes catchy.
 Concise. Short and to the point. Every word counts.
 Informative and enticing. No fluff or irrelevant details.
 Not opinion-based. Writings should be objective. Find a balance
between facts and creativity. Accentuate the positive, but be factual.
 Approach without preconceived judgment. Even if a specific type
of music is not a personal favorite, the writing should always inspire
the users to watch/listen.
 Flowing. Use a variety of connectors, linguistic structures, and good
 Hip, urban and modern as a general tone. Speak to the target
 Timeless/evergreen. Don’t mention a artist’s age or mention a
“latest release.”
 Localised. Writings should be in your local language.

Writing Should Not:

Mention social media and brands (Facebook, Twitter, Google, YouTube,
Use lazy or vague language.
Glorify drug or alcohol use. If you’re in doubt, omit it.
Contain misplaced modifiers. Example: “With a music career spanning
almost two decades, her influences border on heavier rock but with anime-
style J-pop at its core.” “Music career” doesn’t agree with “influences”.

Other Recommendations for Writing:

 Try to convey what it is about the artist that makes them unique.
 Take a “Note to Note” approach. Each Note must be unique and be
able to stand on its own.
 For Music, try to give the reader an idea of what the music actually
sounds like—the more specific, the better. Example (from a
Japanese jazz note): “Kyoto Jazz Sextet blow life into '60s-era hard
bop. Slowly keeps electric funk alive with disco-ready beats, while

Maki Mannami croons us to the moon and back. The rhythm's tight,
the melodies soar and everybody just swings.”
 Remember that our target audience is 18-34 years old.
 Artists are very likely to read what you write, so be mindful of that.
 Wikipedia should not be the only resource of your research. Always
fact-check different sources to make sure information is correct
(dates, places, names). Good sources would be the artist’s official
site, reputable music magazines, record labels, etc.
 Always run a spellcheck before sending the writings. Be careful that
autocorrect doesn’t “correct” spellings of foreign words.
 No plagiarism; all writing must be original.

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