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Recovering from a Layoff

with Brie Weiler Reynolds

Resume Example
Your Name (Match your online profiles; example: Jane Eileen Smith, instead of Jane Smith.)
Street Address, City, State, and Zip –––; ––– 555-555-5555
LinkedIn profile URL

Summary Of Qualifications

• List 4–5 bullet points related to your top qualifications for each individual job you apply to.

• Use numbers and quantify your achievements when possible.

• Address key requirements of the job whenever possible.

Professional Experience (include both paid and unpaid experience)

Company Name, City, State 2010–2016

Job Title (flexibility if you worked remotely, freelanced, etc.)

• List 3–4 bullet points per job or volunteer position.

• What key activities and accomplishments did you do/have in this job?

• What can you quantify? What were your biggest wins?

• What did you do that relates most clearly to the job you’re applying for?

Company Name, City, State 2008–2010

Job Title (flexibility if you worked remotely, freelanced, etc.)

• List 3–4 bullet points per job or volunteer position.

• What key activities and accomplishments did you do/have in this job?

• What can you quantify? What were your biggest wins?

• What did you do that relates most clearly to the job you’re applying for?

Company Name, City, State 2004–2008

Job Title (flexibility if you worked remotely, freelanced, etc.)

• List 3–4 bullet points per job or volunteer position.

• What key activities and accomplishments did you do/have in this job?

• What can you quantify? What were your biggest wins?

• What did you do that relates most clearly to the job you’re applying for?

Recovering from a Layoff with Brie Weiler Reynolds

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College University Name, City, State 2007

Master of Science in Human Resource Management

College University Name, City, State 2004

Bachelor of Arts in Human Services, Minor in Sociology

Computer and Technical Skills

(List anything you’re comfortable using and have used regularly. Think about the types of software and
tech skills that will help you land a job in your career field.) Examples:

• PC and Macintosh familiar, extensive Internet research, and 70 WPM

• Proficient in Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, and PowerPoint) and Internet research

• Web-based programs: WordPress, GoToWebinar, Hootsuite, and

Adapted from a sample resume created by FlexJobs. Used with permission.

Recovering from a Layoff with Brie Weiler Reynolds

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