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The 12 houses in astrology can be grouped in many ways based on their features.

Some common
groupings are trines, angles, apoklimas, panapharas, upachayas, purusharthas etc. Understanding each
of these groupings is critical for understanding the relationship & functionality of the houses.

However, these groupings are common knowledge. Most astrologers know about them & actively use
them in their practice. Today, I’m starting a series of articles to focus on a different way of
understanding the houses — according to axes.

Each house can be thought of as part of a pair with the opposite house. Thus, there are 6 axes: 1–7 , 2–8
, 3–9 , 4–10 , 5–11 & 6–12. We are going to see how each of these axes deals with a critical area of life &
plays off each other to create balance & harmony.

The core idea of this analysis is that opposites are complimentary. The opposite houses apparently look
opposite in their themes, but are actually complimentary to each other when closely observed.
Understanding that dynamic can be very profound in its own way.

In this article I talk about the 6–12 axis or the control axis:

6th house is about taking care of the mundane details of life that no one likes to deal with, but are
absolutely necessary for survival. Things like going to your job, paying bills, buying groceries, cleaning
your toilet, taking care of your health, taking your medicines, taking care of an elderly, child or a sick
person are some examples of the activity of this house.

Survival is a fight against nature. We have to constantly win that battle in order to live on earth. All
creatures have to participate in this fight. For humans, the fight of survival means micromanaging their
life & gaining control on the material aspects of life with an organized approach.

12th house is opposite. Here we let go of the control of life & let nature take its own course. Here, we
learn to flow with the tides of nature. We loosen our grip on reality & surrender to the grace of god in
this house.

A good 6th house means you have gained control on your life, especially your inner life i.e your
emotions. You have learnt to stabilize & manage your inner reality to such an extent that nothing
external bothers you anymore. In such a situation, surrendering to the flow of nature is easy, which
brings to the 12th house. No, matter what nature throws at you, your inner reality is so well managed
that it stays undisturbed.

On the other hand, a good 12th house means external changes in your environment doesn’t bother you.
You have learnt to flow with the tides of time, you have learnt to accept change & deal with it. In such a
situation, managing the material affairs of life in spirit of survival becomes a relaxed process which
brings us to a good 6thhouse.

Thus, 6th & 12th supports each other. They must be developed simultaneously in order to have a
balanced life.

If 6th is stronger than 12th, it means you are too focused on controlling every aspect of your life. You
are working really hard & taking a lot of pressure in order to do that. You are not relaxing. As a result,
after a while you burn out & becomes frustrated.
If 12th is stronger than 6th, then you are too unrealistic & dreamy about life. You are always letting
things go & not taking charge of your life, not taking any opportunity that comes your way because you
don’t want to work hard to make the best use of that opportunity. As a result, you become an escapist
living in your dream world but your external life is falling apart.

The situations I mention here are extremes for the sake of clarity of understanding. In practice, how
severe the disbalance is depends on individual charts.

Thank you.

Author of this article: Pratyush Bhattacharya (

Note: This article is not written by me. My purpose of this article is to just share with you.

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