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The UST GOLDEN NOTES is the annual student-edited bar review
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2013 Edition

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No. 01

Printed in the Philippines, April 2013.

























For being our guideposts in understanding the intricate

sphere of Legal and Judicial Ethics.
- Academics Committee 2013


Legal Ethics


Q: What is legal ethics? (1993, 1996 Bar Questions) CONCEPT

A: It is a branch of moral science which treats of the Q: What constitutes practice of law?
duties which an attorney owes to the court, to his
client, to his colleagues in the profession and to the A: Practice of law means any activity, in or out of
public as embodied in the Constitution, Rules of court, which requires the application of law, legal
Court, the Code of Professional Responsibility, procedure, knowledge, training, and experience.
Canons of Professional Ethics, jurisprudence, moral, (Cayetano v. Monsod, G.R. No. 100113, Sept. 3, 1991)
laws and special laws. (Justice George Malcolm)
The following acts constitute practice of law:
Q: What are the sources of ethical standards in the a. Giving of advice or rendering any kind of
Philippine judiciary? service that involves legal knowledge.
b. Appearance in court and conduct of cases in
A: court.
1. Primary c. Preparation of pleadings and other papers
a. Bar incident to actions as well as drawing of
i. Canons of Professional Ethics deeds and instruments of conveyance.
ii. Code of Professional Responsibility
iii. Constitution Q: State the essential criteria in determining
b. Bench engagement in the practice of law
i. Canons of Judicial Ethics
ii. Code of Judicial Ethics A: CAHA
iii. New Code of Judicial Conduct for the 1. Compensation – implies that one must have
Philippine Judiciary presented himself to be in the active practice and
c. Other personnel – Code of Conduct for Court that his professional services are available to the
Personnel public for compensation, as a source of livelihood
or in consideration of his said services.
2. Secondary
2. Application of law, legal principle, practice or
a. Decisions/Resolutions of the Supreme
procedure which calls for legal knowledge,
training and experience;
b. Supreme Court Circulars
c. Order/Resolution of other courts 3. Habituality – implies customary or habitually
d. IBP Issuances holding oneself out to the public as a lawyer.
Practice of law is more than an isolated
Q: “What is legal is moral.” State your comment on appearance for it consists in frequent or
the correctness or incorrectness of this proposition. customary action; and
(1993 Bar Question)
4. Attorney-Client relationship - engaging in the
practice of law presupposes the existence of a
A: The statement is not necessarily correct. There are
lawyer-client relationship. Ten (10) years of
several acts of a lawyer, which may be legal but not
practice of law includes work as a litigator, in-
necessarily moral. This is precisely the purpose of
house counsel, giving of legal advice, teaching of
legal ethics, which governs the ethical and moral
law and even foreign assignment which requires
behavior of a lawyer.
the knowledge and application of the laws.
Q: Who exercises administrative supervision over all
courts and its personnels? Q: Ronnie, a paralegal in a law firm, helped Beth in a
property dispute in which she was involved by giving
A: The Supreme Court exercises administrative her legal advice and preparing a complaint that she
supervision over all courts from the Court of Appeals eventually filed in court under her own signature.
down to the lowest courts and the personnel thereof. When the lawyer for the defendant learned of it, he
The power of administrative supervision of the told Ronnie to desist from practicing law. But he
Supreme Court extends to the Sandiganbayan, a disputed this, claiming that he had not practiced law
special court, because the Constitution refers to “all since he did not receive compensation from Beth for
court”. (Sec. 6, Art. VIII, 1987 Constitution) his help. Is Ronnie correct? (2011 Bar Question)



A: No, because receipt of compensation is not the Q: Differentiate bar from bench
sole determinant of legal practice. Giving of advice or
rendering any kind of service that involves legal A:
knowledge is also considered as practice of law. As BAR BENCH
such, Ronnie should desist from giving legal advices Refers to the whole Refers to the whole
since the same is considered a practice of law to body of attorneys and body of judges and
which he is not qualified. counselors, collectively, justices.
the members of the
Q: Judge Cristina has many law-related activities. legal profession.
She teaches law and delivers lectures on law. Some
in the government consult her on their legal Q: What is a bar association?
problems. She also serves as director of a stock
corporation devoted to penal reform, where she A: It is an association of the members of the legal
participates in both fund raising and fund profession like the Integrated Bar of the Philippines
management. Which of the aforesaid activities is she (IBP) where membership is integrated or compulsory.
allowed to do? (2011 Bar Question)
Q: Distinguish attorney-at-law from attorney in fact.
A: She can teach law and deliver lectures on law (Sec.
10(a) Canon 4 New Code of Judicial Conduct) but A:
cannot give legal advice since it is a practice of law to ATTORNEY-AT-LAW ATTORNEY IN FACT
which judges are prohibited to do (Sec. 11 Canon 4, Class of persons who are Simply an agent whose
New Code of Judicial Conduct) and cannot serve as licensed officers of the authority is strictly
director of a stock corporation since the same is court empowered to limited by the
incompatible with the diligent discharge of judicial appear, prosecute and instrument appointing
duties (Sec. 7 Canon 6, New Code of Judicial Conduct) defend, and upon whom him. His authority is
peculiar duties, provided in a special
Q: Who is a practicing lawyer? responsibilities and power of attorney or
liabilities are developed general power of
A: A practicing lawyer is one engaged in the practice by law as consequence. attorney or letter of
of law, who by license is an officer of the court and is attorney. He is not
empowered to appear, prosecute and defend a necessarily a lawyer.
client’s cause.
Q: Who is an attorney of record?
Q: What does the term “practicing lawyer” exclude?
A: Attorney of record is an attorney whose name is
A: Term “practicing lawyer” does not include: entered in the records of an action or suit as the
1. Government employees and incumbent lawyer of a designated party thereto.
elective officials not allowed by law to
practice; Q: Who is an attorney ad hoc?
2. Lawyers who by law are not allowed to
appear in court; A: An attorney ad hoc is a person appointed by the
3. Supervising lawyers of students enrolled in court to defend an absentee defendant in the suit in
law student practice in duly accredited legal which the appointment was made.
clinics of law schools and lawyers of Non-
Government Organizations (NGOs) and Q: Who is a counsel/attorney de officio? (1998 Bar
People’s Organizations (POs) who by the Question)
nature of their work already render free
legal aid to indigent and pauper litigants; A: A counsel/attorney de officio is an attorney
and appointed by the court to defend an indigent
4. Lawyers not covered under subparagraphs defendant in a criminal action.
(i) to (iii) (of Sec. 4, B.M. 2012) including
those who are employees in the private Note: In a criminal action, if the defendant appears without
sector but do not appear for and in behalf of an attorney, he must be informed by the court that it is his
parties in courts of law and quasi-judicial right to have an attorney before being arraigned and must
agencies. be asked if he desires the aid of an attorney. If he desires
and is unable to employ an attorney, the court must assign
a counsel de officio to defend him. He is also designated as


Legal Ethics
counsel of indigent litigants. The appointment of a counsel Q: Who is a public prosecutor?
de officio in that instance is a matter of right on the part of
the defendant. A: He is a quasi-judicial officer who represents the
state in criminal proceedings.
On appeal in criminal cases, the appellate court must also
appoint a counsel de officio if, as shown by the certificate of
Q: Who is a private prosecutor?
the clerk of court of the trial court, a defendant is confined
in prison or without means to employ an attorney or
desires to be defended de officio (Secs. 6-8, Rule 116 and A: A private prosecutor is a lawyer engaged by a
Sec. 13, Rule 122). litigant to intervene in the prosecution of a criminal
action when the offended party is entitled to
Q: Who is a counsel de parte? indemnity and has not waived expressly, reserved or
instituted the civil action for damages. He is under
A: Private counsel of a party, secured by him, without the direction and control of the public prosecutor.
intervention from the government. (Sec. 5 Rule 110 RRC as amended, May 1, 2002)

Q: Who is an amicus curiae? (1993, 1996, 1998 Bar Q: Who is a client?

A: A client is one who engages the services of a
A: An amicus curiae is an experienced and impartial lawyer for legal advice for purposes of prosecuting or
attorney invited by the court to appear and help in defending a suit in the former’s behalf and usually for
the disposition of the issues submitted to it. An a fee.
amicus curiae appears in court not to represent any
particular party but only to assist the court. (plural: Q: What is assumpsit? (2006 Bar Question)
Amici Curiae)
A: Literally means “he has undertaken”. It is an action
for the recovery of damages by reason of the breach
Q: What is amicus curiae par excellence?
or non-performance of a simple contract, either
express or implied, or whether made orally or in
A: It is a bar association who appears in court as
writing. Assumpsit is the word always used in
amicus curiae or a friend of the court. It acts merely
pleadings by the plaintiff to set forth the defendant’s
as a consultant to guide the court in a doubtful
undertaking or promise.
question or issue pending before it.
Note: Claims in action of assumpsit were ordinarily divided
Q: Who is a trial lawyer? (2006 Bar Question) into (a) common or indebitatus assumpsit, brought usually
on an implied promise, and (b) special assumpsit, founded
A: A trial lawyer is one who personally handles cases on an express promise.
in court, administrative agencies or boards and
engages in actual trial work, either for the PRIVILEGE
prosecution or for the defense of cases of clients.
Q: What is the nature of the practice of law?
Q: Who is a lead counsel?
A: The practice of law is not a natural, property or
A: A lead counsel is a lawyer on either side of a constitutional right but a mere privilege. It is not a
litigated action who is charged with the principal right granted to anyone who demands it but a
management and direction of a party’s case, as privilege to be extended or withheld in the exercise of
distinguished from his juniors or subordinates. sound judicial discretion. It is a privilege accorded
only to those who measure up to certain rigid
Q: Who is an in-house or house counsel? standards of mental and moral fitness. The attorney’s
continued enjoyment of the privilege conferred
A: He is one who acts as attorney for a business depends upon his complying with the ethics and rules
though carried as an employee of that business and of the profession.
not as an independent lawyer. Note: While the practice of law is a privilege, a lawyer
cannot be prevented from practicing law except for valid
Q: Who is an Of Counsel? reasons, the practice of law not being a matter or
State’s grace of favor. He holds office during good behavior
A: He is an experienced lawyer, usually a retired and can only be deprived of it for misconduct ascertained
member of the judiciary, employed by law firms as and declared by judgment of the Supreme Court after
consultants. opportunity to be heard has been afforded him.



Q: What are the consequences of legal profession required for membership in the Bar, such as the
being a privilege? possession of good moral character and other
special disqualifications, the taking of an oath
A: The practice of law is a privilege given to lawyers and becoming an officer of the court, subject to
who meet the high standards of legal proficiency and its discipline, suspension or removal.
morality. Any violation of these standards exposes
3. The relation of trust and confidence cannot arise
the lawyer to administrative liability. (Lorenzo d.
where the attorney is employed by a corporation
Brennisen, v. Atty. Ramon U. Contawi, A.C. no. 7481,
to practice for it, his employer and him owing, at
April 24, 2012)
best, a secondary and divided loyalty to the
clientele of his corporate employer.
All lawyers, of all classes and professions, are most
sacredly bound to uphold the law. The privilege to 4. The intervention of the corporation is destructive
practice law is bestowed only upon individuals who of that confidential and trust relation and is
are competent intellectually, academically and, obnoxious to the law.
equally important, morally. As such, lawyers must at
all times, conduct themselves, especially in their QUALIFICATIONS
dealings with their clients and the public at large,
with honesty and integrity in a manner beyond Q: Who may practice law?
reproach. (Re: SC decision dated may 20, 2008 in G.R.
No. 161455 under Rule 139-B of the Rules of Court, v. A: Any person heretofore duly admitted as a member
Atty. Rodolfo D. Pactolin A.C. No. 7940, April 24, of the bar, or hereafter admitted as such in
2012) accordance with the provisions of the rule, and who is
in good and regular standing, is entitled to practice
PROFESSION, NOT BUSINESS law. (Sec. 1, Rule 138, Revised Rules of Court (RRC))

Q: Why is law a profession and not a trade? (2006 Q: A criminal case was filed against Atty. Javellana,
Bar Question) which resulted to his arrest and temporary
detention at the house of the clerk of court where
A: A legal profession is not a business. It is not a his case was pending. Despite his detention, Atty.
money-making trade just like a businessman Javellana continues with his normal activities
employing strategy for the purpose of monetary gain. including his practice of law, in appearing as counsel
It is a sacred profession imbued with public interest for certain cases. Can Atty. Javellana still engage in
whose primary objective is public service , as it is an the practice of law despite his arrest and detention?
essential part in the administration of justice and a
profession in pursuit of which pecuniary reward is A: As a detention prisoner, Javellana is not allowed to
considered merely incidental. practice his profession as a necessary consequence of
his status as a detention prisoner. The trial court's
Note: order was clear that Javellana "is not to be allowed
Rule 1.03 – A lawyer shall not, for any corrupt motive or liberty to roam around but is to be held as a
interest, encourage any suit or proceeding or delay any
detention prisoner." The prohibition to practice law
man’s cause.
referred to all other cases, except in cases where
Rule 2.03 –A lawyer shall not do or permit to be done any Javellana would appear in court to defend himself.
act designed primarily to solicit legal business. (Pro Se)

Q: May a corporation practice law? All prisoners whether under preventive detention or
serving final sentence cannot practice their
A: No. It is well-settled rule that a corporation cannot profession nor engage in any business or occupation,
engage in the practice of law. It may, however, hire or hold office, elective or appointive, while in
an attorney to attend to and conduct its own legal detention. This is a necessary consequence of arrest
business or affairs. But it cannot practice law directly and detention. (People v. Maceda, G.R. Nos. 89591-
or indirectly by employing a lawyer to practice for it 96, Jan. 24, 2000)
or to appear for others for its benefit because of the
following reasons: Q: What branch of the government has the power to
1. Nature of the privilege and on the confidential admit persons in the practice of law? (1995 Bar
and trust relation between attorney and client. Question)
2. A corporation cannot perform the conditions
Legal Ethics

A: The Constitution vests the power of control and Note: The legislature may not pass a law that will control
regulation in the Supreme Court. The constitutional the SC in the performance of its functions to decide who
power to admit candidates to the legal profession is a may enjoy the privilege of practicing law and any law of
that kind is unconstitutional being an invalid exercise of
judicial function and involves the exercise of
legislative power. (In Re: Cunanan, Resolution, Mar. 18,
discretion. Petition to that end is filed with the
Supreme Court as are other proceedings invoking
judicial function. (In Re: Almacen, G.R. No. L-27654, Q: Is a clerk of court allowed to practice law?
Feb. 18, 1970)
A: No, except if it is an isolated practice.
Note: The SC acts through a Bar Examination Committee in
the exercise of its judicial function to admit candidates to
the legal profession. The committee is composed of a Q: What are the requisites if a clerk of court wishes
member of the court who acts as a Chairman and eight (8) to practice law?
members of the Bar who act as examiners in the eight (8)
bar subjects with one subject assigned to each examiner. A:
1. Written permission which must be approved by
Acting as a sort of liaison officer between the Court and the the Supreme Court; and
Bar Chairman, on one hand, and the individual members of 2. Approved leave of absence with justifiable
the committee, on the other, is the Bar Confidant who is at
the same time a Deputy Clerk of the Court. He does not
possess any discretion with respect to the matter of
Note: Notarial act is practice of law. Notarization of a single
admission of examinees to the Bar. (In Re: Lanuevo, A.C.
document is not an isolated transaction, therefore, a permit
No. 1162, Aug. 29, 1975)
must be secured in order to prevent the violation of law.

Q: What are the powers of the Supreme Court in

Q: Atty. Ladaga, a Clerk of Court, appeared as
relation to regulating the practice of law?
counsel for and in behalf of his cousin in a criminal
case for falsification of public documents before the
METC of Quezon City. The appearance of Atty.
1. Define them;
Ladaga in said case was without the previous
2. Prescribe the qualifications of a candidate and
permission of the Court. Did Atty. Ladaga violate the
the subjects of the bar examinations;
Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for Public
3. Decide who will be admitted to practice;
Officials and Employees by engaging in private
4. Discipline, suspend or disbar any unfit and
unworthy member of the bar;
5. Reinstate any disbarred or indefinitely
A: Yes. "Private practice" of a profession, which is
suspended attorney;
prohibited, does not pertain to an isolated court
6. Ordain the integration of the Philippine Bar;
appearance; rather, it contemplates a succession of
7. Punish for contempt any person for unauthorized
acts of the same nature habitually or customarily
practice of law;
holding one's self to the public as a lawyer. It is true
8. Exercise overall supervision of the legal
that he filed leave applications corresponding to the
profession; and
dates he appeared in court but he failed to obtain a
9. Exercise any other power as may be necessary to
prior permission from the head of the Department.
elevate the standards of the bar and preserve its
(Oca v. Atty. Ladaga, A.M. No. P-99-1287, Jan. 26,
Q: Can the legislature enact laws to regulate the
Q: Enumerate the initial requirements for admission
practice of the law?
to the bar
A: No. It is noteworthy that unlike the 1935 and 1973
A: Under Sections 2, 5 and 6 of Rule 138, the
Constitution, the 1987 Constitution no longer
applicant must be: (C21GRENAPOS)
provides for the power of the legislature to repeal,
1. Citizen of the Philippines;
alter and supplement the Rules promulgated by the
2. At least 21 years of age;
Supreme Court.
3. Of Good moral character;
4. Resident of the Philippines;
However, the legislature, in the exercise of police
5. Must produce before the SC satisfactory
power may enact laws regulating the practice of law
Evidence of good moral character;
to protect the public and promote public welfare.
6. No charges against him, involving moral



turpitude, have been filed or are pending in Q: Ching was born on April 1964 of Filipino mother
any court in the Philippines (Sec. 2, Rule 138, and Chinese father. He was conditionally admitted
RRC); to take the bar examination because of questions
7. Must have complied with the Academic arising to his citizenship. Upon passing the bar he
requirements; was required to take further proof of citizenship and
8. Must Pass the bar examinations; was not allowed to take the oath. Can he elect
9. Take the lawyer’s Oath; and Philippine citizenship, 14 years after reaching the
10. Sign the Roll of Attorneys. age of majority (required under the 1935
Note: Section 5 of Rule 138, RRC, now provides that before
being admitted to the examination, all applicants for A: No, Ching is not qualified to be a lawyer for having
admission to the bar shall satisfactorily show that they have elected Philippine citizenship 14 years after reaching
successfully completed all the prescribed courses for the
the age of majority. Ching offered no reason why he
degree of Bachelor of Laws or its equivalent degree in a law
delayed the election of Philippine citizenship. The
school or university officially recognized by the Philippine
Government or by the proper authority in the foreign procedure is not a tedious process. All that is required
jurisdiction where the degree has been granted. is to execute an affidavit and file the same in the
nearest registry. (In Re: Application for Admission to
Q: What are the requirements in order for a Filipino the Philippine Bar of Vicente Ching, B.M. 914, Oct. 1,
citizen who graduated from a foreign law school to 1999)
be admitted to the bar?
Q: Lee became a lawyer in 1988 under a claim that
A: He may be admitted to the bar only submission to he is a Filipino like his parents. Efren sought Lee’s
the Supreme Court of certifications showing: disbarment on the ground that he really is a
(a) Completion of all courses leading to the Chinese. To prove he is a Filipino, Lee cited an Albay
degree of Bachelor of Laws or its equivalent regional trial court’s final judgment in an action to
degree; recover real property which mentioned his
(b) Recognition or accreditation of the law citizenship as Filipino. This final judgment resulted in
school by the proper authority; and the correction of his birth records in a separate
(c) Completion of all fourth year subjects in the special proceeding to show he is a Filipino, not
Bachelor of Laws academic program in a law Chinese as there stated. Is Lee’s claim to Filipino
school duly recognized by the citizenship valid? (2011 Bar Question)
Philippine Government.”
A: No, since the mention of his citizenship in the land
A Filipino citizen who completed and obtained his or case was just incidental.
her degree in Bachelor of Laws or its equivalent in a
foreign law school must also present proof of Q: Atty. Melendrez filed a petition to disqualify
completion of a separate bachelor’s degree. (Bar Meling from taking the bar exams and to impose
Matter No. 1153, Re: Letter of Atty. Estelito P. disciplinary penalty as a member of the Philippine
Mendoza Proposing Reforms in the Bar Examinations Shari'a Bar. He alleges that Meling, in his application
through Amendments to Rule 138 of the Rules of to take the bar, failed to disclose the fact that he has
Court, Mar. 9, 2010) 3 pending criminal cases. Also, Meling has been
using the title “Attorney" in his communications as
Q: How many times can a law graduate take up the secretary to the Mayor. Should Meling be
bar? disqualified from admission to the Bar?

A: Bar Matter (B.M.) 1161 which regulates the A: Meling's deliberate silence and non-revelation of
conduct of the bar examinations provides that his pending criminal cases constitute concealment.
disqualification of a candidate after failing in three (3) The disclosure requirement is imposed to determine
examinations, provided, that he may take a fourth whether there is satisfactory evidence of good moral
and fifth examination it he successfully completes a character of the applicant. By concealing the
one (1) year refresher course for each examination. It existence of such cases, the applicant flunks the test
therefore limits the examination up to five times only. of fitness even if the cases are ultimately proven
Note: B.M. 1161 – also requires submission of the dean of a unwarranted or insufficient to impugn or affect the
certification that the candidate has no derogatory record in good moral character of the applicant.
school and if any in detail and status thereof.
Q: May sanctions be imposed on Meling as member
of the Philippine Shari'a Bar?
Legal Ethics

A: Yes. It was highly improper for Meling, as member before admission to the Bar (Aguirre v. Rana, 403
of the Shari'a Bar, to use the title "Attorney". Only SCRA 342 [2003]).
members of the Philippine Bar, who have obtained
the necessary degree in the study of law and Q: Grande was the private offended party in a
successfully passed the bar exams, been admitted to criminal case while Atty. De Silva was the counsel
the IBP and remain members in good standing are for the accused. During the course of the
authorized to practice law and thus use the title. proceedings, Atty. De Silva tendered a check in favor
Meling was suspended from membership in the of Grande in order for the latter to desist from
Philippine Shari'a Bar. (In Re: Disqualification of Bar participating as a witness against her client.
Examinee Haron S. Meling, B.M. No. 1154, June 8, Eventually, Grande accepted the check and refused
2004) to participate as a complaining witness thereby
leading to the dismissal of the case. However, to
Q: Mike Adelantado, an aspiring lawyer, disclosed in Grande’s consternation, the check bounced because
his petition to take the 2003 bar examinations that Atty. De Silva’s account was already closed. When
there were two civil cases pending against him for the court ordered Atty. De Silva to comment on the
nullification of contract and damages. He was thus charges against her, she deliberately refused to
allowed to conditionally take the bar, and accept all the notices coming from the court. Is Atty.
subsequently placed third in the said exams. In De Silva guilty of breach of trust? Did she violate her
2004, after the two civil cases had been resolved, oath as a lawyer by issuing a bouncing check and by
Mike Adelantado filed his petition to take the refusing to accept the notices sent to her coming
Lawyer’s Oath and sign the Roll of Attorneys before from the court?
the Supreme Court. The Office of the Bar Confidant,
however, had received two anonymous letters: the A: Yes, Atty. De Silva had committed a breach of trust
first alleged that at the time Mike Adelantado filed in issuing a bouncing check, which amounted to
his petition to take the bar, he had two other civil deceit and violation of the lawyer’s oath. The nature
cases pending against him, as well as a criminal case of the office of an attorney requires that a lawyer
for violation of B.P. 22; the other letter alleged that shall be a person of good moral character. Since this
Mike Adelantado, as Sangguniang Kabataan qualification is a condition precedent to a license to
Chairperson, had been signing the attendance enter upon the practice of law, the maintenance
sheets of SK meetings as “Atty. Mike Adelantado.” thereof is equally essential during the continuance of
Having passed the Bar, can Mike already use the the practice and the exercise of the privilege. Gross
appellation “attorney”? Explain your answer. misconduct which puts the lawyer's moral character
in serious doubt may render her unfit to continue in
A: No. Passing the Bar examination is not sufficient the practice of law. The loss of moral character of a
for admission of a person to the Philippine Bar. He lawyer for any reasons whatsoever shall warrant her
still has to take the oath of office and sign the suspension or disbarment, because it is important
Attorney’s Roll as prerequisites to admission. Only that members of the legal brotherhood must conform
those who have been admitted to the Philippine Bar to the highest standards of morality. Any wrongdoing,
can be called “Attorney." (Alawi v. Alauya, A.M. No. which indicates moral unfitness for the profession,
SDC-97-2-P, Feb. 4, 1997) whether it is professional or non-professional,
justifies disciplinary action.
Q: Should Mike be allowed to take his oath as a
lawyer and sign the Roll of Attorneys? Explain your Moreover, her deliberate refusal to accept the
answer. (2005 Bar Question) notices served on her betrays a deplorably willful
character or disposition, which stains the nobility of
A: No, he should not be allowed to take his oath and the legal profession. Her conduct not only
sign the Attorney’s Roll. Rule 7.01 of the Code of underscores her utter lack of respect for authority; it
Professional Responsibility provides that “a lawyer also brings to the fore a darker and more sinister
shall be answerable for knowingly making a false character flaw in her psyche which renders highly
statement or suppressing a material fact in questionable her moral fitness to continue in the
connection with his application for admission to the practice of law: a defiance for law and order which is
Bar”. Mr. Adelantado made a false statement in his at the very core of her profession. (Grande v. Atty. De
application to take the bar by revealing only that Silva, A.C. No. 4838, July 29, 2003)
there were two civil cases pending against him. This is
sufficient ground to deny him admission to the bar (In Q: Argosino passed the bar examinations held in
Re: Galang, 66 SCRA 245 [1975]). He also showed lack 1993. The Court however deferred his oath-taking
of good moral character in using the title “attorney” due to his previous conviction for Reckless



Imprudence Resulting in Homicide. The criminal Each purpose is as important as the other. (Garrido v. Attys.
case, which resulted in Argosino’s conviction, arose Garrido and Valencia, A.C. No. 6593, Feb. 4, 2010)
from the death of a neophyte during fraternity
initiation rites. Various certifications show that he is Q: What are the obligations of a newly constituted
a devout Catholic with a genuine concern for civic lawyer?
duties and public service. Also, it has been proved
that Mr. Argosino has exerted all efforts to atone for A:
the death of Raul. Should Argosino be allowed to 1. Pay the full annual membership dues
take his lawyer's oath?
Note: Lawyers who are senior citizens are not exempt
from payment of IBP dues, since the Senior Citizens
A: Yes. The practice of law is a privilege granted only
Act, which exempts senior citizens from payment of
to those who possess the strict intellectual and moral taxes does not include exemption from payment of
qualifications required of lawyers who are membership and association fees.
instruments in the effective and efficient
administration of justice. The SC recognizes that Mr. 2. Undergo Mandatory Continuing Legal Education
Argosino is not inherently of bad moral fiber given or MCLE;
the various certifications that he is a devout Catholic 3. Undergo Mandatory Legal Aid Service;
with a genuine concern for civic duties and public 4. Pay Professional Tax Receipt; and
service and that it has been proved that he has 5. Prove that he is a person of good moral
exerted all efforts to atone for the death of Raul and character.
the court gave him the benefit of the doubt, taking
judicial notice of the general tendency of youth to be APPEARANCE OF NON-LAWYERS
rash, temerarious and uncalculating. (Re: Petition of
Al Argosino to Take the Lawyer’s Oath, B.M. No. Q: May a non-lawyer appear in court?
712, Mar. 19, 1997)
A: GR: No. Only those who are licensed to practice
Q: Enumerate the continuing requirements for the law can appear and handle cases in court.
practice of law after admission to the Bar.
A: He must: MIP-MEJ a. Law student practice
1. Remain a Member of the Bar; b. Non-lawyers in court
2. Regularly pay all IBP membership dues;
Note: Section 34, Rule 138 of the Revised Rules of
3. Regularly pay the Professional Tax Receipt (PTR);
Court expressly allows pro se practice or the right
4. Comply with the Mandatory Continuing Legal
of a non-member of the bar to engage in limited
Education (MCLE); practice of law. (Antiquiera, CPR, p. 9)
5. Faithfully observe the rules and Ethics of the
legal profession; and c. Non-lawyers in administrative tribunal
6. Be continually subject to Judicial disciplinary

Q: Is the requirement of good moral character a Law student practice rule – A law student who has
continuing requirement? successfully completed his third year of the regular
four-year prescribed law curriculum and is enrolled in
A: Yes. Well-settled is the rule that good moral a recognized law school's clinical legal education
character is not only a condition precedent for program approved by the Supreme Court, may
admission to the legal profession, but it must also appear without compensation in any civil, criminal or
remain intact in order to maintain one’s good administrative case before any trial court, tribunal,
standing in that exclusive and honored fraternity. board or officer, to represent indigent clients
(Tapucar v. Tapucar, A.C. No. 4148, July 30, 1998) accepted by the legal clinic of the law school (Sec. 1,
Rule 138-A).
Note: The requirement of good moral character has four
general purposes, namely: The appearance of the law student authorized by this
1. To protect the public rule, shall be under the direct supervision and control
2. To protect the public image of lawyers of a member of the Integrated Bar of the Philippines
3. To protect prospective clients duly accredited by the law school. Any and all
4. To protect errant lawyers from themselves.
pleadings, motions, briefs, memoranda or other
papers to be filed, must be signed by the supervising
Legal Ethics

attorney for and in behalf of the legal clinic. (Sec. 2, NON-LAWYERS IN COURT
Rule 138-A)
1. Cases before the MTC: A party to the litigation,
Note: The law student shall comply with the standards of may conduct his own case or litigation in person,
professional conduct governing members of the Bar. Failure with the aid of an agent or friend appointed by
of an attorney to provide adequate supervision of student him for that purpose (Sec. 34, Rule 138, RRC);
practice may be a ground for disciplinary action (Circular
No.19, dated Dec. 19, 1986).
2. Before any other court, a party may conduct his
Q: What is pro se? (1995 Bar Question) litigation personally. But if he gets someone to
aid him, that someone must be authorized
A: A party to a lawsuit who represents himself, is member of the Bar (Sec. 34, Rule 138, RRC)
appearing in the case "pro se."
3. Note: A non-lawyer conducting his own litigation is
bound by the same rules in conducting the trial case.
Q: Ferdinand Cruz sought permission to enter his He cannot after judgment, claim that he was not
appearance for and on his behalf before the RTC as properly represented.
the plaintiff in a Civil Case for Abatement of
Nuisance. Cruz, a fourth year law student, anchors
his claim on Section 34 of Rule 138 of the Rules of 4. Criminal case before the MTC in a locality where
Court that a non-lawyer may appear before any a duly licensed member of the Bar is not
court and conduct his litigation personally. Judge available, the judge may appoint a non- lawyer
Mijares denied the motion with finality. In the same who is a:
Order, the trial court held that for the failure of Cruz
to submit the promised document and jurisprudence a. Resident of the province; AND
and for his failure to satisfy the requirements or b. Of good repute for probity and ability to aid
conditions under Rule 138-A of the Rules of Court, the accused in his defense; (Sec. 7, Rule 116
his appearance was denied. Did the court act with RRC)
grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or
excess of jurisdiction when it denied the appearance 5. Any official or other person appointed or
of Cruz as party litigant? designated to appear for the Government of the
Philippines in accordance with law. (Sec. 33, Rule
A: Yes. The law recognizes the right of an individual to 138 RRC)
represent himself in any case to which he is a party.
The Rules state that a party may conduct his litigation Note: Such person shall have all the rights of a duly
personally or with the aid of an attorney, and that his authorized member of the Bar to appear in any case in
appearance must either be personal or by a duly which said government has an interest direct or
authorized member of the Bar. The individual litigant indirect. (Sec. 33, Rule 138, RRC)
may personally do everything in the course of
proceedings from commencement to the termination Q: May a party represent himself?
of the litigation. Cruz as plaintiff, at his own instance,
can personally conduct the litigation of his case. He A: In civil cases, an individual litigant has the right to
would then be acting not as a counsel or lawyer, but conduct his litigation personally. In criminal cases, in
as a party exercising his right to represent himself. grave and less grave offenses, an accused who is a
layman must always appear by counsel; he cannot
The trial court must have been misled by the fact that conduct his own defense without violating his right to
Cruz is a law student and must, therefore, be subject due process of law.
to the conditions of the Law Student Practice Rule. It
Note: Where an accused was not duly represented by a
erred in applying Rule 138-A, when the basis of Cruz's
member of the Bar during trial, the judgment should be set
claim is Section 34 of Rule 138. The former rule aside, and the case remanded to the trial court for a new
provides for conditions when a law student may trial. (People v. Santocildes, Jr., G.R. No. 109149, Dec. 21,
appear in courts, while the latter rule allows the 1999)
appearance of a non- lawyer as a party representing
himself. (Cruz v. Mijares, et al., G.R. No. 154464, Sept. With regard to a juridical person, it must always appear in
11, 2008) court through a duly licensed member of the bar, except
before MTC where it may be represented by its agent or
officer who need not be a lawyer.



Q: A, a mere high school graduate, with the aid of a In due course, the NLRC reinstated the three
friend who is a college undergraduate, filed a complainants with backwages and awarded 25% of
complaint for recovery of a sum of money in the the backwages as attorney’s fees, 15% for Atty. John
amount of Four Thousand (P4,000.00) Pesos in the and 10% for Eric, a non-lawyer. When WXT appealed
Metropolitan Trial Court of his town. The Clerk of to the Court of Appeals, Atty. John questioned Eric’s
Court told A that his complaint might be dismissed continued appearance before that court on Luisa’s
for insufficiency as to form because neither he nor behalf, he not being a lawyer. Is Eric's appearance
his friend who is assisting him is a lawyer. Is the before the Court of Appeals valid? (2011 Bar
Clerk of Court correct? (1999 Bar Question) Question)

A: The Clerk of Court is not correct. In the Municipal A: No, because the practice of law is only reserved for
Trial Courts, a party may conduct his litigation in those qualified for the same. Eric’s appearance in
person, with the aid of an agent or friend appointed court on behalf of another is not sanctioned by the
by him for that purpose, or with the aid of an rules. A non-lawyer may only be allowed to appear in
attorney. (Sec. 34, Rule 138, Rules of Court). court if he is representing himself not that of another
(Sec. 34, Rule 138, Rules of Court).
Q: What are the limitations on appearance of non-
lawyers before the courts? Q: Kanlaon Construction and Reluya, et al. cases
were assigned before two labor arbiters. The
A: Engineers as co-defendant, without written
1. He should confine his work to non- adversary authority to represent Kanlaon Construction,
contentions; admitted the complaints against them. By virtue of
2. He should not undertake purely legal work, such such, the labor arbiters adjudicated the case in favor
as the examination or cross- examination of of Reluya and the others. Can an engineer represent
witnesses, or the presentation of evidence; and a co-defendant in a case before the Labor Arbiter?

3. His services should not be habitually rendered. A: No, the appearance of the engineer on behalf of
He should not charge or collect attorney’s fees. Kanlaon Construction required written proof of
(PAFLU v. Binalbagan Isabela Sugar Co., G.R. No. authorization. It was incumbent upon the arbiters to
L-23959, Nov. 29,1971) ascertain this authority especially since both
engineers were named co-respondents in the cases
NON-LAWYERS IN ADMINISTRATIVE TRIBUNAL before the arbiters. Absent this authority, whatever
statements and declarations the engineers made
1. Under the Labor Code, non-lawyers may appear before the arbiters could not bind Kanlaon.
before the NLRC or any Labor Arbiter, if:
i. They represent themselves; or Nevertheless, even assuming that the engineers were
ii. They represent their organization or authorized to appear as representatives of Kanlaon,
members thereof; (Art 222, PD 442, as they could bind the latter only in procedural matters
amended) (2002 Bar Question) before the arbiters and the Commission. Kanlaon's
iii. If they are duly accredited members of any liability arose from engineer’s alleged promise to pay.
legal aid office duly recognized by the A promise to pay amounts to an offer to compromise
Department of Justice, or the Integrated and requires a special power of attorney or the
Bar of the Philippines in cases referred to express consent of Kanlaon. The authority to
by the latter. compromise cannot be lightly presumed and should
be duly established by evidence. (Kanlaon
Note: He is not, however, entitled to attorney’s fees Construction v. NLRC, G.R. No. 126625, Sept. 18,
under Article 222 of the Labor Code for not being a 1997)
lawyer. (Five J. Taxi v. NLRC, G.R. No. 111474, Aug. 22,
2. Under the Cadastral Act, a non-lawyer can PROHIBITED FROM APPEARING
represent a claimant before the Cadastral Court.
(Sec. 9, Act No. 2259) Q: What are the proceedings to which lawyers are
prohibited from appearing?
Q: Eric, a labor federation president, represented
Luisa, a dismissed WXT employee, before the NLRC. A:
Atty. John represented Luisa's two co-complainants. 1. Proceedings before the Small Claims Court - No


Legal Ethics

attorney shall appear in behalf of or represent a termination of Atty. I’s contract was said to be
party at the hearing, unless the attorney is the justified by the fact that the Local Water Utilities
plaintiff or defendant (Sec. 17, Rule of Procedure Administration had confirmed the Yaphockun board
for Small Claims Cases) as the new Board of Directors of KWD and that said
board had terminated Atty. I’s services and
Note: If the court determines that a party cannot requested to hire another counsel. Complainants
properly present his/her claim or defense and needs then filed a disbarment complaint against counsels V
assistance, the court may, in its discretion, allow and M alleging that respondents acted as counsel
another individual who is not an attorney to assist
for KWD without legal authority. Are their
that party upon the latter’s consent. (Sec. 17, Rule of
contentions tenable?
Procedure for Small Claims Cases)

2. Proceedings before the Katarungang A: Yes. Attys. N, V and M had no valid authority to
Pambarangay - During the pre-trial conference appear as collaborating counsels of KWD. Nothing in
under the Rules of Court, lawyers are prohibited the records shows that Atty. N was engaged by KWD
from appearing for the parties. Parties must as collaborating counsel. There is no proof that the
appear in person only except minors or OGCC and COA approved their engagement as legal
incompetents who may be assisted by their next counsel or collaborating counsel. In the case of Atty. I,
of kin who are not lawyers. (Formerly Sec. 9, P.D. he also appeared as counsel of KWD without
No. 1508; Sec. 415, Local Government Code of authority, after his authority as its counsel had
1991, R.A. 7160) expired.

SANCTIONS FOR PRACTICE OR APPEARANCE Under Section 27, Rule 138 of the Rules of Court, a
WITHOUT AUTHORITY member of the Bar may be disbarred or suspended
from his office as attorney by the Supreme Court for
LAWYERS WITHOUT AUTHORITY corruptly or willfully appearing as an attorney for a
party to a case without authority to do so.
Q: What are the remedies against unauthorized Disbarment, however, is the most severe form of
practice of law by lawyers? disciplinary sanction, and, as such, the power to
disbar must always be exercised with great caution,
A: DICEDA and should be imposed only for the most imperative
1. Declaratory relief; reasons and in clear cases of misconduct affecting the
2. Petition for Injunction; standing and moral character of the lawyer as an
3. Contempt of court; officer of the court and member of the Bar.
4. Criminal complaint for Estafa against a Accordingly, disbarment should not be decreed
person who falsely represented himself to where any punishment less severe such as a
be an attorney to the damage of a party; reprimand, suspension or fine, would accomplish the
5. Disqualification and complaints for end desired. (Vargas v. Atty. Ignes, Atty. Mann, Atty.
disbarment; or Viajar and Atty. Nadua, A.C. No. 8096, July 5, 2010)
6. Administrative complaint against the erring
Note: In any case, an unauthorized appearance of an
lawyer or government official.
attorney may be ratified by the client either expressly or
impliedly. Ratification retroacts to the date of the lawyer’s
Q: KWD, a GOCC, hired respondent, Atty. I, as first appearance and validates the action taken by him.
private legal counsel for one (1) year effective with (Sps. Agbulos v. Gutierrez, G.R. No. 176530, June 16, 2009)
the consent of the Office of the Government
Corporate Counsel (OGCC) and the Commission on PERSONS NOT LAWYERS
Audit (COA). The controversy erupted when two (2)
different groups, herein referred to as the Dela Peña Q. What are the remedies against unauthorized
board and Yaphockun board, laid claim as the practice of law of persons who are not lawyers?
legitimate Board of Directors of KWD. Dela Peña
board appointed respondents Atty. N, V and M as A: DICE
private collaborating counsels for all cases of KWD 1. Declaratory relief;
and its Board of Directors, under the direct 2. Petition for Injunction;
supervision and control of Atty. I. Meanwhile, the 3. Contempt of court;
OGCC had approved the retainership contract of 4. Criminal complaint for Estafa against a
Atty. C as new legal counsel of KWD and stated that person who falsely represented himself to
the retainership contract of Atty. I had expired. The be an attorney to the damage of a party;



Q. What are the sanctions against unauthorized Q: What are the kinds of contempt?
practice of law of persons who are not lawyers?
A: He may be punished with contempt of court, 1. Direct – Consists of misbehavior in the presence
severe censure and three (3) months imprisonment of or so near a court or judge as to interrupt or
because of the highly fraudulent and improper obstruct the proceedings before the court or the
conduct tending directly to impede, obstruct, administration of justice; punished summarily.
degrade, and make a mockery of the administration
2. Indirect – One committed away from the court
of justice. (Manangan v. CFI, G.R. No. 82760, Aug.
involving disobedience of or resistance to a
30,1990; Lapena, 2009)
lawful writ, process, order, judgment or
Q: May a disbarred lawyer still appear in court as command of the court, or tending to belittle,
counsel? degrade, obstruct, interrupt or embarrass the
court; not summary in nature.
A: No. A disbarred lawyer has no more authority to 3. Civil – Is the failure to do something ordered to
appear in court as a lawyer. A lawyer who was be done by a court or a judge for the benefit of
previously disbarred but continued to represent the opposing party therein. It is remedial in
himself as a lawyer was found guilty of indirect nature.
contempt and fine with imprisonment in case of
failure to pay within five (5) days. (Lemoine v. Atty. 4. Criminal – Conduct directed against the authority
Balon, Jr., A.C. No. 5829, Oct. 28, 2003) and dignity of a court or of a judge, as in
unlawfully assailing or discrediting the authority
Q: Are the power to hold a person in contempt and or dignity of a court or of a judge, or in doing a
the power to disbar the same? duly forbidden act. Intent is necessary.

A: No. The power to punish for contempt and the Note: Where the punishment imposed, whether against a
power to disbar are separate and distinct, and that party to a suit or a stranger, is wholly or primarily to protect
the exercise of one does not exclude the exercise of or vindicate the dignity and power, either by fine payable to
the other. (People v. Godoy, G.R. Nos. 115908-09, the government or by imprisonment, or both, it is deemed
Mar. 29, 1995) a judgment in criminal case.

Q: Dela Cruz misrepresented himself as a lawyer in Where the punishment is by fine directed to be paid to a
the application for habeas corpus of Gamido. What party in the nature of damages for the wrong inflicted, or
by imprisonment as coercive measure to enforce the
punishment should the court impose on Dela Cruz?
performance of some act for the benefit of the party or in
aid of the final judgment or decree rendered in his behalf,
A: The Court declared him guilty of indirect contempt the contempt judgment will, if made before final decree, be
for maliciously and falsely portraying himself as a treated as in the nature of an interlocutory order.
member of the bar, appearing in court and filing
pleadings. (In the Matter of the Application for Q: What are the two-fold aspects of the exercise of
Habeas Corpus of Maximino Gamido; Gamido v. New the power of contempt?
Bilibid Prison, G.R. 146783, July 29, 2002)
Q: What is the nature of the power of contempt? 1. The proper punishment of the guilty party for his
disrespect to the court or its order; and
A: It is exercised on the preservative and not on the 2. To compel his performance of some act or duty
vindictive principle and on corrective rather than the required of him by the court which he refuses to
retaliatory idea of punishment, for purposes that are perform.
impersonal. It is criminal in nature. The power to
punish for contempt is inherent in all courts. It is Note: The question of whether the contempt committed is
essential in the observance of order in judicial civil or criminal, does not affect the jurisdiction or the
proceedings and to the enforcement of judgment power of a court to punish the same. (Halili v. CIR, G.R. No.
orders and writs. L-24864, Nov. 19, 1985)


Legal Ethics

Q: Enumerate the acts of a lawyer that constitutes contempt for misrepresenting himself as a lawyer.
contempt? Balajadia, on his defense, claimed that the
allegation that he is a practicing lawyer was an
A: honest mistake. He stated that the secretary of Atty.
1. Misbehavior as officer of court Aquino prepared the subject complaint-affidavit
2. Disobedience or resistance to court order copying in verbatim paragraph 5 of Atty. Aquino’s
3. Abuse or interference with judicial proceedings complaint-affidavit. Hence, it was inadvertently
4. Obstruction in administration of justice alleged that respondent is a “practicing lawyer in
5. Misleading the courts Baguio City” which statement referred to the person
6. Making false allegations, criticisms, insults, veiled of Atty. Aquino and his law office address. Is
threats against the court Balajadia liable for indirect contempt?
7. Aiding in unauthorized practice of law
(suspended or disbarred) A: No. Respondent Balajadia never intended to
8. Unlawful retention of client’s funds project himself as a lawyer to the public. It was a
9. Advise client to commit contemptuous acts clear inadvertence on the part of the secretary of
Atty. Aquino. The allegation that he is a practicing
Note: A practicing lawyer and officer of the court facing lawyer cannot, by itself, establish intent as to make
contempt proceedings cannot just be allowed to voluntarily him liable for indirect contempt (Tan v. Balajadia,
retire from the practice of law which would negate the G.R. No. 169517, Mar. 14, 2006).
inherent power of the court to punish him for contempt
(Montecillo v. Gica, 60 SCRA 234). (1998 Bar Question)
Q: A judge cited complainant, a driver at the
Engineering Department of the Makati City Hall, in
Q. Who are the public officials?
contempt for using the former’s parking space, and
refused to accept the driver’s apology. He sentenced
A: Public officials include elective and appointive
the driver to five (5) days imprisonment and a fine of
officials and employees, permanent or temporary,
(P1,000.00). Is the judge administratively liable for
whether in the career or non-career service, including
grave abuse of authority in citing the driver for
military and police personnel, whether or not they
contempt of court?
receive compensation, regardless of amount. (Sec.
3[b], RA 6713)
A: Yes. The Court does not see how the improper
parking by the driver could even in the remotest
Q: What are the prohibited acts or omissions of
manner disrupt the speedy administration of justice.
public officers?
At most, it would cause the Judge inconvenience or
annoyance, but still, this does not fall under any of
the acts for which a person could be cited for
1. Accepting or having any member of his family
contempt. Neither does it appear from the records,
accept employment in a private enterprise which
nor from the evidence presented, that the
has pending official business with him during the
complainant intended any disrespect toward
pendency thereof or within one year after
respondent Judge. Worse, the Judge immediately
termination. (Sec. 3[d], RA 3019)
detained the driver, thereby preventing him from
resorting to the remedies provided under the Rules of 2. Own, control, manage or accept employment as
Court. Such abusive behavior on the part of officer, employee, consultant, counsel, broker,
respondent judge fails to show his integrity, which is agent, trustee or nominee in any private
essential not only to the proper discharge of the enterprise regulated, supervised or licensed by
judicial office, but also to his personal demeanor. their office unless expressly allowed by law. (Sec.
(Nunez v. Ibay, A.M. No. RTJ-06-1984, June 30, 2009) 7[b], RA 6713)
3. A lawyer shall not, after leaving a government
Q: Balajadia filed a criminal case against petitioners.
service, accept engagement or employment in
In paragraph 5 of the complaint-affidavit, Balajadia
connection with any matter in which he had
appeared to have asserted that he is a "practicing
intervened while in said service. (Rule 6.03, Code
lawyer”. However, certifications issued by the Office
of Professional Responsibility)
of the Bar Confidant and the Integrated Bar of the
Philippines showed that he has never been admitted 4. A lawyer should not accept employment as an
to the Philippine Bar. Hence, petitioners filed a case advocate in any matter upon the merits which he
against him claiming that he is liable for indirect has previously acted in a judicial capacity. (Canon



36, Canons of Professional Ethics)

(2) To prejudice the public interest.
(d) Solicitation or acceptance of gifts from any person in the
Note: These prohibitions shall continue to apply for a course of their official duties or in connection with any
period of 1 year after resignation, or separation from public operation being regulated by, or any transaction which may
office. The 1-year prohibition shall also apply in connection be affected by the functions of their office.
with any matter before the office he used to be with.
Q: What are the two theories on the disqualification
PROHIBITION OR DISQUALIFICATION OF of former government lawyers in representing a
FORMER GOVERNMENT ATTORNEYS client on a matter in which they intervened when
they were in office?
Rule 6.03, Canon 6, CPR
Rule 6.03 – A lawyer shall not, after leaving A:
government service, accept engagement or 1. Adverse-Interest Conflict – A former government
employment in connection with any matter in which lawyer is enjoined from representing a client in
he had intervened while in said service. private practice in a matter which is substantially
related to another matter which the former dealt
The evil sought to be avoided by this provision is the with while employed by the government, and if
possibility of a lawyer who just retired, resigned or the interests of the current and former clients
separated from the government of using his influence are adverse.
for his own private benefit. (Antiquiera, CPR, pp. 27-
28) 2. Congruent-Interest Representation Conflict – The
Note: Section 7 of RA No. 6713 prohibits the following acts
lawyer is prohibited from representing a private
and transactions: practice client even if the interests of the
government, the former employer, and the new
(a) Financial and material interest. - Public officials and client are entirely parallel (PCGG v. SB,, G.R.
employees shall not, directly or indirectly, have any No. 151809-12, April 12, 2005)
financial or material interest in any transaction requiring
the approval of their office. Note: The restriction against a public official from using his
public position as a vehicle to promote or advance his
(b) Public officials and employees during their incumbency private interests extends beyond his tenure on certain
shall not: matters in which intervened as a public official. (Agpalo,
(1) Own, control, manage or accept employment as
officer, employee, consultant, counsel, broker, agent,
trustee or nominee in any private enterprise PUBLIC OFFICIALS WHO CANNOT PRACTICE LAW
regulated, supervised or licensed by their office unless OR WITH RESTRICTIONS
expressly allowed by law;
Q: Who are the public officials who cannot engage
(2) Engage in the private practice of their profession in the PRIVATE practice of law in the Philippines?
unless authorized by the Constitution or law, provided, (1990 Bar Question)
that such practice will not conflict or tend to conflict
with their official functions; or
(3) Recommend any person to any position in a private
1. Judges and other officials as employees of the
enterprise which has a regular or pending official Supreme Court. (Rule 148, Sec. 35, RRC)
transaction with their office. 2. Officials and employees of the OSG. (Ibid.)
3. Government Prosecutors. (People v. Villanueva,
These prohibitions shall continue to apply for a period of G.R. No. L-19450, May 27, 1965)
one (1) year after resignation, retirement, or separation 4. President, Vice-President, members of the
from public office, except in the case of subparagraph (b) cabinet, their deputies and assistants. (Sec. 13,
(2) above, but the professional concerned cannot practice Art VII, 1987 Constitution)
his profession in connection with any matter before the
5. Members of the Constitutional Commission. (Sec.
office he used to be with, in which case the one-year
prohibition shall likewise apply.
2, Art IX-A, 1987 Constitution)
6. Ombudsman and his deputies. (Sec. 8 [second
(c) Disclosure and/or misuse of confidential information par.], Art. IX, 1987 Constitution)
officially known to them by reason of their office and not 7. All governors, city and municipal Mayors. (R.A.
made available to the public, either: No. 7160, Sec. 90)
8. Those prohibited by Special law.
(1) To further their private interests, or give undue
advantage to anyone; or
Legal Ethics

Q: Who are the public officials restricted from government, cannot act as counsel:
engaging in the practice of law in the Philippines?
a. In any civil case in which the
Government, or any of its subdivision or
agencies is the adverse party; or
1. No Senator or member of the House of
Representatives may personally “appear” as b. In a criminal case wherein an officer or
counsel before any court of justice or before the employee of the Government is accused
Electoral Tribunals, or quasi-judicial and other of an offense in relation to his office;
administration bodies. (Sec. 14, Art. VI, 1987 nor
c. Collect any fees for his appearance in
any administrative proceedings to
Note: The word “appearance” includes not only
arguing a case before any such body but also filing a maintain an interest adverse to the
pleading on behalf of a client as “by simply filing a government, provincial or municipal, or
formal motion, plea or answer”. (Ramos v. Manalac, to any of its legally constituted officers.
G.R. No. L- 2610, June 16, 1951) (Sec. 1, R.A. 910)

Neither can he allow his name to appear in such

pleading by itself or as part of a firm name under the 4. Civil service officers and employees without
signature of another qualified lawyer because the permit from their respective department heads.
signature of an agent amounts to a signing of a non- (Noriega v. Sison, G.R. No. L- 24548, Oct. 27,
qualified senator or congressman, the office of an 1983)
attorney being originally of agency, and because he
will, by such act, be appearing in court or quasi-judicial Note: Misconduct in office as a public official may be a
or administrative body in violation of the constitutional ground for disciplinary action if it is of such character as to
restriction. (In re: David, Adm. Case No. 98, July 13, affect his qualification as lawyer or show moral
1953) delinquency.

2. Under the Local Government Code (Sec. 91, R.A. Q: Atty. Sagucio was the former Personnel Manager
7160), Sanggunian members may practice their and Retained Counsel of Taggat Industries Inc. until
professions provided that if they are members of his appointment as Assistant Provincial Prosecutor
the Bar, they shall NOT: of Tuguegarao. Taggat Industries was sequestered
by the PCGG and thus ceased its operations. As
a. Appear as counsel before any court in
Assistant Provincial Prosecutor, he assigned to
any civil case wherein a local
conduct the preliminary investigation over a
government unit or any office, agency,
criminal case filed against Taggat Industries. He
or instrumentality of the government is
recommended the filing of 651 informations for
the adverse party
violation of the Labor Code. He was charged for
b. Appear as counsel in any criminal case violating Rule 15.03 of the Code of Professional
wherein an officer or employee of the Responsibility and for defying the prohibition
national or local government is accused against private practice of law while working as
of an offense committed in relation to government prosecutor. Is Atty. Sagucio guilty of
his office engaging in private practice of law while working as
an Assistant Provincial Prosecutor?
c. Collect any fee for their appearance in
administrative proceedings involving the
local government unit of which he is an A. Yes. “Private practice of law” contemplates a
succession of acts of the same nature habitually or
customarily holding one’s self to the public as a
d. Use property and personnel of the lawyer. Atty. Sagucio admitted that he rendered his
government except when the legal services to complainant while working as a
Sanggunian member concerned is government prosecutor. Even the receipts he signed
defending the interest of the stated that the payments by Taggat were for
government. (1992, 2000 Bar "Retainer’s fee.” Thus, as correctly pointed out by
Questions) complainant, Atty. Sagucio clearly violated the
prohibition in RA 6713.
3. Under Sec. 1, R.A. 910, as amended, a retired
Atty. Sagucio’s violation of RA 6713 also constitutes a
justice or judge receiving pension from the
violation of Rule 1.01 of Canon 1, which mandates



that “[a] lawyer shall not engage in unlawful, LAWYERS AUTHORIZED TO REPRESENT THE
dishonest, immoral or deceitful conduct.” His GOVERNMENT
admission that he received from Taggat fees for legal
services while serving as a government prosecutor is Q: Who are persons authorized to represent the
an unlawful conduct, which constitutes a violation of government?
Rule 1.01. (Lim- Santiago v. Saguico, A.C. No. 6705,
Mar. 31,2006) A: Solicitor General (Sol Gen) for the National
Government, and any person appointed to appear for
Note: Violations of RA 6713 are not subject to disciplinary the government of the Philippines in accordance with
action under the Code of Professional Responsibility unless law. (Sec. 33, Rule 138 RRC)
the violations also constitute infractions of specific
provisions of the Code of Professional Responsibility.
In case of Local Government Units (LGU), they are
Certainly, the IBP has no jurisdiction to investigate
represented by a legal officer which provides legal
violations of RA 6713 – the Code of Conduct and Ethical
Standards for Public Officials and Employees – unless the assistance or support to the mayor or governor and
acts involved also transgress provisions of the Code of represents the LGU in all civil actions and special
Professional Responsibility. proceedings wherein it or any of its officials are
involved in an official capacity (Sec. 481, Local
Q: Atty. Eliseo represented Allan in a collection suit Government Code).
against the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office
(PCSO). After his election as sangguniang bayan Note: In criminal cases, Sol Gen steps in only when the case
member, the court rendered a decision in PCSO’s has already reached the Court of Appeals. While it is with
the lower courts, it is the public prosecutor which
favor. Still, Atty. Eliseo appeared for Allan in the
represents the government
latter’s appeal, prompting the PCSO to question his
right to do so. In response, Atty. Eliseo claimed that
Q: What are the possible actions that the Sol Gen
the local government code authorizes him to
may undertake in the discharge of his duties?
practice law as long it does not conflict with his
duties. Is Atty. Eliseo correct? (2011 Bar Question)
A: The Sol Gen, in his discretion, may pursue any of
the following actions:
A: No, because he cannot appear against a
1. Prosecute;
government instrumentality in a civil case.
2. Not to prosecute;
3. To abandon a prosecution already started; or
Note: While certain local elective officials (like governors,
mayors, provincial board members and councilors) are 4. To take a position adverse to the people of the
expressly subjected to a total or partial proscription to Philippines in a criminal case or to that of a
practice their profession or engage in any occupation, no government agency or official, when he believes
such interdiction is made on punong barangay and the that justice will be served by taking a different
members of the Sangguniang Barangay. Expressio unius est stand.
exclusio alterius. Since they are excluded from any
prohibition, the presumption is that they are allowed to Q: In a case between two government agencies,
practice their profession. However, he should procure prior
should the Sol Gen refrain from performing his
permission or authorization from the head of his
Department, as required by the Civil Service Regulations.
(Catu v. Rellosa, A.C. No. 5738, Feb. 19, 2008)
A: No. It is incumbent upon him to present to the
Q: Justice Frank, a retired Court of Appeals justice, court what he considers as would legally uphold the
appeared before the Supreme Court on behalf of best interest of the government.
Landbank, a government bank, in a case involving
the compensable value of the property taken from a Q: In the above question, what is the remedy of the
landowner under the agrarian reform law. The government office adversely affected by the
landowner questioned Justice Frank's appearance in position taken by the Sol Gen?
the case, pointing out that the same is unethical and
smacks of opportunism since he obviously A: The government agency adversely affected, if it
capitalizes on his judicial experience. Is Justice still believes in the merits of its case, may appear on
Frank's appearance in the case valid? (2011 Bar its own behalf through its legal officer or
Question) representative.

A: Yes, because the law allows such appearance as

long as the government is not the adverse party.
Legal Ethics

LAWYER’S OATH of all securities of the estate, take possession of all

certificates of stocks or their replacements
I __________, of __(place of birth)__ do solemnly belonging to the estate and as well as its inventory,
swear that I will maintain allegiance to the Republic and by willfully prolonging the litigation through his
of the Philippines; I will support its Constitution and various maneuvers, such as instituting actions for
obey the laws as well as the legal orders of the duly Atty. Occeña’s claim for attorney’s fee and filing
constituted authorities therein; I will do no falsehood, other cases before the court thus prolonging the
nor consent to the doing of any in court; I will not settlement of the case. Did Occeña’s acts constitute
wittingly nor willingly promote or sue any groundless, a gross violation of his oath as a lawyer?
false or unlawful suit, or give aid nor consent to the
same; I will delay no man for money or malice and A: Atty. Occeña’s acts of disobeying lawful court
will conduct myself as a lawyer according to the best orders and willfully prolonging the litigation through
of my knowledge and discretion, with all good fidelity his maneuvers constitute a gross violation of his
as well to the courts as to my clients; and I impose lawyer’s oath that he will not willingly sue any
upon myself these voluntary obligations without any groundless, false or unlawful suit or delay no man for
mental reservation or purpose of evasion. So help me money of malice. (Re: Administrative Case against
God. Samuel Occeña, A. C. No. 2841, July 3, 2002)

Q: An administrative complaint was filed against Q: What is the importance of the lawyer’s oath?
Atty. Contawi for having violated his oath as a
lawyer, causing him damage and prejudice. A: By taking the lawyer’s oath, a lawyer becomes the
Respondent had undeniably mortgaged and sold the guardian of truth and the rule of law and an
property of his client without the latter's knowledge indispensable instrument in the fair and impartial
or consent, facilitated by the use of a falsified administration of justice. Good moral character
Special Power of Attorney. Did respondent violate includes, at least, common honesty. Deception and
his lawyer's oath when he mortgaged and sold other fraudulent acts are not merely unacceptable
complainant's property, which was entrusted to practices that are disgraceful and dishonorable; they
him, without the latter's consent. reveal a basic moral flaw. (Olbes v. Deciembre, A.C.
No. 5365, Apr. 27, 2005)
A: Yes. Respondent disposed of complainant's
property without his knowledge or consent, and Note: The lawyer’s oath is not a mere ceremony or
partook of the proceeds of the sale for his own formality for practicing law to be forgotten afterwards nor
benefit. Respondent's established acts exhibited his is it mere words, drift and hollow, but a sacred trust that
every lawyer must uphold and keep inviolable at all times.
unfitness and plain inability to discharge the bounden
duties of a member of the legal profession. He failed
to prove himself worthy of the privilege to practice Q: What is the significance of the lawyer's oath?
law and to live up to the exacting standards
demanded of the members of the bar. It bears to A: The significance of the oath is that it not only
stress that the practice of law is a privilege given to impresses upon the attorney his responsibilities but it
lawyers who meet the high standards of legal also stamps him as an officer of the court with rights,
proficiency and morality. Any violation of these powers and duties as important as those of the
standards exposes the lawyer to administrative judges themselves. It is a source of his obligations and
liability. (Brennisen v. Atty. Contawi, A.C. No. 7481, its violation is a ground for his suspension,
April 24, 2012) disbarment or other disciplinary action. (Agpalo,
Legal Ethics, 1992 ed., p. 59)
Q: Under the terms of the Last Will and Testament
of the late Ogan, his residuary estate was divided
among his seven children. One of them, Necitas
Ogan-Occeña, was named in the will as executrix of
the estate. As such, she retained her husband, Atty.
Samuel C. Occeña, as her lawyer. The settlement of
the estate have been pending for thirteen (13) years
when it was transferred under the sala of Judge Ruiz
who found out that the principal cause of delay was
the failure of Atty. Occeña to obey lawful court
orders such as the submission of the latest inventory



DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES courts of justice and judicial officers;

5. To Employ, for the purpose of maintaining the
causes confided to him, such means only as are
Q: What are the four-fold duties of a lawyer?
consistent with truth and honor, and never seek
to mislead the judge or any judicial officer by an
artifice or false statement of fact or law;
1. Public/Society – He must not undertake any
action which violates his responsibility to the 6. To maintain inviolate the Confidence and at
society as a whole, he must be an example in the every peril to himself, to preserve the secrets in
community for his uprightness as a member of connection with his client and to accept no
the society. The lawyer must be ready to render compensation in connection with his client’s
legal aid, foster legal reforms, be guardian of due business except from him or with his knowledge
process, and aware of his special role in the and approval;
solution of special problems and be always ready
7. To abstain from all Offensive personality and to
to lend assistance in the study and solution of
advance no fact prejudicial to the honor and
social problems. (Canon 1-6, CPR)
reputation of a party or witness unless required
2. Bar/Legal Profession – Observe candor, fairness, by the justice of the cause with which he is
courtesy and truthfulness in his conduct towards charged;
other lawyers, avoid encroachment in the
8. Never to Reject, for any consideration personal
business of other lawyers and uphold the honor
to himself, the cause of the defenseless or
of the profession. (Canon 7-9, CPR)
oppressed; and
3. Courts – A lawyer must maintain towards the
9. In the Defense of a person accused of a crime, by
court a respectful attitude, defend against unjust
all fair and honorable means, regardless of his
criticisms, uphold the court’s authority and
personal opinion as to the guilt of the accused, to
dignity, obey court orders and processes, assists
present every defense that the law permits to
in the administration of justice. (Canon 10-13,
the end that no person may be deprived of life,
liberty, but by due process of law. (Sec. 20, Rule
4. Clients – The lawyer owes entire devotion to the 138, RRC)
interest of his client, warm and zeal in the
maintenance of the defense of his rights and Q: What are the privileges of a lawyer?
exertion of utmost learning ability to the end
that nothing be taken or withheld from his client A: PSP-IS-12
except in accordance with law. He owes a duty of 1. To Practice law during good behavior before any
competent and zealous representation to the judicial, quasi-judicial, or administrative agency;
client, and should preserve his client’s secrets,
2. First one to Sit in judgment on every case, to set
preserve his funds and property and avoid
the judicial machinery in motion;
conflicts of interest. (Canon 14- 22, CPR)
3. Enjoys the Presumption of regularity in the
Q: What are the duties of attorneys under the
discharge of his duty;
REVISED RULES OF COURT? (2006 Bar Question)
4. He is Immune, in the performance of his
A: ADA- RECORD obligations to his client, from liability to third
1. To maintain Allegiance to the Republic of the persons, insofar as he does not materially depart
Philippines and to support the Constitution and from his character as a quasi-judicial officer;
obey the laws of the Philippines;
5. His Statements, if relevant, pertinent or material
2. Not to encourage either the commencement or to the subject of judicial inquiry are absolutely
the continuance of an action or proceeding, or privileged regardless of their defamatory tenor
Delay any man’s cause, from any corrupt motive and of the presence of malice;
or interest;
6. 1st grade civil service eligibility for any position in
3. To counsel and maintain such Actions or the classified service in the government the
proceedings only as appear to him to be just, and duties of which require knowledge of law; and
such defenses only as he believes to be honestly
7. 2nd grade civil service eligibility for any other
debatable under the law;
governmental position, which does not prescribe
4. To observe and maintain the Respect due to the proficiency in law as a qualification.
Legal Ethics

CANONS OF PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITY 19. Represent client with zeal and within the bounds
(OVERVIEW) of law
20. Charge only fair and reasonable fees
CHAPTER 1 21. Preserve the confidence and secrets of client
LAWYER AND SOCIETY even after the attorney-client relation is
Canons 1-6 terminated
1. Uphold the Constitution and obey the laws of the 22. Withdraw services only for good cause and upon
land and legal processes notice
2. Make legal services available in an efficient and
convenient manner Q: What is the first and most important duty of an
3. Use of true, honest, fair, dignified and objective attorney? Why?
information in making known legal services
4. Participate in the improvement of the legal A: The first and most important duty of the lawyer is
system his duty to the court. The reason is that the attorney
5. Keep abreast of legal development and is an officer of the court who sets the judicial
participate in continuing legal education program machinery with the main mission of assisting the
and assist in disseminating information regarding court in the administration of justice. His public
the law and jurisprudence duties take precedence over his private duties.
6. Applicability of the CPR to lawyers in the
government service Q: How should a lawyer view representation of the
poor, the marginalized, and the oppressed before
CHAPTER 2 our courts of justice? (1988 Bar Question)
Canons 7-9 A: As an officer of the court, the lawyer has the duty
7. At all times uphold integrity and dignity of the of representing the poor, the marginalized and the
profession and support the activities of the IBP oppressed without expecting to be compensated for
8. Conduct himself with courtesy, fairness and his services. One of the main duties of the lawyer is to
candor toward his colleagues and avoid harassing maintain the rule of law. The rule of law cannot be
tactics against opposing counsel maintained if the poor, the marginalized or the
9. Not to directly or indirectly assist in the oppressed are not afforded legal services to protect
unauthorized practice of law their rights against the rich and the privileged. The
lawyer should consider it as a duty and not as a
CHAPTER 3 charitable work.
Canons 10-13 Note: The duty of a counsel de officio is to render effective
10. Owes candor, fairness and good faith to the court service and to exert his best efforts on behalf of an indigent
11. Observe and maintain the respect due to the accused. He has a high duty to a poor litigant as to a paying
client. (1991, 1993, 1994, 1996, 1998, 2001, 2002, 2004 Bar
courts and judicial officers and insist in similar
12. Duty to assist in the speedy and efficient
Q: After representing Lenie in an important lawsuit
administration of justice
from 1992 to 1995, Atty. Jennifer lost touch of her
13. Rely upon the merits of his cause, refrain from
client. Ten years later in 2005, Evelyn asked Atty.
any impropriety which tends to influence courts,
Jennifer to represent her in an action against Lenie.
or give the appearance of influencing the courts
Such action involved certain facts, some
confidential, to which Atty. Jennifer was privy
because she handled Lenie's old case. Can Atty.
Jennifer act as counsel for Evelyn? (2011 Bar
Canons 14-22
14. Not to refuse his services to the needy
15. Observe candor, fairness and loyalty in all his
A: No. A lawyer shall preserve the confidences or
dealings and transactions with clients
secrets of his client even after the attorney-client
16. Hold in trust all the moneys and property of his
relation is terminated. He shall not reveal the
client that may come to his possession
confidence or secrets of his client except upon the
17. Owes fidelity to client’s cause and be mindful of
instances provided for by the rules. (Rule 21.01,
the trust and confidence reposed in him
Canon 21, Code of Professional Responsibility)
18. Serve client with competence and diligence



DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF A of Mr. Donton, a Filipino. Donton averred that Atty.
LAWYER TO SOCIETY Tansingco’s act of preparing the Occupancy
Agreement, despite knowledge that Stier is a foreign
RESPECT FOR LAW AND LEGAL PROCESSES national, constitutes serious misconduct and is a
deliberate violation of the Code. Donton prayed that
CANON 1, CPR Atty. Tansingco be disbarred. Is Atty. Tansingco
A LAWYER SHALL UPHOLD THE CONSTITUTION, guilty of serious misconduct?
RESPECT FOR LAW AND FOR LEGAL PROCESSES. A. Yes. Atty. Tansingco is liable for violation of Canon
1 and Rule 1.02 of the Code. A lawyer should not
Q: What is the two-fold duty imposed by the Canon render any service or give advice to any client, which
1 of the Canons of Professional Responsibility? will involve defiance of the laws which he is bound to
uphold and obey. Atty. Tansingco had sworn to
A: uphold the Constitution. Thus, he violated his oath
1. Personally obey the laws and the legal processes and the Code when he prepared and notarized the
2. Inspire respect and obedience thereto (CPR Occupancy Agreement to evade the law against
Annotated, PhilJA) foreign ownership of lands. Atty. Tansingco used his
knowledge of the law to achieve an unlawful end.
Note: The portion of Canon 1, which calls for lawyers to Such an act amounts to malpractice in his office, for
“promote respect for law and for legal processes”, is a call which he may be suspended. (Donton v. Atty.
to uphold the ‘Rule of Law’. (Funa, 2009)
Tansingco, A.C. No. 6057, June 27, 2006)
Q. What is the Rule of Law?
Q: Prosecutor Coronel entered his appearance on
behalf of the State before a Family Court in a case
A: “The supremacy of the law”. It provides that
for declaration of nullity of marriage, but he failed
decisions should be made by the application of
to appear in all the subsequent proceedings. When
known legal principles or laws without the
required by the Department of Justice to explain, he
intervention of discretion in their application. (Black’s
argued that the parties in the case were ably
Law Dictionary)
represented by their respective counsels and that
his time would be better employed in more
Note: A lawyer’s oath to uphold the cause of justice is
superior to his duty to his client; its primacy is indisputable. substantial prosecutorial functions, such as
(Cobb-Perez v. Lantin, No. L-22320, July 29, 1968) investigations, inquests and appearances in court
hearings. Is Atty. Coronel’s explanation tenable?
Laws refer to all laws, and not just those of general (2006 Bar Question)
application. Thus, they include presidential decrees,
executive orders, and administrative rules and regulations A: Atty. Coronel’s explanation is not tenable. The role
enforcing or implementing existing laws. (CPR Annotated, of the State’s lawyer in nullification of marriage cases
PhilJA) is that of protector of the institution of marriage (Art
48, FC). “The task of protecting marriage as an
Legal processes pertain to all the proceedings in an action
or proceeding. (CPR Annotated, PhilJA) inviolable social institution requires vigilant and
zealous participation and not mere pro forma
Rule 1. 02 –A lawyer shall not counsel or abet compliance” (Malcampo-Sin v. Sin, G.R. No. 137590,
activities aimed at defiance of the law or at lessening Mar. 26, 2001). This role could not be left to the
confidence in the legal system. private counsels who have been engaged to protect
the private interest of the parties.
Q: Peter Donton filed a complaint against Atty.
Emmanuel Tansingco and others, as the notary Rule 1.01, Canon 1, CPR
public who notarized the Occupancy Agreement, for A lawyer shall not engage in unlawful, dishonest,
estafa thru falsification of public document. Atty. immoral and deceitful conduct.
Tansingco in his complaint stated that he prepared
and notarized the Occupancy Agreement at the Q: What are the acts punishable under this Rule?
request of Mr. Stier, an owner and long-time
resident of a real property located at Cubao, Quezon A: Act which are unlawful, dishonest, immoral or
City. Since Mr. Stier is a U.S. Citizen and thereby deceitful.
disqualified to own real property in his name, he
agreed that the property be transferred in the name


Legal Ethics

Q: Define deceitful conduct woman through a promise of marriage which he

did not fulfill. DISBARRED. (In re: Disbarment of
A: An act that has the proclivity for fraudulent and Armando Puno, A.C. No. 389, Feb. 28, 1967)
deceptive misrepresentation, artifice or device that is
3. Seduction of a woman who is the niece of a
used upon another who is ignorant of the fact, to the
married woman with whom respondent lawyer
prejudice and damage of the party imposed upon.
had an adulterous relation. DISBARRED. (Royong
(CPR Annotated, PhilJA)
v. Oblena, A.C. No. 376, Apr. 30, 1963)
Note: By indicating “IBP Rizal 259060” in his pleadings and 4. Lawyer arranging marriage of his son to a woman
thereby misrepresenting to the public and the courts that with whom the lawyer had illicit relations.
he had paid his IBP dues to the Rizal Chapter, Atty. Llamas is DISBARRED. (Mortel v. Aspiras, A.M. No. 145,
guilty of violating the Code of Professional Responsibility Dec. 28, 1956)
which provides: Rule 1.01 – A lawyer shall not engage in
unlawful, dishonest, immoral or deceitful conduct. His act is 5. Lawyer inveigling a woman into believing that
also a violation of Rule 10.01 which provides that: A lawyer they have been married civilly to satisfy his
shall not do any falsehood, nor consent to the doing of any carnal desires. DISBARRED. (Terre v. Terre, A.M.
in court; nor mislead or allow the court to be misled by any No. 2349, July 3, 1992)
artifice. (Santos Jr. v. Atty. Llamas, A.C. No. 4749, Jan. 20,
2000) 6. Lawyer taking advantage of his position as
chairman of the college of medicine and asked a
Q: Define Unlawful Conduct lady student to go with him to Manila where he
had carnal knowledge of her under threat that if
A: It refers to a transgression of any provision of law, she refused, she would flunk in all her subjects.
which need not be a penal law. The presence of evil DISBARRED. (Delos Reyes v. Aznar, A.M. No.
intent on the part of the lawyer is not essential in 1334, Nov. 28, 1989)
order to bring his act or omission within the terms of
7. Bigamy perpetrated by the lawyer. DISQUALIFIED
this Rule.
Oblena, A.C. No. 376, Apr. 30, 1963)
Q: Define Dishonest Conduct
8. Concubinage coupled with failure to support
A: Dishonest conduct refers to the disposition to lie, illegitimate children. SUSPENDED INDEFINITELY.
cheat, deceive, defraud, or betray; be untrustworthy; (Laguitan v. Tinio, A.M. No. 3049, Dec. 4, 1989)
lacking in integrity, honesty, probity, integrity in
9. Maintaining adulterous relationship with a
principle, fairness and straightforwardness.
(Cordova v. Cordova, A.M. No. 3249, Nov. 29,
Q: Define Immoral Conduct
A: Immoral Conduct refers to a conduct which is 10. A retired judge who penned a decision 7 months
willful, flagrant, or shameless, and which shows a after he retired, antedating the decision and
moral indifference to the opinion of the good and forcing his former court staff to include it in the
respectable members of the community. To warrant expediente of the case. DISBARRED. (Radjaie v.
disciplinary action, the act must not only be merely Alovera, A.C. No. 4748, Aug. 4, 2000)
immoral but GROSSLY IMMORAL.
11. Forging a Special Power of Attorney. SUSPENDED
Note: Grossly immoral conduct is one that is so corrupt and
FOR 3 YEARS. (Rural Bank of Silay, Inc. v. Pilla,
false as to constitute a criminal act or so unprincipled or A.C. No. 3637, Jan. 24, 2001)
disgraceful as to be reprehensible to a high degree. 12. Attempting to engage in an opium deal
(Figueroa v. Barranco, SBC Case No. 519, July 31, 1997)
SUSPENDED FOR 1 YEAR. (Piatt v. Abordo, 58
Phil. 350, Sept. 1, 1933)
Q: What are the instances of Gross Immorality and
the resulting consequences? 13. Facilitating the travel of a person to the U.S.
using spurious travel documents. DISBARRED.
A: (Sebastian v. Calis, A.C. No. 5118, Sept. 9, 1999)
1. Abandonment of wife and cohabiting with
another woman. DISBARRED. (Obusan v. Obusan, Q: Atty. Adaza obtained a loan from Orbe with
Jr., Adm. Case No. 1392, Apr. 2, 1984) interest. He then issued two checks as installment.
However, the first check was dishonored. The other
2. A lawyer who had carnal knowledge with a check was not accepted for being a stale check.



Efforts were exerted by Orbe to see him but her A: Yes. Atty. Velasquez’ act of converting his secretary
efforts turned to be futile. After a criminal case was into a mistress is grossly immoral which no civilized
filed, Atty. Adaza went to Orbe’s house and society in the world can countenance. The
promised to pay the checks. Orbe then agreed to subsequent detention and torture of the complainant
have the service of the warrant of arrest withheld is gross misconduct only a beast may be able to do.
but, again, Atty. Adaza failed to make good of his Certainly, the Atty. Velasquez had violated Canon 1 of
promise. Did the act of Atty. Adaza’s in issuing the Code of Professional Responsibility.
worthless checks constitute gross misconduct?
When a lawyer’s moral character is assailed, such
A: Yes. A member of the bar may be removed or that his right to continue practicing his cherished
suspended from office as an attorney for any deceit, profession is imperiled, it behooves him to meet the
malpractice, or misconduct in office. The word charges squarely and present evidence, to the
"conduct" used in the rules is not limited to conduct satisfaction of the investigating body and this Court,
exhibited in connection with the performance of the that he is morally fit to keep his name in the Roll of
lawyer's professional duties but it also refers to any Attorneys. Atty. Velasquez has not discharged the
misconduct, although not connected with his burden. (Mecaral v. Velasquez, A.C. No. 8392, June
professional duties, that would show him to be unfit 29, 2010)
for the office and unworthy of the privileges which his
license and the law confer upon him. The grounds Q: An administrative complaint for disbarment
expressed in Section 27, Rule 138, of the Rules of against Atty. Iris was filed for allegedly carrying an
Court are not limitative and are broad enough to immoral relationship with Carlos, husband of
cover any misconduct, including dishonesty, of a complainant Leslie. Atty. Iris contended that her
lawyer in his professional or private capacity. Such relationship with Carlos is licit because they
misdeed puts his moral fiber, as well as his fitness to were married. And when she discovered Carlos’ true
continue in the advocacy of law, in serious doubt. civil status, she cut off all her ties with him. Is Atty.
Atty.Adaza's issuance of worthless checks and his Iris guilty of committing gross immoral conduct
contumacious refusal to comply with his just warranting her disbarment?
obligation for nearly eight years is appalling and
hardly deserves compassion from the Court. (Orbe v. A: No, her relationship with Carlos, clothed as it was
Atty. Adaza, A.C. No. 5252, May 20, 2004) with what Atty. Iris believed was a valid marriage,
cannot be considered immoral. Immorality connotes
Q: Atty. Danilo Velasquez was charged before IBP conduct that shows indifference to the moral norms
Committee on Bar Discipline with Gross Misconduct of the community. Moreover for such conduct to
and Gross Immoral Conduct by complainant warrant disciplinary action, the same must be
Mecaral. Complainant Mecaral was his secretary and “grossly immoral”, that is it must be so corrupt and
she became his lover and common-law wife. Atty. false as to constitute a criminal act or so unprincipled
Velasquez then brought her to the mountainous as to be reprehensible to a high degree. Atty. Iris’ act
Upper San Agustin in Caibiran, Biliran where he left of immediately distancing herself from Carlos upon
her with a religious group known as the Faith discovering his true civil status belies that alleged
Healers Association of the Philippines, of which he moral indifference and proves that she had no
was the leader. Although he visited her daily, his intention of flaunting the law and the high moral
visits became scarce, prompting her to return home standard of the legal profession. (Ui v. Atty. Bonifacio,
to Naval, Biliran. Furious, Atty. Velasquez brought A.C. No. 3319, June 8, 2000)
her back to San Agustin where, on his instruction,
his followers tortured, brainwashed and injected her Q: What are the acts which do not constitute gross
with drugs. When she tried to escape, the members immorality?
of the group tied her spread-eagled to a bed. Made
to wear only a T- shirt and diapers and fed stale A:
food, she was guarded 24 hours a day by the women 1. Stealing a kiss from a client (Advincula v.
members. Her mother sought the help of the Macabata, A.C. No. 7204, Mar. 7, 2007)
Provincial Social Welfare Department which 2. Live-in relationship involving two unmarried
immediately dispatched two women volunteers to persons
rescue her. The religious group refused to release 3. Failure to pay a loan
her without the instruction of Atty. Velasquez. Is - A lawyer may not be disciplined for failure to
Atty. Velasquez guilty of gross immoral conduct and pay a loan. The proper remedy is the filing of an
violated Canon 1 of the Code of Professional action for collection of a sum of money in regular
Legal Ethics

courts (Toledo v. Abalos, A.C. No. 5141, Sept. 29, on and devoid of any deceit on the part of the former, is
1999) neither so corrupt nor so unprincipled as to warrant the
imposition of disciplinary sanction against him, even if as a
result of such relationship a child was born out of wedlock.
XPN: A deliberate failure to pay just debts and
(CPR Annotated, PhilJA)
the issuance of worthless checks (Lao v.
Medel, A.C. No. 5916, July 1, 2003)
Q: Differentiate morality from immoral conduct and
grossly immoral conduct
Having incurred just debts, a lawyer has the
moral duty and legal responsibility to settle
them when they become due. He should
comply with his just contractual obligations, MORALITY IMMORAL CONDUCT
act fairly and adhere to high ethical standards Morality as understood Immoral conduct has been
to preserve the court’s integrity, since he is an in law is a human defined as that conduct
employee thereof. (Cham v. Paita-Moya, A.C. standard based on which is willful, flagrant, or
No.7494, June 27, 2008). natural moral law shameless and which
which is embodied in shows a moral indifference
Note: Just debts include unpaid rentals, electric man’s conscience and to the opinion of the good
bills, claims adjudicated by a court of law, and which guides him to do and respectable members
claims the existence and justness which are good and avoid evil. of the community (Arciga
admitted by the debtor (Cham v. Paita-Moya, A.C. v. Maniwang, A.M. No.
No.7494, June 27, 2008). 1608, Aug. 14, 1981).

Q: Patricia and Simeon were teen sweethearts. It Q: Atty. Llorente and Atty. Salayon were election
was after their child was born that Simeon first officers of the COMELEC. They helped conduct and
promised he would marry her after he passes the oversee the 1995 elections. Then Senatorial
bar examinations. Their relationship continued and candidate Pimentel, Jr. alleged that Atty. Llorente
Simeon allegedly made more than twenty or thirty and Atty. Salayon tampered with the votes received
promises of marriage. Patricia learned that Simeon by him. Pimentel Jr. filed an administrative
married another woman. Meanwhile, Simeon complaint for their disbarment. The two lawyers
successfully passed the 1970 bar examinations after argued that the discrepancies were due to honest
four attempts. But before he could take his oath, mistake, oversight and fatigue. They also argued
Patricia filed a petition to disqualify Simeon to take that the IBP Board of Governors had already
the Lawyer’s Oath on the ground of gross exonerated them from any offense and that the
immoral conduct. Does the act of Simeon in motion for reconsideration filed by Pimentel Jr. was
engaging in premarital relations with Patricia and not filed in time. Are Attys. Llorente and Salayon
making promises to marry her constitute gross guilty of violating the Code of Professional
immoral conduct? Responsibility?

A: The SC ruled that the facts do not constitute gross A: Yes. Atty. Llorente and Atty. Salayon do not
immoral conduct warranting a permanent exclusion dispute the fact that massive irregularities attended
of Simeon from the legal profession. His engaging in the canvassing of the Pasig City election returns. The
premarital sexual relations with complainant and only explanation they could offer for such
promises to marry suggests a doubtful moral irregularities is that the same could be due to honest
character on his part but the same does not mistake, human error, and/or fatigue on the part of
constitute grossly immoral conduct. The Court has the members of the canvassing committees who
held that to justify suspension or disbarment the act prepared the Statements of Votes (SoVs). There is a
complained of must not only be immoral, but grossly limit, we believe, to what can be construed as an
immoral. A grossly immoral act is one that is so honest mistake or oversight due to fatigue, in the
corrupt and false as to constitute a criminal act or so performance of official duty.
unprincipled or disgraceful as to be reprehensible to a
high degree. It is willful, flagrant, or shameless act, Here, by certifying as true and correct the SoVs in
which shows a moral indifference to the opinion of question, Atty. Llorente and Atty. Salayon committed
respectable members of the community. (Figueroa v. a breach of Rule 1.01 of the Code which stipulates
Barranco, Jr., G.R. No. 97369, July 31, 1997) that a lawyer shall not engage in
“unlawful, dishonest, immoral or deceitful conduct.”
Note: Mere intimacy between a man and woman, both of By express provision of Canon 6, this is made
whom possess no impediment to marry, voluntarily carried applicable to lawyers in the government service. In

addition, they likewise violated their oath of office as 3. Conviction of murder. DISBARRED. (In Re:
lawyers to “do no falsehood.” (Pimentel, Jr. v. Atty. Disbarment Proceedings Against Atty. Diosdado
Llorente and Atty. Salayon, A.C. No. 4680, Aug. 29, Q. Gutierrez, A.C. No. L- 363, July 31, 1962)
4. Conviction of homicide. DISBARRED. (Soriano v.
Dizon, A.C. No. 6792, Jan. 25, 2006)
Q: Catherine and Atty. Rongcal maintained an illicit
affair. Catherine filed a case for disbarment against 5. Conviction of illegal marriage before admission
Atty. Rongcal based on gross immoral conduct to the bar. DISQUALIFIED FROM BEING
alleging that he misrepresented himself to be single ADMITTED TO THE BAR. (Villasanta v. Peralta,
when he was in fact married, and due to the false 101 Phil.313, Apr. 30, 1957)
pretenses she succumbed to his sexual advances.
6. Conviction of falsification of public document.
Will her petition prosper?
FROM ROLL OF ATTORNEYS. (Ledesma de Jesus-
A: Yes. Good moral character is a continuing
Paras v. Quinciano Vailoces, A.C. No. 439, Apr.
condition in a privilege of law practice. The mere fact
12, 1961)
of sexual relation between two unmarried adults is
not sufficient to warrant administrative sanction for 7. Conviction of estafa through falsification of
such illicit behavior, it is not with respect to betrayal public document. DISBARRED. (Villanueva v. Sta.
of the marital vow of fidelity. Atty. Rongcal is guilty of Ana, CBD Case No. 251, July 11, 1995)
immorality in violation of Rule 1.01 that a lawyer
8. Conviction of abduction. SUSPENDED FROM
should not engage in unlawful, dishonest, immoral or
OFFICE FOR 1 YEAR. (In Re Basa, 41 Phil. 275,
deceitful conduct. But his remorse over his
Dec. 7, 1920)
indiscretion and the fact of ending the illicit
relationship mitigates the liability. Hence a penalty of 9. Conviction of concubinage. SUSPENDED FROM
imposing a fine will suffice with a warning that the OFFICE FOR 1 YEAR. (In re Isada, 60 Phil. 915,
same will be dealt with more severely. (Vitug v. Nov. 16, 1934)
Rongcal, A.C. No. 6313, September 7, 2006)
10. Conviction of smuggling. DISBARRED. (In re
Rovero, A.C. No. 126, Oct. 24, 1952)
Note: Any errant behavior on the part of a lawyer, be it in
his public or private activities, which tends to show him Note: Moral turpitude implies something immoral
deficient in moral character, honesty, probity or good regardless of the fact that it is punishable by law or not. It
demeanor, is sufficient to warrant his suspension or must not merely be mala prohibita, but the act itself must
disbarment. (Tiong vs. Atty. Florendo, A.C. No. 4428, Dec. be inherently immoral. The doing of the act itself, and not
12, 2011) its prohibition by statute fixes the moral turpitude. (Zari v.
Flores, Adm. Matter No. [2170-MC] P-1356)
Q: Define moral turpitude (1992, 1993, 1997, 2004
Bar Questions) Rule 1.02, Canon 1, CPR
A lawyer shall not counsel or abet activities aimed
A: Moral turpitude imports an act of baseness, at defiance of the law or at lessening confidence in
vileness or depravity in the duties which one person the legal system. (1994, 1998 Bar Questions)
owes to another or to society in general which is
contrary to the usual accepted and customary rule of Note: A lawyer should not promote nor hold an
right and duty which a person should follow. The organization known to be violating the law nor assist it in a
question as to whether an offense involves moral scheme which is dishonest. He should not allow his services
turpitude is for the Supreme Court to decide. to be engaged by an organization whose members are
violating the law and defend them should they get caught.
Q: What are examples of acts that involve moral
turpitude and their consequences? Q: Atty. Asilo, a lawyer and a notary public,
notarized a document already prepared by spouses
A: Roger and Luisa when they approached him. It is
1. Conviction of estafa and/or BP 22. DISBARRED. stated in the document that Roger and Luisa
(In the Matter of Disbarment Proceedings v. formally agreed to live separately from each other
Narciso N. Jaramillo, A.C. No. 229, Apr. 30, 1957) and either one can have a live-in partner with full
consent of the other. What is the liability of Atty.
2. Conviction of bribery/ attempted bribery.
Asilo, if any? (1998 Bar Question)
DISBARRED. (In Re: Dalmacio De los Angeles, A.C.
No. L-350, Aug. 7,1959); 7 C.J.S., p. 736; 5 Am.
A: Atty. Asilo may be held administratively liable for
Jur. p. 428)
Legal Ethics

violating Rule 1.02 of the CPR - a lawyer shall not stirring up quarrels and suits, either at law or
counsel or abet activities aimed at defiance of the law otherwise; lawyer’s act of fomenting suits among
or at lessening confidence in the legal system. An individuals and offering his legal services to one of
agreement between two spouses to live separately them.
from each other and either one could have a live-in
partner with full consent of the other, is contrary to Note: Barratry is not a crime under the Philippine laws.
law and morals. The ratification by a notary public However, it is proscribed by the rules of legal ethics. (CPR
Annotated, PhilJA)
who is a lawyer of such illegal or immoral contract or
document constitutes malpractice or gross
Ambulance chasing is an act of chasing victims of
misconduct in office. He should at least refrain from
accidents for the purpose of talking to the said
its consummation. (In Re: Santiago, A.C. No. 923, June
victims (or relatives) and offering his legal services for
21, 1940; Panganiban v. Borromeo, 58 Phil. 367; In
the filing of a case against the person(s) who caused
Re: Bucana, A.C. No. 1637, July 6, 1976)
the accident(s). It has spawned a number of
recognized evils such as: FSMD
Rule 1.03, Canon 1, CPR 1. Fomenting of litigation with resulting burdens on
A lawyer shall not, for any corrupt motive or the courts and the public;
interest, encourage any suit or proceeding or delay 2. Subordination of perjury;
any man’s cause. 3. Mulcting of innocent persons by judgments,
upon manufactured causes of action; and
Note: Aimed against the practice of 4. Defrauding of injured persons having proper
“barratry”, “stirring up litigation” and “ambulance chasing”.
causes of action but ignorant of legal rights and
court procedures by means of contracts which
Q: Enumerate the unprofessional acts prohibited by
retain exorbitant percentages of recovery and
Rule 1.03.
illegal charges for court costs and expenses and
by settlement made for quick returns of fees and
against just rights of the injured persons
1. Volunteering advice to bring lawsuit except
(Hightower v. Detroit Edison Co. 247 NW 97,
where ties of blood, relationship and trust make
1993) (1993 Bar Question)
it a duty to do so
2. Hunting up defects in titles or other causes of Note: Volunteer advice to bring lawsuit comes within the
action and informing thereof to be employed to prohibition, except where ties of blood, relationship and
bring suit or collect judgment, or to breed trust make it a duty to do so.
litigation by seeking out claims for personal
injuries or any other grounds to secure them as Q: Does the rule absolutely prohibit all forms of
clients voluntary giving of advice?
3. Employing agents or runners for like purposes
4. Paying direct or indirect reward to those who A: No. It may be allowed when the giving of advice is
bring or influence the bringing of such cases to motivated by a desire to protect one who does not
his office recognize that he may have legal problems or who is
5. Searching for unknown heirs and soliciting their ignorant of his legal rights or obligations. (CPR
employment of him Annotated, PhilJA)
6. Initiating a meeting of a club and inducing them
to organize and contest legislation under his Q: Atty. Melissa witnessed the car accident that
guidance resulted in injury to Manny, a friend of hers. While
7. Purchasing notes to collect them by litigation at a visiting him at the hospital, she advised him about
profit what action he needed to take regarding the
accident. Is Atty. Melissa subject to disciplinary
Q: What is crime of maintenance? action if she eventually handles the case for him?
(2011 Bar Question)
A: A lawyer owes to society and to the court the duty
A: No. It is unprofessional for a lawyer to volunteer
not to stir up litigation.
advice to bring a lawsuit, except in rare cases where
ties of blood, relationship or trust make it his duty to
Q: What is the difference between barratry and
do so (Canon 28, CPE). In the case at hand, since Atty.
ambulance chasing?
Melissa is a friend of the injured person, she may not
be admonished for extending some legal advice to a
A: Barratry is an offense of frequently exciting and
friend in need.

Q: When does voluntary giving of advice become called upon less for dramatic forensic exploits than
improper? for wise counsel in every phase of life. He should be a
mediator for concord and a conciliator for
A: When it is motivated by a desire to obtain personal compromise, rather than a virtuoso of technicality in
benefit, secure personal publicity, or cause legal the conduct of litigation. (De Ysasi v. NLRC, G.R. No.
action to be taken merely to harass or injure another. 104599, Mar. 11, 1994)
(CPR Annotated, PhilJA)
Rule 1.04, Canon 1, CPR LEGAL SERVICES
A lawyer shall encourage his clients to avoid, end or
settle a controversy if it will admit of a fair CANON 2, CPR
Note: It is the duty of the lawyer to temper his client’s MANNER COMPATIBLE WITH THE INDEPENDENCE,
propensity to litigate and resist his client’s whims and INTEGRITY AND EFFECTIVENESS OF THE PROFESSION
caprices for the lawyer also owes duty to the court. A
lawyer should be a mediator for concord and a conciliator
for compromise rather than an initiator of controversy Rationale: It is the lawyer’s prime duty to see to it that
and a predator of conflict. justice is accorded to all without discrimination.

The rule requires that lawyers encourage settlement only

Rule 2.01, Canon 2, CPR
when the same is fair. It should be noted that the duty and
the right of the lawyer is limited to encouraging the client A lawyer shall not reject, except for valid reasons,
to settle. Ultimately, however, the final decision to settle a the cause of the defenseless or the oppressed.
claim rests upon the client. (CPR Annotated, PhilJA)
Q: Who are considered Defenseless?
Q: Jon de Ysasi III was employed by his father, in
their farm in Negros Occidental. During the entire A: Defenseless are those who are not in a position to
period of Jon de Ysasi III's illnesses, his father took defend themselves due to poverty, weakness,
care of his medical expenses and Jon de Ysasi III ignorance or other similar reasons.
continued to receive compensation. However, later
on, without due notice, his father ceased to pay Jon Q: Who are considered Oppressed?
de Ysasi III’s salary. Jon de Ysasi III made oral and
written demands from Atty. Sumbingco (Jon de A: Oppressed are those who are the victims of the
Ysasi's auditor and legal adviser) for an explanation cruelty, unlawful, exaction, domination or excessive
for the sudden withholding of his salary, as well as use of authority.
for the remittance of his salary. Both demands,
however, were not acted upon. Jon de Ysasi III filed Note: By specific authority, the court may appoint an
a case in court. Can the lawyers who have been attorney to render professional aid to a destitute appellant
in a criminal case who is unable to employ an attorney.
employed by the parties be admonished for not
Correspondingly, a duty is imposed upon a lawyer so
trying to reconcile the parties before the filing of
assigned to “render the required service”. A lawyer so
suit? appointed as counsel for an indigent prisoner, the Canons
of Professional Ethics demands, should always “exert his
A: Yes. The conduct of the respective counsel of the best efforts” in the indigent’s behalf. (People v. Estebia,
parties, as revealed by the records, sorely disappoints G.R. No. L-26868, Feb. 27, 1969)
the Court and invites reproof. Both counsels may well
be reminded that their ethical duty as lawyers to The inability to pay for legal services is not a valid reason to
represent their clients with zeal goes beyond merely refuse acceptance of a case. This is because the profession
is a branch of the administration of justice and not a mere
presenting their clients' respective causes in court. It
money-getting trade. (CPR Annotated, PhilJA)
is just as much their responsibility, if not more
importantly, to exert all reasonable efforts to smooth
Note: A lawyer who accepts the cause of a person unable to
over legal conflicts, preferably out of court and pay his professional fees shall observe the same standard of
especially in consideration of the direct and conduct governing his relation with paying client.
immediate consanguineous ties between their clients.
Once again, the useful function of a lawyer is not only LEGAL AID IS NOT A MATTER OF CHARITY, BUT A PUBLIC
to conduct litigation but to avoid it whenever possible RESPONSIBILITY. It is a means for the correction of social
by advising settlement or withholding suit. He is often imbalance that may, and often do, lead to injustice, for
which reason it is the public responsibility of the Bar.
Legal Ethics

AN ACT PROVIDING A MECHANISM FOR FREE LEGAL litigants as required under the Rule on Mandatory
ASSISTANCE AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES Legal Aid Services for Practicing Lawyers, under BAR
(R.A. NO. 9999) Matter No. 2012, issued by the Supreme Court. (Sec.
FEBRUARY 23, 2010 5, R.A. 9999)

Note: Otherwise known as the “Free Legal Assistance Act of Q: What are the salient features of R.A. No. 9999?
2010”. (Sec. 1, R.A. 9999)
Q: What are the purposes of R.A. No. 9999? 1. The law will allow indigent litigants to acquire the
services of renowned lawyers and law firms for
A: To: free
1. Encourage lawyers and professional partnerships
to provide free legal assistance 2. In exchange for the services rendered by the
lawyer or the law firm, they will be given tax
2. Solicit the assistance of lawyers and professional incentives equivalent to the cost of the services
partnerships in the private practice of law in rendered to the indigent litigant
providing quality legal assistance to indigent
litigants through a system of tax incentives 3. It will help relieve the Public Attorney’s Office
(PAO) of its numerous caseloads involving
3. Provide relief to the Public Attorney’s Office indigent litigants who shall be referred to lawyers
(PAO) and other associations accredited by the or law firms in the private practice
Supreme Court from the numerous cases it
handles 4. It should entice renowned and distinguished
firms and lawyers in the practice as their services
4. Provide indigent litigants the opportunity to shall still be compensated commensurately
acquire the services of the distinguished law through the tax incentives
firms and legal practitioners of the country for
Note: The DOJ, in cooperation with the Philippine
Information Agency (PIA), is hereby mandated to conduct
5. Ensure that the right of every individual to an annual Information, Education and Communication (IEC)
counsel, as mandated in the Constitution, is campaign in order to inform the lawyers of the procedures
protected and observed and guidelines in availing tax deductions and inform the
general public that a free legal assistance to those who
Q: How are the services availed of? cannot afford counsel is being provided by the State. (Sec.
6, R.A. 9999)
A: Public Attorney's Office (PAO), Department of
Justice (DOJ) and other legal aid clinics accredited by Rule 2.02, Canon 2, CPR
the Supreme Court shall refer pauper litigants to In such cases, even if the lawyer does not accept a
identified lawyers and professional partnerships. case, he shall not refuse to render legal advice to the
PAO, DOJ or the accredited legal aid clinic shall issue a person concerned if only to the extent
certification that services were rendered by the necessary to safeguard the latter’s rights.
lawyer or the professional partnership under this act.
The certification shall include the cost of the actual Q: What does rendering of legal advice include?
services given.
A: It shall include preliminary steps that should be
Q: What are the incentives given to lawyers taken, at least, until the person concerned has
rendering free legal services? obtained the services of a proper counsel’s
representation. Even though no attorney-client
A: A lawyer or professional partnerships rendering relationship is created between the parties, the
actual free legal services, as defined by the Supreme lawyer, by providing interim advice, preserves the
Court, shall be entitled to an allowable deduction dignity of the profession by inspiring public faith in
from the gross income, the amount that could have the profession. (CPR Annotated, PhilJA)
been collected for the actual free legal services
Note: If only to the extent necessary to safeguard the
rendered or up to ten percent (10%) of the gross
latter’s right means such as advising him what preliminary
income derived from the actual performance of the steps to take until he shall have secured the services of a
legal profession, whichever is lower: Provided, That counsel. However, he shall refrain from giving this
the actual free legal services herein contemplated preliminary advice if there is a conflict of interest between
shall be exclusive of the minimum sixty (60)-hour a present client and a prospective one. Extending such legal
mandatory legal aid services rendered to indigent advice will create and establish an attorney-client


relationship between them and may involve a violation of Q: Are advertisements of lawyers and law firms
the rule prohibiting a lawyer from representing conflicting allowed in Philippine jurisdiction?
A: GR: No advertisements allowed. The most worthy
Rule 2.03, Canon 2, CPR and effective advertisement possible is the
A lawyer shall not do or permit to be done any act establishment of a well-merited reputation for
designated primarily to solicit legal business. (1997 professional capacity and fidelity to trust.
Bar Question)
Q: Why is legal profession not considered as a 1. Reputable Law lists, in a manner consistent with
business? (2006 Bar Question) the standards of conduct imposed by the canons,
of brief biographical and informative data, are
A: It is not a business because it is a: allowed.
1. Relation, as an “officer of the court”, to the
administration of justice involving thorough 2. Advertisements or simple announcement of the
sincerity, integrity and reliability Existence of a lawyer or his law firm posted
2. Duty of public service anywhere it is proper such as his place of
3. Relation to clients with the highest degree of business or residence except courtrooms and
fiduciary government buildings.
4. Relation, to the colleagues at the bar, 3. Ordinary simple Professional Card. It may contain
characterized by candor, fairness, and only a statement of his name, the name of the
unwillingness to resort to current business law firm which he is connected with, address,
methods of advertising and encroachment on telephone number and the special branch of law
their practice, or dealing directly with their practiced.
4. A simple announcement of the Opening of a law
Note: The best type of advertisement for a lawyer is a well- firm or of changes in the partnership, associates,
deserved reputation for competence, honesty and fidelity firm name or office address, being for the
to private trust and public duty. convenience of the profession, is not
Q: Atty. David agreed to give ½ of his professional
fees to an intermediary or commission agent and he 5. Advertisements or announcement in any Legal
also bound himself not to deal directly with the publication, including books, journals, and legal
clients. Can he be subject to disciplinary action? magazines and in telephone directories. (Ulep v.
Legal Clinic, Inc., B.M. No. 553, June 17, 1993)
A: Yes. The agreement is void because it was
6. Writing legal Articles
tantamount to malpractice which is the practice of
soliciting cases of law for the purpose of gain either 7. Engaging in Business and other occupations
personally or through paid agents or brokers. except when such could be deemed improper, be
Malpractice ordinarily refers to any malfeasance or seen as indirect solicitation or would be the
dereliction of duty committed by a lawyer. The equivalent of a law practice
meaning of malpractice is in consonance with the
8. Activity of an association for the purpose of legal
notion that the practice of law is a profession not a
business. The lawyer may not seek or obtain
employment by himself or through others, to do so 9. Notice to other local lawyers and publishing in a
would be unprofessional. (Tan Tek Beng v. David, A. legal journal of one’s availability to act as an
C. No. 1261, Dec. 29, 1983) associate for them

Note: A general professional partnership with a non-lawyer 10. Seeking a Public office, which can only be held by
is VOID. In the formation of partnership for the practice of a lawyer or, in a dignified manner, a position as a
law, no person should be admitted or held out as a full time corporate counsel
practitioner or member who is not a member of the legal
profession duly authorized to practice, and amenable to 11. Listing in a phone Directory, but not under a
professional discipline. (Canon 33, Canons of Professional designation of a special branch of law. (Atty.
Ethics) Khan Jr. v. Atty. Simbillo, A.C. No. 5299, Aug.19,


Legal Ethics

Q: What is the rationale for the prohibition on guarantee a court decree within four to six months,
advertisements? provided the case will not involve separation of
property or custody of children. Mrs. Simbillo also
A: said that her husband charges a fee of P48,000.00,
1. The profession is primarily for public service half of which is payable at the time of filing of the
2. Commercializes the profession case and the other half after a decision thereon has
3. Involves self-praise and puffing been rendered.
4. Damages public confidence
5. May increase lawsuits and result in needless Does the appearance of the following:
litigation "ANNULMENT' OF MARRIAGE Specialist 532-
4333/521-2667", in a newspaper, amount to
Q: What activities constitute indirect solicitation? advertising and solicitation of legal services
prohibited by the Code of Professional
A: Responsibility and the Rules of Court?
1. Writing and selling for publication articles of
general nature on legal subjects A: Yes. It has been repeatedly stressed that the
2. Writing unsolicited article on a legal subject practice of law is not a business. It is a profession in
which duty to public service, not money, is the
Note: If engaged in another profession or occupation primary consideration. Lawyering is not primarily
concurrently with the practice of law, the lawyer shall make meant to be a money-making venture, and law
clear to his client whether he is acting as a lawyer or in advocacy is not a capital that necessarily yields
another capacity.
profits. The gaining of a livelihood should be a
secondary consideration. The duty to public service
Note: Lawyers may not advertise their services or expertise
and to the administration of justice should be the
nor should they resort to indirect advertisements for
professional employment, such as furnishing or inspiring primary consideration of lawyers, who must
newspaper comments, or procuring his photograph to be subordinate their personal interests or what they
published in connection with causes in which the lawyer owe to themselves. (Atty. Khan Jr. v. Atty. Simbillo,
has been engaged or concerning the manner of their A.C. No. 5299, Aug. 19, 2003)
conduct, the magnitude of the interest involved, the
importance of the lawyer's position, and all other self- Note: The rule against solicitation applies to a lawyer who
laudation. offers monetary reward to those who can serve as
witness/es in the case, which he is handling. (CPR
Q: Atty. Dulcinea writes a regular column in a Annotated, PhilJA)
newspaper of general circulation and articles on
unforgettable legal stories in a leading magazine. Q: Facing disciplinary charges for advertising as a
Her by-line always includes the name of her firm lawyer, Atty. A argues that although the calling card
where she is a name partner. Would you consider of his businessman friend indicates his law office
this as improper advertising? Explain your answer. and his legal specialty, the law office is located
in his friend’s store. Decide (2001 Bar Question)
A: Atty. Dulcinea’s by-line including the firm name
where she belongs is improper because it is an A: This appears to be a circumvention of the
indirect way of solicitation or is an advertisement of prohibition on improper advertising. There is no valid
the law firm. reason why the lawyer’s businessman friend should
be handing out calling cards which contains the
Q: A paid advertisement appeared in the July 5, lawyer’s law office and legal specialty, even if his
2000 issue of Philippine Daily Inquirer, which reads: office is located in his friend’s store. What makes it
"ANNULMENT' OF MARRIAGE Specialist 532- more objectionable is the statement of his supposed
4333/521-2667." Similar advertisements were legal specialty.
published in the August 2 and 6, 2000 issues of the
Manila Bulletin and August 5, 2000 issue of The Rule 2.04, Canon 2, CPR
Philippine Star. A lawyer shall not charge rates lower than those
customarily prescribed unless the circumstances so
A staff member of the SC called up the published warrant (1997, 2005 Bar Questions)
telephone number and pretended to be an
interested party. She spoke to Mrs. Simbillo, who Q: Dante wants to file a case against his wife for
claimed that her husband, Atty. Simbillo, was an support; he secured the services of Atty. Reyes, his
expert in handling annulment cases and can cousin and a private practitioner. However, Dante

does not have sufficient money to pay for legal Rule 3.01, Canon 3, CPR
services. Nevertheless, Atty. Reyes accepted the A lawyer shall not use or permit the use of any false,
case and promised to charge a lower rate. Did Atty. fraudulent, misleading, deceptive, undignified, self-
Reyes violate the Code of Professional laudatory or unfair statement or claim regarding his
Responsibility? qualifications or legal services. (1997 Bar Question)

A: No, Atty. Reyes did not violate the CPR. Rationale: Any false, exaggerating or untrue claims about
his qualification are clearly unethical. Example of this is
GR: A lawyer shall not charge rates lower than those when a lawyer makes representation to a prospective client
customarily prescribed. that he has never lost a single case in his entire career.
Certainly, this is impossible for the best lawyers in the
XPN: When clients are relatives, co-lawyers, or are country have experienced losing cases. (Antiquiera, CPR, p.
indigents. These are the valid justifications.
Q: Cite some examples of information in lawyer
The case of Dante falls under the valid justifications,
advertising, that could be considered deceptive.
so Atty. Reyes did not commit any unethical act.

Note: What the rule prohibits is a competition in the matter A:

of charging professional fees for the purpose of attracting 1. Misstatements of fact
clients in favor of the lawyer who offers lower rates. The 2. Suggestions that the ingenuity or prior record of
rule does not prohibit a lawyer from charging a reduced fee a lawyer rather than the justice of the claim are
or none at all to an indigent. (Comments of the IBP the principal factors likely to determine the
Committee) result
3. Inclusion of information irrelevant on selecting a
INFORMATION ON LEGAL SERVICES 4. Representations concerning the quality of
service, which cannot be measured or verified.
CANON 3, CPR (CPR Annotated, PhilJA)
SHALL USE ONLY TRUE, HONEST, FAIR, DIGNIFIED Q: Atty. Lana, a famous family lawyer, asked his
AND OBJECTIVE INFORMATION OR secretary to draft the contents of his new calling
STATEMENT OF FACTS. card. The secretary inserted in such draft the
(1993, 1997, 1998, 2001, 2002, 2003 Bar Questions) phrase, the “best family lawyer in the Philippines”.
The draft was checked by Atty. Lana and approved
Rationale: The practice of law is not a trade like the sale of
it. The new calling cards were then made and Atty.
commodities to the general public where "the usual
exaggerations in trade, when the proper party had the
Lana gave it to prospective clients. Did Atty. Lana
opportunity to know the facts, are not in commit any unethical act?
themselves fraudulent.” (Art. 1340, Civil Code)
A: Yes, under the CPR, a lawyer may only use true,
Q: Atty. E has a daily 10-minute radio program billed honest, fair, and objective information or facts in
as a “Court of Common Troubles.” The program is making known his legal services. Self-praises or false
advertised by the radio station as a public service claims on qualifications are unethical (Canon 3, Code
feature for those who seek but cannot afford to pay of Professional Responsibility).
for legal advice. Its sponsors include a food
processing company and a detergent manufacturing Q: A Court Administrator's auditing team found that
firm which share with the radio station the monthly Judge Ruby used business cards which stated, in
remuneration of Atty. E. Is there any impropriety in addition to her official title as presiding judge of her
Atty. E’s role under the above arrangement? (1997 court, that she is bar topnotcher, her law school’s
Bar Question) “class valedictorian,” and “one of the most sought
after private law practitioners” before she joined
A: Yes. Giving advice on legal matters through the the judiciary, all of which are true. Asked to explain
medium of a newspaper column or radio station or this seeming impropriety, Ruby pointed out that
television broadcast is improper. It would involve business cards can include the person’s “title” which
indirect advertising and violation of the confidential is broad enough to include in her case her standing
relation between the lawyer and the client. (Agpalo, in the bar and all the honors she earned. Did Ruby
Legal Ethics) commit an impropriety? (2011 Bar Question)


Legal Ethics

A: Yes, because she showed a hunger for publicity Atty. Rolando Gatdula (Clerk of Court) blamed her
and recognition that debases her judicial post. lawyer for writing the wrong address in the
complaint for ejectment, and told her that if she
Rule 3.02, Canon 3, CPR wanted the execution to proceed, she should change
In the choice of a firm name, no false, misleading or her lawyer and retain the law office of Atty. Gatdula,
assumed name shall be used. The continued use of at the same time giving his calling card with the
the name of a deceased partner is permissible name "Baligod, Gatdula, Tacardon, Dimailig and
provided that the firm indicates in all its Celera" with office at Rm. 220 Mariwasa Bldg., 717
communications that said partner is deceased. Aurora Blvd., Cubao, Quezon City, otherwise she will
(1994, 1996, 2001 Bar Questions) not be able to eject the defendant Dave Knope.
Samonte told Atty. Gatdula that she could not
Q: What is the reason in allowing a firm to use the decide because she was only representing her sister.
name of a deceased partner? To her consternation, the RTC Branch 220 issued an
order granting the preliminary injunction as
A: All the partners have, by their joint and several threatened by Atty. Gatdula despite the fact that the
efforts over a period of years contributed to the good MTC, Branch 37 had issued an Order directing the
will attached to the firm name. In the case of a firm execution of the Decision in Civil Case No. 37-14552.
having widespread connections, this good will is
disturbed by a change in firm name every time a Samonte filed an administrative case for
partner dies, and that reflects a loss in some degree misconduct, alleging that Atty. Gatdula is engaged in
of the good will to the building up of which the the private practice of law. Did Atty. Gatdula violate
surviving partners have contributed their time, skill the Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for the
and labor through a period of years. (CPR Annotated, Public Officials and Employees?
A: Yes. Samonte by her failure to appear at the
Note: No name not belonging to any of the partners or hearings, failed to substantiate her allegation that it
associates may be used in the firm name for any purpose. was Atty. Gatdula who gave her calling card "Baligod,
Gatdula, Tacardon, Dimailig and Celera Law Offices"
Continued use of the name of a deceased partner is and that he tried to convince her to change counsels.
permissible provided that the firm indicates in all its However, while Atty. Gatdula vehemently denies
communications that said partner is deceased. The use of a Samonte's allegations, he does not deny that his
cross after the name of the deceased partner is sufficient
name appears on the calling card attached to the
indication. It is advisable though that the year of the death
be also indicated.
complaint, which admittedly came into the hands of
Rule 3.03, Canon 3, CPR
The card clearly gives the impression that he is
Where a partner accepts public office, he shall
connected with the said law firm. The
withdraw from the firm and his name shall be
inclusion/retention of his name in the professional
dropped from the firm name unless the law allows
card constitutes an act of solicitation which violates
him to practice law concurrently.
Section 7 sub-par. (b) (2) of R.A. 6713, otherwise
known as "Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for
Q: Is a Filipino lawyer allowed to practice under a the Public Officials and Employees" which declares it
foreign law firm in the Philippines? unlawful for a public official or employee to, among
others: (2) Engage in the private practice of their
A: No. Filipino lawyers cannot practice law under the profession unless authorized by the Constitution or
name of a foreign law firm, as the latter cannot law, provided that such practice will not conflict or
practice law in the Philippines and the use of a tend to conflict with official functions. (Samonte v.
foreign law firm in the country is unethical. (Dacanay Gatdula, A.M. No. 99-1292, Feb. 26, 1999)
v. Baker and McKenzie, A.C. No. 2131, May 10, 1985)
Rule 3.04, Canon 3, CPR
Rationale: To prevent the law firm or partners from making
A lawyer shall not pay or give anything of value to
use of the name of the public official to attract business and
to avoid suspicion of undue influence.
representatives of the mass media in anticipation of,
or in return for, publicity to attract legal business.
Q: Samonte alleges that when she went to Branch
220, RTC, Quezon City, to inquire about the reason Rationale: To prevent some lawyers from gaining an unfair
advantage over others through the use of gimmickry, press
for the issuance of the temporary restraining order,
agentry or other artificial means.

Q: Fiscal Salva conducted the investigation of the 3. Write-ups in legal periodicals on a particular aspect
case concerning the killing of Monroy, in the session law
hall of the Municipal Court of Pasay City to 4. Passage of important pieces of legislation either by
amendment to an existing law or passage of an
accommodate the public and members of the press.
entirely new law to supplant existing laws and
Also, he told the press that “if you want to ask
jurisprudence. (Antiquiera, CPR, pp. 22-23)
question, I am allowing you to do so and the
questions will be reproduced as my own”. Is the act PARTICIPATION IN THE LEGAL
of the fiscal in sensationalizing the case unethical? EDUCATION PROGRAM
A: Yes. Fiscal Salva should be publicly reprehended CANON 5, CPR
and censured for the uncalled and wide publicity and A LAWYER SHALL KEEP ABREAST OF LEGAL
sensationalism that he had given to and allowed in DEVELOPMENTS, PARTICIPATE IN CONTINUING
connection with his investigation, whatever be his LEGAL EDUCATION PROGRAMS, SUPPORT EFFORTS
motive, which is considered and found to be TO ACHIEVE HIGH STANDARDS IN LAW SCHOOLS AS
contempt of court. (Cruz v Salva, G.R. No. L-12871, WELL AS IN THE PRACTICAL TRAINING OF LAW
REFORMS IN THE LEGAL SYSTEM (2003, 2006, 2008 Bar Questions)
CANON 4, CPR Note: This duty carries with it the obligation to be well
A LAWYER SHALL PARTICIPATE IN THE informed of the existing laws, and to keep abreast with
DEVELOPMENT OF THE LEGAL SYSTEM BY legal developments, recent enactment and jurisprudence. It
INITIATING OR SUPPORTING EFFORTS IN LAW is imperative that they be conversant with the basic legal
REFORM AND IN THE ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE. principles. Unless they faithfully comply with such duty,
(2008 Bar Question) they may not be able to discharge competently and
diligently their obligations as members of the Bar. Worse,
Note: By reason of education and experience, lawyers are they may become susceptible to committing mistakes.
especially qualified to recognize deficiencies in the legal (Dulalai Jr. v. Cruz, A.C. No. 6854, Apr. 27, 2007, citing
system and to initiate corrective measures therein. Thus, Santiago v. Rafanan, A.C. No. 6252, Oct. 5, 2004)
they should participate in proposing and supporting
legislation and programs to improve the system, without The latest circular of the Supreme Court provides for the
regard to the general interests or desires of clients or mandatory attendance of all lawyers in the so-called
former clients. (Ethical Consideration 8-1, 1978, Model Code Mandatory Continuing Legal Education Program of the IBP.
of Professional Responsibility, American Bar Association) For law practitioners, they have to comply with the 36
hours of mandatory legal education as a pre-condition to
E.g.: the non-revocation of license to practice law. (Antiquiera,
1. Presenting position papers or resolutions for the CPR, p. 23)
introduction of pertinent bills in Congress; or
2. Petitions with the SC for the amendment of the Rules Q: What is the three-fold obligation of a lawyer?
of Court
A lawyer may, with propriety, endorse a candidate and seek 1. He owes it to himself to continue improving his
that endorsement from other lawyers. A lawyer should not knowledge of the laws
use or attempt to use the power or prestige of the judicial
2. He owes it to his profession to take an active
office to secure such endorsement. On the other hand, the
interest in the maintenance of high standards of
lawyer whose endorsement is sought should have the
courage and moral stamina to refuse the request for legal education
endorsement if he believes the candidate lacks the 3. He owes it to the lay public to make the law a
essential qualifications for the office or believes the part of their social consciousness.
opposing candidate is better qualified. (ABA Opinion 189
(1938); Funa, 2009) CANON 6, CPR
Improving the legal system and the administration of justice GOVERNMENT SERVICES IN THE DISCHARGE OF
can be done by participating in various legal activities:
1. Participation in the Mandatory Continuing Legal
(1992, 1993, 2000, 2001, 2006 Bar Questions)
Education Program of the Integrated Bar of the
2. Participate in lectures for law professors Note: Lawyers in the employ of the government should be
more sensitive in the performance of their professional


Legal Ethics
obligations as their conduct is subject to constant scrutiny Q: What is the difference between Rule 6.02 and
of the public. 6.01?

Rule 6.01, Canon 6, CPR A: Unlike Rule 6.01, 6.02 is not limited to public
The primary duty of a lawyer engaged in PUBLIC prosecutors, or public lawyers engaged principally in
PROSECUTION is not to convict but to see to it that criminal prosecution cases. The restriction applies
justice is done. The suppression of facts or the particularly to lawyers in government service, who
concealment of witnesses capable of establishing are allowed by law to engage in private law practice,
the innocence of the accused is highly reprehensible and those who, though prohibited from engaging in
and is cause for disciplinary action (1992, 1993 Bar the practice of law, have friends, former associates
Questions) and relatives who are in the active practice of law.
(CPR Annotated, PhilJA)
Q: From the viewpoint of legal ethics, why should it
be mandatory that the public prosecutor be present Rule 6.03, Canon 6, CPR
at the trial of a criminal case despite the presence of A lawyer shall not, after leaving government service,
a private prosecutor? (2001 Bar Question) accept engagement or employment in connection
with any matter in which he had intervened while in
A: The public prosecutor must be present at the trial said service (1992, 1993, 2001 Bar Questions)
of the criminal case despite the presence of a private
prosecutor in order to see to it that the interest of Note: The restriction provided under the rule covers
the State is well-guarded and protected, should the engagement or employment which means that he cannot
private prosecutor be found lacking in competence in accept any work or employment from anyone that will
prosecuting the case. Moreover, the primary duty of involve or relate to the matter in which he intervened as a
a public prosecutor is not to convict but to see to it public official, except on behalf of the body or authority
which he served during his public employment. (CPR
that justice is done (Rule 6.01, CPR). A private
Annotated, PhilJA)
prosecutor would be naturally interested only in the
conviction of the accused.
Q: Atty. Madrigal worked in the Supreme Court,
under the division which handles the case of Mr.
Rule 6.02, Canon 6, CPR Roxas. Before the promulgation of the decision of
A lawyer in the government service shall not use his the case, Atty. Madrigal resigned and started to
public position to promote or advance his private work in the law firm which handles the case of Mr.
interests, nor allow the latter to interfere with his Roxas. Is Atty. Madrigal allowed to use the
public duties. information he got to help in the case handled by
the firm?
Q: What are the restrictions on lawyers who are also
public officials and employees during their A: No, such act is unethical and is violative of Rule
incumbency? 6.03 of the CPR.

A: They must not: PERU Note: Sec. 7(b) of R.A. 6713 prohibits former public official
1. Engage in the Private practice of their profession or employee for a period of 1 year after retirement or
unless authorized by the Constitution or law, separation from office to practice his profession in
provided that such practice will not conflict or connection with any matter before the office he used to be
tend to conflict with their official functions; with.

2. Own, control, manage or accept Employment as Q: What is the meaning of “any matter” and
officer, employee, consultant, counsel, broker, “intervene”?
agent, trustee or nominee in any private
enterprise regulated, supervised or licensed by A: “Any matter”, according to the American Bar
their office unless expressly allowed by law; Association Formal Opinion, is any discrete isolatable
3. Recommend any person to any position in a act, as well as identifiable transaction or conduct
private enterprise which has a regular or pending involving a particular situation and specific party, and
official transaction with their office; and not merely an act of drafting, enforcing or
interpreting government or agency proceeding,
4. Use or divulge confidential or classified regulations or laws or briefing abstract principles of
information officially known to them by reason law.
of their office and not available to the public.



“Intervene” includes an act of a person who has the Q: Distinguish adverse-interest conflicts and
power to influence the subject proceedings. (PCGG v. congruent-interest representation conflicts?
Sandiganbayan, G.R. Nos. 151809-12, Apr. 12, 2005)
Note: The intervention must be substantial. CONGRUENT-INTEREST
Q: Former Solicitor General Estelito Mendoza filed a CONFLICTS
petition with the CFI praying for the assistance and Adverse-interest In congruent-interest
supervision of the court in the GenBank’s conflicts exist where representation conflict, the
liquidation. Mendoza gave advice on the procedure the matter in which the disqualification does not
to liquidate the GenBank. Subsequently, President former government really involve a conflict at
Aquino established the PCGG to recover the alleged lawyer represents a all, because it prohibits the
ill-gotten wealth of former President Marcos, his client in private practice lawyer from representing a
families and cronies. The PCGG filed with the is substantially related private practice client even
Sandiganbayan a complaint for reversion, to the matter that the if the interests of the
reconveyance, restitution, accounting and damages lawyer dealt with while former government client
against Tan, et al. and issued several writs of employed by the and the new client are
sequestration on properties they allegedly acquired. government and the entirely parallel
Tan, et al. were represented by former SolGen interests of the
Mendoza, who has then resumed his private government and the
practice of law. The PCGG filed motions to disqualify interests of the current
Mendoza as counsel for Tan, et al. The motions and former are adverse
alleged that Mendoza, as then SolGen and counsel
to Central Bank, “actively intervened” in the Note: “congruent-interest representation conflict,” unlike
liquidation of GenBank, which was subsequently the “adverse-interest conflict,” is unique to former
acquired by Tan, et al. Is Rule 6.03 of the CPR government lawyers.
applicable to Mendoza?
A: No. The advice given by Mendoza on the LAWYER TO THE LEGAL PROFESSION
procedure to liquidate the GenBank is not the
“matter” contemplated by Rule 6.03 of the CPR. CANON 7, CPR
ABA Formal Opinion No. 342 is clear in stressing that INTEGRITY AND DIGNITY OF THE LEGAL PROFESSION
the “drafting, enforcing or interpreting government or AND SUPPORT THE ACTIVITIES OF THE
agency procedures, regulations or laws, or briefing INTEGRATED BAR.
abstract principles of law” are acts which do not fall
within the scope of the term “matter” and cannot INTEGRATED BAR OF THE PHILIPPINES
Q: What is Integrated Bar of the Philippines?
However, this concern does not cast shadow in the
case at bar. The act of Mendoza in informing the A: It is an official national body composed of all
Central Bank on the procedure on how to liquidate persons whose names now appear or may hereafter
the GenBank is a different matter from the subject be included in the Roll of Attorneys of the Supreme
matter of the civil case which is about the Court. (Sec. 1, Rule 139-A, RRC)
sequestration of the shares of Tan et al. in Allied
Bank. Consequently, the danger that confidential Note: Integrated Bar is a state-organized bar, to which
official information might be divulged is still nil, if not every lawyer must belong as distinguished from bar
associations organized by individual lawyers themselves,
inexistent. To be sure, there are no inconsistent sides
membership in which is voluntary. It is a national
to be bothered about in this case. For there is no organization of lawyers created on 16 January 1973 under
question that in lawyering for Tan et al., Mendoza is Rule 139-A, Rules of Court, and constituted on 4 May 1973
indirectly defending the validity of the action of the into a body corporate by PD No. 181.
Central Bank in liquidating GenBank and selling it
later to Allied Bank. Their interests coincide instead of Q: What is Integration of the Bar?
colliding. (PCGG v. Sandiganbayan, G.R. Nos. 151809-
12, Apr. 12, 2005) A: The Integration of the Philippine Bar means the
official unification of the entire lawyer population,


Legal Ethics

and this requires membership and financial support A: The members of the Board shall hold office for a
of every attorney as condition sine qua non to the term of one year from the date of their election and
practice of law and the retention of his name in the until their successors shall have been duly elected
Roll of Attorneys of the Supreme Court. (Pineda, and qualified. No person may be a Governor for more
1999) than two terms. (Sec. 6, Rule 139-A)

Q: What are the fundamental purposes of the IBP? Q: What is the principle of rotation?

A: A: Pursuant to the principle of rotation, the

1. To elevate the standards of the legal profession; governorship of a region shall rotate once in as many
2. Improve the administration of justice; and terms as the number of chapters there are in the
3. Enable the Bar to discharge its public region, to give every chapter a chance to represent
responsibility more effectively. (Sec. 2, Rule 139- the region in the Board of Governors. Thus, in a
A, RRC) region composed of 5 chapters, each chapter is
entitled to the governorship once in every 5 terms, or
Note: The Philippines is divided into 9 Regions of the once every ten (10) years, since a term is two (2)
Integrated Bar, with a Chapter organized in every province. years (Atty. Magsino et al. v. Atty. Vinluan, A.M. No.
Each Chapter shall have its own local government as 09-5-2-SC, December 14, 2010)
provided for by uniform rules to be prescribed by the Board
of Governors and approved by the SC (Secs. 3 and 4, Rule
Note: The principle on rotation shall be strictly
139-A, RRC)
implemented so that all prior elections for governor in the
region shall be reckoned with or considered in determining
Q: Is the integration of the IBP constitutional? who should be the governor to be selected from the
different chapters to represent the region in the Board of
A: Yes, the practice of law is not a vested right but a Governors. (Bar Matter No. 586 dated May 16, 1991)
privilege clothed with public interest. Hence, it is fair
and just that the exercise of that privilege be Q: What are the kinds of rotation?
regulated to assure compliance with the lawyer's
public responsibilities. Given existing Bar conditions, A:
the most efficient means of doing so is by integrating 1. Rotation by pre-ordained sequence - effected by
the Bar through a rule of court that requires all the observance of the sequence of the service of the
lawyers to pay annual dues to the Integrated Bar. (In chapters in the first cycle, which is very predictable.
the Matter of the Integration of the Bar of the
Philippines, 49 SCRA 22, Jan. 9, 1973) 2. Rotation by exclusion - effected by the exclusion of
a chapter who had previously served until all chapters
Q: Who governs the IBP? have taken their turns to serve. It is not predictable as
each chapter will have the chance to vie for the right
A: The Integrated Bar shall be governed by a Board of to serve, but will have no right to a re-election as it is
Governors. (Sec. 6, Rule 139-A, RRC) debarred from serving again until the full cycle is
completed (In The Matter of the Brewing
Q: How many and what is the procedure in the Controversies in the Elections of the Integrated Bar of
selection of the Board of Governors? the Philippines, A.M. No. 09-5-2-SC, December 04,
A: Nine Governors shall be elected by the House of
Delegates from the nine Regions on the Note: In one case, the Supreme Court held that rotation by
representation basis of one Governor from each exclusion shall be adopted since the elections would be
Region. Each Governor shall be chosen from a list of more genuine as the opportunity to serve as Governor at
any time is once again open to all chapters, unless, of
nominees submitted by the Delegates from the
course, a chapter has already served in the new cycle.
Region, provided that not more than one nominee
While predictability is not altogether avoided, as in the case
shall come from any Chapter. The President and the where only one chapter remains in the cycle, still, as
Executive Vice President, if chosen by the Governors previously noted by the Court “the rotation rule should be
from outside of themselves as provided in Section 7 applied in harmony with, and not in derogation of, the
of this Rule, shall ipso facto become members of the sovereign will of the electorate as expressed through the
Board. (Sec. 6, Rule 139-A, RRC) ballot.” (In The Matter of the Brewing Controversies in the
Elections of the Integrated Bar of the Philippines, A.M. No.
Q: What is the term of the members of the Board? 09-5-2-SC, December 04, 2012).



Q: Does a transfer of IBP membership to a Chapter 3. Secretary

which term is already next in line in accordance with 4. Treasurer
the rotation rule where the lawyer is a nonresident 5. Such other officers and employees as may be
a ground for disqualification to run as IBP Governor required by the Board of Governors, to be
of the Region to which the chapter belongs? appointed by the President with the consent of
the Board, and to hold office at the pleasure of
A: No. transferring to another IBP Chapter is not a the Board or for such term as it may fix. Said
ground for disqualification for the post of IBP officers and employees need not be members of
Governor as the same is allowed under Section 19 of the Integrated Bar. (Sec. 7, Rule 139-A, RRC)
the IBP By-Laws with the qualification only that the
transfer be made not less than three months Q: What is the officers’ term of office?
immediately preceding any chapter election.
A: The President and the Executive Vice President
While one may incessantly argue that a legal act may shall hold office for a term of one year from the date
not necessarily be ethical, in herein case, we do not of their election and until their successors shall have
see anything wrong in transferring to an IBP chapter duly qualified. The Executive Vice President shall
that -- based on the rotation rule – will produce the automatically become the President for the next
next IBP EVP who will automatically succeed to the succeeding full term. The Presidency shall rotate from
National Presidency for the next term. Our Code of year to year among all the nine Regions in such order
Professional Responsibility as well as the Lawyer's of rotation as the Board of Governors shall prescribe.
Oath do not prohibit nor punish lawyers from aspiring No person shall be President or Executive Vice
to be IBP National President and from doing perfectly President of the Integrated Bar for more than one
legal acts in accomplishing such goal (Velez v. De term. (Sec. 7, Rule 139-A, RRC)
Vera, A.C. No. 6697, July 25, 2006).
Q: What are the basic qualifications for one who
Q: When is the regular meeting of the Board? wishes to be elected governor for a particular
A: The Board shall meet regularly once every three
months, on such date and at such time and place as it A:
shall designate. A majority of all the members of the 1. He is a member in good standing of the IBP
Board shall constitute a quorum to do business. 2. He is included in the voters list of his chapter or
Special meetings may be called by the President or by he is not disqualified by the Integration Rule, by
five members of the Board. (Sec. 6, Rule 139-A, RRC) the By-Laws of the Integrated Bar, or by the By-
Laws of the Chapter to which he belongs
Note: Subject to the approval of the Supreme Court, the 3. He does not belong to a chapter from which a
Board shall adopt By-Laws and promulgate Canons of regional governor has already been elected,
Professional Responsibility for all members of the unless the election is the start of a new season or
Integrated Bar. The By-Laws and the Canons may be cycle
amended by the Supreme Court motu proprio or upon the
4. He is not in the government service. (In Re:
recommendation of the Board of Governors.
Petition to disqualify Atty. De Vera, A.C. No.
The Board shall prescribe such other rules and regulations 6052, Dec. 11, 2003)
as may be necessary and proper to carry out the purposes
of the Integrated Bar as well as the provisions of this Rule. Q: Is a candidate required to be morally fit in order
(Sec. 6, Rule 139-A, RRC) to be qualified to run as an officer?

Q: Who are the officers of the IBP? How are they A: There is nothing in the by-laws which explicitly
selected? provides that one must be morally fit before he can
run for IBP governorship. For one, this is so because
A: The Integrated Bar shall have a/an: the determination of moral fitness of a candidate lies
1. President in the individual judgment of the members of the
2. Executive Vice President who shall be chosen by House of Delegates. Indeed, based on each member’s
the Governors immediately after the latter’s standard of morality, he is free to nominate and elect
election; either from among themselves or from any member, so long as the latter possesses the basic
other members of the Integrated Bar, by the vote requirements under the law. For another, basically
of at least five Governors. Each of the regional the disqualification of a candidate involving lack of
members of the Board shall be ex officio Vice moral fitness should emanate from his disbarment or
President for the Region which he represents. suspension from the practice of law by the Court, or
Legal Ethics

conviction by final judgment of an offense which person:

involves moral turpitude. (Ibid.)
1. Distribution, except on election day, of election
campaign materials;
Q: In the event of vacancy, who performs the duties
of the President? 2. Distribution, on election day, of election
campaign materials other than a statement of
A: the bio data of the candidate on not more than
1. In the event the President is absent or unable to one page of a legal size sheet of paper; or causing
act, his duties shall be performed by the the distribution of such statement to be done by
Executive Vice President persons other than those authorized by the
2. In the event of the death, resignation, or removal officer presiding at the elections;
of the President, the Executive Vice President
3. Campaigning for or against any candidate, while
shall serve as Acting President during the
holding an elective, judicial, quasi-judicial or
remainder of the term of the office thus vacated
prosecutory office in the Government or any
3. In the event of the death, resignation, removal or
political subdivision, agency or instrumentality
disability of both the President and the Executive
Vice President, the Board of Governors shall elect
an Acting President to hold office until the next 4. Formation of tickets, single slates, or
succeeding election or during the period of combinations of candidates as well as the
disability. (Sec. 8, Rule 139-A, RRC) advertising thereof; and
5. For the purpose of inducing or influencing a
Note: The filling of vacancies in the House of Delegates,
Board of Governors, and all other positions of Officers of member to withhold his vote, or to vote for or
the Integrated Bar shall be as provided in the By-Laws. against a candidate:
Whenever the term of an office or position is for a fixed a. Payment of the dues or other
period, the person chosen to fill a vacancy therein shall
indebtedness of any member;
serve only for the unexpired term. (Sec. 8, Rule 139-A, RRC)
b. Giving of food, drink, entertainment,
transportation or any article of value, or
Q: How is the mandate in Sec. 13 of Rule 139-A of
any similar consideration to any person;
the Rules of Court stating that the IBP is non-
c. Making a promise or causing an
politically manifested?
expenditure to be made, offered or
promise to any person. (Sec. 4, IBP By-
A: By strictly providing that every activity tending to
Laws; In the Matter of the Inquiry into
impair this basic feature is strictly prohibited and shall
the 1989 Elections of the Integrated Bar
be penalized accordingly. No lawyer holding an
of the Philippines, A.M. No. 491, Oct. 6,
elective, judicial, quasi-judicial or prosecutory office
in the Government or any political subdivision or
instrumentality thereof shall be eligible for election
Q: In the election of national officers of the IBP, the
or appointment to any position in the Integrated Bar
Supreme Court received reports of electioneering
or any Chapter thereof. A Delegate, Governor, officer
and extravagance that characterized the campaign
or employee of the Integrated Bar, or an officer or
conducted by the 3 candidates (Paculdo, Nisce and
employee of any Chapter thereof shall be considered
Mrs. Drilon) for President of the IBP. It is alleged
ipso facto resigned from his position as of the
that they used government planes, give free
moment he files his certificate of candidacy for any
accommodations to voters to expensive hotels and
elective public office or accepts appointment to any
there has been intervention of public officials to
judicial, quasi-judicial, or prosecutory office in the
influence the voting. Is there a violation of the IBP
Government or any political subdivision or
by-laws? Is there sufficient ground for the Supreme
instrumentality thereof. (Sec. 13, Rule 139-A, RRC)
Court to suspend the oath taking of the officials?
Q: What are the prohibited acts and practices
A: Yes. The candidates for the national positions in
relative to the elections of IBP officers?
the IBP conducted their campaign preparatory to the
election on June 3, 1989 in violation of Section 14 of
A: The following acts and practices relative to
the IBP by-laws and the Rules of Court, that the IBP
elections are prohibited, whether committed by a
shall be strictly non-political. Also the ethics of the
candidate for any elective office in the Integrated Bar
legal profession imposed on all lawyers has been
or by any other member, directly or indirectly, in any
violated corollary to their obligation to obey and
form or manner, by himself or through another



uphold the constitution and the laws, the duty to A lawyer does not automatically become a member of the
promote respect for law and legal processes and to IBP chapter where he resides or works after becoming a
abstain activities aimed at the defiance of the law or full-fledged member of the Bar. He has the discretion to
choose the IBP Chapter he wants to join. (Garcia v. De Vera,
at lessening confidence in the legal system. (In Re: IBP
A.C. 6052, Dec. 11, 2003)
Elections, B.M. 491, Oct. 6, 1989)
Unless he otherwise registers his preference for a particular
Q: May a delegate or governor or any national or Chapter, a lawyer shall be considered a member of the
local officer of the IBP receive any compensation, Chapter of the province, city, political subdivision or area
allowance or emolument from the funds of the where his office is or, in the absence thereof, his residence
Integrated Bar? is located. In no case shall any lawyer be a member of more
than one Chapter. (Sec. 4, Rule 139-A, RRC)
A: No. Except as may be specifically authorized or
allowed by the Supreme Court, no Delegate or Q: What is the procedure for voluntary termination
Governor and no national or local Officer or of membership in the IBP?
committee member shall receive any compensation,
allowance or emolument from the funds of the A: A member may terminate his membership by filing
Integrated Bar for any service rendered therein or be a written notice to that effect with the Secretary of
entitled to reimbursement for any expense incurred the Integrated Bar, who shall immediately bring the
in the discharge of his functions. (Sec. 14, Rule 139-A, matter to the attention of the Supreme Court.
RRC) Forthwith he shall cease to be a member and his
name shall be stricken by the Court from the Roll of
MEMBERSHIP AND DUES Attorneys. (Sec.11, Rule 139-A, RRC)

Q: The Integrated Bar of the Philippines adopted a Note: Re-instatement may be made by the Court in
accordance with rules and regulations prescribed by the
resolution recommending to the Court the removal
Board of Governors and approved by the Court. (Sec.11,
of the name Marcial A. Edillon, a duly licensed
Rule 139-A, RRC)
practicing attorney, from its Roll of Attorneys for
stubborn refusal to pay his membership dues to the Q: What is the rule on payment of membership
IBP since its constitution, notwithstanding due dues?
notice. Is Edillon correct in his objection that the
Court is without power to compel him to become a A: Every member of the Integrated Bar shall pay such
member of the IBP, hence, Sec. 1 of Rule 139-A of annual dues as the Board of Governors shall
the Rules of Court is unconstitutional for it impinges determine with the approval of the Supreme Court. A
on his constitutional right of freedom to associate fixed sum equivalent to ten percent (10%) of the
(and not to associate)? collections from each Chapter shall be set aside as a
Welfare Fund for disabled members of the Chapter
A: No. To compel a member of the Integrated Bar is and the compulsory heirs of deceased members
not violative of his constitutional freedom to thereof. (Sec. 9, Rule 139-A, RRC)
associate. Integration does not make a lawyer a
member of any group of which he is not already a Q: Who determines the amount of annual dues to
member. He became a member of the Bar when he be paid by members?
passed the Bar Examinations. All that integration
actually does is to provide an official national A: Every member of the Integrated Bar shall pay such
organization for the well-defined but unorganized annual dues as the Board of Governors shall
and incohesive group of which every lawyer is already determine with the approval of the Supreme Court.
a member. (Sec. 9, Rule 139-A, RRC)

Assuming that the questioned provision does in a Q: Is the provision requiring payment of a
sense compel a lawyer to be a member of the membership fee void?
Integrated Bar, such compulsion is justified as an
exercise of the police power of the State. (In the A: No. There is nothing in the Constitution that
Matter of IBP Membership Dues Delinquency of Atty. prohibits the court, under its constitutional power
Edillon, A.C. No. 1928, Dec. 19, 1980) and duty to promulgate rules concerning the
admission to the practice of law and the integration
Note: Membership in the National IBP is integrated or of the Philippine bar. It is quite apparent that the fee
compulsory (Santos-Ong, 2009; Pineda, 1999). is indeed imposed as a regulatory measure, designed
to raise funds for carrying out the purposes and
Legal Ethics

objectives of the integration. (In the Matter of IBP the official unification of the entire lawyer
Membership dues delinquency of Atty. Marcial population. This requires membership and financial
Edillon, A.M. No. 1928, Aug. 3, 1978) support of every attorney as condition sine qua non
to the practice of law and the retention of his name
Q: What is the effect of non-payment of IBP dues? in the Roll of Attorneys of the Supreme Court.

A: Default in the payment of annual dues for six Payment of dues is a necessary consequence of
months shall warrant suspension of membership in membership in the IBP, of which no one is exempt.
the Integrated Bar, and default in such payment for This means that the compulsory nature of payment of
one year shall be a ground for the removal of the dues subsists for as long as one’s membership in the
name of the delinquent member from the Roll of IBP remains regardless of the lack of practice of, or
Attorneys (Sec. 10, Rule 139-A, RRC) subject to the the type of practice, the member is engaged in. There
requirement of due process. (Funa, 2009) is nothing in the law or rules which allow exemption
from payment of membership dues. At most, as
Q: Atty. Llamas, for a number of years, has not correctly observed by the IBP, he could have
indicated the proper PTR and IBP OR Nos. and data informed the Secretary of the Integrated Bar of his
in his pleadings. He only indicated “IBP Rizal intention to stay abroad before he left. In such case,
259060” but he has been using this for at least 3 his membership in the IBP could have been
years already. Atty. Llamas averred that he is only terminated and his obligation to pay dues could have
engaged in a “limited” practice of law and under been discontinued. (Letter of Atty. Arevalo, Jr.
R.A. 7432, as a senior citizen, he is exempted from Requesting Exemption from Payment of Dues, B.M.
payment of income taxes and included in this No. 1370, May 9, 2005)
exemption, is the payment of membership dues. Is
A: Rule 139-A requires that every member of the OF THE PROFESSION
Integrated Bar shall pay annual dues and default
thereof shall warrant the appropriate penalties. It Q: What are the academic requirements for
does not matter whether or not Atty. Llamas is only candidates for the bar?
engaged in “limited” practice of law. Moreover, the
exemption invoked by Atty. Llamas does not include A:
exemption from payment of membership or a. Pre-Law - Pursued and satisfactorily completed in
association dues. (Santos Jr. v. Atty. Llamas, A.C. No. an authorized and recognized university or
4749, Jan. 20, 2000) college, requiring for admission thereto the
completion of a four-year high school course, the
Note: The exemption granted by R.A. 7432 to senior course of study prescribed therein for a
citizens from paying individual income tax does not exempt bachelor's degree in arts or sciences (Sec. 6, Rule
lawyers who are likewise senior citizens from paying IBP
138, Rules of Court)
dues and privilege tax. (Ibid) As regards dues, they are not
entitled to 20% discount. (Pineda, 1999) b. Law proper - satisfactorily completed the
following courses in a law school or university
Q: Atty. Arevalo sought exemption from payment of duly recognized by the government: civil law,
IBP dues for the alleged unpaid accountability for commercial law, remedial law, criminal law,
the years 1977-2005. He alleged that after being public and private international law, political law,
admitted to the Philippine Bar in 1961, he became labor and social legislation, medical
part of the Philippine Civil Service then migrated to, jurisprudence, taxation and legal ethics. (Sec. 5,
and worked in, the USA in December 1986 until his rule 138, Rules of Court)
retirement in the year 2003. He maintained that he
cannot be assessed IBP dues for the years that he Rule 7.01, Canon 7, CPR
was working in the Philippine Civil Service since the A lawyer shall be answerable for knowingly making
Civil Service law prohibits the practice of one’s a false statement or suppressing a material fact in
profession while in government service, and neither connection with his application for admission to the
can he be assessed for the years when he was bar (1995, 1997, 2004, 2005 Bar Questions)
working in the USA. Is Atty. Arevalo entitled to
exemption from payment of his dues during the Note: The concealment of an attorney in his application to
time that he was inactive in the practice of law? take the bar exams of the fact that he had been charged
with or indicted for an alleged crime, is ground for
A: No. The Integration of the Philippine Bar means revocation of his license to practice law.


personal responsibility to be upright and honest. It further
Q: Is honest mistake a valid excuse? extends to the lawyer’s responsibility to uphold the
integrity and dignity of the profession, by not blindly issuing
certifications in support of applications for admission to the
A: An honest mistake in making false statement may
bar of persons known to him or her to have questionable
be a valid excuse but the burden of proof lies on the
character, inadequate education or other relevant
one who alleges it. attributes not consistent with any or all of the requirements
for admission. (CPR Annotated, PhilJA)
On the other hand, to be liable for suppressing a fact
or information in the application, the suppression Public policy requires that the practice of law be limited to
must be: those individuals found duly qualified in education and
1. Deliberately or knowingly made; and character. The permissive right conferred on the lawyer is
2. The fact or information suppressed must be an INDIVIDUAL AND LIMITED PRIVILEGE subject to
material. (CPR Annotated, PhilJA) withdrawal if he fails to maintain proper standards of moral
and professional conduct.

Note: In order to determine whether or not a factual Rule 7.03, Canon 7, CPR
declaration is material or not, reference should be made to A lawyer shall not engage in a conduct that
the requirements in applying for admission to the bar. (CPR adversely reflects on his fitness to practice law, nor
Annotated, PhilJA) shall he, whether in public or private life, behave in a
scandalous manner to the discredit of the legal
Q: What are the consequences of knowingly making profession (2004 Bar Question)
a false statement or suppression of a material fact in
the application for admission to the Bar? Q: What constitutes fitness to practice law?

A: Consequences of knowingly making a false A: It is not to be determined only by the specific

statement or suppression of a material fact in the qualifications for admission into the bar but
application for admission to the Bar: encompasses practically all aspects of a lawyer’s
1. If the false statement or suppression of material public or private life that could actually or potentially
fact is discovered before the candidate could tarnish the integrity and dignity of the legal
take the bar examinations, he will be denied profession. (CPR Annotated, PhilJA)
permission to take the examinations. Q: Atty. Perenia got married in 2005. Then he met
another woman, Helen; they fell in love and started
2. If the false statement or suppression of material
living together. Atty. Perenia would even bring her
fact was discovered after the candidate had
along social functions and introduce her as his
passed the examinations but before having been
second wife. Is such act unethical?
taken his oath, he will not be allowed to take his
oath as a lawyer.
A: Yes, it violates Rule 7.03 of CPR. The fact that he
3. If the discovery was made after the candidate shamelessly flaunts his mistress constitutes an act
had taken his oath as a lawyer, his name will be which embarrasses and discredits the law profession
stricken from the Roll of Attorneys. since it is his duty and obligation to uphold the dignity
and integrity of the profession. The actuation of Atty.
Q: What is the effect if what is concealed is a crime Perenia is contrary to good morals.
NOT involving moral turpitude?
Note: While it has been held in disbarment cases that the
mere fact of sexual relations between two unmarried adults
A: Concealment will be taken against him. It is the
is not sufficient to warrant administrative sanction for such
fact of concealment and not the commission of the illicit behavior, it is not so with respect to betrayals of the
crime itself that makes him morally unfit to become a marital vow of fidelity. Even if not all forms of extra-marital
lawyer. When he made concealment he perpetrated relations are punishable under penal law, sexual relations
perjury. outside marriage is considered disgraceful and immoral as
it manifests deliberate disregard of the sanctity of marriage
Rule 7.02, Canon 7, CPR and the marital vows protected by the Constitution and
A lawyer shall not support the application for affirmed by our laws. (Vitug v. Roncal, A.C. No. 6313, Sept.
7, 2006)
admission to the bar of any person known by him to
be unqualified in respect to character, education or
Q: Atty. Kuripot was one of Town Bank’s valued
other relevant attribute.
clients. In recognition of his loyalty to the bank, he
was issued a gold credit card with a credit limit of
Note: The rationale behind the rule goes beyond the
Legal Ethics

P250,000.00. After two months, Atty. Kuripot explaining the restraining order, since Gretel’s
exceeded his credit limit, and refused to pay the counsel of record was out of town. The discussion
monthly charges as they fell due. Aside from a on the restraining order was conducted in the
collection suit, Town Bank also filed a disbarment sidewalk along Gretel’s house. The village security
case against Atty. Kuripot. In his comment on the guards were attracted by the commotion brought
disbarment case, Atty. Kuripot insisted that he did about by the discussion, so they called the Makati
not violate the Code of Professional Responsibility, Police and the CAPCOM who responded
since his obligation to the bank was personal in immediately. The CAPCOM colonel, who arrived at
nature and had no relation to his being a lawyer. Is the scene with his troop, took it upon himself to
Atty. Kuripot correct? Explain your answer. open the house and declare Gretel as the rightful
possessor. The colonel invited Gretel and Hansel to
A: Atty. Kuripot is not correct. Section 7.03 of the enter the house. Five days later, Hansel was made a
Code of Professional Responsibility provides that “a co-respondent (together with Gretel) in a complaint
lawyer shall not engage in conduct that adversely for trespass to dwelling filed by the Joli Bank’s
affects his fitness to practice law, nor shall he, lawyers before the Makati Fiscal’s Office.
whether in public or private life, behave in a
scandalous manner to the discredit of the legal Discuss the propriety of the act of Joli Bank’s
profession.” lawyers, considering that all lawyers are mandated
to conduct themselves with courtesy, fairness and
Q: Explain whether Atty. Kuripot should be held candor toward their professional colleagues and to
administratively liable for his refusal to settle his avoid harassing tactics against opposing counsel
credit card bill. (2005 Bar Question) (1989 Bar Question).

A: He may not be held administratively liable. The A: Considering that there was a restraining order
Supreme Court has held that it does not take original issued by the Court of Appeals, it was proper for
jurisdiction of complaints for collection of debts. The Gretel to take steps to maintain possession of his
creditor’s course of action is civil, not administrative residence with the assistance of Hansel as a lawyer. It
in nature and proper reliefs may be obtained from was not proper for Joli Bank’s lawyer to file an action
the regular courts (Litigio v. Dicon, A.M. No. MTJ-93- for trespass to dwelling against Gretel and lawyer
806, July 13, 1995). Although lawyers have been held Hansel. Canon 8 of the CPR provides that a lawyer
administratively liable for obstinacy in evading shall conduct himself with fairness and candor
payment of a debt (Constantino v. Saludares, A.C. No. towards his professional colleagues and shall avoid
2029, Dec. 7, 1993; Lao v. Medel, A.C. No. 5916, July harassing tactics against opposing counsel.
1, 2003), there is no obstinacy shown in this case.
Rule 8.01, Canon 8, CPR
A lawyer shall not, in his professional dealings, use
language which is abusive, offensive or otherwise
Q: Cite some instances of disrespectful language.
1. Categorizes the SC decision as false, erroneous
and illegal (Suo v. Cloribel, A.M. No. 01-1-15-RTC,
Lawyers, though they may represent different clients,
July 10, 2003)
should bear in mind that they are not enemies but
brothers and sisters in their profession. (Antiquiera, 2. Description of judges attitude as “unjust, hostile,
CPR, p. 34) vindictive and dangerous” (Cornejo v. Judge Tan,
G.R. No. L-2217, Mar. 23, 1950)
Q: Gretel’s residence in Makati Village was
3. Stating that “justice is blind and also deaf and
foreclosed by Joli Bank. Armed with a writ of
dumb” (In Re: Almacen, G.R. No. L- 27654, Feb.
possession issued by the lower court, the sheriff and
18, 1970)
Joli Bank’s lawyers evicted Gretel and padlocked the
house. A restraining order issued by the Court of 4. Attributing to the SC acts of dismissing judges
Appeals which Gretel showed the sheriff was “without rhyme and reason” and disbarring
disregarded. Gretel requested Hansel, an attorney lawyers “without due process” (Zaldivar v.
who lives in the same village, to assist her in Gonzales, G.R. Nos. 79690-707, Feb. 1, 1989)

5. Calling an adverse counsel as “bobo” or using without fear or favor, to give proper advice and
the word “ay que bobo” in reference to the assistance to those seeking relief against unfaithful
manner of offering evidence. (Castillo v. Padilla or neglectful counsel (1995, 1997, 2001, 2005, 2006
Jr., A.M. No. 2339, Feb. 1984); and Bar Questions)
6. Any other analogous cases.
A person without a retained lawyer is a legitimate
prospective client for any lawyer whom he
Note: The lawyer’s arguments, whether written or oral, approaches for legal services. But, as soon as he had
should be gracious to both the court and opposing counsel retained one and had not dismissed the retained
and be of such words as may be properly addressed by one
counsel, efforts on the part of another lawyer to take
gentleman to another. (National Security Co. v. Jarvis, 278
U.S. 610)
him as client constitutes an act of encroaching upon
the employment of another lawyer.
A lawyer’s language should be forceful but dignified,
emphatic but respectful as befitting an advocate and in A lawyer should not in any way communicate upon
keeping with the dignity of the legal profession. (In Re: the subject of controversy with a party represented
Climaco, A.C. No. 134-J, Jan. 21, 1974). by counsel much less should he undertake to
negotiate or compromise the matter with him, but
Q: In the pleadings and motions filed by Tiongco, he should deal with his counsel.
described Atty. Deguma as a love crazed Apache, a
horned spinster, man-hungry virago and female bull Any act which is aimed to ease out a previous lawyer
of an Amazon who would stop at nothing to injure with the intention to grab the case is highly unethical
defendant if only to please and attract her client. and should be avoided. (Antiquiera, CPR, p. 35)
Tiongco claims that she, as a lawyer in the Public
Attorney’s Office, is using the PAO as a marriage Exceptions:
bureau for her benefit. Is the language employed by 1. A lawyer may properly interview any witness or
Tiongco improper and unethical? prospective witness or prospective witness for
the opposing side in any civil or criminal action
A: Yes. The Code of Professional Responsibility without the consent of opposing counsel or
provides in Canon 8 that a lawyer shall conduct party.
himself with courtesy, fairness, and candor toward 2. Any person who seeks relief against an unfaithful
his professional colleagues, and shall avoid harassing or neglectful lawyer may approach another
tactics against opposing counsel. Rule 8.01 provides lawyer for proper advice and assistance. Any
that a lawyer shall not in his professional dealings, advice or assistance extended after proper
use language which is abusive, offensive or otherwise verification is not encroaching upon the business
improper while Rule 11.03 provides that a lawyer of another lawyer for such act is justified under
shall abstain from scandalous, offensive or menacing the circumstances.
language before the courts. Thus, Tiongco is warned
accordingly. (Tiongco Yared v. Ilarde, G.R. No. 114732, Q: Myrna, in a case for custody of children against
Aug. 1, 2000) her husband, sought advice from Atty. Mendoza
whom she met at a party. She informed Atty.
Note: Lack of want of intention is no excuse for the Mendoza that her lawyer, Atty. Khan, has been
disrespectful language employed. Counsel cannot escape charging her exorbitant appearance fees when all he
responsibility by claiming that his words did not mean what does is move for postponements which have unduly
any reader must have understood them as meaning. delayed the proceedings; and that recently, she
(Rheem of the Philippines v. Ferrer, G.R. No. L-22979, Jan.
learned that Atty. Khan approached her husband
27, 1967)
asking for a huge amount in exchange for the
Although the Canon that the Rule implements pertains to a withdrawal of her Motion for Issuance of Hold
lawyer’s dealings with his fellow lawyers, the Rule is Departure Order so that he and his children can
generally worded to apply to anyone in the wider context leave for abroad. Is it ethical for Atty. Mendoza to
of a lawyer’s professional dealings, including his or her advise Myrna to terminate the services of Atty. Khan
clients and witnesses. (CPR Annotated, PhilJA) and hire him instead for a reasonable
attorney’s fees?
Rule 8.02, Canon 8, CPR
A lawyer shall not, directly or indirectly, encroach A: Such advice would be unethical. A lawyer shall
upon the professional employment of another conduct himself with courtesy, fairness and candor
lawyer; however, it is the right of any lawyer, towards his professional colleagues (Canon 8, CPR).


Legal Ethics

Specifically, he should not directly or indirectly only to those individuals found duly qualified in education
encroach upon the professional employment of and character. There is no violation of this canon if a lawyer
another lawyer (Rule 8.02, CPR). employs a paralegal graduate to assist him in the practice of
law since the job of a paralegal is limited to drafting of
documents, case management, etc. (Antiquiera, CPR, p. 37)
Q: What should Atty. Mendoza do about the
information relayed to him by Myrna that Atty.
Q: Sanchez alleged that the complaint against him
Khan approached her husband with an indecent
and the supporting affidavits were subscribed and
proposal? (2006 Bar Question)
sworn to before Tupas, the Clerk of Court, who is
not a member of the IBP and therefore engaged in
A: He can advise her to terminate the services of Atty.
unauthorized practice of law. Is Tupas as Clerk of
Khan and/or file an administrative case against Atty.
Court authorized to administer oath?
Khan. It is the right of any lawyer, without fear or
favor, to give proper advice and assistance to those
A: The term "clerk of courts" in Section 41 of the
seeking relief against unfaithful or neglectful counsel
Administrative Code as amended is used as a general
(Rule 8.02, CPR).
term. The intention of the law is to authorize all
clerks of court regardless of whether they are clerks
Q: You are the counsel of K in his action for specific
of the MTCs, to administer oaths on matter involving
performance against DEV, Inc., a subdivision
official business. As Clerk of Court of MCTC, Tupas has
developer which is represented by Atty. L. Your
the authority to administer oath of affidavits of
client believes that the president of DEV Inc., would
parties and witnesses which are to be filed in court.
be willing to consider an amicable settlement and
(Sanchez v. Tupas, A.M. OCA IPI No. 03- 1687-P, Mar.
your client urges you to discuss the matter with DEV
1, 2004)
Inc., without the presence of Atty. L whom he
consider to be an impediment to an early Note: A lawyer is prohibited from allowing an intermediary
compromise. Would it be alright for you to negotiate to intervene in the performance of his professional
the terms of the compromise as so suggested above obligation.
by your client? (1997 Bar Question)
Rule 9.01, Canon 9, CPR
A: No. Rule 8.02, Canon 8 of the Code of Professional A lawyer shall not delegate to any unqualified
Responsibility provides that “a lawyer shall not, person the performance of any task which by law
directly or indirectly, encroach upon the professional may only be performed by a member of the bar in
employment of another lawyer.” Canon 9 of the Code good standing.
of Professional Ethics is more particular. “A lawyer
should not in any way communicate upon the subject Rationale: The qualifications to be a lawyer is personal and
of the controversy with a party represented by the Bar is an exclusive group of professionals who possess
counsel, much less should he undertake to negotiate the requisite qualifications and for whom defined functions
or compromise the matter with him but should deal are reserved. To delegate the functions would violate the
only with his counsel.” In the case of Likong v. Lim, rationale behind reserving defined functions exclusively for
A.C. No. 3149, August 17, 1994, a lawyer was those who are admitted to the bar.
suspended for negotiating a compromise agreement
Although the authority of a lawyer to represent a client
directly with the adverse party without the presence
cannot be delegated to an unqualified person, it does not
and participation of her counsels. follow however that the retained lawyer is automatically
authorized to make such delegation to a qualified person
NO ASSISTANCE IN UNAUTHORIZED because a client-lawyer relationship is personal. (CPR
PRACTICE OF LAW Annotated, PhilJA)

CANON 9, CPR Q: Lorenzo is a lawyer but is suspended in the

A LAWYER SHALL NOT, DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY, practice of law due to some unethical acts. He
ASSIST IN THE UNAUTHORIZED PRACTICE OF LAW worked for a law firm owned by one of his friends.
(1992, 1995, 1997, 2000 Bar Questions) Since he has so many cases to handle, Atty.
Berenguer assigned a case to Lorenzo, believing he
Purpose: To protect the public, the court, the client and the can handle such easy case. Did Atty. Berenguer
bar from the incompetence or dishonesty of those violate any rule?
unlicensed to practice law and not subject to the
disciplinary control of the court.
A: Yes, because he delegates handling of a case to a
person suspended from the practice of law. Under
Note: Public policy requires that practice of law be limited



Rule 9.01 of CPR – A lawyer shall not delegate to any This exception is an implicit recognition of the
unqualified person the performance of any task incontestable fact that lawyers need to, and in fact,
which by law may only be performed by a member of depend on non-lawyers for the administrative support
functions necessary to allow lawyers to discharge their
the bar in good standing.
legal functions more efficiently. (CPR Annotated,
Rule 9.02, Canon 9, CPR
A lawyer shall not divide or stipulate to divide a fee Q: You had just taken your oath as lawyer. The
for legal services with persons not licensed to secretary to the president of a big university offered
practice law. to get you as the official notary public of the school.
She explained that a lot of students lose their
Rationale: If attorney’s fees were allowed to non-lawyers, it identification cards and are required to secure an
would leave the public in hopeless confusion as to whom to affidavit of loss before they can be issued a new
consult in case of necessity and also to leave the bar in a
one. She claimed that this would be very lucrative
chaotic condition, aside from the fact that non-lawyers are
not amenable to disciplinary measures. for you, as more than 30 students lose their
identification cards every month. However, the
Note: The interest promoted by the prohibition is that the secretary wants you to give her one-half of your
independence of the professional judgment of a lawyer, earning therefrom. Will you agree to the
which the client is paying for, could be at risk if a non- arrangement? Explain. (2005 Bar Question)
lawyer has direct rights to share in the legal fees resulting
from the exercise of such professional judgment. (CPR A: No, I will not agree. Rule 9.02 of the Code of
Annotated, PhilJA) Professional Responsibility provides that “a lawyer
shall not divide or stipulate to divide a fee for legal
Q: What are the exceptions to Rule 9.02? service with persons not licensed to practice law”.
The secretary is not licensed to practice law and is not
A: entitled to a share of the fees for notarizing affidavits,
1. Where there is a pre-existing agreement with a which is a legal service.
partner or associate that, upon the latter’s death,
money shall be paid over a reasonable period of DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF A
time to his estate to persons specified in the LAWYER TO THE COURTS
agreement; (Rule 9.02, second par., Canon 9,
Note: This exception is in the nature of a bequest. It is
still in substance, payment to the deceased lawyer. His
estate and/or assignee could not claim entitlement to
the money in their own right but only by
representation. (CPR Annotated, PhilJA) FAITH TO THE COURT.
(1994 Bar Question)
2. Where a lawyer undertakes to complete
Rationale: The burden cast on the judiciary would be
unfinished legal business of a deceased lawyer;
intolerable if it could not take at face value what is asserted
(Rule 9.02, third par., Canon 9, CPR) or by counsel.

The estate or the heir cannot be made a member As officers of the court, lawyers have the primary obligation
of the partnership with the surviving partners. towards the administration of justice. To mislead the court
The legal fees in this case, no longer represent is contumacious and clearly a ground for disciplinary action.
compensation for past services. (Antiquiera, CPR, p. 39)

3. Where a lawyer or law firm includes a non- Q: Atty. Florido demanded that the custody of their
lawyer employees in a retirement plan, even if children be surrendered to him by showing his
the plan is based in whole or in part, on a profit spouse Hueysuwan-Florido a photocopy of an
sharing agreement. (Rule 9.02, fourth par., Canon alleged Resolution issued by the CA which
9, CPR) supposedly granted his motion for temporary child
custody. His spouse refused to surrender the
Note: This is not a division of legal fees but a pension custody. Hence, Atty. Florido filed a verified petition
representing deferred wages for the employees’ for the issuance of a writ of habeas corpus asserting
past services. his right to custody of the children on the basis of
the alleged CA’s resolution. Hueysuwan obtained a
Legal Ethics

certification from the CA stating that no such Q: Dr. Maligaya, a doctor and retired colonel of the
resolution had been issued. Hence, complainant Air Force filed an action for damages against several
filed the instant complaint. May Atty. Florido be military officers for whom Atty. Doronilla stood as a
held administratively liable for his reliance on and counsel. During the hearing of the case, Atty.
attempt to enforce a spurious Resolution of the CA? Doronilla says that he and Dr. Maligaya had an
agreement that if the opposing party withdraws the
A: Yes. Atty. Florido’s actions erode the public case against him, Dr. Maligaya will also withdraw all
perception of the legal profession. Candor and the cases. However, Dr. Maligaya swore that he
fairness are demanded of every lawyer. The burden never entered into any agreement to withdraw his
cast on the judiciary would be intolerable if it could lawsuits. Atty. Doronillo admitted that there was, in
not take at face value what is asserted by counsel. fact, no such agreement. He pointed out that his
The time that will have to be devoted just to the task main concern was to settle the case amicably. Dr.
of verification of allegations submitted could easily be Maligaya filed a case against Atty. Doronilla charging
imagined. (Hueysuwan- Florido v. Atty. Florido, A.C. him of unethical conduct for having uttered
No. 5624, Jan. 20, 2004) falsehood in court. Is Atty. Doronilla guilty as
Q: What are the requirements of candor?
A: Yes. Atty. Doronilla violated Canon 10 and Rule
A: 10.01 of the CPR. Not only that, he also violated the
1. A lawyer shall not suppress material and vital lawyer’s oath to do no falsehood, nor consent to the
facts which bear on the merit or lack of merit of doing of any in court, of which Canon 10 and Rule
complaint or petition. 10.01 are but restatements. His act infringed on every
2. A lawyer shall volunteer to the court any lawyer’s duty to “never seek to mislead the judge or
development of the case which has rendered the any officer by an artifice or false statement of fact or
issue raised moot and academic. law”. (Maligaya v. Doronilla, A.C. No. 6198, Sept. 15,
3. Disclosure to the court of any decision adverse to
his position of which opposing counsel is Q: Is the lawyer’s act in presenting false evidence in
apparently ignorant and which court should order that his client would win the case justifiable?
consider in deciding a case.
4. He shall not represent himself as a lawyer for a A: No, because it is a clear violation of Canon 10 and
client, appear in court and present pleadings in Rule 10.01 of the CPR.
the latter’s behalf only to claim later that he was
Note: Aside from violations of the CPR, the lawyer is also
not authorized to do so.
guilty of a crime under Art. 184, Revised Penal Code,
which states, "Any person who shall knowingly offer in
Rule 10.01, Canon 10, CPR evidence a false witness or testimony in any judicial or
official proceeding, shall be punished as guilty of false
A lawyer shall not do any falsehood, nor consent to
testimony and shall suffer the respective penalties provided
the doing of any in court; nor shall he mislead, or in this section.”
allow the court to be misled by any artifice.
Q: What are the some cases of falsehoods which
Note: A lawyer must be a disciple of truth. He should bear merited discipline?
in mind that as an officer of the court his high vocation is to
correctly inform the court upon the law and the facts of the
case and to aid it in doing justice and arriving at correct
conclusion. 1. Lawyers falsely stating in a deed of sale that
property is free from all liens and encumbrances
The courts on the other hand are entitled to expect only when it is not so. (Sevilla v. Zoleta, A.C. No. 31,
complete honesty from lawyers appearing and pleading Mar. 28, 1955)
before them. While a lawyer has the solemn duty to defend
his client’s cause, his conduct must never be at the expense 2. Lawyers making it appear that a person, long
of truth. (Young v. Batuegas, A.C. No. 5379, May 9, 2003) dead, executed a deed of sale, in his favor.
(Monterey v. Arayata, Per. Rec. Nos 3527, 3408,
Note: A lawyer owes fidelity to the cause of his client but Aug. 23, 1935)
not at the expense of truth and the administration of
justice. (Garcia v. Francisco, Adm. Case no. 3923, Mar. 3. Lawyer, encashing a check payable to a deceased
30,1993) cousin by signing the latter’s name on the check.
(In re: Samaniego, A.C. No. 74, Nov. 20, 1959)



4. Lawyer falsifying a power of attorney and used it Rule 10.03, Canon 10, CPR
in collecting the money due to the principal and A lawyer shall observe the rules of procedure and
appropriating the money for his own benefit. (In shall not misuse them to defeat the ends of justice.
re: Rusina, A.C. No. 270, May 29, 1959)
5. Lawyer alleging in one pleading that his clients Note: Filing multiple actions constitutes an abuse of the
Court’s processes. Those who filed multiple or repetitive
were merely lessees of the property involved,
actions subject themselves to disciplinary action for
and alleged in a later pleading that the same incompetence or willful violation of their duties as
clients were the owners of the same property attorneys to act with all good fidelity to the courts, and to
where there are false allegations in the maintain only such actions that appear to be just and
pleadings. (Chavez v. Viola, GR No. 2152, Apr. 19, consistent with truth and honor. (Pablo R. Olivares etc. v.
1991) Atty. Arsenio Villalon Jr., A.C. No. 6323, Apr. 13, 2007)

6. Lawyer uttering falsehood in a Motion to

Q: When can a lawyer be subjected to disciplinary
Dismiss. (Martin v. Moreno, A.C. No. 1432, May
actions after a pleading has been filed?
21, 1984)
7. Lawyer denying having received the notice to file A: When a counsel deliberately:
brief which is belied by the return card. 1. Files an unsigned pleading in violation of the
(Ragasajo v. IAC, G.R. No. L-69129, Aug. 31, rules;
1987) 2. Alleges scandalous matters therein;
3. Fails to promptly report to the court a change of
8. Lawyer presenting falsified documents in court
his address. (Sec. 3, Rule 7, Rules of Court).
which he knows to be false. (Berenguer v.
Carranza, A.C. No. 716, Jan. 30, 1969) Q: A lawyer habitually asks for the re-setting of the
9. Lawyer filing false charges or groundless suits. case of his client for no apparent reason, in order for
(Retuya v. Gorduiz, A.C. No. 1388, Mar. 28, 1980) the complainant to get frustrated and become
uninterested in the prosecution of the case. Is that
10. Making untruthful and false statements before act considered unethical?
the court (Molina v. Magat, A.C. No. 1900, June A: Yes, under Rule 10.03 of the CPR.
13, 2012)
Note: A lawyer should not abuse his right of recourse to the
courts for the purpose of arguing a cause that had been
Rule 10.02, Canon 10, CPR
repeatedly rebuffed. Neither should he use his knowledge
A lawyer shall not knowingly misquote or of law as an instrument to harass a party nor to misuse
misrepresent the contents of the paper, the judicial processes, as the same constitutes serious
language or the argument of opposing counsel, or transgression of the Code of Professional Responsibility. For
the text of a decision or authority, or knowingly cite while he owes fidelity to the cause of his client, it should
as law a provision already rendered inoperative by not be at the expense of truth and the administration of
repeal or amendment, or assert as a fact that which justice. (Garcia v. Francisco, A.C. No. 3923, Mar. 30, 1993)
has not been proved.
Rule 10.04, Canon 10, CPR
Rationale: If not faithfully and exactly quoted, the decisions A lawyer shall, when filing a pleading, furnish the
and rulings of the court may lose their proper and correct opposing party with a copy thereof, together with
meaning, to the detriment of other courts, lawyers and the all the documents annexed thereto. Unless a motion
public who may thereby be misled. is ex parte, he should set it for hearing, with
sufficient notice to the other party.
Note: A mere TYPOGRAPHICAL ERROR in the citation of an
authority is not contemptuous.
The purpose of this rule is to avoid surprise and
delays in cases.
Q: A lawyer filed a pleading in court citing a law
which was already repealed, since the new law is
Q: What is the rule on notice in case of motion?
not favorable to his client’s cause. Is he guilty of any
unethical act?
A: The motion which contains the notice of hearing
shall be served in such a manner as to ensure its
A: Yes, because he knowingly used the old law to
receipt by the other party at least three days before
mislead the court, such act is unethical based on Rule
the date of hearing, unless the court for good cause
10.02 of the CPR.
sets the hearing on shorter notice (Sec. 4, Rule 15,
Rules of Court).
Legal Ethics

justice and due process. He went on to state that —

RESPECT FOR COURTS AND JUDICIAL OFFICERS the act of the public officer, if lawful, is the act of
the public office. But the act of the public officer, if
CANON 11, CPR unlawful, is not the act of the public office.
A LAWYER SHALL OBSERVE AND MAINTAIN THE Consequently, the act of the justices, if lawful, is the
RESPECT DUE TO THE COURTS AND TO JUDICIAL act of the Supreme Court. But the act of the justices,
OFFICERS AND SHOULD INSIST ON SIMILAR if unlawful, is not the act of the Supreme Court. It is
CONDUCT BY OTHERS. submitted that the decision in Estrada v. Arroyo
(1996 Bar Question) being patently unlawful in view of the Code of
Judicial Conduct, is not the act of the Supreme Court
Rationale: Disrespect toward the court would necessarily but is merely the wrong of those individual Justices
undermine the confidence of the people in the honesty and who falsely spoke and acted in the name of the
integrity of the members of the court, and consequently to Supreme Court (Urbano v. Chavez, G.R. No. 87977,
lower or degrade the administration of justice by the court.
Mar. 19, 1990). Are Atty. Paguia’s comments within
the bounds of “fair and well-founded criticisms”
All lawyers are expected to recognize the authority of the
Supreme Court and obey its lawful processes and orders. regarding decisions of the SC?
Despite errors which one may impute on the orders of the
Court, these must be respected, especially by the bar or the A: No. Criticism or comment made in good faith on
lawyers who are themselves officers of the courts. (Yap- the correctness or wrongness, soundness or
Paras v. Atty. Paras, A.C. No. 4947, June 7, 2007) unsoundness, of a decision of the Court would be
welcome for, if well-founded, and such reaction can
In case of conflict between his duty to the court and his enlighten the court and contribute to the correction
duty to the society and his client, the other must yield since
of an error if committed. (In re: Sotto, 82 Phil. 595.)
it is his duty to the court that should take precedence.
The ruling in Estrada v. Arroyo, being a final
Q: Can a lawyer criticize the courts? judgment, has long put to end any question
pertaining to the legality of the ascension of Arroyo
A: Yes. The fact that a person is a lawyer does not into the presidency. By reviving the issue on the
deprive him of the right, as enjoyed by every citizen, validity of the assumption of Gloria Macapagal-
to comment on and criticize the actuations of a judge Arroyo to the presidency, Attorney Paguia is vainly
but it is the cardinal condition of all criticisms that it seeking to breathe life into the carcass of a long dead
shall be bona fide, and shall not spill over the walls of issue. Attorney Paguia has not limited his discussions
decency and propriety. (Zaldivar v. Gonzales, G.R. to the merits of his client's case within the judicial
Nos. 79690-707, Feb. 1, 1989) forum; indeed, he has repeated his assault on the
Court in both broadcast and print media.
Note: What a lawyer can ordinarily say against a concluded
litigation and the manner the judge handed down the The Supreme Court does not claim infallibility; it will
decision therein may not generally be said to a pending not denounce criticism made by anyone against the
action. The court, in a pending litigation, must be shielded Court for, if well-founded, can truly have constructive
from embarrassment and influence in performing the
effects in the task of the Court, but it will not
important duty of deciding it. On the other hand, once
countenance any wrongdoing nor allow the erosion
litigation is concluded, the judge who decided on it is
subject to the same criticism as any other public official of our people’s faith in the judicial system, let alone,
because then his ruling becomes public property and is by those who have been privileged by it to practice
thrown open to public consumption. law in the Philippines. Canon 11 of the Code of
Professional Responsibility mandates that the lawyer
Q: Attorney Paguia, asserts that the inhibition of the should observe and maintain the respect due to the
members of the Supreme Court from hearing the courts and judicial officers and, indeed, should insist
petition is called for under the Code of Judicial on similar conduct by others. In liberally imputing
Conduct prohibiting justices or judges from sinister and devious motives and questioning the
participating in any partisan political activity. impartiality, integrity, and authority of the members
According to him, the justices have violated the said of the Court, Atty. Paguia has only succeeded in
rule by attending the 'EDSA 2 Rally' and by seeking to impede, obstruct and pervert the
authorizing the assumption of Vice- President dispensation of justice. (Estrada v. Sandiganbayan,
Macapagal-Arroyo to the Presidency. The G.R. Nos. 159486-88, Nov. 25, 2003)
subsequent decision of the Court in Estrada v.
Arroyo (G.R. Nos. 146710-15, Mar. 2, 2001 and G.R. Q: Members of the faculty of the UP College of Law
Nos. 146710-15, Apr. 3, 2001) is a patent mockery of published a statement on the allegations of



plagiarism and misrepresentation relative to the in relation to the case involving the constitutionality
Court’s decision in Vinuya v. Executive Secretary. of the Plunder Law which was then pending. Atty.
The authors directly accused the Court of De Vera admitted the report in the November 6,
perpetrating extraordinary injustice by dismissing 2002 issue of the Philippine Daily Inquirer that he
the petition of the comfort women said case. The “suggested that the Court must take steps to dispel
insult to the members of the Court was aggravated once and for all these ugly rumors and reports” that
by imputations of deliberately delaying the “the Court would vote in favor of or against the
resolution of the said case, its dismissal on the basis validity of the Plunder Law” to protect the credibility
of “polluted sources,” the Court’s alleged of the Court. Is the statement of Atty. De Vera
indifference to the cause of petitioners, as well as disrespectful to the courts?
the supposed alarming lack of concern of the
members of the Court for even the most basic values A: Yes. Indeed, freedom of speech includes the right
of decency and respect. to know and discuss judicial proceedings, but such
right does not cover statements aimed at
A: While most agree that the right to criticize the undermining the Court’s integrity and authority, and
judiciary is critical to maintaining a free and interfering with the administration of justice.
democratic society, there is also a general consensus Freedom of speech is not absolute, and must
that healthy criticism only goes so far. Many types of occasionally be balanced with the requirements of
criticism leveled at the judiciary cross the line to equally important public interests, such as the
become harmful and irresponsible attacks. These maintenance of the integrity of the courts and orderly
potentially devastating attacks and unjust criticism functioning of the administration of justice.
can threaten the independence of the judiciary. The
court must “insist on being permitted to proceed to Thus, the making of contemptuous statements
the disposition of its business in an orderly manner, directed against the Court is not an exercise of free
free from outside interference obstructive of its speech; rather, it is an abuse of such right.
functions and tending to embarrass the Unwarranted attacks on the dignity of the courts
administration of justice.” cannot be disguised as free speech, for the exercise
The Court could hardly perceive any reasonable of said right cannot be used to impair the
purpose for the faculty’s less than objective independence and efficiency of courts or public
comments except to discredit the April 28, 2010 respect therefore and confidence therein. (In Re:
Decision in the Vinuya case and undermine the Published Alleged Threats by Atty. Leonard de Vera,
Court’s honesty, integrity and competence in A.M. No. 01-12-03-SC, July 29, 2002)
addressing the motion for its reconsideration. As if
the case on the comfort women’s claims is not Rule 11.01, Canon 11, CPR
controversial enough, the UP Law Faculty would fan A lawyer shall appear in court properly attired.
the flames and invite resentment against a resolution
that would not reverse the said decision. This runs As an officer of the court and in order to maintain the
contrary to their obligation as law professors and dignity and respectability of the legal profession, a
officers of the Court to be the first to uphold the lawyer who appears in court must be properly
dignity and authority of this Court, to which they owe attired. Consequently, the court can hold a lawyer in
fidelity according to the oath they have taken as contempt of court if he does not appear in proper
attorneys, and not to promote distrust in the attire. Any deviation from the commonly accepted
administration of justice. Their actions likewise norm of dressing in court (barong or tie, not both) is
constitute violations of Canons 10, 11, and 13 and enough to warrant a citing for contempt.
Rules 1.02 and 11.05 of the Code of Professional
Responsibility. (Re: Letter of the UP Law The traditional attires for male lawyers in the
Faculty entitled “Restoring Integrity: A Statement by Philippines are the long-sleeve Barong Tagalog or
the Faculty of the University of the Philippines College coat and tie. Female lawyers appear in semi-formal
of Law on the Allegations of Plagiarism and attires. Judges also appear in the same attire in
Misrepresentation in the Supreme Court.”(A.M. No. addition to black robes.
10-10-4-SC, Oct. 19, 2010)
Rule 11.02, Canon 11, CPR
Q: The Court En Banc issued a Resolution directing A lawyer shall punctually appear at court hearings.
respondent Atty. De Vera to explain why he should
not be cited for indirect contempt of court for
Note: Punctuality is demanded by the respect which a
uttering some allegedly contemptuous statements lawyer owes to the court, the opposing counsel and to all


Legal Ethics
the parties to the case. (Funa, 2009) duty from a lawyer to a judge. A judge should also be
courteous to counsel, especially those who are young and
Rule 11.03, Canon 11, CPR inexperienced and to all those appearing or concerned in
the administration of justice.
A lawyer shall abstain from scandalous, offensive, or
menacing language or behavior before the Courts.
Q: An administrative case and disbarment
proceeding was filed against MDS, a Lady Senator
Q: After the parties had filed their respective briefs
for uttering in her privilege speech delivered in the
with the Court of Appeals and before the latter's
Senate floor where she was quoted as saying that
resolution submitting the case for decision was
she wanted “to spit on the face of Chief Justice and
released, respondent lawyers, Atty. Depasucat, and
his cohorts in the Supreme Court,” and calling the
others filed a pleading "Manifestation of Usurpation
Court a “Supreme Court of idiots.” She alleged that
of Authority of the Hon. Court of Appeals from a
it was considered as part of her Parliamentary
Self-Confessed Briber of Judges", which stated that
immunity as such was done during the session. Is
plaintiff-appellant Uy had, in fact, confessed to
she correct?
bribing judges. Consequently, Uy filed a verified
complaint against respondent lawyers for gross
A: Yes, because her statements, being part of her
misconduct. Should the respondents be disciplined
privilege speech as a member of Congress, were
for having authored and filed the “Manifestation of
covered by the constitutional provision on
Usurpation of Authority of the Hon. Court of
parliamentary immunity. Indeed, her privilege speech
Appeals from a Self-Confessed Briber of Judges”?
is not actionable criminally or in a disciplinary
proceeding under the Rules of Court. However, as a
A: Yes. Respondents went overboard by stating in the
member of the Bar, the Court wishes to express its
Manifestation that complainant "had in fact
deep concern about the language Senator MDS used
confessed to bribery and telling one of the judges,
in her speech and its effect on the administration of
after the judges allegedly refused to give in to their
justice. To the Court, the lady senator has
demands, by using illegally taped conversations-both
undoubtedly crossed the limits of decency and good
actual and/or by telephone". It belied their good
professional conduct. It is at once apparent that her
intention and exceeded the bounds of propriety,
statements in question were intemperate and highly
hence, not arguably protected; it is the surfacing of a
improper in substance. MDS should have taken to
feeling of contempt towards a litigant; it offends the
heart in the first place the ensuing passage in In Re:
court before which it is made. A lawyer shall abstain
Vicente Sotto that “x x x [I]f the people lose their
from scandalous, offensive or menacing language or
confidence in the honesty and integrity of this Court
behavior before the courts. It must be remembered
and believe that they cannot expect justice
that the language vehicle does not run short of
therefrom, they might be driven to take the law into
expressions which are emphatic but respectful,
their own hands, and disorder and perhaps chaos
convincing but not derogatory, illuminating but not
would be the result.”
offensive. It has been said that a lawyer's language
should be dignified in keeping with the dignity of the No lawyer who has taken an oath to maintain the
legal profession. It is the duty of Atty. Depasucat et al. respect due to the courts should be allowed to erode
as members of the Bar to abstain from all offensive the people’s faith in the judiciary. In this case, the
personality and to advance no fact prejudicial to the lady senator clearly violated Canon 8, Rule 8.01 and
honor or reputation of a party or witness, unless Canon 11 of the Code of Professional Responsibility.
required by the justice of the cause with which he is (Pobre v. Senator Santiago, A.C. No. 7399, Aug. 25,
charged. (Uy v. Depasucat, A.C. No. 5332, July 29, 2009)
Note: The lawyer’s duty to render respectful subordination
Note: The language of a lawyer, both oral and written, must to the courts is essential to the orderly administration of
be respectful and restrained in keeping with the dignity of justice. Hence, in the assertion of the client’s rights,
the legal profession and with his behavioral attitude toward lawyers – even those gifted with superior intellect, are
his brethren in the profession. The use of abusive language enjoined to rein up their tempers. (Zaldivar v. Gonzalez,
by counsel against the opposing counsel constitutes at the G.R. Nos. 79690-707, Oct. 7, 1988)
same time disrespect to the dignity of the court justice.
Moreover, the use of impassioned language in pleadings, Rule 11.04, Canon 11, CPR
more often than not, creates more heat than light. A lawyer shall not attribute to a Judge motives not
(Buenaseda v. Flavier, G.R. No. 106719, Sept. 21, 1993)
supported by the record or have no materiality to
The duty to observe and maintain respect is not a one-way the case.



Every citizen has the right to comment upon and of such right.
criticize the actuations of public officers. This right is
not dismissed by the fact that the criticism is aimed at A letter furnished to all the members of the SC, even
a judicial authority, or that it is articulated by a if a copy was not disseminated to the media, does not
lawyer. enjoy the mantle of right to privacy. Letters
addressed to the individual justices in connection
Such right is especially recognized where the criticism with the performance of their judicial functions
concerns a concluded litigation, because the Court’s become part of the judicial record and are matter of
actuations are thrown open to public consumption. concern for the entire court.
Courts thus treat with forbearance and restraint a
lawyer who vigorously assails their actuations for Atty. Roxas is guilty of indirect contempt of court for
courageous and fearless advocates are the strands an improper conduct tending, directly and indirectly,
that weave durability into the tapestry of justice. to impede, obstruct or degrade the administration of
justice; and with his contemptuous and defamatory
Post litigation utterances or publications made by statements, Atty. Roxas likewise violated Canon 11 of
lawyers, critical of the courts and their judicial the CPR particularly Rules 11.03 and 11.04. (Roxas v.
actuations, whether amounting to a crime or not, Zuzuarregui, et al., G.R. No. 152072, July 12, 2007)
which transcend the permissible bounds of fair
comment and legitimate criticism and thereby tend to Q: When is public comment and criticism of a court
bring them into dispute or to subvert public decision permissible and when would it be
confidence in their integrity and in the orderly improper? (1997 Bar Question)
administration of justice, constitute grave
professional misconduct which may be visited with A: A lawyer, like every citizen, enjoys the right to
disbarment or other lesser appropriate disciplinary comment on and criticize the decision of a court. As
sanctions by the SC in the exercise of the prerogatives an officer of the court, a lawyer is expected not only
inherent in it as the duly constituted guardian of the to exercise that right but also to consider it his duty
morals and ethics of the legal fraternity. (In Re: to expose the shortcomings and indiscretions of
Almacen, G.R. No. L-27654, Feb. 18, 1970) courts and judges. But such right is subject to the
limitations that it shall be bona fide. It is proper to
Q: Atty. Romeo Roxas was charged for contempt criticize the courts and judges, but it is improper to
when he, in a letter addressed to Associate Justice subject them to abuse and slander, degrade them or
Chico-Nazario, stated that Justice Nazario decided destroy public confidence in them. Moreover, a
the cases in favor of Zuzuarregui, ordering Attys. lawyer shall not attribute to a judge motives not
Roxas and Pastor to pay the former P17,073,224.84 supported by the record or have no materiality in the
on considerations other than the pure merits of the case. (Rule 11.04, CPR)
case and called the SC a “dispenser of injustice." He
ended his letter by mocking her when he said “sleep Note: A lawyer should be reminded of his primary duty to
well if you still can” and that “her earthly life will assist the court in the administration of justice. The
be judged by the Supreme Dispenser of Justice relations between counsel and judge should be based on
where only the merits of your Honor’s life will be mutual respect and on a deep appreciation by one of the
relevant and material and where technicalities can duties of the other. It is upon their cordial relationship and
mutual cooperation that the hope of our people for speedy
shield no one from his or her wrongdoings." In the
and efficient justice rests. (Abiera v. Maceda, A.C. No. RTJ-
written explanation of Atty. Roxas, he extended
91-660, June 30, 1994)
apologies to Justice Nazario. He said he was merely
exercising his rights to express a legitimate If the court official or employee or a lawyer is to be
grievance or articulate fair criticisms of the court’s disciplined, the evidence against him should be substantial,
ruling. Moreover, according to him, instead of competent and derived from direct knowledge, not on
resorting to public criticisms, he chose to ventilate mere allegations, conjectures, suppositions or on the basis
his criticisms in a very discreet and private manner of hearsay. (Cervantes v. Atty. Sabio, A.C. No. 7828, Aug. 11,
by writing a personal letter. Should Atty. Roxas be 2008)
punished for the contents of his letter?
Rule 11.05, Canon 11, CPR
A: Yes. Atty. Roxas’ letter contains defamatory A lawyer shall submit grievances against a Judge to
statements that impaired public confidence in the the proper authorities only.
integrity of the Judiciary. The making of
contemptuous statements directed against the court Q: Who are considered as the proper authorities?
is not an exercise of free speech; rather, it is an abuse
Legal Ethics

A: court in the discharge of its function.

If administrative in It shall be filed with the ASSISTANCE IN THE SPEEDY AND EFFICIENT
nature Office of the Court ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE
Administrator of the
Supreme Court.
If criminal and not purely It shall be filed with the A LAWYER SHALL EXERT EFFORT AND CONSIDER IT
If it involves a Justice of It must be coursed (1991, 1994, 1996, 2003 Bar Questions)
the Supreme Court through the House of
based on impeachable Representative and the The filing of another action concerning the same
offenses Senate in accordance subject matter, in violation of the doctrine of res
with the rules on judicata, runs contrary to this Canon. (Lim v.
impeachment. Montano, A.C. No. 5653, Feb. 27, 2006).
Source: (CPR Annotated, PhilJA)
A lawyer must exert every effort and consider it his
Note: An administrative complaint is not an appropriate duty to assist in the speedy and efficient
remedy where judicial recourse is still available, such as a
administration of justice.
motion for reconsideration, an appeal, or a petition for
certiorari, unless the assailed order or decision is tainted
with fraud, malice, or dishonesty. (Santiago III v. Justice A lawyer is bound by his oath to serve his client with
Enriquez, Jr., A.M. No. CA-09-47-J, Feb. 13, 2009) utmost zeal and dedication and shall conduct himself
according to the best of his knowledge and
Q: What are the rights and duties of a lawyer to discretion. (Antiquiera, CPR, p. 50)
criticize Courts?
Q: Jardin engaged the services of Atty. Villar Jr. to
A: represent him in a collection case. The case went its
1. The fact that a person is a lawyer does not course, but later despite several extensions of time
deprive him of the rights, enjoyed by every given by the trial court, Atty. Villar Jr. failed to file
citizen, to comment on and criticize the his formal offer of exhibits. The dismissal of the
actuations of a judge subject to ethical standard. collection case prompted Jardin to file a verified
affidavit-complaint for the disbarment of Atty. Villar
2. The court, in a pending litigation; must be Jr. with the Court, wherein he alleged that after the
shielded from embarrassment or influence in its dismissal of the collection case, he terminated the
all-important duty of deciding the case. Once services of Atty. Villar Jr. as his counsel; that Atty.
litigation is concluded, the judge who decided it Villar Jr. failed to return the originals of the
is subject to the same criticisms as any other documentary exhibits entrusted to him; and that
public official because his ruling becomes public Atty. Villar Jr. finally handed over the documents
property and is thrown open to public only as an aftermath of a heated argument he had
consumption. with the Jardin's wife. Was Atty. Villar Jr. remiss in
3. It is the cardinal condition of all such criticism his duties as counsel when he failed to file his formal
that it shall be bona fide, and shall not spill over offer of exhibit?
the walls of decency and propriety (Zaldivar v.
Gonzales, G.R. Nos. 79690-707, Apr. 7, 1993). A: Yes. The record clearly shows that Atty. Villar Jr.
has been languid in the performance of his duties as
4. The duty of the bar to support the judge against
counsel for the complainant. He was given by the
unjust criticism and clamor does not, however,
Trial Court several extensions of time. Therefore,
preclude a lawyer from filing administrative
Atty. Villar Jr. had three (3) months and nine (9) days
complaints against erring judges or from acting
within which to file the formal offer of exhibits. Atty.
as counsel for clients who have legitimate
Villar Jr. did not bother to give an explanation even in
grievances against them. But the lawyer should
mitigation or extenuation of his inaction.
file charges against the judge before the proper
authorities only and only after the proper
Evidently, Atty. Villar Jr. has fallen short of the
circumspection and without the use of competence and diligence required of every member
disrespectful language and offensive
of the Bar. It is indeed dismaying to note Atty. Villar
personalities so as not to unduly burden the
Jr.’s patent violation of his duty as a lawyer. He



committed a serious transgression when he failed to himself with all the antecedent processes and
exert his utmost learning and ability and to give proceedings that have transpired in the record prior
entire devotion to his client's cause. His client had to his takeover. (Villasis v. CA, G.R. Nos. L- 36874-76,
relied on him to file the formal offer of exhibits Sept. 30, 1974)
among other things. But he failed him. Resulting as it
did in the dismissal of the case, his failure constitutes Rule 12.02, Canon 12, CPR
inexcusable default. (Jardin v. Atty. Villar, Jr., A.C. No. A lawyer shall not file multiple actions arising from
5474, Aug. 28, 2003) the same cause. (1991, 1997, 1998, 2002 Bar
Q: Judgment was rendered against Eternal Gardens
ordering it to reconvey the cemetery to the rightful Q: What is forum-shopping?
owners. Despite the final decision of the SC, Eternal
Gardens was able to prevent the execution for 17 A: It is the improper practice of filing several actions
years, rendering the judgment ineffectual. They filed or petitions in the same or different tribunals arising
several petitions and motions for reconsideration from the same cause and seeking substantially
with the trial court and the CA despite the fact that identical reliefs in the hope of winning in one of
it would never prosper as the trial court’s decision them. It is the omission to disclose pendency of
had long become final before the said petitions were appeal or prior dismissal of his case by a court of
filed. Did the lawyers violate Canon 12 of the CPR? concurrent jurisdiction with intent of seeking a
favorable opinion.
A: While lawyers owe their entire devotion to the
interest of the client and zeal in the defense of their The prohibition includes the filing of petitions for
client’s right, they are also officers of the court, bound writs of certiorari, mandamus and prohibition when
to exert every effort to assist in the speedy and there are similar petitions already filed or pending.
efficient administration of justice. They should not (CPR Annotated, PhilJA)
misuse the rules of procedure to defeat the ends of
justice or unduly delay a case, impede the execution Note: The mere filing of several cases based on the same
of a judgment or misuse court processes. The facts incident does not necessarily constitute forum shopping.
and the law should advise them that a case such as The question is whether the several actions filed involve the
this should not be permitted to be filed to merely same transactions, essential facts and circumstances. If
clutter the already congested judicial dockets. They they involve essentially different facts, circumstances and
do not advance the cause of law or their clients by causes of action, there is no forum shopping. (Paredes v.
Sandiganbayan, G.R. No. 108251, January 31, 1996)
commencing litigations that for sheer lack of merit do
not deserve the attention of the courts. (Eternal The essence of forum shopping is the filing of multiple suits
Gardens Memorial Park Corporation v. CA, G.R. No. involving the same parties for the same cause of action,
123698, Aug. 5, 1998) either simultaneously or successively, for the purpose of
obtaining a favorable judgment. (Foronda v. Atty. Guerrero,
Q: What are acts which amount to obstruction of A.C. No. 5469, Aug. 10, 2004)
Q: How is forum shopping committed?
A: Instructing a complaining witness not to appear at
trial; asking a client to plead guilty to a crime he did A:
not commit; advising a client to escape from prison; 1. Going from one court to another in the hope of
employing dilatory tactics; prosecuting clearly securing a favorable relief in one court, which
frivolous cases or appeals; filing multiple actions. another court has denied;
2. Filing repetitious suits and proceedings in
Rule 12.01, Canon 12, CPR different courts concerning the same subject
A lawyer shall not appear for trial unless he has matter after one court has decided the suit with
adequately prepared himself on the law and the finality; or
facts of his case, the evidence he will adduce and the 3. Filing a similar case in a judicial court after
order of its profference. He should also be ready receiving an unfavorable judgment from an
with the original documents for comparison with the administrative tribunal
Q: Who signs the forum shopping certification?
A newly hired counsel who appears in a case in the
midstream is presumed and obliged to acquaint A: GR: The party himself as he has personal


Legal Ethics

knowledge of the facts therein stated. simultaneously or successively, in order to ask the
courts to rule on the same or related causes or to
XPN: Counsel, when clothed with a special power grant the same or substantially the same relief, on
of attorney to do so. (The lawyer shall certify that the supposition that one or the other court would
he has personal knowledge of the facts therein make a favorable disposition or increase a party's
stated and shall give justifiable reason or chances of obtaining a favorable decision or action. It
explanation why the party himself cannot sign the is an act of malpractice for it trifles with the courts,
same). abuses their processes, degrades the administration
of justice and adds to the already congested court
Note: In case of a juridical person, its lawyer, authorized dockets. What is critical is the vexation brought upon
through a board resolution, must sign the certification. the courts and the litigants by a party who asks
different courts to rule on the same or related causes
Should there be more than one plaintiff or petitioner, all of
and grant the same or substantially the same relief
them must execute the certification and verification.
and in the process creates the possibility of
Unless, it is a suit involving conjugal property, in such a
case, the husband alone may execute the same. conflicting decisions being rendered by different
forums upon the same issues, regardless of whether
Q: The trial court declared Paxton Development the court, in which one of the suits was brought, has
Corporation (PDC) the lawful owner of the subject no jurisdiction over the action. (Top Rate Construction
lots. CA affirmed. Top Rate, as the losing party, and General Services v. Paxton Devt. Corp., G.R. No.
sought to have the said resolution set aside and 151081, Sept. 11, 2003)
thereafter filed with the Supreme Court a motion for
Note: The principle of non-forum shopping applies not only
extension of time to file a petition for review from
with respect to suits filed in courts but also in connection
the adverse CA decision and resolution. The motion
with litigations commenced in courts while an
contained a "verification/ certification" under oath administrative proceeding is pending, in order to defeat
as to non-forum shopping, without mentioning the administrative processes and in anticipation of an
pending manifestation and motion with the CA, unfavorable court ruling.
which was notarized by Atty. Manlangit. Both Atty.
Manlangit and Atty. Gana knew the relevant case Q: What are the possible consequences of forum
status after having invariably acted as counsel of shopping? (1998 Bar Question)
Top Rate before the trial court, the Court of Appeals
and the Supreme Court. A:
1. Summary dismissal without prejudice unless
Top Rate then filed a series of motions with the SC, there is a willful or deliberate forum-shopping
all of which failed to state that Top Rate still has a (Sec. 5, Rule 7, Rules of Court)
pending manifestation and motion with the CA. It
2. Penalty for direct contempt of court on the party
was only when it withdrew its Petition for Review
and his lawyer in case of willful and deliberate
on Certiorari that Top Rate bared before the SC the
existence of the said manifestation and motion forum-shopping (Sec. 5, Rule 7, Rules of Court)
pending with the CA. Should Top Rate and its 3. Criminal action for a false certification of non-
counsel be found guilty of forum shopping? forum shopping and indirect contempt
4. Disciplinary proceedings for the lawyer
A: Yes. Although Top Rate as principal party executed
concerned. (Sec. 5, Rule 7, 1997 Rules of Civil
the several certifications of non-forum shopping,
Atty. Gana and Atty. Manlangit cannot deny
responsibility therefore since Atty. Manlangit
notarized the certifications and both of them Q: Give five (5) instances of forum-shopping (2002
definitely knew the relevant case status after having Bar Question)
invariably acted as counsel of Top Rate before the
trial court, the Court of Appeals and the Supreme A:
Court. Attys. Gana and Manlangit of the Gana and 1. When, as a result of an adverse opinion in one
Manlangit Law Office, counsel of record of Top Rate, forum, a party seeks a favorable opinion (other
are administratively liable for grotesque violations of than by appeal or certiorari) in another
the Code of Professional Responsibility. 2. When he institutes two or more actions or
proceedings grounded on the same cause, on the
Forum shopping is committed by a party who gamble that one or the other court would make a
institutes two or more suits in different courts, either favorable disposition (Benguet Electric

Cooperative, Inc. v. NEA, G.R. No. 93924, Jan. 23,

1991) Lawyers should not resort to nor abet the resort of
their clients, to a series of actions and petitions for
3. Filing a second suit in a court without jurisdiction
the purpose of thwarting the execution of a judgment
(New Pangasinan Review, Inc. v. NLRC, G.R. No.
that has long become final and executory. (Cobb-
85939, Apr. 19, 1991)
Perez v. Lantin, No. L-22320, May 22, 1968)
4. Filing an action in court while the same cause of
action is still pending in an administrative The writs of amparo and habeas data are
proceeding (Earth Minerals Exploration, Inc. v. extraordinary remedies which cannot be used as
Macaraig, G.R. No. 78569, Feb. 11, 1991) tools to stall the execution of a final and executory
decision in a property dispute (Castillo v. Cruz, G.R.
5. When counsel omits to disclose the pendency of
No. 182165, November 25, 2009).
an appeal, in filing a certiorari case (Collado v.
Hernando, G.R. No.L- 43866, May 30, 1988).
Rule 12.05, Canon 12, CPR
A lawyer shall refrain from talking to his witness
Rule 12.03, Canon 12, CPR
during a break or recess in the trial, while the
A lawyer shall not, after obtaining extensions of
witness is still under examination.
time to file pleadings, memoranda or briefs, let the
period lapse without submitting the same or
Rationale: To uphold and maintain fair play with the other
offering an explanation for his failure to do so. party and to prevent the examining lawyer from being
(2003 Bar Question) tempted to coach his own witness to suit his purpose.

The court censures the practice of counsels who Q: Who is a witness?

secure repeated extensions of time to file their
pleadings and thereafter simply let the period lapse A: A human instrumentality through which the law
without submitting the pleading or even an and its ministers, the judges and lawyers, endeavor to
explanation or manifestation of their failure to do so. ascertain the truth and to dispense justice to the
(Achacoso v. CA, G.R. No. L-35867, June 28, 1973). following parties.
Q: What are the guidelines in interviewing a
Asking for extension of time must be in good faith. witness?
Otherwise, it is an obstruction of justice and the
lawyer is subject to discipline. (CPR Annotated, PhilJA) A:
1. A lawyer may interview a witness in advance of
The same rule applies more forcefully to motion for the trial to guide him in the management of the
continuance. Postponement is not a matter of right litigation;
but of sound judicial discretion. (Edrial v. Quilat-
Quilat, G.R. No. 133625, Sept. 6, 2000) 2. A lawyer may also interview a “prospective
witness” for the opposing side in any civil and
Rule 12.04, Canon 12, CPR criminal action without the consent of opposing
A lawyer shall not unduly delay a case, impede the counsel or party;
execution of a judgment or misuse court processes. 3. A lawyer must properly obtain statements from
witnesses whose names were furnished by the
It is understandable for a party to make full use of opposing counsel or interview the employees of
every conceivable legal defense the law allows it. the opposing party even though they are under
However, of such attempts to evade liability to which subpoena to appear as witnesses for the
a party should respond, it must ever be kept in mind opposite side;
that procedural rules are intended as an aid to justice,
4. If after trial resulting in defendant’s conviction,
not as means for its frustration.
his counsel has been advised that a prosecution
witness has committed perjury, it is not only
Once a judgment becomes final and executory, the
proper but it is the lawyer’s duty to endeavor
prevailing party should not be denied the fruits of his
honorable means to obtain such witness’
victory by some subterfuge devised by the losing
reaction, even without advising the public
party. Unjustified delay in the enforcement of a
prosecutor of his purpose and even though the
judgment sets at naught the role of the courts in
case is pending appeal; and
disposing justiciable controversies with finality.
(Aguilar v. Manila Banking Corporation, GR No. 5. An adverse party, though he may be used as a
157911, September 19, 2006) witness, is not however a witness within the
Legal Ethics

meaning of the rule permitting a lawyer to pushing and pulling his penis to your vagina or while
interview the witness of the opposing counsel. he was still in the process of pushing and pulling his
penis to your vagina?” Did the lawyer of Nolito
Boras violate Rule 12.07?
Note: Although the law does not forbid an attorney to be a
witness and at the same time an attorney in a cause, the
courts prefer that counsel should not testify as a witness A: Yes. It must be stressed that in dealing with rape
unless it is necessary and that they should withdraw from cases of children, especially those below 12 years of
the active management of the case. (PNB v. Uy Teng Piao, age, due care must be observed by the trial court in
G.R. No. L- 35252, Oct. 21, 1932) (2001, 2005 Bar handling the victim. In fact, more often than not, the
Questions) grueling experience in the trial court in the course of
direct examination and cross-examination is more
Rule 12.06, Canon 12, CPR traumatic than the fact of the rape itself. On such
A lawyer shall not knowingly assist a witness to occasions, mishandling of victims lead to
misrepresent himself or to impersonate another. psychological imbalances which, if not properly
treated by medical experts, will lead to an abnormal
Q: What are the sanctions on a lawyer who shall behavioral response against the idea of sex itself and
knowingly assist a witness to misrepresent himself disturbed interaction with the opposite or same sex.
or to impersonate another?
By subjecting her into explaining whether she was
A: Art. 184, Revised Penal Code provides: The lawyer forced or intimidated is excessive. It is because proof
who presented a witness knowing him to be a false of force and intimidation is unnecessary in statutory
witness is criminally liable for “Offering False rape. Considering that there is a medical report
Testimony in Evidence”. substantiating the allegations made by the victim, the
manner of examination of the victim must be
Note: The lawyer who is guilty of the above is both tempered. Especially in this case since the child is
criminally and administratively liable. only six years old who remains uncorrupted. (People
v. Boras, G.R. No. 127495, Dec. 22, 2000)
Q: Is the witness who committed the
misrepresentation criminally liable? Q: What is the obligation of a witness?

A: A witness must answer questions although his

A: Yes. The witness who commits the
answer may tend to establish a claim against him.
misrepresentation is criminally liable for “False
Testimony” either under Art. 181, 182 or 183, Revised
Q: What are the rights of a witness?
Penal Code, depending upon the nature of the case.
Q: Who commits subordination of perjury? 1. To be protected from irrelevant, improper, or
insulting questions and from harsh or insulting
A: Subornation of perjury is not anymore expressly demeanor;
penalized in the Revised Penal Code. The crime is 2. Not to be detained longer than the interest of
now treated as plain perjury, the one inducing justice requires;
another as principal by inducement and the latter as 3. Not to be examined except only as to matters
principal by direct participation (People v. Pudol, pertinent to the issue;
October 18, 1938, G.R. No. L-45618) 4. Not to give any answer which will tend to subject
him to a penalty for an offense unless otherwise
Rule 12.07, Canon 12, CPR provided by law; or
A lawyer shall not abuse, browbeat or harass a 5. Not to give an answer which will tend to degrade
witness nor needlessly inconvenience him. his reputation, unless it be the very fact at issue
or to a fact from which the fact in issue would be
Q: Nolito Boras was convicted of statutory rape. The presumed. But a witness must answer to the fact
victim, a minor, testified and the manner of of his previous and final conviction for an
examination was excessive. The lawyer of Boras was offense. (Sec. 3, Rule 132 of RRC)
asking questions like, “Did you have any opportunity
at the time you were raped to hold the penis of Note: It was highly inconsiderate for the prosecutor and the
Nolito Boras?”, “At the time, when you were raped defense counsel to trade quips at the precise time the
victim of rape was reviving her harrowing experience.
by Nolito Boras, is his penis hard or soft?”, and “Did
Courts are looked up to by the people with high respect and
you see your uncle Cerilo after the accused stop
are regarded as places were litigants are heard, rights and


conflicts are settled and justice solemnly dispensed. Levity
has no place in the courtroom during the examination of CANON 13, CPR
the victim of rape, and particularly at her expense. (People A LAWYER SHALL RELY UPON THE MERITS OF HIS
v. Nuguid, G.R. No. 148991, Jan. 21, 2004)
A lawyer shall avoid testifying in behalf of his client, (1994, 1997, 2000, 2001, 2003 Bar Questions)
a. On formal matters, such as the mailing, It is unethical for a lawyer to give an appearance as if
authentication or custody of an instrument, and the he is capable of influencing judges and court
like; or personnel. Giving of gifts to the judges are
b. On substantial matters, in cases where his discouraged as it tend to give an appearance of
testimony is essential to the ends of justice, in which influencing the conduct of judicial function or
event he must, during his testimony, entrust the trial breeding familiarity with judges. (Antiquiera, CPR, p.
of the case to another counsel. 55)

Rationale: The function of a witness is to tell the facts as he It is reprehensible for a lawyer to wrongfully uses the
recalls them in answer to questions. The function of an
name of the law office for the purpose of “giving
advocate is that of a partisan. It is difficult to distinguish
between the zeal of an advocate and the fairness and more weight and credit to the pleading.” Motions and
impartiality of a disinterested witness. pleadings filed in courts are acted upon in accordance
with their merits or lack of it, and not on the
Q: What are the instances when a lawyer may not reputation of the law firm or the lawyer filing the
testify as a witness in a case which he is handling for same. (Rodica v. Atty. Lazaro, et al. A.C. No. 9259,
a client? August 23, 2012)

A: TARCC Rule 13.01, Canon 13, CPR

1. When, as an attorney, he is to Testify on the A lawyer shall not extend extraordinary attention or
theory of the case; hospitality to, nor seek opportunity for cultivating
2. When such would Adversely affect any lawful familiarity with judges.
interest of the client with respect to which
confidence has been reposed on him; Rationale: To protect the good name and reputation of the
3. Having accepted a Retainer, he cannot be a judge and the lawyer.
witness against his client;
4. He cannot serve Conflicting interests; and Lawyers should not seek for opportunity to cultivate
5. When he is to violate the Confidence of his client. familiarity with judges. A lawyer who resorts to such
practices of seeking familiarity with judges dishonors his
profession and a judge who consents to them is unworthy
Q: What are the instances when a lawyer may
of his high office.
testify as a witness in a case which he is handling for It is improper for a litigant or counsel to see a judge in
a client? chambers and talk to him about a matter related to the
case pending in the court of said judge. (Austria v.
A: FETAD Masaquel, G.R. No. 22536, Aug. 31, 1967)
1. On Formal matters, such as the mailing,
authentication or custody of instrument and the Q: Atty. J requested Judge K to be a principal
like; sponsor at the wedding of his son. Atty. J met Judge
2. Acting as an Expert on his fee; K a month before during the IBP-sponsored
3. On substantial matters in cases where his reception to welcome Judge K into the community,
Testimony is essential to the ends of justice, in and having learned that Judge K takes his breakfast
which event he must, during his testimony, at a coffee shop near his (Judge K's) boarding house,
entrust the trial of the case to another counsel; Atty. J made it a point to be at the coffee shop at
4. Acting as an Arbitrator; and about the time that Judge K takes his breakfast.
5. Deposition. Comment on Atty. J's acts. Do they violate the Code
of Professional Responsibility? (2000 Bar Question)
FROM ANY IMPROPRIETY WHICH TENDS TO A: Yes, his actions violate the Code of Professional
INFLUENCE OR GIVES THE APPEARANCE OF Responsibility. Canon 13 of the said Code provides
INFLUENCE UPON THE COURTS that a lawyer shall rely upon the merits of his cause


Legal Ethics

and refrain from any impropriety which tends to public opinion for or against a party.” The Court in a
influence, or gives the appearance of influencing the pending litigation must be shielded from
court. Rule 13.01 of the same Code provides that a embarrassment or influence in its duty of deciding
lawyer shall not extend extraordinary attention or the case.
hospitality to, nor seek opportunity for, cultivating
familiarity with judges. Atty. J obviously sought Q: Assume Dumbledore did not include any
opportunity for cultivating familiarity with Judge K by commentary on the case. Assume further after the
being at the coffee shop where the latter takes his Supreme Court decision on the case had attained
breakfast, and is extending extraordinary attention to finality, he wrote another IBP Journal article,
the judge by inviting him to be a principal sponsor at dissecting the decision and explaining why the
the wedding of his son. Supreme Court erred in all its conclusions. May he
be sanctioned by the Supreme Court? Explain. (2008
Rule 13.02, Canon 13, CPR Bar Question)
A lawyer shall not make public statements in the
media regarding a pending case tending to arouse A: He may not be sanctioned by the Supreme Court.
public opinion for or against a party. Once a litigation is concluded, the judge who decided
it is subject to the same criticism as any other public
official because his decision becomes public property
Q: When can there be prejudicial publicity?
and is thrown open to public consumption. The
lawyer enjoys a wide latitude in commenting or
A: There must be an allegation and proof that the
criticizing the judge’s decision, provided that such
judges have been unduly influenced, not simply that
comment or criticism shall be bona fide and not spill
they might be, by barrage of publicity. (CPR
over the bounds of decency and propriety.
Annotated, PhilJA)

Note: The restriction does not prohibit issuances of Rule 13.03, Canon 13, CPR
statements by public officials charged with the duty of A lawyer shall not brook or invite interference by
prosecuting or defending actions in court. another branch or agency of the government in the
normal course of judicial proceedings.
Q: What is the test to determine whether public
statements are contemptuous? Rationale: Such action will be contrary to the principle of
separation of powers.
A: The character of the act done and its direct
tendency to prevent and obstruct the discharge of All lawyers must uphold, respect and support the
independence of the judiciary. This independence from
official duty.
interference is made to apply against all branches and
agencies of the government. (Funa, 2009)
Note: In a concluded litigation, a lawyer enjoys a wider
The Supreme Court accordingly administered a reprimand
latitude of comment on or criticize the decision of a judge
to Bumanlag for gross ignorance of law and of the
of his actuation. Thus, it has been held that a newspaper
Constitution in having asked the President to set aside by
publication tending to impede, obstruct, embarrass or
decree the Court’s decision which suspended him for two
influence the courts in administering justice in a pending
years from the practice of law. (De Bumanlag v. Bumanlag,
case constitutes criminal contempt, but the rule is
A.M. No. 188, Nov. 29, 1976)
otherwise after the litigation is ended. (In re: Loazano, 54
Phil. 801, July 24, 1930)
Q: Dumbledore, a noted professor of commercial LAWYER TO THE CLIENTS
law, wrote an article on the subject of letters of
credit, which was published in the IBP Journal. Q: What are the characteristics of an attorney-client
Assume that he devoted a significant portion of the relationship? (1995, 1997 Bar Question)
article to a commentary on how the Supreme Court
should decide a pending case involving the A:
application of the law on letters of credit. May he be 1. Strictly personal – Prohibits the delegation of
sanctioned by the Supreme Court? Explain. work without the client’s consent

A: Yes, Professor Dumbledore may be sanctioned by 2. Highly confidential

the Supreme Court. Rule 13.02 of the CPR provides a. Communication made in the course of lawyers
that “a lawyer shall not make public statements in the professional employment; and
media regarding a pending case tending to arouse b. Communication intended to be confidential



3. Fiduciary Q: What are the advantages of a written contract

a. Hold in trust all moneys and properties of his between the Lawyer and the Client?
client that may come into his possession;
b. When a lawyer enforces a charging lien A:
against his client, the relationship is 1. It is conclusive as to the amount of
terminated; and compensation.
c. An attorney cannot represent adverse
interest unless the parties consent to the 2. In case of unjustified dismissal of an attorney, he
representation after full disclosure of facts shall be entitled to recover from the client full
compensation stipulated in the contract. (R.A.
Q: Is a contract necessary in order to have a 636)
professional relationship between a lawyer and a
client? Q: What are the rules protecting attorney-client
A: No, the absence of a written contract will not
preclude a finding that there is a professional A:
relationship. Documentary formalism is not an 1. Best efforts must be exerted by the attorney to
essential element in the employment of an attorney; protect his client’s interest;
the contract may be express or implied. 2. The attorney must promptly account for any fund
or property entrusted by or received for his
It is sufficient to establish the professional relation, client;
that the advice and assistance of an attorney is 3. An attorney cannot purchase his client’s property
sought and received in any matter pertinent to his or interest in litigation;
profession. An acceptance of the relation is implied 4. The privacy of communications shall at all times
on the part of the attorney from his acting on behalf upheld;
of his client in pursuance of a request from the latter. 5. An attorney cannot represent a party whose
interest is adverse to that of his client even after
Note: If a person, in respect to his business affairs or any the termination of the relation.
troubles of any kind, consults with his attorney in his
professional capacity with the view to obtaining Q: What are the three principal types of professional
professional advice or assistance and the attorney
activity that a licensed attorney at law generally
voluntarily permits or acquiesce in such consultation, as
engages in, in the practice of his profession?
when he listens to his client’s preliminary statement of his
case or gives advice thereon, then the professional
employment is regarded as established just as effective as A: LAP
when he draws his client’s pleading or advocates his client’s 1. Legal advice and instructions to clients to inform
cause in court. (Dee v. CA, G.R. No. 77439, Aug. 24, 1989) them of their rights and obligations;
2. Appearance for clients before public tribunals
Q: How is a lawyer-client relationship formed? which possess power and authority to determine
rights of life, liberty, and property according to
A: law, in order to assist in proper interpretation
1. Oral – When the counsel is employed without a and enforcement of law; and
written agreement, but the conditions and 3. Preparation for clients of documents requiring
amount of attorney’s fees are agreed upon. knowledge of legal principles not possessed by
ordinary layman. (CPR Annotated, PhilJA)
2. Express – when the terms and conditions
including the amount of fees are explicitly stated Q: Uy engaged the services of Atty. Gonzales to
in a written document, which may be a private or prepare and file a petition for the issuance of a new
public document. Written contract of attorney’s certificate of title. Uy confided with him the
fees is the law between the lawyer and the circumstances surrounding the lost title and
client. discussing the fees and costs. When the petition was
about to be filed, Atty. Gonzales went to Uy’s office
3. Implied – When there is no agreement, whether and demanded a certain amount from him other
oral or written, but the client allowed the lawyer than what they had previously agreed upon. Uy
to render legal services not intended to be found out later that instead of filing the petition for
gratuitous without objection and client is the issuance of a new certificate of title, Atty.
benefited by reason thereof. Gonzales filed a letter- complaint against him with


Legal Ethics

the Office of the Provincial Prosecutor for employment?

“falsification of public documents.” The letter-
complaint contained facts and circumstances A: GR: A lawyer is not obliged to act as legal counsel
pertaining to the transfer certificate of title that was for any person who may wish to become his client.
the subject matter of the petition which Atty. He has the right to decline employment.
Gonzales was supposed to have filed. Should Atty.
Gonzales be suspended for violating the lawyer- XPN:
client relationship when he filed a complaint for 1. A lawyer shall not refuse his services to the
“falsification of public documents” against his client needy. (Canon 14)
using facts connected with the latter’s petition? 2. He shall not decline to represent a person
solely on account of the latter’s race, sex,
A: No. As a rule, an attorney-client relationship is said creed or status in life or because of his own
to exist when a lawyer voluntarily permits or opinion regarding the guilt of said person
acquiesces with the consultation of a person, who in (Rule 14.01); (1990, 1993, 2000, 2002, 2006
respect to a business or trouble of any kind, consults Bar Questions)
a lawyer with a view of obtaining professional advice 3. He shall not decline, except for serious and
or assistance. It is not essential that the client should efficient cause like
have employed the attorney on any previous a. If he is not in a position to carryout
occasion or that any retainer should have been paid, effectively or competently; and
promised or charged for, neither is it material that b. If he labors under a conflict of interest
the attorney consulted did not afterward undertake between him and the prospective client.
the case about which the consultation was had, for as (Rule 14.03)
long as the advice and assistance of the attorney is
sought and received, in matters pertinent to his Q: What are legal aid cases?
A: Legal Aid cases are those actions, disputes and
Evidently, the facts alleged in the complaint for controversies that are criminal, civil and
“estafa through falsification of public documents” administrative in nature in whatever stage, wherein
filed by Atty. Gonzales against Uy were obtained by an indigent and pauper litigants need legal
Atty. Gonzales due to his personal dealings with Uy. representation.
Whatever facts alleged by Atty. Gonzales against Uy
were not obtained by Atty. Gonzales in his Q: What is the rationale for the establishment and
professional capacity but as a redemptioner of a operation of legal aid offices in all chapters of the
property originally owned by his deceased son and IBP?
therefore, when Atty. Gonzales filed the complaint
for estafa against Uy, which necessarily involved A: Legal aid is not a matter of charity. It is a means for
alleging facts that would constitute estafa, Atty. the correction of social imbalances that may and
Gonzales was not, in any way, violating Canon 21. often do lead to injustice, for which reason it is a
Clearly, there was no attorney-client relationship public responsibility of the Bar. The spirit of public
between Atty. Gonzales and Uy. The preparation and service should, therefore, underlie all legal aid offices.
the proposed filing of the petition was only incidental The same should be so administered as to give
to their personal transaction. (Uy v. Atty. Gonzales, maximum possible assistance to the indigent and
A.C. No. 5280, Mar. 30, 2004) deserving members of the community in all cases,
matters and situations in which legal aid may be
AVAILABILITY OF SERVICE WITHOUT necessary to forestall an injustice. (Public Service.
DISCRIMINATION Sec. 1 Art. 1 IBP Guidelines on Legal Aid)

CANON 14, CPR Q: Are there instances where a lawyer has the duty
A LAWYER SHALL NOT REFUSE HIS SERVICES TO THE to decline employment? (1993 Bar Question)
(1990, 1992, 2006 Bar Questions) A: A lawyer should decline no matter how attractive
the fee offered may be if its acceptance will involve:
Rationale: The poor and indigent should not be further RACCAA
disadvantaged by lack of access to the Philippine legal 1. A violation of any of the Rules of the legal
2. Advocacy in any manner in which he had
Q: Does a lawyer have a right to decline

intervened while in the government service; Furthermore, CPR provides that a lawyer shall
3. Nullification of a Contract which he prepared; not decline to represent a person because of his
4. Employment with a Collection agency which opinion regarding the guilt of said person.
solicits business to collect claims; Otherwise innocent persons might be denied
5. Employment, the nature of which might easily be proper defense. (Rule 14.01, Code of Professional
used as a means of Advertising his professional Responsibility)
services of his skill; or
6. Any matter in which he knows or has reason to b. A lawyer may also accept a losing civil case,
believe that he or his partner will be an essential provided that, in so doing, he must not engage in
witness for the prospective client. dilatory tactics and must advise his client about
the prospects and advantage of settling the case
Q: What are the ethical considerations in taking a through a compromise.
bad case?
1. Criminal case - A lawyer may accept a losing Rule 14.01, Canon 14, CPR
criminal case because every accused is presumed A lawyer shall not decline to represent a person
innocent until proven guilty and is entitled to solely on account of the latter’s race, sex, creed or
counsel. status of life, or because of his own opinion
regarding the guilt of said person.
2. Civil case - The rules and ethics of the profession
enjoin a lawyer from taking a bad case. Q: Atty. DD’s services were engaged by Mr. BB as
defense counsel in a lawsuit. In the course of the
Q: What are the reasons why a lawyer may not proceedings, Atty. DD discovered that Mr. BB was an
accept a “losing” civil case? agnostic and a homosexual. By reason thereof, Atty.
DD filed a motion to withdraw as counsel without
A: Mr. BB’s express consent. Is Atty. DD’s motion
1. The attorney’s signature in every pleading legally tenable? Reason briefly. (2004 Bar Question)
constitutes a certificate by him that there is good
cause to support it and that it is not interposed A: No. Atty. DD’s motion is not legally tenable. He
for delay, and willful violation of such rule shall has no valid cause to terminate his services. His
subject him to disciplinary action; client, Mr. BB, being an agnostic and homosexual,
2. It is the attorney’s duty to “counsel or maintain should not be deprived of his counsel’s
such actions or proceedings only as appears to representation solely for that reason.
him to be just and only such defenses as he
believes to be honestly debatable under the SERVICES AS COUNSEL DE OFFICIO
Rule 14.02, Canon 14, CPR
3. A lawyer is not to encourage either the A lawyer shall not decline, except for serious and
commencement or the continuance of an action sufficient cause, an appointment as counsel de
or proceeding, or delay any man’s cause, for any officio or as amicus curiae, or a request from the
corrupt motive or interest; and Integrated Bar of the Philippines or any of its
4. A lawyer must decline to conduct a civil cause or chapters for rendition of free legal aid (1991, 1993,
to make a defense when convinced that it is 1994, 1996, 1998, 2001, 2002, 2004, 2006 Bar
intended merely to harass or injure the opposite Questions)
party or to work oppression or wrong.
Q: What is the protection given by law to poor
Q: Is there an instance when a lawyer may accept litigants who cannot afford the services of a lawyer?
losing case? (1996, 2001, 2002, 2005 Bar Questions)
a. In criminal case? A: A court may assign an attorney to render
b. In civil case? professional aid free of charge to any party in case, if
upon investigation it appears that the party is
A: destitute and unable to employ an attorney and that
a. A lawyer may accept a “losing” criminal case the services of counsel are necessary to secure the
since an accused is presumed to be innocent ends of justice and to protect the rights of the party.
until his guilt is proven beyond reasonable doubt. It shall be the duty of the attorney so assigned to


Legal Ethics

render the required service, unless he is excused knowing the fundamental procedures, essential laws
therefrom by the court for sufficient cause shown. and existing jurisprudence. The right of an accused to
(Sec. 31, Rule 138, RRC) counsel finds substance in the performance by the
lawyer of his sworn duty of fidelity to his client.
Q: Who may be appointed as counsel de officio? Tersely put, it means an efficient and truly decisive
legal assistance and not a simple perfunctory
A: representation.
1. Members of the bar in good standing;
2. Any person, resident of the province and of good It is never enough that accused be simply informed of
repute for probity and ability, in localities his right to counsel; he should also be asked whether
without lawyers he wants to avail himself of one and should be told
that he can hire a counsel of his own choice if he so
Q: What are considered in appointing a counsel de desires or that one can be provided to him at his
officio? request.
A counsel de officio is expected to act with utmost
1. Gravity of offense
diligence. A mere pro-forma appointment of de
2. Difficulty of questions that may arise; and
officio counsel who fails to genuinely protect the
3. Experience and ability of appointee
interests of the accused merits disapprobation. The
Q: A criminal complaint was filed against Bermas for exacting demands expected of a lawyer should be no
the crime of rape. The Second Assistant Prosecutor less than stringent when one is a counsel de officio.
issued a certification that the accused has waived his He must take the case not as a burden but as an
right to preliminary investigation. On the day of the opportunity to assist in the proper dispensation of
scheduled arraignment, the accused was brought justice. No lawyer is to be excused from this
before the trial court without counsel. The court responsibility except only for the most compelling
assigned a PAO attorney to be the counsel de officio and cogent reasons.
who, during trial also made a request that she be
relieved from the case. Another counsel was Canon 18 of the Code of Professional Responsibility
thereafter assigned as the new counsel de officio. requires every lawyer to serve his client with utmost
When said new counsel for the accused failed to dedication, competence and diligence. He must not
appear before the court for their presentation of neglect a legal matter entrusted to him, and his
evidence, the Court appointed another counsel de negligence in this regard renders him administratively
officio but, again, said counsel asked to be relieved liable. Obviously, in the instant case, the aforenamed
from the case. The newly appointed counsel also defense lawyers did not protect, much less uphold,
failed to appear before the court. the fundamental rights of the accused. Instead, they
Despite the said events, the lower court convicted haphazardly performed their function as counsel de
the accused of death penalty for the violation of the officio to the detriment and prejudice of the accused
crime of rape. The defense counsel claimed that the Sevilleno, however guilty he might have been found
accused was deprived of due process, was denied to be after trial. (People v. Bermas, G.R. No. 120420,
his Constitutional right to effective and vigilant Apr. 21, 1999)
counsel and his Constitutional right to be tried by an
impartial judge. Is there a violation of due process VALID GROUNDS FOR REFUSAL
and was denied of his Constitutional right to
effective and vigilant counsel? Rule 14.03, Canon 14, CPR
A lawyer may not refuse to accept representation of
A: Yes. The right to counsel must be more than just an indigent client unless:
the presence of a lawyer in the courtroom or the a. He is in no position to carry out the work
mere propounding of standard questions and effectively or competently;
objections. The right to counsel means that the b. He labors under a conflict of interest between him
accused is amply accorded legal assistance extended and the prospective client or between a present
by a counsel who commits himself to the cause for client and a prospective client.
the defense and acts accordingly. The right assumes
an active involvement by the lawyer in the Q: When may refusal of a counsel to act as counsel
proceedings, particularly at the trial of the case, his de oficio be justified on grounds aside from the
bearing constantly in mind of the basic rights of the reasons of health, extensive travel abroad, or similar
accused, his being well-versed on the case, and his reasons of urgency?



Q: Assailed in a certiorari proceeding is an order of

A: Other justified grounds for refusal to act as a respondent Judge Climaco denying a motion filed by
counsel de oficio are: petitioner Ledesma to be allowed to withdraw as
1. Too many de officio cases assigned to the lawyer; counsel de officio. One of the grounds for such a
(People v. Daeng, G.R. No. L- 34091, Jan. 30, motion was his allegation that with his appointment
1973) as Election Registrar by the COMELEC, he was not in
2. Conflict of interest; (Rule 14.03, CPR) a position to devote full time to the defense of the
3. Lawyer is not in a position to carry out the work two accused. The denial by respondent Judge of
effectively or competently; (supra) such a plea, notwithstanding the conformity of the
4. Lawyer is prohibited from practicing law by defendants, was due to “its principal effect of
reason of his public office which prohibits delaying the case." Is the denial of Judge Climaco
appearances in court; and correct?
5. Lawyer is preoccupied with too many cases
which will spell prejudice to the new clients. A: Yes. The reluctance of Ledesma to comply with his
responsibilities as counsel de officio is not an
Note: A lawyer may refuse to handle cases due to these adequate ground for the motion of withdrawal.
valid reasons. However, Rule 2.02 requires him to give Membership in the bar is a privilege burdened with a
advice on preliminary steps if he is asked until the client condition. For some lawyers especially the neophytes
secures the services of counsel. He shall refrain from giving
in the profession being appointed as a lawyer is an
this preliminary advice if there is conflict of interest
irksome chore. Law is a profession dedicated to the
between a present client and a prospective one for
extending such legal advice will create and establish an ideal of service and not a mere trade. Thus is made
attorney-client relationship between them and may involve manifest the indispensable role of a member of the
a violation of the rule prohibiting a lawyer from Bar in the defense of an accused. Such a
representing conflicting interest. consideration could have sufficed for Ledesma not
being allowed to withdraw as counsel de oficio. For
Q: Atty. J. Bonanza, a semi-retired Metro Manila he did betray by his moves his lack of enthusiasm for
practitioner has a cattle ranch in the remote the task entrusted to him, to put matters mildly. He
municipality of Nueva Ecija. He attends to his law did point though to his responsibility as an election
office in Manila on Mondays, Tuesdays and registrar. Assuming his good faith, no such excuse
Wednesdays, and the rest of the week he spends in could be availed now. There is not likely at present,
his cattle ranch raising horses. In a criminal case and in the immediate future, an exorbitant demand
pending before the Municipal Trial Court of on his time. (Ledesma v. Climaco, G.R. No. L-23815,
Carranglan, the only other licensed member of the June 28, 1974)
bar in the place is representing the complainant. The
accused is a detention prisoner. The judge wants to Q: Ferrer was accused of having raped his 11-year-
expedite proceedings. What must the judge do to old stepdaughter. Ferrer’s counsel of record was
expedite proceedings? (1988 Bar Question) PAO's Atty. Macabanding. During the pre-trial, both
of them failed to appear. Ferrer was considered by
A: The judge may appoint attorney Bonanza as the court as having jumped bail. Trial in absentia
counsel de officio considering that the accused is a followed where Ferrer was assisted by another PAO
detention prisoner and therefore it is assumed that lawyer, Atty. Alonto. Atty. Macabanding did not
he has no financial means of engaging a paid counsel. appear in all the subsequent hearings of the case. He
did not inform the court of his whereabouts. Ferrer
Q: If Atty. Bonanza is requested to act as counsel for was found guilty beyond reasonable doubt of the
the accused, could he or should he refuse by saying crime charged and imposed upon him the death
that in the province, he wants to do nothing except penalty. Did Atty. Macabanding live up to the
ride horses and castrate bulls? Explain. demands expected from a counsel de officio?

A: The attorney cannot refuse to be appointed as A: No. Ferrer was not properly and effectively
counsel de officio merely on the reason that he is a accorded the right to counsel. Canon 18 of the CPR
semi-retired practicing lawyer. Precisely one of the requires every lawyer to serve his client with utmost
reasons for the integration of the Bar in the dedication, competence and diligence. He must not
Philippines is to compel all persons who have been neglect a legal matter entrusted to him. For all
admitted to the practice of law in the Philippines to intents, purposes and appearances, Atty.
perform their duties to assist the courts in the Macabanding abandoned his client, an accused who
administration of public. stands to face the death penalty.


Legal Ethics

Rule 14.04, Canon 14, CPR

While he faced the daunting task of defending an A lawyer who accepts the cause of a person unable
accused that had jumped bail, this unfortunate to pay his professional fees shall observe the same
development is not a justification to excuse him from standard of conduct governing his relations with
giving his heart and soul to the latter's defense. The paying clients.(2008 Bar Question)
exercise of their duties as counsel de officio meant
rendering full meaning and reality to the Q: Atty. Mariano Dajoyag, Jr. is Ernesto Ramos’
constitutional precepts protecting the rights of the counsel. He failed to perfect their appeal before the
accused. (People v. Ferrer, G.R. No. 148821, July 18, SC. He filed the petition for certiorari within the 20-
2003) day period of extension that he sought in his 2nd
motion for extension. He learned that the period of
Q: What is the rule on the appointment of counsel extension granted in his 1st motion for extension
de officio for an accused who was convicted by the was inextendible only after the expiration of the 2
Regional Trial Court and is desirous of appealing periods of extension that he prayed for. A complaint
from the judgment of conviction? (1993 Bar for negligence and malpractice was filed against
Question) him, to which he pleaded good faith and excusable
neglect of duty. Is Atty. Dajoyag Jr. guilty of neglect
A: If an accused is found guilty by the trial court and of duty?
makes his intention to appeal the decision, the
appellate court may appoint a counsel de officio if it is A: Yes. Motions for extension are not granted as a
shown by a certificate of the Clerk of the Court that: matter of right but in the sound discretion of the
1. The defendant is confined in prison and not able court, and lawyers should never presume that their
to file a bail bond; motions for extension or postponement will be
2. He is without means to employ an attorney de granted or that they will be granted the length of
parte; and time they prayed for.
3. He desires to be represented by an attorney de
officio. Further, regardless of the agreement Atty. Dajoyag,
Jr. had with Ramos with respect to the payment of his
Note: An appellant who is not confined in prison is not fees, Atty. Dajoyag, Jr. owed it to Ramos to do his
entitled to an attorney de officio unless a request is made
utmost to ensure that every remedy allowed by law is
within ten days from notice to file the appellant’s brief and
the right thereto is established by affidavit of poverty. (Sec.
availed of. Rule 14.04 of the Code of Professional
13, Rule 122, RRC) Responsibility enjoins every lawyer to devote his full
attention, diligence, skills, and competence to every
Q: May a lawyer decline a request for free legal aid case that he accepts. Pressure and large volume of
to an indigent accused made by a chapter of the legal work do not excuse Atty. Dajoyag, Jr. for filing
IBP? Explain. the petition for certiorari out of time.

A: No. Rule 14.02 of the CPR provides that “a lawyer Nevertheless, Atty. Dajoyag Jr. exerted efforts to
shall not decline, except for serious and sufficient protect the rights and interests of Ernesto Ramos,
cause, an appointment as counsel de officio or as including trying to secure a reconsideration of the
amicus curiae or a request from the IBP or any of its denial of the petition. Thus, he is guilty of simple
chapter for rendition of free legal aid.” He neglect of duty. (Ramos v. Dajoyag, Jr., A.C. No. 5174,
may, decline such appointment only for “serious and Feb. 28, 2002)
sufficient cause”.
Note: The fact that his services are rendered without
remuneration should not occasion a diminution in his zeal.
Q: Will your answer be different if the legal aid is
(Ledesma v. Climaco, G.R. No. L-23815, June 28, 1974)
requested in a civil case? (2002 Bar Question)
Lawyers who devote their professional practice to
A: My answer will not be exactly the same, because in representing litigants who could ill afford legal services
a civil case, the lawyer can also decline if he believes deserve commendation. However, it is not enough to say
the action or defense to be unmeritorious. He is that all pauper litigants should be assured of legal
ethically bound to maintain only actions and representation. They deserve quality representation as
proceedings which appear to him to be just and only well. (Canoy v. Ortiz, A.C. No. 5485, Mar. 16, 2005)
such defenses which he believes to be honestly
debatable under the law.



CANDOR, FAIRNESS AND LOYALTY TO CLIENTS Q. How is Rule 15.02 different from Canon 17?

CANON 15, CPR A: Rule 15.02 speaks of the duty of confidentiality to

A LAWYER SHALL OBSERVE CANDOR, FAIRNESS AND a prospective client while Canon 17 provides for the
LOYALTY IN ALL HIS DEALINGS AND TRANSACTIONS duty of confidentiality to an actual client. (Funa,
(1991 Bar Question)
Q: Are matters disclosed by a prospective client to a
lawyer protected by the rule on privileged
Q: What does the Code of Professional
Responsibility provide pertinent to the lawyer’s duty
as regards his dealings and transactions with clients? A: Yes. The foregoing disqualification rule applies to
prospective clients of a lawyer. Matters disclosed by a
A: Canon 15 of the Code of Professional prospective client to a lawyer are protected by the
Responsibility provides that "A lawyer shall observe rule on privileged communication even if the
candor, fairness and loyalty in all his dealings and prospective client does not thereafter retain the
transactions with his client.” lawyer or the latter declines the employment.

A lawyer owes absolute fidelity to the cause of his The reason for this is to make the prospective client
client. He owes his client full devotion to his interest, free to discuss whatever he wishes with the lawyer
warm zeal in the maintenance and defense of his without fear that what he tells the lawyer will be
rights. divulged or used against him, and for the lawyer to be
equally free to obtain information from the
Note: It demands of an attorney an undivided allegiance, a prospective client. (CPR Annotated, PhilJA)
conspicuous and high degree of good faith,
disinterestedness, candor, fairness, loyalty, fidelity and Note: A privileged communication is one that refers to
absolute integrity in all his dealings and transactions with information transmitted by voluntary act of disclosure
his clients and an utter renunciation of every personal between attorney and client in confidence and by means
advantage conflicting in any way, directly or indirectly, with which, so far as the client is aware discloses the information
the interest of his client. (Oparel Sr. v. Abaria, A.C. No. 959, to no third person other than one reasonably necessary for
July 30, 1971) the transmission of the information or the accomplishment
of the purpose for which it was given.
If they find that their client’s cause is defenseless, then it is
their bounden duty to advise the latter to acquiesce and Mere relation of attorney-client does not raise a
submit rather than to traverse the incontrovertible. (Rollon presumption of confidentiality. (Pineda, 2009) For an
v. Atty. Naraval, A.C. No. 6424, Mar. 4, 2005) information to be considered as privileged, it must be
intended by the client as such. (CPR Annotated, PhilJA)
Note: In addition to the proper administrative action, there
Note: Confidentiality means the relation between lawyer shall be imposed upon any attorney-at-law or solicitor who
and client or guardian and ward, or between spouses, with by any malicious breach of professional duty or of
regard to the trust that is placed in the one by the other. inexcusable negligence or ignorance, shall prejudice his
(Black’s Law Dictionary 7 Edition 1990, 2004) client, or reveal any of the secrets of the latter learned by
him in his professional capacity (article 209. Betrayal of
A lawyer shall preserve the confidences and secrets of his trust of an attorney or solicitor- Revelation of Secrets)
client even after the attorney-client relation is terminated
(Canon 21, Code of Professional Responsibility). Q: What are the essential factors to establish the
existence of the attorney-client privilege
It is one of the duties of a lawyer, as provided for in the
Rules of Court, to maintain inviolate the confidence, and at communication?
every peril to himself, to preserve the secrets of his client
(Sec. 20 (e), Rule 138, Rules of Court). A: Where the legal advice of any kind is sought from a
professional legal adviser in his capacity as such, the
PRIVILEGED COMMUNICATIONS communications relating to that purpose, made in
confidence by the client, are at his instance
Rule 15.02, Canon 15, CPR permanently protected from disclosure by himself or
A lawyer shall be bound by the rule on privilege by the legal advisor except if the protection be
communication in respect of matters disclosed to waived. (Hadjula v. Madianda, A.C. No. 6711, July 3,
him by a prospective client. (2008 Bar Question) 2007)


Legal Ethics

Q: What are the requisites of privilege The burden of proving that the privilege applies is
communication? placed upon the party asserting the privilege.
(Mercado v. Vitrilio, A.C. No. 5108, May 26, 2005)
1. There is attorney-client relationship or a kind of Q: What is the test in determining whether a
consultancy requirement with a prospective communication to an attorney is covered by the rule
client; on privileged communication?
2. The communication was made by the client to
the lawyer in the course of the lawyer’s A: The test is whether the communications are made
professional employment; and to an attorney with view of obtaining from him
3. The communication must be intended to be personal assistance or advice regardless of whether
confidential. there is a pending or merely impending litigation or
any litigation.
Note: The party who avers that the communication is
privileged has the burden of proof to establish the Q: What are the characteristics of privileged
existence of the privilege unless from the face of the communication?
document itself, it clearly appears that it is privileged. The
mere allegation that the matter is privileged is not
sufficient. (People v. Sleeper, G.R. No. 22783, Dec. 3, 1924;
Lapena Jr., 2009) 1. Attorney-client privilege where legal advice
is professionally sought from an attorney.
Q: When is client identity privileged? 2. The client must intend the above
communication to be confidential.
A: Client identity is privileged where a strong 3. Attorney-client privilege embraces all forms
probability exists that revealing the client’s name of communication and action.
would implicate that client in the very activity for 4. As general rule, attorney-client privilege also
which he sought the lawyer’s advice. (Regala v. extends to the attorney’s secretary,
Sandiganbayan, G.R. No. 105938, Sept. 20, 1996) stenographer, clerk or agent with reference
to any fact acquired in such capacity.
Q: Rosa Mercado’s husband filed an annulment 5. The above duty is perpetual and
against her. Atty. Julito Vitriolo represented her. communication is absolutely privileged from
Thereafter, a criminal action against her was filed by disclosure.
the latter for falsification of public document. 6. Persons entitled to claim privileges
According to Atty. Vitriolo, she indicated in the
Certificates of Live Birth of her children that she is Q: Who are the persons entitled to claim the
married to a certain Ferdinand Fernandez, and that privilege?
their marriage was solemnized on April 11, 1979,
when in truth, she is legally married to Ruben A: The attorney-client privilege covers:
Mercado and their marriage took place on April 11, 1. Lawyer;
1978. Mercado claims that the criminal complaint 2. Client; and
disclosed confidential facts and information relating 3. Third persons who by reason of their work
to the civil case for annulment handled by Vitriolo as have acquired information about the case
her counsel. Did Atty. Julito Vitriolo violate the rule being handled such as:
on privileged communication between attorney and a. Attorney’s secretary, stenographer
client? and clerk;
b. Interpreter, messengers and agents
A: The evidence on record fails to substantiate transmitting communication; and
Mercado’s allegations. She did not even specify the c. An accountant, scientist, physician,
alleged communication in confidence disclosed by engineer who has been hired for
Atty. Vitriolo. All of Mercado’s claims were couched effective consultation. (Sec. 24(b),
in general terms and lacked specificity. Without any Rule 130, RRC)
testimony from Mercado as to the specific
confidential information allegedly divulged by Atty. Q: Bureau of Immigration and Deportation (BID)
Vitriolo without her consent, it is difficult, if not Intelligence Agent Hernandez, together with a
impossible to determine if there was any violation of reporter, went to the house of Aoyagi, a Japanese
the rule on privileged communication. It is not national. He was told that there were complaints
enough to merely assert the attorney-client privilege. against him in Japan and that he was suspected to



be a Yakuza big boss, a drug dependent and an Note: Even if the communication is unprivileged, the rule of
overstaying alien. To prove that he had done ethics prohibits lawyers from voluntarily revealing or using
nothing wrong, Aoyagi showed his passport to to his benefit or to that of a third person, to the
disadvantage of the client, the said communication unless
Hernandez who confiscated the same. A Contract for
the client consents thereto. (Sec. 3, Rule 138-A, RRC)
Legal Services was entered into by Aoyagi and Atty.
Acejas III. Aoyagi paid Atty. Acejas P40,000.00,
P25,000 of which is 50% of the acceptance fee, and
(1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1997, 1999, 2000, 2001,
the P15,000.00 is for filing/docket fee. Hernandez, in
2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2008 Bar Questions)
the presence of Atty. Acejas, proposed that Aoyagi
pay the amount of P1 million in exchange for the
help he would extend to Takao in securing a Rule 15.01, Canon 15, CPR
permanent visa in the Philippines. Atty. Acejas did A lawyer, in conferring with a prospective client,
nothing. Did Atty. Acejas violate the legal ethics of shall ascertain as soon as practicable whether the
the profession? matter would involve a conflict with another client
or his own interest, and if so, shall forthwith inform
A: Yes. The Court reminds lawyers to follow legal the prospective client.
ethics when confronted by public officers who extort
money. If the extortion is directed at the client, they Q: What is “conflict search”?
must advise the client not to perform any illegal act.
Moreover, they must report it to the authorities, A: It is examining the causes of action between the
without having to violate the attorney-client prospective client and the lawyer’s current clients.
privilege. Naturally, they must not participate in the
illegal act. Atty. Acejas did not follow these Q: What is the purpose of “conflict search”?
guidelines. Worse, he conspired with the
extortionists. (Acejas III v. People, G.R. No. 156643, A: By conducting a conflict search, the lawyer will be
June 27, 2006) able to determine, in the first instance, if he is barred
from accepting the representation through conflicts
Q: What is the duration of privileged with his present clients or the lawyer’s own interest.
communication? (CPR Annotated, PhilJA)

A: The privilege continues to exist even after the Q: What are the three tests to determine the
termination of the attorney-client relationship. existence of conflicting interests?

Note: The privilege character of the communication ceases A:

only when waived by the client himself or after his death, 1. Conflicting Duties - When, on behalf of one
by his heir or legal representative. (Lapena, Jr. 2009) client, it is the attorney’s duty to contest for that
which his duty to another client requires him to
Q: When is communication not privileged? oppose or when possibility of such situation will
A: A communication made by a client to a lawyer is
2. Invitation of Suspicion - Whether the acceptance
not privileged:
of the new relation will prevent a lawyer from
1. After pleading has been filed because such
the full discharge of his duty of undivided fidelity
becomes part of public records.
and loyalty to his client or will invite suspicion of
2. When communication was intended by the
unfaithfulness or double-dealing in the
client to be sent to a third person through
performance thereof.
his counsel.
3. When the communication sought by client is 3. Use of Prior Knowledge Obtained - Whether a
intended to aid future crime or perpetration lawyer will be called upon in his new relation to
of fraud. use against the first client any knowledge
4. When communication between attorney and acquired in the previous employment.
client is heard by a third party.
5. When there is consent or waiver of the Q: What are the types of conflict of interest?
6. When the law requires disclosure. A:
7. When disclosure is made to protect the 1. Concurrent or multiple representations –
lawyer’s rights Generally occurs when a lawyer represents
clients whose objectives are adverse to each
Legal Ethics

other, no matter how slight or remote such

adverse interest may be. Q: What are the other instances of conflict of
The tests for concurrent or multiple
representations are: A:
a. Whether a lawyer is duty-bound to fight 1. A corporate lawyer cannot join a labor union of
for an issue or claim in behalf of one employees in that corporation;
client and, at the same time, to oppose 2. A lawyer of an insurance corporation who
that claim for the other client; investigated an accident cannot represent the
b. Whether the acceptance of a new complainant/injured person;
relation would prevent the full discharge 3. As a receiver of a corporation, he cannot
of the lawyer’s duty of undivided fidelity represent the creditor;
or loyalty to the client; 4. As a representative of the obligor, he cannot
c. Whether the acceptance of new relation represent the obligee; and
would invite suspicion of unfaithfulness 5. As a lawyer representing a party in a compromise
or double-dealing in the performance of agreement, he cannot, subsequently, be a lawyer
the lawyer’s duty of undivided fidelity representing another client who seeks to nullify
and loyalty; and the agreement.
d. Whether, in the acceptance of a new
relation, the lawyer would be called Q: What constitutes representing conflicting
upon to use against a client confidential interests?
information acquired through their
connection. A: To be guilty of representing conflicting interests, a
counsel-of-record of one party need not also be
2. Sequential or successive representation – counsel-of-record of the adverse party. He does not
Involves representation by a law firm of a have to publicly hold himself as the counsel of the
present client who may have an interest adverse adverse party, nor make his efforts to advance the
to a prior or former client of the firm. (CPR adverse party's conflicting interests of record ---
Annotated, PhilJA) although these circumstances are the most obvious
and satisfactory proof of the charge. It is enough that
Note: What is material in determining whether there is a the counsel of one party had a hand in the
conflict of interest in the representation is probability, not preparation of the pleading of the other party,
certainty of conflict. (see discussion on disqualification or claiming adverse and conflicting interests with that of
limitation of public officials in practicing law, congruent-
his original client. To require that he also be counsel-
interest representation conflict and adverse-interest
of-record of the adverse party would punish only the
most obvious form of deceit and reward, with
Illustration: Existence of conflict of Interest impunity, the highest form of disloyalty. (Artueza v.
1. A v. B Atty. Maderazo, A.C. No. 4354, Apr. 22, 2002)
A and B are present clients.
Q: Mr. X and his father went to the residence of
2. C v. D; E v. D Atty. Y to seek his advice regarding the problem of
C is the present client and D is not a present the alleged indebtedness of Mr. X's brother to
client in the same case but is a present client Caesar's Palace, a well-known gambling casino at Las
in another case. Vegas. Atty. Y assured Mr. X and his father that he
would inquire into the matter, after which his
3. F v. G; H v. G services were reportedly contracted for P100,000.
F is the present client and G was a former 00. Several long distance telephone calls and two
client and the cases are related. trips to Las Vegas by him elicited the information
that indeed Mr. X's brother has an outstanding
3. I v. J; K v. J account to Caesar’s but further investigations
I is the present client and J was a former revealed that said account had actually been
client in a case that is unrelated. incurred by Ramon Sy, with Mr. X's brother merely
signing for the chits. Atty. Y personally talked with
4. L, M, N v. O, P, Q the president of Caesar's Palace and convinced the
L, M, N are present clients but L and latter’s president to go after Sy instead to which the
M joins O, P, Q. (People v. Davis) latter agreed with the condition that Atty. Y should



first convince Sy to pay the indebtedness to which siblings, B and C, who were occupying two units of
Atty. Y succeeded. He was able to free Mr. X's the apartment, were collecting the rentals from the
brother from his indebtedness. Having thus settled other two units and refusing to give her any part
the account of Mr. X's brother, Atty. Y sent several thereof. Atty. Z advised A to first seek the
demand letters to Mr. X demanding the balance of intervention of her relatives and told her that if this
P50,000.00 as attorney's fees. Mr. X, however, failed, he would take legal action as A asked him to
ignored these, thus, Atty. Y filed a complaint against do. B asks Atty. Z to defend him in a suit brought by
Mr. X for the collection of attorney's fees and refund A against him (B) and C through another counsel.
of transport fare and other expenses. Mr. X claimed, Should Atty. Z accept the case?
that at the time Atty. Y was rendering services to
Mr. X, he was actually working "in the interest" and A: No. When A consulted him about her complaint
"to the advantage" of Caesar's Palace of which he against B and C, a lawyer-client relationship was
was an agent and a consultant. This being the case, created between A and Atty. Z. Atty. Z cannot
Atty. Y is not justified in claiming that he rendered subsequently represent B against A in a matter he
legal services to Mr. X in view of the conflicting was consulted about. This constitutes conflict of
interests involved. Did the Atty. Y violate the conflict interest. It does not matter if Atty. Z is not handling
of interest rule? the case for A.

A: No. Generally, an attorney is prohibited from Q: Should Atty. Z tell B that A consulted him earlier
representing parties with contending positions. about the same case? Why? (2002 Bar Question)
However, at a certain stage of the controversy before
it reaches the court, a lawyer may represent A: Yes. Rule 21.07 of the CPR provides that "a lawyer
conflicting interests with the consent of the parties. A shall not reveal that he has been consulted about a
common representation may work to the advantage particular case except to avoid possible conflict of
of said parties since a mutual lawyer, with honest interest.” In this case, he has to reveal to B that he
motivations and impartially cognizant of the parties' had been consulted by A on the case that B if offering
disparate positions, may well be better situated to to retain his services, in order to avoid a possible
work out an acceptable settlement of their conflict of interest.
differences, being free of partisan inclinations and
acting with the cooperation and confidence of said Rule 15.03, Canon 15, CPR
parties. A lawyer is entitled to have and receive the A lawyer shall not represent conflicting interests
just and reasonable compensation for services except by written consent of all concerned given
rendered at the special instance and request of his after a full disclosure of the facts.
client and as long as he is honestly and in good faith
trying to serve and represent the interests of his
GR: An attorney cannot represent diverse interests. It
client, the latter is bound to pay his just fees. (Dee v.
is highly improper to represent both sides of an issue.
Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 77439, Aug. 24, 1989)
The proscription against representation of conflicting
interest finds application where the conflicting
Q: Can a lawyer engaged by a corporation defend
interest arise with respect to the same general
members of the Board of the same corporation in a
matter and is applicable however slight such adverse
derivative suit?
interest may be. It applies although the attorney’s
intention and motives were honest and he acted in
A: No. The interest of the corporate client is
good faith.
paramount and should not be influenced by any
interest of the individual corporate officials.
XPN: Representation of conflicting interest
may be allowed where the parties consent
A lawyer engaged as counsel for a corporation cannot
to the representation after full disclosure of
represent members of the same corporation's Board
facts. (Nakpil v. Valdez, A.C. No. 2040, Mar.
of Directors in a derivative suit brought against them.
4, 1998)
To do so would be tantamount to representing
conflicting interests which is prohibited by the Code Note: A lawyer may at a certain stage of the controversy
of Professional Responsibility. (Hornilla v. Atty. and before it reaches the court represent conflicting
Salunat, A.C. No. 5804, July 1, 2003) interests with the express written consent of all parties
concerned given after disclosure of the facts. The disclosure
Q: Six months ago, Atty. Z was consulted by A, about should include an explanation of the effects of the dual
a four-door apartment in Manila left by her representation, such as the possible revelation or use of
deceased parents. A complained that her two confidential information.


Legal Ethics

An attorney owes loyalty to his client not only in the case in Q: If you were Atty. Anama, which option would you
which he has represented him but also after relation of take? Explain.
attorney and client has terminated.
A: If I were Atty. Anama, I will choose the first option
Q: What are the instances when a lawyer may not and inhibit myself in the case as both entities are my
represent conflicting interests despite consent of clients. The conflict of interests between the
both parties concerned? contending clients may reach such a point that,
notwithstanding their consent to the common
A: Where the conflict is: representation, the lawyer may be suspected of
1. Between the attorney’s interest and that of a disloyalty by one client. His continuing to act in a
client; or double capacity strikes deeply in the foundation of
2. Between a private client’s interests and that of the attorney-client relationship.
the government or any of its instrumentalities.
Rule 15.04, Canon 15, CPR
Q: What are the effects of representing adverse A lawyer may, with the written consent of all
interests? concerned, act as mediator, conciliator or arbitrator
in setting the disputes.
1. Disqualification as counsel of new client on Note: Where the lawyer performs the function of mediator,
petition of former client; conciliator, or arbitrator in disputes where the lawyer
2. Where such is unknown to, and becomes labors under a conflict of interest, he remains subject to the
requirement of a prior written informed consent from all
prejudicial to the interests of the new client, a
parties concerned. The requirement subsists even if the
Judgment against such may, on that ground, be adverse interest is very slight, and notwithstanding the
set aside; lawyer’s honest intention and motive. (CPR Annotated,
3. The attorney’s right to Fees may be defeated if PhilJA)
found to be related to such conflict and such was
objected to by the former client, or if there was a CANDID AND HONEST ADVICE TO CLIENTS
concealment and prejudice by reason of the
attorney’s previous professional relationship Rule 15.05, Canon 15, CPR
with the opposite party; A lawyer when advising his client, shall give a candid
4. A lawyer can be held Administratively liable and honest opinion on the merits and probable
through disciplinary action and may be held results of the client’s case, neither overstating nor
Criminally liable for betrayal of trust. understating the prospects of the case.
Q: Huey Company and Dewey Corporation are both
Note: The lawyer must temper his client’s propensity to
retainer clients of Atty. Anama. He is the corporate
litigate. (Cobb-Perez v. Lantin, G.R. No. L-22320, July 29,
secretary of Huey Company. He represents Dewey 1968)
Corporation in three pending litigation cases. Dewey
Corporation wants to file a civil case against Huey As officers of the court, counsels are under obligation to
Company and has requested Atty. Anama to handle advise their clients against making untenable and
the case. What are the options available to Atty. inconsistent claims. The counsel should inform his client
Anama? Explain your answer. and dissuade him from filing the case if it is totally devoid of
merit. If he finds that his client’s cause is fairly meritorious
A: and ripe for judicial adjudication, he should refrain from
1. To decline the case because to do so will making bold and confident assurance of success.
constitute representing conflicting interests. It is
unethical for a lawyer to represent a client in a Q: Consorcia Rollon went to the office of Atty.
case against another client in the same case. Camilo Naraval to seek his assistance in a case filed
against her by Rosita Julaton for Collection of Sum of
2. To accept to file the case against Huey Company, Money with Prayer for Attachment. After going over
after full disclosure to both retained clients and the documents she brought with her, Atty. Naraval
upon their express and written consent. The agreed to be her lawyer and she was required to pay
written consent may free him from the charge of P8,000.00 for the filing and partial service fee. Atty.
representing conflicting interests, because Naraval did not inform her that the said civil suit has
written consent amounts to a release by the been decided against her and which judgment has
clients of the lawyer’s obligation not to represent long become final and executory.
conflicting interests.

Atty. Naraval was not able to act on the case. found the complainant herein guilty beyond
Because of this, Rollon wanted to withdraw the reasonable doubt of the crime of perjury. Thus,
amount she has paid and to retrieve the documents Judge Chiongson was charged with grave
pertaining to said case. Unfortunately, despite misconduct, gross bias and partiality and having
several follow-ups, Atty. Naraval always said that he knowingly rendered an unjust judgment in said
cannot return the documents because they were in criminal case. Complainant alleged that the said
their house, and that he could not give her back the judge failed to divulge the next-door-neighbor
P8,000.00 because he has no money. Did Atty. relationship between him and the family of Leni and
Naraval fail to fulfill his undertakings? to disqualify himself from sitting in the said case. Is
respondent judge guilty for not disqualifying himself
A: Yes. Despite his full knowledge of the finality based from the said case?
on the documents furnished to him, Atty. Naraval
withheld such vital information and did not properly A: No. As to the respondent Judge's being a next-door
appraise Rollon. He should have given her a candid neighbor of the complainant's wife the complainant
and honest opinion on the merits and the status of in the perjury case it must be stressed that such fact
the case but he withheld such vital information. He alone is not a ground for either a mandatory
did not inform her about the finality of the adverse disqualification under the first paragraph or for a
judgment. Instead, he demanded P8,000 as “filing voluntary disqualification under the second
and service fee” and thereby gave her hope that her paragraph of Section 1, Rule 137 of the Rules of
case would be acted upon. Court. In any event, the complainant has failed to
disclose in his complaint that he had raised this
Rule 15.05 of the Code of Professional Responsibility matter at any time before the rendition of the
requires that lawyers give their candid and best judgment. In fact, the summary of the grounds of his
opinion to their clients on the merit or lack of merit motion for reconsideration in the respondent's order
of the case, neither overstating nor understating their denying the said motion does not include this matter
evaluation thereof. Knowing whether a case would (Choa v. Chiongson, A.M. No. MTJ-95- 1063, Feb. 9,
have some prospect of success is not only a function, 1996)
but also an obligation on the part of lawyers. If they
find that their client's cause is defenseless, then it is Rule 15.06, Canon 15, CPR
their bounden duty to advise the latter to acquiesce A lawyer shall not state or imply that he is able to
and submit, rather than to traverse the influence any public official, tribunal or legislative
incontrovertible. (Rollon v. Naraval, A.C. No. 6424, body.
Mar. 4, 2005)
Note: This rule is known as INFLUENCE-PEDDLING. It is
Note: As officers of the court, counsels are under the improper for a lawyer to show in any way that he has
obligation to advise their client against making untenable connections and can influence any tribunal or public
and inconsistent claims. Lawyers are not merely hired official, judges, prosecutors, congressmen and others,
employees who must unquestionably do the bidding of the especially so if the purpose is to enhance his legal standing
client, however unreasonably this may be when tested by and to entrench the confidence of the client that his case or
their own expert appreciation of the facts and applicable cases are assured of victory.
law and jurisprudence. COUNSEL MUST COUNSEL. (Periquet
v NLRC, G.R. No. 91298, June 22, 1990). Q: In a case for inhibition filed against Judge Paas, it
was found that her husband, Atty. Renerio Paas,
Q: A Criminal Case was for Perjury and initiated by was using his wife's office as his office address in his
the complainant's wife, Leni. This complaint arose law practice. Judge Paas admitted that Atty. Paas
from the alleged untruthful statements or did use her office as his return address for notices
falsehoods in the complainant's Petition for and orders in 2 criminal cases, lodged at the Pasay
Naturalization. In due course, an information was City RTC, but only to ensure and facilitate delivery of
filed in MCTC charging the complainant herein with those notices, but after the cases were terminated,
perjury allegedly committed. It was alleged that the all notices were sent to his office address in Escolta.
accused knew that his wife and children were not Was Atty. Paas’ act of using his wife’s office as his
residing at the said address stated in his petition, office address unprofessional and dishonorable?
having left 5 years earlier. The accused was also
alleged to be carrying out an immoral and illicit A: Yes. By allowing Atty. Paas to use the address of
relationship. her court in pleadings before other courts, Judge Paas
had indeed allowed her husband to ride on her
After trial, Judge Tiongson rendered judgment and prestige for the purpose of advancing his private


Legal Ethics

interest. administration of justice. The client's interest is amply

protected by the real estate mortgage executed by
Atty. Paas is guilty of simple misconduct because of complainant. Thus, Atty. Tiamson failed to live up to
using a fraudulent, misleading, and deceptive address this expectation. (Suzuki v. Tiamson, A.C. No. 6542,
that had no purpose other than to try to impress Sept. 30, 2005)
either the court in which his cases are lodged, or his
client, that he has close ties to a member of the CONCURRENT PRACTICE OF ANOTHER PROFESSION
judiciary, in violation of the Code of Professional
Responsibility. Rule 15.08, Canon 15, CPR
A lawyer who is engaged in another profession or
The need for relying on the merits of a lawyer's case, occupation concurrently with the practice of law
instead of banking on his relationship with a member shall make clear to his client whether he is acting as
of the bench which tends to influence or gives the a lawyer or in another capacity.
appearance of influencing the court, cannot be
overemphasized. It is unprofessional and Rationale: Intended to avoid confusion; it is for the benefit
dishonorable, to say the least, to misuse a public of both the client and the lawyer (Funa, 2009).
office to enhance a lawyer's prestige. Public
confidence in law and lawyers may be eroded by such Note: The lawyer should inform the client when he is acting
reprehensible and improper conduct. (Paas v. as a lawyer and when he is not, because certain ethical
Almarvez, A.M. No. P-03-1690, Apr. 4, 2003) considerations governing the client-lawyer relationship may
be operative in one case and not in the other. (Report of
COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS the IBP Committee, p.84)

A party’s engagement of his counsel in another capacity

Rule 15.07, Canon 15, CPR concurrent with the practice of law is not prohibited, so
A lawyer shall impress upon his client compliance long as the roles being assumed by such counsel is made
with the laws and the principle of fairness. clear to the client. (New Sampaguita Builder Construction,
Inc. v. Philippine National Bank, G.R. No. 148753, July 30,
Q: Maria Cielo Suzuki entered into contracts of sale 2004)
and real estate mortgage with several persons. The
sale and mortgage transactions were facilitated by A Lawyer is not barred from dealing with his client but the
Atty. Erwin Tiamson, counsel of the sellers. Suzuki business transaction must be characterized with the utmost
honesty and good faith. Business transactions between an
paid P80,000 as her share in the expenses for
attorney and a client are disfavored and discouraged by
registration. He retained in his possession the
policy of law because by virtue of a lawyer’s office, he is an
subject deeds of absolute sale and mortgage as well easy position to take advantage of the credulity and
as the owner's copy of the title. However, he never ignorance of his client. Thus, there is no presumption of
registered the said documents and did not cause the innocence or improbability of wrong doing in favor of
transfer of the title over the subject property in the lawyers (Nakpil v. Valdez, A.C. No.2040, March 4, 1998)
name of Suzuki. Atty. Tiamson said that he did not
register the deed of sale to protect the interest of CLIENT’S MONEYS AND PROPERTIES
his client and even if the same has been registered,
he cannot give him the owner's duplicate copy until CANON 16, CPR
purchase price for the subject property has been A LAWYER SHALL HOLD IN TRUST ALL MONEYS AND
fully paid and the real estate mortgage cancelled. Is PROPERTIES OF HIS CLIENT THAT MAY COME INTO
Atty. Tiamson justified in not registering the HIS POSSESSION. (2008 Bar Question)
Money collected by the lawyer on a judgment
A: No. Rule 15.07 obliges lawyers to impress upon favorable to his client constitute trust funds and
their clients compliance with the laws and the should be immediately paid over to the client. While
principle of fairness. To permit lawyers to resort to Section 37, Rule 138 of the Rules of Court grants the
unscrupulous practices for the protection of the lawyer a lien upon the funds, documents and papers
supposed rights of their clients is to defeat one of the of his client, which have lawfully come into his
purposes of the State, the administration of justice. possession, such that he may retain the same until his
While lawyers owe their entire devotion to the lawful fees and disbursements have been paid, and
interest of their clients and zeal in the defense of apply such funds to the satisfaction thereof, the
their client's right, they should not forget that they lawyer still has the responsibility to promptly account
are, first and foremost, officers of the court, bound to to his client for such moneys received. Failure to do
exert every effort to assist in the speedy and efficient so constitutes professional misconduct.
Note: This prohibition is entirely independent of fraud and
The lawyer’s failure to turn over such funds, moneys, such need not be alleged or proven. Art. 1491 (5) of the
or properties to the client despite the latter’s NCC applies only if the sale or assignment of the property
demands give rise to the presumption that the lawyer takes place during the pendency of the litigation involving
the client’s property. (Ramos v. Ngaseo, A.C. No. 6210, Dec.
had converted the money for his personal use and
9, 2004)
benefit. This failure also renders the lawyer
vulnerable to judicial contempt under Section 25,
Q: What are the elements of prohibition against the
Rule 138 of the Rules of Court. (CPR Annotated,
purchase of property in litigation under Art. 1491 of
the NCC?
Q: Luis de Guzman as defendant in a civil case,
obtained an adverse judgment. His counsel was A:
Atty. Emmanuel Basa. He wants to challenge the 1. There is an attorney-client relationship;
decision through a petition for certiorari. It was 2. The property is in litigation;
agreed that Luis will pay P15,000 for said legal 3. The attorney is the counsel of record in the case;
service. Atty. Basa collected a down payment of and
P5,000. However, no such petition was filed. He did 4. The attorney, by himself or through an agent,
not seasonably file with the CA the required purchases such property during the pendency of
appellant’s brief resulting in the dismissal of the said case.
appeal. Despite several extensions to file the
appellant’s brief, Atty. Basa failed to do so. Instead, Q: What are the instances where the rule under
he filed two more motions for extension. When he Article 1491 of NCC is inapplicable?
filed the appellant’s brief, it was late, being beyond
the last extension granted by the appellate court. A:
Was Atty. Emmanuel Basa negligent in the 1. Where the property purchased by the lawyer was
performance of his professional duty to Luis de not involved in the litigation.
Guzman? 2. Where the sale took place before it became
involved in the suit;
A: Yes, he is guilty of gross misconduct. Where a 3. Where the attorney at the time of the purchase
client gives money to his lawyer for a specific was not the counsel in the case;
purpose, such as to file an action or appeal an 4. Where the purchaser of the property in litigation
adverse judgment, the lawyer should, upon failure to was a corporation even though the attorney was
take such step and spend the money for it, an officer thereof;
immediately return the money to his client. His 5. Where the sale took place after the termination
unjustified withholding of Luis’ money is a gross of the litigation;
violation of the general morality and professional 6. A lawyer may accept an assignment from his
ethics. (De Guzman v. Atty. Emmanuel Basa, A.C. No. client of a money judgment rendered in the
5554, June 29, 2004) latter’s favor in a case in which he was not
counsel, in payment of his professional services
Q: Is a lawyer prohibited from acquiring properties performed in another case;
of his client? 7. In a contract for attorney’s fees contingent upon
the outcome of the litigation (contingent fee
A: Yes, pursuant to Canon 16 of the Code of arrangement); and
Professional Responsibility. 8. When any of the four elements of Art. 1491 is
Furthermore, Article 1491 of the Civil Code states
Q: What are the effects of violation of such
“The following persons cannot acquire
or purchase, even at public or judicial A:
auction, either in person or through the 1. Malpractice on the part of the lawyer and may be
mediation of another: disciplined for misconduct;
xxx 2. Transaction is null and void.
(5) lawyers, with respect to the property
and rights which may be the object of any
litigation in which they take part by virtue
of their profession.”


Legal Ethics

Q: What is fiduciary duty?
Rule 16.01, Canon 16, CPR
A lawyer shall account for all money or property A: The principle that an attorney derives no undue
collected or received for or from the client. advantage that may operate to the prejudice or cause
an occasion for loss of a client. The relationship
Note: A lawyer must be scrupulously careful in handling between the lawyer and client is one of mutual trust
money entrusted to him in his professional capacity, and confidence of the highest degree.
because of the high degree of fidelity and good faith
expected on his part. (Medina v. Bautista, A.C. No. 190, Q: When will the liability of a lawyer for “breach of
Sept. 26, 1964)
fiduciary obligation” arise?
Lawyer’s inexcusable act of withholding the property of
client and imposing unwarranted fees in exchange for A: A lawyer may be held liable if he fails in his
release of documents deserve the imposition of disciplinary obligation to make an accounting of funds or
action (Miranda v. Carpio, A.C. No. 6281, September 26, property that may come to his possession for a
2011) lawyer holds his client’s funds or property in trust for
his client.
Q: What is the nature of attorney-client
relationship? Q: What are the requisites for the liability of a
lawyer for damages?
A: An attorney-client privilege is highly fiduciary as it
is founded on trust and confidence where the lawyer A: AWI
acts as the trustee and the client acting as trustor in 1. Attorney-client relationship;
regard to the matter subject of the professional 2. Want of reasonable care and diligence by lawyer;
engagement. ( Antiquiera, 2007) and
3. Injury sustained by client as a proximate result of
Q: X sought assistance to the President of the IBP to the lawyer’s negligence.
enable him to talk to Atty. U who had allegedly been
avoiding him for more than a year. Atty. U failed to Q: When will civil liability arise?
turn–over to his client the amount given to him by X
as settlement for a civil case. Is Atty. U guilty for A:
violating Canon 16 of the Code of Professional 1. Client is prejudiced by lawyer's negligence or
Responsibility? misconduct;
2. Breach of fiduciary obligation;
A: Yes. The Code of Professional Responsibility 3. Civil liability to third persons;
mandates every lawyer to hold in trust all money and 4. Libelous words in pleadings;
properties of his client that may come into his 5. violation of communication privilege;
possession. A lawyer’s failure to return upon 6. Liability for costs of suit (Treble Costs) – when
demand the funds or property held by him on behalf lawyer is made liable for insisting on client's
of his client gives rise to the presumption that he has patently unmeritorious case or interposing
appropriated the same for his own use to the appeal merely to delay litigation
prejudice of, and in violation of the trust reposed in
him by, his client. The relation between attorney and Q: What are the kinds of damages that may be
client is highly fiduciary in nature. Being such, it awarded to the client?
requires utmost good faith, loyalty, fidelity and A:
disinterestedness on the part of the attorney. Its 1. Nominal – where client lost the litigation as a
fiduciary nature is intended for the protection of the consequence of lawyer’s gross omission of
client. negligence
2. Actual/Compensatory
For misappropriating and failing to promptly report 3. Moral
and deliver the money report and deliver the money 4. Attorney’s fees
received on behalf of their children of their clients,
some lawyers have been disbarred while others have Note: For nos. 2-4 there should be a showing that:
been suspended for six months. Since it appears to be 1. The lawyer had exercised due diligence
the first case of respondent lawyer, the lighter 2. His client would have succeeded in recovering from
penalty is imposed on him. (Espiritu vs. Ulep, A.C. No. adverse party.
5808, May 4, 2005)



Q: What are the effects of lawyer’s failure to return from said client in a case may be criminally liable
client’s money or property after demand? for undertaking defense of opposing party in
same cause without consent of first client; (Art.
A: 209, RPC)
1. There will be a presumption that the lawyer
4. A lawyer who shall knowingly introduce in
misappropriated the same.
evidence in any judicial proceeding or to the
2. It will give rise to civil liability of the lawyer.
damage of another or who, with intent to cause
3. Criminal liability
such damage, shall use any false document may
4. Administrative liability
be held criminally liable therefor; (Art. 172, RPC)
Note: Obviously, respondent’s failure to return the balance
to complainant upon demand gave rise to the presumption 5. A lawyer who is appropriates his client’s funds
that he misappropriated it in violation of the trust reposed may be held liable for estafa.
on him. (Villanueva v. Ishiwata, A.C. No. 5041, Nov. 23,
Note: When a lawyer collects or receives money from his
client for a particular purpose, he should promptly account
Q: What is the remedy of the client? to the client how the money was spent. His failure either to
render an accounting or to return the money (if the
A: Recover property from lawyer, together with its intended purpose of the money does not materialize)
fruits, subject to client’s returning to his lawyer the constitutes a blatant disregard of Rule 16.01 of the CPR.
purchase price thereof and the legal interests (Belleza v. Malaca, A.C. No. 7815, July 23, 2009)
If a lawyer does not use the money for the intended
Q: When is a lawyer not liable for libelous words in purpose, the lawyer must immediately return the money to
the client. (Villanueva v. Gonzales, A.C. No. 7657, Feb. 12,
the pleadings?

A: A lawyer is exempted from liability for slander, Conversion by a lawyer of the funds entrusted to him is a
libel or for words otherwise defamatory, published in gross violation of professional ethics and a betrayal of the
the course of judicial proceedings, provided the public confidence in the legal profession. (Villanueva v
statements are connected with, relevant, pertinent Ishiwata A.C. No. 5041, Nov. 23, 2004)
and material to the cause in hand or subject of
inquiry. Q: Who is liable for the payment of costs of suits?

Note: Test of relevancy – The matter to which the privilege A: GR: Losing client and not the lawyer is liable for
does not extend must be palpably wanting in relation to the costs of suit in favor of prevailing party, the lawyer
subject of controversy, that no reasonable man can doubt not being a party-litigant.
its relevancy or propriety.
XPN: Where the lawyer insisted on client’s patently
Pleadings should contain plain and concise statements of
material facts and if pleader goes beyond requisites of law unmeritorious case or interposed an appeal to delay
and alleges irrelevant matter, which is libelous, he loses his litigation or thwart prompt satisfaction of prevailing
privilege and may be liable in a separate suit. party’s just and valid claim, the court may adjudge
lawyer to pay treble costs of suit.
Q: When will criminal liability exist?
A: A lawyer may be held criminally liable if he
commits any of the following: Rule 16.02, Canon 16, CPR
A lawyer shall keep the funds of each client separate
1. Causing prejudice to the client thru malicious and apart from his own and those of others kept by
breach of professional duty or thru inexcusable him.
negligence or ignorance;
2. Revealing client’s secrets learned in lawyer’s Failure of the lawyer to account all the funds and
professional capacity thru malicious breach of property of his client which may come into his
professional duty or inexcusable negligence or possession would amount to misappropriation which
ignorance; may subject him to disbarment on the ground of
grave misconduct or a criminal prosecution for estafa
3. A lawyer who has undertaken the defense of a under Art. 315, par. 1(b) of the RPC.
client or has received confidential information
Legal Ethics

Q: BPI filed two complaints for replevin and

damages against Esphar Medical Center Inc. and its Q: After Atty. Benny got a P2 million final judgment
President Cesar Espiritu. Espiritu engaged the in his client’s favor, he promptly asked the court,
services of Atty. Juan Cabredo IV. While these cases without informing his client, to allow him a charging
were pending in court, the latter advised Esphar to lien over the money in the amount of P500,000, his
remit money and update payments to the bank agreed fees. The Court issued a writ of execution for
through the trial court. Accordingly, Esphar's the whole judgment in Atty. Benny's name with an
representative delivered a total of P51,161 to Atty. order for him to turn over the excess to his client. Is
Cabredo's office. However, the management of Atty. Benny’s action correct? (2011 Bar Question)
Esphar found out that he did not deliver said money
to the court or to the bank. Did Atty. Caredo commit A: No, since he did not disclose to his client the
a breach of trust? matter of getting a charging lien and a writ of
execution in his name.
A: Yes. His act amounted to deceit in violation of his
oath. The relationship between a lawyer and a client Q: Fernandez engaged the services of Atty. Cabrera
is highly fiduciary; it requires a high degree of fidelity II to handle the cases of her associates in Baguio
and good faith. Hence, in dealing with trust property, City. After taking hold of the records of the cases
a lawyer should be very scrupulous. Money or other that Fernandez entrusted to him and after getting
trust property of the client coming into the initially paid for the services he would render, Atty.
possession of the lawyer should be reported by the Cabrera II suddenly disappeared and could no longer
latter and account any circumstances, and should not be located in his given address or in the addresses
be commingled with his own or be used by him. that Fernandez gathered. Did Atty. Cabrera II violate
(Espiritu v. Cabredo, A.C. No. 5831, Jan. 13, 2003) the Code of Professional Responsibility when he
accepted the records and money of the complainant
DELIVERY OF FUNDS and thereafter failed to render his services?

Rule 16.03, Canon 16, CPR A: Yes. Acceptance of money from a client establishes
A lawyer shall deliver the funds and property of his an attorney-client relationship and gives rise to the
client when due or upon demand. However, he shall duty of fidelity to the client's cause. The Canons of
have a lien over the funds and may apply so much Professional Responsibility require that once an
thereof as may be necessary to satisfy his lawful fees attorney agrees to handle a case, he should
and disbursements, giving notice promptly undertake the task with zeal, care, and utmost
thereafter to his client. He shall also have a lien to devotion.
the same extent on all judgments and executions he
Atty. Cabrera's action projects his appalling
has secured for his client as provided for in the Rules
indifference to his client's cause and a brazen
of Court.
disregard of his duties as a lawyer. Not only did he fail
to render service of any kind, he also absconded with
Q. May a counsel unilaterally retain or appropriate
the records of the cases with which he was entrusted.
funds of his client as his attorney’s lien?
Then to top it all, he kept the money complainant
paid to him. Such conduct is unbecoming of a
A: No. A counsel has no right to retain or appropriate
member of the bar, for a lawyer's professional and
unilaterally as lawyer’s lien any amount belonging to
personal conduct must at all times be kept beyond
his client which may come into his possession.
reproach and above suspicion. The duty of a lawyer is
(Cabigao v. Rodrigo, Aug. 9, 1932)
to uphold the integrity and dignity of the legal
profession at all times. This can only be done by
Note: While this rule provides that the lawyer has the right
to retain the funds of his client as may be necessary to faithfully performing the lawyer's duties to society, to
satisfy his lawful fees and disbursements known as the bar, to the courts and to his clients. (Fernandez v.
attorney’s lien and his lien to the same extent on all Atty. Cabrera II, A.C. No. 5623, Dec. 11, 2003)
judgments and executions he has secured for his client
called charging lien, he is still duty bound to render an BORROWING OR LENDING
accounting of his client’s funds and property which may
come into his possession in the course of his professional Rule 16.04, Canon 16, CPR
employment In the application of attorney’s lien, a lawyer
A lawyer shall not borrow money from his client
shall give notice to his client otherwise, the same might be
construed as misappropriation which may subject him to unless the client's interest are fully protected by the
disciplinary action. (Antiquiera, 2007) nature of the case or by independent advice. Neither



shall a lawyer lend money to a client except, when in the favourable decision, respondent refused to
the interest of justice, he has to advance necessary return the money.
expenses in a legal matter he is handling for the
client. Atty. Lozada claimed that since she did not have
enough money, Frias requested her to sell or
Note: A lawyer who takes advantage of his client’s financial mortgage the property and offered her a loan,
plight to acquire the latter’s properties for his own benefit commission and attorney’s fees on the basis of the
is of the confidence of the public in the fidelity, honesty and selling price. He denied that Frias previously
integrity of the legal profession. (Hernandez, Jr. v. Go A.C. demanded the return of 1 million until the civil case
No. 1526, January 2005) against her was instituted in which she expressed
her willingness to pay the 900,000 plus agreed
Q: Is a lawyer allowed to borrow money from his interest. Did Atty. Lozada commit a violation of the
client? Code of Professional Responsibility in asking for a
loan from her client?
A: No, unless the client’s interests are fully protected
by the nature of the case or by independent advice. A: Yes. Her act of borrowing money from a client was
a violation of Canon 16.04 of the Code of Professional
Note: While the lawyer may borrow money from his client,
where the client’s interests are fully protected by the
nature of the case he is handling for the client, or by
independent advice from another lawyer, he should not A lawyer’s act of asking a client for a loan, as what
abuse the client’s confidence by delaying payment. respondent did, is very unethical. It comes within
(Alindogan v. Geron, G.R. Admin. Case No. 221, May 21, those acts considered as abuse of client’s confidence.
1958). The canon presumes that the client is disadvantaged
by the lawyer’s ability to use all the legal
Q: Is a lawyer allowed to lend money from his maneuverings to renege on her obligation. (Frias v.
client? Lozada, A.C. NO. 6656, Dec. 13, 2005)

A: No except when in the interest of justice, he has to Note: The principle behind Rule 16.04 is to prevent the
advance necessary expenses in a legal matter he is lawyer from taking advantage of his influence over the
handling for the client. (Rule 16.04, Code of client or to avoid acquiring a financial interest in the
Professional Responsibiility). outcome of the case.

Not prohibited: advances for necessary expenses.

Note: Prohibition from lending is intended to assure the
lawyer’s independent professional judgment, for if the
lawyer acquires a financial interest in the outcome of the FIDELITY TO CLIENT’S CAUSE
case the free exercise of his judgment may be adversely
affected. (Agpalo, 2004; Comment of IBP Committee that CANON 17, CPR
Q: Atty. Lozada was the retained counsel and legal AND CONFIDENCE REPOSED IN HIM.
adviser of Frias to which all documents and titles of
properties of the latter were entrusted to. Atty. Q: Schulz, a German national filed a complaint for
Lozada persuaded Frias to sell her house, the former disbarment against Atty. Flores. He alleged that he
acting as broker since she was in need of money. engaged the services of Atty. Flores for the purpose
Dra. San Diego, the prospective buyer then handed 2 of filing a complaint against Ong for revocation of
million in cash and 1 million in check and out of the contract and damages. Atty. Flores advised him that
2 million, Atty. Lozada took 1 million as her there was no need to refer the complaint to
commission without Frias’ consent. When Dra. San barangay conciliation. Three months later, Atty.
Diego backed out from the sale, Frias tried to Flores instructed him to file his complaint with the
recover from Atty. Lozada the title to the property Lupon Tagapamayapa. Ong refused to appear at the
and other documents but Atty. Lozada started conciliation hearings, arguing that the Lupon had no
avoiding her. Dra. San Diego filed a case against jurisdiction over his person because he was a
Frias to return the 3 million she paid plus interest. resident of another barangay. Thus, Schulz brought
Frias claimed that her failure to return the money the complaint before the barangay in which Ong is a
was because of Atty. Lozada’s refusal to give resident. By that time, however, Schulz learned that
back the 1 million she took as commission. A case Ong had already filed a case for specific
was filed by Frias against Atty. Lozada but despite performance against him. Schulz argued that Atty.


Legal Ethics

Flores’ inordinate delay in acting on his case resulted COMPETENCE AND DILIGENCE
in his being defendant rather than a complainant
against Ong. Is the actuation of Atty. Flores in CANON 18, CPR
causing the delay of bringing the dispute under the A LAWYER SHALL SERVE HIS CLIENT WITH
system of barangay conciliation reprehensible as to COMPETENCE AND DILIGENCE.
warrant the suspension of Atty. Flores? (1998, 2001, 2002, 2005, 2008 Bar Questions)

A: Yes. Atty. Flores committed a serious transgression Note: Diligence is the attention and care required of a
when he failed to exert his utmost learning and ability person in a given situation and is the opposite of
to give entire devotion to his client's cause. His client negligence. It is axiomatic in the practice of law that the
price of success is eternal diligence to the cause of the
had relied upon him to file the complaint with
client. (Edquibal v. Ferrer, A.C. No. 5687, Feb. 3, 2005)
dispatch so that he would not be pre-empted by the
adverse party. But he failed him. As a consequence of
Q: What degree of diligence or vigilance is expected
Atty. Flores' indolence, his client was haled to court
from a lawyer?
as a party-defendant. It therefore behooves this
Court to wield its corrective hand on this inexcusable
A: The legal profession demands of a lawyer that
infraction which caused undeserved and needless
degree of vigilance and attention of a good father of a
prejudice to his client's interest, adversely affected
family (Lapena, 2009) or ordinary pater familias
the confidence of the community in the legal
(Pineda, 2009). He is not required to exercise
profession and eroded the public's trust in the judicial
extraordinary diligence. (Edquibal v. Ferrer, Jr., A.C.
system. As an attorney, Atty. Flores is sworn to do his
No. 5687, Feb. 3, 2005)
level best and to observe full fidelity to the court and
his clients. (Schulz v. Atty. Flores, A.C. No. 4219, Dec.
Note: The attorney’s duty to safeguard the client’s interests
8, 2003) commences from his retainer until his effective release
from the case or the final disposition of the whole subject
Q: Matias Lagramada residing with his uncle, matter of the litigation. During the period, he is expected to
Apolonio Lagramada, was invited by the latter to take such reasonable steps and such ordinary care as his
accompany him to the police station, supposedly to client’s interests may require.
pick up a refrigerator they were to repair. Upon
their arrival there, Matias was immediately taken in A lawyer who received money to handle a client’s case but
rendered no service at all shall be subject to disciplinary
and locked behind bars. Two information were filed
measure. (Dalisay v. Atty. Mauricio, A.C. No. 5655, Apr. 22,
against him only 10 months after the first day of his
incarceration. With the assistance of counsel, Matias
pleaded not guilty when arraigned, without raising An attorney is not expected to know all the laws. He is not
the invalidity of the arrest. Was the case properly liable for disbarment for an honest mistake or error. He is
handled? not an insurer of the result in a case where he is engaged in
as a counsel. Only ordinary care and diligence is required of
A: No. Lawyers owe fidelity to the cause of their him.
clients and must be mindful of the trust and
confidence reposed in them. Matias’ counsel, in the Q: In a criminal case for rape with homicide, the
spirit of safeguarding his client’s rights, should have accused pleaded guilty. However, the three PAO
taken the necessary steps to correct the situation. lawyers assigned as counsel de officio did not advise
However, he allowed his client to enter a plea during their client of the consequences of pleading guilty;
the latter’s arraignment without raising the invalidity one PAO lawyer left the courtroom during trial and
of arrest. Thus, the former effectively waived his thus was not able to cross-examine the prosecution
client’s right to question its validity. Defense counsels witnesses. The other postponed the presentation of
are expected to spare no effort to save the accused evidence for the defense, and when he appeared, he
from unrighteous incarcerations. said he would rely solely on the plea of guilty, in the
belief that it would lower the penalty to reclusion
Matias’ counsel should have not only perfunctorily perpetua. Should the three PAO lawyers be
represented his client during the pendency of the disciplined?
case, but should have kept in mind his duty to render
effective legal assistance and true service by A: Yes. All three (3) of them displayed manifest
protecting the latter’s rights at all times. (People v. disinterest on the plight of their client. They lacked
Lagramada, G.R. Nos. 146357 & 148170, Aug. 29, vigor and dedication to their work. Canon 18 of the
2002) Code of Professional Responsibility requires every
lawyer to serve his client with utmost dedication,

competence and diligence. He must not neglect a

legal matter entrusted to him, and his negligence in A: What amounts to carelessness or negligence in a
this regard renders him administratively liable. lawyer’s discharge of his duty to client is incapable of
Obviously, in the instant case, the defense lawyers exact formulation. It will depend upon the
did not protect, much less uphold, the fundamental circumstances of the case.
rights of the accused. Instead, they haphazardly
performed their function as counsel de officio to the Note: Instances of negligence of attorneys:
detriment and prejudice of the accused Sevilleno,
however guilty he might have been found to be after Failure to appeal to CA despite instructions by the client to
do so constitutes inexcusable negligence on the part of the
trial. (People v. Sevilleno, G.R. No. 129058, Mar. 29,
counsel. (Abiero v. Juanino, A.C. No. 5302, Feb.18, 2005)
Even if a lawyer was "honestly and sincerely" protecting the
ADEQUATE PROTECTION interests of his client, the former still had no right to waive
the appeal without the latter's knowledge and consent.
Rule 18.02, Canon 18, CPR (Abay v. Atty. Montesino, A.C. No. 5718, Dec. 4, 2003)
A lawyer shall not handle any legal matter without
adequate preparation. Q: As an incident in the main case, Velasquez
appointed his counsel as attorney-in-fact to
A lawyer should prepare his pleadings with great care represent him at the pre-trial. Counsel failed to
and circumspection. He should refrain from using appear, hence Velasquez was declared in default.
abrasive and offensive language, for it merely The order of default was received by counsel but no
weakens rather than strengthens the force of legal steps were taken to have it lifted or set aside.
reasoning and detracts from its persuasiveness. In Decide.
preparing a complaint for damages, counsel for
plaintiff should allege and state the specific amounts A: It is binding on Velasquez who is himself guilty of
claimed not only in the body of the complaint but negligence when, after executing the special power of
also in the prayer, so that the proper docket fees can attorney in favor of his lawyer, he left for abroad and
be assessed and paid. (Fernandez v. Atty. Novero, A.C. apparently paid no further attention to his case until
No. 5394, Dec. 2, 2002) he received the decision. There is therefore no fraud,
accident, mistake or excusable negligence which will
The counsel must constantly keep in mind that his warrant a lifting of the order of default. As a general
actions or omissions, even malfeasance and rule, a client is bound by the mistakes of his counsel;
nonfeasance would be binding to his client. Verily, a more so by the result of his own negligence.
lawyer owes to the client the exercise of utmost (Velasquez v. CA, G.R. No. 124049, June 30, 1999)
prudence and responsibility in representation.
(Fernandez v. Atty. Novero, A.C. No. 5394, Dec. 2, Q: Are the mistakes or negligence of a lawyer
2002) binding upon the client? (1998, 2000, 2002 Bar
A: GR: Client is bound by attorney’s conduct,
Rule 18.03, Canon 18, CPR negligence and mistake in handling a case or in the
A lawyer shall not neglect a legal matter entrusted management of litigation and in procedural
to him and his negligence in connection therewith technique, and he cannot complain that the result
shall render him liable. (1998, 2002 Bar Questions) might have been different had his lawyer proceeded
A lawyer is enjoined not to neglect a legal matter
entrusted to him, and his negligence in connection XPN: LIPIG
therewith shall render him liable. It is the duty of the 1. Lack of acquaintance with technical aspect
lawyer to serve his client with competence and of procedure;
diligence and he should exert his best efforts to 2. When adherence thereto results in
protect within the bounds of the law, the interest of outright deprivation of client’s liberty or
his client (Vda. De Enriquez v. San Jose, 516 SCRA 486, property or where Interest of justice so
2007) requires;
3. Where error by counsel is Purely technical
Q: When can it be said that a lawyer has been which does not substantially affect client’s
negligent? cause;


Legal Ethics

4. Ignorance, incompetence, or inexperience of of his case and shall respond within a reasonable
lawyer is so great and error so serious that time to the client’s request for information.
client, who has a good cause, is prejudiced
and denied a day in court; A lawyer should notify his client of the adverse
5. Gross negligence of lawyer. decision while within the period to appeal to enable
the client to decide whether to seek an appellate
Note: If by reason of the lawyer’s negligence, actual loss review. He should communicate with him concerning
has been caused to his client, the latter has a cause of the withdrawal of appeal with all its adverse
action against him for damages. However, for the lawyer to
consequences. The client is entitled to the fullest
be held liable, his failure to exercise reasonable care, skill
and diligence must be proximate cause of the loss.
disclosure of the mode or manner by which his
interest is defended or why certain steps are taken or

Note: A lawyer should endeavor to seek instruction from

Rule 18.01, Canon 18, CPR his client on any substantial matter concerning the
A lawyer shall not undertake a legal service which litigation, which may require decision on the part of the
he knows or should know that he is not qualified to client, such as whether to compromise the case or to
render. However, he may render such service if, with appeal an unfavorable judgment. He should give his client
the consent of his client, he can obtain as sound advice on any such and similar matters and comply
collaborating counsel a lawyer who is competent on with the client’s lawful instructions relative thereto. He
the matter. should resist and should never follow any unlawful
instruction of his client.

Q: What is the implication of lawyer’s acceptance of

Q: Spouses Garcia engaged the services of Atty.
Rolando Bala to appeal to the CA the adverse
Decision of the Department of Agrarian Relations
A: The lawyer’s acceptance, whether for a fee or not,
Adjudication Board (DARAB). Instead, he
is an implied representation that he possesses the
erroneously filed a Notice of Appeal. During one
requisite degree of academic learning, skill and ability
instance when the spouses had called on him to ask
to handle the case.
for a copy of the supposed appeal, Atty. Bala uttered
unsavory words against them. Because of his error,
He is therefore directed not to take legal services,
the prescribed period for filing the petition lapsed,
which he knows or should know he is not qualified or
to the prejudice of his clients. Did Atty. Bala violate
competent to render except if his client consents, the
any ethical rules?
lawyer can take as collaborating counsel another
lawyer who is competent on the matter.
A: Yes. Rule 18.04 states that a "lawyer shall keep the
client informed of the status of his case and shall
Q: Who is a Collaborating Counsel?
respond within a reasonable time to the client's
request for information." Accordingly, the spouses
A: One who is subsequently engaged to assist a
had the right to be updated on the developments and
lawyer already handling a particular case for a client
status of the case for which they had engaged the
(Pineda, 2009)
services of Atty. Bala. But he apparently denied them
that right. Having become aware of the wrong
Note: The handling lawyer cannot just take another counsel
without the consent of the client. The new lawyer on the remedy he had erroneously taken, he purposely
other hand cannot just enter his appearance as evaded his clients, refused to update them on the
collaborating counsel without the conformity of the first appeal, and misled them as to his whereabouts.
counsel. Moreover, he uttered invectives at them when they
visited him for an update on the case. (Spouses
The same diligence required of the first counsel is required Garcia v. Bala, A.C. No. 5039, Nov. 25, 2005)
of the collaborating counsel. The negligence of the latter is
also binding on the client. (Sublay v. NLRC, G.R. No. 130104. Note: The lawyer is obliged to respond within a reasonable
Jan. 31, 2000; Pineda 2009) time to a client's request for information. A client is entitled
to the fullest disclosure of the mode or manner by which
DUTY TO APPRISE CLIENT that client's interest is defended or why certain steps are
taken or omitted. A lawyer who repeatedly fails to answer
Rule 18.04, Canon 18, CPR the inquiries or communications of a client violates the
A lawyer shall keep the client informed of the status rules of professional courtesy and neglects the client's
interests. (Villariasa-Reisenbeck v. Abarrientos, A.C. No.


6238, Nov. 4, 2004) 5. Advise him of his constitutional rights.

Q: Explain the doctrine of imputed knowledge REPRESENTATION WITH ZEAL

A: The knowledge acquired by an attorney during the
time that he is acting within the scope of his authority CANON 19, CPR
is imputed to the client. It is based on the assumption A LAWYER SHALL REPRESENT HIS CLIENT WITH ZEAL
that an attorney, who has notice of matter affecting WITHIN THE BOUNDS OF THE LAW.
his client, has communicated the same to his (1994, 1997, 2001, 2003 Bar Questions)
principal in the course of professional dealings.
Q: What does a lawyer represent to a client when he
Note: The doctrine applies regardless of whether or not the accepts a professional employment of his services?
lawyer actually communicated to the client what he
learned in his professional capacity, the attorney and his
A: When a lawyer accepts a case, whether for a fee or
client being one judicial person.
not, his acceptance is an implied representation that
he: CASE
Q: Is notice to counsel equivalent to notice to client?
1. Will exercise reasonable and ordinary Care and
diligence in the pursuit or defense of the case;
A: GR: Yes. The law requires that service of any notice
2. Will possess the requisite degree of Academic
upon a party who has appeared by attorney shall be
learning, skill and ability in the practice of his
made upon his attorney. Notice sent to a party who
has appeared by counsel is not notice in law, it being
3. Will take steps as will adequately Safeguard his
immaterial that the client actually received the notice
client’s interests; and
or volunteered to get a copy thereof.
4. Will Exert his best judgment in the prosecution or
defense of the litigation entrusted to him. (Islas
v. Platon, G.R. No. L-23183, Dec. 29, 1924)
1. Strict application might foster dangerous
collusion to the detriment of justice;
Q: Is a lawyer required to show his authority to
2. Service of notice upon party instead of upon
appear for or represent a client?
his attorney is ordered by the court;
3. Notice of pre-trial is required to be served
A: No. An attorney is presumed to be properly
upon parties and their respective lawyers;
authorized to represent any cause in which he
4. In appeal from the lower court to the RTC,
appears in all stages of the litigation and no written
upon docketing of appeal.
authority is required to authorize him to appear. A
mere denial by a party that he has authorized an
Q: What is a plea of guilty?
attorney to appear for him, in the absence of a
compelling reason, is insufficient to overcome the
A: It is an admission by the accused of his guilt of a
presumption especially when the denial comes after
crime as charged in the information and of the truth
the rendition of an adverse judgment.
of the facts alleged, including the qualifying and
aggravating circumstances.
Q: May a practicing lawyer be required to produce
or prove his authority to appear in court?
Q: What is the duty of the defense counsel when his
client desires to enter a plea of guilty?
A: Yes. The presiding judge may, on motion of either
party and on reasonable grounds therefore being
shown, require an attorney who assumes the right to
1. Fully acquaint himself with the records and
appear in a case to produce or prove the authority
surrounding circumstances of the case;
under which he appears, and to disclose, whenever
2. Confer with the accused and obtain from him his
pertinent to any issue, the name of the person who
account of what had happened;
employed him, and may thereupon make such order
3. Thoroughly Explain to him the import of a guilty
as justice requires. (Sec. 21, Rule 138, RRC)
plea and the inevitable conviction that will
4. See to it that the prescribed Procedure which
experience has shown to be necessary to the
administration of justice is strictly followed and
disclosed in the court records; and
Legal Ethics

Q: What are the effects of an unauthorized Q: What is the extent of a lawyer’s authority in the
appearance? conduct of litigation?

A: A: A lawyer has authority to bind the client in all

1. The party represented is not bound by attorney’s matters of ordinary judicial procedure. The cause of
appearance in the case neither by the judgment action, the claim or demand sued upon and the
rendered therein; subject matter of the litigation are within the
2. Court does not acquire jurisdiction over the exclusive control of the client. A client may waive,
person of the party represented; surrender, dismiss, or compromise any of his rights
3. The adverse party who has been forced to litigate involved in litigation in favor of the other party even
as a defendant by the unauthorized action on the without or against the consent of his attorney.
part of the attorney for the plaintiff may, on that
ground, move for the dismissal of the complaint; Q: Who has control over the proceedings?
4. If unauthorized appearance is willful, attorney A:
may be cited for contempt as an officer of the 1. As to matters of procedure - it is the client who
court who has misbehaved in his official yields to the lawyer and not the lawyer yielding
transactions, and he may be disciplined for to the client. (Lapena 2009)
professional misconduct.
Rationale: The basis of this rule is that the lawyer is
Q: May an attorney voluntarily appear for a person better trained and skilled in law.
without being employed?
2. As to subject matter - the client is in control.
A: No. An attorney may not appear for a person until
Note: Cause of action, claim or demand, and subject of
he is in fact employed by, or retained for such person.
litigation are within client’s control. Proceedings to
An attorney willfully appearing in court for a person
enforce the remedy are within the exclusive control of
without being employed, unless by leave of court, the attorney.
may be punished for contempt as an officer of the
court, who has misbehaved in his official transactions. Q: State the rule with respect to the authority of an
(Sec. 26, Rule 138) attorney to compromise his client’s case

Q: How can an unauthorized appearance be ratified? A: GR: The attorney has no authority to
compromise his client’s case. This is so because the
A: client, even if represented by counsel, retains
1. Express – Categorized assertion by client that he exclusive control over the subject matter of the
has authorized a lawyer or that he confirms his litigation. The client can, of course, authorize his
authorization to represent him in the case. lawyer to compromise his case, and the settlement
2. Implied – Where party with knowledge of fact made by the lawyer will bind his client.
that a lawyer has been representing him in a
case, accepts benefits of representation or fails XPN: When the lawyer is confronted with an
to promptly repudiate the assumed authority. emergency where prompt and urgent action
is necessary to protect the interest of his
Q: What are the requisites of implied ratification by client and there is no opportunity for
silence? consultation with the latter.

A: Note: Compromise is a contract whereby the parties, by

1. The party represented by the attorney is of age making reciprocal concessions, avoid litigation or put an
or competent or if he suffers from any disability, end to one already commenced. (Art. 2028, NCC)
he has a duly appointed guardian or legal
2. The party or his guardian, as the case may be, is
aware of the attorney’s representation; and Rule 19.01, Canon 9, CPR
3. He fails to promptly repudiate assumed A lawyer shall employ only fair and honest means to
authority. attain the lawful objectives of his client and shall not
present, participate in presenting or threaten to
present, participate in presenting or threaten to



present unfounded criminal charges to obtain an 19.01. His behavior is inexcusable. (Ong v. Unto, A.C.
improper advantage in any case or proceeding (1997 No. 2417, Feb. 6, 2002)
Bar Question)
Note: Under this rule, a lawyer should not file or threaten
to file any unfounded or baseless criminal case or cases Rule 19.02, Canon 19, CPR
against the adversaries of his client designed to secure a A lawyer who has received information that his
leverage to compel the adversaries to yield or withdraw
client has, in the course of the representation,
their own cases against the lawyer’s client. (Pena v. Atty.
perpetrated a fraud upon a person or tribunal, shall
Aparicio, A.C. No. 7298, June 25, 2007)
promptly call upon the client to rectify the same, and
Rule 19.01 of the CPR obligates a lawyer, in defending his failing which he shall terminate the relationship with
client, to employ only such means as are consistent with such client in accordance with the Rules of Court
truth and honor. He should not prosecute patently frivolous (2001 Bar Question)
and meritless appeals or institute clearly groundless
actions. The act of a lawyer in preventing the execution of The lawyer’s duty to his client does not mean
the judgment against his clients shows that he actually
freedom to set up false or fraudulent claims
committed what the above rule expressly prohibits. (Que v.
Revilla, A.C. No. 7054, Dec. 4, 2009)
especially with respect to provisions of law or
administrative rules and that while lawyers are bound
The lawyer must not present and offer evidence any to exert utmost legal skill in prosecuting their client’s
document, which he knows is false. cause or defending it, their duty, first and foremost, is
to the administration of justice. (CPR Annotated,
Use of force or violence in taking over office is punishable PhilJA)
as an administrative offense, (Rural Bank of Calape, Inc.
Bohol vs. Atty. James Benedict Florido, A.C. No. 5736, June Note: It is an unethical tactic for a lawyer to offer monetary
18, 2010) rewards to anyone who could give him information against
a party so that he could have leverage against all actions
Q: Alex Ong received a demand-letter from Atty. involving such party. (CPR Annotated, PhilJA)
Elpidio Unto, in the latter's capacity as legal counsel
of one Nemesia Gargania. The letter is in connection PROCEDURE IN HANDLING THE CASE
with the claim of support of Nemesia Garganian
against him for her son. It was further stated therein Rule 19.03, Canon 19, CPR
that failure to comply with the demand will result to A lawyer shall not allow his client to dictate the
the filing of proper action in court. The real father of procedure in handling the case.
Ms. Garganian's son was Alex' brother and he
merely assumed his brother's obligation to appease The Code enjoins a lawyer to employ only fair and
Ms. Garganian who was threatening to sue them. honest means to attain the lawful objectives of his
Alex then did not comply with the demands against client and warns him not to allow his client to dictate
him. Consequently, Atty. Unto filed a complaint for the procedure in handling the case. In short, a lawyer
alleged violation of the Retail Trade Nationalization is not a gun for hire. (Millare v. Atty. Montero, A.C.
Law and the Anti-Dummy Law. In addition, he No. 3283, July 13, 1995)
commenced administrative cases against Alex
before the Bureau of Domestic Trade, the Note: The lawyer, and not the client, is assumed to have
Commission on Immigration and Deportation, and knowledge of laws and rules of procedure. The procedure
the Office of the Solicitor General. These cases were in handling a case should therefore fall within the lawyer’s
subsequently denied due course and dismissed. This control and supervision.
prompted Alex to file a case for disbarment. Did
Atty. Unto fall short of professional standards? Q: Is the lawyer confined entirely on the information
his client gave?
A: Yes. He tried to coerce his client to comply with his
letter-demand by threatening to file various charges A: No. The lawyer cannot entirely depend on the
against the latter. When Alex did not heed Atty. information his client gave or the time his client
Unto’s warning, he made good his threat and filed a wished to give. The lawyer should take more control
string of criminal and administrative cases against over handling the case. Where the client is based
him. His action is malicious as the cases he instituted overseas, the lawyer should with more reason, have
against the complainant did not have any bearing or moved to secure all the legal means available to him
connection to the cause of his client, Ms. Garganian. either to continue representing his client effectively
Clearly, Atty. Unto violated the proscription in Rule or to make the necessary manifestation in court, with
Legal Ethics

the client’s conformity, that he was withdrawing as unfinished legal business of a deceased
counsel of record. (CPR Annotated, PhilJA) lawyer;
2. There is a Pre-existing agreement with a
Q: What is appearance? partner or associate that, upon the latter’s
death, money shall be paid over a
A: It is the coming into court as a party either as a reasonable period of time to his estate or to
plaintiff or as a defendant and asking relief persons specified in the agreement;
therefrom. 3. A lawyer or law firm includes non-lawyer
employees in Retirement plan, even if the
Q: What are the kinds of appearance? plan is based, in whole or in part, on a profit-
sharing agreement. (Rule 9.02, CPR)
1. General appearance – When a party comes to Note: Entitlement to lawyer’s fees is presumed. (Funa,
court either as plaintiff or defendant and seeks 2009) Unless otherwise expressly stipulated, rendition of
general reliefs from the court for satisfaction of professional services by a lawyer is for a fee or
compensation and is not gratuitous. (Research and Services
his claims or counterclaims respectively.
Realty, Inc. v. CA, G.R. No. 124074, Jan. 27,1997)
2. Special appearance – When a defendant appears
in court solely for the purpose of objecting to the
jurisdiction of the court over his person. Rule 20.01, Canon 20, CPR
A lawyer shall be guided by the following factors in
Note: By virtue of Sec. 20, Rule 14 of the 1997 Rules of Civil determining his fees:
Procedure, there is no more distinction between general a. The time spent and the extent of the service
appearance and special appearance, in the sense that a rendered or required;
defendant may file a motion to dismiss not only on the b. The novelty and difficulty of the questions
ground of lack of jurisdiction over his person but also on involved;
some other grounds without waiving the jurisdiction of the c. The importance of the subject matter;
court over his person. d. The skill demanded;
e. The probability of losing other employment as a
Q: What is the difference between entry of result of acceptance of the proffered case;
appearance and appearance of a counsel? f. The customary charges for similar services and
the schedule of fees of the IBP chapter to which he
A: Entry of appearance is the written manifestation belongs;
submitted by the counsel of record to inform the g. The amount involved in the controversy and the
court that he will act as the counsel of a party made benefits resulting to the client from the service;
before the date of the hearing while appearance is h. The contingency or certainty of compensation;
the verbal manifestation of the counsel in order for i. The character of the employment, whether
the court to recognize his presence during the occasional or established; and
hearing of the case. (Sec.21, Rule 138, Rules of Court). j. The professional standing of the lawyer.

ATTORNEY’S FEES Note: Generally, the amount of attorney’s fees due is that
(1990, 1991, 1992, 1994, 1995, 1997, 1998, 2005, stipulated in the retainer agreement which is conclusive as
2006, 2007 Bar Questions) to the amount of lawyer’s compensation (Funa, 2009)
unless the stipulated amount in the written contract is
CANON 20,CPR found by the court to be unconscionable or unreasonable
A LAWYER SHALL CHARGE ONLY FAIR AND (Sec. 24, Rule 138, RRC). In the absence thereof, the
REASONABLE FEES. amount of attorney’s fees is fixed on the basis of quantum
(1997, 1998, 2003 Bar Questions) meruit. (Sesbreno v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 117438, June
8,1995; Funa, 2009)
Q: Who are entitled to attorney’s fees?
Q: What are the kinds of payment which may be
A: GR: Only lawyers are entitled to attorney’s fees.
The same cannot be shared with a non-lawyer. It is
1. Fixed or absolute fee that which is payable
regardless of the result of the case.
XPN: A lawyer may divide a fee for legal services
a. A fixed fee payable per appearance
with persons not licensed to practice law: CPR
b. A fixed fee computed upon the number
1. A lawyer undertakes to Complete the
of hours spent

c. A fixed fee based on piece work compensation, and may disregard such testimony and
d. Combination of any of the above base its conclusion on its professional knowledge. A
written contract for services shall control the amount
2. Contingent fee – a fee that is conditioned on the to be paid therefor, unless found by the court to be
securing of a favorable judgment and recovery of unconscionable or unreasonable. (Sec. 24, Rule 138,
money or property and the amount of which may RRC)
be on a percentage basis.
Q: In the absence of a fee arrangement, how would
Q: What are the requisites for the right to attorney’s the services of an attorney be compensated?
fees to accrue?
A: In the absence of a fee arrangement, the lawyer is
A: paid on a quantum meruit basis. The factors to be
1. Existence of attorney-client relationship; and taken into consideration in determining the amount
2. Rendition by the lawyer of services to the client. are: TINS
1. Time spent and the services rendered or required
Note: A pauper, while exempted from payment of legal – A lawyer is justified in fixing higher fees when
fees is not exempted from payment of attorney’s fees. the case is so complicated and requires more
(Cristobal v. Employees Compensation Commission, G.R. No. time and effort in fixing it.
L-49280, Feb. 26, 1981)
2. Importance of subject matter – The more
Q: What are the factors in determining the important the subject matter or the bigger the
attorney’s fees? (1994 Bar Question) value of the interest of the property in litigation,
the higher is the attorney’s fees.
A: In determining what is fair and reasonable, a
3. Novelty and difficulty of questions involved –
lawyer shall be guided by the following factors: STIP-
When the questions in a case are novel and
difficult, greater effort, deeper study and
1. Skill demanded;
research are bound to burn the lawyer’s time
2. Time spent and the extent of the services
and stamina considering that there are no local
rendered or required;
precedents to rely upon.
3. Importance of the subject matter;
4. Probability of losing other employment as a 4. Skill demanded of a lawyer – The totality of the
result of acceptance of the proffered case; lawyer’s experience provides him skill and
5. Professional Standing of the lawyer; competence admired in lawyers.
6. Novelty and difficulty of the questions involved;
7. Amount involved in the controversy and the
Q: What are the different types of fee arrangements
benefits resulting to the client from the services;
upon which an attorney may receive compensation?
8. Customary Charges for similar services and the
schedule of fees of the IBP chapter to which he
1. Retainer’s fee where the lawyer is paid for
9. Contingency or certainty of compensation; and
services for an agreed amount for the case.
10. Character of the employment, whether
occasional or established. (Rule 20.01) 2. The lawyer agrees to be paid per court
Note: Imposition of interest in the payment of
attorney’s fees is not justified. (Funa, 2009)
3. Contingent fee where the lawyer is paid for his
services depending on the success of the case.
Contracts for attorney’s services in this jurisdiction stands This applies usually in civil suits for money or
upon an entirely different footing from other contract for property where the lawyer’s fee is taken from
the payment of compensation for any other services. the award granted by the court.
(Mambulao Lumber Co. v. Philippine National Bank, 130
Phil. 366) 4. Attorney de officio. The attorney is appointed by
the court to defend the indigent litigant in a
Q: Are the courts bound by the opinions of attorneys criminal case. The client is not bound to pay the
as expert witnesses as to the proper compensation attorney for his services although he may be paid
of the lawyer? a nominal fee taken from a public fund
appropriated for the purpose.
A: No. No court shall be bound by the opinion of 5. Legal aid. The attorney renders legal services for
attorneys as expert witnesses as to the proper
Legal Ethics

those who could not afford to engage the client pays fixed retainer fees, which could be
services of paid counsel. monthly or otherwise. The fees are paid whether
or not there are cases referred to the lawyer;
6. Quantum meruit basis. If there is no specific
contract between the lawyer and the client, the
2. Special retainer – It is a fee for a specific or
lawyer is paid on quantum meruit basis, that is,
particular case or service rendered by the lawyer
what the lawyer deserves for his services.
for a client.
Q: What is a retainer?
Q: Atty. Francisco’s retainer agreement with RXU
said that his attorney's fees in its case against CRP
A: It may refer to two concepts:
“shall be 15% of the amounts collected.” Atty.
1. Act of a client by which he engages the services
Francisco asked the trial court to issue a temporary
of an attorney to render legal advice or to defend
restraining order against CRP but this was denied,
or prosecute his cause in court; or
prompting him to file a petition for certiorari with
the Court of Appeals to question the order of denial.
2. Fee which a client pays to the attorney.
At this point, RXU terminated Atty. Francisco’s
services. When the parties later settled their dispute
Q: Concept Placement retained the services of Atty.
amicably, CRP paid RXU P100 million. Because of
Funk. Under their retainer contract, Atty. Funk is to
this, Atty. Francisco came around and claimed a 15%
render various legal services except litigation, quasi-
share in the amount. What should be his attorney’s
judicial and administrative proceedings and similar
fees? (2011 Bar Question)
actions for which there will be separate billings.
Thereafter, Atty. Funk represented Concept
A: A reasonable amount that the court shall fix upon
Placement in the case filed against it for illegal
proof of quantum meruit.
dismissal. While the labor case was still pending,
Concept Placement terminated the services of Atty.
Q: What does quantum meruit mean?
Funk. Nevertheless, Atty. Funk continued handling
the case. Atty. Funk then advised Concept
A: Quantum meruit means, "as much as he deserves",
Placement of the POEA’s favorable decision and
and is used as the basis for determining the lawyer's
requested the payment of his attorney’s fees.
professional fees in the absence of a contract, but
Concept Placement refused. Is Atty. Funk entitled
recoverable by him from his client.
to attorney’s fees for assisting Concept Placement as
counsel in the labor case even if the services of Atty.
Q: When is the measure of quantum meruit resorted
Funk were already terminated?
to? (2007 Bar Question)
A: Yes. The expiration of the retainer contract
A: Quantum meruit is resorted to when:
between the parties during the pendency of the labor
1. There is no express contract for payment of
case does not extinguish the respondent’s right for
attorney’s fees agreed upon between the lawyer
attorney’s fees. The Court found that while the
and the client;
petitioner and the respondent did not execute a
2. Although there is a formal contract for attorney’s
written agreement on the fees in the labor case aside
fees, the stipulated fees are found
from the Retainer Agreement, the petitioner did
unconscionable or unreasonable by the court;
categorically and unequivocally admit in its
3. The contract for attorney’s fees is void due to
Compulsory Counterclaim that it has engaged the
purely formal matters or defects of execution;
services of the respondent as its counsel for a fee of
4. The counsel, for justifiable cause, was not able to
P60, 000, etc. (Concept Placement Resources Inc. v.
finish the case to its conclusion;
Atty. Funk, G.R. No. 137680, Feb. 6, 2004)
5. Lawyer and client disregard the contract for
attorney’s fees; and
Q: What are the kinds of retainer agreements on
6. The client dismissed his counsel before the
attorney’s fees?
termination of the case.
Q: A client refuses to pay Atty. A his contracted
1. General retainer or retaining fee – It is the fee
attorney's fees on the ground that counsel did not
paid to a lawyer to secure his future services as
wish to intervene in the process of effecting a fair
general counsel for any ordinary legal problem
settlement of the case. Decide. (2001 Bar Question)
that may arise in the ordinary business of the
A: Rule 1.04 of the Code of Professional
client and referred to him for legal action. The



Responsibility provides that "a lawyer shall encourage fees should be subject to judicial control;
his clients to avoid, end or settle a controversy if it
3. Sound public policy demands that courts
will admit of a fair settlement". If a lawyer should
disregard stipulations for attorney’s fees when
refuse to intervene in a settlement proceeding, his
they appear to be a source of speculative profit
entitlement to his attorney's fees may be affected.
at the expense of the debtor or mortgagor.
However, if he has already rendered some valuable
(Borcena v. IAC, et. al., G.R. No. 70099, Jan. 7,
services to the client, he must be paid his attorney's
fees on the basis of quantum meruit, even if it is
assumed that he is dismissed.
Note: A trial judge may not order the reduction of the
Q: What are the instances when counsel cannot attorney’s fees on the ground that the attorney is “below
recover the full amount despite written contract for average standard of a lawyer.” The opinion of the judge as
to the capacity of a lawyer is not a basis of the right to a
attorneys’ fees? (2006 Bar Question)
lawyer’s fees. (Fernandez v. Hon. Bello, No. L-14277, Apr.
30, 1960)
1. When the services called for were not performed Q: When are attorney’s fees considered as
as when the lawyer withdrew before the case unconscionable?
was finished, he will be allowed only reasonable
fees A:
2. When there is a justified dismissal of the 1. An amount compared to the value of the services
attorney, the contract will be nullified and is so disproportionate as to shock human
payment will be on the basis of quantum meruit conscience.
only. A contrary stipulation will be invalid 2. One in which no man in his right senses, not
under delusion, would make on one hand, and
3. When the stipulated attorney’s fees are which no fair and honest man would accept on
unconscionable, when it is disproportionate as the other.
compared to the value of services rendered and
is revolting to human conscience; ACCEPTANCE FEES
4. When the stipulated attorney’s fees are in excess
of what is expressly provided by law; Q: What is an acceptance fee?
5. When the lawyer is guilty of fraud or bad faith
A: It is an absolute fee arrangement which entitles a
toward his client in the matter of his
lawyer to get paid for his efforts regardless of the
outcome of the litigation. (Funa, 2009)
6. When the counsel’s services are worthless
because of his negligence; Q: Rose engaged the services of Atty. Jack as counsel
for five cases. In the Retainer Agreement, Rose
7. When contract is contrary to law, morals or
agreed to pay Atty. Jack the amount of 200,000 as
public policy; and
Acceptance Fee for the five cases plus an additional
8. Serving adverse interest unless the lawyer proves 1,500 Appearance Fee per hearing and in the event
that it was with the consent of both parties. that damages are recovered, she would pay Atty.
Jack 10% as success fee. Rose issued two checks
amounting to 51,716.54 in favor of Atty. Jack
Q: Courts may interfere and reduce contractually
however despite receipt of said amounts he failed to
agreed upon attorney’s fees when the same is
file a case in one of the five cases referred to him;
unconscionable or excessive. What is the rationale
one case was dismissed due to untimely appeal; and
behind this authority?
another case was dismissed but he failed to inform
Rose about it before she left for abroad. Dissatisfied
with the outcome of her cases she demanded from
1. Indubitably intertwined with the lawyer’s duty to
Atty. Jack the return of all the records she had
charge only reasonable fees is the power of the
entrusted to him however he returned only two of
court to reduce the amount of attorney’s fees if
the five cases. She filed a complaint charging him
the same is excessive and unconscionable. (Roxas
with violation of Canon 16 and 16.03 of the Code of
v. De Zuzuarregui, Jr., G. R. No. 152072, Jan. 31,
Professional Responsibility. Was there a violation of
the said Canon by the respondent?
2. A lawyer is primarily an officer of the court hence


Legal Ethics

A: None. From the records of the case, it was found A: Contracts of this nature (contingent fee contract)
that four of the cases referred by Rose were filed but are permitted because they redound to the benefit of
were dismissed or terminated for causes not the poor client and the lawyer especially in cases
attributable to Atty. Jack; and that there was no where the client has meritorious cause of action, but
probable cause to maintain the suit. No fault or no means with which to pay for the legal services
negligence can be attributed to the Atty. Jack. Rose unless he can, with the sanction of law, make a
still owes payment of acceptance fee because she contract for a contingent fee to be paid out of the
only paid 51, 716.54 proceeds of the litigation (Francisco, Legal Ethics
An acceptance fee is not a contingent fee, but is an
absolute fee arrangement which entitles a lawyer to Q: What limitation of the stipulation regarding
get paid for his efforts regardless of the outcome of contingent fee contract?
the litigation. Dissatisfaction from the outcome of the
cases would not render void the retainer agreement A: It must be reasonable based on the circumstance
for Atty. Jack appears to have represented the of the case. Contingent fee contracts are under the
interest of Rose. (Yu v Bondal, A.C. No. 5534, Jan. 17, supervision and close scrutiny of the court in order
2005) that clients may be protected from just charges. Its
validity depends on the measure of reasonableness of
Note: The expiration of the retainer contract between the the stipulated fees under the circumstances of the
parties during the pendency of the labor case does not case (Sesbreno vs. CA, G.R. No. 117438, June 8, 1995)
extinguish the respondent’s right to attorney’s fees. (Uy v.
Gonzales, A.C. No. 5280, Mar. 30, 2004)
Q: When is a contingent fee contract considered as
A: Stipulated attorney’s fees are unconscionable
Q: What is a contingent fee contract? Is it valid? whenever the amount is by far so disproportionate
A: A contingency contract is one, which stipulates compared to the value of the services rendered as to
that the lawyer will be paid for his legal services only amount to fraud perpetrated to the client. (Sesbreno
if the suit or litigation ends favorably to the client. vs. CA, G.R. No. 117438, June 8, 1995)
(Taganas vs. NLRC, G.R. No. 118746, September 7,
1995). It is like a contract subject to a suspensive Q: What is the effect of unreasonable or
condition wherein the obligation to pay the counsel is unconscionable contingent fee contract?
based upon the outcome of the case.
A: When the courts find that the stipulated amount is
Contingent fees are sanctioned by the CPE and by the excessive or the contract is unreasonable, public
CPR subject to certain limitations (Licudan vs. CA, G.R. policy demands that said contract be disregarded to
No. 91958, January 24, 1991) protect the client from unreasonable exaction
Note: Contingent fee contracts are subject to the
supervision and close scrutiny of the court in order that The degree of unconscionability or unreasonableness
clients may be protected from unjust charges. The amount of the stipulated fee will not, however, preclude
of contingent fees agreed upon by the parties is subject to recovery. It merely justifies the court’s fixing
the stipulation that counsel will be paid for his legal services reasonable amount for the lawyer’s services based on
only if the suit or litigation prospers. A much higher quantum meruit meaning “as much as he deserves”.
compensation is allowed as contingent fees because of the (Sesbreno vs. CA, G.R. No. 117438, June 8, 1995)
risk that the lawyer may get nothing if the suit fails.
(Evangelina Masmud v. NLRC, et. al., G.R. No. 183385, Feb.
Q: The stipulation between the lawyer and counsel
13, 2009)
is as follows, “the attorney’s fees of the Atty. X will
If a lawyer employed on contingent basis dies or becomes be ½ of whatever the client might recover from his
disabled before the final adjudication or settlement of the share in the property subject of the litigation.” Is the
case has been obtained, he or his estate will be allowed to stipulation valid?
recover the reasonable value of the services rendered. The
recovery will be allowed only after the successful A: Yes. The stipulation made is one of a contingent
termination of the litigation in the client’s favor. (Morton v. fee which is allowed by the CPE and the CPR. It does
Forsee, Ann. Cas. 1914 D. 197; Lapena, 2009, Pineda, 2009)
not violate the prohibition of acquisition of property
subject of the litigation by the lawyer provided for in
Q: What is the rationale for allowing contingent fee the Civil Code since the prohibition applies only to a

sale or assignment to the lawyer by his client during Q: Assume there was no settlement and the case
the pendency of the litigation. The transfer actually eventually reached the Supreme Court which
takes effect after the finality of the judgment and not promulgated a decision in favor of Chester. This time
during the pendency of the case. As such it is valid Chester refused to convey to Laarni 15% of the
stipulation between the lawyer and client. litigated land as stipulated on the ground that the
agreement violates Article 1491 of the Civil Code,
Q: Does the acceptance of an initial fee before or which prohibits lawyers from acquiring by purchase
during the progress of the litigation detract from the properties and rights, which are the object of
contingent nature of the fees? litigation in which they take part by reason of their
profession. Is the refusal justified? Explain. (2008
A: No. The acceptance of an initial fee before or Bar Question)
during the progress of the litigation does not detract
from the contingent nature of the fees, as long as the A: Chester’s refusal is not justified. A contingent fee
bulk thereof is made dependent upon the successful arrangement is not covered by Art.1491 of the Civil
outcome of the action (Francisco vs. Matias, January Code, because the transfer or assignment of the
31, 1964, G.R. No. L-16349) property in litigation takes effect only upon finality of
a favorable judgment. (Director of Lands v. Ababa,
Q: Atty. Arthur agreed to represent Patrick in a No. L-26096, Feb. 27, 1979); Macariola v. Asuncion,
personal injury case after the latter signed a retainer A.C. No. 133-J, May 31, 1982)
agreement for a 33% fee contingent on their
winning the case. In the course of trial, Patrick Q: Evangelina Masmud’s husband, the late
dismissed Atty. Arthur after he presented their Alexander, filed a complaint against his employer for
evidence in chief and engaged Atty. Winston non-payment of permanent disability benefits,
another lawyer. They lost the case. What fee would medical expenses, sickness allowance, moral and
Atty. Arthur be entitled to? (2011 Bar Question) exemplary damages, and attorney’s fees. He
engaged the services of Atty. Go, as his counsel and
A: Absolutely nothing agreed to pay attorney’s fees on a contingent basis,
as follows: 20% of total monetary claims as settled
Q: Chester asked Laarni to handle his claim to a or paid and an additional 10% in case of appeal. The
sizeable parcel of land in Quezon City against a well- Labor Arbiter granted the monetary claims of
known property developer on a contingent fee Alexander. Eventually, after several appeals, the
basis. Laarni asked for 15% of the land that may be decision being favorable to Evangelina (substituted
recovered or 15% of whatever monetary settlement her deceased husband), the decision became final
that may be received from the property developer and executory. Upon motion of Atty. Go, the surety
as her only fee contingent upon securing a favorable company delivered to the NLRC Cashier, the check
final judgment or compromise settlement. Chester amounting to P3,454,079.20. Thereafter, Atty. Go
signed the contingent fee agreement. Assume the moved for the release of the said amount to
property developer settled the case after the case Evangelina. Out of the said amount, Evangelina paid
was decided by the Regional Trial Court in favor of Atty. Go the sum of P680,000.00. Dissatisfied, Atty.
Chester for P1 Billion. Chester refused to pay Laarni Go filed a motion to record and enforce the
P150 Million on the ground that it is excessive. Is the attorney’s lien alleging that Evangelina reneged on
refusal justified? Explain. their contingent fee agreement. Evangelina
manifested that Atty. Go’s claim for attorney’s fees
A: The refusal of Chester to pay is unjustified. A of 40% of the total monetary award was null and
contingent fee is impliedly sanctioned by Rule void based on Article 111 of the Labor Code. Is her
20.01(f) of the CPR. A much higher compensation is contention correct?
allowed as contingent fees is consideration of the risk
that the lawyer will get nothing if the suit fails. In A: No. Art. 111. Attorney's fees. (a) In cases of
several cases, the Court has indicated that a unlawful withholding of wages, the culpable party
contingent fee of 30% of the money or property that may be assessed attorney's fees equivalent to ten
may be recovered is reasonable. Moreover, although percent of the amount of the wages recovered.
the developer settled the case, it was after the case Contrary to Evangelina’s proposition, Article 111 of
was decided by the RTC in favor of Chester, which the Labor Code deals with the extraordinary concept
shows that Atty. Laarni has already rendered service of attorney’s fees. It regulates the amount
to the client. recoverable as attorney's fees in the nature of
damages sustained by and awarded to the prevailing


Legal Ethics

party. It may not be used as the standard in fixing the Q: What is the difference between a contingent
amount payable to the lawyer by his client for the contract and champertous contract?
legal services he rendered.
In this regard, Section 24, Rule 138 of the Rules of CONTINGENT CHAMPERTOUS
Court should be observed in determining Atty. Go’s CONTRACT CONTRACT
compensation. The said Rule provides: Payable in cash – Payable in kind - a
dependent on the portion of the thing or
Sec. 24. Compensation of attorneys; agreement as to success of the property recovered as
fees. An attorney shall be entitled to have and recover litigation compensation
from his client no more than a reasonable Lawyers do not Lawyers undertake to
compensation for his services, with a view to the undertake to pay all pay all expenses of
importance of the subject matter of the controversy, expenses of litigation litigation
the extent of the services rendered, and the Valid Void
professional standing of the attorney. No court shall
be bound by the opinion of attorneys as expert Q: The contract of attorney's fees entered into by
witnesses as to the proper compensation, but may Atty. Quintos and his client, Susan, stipulates that if
disregard such testimony and base its conclusion on a judgment is rendered in favor of the latter, Atty.
its own professional knowledge. A written contract for Quintos gets 60% of the property recovered as
services shall control the amount to be paid therefor contingent fee. In turn, he will assume payment of
unless found by the court to be unconscionable or all expenses of the litigation. May Atty. Quintos and
unreasonable. Susan increase the amount of the contingent fee to
80%? (2006 Bar Question)
The retainer contract between Atty. Go and
Evangelina provides for a contingent fee. The A: No. Atty. Quintos and Susan cannot agree to
contract shall control in the determination of the increase the amount of the contingent fee to 80%
amount to be paid, unless found by the court to be because the agreement is champertous. Even if there
unconscionable or unreasonable. The criteria found in is no champertous provision present, the contingent
the Code of Professional Responsibility are also to be fee of 80% of the PROPERTY recovered could still be
considered in assessing the proper amount of considered as unconscionable, because it is so
compensation that a lawyer should receive. (Canon disproportionate as to indicate that an unjust
20, Rule 20.01, CPR; Evangelina Masmud v. NLRC, et. advantage had been taken of the client, and is
al., G.R. No. 183385, Feb. 13, 2009) revolting to human conscience. Contracts for
attorney's fees are always subject to control by the
Q: What is a champertous contract? (1999, 2000, courts.
2006 Bar Questions)
A: It is one where the lawyer stipulates with his client
in the prosecution of the case that he will bear all the Note: A lawyer is not entitled to unilaterally appropriate his
expenses for the recovery of things or property being client’s money for himself by the mere fact alone that the
claimed by the client, and the latter agrees to pay the client owes him attorney’s fees. (Rayos v. Hernandez, GR
former a portion of the thing or property recovered No. 169079, Feb. 12, 2007)
as compensation. It is void for being against public
policy. (Like gambling) Q: Define an attorney’s retaining lien (1994, 1995,
1996, 1998, 2000 Bar Questions)
Note: A champertous contract is considered void due to
public policy, because it would make him acquire a stake in A: A retaining lien is the right of an attorney to retain
the outcome of the litigation which might lead him to place the funds, documents and papers of his client who
his own interest above that of the client. (Bautista v. have lawfully come into his possession and may
Gonzales, A.M. No. 1625, Feb. 12, 1990) retain the same until his lawful fees and
disbursements have been paid, and may apply such
funds to the satisfaction thereof.



Q: What are the requisites in order for an attorney actively enforced. It is a enforced by execution. It
to be able to exercise his retaining lien? general lien. is a special lien.
As to Basis
A: ALU Lawful possession of Securing of a favorable
1. Attorney-client relationship; papers, documents, money judgment for
2. Lawful possession by the lawyer of the client’s property belonging to client.
funds, documents and papers in his professional the client.
capacity; and As to Coverage
3. Unsatisfied claim for attorney’s fees or Covers papers, Covers all judgments for
disbursements. documents, and the payment of money
properties in the lawful and execution issued in
Q: Define an attorney’s charging lien (1994, 2008 possession of the pursuance of such
Bar Questions) attorney by reason of his judgment.
A: A charging lien is the right of a lawyer to the same employment
extent upon all judgments for the payment of money, As to Effect
and executions issued in pursuance of such As soon as the attorney As soon as the claim for
judgments which he has secured in a litigation of his gets possession of attorney’s fees had
client, from and after the time when he shall have papers, documents, or been entered into the
caused a statement of his claim of such lien to be property. records of the case.
entered upon the records of the court rendering such As to Applicability
judgment, or issuing such execution, and shall have May be exercised before Generally, exercised only
caused written notice thereof to be delivered to his judgment or execution when the attorney had
client and to the adverse party; and he shall have the or regardless thereof. already secured a
same right and power over such judgments and favorable judgment for
executions as his client would have to enforce his lien his client.
and secure the payment of his fees and
As to Extinguishment
disbursements. (Sec. 37, Rule 138, Revised Rules of
When possession When client loses action
lawfully ends as when as lien may only be
lawyer voluntarily parts enforced against
Q: What are the requisites in order for an attorney
with funds, documents, judgment awarded in
to be able to exercise his charging lien?
and papers of client or favor of client, proceeds
offers them as evidence. thereof/executed
1. Existence of attorney-client relationship;
2. The attorney has rendered services;
Q: Upon being replaced by Justice C, Atty. B, the
3. Favorable money judgment secured by the
former counsel of the parents of the victims of the
counsel for his client;
OZONE Disco tragedy, was directed to forward all
4. The attorney has a claim for attorney’s fees or
the documents in his possession to Justice C. Atty. B
advances; and
refused, demanding full compensation pursuant to
5. A statement of the claim has been duly recorded
their written contract. Sensing that a favorable
in the case with notice thereof served upon the
judgment was forthcoming, Atty. B filed a motion in
client and the adverse party.
court relative to his attorney’s fees, furnishing his
former clients with copies thereof. Is Atty. B legally
Note: A charging lien, to be enforceable as a security for
the payment of attorney’s fees, requires as a condition sine and ethically correct in refusing to turn over the
qua non a judgment for money and execution in pursuance documents and in filing the motion? Explain. (1996
of such judgment secured in the main action by the Bar Question)
attorney in favor of his client.
A: Yes. He is entitled to a retaining lien which gives
Q: What is the difference between a retaining lien him the right to retain the funds, documents and
and a charging lien? papers of his client which have lawfully come to his
possession until his lawful fees and disbursement
A: have been paid (Sec. 37, Rule 138, Rules of Court; Rule
RETAINING LIEN CHARGING LIEN 16.03, Code of Professional Responsibility). He is also
As to Nature legally and ethically correct in filing a motion in court
Passive lien. It cannot be Active lien. It can be relative to his fees. He is entitled to a charging lien
Legal Ethics

upon all judgments for the paying of money, and

executions issued in pursuance of such judgments, A: GR: A lawyer should avoid the filing of any case
which he has secured in a litigation of his client, from against a client for the enforcement of attorney’s
and after the time when the records of the court fees.
rendering such judgment or issuing such execution.
Note: The legal profession is not a money-making trade but
FEES AND CONTROVERSIES WITH CLIENTS a form of public service. Lawyers should avoid giving the
impression that they are mercenary (Perez v. Scottish Union
and National Insurance Co., C.A. No. 8977, Mar. 22, 1946).
Rule 20.02, Canon 20, CPR It might even turn out to be unproductive for him for
A lawyer shall, in cases of referral, with the consent potential clients are likely to avoid a lawyer with a
of the client, be entitled to a division of fees in reputation of suing his clients.
proportion to the work performed and responsibility
assumed. XPNs: (Rule 20.04, CPR)
1. To prevent imposition
Note: This is not in the nature of a broker’s commission. 2. To prevent injustice
3. To prevent fraud
Q: How does Lawyer-Referral System work?
Note: A client may enter into a compromise agreement
A: Under this system, if another counsel is referred to without the intervention of the lawyer, but the terms of the
the client, and the latter agrees to take him as agreement should not deprive the counsel of his
collaborating counsel, and there is no express compensation for the professional services he had
agreement on the payment of attorney’s fees, the rendered. If so, the compromise shall be subjected to said
fees. If the client and the adverse party who assented to
said counsel will receive attorney’s fees in proportion
the compromise are found to have intentionally deprived
to the work performed and responsibility assumed. the lawyer of his fees, the terms of the compromise, insofar
The lawyers and the client may agree upon the as they prejudice the lawyer, will be set aside, making both
proportion but in case of disagreement, the court parties accountable to pay the lawyer’s fees. But in all
may fix the proportional division of fees. (Lapena, cases, it is the client who is bound to pay his lawyer for his
2009) legal representation. (Atty. Gubat v. NPC, G.R. No. 167415,
Feb. 26, 2010)
Rule 20.03
A lawyer shall not, without the full knowledge and Q: Where and how may attorney's fees be claimed
consent of the client, accept any fee, reward, costs, by the lawyer?
commission, interest, rebate or forwarding
allowance or other compensation whatsoever A:
related to his professional employment from anyone 1. In the same case – It may be asserted either in
other than the client. (1997, 2003 Bar Questions) the very action in which the services of a lawyer
had been rendered or in a separate action.
Rationale: It is intended to secure the fidelity of the lawyer 2. In a separate civil action – A petition for
to his client’s cause and to prevent a situation in which the attorney's fees may be filed before the judgment
receipt by him of a rebate or commission from another with
in favor of the client is satisfied or the proceeds
the client’s business may interfere with the full discharge of
thereof delivered to the client.
his duty to his client. (Report of the IBP Committee)

XPN: A lawyer may receive compensation from a The determination as to the propriety of the fees
person other than his client when the latter has full or as to the amount thereof will have to be held
knowledge and approval thereof. (Sec. 20 (e), Rule in abeyance until the main case from which the
138) lawyer's claim for attorney's fees may arise has
become final. Otherwise, the determination of
Rule 20.04, Canon 20, CPR the courts will be premature.
A lawyer shall avoid controversies with clients
concerning his compensation and shall resort to Q: What are the instances when an independent civil
judicial action only to prevent imposition, injustice action to recover attorney’s fees is necessary?
or fraud. (1998 Bar Question)
Q: Can a lawyer file a case against his client for the 1. Main action is dismissed or nothing is awarded;
enforcement of attorney’s fees? 2. Court has decided that it has no jurisdiction over



the action or has already lost it;

Note: The basis for this is any of the cases provided for
3. Person liable for attorney’s fees is not a party to by law where such award can be made, such as those
the main action; authorized in Article 2208 of the Civil Code, and is
4. Court reserved to the lawyer the right to file a payable to the client, NOT to the lawyer unless they
have agreed that the award shall pertain to the lawyer
separate civil suit for recovery of attorney’s fees;
as additional compensation or as part thereof.
5. Services for which the lawyer seeks payment are
not connected with the subject litigation; and ORDINARY CONCEPT OF ATTORNEY’S FEES

6. Judgment debtor has fully paid all of the Q: Aurora Pineda filed an action for declaration of
judgment proceeds to the judgment creditor and nullity of marriage against Vinson Pineda, who was
the lawyer has not taken any legal step to have represented by Attys. Clodualdo de Jesus, Carlos
his fees paid directly to him from the judgment Ambrosio and Emmanuel Mariano. The parties'
proceeds. proposal for settlement regarding Vinson's visitation
rights over their minor child and the separation of
Q: What are the effects of the nullity of contract
their properties was approved by the court. The
on the right to attorney’s fees?
marriage was subsequently declared null and void.
Throughout the proceedings counsels and their
A: If the nullification is due to:
relatives and friends, availed of free products and
1. The illegality of its object - the lawyer is
treatments from Vinson’s dermatology clinic. This
precluded from recovering; and
notwithstanding, they billed him additional legal
2. Formal defect or because the court has found the fees amounting to P16.5 million which he, however,
amount to be unconscionable - the lawyer may refused to pay. Instead, he issued them several
recover for any services rendered based on checks totaling P1.12 million as full payment for
quantum meruit. settlement. Still not satisfied, the three lawyers filed
in the same court a motion for payment of lawyers'
Q: To what compensation is a lawyer entitled to? fees for P50 million, which is equivalent to 10% of
the value of the properties awarded to Pineda in the
A: case. Are their claim justified?
1. Counsel de parte – He is entitled to the
reasonable attorney’s fees agreed upon, or in the A: No. Clearly, what they were demanding was
absence thereof, on quantum meruit basis. additional payment for legal services rendered in the
same case. Demanding P50 million on top of the
2. Counsel de officio – The counsel may not demand generous sums and perks already given to them was
from the accused attorney’s fees even if he wins an act of unconscionable greed. They could not
the case. He may, however, collect from the charge Pineda a fee based on percentage, absent an
government funds, if available based on the express agreement to that effect. The payments to
amount fixed by the court. them in cash, checks, free products and services from
3. Amicus Curae – not entitled to attorney’s fees. Pineda’s business more than sufficed for the work
they did. The full payment for settlement should have
CONCEPTS OF ATTORNEY’S FEES discharged Vinson's obligation to them.

Q: What are the two concepts of attorney’s fees? As lawyers, they should be reminded that they are
members of an honorable profession, the primary
A: vision of which is justice. It is the lawyer’s despicable
1. Ordinary attorney's fee – The reasonable behavior in the case at bar which gives lawyering a
compensation paid to a lawyer by his client for bad name in the minds of some people. The
the legal services he has rendered to the latter. vernacular has a word for it: nagsasamantala. The
(Pineda, 2009) practice of law is a decent profession and not a
money-making trade. Compensation should be but a
Note: The basis for this compensation is the fact of his mere incident. (Pineda v. de Jesus, G.R. No. 155224,
employment by and his agreement with the client. Aug. 23, 2006)

2. Extraordinary attorney's fee – An indemnity for Q: DOY Mercantile Inc. refused to satisfy Atty.
damages ordered by the court to be paid by the Gabriel, Jr.’s attorney’s fees, prompting the latter to
losing party in litigation. file with the RTC a Motion to Allow Commensurate


Legal Ethics

Fees and to Annotate Attorney’s Lien on certain that the filing was prompted by sinister
TCTs. The RTC fixed Atty. Gabriel, Jr.’s fees and design to vex him;
ordered that a lien be annotated on the TCTs. A Writ 5. When the action is clearly unfounded;
of Execution was later issued by the trial court in 6. When defendant acted in gross and evident
Atty. Gabriel, Jr.’s favor. Upon Atty. Gabriel Jr.’s bad faith;
motion for reconsideration, the RTC increased his 7. In actions for support;
fees. It then issued another Writ of Execution to 8. In cases of recovery of wages;
enforce the new award but denied the Motion to 9. In actions for indemnity under workmen’s
Annotate the Award at the back of the TCTs. DOY, compensation and employee’s liability laws;
for its part, filed several petitions to set aside the 10. In a separate civil action arising from a crime;
RTC Orders involving the award of attorney’s fees. 11. When at least double costs are awarded
Eventually, CA rendered a decision, fixing Atty. (costs of suit does not include attorney’s
Gabriel, Jr.’s fees at P200,000.00 and affirming the fees);
subsequent order of the RTC not to annotate such 12. When the court deems it just and equitable;
award on the TCTs. Should the court rely on the and
importance of the subject matter in controversy and 13. When a special law so authorizes. (Art. 2208,
the professional standing of counsel in awarding NCC)
attorney’s fee?
Q: Why is there a need to state the reason for the
A: No. DOY’s contention that the appellate court award of attorney’s fees in the text of the
should also have taken into account the importance court’s decision?
of the subject matter in controversy and the
professional standing of counsel in determining the A: The award of attorney’s fees being an exception
latter’s fees is untenable. Although Rule 138 of the rather than the general rule, it is necessary for the
Rules of Court and Rule 20.01, Canon 20 of the Code court to make findings of facts and law that would
of Professional Responsibility lists several other bring the case within the exception and justify the
factors in setting such fees, these are mere guides in grant of such award. (Agustin vs. CA, G.R. No. 84751,
ascertaining the real value of the lawyer’s service. June 6, 1990)
Courts are not bound to consider all these factors in
fixing attorney’s fees. While a lawyer should charge Q: Is attorney’s fee deemed incorporated in the
only fair and reasonable fees, no hard and fast rule general prayer for ‘such other relief and remedy as
maybe set in the determination of what a reasonable this court may deem just and equitable’?
fee is, or what is not. That must be established from
the facts in each case. (DOY Mercantile, Inc. v. AMA A: No. Attorney’s fees must be specifically prayed for
Computer College, G.R. No. 155311, Mar. 31, 2004) and proven and justified in the decision itself. (Trans-
Asia Shipping Lines, Inc. vs. CA, G.R. No. 118126, Mar.

Q: State the rule on attorney’s fees being awarded Q: Can the Court of Appeals review the decision of
as damages and its exceptions. lower courts fixing attorney’s fees?

A: GR: Attorney’s fees as damages are not A: Yes. The CA, in the exercise of its jurisdiction to
recoverable. An adverse decision does not ipso facto review the decisions of lower courts can determine
justify their award in favor of the winning party. whether the attorney’s fees fixed by said courts are
reasonable under the circumstances. After taking into
XPN: Attorney’s fees in the concept of damages consideration the various factors to guide the courts
may be awarded in any of the following in the fixing of such fees, an appellate court can
circumstances: reduce the attorney’s fees stipulated by the parties in
1. When there is an agreement; a contract for professional services or awarded by the
2. When exemplary damages are awarded; lower court to levels which it deems reasonable.
3. When defendant’s action or omission
compelled plaintiff to litigate;
4. In criminal cases of malicious prosecution
a. Plaintiff was acquitted; and
b. The person who charged him knowingly
made the false statement of facts or




The only instance where the waiver of the
CANON 21, CPR client alone is insufficient is when the
A LAWYER SHALL PRESERVE THE CONFIDENCES AND person to be examined with reference to
SECRETS OF HIS CLIENTS EVEN AFTER THE any privileged communication is the
ATTORNEY-CLIENT RELATION IS TERMINATED. attorney’s secretary, stenographer or
(1998, 2006 Bar Questions) clerk, in respect to which, the consent of
the attorney is likewise necessary.
Note: The protection given to the client is perpetual and
does not cease with the termination of the litigation nor is b. When required by law;
affected by the party ceasing to employ the attorney and
employ another or any other change of relation between c. When necessary to collect his fees or to
them. It even survives the death of the client. defend himself, his employees or
associates by judicial action.
Q: What is confidence? Note: Payment of retainer fee is not essential before an
attorney can be required to safeguard a prospective client’s
A: It refers to the information protected by the secret acquired by the attorney during the course of the
attorney-client privilege. (Report of IBP Committee) consultation with the prospective client, even if the
attorney did not accept the employment.
Q: What are secrets?
Q: What are the instances when a lawyer may testify
A: It refers to other information gained in the as a witness in a case which he is handling for a
professional relationship that the client has client?
requested to be held inviolate or the disclosure of
which would be embarrassing or detrimental to the A:
client. (Ibid) 1. On formal matters, such as the mailing,
authentication or custody of an instrument and
2. Acting as an expert on his free;
Rule 21.01, Canon 21, CPR 3. Acting as an arbitrator;
A lawyer shall not reveal the confidences or secrets 4. Depositions; and
of his client except; 5. On substantial matters in cases where his
a. When authorized by the client after acquainting testimony is essential to the ends of justice, in
him of the consequences of the disclosure; which event he must, during his testimony,
b. When required by law; entrust the trial of the case to another counsel.
c. When necessary to collect his fees or to defend
himself, his employees or associates or by judicial Rule 21.02, Canon 21, CPR
action. A lawyer shall not, to the disadvantage of his client,
use information acquired in the course of
Q: May a lawyer reveal the confidences or secrets of employment, nor shall he use the same to his own
his client? advantage or that of a third person, unless the client
with full knowledge of the circumstances consents
A: GR: A lawyer shall not reveal the confidences and thereto.
secrets of his client.
Note: An attorney cannot, without the consent of his client, Rule 21.05, Canon 21, CPR
be examined as to any communication made by the client A lawyer shall adopt such measures as may be
to him, or his advice given thereon in the course of, or with required to prevent those whose services are utilized
a view to, professional employment, nor can an attorney’s by him, from disclosing or using confidences or
secretary, stenographer, or clerk be examined, without the secrets of the client.
consent of the client and his employer, concerning any fact
the knowledge of which has been acquired in such capacity.
(Sec. 24(b), Rule 130, RRC)
Rule 21.06, Canon 21, CPR
A lawyer shall avoid indiscreet conversation about a
XPN: client’s affairs even with members of his family.
a. When authorized by his client after
acquainting him of the consequences of Rule 21.07, Canon 21, CPR
the disclosure; A lawyer shall not reveal that he has been consulted


Legal Ethics

about a particular case except to avoid possible

conflict of interest. Rule 21.03, Canon 21, CPR
A lawyer shall not, without the written consent of
Q: Bun Siong Yao is a majority stockholder of Solar his client, give information from his files to an
Farms & Livelihood Corporation and Solar Textile outside agency seeking such information for
Finishing Corporation. Atty. Leonardo Aurelio is also auditing, statistical, bookkeeping, accounting, data
a stockholder and the retained counsel of both the processing, or any other similar purposes.
corporation and Bun Siong Yao. The latter purchased
several parcels of land using his personal funds but Q: Certain government officers, armed with search
were registered in the name of the corporations warrant duly issued, seized among other things, a
upon the advice of Atty. Aurelio. After a filing cabinet belonging to Atty. X. In seeking the
disagreement between Atty. Aurelio and Bun Siong return of the cabinet, Atty. X claimed that the
Yao’s wife, the former demanded the return of cabinet contained documents and articles belonging
his investment in the corporations but when Yao to his clients but the government refused to return
refused to pay, he filed 8 charges for estafa and the cabinet. Atty. X petitioned the court which
falsification of commercial documents against Yao issued the warrant, praying that the agents be
and his wife and the other officers of the prohibited from opening the cabinet. Should
corporation. Yao alleged that the series of suits is a Atty. X’s petition be given due course?
form of harassment and constitutes an abuse of the
confidential information which Atty. Aurelio A: Yes. The lower court cannot order the opening of
obtained by virtue of his employment as counsel. said cabinet. To do so is in violation of his rights as an
Atty. Aurelio however said that he only handled attorney. It would be tantamount to compelling him
isolated labor cases for the said corporations. Did to disclose his client’s secrets. (Lapena, 2009)
Atty. Aurelio abuse the confidential information he
obtained by virtue of his employment as counsel? Note: Confidential information obtains even against
government agencies and instrumentalities. (Funa, 2009)
A: Yes. The long-established rule is that an attorney is
not permitted to disclose communications made to DISCLOSURE, WHEN ALLOWED
him in his professional character by a client, unless
the latter consents. Atty. Aurelio took advantage of Rule 21.04, Canon 21, CPR
his being a lawyer in order to get back at Yao. In A lawyer may disclose the affairs of a client of the
doing so, he has inevitably utilized information he has firm to partners or associates thereof unless
obtained from his dealings with Yao and Yao's prohibited by the client.
companies for his own end.
Note: Professional employment of a law firm is equivalent
Lawyers cannot be allowed to exploit their profession to retainer of members thereof. In a law firm, partners or
associates usually consult one another involving their cases
for the purpose of exacting vengeance or as a tool for
and some work as a team. Consequently, it cannot be
instigating hostility against any person most avoided that some information about the case received
especially against a client or former client. (Bun Siong from the client may be disclosed to the partners or
Yao v. Aurelio, A.C. No. 7023, Mar. 30, 2006) associates.

Q: What are the acts punished as betrayal of trust by Q: In need of legal services, Niko secured an
attorney as provided for in Art. 209 of the Revised appointment to meet with W Atty. Henry of Henry &
Penal Code? Meyer Law Offices. During the meeting, Niko
divulged highly private information to Atty. Henry,
A: believing that the lawyer would keep the
1. By causing damage to his client, either 1) by any confidentiality of the information. Subsequently,
malicious breach of professional duty, 2) by Niko was shocked when he learned that Atty. Henry
inexcusable negligence or ignorance had shared the confidential information with his law
2. By revealing any of the secrets of his clients partner, Atty. Meyer, and their common friend,
learned by him in his professional capacity. private practitioner Atty. Canonigo. When
3. By undertaking the defense of the opposing party confronted, Atty. Henry replied that Niko never
in the same case, without the consent of his first signed any confidentiality agreement, and that he
client, after having undertaken the defense of shared the information with the two lawyers to
said first client or after having received secure affirmance of his legal opinion on
confidential information from said client. Niko’s problem. Did Atty. Henry violate any rule of



ethics? Explain fully. (2008 Bar Question) 4. The court has a right to know that the client
whose privileged information is sought to be
A: Atty. Henry violated Canon No. 21 of the CPR by protected is flesh and blood.
sharing information obtained from his client Niko
with Atty. Canonigo. Canon No. 20 provides that “a WITHDRAWAL OF SERVICES
lawyer shall preserve the confidences or secrets of his
client even after the attorney-client relationship is CANON 22, CPR
terminated.” The fact that Atty. Canonigo is a friend A LAWYER SHALL WITHDRAW HIS SERVICES ONLY
from whom he intended to secure legal opinion on FOR GOOD CAUSE AND UPON NOTICE APPROPRIATE
Niko’s problem, does not justify such disclosure. He IN THE CIRCUMSTANCES.
cannot obtain a collaborating counsel without the (1994, 1995, 1997, 2000, 2001, 2004, 2005, 2008 Bar
consent of the client. (Rule 18.01, CPR) Questions)

On the other hand, Atty. Henry did not violate Canon Q: When is a lawyer allowed to withdraw his
21 in sharing information with his partner Atty. services?
Meyer. Rule 21.04 of the CPR specifically provides
that “a lawyer may disclose the affairs of a client of A: A lawyer shall withdraw his services only for good
the firm to partners or associates thereof cause and upon notice appropriate in the
unless prohibited by the client.” Atty. Henry was not circumstances.
prohibited from disclosing the affairs of Niko with the
members of his law firm. The employment of a GR: A lawyer lacks the unqualified right to withdraw
member of a firm is generally considered as once he has taken a case. By his acceptance, he has
employment of the firm itself. (Hilado v. David, G.R. impliedly stipulated that he will prosecute the case to
No. L-961, Sept. 21, 1949) conclusion. This is especially true when such
withdrawal will work injustice to a client or frustrate
Q: Can the lawyer refuse from disclosing his the ends of justice.
client’s identity?
XPN: The right of a lawyer to retire from the case
A: GR: A lawyer may not invoke privileged before its final adjudication, which arises only
communication to refuse revealing a client’s identity. from:
1. The client’s written consent; or
XPN: 2. By permission of the court after due
1. When there is a strong possibility that notice and hearing.
revealing the client’s name would implicate
the client in the very activity for which he Q: Does the written consent of the client require
sought the lawyer’s advice; approval of the court to be effective?
2. When disclosure would open the client to
civil liability; A: The withdrawal in writing of a lawyer as counsel
3. When government’s lawyers have no case for a party, with the client’s written conformity, does
against an attorney’s client and revealing the not require the approval of the court to be effective,
client’s name would furnish the only link that especially if the withdrawal is accompanied by a
would come from the chain of testimony formal appearance of a new counsel.
necessary to convict him.
Q: What are the instances when a lawyer may
Q: What is the reason why a lawyer may not invoke withdraw his services without the consent of his
privileged communication to refuse revealing a client?
client’s identity?
A: 1. When the client deliberately Fails to pay the fees
1. Due process considerations require that the for the services or fails to comply with the
opposing party should know the adversary; retainer agreement;
2. The privilege pertain to the subject matter of 2. When the client pursues an Illegal or immoral
the relationship; course of conduct in connection with the matter
3. The privilege begins to exist only after he is handling;
attorney-client relationship has been 3. When the lawyer finds out that he might be
established hence it does not attach until appearing for a Conflicting interest;
there is a client; and
Legal Ethics

4. When the Mental or physical condition of the action - reasonable value of his services
lawyer renders it difficult for him to carry out the (quantum meruit)
employment effectively; e. If contingency occurs or client prevents its
5. Other similar cases; occurrence – full amount.
6. When the client insists that the lawyer pursue
conduct in Violation of these canons and rules; Note: A lawyer should question his discharge otherwise he
7. When his Inability to work with co-counsel will will only be allowed to recover on quantum meruit basis.
not promote the best interest of the client; and
8. When the lawyer is Elected or appointed to a Q: What are the limitations on client’s right to
public office. (Rule 22.01, CPR) discharge the services of his lawyer?

Q: What is the procedure when withdrawal is 1. When made with justifiable cause, it shall
without client’s consent? negate the attorney’s right to full payment of
A: 2. The attorney may, in the discretion of the court,
1. File a petition for withdrawal in court. intervene in the case to protect his right to fees.
2. Serve a copy of this petition upon his client and 3. A client may not be permitted to abuse his right
the adverse party at least 3 days before the date to discharge his counsel as an excuse to secure
set for hearing. repeated extensions of time to file a pleading or
Note: He should present his petition well in advance of the to indefinitely avoid a trial.
trial of the action to enable the client to secure the services
of another lawyer. Q: Is notice of discharge necessary?

If the application is filed under circumstances that do not A: It is not necessary between client and attorney.
afford a substitute counsel sufficient time to prepare But insofar as the court and the adverse party is
for trial or that work prejudice to the client’s cause, the concerned, the severance of the relation of attorney
court may deny his application and require him to conduct
and client is not effective until:
the trial.
1. A notice of discharge by the client or a
A lawyer should not presume that the court will grant his manifestation clearly indicating that purpose
petition for withdrawal. Until his withdrawal shall have is filed with the court; and
been proved, the lawyer remains counsel of record who is 2. A copy thereof served upon the adverse
expected by his client as well as by the court to do what the party.
interests of his client require.
Q: What should a lawyer do if no notice of discharge
Q: Can a client discharge the services of his lawyer was filed by the client with the court?
without a cause? (1994,1997,1998 Bar Question)
A: If the client has not filed a notice of discharge, the
A: Yes. A client has the right to discharge his attorney duty of the attorney, upon being informed by his
at any time with or without a cause or even against client that his services have been dispensed with, is
his consent. to file:
1. A notice of withdrawal with the client’s
1. With just cause – lawyer is not necessarily conformity; or
deprived of his right to be paid for his services. 2. An application to retire from the case, he being
He may only be deprived of such right if the released from professional responsibility only
cause for his dismissal constitutes in itself a after his dismissal or withdrawal is made of
sufficient legal obstacle to recovery. record.
2. Without just cause Q: What are the conditions for substitution of
a. No express written agreement as to fees - counsel?
reasonable value of his services up to the
date of his dismissal (quantum meruit). A:
b. There is written agreement and the fee 1. Written application
stipulated is absolute and reasonable – full 2. Written consent of the client
payment of compensation. 3. Written consent of the attorney to be
c. The fee stipulated is contingent. substituted, or in the absence thereof, proof of
d. If dismissed before the conclusion of the service of notice of said motion to the attorney



to be substituted in the manner prescribed by the lawyer to present as principal defense witnesses
the rules. 2 persons whose testimonies were personally
known to the lawyer to have been perjured. The
Q: Is heavy workload an excuse to withdraw as lawyer informed his client that he refused to go
counsel? along with the unwarranted course of action
proposed by the defendant. But the client insisted
A: No. Standing alone, heavy workload is not on the directive, or else he would not pay the
sufficient reason for the withdrawal of a counsel. agreed attorney’s fees. When the case was called for
When a lawyer accepts to handle a case, whether for hearing the next morning the lawyer forthwith
a fee or gratis et amore, he undertakes to give his moved in open court that he be relieved as counsel
utmost attention, skill and competence to it for the defendant. Both the defendant and the
regardless of its significance. Failure to fulfill his plaintiff’s counsel objected to the motion. Under the
duties will subject him to grave administrative liability given facts, is the defense lawyer legally justified in
as a member of the Bar. (Ceniza v. Atty. Rubia, A.C. seeking withdrawal from the case? Why or why not?
No. 6166, October 2, 2009) Reason briefly.

Rule 22.01, Canon 22, CPR A: Yes, he is justified. Under rule 22.01 of the CPR, a
A lawyer may withdraw his services in any of the lawyer may withdraw his services “if the client insists
following case: that the lawyer pursue conduct violative of these
a. When the client pursues an illegal or immoral canon and rules”. The insistence of the client that the
course of conduct in connection with the matter he is lawyer present witnesses whom he personally knows
handling; to have been perjured, will expose him to criminal
b. When the client insists that the lawyer pursue and civil liability and violate his duty of candor,
conduct violative of these canons and rules; fairness and good faith to the court.
c. When the inability to work with co- counsel will
not promote the best interest of the client; Q: Was the motion for relief as counsel made by the
d. When the mental or physical condition of the defense lawyer in full accord with the procedural
lawyer renders it difficult for him to carry out the requirements for a lawyer’s withdrawal from a
employment effectively; court case? Explain briefly. (2004 Bar Question)
e. When the client deliberately fails to pay the fees
for the services or fails to comply with the retainer A: No his actuation is not in accord with the
agreement procedural requirements for the lawyer’s withdrawal
f. When the lawyer is elected or appointed to public from a court case. Whether or not a lawyer has a
office; and valid cause to withdraw from a case, he cannot just
g. Other similar cases. do so and leave the client in the cold unprotected. He
must serve a copy of his petition upon the client and
Note: In cases a-e above, the lawyer must file a written the adverse party. He should, moreover, present his
motion with an express consent of his client and the court petition well in advance of the trial of the action to
shall determine whether he ought to be allowed to retire. enable the client to secure the services of another
He may also retire at any time from an action or special
proceeding without the consent of his client, should the Q: Atty. X filed a notice of withdrawal of appearance
court, on notice to the client and attorney, and on hearing,
as counsel for the accused Y after the prosecution
determine that he ought to be allowed to retire. (Sec. 26,
Rule 138, RRC)
rested its case. The reason for the withdrawal of
Atty. X was the failure of accused Y to affix his
Q: What is Hot Potato Rule? conformity to the demand of Atty. X for increase in
attorney's fees. Is the ground for withdrawal
A: The principle that a lawyer may not unreasonably justified? Explain. (2000 Bar Question)
withdraw from representing a client. An exception
may be allowed for a conflict of interest arising from A: The ground for the withdrawal is not justified. Rule
circumstances beyond the control of the lawyer or 22.01 (e) of the Code of Professional Responsibility
the law firm (Black’s Law Dictionary,9 edition). provides that a lawyer may withdraw his services
when the client deliberately fails to pay the fees for
Q: On the eve of the initial hearing for the reception his services or fails to comply with the retainer
of evidence for the defense, the defendant and his agreement. In this case, the client has not failed to
counsel had a conference where the client directed pay the lawyer's fees or to comply with the retainer


Legal Ethics

agreement. He has only refused to agree with the

lawyer's demand for an increase in his fees. It is his
right to refuse as that is part of his freedom of

Rule 22.02, Canon 22,CPR

A lawyer who withdraws or is discharged shall,
subject to a retaining lien, immediately turn over all
papers and property to which the client is entitled,
and shall cooperate with his successor in the orderly
transfer of the matter, including all information
necessary for the proper handling of the matter.

Q: What are the duties of a discharged lawyer or one

who withdraws?

1. Immediately turn-over all papers and
property to which the client is entitled; and
2. To cooperate with his successor in the
orderly transfer of the case.




RULE 139-B, RULES OF COURT 4. Suspend an attorney from practice for any of
the causes named in Sec 27, Rule 138 until
NATURE AND CHARACTERISTICS OF DISCIPLINARY further action of the Supreme Court in the
ACTIONS AGAINST LAWYERS case; (Sec. 16, Rule 139-B) and
5. Probation (IBP Guidelines)
Q: What is the rationale of disciplining errant
lawyers? Note: The CA and RTC cannot disbar a lawyer.

A: Practice of law is not a natural or constitutional Q: What are the other sanctions and remedies?
right, but it is in the nature of a privilege franchise.
Hence, the same may be suspended or removed from A: RALARRO
the lawyer for reasons provided in the rules, law and 1. Restitution;
jurisprudence. 2. Assessment of costs;
3. Limitation upon practice;
Q: What is the purpose of disciplining lawyers? 4. Appointment of a receiver;
5. Requirement that a lawyer take the bar
A: To ascertain that a lawyer still possesses those examination or professional responsibility
qualifications which are conditions precedent for the examination;
continuous practice of law and; to deter others from 6. Requirement that a lawyer attend
similar misconduct, to protect the court and the continuing education courses; and
public from the misbehavior of its officers. 7. Other requirements that the highest court or
disciplinary board deems consistent with the
Note: A lawyer may be disciplined or suspended for any purposes of the sanctions.
misconduct professionally or privately (Cruz v. Atty. Jacinto,
Adm. Case No. 5235, March 22, 2000) Q: What are the forms of disciplinary measures?
(2002, 2004 Bar Questions)
Q: What is the nature of the power to discipline?
A: The power to discipline a lawyer is JUDICIAL in 1. Warning – an act of putting one on his guard
nature and can be exercised only by the courts. It against an impending danger, evil, consequence
cannot be defeated by the legislative or executive or penalty;
2. Admonition – a gentle or friendly reproof, mild
Note: The power to disbar and to reinstate is an inherently rebuke, warning, reminder, or counseling on a
judicial function (Andres v. Cabrera, SBC- 585, Feb. 29, fault, error or oversight; an expression of
1984) authoritative advice;
3. Reprimand – a public and formal censure or
Q: What are the powers of the Supreme Court with severe reproof, administered to a person at fault
regard to the discipline of errant lawyers? by his superior officer or the body to which he
1. Warn; 4. Censure – official reprimand;
2. Admonish;
5. Suspension – temporary withholding of a
3. Reprimand;
lawyer’s right to practice his profession as a
4. Disbar;
lawyer for a certain period or for an indefinite
5. Suspend a lawyer; [Sec. 27, Rule 138, Revised
period of time:
Rules of Court (RRC)]
a. Definite;
6. Interim suspension; and
b. Indefinite – qualified disbarment; lawyer
7. Probation (IBP Guidelines)
determines for himself how long or how
short his suspension shall last by proving
Q: What about the Court of Appeals and the
to court that he is once again fit to
Regional Trial Court?
resume practice of law.
A: They are also empowered to: WARSP
Note: Indefinite suspension is not cruel. Indefinite
1. Warn; suspension put in his hands the key for the


Legal Ethics
restoration of his rights and privileges as a lawyer PRESCRIPTION
(Dumadag v. Atty. Lumaya, A.C. No. 2614, June
29, 2000) Q: Is there a prescriptive period for filing
administrative complaints against lawyers?
6. Disbarment – it is the act of the Supreme Court
of withdrawing from an attorney the right to A: None. Rule VII, Section 1 of the Rules of Procedure
practice law. The name of the lawyer is stricken of the CBD-IBP, which provides for a prescriptive
out from the Roll of Attorneys; period for the filing of administrative complaints
Note: A disbarred lawyer cannot be disbarred again. against lawyers, should be struck down as void and of
(Yuhico v. Atty. Gutierrez, A.C. No. 8391, November 23, no legal effect for being ultra vires. (Heirs of Falame v.
2010) Atty. Baguio, A.C. No. 6876, Mar. 7, 2008)
7. Interim Suspension – it is the temporary
suspension of a lawyer from the practice of law Q: May a lawyer be suspended or disciplined for his
pending imposition of final discipline; misconduct in his private capacity?
a. Suspension upon conviction of a A: GR: No.
“serious crime”;
b. Suspension when the lawyer’s XPN: If the misconduct is so GROSS as to show
continuing conduct is or is likely to him to be wanting in moral character, honesty,
cause immediate and serious injury to a probity and demeanor (Ducat, Jr. v. Villalon, A.C.
client or public No. 3910, June 28, 2001).
8. Probation – it is a sanction that allows a lawyer
to practice law under specified conditions. Q: Atty. Gutierrez phoned Yuhico and asked for a
cash loan claiming that he needed money to pay for
SUI GENERIS the medical expenses of his mother who was
seriously ill, and promised to pay the loan very soon.
Q: What is the nature of the disciplinary actions Consequently, he asked Yuhico again for a loan to
against lawyers? pay for his wife’s hospitalization and again
promised to pay “within a short time” but
A: Administrative cases against lawyers belong to a failed to do so. Later, he again attempted to borrow
class of their own (sui generis). They are distinct from money for his daughter’s licensure
and may proceed independently of civil and criminal examination in the US Medical Board and assured
cases. (In re Almacen, G.R. No. L-27654, Feb. 18, Yuhico that he will pay his debts on or before a
1970; Funa, 2009) certain date but Yuhico refused to lend him the
money, instead, he demanded payment of his debts.
Q: What are the main objectives of disbarment and Atty. Gutierrez failed to pay which led to the filing of
suspension? a complaint before the IBP- CBD for non-payment of
just debts. It turned out that Atty. Gutierrez was
A: To: previously disbarred in the case of Huyssen v Atty.
1. Compel the attorney to deal fairly and honestly Gutierrez for gross misconduct in view of his failure
with his clients; to pay his debts and his issuance of worthless
2. Remove from the profession a person whose checks. May Atty. Gutierrez be disbarred for the
misconduct has proved him unfit to be entrusted second time?
with the duties and responsibilities belonging to
the office of an attorney; A: No. The SC held that while the IBP recommended
3. Punish the lawyer; to disbar Atty. Gutierrez for the second time, we do
4. Set an example or a warning for the other not have double or multiple disbarment in our laws or
members of the bar; jurisprudence and neither do we have a law
5. Safeguard the administration of justice from mandating a minimum 5-year requirement for
incompetent and dishonest lawyers; readmission, as cited by the IBP. Thus, while
6. Protect the public. Gutierrez’s infraction calls for the penalty of
disbarment, they cannot disbar him anew. (Yuhico v
Note: The purpose and the nature of disbarment Atty. Gutierrez, A.C. No. 8391, Nov. 23, 2010)
proceedings make the number of defenses available in civil
and criminal actions inapplicable in disciplinary



GROUNDS than those specifically provided in the law.

Q: What are the grounds for suspension and The statutory enumeration is not to be taken as a
disbarment of members of the bar under the Rules limitation on the general power of SC to suspend or
of Court? disbar a lawyer. (In Re: Puno, A.C. No. 389, Feb. 28,
A: The following are specific grounds for suspension
or disbarment of a lawyer: Q: What is deceit?
a. Deceit;
b. Malpractice; A: Deceit is a fraudulent and deceptive
c. Grossly immoral conduct misrepresentation, artifice or device used by one or
d. Conviction of a crime involving moral more persons to deceive and trick another who is
turpitude; ignorant of the true facts, to the prejudice and
e. Violation of oath of office; damage of the party upon which it was imposed.
f. Willful disobedience of any lawful order There must be false representation as a matter of
of a superior court fact. (e.g. Misappropriation of client’s fund)
g. Corrupt or willful appearance as an
attorney for a party to a case without Q: What is malpractice?
authority to do so. (Sec. 27, Rule 138,
RRC) A: Malpractice refers to any malfeasance or
h. Non-payment of IBP membership dues dereliction of duty committed by a lawyer. (Tan
(Santos, Jr. v. Atty. Llas, Adm. Case No. TekBeng v. David, Adm. Case No. 1261, Dec. 29 1983;
4749, January 20, 2000) Lapena,Jr., 2009)

Note: Kinds of grounds for the suspension and disbarment Note: Legal malpractice consists of failure of an attorney to
of a lawyer consist of those acts of misconduct committed: use such skill, prudence and diligence as a lawyer of
ordinary skill and capacity commonly possess and exercise
1. Prior to admission to the bar - acts of misconduct prior in the performance of tasks which they undertake, and
to admission include those that indicate that at the when such failure proximately causes damage, it gives rise
time the lawyer took his oath, he did not possess the to an action in tort. (Tan TekBeng v. David, A.C. No. 1261,
required qualifications for membership in the bar. Dec. 29, 1983)
Consequently, the cancellation of his license is
justified. Q: What is Gross Misconduct?
2. After admission to the bar - those which cause loss of
moral character on his part or involve violation of his A: Gross Misconduct is any inexcusable, shameful or
duties to the court, his client, to the legal profession flagrant unlawful conduct on the part of the person
and to the public.
concerned in the administration of justice which is
prejudicial to the rights of the parties or to the right
Disbarment and suspension of a lawyer, being the most
severe forms of disciplinary sanction, should be imposed determination of a cause, a conduct that is generally
with great caution and only in those cases where the motivated by a predetermined, obstinate or
misconduct of the lawyer as an officer of the court and a intentional purpose. (Yumol Jr. v. Ferrer, Sr., A.C. No.
member of the bar is established by clear, convincing and 6585, Apr. 21, 2005)
satisfactory proof. (Vitug v. Rongcal, A.C. No. 6313, Sept. 7,
2006) Q: What is Grossly Immoral Conduct?

Disbarment is merited when the action is not the lawyer’s A: Grossly immoral conduct is one that is so corrupt
first ethical infraction of the same nature. (Que v. Revilla, and false as to constitute a criminal act or so
A.C. No. 7054, Dec. 4, 2009) unprincipled or disgraceful as to be reprehensible to a
high degree. (Vitug v. Rongcal, A.C. No. 6313, Sept. 7,
Lending money by a justice of Supreme Court, not a ground
for disbarment and helping a person apply for sale
application on a lot is not an offense and not also a ground
for disbarment (Olazo v. Justice Tinga (Ret.), A.M. No. 10-5- Note: Mere intimacy between a lawyer and a woman with
7-SC, December 7, 2010) no impediment to marry each other, and who voluntarily
cohabited and had two children, is neither so corrupt to
Q: Are the grounds for disbarment exclusive? constitute a criminal act nor so unprincipled as to warrant
disbarment or disciplinary action against the man as a
member of the bar. (Arciga v. Maniwang, A.C. No. 1608,
A: No. A lawyer may be removed from office or
Aug. 14, 1981)
suspended from the practice of law on grounds other


Legal Ethics

Q: What is Moral Turpitude? evidence is not sufficient to hold a lawyer liable for
gross immorality, he may still be reprimanded where
A: Moral turpitude has been defined as “everything evidence shows failure on his part to comply with
that is done contrary to justice, honesty, modesty, or rigorous standards of conduct required from lawyers.
good morals, an act of baseness, vileness, or
depravity in the private duties which a man owes his 3. Conviction of a crime involving moral turpitude –
fellowmen, or to society in general, contrary to the All crimes of which fraud or deceit is an element
accepted and customary rule of right and duty or those inherently contrary to rules of right
between man and woman, or conduct contrary to conduct, honesty or morality in civilized
justice, honesty modesty, or good morals. (Soriano v. community.
Dizon, A. C. No. 6792, Jan. 25, 2006)
4. Promoting to violate or violating penal laws
Q: What are the other statutory grounds for
suspension and disbarment of members of the bar? 5. Misconduct in discharge of official duties – A
lawyer who holds a government office may not
A: Other statutory grounds include: be disciplined as a member of the bar for
1. Acquisition of interest in the subject matter of misconduct in the discharge of his duties as
the litigation, either through purchase or government official.
assignment; (Art. 1491, New Civil Code)
2. Breach of professional duty, inexcusable However, if the misconduct is in violation of the
negligence, or ignorance, or for the revelation of CPR or of his oath as a lawyer or is of such a
the client’s secrets; (Art. 208, Revised Penal character as to affect his qualifications as a
Code) lawyer, he may be subject to disciplinary action
3. Representing conflicting interests. (Art. 209, RPC) such as disbarment. (Collantes v. Renomeron,
A.C. No. 3056, Aug. 16, 1991)
Note: This rule does not apply to impeachable officials
Q: What are the other grounds for disciplining a
like SC justices, members of constitutional
commissions and Ombudsman because they can be
removed only by impeachment.
1. Non-professional misconduct 6. Commission of fraud or falsehood; and

GR: A lawyer may not be suspended or disbarred 7. Misconduct as notary public

for misconduct in his non-professional or private
capacity. Note: By applying for having himself commissioned as
notary public, a lawyer assumes duties in a dual
capacity, the non-performance of which may be a
XPN: Where such is so gross as to show him to be
ground for discipline as a member of the bar.
morally unfit for office or unworthy of privilege,
the court may be justified in suspending or
Q: What are the acts constituting breach of duties to
removing him from the Roll of Attorneys. (2005
Bar Question)
Note: The issuance of worthless checks constitutes
1. Obstructing justice and abuse of legal
gross misconduct as its effect transcends the private
interests of the parties directly involved in the
transaction and touches the interests of the 2. Misleading the court;
community at large. 3. Forum shopping;
4. Preferring false charges;
2. Gross immorality – An act of personal immorality 5. Introducing false evidence;
on the part of a lawyer in his private relation with 6. Willfully disobeying court orders and
opposite sex may put his character in doubt. But disrespecting the court;
to justify suspension or disbarment, the act must 7. Using vicious or disrespectful language;
not only be immoral, it must be grossly immoral. 8. Continuing practice after suspension
(Abaigar v. Paz, A.M. No. 997, Sept. 10, 1979)
Q: What are the acts constituting breach of duties to
Note: Cohabitation per se is not grossly immoral. It client?
depends on circumstances and is not necessary that
there be prior conviction for an offense before lawyer A:
may be disciplined for gross immorality. If the 1. Negligence in the performance of his duties

2. Employment of unlawful means except as all citizens have in the proper

3. Deceit or misrepresentation to the prejudice administration of justice. There is no redress
of or as a means to defraud his client for private grievance.
4. Representing adverse interests and revealing
c. Not a criminal prosecution because it is not
client’s secrets
meant as a punishment depriving him of
5. Purchasing client’s property in litigation
source of livelihood but rather to ensure that
6. Failing to account or misappropriating
those who exercise the function should be
client’s property
competent, honorable and reliable so that
7. Collecting unreasonable fees
the public may repose confidence in them.
8. Acting without authority
9. Willfully appearing without being retained
Note: A disbarment proceeding may proceed
regardless of interest or lack of interest of the
Q: What are the acts constituting breach of duties to
complainant (Rayos-Ombac v. Rayos, A.C. No. 2884,
the bar? Jan. 28, 1998). However, if the complainant refuses to
testify and the charges cannot then be substantiated,
A: the court will have no alternative but to dismiss the
1. Defaming fellow lawyers case. (2000 Bar Question)
2. Communicating with adverse party
3. Soliciting business 2. The defense of “double jeopardy” cannot be
4. Advertising availed of in a disbarment proceeding;
5. Cooperating in illegal practice of law 3. It can be initiated motu proprio by the SC or IBP.
6. Non-payment of IBP dues It can be initiated without a complaint;
4. It is imprescriptible;
Q: Is the judgment of suspension against a Filipino 5. Conducted confidentially;
lawyer in foreign court conclusive evidence to 6. It can proceed regardless of the interest or the
suspend the lawyer in his practice in the Philippines? lack thereof on the part of the complainant; and
7. It in itself constitutes due process of law.
A: No. The judgment of suspension against a Filipino 8. Whatever has been decided in a disbarment case
lawyer in a foreign jurisdiction does not automatically cannot be a source of right that may be enforced
result in his suspension or disbarment in the in another action;
Philippines as the acts giving rise to his suspension 9. In pari delicto rule not applicable;
are not grounds for disbarment and suspension in 10. No prejudicial question in disbarment
this jurisdiction. Judgment of suspension against a proceedings;
Filipino lawyer may transmute into a similar judgment 11. Penalty in a disbarment case cannot be in the
of suspension in the Philippines only if the basis of alternative; and
the foreign court's action includes any of the grounds 12. Monetary claims cannot be granted except
for disbarment or suspension in this jurisdiction. Such restitution and return of monies and properties
judgment merely constitutes prima facie evidence of of the client given in the course of the lawyer-
unethical acts as lawyer (Velez v. De Vera, A.C. No. client relationship.
6697, July 25, 2006).
Q: What is the three-fold purpose of confidentiality
PROCEEDINGS of disbarment proceedings? (1991 Bar Question)

Q: What are the characteristics of disbarment A:

proceedings? 1. To enable the court to make its investigation free
from extraneous influence or interference;
1. Sui Generis – 2. To protect the personal and professional
a. Neither purely civil nor purely criminal, they reputation of attorneys from baseless charges of
do not involve a trial of an action or a suit, disgruntled, vindictive and irresponsible persons
but are rather investigations by the Court or clients by prohibiting publication of such
into the conduct of one of its officers. charges pending their final resolution (Albano v.
Coloma, A.C. No. 528, Oct. 11, 1967);
b. Not a civil action because there is neither
plaintiff nor respondent, and involves no 3. To deter the press from publishing charges or
private interest. The complainant is not a proceedings based thereon for even a verbatim
party and has no interest in the outcome reproduction of the complaint against an
attorney in the newspaper may be actionable.
Legal Ethics

2. Integrated Bar of the Philippines (IBP) upon the

Note: The confidentiality of the proceedings is a privilege
verified complaint of any person. The complaint
which may be waived by the lawyer in whom and for the
shall state clearly and concisely the facts
protection of whose personal and professional reputation it
is vested, as by presenting the testimony in a disbarment complained of and shall be supported by
case or using it as impeaching evidence in a civil suit. affidavits of persons having personal knowledge
(Villalon v. IAC, G.R. No. L-73751, Sept. 24, 1986) of the facts therein alleged and/or by such
documents as may substantiate said facts.
Q: What are the offices authorized to INVESTIGATE

A: The IBP Board of Governors may:

1. Supreme Court (Sec. 13, Rule 139-B, Rules of 1. Motu proprio; or
Court) 2. Upon referral by the Supreme Court; or
2. IBP through its Commission on Bar Discipline or 3. By a Chapter Board of Officers; or
authorized investigator (Sec. 2, Rule 139-B, Rules 4. At the instance of any person, initiate and
of Court) prosecute proper charges against erring
3. Office of the Solicitor General (Sec. 13, Rule 139- attorneys including those in the government
B, Rules of Court) service; Provided, however, that all charges
against Justices of the Court of Tax Appeals and
Q: What are the purposes of disbarment as a means the Sandiganbayan, and Judges of the Court of
of disciplining erring lawyers? (1991 Bar Question) Tax Appeals and lower courts, even if lawyers are
jointly charged with them, shall be filed with the
A: The purposes of disbarment are: Supreme Court; Provided, further, that charges
1. To protect the public filed against Justices and Judges before the IBP,
2. To protect and preserve the legal profession including those filed prior to their appointment
in the Judiciary, shall immediately be forwarded
Note: The court requires for such admission to to the Supreme Court for disposition and
the Bar the possession of a good moral character.
Disbarment is necessary so that respectability of
the bar will be maintained. "Six (6) copies of the verified complaint shall be filed
with the Secretary of the IBP or the Secretary of any
3. To compel the lawyer to comply with his of its chapters who shall forthwith transmit the same
duties and obligations under the CPR. to the IBP Board of Governors for assignment to an
investigator.” (Sec. 1, third par., Rule 139-B, RRC)
Q: Who has the burden of proof?
A: The burden of proof is upon the complainant and DISBARMENT IN THE IBP
the SC will exercise its disciplinary power only if the
complainant establishes his case by the required 1. The Board of Governors shall appoint from
quantum of proof which is clear, convincing and among the IBP members an investigator or when
satisfactory evidence. (Aquino v. Mangaoang, A.C. special circumstances so warrant, a panel of 3
No. 4934, Mar. 17, 2004) investigators to investigate the complaint;
2. If the complaint is meritorious, the respondent
shall be served with a copy requiring him to
answer within 15 days from service.
(MAY 1, 2000) 3. The respondent shall file a verified answer
containing 6 copies; after receipt of the answer
AMENDMENT OF SECTION 1, RULE 139-B OF THE or lapse of the period to do so, the Supreme
REVISED RULES OF COURT Court, may, motu proprio or at the instance of
the IBP Board of Governors, upon
Q: How is a disbarment proceeding instituted? recommendation by the investigator, suspend an
attorney from practice, for any of the causes
A: Proceedings for disbarment, suspension or under Rule 138, Sec. 27, during the pendency of
discipline of attorneys may be taken by the: the investigation
1. Supreme Court motuproprio; or 4. After joinder of the issues or failure to answer,

the respondent shall be given full opportunity to exonerates the respondent or imposes a sanction
defend himself. But if the respondent fails to less than suspension or disbarment, the
appear to defend himself in spite of notice, the aggrieved party can file a motion for
investigator may proceed ex parte. The reconsideration within the 15-day period from
investigation shall be terminated within 3 notice. If the motion is denied, said party can file
months from commencement which period may a petition for a review under Rule 45 of the Rules
be extended. of Court with the Supreme Court within fifteen
(15) days from notice of the resolution resolving
5. The investigator shall make a report to the Board
the motion. If no motion for reconsideration is
of Governors within 30 days from termination of
filed, the decision shall become final and
the investigation which report shall contain his
executory and a copy of said decision shall be
findings and recommendations together with the
furnished the Supreme Court.
4. If the imposable penalty is suspension from the
6. The Board of Governors shall have the power to
practice of law or disbarment, the BOG shall
review the decision of the investigator. Its
issue a resolution setting forth its findings and
decision shall be promulgated within a period not
recommendations. The aggrieved party can file a
exceeding 30 days from the next meeting of the
motion for reconsideration of said resolution
Board following the submission of the report of
with the BOG within fifteen (15) days from
the investigator.
notice. The BOG shall first resolve the incident
7. If the decision is a finding of guilt of the charges, and shall thereafter elevate the assailed
the IBP Board of Governors shall issue a resolution with the entire case records to the
resolution setting forth its findings and Supreme Court for final action. If the 15-day
recommendations which shall be transmitted to period lapses without any motion for
the Supreme Court for final action together with reconsideration having been filed, then the BOG
the record. shall likewise transmit to this Court the
resolution with the entire case records for
If the decision is for exoneration, or if the
appropriate action.
sanction is less than suspension or dismissal, the
Board shall issue a decision exonerating the
Note: Lawyers must update their records with the IBP by
respondent of imposing a lesser sanction. The informing the IBP National Office or their respective
resolution exonerating the respondent shall be chapters of any change in office or residential address and
considered as terminating the case unless upon other contact details. In case such change is not duly
petition of the complainant or other interested updated, service of notice on the office or residential
party filed with the Supreme Court within 15 address appearing in the records of the IBP National Office
days from notice of the Board’s decision. shall constitute sufficient notice to a lawyer for purposes of
administrative proceedings against him. (KeldStemmerik v.
RESOLUTION OF THE COURT EN BANC Atty. Leonuel Mas, A.C. No. 8010, June 16, 2009)
DATED JUNE 17, 2008 B.M. NO. 1755

Q: Is a motion for reconsideration allowed? 1. In proceedings initiated motu proprio by the

Supreme Court or in other proceeding when the
A: It depends. interest of justice so requires, the Supreme Court
1. A party can no longer file a motion for may refer the case for investigation to the
reconsideration of any order or resolution of the Solicitor General or to any officer of the Supreme
Investigating Commissioner, such motion being a Court or judge of a lower court, in which case the
prohibited pleading. investigation shall proceed in the same manner
provided in Sections 6 to 11 of Rule 139-B, RRC,
2. Regarding the issue of whether a motion for save that the review of the report of
reconsideration of a decision or resolution of the investigation shall be conducted directly by the
Board of Governors (BOG) can be entertained, an Supreme Court (Sec. 13, Rule 139-B, RRC)
aggrieved party can file said motion with the
BOG within fifteen (15) days from notice of Note: Reference of the Court to the IBP of complaints
receipt thereof by said party. against lawyers is not mandatory (Zaldivar v.
Sandiganbayan, G.R. Nos. 79590-707; Zaldivar v.
3. In case a decision is rendered by the BOG that Gonzales, G.R. No. 80578, Oct. 7,1988).


Legal Ethics

Note: Reference of complaints to the IBP is not an

exclusive procedure under Rule 139-B, RRC. The Court
may conduct disciplinary proceedings without the
intervention of the IBP by referring cases for
investigation to the Solicitor General or to any officer
of the Supreme Court or judge of a lower court. In such
case, the report or recommendation of the
investigating official shall be reviewed directly by the
Supreme Court. (Bautista v. Gonzales, A.M. No. 1626,
February 12,1990; Funa, 2009)

2. Based upon the evidence adduced at the

investigation, the Solicitor General or other
Investigator designated by the Supreme Court a
report containing his findings of fact and
recommendations together with the record and
all the evidence presented in the investigation
for the final action of the Supreme Court. (Sec.
14, Rule 139-B, RRC)

Q: Atty. Narag’s spouse filed a petition for

disbarment because her husband courted one of his
students, maintained the said student as a mistress
and had children with her. On the other hand, Atty.
Narag claimed that his wife was a possessive,
jealous woman who abused him and filed the
complaint against him out of spite. Atty. Narag,
however, failed to refute the testimony given
against him. His actions were of public knowledge. Is
Atty. Narag’s disbarment appropriate?

A: Yes, Atty. Narag failed to prove his innocence

because he failed to refute the testimony given
against him and it was proved that his actions were of
public knowledge and brought disrepute and
suffering to his wife and children. Good moral
character is a continuing qualification required of
every member of the bar. Thus, when a lawyer fails to
meet the exacting standard of moral integrity, the
Supreme Court may withdraw his or her privilege to
practice law. When a lawyer is found guilty of gross
immoral conduct, he may be suspended or disbarred.
As a lawyer, one must not only refrain from
adulterous relationships but must not behave in a
way that scandalizes the public by creating a belief
that he is flouting those moral standards. (Narag v.
Atty. Narag, A.C. No. 3405, June 29, 1998)

Q: What is the effect of a lawyer’s death during

pendency of disciplinary action against him?

1. Renders the action moot and academic, but
2. The Court may still resolve the case on its merit
in order to clear publicly the name of the lawyer





Supreme Court shall refer the case to an investigator, who

may either be:
1. Solicitor General,
2. Any officer of the SC, or
3. Any judge of a lower court

Notify Respondent


within 15 days from service)


REPORT TO SUPREME COURT (to be submitted not later

than 30 days from investigation’s termination)


1. Findings of fact
2. Recommendations

Note: An investigating judge cannot dismiss a case. The investigating judge’s authority is only to investigate, make a report
and recommendation on the case to be submitted to the SC for final determination. (Garciano v. Sebastian, A.M. MTJ-88-160,
Mar. 30, 1994)


Legal Ethics



IBP MotuProprio(Committee on Bar Complaint must be:
Discipline through National Grievance 1. In writing;
Investigator) 2. State facts complained of; and
3. Supported by affidavits / documents

Shall appoint an investigator / panel of 3

investigators and notify respondent


(Must be filed within 15 days from


(should be promulgated within a period not 1. Investigator may issue subpoenas and
exceeding 30 days from the next meeting of administer oaths,
the board following the submittal of the 2. Provide respondent with opportunity to be
investigator’s report) heard,
3. May proceed with investigation ex parte
should respondent fail to appear.


(issues a Resolution – Should be (Submitted not later than 30 days from
promulgated within a period not termination of investigation) containing:
exceeding 30 days from the next Findings of facts
meeting of the board following the Recommendations
submittal of the Investigator’s Report.)



ISSUE DECISION IF: The case shall be deemed terminated unless

Exonerated upon petition of the complainant or other
Sanction is less than suspension / interested party filed with the Supreme Court
disbarment (admonition, within fifteen (15) days from notice of the
reprimand, or fine) Board's resolution, the Supreme Court orders



Q: What is the effect of the desistance, withdrawal 10. Full and free disclosure to disciplinary board or
of complaint or non-appearance of complainant in cooperative attitude toward the proceedings;
disbarment proceedings? 11. Character or reputation;
12. Physical or mental disability or impairment;
A: The desistance or the withdrawal of the 13. Delay in disciplinary proceedings;
complainant of the charges against a judge/lawyer 14. Interim rehabilitation;
does not deprive the court of the authority to 15. Imposition of other penalties or sanctions;
proceed to determine the matter. Nor does it 16. Remorse;
necessarily result in the dismissal of the complaint 17. Remoteness of prior offenses. (IBP Guidelines
except when, as a consequence of the withdrawal or 9.32)
desistance no evidence is adduced to prove the
charges. Note: Disbarment should not be decreed where any
punishment less severe such as reprimand, suspension or
fine would accomplish the end desired. (Amaya v. Tecson,
Q: Is the doctrine of res ipsa loquitur applicable in
A.C. No. 5996, Feb. 7, 2005)
cases of dismissal of judges or disbarment of
lawyers? (1996, 2003 Bar Questions) Q: What are the aggravating circumstances in
A: Yes. This principle or doctrine applies to both
judges and lawyers. Judges had been dismissed from A:
the service without need of a formal investigation 1. Prior disciplinary offenses;
because based on the records, the gross misconduct 2. Dishonest or selfish motives;
or inefficiency of judges clearly appears. (Uy v. 3. A pattern of misconduct;
Mercado, A.M. No. R-368-MTJ, Sept. 30, 1987) 4. Multiple offenses;
5. Bad faith obstruction of the disciplinary
The same principle applies to lawyers. Thus, where on proceeding by intentionally failing to comply with
the basis of the lawyer’s comment or answer to show rules or orders of the disciplinary agency;
a show-cause order of SC, it appears that the lawyer 6. Submission of false evidence, false statements,
has so conducted himself in a manner which exhibits or other deceptive practices during the
his blatant disrespect to the court, or his want of disciplinary process;
good moral character or his violation of the 7. Refusal to acknowledge wrongful nature of
attorney’s oath, the lawyer may be suspended or conduct;
disbarred without need of trial-type proceeding. 8. Vulnerability of victim;
What counts is that the lawyer has been given the 9. Substantial experience in the practice of law; and
opportunity to air his side. (Prudential Bank v. Castro, 10. Indifference to making restitution. (IBP
A.M. No. 2756, June 5, 1986) Guidelines 9.22)

Q: What are the mitigating circumstances in Q: What are the instances that are neither
disbarment? aggravating nor mitigating?

A: A:
1. Good faith in the acquisition of a property of the 1. Forced or compelled restitution;
client subject of litigation (In Re: Ruste, A.M. No. 2. Agreeing to the client’s demand for certain
632, June 27, 1940); improper behavior or result;
2. Inexperience of the lawyer (Munoz v. People, 3. Withdrawal of complaint against the lawyer;
G.R. No. L-33672, Sept. 28, 1973); 4. Resignation prior to completion of disciplinary
3. Age (Santos v. Tan, A.C. No. 2697, Apr. 19, 1991); proceedings;
4. Apology (Munoz v. People, G.R. No. L- 33672, 5. Complainants recommendation as to sanctions;
Sept. 28, 1973); 6. Failure of injured client to complain. (IBP
5. Lack of Intention to slight or offend the Court Guideline 9.4)
(Rheem of the Philippines, Inc. v. Ferrer, G.R. No.
L-22979, Jan. 27, 1967); Q: What are the guidelines to be observed in the
6. Absence of prior disciplinary record; matter of the lifting of an order suspending a lawyer
7. Absence of dishonest or selfish motive; from the practice of law?
8. Personal or emotional problems;
9. Timely good faith effort to make restitution or to A:
rectify consequences of misconduct; 1. Upon the expiration of the period of suspension,


Legal Ethics

respondent shall file a Sworn Statement with the

Court, through the Office of the Bar Confidant,
stating therein that he or she has desisted from
the practice of law and has not appeared in any
court during the period of his or her suspension;
2. Copies of the Sworn Statement shall be furnished
to the Local Chapter of the IBP and to the
Executive Judge of the courts where respondent
has pending cases handled by him or her, and/or
where he or she has appeared as counsel; and
3. The Sworn Statement shall be considered as
proof of respondent’s compliance with the order
of suspension;



Q: What is the effect in the Philippines of the

disbarment or suspension of a Filipino lawyer in a
foreign country?

A: If the Filipino lawyer is disbarred or suspended

from the practice of law by a competent court or
disciplinary agency in a foreign jurisdiction where he
has been admitted as an attorney, and a ground
therefor includes any of the acts enumerated in
Section 27, Rule 138 of the RRC, such disbarment or
suspension is a ground for his disbarment or
suspension in the Philippines. (Lapena, 2009)

Note: The judgment, resolution or order of the foreign

court or disciplinary agency shall be prima facie evidence of
the ground for disbarment or suspension. (SC Resolution
date 21 February 1992 amending Sec. 27, Rule 138, RRC)

Q: Atty. LA is a member of the Philippine Bar and the

California Bar in the United States. For willful
disobedience of a lawful order of a Superior Court in
Los Angeles, Atty. LA was suspended from the
practice of law in California for one (1) year. May his
suspension abroad be considered a ground for
disciplinary action against Atty. LA in the
Philippines? Why? (2002 Bar Question)

A: The suspension of Atty. LA from the practice of law

abroad may be considered as a ground for
disciplinary action here if such suspension was based
on one of the grounds for disbarment in the
Philippines or shows a loss of his good moral
character, a qualification he has to maintain in order
to remain a member of the Philippine Bar.



READMISSIONTO THE BAR lifting the suspension at the end of the period is
necessary in order to enable [him] to resume the
Q: What is reinstatement? practice of his profession. (J.K. Mercado and Sons
Agricultural Enterprises, Inc. et al. v. Atty. de Vera, et
A: It is the restoration in disbarment proceedings a al. and Atty. de Vera v. Atty. Encanto, et al.)
disbarred lawyer the privilege to practice law.
Thus, according to the OBC, a suspended lawyer must
Note: The power of the Supreme Court to reinstate is based first present proof(s) of his compliance by submitting
on its constitutional prerogative to promulgate rules on the certifications from the Integrated Bar of the
admission of applicants to the practice of law. (Sec. 5[5], Philippines and from the Executive Judge that he has
Art. VIII, 1987 Constitution) indeed desisted from the practice of law during the
period of suspension. Thereafter, the Court, after
Q: What are the conditions in reinstatement? evaluation, and upon a favorable recommendation
from the OBC, will issue a resolution lifting the order
A: The applicant must, like a candidate for admission of suspension and thus allow him to resume the
to the Bar, satisfy the Court that he is a person of practice of law. (Maniago v. Atty. De Dios, A.C. No.
good moral character – a fit and proper person to 7472, March 30, 2010)
practice law.
Q: What are the guidelines to be observed in case of
READMISSION TO THE BAR OF LAWYERS lifting an order suspending a lawyer from the
WHO HAVE BEEN SUSPENDED practice of law?

Q: Raul Gonzales was found guilty of both contempt A: The following guidelines were issued by the
of court in facie curiae and gross misconduct as an Supreme Court, the same to be observed in the
officer of court and member of the bar. For this, he matter of the lifting of an order suspending a lawyer
was suspended indefinitely. After more than 4 years from the practice of law:
from his suspension, Gonzales filed an ex-parte
motion to lift his suspension from the practice of 1. After a finding that respondent lawyer must be
law, alleging that he gave free legal aid services by suspended from the practice of law, the Court
paying lawyers to do the same as he could not shall render a decision imposing the penalty;
personally represent said clients; pursued civic work 2. Unless the Court explicitly states that the
for the poor; brought honor to the country by decision is immediately executory upon receipt
delivering a paper in Switzerland; that he has a long thereof, respondent has 15 days within which to
record in the service of human rights and the rule of file a motion for reconsideration thereof. The
law; his suspension of 51 months has been the denial of said motion shall render the decision
longest so far; states his profound regrets for the final and executory;
inconvenience which he has caused to the Court;
sincerely reiterates his respect to the institution as 3. Upon the expiration of the period of suspension,
he reiterates his oath to conduct himself as a respondent shall file a Sworn Statement with the
lawyer. May his suspension be lifted? Court, through the Office of the Bar Confidant,
stating therein that he or she has desisted from
A: Yes. Gonzales’ contrition, so noticeably absent in the practice of law and has not appeared in any
his earlier pleadings, has washed clean the offense of court during the period of his or her suspension;
his disrespect. His remorse has soften his arrogance 4. Copies of the Sworn Statement shall be furnished
and made up for his misconduct. Gonzales’ to the Local Chapter of the IBP and to the
suspension has given him ample time and Executive Judge of the courts where respondent
opportunity to amend his erring ways, rehabilitate has pending cases handled by him or her, and/or
himself, and thus, prove himself worthy once again to where he or she has appeared as counsel;
enjoy the privileges of membership of the Bar. His
motion was granted. (Zaldivar v. Gonzales, G.R. Nos. 5. The Sworn Statement shall be considered as
79690- 707, April 7, 1993) proof of respondent’s compliance with the
order of suspension;
Q: Is the lifting of the suspension order automatic? 6. 6. Any finding or report contrary to the
statements made by the lawyer under oath shall
A: No. The lifting of a lawyer’s suspension is be a ground for the imposition of a more severe
not automatic upon the end of the period stated in punishment, or disbarment, as may be
the Court’s decision, and an order from the Court warranted.
Legal Ethics

READMISSION TO THE BAR OF LAWYERS Q: What is the effect of reinstatement?

Q: What are the requirements for judicial clemency 1. Reinstatement to the roll of attorneys wipes out
for disbarred lawyers and judges? the restrictions and disabilities resulting from a
previous disbarment (Cui v. Cui, G.R. No. L-18727,
A: Aug. 31, 1964);
1. There must be proof of remorse and 2. Recognition of moral rehabilitation and mental
reformation. fitness to practice law;
2. Sufficient time must have elapsed from the 3. Lawyer shall be subject to same law, rules and
regulations as those applicable to any other
imposition of the penalty to ensure a period of
lawyer; and
reform. 4. Lawyer must comply with the conditions
3. The age of the person asking for clemency must imposed on his readmission.
show that he still has productive years ahead of
him that can be put to good use by giving him a Q: Is a disbarred lawyer by reason of conviction of a
chance to redeem himself. crime automatically reinstated to the practice of law
4. There must be a showing of promise (such as upon being pardoned by the President?
intellectual aptitude, learning or legal acumen or
A: No. To be reinstated, there is still a need for the
contribution to the legal scholarship and the filing of an appropriate petition with the Supreme
development of the legal system), as well as Court. (In re: Rovero, A.M. No. 126, Dec. 29, 1980)
potential for public service.
5. There must be other relevant factors and Q: What is the effect if during the pendency of a
circumstances that may justify clemency. disbarment proceeding, the erring lawyer was
granted executive pardon?
Q: What must the Supreme Court take into
consideration in reinstatement? A: If during the pendency of a disbarment proceeding
the respondent was granted executive pardon, the
A: dismissal of the case on that sole basis will depend on
1. The applicant’s character and standing prior whether the executive pardon is absolute or
to the disbarment; conditional.
2. The nature and character of the charge for which 1. Absolute or unconditional pardon - the
he was disbarred; disbarment case will be dismissed.
3. His conduct subsequent to the disbarment, and
the time that has elapsed between the 2. Conditional pardon - the disbarment case will not
disbarment and the application for be dismissed on the basis thereof.
reinstatement; (Prudential Bank v. Benjamin
Grecia, A.C. No. 2756, Dec. 18, 1990) Q: X filed proceedings for disbarment against his
4. His efficient government service; (In re: Adriatico, lawyer, Atty. C, following the latter’s conviction for
G.R. No. L-2532, Nov. 17, 1910) estafa for misappropriating funds belonging to his
5. Applicant’s appreciation of the significance client (X). While the proceedings for disbarment was
of his dereliction and his assurance that he now pending, the President granted absolute pardon in
possesses the requisite probity and integrity; and favor of Atty. C. Atty. C, then, moved for the
6. Favorable endorsement of the IBP and pleas of dismissal of the disbarment case. Should the motion
his loved ones. (Yap Tan v. Sabandal, B.M. No. be granted?
144, Feb. 24, 1989)
A: An absolute pardon by the President is one that
Note: Whether or not the applicant shall be reinstated rests operates to wipe out the conviction as well as the
on the discretion of the court. (Prudential Bank v. Benjamin offense itself. The grant thereof to a lawyer is a bar to
Grecia, A.C. No. 2756, Dec. 18, 1990) a proceeding for disbarment against him, if such
proceeding is based solely on the fact of such
The court may require applicant for reinstatement to enroll conviction. (In re: Parcasio, A.C. No. 100, Feb. 18,
in and pass the required fourth year review classes in a
recognized law school. (Cui v. Cui, In Re: Resian, A.C. No.
270, Mar. 20, 1974)
But where the proceeding to disbar is founded on the



professional misconduct involved in the transaction READMISSION TO THE BAR OF LAWYERS

which culminated in his conviction, the effect of the WHO HAVE BEEN REPATRIATED
pardon is only to relieve him of the penal
consequences of his act and does not operate as a Q: Dacanay practiced law until he migrated to
bar to the disbarment proceeding, inasmuch as the Canada to seek medical attention to his ailments. He
criminal acts may nevertheless constitute proof that subsequently applied for Canadian citizenship to
the attorney does not possess good moral character. avail of Canada’s free medical aid program. His
(In re: Lontok, 43 Phil. 293, Apr. 7, 1922) application was approved and he became a
Canadian citizen. Dacanay later on reacquired his
Note: In the light of recent court pronouncements that a Philippine citizenship by virtue of R.A. 9225. Did
lawyer may be disciplined even for non-professional Dacanay lose his membership in the Philippine bar
misconduct, one may argue that a lawyer convicted of a when he gave up his Philippine citizenship? Can he
crime involving moral turpitude, and subsequently receives
automatically practice law upon reacquiring Filipino
absolute pardon, may still be proceeded against under the
Code of Professional Responsibility even if the acts of which
he was found guilty did not involve professional misconduct
(A modification of In Re Lontok, supra). The ground for the A: The Constitution provides that the practice of all
petition for disciplinary action under the Code must, professions in the Philippines shall be limited to
however, not be founded alone on the conviction but must Filipino citizens save in cases prescribed by law. Since
be based on the acts committed by the lawyer which Filipino citizenship is a requirement for admission to
rendered him morally unfit to be a member of the bar. the bar, loss thereof terminates membership in the
(Aguirre, Legal and Judicial Ethics. A Pre-week Reviewer, Philippine bar and, consequently, the privilege to
2006 Edition)
engage in the practice of law. In other words, the loss
of Filipino citizenship ipso jure terminates the
Q: X, a member of the Bar, was charged with and privilege to practice law in the Philippines. The
found guilty of estafa, for which he was sentenced practice of law is a privilege denied to foreigners.
to suffer imprisonment and to indemnify the
offended party for the amount Involved. Not having The exception is when Filipino citizenship is lost by
taken an appeal from the judgment of conviction, reason of naturalization as a citizen of another
upon finality thereof he was taken into custody to country but subsequently reacquired pursuant to R.A.
serve sentence. A month after he was incarcerated, 9225. This is because “all Philippine citizens who
he was granted pardon by the Chief Executive on become citizens of another country shall be deemed
condition that he would not commit another offense not to have lost their Philippine citizenship under
during the unserved portion of his prison sentence. the conditions of R.A. 9225.” Therefore, a Filipino
Soon after X’s release from custody after being lawyer who becomes a citizen of another country is
pardoned, the offended party in the criminal case deemed never to have lost his Philippine citizenship if
filed a Complaint for Disbarment against X in the he reacquires it in accordance with R.A. 9225.
Supreme Court. X set up the defense that having Although he is also deemed never to have terminated
been pardoned by the Chief Executive for which his membership in the Philippine bar, no automatic
reason he was released from imprisonment, he may right to resume law practice accrues.
not be disbarred from the practice of law anymore.
Is X’s contention tenable? (1999 Bar Question) Before a lawyer who reacquires Filipino citizenship
pursuant to R.A. 9225 can resume his law practice, he
A: X’s contention is not tenable. He was granted only must first secure from the SC the authority to do so,
a conditional pardon. Such conditional pardon merely conditioned on:
relieved him of the penal consequences of his act but
did not operate as a bar to his disbarment. Such 1. The updating and payment in full of the annual
pardon does not reach the offense itself. Hence, it membership dues in the IBP;
does not constitute a bar to his disbarment. (In Re 2. The payment of professional tax;
GutierrezbA.C. No. L-363, July 31, 1962; In re
Avancena, A.C. No. 407, Aug. 15, 1967). Furthermore, 3. The completion of at least 36 credit hours of
the acts of X leading to his conviction may be used to mandatory continuing legal education, this is
show that he does not possess the necessary especially significant to refresh the
requirement of good moral character for continued applicant/petitioner’s knowledge of
membership in the Bar. (In re Valloces, A.C. No. 439, Philippine laws and update him of legal
Sept. 30, 1982) developments; and
4. The retaking of the lawyer’s oath which will not


Legal Ethics

only remind him of his duties and responsibilities

as a lawyer and as an officer of the Court, but
also renew his pledge to maintain allegiance to
the Republic of the Philippines. (Petition for
Leave to Resume Practice of Law of Benjamin
Dacanay, B.M. No. 1678, Dec. 17, 2007)



MANDATORY CONTINUING LEGAL EDUCATION Q: When does the initial MCLE compliance period of
(MCLE) a newly admitted member of the bar begin? (2011
Bar Question)
A: On the first day of the month of his admission.
Q: What is the purpose of the MCLE? (2003, 2006 (Sec. 5, last par. Bar Matter No. 850)
Bar Questions)
Q: What are the classes of credits?
A: MCLE is required of members of the IBP to ensure
that throughout their career, they keep abreast with A:
law and jurisprudence, maintain the ethics of the 1. Participatory credit – Attending approved
profession and enhance the standards of the practice education activities like seminars, conventions,
of law. symposia, and the like; speaking or lecturing, or
assigned as panelist, reactor, or commentator,
Q: What is the Composition of the Committee on etc. in approved education activities; teaching in
Mandatory Continuing Legal Education? law school or lecturing in bar review classes.

A: 2. Non-participatory – Preparing, as author or co-

1. Composition: author, written materials (article, book or book
review) which contribute to the legal education
a. Retired Justice of the SC – to act as
of the author member, which were not prepared
Chairman, who is nominated by the SC
in the ordinary course of his practice or
b. IBP National President – acts as the Vice-
employment; editing a law book, law journal or
legal newsletter.
c. 3 other members – nominated by the
Philippine Judicial Academy, UP Law Center
and Association of Law Professors,
Q: What constitutes non-compliance of MCLE?
2. Members are of proven probity and integrity
3. Compensation as may be determined by the SC
1. Failure to complete education requirement
4. The initial terms of each of the 3 members shall within the compliance period;
be 5, 4, and 3 years respectively 2. Failure to provide attestation of compliance or
REQUIREMENTS 3. Failure to provide satisfactory evidence of
compliance (including evidence of exempt status)
Q: What are the requirements of completion of within the prescribed period;
MCLE? 4. Failure to satisfy the education requirement and
furnish evidence of such compliance within 60
A: Members of the IBP, unless exempted under Rule days from receipt of non-compliance notice;
7, shall complete every 3 years at least 36 hours of
5. Failure to pay non-compliance fee within the
continuing legal education activities. The 36 hours
prescribed period; or
shall be divided as follows:
1. 6 hours – legal ethics 6. Any other act or omission analogous to any of
2. 4 hours – trial and pretrial skills the foregoing or intended to circumvent or evade
3. 5 hours – alternative dispute resolution compliance with the MCLE requirements.
4. 9 hours – updates on substantive and
procedural laws and jurisprudence Note: Members failing to comply will receive a Non-
5. 4 hours – legal writing and oral advocacy Compliance Notice stating the specific deficiency and will
be given 60 days from date of notification to file a
6. 2 hours – international law and international
7. Remaining 6 hours – such other subjects as
may be prescribed by the Committee on


Legal Ethics

EXEMPTIONS graduate study abroad, proven expertise in law, etc.)

from compliance with or modification of any of the
Q: Who are the persons exempted from the MCLE? requirements, including an extension of time for
(2006 Bar Question) compliance, in accordance with procedure to be
A: established by the Committee on MCLE.
1. The President, Vice-President and the Secretaries
and Undersecretaries of Executive Departments; Note: Applications for exemption from or modification of
2. Senators and Members of the House of the MCLE requirement shall be under oath and supported
by documents.
3. The Chief Justice and Associate Justices of the Q: Atty. Mike started teaching Agrarian Reform and
Supreme Court, incumbent and retired members Taxation in June 2001 at the Arts and Sciences
of the judiciary, incumbent members of Judicial Department of the Far Eastern University. In 2005,
Bar Council, incumbent members of the MCLE he moved to San Sebastian Institute of Law where
Committee, incumbent court lawyers who have he taught Political Law. Is Atty. Mike exempt from
availed of the Philippine Judicial Academy complying with the MCLE for the 4th compliance
programs of continuing judicial education period in April 2013? (2011 Bar Question)
(Amendment to Bar Matter 850, Resolution of
the Court En Banc, July 13, 2004); A: No, since he has yet to complete the required
4. The Chief State Counsel, Chief State Prosecutor teaching experience to be exempt.
and Assistant Secretaries of the Dept. of Justice;
5. The Solicitor General and the Assistant Solicitor SANCTIONS
6. The Government Corporate Counsel, Deputy and Q: What are the consequences of non-compliance?
Assistant Government Corporate Counsel;
7. The Chairman and Members of the Constitutional A: A member who fails to comply with the
Commissions; requirements after the 60-day period shall be listed
as delinquent member by the IBP Board of Governors
8. The Ombudsman, the Overall Deputy
upon recommendation of the Committee on MCLE.
Ombudsman, the Deputy Ombudsmen and the
Special Prosecutor of the Office of the
Note: The listing as a delinquent member is administrative
Ombudsman; in nature but shall be made with notice and hearing by the
9. Heads of government agencies exercising quasi- Committee on MCLE. B.M. No. 1922, which took effect on
judicial functions; January 1, 2009, requires practicing members of the bar to
10. Incumbent deans, bar reviewers and professors indicate in all pleadings filed before the courts or quasi-
of law who have teaching experience for at least judicial bodies, the number and date of issue of their MCLE
Certificate of Compliance or Certificate of Exemption, as
10 years in accredited law schools;
may be applicable, for the immediately preceding
11. The Chancellor, Vice-Chancellor and members of compliance period. Failure to disclose the required
the Corps of Professional and Professorial information would cause the dismissal of the case and the
Lecturers of the Philippine Judicial Academy; and expunction of the pleadings from the records.
12. Governors and Mayors because they are
prohibited from practicing their profession BAR MATTER 2012, RULE ON MANDATORY LEGAL
Other parties exempted:
Q: What is the rule on Mandatory Legal Aid Service?
1. Those who are not in law practice, private or
A: The mandatory Legal Aid Service mandates every
2. Those who have retired from law practice with
practicing lawyer to render a minimum of 60 hours of
the approval of the IBP Board of Governors.
free legal aid services to indigent litigants yearly.
Q: May a member of the bar not included in the
Q: What is the purpose of the rule?
enumeration ask for exemption?
A: The rule seeks to enhance the duty of lawyers to
A: Yes, if there is a good cause for exemption from or
the society as agents of social change and to the
modification of requirement. A member may file a
courts as officers thereof by helping improve access
verified request setting forth good cause for
to justice by the less privileged members of society
exemption (such as physical disability, illness, post-
and expedite the resolution of cases involving them.



Mandatory free legal service by members of the bar 2. Who do not own real property with a fair market
and their active support thereof will aid the efficient value as stated in the current tax declaration of
and effective administration of justice especially in more than three hundred thousand
cases involving indigent and pauper litigants. (Sec. 2, (P300,000.00) pesos shall be exempt from the
B.M. No. 2012) payment of legal fees

Q: What is the scope of the rule?

Note: A party may be authorized to litigate his action, claim
or defense as an indigent if the court upon an ex-parte
A: It shall govern the mandatory requirement for application and hearing, is satisfied that the party is one
practicing lawyers to render free legal aid services in who has no money or property sufficient and available for
all cases (whether, civil, criminal or administrative) food, shelter and basic necessities for himself and his
involving indigent and pauper litigants where the family. (Sec. 21, Rule 3, RRC)
assistance of a lawyer is needed. It shall also govern
the duty of other members of the legal profession to When the application does not satisfy one or both
requirements, then the application should not be denied
support the legal aid program of the Integrated Bar of
outright; instead, the court should apply the "indigency
the Philippines. (Sec 3, B.M. No. 2012)
test" under Section 21 of Rule 3 and use its sound
discretion in determining the merits of the prayer for
Q: Who are the practicing lawyers for the purpose of exemption. (Algura vs. Naga City, G.R. No. 150135, October
this rule? 30, 2006)

A: Practicing lawyers are members of the Philippine Q: What does legal aid cases include?
Bar who appear for and in behalf of parties in courts
of law and quasi-judicial agencies, including but not A: It includes actions, disputes, and controversies that
limited to the National Labor Relations Commission, are criminal, civil and administrative in nature in
National Conciliation and Mediation Board, whatever stage wherein indigent and pauper litigants
Department of Labor and Employment Regional need legal representation. (Sec. 4[c], B. M.2012)
Offices, Department of Agrarian Reform Adjudication
Board and National Commission for Indigenous Q: What are free legal aid services?
A: Free legal aid services refer to appearance in court
The term “practicing lawyers” shall exclude: or quasi-judicial body for and in behalf of an indigent
1. Government employees and incumbent elective or pauper litigant and the preparation of pleadings or
officials not allowed by law to practice; motions. It shall also cover assistance by a practicing
2. Lawyers who by law are not allowed to appear in lawyer to indigent or poor litigants in court-annexed
court; mediation and in other modes of alternative dispute
3. Supervising lawyers of students enrolled in law resolution (ADR). Services rendered when a practicing
student practice in duly accredited legal clinics of lawyer is appointed counsel de oficio shall also be
law schools and lawyers of non-governmental considered as free legal aid services and credited as
organizations (NGOs) and peoples’ organizations compliance under the Rule. (Sec. 4[d], B.M. 2012)
(POs) like the Free Legal Assistance Group who
by the nature of their work already render free Q: What are the requirements for mandatory legal
legal aid to indigent and pauper litigants; and aid service?
4. Lawyers not covered under subparagraphs 1 to 3
including those who are employed in the private A: Under the Rule, a practicing lawyer, among others,
sector but do not appear for and in behalf of shall coordinate with the Clerk of Court or the Legal
parties in courts of law and quasi-judicial Aid Chairperson of one’s Integrated Bar of the
agencies.(Sec. 4[a], B.M. 1. 2012) Philippines (IBP) Chapter for cases where the lawyer
may render free legal aid service:
Q: Who are these indigent and pauper litigants?
1. Every practicing lawyer is required to render a
A: Under Section 19, Rule 141, Rules of Court, minimum of 60 hours of free legal aid services to
indigent litigants are those: indigent litigants in a year. Said 60 hours shall be
1. Whose gross income and that of their immediate spread within the period of 12 months, with a
family do not exceed an amount double the minimum of 5 hours of free legal aid services
monthly minimum wage of an employee; and each month. However, where it is necessary for
the practicing lawyer to render legal aid service


Legal Ethics

for more than 5 hours in one month, the excess on a particular case
hours may be credited to the said lawyer for the 4. A motion (except a motion for extension of time
succeeding periods. (Sec. 5[a] first par., B.M. to file a pleading or for postponement of hearing
2012) or conference) or pleading filed on a particular
case shall be considered as one (1) hour of
Note: For this purpose, a practicing lawyer shall service. (Sec 5[b] B.M. 2012)
coordinate with the Clerk of Court for cases where he
may render free legal aid service. He may also Note: The Clerk of Court shall issue the certificate in
coordinate with the IBP Legal Aid Chairperson of the triplicate, one (1) copy to be retained by the practicing
IBP Chapter to inquire about cases where he may lawyer, one (1) copy to be retained by the Clerk of Court
render free legal aid service. In this connection, the IBP and one (1) copy to be attached to the lawyer's compliance
Legal Aid Chairperson of the IBP Chapter shall regularly report. (Sec 5[b][iv] second par., B.M. 2012)
and actively coordinate with the Clerk of Court. (Sec.
5[a] second par., B.M. 2012)
Q: What credits should be given to a lawyer who
renders mandatory legal aid service?
2. The practicing lawyer shall report compliance
with the requirement within 10 days of the last A: A lawyer who renders mandatory legal aid service
month of each quarter of the year. (Sec. 5[a] for the required number of hours in a year for the
third par., B.M. 2012) three year-period covered by a compliance period
under the Rules on MCLE shall be credited the
3. A practicing lawyer shall be required to secure following:
and obtain a certificate from the Clerk of Court 1. Two (2) credit units for legal ethics
attesting to the number of hours spent rendering 2. Two (2) credit units for trial and pretrial skills
free legal aid services in a case. (Sec. 5[b] B.M. 3. Two (2) credit units for alternative dispute
2012) resolution
4. Four (4) credit units for legal writing and oral
4. Said compliance report shall be submitted to the advocacy
Legal Aid Chairperson of the IBP Chapter within 5. Four (4) credit units for substantive and
the Court’s jurisdiction. (Sec. 5[c] B.M. 2012) procedural laws and jurisprudence
6. Six (6) credit units for such subjects as may
5. The IBP chapter shall, after verification, issue a
be prescribed by the MCLE Committee under
compliance certificate to the concerned lawyer.
Section 2(g), Rule 2 of the Rules on MCLE
The IBP Chapter shall also submit compliance
reports to the IBP’s National Committee on Legal
A lawyer who renders mandatory legal aid service for
Aid (NCLA) for recording and documentation. The
the required number of hours in a year for at least
submission shall be made within forty-five (45)
two consecutive years within the three year- period
days after the mandatory submission of
covered by a compliance period under the Rules on
compliance reports by the practicing lawyers.
MCLE shall be credited the following:
(Sec. 5[d] B.M. 2012)
1. One (1) credit unit for legal ethics
6. Practicing lawyers shall indicate in all pleadings 2. One (1) credit unit for trial and pretrial skills
filed before the courts or quasi-judicial bodies 3. One (1) credit unit for alternative dispute
the number and date of issue of their certificate resolution
of compliance for the immediately preceding 4. Two (2) credit units for legal writing and oral
compliance period. (Sec 5[e] B.M. 2012) advocacy
Q: What should the certificate from the Clerk of 5. Two (2) credit units for substantive and
Court, attesting the number of hours spent procedural laws and jurisprudence
rendering free legal services contain? 6. Three (3) credit units for such subjects as
may be prescribed by the MCLE Committee
A: The certificate shall contain the following under Section 2(g), Rule 2 of the Rules on
information: MCLE. (Sec. 8, B.M. 2012)
1. The case or cases where the legal aid service was
rendered, the party or parties in the said case(s), Q: What is the sanction in case of non- compliance
the docket number of the said case(s) and the of the rule on mandatory legal aid service?
date(s) the service was rendered
2. The number of hours actually spent A:
3. The number of hours actually spent attending 1. At the end of every calendar year, any practicing
mediation, conciliation or any other mode of ADR lawyer who fails to meet the minimum



prescribed 60 hours of legal aid service each year

shall be required by the IBP, through the National
Committee on Legal Aid (NCLA), to explain why
he was unable to render the minimum prescribed
number of hours.
2. If no explanation has been given or if the NCLA
finds the explanation unsatisfactory, the NCLA
shall make a report and recommendation to the
IBP Board of Governors that the erring lawyer be
declared a member of the IBP who is not in good
3. Upon approval of the NCLA’s recommendation,
the IBP Board of Governors shall declare the
erring lawyer as a member not in good standing.
4. The notice to the lawyer shall include a directive
to pay P4,000.00 penalty which shall accrue to
the special fund for the legal aid program of the
5. The “not in good standing” declaration shall be
effective for a period of 3 months from the
receipt of the erring lawyer of the notice from
the IBP Board of Governors.
6. During the said period, the lawyer cannot appear
in court or any quasi-judicial body as counsel.
7. Provided, however, that the “not in good
standing” status shall subsist even after the lapse
of the 3-month period until and unless the
penalty shall have been paid.
8. Any lawyer who fails to comply with his duties
under this Rule for at least 3 consecutive years
shall be the subject of disciplinary proceedings to
be instituted motu proprio by the Committee on
Bar Discipline. (Sec. 7, B.M. 2012)
Note: The falsification of a certificate or any contents
thereof by any Clerk of Court or by any Chairperson of the
Legal Aid Committee of the IBP local chapter where the
case is pending or by the Director of a legal clinic or
responsible officer of an NGO (non-governmental
organizations) or PO (people’s organizations) shall be a
ground for an administrative case against the said Clerk of
Court or Chairperson. This is without prejudice to the filing
of the criminal and administrative charges against the
malfeasor. (Sec. 7[e] B.M. 2012)


Legal Ethics

NOTARIAL PRACTICE Q: Is a lawyer always a notary public?

(1996, 2005, 2007 Bar Questions)
A: No. Not every member of the Bar is a notary public
Q: What is the purpose of notarial law (A.M. No. 02- because a lawyer requires a commission of
8-13-SC)? appointment to be designated as a notary public.

A: Note: Notarization is not an empty, meaningless, routinary

1. To promote, serve, and protect public interest; act. It is invested with substantive public interest, such that
2. To simplify, clarify, and modernize the rules only those who are qualified or authorized may act as
notaries public. For this reason, notaries public must
governing notaries public; and
observe with utmost care the basic requirements in the
3. To foster ethical conduct among notaries public performance of their duties. Otherwise, the confidence of
(Sec. 2, Rule I, A.M. No. 02-8-13-SC) the public in the integrity of this form of conveyance would
be undermined. (Vda. De Rosales v. Ramos, A.C. No.5645,

Q: Who is a notary public? Q: What are the 2 kinds of duties imposed by law to
a notary public?
A: He is a person appointed by the court whose duty
is to attest to the genuineness of any deed or writing A:
in order to render them available as evidence of facts 1. Execution of formalities required by law; and
stated therein and who is authorized by the statute to 2. Verification of the capacity and identity of the
administer various oaths. parties as well as the legality of the act executed

Note: “Notary Public" and "Notary" refer to any person Q: What are the duties of a notary public? (1995 Bar
commissioned to perform official acts under the rules on Question)
Notarial Practice. (Sec. 9, Rule II, A.M. No. 02-8-13-SC)
Q: What is the effect of a notarized document? 1. To keep a notarial register
2. To make the proper entry or entries in his
A: A document acknowledged before a notary public notarial register touching his notarial acts in the
is a public document (Sec. 19, Rule 132, Rules of manner required by the law
Court) and may be presented in evidence without 3. To send the copy of the entries to the proper
further proof, the certificate of acknowledgment clerk of court within the first 10 days of the
being prima facie evidence of the execution of the month next following
instrument or document involved (Sec. 30, Rule 132, 4. To affix to acknowledgments the date of
Rules of Court). expiration of his commission, as required by law
5. To forward his notarial register, when filled, to
Q: What must one possess to qualify as a notary the proper clerk of court
public? 6. To make report, within reasonable time to the
proper judge concerning the performance of his
A: To be eligible for commissioning as notary public, duties, as may be required by such judge
the petitioner must be: 7. To make the proper notation regarding residence
1. A citizen of the Philippines; certificates. (Sec. 240, Rev. Adm. Code)
2. Over 21 years of age;
3. A resident in the Philippines for at least 1 year and Q: Must a notary public always be a lawyer?
maintains a regular place of work or business in
the city or province where the commission is to A. GR: Yes. Only those admitted to the practice of law
be issued; are qualified to be notaries public.
4. A member of the Philippine Bar in good standing
with clearances from the Office of the Bar XPN: When there are no persons with the
Confidant of the Supreme Court and the necessary qualifications or where there are
Integrated Bar of the Philippines; and qualified persons but they refuse appointment. In
5. Has not been convicted in the first instance of any which case, the following persons may be
crime involving moral turpitude. (second par., Sec. appointed as notaries:
1, Rule III,2004 Rules on Notarial Practice, A.M. 1. Those who passed the studies of law in a
No. 02-8-13-SC) reputable university; or



2. A clerk or deputy clerk of court for a period the time of Galapon’s notarization of the Deed of
of not less than two years. Sale, there was a notary public in Dulag, Leyte.
Judge Galapon claims that he did not prepare the
Q: Can an RTC judge notarize a document? document and that his participation was limited to
its acknowledgment, for which the corresponding
A: No. Section 35, Rule 138, of the Revised Rules of fee was collected by and paid to the clerk of court.
Court as well as Canon 5, Rule 5.07 of the Code of Are MTC judges like Judge Galapon absolutely
Judicial Conduct provides that no judge or other prohibited from acting as notaries public?
official or employee of the superior courts shall
engage in private practice as a member of the bar or A: No. While Judge Galapon explains that he sincerely
give professional advice to clients. Notarization of believed that when no notary public is available, the
documents is considered a practice of law. MTC may act as ex-officio notary public, provided the
fees shall be for the government, such is not enough
It is based on sound reasons of public policy, for there to exonerate him from liability. His acts do not fall
is no question that the rights, duties, privileges and under the exception because at the time of his
functions of the office of an attorney-at-law are so notarization of the Deed of Sale, there was a notary
inherently incompatible with the high official public in Dulag, Leyte. (Vicente Batic v. Judge Victorio
functions, duties, powers, discretions and privileges Galapon Jr., A.M. No. MTJ-99-1239, July 29, 2005)
of a judge of the Regional Trial Court. This rule makes
it obligatory upon the judicial officers concerned to Q: Is the authority of MTC judges to notarize limited
give their full time and attention to their judicial to their sala?
duties, prevent them from extending special favors
A: Yes. Their authority to notarize is limited to their
for their own private interests and assure the public
of impartiality in the performance of their functions.
Q: Can a judge of another town notarize the
Q: Are MTC judges prohibited from acting as notary complaint to be filed in another town?
A: No. It is considered as a practice of law.
A: No. MTC and MCTC judges may act as notaries
public ex-officio in the notarization of documents Q: Can a clerk of court notarize a document?
connected only with the exercise of their official
functions and duties. They may not, as notaries public A: Yes. A clerk of court can notarize a document
ex-officio, undertake the preparation and provided he is commissioned and has been permitted
acknowledgment of private documents, contracts and by his superior. Such consent is necessary because
other acts of conveyances which bear no direct the act of notarizing a document is a practice of law.
relation to the performance of their functions as
Q: What are the rules with regard to fees that a
notary public may charge?
However, MTC and MCTC judges assigned to A:
municipalities or circuits with no lawyers or notaries 1. For performing a notarial act, a notary public
public may, in the capacity as notaries public ex- may charge the maximum fee as prescribed by
officio, perform any act within the competence of a the Supreme Court unless he waives the fee in
regular notary public, provided that: whole or in part (Sec. 1, Rule V, A. M. 02-8-13-
1. All notarial fees charged be for the account SC);
of the Government and turned over to the 2. A notary public may charge travel fees and
municipal treasurer expenses separate and apart from the notarial
2. Certification be made in the notarized fees when traveling to perform a notarial act if
documents attesting to the lack of any the notary public and the person requesting the
lawyer or notary public in such municipality notarial act agree prior to the travel (Sec. 2, Rule
or circuit. V, A. M. 02-813-SC);
3. No fee or compensation of any kind, except
Q: Vicente Batic charged Judge Victorio Galapon Jr. those expressly prescribed and allowed herein,
with engaging in unauthorized notarial practice for shall be collected or received for any notarial
having notarized a Deed of Absolute Sale between service (Sec. 3, Rule V, A. M. 02-813-SC);
Antonio Caamic and Lualhati Ellert. Under the deed 4. A notary public shall not require payment of any
of sale, Lualhati Ellert, was described as single. At fees specified herein prior to the performance of


Legal Ethics

a notarial act unless otherwise agreed upon (first Q: What is a commission?

par., Sec. 4, Rule V, A. M. 02-813-SC); A: It refers to the grant of authority to perform
5. Any travel fees and expenses paid to a notary notarial acts and to the written evidence of the
public prior to the performance of a notarial act authority. (Sec. 3, Rule II, A.M. 02-8-13-SC)
are not subject to refund if the notary public had
already traveled but failed to complete in whole Q: Who issues a notarial commission?
or in part the notarial act for reasons beyond his
control and without negligence on his part. A: A notarial commission may be issued by an
(second par., Sec. 4, Rule V, A. M. 02-813-SC). Executive Judge to any qualified person who submits
a petition in accordance with the Rules on Notarial
Note: A notary public who charges fee for notarial services Practice. (first par., Sec. 1, Rule III, A.M. No. 02-8-13-
shall issue a receipt registered with the Bureau of Internal SC)
revenue and keep a journal of notarial fees. He shall enter
in the journal all fees charges for services rendered. A Q: What is the form of the petition and supporting
notary public shall post in a conspicuous place in his office a documents for a notarial commission?
complete schedule of chargeable notarial fees. (Sec. 5, Rule
V, A. M. 02-813-SC)
A: Every petition for a notarial commission shall be in
writing, verified, and shall include the following:
1. A statement containing the petitioner's personal
Q: What is the term of office of a notary public? qualifications, including the petitioner's date of
(1995 Bar Question) birth, residence, telephone number, professional
tax receipt, roll of attorney's number and IBP
A: A notary public may perform notarial acts for a membership number;
period of 2 years commencing the 1st day of January 2. Certification of good moral character of the
of the year in which the commissioning is made until petitioner by at least 2 executive officers of the
the last day of December of the succeeding year local chapter of the Integrated Bar of the
regardless of the actual date when the application Philippines where he is applying for commission;
was renewed, unless earlier revoked or the notary 3. Proof of payment for the filing of the petition as
public has resigned under the Rules on Notarial required by the Rules on Notarial Practice; and
Practice and the Rules of Court. (Section 11, Rule III, 4. Three passport-size color photographs with light
A.M. No. 02-8-13-SC) background taken within 30 days of the
application. The photograph should not be
Note: The period of 2 years of a notarial commission will
retouched. The petitioner shall sign his name at
commence at January first regardless of when it was really
granted and will end at exactly 2 years from said date of the bottom part of the photographs. (Sec. 2,Rule
commencement up to December of the 2 year. Ex. Atty. III, A.M. No. 02-8-13-SC)
Antonio applied for and was given notarial commission on
Note: Every petitioner for a notarial commission shall pay
12 November 2010, such term will expire on 31 December
the application fee as prescribed in the Rules of Court. (Sec.
2011 (2011 Bar Question).
3, Rule III, A.M. No. 02-8-13-SC)

Q: Juan dela Cruz was commissioned as a notary Q: Before the Executive Judge shall conduct a
public in 2001. His friend asked him to notarize a summary hearing on the petition, what
deed of absolute sale sometime in 2004, to which he requirements must be met?
agreed free of charge. A complaint for malpractice
was filed against him. Is Juan dela Cruz guilty of A:
malpractice? 1. The petition is sufficient in form and substance;
2. The petitioner proves the allegations contained
A: Yes. Absent any showing that his notarial in the petition; and
commission has been renewed, his act constitutes 3. The petitioner establishes to the satisfaction of
malpractice because at the time he notarized the the Executive Judge that he has read and fully
document, his notarial commission has already understood the Rules on Notarial Practice.
expired. It is not a defense that no payment has been
received. The requirement for the issuance of the Note: The Executive Judge shall forthwith issue a
commission as notary public must not be treated as a commission and a Certificate of Authorization to
mere casual formality. In fact, Juan’s act also Purchase a Notarial Seal in favor of the petitioner.
constitutes falsification of public document. (Sec. 4, Rule III, A.M. No. 02-8-13-SC)



Q: What must a notary public do when his competent evidence of identity as defined by the
commission expires? Rules on Notarial Practice; and

A: A notary public may file a written application with 3. Represents to the notary public that the signature
the Executive Judge for the renewal of his on the instrument or document was voluntarily
commission within 45 days before the expiration affixed by him for the purposes stated in the
thereof. A mark, image or impression of the seal of instrument or document, declares that he has
the notary public shall be attached in the application. executed the instrument or document as his free
(first par., Sec. 13, Rule III, A.M. No. 02-8-13-SC) and voluntary act and deed, and, if he acts in a
Note: If a person is applying for a commission for the first particular representative capacity, that he has the
time, what he files is a petition and not an application. authority to sign in that capacity. (Sec. 1, Rule II,
A.M. 02-8-13-SC)
Q: What is the effect of failure of the notary public
to file an application for the renewal of his Q: Cabanilla filed a complaint against Atty. Cristal-
commission? Tenorio with the IBP, alleging that he never
appeared before her when she notarized the deed of
A: Failure to file said application will result in the sale of his house, and that the signatures appearing
deletion of the name of the notary public in the opposite their respective names were forgeries. Did
register of notaries public and may only be reinstated Atty. Cristal-Tenorio fail to comply with the
therein after he is issued a new commission. (second mandates of the law when she notarized the deed of
and third pars., Sec. 13, Rule III, A.M. No. 02-8-13-SC) sale without the complainant and his children? Does
such failure warrant the revocation of her notarial
Note: The Executive Judge shall, upon payment of the commission?
application fee, act on an application for renewal of a
commission within thirty (30) days from receipt thereof. If A: Yes. Under Section 1(a) of Act 2103, a notary public
the application is denied, the Executive Judge shall state the
taking the acknowledgment in a document or
reasons therefor. (Sec. 14, Rule III, A.M. No. 02-8-13-SC)
instrument is mandated to certify that the person
acknowledging the instrument or document is known
to him and that he is the same person who executed
it and acknowledged that the same is his free act and
Q: What are the powers of a notary public?
deed. To "acknowledge before" means to avow; to
own as genuine, to assert, to admit; and "before"
A: A notary public is empowered to perform the
means in front or preceding in space or ahead of. A
following notarial acts: JAO-CAS
party acknowledging must appear before the notary
1. Acknowledgements;
public. A notary public should not notarize a
2. Oaths and affirmations;
document unless the persons who signed the same
3. Jurats;
are the very same persons who executed and
4. Signature witnessings;
personally appeared before the said notary public to
5. Copy certifications; and
attest to the contents and truth of what are stated
6. Any other act authorized by these rules
therein. The presence of the parties to the deed
(Section 1(a), Rule IV, A.M. No. 02-8-13-SC)
making the acknowledgment will enable the notary
public to verify the genuineness of the signature of
Q: What is an acknowledgement?
the affiant. A notary public is enjoined from
notarizing a fictitious or spurious document. The
A: Acknowledgment refers to an act in which an
function of a notary public is, among others, to guard
individual on a single occasion:
against any illegal deed. (Cabanilla v. Cristal-Tenorio,
1. Appears in person before the notary public and A.C. No. 6139, Nov. 11, 2003)
presents an integrally complete instrument or th
Q: “Before me personally appeared this 30 of
August 2010 Milagros A. Ramirez, who proved her
Note: A notary public cannot perform a notarial act over identity to me through witnesses: 1. Rosauro S.
a document that has missing pages, or that contains Balana, Passport UU123456; 1-5-2010/Baguio City;
blanks that should be filled-in prior to the notarial act. and 2. Elvira N. Buela, Passport VV200345; 1-17-
2009/Manila. “Both witnesses, of legal ages, under
2. Is attested to be personally known to the notary oath declare that: Milagros A. Ramirez is personally
public or identified by the notary public through known to them; she is the same seller in the
foregoing deed of sale; she does not have any
Legal Ethics

current identification document nor can she obtain it and acknowledged that
one within a reasonable time; and they are not privy the same is his free act and
to or are interested in the deed he signed.” What is deed.
the status of such a notarial acknowledgement? Two-fold purpose: To Purpose: Gives the
authorize the deed to be document a legal
A: Valid since it is a manner of establishing the given in evidence without character.
identity of the person executing the document. (2011 further proof of its
Bar Question) execution, and, to entitle it
to be recorded.
Q: What is a jurat? Where used: Where used:
1. To authenticate an 1. Affidavits;
A: It refers to an act in which an individual on a single agreement between two or 2. Certifications;
occasion: more persons; or 3. Whenever the
1. Appears in person before the notary public and 2. Where the document person executing
presents an instrument or document; contains a disposition of makes a statement of
2. Is personally known to the notary public or property. facts or attests to the
identified by the notary public through truth of an event,
competent evidence of identity as defined by the under oath.
Rules on Notarial Practice; E.g. The acknowledgement E.g. An affidavit
3. Signs the instrument or document in the in a deed of lease of land. subscribed before a
presence of the notary; and notary public or
4. Takes an oath or affirmation before the notary public official
public as to such instrument or document. (Sec. authorized for the
6, Rule II, A.M. 02-8-13-SC) purpose.

Note: A jurat is not a part of a pleading but merely Note: In notarial wills, acknowledgement is required, not
evidences the fact that the affidavit was properly made. merely a jurat.
The claim or belief of Atty. Dela Rea that the presence of
petitioner Gamido was not necessary for the jurat because
Q: What is signature witnessing?
it is not an acknowledgment is patently baseless. If this had
been his belief since he was first commissioned as a notary
public, then he has been making a mockery of the legal A: It refers to a notarial act in which an individual on
solemnity of an oath in a jurat. Notaries public and others a single occasion:
authorized by law to administer oaths or to take 1. Appears in person before the notary public and
acknowledgments should not take for granted the solemn presents an instrument or document;
duties appertaining to their offices. Such duties are dictated 2. Is personally known to the notary public or
by public policy and are impressed with public interest. identified by the notary public through
(Gamido v. Bilibid Prisons Officials, G.R. No. 114829, Mar. 1, competent evidence of identity as defined by the
Rules on Notarial Practice; and
3. Signs the instrument or document in the
Q: Distinguish acknowledgement from jurat
presence of the notary public. (Sec. 14, Rule II, A.
A: M. No. 02-8-13-SC)
Act of one who has That part of an Q: Is a notary public authorized to certify the affixing
executed a deed, in going to affidavit in which the of a signature by thumb or other mark on an
some competent officer or notary public or instrument or document presented for notarization?
court and declaring It to be officer certifies that (1995 Bar Question)
his act or deed the instrument was
sworn to before him. A: Yes. It is also within the powers of a notary public,
The notary public or officer It is not part of a provided:
taking the pleading but merely 1. The thumb or other mark is affixed in the
acknowledgement shall evidences the fact presence of the notary public and of two (2)
certify that the person that the affidavit was disinterested and unaffected witnesses to the
acknowledging the properly made. instrument or document;
instrument or document is 2. Both witnesses sign their own names in addition
known to him and he is the to the thumb or other mark;
same person who executed



3. The notary public writes below the thumb or 2. Affix his official signature only at the time the
other mark: “thumb or other mark affixed by notarial act is performed. (Sec. 1, Rule VII, A.M.
(name of signatory by mark) in the presence of 02-8-13-SC)
(names and addresses of witnesses) and
undersigned notary public”; and Q: What are the effects of notarization?
4. The notary public notarizes the signature by
thumb or other mark through an A:
acknowledgment, jurat or signature witnessing. 1. The notary, in effect, proclaims to the world that:
(Sec. 1(b), Rule IV, A.M. No. 02-8-13-SC) a. All the parties therein personally
appeared before him;
Q: Is a notary public authorized to sign on behalf of a b. They are personally known to him;
person who is physically unable to sign or make a c. They are the same persons who
mark on an instrument or document? (1995 Bar executed the instrument;
Question) d. He inquired into the voluntariness of the
execution of the instrument;
A: Yes. It likewise falls within the powers of a notary e. They acknowledge personally before
public, provided: him that they voluntarily and freely
1. The notary public is directed by the person executed the same.
unable to sign or make a mark to sign on his
behalf; 2. Converts a private document into a public one
2. The signature of the notary public is affixed in and renders it admissible in court without further
the presence of 2 disinterested and unaffected proof of its authenticity.
witnesses to the instrument or document;
3. Both witnesses sign their own names; 3. Documents enjoy a presumption of regularity. It
4. The notary public writes below his signature: constitutes prima facie evidence of the facts
“Signature affixed by notary in the presence of which give rise to their execution and of the date
(names and addresses of person and 2 of said execution, but not of the truthfulness of
witnesses)”; and the statement.
5. The notary public notarizes his signature by
Note: A notarial document is by law entitled to full faith
acknowledgment or jurat. (Sec. 1(c), Rule IV, A.M.
and credit upon its face and, for this reason, notaries public
02-8-13-SC) must observe with utmost care the basic requirements in
the performance of their duties, lest, the confidence of the
Q: What is copy certification? public in the integrity of the document will be undermined.

A: It refers to a notarial act in which a notary public: Q: What is a notarial certificate?

1. Is presented with an instrument or document
that is neither a vital record, a public record, nor A: It refers to the part of, or attachment to a
publicly recordable; notarized instrument or document that is completed
2. Copies or supervises the copying of the by the notary public which bears the notary's
instrument or document; signature and seal, and states the facts attested to by
3. Compares the instrument or document with the the notary public in a particular notarization as
copy; and provided for by the Rules on Notarial Practice. (Sec. 8,
4. Determines that the copy is accurate and Rule II, A. M. No. 02-8-13)
complete. (Sec. 4, Rule II, A.M. 02-8-13-SC)
Note: “Loose notarial certificate” refers to a notarial
Note: The document copied must be an original document. certificate that is attached to a notarized instrument or
It cannot be a copy itself. document.

Q: How should a notary public notarize a paper "Official seal" or "seal" refers to a device for affixing a mark,
instrument or document? image or impression on all papers officially signed by the
notary public conforming the requisites prescribed by the
A: In notarizing a paper instrument or document, a Rules on Notarial Practice. (Sec. 13, Rule II, A.M. No. 02-8-
notary public shall:
1. Sign by hand on the notarial certificate only the
name indicated and as appearing on the notary's
commission; not sign using a facsimile stamp or
printing device; and
Legal Ethics

Q: What must the notarial certificate contain? notarized. Said person declared that he was Rolando
de la Cruz. Atty. Villamor then asked for the
A: production of his residence certificate, but he said,
1. The name of the notary public as exactly he did not bother to bring the same along with him
indicated in the commission; anymore as, he has already indicated his serial
2. The serial number of the commission of the number, in the jurat portion together with the date
notary public; of issue and place of issue. Did Atty. Francisco
3. The words "Notary Public" and the province or Villamor commit a violation of notarial law?
city where the notary public is commissioned,
the expiration date of the commission, the office A: Yes. It is the duty of the notarial officer to demand
address of the notary public; and that the document presented to him for notarization
4. The roll of attorney's number, the professional should be signed in his presence. By his admission,
tax receipt number and the place and date of the affidavit was already signed by the purported
issuance thereof, and the IBP membership affiant at the time it was presented to him for
number. (Sec. 2, RuleVIII, A.M. 02-8-13-SC) notarization. Atty. Villamor thus failed to heed his
duty as a notary public to demand that the document
Note: A notary public shall not: for notarization be signed in his presence. (Traya Jr. v.
a. execute a certificate containing information Villamor, A.C. No. 4595,Feb. 6, 2004)
known or believed by the notary to be false; or
b. affix an official signature or seal on a notarial Q: During their lifetime, the Spouses Villanueva
certificate that is incomplete. acquired several parcels of land. They were survived
by their 5 children: Simeona, Susana, Maria, Alfonso,
Q: What are the limitations to the performance of and Florencia. Alfonso executed an Affidavit of
a notarial act of a notary public? Adjudication stating that as “the only surviving son
and sole heir” of the spouses, he was adjudicating
A: A person shall not perform a notarial act if the himself a parcel of land. Thereafter, he executed a
person involved as signatory to the instrument or Deed of Absolute Sale, conveying the property to
document is: Adriano Villanueva. Atty. Salud Beradio appeared as
a. Not in the notary's presence personally at the notary public on both the affidavit of adjudication
time of the notarization; and (Sec. 2(b)(1), RuleIV, and the deed of sale. Atty. Beradio knew of the
A.M. No. 02-8-13-SC) falsity of Alfonso’s statement. Florencia and
b. Not personally known to the notary public or descendants of the other children of the spouses
otherwise identified by the notary public through were still alive at the time of execution of both
competent evidence of identity as defined by the documents. Was there a failure to discharge
Rules on Notarial Practice. (Sec.2(b)(2), Rule IV, properly the duties of a notary public?
A.M. No. 02-8-13-SC)
c. The document is blank or incomplete; (Sec.6 (a) A: Yes. Atty. Beradio’s conduct breached the Code of
Rule IV, A.M. 02-8-13-SC) Professional Responsibility, which requires lawyers to
d. An instrument or document is without obey the laws of the land and promote respect for
appropriate notarial certification. (Sec. 6, Rule IV, the law and legal processes as well as Rule 1.01 of the
A.M. 02-8-13-SC) Code which proscribes lawyers from engaging in
unlawful, dishonest, immoral, or deceitful conduct.
Q: Engineer Cynthia de la Cruz Catalya filed an She herself admitted that she knew of the falsity of
application for building permit in connection with Alfonso’s statement that he was the “sole heir” of the
the renovation of a building situated on a lot owned spouses. She therefore notarized a document while
by her brother Rolando de la Cruz. One of the fully aware that it contained a material falsehood.
documents required in the processing of the The affidavit of adjudication is premised on this very
application was an affidavit to be executed by the assertion. By this instrument, Alfonso claimed a
lot owner. Since Rolando de la Cruz was a resident portion of his parents’ estate all to himself, to the
abroad, an affidavit was prepared wherein it was exclusion of his co-heirs. Shortly afterwards, Atty.
made to appear that he was a resident of Leyte; that Beradio notarized the deed of sale, knowing that the
he was the owner of the lot whereon the building deed took basis from the unlawful affidavit of
subject of the application for the issuance of a adjudication. (Heirs of the Late Spouses Lucas v .Atty.
building permit was situated. Atty. Francisco Beradio, A.C. No. 6270, Jan. 22, 2007)
Villamor notarized the purported affidavit.
According to him, a Chinese mestizo appeared in his Note: Where admittedly the notary public has personal
law office one time, requesting that his affidavit be knowledge of a false statement or information contained in


the instrument to be notarized, yet proceeds to affix his or A notary public should not notarize a document unless the
her notarial seal on it, the court must not hesitate to person who signs it is the same person who executed it,
discipline the notary public accordingly as the personally appearing before him to attest to the contents
circumstances of the case may dictate. Otherwise, the and the truth of what are stated therein. This is to enable
integrity and sanctity of the notarization process may be the notary public to verify the genuineness of the signature
undermined and public confidence on notarial documents of the acknowledging party and to ascertain that the
diminished. (Ibid) document is the party’s free act. The duties of a notary
public is dictated by public policy and impressed with public
Q: When is a notary public disqualified from interest. It is not a meaningless ministerial act of
performing a notarial act? (1995 Bar Question) acknowledging documents executed by parties who are
willing to pay the fees for notarization. It is of no moment
A: When the notary public: that the subject SPA was not utilized by the grantee for the
purpose it was intended because the property was
1. Is a party to the instrument or document that is allegedly transferred from complainant to her brother by
virtue of a deed of sale consummated between them. What
to be notarized;
is being penalized is respondent’s act of notarizing a
2. Will receive, as a direct or indirect result, any
document despite the absence of one of the parties. A
commission, fee, advantage, right, title, interest, notarized document is by law entitled to full credit upon its
cash, property, or other consideration, except as face and it is for this reason that notaries public must
provided by the Rules on Notarial Practice and by observe the basic requirements in notarizing
law; or documents. Otherwise, the confidence of the public in
3. Is a spouse, common-law partner, ancestor, notarized documents will be undermined. (NesaIsenhardt
descendant, or relative by affinity or vs. Atty. Leonardo M. Real, A.C. No. 8254, Feb. 15, 2012)
consanguinity of the principal within the fourth
civil degree.(Sec. 3, Rule IV, A.M. No. 02-8-13-SC) Q: What is affirmation or oath?

Note: The function of a notary public is, among others, to A: It refers to an act in which an individual on a single
guard against any illegal or immoral arrangements. That occasion:
function would be defeated if the notary public is one of 1. Appears in person before the notary public;
the signatories to the instrument. For then, he would be
2. Is personally known to the notary public or
interested in sustaining the validity thereof as it directly
identified by the notary public through
involves himself and the validity of his own act. It would
place him in an inconsistent position, and the very purpose competent evidence of identity as defined by the
of the acknowledgment, which is to minimize fraud, would Rules on Notarial Practice; and
be thwarted. (Villarin v. Sabate, A.C. No. 3224,Feb. 9, 2000) 3. Avows under penalty of law to the whole truth of
the contents of the instrument or document.
Q: When may a notary public refuse to notarize even (Sec. 2,Rule II, A.M. No. 02-8-13-SC)
if the appropriate fee is tendered?
A: MARCH 23, 2007
1. The notary knows or has good reason to believe
that the notarial act or transaction is unlawful or AN ACT REORGANIZING AND STRENGTHENING THE
2. The signatory shows a demeanor which PURPOSE PERTINENT PROVISIONS OF EXECUTIVE
engenders in the mind of the notary public ORDER NO. 292, OTHERWISE KNOWN AS THE
reasonable doubt as to the former's knowledge "ADMINISTRATIVE CODE OF 1987", AS AMENDED,
of the consequences of the transaction requiring GRANTING SPECIAL ALLOWANCE TO PAO OFFICIALS
3. In the notary's judgment, the signatory is not
acting of his or her own free will; (Sec.4, Rule V, Q: Who are the officers authorized to administer
A.M. No. 02-8-13-SC) or oaths?
4. If the document or instrument to be notarized is
considered as an improper document by the A: The following officers have general authority to
Rules on Notarial Practice. administer oaths:
1. President;
Note: Improper instrument/document is a blank or 2. Vice-President;
incomplete instrument or an instrument or document 3. Members and Secretaries of both Houses of the
without appropriate notarial certification. (Sec. 6, Rule V, Congress;
A.M. No. 02-8-13-SC) 4. Members of the Judiciary;
5. Secretaries of Departments;
Legal Ethics

6. Provincial governors and lieutenant-governors; register shall be duly paged, and on the first page, the
7. City mayors; Solicitor General shall certify the number of pages of
8. Municipal mayors; which the book consists.
9. Bureau directors;
10. Regional directors; For purposes of this provision, a Memorandum of
11. Clerk of courts; Agreement or Understanding may be entered into by
12. Registrars of deeds; the Office of the Solicitor General and the Office of
13. Other civilian officers in the public service of the the Court Administrator. (Sec. 1(a), RuleVI, A.M. No.
government of the Philippines whose 02-8-13-SC)
appointments are vested in the President and are
subject to confirmation by the Commission on Q: How many notarial register may a notary public
Appointments; keep?
14. All other constitutional officers;
15. PAO lawyers in connection with the performance A: A notary public shall keep only one active notarial
of duty; and register at any given time. (Sec. 1(b), RuleVI, A.M. No.
16. Notaries public (Sec. 41) 02-8-13-SC)

Q: What is the rule regarding the duty to administer Q: What information should be entered in the
oaths? notarial register?

A: Officers authorized to administer oaths, with the A:

exception of notaries public, municipal judges and a. For every notarial act, the notary shall record in
clerks of court, are not obliged to administer oaths or the notarial register at the time of notarization
execute certificates save in matters of official the following:
business or in relation to their functions as such; and 1. the entry number and page number;
with the exception of notaries public, the officer 2. the date and time of day of the notarial act;
performing the service in those matters shall charge
no fee, unless specifically authorized by law. (Section 3. the type of notarial act;
42) 4. the title or description of the instrument,
document or proceeding;
Note: P.A.O. Lawyers now have the authority to administer 5. the name and address of each principal;
oaths, provided it is in connection with the performance of
their duties. 6. the competent evidence of identity as
defined by these Rules if the signatory is not
The fiscal or the state prosecutor has the authority to personally known to the notary;
administer oaths. (R.A. No. 5180, as amended by P.D. 911) 7. the name and address of each credible
witness swearing to or affirming the person's
8. the fee charged for the notarial act;
Q: What is a Notarial Register?
9. the address where the notarization was
A: It refers to a permanently bound book with performed if not in the notary's regular place
numbered pages containing a chronological record of of work or business; and
notarial acts performed by a notary public. (Sec. 5, 10. any other circumstance the notary public
Rule II, A.M. No. 02-8-13-SC) may deem of significance or relevance. (Sec.
2(a), Rule VI, A.M. No.02-8-13-SC)
Q: What is the form of notarial register? b. In case of failure to complete a notarial act, record
in the notarial register the reasons and
A: A notary public shall keep, maintain, protect and circumstances for not completing a notarial act
provide for lawful inspection as provided in these (Sec. 2(b), Rule VI, A.M. No. 02-8-13-SC)
Rules, a chronological official notarial register of
notarial acts consisting of a permanently bound book c. The circumstances of any request to inspect or
with numbered pages. copy an entry in the notarial register, including
the requester's name, address, signature,
The register shall be kept in books to be furnished by thumbmark or other recognized identifier, and
the Solicitor General to any notary public upon evidence of identity (Sec.2(c),Rule VI, A.M. No. 02-
request and upon payment of the cost thereof. The 8-13-SC)

This prompted the IBP to recommend the dismissal

Note: The reasons for refusal to allow inspection or of the complaint. Can the dismissal be allowed?
copying of a journal entry shall also be recorded. (Ibid.) (2011 Bar Question)

d. When the instrument or document is a contract, A: No. given Ely’s admission that he notarized the
keep an original copy thereof as part of his document when some signatories were absent. (Sec.
records and enter in said records a brief 2, Rule IV, A. M. No. 02-8-13-SC)
description of the substance thereof and shall give
to each entry a consecutive number, beginning Q: Who shall sign or affix a thumbmark in the
with number one in each calendar year. notarial register?
(Sec.2(d),Rule VI, A.M. No. 02-8-13-SC)
A: At the time of notarization, the notary's notarial
Note: He shall also retain a duplicate original copy for register shall be signed or a thumb or other mark
the Clerk of Court. (Ibid.) affixed by each:
a. principal;
e. In case of a protest of any draft, bill of exchange or b. credible witness swearing or affirming to
promissory note, make a full and true record of all the identity of a principal; and
proceedings in relation thereto and shall note c. witness to a signature by thumb or other
therein whether the demand for the sum of mark, or to a signing by the notary public on
money was made, by whom, when, and where; behalf of a person physically unable to sign.
whether he presented such draft, bill or note; Sec. 3,Rule VI,A.M. No. 02-8-13-SC)
whether notices were given, to whom and in what
manner; where the same was made, when and to Q: Can any person inspect an entry in the notarial
whom and where directed; and of every other fact register?
touching the same. (Sec. 2(f), Rule VI, A.M.No. 02-
8-13-SC) A: Yes, provided:
f. At the end of each week, the notary public shall 1. The inspection is made in the notary’s presence;
certify in his notarial register the number of
instruments or documents executed, sworn to, 2. During regular business hours;
acknowledged, or protested before him; or if 3. The person's identity is personally known to the
none, this certificate shall show this fact. (Sec. notary public or proven through competent
2(g),Rule VI, A.M. No. 02-8-13-SC) evidence of identity as defined in these Rules;
4. The person affixes a signature and thumb or
Note: A certified copy of each month's entries and a
duplicate original copy of any instrument acknowledged other mark or other recognized identifier, in the
before the notary public shall, within the first ten (10) days notarial register in a separate, dated entry;
of the month following, be forwarded to the Clerk of Court 5. The person specifies the month, year, type of
and shall be under the responsibility of such officer. If there
instrument or document, and name of the
is no entry to certify for the month, the notary shall
forward a statement to this effect in lieu of certified copies principal in the notarial act or acts sought; and
herein required. (Sec. 2(h), Rule VI, A.M. No. 02-8-13-SC) 6. The person is shown only the entry or entries
specified by him. (Sec.4 (a), Rule VI,A.M. No. 02-
The notary public shall give to each instrument or
document executed, sworn to, or acknowledged before him
a number corresponding to the one in his register, and shall
also state on the instrument or document the page/s of his Q: May a law enforcement officer examine the
register on which the same is recorded. No blank line shall notarial register?
be left between entries. (Sec. 2(e), Rule VI, A.M. No. 02-8-
A: Yes, the notarial register may be examined by a
law enforcement officer in the course of an official
Q: Raul sought Ely’s disbarment for notarizing a
investigation or by virtue of a court order.(Sec. 4(b),
deed of sale knowing that four of the sellers were
Rule VI, A. M. No. 02-8-13-SC)
dead. Ely admitted that he notarized the deed of
sale but only after his client assured him that the
Note: The notary public shall supply a certified true copy of
signatures of the others were authentic. Later, Raul the notarial record, or any part thereof, to any person
moved to have the complaint against him dismissed applying for such copy upon payment of the legal fees. (Sec.
on the ground that it was filed because of a 6,Rule VI, A. M. No. 02-8-13-SC)
misunderstanding which had already been clarified.
Legal Ethics

Q: May a notary public refuse the request of Q: Can a notary public perform a notarial act outside
inspection for register of deeds? his jurisdiction and his regular place of work or
business? (1996 Bar Question)
A: Yes. If the notary public has a reasonable ground
to believe that a person has a criminal intent or A: GR: A notary public shall not perform a notarial act
wrongful motive in requesting information from the outside his jurisdiction and his regular place of work
notarial register, the notary shall deny access to any or business.
entry or entries therein. (Sec. 4(c), Rule VI, A. M. No.
02-8-13-SC) XPN: A notarial act may be performed at the
request of the parties in the following sites, other
Q: State the rule in case of loss, destruction or than his regular place of work or business, located
damage of notarial register within his territorial jurisdiction:
1. Public offices, convention halls, and similar
A: places where oaths of office may be
1. In case the notarial register is stolen, lost, administered;
destroyed, damaged, or otherwise rendered 2. Public function areas in hotels and similar
unusable or illegible as a record of notarial acts, places for the signing of instruments or
the notary public shall, within ten (10) days after documents requiring notarization;
informing the appropriate law enforcement 3. Hospitals and other medical institutions where
agency in the case of theft or vandalism, notify a party to an instrument or document is
the Executive Judge by any means providing a confined for treatment
proper receipt or acknowledgment, including 4. Any place where a party to an instrument or
registered mail and also provide a copy or document requiring notarization is under
number of any pertinent police report. detention. (Sec. 2, Rule IV, A. M. No. 02-8-13-
2. Upon revocation or expiration of a notarial 5. Such other places as may be dictated because
commission, or death of the notary public, the of emergency.
notarial register and notarial records shall
immediately be delivered to the office of the Note: It is improper for a notary public to notarize
Executive Judge. (Sec. 5, RuleVI, A. M. No. 02-8- documents in sidewalk since it is now required that a
13-SC) notary public should maintain a regular place of work or
business within the city or province where he is
commissioned. The SC evidently wants to eradicate the
practice of “fly by night” notaries public who notarized
PLACE OF NOTARIZATION documents in “improvised” offices.

Q: What is the jurisdiction of a notary public? REVOCATION OF COMMISSION

A: A notary public may perform notarial acts in any Q: Who can revoke a notarial commission?
place within the territorial jurisdiction of the
commissioning court. A: The notarial commission may be revoked by
1. The Executive Judge of the RTC who issued the
Q: What is the phrase “regular place of work or commission on any ground on which an
business” of a notary public mean? application for commission may be denied (Sec.
1, Rule XI, A.M. No. 02-8-13-SC,); or
A: The regular place of work or business refers to a 2. By the Supreme Court itself in the exercise of its
stationary office in the city or province wherein the general supervisory powers over lawyer.
notary public renders legal and notarial services. (Sec.
11, Rule II, 2004 Rules on Notarial Practice) Q: What are the grounds for revocation of notarial
Note: Under the Notarial Law, the jurisdiction of a notary
public is co-extensive with the province for which he was
commissioned; and for the notary public in the city of
A: The executive Judge shall revoke a notarial
Manila, the jurisdiction is co-extensive with said city. commission for any ground on which an application
Circular 8 of 1985, however, clarified further that the for a commission may be denied. In addition, the
notary public may be commissioned for the same term only Executive Judge may revoke the commission of, or
by one court within the Metro Manila region. impose appropriate administrative sanctions upon,



any notary public who: b. Driver’s license,

1. Fails to keep a notarial register; c. Professional Regulation Commission ID,
d. National Bureau of Investigation
2. Fails to make the proper entry or entries in his
notarial register concerning his notarial acts;
e. Police clearance,
3. Fails to send the copy of the entries to the f. Postal ID,
Executive Judge within the first ten (10) days of g. Voter’s ID,
the month following; h. Barangay Certification,
4. Fails to affix to acknowledgments the date of i. Government Service Insurance System
expiration of his commission; e-card,
5. Fails to submit his notarial register, when filled, j. Social Security System card,
to the Executive Judge; k. Philhealth card,
l. Senior Citizen card,
6. Fails to make his report, within a reasonable
m. Overseas Workers Welfare
time, to the Executive Judge concerning the
Administration (OWWA) ID,
performance of his duties, as may be required by
n. OFW ID,
the judge;
o. sea man’s book,
7. Fails to require the presence of a principal at the p. alien certificate of registration,
time of the notarial act; q. government office ID,
r. certification from the National Council
Note: "Principal" refers to a person appearing before for the Welfare of Disabled Persons
the notary public whose act is the subject of (NCWDP),
notarization. s. Department of Social Welfare
Development (DSWD) certification; or
8. Fails to identify a principal on the basis of
personal knowledge or competent evidence; 2. The oath or affirmation of one credible witness
9. Executes a false or incomplete certificate under not privy to the instrument, document or
Section 5, Rule IV; transaction who is personally known to the
10. Knowingly performs or fails to perform any other notary public and who personally knows the
act prohibited or mandated by these Rules; and individual, or of two credible witnesses neither of
11. Commits any other dereliction or act which in the whom is privy to the instrument, document or
transaction who each personally knows the
judgment of the Executive Judge constitutes
good cause for revocation of commission or individual and shows to the notary public
imposition of administrative sanction.(Sec. 1, documentary identification. (Amendment to Sec.
Rule XI,Rule on Notarial Practice) 12 (a), Rule II of the 2004 Rules on Notarial
Practice, Feb. 19, 2008).

Note: Functions of notary public – violations: suspension as Note: Notaries public are required by the Notarial Law to
notary not for the practice of law (Villarin v. Sabate, A.C. certify that the party to the instrument has acknowledged
No. 3224,Feb. 9, 2000). and presented before the notaries public the proper
residence certificate (or exemption from the residence
COMPETENT EVIDENCE OF IDENTITY certificate) and to enter its number, place, and date of issue
as part of certification. Sec. 12, Rule II of the 2004 Rules on
Notarial Practice now requires a party to the instrument to
Note: Competent evidence of identity is not required in
present competent evidence of identity. (Legaspi v. Atty.
cases where the affiant is personally known to the Notary
Dimaano, Jr., A.C. No. 7781,Sept. 12, 2008)
Public. (Amora, Jr. v. Comelec, G.R. No.192280, Jan. 25,
Q: Is a community tax certificate still a competent
Q: What is competent evidence of identity? evidence of identity?

A: It refers to the identification of an individual based A: No. A notary public can no longer accept a cedula
on: or a community tax certificate (CTC), the successor
document to the residence certificate originally
1. At least one current identification document required by the Notarial Law as proof of identity.
issued by an official agency bearing the Such does not even contain a photograph of the
photograph and signature of the individual such person to whom it is issued. Further, CTC may be
as but not limited to: easily obtained by anyone, without any supporting
a. Passport,
Legal Ethics

papers, thereby debasing its value as an identity the residence certificate upon notarization of a
document. document or instrument. By having allowed decedent
to exhibit an expired residence certificate, Atty.
Note: In the list of grounds for disqualification of persons Tamabago failed to comply with the requirements of
running for any local elective position under Section 40 of the old Notarial Law. As much could be said of his
the LGC, nowhere therein does it specify that a defective failure to demand the exhibition of the residence
notarization is a ground for the disqualification of a
certificates of notarial witnesses. Defects in the
candidate. Thus, presentation of CTC before the notary
observance of the solemnities prescribed by law
public, in compliance with the requirement of presentation
of competent evidence of identity, though improper, does render the entire will invalid. (Manuel Lee v. Atty.
not in itself warrant the disqualification of a candidate to Regino Tamabago, A.C. No. 5281, Feb. 12, 2008)
run for any elective position. (Amora,Jr. v. Comelec, G.R.
No. 192280, Jan. 25, 2011) SANCTIONS

Q: Is the presentation of Community Tax Certificate Q: What are punishable acts under the 2004 Rules
no longer necessary in view of the amendment? on Notarial Practice?

A: No. Its presentation is still mandatory pursuant to A: The Executive Judge shall cause the prosecution of
Local Government Code of the Philippines in order to any person who knowingly:
show payment of taxes. Said law provides:
1. Acts or otherwise impersonates a notary public;
“When an individual subject to the community tax 2. Obtains, conceals, defaces, or destroys the seal,
acknowledges any document before a notary public, notarial register, or official records of a notary
takes the oath of office upon election or appointment public; and
to any position in the government service; receives 3. Solicits, coerces, or in any way influences a
any license, certificate, or permit from any public notary public to commit official misconduct. (Sec.
authority; pays any tax or fee; receives any money 1, Rule XII, Rule on Notarial Practice
from any public fund; transacts other official
business; or receives any salary or wage from any Q: Which of the following will subject Atty. Lyndon,
person or corporation, it shall be the duty of any a Manila notary public, to sanctions under the
person, officer, or corporation with whom such notarial rules? (2011 Bar Question)
transaction is made or business done or from whom
any salary or wage is received to require such A. Notarizing a verification and certification
individual to exhibit the community tax certificate.” against forum shopping in Manila Hotel at the
(Sec. 163,LGC) request of his Senator-client.
B. Refusing to notarize an extra-judicial settlement
Q: Atty. Regino Tamabago notarized a last will and deed after noting that Ambo, a friend, was
testament under which, the decedent supposedly delisted as heir when he was in fact, one.
bequeathed his entire estate to his wife, save for a C. Performing signature witnessing involving his
parcel of land which he devised to Vicente Lee, Jr. brother-in-law and recording it in his register.
and Elena Lee, half siblings of Manuel Lee, the D. Notarizing a deed of sale for someone he knew
complainant. The will was purportedly executed and without requiring any proof of identity.
acknowledged before respondent on June 30, 1965.
However, the residence certificate of the testator A: C. Performing signature witnessing involving his
noted in the acknowledgment of the will was dated brother-in-law and recording it in his register.
January 5, 1962. There is also absence of notation of
the residence certificates of the purported
witnesses. Did Atty. Regino Tamabago violate any of
the duties of a notary public?

A: Atty. Tamabago, as notary public, evidently failed

in the performance of the elementary duties of his
office. There is absence of a notation of the residence
certificates of the notarial witnesses in the will in the
acknowledgment. Further, the notation of the
testator’s old residence certificate in the same
acknowledgment was a clear breach of the law. The
Notarial Law then in force required the exhibition of



CANONS OF Q: Can a lawyer make known his services through


Q: What are the Canons of Professional Ethics? A: No. The professional services of a lawyer should
not be controlled or exploited by any lay agency,
A: The Canons of Professional Ethics (CPE) were personal or corporate, which intervenes between
framed by the American Bar Association in 1908 and client and lawyer. He should avoid all relations which
were adopted in the Philippines in 1917 and direct the performance of his duties by or in the
subsequently revised in 1946. It is one of the sources interest of such intermediary. A lawyer's relation to
or the main basis of our legal ethics at the present his client should be personal, and his responsibility
which is the Code of Professional Responsibility (CPR). should be direct to the client. Charitable societies
While the CPE is superseded by the CPR, the CPE rendering aid to the indigents are not deemed such
continues to be an invaluable source of knowledge intermediaries.
and understanding of legal ethics.
A lawyer may accept employment from any
Note: Most of the provisions of the Code of Professional organization, such as an association, club or trade
Ethics are incorporated in the Code of Professional organization, to render legal services in any matter in
Responsibility. Only those topics not considered
which the organization, as an entity, is interested, but
incorporated are included to prevent redundancy.
this employment should not include the rendering of
legal services to the members of such an organization
Q: What is the duty of the bar in the selection of
in respect to their individual affairs (Canon 35,
Canons of Professional Ethics).
A: It is the duty of the bar to endeavor to prevent
Q: Is it proper for a lawyer to write articles in a
political considerations from outweighing judicial
newspaper and the like for publication?
fitness in the selection of judges. It should strive to
have elevated thereto only those willing to forego
A: A lawyer may with propriety write articles for
other employments whether of a business, political
publications in which he gives information upon the
or other character, which may embarrass their free
law; but he could not accept employment from such
and fair consideration of questions before them for
publication to advice inquiries in respect to their
decision (Canon 2, Canons of Professional Ethics).
individual rights (Canon 40, Canons of Professional
Q: Can a lawyer stipulate with the client that a
portion of the latter’s interest in the property
Q: May a lawyer interview any witness or
subject of the litigation be conveyed to the former
prospective witness for the opposing side in any civil
as payment for his services?
or criminal action without the consent of opposing
counsel or party?
A: No. The same is prohibited both by the CPE and
the Civil Code. The CPE provides that a lawyer should
A: Yes. In doing so, however, he should scrupulously
not purchase any interest in the subject matter of the
avoid any suggestion calculated to induce the witness
litigation which he is conducting. Likewise, the Civil
to suppress or deviate from the truth, or in any
Code provides that prosecuting attorneys connected
degree to affect his free and untrammeled conduct
with the administration of justice cannot acquire by
when appearing at the trial or on the witness stand
purchase properties in litigation to which they
(Canon 39, Canons of Professional Ethics).
exercise their respective functions (Canon 10, Canons
of Professional ethics; Art. 1491, Civil Code).
Q: Mr. A disclosed to his lawyer that he had been
bribing one of the court officials to destroy the
Q: What is the lawyer’s duty in its last analysis?
evidence of the other party to tilt the disposition of
the case in his favor. If you are Mr. A’s lawyer, what
A: It is the lawyer’s duty to render service or give
will you do?
advice tending to impress upon the client and his
undertaking exact compliance with the strictest
A: When a lawyer discovers that some fraud or
principles of moral law. He must advice his client to
deception has been practiced, upon the court or
observe the statute law, and above all to be faithful
party, he should endeavor to rectify it; at first by
to private trust and to public duty, as an honest man
advising his client, and should endeavor to rectify it
and as a patriotic and loyal citizen. (Canon 32, Canons
and if his client refuses to forego the advantage thus
of Professional Ethics).
Legal Ethics

unjustly gained, he should promptly inform the

injured person or his counsel, so that they may take
appropriate steps. (Canon 41, Canons of Professional
Ethics). Furthermore, if the client failed or refuses to
rectify the same, he shall terminate the relationship
with such client in accordance with the Rules of
Court. (Canon 19.02, Code of Professional



JUDICIAL ETHICS in solving the "four ACID" problems that corrode the
administration of justice in our country. Explain this
Q: What is judicial ethics? "four Ins" and "four ACID" problems (2006 Bar
A: It is the branch of moral science which treats of the
right and proper conduct to be observed by all judges A: Chief Justice Panganiban vowed to lead a judiciary
in trying and deciding controversies brought before characterized by four Ins: Independence, Integrity,
them for adjudication which conduct must be Industry and Intelligence; one that is morally
demonstrative of impartiality, integrity, competence, courageous to stand its ground against the
independence and freedom from improprieties. This onslaughts of influence, interference, indifference
freedom from improprieties must be observed in and insolence; and that is impervious to the plague of
both the public and private life of a judge – being the ships - kinship, relationship, friendship and
visible representation of the law. fellowship.

Q: Who is a judge? He identified four ACID problems that corrode justice

in our country; namely, (1) limited Access to justice
A: Any person exercising judicial power however by the poor; (2) Corruption; (3) Incompetence; and
designated (New Code of Judicial Conduct). (4) Delay in the delivery of quality judgments
A judge is a public officer who, by virtue of his office,
is clothed with judicial authority; A public officer Note: Then Chief Justice Panganiban also asked for the
lawfully appointed to decide litigated questions in employees of the Judiciary for three things encapsulated by
accordance with law (People v. Manantan, G.R. No. L- the Code DHL: Dedication to duty, Honesty in every way,
and full loyalty to the judiciary and to the Supreme Court
14129, Aug. 30, 1962).

Note: This refers to persons only. There may be a judge Q: The Chief Justice also said that the judiciary must
without a court. "safeguard the liberty" and "nurture the prosperity"
of our people. Explain this philosophy. Cite Decisions
Q: Who is a de jure judge? of the Supreme Court implementing each of these
twin beacons of the Chief Justice (2006 Bar
A: One who exercises the office of a judge as a matter Question)
of right, fully vested with all the powers and functions
conceded to him under the law. (Luna v. Rodriguez, A: The twin beacons of LIBERTY and PROSPERITY
G.R. No. L-13744, Nov. 29, 1918) constitute the core judicial philosophy of Chief Justice
Panganiban. He “advances the view that liberty must
Q: Who is a de facto judge? include the freedoms that prosperity allows. In the
same manner, prosperity must include liberty,
A: An officer who is not fully vested with all the especially the liberty to strive for the ‘good life’
powers and duties conceded to judges but, one who according to a person’s conception”. He further said
exercises the office of judge under some color of that the Judiciary can contribute to the advancement
right. He has the reputation of the officer he assumes of liberty and prosperity by adopting two standards
to be, yet he has some defect in his right to exercise of judicial review: “that in litigations involving civil
judicial functions at the particular time. (Luna v. liberties, the scales should weigh heavily against the
Rodriguez, G.R. No. L-13744, Nov. 29, 1918) government and in favor of the people. However, in
conflicts affecting prosperity, development and the
Note: There cannot be a de facto judge when there is a de economy, deference must be accorded to the political
jure judge in the actual performance of the duties of the branches of the government.”
office. Moreover, one cannot be actually acting under any
color of right when he has ceased to be a judge and has In the case of Lumanlaw v. Peralta, GR No. 164953,
actually vacated the office by the acceptance of another February 13, 2006, a decision penned by the Chief
office and by actually entering upon the duties of the other
Justice himself, the Court ordered the release of a
office. (Luna v. Rodriguez and De Los Angeles, G.R. No. L-
detainee who had been imprisoned at the Manila City
13744, Nov. 29, 1918)
Jail for almost two years but had not yet been
Q: In several policy addresses extensively covered by arraigned.
media since his appointment on December 21, 2005,
Chief Justice Artemio V. Panganiban vowed to leave In the case of Republic, et al. v. Judge Gingoyon and
a judiciary characterized by "four Ins" and to focus Philippine International Air Terminals Co., Inc., GR No.
Judicial Ethics

166429, February 1, 2006, the Court upheld PIATCO’s must not utter intemperate language during
right to be paid Php300 billion before the the hearing of a case.
Government can take over the Ninoy Aquino
International Airport Passenger Terminal III facilities Q: What is the proper judicial conduct?
006/04/040611.php). A: Judges and justices must conduct themselves as
to be beyond reproach and suspicion and be free
Q: What are the qualifications of justices of the from appearance of impropriety in their personal
Supreme Court or Court of Appeals? behavior not only in the discharge of official duties
but also in their everyday lives.
A: One must be:
1. A natural-born citizen of the Philippines; SOURCES
2. At least 40 years of age;
3. A person who has been, for 15 years or more, a Q: What are the two sources of judicial ethics?
judge of a lower court or engaged in the practice
of law; and A:
4. A person of proven competence, integrity, a. New Code of Judicial Conduct for the Philippine
probity and independence. (Sec. 7(2), Art. VIII, Judiciary (Bangalore Draft);
1987 Constitution) b. Code of Judicial Conduct

Q: What are the qualifications to be a RTC judge? Q: What is the difference between the New Code of
(1997 Bar Question) Judicial Conduct for the Philippine Judiciary and
Code of Judicial Conduct?
A: One must be:
1. A natural-born citizen of the Philippines; A:
2. At least 35 years of age; and NEW CODE OF JUDICIAL
3. For at least 10 years engaged in the practice of CONDUCT FOR THE
law in the Philippines or held a public office in PHILIPPINE JUDICIARY
the Philippines requiring admission to the Focuses on the Concerned primarily
practice of law as an indispensable requisite. institutional and with the institutional
personal independence independence of the
Q: What are the qualifications to be an MTC judge? of judicial officers judiciary.
Contains eight norms of Contained three
A: One must be: conduct that judges “ guidelines explaining
1. A natural-born citizen of the Philippines; shall follow” what judges “should do”
2. At least 30 years of age; and * Canon 1 of the 1989
3. For at least 5 years, engaged in the practice of Code created a weaker
law in the Philippines or held a public office in mandate.
the Philippines requiring admission to the
practice of law as an indispensable requisite. THE NEW CODE OF JUDICIAL CONDUCT
Q: What is the proper judicial deportment? (BANGALORE DRAFT)
(A.M. NO. 03-05-01)
1. Attitude toward counsel – He must be Note: The New Code of Judicial Conduct (NCJC) for the
courteous especially to the young and Philippine Judiciary which took effect on June 1, 2004
inexperienced, should not interrupt in their supersedes the Canons of Judicial Ethics and the Code of
arguments except to clarify his minds as to Judicial Conduct. Provided, however, that in case of
their positions, must not be tempted to an deficiency or absence of specific provisions in this New
Code, the Canons of Judicial Ethics and Code of Judicial
unnecessary display of learning or premature
Conduct shall be applicable in a suppletory character.
judgment, may criticize and correct (2007, 2009 Bar Questions)
unprofessional conduct of a lawyer but not in
an insulting manner. This was adopted from the universal declaration of
standards for ethical conduct embodied in the Bangalore
2. Attitude toward litigants and witnesses–He Draft as revised at the Round Table Conference of Chief
must be considerate, courteous and civil, Justices at the Hague.


Note: The New Code contains 6 Canons and 44 Rules. Q: What are the duties of a magistrate that will
bolster the public’s confidence to our judicial
Q: One of the foundations of the Bangalore Draft of system?
the Code of Judicial Conduct is the importance in a
modern democratic society of what? (2011 Bar A:
Question) a. Duty to be above reproach and to appear above
reproach (Sec.1, Canon 2, New Code of Judicial
A: Public confidence in its judicial system and in the Conduct)
moral authority and integrity of its judiciary. b. Duty to be impartial (Canon 3, New Code of
Judicial Conduct)
Q: What are the six (6) canons under the New Code c. Duty to avoid improprieties and appearance of
of Judicial Conduct for the Philippine Judiciary? improprieties (Sec. 1, Canon 4, New Code of
Judicial Conduct)
A: d. Duty of Financial Transparency and duty to avoid
1. Independence financial conflicts of interest (Sec. 7, Canon 4,
2. Integrity New Code of Judicial Conduct)
3. Impartiality e. Duty to be efficient, fair and prompt (Sec. 5,
4. Propriety Canon 6, New Code of Judicial Conduct)
5. Equality f. Duty to be free from favor, bias, or prejudice
6. Competence and Diligence (Sec. 1 Canon 3 New Code of Judicial Conduct)

Note: The purpose of the New Code of Judicial Conduct for CODE OF JUDICIAL CONDUCT
the Philippine Judiciary is to update and correlate the code
of judicial conduct and canons of judicial ethics adopted for
the Philippines, and also to stress the Philippines’ solidarity
with the universal clamor for a universal code of judicial Q: What is the applicability of this Code?
ethics. (See aforementioned "four Ins" and "four ACID"
problems by Chief Justice Artemio V. Panganiban) A: This code applies suppletorily.

Q: What is the role of the Supreme Court in the CANON 1, CJC

hierarchy of the Philippine Judiciary? A JUDGE SHOULD UPHOLD THE INTEGRITY AND
A: The Supreme Court is the highest court of the land.
All courts must adhere to its decisions and orders. If Rule 1.01, Canon 1, CJC
the supremacy of the highest court will be A judge should be the embodiment of
undermined, there will be no more end to judicial competence, integrity and independence.
controversies and judicial chaos will ensue. People
will not go to courts anymore and it is the rule of Q: A complaint was filed against Judge Grageda for
force, not rule of law that will govern. The behavior the delay in the resolution of motions relative to
and conduct of judges must affirm the people’s faith Civil Case No. 54-2001, entitled Pio Angelia v. Arnold
in the integrity of the judiciary. Justice must not Oghayan. Plaintiff Angelia averred that the case was
merely be done but must also be seen to be done filed way back on August 8, 2001. After numerous
(Sec. 2, Canon 2, New Code of Judicial Ethics). postponements, pre-trial was finally set on
December 6, 2007. On December 20, 2007, counsel
Q: How can the people’s confidence in the judicial for complainant received an order dated December
system be maintained if not reinforced? 6, 2007 dismissing the case for failure to prosecute.
On December 28, 2007, Angelia filed a motion for
A: The people’s confidence in the judicial system is reconsideration reasoning out that the failure to
founded not only on the magnitude of legal prosecute could not be attributed to him. On July
knowledge and diligence of the members of the 28, 2008, he filed his Urgent Motion for the Early
bench, but also on the highest standard of integrity Resolution of said December 2007 Motion for
and moral uprightness they are expected to possess. Reconsideration. He claimed that despite the lapse
In the judiciary, moral integrity is more than a of a considerably long period of time, no action was
cardinal virtue, it is a necessity (Tales-Dabon v. Arceo, taken by Judge Grageda. Is respondent Judge
259 SCRA 315, Pascual v. Judge Rodolfo R. Bonifacio, Gragela GUILTY of undue delay in resolving a motion
A.M. No. RTJ-01-1625, March 10, 2003). in violation of Rule 1.02, Canon 1 and Rule 3.05,
Canon 3 of the Code of Judicial Conduct?


Judicial Ethics

A: Yes. Failure to decide cases and other matters administratively liable for violating of Supreme
within the reglementary period constitutes gross Court rules, directives and circulars under Sec. 9,
inefficiency and warrants the imposition of Rule 140, RRC (as amended by A.M. No. 01-8-10-SC)?
administrative sanction against the erring magistrate.
Delay in resolving motions and incidents pending A: Yes. Granting of bail without any application or
before a judge within the reglementary period of petition to grant bail is a clear deviation from the
ninety (90) days fixed by the Constitution and the law procedure laid down in Sec. 17 of Rule 114. As
is not excusable and constitutes gross inefficiency. As regards the insistence of Judge Canoy that such may
a trial judge, Judge Grageda was a frontline official of be considered as “constructive bail,” there is no such
the judiciary and should have at all times acted with species of bail under the Rules. Despite the noblest of
efficiency and with probity. reasons, the Rules of Court may not be ignored at will
and at random to the prejudice of the rights of
Judges must decide cases and resolve matters with another. Rules of procedure are intended to ensure
dispatch because any delay in the administration of the orderly administration of justice and the
justice deprives litigants of their right to a speedy protection of substantive rights in judicial and
disposition of their case and undermines the people’s extrajudicial proceedings. In this case, the reason of
faith in the judiciary. Indeed, justice delayed is justice Judge Canoy is hardly persuasive enough to disregard
denied. (Angeliav. Grageda, A.M. No. RTJ-10-2220, the Rules. (Pantilo III v. Canoy, A.M. No. RTJ-11-2262,
Feb. 7, 2011) Feb. 9, 2011)

Rule 1.02, Canon 1, CJC Rule 2.02, Canon 2, CJC

A judge should administer justice impartially and A judge should not seek Publicity for personal
without delay. vainglory.

Rule 1.03, Canon 1, CJC Rule 2.03, Canon 2, CJC

A judge should be vigilant against any attempt A judge shall not allow family, social, or other
to subvert the independence of the judiciary and relationships to influence judicial conduct or
should forthwith resist any pressure from judgment.
whatever source intended to influence the The prestige of judicial office shall not be used or
performance of official functions. lent to advance the private interests of others, nor
convey the impression that they are in a special
CANON 2, CJC position to influence the judge.
APPEARANCE OF IMPROPRIETY IN ALL ACTIVITES. Q: Judge Belen was charged with grave abuse of
authority and conduct unbecoming a judge. He filed
a complaint for Estafa against complainant’s father.
Rule 2.01, Canon 2, CJC
However such was dismissed by the city prosecutor
A judge should so behave at all times as to
for lack of probable cause. After the dismissal of the
promote public confidence in the integrity and
complaint, Judge Belen started harassing and
impartiality of the judiciary.
threatening the complainant with filing of several
Q: Judge Canoy was charged with several counts of cases against the latter. He also wrote using his
gross ignorance of the law and/or procedures, grave personal stationary, several letters addressed to
abuse of authority, and appearance of impropriety certain local government authorities and employees,
(Canon 2, Code of Judicial Conduct) for granting bail requesting information on complainant’s piggery
to Melgazo, the accused in a criminal case, without and poultry business and advising them of the
any application or petition for the grant of bail filed alleged violations by the complainant of the
before his court or any court. He verbally ordered National Building Code and certain environmental
the branch clerk of court to accept the cash deposit laws. An administrative complaint was filed against
as bail, to earmark an official receipt for the cash the judge for violation of the New Code of Judicial
deposit, and to date it the following day. He did not Conduct on the ground that by using the letter head
require Melgazo to sign a written undertaking indicating his position as the Presiding Judge he was
containing the conditions of the bail under Sec. 2, trying to use the prestige of his judicial office for his
Rule 114 to be complied with by Melgazo. Thus, own personal interest. Is the judge liable?
Judge Canoy ordered the police escorts to release
Melgazo without any written order of release. A: Yes. While the use of the title is an official
Should respondent Judge Canoy be held designation as well as an honor that an incumbent



has earned, a line still has to be drawn based on the preliminary investigation. (Conquilla v. Bernando,
circumstances of the use of the appellation. While the A.M. No.MTJ-09-1737, Feb. 9, 2011)
title can be used for social and other identification
purposes, it cannot be used with the intent to use the Rule 3.02, Canon 3, CJC
prestige of his judicial office to gainfully advance his In every case, a judge shall endeavor diligently to
personal, family or other pecuniary interests. Nor can ascertain the facts and the applicable law
the prestige of a judicial office be used or lent to unswayed by partisan interests, public opinion or
advance the private interests of others, or to convey fear of criticism.
or permit others to convey the impression that they
are in a special position to influence the judge. A judge is expected to decide cases only on the basis
(Canon 2, Rule 2.03 of the Code of Judicial Conduct) of the applicable law on the matter, not on any other
To do any of these is to cross into the prohibited field extraneous factors, such as public opinion, personal
of impropriety. (Belen v. Belen,A.M. No. RTJ-08-2139, convictions and partisan interests. (Lapena, 2009)
Aug. 9, 2010)
Rule 3.03, Canon 3, CJC
Rule 2.04, Canon 2, CJC A judge shall maintain order and proper decorum
A judge should refrain from influencing in any in the court.
manner the outcome of litigation or dispute
pending before another court or administrative
Rule 3.04, Canon 3, CJC
A judge should be patient, attentive, and
courteous to lawyers, especially the inexperienced,
CANON 3, CJC to litigants, witnesses, and others appearing
HONESTLY, AND WITH IMPARTIALITY AND A judge should avoid unconsciously falling into the
DILIGENCE attitude of mind that the litigants are made for the
courts, instead of the courts for the litigants.
Q: How would you characterize the relationship
Rule 3.01, Canon 3, CJC between the judge and a lawyer? Explain (1996 Bar
A judge shall be faithful to the law and maintain Question)
professional competence.
A: The Code of Professional Responsibility requires
Q: Plaintiff Conquilla was charged for direct assault lawyers to observe and maintain respect for judicial
after respondent Judge B conducted a preliminary officers (Canon 11, CPR). On the other hand, the Code
investigation and found probable cause to hold the of Judicial Conduct requires judges to be patient,
complainant for trial for the said crime. Complainant attentive and courteous to lawyers (Rule 3.03, CJC). In
then filed an administrative complaint, alleging that a word, lawyers and judges owe each other mutual
under A.M. No. 05-08-[2]6-SC, first level court judges respect and courtesy.
no longer have the authority to conduct preliminary
investigations. Is the respondent judge guilty of Rule 3.05, Canon 3, CJC
gross ignorance of the law? A judge shall dispose of the court’s business
promptly and decide cases within the required
A: Yes. When a law or a rule is basic, judges owe it to periods.
their office to simply apply the law. Anything less is
gross ignorance of the law. Judges should exhibit Article VIII, Section 15(1) of the 1987Constitution
more than just a cursory acquaintance with the mandates lower court judges to decide a case within
statutes and procedural rules, and should be diligent the reglementary period of 90 days. The Code of
in keeping abreast with developments in law and Judicial Conduct under Rule 3.05 of Canon 3 likewise
jurisprudence. enunciates that judges should administer justice
without delay and directs every judge to dispose of
It was therefore incumbent upon respondent judge to the court’s business promptly within the period
forward the records of the case to the Office of the prescribed by law. Rules prescribing the time within
Provincial Prosecutor for preliminary investigation, which certain acts must be done are indispensable to
instead of conducting the preliminary investigation prevent needless delays in the orderly and speedy
himself upon amendment of the law stripping the disposition of cases. Thus, the 90-day period is
power of first level court judges to conduct mandatory. (Re: Cases Submitted for Decision Before
Judicial Ethics

Hon. Teresito A. Andoy, A.M. No. 09-9-163-MTC, May These cases include among others, proceedings
6, 2010) where:
a. The judge has personal knowledge of disputed
Note: The Court has repeatedly emphasized the need for evidentiary facts concerning the proceeding;
judges to resolve their cases with dispatch. Delay does not b. The judge served as executor, administrator,
only constitute a serious violation of the parties’ guardian, trustee or lawyer in the case or matter
constitutional right to speedy disposition of cases, it also
in controversy, or a former associate of the judge
erodes the faith and confidence of the people in the
served as counsel during their association, or the
judiciary, lowers its standards, and brings it into disrepute.
(Office of the Court Administrator v. Quilatan, A.M. No. judge or lawyer was a material witness therein;
MTJ-09-1745, Sept. 27, 2010) c. The judge’s ruling in a lower court is the subject
of review;
Rule 3.06, Canon 3, CJC d. The judge is related by consanguinity or affinity
While a judge may, to promote justice, prevent to a party litigant within the sixth degree or to
waste of time or clear up some obscurity, counsel within the fourth degree;
properly intervene in the presentation of evidence e. The judge knows the judge’s spouse or child
during the trial, it should always be borne in mind has a financial interest, as heir, legatee, creditor,
that undue interference may prevent the proper fiduciary, or otherwise, in the subject matter in
presentation of the cause or the ascertainment of controversy or in a party to the proceeding,
truth. f. Any other interest that could be substantially
affected by the outcome of the proceeding.
Rule 3.07, Canon 3, CJC
In every instance, the judge shall indicate the
A judge should abstain from making public
legal reason for inhibition.
comments on any pending or impending case and
should require similar restraint on the part of
Q: In a hearing before the Court of Tax Appeals,
court personnel.
Atty. G was invited to appear as amicus curiae. One
of the Judges hearing the tax case is the father of
Atty. G. The counsel for the respondent moved for
the inhibition of the judge in view of the father-son
Rule 3.08, Canon 3, CJC relationship. Is there merit to the motion? Decide.
A judge should diligently discharge (1996 Bar Question)
administrative responsibilities, maintain
professional competence in court management, A: There is no merit to the motion. Rule 3.12 of the
and facilitate the performance of the CJC provides that “a judge should take no part where
administrative functions or other judges and the judge’s impartiality might reasonably be
court personnel. questioned. Among the instances for the
disqualification of a judge is that he is related to a
Rule 3.09, Canon 3, CJC party litigant within the sixth degree or to counsel
A judge should organize and supervise the court within the fourth degree of consanguinity or affinity.
personnel to ensure the prompt and efficient But this refers to counsel of the parties. As amicus,
dispatch of business, and require at all times the he represents no party to the case. There is,
observance of high standards of public service therefore, no ground to fear the loss of the judge’s
and fidelity. impartiality in this case if his son is appointed amicus
Rule 3.10, Canon 3, CJC
A judge should take or initiate appropriate REMITTAL OF DISQUALIFICATION
disciplinary measures against lawyers or court
personnel for unprofessional conduct of which Rule 3.13, Canon 3, CJC
the judge may have become aware. A judge disqualified by the terms of Rule 3.12
may, instead of withdrawing from the
DISQUALIFICATION proceeding, disclose on the record the basis of
Rule 3.12, Canon 3, CJC If, based on such disclosure the parties and
A judge should take no part in a proceeding lawyers independently of the judge’s
where the judge’s impartiality might reasonably participation, all agree in writing that the reason
be questioned. for the inhibition is immaterial or insubstantial,



the judge may then participate in the dealing that tend to reflect adversely on the
proceeding. court’s impartiality, interfere with the proper
The agreement signed by the parties, shall be performance of judicial activities or increase
incorporated in the record of the proceeding. involvement with lawyers or persons likely to
come before the court.
CANON 4, CJC A judge should so manage investments and other
A JUDGE MAY, WITH DUE REGARD TO OFFICIAL financial interests as to minimize the number of
DUTIES, ENGAGE IN ACTIVITIES TO IMPROVE THE cases giving grounds for disqualifications.
ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE. Q: What is the rule regarding financial activities?

Rule 4.01, Canon 4, CJC A: A judge shall refrain from financial and business
A judge may, to the extent that the following dealings that tend to:
activities do not impair the performance of 1. Reflect adversely on the court’s impartiality;
judicial duties or cast doubt on the judge’s 2. Interfere with the proper performance of judicial
impartiality: activities; or
a. Speak, write, lecture, teach of participate in 3. Increase involvement with lawyers or persons
activities concerning the law, the legal system likely to come before the court.
and the administration of justice;
b. Appear at a public hearing before a legislative A judge should so manage investments and other
or executive body on matters concerning the financial interests as to minimize the number of cases
law, the legal system or the administration of giving grounds for disqualification. (Rule 5.02)
justice and otherwise consult with them on
matters concerning the administration of justice; Rule 5.03, Canon 5, CJC
c. Serve on any organization devoted to the Subject to the provisions of the proceeding rule,
improvement of the law, the legal system or the a judge may hold and manage investments but
administration of justice. should not serve as officer, director, manager or
advisor, or employee of any business except as
CANON 5, CJC director of a family business of the judge.
ACTIVITIES TO MINIMIZE THE RISK OF CONFLICT Q: May a judge hold and manage an investment?
(1995, 1997, 1999, 2000, 2002 Bar Questions) A: GR: A judge may hold and manage investments but
should not serve as:
A judge should regulate his extra-judicial activities so 1. An officer
as to minimize the risk of conflict with judicial duties. 2. Director
3. Manager
5. Employee of any business
Rule 5.01, Canon 5, CJC
XPN: As director of a family business of the judge.
A judge may engage in the following activities
(Rule 5.03)
provided that they do not interfere with the
performance of judicial duties or detract from
dignity of the court: Rule 5.04, Canon 5, CJC
1. Write, teach and speak on non-legal subjects; A judge or any immediate member of the family
2. Engage in the arts, sports, and other special shall not accept a gift, bequest, factor or loan
recreational activities; from anyone except as may be allowed by law.
3. Participate in civic and charitable activities;
4. Serve as an officer, director, trustee, or non-legal Rule 5.05, Canon 5, CJC
advisor of non-profit or non-political, educational, No information acquired in judicial capacity shall
religious, charitable, fraternal, or civic organization. be sued of disclosed by a judge in any financial
dealing or for any other purpose not related to
FINANCIAL ACTIVITIES judicial activities.

Rule 5.02, Canon 5, CJC

A judge shall refrain from financial and business
Judicial Ethics

QUALITIES 1. Independence from public officials – the public

(NEW CODE OF JUDICIAL CONDUCT) laid their confidence on the fact that the official
is mentally and morally fit to pass upon the
INDEPENDENCE merits of their varied intentions.
2. Independence from government as a whole –
avoid inappropriate connections, as well as any
situation that would give rise to the impression
of the existence of such inappropriate
EXEMPLIFY JUDICIAL INDEPENDENCE IN BOTH ITS 3. Independence from family, social, or other
INDIVIDUAL AND INSTITUTIONAL ASPECTS. relationships –Do not sit in litigation where a
near relative is a part of or counsel; be
Q: What is an independent Judiciary? independent from judicial colleagues (Sec. 2) and
avoid such actions as may reasonably tend to
A: It is one free from inappropriate outside influence. wake the suspicion that his social or business
relations constitute an element in determining
Q: What is the importance of judicial independence? his judicial course.
4. Independence from public opinion –only guide is
A: Judicial independence is a pre-requisite to the rule
the mandate of law.
of law and a fundamental guarantee of a fair trial. A
judge shall, therefore, uphold and exemplify judicial
independence in both its individual and institutional Q: In a civil case submitted for a decision, Judge
aspects. (Canon 1, NCJC) Corpuz-Macandog acted on it based on a telephone
call from a government official telling her to decide
Note: Individual Judicial Independence focuses on each the case in favor of the defendant, otherwise she
particular case and seeks to insure his or her ability to will be removed. The judge explained that she did so
decide cases with autonomy within the constraints of the under pressure considering that the country was
law while Institutional Judicial Independence focuses on the under a revolutionary government at that time. Did
independence of the judiciary as a branch of government
the judge commit an act of misconduct?
and protects judges as a class. (In the Matter of the
Allegations Contained in the Columns of Mr. Amado P.
Macasaet Published in Malaya dated Sept. 18, 19, 20 and A: Yes. A judge must decide a case based on its
21, 2007) merits. For this reason, a judge is expected to be
fearless in the pursuit to render justice, to be
Note: The treatment of independence as a single Canon is unafraid to displease any person, interest or power,
the primary difference between the new Canon 1 and the and to be equipped with a moral fiber strong enough
Canon 1 of the 1989 Code. to resist temptation lurking in her office. Here, it is
improper for a judge to have decided a case based
Section 1, Canon 1, NCJC only on a directive from a government official and not
Judges shall exercise the judicial function on the judge’s own ascertainment of facts and
independently on the basis of their assessment of applicable law. (Ramirez v. Corpuz-Macandog, A.M.
the facts and in accordance with a conscientious No. R-351-RTJ, Sept. 26, 1986)
understanding of the law, free of any extraneous
influence, inducement, pressure, threat or Q: Mayor C was shot by B, the bodyguard of Mayor
interference, direct or indirect, from any quarter D, inside the court room of Judge Dabalos.
or for any reason. Consequently, an information with no bail
recommendation was filed against B and D. The
Judges should inspire public confidence in the murder case was then scheduled for raffle but
judiciary which can be attained only if judges are before the scheduled date, the son of Mayor C
perceived by the public to be fair, honest, competent, together with their counsel, Atty. Libarios, and other
principled, dignified and honorable. Accordingly, the sympathizers staged a rally demanding immediate
first duty of judges is to conduct themselves at all arrest of the accused. Judge Dabalos then issued an
times in a manner that is beyond reproach. order without prior hearing directing the issuance of
a warrant of arrest against the accused. Did the
Judges must reject pressure by maintaining judge commit an act of misconduct?
independence from, but not limited to the following:



A: Yes. The judge should not issue warrant of arrest Q: Is the influence exerted by a judge required to be
without personally evaluating the resolution of the successful in order to constitute misconduct?
prosecutor and its supporting evidence to establish
judicial probable cause (Sec.6, Rule 112, Rules of A: No. Any attempt, whether successful or not, to
Crim.Pro). A judge in every case should endeavor influence the decision-making process of another
diligently to ascertain the facts and the applicable law judge, especially one who is of lower rank and over
unswayed by partisan or personal interests, public whom a judge exercises supervisory authority
opinion or fear of criticism. Here, the judge should constitutes serious misconduct.
not have allowed himself to be swayed into issuing a
Note: If the consultation is purely on an academic or
warrant of arrest. (Libarios v. Dabalos A.M. No.RTJ-
hypothetical basis, and the judge does not surrender his or
89-286, July 11, 1991)
her independent decision making, there can be no breach
of Sections 2 and 3 of Canon 1 of the New Code.
Note: In the performance of their judicial duties, judges
must not bow down to public opinion, and disregard
Q: A Judge of the RTC wrote a letter to the judge of
editorials, columns or TV or radio commentaries on cases
pending before them. the lower court, seeking to influence him to hear the
case and even intimating that he issue an order of
The highest degree of independence is required of judges. acquittal. Is it proper?
Once a judge gives in to pressures from whatever source,
that judge is deemed to have lost his independence and is A: No, the Supreme Court ruled that a judge who tries
considered unworthy of the position. More than just a to influence the outcome of a case pending before
breach of the rudiments laid down in the Code of Judicial another court not only subverts the independence of
Conduct, judges who succumb to pressure and, as a result,
the judiciary but also undermines the people’s faith in
knowingly ignore proven facts or misapply the law in
its integrity and impartiality. The interference in this
rendering a decision commit corruption and face both
administrative and criminal prosecution under R.A. 3019 decision-making process of another judge is a breach
(Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act) and Art.204, RPC. of conduct so serious as to justify dismissal from
service based only on preponderance of evidence.
Sec. 2, Canon 1, NCJC (Sabitsana Jr. vs. Villamor, A.M. No. 90-474, Oct. 4
In performing judicial duties, Judges shall be 1991)
independent from judicial colleagues in respect of
decisions which the judge is obliged to make Sec. 4, Canon 1, NCJC
independently. Judges shall not allow family, social, or other
relationships to influence judicial conduct or
Q: May a judge consult with staff and court officials?
The prestige of judicial office shall not be used or
lent to advance the private interests of others, nor
A: No. The highest degree of independence is
convey or permit others to convey the impression
required of judges. He must be independent in
that they are in a special position to influence the
decision-making. However, he can ask colleagues
purely academic or hypothetical questions but not to
the extent of asking them to decide a case.
Q: What is the purpose of Sec. 4, Canon 1 of NCJC?
Note: It is every judge’s duty to respect the individual
independence of fellow judges. A: It is intended to ensure that judges are spared
from potential influence of family members by
Sec. 3, Canon 1, NCJC disqualifying them even before any opportunity for
Judges shall refrain from influencing in any manner impropriety presents itself.
the outcome of litigation or dispute pending before
Q: What does the term “judge’s family” include?
another court or administrative agency.
(Principle of Subjudice) A:
1. Judge’s spouse
Note: A judge is prohibited from making public statements 2. Son
in the media regarding a pending case so as not to arouse
3. Daughter
public opinion for or against a party. (2007 Bar Question)
4. Son-in-law
This section affirms that a judge’s restraint from exerting 5. Daughter-in-law
influence over other judicial or quasi-judicial bodies is 6. Other relative by consanguinity or affinity within
required for more than just propriety. the sixth civil degree, or


Judicial Ethics

7. Person who is a companion or employee of the of the Court Administrator. This is so because of the
judge and who lives in the judge’s household need to maintain judicial independence. Moreover, a
(NCJC of the Philippine Judiciary-Annotated, judge shall be free from inappropriate connections
February 2007) with and influence from the executive and legislative
branch. Here, the judge did not act independently of
Q: When is a judge’s disqualification to sit in a case the LGU when she asked the Mayor of QC to re-
mandatory? employ the displaced employees instead of informing
the SC through the OCA of the need to streamline her
A: When the judge is related to one of the parties court of its personal needs. (Alfonso v. Alonzo-
within the sixth degree of consanguinity or affinity. Legasto, A.M. No. MTJ 94-995, Sept. 5, 2002)
Note: Judges should ensure that their family members,
friends and associates refrain from creating the impression
Sec. 6, Canon 1, NCJC
that they are in a position to influence the judge. Judges
should, therefore, at all times remind themselves that they
Judges shall be independent in relation to society in
are not in the judiciary to give out favors but to dispense general and in relation to the particular parties to a
justice. They should also make it clear to the members of dispute which he or she has to adjudicate.
their family, friends and associates that they will neither be
influenced by anyone, nor would they allow anyone to Note: It is desirable that the judge should, as far as
interfere in their work. reasonably possible, refrain from all relations which would
normally tend to arouse suspicion that such relations warp
Sec. 5, Canon 1, NCJC or bias his judgment, and prevent an impartial attitude of
minds in the administration of judicial duties. Judges should
Judges shall not only be free from inappropriate
not fraternize with litigants and their counsel; they should
connections with, and influence by, the executive make a conscious effort to avoid them in order to avoid the
and legislative branches of government, but must perception that their independence has been
also appear to be free therefrom to a reasonable compromised. A judge’s act of sending his staff to talk with
observer. the complainant and show copies of his draft decisions, and
his act of meeting with litigants outside the office premises
This section affirms the independence of the judiciary from beyond office hours violate the standard of judicial conduct
the two other branches of government. required to be observed by members of the bench. (Tan
v.Rosete, A.M. No. MTJ-04-1563, Sept. 8, 2004)
Note: Judicial independence is the reason for leaving
exclusively to the Court the authority to deal with internal Q: Are judges allowed to join religious and
personnel issues, even if the court employees in question professional organizations?
are funded by the local government (Bagatsing v. Herrera,
G.R. No. L-34952,July 25, 1975) A: Yes. Section 6, Canon 1 of the NCJC does not
require a judge to live a hermit’s life. Judges should
Q: Is it enough that a judge is free from socialize and be sensitive to social concerns and
inappropriate connections with executive and developments. They may join religious or professional
legislative branches of the government? organizations but their membership in these
organizations should not interfere with their judicial
A: No. Judges must also appear to be free from such tasks.
to a reasonable observer.
Sec. 7, Canon 1, NCJC
Q: Several employees of the city government of
Judges shall encourage and uphold safeguards for
Quezon City were appointed and assigned at the
the discharge of judicial duties in order to maintain
office of the Clerk of Court-MeTC QC to assist the
and enhance the institutional and operational
organic staff of the Judiciary. However, the
independence of the judiciary.
executive judge of MeTC QC, in view of a
reorganization plan, returned those employees to
different offices of QC government saying that the Sec. 8, Canon 1, NCJC
court is already overstaffed. The judge also Judges shall exhibit and promote high standards of
requested the QC Mayor to re-employ the laid off judicial conduct in order to reinforce public
employees. Did the judge commit any improper confidence in the judiciary, which is fundamental to
conduct? the maintenance of judicial independence.

A: Yes. An executive judge has no authority to cause Note: Sections 7 and 8 of Canon 1 are intended to serve as
catch-all provisions for all other acts that would guarantee
the transfer of court employees as the jurisdiction to
the independence of the judiciary.
do so is lodge solely upon the SC through the Office


There can be no sure guarantee of judicial independence to maintain a life of PERSONAL and PROFESSIONAL
than the character of those appointed to the Bench. INTEGRITY in order to properly carry out their judicial
Q: Who are good judges?
Q: What is the presumption as regards judges?
A: Good judges are described as those who:
1. Have the mastery of the principles of law; A: Judges are presumed honest and, are men of
2. Discharge their duties in accordance with law; integrity, unless proven otherwise.
3. Are permitted to perform the duties of the office
undeterred by outside influence; and Section 1, Canon 2, NCJC
4. Are independent and self-respecting human units Judges shall ensure that not only is their conduct
in a judicial system equal and coordinate with the above reproach, but that it is perceived to be so
other two departments of the government in the view of a reasonable observer.
(Borromeo v. Mariano, G.R. No. 16808, Jan. 3,
1921) Q: Is the maintenance of the court’s integrity the
sole duty of the judge?
Judges must remain conscious of their character and
reputation as judges and should avoid anything which A: No, it is also the duty of court personnel to see to
will not dignify their public positions and demean the it that its integrity is unblemished.
institution to which they belong, in whatever
atmosphere or environment they may happen to be. Note: A judge’s personal behavior, both in the performance
of his duties and in his daily life, must be free from any
INTEGRITY appearance of impropriety as to be beyond reproach.

CANON 2 Q: Judge Ferdinand Marcos of RTC Cebu is married

INTEGRITY IS ESSENTIAL NOT ONLY TO THE PROPER to Rotilla with whom he begot 2 children. However,
DISCHARGE OF THE JUDICIAL OFFICE, BUT ALSO TO during a Fun Run sponsored by Philippine Judges
THE PERSONAL DEMEANOR OF JUDGES. Association (PJA), Judge Marcos appeared with a
woman other than his wife whom he even
A judge should act with integrity and behave with introduced to Justice Davide as his living partner.
integrity at all times so as to promote public Should the judge be disciplined?’
confidence in the integrity of the judiciary.
A: Yes. The Code of Judicial Conduct requires a judge
Q: Is integrity required only in the discharge of to be the embodiment of integrity, and to avoid
judicial duties? appearance of impropriety in all activities. Here,
Judge Marcos’ conduct of flaunting his mistress is a
A: No. Integrity is essential not only to the proper conduct unbecoming of a judge. By living with a
discharge of the judicial office but also to the woman other than his legal wife, Judge Marcos has
personal demeanor of judges. (Canon 2, NCJC) The demonstrated himself to be wanting in integrity,
integrity of the judiciary rests not only upon the fact thus, unfit to remain in office and continue
that it is able to administer justice but also upon the discharging the functions of a judge. (Re: Complaint
perception and confidence of the community that of Mrs. Rotilla A. Marcos and Her Children against
people who run the system have done justice. Justice Judge Ferdinand J. Marcos, RTC, Br. 20, Cebu City,
must not be merely done but must also be seen to be A.M. No. 97-2-53 RTC, July 6, 2001)
done. (Panaligan v. Judge Ibay, A.M. No. TJ-06-1972,
June 21, 2006) Q: May a judge be admonished for not wearing the
judicial robe in the performance of judicial
In the Judiciary, moral integrity is more than a functions?
cardinal virtue, it is a necessity (Pascual v. Bonifacio,
AM No. RTJ-01-1625, Mar. 10, 2003). Judges must be A: Yes. A judge must take care not only to remain
models of uprightness, fairness and honesty. (Rural true to the high ideals of competence and integrity
Bank of Barotac Nuevo, Inc v. Cartagena, A.M. No. his robe represents, but also that he wears one in the
707-MJ, July 21, 1978) first place. (Chan v. Majaducan A.M. No. RTJ-02-1697,
Oct. 15, 2003)
Note: Under the 1989 Code, the values of INTEGRITY and
INDEPENDENCE were grouped together, but the New Code Q: What should Judges essentially emulate?
of Judicial Conduct separated them to emphasize the need


Judicial Ethics

A: Judges must be models of uprightness, fairness of assisting the Court in the administration of justice.
and honesty. (Rural Bank of Barotac Nuevo vs. (In matter of the Charges of Plagiarism etc.. Against
Cartagena, A.M. No. 707-MJ, July 21, 1978) Associate Justice Mariano C. Del Castillo, A.M. No. 10-
7-17-SC, February 8, 2011)
Sec. 2, Canon 2, NCJC
The behavior and conduct of judges must reaffirm Sec. 3, Canon 2, NCJC
the people’s faith in the integrity of the Judiciary. Judges should take or initiate appropriate
Justice must not merely be done, but must also be disciplinary measures against lawyers or court
seen to be done. personnel for unprofessional conduct of which the
judge may have become aware.
A judge has the duty to not only render a just and
Q: Can a judge punish lawyers and court personnel
impartial decision, but also render it in such a
for their misbehavior?
manner as to be free from any suspicion as to its
fairness and impartiality, and also as to the judge’s
A: Yes. A judge may summarily punish any person
integrity. While judges should possess proficiency in
including lawyers and court personnel, for direct
law in order that they can completely construe and
contempt for misbehavior committed in the presence
enforce the law, it is more important that they
of or so near a court or a judge as to obstruct or
should act and behave in such a manner that the
interrupt the proceedings before the same. (Rule 71,
parties before them should have confidence in their
Revised Rules of Court)
impartiality. (Sibayan-Joaquin v. Javellana, A.M. No.
RTJ-00-1601, Nov. 13, 2001)
He may also punish any person for indirect contempt
after appropriate charge and hearing, for acts
Q: Justice Mariano Del Castillo was charged with
enumerated under Section 3, Rule 71 of the Rules of
plagiarism, twisting of cited materials, and gross
neglect in connection with the decision he wrote for
the court in G.R. No. 162230, entitled Vinuya v.
Q: What is the judge’s duty with respect to court
Romulo. Petitioners, members of the Malaya Lolas
Organization, seek reconsideration of the decision
of the Court dated October 12, 2010 that dismissed
A: A judge should constantly keep a watchful eye on
the said complaint. Petitioners claim that the Court
the conduct of his employees. His constant scrutiny of
has by its decision legalized or approved of the
the behavior of his employees would deter any abuse
commission of plagiarism in the Philippines. Should
on the part of the latter in the exercise of their duties.
the respondent justice be held guilty for plagiarism?
The slightest breach of duty by and the slightest
irregularity in the conduct of court officers and
A: No. A judge writing to resolve a dispute, whether
employees detract from the dignity of the courts and
trial or appellate, is exempted from a charge of
erode the faith of the people in the judiciary
plagiarism even if ideas, words or phrases from a law
(Buenaventura v. Benedicto, A.C. No. 137-5, Mar. 27,
review article, novel thoughts published in a legal
periodical or language from a party’s brief are used
without giving attribution. Thus, judges are free to Note: Judges should not be lenient in the administrative
use whatever sources they deem appropriate to supervision of employees. As an administrator, the judge
resolve the matter before them, without fear of must ensure that all court personnel perform efficiently and
reprisal. This exemption applies to judicial writings promptly in the administration of justice. (Ramirez v.
intended to decide cases for two reasons: the judge Corpuz-Macandog, A.M. No. R-351-RTJ, Sept. 26, 1986)
is not writing a literary work and, more importantly,
All court personnel, from the lowliest employees to the
the purpose of the writing is to resolve a dispute. As
clerks of court, are involved in the dispensation of justice
a result, judges adjudicating cases are not subject to
like judges and justices, and parties seeking redress from
a claim of legal plagiarism. the courts for grievances look upon them also as part of the
judiciary. In performing their duties and responsibilities,
Although as a rule, practicing lawyers receive court personnel serve as sentinels of justice, that any act of
compensation for every pleading or paper they file in impropriety they commit immeasurably affects the honor
court or for every opinion they render to clients, and dignity of the judiciary and the people's confidence in
lawyers also need to strive for technical accuracy in the judiciary. They are, therefore, expected to act and
their writings. They should not be exposed to charges behave in a manner that should uphold the honor and
dignity of the judiciary, if only to maintain the people’s
of plagiarism in what they write so long as they do
confidence in the judiciary. (Guerrero v.Ong, A.M. No. P-09-
not depart, as officers of the court, from the objective
2676, Dec. 16, 2009)



Q: Can a judge dismiss court personnel? Sec. 1, Canon 3, NCJC

Judges shall perform their judicial duties without
A: No. The power to dismiss a court employee is favor, bias or prejudice.
vested in the Supreme Court. (Dailay-Papa v. Almora,
A.M. Nos. 543-MC and 1525-MJ, Dec. 19, 1981) It is the duty of all judges not only to be impartial but
also to appear impartial.
Q: While Judge Tuparin was in his chambers
dictating an order to a stenographer, two lawyers Q: Who has the burden of proof to show bias or
who were in the courtroom waiting for the start of prejudice?
the session almost came to blows as a result of a
heated argument. Tuparin came out of his chambers A: The burden of proof lies with the complainant to
and after identifying the lawyers involved in the show that there is bias sufficient to be a ground for
commotion promptly declared them in contempt of inhibition.
court. Was the action of Judge Tuparin proper?
Note: There is Bias or Prejudice when the resulting opinion
A: No. The act committed by the two lawyers was is based upon an extrajudicial source: that is, some
indirect contempt violative of the rule punishing “any influence other than the facts and law presented in the
improper conduct tending directly or indirectly, to courtroom.
impede, obstruct, or degrade the administration of
justice”, since the judge was then engaged in Q: What is the degree of proof required to prove
dictating an order before the morning session was bias and prejudice on the part of the judge?
called. The act of the two lawyers constituted
obstruction of the administration of justice, which A: The complainant must prove the same by clear and
was indirect contempt. Accordingly, they could only convincing evidence since allegations of bias are quite
be punished after notice and hearing. serious. Mere allegations are not sufficient to
constitute a violation of the rule.
Q: A filed an action for specific performance with
CANON 3 the RTC of Quezon City, presided by Judge Santiago,
IMPARTIALITY IS ESSENTIAL TO THE PROPER against X Corporation asking for the delivery of the
DISCHARGE OF THE JUDICIAL OFFICE. title of 1 subdivision lot in Batangas which lot was
IT APPLIES NOT ONLY TO THE DECISION ITSELF BUT given to him in payment for his services as geodetic
ALSO TO THE PROCESS BY WHICH surveyor. Meanwhile X Corporation filed with MTC
THE DECISION IS MADE. of Batangas an action for an unlawful detainer
against certain lot buyers on motion of A. Judge
Q: Is impartiality applicable only to the decision Santiago issued TRO against X Corporation and
rendered by the judge? Judge of MTC and enjoining the latter from
proceeding with the case. X Corporation now filed a
A: No. Impartiality is essential to the proper discharge motion to inhibit the judge on the ground that he
of the judicial office. It applies not only to the arbitrarily issued such TRO, but without presenting
decision itself but also to the process by which the evidence showing partiality on the part of the judge.
decision is made. (Canon 3, NCJC) Should the judge be inhibited?

Q: What is the principle of cold neutrality of an A. No. For a judge to be inhibited, allegations of
impartial judge? partiality and pre-judgment must be proven by clear
and convincing evidence. Here, mere allegation that
A: A judge should not only render just, correct, and the judge arbitrarily issued the TRO without
impartial decision but should do so in a manner free presenting evidence showing bias on his part is not
from suspicion as to his fairness, impartiality and sufficient. While Judge Santiago acted in excess of his
integrity. This is an indispensable requisite of due jurisdiction when he issued the TRO for such should
process. (Rallos v. Gako, A.M. No.RTJ-98-1484, Mar. only be enforceable within his territorial jurisdiction,
17, 2000) such error may not necessarily warrant inhibition at
most it is correctible by certiorari. (Dimo Realty
Note: A judge has both: the duty of rendering a just &Development, Inc. v. Dimaculangan, G.R. No.
decision; and, doing it in a manner completely free from 130991, Mar. 11, 2004).
suspicion as to his fairness and as to his integrity.


Judicial Ethics

Q: What should the complainant show in order to A: There is undue interference where the judge’s
sustain the charge of bias on the part of the judge? participation in the conduct of the trial tends to build
or to bolster a case of one of the parties. (Ty v. Banco
A: The complainant must show that the resulting Filipino Savings and Mortgage Bank, CA and Hon. Tac-
opinion of the judge is based on extra-judicial source. an G.R. Nos. 149797-98, Feb. 13, 2004)

Q: What is the extra-judicial source rule? Q: Banco Filipino filed a complaint for reconveyance
of property against Ty and Tala Realty Services
A: It means that the decision is based on some Corp., which complaint was dismissed on the ground
influence other than the facts and law presented in of lack of jurisdiction. However, on motion for
the courtroom. reconsideration filed by Banco Filipino, the case was
reinstated and the judge even relieved Banco
Q: A motion to inhibit Judge Dicdican was filed on Filipino from its obligation to prove service of its
the ground of partiality and bias on his part for motion for reconsideration and presumed actual
allegedly denying a motion to hear affirmative receipt of the same by the other party. Thereafter,
defenses thereby denying the movant the the judge directed the respondents to present
opportunity to be heard. Should the judge be certain documents within a certain period of time
inhibited? despite failure of Banco Filipino to tender the costs
for such production and inspection. Tala then filed a
A: No. Judge Dicdican cannot be charged with bias motion for inhibition but the same was denied by
and partiality, merely on the basis of his decision not the judge. Did the judge commit any improper
to grant a motion for a preliminary hearing. conduct?
Allegations and perceptions of bias from the mere
tenor and language of a judge are insufficient to show A: Yes. The rule is that a judge may not be legally
pre-judgment. Moreover, as long as opinions formed prohibited from sitting in litigation, but when
in the course of judicial proceedings are based on the circumstances appear that will induce doubt to his
evidence presented and the conduct observed by the honest actuations and probity in favor of either party,
judge, such opinion – even if later found to be or incite such state of mind; he should conduct a
erroneous on appeal or made with grave abuse of careful self-examination. He should exercise his
discretion on certiorari –will not necessarily prove discretion in a way that the people's faith in the
personal bias or prejudice on the part of the judge. To courts of justice is not impaired. The better course for
allow inhibition for such reason would open the judge under such circumstances is to disqualify
floodgates to abuse. Here, the denial of the motion to himself. That way, he avoids being misunderstood;
hear affirmative defenses is based on the Rules of his reputation for probity and objectivity is preserved.
Court which provides that preliminary hearing of What is more important, the ideal of impartial
defenses is discretionary, hence the judge cannot be administration of justice is lived up to. Here, the
charged with partiality on the basis of such decision. judge, by assuming actual receipt by the respondents
(Gochan v. Gochan,G.R. No. 143089, Feb. 27, 2003) of proof of service of the motion for reconsideration,
absolving Banco Filipino from paying the expenses of
Sec. 2, Canon 3, NCJC production of documents, and suggesting to Banco
Judges shall ensure that his or her conduct, both in Filipino what evidence to present to prove its case,
and out of court, maintains and enhances the transgressed the boundaries of impartiality. Thus, the
confidence of the public, the legal profession and judge should inhibit himself. (Ty v. Banco Filipino
litigants in the impartiality of the judge and of the Savings and Mortgage Bank, et. al., G.R. Nos. 149797-
Judiciary. 98, Feb. 13, 2004)

Rationale: No judge should handle a case in which he might Q: Can a trial judge ask questions from witnesses?
be perceived, rightly or wrongly, to be susceptible to bias
and impartiality. His judgment must not be tainted by even A: Yes. In every examination of a witness, the court
the slightest suspicion of improbity or preconceived shall take active part in examining him to determine
interest. The rule is aimed at preserving at all times the his credibility as well as the truth of his testimony and
faith and confidence in courts of justice by any party to the to elicit the answers that it needs for resolving the
litigation. (Urbanes, Jr. v. C.A., G.R. No. 117964, Mar.28, issues (Sec. 7, Judicial Affidavit Rule).
Note: In disposing of a criminal case, a judge should avoid
Q: When is there undue interference by the judge? appearing like an advocate for either party. It is also
improper for the judge to push actively for amicable


settlement against the wishes of the complainant. A judge’s before him; or "impair the manifest fairness of the
unwelcome persistence makes the judge vulnerable to process.”
suspicions of favoritism. (Montemayor v. Bermejo, Jr.,A.M.
No.MTJ-04-1535, Mar. 12, 2004) Q: A murder case was filed against Martinez, Duclan
and Bayongan. As the first two were not
Sec. 3, Canon 3,NCJC apprehended, trial proceeded with respect to
Judges shall, so far as is reasonable, so conduct Bayongan. Thereafter, Judge Girronellam rendered a
themselves as to minimize the occasions on which decision acquitting Bayongan saying that he had no
it will be necessary for them to be disqualified participation in the commission of the crime as the
from hearing or deciding cases. crime was committed by Martinez. Subsequent to
the acquittal, Martinez surrendered and was
Q: What is meant by “duty to sit?” arraigned before the same court presided by Judge
Girronella. A Motion for inhibition was then filed on
A: It means that a judge must ensure that he will not the ground of partiality saying that the judge has
be unnecessarily disqualified from a case. already formed an opinion as to who committed the
crime. Should the judge be inhibited?
Q: May a judge inhibit himself as he pleases?
A: Yes. The judge’s statement in the decision
A: No. A decision to inhibit must be based on good, acquitting Bayongan to the effect that the crime was
sound or ethical grounds, or for just and valid committed by Martinez renders it impossible for the
reasons. It is not enough that a party cast some judge to be free from suspicion that in deciding the
tenuous allegations of partiality at the judge. case he will be biased. (Martinez v.Gironella, G.R. No.
L-37635, July 22, 1975)
Q: What is the Rule of Necessity?
Q: Justice Antonio Carpio penned a decision
A: It states that a judge is not disqualified to sit in a regarding the invalidity of the amended joint
case where there is no other judge available to hear venture agreement between Public Estates
and decide the case. Furthermore, when all judges Authority (PEA) and Amari Coastal Bay Development
will be disqualified as a result, it will not be permitted Corporation saying that the agreement is
to destroy the only tribunal with the power in the unconstitutional as PEA cannot transfer ownership
premises. The doctrine operates on the principle that of a reclaimed land to a private corporation. Amari
a basic judge is better than no judge at all. It is the now filed a motion to inhibit Justice Carpio on the
duty of the disqualified judge to hear and decide the ground of bias and pre-judgment allegedly because
case regardless of objections or disagreements. he had previously wrote in his column in Manila
(Parayno v.Meneses, G.R. No. 112684, Apr. 26, 1994) Times a statement to the effect that the law
requires public bidding of reclaimed projects and
Sec. 4, Canon 3, NCJC that the PEA-Amari contract is flawed for it was not
Judges shall not knowingly, while a proceeding is bid by the PEA. Decide on the motion.
before or could come before them, make any
A: The motion to inhibit must be denied for three
comment that might reasonably be expected to
affect the outcome of such proceeding or impair
the manifest fairness of the process. 1. The motion to inhibit must be denied if filed after
Nor shall judges make any comment in public or a member of the court had already rendered his
otherwise that might affect the fair trial of any opinion on the merits of the case. Here, the
person or issue. motion was filed after Justice Carpio had already
rendered a decision;
A judge’s language, both written and spoken, must be 2. The ratio decidendi of the decision was not based
guarded and measured, lest the best of intentions be on his statements on the column. Here, the
misconstrued. (Fecundo v. Berjamen,G.R. No. 88105, decision was based on constitutional grounds
Dec. 18, 1989) and not in the absence of public bidding; and
Q: What is the reason for the rule? 3. Judges and justices are not disqualified from
participating in a case just because they have
A: This Section warns judges against making any written legal articles on the law involved in the
comment that might reasonably be expected to affect case. (Chavez v. PEA, G.R. No. 133250, May 6,
the outcome of the proceedings before them; or 2003)
those that the judge may later decide but not yet


Judicial Ethics

Q: Are judges absolutely prohibited from making party for the purpose of protecting the property
comments? interests of the judge’s co-heirs, and then issued
warrants of arrest against the party, was found guilty
A: No. Not all comments are impermissible. Judges of serious misconduct and ordered dismissed from
may express their open-mindedness regarding a the bench before he was able to rescue himself
pending issue in cases where the judges’ comments (Oktubre v. Velasco A.M. No. MTJ-02-02-1444, July
do not necessarily favor one side over the other. 20, 2004)
Note: However, judges should avoid side remarks, hasty
conclusions, loose statements or gratuitous utterances that The judge served as executor, administrator,
suggest they are prejudging a case. Judges should be aware guardian, trustee or lawyer in the case or matter in
that the media might consider them a good and credible controversy, or a former associate of the judge
source of opinion or ideas, and therefore should refrain served as counsel during their association, or the
from making any comment on a pending case. Not only is judge or lawyer was a material witness therein (Sec.
there danger of being misquoted, but also of compromising
5(d), Canon 3, NCJC);
the rights of the litigants in the case.

Note: The restriction extends to judges who served as

Sec. 5, Canon 3, NCJC lawyers in closely related cases.
Judges shall disqualify themselves from
participating in any proceeding in which they are The judge’s ruling in a lower court is the subject of
unable to decide the matter impartially or in which review (Sec. 5(e), Canon 3, NCJC);
it may appear to a reasonable observer that they
are unable to decide the matter impartially. Note: An associate justice of the Court of Appeals refused
to inhibit himself from reviewing the decision in a case
Q: What does the phrase “any proceedings” include? which he had partially heard as a trial judge prior to his
promotion, on the ground that the decision was not written
A: Such proceedings include, but are not limited to by him. The Supreme Court upheld his refusal, but
instances where: nevertheless commented that he "should have been more
The judge has actual bias or prejudice concerning prudent and circumspect and declined to take on the case
a party or personal knowledge of disputed owing to his earlier involvement in the case”. The Court has
evidentiary facts concerning the proceedings held that a judge should not handle a case in which he
(Sec. 5(a), Canon 3, NCJC); might be perceived, rightly or wrongly, to be susceptible to
Note: The rule also requires disqualification if a judge bias and prejudice. (Sandoval v. CA, G.R. No. 106657,Aug. 1,
has outside knowledge of disputed facts. To be a 1996)
ground for disqualification, the knowledge must be
obtained extra-judicially like out-of-court observations. The judge is related by consanguinity or affinity to a
This prohibition also disallows extra-judicial research party litigant within the 6 civil degree or to counsel
on the internet. th
within the 4 civil degree (Sec. 5(f), Canon 3, NCJC);
Litigants are entitled to a judge who will decide on the
Note: A preliminary injunction issued by a judge in favor of
merits of the facts presented.
his sister before inhibiting himself was found reprehensible.
(Hurtado v.Judajena, G.R. No. L-40603, July 13, 1978)
The judge previously served as a lawyer or was a
material witness in the matter in controversy (Sec. No judge should preside in a case which he is not wholly
5(b), Canon 3, CJC); free, disinterested, impartial and independent. (Garcia v.
De La Pena. A.M.No.MTJ-92-637, Feb. 9, 1994)
Note: A judge may be disqualified if he was formerly
associated with one of the parties or their counsel. The judge knows that his or her spouse or child has
a financial interest as heir, legatee, creditor,
A judge who previously notarized the affidavit of a person fiduciary or otherwise, in the subject matter in
to be presented as a witness in a case before him shall be controversy or in a party to the proceeding, or any
disqualified from proceeding with the case. other interest that could be substantially affected by
the outcome of the proceedings. (Sec. (g), Canon 3,
The judge, or a member of his or her family, has an NCJC)
economic interest in the outcome of the matter in
controversy (Sec. 5(c), Canon 3, NCJC); Note: This rule is intended to ensure judges’ impartiality by
preventing situations in which a judge must consider
A municipal judge who filed complaints in his own familial interests in the conflicts before him or her. If the
court for robbery and malicious mischief against a public is aware of a family member’s financial interest, the


public may question the judge’s impartiality protect the rights of the parties and assure an
impartial administration of justice, as well as to
Q: When Atty. Rojas was appointed as a judge, he prevent erosion of the people's confidence in the
inherited a criminal case in which he acted as judiciary. (Marfil v. Cuachon, A.M. No. 2360-MJ,Aug.
prosecutor. He explained that his delay in inhibiting 31, 1981)
himself from presiding on that case was because it
was only after the belated transcription of the Q: Are the grounds for disqualification of a judge
stenographic notes that he remembered that he enumerated under Sec. 5 of Canon 3 exclusive?
handled that case. He also says that the counsels did
not object and he never held “full-blown” hearings A: No. The provision provides that it is not limited to
anyway. Should Judge Rojas be reprimanded? the grounds therein provided.

A: Yes. The Rules of Court prevent judges from trying

Sec. 6, Canon 3, NCJC
cases where they acted as counsel “without” the
A judge disqualified as stated above may, instead
consent of the parties. This prevents not only a
of withdrawing from the proceeding, disclose on
conflict of interest but also the appearance of
the records the basis of disqualification.
impropriety on the part of the judge. Here, the judge
If, based on such disclosure, the parties and
should not have taken part in the proceeding as his
lawyers, independently of the judge’s
impartiality will naturally be questioned considering
participation, all agree in writing that the reason
that he previously handled the case as prosecutor. He
for inhibition is immaterial or unsubstantial, the
should administer justice impartially & without delay.
judge may then participate in the proceeding.
The prohibition does not only cover hearings but all
The agreement, signed by all parties and lawyers,
judicial acts (e.g. orders, resolutions) some of which,
shall be incorporated in the record of the
Judge Rojas did make. (Re: Inhibition of Judge Eddie R.
Rojas, A.M. No. 98-6-185-RTC, Oct. 30, 1998)

Q: Judge Mijares was charged with grave Q: What are the types of disqualification?
misconduct for taking cognizance and deciding a
special proceeding for correction of entry in the A:
record of her grandson, notwithstanding such 1. Mandatory or compulsory disqualification
relationship. It was also alleged that the judge 2. Voluntary disqualification or inhibition
dispensed with the publication requirement in said
proceeding. In her answer, Judge Mijares contended Q: What is inhibition?
that the prohibition provided for under the Code
does not apply to special proceeding which is not A: An act when a judge personally prevents himself
controversial in nature and since she does not have from taking cognizance of the case. This is made
any pecuniary interest in the case. Is the contention through a written petition to inhibit which shall state
correct? the grounds for the same. The explanation of the
judge whether or not to take cognizance of the case
A: No. A judge who is related to a party within the 6
th must also be in writing.
degree of consanguinity is mandated to inhibit
himself from hearing the case “notwithstanding lack If the judge inhibits himself from taking cognizance of
of pecuniary interest in the case”. This is so because the case, the same cannot be appealed. However,
lack of such interest does not mean that she can the judge should not immediately inhibit himself. He
already be free from bias and partiality in resolving should make a careful examination by first taking
the case by reason of her close blood relationship as into consideration the following:
evident from the fact that here, she waived the 1. General consideration – whether or not
publication requirement in order to save the people’s faith in the judicial system will be
petitioner from the payment of publication fee. Thus, impaired
the judge’s taking cognizance of the petition is 2. Special consideration –He must reflect on the
improper. (Villaluz v.Mijares, A.M. No. RTJ -98-1402 probability that the losing party will nurture at
288, Apr. 3, 1998) the back of his mind that he tilted the scale of
Q: What degree of compliance is required by the
rule under Canon 3, Section 5 of NCJC? Q: What are the distinctions between
disqualification and inhibition?
A: Strict compliance of the rule is required so as to
Judicial Ethics

A: his objectivity may not constitute reversible error.

There are specific The rule only provides Q: Does the filing of an administrative case against a
grounds enumerated broad basis for judge disqualify him from sitting in a case?
under the rules of court inhibition.
for disqualification. A: No, it does not automatically disqualify him. It
The judge has no The rule leaves the must be shown that there are other acts or conducts
discretion; mandatory matter to the judge’s by the judge which constitute a ground for his
sound discretion disqualification.

Note: The second paragraph of Section 1, Rule 137does not Q: May mandamus lie to compel a judge to inhibit
give the judge the unfettered discretion to decide whether himself?
or not he will desist from hearing a case. The inhibition
must be for just and valid causes. The mere imputation of A: Yes, a judge may by mandamus be compelled to
bias or partiality is not enough ground for a judge to inhibit, act on questions regarding his disqualification from
especially when the same is without any basis. (People v.
sitting in a case.
Kho, G.R. No. 139381, Apr. 20, 2001)

Q: When should the petition to disqualify be filed?

Q: What are the grounds for mandatory
A: The petition to disqualify a judge must be filed
before rendition of the judgment, and cannot be
raised on appeal. Otherwise, the parties are deemed
1. When he, or his wife, or child is pecuniarily
to have waived any objection regarding the
interested as heir, legatee, creditor, or
impartiality of the judge.
2. When he is related to either party within the 6
Q: A judge rendered a decision in a criminal case
degree of consanguinity or affinity or to counsel
th finding the accused guilty of estafa. Counsel for the
within the 4 civil degree;
accused filed a motion for reconsideration which
3. When he has been an executor, guardian,
was submitted without arguments. Later, another
administrator, trustee, or counsel; or
lawyer entered his appearance for the accused. The
4. When he has presided in an inferior court where
judge issued an order inhibiting himself from further
his ruling or decision is subject to review,
sitting in the case because the latter lawyer had
without the written consent of the parties. (Rule
been among those who recommended him to the
137, RRC)
bench. Can the judge’s voluntary inhibition be
Q: When may a judge voluntarily inhibit himself?
A: The judge may not voluntarily inhibit himself by
A: The judge may in his discretion inhibit himself, for
the mere fact that a lawyer recommended him to the
just and valid reasons other than the grounds for
bench. In fact, the appearance of said lawyer is a test
mandatory disqualification. The rule on voluntary
as to whether the judge can act independently and
disqualification or inhibition is discretionary upon the
courageously in deciding the case according to his
judge on the basis of his conscience.
conscience. “Inhibition is not allowed at every
instance that a friend, classmate, associate or patron
This leaves the discretion to the judge to decide for
of a presiding judge appears before him as counsel
himself questions as to whether he will desist from
for one of the parties to a case. ‘Utang na loob’, per
sitting in a case for other just and valid reasons with
se, should not be a hindrance to the administration of
only his conscience to guide him, unless he cannot
justice. Nor should recognition of such value in
discern for himself his inability to meet the test of
Philippine society prevent the performance of one’s
cold neutrality required of him, in which event the
duties as judge.” However, in order to avoid any
appellate court will see to it that he disqualifies
suspicion of partiality, it is better for the judge to
voluntarily inhibit himself. (Query of Executive Judge
Estrella T. Estrada, Regional Trial Court of Malolos,
A decision to disqualify himself is not conclusive and
Bulacan, on the Conflicting Views of Regional Trial
his competency may be determined on application
Court – Judges Masadao and Elizaga Re: Criminal
for mandamus to compel him to act. Judge’s decision
Case No. 4954-M, A.M. No. 87-9-3918-RTC, Oct. 26,
to continue hearing a case in which he is not legally
prohibited from trying notwithstanding challenge to



Q: Does a judge’s active participation during the Q: What does the Code prohibit?
hearing of the writ of preliminary injunction amount
to an evident display of his bias and partiality in A: It prohibits not only actual impropriety but even
favor of the private respondents and should he the mere appearance of impropriety.
therefore disqualify himself from further hearing the
civil case? Q: When can one say that there is an appearance of
A: No. Mere intervention of the respondent judge
during the hearing of preliminary injunction by simply A: When the conduct of a judge would create
asking the materiality of a question directed upon the unreasonable minds a perception that the judge’s
witness and ruling against the petitioners are within ability to carry out judicial responsibilities with
the prerogatives and powers of the judge. The fact integrity, impartiality and competence is impaired.
that the judge asked questions in the course of the
trial does not make him a biased judge. (Hizon v. Dela Note: Acts done by a judge which are not illegal may still
Fuente,G.R. No. 152328, Mar. 23, 2004). constitute a violation of this rule.

Q: What is remittal of disqualification? Q: After the prosecution cross-examined Sheila, a

witness for the accused, Judge Pedro asked her ten
A: A judge disqualified may, instead of withdrawing additional questions that were so intense, they
from the proceeding, disclose in the records the basis made her cry. One question forced Sheila to admit
of disqualification. If, based on such disclosure, the that her mother was living with another man, a fact
parties and lawyers, independently of the judge’s that weighed against the accused. This prompted
participation, all agree in writing that the reason for the latter’s counsel to move to move to expunge the
the inhibition is immaterial or insubstantial; the judge judge’s questions for building on the prosecution’s
may then participate in the proceeding. The case. Judge Pedro denied the motion, insisting that
agreement, signed by all parties and lawyers, shall be bolstering a party’s case is incidental to the court’s
incorporated in the record of the proceedings. (Sec. 6, desire to be clarified. Did Judge Pedro commit an
Canon 3, NCJC) impropriety? (2011 Bar Question)

Q: What are the requirements for a judge to A: Yes, because he effectively deprived the defense of
continue hearing a case despite the existence of its right to due process when he acted both as
reasons for disqualifications? prosecutor and judge.

A: Q: Cite examples of acts of a judge which are not

1. The bona fide disclosure to the parties in illegal but will constitute a violation of this rule.
litigation; and
2. The express acceptance by all the parties of the A:
cited reason as not material or substantial. 1. The act of a judge of hearing cases on a day when
he is supposed to be on official leave. (Re:
PROPRIETY Anonymous complaint Against Judge Edmundo
Acuña, A.M. No. RTJ-04-1891, July 28, 2005)
CANON 4 2. Photograph showing the judge and a subordinate
PROPRIETY AND THE APPEARANCE OF PROPRIETY coming out of a hotel together even if there was
ARE ESSENTIAL TO THE PERFORMANCE OF ALL THE no clear evidence of sexual congress between
ACTIVITIES OF A JUDGE. them is enough to give rise to the appearance of
impropriety that the code strongly warns against.
Note: The judge’s own perception of motives is not (Liwanag v. Lustre, A.M. No. MTJ-98-1168, Apr.
relevant when considering appearance of impropriety. 21 1999)
3. Joking remark made by a judge to a litigant
Sec. 1, Canon 4, NCJC suggesting that the litigant prove he harbored no
Judges shall avoid impropriety and the ill feelings towards the judge. (Co v. Plata, A.M.
appearance of impropriety in all of their activities. No. MTJ-03-1501,Mar. 14, 2005)

Note: The public holds judges to higher standards of Q: During the hearing of an election protest filed by
integrity and ethical conduct than lawyers and other the brother of Judge Dojillo, the latter sat beside the
persons not invested with public trust. counsel of his brother allegedly to give moral
support. Did the judge commit any improper
Judicial Ethics

conduct? touched her private parts and attempted to have

sexual intercourse with Reyes. Reyes shouted for
A: Yes. The judge violated the rule on impropriety help but the TV was too loud. As a desperate move,
under Sec 1, Canon 4, NCJC for even if he did not Reyes appealed to Judge Duque saying: “kung gusto
intend to use his position as a judge to influence the mo, huwag dito. Sa hotel, sasama ako sayo.” Judge
outcome of his brother’s election protest, it cannot Duque suddenly stopped his sexual advances and
be denied that his presence in the courtroom during ordered Reyes to fix her hair. Is the respondent
the hearing of his brother’s case would immediately judge guilty of impropriety and gross misconduct?
give cause for the community to suspect that his
being a colleague in the judiciary would influence the A: Yes. Judges should avoid impropriety and the
judge trying the case to favor his brother (Vidal v. appearance of impropriety in all of their activities.
Judge Dojillo Jr., A.M. No. MTJ-05-1591, July 14, Judges should conduct themselves in a way that is
2005). consistent with the dignity of the judicial office.
Judges, like any other citizen, are entitled to freedom
Note: The Judge’s act in riding in defendant’s car deserves of expression, belief, association and assembly, but in
the stern probation of the Court. By such act, he openly exercising such rights, they should always conduct
exposed himself and the office he holds to suspicion, thus themselves in such a manner as to preserve the
impairing the trust and faith of the people in the
dignity of the judicial office and the impartiality and
administration of justice. A judge’s official conduct should
independence of the judiciary.
be free from the appearance of impropriety and his
personal conduct and behavior should be beyond reproach.
(Spouses Cabreana v. Avelino A.M. No. 1733 CFI, Sept. 30, The conduct of Judge Duque fell short of the exacting
1981) standards for members of the judiciary. He failed to
behave in a manner that would promote confidence
Q: Judge Duque of the RTC was charged with in the judiciary. Considering that a judge is a visible
Impropriety, Corruption and Gross Misconduct. representation of the law and of justice, he is
Reyes alleged that she was a party-in-intervention in naturally expected to be the epitome of integrity and
Land Registration filed by the Philippine Savings should be beyond reproach. Judge Duque’s conduct
Bank against the spouses Choi. In a Decision, Judge indubitably bore the marks of impropriety and
Duque granted the motion for the issuance of a writ immorality. He failed to live up to the high moral
of possession in favor of the bank. Complainant standards of the judiciary and even transgressed the
Reyes filed an “Urgent Petition for Lifting and ordinary norms of decency of society. Had Judge
Setting Aside of Writ of Possession and Quashal Duque not retired, his misconduct would have
of Notice to Vacate” claiming that she bought the merited his dismissal from the service. (Reyes v.
subject property from the spouses Choi and that she Duque, A.M. No. RTJ-08-2136 , Sept. 21, 2010)
was in actual possession of the property with full
knowledge of the bank. At the hearing, Atty. Ubana, Sec. 2, Canon 4, NCJC
the lawyer of Reyes, introduced her to Judge Duque As a subject of constant public scrutiny, judges
who allegedly gave Reyes 30 days to settle matters must accept personal restrictions that might be
with the bank. She was unable to re-negotiate with viewed as burdensome by the ordinary citizen and
the bank. Reyes then allegedly received a phone call should do so freely and willingly.
from Judge Duque and he instructed Reyes to go “to In particular, judges shall conduct themselves in a
his house and bring some money in order that he way that is consistent with the dignity of the
can deny the pending motion to break open.” When judicial office.
she already had the money, she went to his house.
The son of Judge Duque opened the gate. At his Note: Membership in the judiciary circumscribes one’s
house, Judge Duque demanded money from her. personal conduct and imposes upon him certain
restrictions, the faithful observance of which, is the price
Another incident happened, whereby Reyes went to one has to pay for holding such a distinguished position.
Accordingly, a magistrate of the law must comport himself
the house of Judge Duque for the payment of a sum
in a manner that his conduct must be free of a whiff of
of money. Judge Duque allegedly scolded her for not impropriety, not only with respect to the performance of
bringing the whole amount. Judge Duque then his official duties, but also to his behavior outside his sala
locked the main door of his house and asked Reyes and as a private individual. His conduct must be able to
to step into his office. Judge Duque held the waist of withstand the most searching public scrutiny, for the ethical
Reyes, embraced and kissed her. Reyes tried to principles and sense of propriety of a judge are essential to
struggle and free herself. Judge Duque raised her the preservation of the people’s faith in the judicial system
skirt, opened her blouse and sucked her breasts. He lest public confidence in the judiciary would be eroded by
the incompetent, irresponsible and negligent conduct of
judges. (Bayaca v. Judge Ramos, A.M. No. MTJ-07-1676, judges to scrupulously guard against any act that may
Jan. 29, 2009) be construed as an expression of bias in favor of a
Q: What is dignified conduct?
Note: Constant company with a lawyer tends to breed
A: Dignified conduct is best described as conduct intimacy and camaraderie to the point that favors in the
befitting men and women possessed of temperance future may be asked from the judge which he may find it
and respect for the law and for others. hard to resist. If a judge is seen eating and drinking in public
places with a lawyer who has cases pending in his or her
sala, public suspicion may be aroused, thus tending to
Q: Judge Gonzales together with his two male
erode the trust of litigants in the impartiality of the judge.
friends went to the house of A and asked the two
(Padilla v. Zantua, G.R. No. 110990, Oct. 23, 1994)
girls who were then boarding in A’s house to
accompany his two male friends and take a stroll in Q: Complainant Prosecutor filed an administrative
the beach. When the girls refused, the judge complaint against respondent Sandiganbayan
admonished them. Consequently, the judge was Justices for grave misconduct, conduct unbecoming
charged with conduct unbecoming of a judge. Will a Justice, and conduct grossly prejudicial to the
the action prosper? interest of the service. Allegedly, during a hearing,
Justice Ong uttered words like “We are playing Gods
A: Yes. A judge should so comport himself as not to here, we will do what we want to do, your contempt
degrade or bring embarrassment to his office. Here, is already out, we fined you eighteen thousand
Judge Gonzales’ act of imposing his will on the pesos, even if you will appeal, by that time I will be
complainants constitutes conducts unbecoming of a there, Justice of the Supreme Court.” Also, he often
judge who should be civil, humble and considerate of asked lawyers from which law schools they had
the rights of others. (Mariano v. Gonzales, A.M. No. graduated, and frequently inquired whether the law
2180-MJ 114, May 31, 1982) school in which Justice Hernandez had studied and
from which he had graduated was better than his
Note: In every litigation, the manner and attitude of a judge
(Justice Ong’s) own alma mater. The complainant
are crucial to everyone concerned. It is not for him to
indulge or even to give the appearance of catering to the opined that the query was manifestly intended to
at-times human failing of yielding to first impressions. He is emphasize that the San Beda College of Law, the
to refrain from reaching hasty conclusions or prejudging alma mater of Justice Ong, and the UP College of
matters. It would be deplorable if he lays himself open to Law, that of Justice Hernandez, were the best law
the suspicion of reacting to feelings rather than to facts, of schools. On another occasion in that hearing in Cebu
being imprisoned in the net of his own sympathies and City, Justice Hernandez discourteously shouted at
predilections. His language, both written and spoken, must Prosecutor Hazelina Tujan-Militante, who was then
be guarded and measured, lest the best intentions be
observing trial from the gallery and said “You are
misconstrued. He should avoid such action as would subject
better than Director Somido? Are you better than
him to suspicion of interest in a case in his court. It is of
utmost importance that a judge must preserve the trust Director Chua? Are you here to supervise Somido?
and confidence reposed in him by the parties as an Your office is wasting funds for one prosecutor who
impartial, unbiased and dispassionate dispenser of justice. is doing nothing”. Finally, Justice Hernandez berated
When he conducts himself in a manner that gives rise, fairly Atty. Pangalangan, the father of former UP Law
or unfairly, to perceptions of bias, such faith and confidence Dean Raul Pangalangan, and uttered words such as
are eroded. His decisions, whether right or wrong, will “Just because your son is always nominated by the
always be under suspicion of irregularity. (Abesa v. Judge JBC to Malacañang, you are acting like that! Do not
Nacional, A.M. No. MTJ-05-1605, June 8, 2006)
forget that the brain of the child follows that of their
(sic) mother.” Should the respondent justices be
Sec. 3, Canon 4, NCJC held liable for conduct unbecoming?
Judges shall, in their personal relations with
individual members of the legal profession who A: Yes. Publicizing professional qualifications or
practice regularly in their court, avoid situations boasting of having studied in and graduated from
which might reasonably give rise to the suspicion certain law schools, no matter how prestigious, might
or appearance of favoritism or partiality. have even revealed, on the part of Justice Ong and
Justice Hernandez, shows their bias for or against
Q: What is the reason for this rule? some lawyers. Their conduct was impermissible,
consequently, for Section 3, Canon 4 of the New Code
A: This section is directed at bolstering the principle of Judicial Conduct for the Philippine Judiciary,
of cold neutrality of an impartial judge as it requires demands that judges avoid situations that may


Judicial Ethics

reasonably give rise to the suspicion or appearance of While judges are not expected to live a hermit-like
favoritism or partiality in their personal relations with existence or cease functioning as citizens of the
individual members of the legal profession who Republic, they should remember that they do not
practice regularly in their courts. Judges should be disrobe themselves of their judicial office upon
dignified in demeanor, and refined in speech. In leaving their salas. In the exercise of their civil
performing their judicial duties, they should not liberties, they should be circumspect and ever
manifest bias or prejudice by word or conduct mindful that their continuing commitment to
towards any person or group on irrelevant grounds. It upholding the judiciary and its values places upon
is very essential that they should live up to the high them certain implied restraints to their freedom.
standards their noble position on the Bench
demands. Their language must be guarded and Q: In an anonymous letter sent to the OCA, Judge
measured, lest the best of intentions be Acuña was charged with improper conduct for
misconstrued. In this regard, Section 3, Canon 5 of allegedly making humiliating statements such as
the New Code of Judicial Conduct for the Philippine “putris,” and “putang-ina”. In his comment, Judge
Judiciary, mandates judges to carry out judicial duties Acuña explained that those words are only his
with appropriate consideration for all persons, such favorite expressions and they are not directed to
as the parties, witnesses, lawyers, court staff, and any particular person. He also explained that his
judicial colleagues, without differentiation on any behavior is justified by the fact that he is still
irrelevant ground, immaterial to the proper mourning the sudden demise of his eldest son. Is the
performance of such duties. (Jamsani-Rodriguez v. Judge guilty of improper conduct?
Ong, A.M. No. 08-19-SB-J, Aug. 24, 2010)
A: Yes. Judges are demanded to be always temperate,
Sec. 4, Canon 4, NCJC patient and courteous both in the conduct and
Judges shall not participate in the determination of language. Indeed, judges should so behave at all
a case in which any member of their family times because having accepted the esteemed
represents a litigant or is associated in any manner position of a judge he ought to have known that more
with the case. is expected of him than ordinary citizen. Here, the
judge’s use of humiliating and insensitive expressions
This rule rests on the principle that no judge should preside like “putris” and ”putang-ina” is improper as such
in a case in which the judge is not wholly free, intemperate language detracts from how he should
disinterested, impartial and independent. conduct himself. Moreover, it does not matter
whether such expressions were directed to a
Sec. 5, Canon 4, NCJC particular person or not, as they give the impression
Judges shall not allow the use of their residence by a of a person’s ill manners. (Re: Anonymous complaint
member of the legal profession to receive clients of Against Judge Acuña, A.M. No. RTJ-04-1891, July 28,
the latter or of other members of the legal 2005)
Note: Judges in the exercise of their civil liberties, should be
circumspect and ever mindful of their continuing
It was inappropriate for a judge to have entertained a
commitment to uphold the judiciary and its value places
litigant in his house particularly when the case is still
upon them certain implied restraints to their freedom. A
pending before his sala. (J. King and Sons. v. Hontanosas,
judge was admonished for the appearance of engaging in
Adm. Matter No. RTJ-03-1802, Sept. 21, 2004)
partisan politics when he participated in a political rally
sponsored by one party, even though he only explained the
Q: What is the reason for this rule? mechanics of block voting to the audience. (Macias v. Arula,
A.M. No. 1895-CFI, July 20, 1982)
A: The reason is that judges are required to always Sec. 7, Canon 4, NCJC
exhibit cold neutrality of an impartial judge. Judges shall inform themselves about their
personal fiduciary and financial interests and shall
Sec. 6, Canon 4, NCJC make reasonable efforts to be informed about the
Judges, like any other citizen, are entitled to financial interests of members of their family.
freedom of expression, belief, association and
assembly, but in exercising such rights, they shall Note: This section should be read in conjunction with Sec. 7
always conduct themselves in such a manner as to of the R.A. 6713 (Code of Conduct and Ethical standards for
preserve the dignity of the judicial office and the Public Officials and Employee), which prohibits certain
impartiality and independence of the judiciary. personal fiduciary and financial conflicts. A judge shall
refrain from financial and business dealings that tend to
reflect adversely on the court's impartiality, interfere with


the proper performance of judicial activities, or increase which may tend to corrode the respect and dignity of
involvement with lawyers or persons likely to come before the court as bastion of justice. Here, the act of the
the court. judge in using the court facilities to promote family
business is improper. (Dionisio v. Escano, A.M.No.
Sec. 8, Canon 4, NCJC RTJ-98-1400, Feb. 1, 1999)
Judges shall not use or lend the prestige of the
judicial office to advance their private interests, or Q: What is ticket fixing?
those of a member of their family or of anyone
else, nor shall they convey or permit others to A: Ticket fixing is misconduct in which judges
convey the impression that anyone is in a special impermissibly take advantage of their public position
position improperly to influence them in the to avoid punishment for traffic violations.
performance of judicial duties.
Sec. 9, Canon 4, NCJC
Q: What are the acts prohibited by the rule? Confidential information acquired by judges in
their judicial capacity shall not be used or
A: disclosed for any other purpose not related to
1. Judge’s act of using judicial office to advance their judicial duties.
private interests
Rationale: The prohibition will discourage, if not stop
Note: An RTC judge took advantage of his position, by judges from making business speculations in some business
filing in the Makati court a collection case in which he ventures, the secrets of which they learned by reason of
and his wife were the complainants. The Court ruled their position as judges.
that although a stipulation in the contract gave the
judge, as creditor, choice of venue, the judge had
Q: Judge Lilagam was charged with improper
nonetheless fallen short of what is expected of him as
conduct for allowing his wife to have access to court
a judicial officer. This act of the judge would lead the
public, and in particular the judge’s adversary, to records. In his answer, the judge admitted that he
suspect that the judge would use the choice of venue requested his wife who was previously a legal
as a means to exert influence in favor of himself. researcher, to go over the records and pinpoint
(Javier v. De Guzman, A.M. No. RTJ-89-380, Dec. 19, problem areas and to suggest measures to rectify
1990) the same and to improve the system of case
monitoring. Is the judge guilty of improper conduct?
2. Judge’s act of giving impression that he can be
influenced to use the judicial office to advance A: Yes. Records of cases are necessarily confidential,
the private interests of others. and to preserve their integrity and confidentiality,
access thereto ought to be limited only to the judge,
Note: Another common violation of this rule is using the parties or their counsel and the appropriate court
judicial power to exact personal vengeance. personnel in charge of the custody of said records.
Here, since Mrs. Lilagam is not a court employee
Q: Judge Escano was charged with allegedly using specifically in charge of the custody of said records,
court facilities (bulletin board) in advertising for the judge’s act of allowing her to have access thereto
attractive waitresses and cooks for possible is improper as such would convey the impression that
employment in their restaurant business. In she is the one who can influence the judge’s official
addition, the judge also allowed the use of the court function. (Gordon v. Lilagam, A.M. No. RTJ-00-1564,
address to receive applications as well as his office July 26, 2001)
in screening the applicants. In his comment, the
judge explained that he merely wanted to give Q: At the pre-trial of a civil case for collection, one of
assistance to his wife, and the posting of the parties mentioned that he expected to settle his
advertisements as well as the conduct of screening obligation as he was investing in some stocks of a
in his office is the most convenient way for him realty corporation that were sure to soar in the
considering the difficulty of locating the residence. market because of some confidential information he
Did the judge commit any unethical act? obtained from his brother-in-law, a top rank officer
of the corporation. Upon hearing the information
A: Yes. Judges shall not use or lend the prestige of the the judge lost no time in buying the stocks in the
judicial office to advance their private interests for realty corporation and as predicted, made a lot of
those of a member of a family. This is so to avoid money. Is the judge guilty of unethical conduct?
possible interference which may be created by such (1995 Bar Question)
business involvements in the exercise of their duties
Judicial Ethics

A: Yes. Sec. 9, Canon 4 of NJCJ provides that “no court or judge may only provoke negative follow-up reports
information acquired in a judicial capacity shall be and articles.
used or disclosed by a judge in any financial dealing
This section’s tolerance of judicially-related activities is
or for any other purpose not related to judicial
limited by Sec. 12, Article VIII of the Constitution, which
activities.” The judge in this case has violated the
prohibits judges from being “designated to any agency
foregoing rule, and acted unethically. performing quasi-judicial or administrative functions”.

Q: May a violation of this rule constitute criminal Q: May a judge be a member of the Provincial
offense? Committee on Justice?

A: Yes. The act may constitute the following criminal A: No. Such membership would violate the
offenses: Under Sec. ([k) of R.A. 3019, and under Art. constitutional provision on the discharge by members
229 and 230 of the RPC, to wit: of the judiciary of administrative functions in quasi-
1. Divulging valuable information of a confidential judicial or administrative agencies. This does not
character, acquired by his office or by him on mean, however, that judges should adopt an attitude
account of his official position to unauthorized of monastic insensibility or unbecoming indifference
persons, or releasing such information in to the Provincial/City Committee on Justice. As
advance of its authorized release date. (3[k] of incumbent judges, they form part of the structure of
R.A.3019) government. Even as non-members, Judges should
2. Revelation of secrets by an officer –Any public render assistance to said Committees to help
officer who shall reveal any secret known to him promote the laudable purposes for which they exist,
by reason of his official capacity, or shall but only when such assistance may be reasonably
wrongfully deliver papers or copies of papers of incidental to the fulfillment of their judicial duties. (In
which he may have charge and which should not Re: Designation of Judge Rodolfo U. Manzano, A.M.
be published, shall suffer imprisonment. No. 88-7-1861-RTC, Oct. 5, 1988)
(Art.229, RPC)
Note: Under Sec. 10(c), Section 10, Canon 4, a judge may
3. Public officer revealing secrets of private engage in private business without the written permission
individual –Any public officer to whom the of the Supreme Court. (Borre v. Moya,A.M. No. 1765-CFI,
secrets of any private individual shall become Oct. 17, 1980)
known by reason of his office who shall reveal
such secrets, shall suffer the penalties of arresto Sec. 11, Canon 4, NCJC
mayor and a fine. (Art.230, RPC) Judges shall not practice law whilst the holder of
judicial office.
Sec. 10, Canon 4, NCJC
Subject to the proper performance of judicial duties, Q: What is the basis of the prohibition?
judges may:
1. Write, lecture, teach and participate in activities A: This prohibition is based on the inherent
concerning the law, the legal system, the incompatibility of the rights, duties and functions of
administration of justice or related matter; the office of an attorney with the powers, duties and
2. Appear at a public hearing before an official body functions of a judge.
concerned with matters relating to the law, the legal
system, the administration of justice or related Note: Sec. 35 of Rule 138 of the Rules of Court prohibits
matters; judges from engaging in the practice of law or giving
3. Engage in other activities if such activities do not professional advice to clients. Philippine courts not only
prohibit judges from overtly representing clients as counsel
detract from the dignity of the judicial office or
of record, but also from acting more subtly in a way more
otherwise interfere with the performance of judicial befitting an advocate than a judge.
The rule disqualifying a municipal judge from engaging in
Note: This section allows the judge to participate in legal the practice of law seeks to avoid the evil of possible use of
academia and public discourse on legal matters with the the power and influence of his office to affect the outcome
proviso that there shall be no interference in the of the litigation where he is retained as counsel. Compelling
performance of the judge’s primary functions with respect reasons of public policy lie behind this prohibition, and
to his or her jurisdiction. In dealing with the media judges are expected to conduct themselves in such a
however, the Philippine Judicial Academy suggests that a manner as to preclude any suspicion that they are
judge or court should avoid acrimonious debate with representing the interests of party litigant (Dia-Anonuevo v.
reporters and the public, for a knee jerk reaction from the Bercacio, A.M. No. 177-MTJ, Nov. 27, 1975)



Q: Respondent Judge Lelina was administratively Sec. 12, Canon 4, NCJC

charged for violation of Section 35, Rule 138 of the Judges may form or join associations of judges
Rules of Court and Rule 5.07, Canon 5 of the Code of or participate in other organizations
Judicial Conduct. He was then preventively representing the interests of judges.
suspended by the Court on account of an earlier
administrative complaint filed charging him with Note: This rule recognizes the difference between
harassment in connection with the criminal membership in associations of judges and membership in
complaint for Rape and the complaint for Abduction associations of other legal professionals. While attendance
with Rape and Slight Illegal Detention. He then filed at lavish events hosted by lawyers might create an
a Motion for Early Resolution of the criminal case appearance of impropriety, participation in judges-only
praying for a resolution in his favor. Subsequently organizations does not.
he appealed to the Court to grant him the
permission to practice law during the remainder of Q: What is the general rule with regard to
his preventive suspension or, if such cannot be prohibition against accepting gifts, bequests, or
granted, to consider him resigned from the loans?
judiciary. It turned out that before he filed the
above-said Manifestation, Appeal and Omnibus A: The general rule is that found in Sections 13and 14.
Motion, Judge Lelina engaged in the private practice
of law. Did the judge commit any unethical act? Sec. 13, Canon 4, NCJC
Judges and members of their families shall
A: Yes. Since Section 35, Rule 138 of the Rules of neither ask for nor accept, any gift, bequest, loan
Court and Section 11, Canon 4 of the New Code of or favor in relation to anything done or to be
Judicial Conduct for the Philippine Judiciary does not done or omitted to be done by him or her in
make any distinction in prohibiting judges from connection with the performance of judicial
engaging in the private practice of law while holding duties.
judicial office, no distinction should be made in its
application. In the present case, Judge Lelina having Sec. 14, Canon 4, NCJC
been merely suspended and not dismissed from the Judges shall not knowingly permit court staff or
service, he was still bound under the prohibition. others subject to their influence, direction or
(Binalay v. Lelina Jr,A.M. No. RTJ-08-2132, July 31, authority, to ask for, or accept, any gift, bequest,
2009) loan or favor in relation to anything done, to be
done or omitted to be done in connection with
Q: In an extrajudicial settlement of the estate of the their duties or functions.
late Juan Mayaman, the heirs requested Judge
Maawain, a family friend, to go over the document Note: Section 13 should be read in conjunction with Section
prepared by a new lawyer before they signed it. 7(d) of R.A. 6713 (Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards
Judge Maawain agreed and even acted as an for Public officials and Employee) which provides that,
instrumental witness. Did Judge Maawain engage in public officials and employees shall not solicit or accept,
the unauthorized practice of law? Why? (2002 Bar directly or indirectly, any gift, gratuity, favor,
entertainment, loan or anything of money value from any
person in the course of their official duties or in connection
with any operation being regulated by, or any transaction
A: No. In the case of de Castro v. Capulong, 118SCRA
which may be affected by the functions of their office.
5 (1982), the Supreme Court held that a judge who
merely acted as a witness to a document and who Respondent Judge Ganay clearly fell short of the exacting
explained to the party waiving his rights of standards set by the New Code of Judicial Conduct for the
redemption over mortgaged properties the Philippine Judiciary. His acts of receiving law books worth
consequences thereof, does not engage himself in fifty thousand pesos, cellular phones and monthly cellular
the practice of law. This appears to be more phone prepaid cards from the property guardians of the
applicable to the case of Judge Maawain. He did not late Rev. Fr. Aspiras, who was then the ward of the court,
give professional advice in anticipation of litigation. constitute impropriety which the Court cannot allow.
Respondent Judge Ganay’s act of issuing Orders directing
He was just asked to review a deed of extrajudicial
the manager of the PNB, La Union Branch to draw checks
settlement of estate. He signed merely as an amounting to thousands of pesos from the account of the
instrumental witness and not as a legal counsel. late Rev. Fr. Aspiras creates the impression of impropriety
Besides, his act was an isolated act. and subjects the court to suspicion of irregularities in the
conduct of the proceedings. (Heirs of the late Rev. Fr. Jose
Aspiras v.Judge Ganay, A.M. No. RTJ-07-2055, Dec. 17,
Judicial Ethics
Note: Section 14 should be read in relation to Section 7(d) 3. The acceptance by a public official or employee
of RA No. 6713 which prohibits public officials from of travel grants or expenses for travel taking
soliciting or accepting gifts from any person in the course of place entirely outside the Philippines (such as
their official duties.
allowances, transportation, food and lodging) of
more than nominal value if such acceptance is
Q: What is the reason for this rule? appropriate or consistent with the interest of the
Philippines, and permitted by the head office,
A: This section is intended to assure that what the branch or agency to which the judge belongs.
judge cannot do directly (soliciting gifts), may not be (Sec. 7[d], R.A. 6713)
done indirectly through the use of employees or staff
members. Q: When is a judge considered guilty of indirect
bribery? Of direct bribery?
Q: X was charged with grave threat before the sala
of Judge Elias Lelina. During the pendency of the A: Acceptance of gifts given by reason of the office of
case, X offered a business partnership to the the judge is indirect bribery (Art. 211, Revised Penal
daughter of Judge Lelina who then accepted the Code) Acts punishable in direct bribery are as follows:
same. Should the judge be disciplined?
a) By agreeing to perform an act which constitute a
A: Yes. Judges should not allow members of their crime in connection with his official duties for a
family to accept gifts nor favor in relation to anything consideration.
done, to be done, or omitted to be done by the judge b) By accepting a gift in consideration of the
in connection with the performance of his official execution of an act which does not constitute a
duties. Here, the judge’s act of allowing his daughter crime in consideration with the performance of
to accept the business offer of X despite knowledge his official duty.
of the possible intention of the latter who has c) By refraining, from doing something which it is
pending case in his sala is improper (Dulay v. Lelina his official duty to do, in consideration of gift or
Jr., A.M. No. RTJ-99-1516, July 14, 2005) promise. (Art. 210, Revised Penal Code)

Q: What is the exception to Sections 13 and 14 of Q: Under the Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act
Canon 4 of the NCJC? (RA 3019), is a judge criminally liable for receiving
gifts, presents or other pecuniary or material benefit
A: Canon 4, Section 15 of NCJC. for himself or for another under the conditions
provided in Section 2?
Sec. 15, Canon 4, NCJC
Subject to law and to any legal requirements of A: GR: Yes, the judge is liable criminally for directly or
public disclosure, judges may receive a token indirectly receiving gifts, presents or other pecuniary
gift, award or benefit as appropriate to the or material benefit for himself or for another under
occasion on which it is made, provided that such conditions provided in Section 2, pars. b and c of the
gift, award or benefit might not reasonably be law.
perceived as intended to influence the judge in
the performance of official duties or otherwise XPN: Unsolicited gifts or presents of small
give rise to an appearance of partiality. value offered or given as a mere ordinary
token of gratitude or friendship according to
Judges are allowed to accept token gifts, awards, or local custom or usage (Section 14, RA 3019)
benefits when given as a consequence of a special
occasion. Note: Under Section 16 Article XI of the 1987Constitution
“No loan, guarantee or other form of financial controlled
Q: What gifts and grants from foreign countries are bank or financial institution to members of the Supreme
Court xxx during their tenure.

A: It is a serious misconduct for a judge to receive money from

a litigant in the form of loans which he never intended to
1. The acceptance and retention by a public official
pay back. Even if the judge intends to pay, it is an act of
or employee of a gift of nominal value tendered impropriety to take a loan from a party litigant. The judge
and received as a souvenir or mark of courtesy; could not be wholly free from bias in deciding a case where
2. The acceptance by a public official or employee his lender is a party. A judge should always strive to be free
of a gift in the nature of a scholarship or from suspicion and all forms of improprieties. (Ompoc v.
fellowship grant or medical treatment; or Judge Torres, A.M. No. MTJ-86-11, Sept. 27, 1989)


Note: To ensure equality of treatment to all before the conclusions, or distasteful jokes that may give even
courts is essential to the due performance of the judicial erroneous impressions of prejudice and lead the
office. As the guardians of justice, courts must adhere to public to believe that cases before them are being
the principle of equality. People expect the courts to be
unaffected by differences in social status, degree of
education and even physical abilities.
Sec. 3, Canon 5, NCJC
EQUALITY Judges shall carry out judicial duties with
appropriate consideration for all persons, such as
CANON 5 the parties, witnesses, lawyers, court staff and
ENSURING EQUALITY OF TREATMENT TO ALL BEFORE judicial colleagues, without differentiation on
THE COURTS IS ESSENTIAL TO THE DUE any irrelevant ground, immaterial to the proper
PERFORMANCE OF THE JUDICIAL OFFICE. performance of such duties.

A judge must be able to render substantial justice and As arbiters of the law, judges should be
maintain public confidence in the judicial system, by conscientious, studious, courteous, patient and
being aware of the diversity in society. With that punctual in the discharge of their judicial duties,
awareness, a judge should not yield to first recognizing that time of litigants, witnesses and
impression, reach hasty conclusions or prejudge counsel is of value. Judges should act with decorum
matters. (Castillo v. Judge Juan, 62 SCRA 124) toward jurors, parties, court staff, spectators, and
Sec. 1, Canon 5, NCJC
Judges shall be aware of and understand Q: Judge Tormis made a comment in a certain case
diversity in society and differences arising from to the effect that the same should be dismissed as
various sources, including, but not limited to, the act complained of was already decriminalized by
race, color, sex, religion, national origin, caste, a special law. Thereafter, Judge Navarro, who
disability, age, marital status, sexual orientation, previously handled the case before he was
social and economic status, and other like appointed as a judge, barged into the office of Judge
causes. Tormis telling to the staff that their judge does not
know her law. Judge Tormis then retaliated by
Q: What is the reason for this rule? saying that to her, the office of Judge Navarro does
not exist. Are the judges guilty of conduct
A: To render substantial justice and maintain public unbecoming of a judge?
confidence in the judicial system, judges are expected
to be aware of the diversity in society that results A: Yes. Judges, being dispensers of justice should not
from an increased worldwide exchange of people and act in a way that would cast suspicion in order to
ideas. preserve faith in the administration of justice. They
should so behave to avoid poor public impression on
Note: Judges should be mindful of the various international the judiciary. Here, the judges act of fighting each
instruments and treaties ratified by the Philippines, which other by uttering derogatory remarks against each
affirm the equality of all human beings and establish a other is a conduct unbecoming of a judge for which
norm of non-discrimination without distinction as to race, they should be disciplined as their fight has impaired
sex, language, or religion. Judges should not yield to first the image of the judiciary. (Navarro v. Tormis, A.M.
impression, reach hasty conclusions or prejudge matters. No. MTJ-00-1337, Apr. 27, 2004)
They have a duty to ensure that the minority status of a
party plays no part in their decisions.
Q: Atty. Quinto was the defense counsel in a
criminal case. In his verified complaint, he alleged
Sec. 2, Canon 5, NCJC that during the hearing, he manifested that he was
Judges shall not, in the performance of judicial waiving the presentation of evidence for the
duties, by words or conduct, manifests bias or accused. Judge Vios then allegedly got angry,
prejudice towards any person or group on shouted and scolded him, stating that the defense
irrelevant grounds. had no right to waive the presentation of evidence.
Magistrates of law must comport themselves at all He did not even listen to Atty. Quinto’s explanation
times in such a manner that their conduct, can and, thereafter, compelled the latter to withdraw
withstand the highest level of public scrutiny. his appearance as counsel of the accused, under
pain of contempt. In the presence of the
Judges should avoid private remarks, hasty complainant, Judge Vios appointed a counsel


Judicial Ethics

deofficio. May Judge Vios be held administratively Judges should conduct proceedings in court with
liable for compelling the lawyer to withdraw as dignity and in a manner that reflects the importance
counsel for the accused under pain of contempt? and seriousness of proceedings. They should maintain
order and proper decorum in the court. (Rule 3.03,
A: Yes. A judge should avoid unconsciously falling Canon 3, 1989 Code of Judicial Conduct)
into the attitude of mind that the litigants are made
for the courts, instead of the courts for the litigants. Judges have the duty to prevent lawyers from
Here, the judge should be held liable for misconduct abusing witnesses with unfair treatment.
when he threatened to punish complainant for
contempt of court if he would refuse to withdraw his As courts are expected to ensure equality, any lawyer
appearance, as counsel for the accused, when the who makes an insensitive or demeaning comment in
latter insisted on waiving the presentation of the court should be admonished.
evidence for the defense.(Atty. Quinto v. Judge Vios,
A.M. No. MTJ-04-1551, May 21, 2004) Q: During the hearing of a case for statutory rape
filed against X, the lawyer is asking the 6-year-old
Note: Unequal and disparate treatment in the courthouse, victim to relate exactly and step by step the sexual
whether intentional or perceived, is unacceptable and can intercourse between her and the accused. The
negatively impact the professional lives of attorneys and lawyer is also asking questions whether at the time
employees, the assessment of claims of litigants, and the of the alleged rape, the accused’s penis was hard,
respect and credibility of the justice system. and whether at the time they were caught, the
accused was still pushing and pulling his penis inside
Sec. 4, Canon 5, NCJC her vagina. Should the judge allow such questions?
Judges shall not knowingly permit court staff or
others subject to his or her influence, direction or A: No. The judge shall require lawyers to refrain from
control to differentiate between persons making abusive and uncalled for queries. Here, the
concerned, in a matter before the judge, on any fact that the victim of rape is a child of tender years,
irrelevant ground. there is more reason to require the lawyer to be
tactful. No woman especially child of tender years
Q: What are the duties of judges under this section? would exactly remember step by step the sexual
intercourse in the hands of the maniacal beast.
A: Hence, all the questions asked are excessive. (People
1. To ensure that court personnel under their v. Boras, G.R. No. 127495,Dec. 22, 2000)
supervision do not discriminate by dispensing
special favors or disclosing confidential COMPETENCE AND DILIGENCE
information to any unauthorized person,
regardless of whether such information came CANON 6
from authorized or unauthorized sources; and COMPETENCE AND DILIGENCE ARE PRE-REQUISITES
2. To organize their courts to ensure the prompt
and convenient dispatch of business and should A judge upon assumption to office, becomes the
not tolerate misconduct by clerks, sheriffs and visible representation of law and of justice, hence,
other assistants who are sometimes prone to the Constitution (Section 7 (3), Article VIII), prescribes
expect favors or special treatment due to their that he must be a person of proven competence as a
professional relationship with the judge. requisite of his membership in the judiciary.

A judge should be the epitome of competence,

Note: All personnel involved in the dispensation of justice
should conduct themselves with a high degree of
integrity and independence to be able to render
responsibility. (Mataga v. Rosete, A.M. No.MTJ-03-1488, justice and uphold public confidence in the legal
Oct. 13, 2004) system. He must be conversant with basic legal
principles and well-settled doctrines. He should strive
Sec. 5, Canon 5, NCIC for excellence and seek the truth with passion.(Rino
Judges shall require lawyers in proceedings before v. Judge Cawaling, A.M. No. MTJ-02-1391, June 7,
the court to refrain from manifesting, by words or 2004)
conduct, bias or prejudice based on irrelevant Note: As members of the judiciary, judges ought to know
grounds, except such as are legally relevant to an the fundamental legal principles; otherwise, they are
issue in proceedings and may be the subject of susceptible to administrative sanction for gross ignorance
legitimate advocacy. of the law (Heirs of Piedad v.Estrella, A.M. No. RTJ-09-2170,


Dec. 16, 2009). was filed for incurring leaves of absence for almost a
straight period of 3 years. In his comment, he
Q: Judge Ramos was charged with gross misconduct, claimed that he was suffering from a lingering illness
dishonesty, gross ignorance of the law, arbitrary of malignant hypertension which claim was
detention, incompetence, grave abuse of discretion, supported by medical certificates prepared by his
and conduct prejudicial to the best interest of the personal doctor. However, when the court physician
service allegedly for erroneously issuing a warrant of conducted some tests, the same contradicted the
arrest against Bayaca. It was alleged that Bayaca diagnosis given by the judge’s personal doctor. Is
was convicted by Judge Ramos in a criminal case for Judge Calderon guilty of gross misconduct?
arson through reckless imprudence and imposed
upon him the penalty of imprisonment, with all the A: Yes. A judge shall be cautious of his court duties.
accessory penalties imposed by law in addition to Here, the judge should have been aware that, in
the payment of costs and damages. On appeal, the frequently leaving his station, he has caused great
RTC deleted the penalty of imprisonment. However, disservice to many litigants and has denied them
Judge Ramos subsequently issued a warrant of speedy justice. (Re: Leaves of Absence Without
arrest and Commitment on Final Sentence which led Approval of Judge Eric Calderon, Municipal Trial Court
to complainant’s incarceration at the Solano District Judge of Calumpit, Bulacan, A.M. No. 98-8-105-MTC,
Jail from August 8 to 28, 2006. In his comment, the Jan. 26, 1999)
judge clarified that his issuance of the warrant of
arrest against Bacaya was a mistake done in good Q: Judge Limsiaco was charged with gross ignorance
faith and that the same was just a simple of the law and procedure and violations of the Code
negligence. Should the judge be disciplined? of Judicial Conduct when it was established by the
records and by his own admission that he decided
A: Yes. The judge was inexcusably negligent when he an ejectment case before his sala more than two (2)
issued a Warrant of Arrest and Commitment to Final years after it was declared submitted for resolution.
Sentence despite the deletion by the appellate court Due to his delay of rendering the decision, he was
of that portion of the judgment imposing the penalty held guilty of the said charge. He moved for an
of imprisonment. In the performance of his duties, extension of time to file a motion for
Judge Ramos failed to observe that diligence, reconsideration. Despite the extension of time given
prudence and circumspection which the law requires however, Judge Limsiaco failed to file his motion for
in the rendition of any public service. If only Judge reconsideration and the required explanation thrice.
Ramos had exercised the requisite thoroughness and In another complaint against him for Delay in the
caution, he would have noted not only the Disposition of a Case, the OCA issued an order for
modification of the monetary awards by the appellate him to file a comment for the administrative
court, but also the deletion of the penalty of complaint. Is the respondent judge administratively
imprisonment upon which the Warrant of Arrest and liable for unethical conduct and gross inefficiency
Commitment to Final Sentence that he signed was under the provisions of the New Code of Judicial
based. (Bayaca v. Judge Ramos,A.M. No. MTJ-07- Conduct, specifically, Sections 7 and 8 of Canon 1,
1676, Jan. 29, 2009) and Section 5 of Canon 6?

Sec.1, Canon 6, NCJC A: Yes. A judge is the visible representation of the

The judicial duties of a judge take precedence law, and more importantly of justice; he or she must,
over all activities. therefore, be the first to follow the law and weave an
example for the others to follow. For a judge to
Q: What are the duties of a judge under this exhibit indifference to a resolution requiring him to
section? comment on the accusations in the complaint
thoroughly and substantially is gross misconduct, and
A: may even be considered as outright disrespect for the
1. A judge must perform his judicial duties with Court. The office of the judge requires him to obey all
regard to a case where he is not disqualified to the lawful orders of his superiors. After all, a
do so and, may not divest himself of such case if resolution of the Supreme Court is not a mere
he is not so disqualified; and request and should be complied with promptly and
2. A judge shall not inhibit himself simply to avoid completely. Such failure to comply accordingly
sitting on difficult or controversial cases. betrays not only a recalcitrant streak in character, but
has likewise been considered as an utter lack of
Q: An administrative case against Judge Calderon interest to remain with, if not contempt of the judicial


Judicial Ethics

system. A resolution of the Supreme Court requiring A: Yes. A judge is charged with extra care in ensuring
comment on an administrative complaint against that records of the cases and official documents in his
officials and employees of the judiciary should not be custody are intact. Moreover, judges must adopt a
construed as a mere request from the Court. Nor system of record management, and organize their
should it be complied with partially, inadequately or dockets in order to bolster the prompt and efficient
selectively. Respondents in administrative complaints dispatch of business. Here, the circumstances show
should comment on all accusations or allegations that the loss of the documents was occasioned by the
against them in the administrative complaints carelessness on the part of the judge. The judge
because it is their duty to preserve the integrity of the should not have left such important documents in his
judiciary. table to be gathered only after few days, instead, he
should have devised a filing system in his court so as
Moreover, the Court should not and will not tolerate to avoid such incident. (Beso v.Daguman, A.M. No.
future indifference of respondents to administrative MTJ-99-1211, Jan. 28, 2000)
complaints and to resolutions requiring comment on
such administrative complaints. Under the Q: X charged Judge Garillo with dishonesty and
circumstances, the conduct exhibited by Judge corrupt practices for allegedly requiring the former
Limsiaco constitutes no less than clear acts of to deposit with the latter a sum of money in
defiance against the Court’s authority. His conduct connection with a pending case in the latter’s sala
also reveals his deliberate disrespect and indifference but failed to give the deposited sums of money to
to the authority of the Court, shown by his failure to the adverse party. It was also alleged that when X
heed our warnings and directives. Judge Limsiaco’s demanded the return of money, the judge failed to
actions further disclose his inability to accept our return the same despite his promise. Is the judge
instructions. Moreover, his conduct failed to provide guilty of serious misconduct?
a good example for other court personnel, and the
public as well, in placing significance to the Court’s A: Yes. A judge should always be a symbol of
directives and the importance of complying with rectitude and propriety, and should always comport
them. (Inoturan, v.Limsiaco, Jr., A.M. No. MTJ-01- himself in a manner that will raise no doubt
1362, Feb. 22, 2011) whatsoever about his honesty. Here, the judge’s act
of misappropriating the money entrusted to him by
Sec. 2, Canon 6, NCJC litigants in connection with a case pending in his
Judges shall devote their professional activity to court constitutes gross misconduct. Moreover, the
judicial duties, which include not only the judge violated Circular No. 50-95 which provides that,
performance of judicial functions and fiduciary collections should be deposited with the
responsibilities in court and the making of Land Bank of the Philippines. Because of his
decisions, but also other tasks relevant to the actuations, the image of the judiciary was impaired.
judicial office or the court’s operations. (De Pacete v. Judge Garillo, A.M. No. MTJ-03-1473,
Aug. 20, 2003)
Violations of this section often involve a failure to Q: Should the judge return court records upon
keep records or handle funds in compliance with retirement?
court rules.
A: Yes. Since the proper and efficient management of
Q: Judge Daguman was charged with neglect of duty the court is the responsibility of the judge, he is the
in failing to retain a copy and to register with the one directly responsible for the proper discharge of
Local Civil Registrar a marriage contract. In his official functions. Thus, a judge is obliged to return to
comment, the judge explained that his failure to do the court the records of the cases filed in his sala
so was occasioned by circumstances beyond his upon his retirement. (Office of the Court
control. He averred that after the wedding Administrator v. Retired Judge Carteciano, A.M. No.
ceremony, the copies of the marriage contract were MTJ-07-1664, Feb. 18, 2008)
left on top of his desk in his private office where the
ceremony was held but after few days, when he
Sec. 3, Canon 6, NCJC
gathered all the documents relating to the marriage,
Judges shall take reasonable steps to maintain
the copies were already missing. He also explained
and enhance their knowledge, skills and personal
that he was not able to inform the parties about the
qualities necessary for the proper performance of
fact of loss as they were already out of the country.
judicial duties, taking advantage for this purpose
Should the judge be disciplined?
the training and other facilities which should be
made available, under judicial control, to judges.

properly filed by the original Judge (who inhibited

Service in the judiciary means a continuous study and himself due to relationship to one of the parties).
research on the law from beginning to end. Judges Judge Gacott issued the dismissal order relying on a
are regarded as persons learned in the law. case (Manchester v.CA) which states that - a case is
“Ignorance of the law excuses no one” has special deemed commenced only upon the payment of the
application to judges. proper docket fees. To his opinion, the required fees
in this case were not yet paid by the protestant.
Though good faith and absence of malice or Enojas charged him with gross ignorance of the law.
corruption are sufficient defenses, such does not Is Judge Gacott Jr. guilty of gross ignorance of the
apply where the issues are so simple and the law?
applicable legal principles evident and basic as to be
beyond possible margin of error. (Corpus A: Yes. A judge is duty bound to adhere to, and apply
v.Ochotoresa, A.M. No. RTJ 04-1861, July 30, 2004) the recent jurisprudence, and he cannot feign
ignorance thereof, because he is required to be an
One who accepts the exalted position of a judge owes embodiment of, among other things, judicial
the public and the Court the duty to maintain competence. Here, the ruling relied upon by the
professional competence at all times. When a judge judge does not apply to election cases as in the latter
displays an utter lack of familiarity with the rules, he case the filing fee is fixed and the claim for damages,
erodes the confidence of the public in the courts. A to which the docket fess shall be made to apply, is
judge owes the public and the Court the duty to be merely ancillary to the main cause of action and is
proficient in the law and is expected to keep abreast not even determinative of the court’s jurisdiction. It
of laws and prevailing jurisprudence. Ignorance of the must also be noted that in this case, the original
law by a judge can easily be the mainspring of judge already made an order that from the deposit
injustice. (Villanueva v.Judge Buaya, A.M. No. RTJ-08- given by the protestant for the expenses of reopening
2131, Nov. 22, 2010). the questioned ballots, an amount shall be allocated
for the payment of the required fees. Thus, the
Q: Judge Delos Santos averred that Judge Mangino election protest was already properly filed. (Enojas v.
of the MTC Tarlac approved the bail bond for Judge Gacott, Jr., A.M. No. RTJ-99-1513, Jan. 19,
provisional liberty of the accused Santos who was 2000)
arrested and whose criminal cases were pending in
Angeles City. It was also made to appear from the Sec. 4, Canon 6, NCJC
contents of the said bond that the accused appeared Judges shall keep themselves informed about
before notary public Ancanan in Makati City. relevant developments of international law,
According to the accused, she never went to Tarlac including international conventions and other
and appeared before said Judge Mangino. She also instruments establishing human rights norms.
alleged that she never went to Makati City and
appeared before Notary Public Ancanan. Is Judge Norms of international law has become the concern
Mangino guilty of grave misconduct? of judges because they form part of legal standards
by which their competence and diligence required by
A: Yes. Judges should be diligently acquainted with the New Code of Judicial Conduct are to be
the law and jurisprudence. As an advocate of justice measured.
and a visible representation of the law, a judge is
expected to keep abreast with and be proficient in Sec. 5, Canon 6, NCJC
the application and interpretation of the law. Here, Judges shall perform all judicial duties, including
by mere glancing at the bail bond application, the the delivery of reserved decisions, efficiently,
judge ought to know that he had absolutely no fairly and with reasonable promptness.
authority or jurisdiction to approve the bail bond of
the accused as the case was pending with another A judge may be subject to an administrative fine for
court. By approving the bail bond application, the inefficiency, neglect, and unreasonable delay in
judge failed to exert such conscientiousness, elevating the records of a civil case to the Court of
studiousness, and thoroughness expected and Appeals. A delay of three years in the transmission of
demanded of a judge. (Judge de los Santos v. Judge court records to the appellate court, where a period
Mangino,A.M. No. MTJ-03-1496, July 10, 2003) of 30 days is required, is inexcusable. (Pataleon v.
Guidez,A.M. No. RTJ-00-1525, Jan. 25, 2000)
Q: Judge Gacott Jr. dismissed an election case on the
ground of non-payment of docket fees, although the
case had been previously admitted and was deemed
Judicial Ethics

Q: Why should delay be avoided in the period granted by the Court. Under Sec. 9, Rule 140of the
administration of justice? Rules of Court, undue delay in rendering a decision or order
is classified as a less serious charge punishable with
A: Delay results in undermining the people's faith in suspension from office without salary and other benefits
the judiciary and from whom the prompt hearing of for not less than one (1) nor more than three (3) months; or
a fine of more than P10,000.00, but not exceeding
their supplications is anticipated and expected, and
P20,000.00. (Request of Judge Nino Batingana, A.M. No. 05-
reinforces in the mind of the litigants the impression
8-463-RTC, Feb. 17, 2010)
that the wheels of justice grind ever so slowly.
Certainly, undue delay cannot be countenanced at a
Q: The records disclose that on February 21, 1994,
time when the clogging of the court dockets is still
Cabasares filed a Complaint for Malicious Mischief
the bane of the judiciary. Judges are expected to
against a certain Rodolfo Hebaya. The case was
observe utmost diligence and dedication in the
docketed as Criminal Case No. 8864 and
performance of their judicial functions and the
subsequently assigned to the branch of respondent
discharge of their duties. (Imbang v. Judge del
Judge. As early as February 27, 2002, the case had
Rosario, A.M. No. MTJ-03-1515, Feb. 3, 2004)
been submitted for decision, but respondent judge
did not pen a decision. He was charged with
Q: Judge Diaz was charged with inefficiency
violation of Section 15 (1), Article VIII of the
allegedly for his failure to render a decision on time.
Constitution and Canon 3, Rule 3.05 of the Code of
It was alleged that in an unlawful detainer case filed
Judicial Conduct. The judge contend that it have
by De Joya against spouses Hornillos which was
escaped his mind.
already submitted for decision upon the approval of
a motion for summary judgment filed by De Joya A: Judges should meticulously observe the periods
that Judge Diaz failed to render a decision despite prescribed by the Constitution for deciding cases
the lapse of several months from the submission of because failure to comply with the said period
the case for resolution. In his comment, the judge transgresses the parties’ constitutional right to
explained that his delay was the result of an speedy disposition of their cases. Thus, failure to
oversight due to the volume of work that he and his decide cases within the ninety (90)-day reglementary
staff had to handle. Should the judge be disciplined? period may warrant imposition of administrative
sanctions on the erring judge. However, the Court is
A: Yes. Decision-making is a primordial and by far the not unmindful of circumstances that justify the delay
most important duty of a member of the bench. The in the disposition of the cases assigned to judges.
Code of Judicial Conduct mandates that a judge must When a judge sees such circumstances before the
dispose of the court's business promptly and to act reglementary period ends, all that is needed is to
on cases pending before him within the prescribed simply ask the Court, with the appropriate
periods therefore. A judge's failure to observe time justification, for an extension of time within which to
prescriptions for the rendition of judgments in decide the case. Evidently, respondent Judge failed
derogation of an otherwise speedy administration of to do any of these options. Since the judge retired
justice constitutes a ground for administrative from service he was only fined. (Antonio Y. Cabasares
sanction. A judge cannot be excused from complying v. Judge Filemon A. Tandinco, Jr. Municipal Trial Court
with the periods on the ground that he has heavy in Cities, 8th Judicial Region, Calbayog City, Western
case loads, for in such cases, all he has to do is to Samar, A.M. No. MTJ-11-1793, Oct. 19, 2011)
request for additional time to decide cases. Here, the
judge’s failure to decide the unlawful detainer case Q: Amion was charged with murder. During the trial,
within 30 days from the submission for decision Judge Chiongson ordered that he be represented by
renders him liable for inefficiency for which he should counsel de officio because Amion’s attorney is
be disciplined unless he was granted, upon his always postponing the trial for various reasons like
request, additional time to decide the case. (De Joya illness and unavailability for trial. Amion then
v. Judge Diaz, A.M. No.MTJ-02-1450, Sept. 23, 2003) charged said judge with ignorance of the law and
oppression because the fact that the counsel de
Note: The Constitution provides that all lower courts must
decide all cases filed within three months. Further, the
officio did not know the particulars of the case
Code of Judicial Conduct states that a judge shall dispose of meant that Amion would be denied due process.
the court’s business promptly and decide the cases within Should Judge Chiongson be disciplined?
the required periods. Delay in the disposition of cases
erodes the faith and confidence of the people in the A: No. A judge should always be imbued with a high
judiciary, lowers its standards, and brings it to disrepute. sense of duty and responsibility in the discharge of his
Judges should not abuse the grant of an extension to decide obligation to promptly administer justice. Here, Judge
a case, and strive to decide the case within the extended

Chiongson appointed a FLAG lawyer because of of the counsel. Judges must be that even on the face
various dilatory means used by the complainant. of boorish behavior from those they deal with, they
Thus, the judge should be commended for his effort ought to conduct themselves in a manner befitting
to expedite the case. (Amion v. Judge Chiongson, gentlemen and high officers of the court. (Atty. Mane
A.M. No. RTJ-97-1371, Jan. 22, 1999) v. Judge Belen, A.M. No.RTJ-08-2119, June 30, 2008)

Note: A Flag lawyer refers to a lawyer of non-governmental Q: Judge Ante Jr. was charged with conduct
organizations (NGOs) and people’s organizations (POs) who unbecoming of a judge. It was alleged that when the
by the nature of his work already render free legal aid to court employee placed the docket book on top of
indigent and pauper litigants. (Section 4a(iii), BAR MATTER the filing cabinet, the same fell on the floor causing
No. 2012,Feb. 10, 2009) loud sound. Unexpectedly, the judge shouted saying
“why did you throw the docket book? You get out of
Sec. 6, Canon 6, NCJC here, punyeta, we don’t need you!” The judge also
Judges shall maintain order and decorum in all threw a monobloc chair at the court employee.
proceedings before the court and be patient, Should the judge be disciplined?
dignified and courteous in relation to litigants,
witnesses, lawyers and others with whom the A: Yes. The judge, for shouting invectives and hitting
judge deals in an official capacity. complainant with a chair displayed a predisposition to
Judges shall require similar conduct of legal use physical violence and intemperate language
representatives, court staff and others subject to which reveals a marked lack of judicial temperament
their influence, direction or control. and self-restraint - traits which, aside from the basic
equipment of learning in the law - are indispensable
Besides possessing the requisite learning in the law, a qualities of every judge. (Briones v. Judge Ante Jr.,
magistrate must exhibit that hallmark judicial A.M. No.MTJ-02-1411, Apr. 11, 2002)
temperament of utmost sobriety and self-restraint
which are indispensable qualities of every judge Sec. 7, Canon 6, NCJC
(Rodriguez v. Bonifacio, A.M. No. RTJ-99-1510, Nov. 6, Judges shall not engage in conduct
2000). incompatible with the diligent discharge of
judicial duties.
Q: Judge Belen was charged with conduct
unbecoming of a judge allegedly for humiliating, Q: What is the duty of the judge under this Section?
demeaning and berating a young lawyer who
appeared in his sala. It was alleged that when the A: A judge shall not accept duties that will interfere
judge learned that the lawyer was an alumnus of with his devotion to the expeditious and proper
MCQU and not of UP, the judge made the following administration of his official functions
statement “you’re not from UP”. Then you cannot
equate yourself to me because there is a saying and Note: When a judge, along with two other people, acted as
I know this, not all law students are created equal, real estate agents for the sale of a parcel of land for which
not all law schools are created equal, not all lawyers he agreed to give a commission of P100,000 to each of his
are created equal despite what the Supreme Being companions, and after the transaction was completed only
stated that we all are created equal in His form and gave the complainants P25,000 each, the high Court held
substance.” Should the judge be disciplined? that the judge violated the section of the prior Code of
Judicial Conduct. (Catbagan v. Barte, A.M. No. MTJ-02-
A: Yes. The judge’s sarcastic, humiliating, threatening 1452, Apr. 6, 2005)
and boastful remarks to a young lawyer are improper.
A judge must be aware that an alumnus of a
particular law school has no monopoly of knowledge
of the law. By hurdling the Bar Examinations, taking
of the Lawyer’s oath, and signing of the Roll of
Attorneys, a lawyer is presumed to be competent to
discharge his functions and duties as, inter alia, an
officer of the court, irrespective of where he obtained
his law degree. For a judge to determine the fitness
or competence of a lawyer primarily on the basis of
his alma mater is clearly an engagement in an
argumentum ad hominem. As a judge, he must
address the merits of the case and not on the person
Judicial Ethics

DISCIPLINE OF MEMBERS OF A: “Sui Generis” or “a class of its own”

THE JUDICIARY Q: What are the grounds for impeachment?

Q: Who has the power to discipline members of the A:

bench? 1. Treason
2. Bribery
A: 3. Other High Crimes
1. The Supreme Court shall have the administrative 4. Graft and Corruption
supervision over all courts and the personnel. 5. Betrayal of Public Trust (Sec. 2 Art. XI, 1987
(Section 6, Art. VIII, 1986 Constitution) Constitution)
2. The Court en banc has the power to discipline all
judges of lower courts including justices of the Q: Who are subject to impeachment?
Court of Appeals. (Section 11, Art. VIII, 1986
Constitution) A:
1. The President
Q: May judges and justices be disbarred? 2. Vice-President
3. Members of the Supreme Court
A: Yes. Judges and justices, being lawyers, may also 4. Members of the Constitutional Commissions
be disbarred, if found guilty of certain crimes and/or 5. Ombudsman
other causes for disbarment under the Rules of Court.
All other public officers and employees may be
Justices of the Supreme Court however may not be removed from office as provided by law, but not by
disbarred unless and until they shall have been first impeachment (Sec. 2 Art. XI, 1987 Constitution).
impeached in accordance with the Constitution.
Q: Who wields the power to impeach?
Note: While it is the duty of the court to investigate and
determine the truth behind every matter in complaints A: The Philippine Congress holds the sole power in
against judges and other court personnel, it is also their impeachment process.
duty to see to it that they are protected and exonerated
a. House of Representatives - initiates all cases of
from baseless administrative charges. The Court will not
shirk from its responsibility of imposing discipline upon its
magistrates, but neither will it hesitate to shield them from b. Senate – tries and decides on all the cases.
unfounded suits that serve to disrupt rather than promote
the orderly administration of justice. (Ocenar v. Judge Q: Who can file an impeachment complaint?
Mabutin, A.M. No. MTJ 05- 1582, Feb. 28, 2005)
DISCIPLINE OF THE MEMBERS OF THE 1. Any member of the House of Representatives
SUPREME COURT 2. Any citizen with an endorsement of any member
of the House of Representatives.
Note: When the President of the Philippines is impeached,
Q: What is impeachment? the Chief Justice presides over the impeachment trial; in all
other cases of impeachment, the Senate President presides.
A: It is a constitutional process of removing public Q: What is the procedure of impeachment?
servants from office as an assurance against abusive
officials in the country (Impeachment Primer, Official A:
Gazette, 2012). 1. Initiate impeachment through filing of a verified
Q: What is the object of impeachment?
2. Include in Order of Business within 10 session
A: The object of impeachment is solely to determine
3. Referred to the proper committee within 3
whether or not the official is worthy of the trust
session days
conferred upon him/her. It is not determination of
4. Committee conducts hearing
criminal guilt or innocence as in criminal case (Ibid.).
5. Committee votes
Q: What is the nature of impeachment proceedings 6. If YES, the matter will be referred to the Plenary
against SC justices? within 60 days.
7. Plenary votes – at least 1/3 vote is required



8. If at least 1/3 vote is attained, Resolution and 1. Betrayal of public trust through:
Articles of Impeachment are referred to Senate
a. Track record marked by partiality and
9. House elects its prosecutors
subservience in cases involving the Arroyo
10. Senate as plenary body adopts its rules on
administration from the time of his
appointment as Supreme Court justice and
11. Senate convenes as impeachment court
until his dubious appointment as a midnight
12. Senate issues summons to respondent
chief justice to the present. (Article I)
13. Respondent appears and files answer
14. Senate receives testimonial and documentary b. Wanton arbitrariness and partiality in
evidence consistently disregarding the principle of res
15. Senator-judges interpose questions judicata in the cases involving the 16 newly-
16. Submission for voting (Convict or Acquit) created cities, and the promotion of Dinagat
Island into a province. (Article V)
Q: What is the fast track procedure for
c. Arrogating unto himself, and to a committee
he created, the authority and jurisdiction to
improperly investigate a justice of the
A: If an impeachment complaint or resolution is filed
Supreme Court for the purpose of exculpating
by at least one-third (1/3) of all members of the
him. Such authority and jurisdiction is
House, the Articles of Impeachment shall be sent to
properly reposed by the Constitution in the
Senate for trial
House of Representatives via impeachment.
(Article VI)
Q: How is conviction or acquittal determined?
d. Partiality in granting a temporary restraining
A: Senators are expected to vote according to their order (TRO) in favor of former president
conscience. Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo and her husband
Jose Miguel Arroyo in order to give them an
Note: The standard of proof required is NOT “proof beyond opportunity to escape prosecution and to
reasonable doubt” because it is not a criminal trial. Rather, frustrate the ends of justice, and in distorting
it is a political process. (Impeachment Primer, Official the supreme court decision on the effectivity
Gazette, 2012) of the TRO in view of a clear failure to comply
with the conditions of the Supreme Court
Q: How many votes are needed for conviction? own TRO. (Article VII)

A: A vote of at least two-thirds (2/3) of all members e. Commission of graft and corruption when he
of the Senate for any one article of impeachment. failed and refused to account for the judiciary
development fund (JDF) and special
Note: 16 votes are required to convict on any article while 8 allowance for the judiciary (SAJ) collections.
Negative votes can prevent conviction on any article. (Article VIII)
2. Culpable violation of the Constitution through:
Q: What is the result of conviction?
a. Failure to disclose to the public his
A: Removal from office. The Senate can additionally statement of assets, liabilities, and net
impose penalty of disqualification from holding any worth as required under Sec. 17, Art. XI of
office in the Philippine government. the 1987 Constitution (Article II)

Note: The party convicted shall nevertheless be subject to

b. Failure to meet and observe the stringent
prosecution, trial, and punishment according to law. standards under Art. VIII, Section 7 (3) of the
Criminal liability must be established by criminal trial. Constitution that provides that [a] member
(Impeachment Primer, Official Gazette, 2012) of the judiciary must be a person of proven
competence, integrity, probity, and
ETHICAL LESSONS FROM FORMER CHIEF JUSTICE independence• in allowing the Supreme
CORONA’S IMPEACHMENT court to act on mere letters filed by a
counsel which caused the issuance of flip-
Q: What are the grounds for impeachment against flopping decisions in final and executory
former Chief Justice Renato Corona? cases; in creating an excessive entanglement
with Mrs. Arroyo through her appointment
A: of his wife to office; and in discussing with


Judicial Ethics

litigants regarding cases pending before the President, the Vice-President, the Members of
Supreme Court. (Article III) the Cabinet, the Congress, the Supreme Court,
the Constitutional Commissions and other
c. Blatant disregard of the principle of
constitutional offices, and officers of the armed
separation of powers by issuing a status quo
forces with general or flag rank, the declaration
ante order against the House of
shall be disclosed to the public in the manner
Representatives in the case concerning the
provided by law.
impeachment of then Ombudsman
Merceditas Navarro-Gutierrez. (Article IV)
2. R.A. 6713 - Section 8. Statements and Disclosure.
Public officials and employees have an obligation
Q: Under what ground did the Senate, sitting as an to accomplish and submit declarations under
impeachment court, found former Chief Justice oath of, and the public has the right to know,
Corona guilty of? their assets, liabilities, net worth and financial
and business interests including those of their
A: He was convicted under Article II of the Articles of spouses and of unmarried children under
impeachment, which is the failure to disclose to the eighteen (18) years of age living in their
public his statement of assets, liabilities, and net households.
worth as required under sec. 17, Art. XI of the 1987
Constitution, by a vote of 20-3. Statements of Assets and Liabilities and Financial
Disclosure. - All public officials and employees,
Note: It is the "obligation" of an employee to submit a except those who serve in an honorary capacity,
sworn statement, as the "public has a right to know" the laborers and casual or temporary workers, shall
employee's assets, liabilities, net worth and financial and
file under oath their Statement of Assets,
business interests. Hence, a court interpreter who failed to
include in her SALN rental payments she received from a
Liabilities and Net Worth and a Disclosure of
market stall was dismissed from service (Rabe v. Flores, Business Interests and Financial Connections and
A.M. No. P-97-1247, May 14, 1997). The Senator judges those of their spouses and unmarried children
ruled that the law applies to all, including the Chief Justice under eighteen (18) years of age living in their
of the Philippines, thus, his failure to include his dollar households.
accounts in his SALN warrants his impeachment from office.
The Statements of Assets, Liabilities and Net
Q: Is the Law on Secrecy of Foreign Currency Deposit Worth and the Disclosure of Business Interests
Account (FCDA) a defense in failing to include a and Financial Connections shall be filed by:
dollar deposit in a SALN? xxx
(2) Senators and Congressmen, with the
A: No. The issue is not the conflict between the FCDA Secretaries of the Senate and the House of
requiring secrecy of foreign currency deposits and the Representatives, respectively; Justices, with the
disclosure required by the SALN law, but the Clerk of Court of the Supreme Court; Judges, with
Constitution which requires public officials to declare the Court Administrator; and all national
their assets and does not distinguish between peso executive officials with the Office of the
and foreign accounts (Senator Judge Pangilinan). President.

The Supreme Court in one case said that the FCDA Q: What is the basis for the public’s right to inquire
cannot be used as a haven for the corrupt and the upon the statement of assets and liabilities of public
criminals. To interpret it in the manner that the Chief officers?
Justice would want … is to say that the law could be
used as a haven to hide proceeds of criminal acts. A: The postulate of public office is a public trust,
(Senator Judge Drilon) institutionalized in the Constitution to protect the
people from abuse of governmental power, would
Q: What mandates the Chief Justice to disclose his certainly be mere empty words if access to such
Statement of Assets and Liabilities? information of public concern is denied.

A: The right to information (Section 7, Article III of

1. 1987 Constitution - Section 17. A public officer or Constitution) goes hand-in-hand with the
employee shall, upon assumption of office and as constitutional policies of full public disclosure and
often thereafter as may be required by law, honesty in the public service. It is meant to enhance
submit a declaration under oath of his assets, the widening role of the citizenry in governmental
liabilities, and net worth. In the case of the decision-making as well as in checking abuse in

government. (252 Phil. 264, Valmonte v. Belmonte, Jr, Q: What is probity?

February 13 1989)
A: Probity is the uncompromising adherence to the
Q: Is the right to information, with its companion highest principles and ideals or impeachable integrity.
right of access to official records absolute? (Webster's 3rd New International Dictionary)

A: No. While providing guaranty for that right, the Q: Why is probity an important quality of a
Constitution also provides that the people’s right to magistrate?
know is limited to “matters of public concern” and is
further subject to such limitations as may be provided A: Canons 3 and 4 of the new Code of Judicial
by law. Conduct mandate, respectively, that “judges shall
ensure that not only is their conduct above reproach,
Q: What are the established limitations to the right but that it is perceived to be so in the view of the
to information, with its companion right of access to reasonable observer” and that “judges shall avoid
official records? improprieties and the appearance of impropriety in
all of their activities.” These very stringent standards
A: of decorum are demanded of all magistrates and
1. National security matters and intelligence employees of the courts. As such, those who serve in
information the judiciary, particularly justices and judges, must
2. Trade secrets and banking transactions not only know the law but must also possess the
3. Criminal matters highest degree of integrity and probity, and an
4. Other confidential information such as unquestionable moral uprightness both in their public
confidential or classified information officially and private lives (Veloso vs. Caminade, A.M. No. RTJ-
known to public officers and employees by 01-1655, July 8, 2004)
reason of their office and not made available to
the public as well as diplomatic correspondence, Q: What is integrity?
closed door Cabinet meetings and executive A: Integrity is a steadfast adherence to a strict moral
sessions of either house of Congress, and the or ethical code. It is honesty and honorableness put
internal deliberations of the Supreme Court. into one.
Q: Is motive a consideration in allowing the Q: How is integrity observed in the judiciary?
disclosure of statement of assets and liabilities?
A: In the Judiciary, moral integrity is more than a
A: No. Custodians of public documents must not cardinal virtue, it is a necessity. The exacting
concern themselves with the motives, reasons and standards of conduct demanded from judges are
objects of the persons seeking access to the records. designed to promote public confidence in the
While public officers in the custody or control of integrity and impartiality of the judiciary. When the
public records have the discretion to regulate the judge himself becomes the transgressor of the law
manner in which records may be inspected, examined which he is sworn to apply, he places his office in
or copied by interested persons, such discretion does disrepute, encourages disrespect for the law and
not carry with it the authority to prohibit access, impairs public confidence in the integrity of the
inspection, examination, or copying of the records. judiciary itself (Lachica vs Tormis, A.M. No. MTJ-05-
1609, September 20, 2005).
The Court finds no cogent reason to deny the public
access to the SALN, PDS and CV of the Justices of the Q: What is the importance of maintaining the
Court and other magistrates of the Judiciary subject confidence of the people upon the judiciary?
to the limitations and prohibitions provided in R.A.
No. 6713, its implementing rules and regulations, and A: The integrity of the Judiciary rests not only upon
in the guidelines set forth in the decretal portion. the fact that it is able to administer justice, but also
(A.M. No. 09-8-6-SC Re: request for copy of 2008 upon the perception and confidence of the
statement of assets, liabilities and net worth [SALN] community that the people who run the system have
and personal data sheet or curriculum vitae of the administered justice. In order to create such
justices of the Supreme Court and officers and confidence, the people who run the judiciary,
employees of the judiciary.) particularly judges and justices, must not only be
proficient in both the substantive and procedural
aspects of the law, but more importantly, they must
possess the highest integrity, probity, and
Judicial Ethics

unquestionable moral uprightness, both in their counsel never received the court’s decision, Judge
public and in their private lives. Only then can the Rudy recalled the entry of judgment in the case,
people be reassured that the wheels of justice in this reversed himself, and absolved Lorna of guilt.
country run with fairness and equity, thus creating Claiming an unjust judgment, Agnes filed an
confidence in the judicial system. (Tan vs. Pacuribot, administrative complaint against Judge Rudy, saying
A.M. No. RTJ-06-1982, December 14, 2007). that it is plain from the circumstances that he
connived with Lorna, her counsel, and the handling
DISCIPLINE OF LOWER COURT JUDGES AND prosecutor. But she offered no further evidence.
JUSTICES OF THE COURT OF APPEALS AND Judge Rudy denied the charges and asserted that
SANDIGANBAYAN any error in his judgment is correctible only by an
appeal, not by an administrative suit. Should Judge
The acts of a judge in his judicial capacity are not Rudy be disciplined? (2011 Bar Question)
subject to disciplinary action. In the absence of fraud,
malice or dishonesty in rendering the assailed A: No, because Agnes’ complaint is merely based on
decision or order, the remedy of the aggrieved party suspicions and speculations.
is to elevate the assailed decision or order to the
higher court for review and correction. However, an GROUNDS
inquiry into a judge’s civil, criminal and/or
administrative liability may be made after the Q. What are the grounds for discipline of judges?
available remedies have been exhausted and decided
with finality. (Republic v. Caguioa, A.M. No. RTJ-07- A:
2063, June 26, 2009) 1. Serious Misconduct – implies malice or wrongful
intent, not mere error of judgment.
Q: How are the proceedings for the discipline of
judges instituted? Judicial acts complained of:
a. Must be corrupt or inspired by an
A: Proceedings for the discipline of judges of regular intention to violate the law; or
and special courts and justices of the Court of b. Were in persistent disregard for well-
Appeals and the Sandiganbayan may be instituted: known legal rules.

Note: There is misconduct when there is reliable evidence

1. Motu propio by the Supreme Court; showing that judicial actions are corrupt or inspired by
2. Upon a verified complaint filed before the intent to violate the law or in persistent disregard of legal
Supreme Court supported by: rules.
a. Affidavit of persons who have personal
knowledge of the facts alleged therein; 2. Inefficiency – implies negligence, incompetence,
or ignorance and carelessness. A judge would be
b. Documents which may substantiate said inexcusably negligent if he failed to observe in
allegations. the performance of his duties that diligence,
3. Anonymous complaint supported by public prudence and circumspection which the law
records of indubitable integrity filed with the requires in the rendition of any public service.
Supreme Court.
Q: Should a judge be held administratively liable for
Q: What is the form of the complaint and what ignorance of the law for granting bail to an accused
should it state? in a criminal case without the requisite bail hearing,
and despite the fact that there was an eyewitness to
A: The complaint shall be in writing and shall state the murder who made a positive identification of
clearly and concisely the acts and omissions the accused?
constituting violations of standards of conduct
A: Yes. It is already settled that when a judge grants
prescribed for judges by law, the Rules of Court, or
bail to a person charged with a capital offense, or an
the Code of Judicial Conduct.
offense punishable by reclusion perpetua or life
imprisonment without conducting the required bail
Q: On appeal, RTC Judge Rudy affirmed the MTC’s
hearing, he is considered guilty of ignorance or
conviction of Lorna for violation of the bouncing
incompetence the gravity of which cannot be excused
checks law and awarded Agnes, the complainant,
by a claim of good faith or excusable negligence.
Php1.6 million in damages. Two years later, upon
When a judge displays an utter unfamiliarity with the
Lorna’s motion and after ascertaining that her
law and the rules, he erodes the confidence of the



public in the courts. A judge owes the public and the detainees had not registered the bailbond in
court the duty to be proficient in the law and is accordance with the Rules of Criminal Procedure. One
expected to keep abreast of laws and the prevailing may not be given provisional liberty if the bailbond is
jurisprudence. Ignorance of the law by a judge can not registered with the proper office. Secondly, Judge
easily be the mainspring of injustice (Grageda v. Jovellanos did not have jurisdiction to order the
Judge Tresvalles, A.M. MTJ No. 04-1526, Feb. 2, release of the detainees as the cases were not
2004). pending in his court and the suspects were not
arrested within his jurisdiction. (Santiago v. Judge
Q: Respondent judge failed to cause the raffle of an Jovellanos, A.M. No. MTJ-00-1289, Aug. 1, 2000)
injunction case and failed to follow the procedural
requirements in issuing a TRO and a writ of Note: Judges are not expected to be infallible; not every
preliminary injunction as he issued them without error or irregularity committed by judges in the
prior notice to the defendant and without a hearing. performance of official duties is subject to administrative
sanction. In the absence of bad faith, fraud, dishonesty, or
Is he liable for gross ignorance of the law?
deliberate intent to do injustice, incorrect rulings do not
constitute misconduct and may give rise to a charge of
A: Yes. Though not every judicial error bespeaks gross ignorance of the law. (Cruz v. Iturralde, A.M. No. MTJ-
ignorance of the law or of the rules, and that, when 03-1775, Apr. 30, 2003)
committed in good faith, does not warrant
administrative sanction, the rule applies only in cases Q: Cruz was the defendant in an ejectment case filed
within the parameters of tolerable misjudgment. by the Province of Bulacan involving a parcel of land
When the law or the rule is so elementary, not to be owned by the said province. A decision was
aware of it or to act as if one does not know it rendered against Cruz. He then filed an appeal and
constitutes gross ignorance of the law. A judge is several motions for reconsideration but Justice
expected to keep abreast of the developments and Alino-Hormachuelos before whom the motions were
amendments thereto, as well as of prevailing filed subsequently denied all. Consequently, Cruz
jurisprudence. Ignorance of the law by a judge can charged all the judges and justices with grave
easily be the mainspring of injustice. In the absence misconduct, gross inexcusable negligence, and
of fraud, dishonesty or corruption, the acts of a judge rendering a void judgment. Should the judges be
in his judicial capacity are not subject to disciplinary held liable for grave misconduct and gross ignorance
action. However, the assailed judicial acts must not of the law?
be in gross violation of clearly established law or
procedure, which every judge must be familiar with. A: No. The Court has consistently held that judges will
(Sps. Lago v. Judge Abul, Jr., A.M. No. RTJ-10-2255, not be held administratively liable for mere errors of
Jan. 17, 2011) judgment in their rulings or decisions absent a
showing of malice or gross ignorance on their part.
Q: Santiago and Sanchez were complainants in two Bad faith or malice cannot be inferred simply because
different criminal cases before the MTC of Bulacan the judgment is adverse to a party. To hold a judge
and the RTC of Pampanga respectively. The suspects administratively accountable for every erroneous
in each of the criminal cases were caught and ruling or decision he renders, assuming that he has
detained by authorities. However, both suspects erred, would be nothing short of harassment and
were released by order of Judge Jovellanos of MCTC would make his position unbearable. Here, the fact
Pangasinan. The complainants questioned both that the judge or justices rendered a decision not
Orders for Release, alleging that the requirements favorable to Cruz is not enough to make them liable
for the bail bond had not been fulfilled and that the for grave misconduct. (Cruz v. Justice Alino-
said judge had no jurisdiction to order the release. Is Hormachuelos et. al., A.M. No. CA-04-38, Mar. 31,
Judge Jovellanos guilty of gross incompetence and 2004)
gross ignorance of the law?
Q: Is a disciplinary and criminal action against a
A: Yes. A judge should be acquainted with legal judge a substitute for judicial remedies?
norms and precepts as well as with statutes and
procedural rules. Unfamiliarity with the Rules of A: Disciplinary and criminal actions against a judge,
Court is a sign of incompetence. He must have the are not complementary or suppletory of, nor a
basic rules at the palm of his hands as he is expected substitute for, judicial remedies, whether ordinary or
to maintain professional competence at all times. extraordinary. Resort to and exhaustion of judicial
Here, there are two defects in the Orders for Release remedies are prerequisites for the taking of other
signed by Judge Jovellanos. First, in both cases, the measures against the persons of the judges


Judicial Ethics

concerned, whether of civil, administrative, or

criminal nature. It is only after the available judicial Q: What are the classifications of charges?
remedies have been exhausted and the appellate A: Administrative charges are classified as:
tribunals have spoken with finality that the door to an 1. Serious
inquiry into his criminal, civil, or administrative 2. Less serious
liability may be said to have opened, or closed 3. Light
(Maquiran v. Grageda, A.M. No. RTJ-04-1888, Feb. 11,
2005). Note: Administrative penalties imposed on judges are both
punitive and corrective (2011 Bar Question).
Q: Santiago’s Petition for Reconstitution of Q: What are considered as serious charges?
Lost/Destroyed Original Certificate of Title was
granted by the Quezon City RTC. The Republic of the A:
Philippines through the Office of the Solicitor 1. Bribery, direct or indirect
General appealed the decision to the Court of 2. Dishonesty and violations of the Anti-Graft and
Appeals the case of which was raffled to the Division Corrupt Practices Law (R.A. 3019)
where Justice Enriquez was Chairperson. The special 3. Gross misconduct constituting violations of the
division reversed and set aside the Decision of the Code of Judicial Conduct
Quezon City RTC. Motion for Reconsideration having 4. Knowingly rendering an unjust judgment or order
been denied, complainant filed the present as determined by a competent court in an
complaint before the SC. Pending the decision of the appropriate proceeding
SC, an administrative charge of Gross Ignorance of 5. Conviction of a crime involving moral turpitude
the law/Gross Incompetence was filed against 6. Willful failure to pay a just debt
respondent Associate Enriquez. Is the filing of the 7. Borrowing money or property from lawyers and
administrative complaint against him proper? litigants in a case pending before the court
8. Immorality
A: No. The remedy of the aggrieved party is not to file 9. Gross ignorance of the law or procedure
an administrative complaint against the judge, but to 10. Partisan political activities
elevate the assailed decision or order to the higher 11. Alcoholism and/or vicious habits
court for review and correction. An administrative
complaint is not an appropriate remedy where Q: What are considered as less serious charges?
judicial recourse is still available, such as a motion for
reconsideration, an appeal, or a petition for A:
certiorari, unless the assailed order or decision is 1. Undue delay in rendering a decision or order, or
tainted with fraud, malice, or dishonesty. in transmitting the records of a case
2. Frequently and unjustified absences without
The failure to interpret the law or to properly leave or habitual tardiness
appreciate the evidence presented does not 3. Unauthorized practice of law
necessarily render a judge administratively liable. 4. Violation of Supreme Court rules, directives, and
A judicial officer cannot be called to account in a civil 5. Receiving additional or double compensation
action for acts done by him in the exercise of his unless specifically authorized by law
judicial function, however erroneous. In the words of 6. Untruthful statements in the certificate of service
Alzua and Arnalot v. Johnson, “it is a general principle 7. Simple misconduct
of the highest importance to the proper
administration of justice that a judicial officer, in Q: What are considered as light charges?
exercising the authority vested in him, shall be free to
act upon his own convictions, without apprehension A:
of personal consequences to himself." This concept of 1. Vulgar and unbecoming conduct
judicial immunity rests upon consideration of public 2. Gambling in public
policy, its purpose being to preserve the integrity and 3. Fraternizing with lawyers and litigants with
independence of the judiciary. This principle is of pending case/cases in his court
universal application and applies to all grades of 4. Undue delay in the submission of monthly
judicial officers from the highest judge of the nation reports
and to the lowest officer who sits as a court.
(Santiago III v. Justice Enriquez, Jr. A.M. No. CA-09-47- Q: Are the proceedings against them confidential?
J, Feb. 13, 2009)
A: Yes. Proceedings against judges of regular and

special courts and justices of the Court of Appeals 2008)

and the Sandiganbayan shall be private and
confidential, but a copy of the decision or resolution Q: What is the quantum of evidence required for the
of the Court shall be attached to the record of the removal of a judicial officer?
respondent in the Office of the Court Administrator.
(Sec 12, Rule 140, RRC) A: The ground for removal of a judicial officer should
be established beyond reasonable doubt. Such is the
Q: What is the effect of resignation or retirement of rule where the charge on which the removal is sought
a judge when there is a pending administrative case is misconduct in office, willful neglect, corruption or
against him? incompetence. The general rules in regard to
admissibility of evidence in criminal trials apply.
A: The retirement of a judge or any judicial officer
from service does not preclude the finding of any Q: May a judge be disciplined by the Supreme Court
administrative liability to which he should still be based solely on a complaint filed by the complainant
answerable. Also, the withdrawal or recantation of and the answer of respondent judge? If so, in what
the complaint does not necessarily result in the circumstances? What is the rationale behind this
dismissal of the case. (Atty. Molina v. Judge Paz, A.M. power of the Supreme Court? (1996 Bar Question)
No. RTJ -01-1638, Dec. 8, 2003)
A: A judge may be disciplined by the Supreme Court
Note: The acceptance by the President of the resignation based solely on the basis of the complaint filed by the
does not necessarily render the case moot or deprive the complainant and the answer of the respondent judge,
SC of the authority to investigate the charges. The court under the principle of res ipsa loquitor. The Supreme
retains its jurisdiction either to pronounce the respondent
Court has held that when the facts alleged in the
officially innocent of the charges or declare him guilty
complaint are admitted or are already shown on the
thereof. A contrary rule will be fraught with injustice and
pregnant with dreadful and dangerous implications (Pesole record, and no credible explanation that would
v. Rodriguez A.M. No. 755-MTJ, Jan. 31, 1978) negate the strong inference of evil intent is
forthcoming, no further hearing to establish such
Q: May the heirs of a judge who was found guilty of facts to support a judgment as to culpability of the
gross neglect of duty and dismissed from the service respondent is necessary (In Re: Petition for dismissal
with disqualification from holding public office for of Judge Dizon).
an offense committed before he was appointed
judge, be entitled to gratuity benefits? Note: The doctrine of res ipsa loquitur does not and cannot
dispense with the twin requirements of due process, notice
and the opportunity to be heard. It merely dispenses with
A: Yes. Upon demise, the administrative complaint of
the procedure laid down in Rule 140, RRC (Rule 140:
the OCA had to be considered closed and terminated. Discipline of Judges of Regular and Special Courts and
Therefore, there is no valid reason why the heirs of Justices of the Court of Appeals and the Sandiganbayan).
the deceased should not be entitled to gratuity
benefits for the period he rendered service as MTCC Q: In Administrative Circular No. 1 addressed to all
judge up to the finality of the CSC Resolution which lower courts dated January 28, 1988, the Supreme
imposed the penalty of "dismissal from service with Court stressed that all judges are reminded that the
all the accessory penalties including disqualification Supreme Court has applied the Res Ipsa Loquitor
from holding public office and forfeiture of benefits”. rule in the removal of judges even without any
formal investigation whenever a decision, on its
face, indicates gross incompetence or gross
The penalty of disqualification from holding public ignorance of the law or gross misconduct (Cathay
office and forfeiture of benefits may not be applied Pacific Airways v. Romillo, G.R. No. 64276, 12 August
retroactively, however, the judge should be 1986). The application of the res ipsa loquitor rule in
considered terminated from service in the judiciary as the removal of judges is assailed in various quarters
his appointment as MTCC judge is deemed as inconsistent with due process and fair play. Is
conditional upon his exoneration of the CSC there any basis for such a reaction? Explain.
administrative charges against him. (Re: Application
for retirement/gratuity benefits under R.A. 910 as A:
amended by R.A. 5095 and P.D. 1438 filed by Mrs. 1. First view - there is a basis for the reaction
Butacan, surviving spouse of the late Hon. Jimmy against the res ipsa loquitor rule on removing
Butacan, former judge of MTC, Tuguegarao City, who judges. According to the position taken by the
died on July 28, 2005,A.M. No. 12535-Ret, Apr. 22, Philippine Bar Association, the res ipsa loquitor


Judicial Ethics

rule might violate the principle of due process

that is the right to be heard before one is As a matter of practice, the Supreme Court has
condemned. assigned complaints against Municipal or
Metropolitan Trial Judges to an Executive Judge of a
Moreover, Rule 140 of the Rules of Court Regional Trial Court and complaints against judges of
provides for the procedure for the removal of Regional Trial Courts to a justice of the Court of
judges. Upon service of the complaint against Appeals, while a complaint against a member of the
him, he is entitled to file an answer. If the answer Court of Appeals would probably be assigned to a
merits a hearing, it is referred to a justice of the member of the Supreme Court for investigation,
Court of Appeals for investigation, the report of report and recommendation. Retired SC Justices are
the investigation is submitted to the Supreme now tasked for this purpose.
Court for proper disposition.
Q: What is the rule on the liability of judges?
The danger in applying the res ipsa loquitor rule
is that the judge may have committed only an A: GR: A judge is not liable administratively, civilly, or
error of judgment. His outright dismissal does criminally, when he acts within his legal powers and
violence to the jurisprudence set in. (In Re jurisdiction, even though such acts are erroneous so
Horilleno, 43 Phil. 212, March 20, 1922) long as he acts in good faith. In such a case, the
remedy of aggrieved party is not to file an
2. Second view- According to the Supreme Court administrative complaint against the judge but to
the lawyer or a judge can be suspended or elevate the error to a higher court for review and
dismissed based on his activities or decision, as correction.
long as he has been given an opportunity to
explain his side. No investigation is necessary. Reason: To free the judge from apprehension of personal
consequences to himself and to preserve the integrity and
Q: Does suspension pendente lite apply to judges? independence of the judiciary.

A: No. While it is true that preventive suspension XPN: Where an error is gross or patent, deliberate
pendente lite does not violate the right of the accused and malicious, or is incurred with evident bad
to be presumed innocent as the same is not a faith; or when there is fraud, dishonesty, or
penalty, the rules on preventive suspension of judges, corruption.
not having been expressly included in the Rules of
Court, are amorphous at best. Q: What are the civil liabilities under the Civil Code?

Moreover, it is established that any administrative A:

complaint leveled against a judge must always be 1. Article 27 – refusal or neglect without just cause
examined with a discriminating eye, for its by a public servant to perform his official duty
consequential effects are, by their nature, highly
penal, such that the respondent judge stands to face 2. Article 32 – directly or indirectly obstructing,
the sanction of dismissal or disbarment. As defeating, violating or in any manner impeding or
aforementioned, the filing of criminal cases against impairing civil liberties guaranteed by the
judges may be used as tools to harass them and may Constitution
in the long run create adverse consequences. (Re:
Conviction of Judge Adoracion G. Angeles, A.M. No. This responsibility for damages is not, however,
06-9-545-RTC, Jan. 31, 2008) demandable of judges except when his act or
omission constitutes a violation of the Penal Code or
Q: May justices and judges be investigated under other penal statute.
the grievance procedure in the ROC?
Q: What are the disabilities/restrictions under the
A: No. Complaints against justices and judges are filed Civil Code?
with the Supreme Court which has exclusive
administrative supervision over all courts and the A:
personnel thereof pursuant to Section 6 Art. VIII, 1. Article 1491 (5) – Justices, judges, prosecuting
Constitution. The Court en banc has the power to attorneys, clerks of court of superior and inferior
discipline all judges of lower courts including justices courts and other officers and employees
of the Court of Appeals (Section 11, Art. VIII, 1987 connected with the administration of justice
Constitution). cannot acquire by purchase, even at a public or



judicial action, either in person or through the IMPEACHMENT

mediation of another the property and rights in (ETHICAL ASPECTS)
litigation or levied upon an execution before the
court within whose jurisdiction or territory they Q: What is the provision of the Constitution on the
exercise their respective functions. accountability of public officers?

This prohibition includes the act of acquiring by A: Public officers and employees must at all times be
assignment and shall apply to lawyers, with accountable to the people, serve them with utmost
respect to the property and rights that may be responsibility, integrity, loyalty, and efficiency, act
the object of any litigation in which they may with patriotism and justice, and lead modest lives
take part by virtue of their profession (1996 Bar (Sec. 1, Article XI 1987 Constitution).
Q: What is the nature of public office?
2. Article 739 – Donations made to a judge, his wife,
descendants and ascendants by reason of his A: A public office is a public trust. It is not to be
office are void. understood as a position of honor, prestige and
power but a position of rendering service to the
Q: What are the Criminal Liabilities under the RPC public.
and the Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act?
Q: What is the principle of accountability?
1. Misfeasance A: It sets down the mandate that all government
a. Article 204 – Knowingly rendering unjust officials and employees, whether they be the highest
judgment. in the land or the lowliest public servants, shall at all
b. Manifestly Unjust Judgment – one which is times be answerable for their misconduct to the
so patently against the law, public order, people from whom the government derives its
public policy and good morals that a powers.
person of ordinary discernment can easily
sense its invalidity and injustice. Q: What is the purpose of impeachment in relation
the accountability of public officers?
Note: It must be shown beyond doubt that the
judgment is unjust as it is contrary to law or is not
supported by evidence and the same was made with A: Its purpose is to protect the people from official
conscious and deliberate intent to do an injustice. (In delinquencies or malfeasances. It is therefore
Re: Climaco, A.C. No. 134-J, January 21, 1974) primarily intended for the protection of the State, not
for the punishment of the offender.
If the decision rendered by the judge is still on appeal,
the judge cannot be disqualified on the ground of Q: What is the importance of maintaining public
knowingly rendering an unjust judgment. (Abad v. trust in public offices?
Bleza, A.M. No. R-227-RTJ, October 13, 1986)
A: It is essential that responsible and competent
2. Article 205– Judgment rendered through public officers be chosen for public office to maintain
negligence – committed by reason of inexcusable the faith and confidence of the people to the
negligence or ignorance. government otherwise it becomes ineffective. No
popular government can survive without the
Note: Negligence and ignorance are inexcusable if they
imply a manifest injustice, which cannot be explained
confidence of the people. It is the lone guarantee and
by reasonable interpretation. (In Re: Climaco, A.C. No. justification of its existence.
134-J, January 21, 1974)
3. Article 206– Knowingly rendering an unjust ERRING MEMBERS OF THE JUDICIARY
interlocutory order; and
Q: What are the sanctions if the judge is found guilty
4. Maliciously delaying the administration of of a serious charge?
A: Any of the following sanctions may be imposed:
Note: The act must be committed maliciously with 1. Dismissal from the service, forfeiture of all or
deliberate intent to prejudice a party in a case. part of the benefits as the Court may determine,


Judicial Ethics

and disqualification from reinstatement or

appointment to any public office, including
government-owned or controlled corporations.
Provided, however, that the forfeiture of benefits
shall in no case include accrued leave credits

2. Suspension from office without salary and other

benefits for more than three (3) but not
exceeding six (6) months

3. A fine of more than P20,000.00 but not

exceeding P40,000.00

Q: What are the sanctions if the respondent is found

guilty of a less serious charge?

1. Suspension from office without salary and other
benefits for not less than one (1) nor more than
three (3) months; or
2. A fine of more than P10,000.00 but not
exceeding P20,000.00.

Q: What are the sanctions if the respondent is found

guilty of a light charge?

A: Any of the following sanctions shall be imposed:

1. A fine of not less than P1,000.00 but not
exceeding P10,000.00 and/or
2. Censure
3. Reprimand
4. Admonition with warning


Q: When is reinstatement proper?

A: Reinstatement is proper when there is no

indication that the judge is inspired by corrupt
motives or reprehensive purpose in the performance
of his functions.

Q: What are the factors to be considered in


1. Unsullied name and service of record prior to
2. Commitment to avoid situation that spur
suspicion of arbitrary conditions
3. Complainant mellowed down in pushing from his
4. Length of time separated from service




(A.M. NO. 01-8-10-SC)
(2005 Bar Question)

If the complaint is sufficient in form and

substance, a copy thereof shall be If the complaint is not sufficient
served upon the respondent and he in form and substance, the same
shall be required to comment within 10 shall be dismissed.
days from date of service.

Upon the filing of the respondent’s

comment or upon the expiration of the
time for filing the same and unless other
pleadings or documents are required, the
Supreme Court shall refer the matter to:

Office of the Court Administrator for The investigating justice or judge shall
evaluation, report, and set a day of the HEARING and send
recommendation notice thereof to both parties. At such
hearing the parties may present oral
Or assign the case for investigation,
and documentary evidence.
report, and recommendation to a
retired member of the Supreme Court,
If, after due notice, the respondent
if the respondent is a justice of the CA
fails to appear, the investigation shall
and the Sandiganbayan
proceed ex parte.
Or to a justice of the CA, if the
The investigating justice or judge shall
respondent is a judge of a Regional Trial
terminate the investigation within
Court or of a special court of equivalent
ninety (90) days from the date of its
commencement or within such
Or to a judge of the Regional Trial Court extension as the Supreme Court may
if the respondent is a judge of an grant.
inferior court.

Within thirty (30) days from the termination of the

investigation, the investigating Justice or Judge shall submit to
The Court shall take such the Supreme Court a REPORT containing findings of fact and
ACTION on the report as the recommendation. The report shall be accompanied by the
facts and the law may warrant. record containing the evidence and the pleadings filed by the
parties. The report shall be confidential and shall be for the
exclusive use of the Court.

Note: Before the Court approved this resolution, administrative and disbarment cases against members of the bar who were
likewise members of the court were treated separately. However, pursuant to the new rule, an administrative case against a
judge of a regular court based on grounds which are also grounds for the disciplinary action against members of the Bar shall be
automatically considered as disciplinary proceedings against such judge as a member of the Bar.

Since membership in the bar is an integral qualification for membership in the bench, the moral fitness of a judge also reflects his
moral fitness as a lawyer. A judge who disobeys the basic rules of judicial conduct also violates his oath as a lawyer (Samson v.
Judge Caballero, A.M. No. RTJ-08-2138, Aug. 5, 2009)


Judicial Ethics

DISQUALIFICATION OF JUSTICES AND JUDGES courts of justice will not be impaired. His decision, as to
(RULE 137) whether to hear the case or not should be based and
dependent to giving importance to the confidence in the
impartiality of a judge.

Q: What are the mandatory or compulsory instances Q: What are the grounds sufficient to disqualify a
that a judge may be disqualified? judge?

A: Section 1 of Rule 317 provides that a judge is A: Mere suspicion is not enough. Bias and prejudice
mandated by law to be disqualified if any of the are recognized as a valid ground to disqualify a judge.
following instance, is present: The appearance of bias or prejudice can be damaging
to the public competence and administration of
1. The judge, or his wife, or child is pecuniarily justice.
interested as heir, legatee, creditor or otherwise
2. The judge is related to either party of the case
within the sixth degree of consanguinity or
affinity, or to the counsel within the fourth
degree (computed according to the rule of civil
3. The judge has been an executor, administrator,
guardian, trustee or counsel
4. The judge has presided in any inferior court when
his ruling or decision is the subject of review

Rationale: there is a conclusive presumption that the judge

cannot objectively or impartially try the case. The law
expressly prohibits him and strikes at the judge’s authority
to hear and decide the case.

Q: Is there an exception to the compulsory or

mandatory disqualification?

A: Yes. The same rule also provides that the judge

may hear and decide the case despite the presence of
a disqualification provided the interested parties both
give a written consent, signed by them and entered
upon the record. It has been decided by the Supreme
Court that oral consent is not valid, even though both
parties have agreed. (Lazo v. Judge Tiong, 300 SCRA
173, 1998)


Q: What is a voluntary inhibition?

A: The Rules of Court states that a judge through the

exercise of sound discretion may, for just or valid
reasons to inhibit himself.

Note: A presiding judge must maintain and preserve the

trust and faith of the parties-litigants. He must hold himself
above reproach and suspicion. At the very sign of lack of
faith and trust in his actions, whether well-grounded or not,
the judge has no other alternative but to inhibit himself
from the case (Gutang v. Court of Appeals, 292 SCRA 76).

The self-examination of the judge is necessary. He should

exercise his discretion in a way that people’s faith in the



POWERS AND DUTIES OF COURTS such records, unless the court shall, in any special
AND JUDICIAL OFFICERS case, have forbidden their publicity, in the interest
(RULE 135) of morality or decency.”

Q: Can any pleading, motion or other papers, for the GR: The records of every court of justice shall be
trial of cases, hearing of motions, and for the public records and shall be available for the
issuance of orders or rendition of judgments be filed inspection of any interested person, at all proper
anytime? business hours, under the supervision of the clerk
having custody of such records.
A: No. Section 1, Rule 135 of Rules of Court provides:
“Courts always open; justice to be promptly and XPN: Unless the court shall, in any special
impartially administered.” Courts of justice shall case, have forbidden their publicity, in the
always be open, except on legal holidays, for the filing interest of morality or decency.
of any pleading, motion or other papers, for the trial
of cases, hearing of motions, and for the issuance of Q: Where can the process of inferior courts be
orders or rendition of judgments. Justice shall be enforceable?
impartially administered without unnecessary delay.
A: Within the province where the municipality or city
GR: Courts of justice shall always be open; Justice to lies.
be promptly and impartially administered.
Q: Is there any exception in which process of inferior
XPN: Legal holidays courts can be served outside boundaries of
Note: Upon the request of the local government unit
concerned, the Executive Judges of the MeTCs or the A: Yes, Provided, with the approval of judge of first
MTCCs of the cities and municipalities comprising Metro instance of said province.
Manila and of the cities of Baguio, Bacolod, Cagayan de
Oro, Cebu, Davao and Iloilo may assign all judges to hold
Q: May a criminal process issued by a justice of the
night court sessions daily from Monday to Friday and on
official holidays and special days, from four-thirty o’clock in peace or other inferior court be served outside his
the afternoon to eleven o’clock in the evening, on rotation province?
basis, and in pairs of two (Sec. 15, A.M. No. 03-8-02-SC).
A: Yes. When the district judge, or in his absence the
Q: Can the public be excluded from a proceeding? provincial fiscal, shall certify that in his opinion the
interests of justice require such service.
A: Yes. Section 2, Rule 135 of Rules of Court provides:
“Publicity of proceedings and records--The sitting of Section 4 of Rule 135 of Rules of Court provides:
every court of justice shall be public, but any court Process of inferior courts— The process of inferior
may, in its discretion, exclude the public when the courts shall be enforceable within the province where
evidence to be adduced is of such nature as to the municipality or city lies. It shall not be served
require their exclusion in the interest of morality or outside the boundaries of the province in which they
decency. xxx” are comprised except with the approval of the judge
of first instance of said province, and only in the
GR: The sitting of every court of justice shall be public following cases:
a. When an order for the delivery of personal
XPN: When the evidence to be adduced is of property lying outside the province is to be
such nature as to require their exclusion in complied with;
the interest of morality or decency. b. When an attachment of real or personal property
lying outside the province is to be made;
Q: Shall the records of every court of justice be c. When the action is against two or more
always in public? defendants residing in different provinces;
d. When the place where the case has been
A: No. Section 2, Rule 135 of Rules of Court provides: brought is that specified in a contract in writing
“The records of every court of justice shall be public between the parties, or is the place of the
records and shall be available for the inspection of execution of such contract as appears therefrom.
any interested person, at all proper business hours,
under the supervision of the clerk having custody of


Judicial Ethics

Writs of execution issued by inferior courts may be c. To compel obedience to its judgments,
enforced in any part of the Philippines without any orders and processes, and to the lawful
previous approval of the judge of first instance. orders of a judge out of court, in a case
Criminal process may be issued by a justice of the pending therein;
peace or other inferior court, to be served outside his d. To control, in furtherance of justice, the
province, when the district judge, or in his absence conduct of its ministerial officers, and of all
the provincial fiscal, shall certify that in his opinion other persons in any manner connected with
the interests of justice require such service. a case before it, in every manner
appertaining thereto;
Q: What are the instances or cases in which process e. To compel the attendance of persons to
issued from a superior court may be enforced in any testify in a case pending therein;
part of the Philippines? f. To administer or cause to be administered
oaths in a case pending therein, and in all
A: other cases where it may be necessary in the
1. A case is pending to bring in a defendant exercise of its powers;
2. for the arrest of an accused person g. to amend and control its process and orders
3. Execution of any order or judgment of the court so as to make them comfortable to law and
Section 3 of Rule 135 of Rules of Court provides: h. To authorize a copy of a lost or destroyed
Process of superior courts enforced throughout the pleading or other paper to be filed and used
Philippines— Process issued from a superior court in instead of the original, and to restore, and
which a case is pending to bring in a defendant, or for supply deficiencies in its records and
the arrest of any accused person, or to execute any proceedings.
order or judgment of the court may be enforced in
any part of the Philippines. Q: What are the means that courts and officers can
employ to carry jurisdiction into effect?
Q: What are the cases where the judge of the first
instance of a particular province can approve the A: All auxiliary writs, processes and other means
service of process of inferior courts outside the necessary to carry jurisdiction into effect may be
boundaries of province in which they are employed by court or officer.
Section 6, Rule 135 of Rules of Court provides:
A: Means to carry jurisdiction into effect. -- When by law
1. When an order for the delivery of personal jurisdiction is conferred on a court or judicial
property lying outside the province is to be officer, all auxiliary writs, processes and other means
complied with; necessary to carry it into effect may be employed by
2. When an attachment of real or personal property such court or officer; and if the procedure to be
lying outside the province is to be made; followed in the exercise of such jurisdiction is not
3. When the action is against two or more specifically pointed out by law or by these rules, any
defendants residing in different provinces; suitable process or mode of proceeding may be
4. When the place where the case has been adopted which appears conformable to the spirit of
brought is that specified in a contract in writing said law or rules.
between the parties, or is the place of the
execution of such contract as appears therefrom Q: Where should trials upon the merits shall be
Q: What are the inherent powers of courts?
A: In open court or in a regular court room
A: Section 5, Rule 135 of Rules of Court provides:
Inherent powers of courts-- Every court shall have Section 7, Rule 135 of Rules of Court provides:
power: Trials and hearings; orders in chambers.--All trials
a. To preserve and enforce order in its upon the merits shall be conducted in open court and
immediate presence; so far as convenient in a regular court room. All other
b. To enforce order in proceedings before it, or acts or proceedings may be done or conducted by a
before a person or persons empowered to judge in chambers, without the attendance of the
conduct a judicial investigation under its clerk or other court officials.



Q: Who shall have the power to hear and determine also authorize the judge who has partly heard the
any interlocutory motion or issue after due and case, if no other judge had heard the case in part, to
reasonable notice to the parties, within the district continue hearing and to decide said case
though without his province? notwithstanding his transfer or appointment to
another court of equal jurisdiction.
A: Judge of first instance.
Section 8, Rule 135 of Rules of Court provides: 1. Upon petition of any of the parties
Interlocutory orders out of province.-- A judge of first 2. Recommendation of the respective district judge
instance shall have power to hear and determine,
when within the district though without his province,
any interlocutory motion or issue after due and
reasonable notice to the parties. xxx

Q: What are the instances or cases where the

hearings may be had at any place in the judicial
district which the judge shall deem convenient?

1. On the filing of a petition for the writ of habeas
2. For release upon bail or reduction of bail in any
Court of First Instance (Section 8, Rule 135 of
Rules of Court)

Q: What are the processes that a judge should

secure in case he shall leave the province by transfer
or assignment to another court of equal jurisdiction,
or by expiration of his temporary assignment,
without having decided a case totally heard by him
and which was argued or an opportunity given for
argument to the parties or their counsel?

1. Prepare and sign his decision in said case
anywhere in within the Philippines.
2. Send the same by registered mail to the clerk of
the court where the case was heard or argued to
be filed therein as of the date when the same
was received by the clerk, in the same manner as
if he had been present in court to direct the filing
of the judgment.

Q: When can the Supreme Court authorize the judge

to continue hearing and to decide said case
notwithstanding his transfer or appointment to
another court of equal jurisdiction?

1. If a case has been heard only in part.
2. If no other judge had heard the case in part.

Section 9, Rule 135 of Rules of Court provides:

Signing judgments out of province.—If a case has
been heard only in part, the Supreme Court, upon
petition of any of the parties to the case and the
recommendation of the respective district judge, may


Judicial Ethics

COURT RECORDS AND GENERAL DUTIES OF arrest and subpoenas, and the date and
CLERKS AND STENOGRAPHER nature of the return thereon;
(RULE 136) d. The date of the appearance of default of the
Q: What are the records kept by the clerk? e. The date of presenting the plea, answer, or
motion to quash, and the nature of the
A: same;
1. General Docket - A record kept by the clerk each f. The minutes of the trial, including the date
page of which shall be numbered and prepared thereof and of all adjournments;
for receiving all the entries in a single case, and g. The names and addresses of all witnesses;
shall enter therein all cases, numbered h. The date and nature of the judgment, and, in
consecutively in the order in which they were a civil case, the relief granted;
received, and, under the heading of each case i. An itemized statement of the costs;
and a complete title thereof, the date of each j. The date of any execution issued, and the
paper filed or issued, of each order or judgment date and contents of the return thereon;
entered, and of each other step taken in the k. The date of any notice of appeal filed, and
case, so that by reference to a single page, the the name of the party filing the same.
history of the case may be seen. (Sec. 8, Rule
136, Rules of Court) A municipal or city judge may keep two dockets, one
for civil and one for criminal cases. He shall also keep
2. Judgment and Entries Book - book containing a
all the pleadings and other papers and exhibits in
copy of each judgment rendered by the court in
cases pending in his court, and shall certify copies of
order of its date, and a book of entries of
his docket entries and other records proper to be
judgments containing at length in chronological
certified, for the fees prescribed by these rules. It
order entries of all final judgments or orders of
shall not be necessary for the municipal or city judge
the court.(Sec. 9, Rule 136, Rules of Court)
to reduce to writing the testimony of witnesses,
3. Execution Book - book in which he or his deputy except that of the accused in preliminary
shall record at length in chronological order each investigations. (Sec. 18, Rule 136, Rules of Court)
execution, and the officer’s return thereon, by
virtue of which real property has been sold.(Sec. Q: May record be taken from the clerk’s office?
10, Rule 136, Rules of Court)
A: No except by order of the court.
Note: The general docket, judgment book, entries book and
execution book shall each be indexed in alphabetical order Note: However, the Solicitor General or any of his
in the names of the parties, and each of them. assistants, the provincial fiscal or his deputy, and the
attorneys de officio shall be permitted, upon proper
If the court so directs, the clerk shall keep two or more of receipt, to withdraw from the clerk’s office the record of
either or all of the books and dockets above mentioned, any case in which they are interested. (Sec. 14, Rule 136,
separating civil from criminal cases, or actions from special Rules of Court)
proceedings, or otherwise keeping cases separated by
classes as the court shall deem best.(Sec. 13, Rule 136,
Q: What are the duties of Clerks of Superior Court?
Rules of Court)

Q: What are the items entered in the docket of
1. Issue under the seal of the court all ordinary
inferior courts?
writs and process incident to pending cases, the
issuance of which does not involve the exercise
A: Docket and other records of inferior courts. - Every
of functions appertaining to the court or judge
municipal or city judge shall keep a well-bound
only. (Sec. 4, Rule 136, Rules of Court)
labeled “docket,” in which he shall enter for each
2. Receive and file all pleadings and other papers
properly presented, endorsing on each paper the
a. Title of the case including the names of all
time when it was filed;
the parties;
3. Attend all the sessions of the court;
b. The nature of the case, whether civil or
4. Prepare minute of sessions to be entered in a
criminal, and if the latter, the offense
minute book kept by him. (Sec. 6, Rule 136, Rules
of Court)
c. The date of issuing preliminary and
intermediate process including order of



Q: What are the duties of clerks in general?

1. The clerk shall safely keep all records, papers,
files, exhibits and public property committed to
his charge, including the library of the court, and
the seal and furniture belonging to his office (Sec.
7, Rule 136, Rules of Court);
2. Demand that the stenographer deliver notes of
the session of the court to him immediately after
each session (Sec. 17, Rule 136, Rules of Court).

Q: What are the duties of clerk in the absence of the


A: In the absence of the judge, the clerk may:

1. Perform all the duties of the judge in receiving
applications, petitions, inventories, reports;
2. Issue orders and notices(Sec. 5, Rule 136, Rules of

Q: What are the duties of the clerk by the direction

of the judge?

A: When directed to do so by the judge, clerk may:

1. Receive the accounts off executors,
administrators, guardians, trustees, and
2. Receive all evidence relating to them, or to
the settlement of the estates of deceased
persons, or to guardianships, trusteeships, or
3. Transmit such reports, accounts, and
evidence to the judge, together with his
findings in relation to the same, if the judge
shall direct him to make findings and include
the same in his report.(Sec. 5, Rule 136,
Rules of Court)
4. Make out and sign letters of administration,
appointments of guardians, trustees and
receivers, and all writs and process issuing
from the court.(Sec. 4, Rule 136, Rules of

Q: What is the duty of the stenographer who has

attended a session of a court either in the morning
or in the afternoon?

A: It shall be the duty of the stenographer to deliver

to the clerk of court, immediately at the close of such
morning or afternoon session, all the notes he has
taken, to be attached to the record of the case.(Sec.
17, Rule 136, Rules of Court)

Note: Transcript of notes delivered to the clerk, must be

duly initialed on each page, to be attached to the record of
the case.
Judicial Ethics

LEGAL FEES 5. Commissioners in the proceedings for

(RULE 141, A.M. NO. 04-2-04-SC) partition of real estate

MANNER OF PAYMENT Note: The persons herein authorized to collect legal fees
shall be accountable officers and shall be required to post
Q: When shall payment be made? bond in such amount as prescribed by the law.

A: Upon the filing of the pleading or other application Q: What shall be the basis of the amount of fee in
which initiates an action or proceeding. filing an action or proceeding with the Court of Tax
Q: What is the required manner of payment?
A: The fees prescribed shall be paid in full upon filing 1. In an action or proceeding, including petition for
of the pleading or application. intervention, and for all services in the same –
amount of fee would be based on the:
FEES IN LIEN a. Sum claimed or amount of disputed tax or
customs assessment, inclusive of interest,
Q: What if the court awards a claim not alleged or penalties and surcharges, damages of
relief more than claimed in the pleading? whatever kind and attorney’s fees
b. Value of the article of property in seizure
A: The amount shall be considered Fees in lien. cases.
Where the court in its final judgment awards a claim If the value of the subject matter cannot be
not alleged, or a relief different from, or more than estimated – P 5,000.
that claimed in the pleading, the party concerned
shall pay the additional fees which shall constitute a 2. Petition for review from a decision of the RTC or
lien on the judgment in satisfaction of said lien. of the Central Board of Assessment Appeals or a
special civil action with the CTA or an appeal
PERSONS AUTHORIZED TO COLLECT LEGAL FEES from a decision of a CTA Division to the CTA En
Banc – P3,000.00.
Q: Who are the persons authorized to collect legal
fees? Q: What are the consequences if fees are not paid?

A: Except as otherwise provided, these officers and A: If the fees are not paid, the court may refuse to
persons, together with their assistants and deputies, proceed with the action until they are paid and may
may demand, receive, and take the several fees dismiss the action or proceedings.
hereinafter mentioned and allowed for any business
by them respectively done by virtue of their several Q: What shall be the basis of the amount of fee in
offices, and no more: filing permissive OR COMPULSORY counter-claim,
1. Clerks of the Supreme Court, Court of CROSS-CLAIM, money claim against an estate not
Appeals, Sandiganbayan and Court of Tax based on judgment, Third-party, fourth-party, etc.
Appeals complaint, complaint-in-intervention in the RTC ?
2. Clerks of Regional Trial Courts
3. Clerks of Court of the First Level Courts A: TOTAL SUM CLAIMED, Inclusive of Interests,
4. Sheriffs, process servers and other persons Penalties, Surcharges, Damages of whatever kind, and
serving processes Attorney’s Fees, Litigation Expenses and Costs
5. Notaries
6. Other officers taking depositions In cases involving REAL property in litigation it is
based on the fair market value as:
The following persons are also entitled to receive 1. stated in the current tax declaration or
fees/ compensation under rule 141: 2. current zonal valuation of the bureau of
1. Stenographers internal revenue, whichever is higher,
2. Witnesses 3. if there is none, the stated value of the
3. Appraisers property in litigation
4. Commissioners in eminent domain
proceedings In case of PERSONAL property, the FAIR MARKET
value of the property in litigation as alleged by the

Q: What is the basis for determining amount of fees Q: What is the rule with regard to Indigent litigants?
in personal actions in first level courts?
A: Indigent litigants are exempt from payment of
A: The value of the subject matter involved, or the legal fees. However, the legal fees shall be a lien on
amount of the demand, inclusive of any judgment rendered in the case favorable to the
interests, PENALTIES, SURCHARGES, damages of indigent litigant unless the court otherwise provides.
whatever kind, attorney’s fees, litigation expenses
and costs. Q: What must the indigent litigant do to be entitled
to the exemption?
Q: What is the basis for determining amount of fees
in real actions? A: He must execute an affidavit that he and his
immediate family do not earn a gross income
A: The FAIR MARKET value of the property: abovementioned, and they do not own any real
1. Stated in the current tax declaration or property with the fair value aforementioned,
2. Current zonal valuation of the bureau of internal supported by an affidavit of a disinterested person
revenue, whichever is higher, or, attesting to the truth of the litigant’s affidavit. The
3. If not declared for taxation purposes, the current tax declaration, if any, shall be attached to
estimated value thereof shall be alleged by the the litigant’s affidavit.
claimant and shall be the basis in computing the
fees. Any falsity in the affidavit of litigant or disinterested
person shall be sufficient cause to dismiss the
Q: Are there exemptions to these real actions? complaint or action or to strike out the pleading of
that party, without prejudice to whatever criminal
A: Yes, Forcible entry and unlawful detainer. The liability may have been incurred. (Sec. 19)
amount of fee would depend on whether damages or
costs are prayed for. Q: What is the rule as to Republic of the Philippines?

Q: Are Witnesses entitled to fees? A: The Republic of the Philippines, its agencies and
instrumentalities are exempt from paying the legal
A: Yes. Witnesses in the Supreme Court, in the Court fees provided in the rule.
of Appeals and in the Regional Trial Courts and in the
1 level courts, either in actions or special Q: Does the exemption include Local government
proceedings, shall be entitled to P200.00 per day, and GOCCs?
inclusive of ALL EXPENSES;
A: No. Local governments and government-owned or
Fees to which witnesses may be entitled in a civil controlled corporations with or without independent
action shall be allowed on the certification of the charters are not exempt from paying such fees.
clerk of court or judge of his appearance in the case.
However, all court actions, criminal or civil, instituted
Q: What are the Limitations? at the instance of the provincial, city or municipal
treasurer or assessor under Sec. 280 of the Local
A: Government Code of 1991 shall be exempt from the
1. A witness shall not be allowed compensation for payment of court and sheriff’s fees.
his attendance in more than one case or more
than one side of the same case at the same time, Q: Are there exceptions in payment of mediation
but may elect in which of several cases or on fees?
which side of a case, when he is summoned by
both sides, to claim his attendance. A: Yes. The following are exempt from contributing to
2. A person who is compelled to attend court on the mediation fund:
other business shall not be paid as a witness. 1. Pauper litigant.
Note: However, the court shall provide that the unpaid
Q: Who are exempt from payment of Legal Fees? contribution to the Mediation Fund shall be
considered a lien on any monetary award in a
judgment favorable to the pauper litigant.
1. Indigent litigants
2. Republic of the Philippines 2. Accused-appellant


Judicial Ethics

Q: What is the purpose of mediation fund?

A: The Fund shall be utilized for the promotion of

court-annexed mediation and other relevant modes
of alternative dispute resolution (ADR), training of
mediators, payment of mediator’s fees, and
operating expenses of the Philippine Mediation
Center (PMC) units including expenses for technical
assistance and organizations/individuals,
transportation/communication expenses,
photocopying, supplies and equipment, expense
allowance and miscellaneous expenses, whenever
necessary, subject to auditing rules and regulations.

Q: Will these fees form part of Judiciary

Development Fund?

A: No, the mediation fees shall not form part of the

Judiciary Development Fund (JDF) under P.D. No.
1949 nor of the special allowances granted to justices
and judges under Republic Act No. 9227.

The amount collected shall be receipted and

separated as part of a special fund to be known as the
“Mediation Fund” and shall accrue to the SC-PHILJA-
PMC Fund, disbursements from which are and shall
be pursuant to guidelines approved by the Supreme



COSTS Tan filed a complaint in the MTCC which was

(RULE 142) favored. The petitioners appealed, but RTC upheld
the MTCC. Petitioners further appealed to the CA,
RECOVERY OF COSTS which was denied for lack of merit. The MR being
also denied, hence the appeal to the Supreme Court.
PREVAILING PARTY The issue is whether or not the appeal is frivolous.

Q; How are Costs allowed to a Prevailing Party? A: Yes, the rejection by CA indicated that the three
lower courts with legal capacity and official function
A: Costs shall be allowed to a prevailing party as a to resolve issues, all found the same set of facts. In
matter of course. However, the court shall have this recourse, the petitioners presented no ground
power, for special reasons, to adjudge that either sufficient to persuade the court to warrant a review
party shall pay the costs of an action, or that the of the uniform findings of fact. Given the
same be divided, as may be equitable (Sec. 1, Rule frivolousness of the appeal, the court imposes treble
142, Rules of Court) costs of suit on the petitioners under Rule 142.
(Maglana Rice and Corn Mill Inc. vs. Annie L. Tan, G.R.
Q: Can the Republic be adjudged to pay for Costs? No. 159051, Sept. 21, 2011)

A: No, Costs shall not be allowed to the Republic of FALSE ALLEGATIONS

the Philippines. (Sec. 1, Rule 142, Rules of Court)
Q: Are there imposable Costs for False Allegations?
Q: Is the Land bank of the Philippines liable to the
cost of suit in the performance of a governmental A: Yes, A False Allegation made without reasonable
function such as disbursement of agrarian funds to cause and found untrue shall subject the offending
satisfy awards of just compensation? party to the reasonable expenses as may have been
necessarily incurred by the other part by reason of
A: No, the Land Bank of the Philippines is in the such untrue pleading. The amount I fixed by the
performance of a Governmental function in an Judge and taxed as costs. (Sec. 4, Rule 142, Rules of
agrarian reform proceeding, hence, according to Rule Court)
142, it is exempt from the payment of Cost of Suit.
(Land Bank of the Philippines vs. Esther Anson Rivera, NON-APPEARANCE OF WITNESSES
G.R. No. 182431, Nov. 17, 2010)
Q: If a Witness does not appear, who bears the cost
DISMISSED APPEAL OR ACTION of such nonappearance?

Q: If an Appeal has been dismissed, does the Court A: If a Witness fails to appear at the time and place
still have power to render judgment for Costs? specified in the subpoena issued by any inferior court,
the costs of the warrant of arrest and of the arrest of
A: Yes, if an Action or Appeal is dismissed, for want the witness shall be borne by him, if the court
of Jurisdiction or otherwise, the Court retains the determines that his failure to answer the subpoena
power to render judgment for Costs, as justice may was willful and without excuse. (Sec. 12, Rule 142,
require. (Sec. 2, Rule 142, Rules of Court) Rules of Court)


Q: If an Appeal is deemed frivolous, what Costs will

be imposed?

A: Double or Treble Costs shall be imposed on the

plaintiff or appellant, which shall be paid by his
attorney, if so ordered by the Court. (Sec. 3, Rule 142,
Rules of Court)

Q: A vehicular accident between a Fuso truck owned

by Maglana Rice and Corn Mill and a Honda Accord
owned by Sps. Tan occurred on Aug. 28, 1996. Sps.



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