10 Elp Drafts 1

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Name: Renee 12

Language & Literacy Level 8 Level 10 Level 12 Level 14


Text structure: Not all stages or phases are All stages included but phases All stages and phases clear and All stages and phases clear and
stages/phases and their included; ​little attention given to sometimes unclear; with distinct; with variable ratios; distinct,​ with highly accurate
ratios ratios; word count not included inaccurate ratios; word count word count included ratios; word count included

Body paragraph structure Topic sentences ​don’t always Topic sentences ​vaguely Topic sentences identify Topic sentences ​accurately
identify fight-or-flight behaviour identify fight-or-flight behaviour fight-or-flight behaviour identify a fight-or-flight
according to chapter and scene; according to chapter and scene; according to chapter and scene; behaviour according to chapter
Barbara’s reaction and reason Barbara’s reaction and reason Barbara’s reaction and reason and scene; Barbara’s reaction
for this behaviour is for this behaviour is ​partly for this behaviour is ​mostly and reason for this behaviour is
ineffectively described and described and appraised​; accurately described and accurately described and
appraised​; additional additional ​explanatory​ sentence appraised​; additional sentence appraised​; additional sentence
explanatory​ sentence is ineffectively​ explains topic further explains ​topic effectively​ explains​ topic
unrelated​ ​to​ topic sentence; sentence; ​elaboration ​briefly sentence​; elaboration ​mostly sentence ​further​; elaboration
elaboration ​only briefly explains and explores explains and explores precisely explains and
explains and explores personal thoughts and feelings; personal thoughts and feelings; explores​ personal thoughts and
personal thoughts and feelings; concluding valuation about concluding valuation about feelings; ​concluding valuation
concluding valuation about Barbara’s behaviour is Barbara’s behaviour is ​relevant about Barbara’s behaviour is
Barbara’s behaviour is attempted insightful

Text connectives linking Little used, basic, illogical and Sometimes logical and Usually logical and intentionally Always logical and intentionally
(ideas) sentences and inappropriate to contex appropriate to context but purposeful purposeful
paragraphs not strictly intentional

Foregrounding of important Ideas are ineffectively Some demonstration; not strictly Good intentional and purposeful Excellent intentional
ideas foregrounded intentional demonstration demonstration for effect
Appraisal (Judgement) of Basic appraisal of Barbara’s Some developed appraisal of Effective appraisal of Barbara’s Nuanced appraisal of Barbara’s
Barbara’s behaviour and behaviour/mental states, and Barbara’s behaviour/mental behaviour/mental states, and behaviour/mental states, and
mental states, and appraisal appraisal of your related states, and appraisal of your appraisal of your related appraisal of your related
of your related personal personal feelings and emotions related personal feelings and personal feelings and emotions personal feelings and emotions
thoughts and feelings about emotions
those behaviours/mental
states (Affect)

Judgement:​ to express
judgement of people and their
behaviours/mental states
Affect:​ to express personal

Nominal groups describe Basic, unexpanded; minimal Little intentional expansion or Some thoughtful expansion to Carefully and intentionally
things and carry appraisal appraisal appraisal create effective appraisal expanded, highly descriptive,
Noun + adjectives resulting in nuanced appraisal

Verb groups and Basic action, saying and Begins to use more nuanced Intentionally uses nuanced Always intentionally makes
circumstances to describe sensing verbs; limited adverbs action, saying and sensing action, saying and sensing delicate, nuanced choices of
and carry appraisal of place, time, manner and verbs to express shades of verbs to express shades of action, saying and sensing
Verb​ + ​adverbs cause; resulting in minimal meaning and carry effective meaning and carry effective verbs to express shades of
appraisal appraisal; ​uses a range of appraisal;​ uses a wider range of meaning in order to carry
adverbs to explain place, time, adverbs to explain place, time, sophisticated appraisal; uses an
manner and cause manner and cause extensive range of adverbs to
explain place, time, manner and

Tense movement between Mixed, often incorrect and more Sometimes correct; mistakes Usually correct, some minor Precise
events in the text (present) than one type of error made that should be picked up mistakes with complex tense
and expressing personal in self-editing changes
feelings about those events

Evidence of editing for Little to no evidence of editing; Some evidence of editing;​ not Clear evidence of editing; Clear evidence of editing; very
improvement after explicit not picking up or correcting particularly habitual or intentional and for effect; ​clear clearly intentional and for effect;
teaching, self-assessment simple errors of punctuation, intentional effect; simple errors implementation of teacher actively seeks clarification about
and direct teacher feedback spelling, character names, text of punctuation, spelling, written feedback teacher written feedback
on a draft title, and writer/illustrator character names, text title, and
writer/illustrator persist
Name: Jazz 10

Language & Literacy Level 8 Level 10 Level 12 Level 14


Text structure: Not all stages or phases are All stages included but phases All stages and phases clear and All stages and phases clear and
stages/phases and their included; little attention given to sometimes unclear; with distinct; with variable ratios; distinct, with highly accurate
ratios ratios; word count not included inaccurate ratios; word count word count included ratios; word count included

Body paragraph structure Topic sentences ​don’t always Topic sentences ​vaguely Topic sentences identify Topic sentences ​accurately
identify fight-or-flight behaviour identify fight-or-flight behaviour fight-or-flight behaviour identify a fight-or-flight
according to chapter and scene; according to chapter and scene; according to chapter and scene​; behaviour according to chapter
Barbara’s reaction and reason Barbara’s reaction and reason Barbara’s reaction and reason and scene; Barbara’s reaction
for this behaviour is for this behaviour is ​partly for this behaviour is ​mostly and reason for this behaviour is
ineffectively described and described and appraised​; accurately described and accurately described and
appraised​; additional sentence additional sentence appraised​; ​additional sentence appraised​; additional sentence
is ​unrelated​ topic sentence; ineffectively​ explains topic further explains ​topic further explains​ topic sentence
elaboration ​only briefly sentence; elaboration ​briefly sentence; elaboration ​mostly effectively​; elaboration
explains and explores explains and explores explains and explores precisely explains and
personal thoughts and feelings; personal thoughts and feelings; personal thoughts and feelings​; explores​ personal thoughts and
concluding valuation about concluding valuation about concluding valuation about feelings; concluding valuation
Barbara’s behaviour is Barbara’s behaviour is Barbara’s behaviour is ​relevant about Barbara’s behaviour is
ineffective attempted insightful

Text connectives linking Little used, basic, illogical and Sometimes logical and Usually logical and intentionally Always logical and intentionally
(ideas) sentences and inappropriate to contex appropriate to context but purposeful purposeful
paragraphs not strictly intentional

Foregrounding of important Ideas are ineffectively Some demonstration; not strictly Good intentional and purposeful Excellent intentional
ideas foregrounded intentional demonstration demonstration for effect
Appraisal (Judgement) of Basic appraisal of Barbara’s Some developed appraisal of Effective appraisal of Barbara’s Nuanced appraisal of Barbara’s
Barbara’s behaviour and behaviour/mental states, and Barbara’s behaviour/mental behaviour/mental states, and behaviour/mental states, and
mental states, and appraisal appraisal of your related states, and appraisal of your appraisal of your related appraisal of your related
of your related personal personal feelings and emotions related personal feelings and personal feelings and emotions personal feelings and emotions
thoughts and feelings about emotions
those behaviours/mental
states (Affect)

Judgement:​ to express
judgement of people and their
behaviours/mental states
Affect:​ to express personal

Nominal groups describe Basic, unexpanded; minimal Little intentional expansion or Some thoughtful expansion to Carefully and intentionally
things and carry appraisal appraisal appraisal create effective appraisal expanded, highly descriptive,
Noun + adjectives resulting in nuanced appraisal

Verb groups and Basic action, saying and Begins to use more nuanced Intentionally uses nuanced Always intentionally makes
circumstances to describe sensing verbs; limited adverbs action, saying and sensing action, saying and sensing delicate, nuanced choices of
and carry appraisal of place, time, manner and verbs to express shades of verbs to express shades of action, saying and sensing
Verb​ + ​adverbs cause; resulting in minimal meaning and carry effective meaning and carry effective verbs to express shades of
appraisal appraisal; ​uses a range of appraisal​; uses a wider range of meaning in order to carry
adverbs to explain place, time, adverbs to explain place, time, sophisticated appraisal; uses an
manner and cause manner and cause extensive range of adverbs to
explain place, time, manner and

Tense movement between Mixed, often incorrect and more Sometimes correct; mistakes Usually correct, some minor Precise
events in the text (present) than one type of error made that should be picked up mistakes with complex tense
and expressing personal in self-editing changes
feelings about those events

Evidence of editing for Little to no evidence of editing; Some evidence of editing​; not Clear evidence of editing; Clear evidence of editing; very
improvement after explicit not picking up or correcting particularly habitual or intentional and for effect; ​clear clearly intentional and for effect;
teaching, self-assessment simple errors of punctuation, intentional effect; simple errors implementation of teacher actively seeks clarification about
and direct teacher feedback spelling, character names, text of punctuation, spelling, written feedback teacher written feedback
on a draft title, and writer/illustrator character names, text title, and
writer/illustrator persist
Name: Mark 11

Language & Literacy Level 8 Level 10 Level 12 Level 14


Text structure: Not all stages or phases are All stages included but phases All stages and phases clear and All stages and phases clear and
stages/phases and their included; ​little attention given to sometimes unclear; with distinct; with variable ratios; distinct,​ with highly accurate
ratios ratios; word count not included inaccurate ratios; word count word count included ratios; word count included

Body paragraph structure Topic sentences ​don’t always Topic sentences ​vaguely Topic sentences identify Topic sentences ​accurately
identify fight-or-flight behaviour identify fight-or-flight behaviour fight-or-flight behaviour identify a fight-or-flight
according to chapter and scene; according to chapter and scene; according to chapter and scene​; behaviour according to chapter
Barbara’s reaction and reason Barbara’s reaction and reason Barbara’s reaction and reason and scene; Barbara’s reaction
for this behaviour is for this behaviour is ​partly for this behaviour is ​mostly and reason for this behaviour is
ineffectively described and described and appraised​; accurately described and accurately described and
appraised​; additional sentence additional sentence appraised​; ​additional sentence appraised​; additional sentence
is ​unrelated​ topic sentence; ineffectively​ explains topic further explains ​topic further explains​ topic sentence
elaboration ​only briefly sentence; elaboration ​briefly sentence; elaboration ​mostly effectively​; elaboration
explains and explores explains and explores explains and explores precisely explains and
personal thoughts and feelings; personal thoughts and feelings; personal thoughts and feelings; explores​ personal thoughts and
concluding valuation about concluding valuation about concluding valuation about feelings; concluding valuation
Barbara’s behaviour is Barbara’s behaviour is Barbara’s behaviour is ​relevant about Barbara’s behaviour is
ineffective attempted insightful

Text connectives linking Little used, basic, illogical and Sometimes logical and Usually logical and intentionally Always logical and intentionally
(ideas) sentences and inappropriate to contex appropriate to context but purposeful purposeful
paragraphs not strictly intentional

Foregrounding of important Ideas are ineffectively Some demonstration; not strictly Good intentional and purposeful Excellent intentional
ideas foregrounded intentional demonstration demonstration for effect
Appraisal (Judgement) of Basic appraisal of Barbara’s Some developed appraisal of Effective appraisal of Barbara’s Nuanced appraisal of Barbara’s
Barbara’s behaviour and behaviour/mental states, and Barbara’s behaviour/mental behaviour/mental states,​ and behaviour/mental states, and
mental states, and appraisal appraisal of your related states, and ​appraisal of your appraisal of your related appraisal of your related
of your related personal personal feelings and emotions related personal feelings and personal feelings and emotions personal feelings and emotions
thoughts and feelings about emotions
those behaviours/mental
states (Affect)

Judgement:​ to express
judgement of people and their
behaviours/mental states
Affect:​ to express personal

Nominal groups describe Basic, unexpanded; minimal Little intentional expansion or Some thoughtful expansion to Carefully and intentionally
things and carry appraisal appraisal appraisal create effective appraisal expanded, highly descriptive,
Noun + adjectives resulting in nuanced appraisal

Verb groups and Basic action, saying and Begins to use more nuanced Intentionally uses nuanced Always intentionally makes
circumstances to describe sensing verbs; limited adverbs action, saying and sensing action, saying and sensing delicate, nuanced choices of
and carry appraisal of place, time, manner and verbs to express shades of verbs to express shades of action, saying and sensing
Verb​ + ​adverbs cause; resulting in minimal meaning and carry effective meaning and carry effective verbs to express shades of
appraisal appraisal; uses a range of appraisal; uses a wider range of meaning in order to carry
adverbs to explain place, time, adverbs to explain place, time, sophisticated appraisal; uses an
manner and cause manner and cause extensive range of adverbs to
explain place, time, manner and

Tense movement between Mixed, often incorrect and more Sometimes correct; mistakes Usually correct, some minor Precise
events in the text (present) than one type of error made that should be picked up mistakes with complex tense
and expressing personal in self-editing changes
feelings about those events

Evidence of editing for Little to no evidence of editing; Some evidence of editing; not Clear evidence of editing; Clear evidence of editing; very
improvement after explicit not picking up or correcting particularly habitual or intentional and for effect; clear clearly intentional and for effect;
teaching, self-assessment simple errors of punctuation, intentional effect; simple errors implementation of teacher actively seeks clarification about
and direct teacher feedback spelling, character names, text of punctuation, spelling, written feedback teacher written feedback
on a draft title, and writer/illustrator character names, text title, and
writer/illustrator persist
Name: Lisa 12

Language & Literacy Level 8 Level 10 Level 12 Level 14


Text structure: Not all stages or phases are All stages included but phases All stages and phases clear and All stages and phases clear and
stages/phases and their included; little attention given to sometimes unclear; with distinct; ​with variable ratios; distinct,​ with highly accurate
ratios ratios; word count not included inaccurate ratios; word count word count included ratios; word count included

Body paragraph structure Topic sentences ​don’t always Topic sentences ​vaguely Topic sentences identify Topic sentences ​accurately
identify fight-or-flight behaviour identify fight-or-flight behaviour fight-or-flight behaviour identify a fight-or-flight
according to chapter and scene; according to chapter and scene; according to chapter and scene; behaviour according to chapter
Barbara’s reaction and reason Barbara’s reaction and reason Barbara’s reaction and reason and scene; Barbara’s reaction
for this behaviour is for this behaviour is ​partly for this behaviour is ​mostly and reason for this behaviour is
ineffectively described and described and appraised​; accurately described and accurately described and
appraised​; additional sentence additional sentence appraised​; additional sentence appraised​; additional sentence
is ​unrelated​ topic sentence; ineffectively​ explains topic further explains ​topic further explains​ topic sentence
elaboration ​only briefly sentence; ​elaboration ​briefly sentence;​ elaboration ​mostly effectively​; elaboration
explains and explores explains and explores explains and explores precisely explains and
personal thoughts and feelings; personal thoughts and feelings; personal thoughts and feelings; explores​ personal thoughts and
concluding valuation about concluding valuation about concluding valuation about feelings; concluding valuation
Barbara’s behaviour is Barbara’s behaviour is Barbara’s behaviour is ​relevant about Barbara’s behaviour is
ineffective attempted insightful

Text connectives linking Little used, basic, illogical and Sometimes logical and Usually logical and intentionally Always logical and intentionally
(ideas) sentences and inappropriate to contex appropriate to context but purposeful purposeful
paragraphs not strictly intentional

Foregrounding of important Ideas are ineffectively Some demonstration; not strictly Good intentional and purposeful Excellent intentional
ideas foregrounded intentional demonstration demonstration for effect
Appraisal (Judgement) of Basic appraisal of Barbara’s Some developed appraisal of Effective appraisal of Barbara’s Nuanced appraisal of Barbara’s
Barbara’s behaviour and behaviour/mental states, and Barbara’s behaviour/mental behaviour/mental states, and behaviour/mental states, and
mental states, and appraisal appraisal of your related states, and appraisal of your appraisal of your related appraisal of your related
of your related personal personal feelings and emotions related personal feelings and personal feelings and emotions personal feelings and emotions
thoughts and feelings about emotions
those behaviours/mental
states (Affect)

Judgement:​ to express
judgement of people and their
behaviours/mental states
Affect:​ to express personal

Nominal groups describe Basic, unexpanded; minimal Little intentional expansion or Some thoughtful expansion to Carefully and intentionally
things and carry appraisal appraisal appraisal create effective appraisal expanded, highly descriptive,
Noun + adjectives resulting in nuanced appraisal

Verb groups and Basic action, saying and Begins to use more nuanced Intentionally uses nuanced Always intentionally makes
circumstances to describe sensing verbs; limited adverbs action, saying and sensing action, saying and sensing delicate, nuanced choices of
and carry appraisal of place, time, manner and verbs to express shades of verbs to express shades of action, saying and sensing
Verb​ + ​adverbs cause; resulting in minimal meaning and carry effective meaning and carry effective verbs to express shades of
appraisal appraisal; uses a range of appraisal; uses a wider range of meaning in order to carry
adverbs to explain place, time, adverbs to explain place, time, sophisticated appraisal; uses an
manner and cause manner and cause extensive range of adverbs to
explain place, time, manner and

Tense movement between Mixed, often incorrect and more Sometimes correct; mistakes Usually correct, some minor Precise
events in the text (present) than one type of error made that should be picked up mistakes with complex tense
and expressing personal in self-editing changes
feelings about those events

Evidence of editing for Little to no evidence of editing; Some evidence of editing​; not Clear evidence of editing; Clear evidence of editing; very
improvement after explicit not picking up or correcting particularly habitual or intentional and for effect; ​clear clearly intentional and for effect;
teaching, self-assessment simple errors of punctuation, intentional effect; simple errors implementation of teacher actively seeks clarification about
and direct teacher feedback spelling, character names, text of punctuation, spelling, written feedback teacher written feedback
on a draft title, and writer/illustrator character names, text title, and
writer/illustrator persist
Name: Weie 12

Language & Literacy Level 8 Level 10 Level 12 Level 14


Text structure: Not all stages or phases are All stages included but phases All stages and phases clear and All stages and phases clear and
stages/phases and their included; little attention given to sometimes unclear; with distinct; ​with variable ratios​; distinct,​ with highly accurate
ratios ratios; ​word count not included inaccurate ratios; word count word count included ratios; word count included

Body paragraph structure Topic sentences ​don’t always Topic sentences ​vaguely Topic sentences identify Topic sentences ​accurately
identify fight-or-flight behaviour identify fight-or-flight behaviour fight-or-flight behaviour identify a fight-or-flight
according to chapter and scene; according to chapter and scene; according to chapter and scene; behaviour according to chapter
Barbara’s reaction and reason Barbara’s reaction and reason Barbara’s reaction and reason and scene; ​Barbara’s reaction
for this behaviour is for this behaviour is ​partly for this behaviour is ​mostly and reason for this behaviour is
ineffectively described and described and appraised​; accurately described and accurately described and
appraised​; additional sentence additional sentence appraised​; additional sentence appraised​; additional sentence
is ​unrelated​ topic sentence; ineffectively​ explains topic further explains ​topic further explains​ topic sentence
elaboration ​only briefly sentence; elaboration ​briefly sentence; elaboration ​mostly effectively​; elaboration
explains and explores explains and explores explains and explores precisely explains and
personal thoughts and feelings; personal thoughts and feelings; personal thoughts and feelings; explores​ personal thoughts and
concluding valuation about concluding valuation about concluding valuation about feelings; ​concluding valuation
Barbara’s behaviour is Barbara’s behaviour is Barbara’s behaviour is ​relevant about Barbara’s behaviour is
ineffective attempted insightful

Text connectives linking Little used, basic, illogical and Sometimes logical and Usually logical and intentionally Always logical and intentionally
(ideas) sentences and inappropriate to contex appropriate to context but purposeful purposeful
paragraphs not strictly intentional

Foregrounding of important Ideas are ineffectively Some demonstration; not strictly Good intentional and purposeful Excellent intentional
ideas foregrounded intentional demonstration demonstration for effect
Appraisal (Judgement) of Basic appraisal of Barbara’s Some developed appraisal of Effective appraisal of Barbara’s Nuanced appraisal of Barbara’s
Barbara’s behaviour and behaviour/mental states, and Barbara’s behaviour/mental behaviour/mental states, and behaviour/mental states, and
mental states, and appraisal appraisal of your related states, and appraisal of your appraisal of your related appraisal of your related
of your related personal personal feelings and emotions related personal feelings and personal feelings and emotions personal feelings and emotions
thoughts and feelings about emotions
those behaviours/mental
states (Affect)

Judgement:​ to express
judgement of people and their
behaviours/mental states
Affect:​ to express personal

Nominal groups describe Basic, unexpanded; minimal Little intentional expansion or Some thoughtful expansion to Carefully and intentionally
things and carry appraisal appraisal appraisal create effective appraisal expanded, highly descriptive,
Noun + adjectives resulting in nuanced appraisal

Verb groups and Basic action, saying and Begins to use more nuanced Intentionally uses nuanced Always intentionally makes
circumstances to describe sensing verbs; limited adverbs action, saying and sensing action, saying and sensing delicate, nuanced choices of
and carry appraisal of place, time, manner and verbs to express shades of verbs to express shades of action, saying and sensing
Verb​ + ​adverbs cause; resulting in minimal meaning and carry effective meaning and carry effective verbs to express shades of
appraisal appraisal; ​uses a range of appraisal; ​uses a wider range of meaning in order to carry
adverbs to explain place, time, adverbs to explain place, time, sophisticated appraisal; uses an
manner and cause manner and cause extensive range of adverbs to
explain place, time, manner and

Tense movement between Mixed, often incorrect and more Sometimes correct; mistakes Usually correct, some minor Precise
events in the text (present) than one type of error made that should be picked up mistakes with complex tense
and expressing personal in self-editing changes
feelings about those events

Evidence of editing for Little to no evidence of editing; Some evidence of editing; not Clear evidence of editing; Clear evidence of editing; very
improvement after explicit not picking up or correcting particularly habitual or intentional and for effect; clear clearly intentional and for effect;
teaching, self-assessment simple errors of punctuation, intentional effect; simple errors implementation of teacher actively seeks clarification about
and direct teacher feedback spelling, character names, text of punctuation, spelling, written feedback teacher written feedback
on a draft title, and writer/illustrator character names, text title, and
writer/illustrator persist
Name: Tanujaa 12

Language & Literacy Level 8 Level 10 Level 12 Level 14


Text structure: Not all stages or phases are All stages included but phases All stages and phases clear and All stages and phases clear and
stages/phases and their included; little attention given to sometimes unclear; with distinct; ​with variable ratios​; distinct,​ with highly accurate
ratios ratios; ​word count not included inaccurate ratios; word count word count included ratios; word count included

Body paragraph structure Topic sentences ​don’t always Topic sentences ​vaguely Topic sentences identify Topic sentences ​accurately
identify fight-or-flight behaviour identify fight-or-flight behaviour fight-or-flight behaviour identify a fight-or-flight
according to chapter and scene; according to chapter and scene; according to chapter and scene; behaviour according to chapter
Barbara’s reaction and reason Barbara’s reaction and reason Barbara’s reaction and reason and scene; ​Barbara’s reaction
for this behaviour is for this behaviour is ​partly for this behaviour is ​mostly and reason for this behaviour is
ineffectively described and described and appraised​; accurately described and accurately described and
appraised​; additional sentence additional sentence appraised​; additional sentence appraised​; additional sentence
is ​unrelated​ topic sentence; ineffectively​ explains topic further explains ​topic further explains​ topic sentence
elaboration ​only briefly sentence; elaboration ​briefly sentence;​ elaboration ​mostly effectively​; ​elaboration
explains and explores explains and explores explains and explores precisely explains and
personal thoughts and feelings; personal thoughts and feelings; personal thoughts and feelings; explores​ personal thoughts and
concluding valuation about concluding valuation about concluding valuation about feelings; concluding valuation
Barbara’s behaviour is Barbara’s behaviour is Barbara’s behaviour is ​relevant about Barbara’s behaviour is
ineffective attempted insightful

Text connectives linking Little used, basic, illogical and Sometimes logical and Usually logical and intentionally Always logical and intentionally
(ideas) sentences and inappropriate to contex appropriate to context but purposeful purposeful
paragraphs not strictly intentional

Foregrounding of important Ideas are ineffectively Some demonstration; not strictly Good intentional and purposeful Excellent intentional
ideas foregrounded intentional demonstration demonstration for effect
Appraisal (Judgement) of Basic appraisal of Barbara’s Some developed appraisal of Effective appraisal of Barbara’s Nuanced appraisal of Barbara’s
Barbara’s behaviour and behaviour/mental states, and Barbara’s behaviour/mental behaviour/mental states, and behaviour/mental states, and
mental states, and appraisal appraisal of your related states, and appraisal of your appraisal of your related appraisal of your related
of your related personal personal feelings and emotions related personal feelings and personal feelings and emotions personal feelings and emotions
thoughts and feelings about emotions
those behaviours/mental
states (Affect)

Judgement:​ to express
judgement of people and their
behaviours/mental states
Affect:​ to express personal

Nominal groups describe Basic, unexpanded; minimal Little intentional expansion or Some thoughtful expansion to Carefully and intentionally
things and carry appraisal appraisal appraisal create effective appraisal expanded, highly descriptive,
Noun + adjectives resulting in nuanced appraisal

Verb groups and Basic action, saying and Begins to use more nuanced Intentionally uses nuanced Always intentionally makes
circumstances to describe sensing verbs; limited adverbs action, saying and sensing action, saying and sensing delicate, nuanced choices of
and carry appraisal of place, time, manner and verbs to express shades of verbs to express shades of action, saying and sensing
Verb​ + ​adverbs cause; resulting in minimal meaning and carry effective meaning and carry effective verbs to express shades of
appraisal appraisal; uses a range of appraisal; uses a wider range of meaning in order to carry
adverbs to explain place, time, adverbs to explain place, time, sophisticated appraisal; uses an
manner and cause manner and cause extensive range of adverbs to
explain place, time, manner and

Tense movement between Mixed, often incorrect and more Sometimes correct; mistakes Usually correct, some minor Precise
events in the text (present) than one type of error made that should be picked up mistakes with complex tense
and expressing personal in self-editing changes
feelings about those events

Evidence of editing for Little to no evidence of editing; Some evidence of editing; not Clear evidence of editing; Clear evidence of editing; very
improvement after explicit not picking up or correcting particularly habitual or intentional and for effect; clear clearly intentional and for effect;
teaching, self-assessment simple errors of punctuation, intentional effect; simple errors implementation of teacher actively seeks clarification about
and direct teacher feedback spelling, character names, text of punctuation, spelling, written feedback teacher written feedback
on a draft title, and writer/illustrator character names, text title, and
writer/illustrator persist
Name: David 12

Language & Literacy Level 8 Level 10 Level 12 Level 14


Text structure: Not all stages or phases are All stages included but phases All stages and phases clear and All stages and phases clear and
stages/phases and their included; little attention given to sometimes unclear; with distinct; ​with variable ratios​; distinct​, with highly accurate
ratios ratios; ​word count not included inaccurate ratios; word count word count included ratios; word count included

Body paragraph structure Topic sentences ​don’t always Topic sentences ​vaguely Topic sentences identify Topic sentences ​accurately
identify fight-or-flight behaviour identify fight-or-flight behaviour fight-or-flight behaviour identify a fight-or-flight
according to chapter and scene; according to chapter and scene; according to chapter and scene; behaviour according to chapter
Barbara’s reaction and reason Barbara’s reaction and reason Barbara’s reaction and reason and scene; Barbara’s reaction
for this behaviour is for this behaviour is ​partly for this behaviour is ​mostly and reason for this behaviour is
ineffectively described and described and appraised​; accurately described and accurately described and
appraised​; additional sentence additional sentence appraised​; additional sentence appraised​; additional sentence
is ​unrelated​ topic sentence; ineffectively​ explains topic further explains ​topic further explains​ topic sentence
elaboration ​only briefly sentence; elaboration ​briefly sentence; elaboration ​mostly effectively​; elaboration
explains and explores explains and explores explains and explores precisely explains and
personal thoughts and feelings; personal thoughts and feelings; personal thoughts and feelings; explores​ personal thoughts and
concluding valuation about concluding valuation about concluding valuation about feelings; concluding valuation
Barbara’s behaviour is Barbara’s behaviour is Barbara’s behaviour is ​relevant about Barbara’s behaviour is
ineffective attempted insightful

Text connectives linking Little used, basic, illogical and Sometimes logical and Usually logical and intentionally Always logical and intentionally
(ideas) sentences and inappropriate to contex appropriate to context but purposeful purposeful
paragraphs not strictly intentional

Foregrounding of important Ideas are ineffectively Some demonstration; not strictly Good intentional and purposeful Excellent intentional
ideas foregrounded intentional demonstration demonstration for effect
Appraisal (Judgement) of Basic appraisal of Barbara’s Some developed appraisal of Effective appraisal of Barbara’s Nuanced appraisal of Barbara’s
Barbara’s behaviour and behaviour/mental states, and Barbara’s behaviour/mental behaviour/mental states, and behaviour/mental states, and
mental states, and appraisal appraisal of your related states, and appraisal of your appraisal of your related appraisal of your related
of your related personal personal feelings and emotions related personal feelings and personal feelings and emotions personal feelings and emotions
thoughts and feelings about emotions
those behaviours/mental
states (Affect)

Judgement:​ to express
judgement of people and their
behaviours/mental states
Affect:​ to express personal

Nominal groups describe Basic, unexpanded; minimal Little intentional expansion or Some thoughtful expansion to Carefully and intentionally
things and carry appraisal appraisal appraisal create effective appraisal expanded, highly descriptive,
Noun + adjectives resulting in nuanced appraisal

Verb groups and Basic action, saying and Begins to use more nuanced Intentionally uses nuanced Always intentionally makes
circumstances to describe sensing verbs; limited adverbs action, saying and sensing action, saying and sensing delicate, nuanced choices of
and carry appraisal of place, time, manner and verbs to express shades of verbs to express shades of action, saying and sensing
Verb​ + ​adverbs cause; resulting in minimal meaning and carry effective meaning and carry effective verbs to express shades of
appraisal appraisal; ​uses a range of appraisal;​ uses a wider range of meaning in order to carry
adverbs to explain place, time, adverbs to explain place, time, sophisticated appraisal; uses an
manner and cause manner and cause extensive range of adverbs to
explain place, time, manner and

Tense movement between Mixed, often incorrect and more Sometimes correct; mistakes Usually correct, some minor Precise
events in the text (present) than one type of error made that should be picked up mistakes with complex tense
and expressing personal in self-editing changes
feelings about those events

Evidence of editing for Little to no evidence of editing; Some evidence of editing; not Clear evidence of editing; Clear evidence of editing; very
improvement after explicit not picking up or correcting particularly habitual or intentional and for effect; clear clearly intentional and for effect;
teaching, self-assessment simple errors of punctuation, intentional effect; simple errors implementation of teacher actively seeks clarification about
and direct teacher feedback spelling, character names, text of punctuation, spelling, written feedback teacher written feedback
on a draft title, and writer/illustrator character names, text title, and
writer/illustrator persist
Name: Aman 12

Language & Literacy Level 8 Level 10 Level 12 Level 14


Text structure: Not all stages or phases are All stages included but phases All stages and phases clear and All stages and phases clear and
stages/phases and their included; little attention given to sometimes unclear; with distinct; ​with variable ratios​; distinct,​ with highly accurate
ratios ratios; ​word count not included inaccurate ratios; word count word count included ratios; word count included

Body paragraph structure Topic sentences ​don’t always Topic sentences ​vaguely Topic sentences identify Topic sentences ​accurately
identify fight-or-flight behaviour identify fight-or-flight behaviour fight-or-flight behaviour identify a fight-or-flight
according to chapter and scene; according to chapter and scene; according to chapter and scene; behaviour according to chapter
Barbara’s reaction and reason Barbara’s reaction and reason Barbara’s reaction and reason and scene; Barbara’s reaction
for this behaviour is for this behaviour is ​partly for this behaviour is ​mostly and reason for this behaviour is
ineffectively described and described and appraised​; accurately described and accurately described and
appraised​; additional sentence additional sentence appraised​; additional sentence appraised​; additional sentence
is ​unrelated​ topic sentence; ineffectively​ explains topic further explains ​topic further explains​ topic sentence
elaboration ​only briefly sentence; elaboration ​briefly sentence; elaboration ​mostly effectively​; elaboration
explains and explores explains and explores explains and explores precisely explains and
personal thoughts and feelings; personal thoughts and feelings; personal thoughts and feelings​; explores​ personal thoughts and
concluding valuation about concluding valuation about concluding valuation about feelings; concluding valuation
Barbara’s behaviour is Barbara’s behaviour is Barbara’s behaviour is ​relevant about Barbara’s behaviour is
ineffective attempted insightful

Text connectives linking Little used, basic, illogical and Sometimes logical and Usually logical and intentionally Always logical and intentionally
(ideas) sentences and inappropriate to contex appropriate to context but purposeful purposeful
paragraphs not strictly intentional

Foregrounding of important Ideas are ineffectively Some demonstration; not strictly Good intentional and purposeful Excellent intentional
ideas foregrounded intentional demonstration demonstration for effect
Appraisal (Judgement) of Basic appraisal of Barbara’s Some developed appraisal of Effective appraisal of Barbara’s Nuanced appraisal of Barbara’s
Barbara’s behaviour and behaviour/mental states, and Barbara’s behaviour/mental behaviour/mental states, and behaviour/mental states, and
mental states, and appraisal appraisal of your related states, and appraisal of your appraisal of your related appraisal of your related
of your related personal personal feelings and emotions related personal feelings and personal feelings and emotions personal feelings and emotions
thoughts and feelings about emotions
those behaviours/mental
states (Affect)

Judgement:​ to express
judgement of people and their
behaviours/mental states
Affect:​ to express personal

Nominal groups describe Basic, unexpanded; minimal Little intentional expansion or Some thoughtful expansion to Carefully and intentionally
things and carry appraisal appraisal appraisal create effective appraisal expanded, highly descriptive,
Noun + adjectives resulting in nuanced appraisal

Verb groups and Basic action, saying and Begins to use more nuanced Intentionally uses nuanced Always intentionally makes
circumstances to describe sensing verbs; limited adverbs action, saying and sensing action, saying and sensing delicate, nuanced choices of
and carry appraisal of place, time, manner and verbs to express shades of verbs to express shades of action, saying and sensing
Verb​ + ​adverbs cause; resulting in minimal meaning and carry effective meaning and carry effective verbs to express shades of
appraisal appraisal; ​uses a range of appraisal​; uses a wider range of meaning in order to carry
adverbs to explain place, time, adverbs to explain place, time, sophisticated appraisal; uses an
manner and cause manner and cause extensive range of adverbs to
explain place, time, manner and

Tense movement between Mixed, often incorrect and more Sometimes correct; mistakes Usually correct, some minor Precise
events in the text (present) than one type of error made that should be picked up mistakes with complex tense
and expressing personal in self-editing changes
feelings about those events

Evidence of editing for Little to no evidence of editing; Some evidence of editing;​ not Clear evidence of editing; Clear evidence of editing; very
improvement after explicit not picking up or correcting particularly habitual or intentional and for effect; ​clear clearly intentional and for effect;
teaching, self-assessment simple errors of punctuation, intentional effect; simple errors implementation of teacher actively seeks clarification about
and direct teacher feedback spelling, character names, text of punctuation, spelling, written feedback teacher written feedback
on a draft title, and writer/illustrator character names, text title, and
writer/illustrator persist
Name: Aarnav 11

Language & Literacy Level 8 Level 10 Level 12 Level 14


Text structure: Not all stages or phases are All stages included but phases All stages and phases clear and All stages and phases clear and
stages/phases and their included; ​little attention given to sometimes unclear; with distinct; with variable ratios; distinct​, with highly accurate
ratios ratios; word count not included inaccurate ratios; word count word count included ratios; word count included

Body paragraph structure Topic sentences ​don’t always Topic sentences ​vaguely Topic sentences identify Topic sentences ​accurately
identify fight-or-flight behaviour identify fight-or-flight behaviour fight-or-flight behaviour identify a fight-or-flight
according to chapter and scene; according to chapter and scene; according to chapter and scene​; behaviour according to chapter
Barbara’s reaction and reason Barbara’s reaction and reason Barbara’s reaction and reason and scene; Barbara’s reaction
for this behaviour is for this behaviour is ​partly for this behaviour is ​mostly and reason for this behaviour is
ineffectively described and described and appraised​; accurately described and accurately described and
appraised​; additional sentence additional sentence appraised​; ​additional sentence appraised​; additional sentence
is ​unrelated​ topic sentence; ineffectively​ explains topic further explains ​topic further explains​ topic sentence
elaboration ​only briefly sentence; ​elaboration ​briefly sentence​; elaboration ​mostly effectively​; elaboration
explains and explores explains and explores explains and explores precisely explains and
personal thoughts and feelings; personal thoughts and feelings; personal thoughts and feelings; explores​ personal thoughts and
concluding valuation about concluding valuation about concluding valuation about feelings; concluding valuation
Barbara’s behaviour is Barbara’s behaviour is Barbara’s behaviour is ​relevant about Barbara’s behaviour is
ineffective attempted insightful

Text connectives linking Little used, basic, illogical and Sometimes logical and Usually logical and intentionally Always logical and intentionally
(ideas) sentences and inappropriate to contex appropriate to context but purposeful purposeful
paragraphs not strictly intentional

Foregrounding of important Ideas are ineffectively Some demonstration; not strictly Good intentional and purposeful Excellent intentional
ideas foregrounded intentional demonstration demonstration for effect
Appraisal (Judgement) of Basic appraisal of Barbara’s Some developed appraisal of Effective appraisal of Barbara’s Nuanced appraisal of Barbara’s
Barbara’s behaviour and behaviour/mental states, and Barbara’s behaviour/mental behaviour/mental states, and behaviour/mental states, and
mental states, and appraisal appraisal of your related states​, and appraisal of your appraisal of your related appraisal of your related
of your related personal personal feelings and emotions related personal feelings and personal feelings and emotions personal feelings and emotions
thoughts and feelings about emotions
those behaviours/mental
states (Affect)

Judgement:​ to express
judgement of people and their
behaviours/mental states
Affect:​ to express personal

Nominal groups describe Basic, unexpanded; minimal Little intentional expansion or Some thoughtful expansion to Carefully and intentionally
things and carry appraisal appraisal appraisal create effective appraisal expanded, highly descriptive,
Noun + adjectives resulting in nuanced appraisal

Verb groups and Basic action, saying and Begins to use more nuanced Intentionally uses nuanced Always intentionally makes
circumstances to describe sensing verbs; limited adverbs action, saying and sensing action, saying and sensing delicate, nuanced choices of
and carry appraisal of place, time, manner and verbs to express shades of verbs to express shades of action, saying and sensing
Verb​ + ​adverbs cause; resulting in minimal meaning and carry effective meaning and carry effective verbs to express shades of
appraisal appraisal; ​uses a range of appraisal​; uses a wider range of meaning in order to carry
adverbs to explain place, time, adverbs to explain place, time, sophisticated appraisal; uses an
manner and cause manner and cause extensive range of adverbs to
explain place, time, manner and

Tense movement between Mixed, often incorrect and more Sometimes correct; mistakes Usually correct, some minor Precise
events in the text (present) than one type of error made that should be picked up mistakes with complex tense
and expressing personal in self-editing changes
feelings about those events

Evidence of editing for Little to no evidence of editing; Some evidence of editing; not Clear evidence of editing; Clear evidence of editing; very
improvement after explicit not picking up or correcting particularly habitual or intentional and for effect; clear clearly intentional and for effect;
teaching, self-assessment simple errors of punctuation, intentional effect; simple errors implementation of teacher actively seeks clarification about
and direct teacher feedback spelling, character names, text of punctuation, spelling, written feedback teacher written feedback
on a draft title, and writer/illustrator character names, text title, and
writer/illustrator persist
Name: Amin 10

Language & Literacy Level 8 Level 10 Level 12 Level 14


Text structure: Not all stages or phases are All stages included but phases All stages and phases clear and All stages and phases clear and
stages/phases and their included; little attention given to sometimes unclear; with distinct; with variable ratios; distinct, with highly accurate
ratios ratios; word count not included inaccurate ratios; word count word count included ratios; word count included

Body paragraph structure Topic sentences ​don’t always Topic sentences ​vaguely Topic sentences identify Topic sentences ​accurately
identify fight-or-flight behaviour identify fight-or-flight behaviour fight-or-flight behaviour identify a fight-or-flight
according to chapter and scene; according to chapter and scene; according to chapter and scene​; behaviour according to chapter
Barbara’s reaction and reason Barbara’s reaction and reason Barbara’s reaction and reason and scene; Barbara’s reaction
for this behaviour is for this behaviour is ​partly for this behaviour is ​mostly and reason for this behaviour is
ineffectively described and described and appraised​; accurately described and accurately described and
appraised​; additional sentence additional sentence appraised​; additional sentence appraised​; additional sentence
Elaboration and evaluation is ​unrelated​ topic sentence; ineffectively​ explains topic further explains ​topic further explains​ topic sentence
incomplete elaboration ​only briefly sentence​; elaboration ​briefly sentence; elaboration ​mostly effectively​; elaboration
explains and explores explains and explores explains and explores precisely explains and
personal thoughts and feelings; personal thoughts and feelings; personal thoughts and feelings; explores​ personal thoughts and
concluding valuation about concluding valuation about concluding valuation about feelings; concluding valuation
Barbara’s behaviour is Barbara’s behaviour is Barbara’s behaviour is ​relevant about Barbara’s behaviour is
ineffective attempted insightful

Text connectives linking Little used, basic, illogical and Sometimes logical and Usually logical and intentionally Always logical and intentionally
(ideas) sentences and inappropriate to contex appropriate to context but purposeful purposeful
paragraphs not strictly intentional

Foregrounding of important Ideas are ineffectively Some demonstration; not strictly Good intentional and purposeful Excellent intentional
ideas foregrounded intentional demonstration demonstration for effect
Appraisal (Judgement) of Basic appraisal of Barbara’s Some developed appraisal of Effective appraisal of Barbara’s Nuanced appraisal of Barbara’s
Barbara’s behaviour and behaviour/mental states, and Barbara’s behaviour/mental behaviour/mental states, and behaviour/mental states, and
mental states, and appraisal appraisal of your related states, and appraisal of your appraisal of your related appraisal of your related
of your related personal personal feelings and emotions related personal feelings and personal feelings and emotions personal feelings and emotions
thoughts and feelings about emotions
those behaviours/mental
states (Affect)

Judgement:​ to express
judgement of people and their
behaviours/mental states
Affect:​ to express personal

Nominal groups describe Basic, unexpanded; minimal Little intentional expansion or Some thoughtful expansion to Carefully and intentionally
things and carry appraisal appraisal appraisal create effective appraisal expanded, highly descriptive,
Noun + adjectives resulting in nuanced appraisal

Verb groups and Basic action, saying and Begins to use more nuanced Intentionally uses nuanced Always intentionally makes
circumstances to describe sensing verbs; limited adverbs action, saying and sensing action, saying and sensing delicate, nuanced choices of
and carry appraisal of place, time, manner and verbs to express shades of verbs to express shades of action, saying and sensing
Verb​ + ​adverbs cause; resulting in minimal meaning and carry effective meaning and carry effective verbs to express shades of
appraisal appraisal; uses a range of appraisal; uses a wider range of meaning in order to carry
adverbs to explain place, time, adverbs to explain place, time, sophisticated appraisal; uses an
manner and cause manner and cause extensive range of adverbs to
explain place, time, manner and

Tense movement between Mixed, often incorrect and more Sometimes correct; mistakes Usually correct, some minor Precise
events in the text (present) than one type of error made that should be picked up mistakes with complex tense
and expressing personal in self-editing changes
feelings about those events

Evidence of editing for Little to no evidence of editing; Some evidence of editing​; not Clear evidence of editing; Clear evidence of editing; very
improvement after explicit not picking up or correcting particularly habitual or intentional and for effect; ​clear clearly intentional and for effect;
teaching, self-assessment simple errors of punctuation, intentional effect; simple errors implementation of teacher actively seeks clarification about
and direct teacher feedback spelling, character names, text of punctuation, spelling, written feedback teacher written feedback
on a draft title, and writer/illustrator character names, text title, and
writer/illustrator persist
Name: Thevindu 11

Language & Literacy Level 8 Level 10 Level 12 Level 14


Text structure: Not all stages or phases are All stages included but phases All stages and phases clear and All stages and phases clear and
stages/phases and their included; ​little attention given to sometimes unclear; with distinct​; with variable ratios; distinct, with highly accurate
ratios ratios; word count not included inaccurate ratios; word count word count included ratios; word count included

Body paragraph structure Topic sentences ​don’t always Topic sentences ​vaguely Topic sentences identify Topic sentences ​accurately
identify fight-or-flight behaviour identify fight-or-flight behaviour fight-or-flight behaviour identify a fight-or-flight
according to chapter and scene; according to chapter and scene; according to chapter and scene; behaviour according to chapter
Barbara’s reaction and reason Barbara’s reaction and reason Barbara’s reaction and reason and scene; Barbara’s reaction
for this behaviour is for this behaviour is ​partly for this behaviour is ​mostly and reason for this behaviour is
ineffectively described and described and appraised​; accurately described and accurately described and
appraised​; additional sentence additional sentence appraised​; additional sentence appraised​; additional sentence
is ​unrelated​ topic sentence; ineffectively​ explains topic further explains ​topic further explains​ topic sentence
elaboration ​only briefly sentence; ​elaboration ​briefly sentence​; elaboration ​mostly effectively​; elaboration
explains and explores explains and explores explains and explores precisely explains and
personal thoughts and feelings; personal thoughts and feelings​; personal thoughts and feelings; explores​ personal thoughts and
concluding valuation about concluding valuation about concluding valuation about feelings; concluding valuation
Barbara’s behaviour is Barbara’s behaviour is Barbara’s behaviour is ​relevant about Barbara’s behaviour is
ineffective attempted insightful

Text connectives linking Little used, basic, illogical and Sometimes logical and Usually logical and intentionally Always logical and intentionally
(ideas) sentences and inappropriate to contex appropriate to context but purposeful purposeful
paragraphs not strictly intentional

Foregrounding of important Ideas are ineffectively Some demonstration; not strictly Good intentional and purposeful Excellent intentional
ideas foregrounded intentional demonstration demonstration for effect
Appraisal (Judgement) of Basic appraisal of Barbara’s Some developed appraisal of Effective appraisal of Barbara’s Nuanced appraisal of Barbara’s
Barbara’s behaviour and behaviour/mental states, and Barbara’s behaviour/mental behaviour/mental states, and behaviour/mental states, and
mental states, and appraisal appraisal of your related states, and appraisal of your appraisal of your related appraisal of your related
of your related personal personal feelings and emotions related personal feelings and personal feelings and emotions personal feelings and emotions
thoughts and feelings about emotions
those behaviours/mental
states (Affect)

Judgement:​ to express
judgement of people and their
behaviours/mental states
Affect:​ to express personal

Nominal groups describe Basic, unexpanded; minimal Little intentional expansion or Some thoughtful expansion to Carefully and intentionally
things and carry appraisal appraisal appraisal create effective appraisal expanded, highly descriptive,
Noun + adjectives resulting in nuanced appraisal

Verb groups and Basic action, saying and Begins to use more nuanced Intentionally uses nuanced Always intentionally makes
circumstances to describe sensing verbs; limited adverbs action, saying and sensing action, saying and sensing delicate, nuanced choices of
and carry appraisal of place, time, manner and verbs to express shades of verbs to express shades of action, saying and sensing
Verb​ + ​adverbs cause; resulting in minimal meaning and carry effective meaning and carry effective verbs to express shades of
appraisal appraisal; ​uses a range of appraisal​; uses a wider range of meaning in order to carry
adverbs to explain place, time, adverbs to explain place, time, sophisticated appraisal; uses an
manner and cause manner and cause extensive range of adverbs to
explain place, time, manner and

Tense movement between Mixed, often incorrect and more Sometimes correct; mistakes Usually correct, some minor Precise
events in the text (present) than one type of error made that should be picked up mistakes with complex tense
and expressing personal in self-editing changes
feelings about those events

Evidence of editing for Little to no evidence of editing; Some evidence of editing​; not Clear evidence of editing; Clear evidence of editing; very
improvement after explicit not picking up or correcting particularly habitual or intentional and for effect; ​clear clearly intentional and for effect;
teaching, self-assessment simple errors of punctuation, intentional effect; simple errors implementation of teacher actively seeks clarification about
and direct teacher feedback spelling, character names, text of punctuation, spelling, written feedback teacher written feedback
on a draft title, and writer/illustrator character names, text title, and
writer/illustrator persist
Name: Warren 11

Language & Literacy Level 8 Level 10 Level 12 Level 14


Text structure: Not all stages or phases are All stages included but phases All stages and phases clear and All stages and phases clear and
stages/phases and their included; ​little attention given to sometimes unclear; with distinct; with variable ratios; distinct, ​with highly accurate
ratios ratios; word count not included inaccurate ratios; word count word count included ratios; word count included

Body paragraph structure Topic sentences ​don’t always Topic sentences ​vaguely Topic sentences identify Topic sentences ​accurately
identify fight-or-flight behaviour identify fight-or-flight behaviour fight-or-flight behaviour identify a fight-or-flight
according to chapter and scene; according to chapter and scene; according to chapter and scene; behaviour according to chapter
Barbara’s reaction and reason Barbara’s reaction and reason Barbara’s reaction and reason and scene; Barbara’s reaction
for this behaviour is for this behaviour is ​partly for this behaviour is ​mostly and reason for this behaviour is
ineffectively described and described and appraised​; accurately described and accurately described and
appraised​; additional sentence additional sentence appraised​; additional sentence appraised​; additional sentence
is ​unrelated​ topic sentence; ineffectively​ explains topic further explains ​topic further explains​ topic sentence
elaboration ​only briefly sentence; ​elaboration ​briefly sentence; ​elaboration ​mostly effectively​; elaboration
explains and explores explains and explores explains and explores precisely explains and
personal thoughts and feelings; personal thoughts and feelings; personal thoughts and feelings; explores​ personal thoughts and
concluding valuation about concluding valuation about concluding valuation about feelings; concluding valuation
Barbara’s behaviour is Barbara’s behaviour is Barbara’s behaviour is ​relevant about Barbara’s behaviour is
ineffective attempted insightful

Text connectives linking Little used, basic, illogical and Sometimes logical and Usually logical and intentionally Always logical and intentionally
(ideas) sentences and inappropriate to contex appropriate to context but purposeful purposeful
paragraphs not strictly intentional

Foregrounding of important Ideas are ineffectively Some demonstration; not strictly Good intentional and purposeful Excellent intentional
ideas foregrounded intentional demonstration demonstration for effect
Appraisal (Judgement) of Basic appraisal of Barbara’s Some developed appraisal of Effective appraisal of Barbara’s Nuanced appraisal of Barbara’s
Barbara’s behaviour and behaviour/mental states, and Barbara’s behaviour/mental behaviour/mental states, and behaviour/mental states, and
mental states, and appraisal appraisal of your related states, and appraisal of your appraisal of your related appraisal of your related
of your related personal personal feelings and emotions related personal feelings and personal feelings and emotions personal feelings and emotions
thoughts and feelings about emotions
those behaviours/mental
states (Affect)

Judgement:​ to express
judgement of people and their
behaviours/mental states
Affect:​ to express personal

Nominal groups describe Basic, unexpanded; minimal Little intentional expansion or Some thoughtful expansion to Carefully and intentionally
things and carry appraisal appraisal appraisal create effective appraisal expanded, highly descriptive,
Noun + adjectives resulting in nuanced appraisal

Verb groups and Basic action, saying and Begins to use more nuanced Intentionally uses nuanced Always intentionally makes
circumstances to describe sensing verbs; limited adverbs action, saying and sensing action, saying and sensing delicate, nuanced choices of
and carry appraisal of place, time, manner and verbs to express shades of verbs to express shades of action, saying and sensing
Verb​ + ​adverbs cause; resulting in minimal meaning and carry effective meaning and carry effective verbs to express shades of
appraisal appraisal; ​uses a range of appraisal; ​uses a wider range of meaning in order to carry
adverbs to explain place, time, adverbs to explain place, time, sophisticated appraisal; uses an
manner and cause manner and cause extensive range of adverbs to
explain place, time, manner and

Tense movement between Mixed, often incorrect and more Sometimes correct; mistakes Usually correct, some minor Precise
events in the text (present) than one type of error made that should be picked up mistakes with complex tense
and expressing personal in self-editing changes
feelings about those events

Evidence of editing for Little to no evidence of editing; Some evidence of editing; not Clear evidence of editing; Clear evidence of editing; very
improvement after explicit not picking up or correcting particularly habitual or intentional and for effect; clear clearly intentional and for effect;
teaching, self-assessment simple errors of punctuation, intentional effect; simple errors implementation of teacher actively seeks clarification about
and direct teacher feedback spelling, character names, text of punctuation, spelling, written feedback teacher written feedback
on a draft title, and writer/illustrator character names, text title, and
writer/illustrator persist

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