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ACKNOWLEDGEMENTThe final report which I have prepare as a student of hotel

management is based on my threemonths internship training at Hotel Tibet Lazimpat

Kathmandu, Nepal. This report is completelybased on my experience, study and observation
during my internship training in Hotel TibetLazimpat Kathmandu, Nepal. I had an opportunity to
learn many things like; handling guest,making guest relation, proper way of service, using the
right equipment and technique, properhousekeeping.I would like to give my heart full
appreciation to the University and our college for providing ussuch an opportunity to learn,
socialize and explore our knowledge in the field of hospitality byproviding us the tools and skills
to implement our education in our day to day life. Our collegehas given us adequate practical and
interactive skills and side by side theoretical tutoring whichhad made us an efficient skill human
resource to support as well as boost our countries in future.I would specially like to thank to Mr.
…………… who were very supportive during my entiretraining period.I would like to thank the
entire staffs of the Hotel Tibet for their wonderful support and guidance.I appreciate their serious
concern for providing me guidance on every field of the work andletting me as more to the
knowledge I wished to gain about Hospitality Industry.I believe that these types of training will
definitely help the student to broaden their knowledgeand skills and develop their career in the
Hospitality Industry

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