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NAME = Anil Singh

Section = K18BY
reg no 11803558
Roll no :22

1 ( a) What is meant by bit-stuffing in the context of framing at DLC layer. For the
given data
(N/W layer packet + header + trailer), prepare the frame, mark the flags (frame
boundaries) and mark the locations where bit-stuffing has been incorporated.
Data: 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1

Ans Bit-Stuffing
Data link layer is responsible for something called farming , which is the division of stream of a bits
from network layer into manageable units called farmes. Farmes could be of fixed size of a variable
In a variable size streaming is way to define the end of the frame and begining in the next frame
. Bit-Stuffing is the mechanism of the insert the non information bits of into message to be
transmitted to breakup the message sequence, for Synchronization purpose.
A pattern of bits of arbitary length is stuffed in the message to different from delimeter this is also
known as Bit - oriented farming.
In data link layer the stream of bits from the physical layer is divided into data frame can be fixed
length or variable length.
APPLICATION of Bit stuffing
Synchronization some channels before multiplexing.
Rate-match of the 2 only one channels to each other.
Run length limited coding.
(b) Explain in detail why both MAC and IP addressing schemes are required in the
same network?

Ans MAC address of your ip address are both key components to networking but they serve
difference purpose and are visible in different ways.
Both Mac address and IP address are used to uniquely defines a device on the interval . NIC cards
Manufacture provides the MAC address on the other hand inerval service provide IP address.
The main difference between MAC and IP address is that MAC address is used to ensure the physical
address of Computer .It uniquely defines the device on network MAC address are used to identify
machines.Within the same broadcast network on layer 2.while ip address are identified The
connection of network with that device taking part in the network
IP address are used on layer 3 to identify machine throghput - different network.Mac address are
typically used only to direct packets from one device to next as data travel on a network.
That means that your computer network adapter MAC address travel network only until the next
device along the way. If you have a router than your machines MAC address will go no further than
The computer or equipment you have connect to the internet are also assigned IP address.
2 (a) Explain in detail Border Gateway protocol and Link state protocol in detail.

Ans BGP(Border Gateway protocol)

BGP is a protocol that it is a inter-domain routing protocol that uses path vector routing .
BGP directs pockets between autonomous system (AS) network managed by a single enterprises or
Service provider at minimum one router that is able to run BGP and one router is connect at
minimum other AS’s BGP routers.Border gateway protocol constructs on autonomous systems based
on the garph of information and data exchanged on between the BGP router.
I) stub AS: A stub AS has only one connection to another AS.Data traffic ,cannot pass through a stub
AS. A stub AS is either a Source or sink.
II) Multihomed AS:- it has more than one connection to other AS, it is still only a source or sink for
data traffic.
-ther is no tranient traffic.

III) Transit AS:= It is multihomed AS that allows transient traffic. EG. ISPs(internet Backbone).
Characteristics of Border Gateway Protocol
Inter autonomus system configuration
* BGP support next- hap paradigm.
* coordination among multiple BGO speakers with in the AS(Autonomous system).
Path information->
*BGP adve rtisment also includes the path of information , along with reachable destiantion and
next destination pair.
Policy support
*Runover TCP
*BGP conserved a network bandwidth range.
*BGP supports CIDR.
*BGP also support security.
The basic concepts of link state routing is that every node construct a map of the connectivity of
the network in the form of the graph and showing which nodes are connected to which other
Link states protocols relay specific link characteristics and state of information.
This information is sent to all the routers in the network as multicast message link-state routing
always try to maintain full networks topology by updating itself incremental y Whenever change a
happen in network.
Every node has then independent calculate the next best logical path from is to every possible
destination and end point in network in link state routing .in this if each node in the domsain as the
entire topology of the domain I.e, list of domain ,and links, ghow they are connected . type and
costs and condition of link, then the node can be use Dijkstra algorithm to building routing table
** link state routing protocols feauters
->Building he same LSDB on every Router.
->Router LSA includes a number to identify the router(IO).
(b) The Figure below shows a network with 8 routers, where each link has an integer
shown above the link. Apply the Dijkstra routing algorithm to find the short path
between the nodes from the nodes u to all the remaining nodes. Show each step

Q 3(a) A student connects a laptop to campus network and requests a web page from Explain the sequence of operations carried out with the help of different
protocols used in transport, network and link layers.
The Basic process
The browser sends the web address to a DNA server that translates it to the respective IP address
.this is sent back to browser.
The browser sends a request to file server asking for HTML pages scripts attributes.
The server respond by sending the required data from the packets are serialized and number from the
target browser.
As the packets come in the browser tries to make whatever come and decode and display the
resultant web.

To establish a connection the three way(3 steps) handshake occurs.

* SYN : The actively open is perform by the clients sends a SYN to the server.

* SYN- ACK -> in response the server reply within a SYN- ACK.

*ACK -> finally the clients sends to the recived ACK back to he server

Connection Termination in TCP protocol

In a TCP e way to the handshakes Process we studied that how connection establish between client
and server in transmission control protocol (TCP) using SYN bit segment. With each side connecting
to terminating a independently.
while it takes 3 segment to establish a connection, it take 4 to terminate a connection.
one application calls closed first, and we say that this end performs the active close. this ends TCP
send a FIN segment, which means it is finished sending a data and information.
The other end and other point that receive the FIN perform the passive closed. the received FIN is
acknowledged by TCP. the receipt of the FIN is also passes to the application as an end-of-file .after
any data and information that may have already been queued for the application to receive, since the
receipt of the FIN means of the application will not received any additional data of the connection.
Sometime after, the application that received the end-of-file will close its socket. This causes its TCP
to send a FIN.

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