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1. Explain the following terms from the case study.

Human resource management is a vital part of any organization, and this organization is in change in focusing on employees as the
company’s most important asset. In this case they are responsible in hiring the most qualified candidates for the position of Marketing
Specialist. Whoever is qualified for the position, they are one who will monitor the employee’s performance and if there a need for
improvement they can train the employee to improve his/her skills.
Recruitment is process of searching, hiring and selecting potential and qualified candidates based on objective criteria for a particular job. In
this case the company is looking for the best candidate’s matches the requirement, they can use via advertisement to easily search the
person, they can post the defined description of the job in their social media site, newspaper and job fair or on radio, and television.
Portfolio workings, this commonly required during the hiring includes the resume that shows the skills, employment history and other many
important details about the applicant and also includes the application letter. In this part the employer can be able see the background of the
applicant and they can do the evaluation if the applicant is qualified or not.

2. Explain what is meant by “more flexible employment conditions and contracts”.[5 marks]
In order for the company find a competitive advantage in attracting Marketing Specialist, they need to offer the best benefit that can attract
the attention of the applicants. More flexible employment condition and contract means of providing the new hired employees with best
positive environment in which they can work productively, where they receive certain degree of freedom to express their thoughts and ideas
to grow as an individual inside the organization. Mostly, applicant wanted to have a flexible employment condition, then the company can
offer a 6 months training to improve the employees current and future performance and while they are doing that the employee must receive
payment from the company. They should provide all the benefit that the employees will need, a fair wages, proper medical insurance and
other important benefit that was written in the contract.

3. Analyse the arguments against for and against the possible outsourcing (subcontracting) of construction work to another firm. [7
Based on my own understanding, outsourcing is done by the company who hired a third-party to perform the task, by doing this the company
can be able to get more expert people who can do the task well. If the firm will do the outsourcing, then things get done fast, because I
believe if you are expect and skillful in a particular job you can easily done the task. Furthermore, the firm can reduce cost, imagine if you
keep on hiring a third-party you will pay them cheaper than you permanent employee, and it will also help company to have a better quality
output. Outsourcing will enables you to plan and execute more effective, targeted campaigns and projects that you wouldn’t ordinarily be
able to take on. But outsourcing isn’t right for every situation and you have to balance every action that you need to take, you need to think
hard in making a decision. Remember, make sure the company you are hiring can really do the job and it will not betray you.

4. Evaluate how workforce planning may help businesses meet their strategic objectives.[8 marks]
Workforce planning is simplest term in getting the right number of people with the right skill, experience and competencies in the right job.
The workforce planning can be able to help the business to meet the strategic objectives by analyzing the organizational strategies goal, on
what are the actions that they need to take in order to achieve their goals. Also it will help the business to minimize risk, to fulfill its mission
and goals in the future, to prepare for the different scenarios, it will improve the leadership among employees and will retain the best, skillful,
competent, and valuable asset of the company which is their employees. Workforce planning will also help to identify workforce risks before it
impacts business objectives, and I believe the business would able to meet all their strategic objectives because this workforce planning is
an effective tool  use in avoiding everything that would put the business into risk. In addition, it give the business a better view point on how
to achieves the success and on how avoid the failure.

1.   Employees often gave negative views on the policy of hiring outsiders rather than promoting from within. Naturally, employees
believe they should always be given reference for promotion before outsiders are hired. Do you think this is in the best interest of the
Yes. Promoting from within must be the best interest of the organization before hiring outsider, because if the organization will focus in
promoting, the employees tends to feel more inspired and motivated to strive hard to achieve the goals of the company. It will also improve
and increases loyalty among the employees since they tend to feel a sense of belonging in the workplace. This promotion from within will not
just help the employees, but also the organization to retain their skilled and talented employees. If there’s a vacant position, the organization
should promote the deserving one and then they can now hire an outsider to fill in the position. My point is, the organization should focus in
promoting from within, because internal employees are already aware of their duties and responsibilities and imagine how many years they
have rendered to the organization, so give them the chance to shine before you hire outsiders.

2.       As a potential recruit who will probably be looking for a job upon completion of school, what general approach or method of
recruiting do you think would be most effective in attracting you?
Every organization has their own way on how to attract potential recruit. As a newbie, I need to choose a company that has a great method
in recruiting candidates. Nowadays job searching has been very tough especially for the newly graduates. But then, there are already
different methods or approach that they need to consider when looking for jobs. Like for example social media has greatly influenced our
daily lives, this can also be use as a medium to grab the attention of job seekers. Moreover, a lot of applicants has been using online for their
application since it is more convenient for them to submit immediately the requirements needed by the company and then a face to face
interview will have to follow. Another approach would be the so called JOB FAIR, with this, applicant would be able choose different company
within a day. They can immediately survey which company suits their expertise and which company will heighten their capabilities and make
them a reliable employee.
The ABC Corporation has been engaged in the manufacture of electronic
components for automobiles for the last 5 years. The company employs 350
employees and about 30 supervisors and managers.  The increase in technology
requires that employees be sent to training to cope with the increasing demand for
updated new products consistent with the demand of local and foreign customers.
The HR Manager suggested that 3 of the managers and 8 supervisors be sent to the
mother company in Japan for updates in technology on car electronics. The VP for
Finance and the Operations Manager opposed the recommendation on the basis of
cost cutting and lack of personnel to handle the operations while they were away
for 2 months.  They suggested that technicians from the mother company be
invited instead to handle the training in the Philippines.  The cost of training by the
mother company would double the cost of training as they are paid higher
allowances and salaries that will be charged to the local company.
Discuss your course of action as HR Manager.
Content – 10 points
Organization – 5 points
Submission – 5 points

Training and development are the prime opportunity to strengthen the knowledge base of employees and improve their skills. As Human
resource Manager, it is his/her responsibility to examine the employees performance record to identify areas where employees could
improve their skill, he/she also concerned about the quality of work of the employees. In the case the Human Resources Manager has
suggested to train and sent the 3 managers and 8 supervisors, but the VP finance and Operation Manager had opposed the idea because of
the expenses that the company might encountered. The best alternative course of action the Human Resources Manager can make is to
pursue the suggested idea in a way that it limits the number of the employees to be sent for training, instead of 3 managers and 8
supervisors; it will be reduced to 1 manager and 2 supervisors. The manager and supervisor who will be sent for training will train the 2
managers and 6 supervisors when they get back. So it is very important to select the best employees who will be trained in the mother
company in Japan. The quality of the training is not the same as training in Japan, but with the help of those trained employees, the
knowledge of the other supervisors and manager will be strengthened. With this idea the cost of training will be lessen and at the same time
the company can come up with the updates in technology on electronics. They can also ask a training specialist from Japan to conduct
training in the Philippines. But the concerned department manager should discuss these matters to clearly inform others about the idea, and
also to avoid misunderstanding.
In this case, the company must have a sufficient fund for training, because training must be imperative to conduct regularly most especially in
this kind of business, because as the time goes by a lot of advancement will be made for technology, so the employees should broaden their
knowledge about the technologies and electronic. Their skills must be match at the required work they have to do. It is also important to build
a communication inside the organization to avoid tension, misunderstanding and dissatisfaction.

Bryan is a former drug user who has spent time in jail. For the past years he has
been straight, as far as everybody knows. Currently Bryan operates a forklift for
Adams, Inc., a small construction company. Lately, Bryan has begun having
seizures, or “flashbacks”, as a result of his earlier use of the drugs. Bryan has been
carefully evaluated by EAP professionals and found to be clean of current drug
use. The professional say that flashbacks of this nature are quite common in ex-
addicts. Mishandling of Bryan’s machine could be potentially dangerous to him
and his coworkers. Bryan has already had some flashbacks while at the controls,
and in every case the seizure merely caused him to release the handle, which
simply stopped the machine automatically. This is the only job Bryan is qualified
to do within the company.
1. Should Bryan be allowed to continue the job?
2. Are there any options other than leaving Bryan alone or firing him?
The case is adapted from an actual situation reported in Management Review,
August 1991, p.23
1. Should Bryan be allowed to continue the job?
No. I think Bryan should not be allowed to continue his job.
First, it is not safe for him to continue his work, as I can see there is a high possibility that he may cause a danger to himself and to his co-
workers, and also have an impact to the Adam Inc. I’m not judging him about his background, but everything he has done in the past has
resulted, and now he has he has a seizure that affects his ability to perform physical work. If he does not want stop this work it will be harder
for him to work and it will reduce his productivity in the organization, which will have a huge impact on the company.
The company must decide that Bryan will stop working temporarily, the organization may discuss some consequences or possibilities of what
might happen if he continues, they need to let him know so he can understand everything.

2. Are there any options other than leaving Bryan alone or firing him?
Yes there are, and firing him is not an option. The company must to consider his situation by giving him a temporary leave for medication,
and Bryan will have to take treatment for him to recover and return to his job. In this type of situation the company should provide assistance
to their employees by supporting them with their medication expenses. I think this is the solution for Bryan’s condition, because if you look at
it, it is not fair if the company will fired him, because in the first place he has changed and his trying his best to prove himself. After the
medication, the organization may conduct the physical and mental examination to ensure that Bryan is recovered.

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