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5th October, 2020

Mission statement of top 5 companies of the world


1. Mark: one of the largest thermochemical company

Mission statement :to preserve and improve life
2. IBM:
Mission statement : to achieve value added leadership position
3. Mckinsey:
Mission statement :to help living corporations and governments to be more successful
4. Ranbaxy:
Mission statement : to be a research oriented international pharmaceutical company
5. HDFC:
Mission statement : to develop close relationships with individual households, maintain position
as the premier housing financial institution in the country, transform ideas into viable and
creative solutions

Assignment: by 6th October

Mission statement of IIPE

Mission statement of Kharagpur: dedicated to the service of the nation

Mission => strategy => capital margin

Mission help to develop a strategy

Objective of strategy planning: achieve a balanced goal structure

Responsibility: it is the internal body: (corporate lab body) and external body:(Consultant)

For Strategic planning: You have to have a very good qualitative assessment (subjective information)and
rigorous quantitative planning [Finance department, investment banker ,( NPV, IRR, payout) ]
Basic difference between shareholders fund (equity), loan funds(debt): (pg 654)

Equity Debt
Equity share holders have a residual claim on the Creditors (supplier of debt-bank) have a fixed
income and the wealth of the fund claim in the form of interest and principal
Dividend pay to equity shareholders is not a tax Interest paid to creditors may be a tax deductible
deductible payment payment
Equity ordinarily has an indefinite life: Debt has a fix maturity
(equity is not for 1 year validity, we can sell it at
any time- like as long the company is in business
we can sell the share)
Equity investors enjoy the prerogative(power) to Debt investors play a passive role, they do not
control the affairs of the fund control the affairs of the company

Key factors in determining the debt, equity ratio:

To be continued on the next class…..

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