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Current status and future perspectives of solid waste management in Iran: a

critical overview of Iranian metropolitan cities

Article  in  Environmental Science and Pollution Research · November 2019

DOI: 10.1007/s11356-019-06456-5


4 356

6 authors, including:

Parveen Fatemeh Rupani Reza Maleki Delarestaghi

Jiangsu University University of Tehran


Madjid Abbaspour Mobin Rupani

Sharif University of Technology Universiti Teknologi Malaysia


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Environmental Science and Pollution Research


Current status and future perspectives of solid waste management

in Iran: a critical overview of Iranian metropolitan cities
Parveen Fatemeh Rupani 1 & Reza Maleki Delarestaghi 2 & Madjid Abbaspour 3 & Mohammad Mobin Rupani 4 &
Hany S. EL-Mesery 5,6 & Weilan Shao 1

Received: 27 May 2019 / Accepted: 6 September 2019

# Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2019

By growing urban population, Iran faces numerous environmental issues and solid waste management is on the top of these
problems. Studies showed that a daily average of 700–1000 g of wastes are produced per person in Iran, in which organic waste
accounts for a significant amount. On the other hand, hospital waste represents a part of the wastes, which need careful
consideration from the environmental point of view. In the present study, the amount, composition, and management of urban
and hospital wastes were evaluated in 7 Iranian metropolises, which account for about 30% of the population and produce about
35% of the country wastes. Based on prior surveys, landfill method is the current main method for waste management in these
cities, which is generally not completely sanitary and therefore causes many environmental problems. The other common
methods for waste management in these cities are composting of organic wastes, and the use of waste conversion methods to
energy. However, the latter is ongoing only in Tehran which also includes some limitations. Therefore, the study also evaluated
the future perspectives and feasibility of waste-to-energy conversion as a promising economic route for waste disposal.

Keywords Solid wastes . Hospital wastes . Landfill . Composting . Renewable energy

Abbreviations Introduction
3Rs Reduction, reuse, and recycling
FOG Fat, oil, and grease Nowadays, the expansion of urbanization and population
GHGs Greenhouse gases growth led to exponentially rising environmental problems
LFG Landfill gas (Haile 2014; Sharma et al. 2014; Ripa et al. 2017) and the
MSW Municipal solid waste urgent need to renewable energy resources (Abomohra et al.
PPP Public-private partnership 2016; Elsayed et al. 2018). During the last few decades, mu-
nicipal solid waste (MSW) production has been sharply in-
creased in urban centers of developing countries (Williams

Parveen Fatemeh Rupani and Reza Maleki Delarestaghi contributed

equally to this work.
Responsible editor: Philippe Garrigues

* Hany S. EL-Mesery 3
Department of mechanical Engineering, Sharif University, Tehran, Iran
* Weilan Shao 4
MJIIT, University Technology Malaysia (UTM), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
School of Energy and Power Engineering, Jiangsu University,
School of Environment and safety Engineering, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang 212013, China
Zhenjiang, Jiangsu, China 6
Department of Crop Handling and Processing, Agricultural
Department of Environmental Engineering, University of Tehran, Engineering Research Institute, Agricultural Research Center, Dokki,
Tehran, Iran Giza 12618, Egypt
Environ Sci Pollut Res

et al. 2012). MSW is generally defined as the waste collected (Dhokhikah and Trihadiningrum 2012). Such information
from the municipalities or other local organizations that in- not only play a vital role in minimizing the waste production
clude household wastes, yard wastes, and commercial/ but also play a key role to design the efficient routes for waste
industrial wastes, which in general come from homes, hospi- management process, including storage, collection, transpor-
tals, schools, and businesses (Rajaeifar et al. 2015; Ripa et al. tation, processing/disposal, and/or conversion (Liu et al. 2015;
2017). Currently, MSW is considered one form of human Almasi et al. 2019). In developed countries, related organiza-
unsustainable consumption for natural resources, which led tions collect reliable data on daily production of urban wastes
to the environmental degradation and resource depletion in order to implement the proper management based on a
(Mohammadi et al. 2019). Different methods were globally logical model of planning. However, in developing countries,
discussed to reduce the amount of waste needed to be dis- such as Iran, there is a serious lack of information and avail-
posed, such as waste reduction at the source, mechanical treat- able data on urban waste production, which is not consistent
ment, biological treatment, composting, landfilling, incinera- nor sufficient to formulate a comprehensive and effective pro-
tion, and pyrolysis (Zaman 2010; Uzoejinwa et al. 2018; gram (Farzadkia et al. 2017). To the best of authors’ knowl-
Chhabra et al. 2019). edge, there are few review articles available on some of the
Iran has one of the largest economies in the Middle East small cities of Iran, but till date there is no comprehensive
region (The World Bank 2017), and it is the 18th global largest review available to fill the gap and discuss the available data
by gross domestic product (GDP, IMF 2019). Therefore, the and different strategies of solid waste management in mega-
country faces several environmental problems due to the fast cities of Iran. Taking these big cities as an example could be an
development of urbanization and industrialization. The rate of appropriate way to consider it as a role model for any cities
urbanization in Iran increased rapidly from 46% in 1976 to which resembled the scenario by recognizing its problems
66% in 2001 and 74% in 2014, which is 45% higher than the towards effective management and reducing the environmen-
global average rate (United Nations 2011). Although urbani- tal impacts. Hence, the research provided here summarizes the
zation by its own has no negative influence on the environ- type and amount of MSW composition in the 7 studied met-
ment, the lack of effective waste management approach could ropolitan cities in Iran. In addition, the study focuses on the
cause negative environmental impacts, which is one of the current methods used for MSW management in the country.
main hitches encountered by the country in the last decade. Moreover, it provides the future perspectives for economic
The main method for the final waste disposal is the use of utilization of MSW with a focus on different pathways of
landfill, which is mostly carried out not in compliance with energy production. In this study, Tehran, Mashhad, Isfahan,
the environmental regulations, and is largely dumped down in Tabriz, Karaj, Shiraz, and Ahvaz were chosen as a model of a
open areas (Moghadam et al. 2009; Ramachandra et al. 2018). developing society in the country.
In addition, the waste materials are no longer worthy due to
the lack of proper management of recoverable wastes (Rafiee
et al. 2018). According to Iran’s waste management law Municipal solid wastes
(National Legislation 2004), the definition of MSW includes
two main groups. The first group is “ordinary wastes” which Production of municipal solid wastes
include wastes generated commonly from humans’ life activ-
ities inside and outside cities and villages such as household Urban development factors significantly influence the produc-
and demolition wastes. The second group is “hospital wastes” tion rate and composition of municipal wastes, such as life-
which consist of infected and harmful wastes generated by style, socioeconomic, cultural conditions, industry, consump-
hospitals, health cares, treatment facilities, medical laborato- tion patterns, climate, population, food habits, city size, and
ries, research centers, and other similar organizations. living standards (Keser et al. 2012; Kolekar et al. 2016). In this
Out of 31 provinces, 1154 cities, and 6800 villages in Iran, context, lifestyle is directly related to the household income
Table 1 summarizes the properties of the seven megacities in level and can affect the amount and patterns of consumption
terms of population, elevation above the sea level, climate, (Khan et al. 2016) which, consequently, affect the rate and
and precipitation. According to the latest statistics, the popu- type of wastes generated in different countries. Previous stud-
lation growth rate is 1.24%, among which 74% of population ies confirmed that by increasing the incomes, household con-
live in cities, while only 26% live in the villages (Statistical sumption also increases, which results in more waste genera-
Center of Iran 2017). The seven studied metropolitan cities tion (Afroz et al. 2011; Estay-Ossandon and Mena-Nieto
constitute about 35% of Iran’s population and produce about 2018). Table 2 shows per capita waste production in Iran com-
30–40% of Iran’s total wastes. paring it with few other Asian countries. According to the
In order to develop a waste management plan, full infor- available data, there is a direct relationship between the
mation on the constituents of the waste as well as the produc- amount of waste produced and the per capita income of house-
tion rate are inevitable to minimize the waste production holds. Among the represented countries, Bahrain showed
Environ Sci Pollut Res

Table 1 Population and characteristics of the seven Iranian megacities (IRIMO 2016)

Cities* Urban population (× 1000 person) Elevation (meter) Climate Precipitation (mm year−1)

Ahvaz 1184 17 Hot, desert 230

Isfahan 1961 1574 Cold, desert 113
Karaj 1592 1300 Cold, semi-arid 243.8
Mashhad 3001 985 Cold, semi-arid 212
Shiraz 1565 1480 Hot, semi-arid 337.8
Tabriz 1558 1351 Cold, semi-arid 310
Tehran 8693 1190 Hot Mediterranean 233

*Cities are arranged aphoristically

relatively low per income with the highest per capita. from 2002 to 2017 is shown in Fig. 1. The total waste produc-
However, average per capita waste production in Iran was tion in 2017 showed 62.5, 46.7, and 62.5% increase over that
782 g per day, which is within the global average, but there of 2002, 2007, and 2014, respectively.
is a huge gap between the amount of municipal waste produc- Iran could be a model country in the region for having
tion and how it is managed in the country. According to the different levels of development in each city and different cli-
report of Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency mate zones. For this reason, the rate of municipal waste pro-
Organization as well as the urban population, waste produc- duction per person varies from city to city. Unfortunately,
tion in the country during the period of 2002–2017 increased there is no accurate statistics available from municipalities or
by about 62%. From 2002 to 2014, the waste production waste management organizations of Iran and the available
showed a sharp increase by 33.4%, which was mainly attrib- information is based on the individual research studies by
uted to the increase in urban population. The highest waste scholars. Waste management of Gorgan (Moharamnejad
production per capita in this period refers to 2007 with 0.89 kg et al., 2011), Esfahan (Esfandiari et al. 2010), Khorramabad
person−1 day−1. The process of population change, per capita (Jafari et al. 2010), Mashhad (MWMO 2012), Tabriz (Zazouli
production of wastes, and the total waste production in Iran et al. 2013), Zanjan (Fathi et al. 2014), Tehran (TWMO 2017),

Table 2 Per capita waste generation in some countries in comparison with Iran

Countries Per capita (g day−1) Per Income (GDP per capita)* Reference

Iran 782 5415.2 (SATBA 2018)

Jordan – 4129.8 –
Georgia – 4078.3 –
Azerbaijan – 4131.6 –
Serbia 280 5900.0 (Vujić et al. 2010)
Philippines 382 2989.0 (Guerrero et al. 2013)
Ghana 400 1641.5 (Achankeng 2003)
Tunisia 500 3490.8 (Achankeng 2003)
Sri Lanka 590 4065.2 (Khajuria et al. 2010)
Pakistan 610 1547.9 (Khajuria et al. 2010)
Indonesia 697 3846.9 (Guerrero et al. 2013)
Morocco 760 3007.2 (Ouigmane et al. 2018)
Oman 970 15,668.4 (Palanivel and Sulaiman 2014)
Saudi Arabia 1052 20,760.9 (Zafar 2018)
Kuwait 1176 29,040.4 (Zafar 2018)
UAE 1274 40,698.8 (Zafar 2018)
Turkey 1500 10,540.6 (Turan et al. 2009)
Qatar 2437 63,505.8 (Zafar 2018)
Bahrain 2722 23,655 (Zafar 2018)

*Source: The World Bank (2017)

Environ Sci Pollut Res

70 1.5
Urban populaon Total MSW generaon Per Capita generaon
studied megacities in Iran, which represent 33.0% and 34% of
33.4 1.3
Total MSW generaon (million ton)
25.2 urban population and total national waste production, respec-

Per Capita (kg person-1 d-1)

Urban populaon (miliion)

1.1 tively. Among these cities, Tehran showed the highest per
39.1 0.9 capita waste production. Apart from Tehran as a capital city
17.2 21.9
of Iran, Tabriz, Isfahan, Shiraz and Mashhad face remarkable
30 growth in waste production (Rezazadeh et al. 2014).
20 46.7 62.5
39.4 0.3
Ordinary wastes
10 0.1

0 -0.1 The income level of the country is usually considered a good

2002 2007 2014 2017
indicator of countries’ economic development level, which
proportionally affects the amount of ordinary wastes generat-
Fig. 1 Urban population, total municipal solid waste (MSW) generation,
ed. In general, the constituents of the organic matter in the
and per capita generation during 2002 to 2017. Numbers opposite to each
value represent % increase over those of 2002 wastes are higher in countries with lower income level
(Hoornweg 2012). In particular, if the amount of economic
and Shiraz (Norouzian Baghani et al. 2017) were previously prosperity and urbanization increases, the production of inor-
studied. In addition, several factors affect the waste generation ganic materials increases, which reduces the amount of organ-
in different regions; for example, the amount of waste pro- ic matter in the waste stream (SATBA 2018). Table 4 shows
duced in the northern provinces of Iran, as one of the main the composition of solid wastes in the studied megacities of
tourist attractions point near to the coastal area, is higher than Iran. Organic wastes in the studied megacities showed the
other parts of the country. According to Rezazadeh et al. predominance, which ranged between 61.1 and 73.4% of total
(2014), the amount of wastes produced in Gilan was 1700 g wastes generated. Karaj and Mashhad showed the highest or-
per person per day in 2014, while in Mazandaran Province ganic waste generation (about 73% of total wastes), while
was 1100 g per person per day (Rezazadeh et al. 2014). Shiraz showed the lowest value of 61.1%. Plastic wastes
However, the amount of generated wastes is much lower in showed higher amounts in Shiraz and Isfahan (9.8 and 9.4%,
the provinces located at the central part of Iran. For example, it respectively), which could be attributed as being tourist-
was estimated as 638 g per person per day in Kashan attractive cities. Similarly, high percentages of hazardous
(Moharamnejad et al. 2011), while 293 g per person per day wastes and cardboard wastes were recorded for Shiraz and
was estimated in Yazd Province (Vahidi et al. 2017). Isfahan. However, Tehran as a capital city of Iran having
Moreover, Talaiekhozani et al. (2018) reported that the higher urban population does not show any specific pattern.
amount of waste generated in Shahr-e-Kord was 411 g per
person per day, while Zahedan produced 800 g per person Hospital wastes
per day (Najafi et al. 2017). Another factor affecting the waste
generation could be the changes in the climate of the region. Hospital wastes generally consist of toxic and pathogenic
Usually, the amount of wastes produced in summer is higher agents such as radioactive, medicinal, chemical, and bio-
than other seasons of the year due to the fast spoilage during logical infectious materials. Currently, hospital wastes lead
the hot summer climate (Zazouli et al. 2013). Table 3 shows to land depletion and other serious environmental prob-
the amount of municipal solid waste generated in the seven lems in the country as well as globally. Thus, proper

Table 3 Waste composition in

Iranian metropolises (Source: Cities* Population MSWG (tons GPC (g Population MSWG
IMO 2018) (×1000) day−1) person−1 day−1) (%) (%)

Ahvaz 1184 852 720 2.00 1.84

Isfahan 1961 1559 795 3.32 3.37
Karaj 1592 1297 815 2.69 2.80
Mashhad 3001 2233 744 5.07 4.83
Shiraz 1565 1177 752 2.65 2.54
Tabriz 1558 1220 783 2.63 2.75
Tehran 8693 7476 860 14.70 16.16
Total in 59,154 46,258 782 100 100

*Cities are arranged alphabetically. MSWG municipal solid waste generation, GPC generation per capita
Environ Sci Pollut Res

Table 4 Percentage of different wastes with respect to the total municipal solid waste production in the seven studied megacities (modified from
Rajaeifar et al. 2017)

City Waste composition and breakdowns (% of total) TW (tons

Organic Plastic Pet Glass Textile Ferrous Non-ferrous Paper/ Hazardous Wood Leather Others
metals metals cardboard

Ahvaz 64.9 5.3 1.0 3.6 3.4 4.1 0.2 8.2 0.4 3.6 0.6 4.7 852
Isfahan 69.4 9.4 1.1 2.4 4.8 1.4 0.1 6.6 0.5 1.7 1.1 1.5 1559
Karaj 73.4 4.8 1.2 1.4 3.9 1.9 0.4 4.9 0.3 1.8 1.6 4.4 1297
Mashhad 73.1 5.3 0.4 1.2 5.7 1.5 0.2 8.6 0.5 0.6 1.4 1.5 2233
Shiraz 61.1 9.8 1.4 1.0 2.6 2.3 1.0 15.1 0.6 1.9 1.5 1.7 1177
Tabriz 71.9 5.9 0.6 1.2 4.4 0.6 0.2 4.8 0.3 3.9 1.8 4.4 1220
Tehran 71.2 5.9 1.3 1.6 3.6 2.1 0.4 9.6 0.3 1.8 0.6 1.6 7476
ICA 70.23 6.33 1.08 1.81 3.55 1.56 0.17 9.13 0.35 1.53 1.09 3.17 2259

TW total wastes of the corresponding city, ICA Iran’s city average

management of these wastes should be among the neces- Waste management in Iran
sary plans of each country. Accurate information about the
amount of wastes produced and the methods used for the The history of waste management in Iran dates back to
treatment and/or disposal in hospitals are of great impor- 1911, when the first municipality was established in the
tance (Mahdavi et al. 2008). According to Farzadkia et al. country (Maczulak 2010). According to the Iran’s Waste
(2017) and Komilis et al. (2017), 75–90% of wastes pro- Management Law adopted in 2004, municipalities are re-
duced in hospitals are considered general wastes, while sponsible for collecting, transporting, and disposing the
10–25% can be classified as dangerous hospital wastes. urban wastes. In addition, the law describes how to man-
One of the main problems associated with the management age the hospital and industrial wastes separately (National
of hospital wastes is the segregating of general wastes from Legislation 2004). Monitoring the waste management pro-
the dangerous ones during storage and collection, resulting cess is the responsibility of the Department of
in problems with the final disposal method (Sabour et al. Environment. Figure 3 summarizes the different routes
2007; Chaerul et al. 2008). So far, there is no accurate of the main solid waste management in the country.
management policy adopted in the country for effective According to the available county law, hospitals are re-
disposal of hospital wastes. Askarian et al. (2004) conduct- sponsible for the management of generated hospital
ed a study on 15 private hospitals in Fars Province and wastes and will be allowed to collect these wastes only
confirmed that 4.45 kg per bed per day of wastes produced if they are disinfected by safe making devices. In addi-
daily, of which 71.4% was normal wastes, 27.8% was path- tion, there are few laws in the country stated regarding the
ogenic wastes, and 0.76% was sharp wastes. In 2012, the reimbursement of waste management costs but socio-
generation rate of hospital wastes in Karaj was estimated to
be 2.78 kg per bed per day, of which about 91% were in the
3.1, 16%
group of normal wastes and 9% as infectious wastes 3.48, 18%

(Ferdowsi et al. 2012). In a review conducted by 1.59, 8%

Gholamheidar et al. (2014), the hospital wastes per bed 2.71, 14%
per day were 2.76 kg in Sistan and Baluchistan, and 2.31, 12%
2.40 kg in Zanjan. Figure 2 shows the hospital waste pro-
duction in the studied 7 Iranian large cities. Shiraz showed 1.67, 9%
4.45, 23%
the highest hospital waste generation, while Isfahan and
Mashhad showed the lowest amount, which could be at-
tributed to the applied system for hospital waste collection
and controlled data report of exact production as well as
Ahvaz Isfahan Karaj Mashhad Shiraz Tehran Tabriz
Shiraz as one of the main tourist hubs of the country. In
addition, the size of the hospital and its functionality affect Fig. 2 The rate of hospital waste generation in Iran (as kg wastes
significantly in the process of the waste generation. bed−1 day−1)
Environ Sci Pollut Res

Fig. 3 Different routes of solid waste management in Iran

economic barriers do not allow these funds to be received Ordinary waste management
by the relevant organs. In general, the recycling systems
have been included in most of the metropolitan disposal Most of the metropolitan cities of Iran have fixed dumping
sites, with landfill usage and biogas production in all lo- areas with certain distance from the cities, in which processing
cations (Fig. 4). and disposal are commonly performed in the same place.

Fig. 4 Waste management methods applied in Iranian metropolises (modified from SATBA 2018)
Environ Sci Pollut Res

Figure 5 represents the efficiency of waste management the unit annually. It is anticipated that this unit in Mashhad
methods in the studied 7 metropolitan cities. Although landfill will prevent 20,000 metric tons of greenhouse gases (GHGs)
is the most common waste management method in all studied from entering into the atmosphere annually. Recently, in the
cities, it is not carried out in a sanitary way, which causes 4th district of Tehran, which produces about 12% of Tehran’s
environmental pollutions such as waste water, soil depletion, urban wastes, an anaerobic digestion plant has been construct-
and air pollution. Out of 83% of wastes which enter the land- ed. Moreover, in near future Renewable Energy Organization
fills, only 10.5% enter the composting process and 5.9% of the country are planning to construct 10 MW power station
recycled (Mir and Nabavi 2015). Therefore, composting can which will be based on the MSW biogas utilization obtained
be observed only in three of the studied cities, Mashhad, from cities with over 250,000 population (Hosseini et al.
Tehran, and Shiraz (see Fig. 4). 2013).
During the landfilling process, different gases will be pro-
duced because of the anaerobic processes of the wastes. Hospital waste management
Typically, landfill gas (LFG) consists of 50–60% methane
and 30–40% carbon dioxide as well as trace amounts of nu- In developing and transitional countries like Iran, hospital
merous chemical compounds such as aromatics, chlorinated wastes have not received enough attention, despite their neg-
organic compounds, and sulfur compounds (Faitli et al. 2015). ative impact on the environment. Until 2007, hospital wastes
Due to the high percentage of organic matter in the waste, were disposed along with the domestic wastes, which created
there is high potential for gas production from the landfills sever health problems for the workers on site and environmen-
of Iranian cites (Mollahosseini et al. 2017). In this regard, all tal depletion (Karamouz et al. 2007). However, according to
studied cities installed biogas facilities, while still many of the the Article 13 of the Waste Management Law of Iran, mixing
existing landfills around the country are not equipped with the medical wastes with other wastes, discharge of un-
biogas systems. Currently, two units of biogas plants have sanitized wastes into the environment, and recycling of the
been the first power generating from landfill units in the infected materials are prohibited (National Legislation
Middle East (Maghanaki et al. 2013). Shiraz biogas power 2004). From 2007, all hospitals and healthcare centers were
plant uses the gas produced from Shiraz landfill and converts obliged to install waste incinerators. Despite these advances, a
it into electricity. The capacity of this plant is 1060 kwh, and it report from Khuzestan Province (located in the southern part
can convert more than 4 million cubic meters of biogas to of Iran) suggested that improper solid waste storage, packing,
electricity and ultimately produces up to 8 million kwh of and transportation are the main reasons for the mismanage-
electricity annually (Maghanaki et al. 2013). Shiraz’s landfill ment of the hospital wastes, rather than not being highly
has approximately produced more than 300 million cubic me- equipped with different facilities (Karamouz et al. 2007).
ters of biogas during 25 years of anaerobic burial process According to Davoodi et al. (2014), about 75% of hospitals
(Maghanaki et al. 2013). Another example is Mashhad City have enough facilities to enforce this law because many hos-
which has a biogas unit capacity of 650 kwh built on the old pitals in the country are equipped with proper autoclaves and/
landfill site. The unit has a generating capacity of 4 million or incinerator systems and there are separate burial grounds
kwh for 13 years, and more than 2 million cubic meters enters for hospital wastes. However, due to lack of manpower, lack

Fig. 5 The share of waste 18000

MSW recycled MSW Composted MSW combuson MSW landfilled
management methods in the
studied metropolitan cities in Iran
Managed wastes (tons day-1)







Ahvaz Isfahan Karaj Mashhad Shiraz Tabriz Tehran Iran

Environ Sci Pollut Res

of health care awareness, and in some cases limited volume have a purification system nor a run-off facility, which causes
incinerators are available in large hospitals, therefore, most of pollution in the downstream grounds (MWMS 2018).
the wastes are dumped in the landfill without the required Of the landfills in metropolises, almost all cities have a new
processing. In that context, Arab et al. (2017) evaluated the leachate management system; some of them such as Tehran
practicing safety feature among Iranian public hospitals in 150 have less than 5 years age leachate management system; and,
random hospitals selected. The authors indicated that only therefore, leachate has caused many environmental problems
33.3% of the hospitals are in good situation. Authors attribut- during the past years in that region. Another problem in land-
ed that to the education, work experience, age, and workers fills is the lack of gas extraction at the site (Komilis et al.
training with strong safety awareness. Hence, the current land- 2017). Considering the high organic load of wastes in the
fill practice does not meet all the requirements of sanitary country, the potential of gas production from wastes seems
conditions. to be in a very high level (Maghanaki et al. 2013). Leakage
of gas without proper collection not only increases the GHG
emissions but also increases the risk of explosion and fire at
the landfill site (Vasanthi et al. 2008). Hosseini et al. (2013)
Glitches of waste management stated that energy recovery policy can be implemented in the
in the metropolitan landfills country as MSW are the excellent source of biogas
Landfill problems
Compost problems
The flowrate of the leachate increases by increasing the vol-
ume of waste disposal in the landfills. As mentioned in Major metropolitan cities namely Tehran, Mashhad, and
“Ordinary waste management,” landfill is the most common Shiraz have composting systems, but surveys showed that
method of waste disposal in the country, which causes contin- compost production in these cities is facing several problems
uous problems in many locations. In general, there are two (Esfandiari et al. 2010). Improper process management and
major problems in Iran’s landfills: lack of proper leachate the presence of inorganic substances are among the crucial
management and lack of efficient systems for gas recovery problems of current composting processes. Esfandiari et al.
from the landfill. Because of high moisture content of the (2010) reported that leachate produced in the composting
waste and lack of suitable landfill coverage, there is a high plants also has a high organic load, leading to pollution of
level of leachate production. During the operation of landfill water resources as well. According to Abdoli et al. (2016),
site, the penetration of rain water, moisture from wastes, and Isfahan produce 60% stabilized compost quality; however,
chemical reactions lead to leachate production (Vasanthi et al. still there is no awareness among the farmers to use the com-
2008). Therefore, water and ground are threatened by contam- post materials. Among different problems in waste collection
ination due to the lack of improper collection and management for composting, the most important is the improper segrega-
(Zinatizadeh et al. 2017). Various types of organics, mineral tion of the wastes, which results in high probability of the
contaminants, heavy metals, and hazardous chemical pollut- glass presence in the compost. Hence, using glass-
ants can be detected in the landfill site leachate. At present, the contaminated compost is very dangerous for the farmers.
production of leachate and its management is an environmen- Moreover, there is no proper segregation of hazardous mate-
tal problem related to the proper utilization of landfills, which, rials such batteries and medical wastes, which increases the
if not properly managed, can lead to serious environmental hazardous and toxic components such as Pb in the compost
problems such as pollution of soil, and surface and under- results in relatively harmful compost to be used. In a recent
ground water sources (Safari and Bidhendi 2007). As in many survey (data not included) with the farmers, they reported that
parts of Iran, there are limitations in water resource supply due weed seeds are a potential contaminant of the composts,
to dry and semi-arid and low rainfall climated; hence, proper which causes growth of unwanted weeds in the field. This
management of leachate as an important source of water con- results in in the extra burden for the farmers to control it via
tamination is a very essential aspect. frequent usage of chemical pesticides. Currently, there is no
On the other hand, the amount of organic load in Iran is defined regulation of using agricultural chemical pesticides,
relatively high, which is related to the lack of waste separation. which results in excessive amount of chemicals in the compost
The origin of heavy metals in leachate is from their initial making it with low quality as well as the negative environ-
amount in the waste materials. Thus, the produced leachate mental impacts. However, this also could be due to the im-
in landfills lacks an engineering collection system and it is proper handling of the temperature while composting different
only partly collected and the rest is penetrated into the soil materials (Grundy et al. 1998). The environmental protection
which increases the possibility of groundwater contamination. agency of USA recommends the temperature above 55 °C for
Furthermore, the collected part of leachate does not either 15 days along with minimum five turnovers of the windrow
Environ Sci Pollut Res

for deriving a sanitized compost. This rule has not been de- weight of the produced wastes, and ultimately reduces the cost
fined among farmers in Iran; hence, there is no awareness on of transport and disposal. In addition, application of in situ
the proper composting process and its controlled temperature composting reduces the rate of leachate production and sig-
awareness during composting. nificantly reduces the cost of leachate management (Nithikul
et al. 2011; Beylot et al. 2015). After composting, the compost
can be used by farmers as a fertilizer with additional profit
Waste management approaches (Taheri et al. 2014). However, the production of a decent com-
post requires the use of appropriate composting methods
Due to the changing lifestyle in Iran, the amount of recycled (Cesaro et al. 2015). In the process of domestic waste
materials in the waste stream is increasing. High proportion of composting, the amount of the produced GHGs is lower than
organic wastes could have a great potential to produce effi- that of fertilizer industry (Rasapoor et al. 2016). Concerns
cient amount of gases from the landfills to the atmosphere. As have been made regarding the final product of compost which
a result, the proposed strategies for waste management should requires a pre-processing and separation due to the physical,
cover these problems. On the other hand, it should be noted chemical, and biological contaminants such as glass, plastic,
that solving the problem does not depend only on the use of heavy metals, pathogenic microbes which limits its applica-
modern technologies; but other environmental, legal, econom- tion (Farrell and Jones 2009).
ic, and cultural issues will significantly affect the management
perspectives (Estay-Ossandon and Mena-Nieto 2018). The Recycling
factors influencing the waste management in Iran can be cat-
egorized into three main groups, namely public awareness, Recycling process prevents from the loss of natural resources
segregation at the source point, and recycling. and reduces the consumption of raw materials and energy,
which actually reduces the GHG emissions. However, choos-
Public awareness ing the proper recycling process is also important, as the en-
ergy consumption from the recycling process could also add
Increasing of living standards results in changes in composi- into the production of GHGs. The production of pollutants in
tion and amount of the produced wastes. This increase in the the recycling process is much less than raw materials (Tonjes
waste quantity production needs further awareness for the and Mallikarjun 2013). For instance, the use of recycled paper
proper management such as waste reduction and segregation. reduces air pollution by 75%, reduces energy consumption by
Few cities in Iran initiated effective steps to reduce the waste 50%, and reduces water consumption by 90% compared with
production, such as increasing the public awareness regarding paper production from raw materials (Craighill and Powell
the environmental deterioration of waste production. Some of 1996). One of the solutions to decrease the flow rate and the
these actions have been designed and implemented based on concentration of organic materials of the leachate is dry-wet
3Rs (reduction, reuse, and recycling) principle (Rafiee et al. waste separation, because the leachate produced from wet
2018). In some cities, education is being given on the ideal wastes can dissolve dry wastes like paper which increases
methods for separation from house doors, and at the same time the chemical oxygen demand. In fact, by having a proper
there are specific centers for collecting the recyclable wastes. recycling process, many of the problems created in the final
This is apart from the financial benefits created, reduces the disposal process can be prevented.
cost of final disposal, and enhances the biological conversion Although most of the urban wastes are recyclable mate-
of wastes. rials, a significant portion of these materials are currently
landfilled (Rajaeifar et al. 2015). The success rate of recycling
In situ processing programs is highly dependent on the extent to which citizens
participate in the separation of wastes from the production
Composting is one of the best strategies of degradable waste source (Krook and Eklund 2010). Mahdavi et al. (2008) re-
management, and it could reduce the food waste up to 50% ported that only 5% of Tehran’s wastes was recycled, which is
which helps to increase the landfill lifespan. However, com- a sign of weakness in separation and recycling systems .In
post production in Iran faces many challenges such as low order to recycle at the origin, one of the solutions is to legislate
efficiency of organic waste collection systems, lack of strin- in this area and to have the enforcement of the relevant laws
gent regulations to monitor the final products, insufficient ac- and regulations. For example, laws should be codified in a
ceptance by consumers as for the use of compost, and lack of way that people be obliged to only hand over corruptible
proper management of composting process (Mahdavi et al. wastes to the municipalities for daily collection. Another
2008). In almost all developing countries, compost production way is to encourage people to separate recyclable materials
is applied mainly in a domestic scale, rather than industrial and corruptible materials from the origin for delivery to mu-
scale. The use of in situ composting reduces the volume and nicipal services. Thus, the best way to recycle urban wastes is
Environ Sci Pollut Res

to change the attitudes and increase people’s awareness energy production from the urban wastes in Tehran as an
through education. Obviously, raising the level of people’s example. After separation of metals and glass, all other wastes
awareness and achieving a positive attitude to the issue of can be converted by thermochemical conversion, using pyrol-
recycling will lead to their full participation, which can ensure ysis as example (Chhabra et al. 2019), into crude bio-oil and
the success of the plan. syngas. This pathway is a favorable pathway for hospital
wastes instead of using incineration, which could produce
energy while sterilizing the wastes. After anaerobic digestion
Future perspectives for energy production of organic waste, the produced digestate as a by-product of the
process can be used as a soil fertilizer or further converted by
Iran is among the countries with the largest reserves of oil and pyrolysis to crude bio-oil. In recent years, studies have been
gas in the world, which is why the cost of energy supply in the done on the potential of using biogas in Iran (Pazoki et al.
country is low. Apart from current technical problems to sup- 2015; Najafi et al. 2017). In the energy from waste sector,
ply the equipment needed to extract energy from the wastes, extraction of gas from existing landfills can be applicable. In
the nature and composition of the unsorted wastes resulted in Mashhad the extraction of gas from the city’s old landfill has
problems with the use of waste conversion systems to energy. begun as of 2009. Almost all metropolises of the country have
If waste separation systems are used in metropolises with the capacity to produce gas from old landfills. On the other
proper efficiency as discussed in “Waste management ap- hand, the use of low-quality compost can be used as input
proaches,” then using conversion methods would be an opti- material for incineration or converted to crude bio-oil by ther-
mistic option. Although incineration is considered a suitable mochemical conversion methods. Moreover, lipid-rich kitch-
method for disposal of urban wastes, but in Iran there are some en wastes containing fat, oil, and grease (FOG) can be used
obstacles due to the high organic load in waste stream and low efficiently for biodiesel production due to its high theoretical
thermal value of the waste. The next problem in this section is energy yield (Dehghani et al. 2014).
the lack of skilled labor force for management of the system FOG consumption per capita in developing countries was
(Mahdavi et al. 2008). Regarding the existing rules in the estimated as 20 kg per annum (Williams et al. 2012). FOG,
country and not receiving the gate fee, applying the incinera- with other non-flushable wastes such as sanitary items and wet
tion method is not affordable whatsoever (Rezaei et al. 2018). wipes, can accumulate in the sewer, producing what the media
Waste-to-energy is a novel approach of waste management commonly mention “fatbergs” (Wallace et al. 2017).
which is getting much attention recently. According to Oxford Dictionaries, it is defined as “a very large
In Iran, about 800 g of waste per day is generated per mass of solid waste in a sewerage system, consisting especial-
person, and according to the population of Iran in 2017 (80 ly of congealed fat and personal hygiene products that have
million people) about 55–65 ×103 tons of waste per day are been flushed down toilets”. Fatbergs and FOG deposits have
produced. It should be taken into consideration that the deg- many issues which can range from flooding of the living
radation of organic material in a landfill emits methane, which property with sewage to city wide problems (He et al. 2013).
is a more potent GHG than CO2 (Sundqvist 1999) and, unlike Wallace et al. (2017) reported that conversion of cooking oil
biogenic CO2, the collection and use of this biogas can benefit into biodiesel has the lowest GHG emissions among other
waste-disposal facilities economically (Hums et al. 2016). biofuels. Transesterification of oil is the common chemical
Figure 6 shows the different possible suggested routes of reaction used for biodiesel production which results in

Fig. 6 The suggested pathways

for optimized closed-cycle con-
version pathways of wastes to
Environ Sci Pollut Res

glycerol as a byproduct. The glycerol produced can be utilized Arab M, Safari H, Zandian H, Nodeh FH (2017) Evaluation of practicing
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