IADC Well Intervention For Coil Tubing (English)

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IADC Well Intervention (Coil Tubing)

Course Duration Location Theoretical/ Practical

05 Days GTSC 100% / 0%


Providing candidates with an understanding of pressure control methods

relating to the various well servicing operations.

Leads to IADC Certification


Supervisors & Superintendenmts involved with Coil Tubing Operations

COURSE Contents

Principles & Procedures

 Barrier Theory
 Barrier Classification
 Testing
 Valve Operation In Flowing Wells
 Problems
 Management of Operations
 Kick
 Summary
 Determining the Nature of Intruding Fluid
 Gas in the Well Bore –Water Based Mud
 The General Gas Low
 Pressure Basics
 Formation Characteristics
 Dictionary

GTSC 1 IADC Well Intervention for Coil Tubing

IADC Well Intervention (Coil Tubing)


 Introduction
 Classification of Completions
 Classification-By Reservoir/Wellbore Interface
 Classification-By Mode of Production
 Classification by Number Of Zones Completed
 Horizontal Completions
 Subsea Completions

Coil Tubing

 Coiled Tubing Description

 Description of Fatigue
 Running Feet Method
 Trip or Empirical Method
 Theoretical Method
 Tubing Injector
 Tubing Guide Arch
 Prime Mover
 Accessories and Support Equipment
 Coiled Tuping Operations
 General Pre – Jop Information
 Nitrogen Care and Handling

GTSC 2 IADC Well Intervention for Coil Tubing

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