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For Official use only

(Railway Board)





ADOPTED – 1941



LUCKNOW - 226011


This manual covers the design and construction of well foundation and pile foundations for
Railway bridges, which generally form part of the permanent foundations for long span bridges.
These foundations are commonly used for transferring heavy loads to deep strata in river bed
from piers and abutments of bridges.

This manual finalised by RDSO has been approved by the Bridge & structure Standards
Committee. The Chief Engineers may issue supplementary instructions from time to time to suit
local working conditions.



Depth of foundation. … 1
Shape and cross-sections of well. … 1
Allowable bearing pressure and … 2
Modulus of sub-grade reaction.
Loading. … 3
Tilt and shift. … 3
Cutting edges. … 3
Well curb. … 3
Well steining. … 4
Bottom Plug. … 4
Top Plug. … 4
Well cap. … 4
Pneumatic Sinking of Wells. … 4


Classification of piles. … 4
Types of piles. … 5
Spacing of piles. … 5
Load carrying capacity of a pile. … 5
Factor of Safety for pile foundations. … 9
Pile grouping. … 10
Settlement of pile foundations. … 11
Load test. … 11
Capacity of Pile against lateral loadings. … 11


DEEP FOUNDATIONS (a) The dredge hole should be large

enough to permit dredging.
1.1. Depth Of Foundations The depth
(b) The steining thickness should be
of deep foundations below the high flood
sufficient to enable sinking without
level shall be determined as indicated in
excessive kentledge and provide adequate
clause 6.10.1. For substructures in sandy
strength against forces acting on the
strata the depth of foundations may be
steining, both during sinking and service.
determined from Fig 1 which is based on
The well steining should also be designed
Technical Paper No 153 PL: XIII. The
to withstand the earth pressures acting only
choice of type and shape of well foundation
on two opposite sides or only on
will depend upon the soil, type, the size
diametrically opposite quadrants under
and shape of pier or abutment, depth of
conditions of sand blowing. The effect of
foundation and available construction
heap of earth dumped near the well during
material. Where major obstructions such as
sinking shall also be taken into account.
uneven rocky strata are likely to be
encountered, provision for pneumatic
(c) It should accommodate the base of
sinking may be made. Small obstructions
the substructure and not cause undue
can be removed either with the help of
obstruction to the flow of water.
divers or by chiselling.
(d) The overall size should be sufficient
1.2. Shape And Cross-Section Of
to transmit the loads safely to the soil
Wells: The horizontal cross-section should
without exceeding its allowable bearing
satisfy the following requirements:

Explanation Of The Diagram: The value of settlement is generally kept within
intention of the diagram is to offer 25mm and the allowable bearing pressure
something definite in place of the rather qa for such settlement can be obtained
fortuious method now centrally practiced. approximately by the following equation:
OA-Represents highest known flood level
OB-Represents deepest ascertainable qa=9.8 x (1+ 0.3/B )2 N for B > 1.2m - in
scour. KN/m2
OC-Represents depth to which foundation [qa= (1+ 0.3/B )2 N for B > 1.2m - in
should be sunk. tonne/m2]
Note: qa= N in tonne/m2 (approximately irrespective of
1. The diagram applies only to sandy B)
bottom. If the river bed is soft, a greater qa= 9.8 x 1.4 N for B ≤ 1.2 m – in KN/m2
depth is necessary. Piers are always [qa= 1.4 N for B ≤ 1.2 m – in tonne/m2]
presumed to have enough stone around Where,
them to prevent local pier formed swirls N=corrected standard penetration
from scooping pot-holes at pier base. resistance
2. This diagram is based upon (No of blows per 30 cm)
Technical paper No 153 PI: XIIIA.
(e) It shall allow rectification of the tilt If larger settlement can be tolerated, the
and shift of the well without damaging the allowable bearing pressure could be
well. increased accordingly. For clayey strata
settlement should be worked out for full
The shapes normally used are circular, load based on consolidation test results.
double D. Dumb-bell, hexagonal or For wells constructed in cohesion less
octagonal, square, rectangular and any of soils where full settlement due to dead
the above shapes with multiple dredge load will take place by the time
holes. construction is completed and the
necessary adjustments in the final level
1.3. Allowable Bearing Pressure And can be made before erection of girder,
Modulus Of Sub-Grade Reaction dead load due to well and the substructure
can be ignored. In such cases, settlement
shall be evaluated only for superstructure,
1.3.1. The allowable bearing pressure
may be determined in cohesion less soils live load and loss of friction in the well due
on the basis of the penetration test results to scour.
as given in IS: 3955 and reproduced
below: 1.3.2. The passive pressure and skin
friction shall be taken only for soil below
Q = 9.8 {5.4 N2B + 16(100+N2) D} the level of scour. In seismic areas relief
in Newton/m2 due to skin friction should be ignored.
[Q = 5.4 N2B + 16(100+N2) D in Kg/m2
where, The average value of skin friction may be
Q = Bearing capacity of soil under the well adopted as per following equation.
foundation in N/m2 (Kg/m2) ς ς 2C K a
F 9.8 1 K a Z tan2 in
N = Number of blows per 30cm in the
standard penetration test. Α2 Α 3
B = smaller dimension of the well cross- N/m2
section in metre.
D = Depth of foundation below scour level Τ ς1 ς 2C 2
K a
in metre. F K Z tan in kg / m 2
The capacity worked out by the above Λ Α2 Α 3
formula is applicable only for safety Where,
against shear failure. For well foundations, F = Skin friction in N/m2 (kg/m2)
settlement governs the allowable bearing
capacity in most cases. The permissible Ka = Active earth pressure coefficient.

C = Half of unconfined compressive v) Kentledge during sinking operation
strength. (b) Horizontal Forces:
Ø = Angle of shearing resistance of soil. i) Braking and tractive effort of moving
= Submerged weight of soil below scour
ii) Forces on account of resistance of
line. bearings.
iii) Forces on account of water current or
Z = Depth of foundation level below bed waves.
level. iv) Centrifugal force, if the bridge is
situated on a curve.
In the absence of any data, the following v) Wind forces or seismic forces.
values may be adopted; these are based vi) Earth pressure.
on observations made during sinking of vii) Other horizontal and uplift forces due
wells: to provision of transmission line tower
Value of Value of (broken wire condition) etc.
skin skin
Soil 1.5 Tilt And Shifts As far as possible
friction friction
KN/m2 Kg/m2 wells shall be sunk without any tilt and
shift. A tilt of 1 in 100 and shift of D/40
Silt & soft clay 7.16 to 730 to subject to a minimum of 150 mm shall be
28.73 2930 taken into account in the design of well
Very stiff clay 47.86 to 4880 to foundation (D is the width or diameter of
191.52 19530 well).
Loose sand 11.96 to 1220 to
33.54 3420 If greater tilts and shifts occur, their effects
Dense sand 33.54 to 3420 to on bearing pressure on soil, steining
67.08 6840 stresses, change in span etc. should be
Dense gravel 47.86 to 4880 to examined individually.
95.71 9760 1.6 Cutting Edges Cutting edge shall
be properly anchored to the well curb.
1.3.3 Modulus of sub-grade reaction
When there are two or more
may be adopted as per IS: 2950.
compartments in a well the bottom of the
cutting edge of the intermediate walls may
1.3.4 In case the well is found on rock,
be kept about 300 mm above the cutting
its suitability to take load shall be found by
edge of the outer wall to prevent rocking.
testing cores. If the rock bed is inclined, it
is advisable to seat the steining evenly on
1.7 Well Curb It should transmit the
the rock foundation.
superimposed load to the bottom plug
without getting overstressed and it should
1.4 Loading offer minimum resistance to sinking. The
slope to the vertical of the inner faces of
1.4.1 Wells shall be designed to resist the curb shall preferably be not more than
the worst condition due to possible 30 degrees. In sandy strata, it may be
combination of the following loads, as may upto 45 degrees. An offset on the outside
be applicable, with due regard to their (about 50 mm) may be provided to ease
direction and point of application. sinking. The curb shall invariably be of
(a) Vertical Loads: reinforced concrete with a minimum
i) Self-weight of well. reinforcement of 72 kg/m excluding bond
rods. In case blasting is anticipated, the
ii) Buoyancy
inner face of the curbs shall be protected
iii) Dead load of superstructure,
by steel plates or any other means to
sufficient height.
iv) Live load, and

1.8 Well Steining Well steining shall withstand the maximum air pressure
be built cement concrete not weaker than envisaged with the use of pneumatic
M-15 grade. Sufficient bond rods shall be sinking equipment. The design air
provided to bond the units of the steining pressure for design shall be higher than
during the progress of construction. Bond the pressure due to the depth of water
rods shall be distributed evenly on both above the bottom of the well.
faces of steining and tied up by providing
adequate horizontal hoop reinforcement. 1.12.2. In case the concrete steining is
For masonry steining and for concrete used and the tension in concrete exceeds
steining of small thickness, bond rods three-eighths of the modulus of rupture,
may be provided in one row in the centre the section of the steining shall be
only and tied up by providing plates or changed to keep the tensile stress within
hoop reinforcement. this limit or mild steel reinforcement shall
be provided suitably over the width of the
For plain concrete wells, vertical
steining. The following further points shall
reinforcements (whether mild steel or
be kept in view.
deformed bars) in the steining shall not be
(i) Extra hoop reinforcement, if
less than 0.12% of gross sectional area of
required to be provided, shall overlap at
the actual thickness provided. The vertical
least one bond length below the section
reinforcements shall be tied up with hoop
from where MS plates are provided for
steel not less than 0.04% of the volume per
protection against blasting or other
unit length of the steining."
1.9 Bottom Plug A bottom plug shall (ii) The pneumatic platform and the
weight of the steining and kent ledge, if
be provided for all wells and its top shall
be kept 300 mm above the top edge of the any, shall be sufficient to resist the uplift of
inclined face of the curb. The concrete air from inside.
used for the bottom plug when placed
under dry conditions shall generally be of (iii) If at any section of steining the
1:3:6 proportions and it shall be placed uplift pressure is more than the total
gently in one operation. When the weight acting downwards, then the
concrete is placed under water, the platform and the steining can be weighed
quantity of cement shall be increased by down by kentledge and also anchored to
10% and it shall be placed by tremie or the steining, if necessary.
skip boxes under still water condition.
(iv) The well steining shall also be
1.10 Top Plug A 300 mm thick plug of checked at different sections for any
cement concrete M-10 grade shall be possible rupture against the uplift force
provided over the hearting which shall and upto the height at which the uplift
normally be done with sand. force is balanced by the self weight of the
steining and any superimposed load on it.
1.11 Well Cap The bottom of the well
cap shall, as far as possible, be located
300 mm above low water level. All the
2.1 Piles may be divided into the following
longitudinal bars from the well steining
categories depending upon the manner of
shall be anchored into the well cap. The
transference of load:
well cap shall be designed as a slab
(i) Friction Piles
resting on the well.
(ii) Bearing Piles
(iii) Bearing-cum-friction piles
1.12 Pneumatic Sinking Of Wells
Where boring data indicate pneumatic
2.1.1. Friction Piles: These piles transfer
sinking, it will be necessary to decide the
the load primarily by skin friction
method of such sinking and location of air
developed along their surface.
2.1.2. Bearing Piles: These piles transfer
1.12.1. The side wall and roof of the the load primarily by bearing resistance
working chamber shall be designed to developed at the toe.
2.1.3. Bearing-cum-frication piles: These diameter of the piles. In case of piles of
piles transfer the load both by bearing and non-circular section, `d’ will be the
friction. diameter of the circumscribing circle.

2.2. Piles may also be further divided 2.3.2. Friction piles shall be sufficiently
into the following categories, depending far apart to ensure that the zones of
upon the method of construction. influence surrounding them do not overlap
to such an extent that their carrying
(i) Pre-cast driven piles. capacities are appreciably reduced.
(ii) In-situ driven piles (these are Generally, the spacing shall not be less
normally not used for Railway Bridges). than 3 d.
(iii) In-situ bored piles (only large
diameter bored piles are normally used for 2.3.3. For end-bearing piles passing
Railway Bridge construction.) through relatively compressible strata, the
spacing shall not be less than 2.5 d to
2.2.1. Selection of type of pile. avoid heaving of soil.
The type of pile shall be selected by
considering broadly the following factors: 2.4. LOAD CARRYING CAPACITY OF
(i) Availability of space. Driven piles 2.4.1.
require large areas and head room since it (a) The ultimate bearing capacity of a
needs larger and heavier driving rigs. pile may be assessed by means of a
Bored piles, however, require dynamic pile formula, using data obtained
comparatively smaller space. during driving of piles or by a static
formula on the basis of soil-test results or
(ii) Proximity to structure: by a load test.
Driving causes vibration of the ground
which may damage nearby structures. (b) For non-cohesive soils, Hiley’s
formula is more reliable than other
(iii) Reliability: formulae. This formula is given in
Precast driven piles ensure good quality of Appendix `E’ of IS: 2911 Part-I Section -I-
material, uniform section of piles and give 1979.
a valuable guide to the load carrying
capacity. In cast-in-situ piles, segregation (c) Hiley’s formula is not reliable in
of concrete is possible in water-logged cohesive soils.
(d) The static formula should be used
(iv) Compaction of cohesion-less soil with careful judgment as the mechanics of
is effected if driven piles are used. load transfer from pile to soil is very
complex. This judgment is employed in
(v) Cast-in-situ piles can be formed to selecting appropriate multiplying factors.
any desired length and no cutting of pile or
addition in length is required. (e) In unknown areas, load test is
therefore most desirable.
2.3. Spacing of Piles
(f) Where scour is anticipated,
2.3.1. The spacing of piles shall be resistance due to skin friction will be
considered in relation to the nature of the available only below the scour line and
ground and the manner in which piles this must be taken into account, in all the
transfer the load to the soil. The spacing three methods.
is also decided by group behavior for total
carrying capacity and settlement. 2.4.2. When piles are installed through
compressible fill or sensitive clay into
Normally, centre-to-centre spacing shall underlying hard stratum, a drag down
not be more than 4 d where d is the force is generated in the fill or the clay
stratum. This must be added to the load.

This can be roughly estimated as However, large scale experiments and
cohesion of the remoulded clay multiplied field observations have shown that the
by the surface area of pile shaft. The theoretical relationships hold good only
underlying hard stratum shall not be upto a certain depth below which the point
considered for assessing the downward resistance and average skin friction
drag and the skin friction expected to be remain practically constant in a
mobilised by the strata will be assessed homogenous sand deposit due to effects
on the basis of para 2.4.3. of soil compressibility, crushing, arching
and other factors. The depth is termed as
2.4.3. Load Carrying Capacity - Static critical depth. The semi-empirical
Formula: relationships between the bearing
capacity factor, Nq, for driven circular or Piles in non-cohesive square piles with various depth ratios Db/B
Soil: in the bearing stratum of depth Db and the
The ultimate bearing capacity Qu of a pile angle of internal friction, of the soil
in homogenous sand may be represented before pile driving shown in Fig. 2.

Qu = Qp+ Qs Where Qp = Point resistance 1000

Qs = Skin resistance 16
= qp Ap + fs As where q p = po Nq :::qL 4
Where qp = Unit bearing capacity of pile
point of area Ap. 100

po= Effective overburden pressure at pile Nc


Nq=The bearing capacity factor with 20

respect to Overburden pressure 10 10
fs = Average unit skin friction on shaft of 6

area As 4
qL= Limiting value of unit point resistance 2

in 100 Kn/m2 for D/B� Dc/B, where B= 1

width of pile, D= Depth, Dc= critical depth 0° 10° 20° 30° 40°
of penetration of pile. Angle of internal friction, O in degrees

The maximum value of qL is to be equal to Fig.2 Bearing Capacity Factors and

0.5 Nq tan . Critical Depth Ratios For Driven Piles.
Note: From a given initial value of ø
(angle of internal friction) bored piles have Critical depth ratios (Dc /B) for various ø
a unit point resistance of only about 1/6 to values and Nc, Nq factors; at different
values for different Db /B values in q case
½ of that of driven piles and bulbous piles
of driven piles. The average ultimate unit
driven with great impact energy have upto
skin friction, fs in homogenous sand may
twice the unit point resistance of driven
be expressed by
pile of uniform section. The extant
methods of evaluation of ultimate bearing
fs=ks po tan o :::f1 In which
capacity indicate that both point resistance
ks= the average coefficient of earth
and average skin friction of a pile would
pressure on pile shaft,
increase with greater depth of penetration.

po = Average effective overburden 1.4 = Driven Cylinderical Piles
o = Angle of skin friction and 1.2 H = Driven H Piles

f1 = the limiting value of average unit skin 0 = Bored piles

Unit skin friction fs in Tons/Sq.ft.

friction for D/B� Dc/B which roughly
approximates that for the point resistance, 0.8
the reliable values of ks and f1 can only be H
deduced from load tests on piles at the 0.6
given site. 0
Analysis of the result of load tests on short H
piles above the critical depth in generally
homogenous normally consolidated sand 0
show that the value of ks for a given initial 30 35 40
friction angle ø can scatter considerably
Angle of Internal friction 0 in degrees
from a lower limit of roughly Ko for bored
piles to about 4 times, this value or more
for piles driven into dense sand, due to Figure 4 Ultimate Skin Friction of Piles
dilatancy effects and other factors. The in Sand.
values of Ks for bored and driven piles are
shown in Figure 3 Use of penetrometer results for evaluation
0 = Driven Cylinderical Piles resistances
When the pile point is above the critical
H = Driven H Piles
depth in the bearing stratum a small
Coefficient of earth pressure

= Bored piles
variation of considerably influences
resistance. The unit point resistance shall
preferably be estimated from static cone
penetration results. While the pile point is
above the critical depth, the unit point
resistance has to be deduced from limiting
static cone resistance, qc in proportion to
the embedment ratio Db /B in this stratum,
30 35 40
the suggested correlation is
Angle of Internal friction 0 in degrees
qc x Db
Fig. 3 Coefficient of Earth Pressure on
qp = -----------::: qL
shaft of piles above critical depth in
The ultimate skin friction of a driven pile
The conventional shaft capacity theory in
can be known by unit resistance of local
terms of Ks cannot be used for piles
friction sleeve of static penetrometers.
longer than about 15 to 20 pile diameter
Value of fs /qb generally varies between
because the corresponding value of fs in
½% to 1% for driven cylindrical piles. For
case of such long piles does not exceed
bored piles one third to one half values as
the critical value f1. The empirical
applicable to driven piles shall be used.
relationship between the limiting value of
For piles driven upto a depth Db into a
fs=f1 and the friction angle ø of sand
sand stratum the ultimate unit point
indicates a wide variation from a lower
resistance in t/s mm may be taken in
limit for bored piles to an upper limit for
terms of Standard Penetration Test (SPT)
piles driven in over consolidated sand, as
as under:
shown in figure 4.
4.3747 N x Db
qp= -------------------:::43.75N

In which N = Average standard (a) Ultimate point resistance: Qp
penetration resistance in blows per 0.3 m
near the pile point. Db/B = 9/1.2 = 7.5
For ø = 25º using ø – Dc/B curve in Fig 4.
The average ultimate skin friction of driven
displacement pile in t/sq.m. Dc/B = 4.6 Qu
f1 = (limiting value) = .22 N

In which N = the average standard

penetration resistance in blows per 0.3 m Deepest Scour Level
within embedded length of pile.

One-half of the value may conservatively Pile 1.2 m Dia

be used for piles with small soil
displacement such as `H’ piles. For piles
driven into non-plastic silt, better SANDY
agreement is obtained by using an upper STRATA
limit of approximately qp=32.81N (in
t/sq.m). The value of N shall be corrected
for overburden pressures to determine Toe of Pile
unit point resistance and not for frictional
A3 Db/B Dc/B, the condition for limiting
value of q1 is satisfied.
Example showing use of “Static” formula:
Using ø – Db/ B-Nq curves of Fig 4.
–To work out the ultimate bearing capacity
of a single pile. We get Nq = 22 for = 25°
- Given data
- Diameter of the pile ------ 1.2 m Therefore, qL = 0.5 x Nqx tan ø
- Type of pile ------ Driven- = 0.5 x 22 x tan ø
- Embedded Depth below the deepest
= 5.1 t/sq.m
scour level ------ 9 m
Effective over-burden pressure = p0
- Soil strata ------ sandy
= Submerged density of soil x bearing
- ø = Angle of internal friction for soil at 9m
depth= 0.8 x 9 = 7.2 t/sq.m
depth below scour level --- 25°
Standard penetration test (SPT) value qp= p0 x Nq
(Corrected for overburden & water = 7.2 x 22 = 158.2 t/sq.m
level) - 55 since qp ::: qL
(Average value from scour level to toe)
Therefore, q1 is adopted for calculating the
Now N = 55
unit point resistance i.e. qp will be taken as
We get ø = 41º 45’ from Fig 4
• Saturated density of soil - 1.8
t/cum. Therefore, the ultimate point resistance
• Submerged density of soil-0.8 Qp= qp x Ap
t/cum. = 5.1 x ρχ/4 x (1.20)2
= 5.7 tonnes
Design Qu = Qp + Qs
(B) Friction resistance
Where From the formula, the limiting value of unit
Qu=Ultimate bearing capacity of the pile skin friction
Qp=Ultimate point resistance f1 = .22 N
Qs=Ultimate skin friction resistance

Here, N is 55. Therefore, the unit skin Therefore, the ultimate bearing capacity of
friction the pile–Qu = Qp + Qs = 5.7 + 81.77= 87.47
= .22 x 55 = 12.1 t/m2
Also, fs = Ks po tan o Piles in cohesive soils
For ø = 41º 45’ where fig 2 (for cylindrical Qu = Ap . Nc . Cp + α C As
driven pile)
Ks is found to be 0.75 (taking the value at Ap (cm) = cross sectional area of pile
ø=37º.5 toe.

since no value is available at ø=41º 45’) Nc = bearing capacity factor usually

taken as 9+
The average over burden pressure
po = 9 x 0.8/2
Cp(kg/cm2) = average undrained cohesion
= 3.6 t/sq.m
at pile tip
o = Soil concrete interface friction can be
assumed as ø
C (kg/cm2) = average undrained cohesion
along the embedded length of pile
Therefore, ø = 41º 45’
α = reduction factor
fs = KspoTan o = 0.75 x 3.6 x tan 41º 45’
As (cm2) = Surface area of pile shaft.
+ (although its value varies from 5 for very
sensitive brittle normally consolidated clay
to 10 for insensitive stiff over-consolidated
clay. The value of Nc for different value of
ø is also shown in Fig 2.)
80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10

Note 1- The value of α decreases rapidly

with the increase in shear strength. In the
case of bored piles, α is 0.5 for stiff clay.
For driven-cast-in-situ pile α may be taken
to be 1.0 for soft clay to 0.5 or less for stiff

Note 2- Static Formulae may be used as a

guide only for bearing capacity estimates.
Better reliance may be placed on results
of load tests on piles.

2.5 Factor Of Safety For Pile

28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46
2.5.1. The factor of safety shall be
0 ( DEGREE ) judiciously chosen after considering the
Fig 4 ‘A’ Relationship between ø and N
(a) Reliability of the soil parameters used
Now, as fs ::: f1, the value of frictional in the computation.
resistance will be 2.41 t/sq.m
(b) Type of superstructure and nature of
Therefore, the skin friction Qp= fs x As loading.
= 2.410 x ρχ x1.2 x 9
= 81.77 tonnes

(c) Possible reduction in the strength of an overloading upto 10%. of the pile
the sub-soil strata arising out of the capacity may be allowed on each pile. For
installation technique. a group of piles, the maximum overloading
on the group shall be restricted to 40% of
(d) Experience of similar structures near the allowable load on a single pile of the
the site. group. This overloading shall not be
allowed at the initial design stage.
2.5.2 The minimum factor of safety of
static formula shall be 2.5. The final 2.6 Pile Grouping
selection of the factor of safety shall take
into consideration the total settlement and 2.6.1. The bearing capacity of a pile
differential settlement of the structure. group may be worked out as under:
Type of
2.5.3 The ultimate safe load capacity shall be Strata capacity of
obtained wherever practical from a load test the Pile group
(initial)(as per IS: 2911 Part4- 1985). Factor No. of piles x
1. Dense sand
of safety for assessing safe load on piles SPC *
not underlain
from load test data should be increased in Driven
by weak
unfavorable conditions such as: deposit.
(a) settlement is to be limited or
½ (Nos. of
unequal settlement avoided as in the case 2. Loose
piles x SPC)
of accurately aligned machinery or a sandy soil
superstructure with fragile finishing.
2/3 (No of
3. Sand not
piles x SPC)
(b) large impact or vibrating loads are underlain by Bored
expected. weak deposit
* SPC = Single pile capacity
(c) the properties of the soil may be
expected to deteriorate with time, and 2.6.2. The bearing capacity of a group of
piles is generally evaluated by multiplying
(d) the live load on a structure carried with efficiency factor. A large number of
by friction piles is a considerable portion of equations giving the efficiency factor are
the total load. in use and it is very difficult to establish
the accuracy of these equations as the
2.5.4 The maximum permissible behaviour of pile group is dependent on
increase over the safe load of a pile on many complex factors. It is, therefore,
account of Wind load is 25%. In the case desirable to consider each case
of loads and moments arising out of separately on its own merits. Full scale
earthquake effects, the increase of safe trials have shown that for piles driven into
loads on a single pile may be limited to the soft and medium clays with 3 to 4d
provisions contained in IS: 1893-1984. For spacing, the ultimate group capacity may
transient loading arising out of be only 2/3 of the sum of single pile
superimposed loads, no increase in the capacities.
safe load is generally permitted.
2.6.3. A group of piles deriving their
2.5.5 Overloading support mainly from friction and connected
When a pile designed for a certain at the top by a rigid pile cap may be
allowable load is found to be short of the visualised to transmit load to the soil from
load required to be carried by it, due to a column of soil enclosed between the
change in design during construction piles. The ultimate capacity of the group
stage or due to construction inaccuracies may be computed taking into account the
or due to outcome of the actual load test, friction capacity along the sides of the
column of soil and the end bearing of the
soil column. The ultimate capacity of the

group computed in this manner shall, net foundation pressure for settlement
however, not be taken as more than the estimation.
capacity obtained by multiplying the
capacity of individual piles by the number After ascertaining the load taken by skin
of piles. friction and point resistance (if any) the
total settlement is given as under:
2.6.4. When the cap of the pile group is
cast directly on reasonably firm stratum Sf = Ss + SI + SII
which supports the piles, it may contribute
to the bearing capacity of the group. This Where Sf = final settlement
additional capacity along with the Ss =elastic compression of the foundation
individual capacity of the piles multiplied of structure.
by the number of piles in the group shall P + Pb D
not be more than the capacity worked out = ---------- X -------
as per Para 2.6.3. 2 AEP

2.7 Settlement Of Pile Foundation The where,

total settlement of a group of driven or
bored piles can generally be estimated P=Average load on each pile foundation
roughly from equivalent pier foundation. Pb = Average point resistance of each pile
The method of estimation for different of foundation.
types of piles are indicated below: D = Length of pile
A = Area of cross-section of pile
(a) Friction Pile Groups The load on Ep= Young’s modulus of pile material
a group of friction piles is usually assumed SI and SII are settlement along the
to be acting at an effective depth of 2/3 of embedded length and below pile tip
pile embedment in the bearing stratum respectively. The deformation and
Fig 5 (a). compressibility of the soil can be
determined from consolidation tests on
(b) For end bearing pile groups, the undisturbed samples of cohesive soil or
pile group may be replaced by a fictitious from empirical correlations with
footing at the top of the bearing layer. The penetration or pressure meter tests. In all
load is assumed to be uniformly cases the settlement must be estimated
distributed and spread at 2:1 slope or at for normal and scoured conditions.
60º to the horizontal Fig 5 (b).
2.8 Load Test This shall be done as
(c) Friction-Cum-Point Bearing Pile per Appendix D of IS: 2911 (Part IV) –
Groups 1979.
For pile groups which transmit the loads
partly through friction and partly through 2.9 Capacity Of Pile Against Lateral
point bearing, the stress in the Loadings:
compressible upper strata may be
computed assuming that the frictional load 2.9.1 The lateral load due to
acts on a fictitious footing at H/3 above the tractive/braking effort is transferred to the
bearing stratum where H is the thickness cap level along with a moment. The
of the compressible strata Fig 5(c). If, for bending moment transferred at the pile
some depth from ground level, the soil is cap level is shared by the piles in the
poor and cannot provide any friction, that group.
portion shall be neglected in arriving at the
location of the fictitious footing. When 2.9.2 The piles should be considered as
point bearing pile groups in sand are partially restrained at the pile cap level.
subjected to negative skin friction from an
upper consolidating clay or silt stratum,
the corresponding down drag per unit of 2.9.3 The deflection and the slope below
the pile group has to be included, in the scour depth can be calculated by



D 1

D/3 2












referring Reese and Matlock Curves
(presented in 8th Texas Conference,

(These are included in the Hand Book on

Soil Mechanics for Railway Engineers
issued by RDSO).

2.9.4 The piles which are founded on

rocks shall be designed as per method
recommended by Poules in his article
“Behaviour of Laterally Loaded Piles-III
socketed piles” published in ASCE Vol 98-


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