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Leak Detection

How Can Leaks Be Detected?

Many leaks are discovered only when someone notices a specific smell or after surface/below-ground water has become
contaminated. Quickly knowing that substances are accumulating in an expected area can be the key to avoiding a
catastrophic accident or expensive clean-up.
Having sensing cables laying around or under potential leak sources coupled with wireless communication sent directly to
the control room will allow you to react promptly.

• Wireless continuous monitoring, the tanks will be • Prevent clean-up costs
monitored 24h a day, 7 days a week • Avoid fines and lawsuits
• Comply with safety regulations and keep your • Reduced installation cost (see below)
personnel safe
• Direct contact sensors can enhance safe operation
with rapid detection of overfill and surface spills
• Direct contact sensors can provide an excellent Reduced installation costs graph
capability for early detection of hidden leaks

Leaks can lead to product loss (on average):

1 hour of undetected leak is 315 liters Mesh Radios
1 day is 7560 liters
1 week is 53,000 liters

Home Run Multiplexed Mesh Wireless
Wiring Wiring

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