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Northern Cass School Library - Rural Hunter, ND

Wednesday, November 17, 2010 – 7:00 p.m.

Present: Jody Bohn, Audie Brorson, Joel Degerness, Bart Marvel,

Susie McDonald, Lance Nelson, Char Pueppke
Julie Keckler – Business Manager
Allen Burgad – Superintendent

Meeting called to order by President Brorson.

Also present: Karen Roach and Louise Tegtmeier.

Moved by Nelson second by Bohn to approve minutes from October 14, 2010 meeting as
presented – carried unanimously on roll call vote.

Moved by Pueppke second by Marvel to approve agenda as amended– carried unanimously on

roll call vote.

Moved by McDonald second by Degerness to approve General Fund, Activity Fund and Hot
Lunch financial and heating and electric reports for October as presented - carried unanimously
on roll call vote.

Principal, REA and Special Education reports presented. One-Act play will be presented to high
school students.

Moved by Pueppke second by Bohn to approve General Fund bills for payment as presented –
carried unanimously on roll call vote.


Mr. Burgad presented letter received from KBW attorney in regard to hiring of an arbitrator for
gym addition differences. Moved by Pueppke second by Degerness to approve legal council for
help in acquiring an arbitrator – carried unanimously on roll call vote.

Mr. Burgad reported on status of new bus.

Reports received from Brorson, Marvel, McDonald, Bohn, Degerness and Nelson on NDSBA
annual convention and new member seminar.

Mr. Burgad presented Board with copy of our Strategic Plan. He would like to establish
committee of parents, students, staff and board members to develop survey questions based off
of our strategic plan. Bohn and Nelson will serve as board members on the committee. Strategic
planning meeting tentatively set for: February 2, 2011 at the Skills and Technology Center.
Board of Education
November 17, 2010
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Moved by Pueppke second by Bohn to approve open enrollments for 2-K, 1-2nd and 1-4th grader
to attend Northern Cass from West Fargo School District – carried unanimously on roll call vote.

Mr. Burgad visited with the Board Members in regard to training them on Google Apps. All
board documents would be handled electronically and Board members would be provided with a
laptop. Mr. Burgad will start training of board members sometime in February or March.

Board members received hard copy of superintendent evaluation. Mr. Burgad will email his
portion of evaluation to Board members. Evaluation to be completed and returned to President
Brorson by December 9th.

Mr. Burgad reported on Christmas gathering ideas. Will look into Kelly’s Café catering on the
evening of December 22nd.

Board received copy of our Bullying Policy along with a recommended copy of NDSA policy on
Bullying. Policy committee will meet on December 14th at 8:00 am to review our current
programs in place to curb bullying and address this policy change.

Mr. Burgad would like to implement a co-curricular council where one member from each co-
curricular activity would serve on the committee along with a few coaches. The purpose of the
council would be to build unity among all co-curricular activities.

Mr. Burgad will set a date to invite our business leaders into the school for lunch and to share our
specific goals and to receive input back from them.

Moved by Pueppke second by Marvel to approve prom advisor contracts for Jennifer Spiesz and
Lori Johnson – carried unanimously on roll call vote.

Parents have addressed the Board in regard to interest in establishing a girl’s fast pitch softball
team. Mr. Burgad will talk with Mr. Sinness to look into surveying the students, checking on
scheduling, etc.

Meeting adjourned at 9:10 p.m.

Audie Brorson, President Julie Keckler, Business Manager

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