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 Hands-only CPR is a BLS technique taught to lay people (3.16, 2023)
o Recall: 70% of cardiac emergencies occur at home which is why it
would be beneficial if every household has a member who is
knowledgeable on how to perform CPR
 Hands-only CPR may be performed if:
o You are a lay rescuer not trained in mouth-to-mouth ventilation
o You are hesitant to do mouth-to-mouth ventilation
o You do not want to do mouth-to-mouth ventilation
 It is essentially the same as the previously discussed techniques, but it
omits the ventilation part (i.e. airway clearing and breathing procedure)
(3.16, 2023)
o Mainly consists of continuous chest compressions which is why it is
referred to as “hands-only”
 There are two suggested steps:
 Call for help
 Start the chest compression

Figure __. Compression-only bystander CPR

 Continue the chest compressions until help arrives (e.g. emergency

services, ambulance, doctor, etc.) or until the person is revived
 May also be discontinued if the person doing the CPR is already too
tired to continue compressions
 However, if you are a lay rescuer trained in mouth-to-mouth ventilation,
you may perform conventional CPR (chest compression with ventilation).


 The American Heart Association released a video educating the public
on how to perform Hands-only CPR.
 It outlined the following steps:
o Call 911
o Push hard and fast in the center of the chest
 You may watch the video using this link:

SOURCE: Ken Jeong - Leslie Chow American Heart Association Hands-Only

CPR Video (by the American Heart Association)

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