Sydney Tech 2013 Year 9 Maths Yearly & Solutions

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Years, 2013, Name: ‘Maths Class: SYDNEY TECHNICAL HIGH SCHOOL (Est. 1911) B ‘Year 9 Yearly Part 1 Mathematics Examination Part A Non Caleulator Time allowed: 30 mins Instructions: + Write your name and cass a the top ofthis page. ‘Those questions must be answered in the space proved Simplify +58 ‘Write te next line in his patter: 1694 14 = 240 1b 94 103 = 220 12 <9 + 92 = 200 Adio. 10% ‘White 78 500 000 in Standard Notation (Seientifie ‘Notation. Decrease rhy 23% asa recurring decimal, ‘There were 240 car in the Tech staf carpark last, Wednesday. ‘The ratio of cars to bikes in the carpark on Wednesday was 12: How many bikes were in the carpark? ‘What must be added to a—bto give b? 16 2) = Fade ae ote ‘Questions 10 and 11 refer dhe diagram below where matchsticks have boon uted to make the first 3 steps ina pater 0 @ Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Smutches 12 matches 19 matches 10. How many matches would be needed to make sep 6 of the pattern? Write formula for N, the number of matches that ‘would be needed to make stop $ ofthe pattern, 2, Expand and simplify the expression 4a ~24(36-20) ab Find the value of if 2—5 E+ 10. 14. raw the graph ofthe line_y= 3—4 on the umber plane provided, ‘What isthe gradient of he line joining the points AG2, 8) and B(, 2 onthe number plan? ass 1 and q = —8, thea find value of 2 + —. “ a 1 ° re 18 | Theva ot tanoo" =? 1B [ifn 100 mcs owe anbjxon he snd hr an nlf den 85 Seton! duane be cea 20, | Teves = 2ihen te ao tai Di [Aine ceed weve Gasnlo w320 p normally takes ? hours and 45 minutes to eto Glenele ‘Last Tuesday it was a quarter of an hour Tate leaving GGosnels snd the trip to Glenelg took 12 minutes Tonger than normal dve to tack-work. What time didi rive at Gosnes ast Tusa ‘A wall in a restaurant i inthe shape of trapezium with a square window cot into it as shown, ‘The diagonals ofthe square window messure 1 etre, ‘The wall sto be pated. What i the sre that requires painting? 23, | Find the surface area ofthe ranguler prism shown below. 20 em 10cm 24, | IFVE-FT = 3, then what isthe value of (x + D*? 25 ‘ABCD ia pallelogran. Bis «point on the side BC ofthe parliciogram. ZAEB = 12" and EDA = 65". Find the value of without sons. END OF PART A, Name: ‘Maths Class: SYDNEY TECHNICAL HIGH SCHOOL (Est. 1911) Year 9 Yearly Part 1 Mathematics Examination Part B Caleulator Time allowed: 40 mins Instructions: + Wirite yourname and class the tp ofthis page ‘+ These questions must be enswered on shee provided. + Adempt all questions ‘+ Caleulators may be used ‘Multiple Choice: 35 Questions (1 mark each) 1 $30 501103 signifieamt figures is 9510000 0 93 531000 2. Write 2.35 x 107* asa basic numeral +) 09000235 000000235 925000 423 500 000 3. The answerto J8 x J6 is exactly. 69 by 90800508 9 8 o gt » + 9 o 4 ¥ s * 5. The valve of when 41° = 36 i a) nas by xe6 Ore ® x36 6. The perimeter ofthe following composite figure i: 959m b)53em 9.66 em 612m 7. The shaded ees ofthe following Sigure is approximately 28) 88m? ) 101em" ©) 138m" 4) 133en" 8, The perimeter ofthe following figure of congruent equilateral triangles with one side that is equal tox 9) 9% Ry 8 & o By 9. Mako enero towing 7 = A aa ae bbe TO. m=2 fad be abotnit n= ann 2 912 by se sats 9640 ‘A one lite carton of milk hase square base of size Tom by 7 cm and verdcal dies. The depth of the ilk, in centimetres, is closest to ais b)20 on au ILI 2+ 3.2 ae, dara bss gx23 Ors -3 13. The solution tothe equation 2y = S2=2 is ayn 3s Dyess ayn 4s @yn4s 4.Given that POR = ZEMIN and FQ= LM and QR=MN, Whit isthe est needed to prove that he ‘vo tangles are congruent (as an abbreviation)? 8) Ange, Angle, Side by Angle, Side, Angle ©) Side, Side, Side Side, Angle, Side USE THE FOLLOWING GRAPH FOR QUESTIONS 18 TO 17 ) 15. The midpoint ofthe interval AB is 923) 56.2 26a 006 16, The distance a the interval AB is approximately: ai 63 936 ane 17. The gradient ofthe line AB is: 93 »3 os a-t 1S, Simplify the expression: 2(20+¢ 5) 200-6) 8) 20422 B) toa 22 ) tart 4 108-2 ott P= a then Dae b) xata o) xsa @ x= -a 20. The figure shows tres congruent sector of circle ina hexagon, Whats the area of the shaded part? 3 me? eo » am aie 21, The statement “a thin of five less than the square root of number is ten more than the product of five and the aumbee" may be represented as: Dp y Ese ok i 3 io) of sestern 22, Without drawing any further lines onthe diagram, four stages found the values of and y, giving reasons. Only one student gave th cores reasons. ‘Which reasons are correct? {angle sum ata pont is 360") cointerio angles, parallel ines) {vertically oposite angles) {altemate anaes, parallel ines) {angle sum at a point is 360°) (alternate angles, parallel ines) 23, A double decker bus had 90 people on board. Ifthe tp deck had 25% more people than onthe bottom deck, bow many people were on the top deck? 340 30 960 a7 24, The Venn diagram at right shows whether the students i the class 108 ike History or Maths. Some liked both subjects and some liked nether. A student is chosen at random from the class 10S? ity thatthe student ikes Maths? Gaavios 25. (Sy - 6)(5y +6) =? 2) 25y8 +36, by 25y? 26, Which statement i false? 36 60y-36 6) 25)? + 60y +6 costs”) sin60" = cos30° _«) sin25? = cos65° 27. Jaa game Maro draws two marbles fom s bag containing two rd, one white and ane blue marble. The ‘uee diagram shows the posible combinations he could draw ‘Whats the probability char nether marbles ed? | 28. The points P (2,8) and Q(1, 1) leon the line é showa, ‘The equation af he line is a) yeax-2 3x2 29. (ambi) a) tome by omits ©) 256 mK 286 mi2h-H 30, -L. can be writen as aa? ya. aa oe 431. Which statement is NOT tru ebout the line whose equation is x—3y + 4) Tehas@ gradient of ©} passes through the point (3, 3) 1) Iterosses he y axis ty = -2. Wsequation canals be written as y= 3-2, 32. The triangle PQR has angle P= 61" and angle Q= $8" ‘Sarah makes the following statements about the sides of the rangle: L PQ=PR I. QR=PQ ‘Sho comet in 2) Tony by Monty ©) both I and If) 4) neither nor I 33, The trlangle ABC is isosceles with AB = AC. v fee area of ABCs 72 square units, : at what point does A leon the axis? 908) »0O3) 904) acs) 234. The shaded design is made fom four ofthe small tangles, ‘Whats the perimeter ofthe design? 8) des adbesa b) dead da 2) dats 4e 6) 4a? £40 et 35. Whatis the value of? Tem 7 2) $5.03 m 5) 50.83 m 2140.88m 4) 58.88 END OF PART B PARTA- ‘Write your answer in the appropriate space name;,.20luhion S x bhp fas * Use J Pi z a }-+—+- |. x4 +31 = two “AG 2 ju ro ws 2x1 z 7 TE 1.65210 me-h 5 7 0-720 “ 6 soe 18. 68 0.45 B 7 wm 100 (00 metres z 3. , 2b-a % 5 ca 9 og 6:32pm W ca +o Sefer T = B= 78-2 BAO me oy $a" Sav | re 5 2c=ld 1? TOTAL: __ 25 ANSWER SHEET wo Olt ous a a ae as or as an av ans ane ans ats avr ore are I you make a mistake Es vcmsey acacqone owas as oO SeacQens Hea cosas wees “cac acee areas O2acoo eo aco eoscms a9 >2eHcoo w ” acece oH meace ace eq wo o= as oe os om os os as azo a0 ast x2 ass ons ” ” ” ” “ “ “ “ # ” ” ” ” & ® 0 0 ® ® 0600/0 0 - = - - — 00006 © © © © © © © ° © © oo oo oo =o So So =o So co © oo 20 =o © © 060/000 0 e000 ANSWER SHEET Hyoumatesmibtke ME susmaonens cross out and redo Seis ee a HSHscQOSOS a 2 ASH SQooH>S a a wSHacqoscoeo om a wsascgcne am as w®SMHocosSmS os eA SHSQOSH> a ae wsQascqsco > ao es ASaSOSHS ow ae HSH SO SH > ow ww SeSCoSomS ao an 26 SQSH > a wn ASH SOSHS ox a SHO SaO Sm) > os wn SOSH SHS oH as WwW SH SO SOS os aw WP HS q SOS aww SH SH >HS we A SesSGQocaos w WH Sa SQ SOS WwW SHSCOSoHMS “ ” ” ” ” ” ” “ ” “ ” ” ” ” “ oe co =e oe oe oe Se oo oo Se oo oe =e =e ce caso csacom cacm cacy Saco case cose Seco Sacem Saco caso Ssaso socom sascom = aco 00000 00000 0000

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