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5. Food Storage Tips

5.1 As mentioned in section 1.2 – it is better not to go out very often. Once a week or once in 15 days is ok for
replenishment of fresh food. In this section – I will tell you some food storage tips – so that you can store the food
with ease for a much longer time (>15 days) with ease.

5.2 Please be careful with personal food allergies. Some people have allergies with certain food products – I hope you
know yours and your loved ones. Also be careful with your daily calorific needs – don’t eat too much and too less.
People with specially prescribed dietary conditions (example people suffering from Cardio Vascular Diseases) –
MUST consult their doctor before adopting a new food habit.

5.3 If you have extra money: Buy a medium size deep freezer – it will help. Cheap variety is ok – one that can last 1 year
at least. Buy the vegetables and mushrooms which you like. Don’t forget the green leafy vegetables – they are rich in
Vitamins and Iron. After bringing the vegetables home – wash them with normal water and dry them for 1-2 hours in
the open. Then chop them and pack them in poly bags and keep them in the deep freezer. When inside deep freezer
– most vegetables/mushrooms can last for 15-20 days without getting spoiled. Fresh vegetables in normal refrigerator
don’t last very long - Maximum 1 week. I used deep freezer to store vegetables and mushrooms.

Here is a cheap variety:

5.4 Try avoiding taking fresh meat products - they don't last very long even in deep freezer.

5.5 Buy eggs - buy 2 crates at one time and store it in the egg storing section in the refrigerator. Don’t buy more than 2
crates unless you have a large family (>4 members) to feed.

5.6 Buy canned food. They can last for 6 moths or more and are easy to store. Make sure you check the expiry date and
date of manufacture. There are several varieties:
 Vegetarian: Canned beans, Canned peas, Canned Corn, Canned mushrooms etc.
 Non-veg: Canned fish, Canned chicken, Canned Meat etc.

Version 2 - dated: 15th April 2020 COVID – 19: safety tips by Arka Prava Mukherjee (PhD)
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Don’t forget to buy a Can Opener.

Keep away the cans from sunlight and heat sources otherwise there is a risk of it getting spoiled.

5.7 Cornflakes/Oats in sealed packets – they can last for months if packed properly. I sometimes used to take Cornflakes
with Milk when feeling lethargic. The combo is quick to prepare and is also filling.

5.8 Buy Potato and carrots - you can keep them in a bag in the open - they can last for a month. Wash them before
storage – and make sure to dry them before storage. Wash them again nicely before chopping and cooking. Caution:
For Potatoes – make sure you keep removing the sprouts (which may appear after a few days) – don’t let them
grow into plants. Don’t eat potatoes which have turned green - because they are toxic and poisonous.

5.9 Buy enough cooking oil if you use oil for cooking. 5 liters lasts at least for a month for a single person. Trying buying
healthy cooking oil (Unsaturated oils are good for health example like vegetable oil, soya oil, groundnut oil, sunflower
oil etc.).

5.10 Buy packaged rice. 5 kg rice pack can last for nearly a month for a single person. They don’t spoil very easily unless
contaminated by fungus or rats or pests etc.

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5.11 Uncooked Macaroni or pasta can be stored easily. Packaged ones are better as they offer an extra protection cover
during storage.

5.12 Lentils or Dal, beans - also can be stored easily for long time. They don’t spoil very easily unless contaminated by
fungus or rats or pests etc.

5.13 Pasteurized or Carton milk: they can last over a month or more if the seal pack is not opened. Once opened for use,
you need to keep them in refrigerator. Once opened you need to consume it within 48 hours. I bought nearly 50
small 250 ml cartons of milk and used to drink one small carton almost every day.

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5.14 Biscuits can last long (more than 2 months) if not contaminated by fungus or rats or pests etc.

5.15 Raw Onions and Garlics with outer skin can be stored in the open for nearly a month.

5.16 Whatever you want to cook: if you are not sure how to do it then search the recipe online in the
internet or ask a friend/family member. You can search in the internet by typing for example: ‘How to
cool lentils?’ ‘How to make an omelet?’ ‘How to cook beans or chickpeas’? How to cook rice? Etc.

If you don’t know how to cook then LEARN HOW TO COOK – it’s about
time. Watch some online videos or ask someone who knows – easy way to

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6. How to Re- use a respirator mask?

During the COVID-19 pandemic, there is an acute shortage of respiratory masks in some parts of the world. Here
it is assumed that the reader/user has at least a pair of masks (one for main use and another standby).

When there is shortage of masks, any one of the following techniques can disinfect a mask and kill most (if not
ALL) of the viruses, fungus and bacteria in it:

1. Soak the mask in disinfectant alcohol (≥70% concentrate) and then let it dry (the author has tested
and used this technique – it works), OR
a, b
2. Soak the mask in liquid hydrogen peroxide (≥3% concentrate), then let it dry , OR
3. Soak the mask in bleach solution (10% concentration) for 10 minutes; and then wash with running water and
then let it dry, OR
4. Steam the mask with on hot vapor from boiling water for 5-10 minutes.


1. It is unhealthy to use a mask for more than 2 days without disinfecting the mask. The inside part
(which is near your mouth) can develop molds (fungi) and/or bacteria which can harm and cause
2. Do not scrub wash or rinse the mask – that will destroy the fabric structure of the filter.
3. Caution for Tip 1&2: Disinfectant alcohol (Tip 1) and Hydrogen Peroxide (Tip 2) are extremely inflammable
– handle with care, keep away from heat sources and keep away from children. DO NOT DRINK or Inject
disinfectant in the body – it is toxic and can prove fatal.
4. Caution for Tip 3: If you use Tip 3 – after bleach treatment wash the mask nicely with running water
(without rinsing or scrubbing) to remove the bleach. It is important to wash because bleach left on the mask
inside part can cause skin rash and irritation.
5. Caution for Tip 4 – if your mask has rubber strings it is better not to try this Tip. The heat can destroy the
rubber strings. Be careful with the rubber strings if you still consider using this Tip. Also please be very
careful while handling hot water/steam as it can cause severe burn injury.


a) Fox news article :

b) Virus inactivation by hydrogen peroxide
c) Annex G: Use of disinfectants: alcohol and bleach:

Version 2 - dated: 15th April 2020 COVID – 19: safety tips by Arka Prava Mukherjee (PhD)

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