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CommIT (Communication & Information Technology) Journal 12(1), 27–34, 2018

The Accountant Satisfaction in Using ERP

Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis, Program Studi Magister Akuntansi,
Universitas Katolik Indonesia Atma Jaya Jakarta, Jakarta 12930, Indonesia
Email: w,

Abstract—Although studies of the benefits of Enter- that by 2019 Indonesian ERP consumption will reach
prise Resource Planning (ERP) have been done before, US$3.86 billion [3].
the analysis of accountant satisfaction models in using
ERP systems has not been explored specifically from the The largest contribution to the growth rate of soft-
perceptions of accounting benefits, operational benefits, ware consumption is derived from ERP products that
individual productivity, and managerial benefits. There are made by the majority of medium-sized companies.
has been significant growth in the use of ERP systems in
Indonesia. Therefore, this study proposes a model of the This means that many companies in Indonesia are
accountant satisfaction in using the ERP systems. The willing to spend a lot of money to invest in ERP
population of this study is the accountants working in products. This is quite surprising because the cost
Jakarta. The data are collected from ERP users in several of ERP implementation is very expensive. This will
companies in Jakarta by using a questionnaire with make it difficult for medium-sized companies to face
snowball sampling method. As much as 282 respondents
return the questionnaire. The analysis of the proposed obstacles in funding. Moreover, medium-sized compa-
model is done by Partial Least Square (PLS). The results nies should be careful in making IT investments [4].
of the analysis provide support to the proposed model However, the phenomenon can be explained based
that accounting benefits, operational benefits, individual on previous research results. It reveales that the use
productivity, and managerial benefits are indicators that of the ERP systems provided many benefits for the
measure user satisfaction of ERP systems. The expected
theoretical contribution of the results of this study is to corporate users such as helping companies to improve
provide insight into the system user satisfaction model, their supply chain management [5], improving produc-
apart from the practical contribution for ERP provider tivity and speeding up the company’s operational work
companies for paying attention to the factors affecting processes [6], improving operational efficiency and
ERP user satisfaction. effectiveness as business process supervision becomes
Index Terms—Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), integrated [7], and standardising business processes to
ERP benefits, End User Satisfaction facilitate managerial activities [8]. In addition, other
research indicates that ERP systems implementation
improves the operational cost efficiency of the com-
pany [9] and the quality of business decisions due to
S information and technology develop, the
A growth of the use of software applications and
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems in In-
business model integration [10].
From the growth of ERP users in Indonesia, it is
interesting to get empirical evidence of accountant
donesia has also increased. As reported by Ref. [1]
satisfaction in using the ERP system. This is because
that the consumption of ERP software and products had
accountants in their daily tasks will interact with the
increased from Rp3 200 billion for software and Rp960
system so that they will feel the benefits from the
billion for ERP software in 2013 to Rp3 500 billion
use of ERP systems directly. Moreover, ERP system
for software and Rp969.12 billion for ERP software
has changed the way the businesses do the collection,
in 2014. In addition, the growth of ERP spending by
processing, and distribution of data, so the accounting
Indonesian companies is also seen from the results
process changes automatically. In addition, based on
of an analysis conducted by Ref. [2]. The highest
a review of some previous research results, it re-
expenditure is on the budget for ERP systems other
veals the results of a survey regarding the benefits
than data management master, and CRM. It is predicted
perceived in the field of an accounting [11, 12]. Al-
Received: Dec. 20, 2017; received in revised form: Feb. 06, 2018; though it has been mentioned, the previous research
accepted: Feb. 06, 2018; available online: Apr. 25, 2018. has found empirical evidence about benefits perceived
Cite this article as: Weli “The Accountant Satisfaction in Using ERP Systems”, CommIT (Communication &
Information Technology) Journal 12(1), 27–34, 2018.

by users [5, 6, 9, 13–15]. However, the model of the to provide practical and theoretical contributions to the
accountant satisfaction related to each benefit has not study and practice of ERP particularly in studying the
been mentioned. benefits to accountants and the accountant’s satisfac-
The underlying motivation of companies adopting tion model in using ERP systems.
ERP systems is that they will gain many benefits. This study aims to analyze the perceptions of ac-
The results of previous studies on the use of ERP countants about the benefits of using ERP. It is divided
by companies are done differently. However, it can be into several benefits such as accounting, operational,
concluded that the use of ERP has benefited its users. individual, and managerial. In addition, the dimension
The results presented by previous studies indicated used can predict the ERP user satisfaction model. Thus,
that the potential benefits by the use of ERP could the research question can be formulated as follows:
be grouped into operational, managerial, strategic, IT 1) What are the benefits perceived by the accountant
infrastructure, and organizational benefits [16]. In ad- in using the ERP system?
dition, other studies revealed that ERP also provided 2) What are the factors that influence the accoun-
benefits to accounting activities [11, 12], individual tant’s satisfaction model in using the ERP system?
productivity, and organizational productivity [17]. The
results of other empirical studies showed that the use II. L ITERATURE R EVIEW
of ERP could improve the efficiency of cycle and
time of production and the increase in the number The study uses an end-user satisfaction model for
of production per month [6]. ERP also generated cost the ERP environment adopted from Ref. [21]. The
efficiency [9, 13]. theory underlying the satisfaction model is the IS
For large companies, ERP helps to smoothen and Success Model by Delone and McLean. Based on
integrate business process activities [14]. The same that user satisfaction theory, it is measured through
thing also happens under the supervision of the flow of the perception of ease of use and the design of the
goods or distribution [5, 15]. The benefits of ERP in system [18]. The ease of use and quality of information
accounting activities are the ease of preparing financial generated by the system is believed to be a factor
statements, obtaining updated, and completing the in- that determines the level of user satisfaction of the
formation, so it is easier for decision-making [11]. An- system [19]. In addition, user awareness about the
other benefit of accounting activities is the efficiency benefits by using the new system also contributes to
of employee time and expense [12]. the user satisfaction [20].
In addition to benefits issues, previous studies also From the diversity of ERP users, this study special-
address other important issues in the use of the system. izes in users by accountants for daily purposes. Pre-
It can be user satisfaction based on the IS Success vious surveys have shown that ERP provides potential
Model. User satisfaction is measured by the perception benefits specifically for accounting activities [11, 12].
of ease of use and design of the system [18]. The Moreover, the previous ERP-related literature con-
ease of use and quality of information generated by cludes that the benefits from the use of ERP can
the system is believed to be the factor that determines be grouped into operational, managerial, strategic, IT
the level of user satisfaction of the system [19]. It infrastructure, and organizational benefits [16]. Other
is further emphasized that user awareness about the studies have also shown that ERP deals with individual
benefits by using the new system also contributes to productivity, organizational productivity, and manage-
user satisfaction [20]. rial activities [5, 6, 9, 14, 15, 17].
Based on the results of the previous studies [11, 12], Thus the model of this study can be formulated in
it attempts to formulate a model of the accountant sat- Fig. 1. Then, the hypotheses are as follows:
isfaction in using ERP systems. Although the previous H1: There is a relationship between perception of
study on accounting benefits and user satisfaction has accounting benefits and accountant satisfac-
been done by Ref. [12], this study emphasizes more tion.
on the perspective of accountant functions in daily H2: There is a relationship between perception of
business processes. Hence, the instrument used is a operational benefits and accountant satisfac-
combination of survey results of Refs. [11, 12, 21, 22]. tion.
Besides, this study expands the previous study by H3: There is a relationship between perception
examining the ERP user satisfaction model especially of individual benefits and accountant satis-
by differentiating it into several benefit groups such faction.
as accounting benefits, operational benefits, individual H4: There is a relationship between perception of
productivity, and managerial benefits in the perspective managerial benefits and accountant satisfac-
of accountancy. The results of this study are expected tion.

Cite this article as: Weli “The Accountant Satisfaction in Using ERP Systems”, CommIT (Communication &
Information Technology) Journal 12(1), 27–34, 2018.


Accounting Benefits describe the benefits received by accountants in daily accounting activities [11, 12]
No. Description
AB1 The ERP system has accelerated the completion of monthly accounting task
AB2 The ERP system has accelerated the completion of the annual accounting task
AB3 The ERP system has accelerated the process of daily transactions
AB4 The ERP system has accelerated the process of compilation of information especially financial statements
AB5 The ERP system has improved reporting quality especially financial reporting
AB6 The ERP system has improved decision-making process
AB7 The ERP system has provided more updated and accurate information
Operational Benefits describe the perceived benefits of accountants in the form of support for daily activities especially regarding interactions between
units and devices [11, 12]
OB1 The ERP system has provided better interdepartmental coordination
OB2 The ERP system has improved internal communication
OB3 The ERP system has improved system integration
OB4 The ERP system has reduced errors in logistics
OB5 The ERP system has improved financial analysis skills
OB6 The ERP system has improved information flexibility
OB7 The ERP system has provided the flexibility of accessing financial information
Managerial Benefits describe the benefits perceived by accountants in the managerial activities especially regarding control [22]
OP1 The ERP system has improved management control
OP2 The ERP system has increased the company’s cash flow
OP3 The ERP system has increased company growth
Individual Benefits explains the benefits perceived by accountants regarding productivity improvement in doing their daily tasks [22]
PR1 The ERP system has helped the user complete more work
PR2 The ERP system has helped the user execute task faster
PR3 The ERP system has increased work productivity
Accountant Satisfaction describes the indicator of accountant satisfaction in using ERP systems especially in technical problems in interaction with
the system [21]
ST1 The ERP system has fulfilled the company’s needs
ST2 The ERP system is user-friendly
ST3 The ERP system has eliminated errors or significant distractions
ST4 The ERP system has provided sufficient help information
ST5 The ERP system is easy to learn at the beginning of the implementation

benefits, operational benefits, managerial benefits, and

individual productivity. The operations of each variable
TURE REVIEW are presented in Table I. Moreover, the measurements
d-user satisfaction model of all variables are by using 5-point Likert scale from
t adopted from Somers, Operational
1 for “strongly disagree” until 5 for “strongly agree.”
H2  The high score shows respondents perceive high value
he theory underlying the Benefits
he IS Success Model by Accountant  and vice-versa.
. Based on that user Satisfaction Data analysis uses descriptive analysis method and
measured through the Individual structural equation model with the Partial Least Square
e and the design of the Benefits  (PLS). The results of data analysis is grouped into two
of use and quality of parts, namely descriptive analysis and research model
the system is believed to testing of the accountant satisfaction in using ERP
mines the level of user systems.
m [19]. In addition, user  
nefits by using the new
to the user satisfaction
Fig. 1. Proposed research model. IV. R ESULTS AND D ISCUSSION
III. METHODS A. Descriptive Analysis
of ERP users, this study
accountants for daily Data collection is done
III. R ESEARCH M ETHOD by survey using The survey uses a questionnaire distributed with
ys have shown that ERP questionnaire. Respondents are corporate snowball sampling to accountants working in Jakarta.
nefits specifically forData accountants
collectionwho use ERP
is done systems.byThe
by survey research
using ques- The final result has about 282 questionnaires. All
1, 12]. Moreover, the instrument consists of items which
tionnaire. Respondents are corporate accountants are who
an respondents have an accounting background working
rature concludes that the explanation of the research variables: accounting
use ERP systems. The research instrument consists with ERP system in 43 companies in Jakarta. Thirty-
ERP can be grouped into benefits, operational benefits, managerial benefits,
of items describing the research variables: accounting two percents of respondents occupy manager position
ial, strategic, IT and individual productivity. The operations of
nizational benefits [16]. each variable are presented in Table 1. Moreover,
shown that ERP deals the measurements for the whole variables use 5
uctivity, organizational points of Likert scale. 1 shows "strongly disagree"
erial activities [17], [6], and 5 is "strongly agree". The high score shows 29
respondents perceive high value and vice versa.

of this study can be Table 1 operational variables.

. Then, the hypothesis Accounting Benefits describe the benefits
Cite this article as: Weli “The Accountant Satisfaction in Using ERP Systems”, CommIT (Communication &
Information Technology) Journal 12(1), 27–34, 2018.


Position Total % Motivation Total %

Manager 91 32.3 Integration of Applications 159 56%
Staff 191 67.7 Corporate information systems integration 21 7%
Total 282 100.0 Real-time Information 15 5%
Enhancing business process activities 63 22%
Department Total %
Increasing Revenue 12 4%
Accounting 222 78.7 Enhancing Decision-making process 3 1%
Finance 35 12.4 Competitive Advantage 9 3%
Purchasing 25 8.9 Total 282 100%
Total 282 100.0

Code Indicators Mean
Vendor Total %
AB1 Accelerate the completion of monthly accounting 3.61
AXAPTA 11 4 AB2 Accelerate the completion of annual accounting 3.68
IFS 10 4 AB3 Accelerate the process of daily transactions 3.67
INFOSYS 42 15 AB4 Accelerate the process of compilation of informa- 3.42
JD Edward 5 2 tion especially financial statements
MYOB 42 15 AB5 Improve reporting quality especially financial re- 3.29
Oracle 51 18 porting
SAP 111 39 AB6 Improve decision-making process 3.15
VHP 10 4 AB7 Have updated and accurate information 3.40
Total 282 100
Average 3.46
Go live Total %
< 2001 30 11
2001 – 2010 169 60 TABLE VI
Total 282 100
Modul Total %
Code Indicators Mean
Financial Accounting 235 83
Fixed Asset Register 72 26 OB1 Have better interdepartmental coordination 3.23
Management Accounting 120 43 OB2 Improve internal communication 3.19
Costing 84 30 OB3 Improve system integration 3.60
Production 124 44 OB4 Reduce errors in logistics 3.12
Logistics 75 27 OB5 Improve financial analysis skills 3.48
E-commerce 120 43 OB6 Improve information flexibility 3.48
Purchase 90 32 OB7 Provide the flexibility of accessing financial infor- 2.78
Payroll 81 29 mation
Quality Management 60 21 Average 3.27
Sales Marketing 46 16
Other Modules 42 15
Total 282 100

fits. As summarized in Table V, all of the variables

have greater mean values than 3 in the range of 1
and the remaining is staff. The demographics of the to 5. This shows that the respondents perceive the
respondents are in Table II. benefits and the user satisfaction at a moderately high
The majority of companies are SAP users. In gen- score. The indicator that best describes the latent
eral, the use of ERP has started before 2010 (71%). variable accounting benefits is shown in Table V. It
Then, financial accounting module is a module used is the completion of the daily, monthly, and annually
by almost all respondents (83%), while other modules accounting cycle.
such as management accounting, production, and e- The results of the analysis for user perceptions of
commerce are used by the remaining 43% of respon- operational benefits are not as high as the perception of
dents. It can be seen in Table III. accounting benefits. As described in Table VI, the best
The results of the analysis show that the motivation explanatory indicator of operational benefits variables
to implement the ERP is to integrate the applications. is ERP helps the system integration.
Then, it is followed by the increased activity in the Furthermore, the results of the analysis for user
business process as seen in Table IV. perceptions of managerial benefits are also not as high
The following are the results of the analysis for as the perception of accounting benefits or operational
each latent variable, accounting benefits, operational benefits. It is shown in Table VII. The best explanatory
benefits, individual productivity, and managerial bene- indicator of managerial benefits is obtained from the

Cite this article as: Weli “The Accountant Satisfaction in Using ERP Systems”, CommIT (Communication &
Information Technology) Journal 12(1), 27–34, 2018.



Code Indicators Mean Code Indicators

OP1 Improve management control 3.30 AB2 Accelerate the completion of annual accounting
OP2 Increase the company’s cash flow 3.09 AB4 Accelerate the process of compilation of information espe-
OP3 Increase company growth 3.15 cially financial statements
AB5 Improve reporting quality, especially financial reporting
Average 3.18 OB2 Improve internal communication
OB4 Reduce errors in logistics
OB5 Improve financial analysis skills
TABLE VIII OP1 Improve management control
PERCEIVED INDIVIDUAL BENEFITS . OP2 Increase the company’s cash flow
OP3 Increase company growth
PR1 Complete more work
Code Indicators Mean PR2 Have faster task execution
PR3 Increase work productivity
PR1 More work completion 3.44
ST1 Fulfill the company’s needs
PR2 Faster task execution 3.70
ST2 Have user-friendly function and design
PR3 Increasing work productivity 3.59
ST3 Have no errors or significant distractions
Average 3.57 ST4 Have sufficient help information
ST5 Make it easy to learn at the beginning of the implementation

Code Indicators Mean

ST1 The fulfillment of the company’s needs 3.27 AVE AVE Composite Reliability R2
ST2 User-friendly 3.44
ST3 No errors or significant distractions 3.63 ACB 0.778 0.882 0.913 0.000
ST4 Sufficient help information 3.63 IPR 0.645 0.803 0.845 0.000
ST5 Easy to learn in the beginning of the implementa- 3.28 MGB 0.695 0.833 0.870 0.000
tion OPB 0.777 0.881 0.913 0.000
Average 3.45 SAT 0.607 0.779 0.885 0.482

improvement in the management control. been excluded from the analysis. The outcome of the
Moreover, individual benefit is the highest variable indicators that meet the validity criteria is AB2, AB4
perceived by the user as shown in Table VIII. The and AB5 for accounting benefit variables, OB2, OB5
fast execution of task indicator and increasing work and OB6 for variable operational benefits, PR1–PR3
productivity are the best explanatory indicator for for variable managerial benefits, OP1–OP3 for indi-
individual benefits. vidual productivity and ST1–ST5 for user satisfaction
Finally, users’ perceptions of the satisfaction in variables. Thus, the indicator in Table X can be used
using ERP give high moderate values. It is especially for further model testing.
indicator of no appearance of meaningful errors in the The next step is testing the reliability of the AVE
system and the availability of the help functions for the and reliability of composite value. It is summarized
users. Those are the best explanatory to explain ERP in Table XI. The AVE value is greater than 0.5 and
user satisfaction level (see Table IX). the value of composite reliability is above 0.9 for all
variables. It is seen from the AVE root values that
B. Accountant Satisfaction Model in Using ERP Sys- are compared with the correlation values between the
tems variables as shown in Table XII. It shows that the
The testing of the satisfaction model is done by square root value of AVE is greater than the value of
the PLS method. It is processed using SmartPLS M2 the correlation. Considering the results of validity and
program. The first step is to test the validity of the data reliability, it can be concluded that the data can be used
by looking at the cut off value in each loading factor for model prediction.
in the latent variable. The criterion used is the value of After the validity and reliability testing, the next test
each loading factor that must be above 0.6. Therefore, is to see the strength of relationships between variables
all indicators that are less than 0.6 is excluded from from the value of path coefficient and R square. The
the analysis. results of the SmartPLS output are in Table XIII. It
The results of SmartPLS output indicate that some shows that all the relationships are significant at p-
indicators do not meet the validity criteria so that all value of 0.05 and the statistical t-value is greater
indicators with loading factors with less than 0.6 have than 1.960. Therefore, it can be concluded that the

IPR 0.1035 2.0322 benefits are sh
MGB 0.1798 3.3759 by the accoun
OPB 0.3105 5.0679 becomes the hi
in completing
Cite this article as: Weli “The Accountant Satisfaction in Using ERP Systems”, CommIT (Communication &
Figure 2 Accountant satisfaction of ERP example, there
Information Technology) Journal 12(1), 27–34, 2018.
systems. of daily, month
Next, in oper
benefits are th
due to the ava
AVE. can improve
financial analy
ACB 0.882
IPR 0.501 0.803 performing da
0.537 0.881 ERP is believ
SAT 0.604 0.372 0.509 0.602 0.779 system so that
or error come
TABLE XIII are supported
Original Sample t-Statistics The resul
ACB 0.2737 40.331
Fig. 2. Accountant satisfaction of ERP systems.
IV. DISCUSSION support for
IPR 0.1035 20.322 benefits of E
MGB 0.1798 33.759 The results of previous surveys on the activities [11,1
OPB 0.3105 50.679 are shown to be perceived high moderate by the
accounting benefits of using ERP have inspired
accountants. The accounting benefit that becomes the analysis supp
highest benefitassess
study to the factors
is to assist thatinmake
accountant up the
completing accountant sat
satisfaction model can be formed from accounting financial reporting activities. For example, there who
ERP user satisfaction. This is for accountants are It is related to
benefits, operational benefits, managerial benefits, and are
the directly related
completion and topreparation
ERP systems. The monthly,
of daily, results of accounting,
individual productivity. Based on the value of R-square and yearly financial statements. Next, in operational
produced by SmartPLS that is 0.482, it can also be activities, high perceived benefits are the facilities
concluded that the relation of user satisfaction variable access to applications due to the availability of an
with the exogenous variable is 48.2%. The relationship integrated system. It can improve their work skills
of accountant satisfaction model can be seen in Fig. 2. in conducting financial analysis. This feature helps
The results of previous surveys on the accounting individual performance in increasing productivity and
benefits of using ERP have inspired this study to assess performing daily tasks more quickly. The use of ERP
the factors that make up the ERP user satisfaction. is believed to improve the quality of the system so
This is for accountants who are directly related to that there is no significant disturbance or error comes
ERP systems. The results of the analysis show that from the system. They feel they are supported by the
all the elements of benefit are proven to be related availability of adequate assistance.
to user satisfaction. In particular, the highest benefit The results of this study provide empirical sup-
perceived by the accountant is the individual benefit. port for previous surveys of accounting benefits of
This is in line with the results of previous studies [22]. ERP implementation in accounting activities [11, 12].
This means that the ERP system used has helped them Furthermore, the results of the analysis support the
do the task faster because the facilities are provided for proposed model of accountant satisfaction in using the
faster transaction execution. This explains that the ERP ERP system. It is related to the perceptual component
system has assisted individual accountants in perform- of the accounting, operational, managerial, and indi-
ing their daily tasks so that individual productivity can vidual productivity benefits [22]. ERP systems have
be improved [22]. This means that the ERP system benefited the accounting work in the daily activities of
used has helped them do the task faster because the information processing up to the preparation of reports.
facilities are provided for faster transaction execution. This result confirms the promise of ERP providers
This explains that the ERP system has assisted indi- that the ERP application can integrate all business
vidual accountants in performing their daily tasks so processes. In addition, the result confirms the previous
that individual productivity can be improved. study [6, 11] in performing accounting integration in
Furthermore, the results of the model test provide corporate operations [14, 15].
empirical support to IS success theory. The dimensions Respondent’s perception of the satisfaction of ERP
of benefits perceived by the accountant have repre- usage shows high enough value in satisfaction with
sented the quality of the ERP. ERP quality has resulted system stability, conformity with company require-
in the information to improve individual performance ment, availability of adequate information, and ease
within the ERP system environment. As formulated on of studying ERP. The results provide empirical support
the IS success model, the successful implementation of for Ref. [21]. It explains ERP user satisfaction that can
the system will lead to user satisfaction. be assessed through how ERP responds to the needs of
In addition to individual benefits, accounting benefits a company, the ease of learning, and using the system.

Cite this article as: Weli “The Accountant Satisfaction in Using ERP Systems”, CommIT (Communication &
Information Technology) Journal 12(1), 27–34, 2018.

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