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University of Mauritius

Information Systems

Database and Information Management- [SIS1026Y]

DOMUN Raamiz - (1914169) – Group Leader

BHOLAH Sambhav – (1913983)

HOSANY Uthmaan - Muhammad – (1915052)

BISSONATH Rohan – (1914153)

SOOBRON Yashveer – (1913318)

Submitted to: Dr. Baby Gobin

Date of Submission: 19th April 2020

The team would like to thank Mr. Shuhail Seck Diouman, the owner of the shops, for giving us
the opportunity to interview him and we appreciate the fact that he shared all the information about
his business to us.

The whole team would like to show their appreciation to the following lecturers:

Dr. Baby Gobin

Mr. Somveer Kishnah

Mr. Leckraj Nagowah

Mrs. S.Nagowah

For their guidance and support in carrying out this project.

The aim of this project is to help each individual to learn how to work in teams and how they must
study by themselves by doing researches. This will also help us in our final year project and helps
us develop the skills to have a proper understanding of Information Systems.

Table of Contents
Acknowledgement .......................................................................................................................... i

Abstract ……………………………………………………………………………………...ii

List of Figures .............................................................................................................................. vii

Chapter 1 Introduction ............................................................................................................. 1

1.1 Background Study/ Company Profile .............................................................................. 1

1.2 Problem Description ......................................................................................................... 2

1.3 Aim and Objective ........................................................................................................... 2

1.4 Chart Graph ...................................................................................................................... 3

1.5 Work Distribution ............................................................................................................ 4

1.6 Report Structure ............................................................................................................... 5

Chapter 2 Literature review .................................................................................................... 6

2.1 Information Systems ........................................................................................................ 6

2.2 How Information Systems are transforming businesses? ................................................ 6

2.3 Why businesses invest in Information Systems? ............................................................. 6

2.4 Adopting the right model for SABA FASHION .............................................................. 8

2.4.1 The Waterfall Model: ................................................................................................ 8

2.4.2 The prototyping model (A throw away version)....................................................... 9

2.4.3 Agile Software Methodology .................................................................................... 9

2.5 Technologies and tools that are used.............................................................................. 10

2.5.1 Database .................................................................................................................. 10

2.5.2 Interface Development ............................................................................................ 10

2.5.3 Selected Tools and Technologies............................................................................ 10

2.6 Existing System .............................................................................................................. 11

2.7 New Would Be Implemented System ............................................................................ 12

2.8 Conclusion...................................................................................................................... 13

Chapter 3 Analysis .................................................................................................................. 14

3.1 Existing Systems ............................................................................................................ 14

3.2 List of functional Requirements (FR) and Non-Functional Requirements (NFR) that the
new system will cover ............................................................................................................... 14

3.3 Proposed solution through diagrams .............................................................................. 16

3.3.1 Sales system ............................................................................................................ 16

3.3.2 Purchase system ...................................................................................................... 19

3.3.3 Product system ........................................................................................................ 22

3.3.4 Payroll system ......................................................................................................... 25

3.3.5 Inventory system ..................................................................................................... 27

3.4 Intermediate Conclusion: ............................................................................................... 30

Chapter 4 Design Process ....................................................................................................... 31

4.1 Sequence diagram, Activity diagram and state chart diagram for each Business process:

4.1.1 Sales system ............................................................................................................ 31

4.1.2 Purchase system ...................................................................................................... 34

4.1.3 Product System ....................................................................................................... 36

4.1.4 Payroll system: ........................................................................................................ 39

4.1.5 Inventory system ..................................................................................................... 42

4.2 Algorithm Design ........................................................................................................... 44

4.2.1 Sale system.............................................................................................................. 44

4.2.2 Purchase system ...................................................................................................... 45

4.2.3 Product system ........................................................................................................ 46

4.2.4 Payroll System ........................................................................................................ 47

4.2.5 Inventory system ..................................................................................................... 48

4.3 Database design: ............................................................................................................. 49

4.3.1 ER Diagram for overall system............................................................................... 49

4.3.2 Relational Schema for overall system..................................................................... 50

4.4 User Interface Design ..................................................................................................... 51

Chapter 5 Implementation ..................................................................................................... 58

5.1 Writing sample codes ..................................................................................................... 58

5.1.1 Sales system ............................................................................................................ 58

5.1.2 Purchase system ...................................................................................................... 67

5.1.3 Product system ........................................................................................................ 71

5.1.4 Payroll system ......................................................................................................... 77

5.1.5 Inventory System .................................................................................................... 82

Chapter 6 User Testing ........................................................................................................... 87

6.1 White Box testing the code ............................................................................................ 87

6.1.1 Sale system.............................................................................................................. 87

6.1.2 Purchase system ...................................................................................................... 89

6.1.3 Product system ........................................................................................................ 90

6.1.4 Payroll system ......................................................................................................... 93

6.1.5 Inventory system ..................................................................................................... 95

6.2 Black box testing with the owner ................................................................................... 95

Chapter 7 Summary................................................................................................................ 97

7.1 Brief explanation on how we tackled the process .......................................................... 97

7.2 What we have done ........................................................................................................ 97

7.3 Additional Improvements............................................................................................... 98

7.4 Features of the working system...................................................................................... 98

Chapter 8 References .............................................................................................................. 99

Chapter 9 Appendix .............................................................................................................. 100

9.1 Meeting one .................................................................................................................. 100

9.2 Meeting two.................................................................................................................. 101

9.3 Meeting Three .............................................................................................................. 102

9.4 Meeting Four ................................................................................................................ 103

9.5 Meeting Five ................................................................................................................ 104

List of Figures
Figure 1.1 Gantt Chart .................................................................................................................... 3

Figure 3. 1 Sale System Use Case Diagram ................................................................................. 16

Figure 3. 2 Sale System ER Diagram ........................................................................................... 18
Figure 3. 3 Sale System Relational Schema ................................................................................. 18
Figure 3. 4 Purchase System Use Case Diagram .......................................................................... 19
Figure 3. 5 Purchase System ER Diagram ................................................................................... 21
Figure 3. 6 Purchase System Relational Schema ......................................................................... 21
Figure 3. 7 Product System Use Case Diagram ............................................................................ 22
Figure 3. 8 Product System ER Diagram ...................................................................................... 24
Figure 3. 9 Product System Relational Schema ............................................................................ 24
Figure 3. 10 Payroll System Use Case Diagram ........................................................................... 25
Figure 3. 11 Payroll System ER Diagram ..................................................................................... 26
Figure 3. 12 Payroll System Relational Schema ........................................................................... 27
Figure 3. 13 Inventory System Use Case Diagram ....................................................................... 27
Figure 3. 14 Inventory System ER Diagram ................................................................................. 29
Figure 3. 15 Inventory System Relational schema ....................................................................... 29

Figure 4. 1 Sale System Sequence Diagram ................................................................................. 31

Figure 4. 2 Sale System Activity Diagram ................................................................................... 32
Figure 4. 3 Sale System State Chart Diagram............................................................................... 33
Figure 4. 4 Purchase System Sequence Diagram.......................................................................... 34
Figure 4. 5 Purchase System Activity Diagram ............................................................................ 35
Figure 4. 6 Purchase System State Chart Diagram ....................................................................... 36
Figure 4. 7 Product System Sequence Diagram............................................................................ 36
Figure 4. 8 Product System Activity Diagram .............................................................................. 37
Figure 4. 9 Product System State Chart Diagram ......................................................................... 38
Figure 4. 10 Payroll System Sequence Diagram .......................................................................... 39
Figure 4. 11 Payroll System Activity Diagram ............................................................................. 40
Figure 4. 12 Payroll System State Chart Diagram ........................................................................ 41

Figure 4. 13 Inventory System Sequence Diagram ...................................................................... 42
Figure 4. 14 Inventory System Activity Diagram ......................................................................... 43
Figure 4. 15 Inventory System State Chart Diagram .................................................................... 43
Figure 4. 16 Sale System Flowchart ............................................................................................. 44
Figure 4. 17 Purchase System Flowchart ...................................................................................... 45
Figure 4. 18 Product System Flowchart ........................................................................................ 46
Figure 4. 19 Payroll System Flowchart......................................................................................... 47
Figure 4. 20 Inventory System Flowchart..................................................................................... 48
Figure 4. 21 Overall ER Diagram ................................................................................................. 49
Figure 4. 22 Overall Relational Schema ....................................................................................... 50
Figure 4. 23 Login system ............................................................................................................ 51
Figure 4. 24 Manager's menu ........................................................................................................ 51
Figure 4. 25 Manager's system access .......................................................................................... 52
Figure 4. 26 Employee's menu ...................................................................................................... 52
Figure 4. 27 Sale System User Interface ....................................................................................... 53
Figure 4. 28 Sale system if item is out of stock ............................................................................ 53
Figure 4. 29 Customer receipt ....................................................................................................... 54
Figure 4. 30 Purchase system User Interface ................................................................................ 55
Figure 4. 31 Product System User Interface ................................................................................. 55
Figure 4. 32Product system ‘adding new product’ User Interface ............................................... 55
Figure 4. 33 Product system ‘modifying a product’ User Interface ............................................. 56
Figure 4. 34 Product system 'Deleting a product' User Interface.................................................. 56
Figure 4. 35 Payroll system User Interface ................................................................................... 57
Figure 4. 36 Inventory system User Interface ............................................................................... 57

Figure 5. 1 Creating table salesTransaction .................................................................................. 58

Figure 5. 2 Creating trigger to update table inventory .................................................................. 58
Figure 5. 3 Inserting values in table salesTransaction .................................................................. 59
Figure 5. 4 Output of table salesTransaction ................................................................................ 59
Figure 5. 5 Procedure and cursor of sale system to calculate total price of product .................... 60
Figure 5. 6 cursor of sale system(continue) .................................................................................. 61

Figure 5. 7 Sale system procedure explanation ............................................................................ 61
Figure 5. 8 Sale system cursor explanation .................................................................................. 62
Figure 5. 9 Sales system cursor (continue) ................................................................................... 63
Figure 5. 10 Sale system cursor (Continue) .................................................................................. 64
Figure 5. 11 Updated table salesTransaction ................................................................................ 64
Figure 5. 12 Sale system additional procedure spGetGift ............................................................ 65
Figure 5. 13 Sale system trigger explained ................................................................................... 66
Figure 5. 14 Updated table inventory ........................................................................................... 66
Figure 5. 15 Create and insert in table Product ............................................................................. 67
Figure 5. 16 Create and Insert table Inventory ............................................................................. 68
Figure 5. 17 Create and Inserting values in table StockPurchase ................................................. 69
Figure 5. 18 Procedure and cursor with output showing items that should be restocked ............. 70
Figure 5. 19 Trigger and output showing table inventory being updated after a purchase from the
supplier.......................................................................................................................................... 71
Figure 5. 20 Table product ............................................................................................................ 73
Figure 5. 21 Basic queries from table product .............................................................................. 73
Figure 5. 22 Basic update from table product ............................................................................... 74
Figure 5. 23 Create and insert value in table employee ................................................................ 77
Figure 5. 24 Output table employee .............................................................................................. 77
Figure 5. 25 Create and insert values in table salaryDetail........................................................... 78
Figure 5. 26 Output table salaryDetail .......................................................................................... 78
Figure 5. 27 Stored Procedure to calculate hoursWorked and eSalary in table salaryDetail ....... 79
Figure 5. 28 Cursor to calculate the values in every row.............................................................. 80
Figure 5. 29 Output of table salaryDetail from running the cursor and procedure ....................... 80
Figure 5. 30 Trigger to take the latest value of eSalary from table salaryDetail to update table
employee ....................................................................................................................................... 81
Figure 5. 31 Output of table employee after running Trigger....................................................... 81
Figure 5. 32 Function to display the details Total Salary and Number of working days for an
employee ....................................................................................................................................... 81
Figure 5. 33 Creating and inserting table product values ............................................................. 82
Figure 5. 34 Out of table product .................................................................................................. 82

Figure 5. 35 Creating and inserting table Inventory Values ......................................................... 83
Figure 5. 36 Output of table Invemtory ........................................................................................ 83
Figure 5. 37 Procedure and cursor for the Inventory system ........................................................ 84
Figure 5. 38 Outputs for the Inventory System checking product by product .............................. 85
Figure 5. 39 Procedure and cursor for Inventory System showing stock level for all products at
once ............................................................................................................................................... 85
Figure 5. 40 Output checkStockForAll ......................................................................................... 86

Figure 6. 1 Inserting values in table salesTransaction .................................................................. 87

Figure 6. 2 Output of updated table salesTransaction................................................................... 87
Figure 6. 3 Output of updated table Inventory .............................................................................. 88
Figure 6. 4 User testing the purchase system ................................................................................ 89
Figure 6. 5 User testing the product system to add a new product automatically update table
inventory ....................................................................................................................................... 90
Figure 6. 6 User testing product system to delete an existing product automatically update table
inventory ....................................................................................................................................... 91
Figure 6. 7 User testing product system to modify an existing product automatically update table
inventory ....................................................................................................................................... 92
Figure 6. 8 User testing payroll system by adding different days of coming to work .................. 93
Figure 6. 9 updated table salaryDetail .......................................................................................... 94
Figure 6. 10 Updated table employee showing the latest daily salary according to hoursWorked
....................................................................................................................................................... 94
Figure 6. 11 Output showing total salary and number of presences for a selected employee ...... 95
Figure 6. 12 The owner was briefed about how to use the system ............................................... 95
Figure 6. 13 The Owner using the system .................................................................................... 96

Figure 9. 1 Proof of meeting 1 .................................................................................................... 100

Figure 9. 2 Proof of meeting 2 .................................................................................................... 101
Figure 9. 3 Proof of meeting 3 .................................................................................................... 102
Figure 9. 4 Proof of meeting 4 .................................................................................................... 103
Figure 9. 5 Proof of meeting 5 .................................................................................................... 104

Figure 9. 6 Company Profile ....................................................................................................... 105
Figure 9. 7 Stocks being delivered to the shopInventory............................................................ 106

Chapter 1 Introduction
The change when dealing with businesses is due to the advancement to the IT sector, especially
the relationship concerning the customer, employee and suppliers. As a team and as well as having
the privilege to be an Information Systems students, we were asked to study this particular field
by taking into consideration the current situation of the business and the design and implement a
suitable Information System for it. Thus, we decided to implement a clothing shop for our project
with the concept of computerizing the main business processes of the company.

1.1 Background Study/ Company Profile

It is a shop that buys women clothing from various industries and sell it in his shop. The owner of
the company, Mr Shuhail Seck Diouman, has to renew his order when three quarter of his stock is
already being sold.

The owner has a shop in Curepipe (Jan Palach Arcade). Mr Shuhail has 6 workers including a

When the owner places his order to the supplier, the supplier will deliver the good in about one-
month time depending on the quantity.

The owner makes the necessary arrangements with the driver for him to collect the goods.

Products can be classified into different categories (shirt, jean, dress), size (XS, S, M, X, XL) and
color. Information stored about the products are the Product ID, Product Name and product price.

The shop stores the information about its employees (name, Id, phone number, age, address,
position, qualifications, part or full time, salary), suppliers (name, Id, phone number, address
consisting of country, city and street name). The employees and the suppliers can have more than
one phone number.

The received products are transferred into the shop inventory. A vehicle is used to bring the cargos
at the shop. Stock remaining in inventory is recorded. The shop currently has 2 small vehicles
available for the transportation. Information stored about the vehicles is the vehicle ID, Vehicle
Name and Vehicle model
When a customer arrives, he places his order to the employee by choosing on the shop magazine.
The employee then checks in the available stock manually. If there is sufficient stock, the
employee will pack the product, and give the customer an invoice else he will request for changing
the order.

Customers information are also stored – ID, name, phone number (various), address and payment
method. Payment can be done either in cash or via credit card. Good once sold cannot be returned.

Whenever a sale transaction has been done, the shop writes it in a hard cover copybook to record
the sales. The transaction ID, name and date are also recorded.

1.2 Problem Description

The company Saba Fashion uses flat file system which is causing them lots of trouble with this
system such as data redundancy, time constraints and security issue.

Due to daily transactions, the records are increasing and the owner need to keep track of them for
further conclusion. With this system, recorded data are at risk and the record book may lost or may
be damaged.

1.3 Aim and Objective

The idea behind this project is to facilitate the task of the owner as well as the employees. With
the implementation of the database, records can be store easily and manage at a faster rate. Thus,
this will be beneficial to each and everyone concerned.

1.4 Chart Graph

Figure 1.1 Gantt Chart

The above Gantt chart describes the amount of days we have allocated to our assignment. This
also includes the specific tasks which we managed to accomplish as a team. Moreover, each
member of the team has been able to design diagrams for the specific business processes that was
assigned to them. The diagrams include a sequence, state, activity and use case.

1.5 Work Distribution
Team Member Task Allocated
DOMUN Raamiz Saad – 1914169 Team leader
• Payroll System
• Dividing and assigning each
member’s tasks
• Setting up deadlines
• Worked on the Literature Review
• Designed the payroll system
• Assembling all the works
• 20% contribution
BHOLAH Sambhav – 1913983 • Inventory System
• Designed the Inventory, Login,
Manager Menu, Employee Menu,
Receipt, Interfaces
• Assembling the diagrams together
• Worked on the design process
• 20% contribution
HOSANY Uthmaan Muhammad – 1915052 • Product System
• Worked on the Literature Review
• Worked on the Final Summary
• Designed Product system interfaces
• Filtering the wordings that has been
• 20% contribution
BISSONATH Rohan -1914153 • Purchase system
• Worked on the Introduction
• Worked on the design process
• Designed the purchase system
• Worked on the analysis
• 20% contribution
SOOBRON Yashveer – 1913318 • Sales System
• Worked on the Introduction
• Worked on the analysis
• Designed the sale interface
• Filtering the wordings that has been
• 20% contribution

1.6 Report Structure
Chapter Work covering
1 – Introduction • Introduction
• Company Profile
• Problem Statement
• Aims and objectives
• Gantt Chart
• Work Distribution
2 - Literature Review • Information Systems
• Methodologies used
• Technologies and tools used
• Existing Systems
• Would be system
• Conclusion
3 - Analysis • Problems with existing system
• Identifying new business
• List of Requirements
• Proposed Solution
• Conclusion
4 – Design Process • Design of all business processes
• Algorithm Design
• Database Design
• User Interface Design
5 - Implementation • Creating tables
• Inserting values
• Creating procedures, cursors and
• Screenshots of outputs

6 - Testing • Test with customer

7 – Summary • How to improve

• What has been done or not

Chapter 2 Literature review
2.1 Information Systems
It is a set of interrelated components used for the collection, processing, storing and distribution
of information. This information is used to support decision making and to have a better control
over a business.

The components consist of hardware, software, database, network and people. These components
are merged to perform input, process, output, feedback and control. Hardware consists of
input/output device, processor, operating system and media devices. Software consists of various
programs and procedures. Database consists of data organized in the required structure. Network
consists of hubs, communication media and network devices. People consist of device operators,
network administrators and system specialist (Managementstudyguide, 2020).

Information refers to the data that is accessed by a user for some particular purpose and is
considered as asset in an organization. The main activities of an information system are to capture
raw data from an organization or from the external environment (data instructions are fed to the
system) and convert it into a meaningful form. Then the information is transferred to the people
that uses it (data is presented in structured format and reports).

2.2 How Information Systems are transforming businesses?

The use of wireless technology has been increasing over the past few years, for example web 2.0
technology in businesses. The rapid development and adoption of breakthrough technologies are
changing how we interact with each other as well as with the outside world.

2.3 Why businesses invest in Information Systems?

Businesses invest in Information Systems mainly to achieve:

i) Operational Excellence
Using new technologies helps to improve efficiency and increase productivity. This will
help to increase profits. If a business can do something better, quicker and have more
quality in its product, it will result into success.

ii) New products, services and business models
Business enables new tools for new products, services and business models. A business
model describes how a company will produce, deliver and sell its products in order to
acquire profits.
iii) Customer and Supplier Intimacy
Developing a good relationship with the customers by serving them well will lead to
customers coming back. These customers can also advertise the company and bring in more
clients. This will help to increase revenues and profits.
Developing a good relationship with the suppliers will allow them to provide the vital
inputs which will lowers cost.
iv) Improving Decision Making
Before this technology, managers used to make forecasts, guesses and this would lead to
over-production, under-production and poor response times.
Poor outcomes raise costs and lose customers.
Now, Information Systems will help improve decision making by providing the manager
with facts and figures. These accurate decisions will help the company to be more
v) Competitive Advantage
Having a good technology will help to have a better performance in the real world. For
example, charge less for superior products and responding to customers and suppliers
vi) Survival
Investing in Information Systems has a better chance in resulting into a superior return by
• Increasing productivity
• Increasing revenues
• Investing in complementary assets

But investing in Information Systems does not guarantee a good return.

Factor: Adopt the right business model.

2.4 Adopting the right model for SABA FASHION
System development are the steps followed to develop a software and the activities required to
develop a new system are:

1. Identify the problems / needs of the user and we need to obtain approval to proceed for
each business process
2. Plan and monitor the project (What to do? / How to do? / organize team and distribute task)
3. Discover and understand the need
4. Design the system component that solves the problem
5. Build, test and integrate
6. Complete system test and deploy solution.

2.4.1 The Waterfall Model:

It a plan driven model and it consist of separate identified phases which is the:

1. Requirement analysis and definition

2. System and software design
3. Implementation and unit testing
4. Integration and system testing
5. Deployment and maintenance


1. It is simple and easy to use

2. It is easy to manage
3. Phases are processed and completed one at a time (there is no going back if we missed
4. Requirements are very well defined


1. No working software is produced until late stages in life cycle

2. High amount of risk
3. Difficult for someone to state all the requirements at once (UKEssays, 2018).

2.4.2 The prototyping model (A throw away version)
It is a simulation of the actual processing and a simplified model providing sufficient functionality
to understand the main purpose of project. The main aim of this model is to get more requirements
from the user.


1. This model can resolve misunderstanding between the customer and the analyst
2. A prototype can be easily understood
3. Customer can see a steady process
4. Useful when requirements are changing rapidly


1. It is impossible to know how long it takes as it depend on whether or not the requirements
of the customer are met
2. Do not know the number of iterations that will be required

2.4.3 Agile Software Methodology

This type of software development emphasizes customer satisfaction through continuous delivery
of functional software (that is in terms of increments). Developers work in small well-organized
teams to shorten delivery which is about 3 to 4 weeks to develop, test and deploy the software.


• Team composition is usually cross functional and self-organizing

• Each team takes responsibility for their given task
• Face to face communication over written documents when the team is in the same location


1. Increases flexibility
2. Delivers the right solution as team consist of right people therefore delivering to the
customer the desired solution
3. Accelerates delivery
4. Reduce risk and increase quality


1. It is hard to develop
2. Makes all dysfunction visible and the team has to fix everything

2.5 Technologies and tools that are used

2.5.1 Database
We used the Structured Query Language (SQL) to implement our database as far as the business
is concerned about what information the new system will be recording. This database will
minimize all the paperwork and prevent data loss. It is a computer-based system whose purpose is
to enable an efficient interaction between the users and the information captured in a database

2.5.2 Interface Development

All the forms related to the new system have been created and implemented on Microsoft Visual
Studio and they have been connected to the database to fetch the data available from the database
engine concerning the business processes.

2.5.3 Selected Tools and Technologies

In the creation of this system the following tools have been used:

Microsoft SQL Server:

• Stored procedures
• Cursors
• Triggers

Microsoft Visual Studio:

• Window Form Applications

• Database connection string
• User Interface development tools


• ER Diagrams
• Relational Schemas

Facebook, WhatsApp, Google Meet and Gmail:

• Communicating with the team members to take decisions

• Assembling the project
• Sharing photos

2.6 Existing System

• Sales: When an employee would conduct a sale, he had to record it in a copybook and he
does not update the inventory. If another client wishes the same item, an employee has to
go in the shop inventory to check the availability of the project.
• Purchase: When the owner would purchase the stocks from the suppliers, he would write
it in a copybook and would only transfer the product into the inventory.
• Inventory: The owner and the employee does not whether the product chosen by a client is
available or not and they have to check the inventory manually which is very time
• Payroll System: When the owner would calculate the salary of his employees, he has to use
a calculator, a pen and a paper so that he does not make any mistake and he has to check it
twice before giving the salary.
• Product: When a new product gets delivered to the shop, they had to give it a proper name,
a proper id and a proper description and it was really difficult for them to manage all these

2.7 New Would Be Implemented System
A business process is a set of activities leading to accomplishing a set of organizational goals
which involves both a human and system interaction and they can be controlled by decisions,
triggers, exceptions and events. Business Process Management is to improve a business from end
to end to create a more efficient and effective organization by analyzing it, by modelling how it
works in different situations, by executing improvements, by monitoring the improved process and
by continually optimizing it. Business Process Management focus more on repetitive and ongoing
processes that follows a pattern.

The goal of the business process management is to:

1. Reduce human error (Miscommunication)

2. Increase efficiency
3. Become more competitive in the industry
4. More time to manage business
5. Safety and security
6. Reduced costs and higher revenues.

The new business processes would be as follows:

• Sales: The process of sales would be automated. For example, only a click would save all
the concerned records of a sale to its appropriate part in the system.
• Purchase: The hassle of ordering to the suppliers would be consequently reduced as the
new system will include a no human intervention system which can broadly be explained
by the automatic ordering when a certain product has attained certain level.
• Inventory: The system will provide a clear and detailed information about the whole
inventory in just few clicks through a PC.
• Payroll System: A new and advanced payroll system will be available with the system
which will enable the owner to calculate the salary of any type of employee by only
entering few details and literally pressing a button.
• Product: We forecast to use innovative system such as barcode or QR code in the system
which will facilitate the process of purchase in the business.

The manager and each will have a login password to get access to the new would be system. The
manager and the employees each have a different menu as the manager can get access to internal
information which is not accessible to the employees.

2.8 Conclusion
To conclude, as per the requirements gathered by the team from the owner, Mr. Shuhail Seck-
Diouman, we will use the agile software development. The team leader of our team had set up
several meetings where we met and discussed about what needs to be done and how it needs to be
done. As we chose the agile development model, everyone had their allocated process, but we
worked all of them together that is, we all focused on a single process at a time to emphasize on
quality work as well as being time effective. At the end of each process we incremented it to the
previous process worked and tested all over as a whole. The system is created process by process
and then each process completed is incremented to one another in order to obtain the whole wanted

Also, the modules and components used to build up the system was carefully chosen and pondered
upon so as to established which of these elements goes where and whether these components are
the most appropriate to this kind of situation. This was possible after a deep analysis of the different
software methodologies like prototyping and agile, of which we decided to settle on. Having
established a schema now the coding part was in. Tools like Visual Studio and Ms SQL Server
proved to become handy to this part as to the numerous features provided. Finally, after several
local test, the system was fully functional with all the required parts and ready for deployment at
the client’s business.

Chapter 3 Analysis
3.1 Existing Systems
The owner, Mr. Shuhail Seck Diouman do not have a well-established system in his shop. After
gathering information by interviewing Mr Shuhail, we found out that he would record his sales in
a hard cover copybook by writing all the details of the transaction. He would not update the
inventory. When a customer would come, and place his order, the employee would check the
inventory. As for purchases, he would record the transaction in another copy book along with the
details (quantity bought). When Mr. Shuhail introduces a new product in his shop, he would only
record the transaction in a copybook. As for the salary of the employees, he would calculate their
hours worked manually and make the necessary calculations to get the net salary pay.

As we can see, the old systems can cause a lot of problems such as he would not have any control
on his inventory. So, the team decided to implement the following business processes:

1) Sale System
2) Purchase System
3) Product System
4) Payroll System
5) Inventory System

These business processes will facilitate the owner with his routine at work.

3.2 List of functional Requirements (FR) and Non-Functional

Requirements (NFR) that the new system will cover
1) Sale system

FR 1.0 The system shall allow the user to enter the quantity of product to be sold.

FR2.0 The system shall allow the user to enter the employee ID of the employee.

FR3.0 The system shall calculate total price.

FR4.0 The system shall display the total price.

FR5.0 The system shall accept any amount of transaction.

NFR1.0 The system shall display the employee name.

2) Purchase system

FR 1.0 The system shall allow the owner to enter its ID and the password.

FR 1.1 The system shall validate the owner ID and its password.

FR 2.0 The system shall allow the owner to check the inventory.

FR 3.0 The system shall send a notification in case of stocklevel is less than budgetlevel.

FR 4.0The system shall allow the owner to enter product ID to be restocked.

FR 5.0 The system shall allow the owner to enter quantity of product to buy.

NFR 1.0 The system shall update the database automatically

3) Product system

FR 1.0 The system shall ensure that the products are recorded in some sort of inventory.

FR 2.0 The system shall monitor the ins and outs of the products within the business.

FR 3.0 The system shall process complex event by having multiple event handlers in built

NFR 1.0 The system shall automatically record products.

NFR 2.0 The system shall show the products in a menu-based format.

NFR 3.0 The system shall cater for automation further on in the process

4) Payroll system

FR 1.0 The system shall allow user to enter the employee ID of the employee

FR 1.1 The system shall validate the employee ID

FR 2.0 The system shall allow user to enter the payrate for the employee

FR 3.0 The system shall allow user to enter the hours worked of the employee

FR 4.0 The system shall calculate the salary

FR 5.0 The system shall display the salary

NFR 1.0 The system shall update the database automatically

5) Inventory system

FR 1.0 The system shall let the user see the inventory details with the proper details of the products

NFR 1.0 The system shall automatically compare the remaining stock with the budget stock level
and give the appropriate message

NFR 2.0 The system shall display which products with their respective quantity are out of order

3.3 Proposed solution through diagrams

3.3.1 Sales system

Figure 3. 1 Sale System Use Case Diagram


1. Name: Sales transaction

2. Participating actors: Employee, customer
3. Entry condition: Customer stands in front of counter
4. Basic flow of events:
i) Employee login to system.
ii) Customer presents himself/herself before the counter.
iii) Customer chooses a product.
iv) Employee checks availability of product.
v) Customer pays either by cash or card method
vi) Employee inserts customer’s name, address, contact number and credit card details.
vii) Employee then enters the type, quantity of product which is followed by total price.
viii) The employee then issues an invoice to the customer and packs the product.
ix) The transactions are recorded in a hardcover copybook.

5)Alternative Flows

1) At step 4 ii) the customer chooses an unavailable product.

i) Employee prompts the user to choose another product.
ii) The use case will resume at step iii)
2) At step 4 v) customer does not have enough money
i) use case ends

Post condition:

The customer receives his/her product along with the invoice.


Figure 3. 2 Sale System ER Diagram


Figure 3. 3 Sale System Relational Schema

3.3.2 Purchase system

Figure 3. 4 Purchase System Use Case Diagram


1) Name: purchase system

2) Participating actors: System/owner
3) Entry requirement: Use computer which have the system
4) Basic flow of events:
i) System display login screen
ii) Owner log into the system
iii) System verify password
iv) System display owner’s menu
v) Owner check inventory
vi) Owner select purchase system
vii) Owner enter product Id to be restocked
viii) Owner enter quantity to buy
ix) System update inventory
5) Alternative flows:
i) If in step 4(iii), the password is not correct then an error message is
ii) If in step 4(v), the remaining stock is greater or equals the budget level, use
case will end.
6) Post condition: Order confirmed


Figure 3. 5 Purchase System ER Diagram


Figure 3. 6 Purchase System Relational Schema

3.3.3 Product system

Figure 3. 7 Product System Use Case Diagram


1) A sale transaction
2) Participating actors: Customer, System (Product & Shop)
3) Entry criteria: Must make a purchase
4) Basic flow of events:
i) The customer makes a purchase in the shop
ii) The system records the personal details of the customer
iii) The customer presents his/her purchases to the counter
iv) The customer confirms the purchases
v) The customer choses a payment method
vi) The system confirms payment methods chosen
vii) The customer makes the payment
viii) The system validates the payment
ix) The system shows a confirmation message
x) The customer is then allowed to leave the with the paid products
xi) The system process and records the transaction ID, transaction name and
transaction date
xii) In the process the shop details are recorded which are already known by the

5) Alternative flows 1: in case step viii in basic flow of events, the validation is resulted in a
negative result:
i) Prompts the user to reenter details
ii) Then, the use case resumes to step vii in the basic flow of events or ends

6) Post conditions:
i) The customer is satisfied with the shopping experience and purchase
ii) The customer receives his/her products


Figure 3. 8 Product System ER Diagram


Figure 3. 9 Product System Relational Schema

3.3.4 Payroll system

Figure 3. 10 Payroll System Use Case Diagram


1) Name: Payroll System

2) Participating actor: Owner, System
3) Entry Condition: Using the PC which has the system
4) Basic flow of events:
i) System display login screen
ii) Owner log into system by entering his password
iii) System displays the owner’s menu
iv) Owner select payroll system
v) Owner enter employee ID

vi) Owner enter payrate
vii) Owner enter hours worked
viii) Owner add overtime of employee
ix) System calculates salary
x) System display salary
5) Alternative flows:
i) At step(ii) owner enters the wrong password, use case will resumes at step(i).
ii) At step(v) owner enters a wrong employee ID, use case will resume at step(v).
iii) At step(viii) employee does not have an overtime, use case will resume at step(ix).

6) Post condition
The owner gives the salary


Figure 3. 11 Payroll System ER Diagram


Figure 3. 12 Payroll System Relational Schema

3.3.5 Inventory system


Figure 3. 13 Inventory System Use Case Diagram


1) Name: Inventory System

2) Participating actors: Employee, Owner, Driver, Supplier
3) Entry requirement: Owner orders stock
4) Basic flow of events
i) Owner orders stock from supplier.
ii) Driver brings goods to inventory.
iii) Owner enters inventory details and budget stock level.
iv) Employee starts to deal with sales transactions.
v) Employee clicks on show inventory details button.
vi) No message is displayed.
vii) Employee continues with sales transactions.

5. Alternative flow of events

At step vi, the system displays a message that a certain product is below budget stock level

i. Employee informs owner

ii. Owner buys new stock of that product(s) with suppliers.
iii. Then the use case will resume at step vii

6. Post conditions

The employee continues with sales transactions.


Figure 3. 14 Inventory System ER Diagram


Figure 3. 15 Inventory System Relational schema

3.4 Intermediate Conclusion:
After completing the diagrams and use case specification, a clear image is created on how the
whole system will work with the utmost details on different levels of the system. Having said that,
the pictorial definitions will allow us to have a graphical and visual interpretation of the working
system and the use case specification will provide proper details on how the system will work in a
clear and explicit way.

Chapter 4 Design Process
4.1 Sequence diagram, Activity diagram and state chart diagram
for each Business process:
4.1.1 Sales system

Figure 4. 1 Sale System Sequence Diagram

Figure 4. 2 Sale System Activity Diagram

Figure 4. 3 Sale System State Chart Diagram

4.1.2 Purchase system

Figure 4. 4 Purchase System Sequence Diagram

Figure 4. 5 Purchase System Activity Diagram

Figure 4. 6 Purchase System State Chart Diagram

4.1.3 Product System

Figure 4. 7 Product System Sequence Diagram

Figure 4. 8 Product System Activity Diagram

Figure 4. 9 Product System State Chart Diagram

4.1.4 Payroll system:

Figure 4. 10 Payroll System Sequence Diagram

Figure 4. 11 Payroll System Activity Diagram

Figure 4. 12 Payroll System State Chart Diagram

4.1.5 Inventory system

Figure 4. 13 Inventory System Sequence Diagram

Figure 4. 14 Inventory System Activity Diagram

Figure 4. 15 Inventory System State Chart Diagram

4.2 Algorithm Design
4.2.1 Sale system

Figure 4. 16 Sale System Flowchart

4.2.2 Purchase system

Figure 4. 17 Purchase System Flowchart

4.2.3 Product system

Figure 4. 18 Product System Flowchart

4.2.4 Payroll System

Figure 4. 19 Payroll System Flowchart

4.2.5 Inventory system

Figure 4. 20 Inventory System Flowchart

4.3 Database design:
4.3.1 ER Diagram for overall system

Figure 4. 21 Overall ER Diagram

4.3.2 Relational Schema for overall system

Figure 4. 22 Overall Relational Schema

4.4 User Interface Design

Figure 4. 23 Login system

Figure 4. 24 Manager's menu

Figure 4. 25 Manager's system access

Figure 4. 26 Employee's menu

Figure 4. 27 Sale System User Interface

Figure 4. 28 Sale system if item is out of stock

Figure 4. 29 Customer receipt

Figure 4. 30 Purchase system User Interface

Figure 4. 31 Product System User Interface

Figure 4. 32Product system ‘adding new product’ User Interface

Figure 4. 33 Product system ‘modifying a product’ User Interface

Figure 4. 34 Product system 'Deleting a product' User Interface

Figure 4. 35 Payroll system User Interface

Figure 4. 36 Inventory system User Interface

Chapter 5 Implementation
5.1 Writing sample codes
5.1.1 Sales system
Step 1: The salesTransaction table was created.

Figure 5. 1 Creating table salesTransaction

Step 2: The trigger was created (kudvenkat, 2012).

Figure 5. 2 Creating trigger to update table inventory

Step 3: The values were added to the salesTransaction table.

Figure 5. 3 Inserting values in table salesTransaction

Step 4: The salesTransaction table is created.

Figure 5. 4 Output of table salesTransaction

Step 5: A stored procedure which includes a cursor is created. The procedure is meant to calculate
the total price of the product. Values from the column Quantity_sold from salesTransaction table
and price from Inventory table is used (kudvenkat, 2020) (Sharma, 2018).

Figure 5. 5 Procedure and cursor of sale system to calculate total price of product

Figure 5. 6 cursor of sale system(continue)

Explanations of the codes:


Figure 5. 7 Sale system procedure explanation

1. The procedure is named spGetTotal.

2. It has 2 parameters that are @price and @Quantity_sold.
Both parameters are input type.

3. A stored procedure is used as it can be invoked several times.

4. A WHERE CURRENT OF clause is used in order to update the record that was last
fetched by the cursor. (SALESCURSOR in this case) (UPDATE, 2020)
ii) The cursor is used to retrieve data from a result set one row at a time. The cursor helps the
procedure to loop between the records of the table. Thus, it helps me to calculate the total price for
each row until the end of the table. As seen in figure 5.7 the data has been updated.

Figure 5. 8 Sale system cursor explanation

1)At first,a cursor named SALESCURSOR is declared and a select statement is attached to it.(A
cursor is declared and not created because it is not a database object. Otherwise, we would have
used created)

2)Then, the price and Quantity_sold is selected using the inner join between the tables
product,Inventory and salesTransaction.

The inner join is used to be able to have a result set that has all of the columns from
product,Inventory and salesTransaction.

3)3 variables are declared to store the price, quantity sold and total.


Figure 5. 9 Sales system cursor (continue)

1)When we use OPEN SALESCURSOR,the result set will be generated in the database.

2)when we start using FETCH NEXT FROM cursor, the first record from the result set is
fetched. (i.e only one record is read at a time)

E.g When we fetch the first record,the price and Quantity_sold is assigned to the @price and
@Quantity_sold variables.

3)@@FETCH_status returns 0 if fetching is successful.Else, it returns -1 if nothing is retrieved.

4)The loop is executed with variables @price and @Quantity_sold.

5)Since it is an iterative process,it moves forward.FETCH NEXT FROM is written again

and loop is executed again.

6)The process is carried out until @FETCH_STATUS returns value -1,that is,there is no record

Figure 5. 10 Sale system cursor (Continue)

The cursor is closed to make it unusable.

DEALLOCATE all the resources occupied by the cursor.

Figure 5. 11 Updated table salesTransaction

The updated salesTransaction table where the total_price column has changed as shown in above
figure 5.11.


The purpose of this trigger is to determine which gift that the customer is to be offered.If the
purchase is greater than rs7000,then the customer is offered a watch.Else,he/she is offered a gift
voucher card.

As shown in the following table,when we insert the transaction ID (tId),we can see the type of gift
that the customer is offered depending on the sale price.

Figure 5. 12 Sale system additional procedure spGetGift


A trigger named trg_updStocks is added to update the remaining stock value in the Inventory after
a sale process.This means that the quantity of product sold in the salesTransaction table is
subtracted from the remaining stock column in the Inventory (kudvenkat, 2012).

Figure 5. 13 Sale system trigger explained

Figure 5. 14 Updated table inventory

5.1.2 Purchase system
Creating table product and inserting its values:

Figure 5. 15 Create and insert in table Product

Creating table Inventory which will store details about the stock:

Figure 5. 16 Create and Insert table Inventory

Creating table StockPurchase which will store details about orders made to the supplier:

Figure 5. 17 Create and Inserting values in table StockPurchase

Creating a stored procedure and a cursor to check the inventory and provide information where
product need to be restocked (kudvenkat, 2020):

Figure 5. 18 Procedure and cursor with output showing items that should be restocked

Creating a trigger to update table Inventory column name remainingStock taking the values of
prodQuantity from table StockPurchase (kudvenkat, 2012) :

Figure 5. 19 Trigger and output showing table inventory being updated after a purchase from the

5.1.3 Product system

Creating the table products and shopInventory:

use prodDetails

create table products (

prodId char (5),
prodName varchar(max),
prodType varchar (20),
price int,
quantity varchar (5),
primary key (prodId));
create table ShopInventory (
prodId char(5),
Stock int,

BudgetLevelStock int,
Constraint fkprod Foreign key (prodId) references products(prodId));

Inserting values into the tables:

Insert into products values('P0012','Shirt','Blouse','350','50');
Insert into products values('P0123','Jean','Pant','1000','50');
Insert into products values('P0345','Dress','Wedding','2500','50');
Insert into products values('P0305','Jean','Pant','1200','50');
Insert into products values('P1245','Dress','Formal','1500','50');
Insert into products values('P8955','Shirt','Cotton','500','50');

Insert into ShopInventory values('P0012','70','0');

Insert into ShopInventory values('P0123','40','0');
Insert into ShopInventory values('P0345','19','0');
Insert into ShopInventory values('P0305','28','0');
Insert into ShopInventory values('P1245','3','0');
Insert into ShopInventory values('P8955','25','0');
Basic queries:

select *
from products

select *
from ShopInventory

Figure 5. 20 Table product

Here (for this business process) the column BudgeStockLevel was not required to be used in any
circumstances, this is why it was declared 0 everywhere.

select prodName, price

from products
where prodName = 'Shirt' and price <= 500

Figure 5. 21 Basic queries from table product

UPDATE products
SET price = 2000
WHERE prodName = 'Jean';

Figure 5. 22 Basic update from table product


1. When inserting a new product with all its details in the database, it also inserts the data in
the concerned table (here ShopInventory) which qualifies as the inventory of the shop
(kudvenkat, 2012).

Create TRIGGER WhenInsert

ON products
DECLARE @full Varchar(20)
SET @ID = (SELECT TOP 1 products.prodId FROM products ORDER BY prodId DESC)
SET @full = (SELECT TOP 1 products.quantity FROM products ORDER BY products.prodId
INSERT ShopInventory
VALUES (@ID, @full,null)

2. When the user will delete a record, it will automatically remove the deleted records details
in the inventory.

Note: we must remove the foreign key constraint in table ShopInventory to be able to delete a
record. For this we used:

alter table ShopInventory

drop constraint fkprod

Create TRIGGER WhenDelete

ON products
After delete AS

DECLARE @name Varchar(20)
DECLARE @type Varchar(20)
DECLARE @price Varchar(20)
DECLARE @quantity Varchar(20)

SELECT @ID = del.prodId FROM DELETED del

SELECT @name = del.prodName FROM DELETED del
SELECT @type = del.prodType FROM DELETED del
SELECT @price = del.price FROM DELETED del
SELECT @quantity = del.quantity FROM DELETED del

delete from ShopInventory

where prodId = @ID and BudgetLevelStock = 0

3. When the user wants to make an update of any products in the inventory, a simple sql
command will update the database and the following trigger will update the shop’s inventory.

Create TRIGGER WhenUpdate

ON products
After update AS



DECLARE @name Varchar(20)
DECLARE @type Varchar(20)
DECLARE @price Varchar(20)
DECLARE @quantity Varchar(20)
DEClARE @temp varchar(50)

SELECT @ID = ns.prodId FROM inserted ns

SELECT @name = ns.prodName FROM inserted ns
SELECT @type = ns.prodType FROM inserted ns
SELECT @price = ns.price FROM inserted ns
SELECT @quantity = ns.quantity FROM inserted ns

update ShopInventory
SET Stock = @quantity,
prodId = @ID
where prodId = @ID

5.1.4 Payroll system
Creating table Employee and inserting its values:

Figure 5. 23 Create and insert value in table employee

Figure 5. 24 Output table employee

Creating the table salary details which will store the details concerning the salary for each

Figure 5. 25 Create and insert values in table salaryDetail

Figure 5. 26 Output table salaryDetail

Creating a stored procedure and a cursor to calculate the hours worked and the employee salary
for each employee (kudvenkat, 2020) (Sharma, 2018):

Figure 5. 27 Stored Procedure to calculate hoursWorked and eSalary in table salaryDetail

Figure 5. 28 Cursor to calculate the values in every row

Figure 5. 29 Output of table salaryDetail from running the cursor and procedure

Creating a trigger to update table employee column eSalary detail by taking the value of Esalary
from table salaryDetail (kudvenkat, 2012)

Figure 5. 30 Trigger to take the latest value of eSalary from table salaryDetail to update table employee

Figure 5. 31 Output of table employee after running Trigger

Figure 5. 32 Function to display the details Total Salary and Number of working days for an employee

5.1.5 Inventory System

Figure 5. 33 Creating and inserting table product values

Figure 5. 34 Out of table product

Creating table Inventory

Figure 5. 35 Creating and inserting table Inventory Values

Figure 5. 36 Output of table Invemtory

Procedure specifying the products that are out of stock and by how much is needed to be restocked
to reach budgetStockLevel (kudvenkat, 2020)

Figure 5. 37 Procedure and cursor for the Inventory system

Figure 5. 38 Outputs for the Inventory System checking product by product

Figure 5. 39 Procedure and cursor for Inventory System showing stock level for all products at once

Figure 5. 40 Output checkStockForAll

Chapter 6 User Testing
6.1 White Box testing the code
6.1.1 Sale system
The following trasactions have been recorded:

Figure 6. 1 Inserting values in table salesTransaction

Figure 6. 2 Output of updated table salesTransaction

Figure 6. 3 Output of updated table Inventory

6.1.2 Purchase system
The manager has restocked the product quantity as shown below:

Figure 6. 4 User testing the purchase system

6.1.3 Product system

Insert into products values('R1100','Suit','Formal','1500','50');

Figure 6. 5 User testing the product system to add a new product automatically update table inventory

We notice here a product being added using the INSERT command in the table product. The ID
and quantity are automatically entered in the table ShopInventory acting as the inventory of the


delete from products

where prodId = 'P1245'

Figure 6. 6 User testing product system to delete an existing product automatically update table inventory

It shows that product bearing ID P1245 was deleted from the table products as well as in table
ShopInventory as per the trigger.


update products
set quantity = 25
where prodName = 'Shirt' and price = 350

Figure 6. 7 User testing product system to modify an existing product automatically update table

We see that ‘Shirt’ of price ‘350’ had ID P0012, so quantity in table products changed to 25 as per
the query but also changed the stock to 25 in table ShopInventory keeping it updated.

6.1.4 Payroll system
The manager is keeping track of the employee salaries for some days having different time ins and
time outs:

Figure 6. 8 User testing payroll system by adding different days of coming to work

Table salaryDetail is updated as follows and it showing us the different hoursWorked per day and
their daily salary (Esalary):

Figure 6. 9 updated table salaryDetail

Table Employee is update as follows, showing the salary of the latest day for each employee:

Figure 6. 10 Updated table employee showing the latest daily salary according to hoursWorked

The manager can also keep track of the total salary and the number of days present at work for
each employee:

Figure 6. 11 Output showing total salary and number of presences for a selected employee

6.1.5 Inventory system

The user only needs to run procedure and cursor CheckStockForOneProduct to check for the
availability of a product on the demand of his customers and he can run the procedure and cursor
CheckStockForAll to have an overall review about how many items he has left in his

6.2 Black box testing with the owner

Figure 6. 12 The owner was briefed about how to use the system

Figure 6. 13 The Owner using the system

Chapter 7 Summary
7.1 Brief explanation on how we tackled the process
This system is one that is for a retail shop (Saba Fashion) which is a clothing shop selling different
types of clothes, its own ordering and delivery methods as per the shop’s policy. To these facts we
had to consider the following factors that would directly affect our model choice of business and
ultimately our system:

1. The scale of the business

2. The different physical disposition of the shop (Assets...etc)
3. The financial wills and investment capabilities of the owner
4. The infrastructure that is already available for a smooth running of the system
5. The societal and economical effect it will have on the business

After taking all these elements into consideration we started building our system for the shop.

Based on an Agile methodology that promotes collaboration, we started by analyzing the different
components and tools needed to create the system in its whole. Following was the hardest part, we
had to settle on a fix and permanent method about the coding and testing process. Once this was
completed, we started coding the software and creating appropriate infrastructures (Database) that
would accompany it. After that we had to compile all the code and testing was the next step.
Following the tests, we located some logical and runtime errors which we corrected right away.

7.2 What we have done

• Considered all the aforementioned factors (which was crucial in the process of coding)
• Make throw away planification on what to do as first steps
• Planning the project in a concrete and finalized way
• Having a discussion on the distribution of tasks among the member of the group
• Start coding using SQL Server Management Studio
• Taking into consideration once more of the different factors that will affect our project
• After coding we tried to optimize our codes which would take less resources
• The testing process was successful and satisfactory
• Reviewed our codes as the planning to see if there was any inconsistency

• Finalize everything in a video conference

7.3 Additional Improvements

1. Our codes could further be optimized to take lesser resources than planned
2. We found that a wide variety of infrastructure was available which we adapted our
system to
3. We had to make room for any changes that may occur in the future in terms of storage
space whereby required
4. Planning for special events that may happen was made to adapt the system to changes
5. More flexibility was required within the system. We witness a kind of stiffness to the

7.4 Features of the working system

The system does:
1. Records new products entering the shop
2. Updates the inventory of the new product
3. If already available, only updates inventory
4. Reorders the products that has diminished, to a set level in the inventory
5. Methods used for reorder are email or telephone call

The system also:

1. Monitor the general activities of the business
2. Monitor the details of the employees
3. Have a full running payroll system
4. Make necessary arrangements for the delivery of products
5. Provide a swift and smooth user interface

Chapter 8 References
kudvenkat, 2012. DML Triggers - Part 43. [Online]
Available at: Available at: https://csharp-video-
[Accessed 7 April 2020].

kudvenkat, 2020. Part 18 – Stored Procedures. [Online]

Available at: Available at: https://csharp-video-
[Accessed 28 March 2020].

Managementstudyguide, 2020. Types of Information System - Components and classification of

Information Systems. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 11 March 2020].

Sharma, A., 2018. Tutorials Point India Private Limited. [Online]

Available at:
[Accessed 28 March 2020].

UKEssays, 2018. Three Information Systems Development Methods Information Technology

Essay.. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 15 March 2020].

Available at:
[Accessed 1 April 2020].

Chapter 9 Appendix
9.1 Meeting one
Date: 6th March 2020

Time: 9hr

Members Present:

DOMUN Raamiz - (1914169) – Group Leader

BHOLAH Sambhav – (1913983)

HOSANY Uthmaan - Muhammad – (1915052)

BISSONATH Rohan – (1914153)

• The team met to decide on the business processes that the company needed and everyone
was allocated a specific business process to work on.
• The project was planned in a way so that the team could tackle any difficulties

Proof of meeting 1:

Figure 9. 1 Proof of meeting 1

9.2 Meeting two
Date: 11th March 2020

Time: 19hrs

Members Present:

DOMUN Raamiz - (1914169) – Group Leader

BHOLAH Sambhav – (1913983)

HOSANY Uthmaan - Muhammad – (1915052)

BISSONATH Rohan – (1914153)

SOOBRON Yashveer – (1913318)

• The team was working on the Literature Review

• Each team member explained what their new system would accomplish and we decided on
with model to use to implement our system
• The meeting was set up on the online platform (Google Meet)

Proof of meeting 2:

Figure 9. 2 Proof of meeting 2

9.3 Meeting Three
Date: 07th April 2020

Time: 21hrs

Members Present:

DOMUN Raamiz - (1914169) – Group Leader

BHOLAH Sambhav – (1913983)

HOSANY Uthmaan - Muhammad – (1915052)

BISSONATH Rohan – (1914153)

SOOBRON Yashveer – (1913318)

• Checked each other’s Stored Procedure

• Everyone gave their opinion on what should be updated or not
• Assembling the Stored Procedures
• Setting up deadlines for the sample codes
• The meeting was set up on Google Meet by the group leader

Proof of meeting 3:

Figure 9. 3 Proof of meeting 3

9.4 Meeting Four
Date: 17th April 2020

Time: 20hrs

Members Present:

DOMUN Raamiz - (1914169) – Group Leader

BHOLAH Sambhav – (1913983)

HOSANY Uthmaan - Muhammad – (1915052)

BISSONATH Rohan – (1914153)

SOOBRON Yashveer – (1913318)

• Checked each other’s trigger and other sample codes

• Tested all the codes
• Gave our opinions and proper counselling
• Worked on the conclusion
• The meeting was set up on Google Meet by the group leader

Proof of meeting 4:

Figure 9. 4 Proof of meeting 4

9.5 Meeting Five
Date: 18th April

Time: 21hrs

Members Present:

DOMUN Raamiz - (1914169) – Group Leader

BHOLAH Sambhav – (1913983)

HOSANY Uthmaan - Muhammad – (1915052)

BISSONATH Rohan – (1914153)

SOOBRON Yashveer – (1913318)

• Assembling the project

• Had a final look on the report
• Designed the cover page
• The meeting was set up on Google Meet by the group leader

Proof of meeting 5:

Figure 9. 5 Proof of meeting 5

Figure 9. 6 Company Profile

Figure 9. 7 Stocks being delivered to the shopInventory


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