RTest - S 3

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Teacher’s notes
The students will discuss some different options and reach a decision together.
Prompt: Look at the diagram and read the instructions. Then discuss the questions together. Remember, you must agree
which of the things it would be best for the school to do.

Task 2
Students discuss the questions in pairs.
Prompt: Now discuss the questions in pairs.
1 Do you think that young people think about their health enough? Why? / Why not?
2 Should people who suffer injuries while doing dangerous sports have to pay for their treatment? Why? / Why not?
3 People are living much longer now. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this?
4 Should the government put a tax on unhealthy foods, to make them more expensive? Why? / Why not?

Sample answers and mark schemes

Task 1
Can express opinions as regards possible solutions, giving brief reasons and explanations.

Students A and B
A: Let’s start with this one – offering lessons on healthy living. I think this would be useful because a lot of young people
don’t really understand how to stay healthy. For example, they don’t know how much exercise they should do each week.
What do you think?
B: I agree with you. Also a lot of young people smoke, so maybe they don’t understand the dangers of doing that.
A: What about the idea of free sports clubs? I think it would be a good idea because it would encourage more students to
take up a sport. Do you agree?
B: Yes. I think it’s fun to do sports with your friends, so it would definitely help more students to join in. Also, if the clubs
are just for fun, not too serious, there wouldn’t be any pressure on students to do well, so they would learn just to enjoy
doing sport. What about the idea of first aid?
A: I guess it’s useful for everyone to learn about first aid. What do you think?
B: Well, I’m not sure how good it would be for young people. The problem with it is that if something serious happens, like
if someone has an accident, I think it’s probably best to call an ambulance, not try to give first aid yourself.
A: Yes, you’re right. In my opinion, cookery lessons would be a good idea because they would teach young people how to
make healthy meals, and it would encourage them to eat proper food rather than junk food.
B: Yes, I completely agree. I also think that serving only healthy food in the canteen would be a very good idea. A lot of
people have things like chips and fizzy drinks every day, and this will have a very bad effect on their health in the future. Do
you agree?
A: Yes, I agree. Also, a lot of young people don’t have very healthy food at home, so it would be good for them to have a
healthy meal every day. I think the school should show students that healthy food is tasty as well as good for you.
B: So, I think the best idea would be lessons on healthy living, because that includes all the other ideas.
A: I’m not so sure. The problem with that is that it’s just another lesson. Maybe sports clubs would be the best thing
because they encourage young people to be more active. Maybe the sports teachers could also talk to students about
healthy food, while they’re training.
B: Yes, you’re right. Let’s go for free sports clubs.

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The task is worth 10 marks. Award up to 2 marks for each section of the mark scheme, according to the descriptions below.

Marks Task Spoken Spoken Range Accuracy

achievement production and interaction

0-1 Completes Hesitates a lot and Does not Uses only very Lots of errors even in
some aspects of does not seem engage with basic vocabulary basic language, which
the task only. confident. Is not their partner. and grammar, impede communication.
easy to understand. with a lot of errors.

1.5 Completes all or Speaks with some Engages with Uses simple Generally accurate, but
most aspects of confidence and is their partner, vocabulary and with some errors,
the task. comprehensible. and makes an basic grammar especially in more
Some hesitation, effort to structures advanced language.
but not enough to communicate accurately. Uses
impede effectively. some more
communication. Asks for their advanced
partner’s vocabulary and
opinion and grammar
uses phrases structures with
for agreeing errors.

2 Completes all Speaks with Engages fully Uses a wide A few mistakes in more
aspects of the fluency, with very with their range of advanced language
task and adds little hesitation. Is partner, using vocabulary structures, but generally
more detail. clear and gestures and appropriately, and very accurate.
comprehensible. intonation to uses a wide range
Uses some help express of grammar
intonation to add meaning. Uses structures
emphasis. a wide range accurately and
of expressions appropriately.
to ask for their
opinion and to
agree and

Can briefly give reasons and explanations for opinions, plans and actions.

Students A and B
1 I think that some young people think about their health, and make an effort to eat healthy food and do exercise. However,
some young people aren’t concerned about their health. For example, some young people smoke, or do dangerous sports
without the proper equipment. I think maybe they don’t believe they might get injuries. There’s also a lot of pressure on
young people to eat unhealthy foods. For example, fast food restaurants are popular with young people because they’re
cheap and fashionable.
2 This is a difficult question. Of course, if someone does a dangerous sport and gets an injury, it can cost a lot to give them
treatment. Also, it might be dangerous for other people to rescue them. If people are climbing a mountain, for example, and
they fall and get a serious injury, other people have to risk their lives to rescue them. So, maybe for this reason they should

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pay. But on the other hand, even normal sports can be dangerous. For example you could fall off your bike and break your
arm or leg. So perhaps we should treat everyone the same and say that treatment should be free for everyone.
3 Well, the advantages are obviously that it’s good to enjoy life for longer. For young people, it’s good because they can
spend more time with their grandparents. In the past, people often died quite young, so young people didn’t know their
grandparents very well. On the other hand, a lot of old people don’t have a good quality of life, so then they might continue
to live but maybe they don’t enjoy their life very much.
4 This is an interesting question. On one hand if unhealthy foods cost more then maybe some people would buy them less
but, on the other hand, it would be a very unpopular decision and the government might not want to do this because it would
make them unpopular. Personally, I think it would be a good idea.

The task is worth 10 marks. Award up to 2 marks for each section of the mark scheme, according to the descriptions below.

Marks Task Spoken Spoken interaction Range Accuracy

achievement production and

0-1 Gives only short Hesitates a lot Does not really Uses only very basic Lots of errors even in
answers to the and does not engage with their vocabulary and basic language, which
questions. seem confident. partner. Doesn’t grammar, with a lot of impede communication.
Doesn’t develop Is not easy to respond to what their errors.
ideas and doesn’t understand. partner says.
express opinions.

1.5 Gives clear Speaks with Engages with their Uses simple Generally accurate, but
answers to the some partner to some vocabulary and basic with some errors,
questions, and confidence and extent. Agrees or grammar structures especially in more
develops some is disagrees, and may accurately. Uses advanced language.
ideas with comprehensible. ask for their partner’s some more advanced
examples. Gives Some hesitation, opinion. vocabulary and
opinions. but not enough grammar structures
to impede with errors.

2 Gives very full Speaks with Engages fully with Uses a wide range of A few mistakes in more
answers to the fluency, with their partner, vocabulary advanced language
questions, very little responding to what appropriately, and structures, but
developing ideas, hesitation. Is their partner says by uses a wide range of generally very accurate.
expanding clear and adding to it or grammar structures
through examples comprehensible. contradicting. Asks accurately and
and expressing a Uses some questions and asks appropriately.
range of opinions. intonation to add for their partner’s
emphasis. opinion.

© 2016 Pearson FOCUS 3 PHOTOCOPIABLE 3

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