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“Commitment to Public Interest” seems to be emanate directly from the

statement “Public Office is a Public Trust”. Since a public officer – a government
employee – is trusted by the people, it only makes sense that the government
employee is committed to the people’s interest. Admittedly, I feel like this particular
norm is difficult to uphold because government employees should be wary of the minor
benefits his office provides him. The public interest must outweigh personal interests.
So even if certain acts seem inconsequential, like using official vehicles for personal
trips or using office property for minor things, government employees are obliged to
take to heart that government property is owned by the public. These properties should
not redound to the benefit of an individual public officer. More so, for when the minor
conveniences transform to preferential treatment by reason of government affiliation
or position. As mentioned in the module, a government position is not one’s property
and you hold it in trust to serve the people.

I feel like I can show my commitment to public interest by taking it into account
with any decision I make in my life. By always questioning the purpose and motive of
my actions and the subsequent macro and micro effects of those actions. By making
a conscious choice every time I am confronted with a judgment call. By always looking
at the big picture that all these activities made inside a public office is made for the

Most importantly, this commitment can be displayed in how I make choices

even with seemingly harmless things. By not choosing convenience over the welfare
of the public. By doing what it takes to earn or maintain the trust that was given to me
by the people by way of occupying my public office.

Reviewing this portion of my submission after going through the whole training,
I have come to believe that commitment to public interest is the most important norm
since all others emanate from this. By adhering to the norms set for public employees,
commitment to public interest is further fortified. When we uphold all other norms, we
uphold the commitment to serve the public which is the most basic purpose and
simplest definition of public employment.

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