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1. Look through the text and try to find examples of the verb forms below
Regular And A Going To Past Simple The A First
Irregular Continuous Future Passive Present Conditional
Past Tense Tense Perfect
Appeared Driving Are going to Were made Have been If this kind
Recycled During Has been of
Needed Going popularity
Speed continues
Produced the trabi
Called will have
Celebrated the last
Was/were laugh.

2. Complete the text below with the correct form of the verbs.
The Model T
The American Ford automobile company exists since 1903, and is one of the biggest
car manufacturers in the world.
One of its first cars was the Model T. It built by the Ford Motor. Company from 1908
to 1927. The president of the company, Henry Ford, wanted a car that was practical
and not expensive for the American worker. The Model T cost around $300 and go up
to 70km an hour. It was one of the first cars to be produced on an assembly line. By
1930 Ford produced more than 10 million Model T cars, making it the most popular
car in the world. As newer cars came out in the 20s and 30s, people started making
jokes about the Model T . But today there been still fan clubs of the Model T, and
people still driving them at old car shows.

3. Complete the questions with the correct form of the verbs.

1. When did you get your driving licence?

 I obtained my license when I was of legal age.

2. Do you have a car? What kind?

 Yes. It is a FORD of the year 2015.

3. What was your first car?

 My first car was a TOYOTA.

4. What was the fastest ever traveling in a car?

 On a trip to the city of Chiclayo.

5. What is the furthest you ever traveled in a car?

 It was from tarapoto to Pucalpa.

6. Have you ever had an accident?

 Yes, i have.
7. If you coul have any kind of car, what you will choose?

 A Mercedes-Benz car.
8. Is the traffic bad where you live?

 Yes, there is a lot of traffic.

9. Is it difficult to find parking where you live?

 Yes, it is very hard.

10. Who is the best driver in your family?

 The best driver is my older brother.

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