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Nida Nabilla Wangi Hidayat


While I looked through the box, I noticed that these movies didn’t really interest me, but I
kept looking in hopes to find something. Then I saw, at the bottom of the box, a DVD labeled
“Colwin’s Corner”. Many memories started to come back to me. I used to watch this show as
a kid. It was about an orange puppet named Colwin, who lived in a house on the corner of a
street. He would often have his other puppet friends come over to play games and sing songs.
It was cute and innocent, and I remember really liking it as a kid. I thought this would be a
good show for my sister and I to watch.

When Kimberly got home, I told her I got a new show for us to watch. She got excited and
sat down on the couch while I put the disk in. I sat down next to her as the selection screen
popped up. The screen looked just as I remembered it. It showed Colwin and his friends in
front of the house. I chose the first episode and the theme song began. I was a little confused.
The colors were a lot darker than I remember, and the song was sung a lot slower and in a
deeper voice. I didn’t think much of it as I hadn’t seen the show in a long time and I probably
forgot some elements of it.

The show began pretty normally. Colwin was in his house and said hello to the viewers.
There was a knock on his door and he said, “I think my friends are here!” When he opened
the door, I felt my heart to my throat. Standing at the door were two tall, white puppets with
no nose or mouth, only pitch-black eyes. I was shocked because I don’t even remember these
characters on the show. Even the cover of the DVD showed two colorful, friendly puppets. I
looked over at Kimberly and she had this big smile on her face. I was confused since an
image like that would terrify a child. “I’m not sure if we should watch this anymore,” I told
her. “No, please! Keep it on!” she exclaimed. I continued watching as the giant puppets
didn’t seem to faze her.

The two large puppets came into the house. Colwin asked, “What do you guys want to do
today?” The one puppet replied with the most horrific sound I ever heard. It sounded like a
man was shouting, almost screaming in a strange language. The audio was very distorted. At
this point, I got up and ejected the disk from the VCR, much to Kimberly’s disappointment.
“Why did you stop it? Put it back on,” she said. I didn’t listen and put the DVD in a drawer.
Even though Kimberly wasn’t bothered by the show, I still thought it was too disturbing for a

I had trouble sleeping that night. I kept thinking about the video. I watched that show all the
time when I was younger, I definitely have seen every episode. I didn’t understand why I
didn’t remember an episode like this. I was still curious about the rest of the episode. I
decided to go downstairs to finish it. I took the DVD out of the drawer and put it in the VCR.
I put on headphones so the noise wouldn’t disturb my family.

The episode began the same. With the strange intro and the large puppets. After the one
puppet made the terrifying sound, Colwin replied, “You’re right, we should play a game!” He
then grabbed a knife off the counter. It cut to a live-action arm painted orange to represent
Colwin’s. The knife went up to the arm and started to cut slits, each one deeper than the last.
Colwin started to scream a bloodcurdling scream.

I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. I felt sick to my stomach. Blood gushed out of the
wounds as the screams got louder and louder.

It then cut to a live-action neck painted orange. The knife went up to the throat and cut a deep
slit in it, and blood began gushing out. It showed Colwin gasping heavily for air, before his
eyes turned completely white.

The episode ended with him falling to the ground as the two tall, white puppets looked
directly into the camera with pitch-black eyes. I was utterly terrified at this point. I
immediately ejected the DVD and threw it in the trash. I couldn’t sleep at all that night; I kept
thinking about the episode.

I got up the next morning and went downstairs to get some breakfast. I walked past
Kimberly’s room and saw that she wasn’t in there. When I got downstairs, I saw her on the
couch, finishing up the horrific episode I watched last night. I immediately grabbed the
remote and turned the TV off. “Why did you do that?” she asked.

“Where did you get the DVD?” I shouted.

“It was in the garbage” she replied. “I took it out because I wanted to finish the episode.”

“This show is very bad!” I shouted.

“No, it’s not,” she said. “They were just baking a cake.”

“What?” I said.

“The episode was about Colwin and his friends baking a cake,” she replied.

I was shocked.

“What did his friends look like?” I asked.

“One was blue and one was red,” she replied. “I really liked it. Can I watch it again?”
Reading question :

1. What was the story about?

 The writer looked for some DVDs in her/his box, no one interesting till she
found the title ‘’Colwin’s Corner’’. She used to watch it and decided to show
it to her sister because he/she taught it was great show for children. But
suddenly, the show got weird than past. Colwin’s friends were blue and red,
not too tall, white puppets with black eyes without mouth and nose.
2. When did the story happen?
 Afternoon, morning, and evening
3. Who was in the story?
 The writer/I and Kimberly
4. Where did the story happen?
 In the writer’s house.
5. What was the problem in the story?
 The problem was the story line in the DVD was different than before. When
Colwin (in the TV show) opened his door, and showed his 2 friends the writer
started scared with their abnormal apperiences. She/he decided to continue
that show in the evening when all of family were sleeping. She/he kept to
watch it and suddenly the 2 puppets (Colwin’s friends) cut Colwin arm till he
screamed too load. Finally the knife went to Colwin’ throat and cut a deep slit
in. Colwin were gasping heavily to air, before his eyes turned white.

Story elements :

1. Name of the story:

 Colwin’s Corner
2. Setting:
 At write’s house (place). Evening, morning, and afternoon (time).
3. Characters:
 Writer/I and Kimberly.
4. Plot:
 Tragedy
5. Summary this story.
 The writer looked for some CDs in her/his box, no one interesting till she
found the title ‘’Colwin’s Corner’’. She used to watch it and decided to show
it to her sister because he/she taught it was great show for children. But
suddenly, the show got weird than past. Colwin’s friends were blue and red,
not too tall, white puppets with black eyes without mouth and nose.
The show began pretty normally, but it went to weird when Colwin (in the TV
show) opened his door, and showed his 2 friends the writer started scared with
their abnormal apperiences. She/he decided to continue that show in the
evening when all of family were sleeping. She/he kept to watch it and
suddenly the 2 puppets (Colwin’s friends) cut Colwin arm till he screamed too
load. Finally the knife went to Colwin’ throat and cut a deep slit in. Colwin
were gasping heavily to air, before his eyes turned white. She/her threw the
CD to the garbage and being scared all the night.
In the morning, she/he saw Kimberly watched that show again. Evidently, she
found the CD in the garbage and took it and put in to the VCR. She/he felt it is
inappopriate to 5 years old kid to watch it. But she got goosebumps when
Kimberly said that Colwin and his friends were baking a cake instead kill

6. Theme (lesson learned).

 So, I think we have to pray to God a lot then our mind isn’t owned by Jin.
Kimberly was a kid, she is still pure and innocent so her heart still pure.
Different from the writer, he/she isn’t kid. That’s why she/he has to pray to
God a lot to againts the negative vibes.

7. Your response.
 This story is pretty good, but it going to good when the writer spill the main
characters name. Maybe the writer want the readers going to curious but it is
weird too us as a reader to dissect and learn it.

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