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Heart Failure Simulation Reflection Rubric

Exceptional (100%) Proficient (50%) No credit (0%)

CONTENT Demonstrates a thorough self-reflective analysis including a Demonstrates a reflective Does not include a summary of the simulation or
(10 points) summary of the simulation supported by specific and illustrative analysis including a summary of the simulation has insufficient details.
details. supported by
(2 points) details.

Includes details/examples of personal growth moments AND Includes details/examples personal growth moments Does not include personal growth moments or
strength/s and/or weakness/es noticed during the simulation. (2 OR strength/s and/or weakness/es noticed during the strength/s and/or weakness/es noticed during the
points) simulation. simulation.
Draws conclusions and makes
Does not make connections to future practice.
connections to future practice. (2 points)

Includes details/examples of how TWO simulation-learning Includes details/examples of how ONE simulation- Does not address the learning outcomes.
outcomes (found on your prework assignment) were met during learning outcome (found on your prework
the simulation. (4 points) assignment) was met during the simulation.
CONTENT Makes connections between the research article, the simulation Makes connections between the research article, the Does not connect content in the article to the
-RESEARCH AND nursing practice. (4 points) simulation OR nursing practice. simulation OR nursing practice.
ARTICLE Research article must be peer reviewed and within the last 5 Article is not research or is not within the last 5
(5 points) years. (1 points) years.

ORGANIZA- Length of the paper is 2.5-4 pages excluding the reference page Length of the paper is greater than 4 or less than 2.5 Length of paper less than 2 pages excluding the
TION and title page (1 point) pages but at least 2 pages excluding the reference reference page and title page
page and title page
(2 points) Presents the reflection in a well-organized manner. Presents the reflection in a poorly organized

Includes the following elements: Elements are missing that impact understanding:
Includes the following elements:
Attention-getting introduction, which includes a thesis No introduction
Introduction without a thesis statement
statement (a sentence that tells the reader what is in the paper) No transitions
Minimal transitions
Consistent transitions No conclusion
Conclusion that does not refer to the introduction
Reflective conclusion that refers to the introduction
(.75 points)
Does not include the grading rubric
Includes the grading rubric (.25 points)
APA Format 0-4 errors in: 5.8 errors in: Greater than 8 errors in:
(3 Points)  Appropriate language and word choice  Appropriate language and word choice  Appropriate language and word choice
 Misspelled words  Misspelled words  Misspelled words
 Grammar  Grammar  Grammar
 Punctuation  Punctuation  Punctuation
 Mechanics  Mechanics  Mechanics
 APA format  APA format  APA format
(each error is counted as one (each error is counted as one (each error is counted as one
even if it is the same error repeated) even if it is the same error repeated) even if it is the same error repeated)

Revised 12/12/2018 By Angie Bailey

Heart Failure Simulation Reflection Rubric

Revised 12/12/2018 By Angie Bailey

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