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An example of a BAD EMAIL:

Date: Wed, 17 Jan 2007 23:06:12 -0600 (CST)

To: Neil Hoffman <>
i missed ta class yesterday, well honestly because i was out to late and feelin’
crappy the next day did i miss anything cn i make up the quiz? -matt

An example of a GOOD EMAIL:

Date: Wed, 17 Jan 2007 23:06:12 -0600 (CST)

From: Kasey Studdard <>
To: Neil Hoffman <>
Subject: Missing TA session Thursday and Question about Talyor Series

This is Kasey Studdard from your 8:30 TA session (57410). I will be out of
town this coming Thursday and was wondering if I could take the quiz early. I
am free during your office hours on Wednesday if that is acceptable.
Also, I had a question about Taylor series. Specifically, I was doing problem 12
in Section 12.10. It asks you to compute the Taylor series for f(x)=xˆ3 where
a=-1. I did this and found that my Taylor series only had three terms, but all
of the examples I remember from class have an infinite number of terms. Did I
do something wrong?

16 Thomas Street,
September 14th, 1995.

The Personnel Manager,

Dear Sir or Madam,

 I wish to apply for the position of junior clerk which is presently vacant in your
organisation. I have enclosed copies of my résumé and references as you requested.
I am very interested in office work and I have worked on several occasions assisting
my sister-in-law with her small business. I find this type of work very enjoyable as
it provides enough variety to keep me occupied. I always seem to be discovering
new ways of doing the different tasks involved and I find this stimulating. I would
be very interested in having an interview about this position with you. I am
available for this interview at any time. I can be contacted at the above address.

Yours truely,

(signature here)

Karry Meback

Incomplete personal and business addresses, addressed to the Personnel

MANAGER, each sentence begins with 'I', no paragraphs, "yours truely"?, letter is



Tom Atkinson
14 Edith Street,
Hackney West,
Dear [NAME, ex. Tom Atkinson],

It was a pleasure to speak with you the other day. I am looking forward to meeting
with you on [DATE, ex. June 15] to discuss [SUBJECT, ex. whether outsourcing
manufacturing capacity at your firm will be will be profitable]. To confirm, we will
be meeting [LOCATION, ex. in your office, 5555 First Street, #123], at [TIME, ex.
3:00 PM]. Please contact me if I am mistaken.
Again, I thank you for your time and effort. I am certain that our meeting will prove
productive to our goals.


[YOUR NAME, ex. Tony Montana]

This is a POOR example of a marketing REPORT

Every time a business or consumer purchases products or

services they display forms of buyer behaviour that are Background to
influenced by many factors. The following report looks at the problem
fast food industry and will analyse four McDonalds’ key
products and services. It highlights what type of consumer Report’s aims
buying or business buying behaviours are displayed in the Outlines what
purchase of a product or service and explains why each information the
behaviour may occur. This enables a conclusion to be drawn report deals with
from applying theory to reality. Although a full but FAILS to
comprehension of buying behaviour is impossible, since provide a summary
everyone is an individual, it is useful to reflect on common of the results
behaviours and attempt to divide behaviours in types and gained,
stages. Even McDonalds, a leader in marketing cannot conclusions drawn
always predict consumer behaviour. and
made. These are
the functions of an
executive summary
and are absent in
this example.
The information in
this executive
summary is vague
rather than
summarising what
the report found.

This is a GOOD example of a marketing REPORT.

This report was commissioned to examine why the sales Terms of reference
volume of Choice Chocolate has dropped over the past two Statement of problem/
years since its peak in 1998 and to recommend ways of topic
increasing the volume.

The research draws attention to the fact that in 1998, the

market share of Choice Chocolate was 37%. The shares of Formal language
their key competitors such as Venus and Bradbury were 22% appropriate to report
and 18% respectively. The size of the chocolate market then writing
was $36 million. Over the next two years, although Choice
Chocolate retained its market share the volume of sales in the Key findings summarised
whole market decreased to $29 million. Further investigations
reveal that this market shrinkage coincided with an increase
in health awareness amongst consumers who regard the milk
and sugar ingredients in chocolate as negative; moreover,
since the second half of 1999, an increasing number of rival
‘health candies’ had appeared on the market. These claimed
to offer the consumers a healthy alternative. These factors
appear to be the major causes of the decreased sales volume
of Choice Chocolate.

Slim Choice is the latest chocolate range put forward by the R

& D Department of Choice Chocolate. The report evaluates
this range and concludes that it would be an ideal candidate
to meet the challenge presented by the market and could
satisfy the new consumer demand since it uses significantly
reduced milk and sugar ingredients and is endorsed by
renowned health experts. According to 97% of the 2000
subjects tested recently, it also retains the same flavour as
the original range. Problem solution
It is recommended:
that Choice Chocolate take immediate measures to launch
and promote Slim Choice alongside its existing product range;
that Slim Choice adopt a fresh and healthy image;
that part of the launch campaign contains product
endorsement statements by renowned health experts;
that Slim Choice be available in health food shops as well
as in traditional chocolate retail outlets


Dear Sir/Madam,

I hope you are well. I am recruiting selected affiliates for some of the leading online
merchants in the UK. I manage Bennetts, Home Learning College and Holland &
Barrett affiliate campaigns.


Bennetts is the UK’s number one for motorcycle insurance and insures over
180,000 bikers in the UK and Northern Ireland. Please view full details of Bennetts
affiliate campaign and current competition at You can earn up
to £20 commission per sale from Bennetts.

Home Learning College

Home Learning College is a leading independent online education provider. You can
join the campaign on Commission Junction. Home Learning College offers £8 per
successful lead.

Holland & Barrett

Holland and Barrett is the UK’s leading retailer of vitamins, minerals and herbal
supplements. The campaign is live on Commission Junction and offers attractive
5% commission on order value.

I am also in the process of launching an affiliate campaign for which

would be available on Affiliate Window from 1st June.

Please feel free to contact me by email, msn or call me directly.

Kind Regards,

The above email was impersonal and very generic. Whats worse, it was addressed
to eToys email address so none of the affiliate programs it is promoting are even
remotely targeted to the audience.


Hi Kieron,

Sorry to post through the forum, but as you are on here quite a lot I thought it
might be a good place to catch you - as im sure you probably get hundreds of e-
mails etc everyday.

I was simply wondering if you would consider promoting the HSBC credit card on
your cards site? I believe you may have featured our marbles card previously, (prior
to it closing). In the marbles days you may have been contacted by colleague Andy

The card is currently running through CJ and commissions are currently set at
£20 per accepted card - although dependant on volumes we are always open to
some negotiation on this.

I would really like to work with you, as I really rate your Blog, and it would be great
to have some top affiliates on-board who are open to a bit of innovation, and can
give us some feedback on the programme, whilst also driving some volumes.

If you are interested, please feel free to drop me a note on here, apply through CJ,
or give me a shout to discuss..

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