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Exp. (b) 48. A projectile can have the range R for

VVogt +ft two angles of projection. If t, andt2 are the
After difterentiating with respect to time, we get times of flights in the two cases, then the
Vo+gt +ft product of the two times of flights is
d proportional to AIEEE 2005, 041
d=(Vo gt + ft)dt (a) R ( b (d) R
Exp. (4)
x=Vo A projectile can have range, if angles of

projection are complementary of each other i.e.,

Since. vertical component of velocity is zero. and (90°-0) Thus, in both cases,

46. A particle is projected at 60° to the

horizontal with a kinetic energy K. The
kinetic energy at the highest point is
[AIEEE 2007]
(a) K b) zero

e ) 90-e
Exp. (o)
Kinetic energy at highest point,

KE) mv cos e The time of flights are

t,2u sine
= K cos = Klcos 60° = K/4
and t, =2U Sin(90° -0)
47. A particle located at x=0 at timet =0, starts
moving along the positive x-directionwith a 2u cos
velocity v that varies as V=avx. The 9
displacement of the particle varies with From Eqs. () and (i), we get
time as AIEEE 2006]
t,t sin e cos e
(a)2 (b) (c)/2 d) r3
Exp. (a) t t 2 sin 20 2 u2 sin 20
Given, V = #vx g

=a R U sin2e
d 9 9
dx Or
or ==adt
49. The relation between timer and distance x is
On integrating, we get t=ar +bx,wherea and bare constants. The
a dt acceleration is AIEEE 2005)
at t 0, x = 0and let at any timet, particle be (a) -2 abu? (b) 2 bu3 (c)-2av (d) 2av
at x
Exp. (o)
= at or x2- Given t a+bx
Differentiating it w.r.t. t, we get
2ax +bk
x=x orx=

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