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English Lesson Ohoud Yaser Alshamsi

Lesson (unit/page) Student teacher

MST MS Suzelle School Al Khaleef KG

Class KG 2C Date 14 October 2020

What standards or LOs were being addressed in the lesson? recognize and respond to the sound of the letter
How did you cater for learners with special needs, and for differentiation? I did a different activity that
relate each student levels, for example
 Master students: if they choose to write letter Gg they will write with worlds, if they choose to draw they
will draw and write what is the picture.

 Development students: if they choose to write letter Gg they will write two upper case and lower case, if
they choose to draw something begin with letter g they will draw a picture and write “Gg” with the picture
 Emergent students: they will only write letter G upper case, if they choose to draw they will draw only one
picture without names or letters
How did you sequence or scaffold activities so that they built gradually towards the learning objectives?

Overall aim and context of the lesson (that is, describe the lesson’s place in the unit of work. What did
students need to know before today’s LOs were addressed? What topic comes next and how did today’s
lesson prepare students for that?)

This week the unite in plants and animals so the student learned about some animal’s name for example
“giraffe, gorilla” and also about plant “gross” so they are familiar about letter Gg they saw if before, the
next step of the lesson outcome to make the student improver their learning and teach them to write some
easy words begin with letter Gg also sort out letter G upper case and letter g lower case.

Who is the lesson for? The lesson was for KG 2 student’s boys and girls
Where did the lesson take place? The lesson in online we used Microsoft team’s app
What were you aiming to achieve in your lesson? I wanted to achieve my student management skills, but I
think it’s hard kind of because its first time I teach student online so I cannot control them, I will try to do
better in my next lessons.
Also, my aim before I teach the student to make them able to write letter G upper case and g lower case
and recognize the sound of letter G.
What experiences did you provide to the students to help them to achieve your aims for them? For the
student management, I couldn’t manage them in the right way because it’s my first time to teach student
online so I tried my best and motivate them.
At the end of the lesson I achieve my aim so the student can recognize the sound of letter G and they
learned new vocabulary begin with G letter also they can differentiate between letter g upper case and
lower case, because I taught them and showed them videos about letter G and picture begin with letter g so
they can remember in better ways, also they practice writing letter Gg.
After we finished lesson I gave them a formative assessment to see if the on target or not, I let each
student o explain for the class what they did on activity time and showed us.
Were students excited, always occupied, and remained on task during the lesson? The students were very
excited because its online lesson and its new experiment for the students that way they have more fun, also
while they saw the Gg letter song they felt joy, on activity time they felt fun and excited because I let them
to choose what they want to do and the kids in this part they felt happy because they felt that they will do
whatever they wanted to, and the draw so lovely picture.
Why do you think the students responded the way that they did? They have some student naughty, but
most of the student they were responded the class because I motivate them and I told for them if you
do good in class I will make you to be my star student for this day.
How well did your teaching relate to the students’ prior understanding? This week the unite in plants and
animals so the student learned about some animal’s name for example “giraffe, gorilla” and also about
plant “gross” so they are familiar about letter Gg they saw if before, the next step of the lesson outcome to
make the student improver their learning and teach them to write some easy words begin with letter Gg
also sort out letter G upper case and letter g lower case.

Explain the nature of the experience from the students’ perspective.
Did your lesson meet your teaching goals? Use your students’ performance on the end of lesson
assessment as support (Give proof in your portfolio)

the impact of the online class for the students: I think the online class let the student more to explore the
technology and they will learn more about how to use the laptops and IPad put I think they did not  collaborate
with each other, and for KG1 it's better for them to go to school at the first year because the teacher
observe them more and teach them how to hold the pencil to write and sit with them to correct their mistakes,
but in this situation, the mothers has to observe their children more with the online class to make them better
educated, but this lesson goes well because the students are familiar with letter Gg, and I think it’s better to give
the student homework’s and let them practice learning at home because online class time is limited.

How might you enhance student learning of this lesson in the future? In next time, I will practice teach
online more because this is my first time so I felt confused, and give the student more activities to improve
their learning and I will try to let them practice their writing by giving them easy words to learn it.
What are the implications for your professional practice of helping students to enhance their learning in
this particular way? (i.e. what skill will you have to develop or learn? What professional development will
you have to undertake?)
For the student management, I couldn’t manage them in the right way because it’s my first time to teach
student online so I tried my best and motivate them. I will think about more ideas to manage the student
and make them polite to understand the lesson on better ways.

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