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20101791/BSA/4TH YR./ OLA16-MGMT205(BPS)

Chapter 1 activity
Answer the goal planning setting sheet and answer the following questions.
My plan to improve is my knowledge and skills with regards to the course I chose which is BS
Accountancy. The reason is that as being in BSA course, of course I want to be a CPA in the future and in
order to do that is to give the best out of me to the board exam or CPALE.

If my plan doesn’t work then

I will still stick to the plans and goal I had from the very beginning but of course with additional effort
and prayers to finally ace the board exam.

I’ll know my plan is working when I finally become a CPA in the future and to have the profession I have
been dreaming since then.

Why strategic planning is important?

Strategic planning is important to link your actions and steps to your goal despite of having difficulty
with the ever-changing environment. To keep track of what we had done before and analyze it to the
better outcome in the future. Strategic planning is very significant to the success of an organization since
it values not just the today’s situations and environment but also to adjust the organization in proper
manner without affecting the future goal since strategic planning involved revisiting the previous
happenings or predictions. The organization that plans and strategize the best woll of course perform
the best.

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