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Etisalat eProcurement Project

AS – IS Process Questionnaire

Author: MSAT
Date:09hJuly 2012 Page | 1
Etisalat eProcurement Project

Topic AS-IS Process Questionnaire

Date 09/08/2012

Venue Abu Dhabi

Author MSAT Project Team

Reviewed Etisalat Project Team

Delivered to Etisalat

Version History

Version No. Date Created/ Changed By Remarks

1 09/08/2012 MSAT Project Team Initial Draft

Author: MSAT
Date:30thJuly 2012 Page | 2
Etisalat eProcurement Project

Table of Contents
1. Introduction........................................................................................................................4
2. Supplier Relationship Management (SRM) Queries:.......................................................4
3. Master Data Management (MDM) Queries......................................................................6
4. Process Interface (PI) Queries...........................................................................................7
5. IT Landscape Queries........................................................................................................9
6. Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM) Queries..............................................................9
7. Spend Performance Management (SPM) Queries..........................................................10

Author: MSAT
Date:09hJuly 2012 Page | 3
Etisalat eProcurement Project

1. Introduction
This document provides a set of Process questions related to functional and technical areas of
Etisalat Procurement environment. The questions are focused on the current process and methods
followed for the operational activities.

Note: If certain questions are not applicable or not in context, kindly mark as ‘NA’.

2. Supplier Relationship Management (SRM) Queries:

Q.No Information Requested Remarks
1 Describe the current procurement landscape

1. Explain in brief all the current procurement
processes (e.g. Operational purchasing, sourcing
etc) being used.
2. Provide any AS-IS process charts (explaining the
high level process flow).
3. Mention the ERP system used for procurement

Ans. attached

2 Current business process flow for initiating a purchase

request location
Any process flow diagrams, charts?

Requestor creates a PR in procurement module – Oracle
and then the respective Hierarchy of approvals will
3 Currently are there any approvals applied for processing of
Purchase Request? (Y/N)

Ans. Y
4 What is the current process for determination of source of
supply location

Ans. It is configured in Oracle – ERP & Requestor can

specify also.
5 What is the current process for creation of quotations, 1
step or, 2 steps? Also provide the process diagram chart
you follow.

Attached Process
6 Are the different types of documents maintained for

Author: MSAT
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Etisalat eProcurement Project


If yes, please provide a sample template.

Ans. No, only one type (attached)

7 What is the approximate volume of the following
transactional documents “Average/month”?

- Purchase Requisition 600

- RFQ /Quotation 90
- Purchase Order 550
- Operational Contracts 53

8 Is the vendor data is maintained locally at OpCo level? Or it
is centralized within the group?

Ans. No
ERP Procurement Not integrated with group
9 Which departments are involved in vendor data

Financial Department – Accounts Payables as per ERP
10 Is the vendor master information is synchronized with the
group? If YES then, please explain how?
ERP Procurement Not integrated with group

11 Are all users authorized to raise a purchase request or is

there any criteria for raising a purchase request?

We have dedicated requestors from each Dept.

12 What is the set of rules followed to convert the quotation
into the Purchase Order?

Quote Anlaysis, ERP PR with Budget Approval (see attached
13 What is the set of rules followed to convert the quotation
into the Operational Contract?

Approved Evaluation Report, ERP PR with Budget Approval
(see attached process)
14 Is there any approval matrix available, governing the
approval for Quotation, Purchase Order ?

If YES, then please share the approval matrix document

Ans. We have an internal DOA

15 Currently is there any types of Auctions are being used?
Author: MSAT
Date:09hJuly 2012 Page | 5
Etisalat eProcurement Project

If YES, list the type of auctions in use

16 Please describe the current process flow for creation of

17 How frequently the business process modified/enhanced?

Ans: There is no fixed period, it is based on the Business

requirement & Mgt. directives

3. Master Data Management (MDM) Queries

NOTE: To answer all the questions below, please consult your local IT
Q.N Information Requested Remarks
1 What is the current process for Master Data
creation/modification/deletion/blocking scenarios?

Through ERP within Oracle standards

2 What is the Frequency and Specific Time of modification to
master data?

On demand
3 How many departments/systems are involved in Master
data Maintenance? What is the current process of

ERP system by responsible business Dept.

4 What are the current methods followed for data
standardizations, data validations& data assignments?

Within ERP Oracle standards

5 What is the volume/size of master data records or
transactions in different systems?

6 What are the master data hierarchies and/or taxonomies
are in use?

Within ERP Oracle standards

8 Provide the MDM database structure

Author: MSAT
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Etisalat eProcurement Project

9 Are the master data is maintained in different languages?

10 What is the current data governance /stewardship strategy
followed for Master data?

Within ERP Oracle standards

11 List all current data source types (e.g. xml, excel, flat file,
word doc) used for importing data in MDM system

Excel and TXT

12 Is there a need for additional data that does not exist in the
previously listed data sources?


If yes then, mention those

13 What are the -specific requirements that you need to for
avoiding data duplication?

Already done within ERP Oracle standards

14 How many MDM Catalog currently maintained by you and
how much records (size) does it contain?

15 Does PDF and images needs to be maintained in MDM?

16 How frequently the business process modified/enhanced?

On demand

4. Process Interface (PI) Queries

NOTE: To answer all the questions below, please consult your local IT

Q.No Information Requested Remarks

1 List down the business processes which are integrated with the group

ERP Procurement Not integrated with group, data is shared manually on

What are the different systems involved in above mentioned Integration?


Author: MSAT
Date:09hJuly 2012 Page | 7
Etisalat eProcurement Project

ERP Not integrated with group

What is the criticality of each of these processes to the business? (e.g.

Mission critical, Significant, Moderate, Low)

ERP Procurement Not integrated with group

What are the business dependencies among above mentioned processes?

ERP Procurement Not integrated with group

2 “Classified and confidential data if any, will be involved in the business

process& should be encrypted before transmission” - If this is the process
followed then please describe the means of encryption

3 Enter any additional security requirements that may be required for the
Business process. (This can include field level encryption, SSL certificates,
X.509 certificates, etc. If no requirements are added here then no additional
security measures will be implemented in PI.)
ERP Procurement Not integrated with group

4 Is there any legal requirement associated with this business process for

Needs to be checked with Legal based on the requirement

5 Will there be any message orchestration involved in the business process for
Currently ERP Procurement Not integrated with group

6 Give us the following data on the Volume of data & Scheduling Requirements

Copy the following table for each Interface involved in the Process for
Execution Frequency How often is the interface executed, e.g. once a day
Execution Schedule When is the interface executed, e.g. during business hours
ExecutionPeak When is the peak value as defined below to be expected
Average # of Messages Usual number of messages per execution interval
Average # of Items Usual number of objects in a message, e.g. how many items in
per Message a batch message
Average Message Size Average size of a message in KB
Maximum # of Peak value
Maximum # of Items Peak value
per Message
Maximum Message Maximum size of a message in KB
ERP Procurement Not integrated with group

ERP Procurement Not integrated with group

7 What would be the speed of the data transfer involved in case of integrated
processes with group?
a. Near immediate transfer
Author: MSAT
Date:30thJuly 2012 Page | 8
Etisalat eProcurement Project

b. Fast but not near Immediate transfer

c. Medium time critical transfer
d. Low time critical transfer

ERP Procurement Not integrated with group

8 What are the various communication mode involved in the Interfaces in case
of integrated processes with group? (Synchronous, Asynchronous)

ERP Procurement Not integrated with group

9 What are the available protocols with the below ERP systems?

a. SAP (Enterprise services would be our recommended approach)

b. Oracle (JDBC would be one of the options we have)
c. Great Plains
d. Sun Account
e. Sage

10 Are there any test systems for SAP and non-SAP ERP systems which can be
used for the Integration connectivity testing? If yes give us the environment

Yes Oracle ERP

5. IT Landscape Queries
Q.N Information Requested Remarks
1 What are the Current System Landscape Details/Diagrams
for ERP-Procurement?

2 What is the current backup process and where does it

3 Are there any data privacy/security constraints?

Ans: by responsibility
4 What are the User Interfaces currently available in ERP or,
Procurement system??

Ans: User can see and update only his PR,PO and get
notifications after approving
5 Please provide the version of following softwares,

a. Operating system,
b. ERP applications,
c. Database,
d. Middleware
e. Any other 3rd party system

Author: MSAT
Date:09hJuly 2012 Page | 9
Etisalat eProcurement Project

1) Operating System – AIX 6.1
2) Application Version – Oracle R12.1.3
3) Database -

6. Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM) Queries

Q.N Information Requested Remarks
1 Is there any CLM application currently available in your
organization procurement division?

If yes, please mention the name of application currently in


Is that application integrated with Group procurement


Is there any plan for migrating legacy contract to SAP CLM


Ans: Not used

2 Briefly describe the current Contract Management process.

Provide process charts if available.

Ans: attached
3 What is the approximate number of Master service
agreement and contract document type currently created?

4 What are the middle ware (software used for interfaces)
applications currently available?

5 Is the relevant master data (like material code, vendor, plant,
purchasing group, and purchasing organization) available in
a single ERP system or it is available across multiple ERP

6 How frequently the business process modified/enhanced?

Ans: on demand

7. Spend Performance Management (SPM) Queries

NOTE: To answer all the questions below, please consult your local IT
Q.N Information Requested Remarks
1 Apart from existing ERPs, are there any 3 rd party source
systems involved in procurement process?

Author: MSAT
Date:30thJuly 2012 Page | 10
Etisalat eProcurement Project

Ans: No
2 Are you following any data classification or data cleansing
exercise at the time of extracting data from your existing

Ans: Yes using Discoverer

3 What is the current reporting Currency?

Is there any currency conversion happening in your system


Ans: Default Currency SAR and there are many currencies

with conversion
4 Is there quantity conversion involved?

Ans: Yes
5 What is the current data volume of data (related to
procurement process) used for processing the spend
analysis? (e.g. 1 or 2 years)

Ans: NA
6 How many users would be accessing the SPM application?

Ans: 12
7 What is the number of taxonomies that are currently in use?
(Please mention the detail, like UNSPSC, eClass, Custom etc.
- Common finding is 1 or 2)

8 What is the annual transaction volume at present? (Please
specify splits by PO, Contract &Invoice line item details)

9 What is the number of Suppliers?

Ans: 11821 approx

10 How many years of data should we retain before it can be

11 In how many languages the transactional data / master data
exchanged? (Please name all the languages; e.g. English,
Arabic etc.)

Ans:English, Arabic
12 What is the current primary focus of your Spend Analysis –
1. Buying Organizations?
2. Vendor Spend?
3. Category Spend?
4. Specific %age of spend reduction ?
Author: MSAT
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Etisalat eProcurement Project

5. Any other driving factor?

Ans: 2, 3 & 4

Author: MSAT
Date:30thJuly 2012 Page | 12

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