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Constructional Project


Fig.1: block diagram of the Digital Capacitor R1
+Vt +
Leakage Meter. It consists of two sections, a TEST SELECTABLE + – DIGITAL VOLTMETER
selectable DC voltage source based on IC1 and DC VOLTAGE R2 READING CURRENT
a digital current meter (it’s actually a voltmeter (S2)
TEST (0-10mA/ 0-100 A)
set up to read current), based on IC2, IC3 and TERMINALS
the LCD module. (IC1) (IC2, IC3, LCD MODULE)

using. Built into a compact plastic switching the value of shunt resis- switching diode D3. Transformer T1
box, it’s battery powered (6 × 1.5V tor R2. When TEST button S2 is first is based on a ferrite pot core and has
AA alkaline cells) and therefore fully pressed, the voltmeter switches the 15 turns on its primary and 45 turns
portable. This makes it suitable not value of R2 to 100, to provide a 0 to on its secondary, effectively giving a
only for the workbench, but also for 10mA range for the capacitor’s charg- three-times boost to the input voltage.
the service technician’s toolbag. ing phase. Only when (and if) the However, we set the circuit’s actual
The meter has a simple presenta- measured current level falls below DC output voltage by varying the ratio
tion in its plastic case. The lid carries 100A does it switch the value of of the voltage divider in the converter’s
the 2-line × 16-character backlit LCD R2 to 10k, to provide a 0 to 100A feedback loop, connecting from the
module, as well as the test terminals, range for more accurate measurement cathode (K) of D3 back to IC1’s pin 5.
power and test switches, and also the of leakage current. Here the feedback voltage is compared
7-position rotary selector switch. with an internal 1.25V reference.
Circuit description A 270k resistor forms the top arm of
How it works Now have a look at Fig.2, the full cir- the feedback divider, while the 36k and
The Capacitor Leakage Meter’s opera- cuit diagram of the Digital Capacitor 2.4k resistors from IC1 pin 5 to ground
tion is quite straightforward, as you can Leakage Meter. form the fixed component of the lower
see from the block diagram of Fig.1 The selectable DC voltage source is arm. These give an initial division ratio of
above. There are two circuit sections, based around IC1, an MC34063 DC/DC 308.4k/38.4k or 8.031:1, to produce a
one is a selectable DC voltage source, controller IC. It is used in a step-up or regulated output voltage of 10.04V.
which generates preset test voltages ‘boost’ configuration in conjunction This is the converter’s output voltage
when the TEST button is pressed. with autotransformer T1 and fast when switch S1 is in the 10V position.
The other circuit section is a digital
voltmeter, which is used to measure CAPACITOR LEAKAGE CURRENT GUIDE
any direct current passed by the ‘ca- TYPE OF Maximum leakage current in microamps A) at rated working voltage
pacitor under test’. We use a voltmeter CAPACITOR 10V 16V 25V 35V 50V 63V 100V
to make the measurement because any Ceramic,
current passed by the capacitor flows Polystyrene,
via resistor R2. The voltmeter meas- LEAKAGE SHOULD BE ZERO FOR
Film (MKT,
ures the voltage drop across R2 and Greencap
etc.), Paper,
is arranged to read directly in terms Mica
of current. Solid
So that’s the basic arrangement. The Tantalum* 1.0 1.5 2.5 3.0 3.5 5.0 7.5
reason for resistor R1 being in series < 4.7 F
with the output from the test voltage 6.8 F 1.5 2.0 3.0 4.0 6.5 7.0 9.0
source is to limit the maximum cur-
rent that can be drawn, in any cir- 47 F 10 10 15 16 17 19 24

cumstances. This prevents damage to Standard

either the voltage source or the digital Aluminium
5.0 5.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 10 17
voltmeter sections in the event of the
<3.3 F
capacitor under test having an internal
4.7 F 5.0 6.0 8.0 12 15 23
short circuit. It also protects R2 and the
digital voltmeter section from overload 10 F 8.0 13 18 25 35 50
when a capacitor (especially one of
15 F 8.0 11 19 25 38 100 230
high value) is initially charging up to
one of the higher test voltages. 100 F 50 230 300 330 420 500 600
Resistor R1 has a value of 10k,
150 F 230 280 370 430 520 600 730
which was chosen to limit the maxi-
mum charging and/or short circuit 680 F 500 600 780 950 1100 1300 1560
current to 9.9mA, even on the highest
1000 F 600 730 950 1130 1340 1500 1900
test voltage range (100V).
The digital voltmeter is configured 4700 F 1300 1590 2060 2450 2900 3300 4110
as an auto-ranging current meter, * Figures for Solid Tantalum capacitors are after a charging period of one minute.
with two current ranges selected by # Figures for Aluminium Electrolytics are after a charging/reforming period of three minutes.

Everyday Practical Electronics, November 2011 11

Capacitor Leakage Dec09 (FROM MATT).indd 11 27/09/2011 12:59:06

POWER D4 1N4004 POWER D4 1N4004
REG1 7805 REG1 7805
.0V A K A K +5.0V +5.0V
S3 S3
2.2k 100nF GND + GND 2.2k 2.2k
470F 100nF 100nF 100nF 220 F 220 F
3.3k 10k 10k 3.3k 3.3k
(6xAA ALKALINE) 4 (6xAA ALKALINE) 14 4 14 4

Capacitor Leakage Dec09 (FROM MATT).indd 12

+3.2V 2.2k 2.2k
Vref+ B B 18 2 18 +3.2V 2 +3.2V
RA1S2 S2 +10V OR +16V OR +10V OR +16V OR RA1 Vref+ RA1 Vref+
17 T1 D3 UF4003 T1 +25VD3ORUF4003
+35V OR +25V OR +35V OR 17 17
RA0 C Q1 C Q1 RA0 RA0
16 1 1 A
5.6k K +50V ORA +63V ORK +100V +50V OR +63V OR +100V
BC327 BC327 16 16 5.6k 5.6k
2.2 F 2.2 F +5.0V +5.0V
13 6 7 15T 6
45T 7 15T 45T
250V 250V 13 13
RB7 Vcc Ips Vcc Ips RB7 RB7
8 270 8 10k 10k TPG 270 TPG 270
12 DrC DrC270k MET. LCD 270k MET. 12 12
MC34063 5
+1.25V 5 +1.25V
Cin- Cin- 10k 10k 10k
22 + +
GND SwE GND SwE 22 22
820pF 820pF TEST 100nFTEST 100nF
4 2 3.6k
4 2 36k 3.6k 36k
Constructional Project


150 TPG 150 TPG – –
PIC16F88 2 2.4k 15 3 2.4k PIC16F88 PIC16F88 2 15 32 15 3
1k 8 1k 8
1 1 11 4 1 1 1 11 14 11 4
AN2 RB5 RS 100 F F
100 IC2a AN2 IC2a RB5 AN2
2.4k 2.4k 16V LL 2
16V LL 2
100 100
3.6k 16 x 2 LCD MODULE
6 10
16 x 210LCD MODULE
RB4 EN 6 6
200 200 A = 3.10 A = 3.10 RB4 EN RB4 EN
1,14 6 D1 1,14 6 D1
 100V D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 GND
D7 D6100V R/W B-L K 180 D7 D6
D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 GNDD5 D4
D3 D2B-LD1
K K180
14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 1 5 16 A A 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 714 131 12 115 10 9 168 7 1 5 16
SET 63V SET 63V 1M 10k 1M
9 10k D2 D2 9 9
TEST RB3 TEST 2.0k 2.0k RB3 RB3
8k VOLTS 50V 8 VOLTS 50V A A 1.8k 1.8k 8 8
S1 S1 7,8 2 7,8 2 7 7
35V 7
RB1 35V RB1
5.1k 5.1k IC2: LM358 IC2: LM358 RB1
25V6 25V 6 6
2.2k 2.2k
5 5
7 3 16V 15 16V 7 3 7 15 3 15
RA4 10V CLKo 10V
TP2 (2.0MHz) IC2b RA4 IC2b CLKo CLKo
RA4TP2 (2.0MHz) TP2 (2.0MHz)
8.2k 1k 8.2k 6 6
/10mA S-4100A OR
Vss 2.7k 2.7k Vss
5 33k 270 33k 270 5 5

7805 7805 7805

BC327 BC327 BC327
48 GND D1-D2: 1N4148 GND GND
1N4004, UF4003 B D1-D2: 1N4004,
1N4148 UF4003 1N4004,
B UF4003 B


Fig.2: the circuit diagram of the capacitor leakage meter. Some of the resistors, especially
in the string attached to S1, are not values you see every day – but it’s important that
the correct resistors are used to achieve the correct voltage steps.

Everyday Practical Electronics, November 2011

27/09/2011 12:59:17
Constructional Project

Parts List – Digital Capacitor Leakage Meter S2 is pressed, and remains there as
long as it is held down.
1 PC board, code 826, available from the EPE PCB Service, When S2 is released, the 2.7k
size 127mm × 84mm resistor pulls the voltage at pin 5
1 Plastic box, 157mm × 95mm × 53mm (UB1 size) of IC2b down to 0V, causing the
2 Binding post/banana jacks (1 red, 1 black) voltage at pin 3 of IC3 to fall to the
1 16×2 LCD module, compact with LED backlighting same level. So IC3 can sense when
1 Mini DIL reed relay, SPST with 5V coil a test begins and also when it ends,
1 Single-pole rotary switch, PC board mounting (S1) because of the logic level at its RA4
1 Instrument knob, 16mm diameter with grub screw fixing input.
1 SPST pushbutton switch, push-to-make (S2) As part of its internal firmware
1 SPDT mini toggle switch (S3) program, IC3 ensures that relay RLY1
1 Ferrite pot core pair, 26mm OD (T1) is always energised to short out the
1 Bobbin to suit pot core 1M and 10k current-sensing resis-
1 10× AA battery holder (flat) or tors at the start of a new test, to allow
1 4 × AA battery holder, flat and for the capacitor’s charging current.
1 2 × AA battery holder, side-by-side (see text) It does this by pulling its output
1 3m length of 0.5mm diameter enamelled copper wire pin 18 (RA1) down to the logic low
2 12mm-long M3 tapped nylon spacers level (0V), which turns on transistor
4 25mm-long M3 tapped spacers Q1 and supplies current to the coil
1 25mm-long M3 nylon screw with nut and flat washer of RLY1.
9 6mm-long M3 machine screws, pan head Once the capacitor’s current falls
4 6mm-long M3 machine screws, csk head below 100A, IC3 pulls its pin 18 high,
1 M3 nut turning off Q1 and the reed relay. This
1 16-pin length of SIL socket strip removes the short circuit across the
1 16-pin length of SIL pin strip 1M and 10k resistors, changing the
1 18-pin IC socket effective current shunt resistance to
2 8-pin IC sockets 10k, and hence switching the meter
8 1mm-diameter PC board terminal pins down to its more sensitive range.
1 0.5m length 0.7mm tinned copper wire (for mounting switches etc)
Semiconductors Protection diodes
1 MC34063 DC/DC converter controller (IC1) Diode D1 is included in the meter-
1 LM358 dual op amp (IC2) ing circuit to protect pin 3 of IC2a
1 PIC16F88 programmed microcontroller (IC3) from damage due to accidental ap-
1 7805 +5V regulator (REG1) plication of a negative voltage to
1 BC327 PNP transistor (Q1) the negative test terminal (from a
2 1N4148 100mA signal diodes (D1,D2) previously charged capacitor, for
1 UF4003 ultrafast 200V/1A diode (D3) example).
1 1N4004 400V/1A diode (D4) Diode D2 is there to protect transis-
Reproduced by arrangement tor Q1 from damage due to any back
Capacitors with SILICON CHIP
EMF ‘spike’ from the coil of RLY1
magazine 2011.
1 470F 16V radial electrolytic when it is de-energised.
1 220F 10V radial electrolytic Trimpot VR1 adjusts the contrast of
1 100uF 16V LL (low leakage) electrolytic the LCD module for optimum visibil-
1 2.2F 250V metallised polyester ity. The 22 resistor connected from
2 100nF multilayer monolithic ceramic the +5V supply rail to pin 15 of the
1 820pF disc ceramic LCD module provides the module’s
Resistors (0.25W 1% metal film unless specified) LED backlighting current. The resis-
1  1M 1  270k 1  36k 1  33k 3  10k 1  8.2k 1  5.6k tor’s value of 22 is a compromise
1  5.1k 2  3.6k 1  3.3k 1  2.7k 2  2.4k 3  2.2k 1  2.0k between maximising display bright-
1  1.8k 2  1k 2  270 1  200 1  180 1  150 1  100 ness and keeping battery drain to no
1  22 0.5W carbon higher than is necessary, to promote
1  1.0 0.5W carbon battery life.
1  10k mini horizontal trimpot (VR1) As you can see, although the voltage
source section of the circuit operates
IC3 can sense when the testing of a inverting input (pin 5) of op amp IC2b, directly from the 9V battery (via polar-
capacitor begins because it monitors via a resistive divider formed by the ity protection diode D4 and switch S2),
the supply voltage fed to IC1, when test 2.2k and 2.7k resistors. Since IC2b the rest of the circuit operates from a
switch S2 is pressed. This is because is connected as a unity-gain voltage regulated 5V rail, which is derived
the supply voltage (about 8.4V) fed follower, a logic ‘high’ is fed to pin 3 of from the battery via REG1, a 7805
to pin 6 of IC1 is also fed to the non- IC3 (the RA4 input) as soon as switch 3-terminal regulator.

14 Everyday Practical Electronics, November 2011

Capacitor Leakage Dec09 (FROM MATT).indd 14 27/09/2011 12:59:39

Constructional Project

Winding the transformer

The step-up autotransformer (T1) has 60 turns of wire in all, wound
in four 15-turn layers. As shown in the coil assembly diagram UPPER SECTION
(Fig.4, right), all four layers are wound on a small nylon bobbin OF FERRITE
using 0.5mm-diameter enamelled copper wire. Use this diagram POT CORE

to help you wind the transformer correctly.

Here’s the procedure: first you wind on 15 turns, which will
neatly take up the width of the bobbin providing you wind them WINDING
closely and evenly. Then to hold it down, cover this first layer (4 x 15T OF 0.5mm DIA
with a 9mm-wide strip of plastic insulating tape or ‘gaffer’ tape. WIRE, WITH TAP AT END
Next take the wire at the end of this first layer outside of the OF FIRST LAYER &
bobbin (via one of the ‘slots’), and bend it around by 180° at a INSULATING TAPE
point about 50mm from the end of the last turn. This doubled-up
lead will be the transformer’s ‘tap’ connection. FINISH
The remaining wire can then be used to wind the three further
15-turn layers, making sure that you wind them in the same direc-
tion as you wound the first layer. Each of these three further layers
should be covered with another 9mm-wide strip of plastic insulating
'GAP' WASHER OF 0.06mm
tape just as you did with the first layer, so that when all four layers PLASTIC FILM
have been wound and covered everything will be nicely held in place.
The ‘finish’ end of the wire can then be brought out of the
bobbin via one of the slots (on the same side as the start and LOWER SECTION
tap leads). Your wound transformer bobbin should fit inside the OF FERRITE
two halves of the ferrite pot core. POT CORE

Just before you fit the bobbin inside the bottom half of the pot
core, you need to prepare a small plastic washer. This washer
provides a thin magnetic ‘gap’ in the pot core when it’s assem-
bled, to prevent the pot core from saturating when it’s operating. PC BOARD USING 25mm x M3 NYLON SCREW & NUT)
The washer is very easy to cut from a piece of the thin clear
plastic that’s used for packaging electronic components, like Fig.4. Ferrite pot core assembly details
resistors and capacitors. This plastic is very close to 0.06mm
thick, which is just what we need here. So the idea is to punch a the ‘leads’ towards the right, using the bottom end of the centre
3 to 4mm diameter hole in a piece of this plastic using a leather nylon screw to locate it in the correct position.
punch or similar, and then use a small pair of scissors to cut When you are aware that the end of the screw has passed through
around the hole in a circle, with a diameter of 10mm. Your ‘gap’ the hole in the PC board, keep holding it all together but up-end
washer will then be ready to place inside the lower half of the everything so you can apply the second M3 nylon flat washer and
pot core, over the centre hole. M3 nut to the end of the screw, tightening the nut so that the pot core
Once the gap washer is in position, lower the wound bobbin into is not only held together but also secured to the top of the PC board.
the pot core, and then fit the top half of the pot core. The transformer Once this has been done, all that remains as far as the trans-
is now ready for mounting on the main PC board. To begin this step, former is concerned is to cut the start, tap and finish leads to a
place a nylon flat washer on the 25mm-long M3 nylon screw that suitable length, scrape the enamel off their ends so they can be
will be used to hold it down on the board. Then pass the screw down tinned, and then pass the ends down through their matching holes
through the centre hole in the pot core halves, holding them (and in the board so they can be soldered to the appropriate pads.
the bobbin and gap washer inside) together with your fingers. Then Don’t forget to scrape, tin and solder both wires which form the ‘tap’
lower the complete assembly down in the centre of the board with lead – if this isn’t done, the transformer won’t produce any output.

The only other point which should Construction The main board is suspended from the
be mentioned is that the PIC16F88 mi- Virtually all of the circuitry and com- lid of the box (which becomes the instru-
cro (IC3) operates from its internal RC ponents used in the Capacitor Leakage ment’s front panel) via four 25mm-long
clock, at close to 8MHz. A clock signal Meter are mounted on a single PC M3 tapped spacers. The LCD module
of one quarter this frequency (2MHz) board measuring 127mm × 84mm. mounts at the top end of the main board
is made available at pin 15 of IC3 and This board is available from the EPE on two 12mm long M3 tapped nylon
then at test point TP2, to allow you to PCB Service, code 826. spacers. The DC/DC converter’s pot core
check that IC3 is operating correctly. The board is supported behind the transformer (T1) mounts on the main
lid of the plastic box (size UB1: 157mm board near the centre, using a 25mm-
Software × 95mm × 53mm) which houses the long M3 nylon screw and nut. Voltage
The software program files for the meter. The six 1.5V AA alkaline cells selector switch S1 also mounts directly
Digital Capacitor Leakage Meter will used to provide power are mounted in on the board, just below T1.
be available from the EPE website at: one or two battery holders inside the The only components not mounted main part of the box. directly on the main board are power

Everyday Practical Electronics, November 2011 15

Capacitor Leakage Dec09 (FROM MATT).indd 15 27/09/2011 12:59:51

Constructional Project

Voltage range switch

You can now fit voltage selector switch
S1, which has its indexing spigot at
3 o’clock. Just before you fit it, you 20
should cut its spindle to a length of A A
about 12mm and file off any burrs, so
it is ready to accept the knob later on.
After S1 has been fitted to the board, 14
B LCD CUTOUT 53 x 17mm 17
remove its nut/lockwasher/position
stopwasher combination, and turn the
spindle by hand to make sure its at the 3mm DIAM,
fully anticlockwise limit. Then refit the 36.5 CSK
position stopwasher, making sure that
its stop pin goes down into the hole 3.5mm DIA
between the moulded ‘7’ and ‘8’ digits.
After this, refit the lockwasher and HOLES C:
nut to hold it down securely, allowing 9.0mm DIA
you to check that the switch is now HOLES D:
‘programmed’ for the correct seven 7.0mm DIA
positions –- simply by clicking it
through them by hand. 19 12mm DIA

Final components
When the transformer has been wound
and fitted to the board, you’ll be ready
to fit diodes D1 to D4. These are all
polarised, so make sure you orientate 28.5
each one correctly, as shown in Fig.3. 28 28
Also ensure that the UF4003 diode is E
used for D3, the 1N4004 diode for D4
and the two 1N4148 signal diodes for
D1 and D2.
After the diodes, fit transistor Q1, 22
a BC327 PNP device. Then fit REG1,
which is in a TO-220 package and lies A
39 39
flat on the top of the board with its lead
bent down by 90° at a point about 6mm
away from the body. The device is held
in position on the board using a 6mm-
long M3 machine screw and nut, which
must be tightened before the leads are
soldered to the pads underneath. CL ALL DIMENSIONS IN MILLIMETRES
The final component to be mounted Fig.6: drilling and cutout detail for the lid of the UB1-size plastic box, from which
directly on the board is the 16-way hangs the PC board containing everything but the battery holder.
length of SIL (single in-line) socket
strip used for the ‘socket’ for the LCD uppermost to mate with the holes in screws are tightened (but not over
module connections. Once this has the module. tightened) the module should be
been fitted and its pins soldered to securely mounted in position.
the pads underneath, you’ll be almost LCD module mounting The final step is to use a fine-tipped
ready to mount the LCD module itself. Now remove the LCD module from soldering iron to carefully solder each
All that will remain before this can its protective bag, taking care to hold of the 16 pins of the pin strip to the
be done is to fasten two 12mm long it between the two ends so you don’t pads on the module, to complete its
M3 tapped nylon spacers to the board touch the board copper. Then lower it interconnections.
in the module mounting positions carefully onto the main board so that After this is done, you can plug the
(one at each end) using a 6mm M3 the holes along its lower front edge three ICs into their respective sock-
screw passing up through the board mate with the pins of the pin strip, ets, making sure to orient them all as
from underneath, and then ‘plugging’ allowing the module to rest on the tops shown in Fig.3.
a 16-way length of SIL pin strip into of the two 12mm-long nylon spacers. At this stage, your PC board assem-
the socket strip you have just fitted to Now fit another 6mm M3 screw to bly should be nearly complete. All
the board. Make sure the longer ends each end of the module, passing down that remains is to attach one of the
of the pin strip pins are mating with through the slots in the module and 25mm-long mounting spacers to the
the socket, leaving the shorter ends mating with the spacers. When the top of the board in each corner, using

Everyday Practical Electronics, November 2011 17

Capacitor Leakage Dec09 (FROM MATT).indd 17 27/09/2011 13:00:18

Constructional Project

6mm-long M3 screws. Then the board You might also like to attach a 60mm × rear of the binding posts. These wires
assembly can be placed aside while 30mm rectangle of 1 to 2mm-thick clear should all be about 30mm long and
you prepare the case and its lid. plastic behind the LCD viewing window, cut from tinned copper wire (about
to protect the LCD from dirt and physical 0.7mm diameter).
damage. The ‘window pane’ can be at-
Preparing the case
tached to the rear of the lid using either Battery holder(s)
As the circuit requires 9V DC (and
adhesive tape or epoxy cement. The next step is to mount the bat-
because a 9V DC battery won’t last
Once your lid/front panel is finished, tery holder(s) in the main part of the
very long) we require six AA cells.
you can mount switches S2 and S3 on case, preferably using double-sided
Unfortunately, we couldn’t find any
it using the nuts and washers supplied adhesive foam or hot-melt glue, as
6xAA flat battery holders – they’re
with them. These can be followed by mentioned earlier. At a pinch, you
only available in 1, 2, 4 and 10 cells.
the binding posts used as the meter’s could even hold them in place with a
You have a choice here – fit a 4-cell
test terminals. Tighten the binding post strip of ‘gaffer’ tape.
and a 2-cell holder and connect them
mounting nuts quite firmly, to make If you opt for two battery holders,
in series, or cut down a 10-cell to ac-
sure that they won’t work loose with solder the bared end of the red wire
commodate six cells. We tried both,
use. Then use each post’s second nut from one battery clip lead to the black
but chose the latter because arguably
to attach a 4mm solder lug to each, wire from the other clip lead, and care-
it looks neater.
together with a 4mm lockwasher to fully wrap this joint with insulating
If you cut down a 10-cell holder,
make sure they don’t work loose either. tape (or heatshrink sleeving) so that
you’ll need to solder the negative wire
Now you can turn the lid assembly it can’t accidentally come into contact
to the spring connecting the last cell
over, and solder ‘extension wires’ to with anything.
and almost certainly, glue the spring
the connection lugs of the two switch- Then solder the remaining wire
in place. We used hot-melt glue for
es, and also the solder lugs fitted to the of each clip lead to its appropriate
this – just make sure you don’t get
any glue on the end of the spring itself
and inadvertently insulate it! Hot-melt
glue can also be used to secure the
wires to the edge of the battery case.
There are no holes to be drilled in
the lower part of the case, because the
battery holder(s) can be held securely
in place using strips of double-sided
adhesive foam tape or hot-melt glue.
But the lid does need to have some
holes drilled, plus a rectangular cutout
near the upper end for viewing the LCD.
The location and dimensions of all
these holes are shown in Fig.6, which
can also be used (or a photocopy of it)
as a drilling template. The 12mm hole
(E) for S2 and the 9mm holes (C) for
the test terminals are easily made by
drilling them first with a 7mm twist
drill, and then enlarging them to size
carefully using a tapered reamer.
The easiest way to make the rectan-
gular LCD viewing window is to drill
a series of closely-spaced 3mm holes
just inside the hole outline, and then
cut between the holes using a sharp
chisel or hobby knife. Then the sides
of the hole can be smoothed using
small needle files.
We have prepared artwork for the
front panel if you would like to make it
5378 2011-10-18 23:01:04

look neat and professional. This can be

photocopied from the magazine (Fig.7). Inside the box, just before the lid is screwed on. We elected to use a ‘cut down’
The resulting copy can be attached to 10×AA battery holder to make a six-cell holder. Ideally, it should be cut slightly
the front of the lid and then covered longer so that the last spring is still held in position. We used hot-melt glue to hold
with self-adhesive clear film for protec- this spring in place and secure the wires to the battery case. The 100F capacitor
tion. An alternative is to laminate the from the negative terminal to earth on the underside of the PCB (a late addition
label using a heat laminator. to ensure accuracy) is not shown in this photo.

18 Everyday Practical Electronics, November 2011

Capacitor Leakage Dec09 (FROM MATT).indd 18 27/09/2011 13:00:27

Constructional Project

– from the LCD module’s backlight-

ing. You should also be able to see
the meter’s initial greeting ‘screen’,
quickly followed by an ‘operational
Fig.7: this front screen’ – see display grab images be-
LCD panel artwork is
CONTRAST low. If not, you’ll need to use a small
full size, so it can
be photocopied screwdriver to adjust contrast trimpot

SILICON (you won’t

be breaching
VR1, through the small hole just to the
left of the LCD window, until you get a

CHIP copyright!) and

printed out in
glorious living
clear and easily visible display.
After a few seconds, the display
should change to the meter’s measure-
colour. We’d ment direction ‘screen’, where it tells
+ cover it to protect
the surface, either
you to set the appropriate test voltage
(using S1) and then press the button
with self-adhesive
CAPACITOR clear film or
with a heatset
(S2) to make the test.
If you set the voltage and press the
laminator (the
latter is tougher).
button at this stage, without any ca-
pacitor connected to the test terminals,
METER If you choose
lamination, you
you’ll get a leakage current reading of
‘00.00A’. This reading will remain on
should consider the display when you release the button,
25 50 removing the and it will stay on the display until you
LCD cutout first, either turn off the meter’s power using
16 63 thus providing a S3, or else connect a capacitor to the test
clear ‘window’
10 100 terminals and press the test button again.
protecting the
LCD. Assuming all has gone well at this
point, your meter is probably work-
ing correctly. However, if you want
to make sure, try shorting between
VOLTAGE the two test terminals using a short
length of hookup wire. Then set S1
to the ‘100V’ position, and press Test
button S2. The meter reading should
terminal pin at bottom left of the PC Now it is just a matter of turning the
change to a value of around 9.9mA,
board, directly below the position complete assembly over and soldering
representing the current drawn from
for power switch S3. The red wire each of the switch and terminal exten-
the nominal 100V source by the 10k
should go to the positive terminal sion wires to their board pads. Once
current-limiting resistor and the 100
pin, of course, and the black wire to they are all soldered, you can clip off
current shunt resistor inside the meter.
the negative pin. The alternative cut- the excess wires with sidecutters.
Don’t worry if the current reading is
down 10-cell holder simply solders By the way, if you find this de-
a bit above or below the 9.9mA figure,
to the supply pins on the PC board. scription a bit confusing, refer to the
by the way. As long as it’s between
You should now be ready for the assembly diagram in Fig.5. This will
about 9.2mA and 10.6mA (ie, ±0.7mA
only slightly fiddly part of the as- make everything clear.
or ±7%), things are OK.
sembly operation: attaching the PC You can now fit six AA-size alkaline
With the terminals still shorted to-
board assembly to the rear of the lid/ cells into the battery holder(s) and
gether, you can try repeating the same
front panel. your new Capacitor Leakage Meter
test for each of the other six test voltage
This is only fiddly because you have should be ready for its initial checkout.
ranges of switch S1. You should get a
to line up all of the extension wires
Initial checkout reading of approximately 6.25mA on the
from switches S2 and S3 and the two
When you first switch on the power 63V range, 4.95mA on the 50V range,
test terminals with their matching holes
using S3, a reassuring glow should 3.46mA on the 35V range, 2.48mA on
in the PC board, as you bring the lid
appear in the LCD display window the 25V range, 1.58mA on the 16V range
and board together and also line up the
and 99A on the 10V range.
spindle of switch S1 with its matching
hole in the front panel.
This is actually easier to do than
you’d expect though, so just take your
time and the lid will soon be resting on
the tops of the board mounting spacers. When you first turn the unit on, a
Then you can secure the two together welcome screen should greet you before ...where upon, the leakage current is
using four 6mm-long countersink head it immediately switches over to the displayed. Either this is an outstanding
machine screws. operational screen, telling you what to do... capacitor or none is connected!

Everyday Practical Electronics, November 2011 19

Capacitor Leakage Dec09 (FROM MATT).indd 19 27/09/2011 13:00:41

Constructional Project

  Resistor Colour Codes

No. Value 4-Band Code (1%) 5-Band Code (1%)
o 1 1M brown black green brown brown black black yellow brown
o 1 270k red violet yellow brown red violet black orange brown
o 1 36k orange blue orange brown orange blue black red brown
o 1 33k orange orange orange brown orange orange black red brown
o 3 10k brown black orange brown brown black black red brown
o 1 8.2k grey red brown grey red black brown brown
o 1 5.6k green blue red brown green blue black brown brown
o 1 5.1k green brown red brown green brown black brown brown
o 2 3.6k orange blue red brown orange blue black brown brown
o 1 3.3k orange orange red brown orange orange black brown brown
o 1 2.7k red violet red brown red violet black brown brown
o 2 2.4k red yellow red brown red yellow black brown brown
o 3 2.2k red red red brown red red black brown brown
o 1 2.0k red black red brown red black black brown brown
o 1 1.8k brown grey red brown brown grey black brown brown
o 2 1k brown black red brown brown black black brown brown
o 2 270 red violet brown brown red violet black black brown
o 1 200 red black brown brown red black black black brown
o 1 180 brown grey brown brown brown grey black black brown
o 1 150 brown green brown brown brown green black black brown
o 1 100 brown black brown brown brown black black black brown
o 1 22 (0.5W) red red black brown red red black gold brown
o 1 1 (0.5W) brown black gold brown brown black black silver brown

If the readings you get are close to How quickly it drops back will de- So with these capacitors, you should
these, your Capacitor Leakage Meter pend on the capacitor’s value. With hold down the meter’s test button
is working correctly. capacitors below about 4.7F, the charg- to see if the leakage current reading
This being the case, switch off the ing may be so fast that the first reading drops down to the ‘acceptable’ level, as
power again via S3 and then complete will often be less than 100A, with the shown in the table (and preferably even
the final assembly by lowering the lid/ meter having immediately downranged. lower). If this happens the capacitor can
PC board assembly into the case and If the capacitor you’re testing is of be judged to be ‘OK’, but if the current
securing the two together using the four the type having a ‘no leakage’ dielectric never drops to anywhere near this level
small self-tapping screws supplied. (such as metallised polyester, glass, then it should definitely be replaced.
If you get readings which are signifi- ceramic or polystyrene), the current What about low leakage (LL) electro-
cantly different to those above, there should quickly drop down to less than a lytics? Well, the current levels shown in
is obviously an error somewhere to be microamp and then to zero. That’s if the the table are basically those for stand-
corrected. It is quite likely that one or capacitor is in good condition, of course. ard electrolytics rather than for those
more resistors in the ‘string’ from IC1 On the other hand, if the capacitor rated as low leakage. So when you’re
pin 5 to S1 is/are misplaced. is one with a tantalum or aluminium testing one which is rated as low leak-
oxide dielectric, with inevitable leak- age, you’ll need to make sure that its
Using it age, the current reading will drop more leakage current drops well below the
The Capacitor Leakage Meter is very slowly as you keep holding down the maximum values shown in the guide
easy to use, because literally all that Test button. table. Ideally, it should drop down to
you have to do is connect the capacitor In fact, it will probably take up to a less than 25% of these current values.
you want to test across the test terminals minute to stabilise at a reasonably steady
(with the correct polarity in the case of value in the case of a solid tantalum Finally
solid tantalums and electrolytics: + to capacitor and as long as three minutes A final tip: when you’re testing non-
+, – to –), set selector switch S1 for the in the case of an aluminium electrolytic. polarised (NP) or ‘bipolar’ electro-
correct test voltage, then turn on the (That’s because these capacitors gener- lytics, these should be tested twice
power (S3). ally take a few minutes to ‘reform’ and – once with them connected to the
When the initial greeting message reach their rated capacitance level.) terminals one way around, and then
on the LCD changes into the ‘Set Volts, As you can see from the guide table again with them connected with the
press button to Test:’ message, press earlier, the leakage currents for tanta- opposite polarity.
and hold down test button S2. lum and aluminium electrolytics also These capacitors are essentially two
What you’ll see first off may be a never drop down to zero, but instead to polarised capacitors internally con-
reading of the capacitor’s charging cur- a level somewhere between about 1A nected in series, back-to-back. If one
rent, which can be as much as 9.9mA and 4110A (ie, 4.1mA), depending on of the dielectric layers is leaky but the
initially (with high value caps) but will both their capacitance value and their other is OK, this will show up in one
then drop back as charging continues. rated working voltage. of the two tests. EPE

20 Everyday Practical Electronics, November 2011

Capacitor Leakage Dec09 (FROM MATT).indd 20 27/09/2011 13:00:47

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