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Irina Yarychevska

English101, section 133

Instructor: Maksymchuk

October: 11.10.2019

Surveillance technology: keeping us safe or an invasion of privacy?

New technology helps us to improve our comfort life but if we have some pluses, minuses
also will be present. When •the authorities use this useful things •to deterrent the crime,
somebody's will •invasion of privacy. I think, that our •rural doesn't have enormous
problems with safe technology because It only starts to influence this. I •feel upbeat with
surveillance technoloques because in our country we have a problem with criminality. For
example, somebody's says that facial recognition technology isn't good because CCTV
camera may takes a picture. And then computer program can •monitor your name, all
personal information, based on recognising your face. In my opinion,  It's not •store
information exactly now where everyone post about yourself all information: their location
or the favourite place for have a rest or something else.

 What about microchips? Plus that you may find your card anywhere or count a sum which
you spend every day or every month. Bank knows what you like and will propose you
some action, sales, deposit or precent which you may get from your shops. It's useful 
because you don't need •to keep track of some information, just see a propose. Then
decide It useful for you or not. As for CCTV, it's helps us  to •accesses data on enormous
centers. For me it so remarkable because I may go to any market with my things or
products which I bought on another shop. Also CCTV camera help to reduce work places
in colossal companies or organizations. For example, in shop center where situated
uncountable shops, how conclusion, it difficult to control all. Number plates can clock what
people are doing. They keep your safe and when somebody's break a low ,they •identify 
person.  All of this technology's help us and exchange get some information about us. I
don't think that my life so interesting for somebody's but I agree that it  may have some
negative  effects.

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