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STAKEHOLDERS existence of multiple and diverse stakeholders interest, two way dialogue, adopt

processes and modes of behavior in function of each stakeholder constituency,

Key features of stakeholders recognize the interdependence, work cooperatively, avoid altogether and
management acknowledge the potential conflicts

The saturn project: trust workforce, teamwork, continual

improvement, costumers satisfaction

Paradigms of stakeholder
Starbucks: socially and environmental responsible stock market

British Telecom: stakeholders dialogue management

Criteria for assessing the quality

Procedural quality Responsiveness quality Quality of outcomes
of engagement

Model of stakeholder engagement Ladder of stakeholder management and engagement (12 levels from
quality manipulation to stakeholder control)

1-2. manipulation and therapy: one 3. informing: one way dialogue to

Order a wide range of stakeholder way dialogue after a decision has inform in order to be open and
management practice been made (internet, leaflets, transparent (verified corporate social
magazines, newspapers) Ex: Easyjet report) Ex: CFS

4. explaining: two way dialogue 6. consultation: two way

5. placation: two way dialogue prior
(token engagement) that allows communication for consultation
to a decision being made (advisory
the powerless to have a voice - (focus groups and advisory panels)
panels, task forces and focus groups)
lacked power (workshops) Ex: Shell

7. negotiation: multi-way 8. involvement: SH engage with the 9. collaboration: Strategic alliances

dialogue that must occur prior to organization in order to change or between SH and organizations to
searching a final decision influence their behavior pursue mutual beneficial goals Ex:
(conditional support) (constructive dialogue) Ex: CFS Mc Donald and EDF

10. partnerships: joint forces

11. delegated power: minority 12. stakeholder control: majority
with competitors to lobby at the
representation of stakeholder on a representation of stakeholder on
industry level, etc (joint
decision making process decision making process
ventures, social partnerships)

Surveys of stakeholder Model of stakeholder Practical issues

engagement engagement quality

- Identify and approach each SH Controverses around an issue caused,

usually on the lower rungs of the - Balance the interest of SH affected and managed by SH, media
ladder - Priorize SH in fonction of attention can escalate the issue and
economic power and influence learn from the issue

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