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Republic of the Philippines

Andres Soriano Ave., Mangagoy, Bislig City


Course Syllabus
A.Y. 2020-2021




CLASS SCHEDULE: 4:30-6:30 – Monday


Email address:


This course intended the students to learn the theory and practice of speech communication in
order to develop proficiency in various interpersonal speaking situations such as private and public
speaking. Also, it will enable the students to develop their acting skills with emphasis on the
development of the voice, articulation, and pronunciation of theater production.

LEARNING OUTCOMES (LO): On completion of the course, the student is expected to be able to do
the following:


I. Introduction to Public Speaking: Basic Students will be able demonstrate knowledge
communication concepts, processes, and of public speaking principles and concepts.
models; Communication concepts and Students will be able to Apply knowledge of
principles and public speaking; Steps and principles, concepts and skills learned in speech
methods of speech preparation; Ethics in public preparation.
speaking Students will be able to imbibe the benefits of
public speaking.
II. Building Confidence: General Methods, Students will be able to build confidence
Specific techniques through following the general methods and
specific techniques.
III. Speech and Communication Process: Students will be able to determine the speech
Processes of Communication and communication process
IV. Listening and Speech Criticism: Effective Students will be able to develop skills in
listening, the listening process, and types of effective listening.
listening; Listening barriers; Identifying and Students will be able to realize the importance
improving listening styles; Evaluating speech and the process of listening.
and effective speech techniques.
V. Conversations, Introductions, Telephone Students will be able to understand the ideas in
etiquette, and Interviews: Skills in conversation, introductions, telephone
conversations, Introductions, Telephone etiquette, and interviews.
Etiquette and Interviews
VI. Principles and Characteristics of a Good Students will be able to identify the principles
Speech: Principles of good speech, the ladder and characteristics of good speech
to effective speaking.
VII. Principles of Delivery: Basic Principles of Students will be able to understand the
Delivery, Modes of expression, Voice. principles of delivery.
VIII. Bodily action in speech delivery: Platform Students will be able to apply the bodily action
Etiquette, Bodily Action, Dress and Appearance in speech delivery
IX. Use of voice in speech delivery: Developing Students will be able to use their voice in
of Voice, Using ample resonance speech delivery.
X. Selecting a Topic and Knowing Your Students will be able to apply process of
Audience: Identifying sources; Tools and selecting and narrowing a speech topic
techniques for selecting and refining speech
topics; Identifying
XI. Speaking with a Purpose: Informative, Students will be able to write speech with a
persuasive, and ceremonial speeches purpose.
XII. Speeches of special types: Impromptu Students will be able to understand the
Speech, Extemporaneous Speech, Manuscript concepts of speeches of special types and
Speech, Afterdinner Speech, Speech of deliver speeches of special types.
goodwill, Speech of Courtesy, Special types of
XIII. Elements of stage arts: - Structure of Students will be able to identify the Elements of
drama - Tradition and changing scene, stage arts.
Exposition, Plot, Characters, Theme, Dialogue, Students will be able to identify the structure of
Action, Situation drama.
XIV. Fundamentals of play production: Students will be able to determine the
Production of Staff, Pre-rehearsal Activity, fundamentals of play production.
Casting of Play, Rehearsing.
XV. Stage setting: Stage Terminologies, Students will be able to identify the concepts in
Purposes of Scenery, types of Sets, New stage setting.
techniques of staging.
XVI. Stage lighting: Stage Lighting Effects, Students will be able to identify the concepts in
Necessary equipment, Basic Lighting Principle, stage lighting.
Special Lighting Effects.
XVII. Stage Play Students will perform a stage play in the class

FINAL COURSE OUTPUT: As evidence of attaining the above learning outcomes, the student is
required to do and submit the following during the indicated dates of the term.


LO 1: Students will be able demonstrate Speaking activities
knowledge of public speaking
principles and concepts.
Students will be able to Apply
knowledge of principles, concepts
and skills learned in speech
Students will be able to
imbibe the benefits of public
LO 2: Students will be able to build Speaking activities
confidence through following the
general methods and specific
LO 3: Students will be able to determine
the speech and communication
LO 4: Students will be able to develop skills
in effective listening.
Students will be able to realize the
importance and the process of
LO 5: Students will be able to understand Script on telephone
the ideas in conversation, communication
introductions, telephone etiquette,
and interviews.
LO 6: Students will be able to identify the Writing an Outline
principles and characteristics of good
LO 7: Students will be able to understand Speech Composition
the principles of delivery.
LO 8: Students will be able to apply the Speech Delivery
bodily action in speech delivery
LO 9: Students will be able to use their Speech Delivery
voice in speech delivery.
LO 10: Students will be able to apply process Speech Delivery
of selecting and narrowing a speech
LO 11: Students will be able to write speech Speech Composition
with a purpose.
LO 12: Students will be able to understand
the concepts of speeches of special
types and deliver speeches of special
LO 13: Students will be able to identify the
Elements of stage arts.
Students will be able to identify the
structure of drama.
LO 14: Students will be able to determine Script Writing
the fundamentals of play production.
LO 15: Students will be able to identify the
concepts in stage setting.
LO 16: Students will be able to identify the
concepts in stage lighting.
LO 17: Students will perform a stage play in Stage Play
the class room.
Note: Dates are subject to changes.


The following rubrics shall be used for assessment as applicable.

Category 5. Exemplary 4. Satisfactory 3. Developing Rating
Purpose/Audience/Topic/Word choice You clearly make your You could make your Your purpose or
(organization) topic & purpose purpose more clear or relevance of topic
relevant and your topic or word were unclear or
interesting to your choices more relevant inappropriate for
specified audience, to your specified your specified
using appropriate audience. audience.
word choice and level
of complexity.
Introduction (organization) You had a good You had a start on an You need stronger
attention-getter and a introduction but still attention-getter and
clear preview or needed a clear a clearer preview or
purpose statement preview or purpose purpose statement.
that guide us statement that guide
smoothly into the us smoothly into the
speech. speech.

Body/Transition (organization) Your organization You need to make Your organization

pattern and transition your main points pattern and/or
made your speech more clear; transition were
easy to follow. reorganize or chunk unclear, making it
some of your difficult for us to
information so it is
easier to follow and
remember and/or
give us stronger
follow and
Conclusion (organization) Your conclusion You had a start on a You need to bring
emphasized your main conclusion but still your speech to a
point(s) and drew need an emphasis in close by
your speech to a close your main point(s) summarizing or
with an effective and drew your speech reminding us of your
memorable to a close with an main points.
statement. effective memorable
Support/Explanation of Ideas Your rhetorical Your support was You support was
(organization) support (illustration, useful in making your weak
examples. etc.) and/or points.
visual support was
effective in making
your point(s)
Eye Contact (delivery) You used your notes You need to rely less You appeared to be
as cues, not crutches, on your notes and/or reading to us a
which added to your make better use of significant part of
credibility and our eye contact to the time and/or had
involvement. Your eye enhance your little eye contact.
contact was excellent message and stay
in all areas of the connected with your
room. audience.
Vocal Rate, Pitch, Pauses, and Volume Your voice was loud Your vocal variety was You need to work on
(delivery) enough to hear easily; effective overall, but your voice rate,
you used your rate you could use your pitch, pauses and
volume, pitch and voice to enhance your volume
pauses effectively to message by making it
enhance your louder enough to
message. hear easily.

Vocal Quality/Articulation and Your voice was You need to put more You need to put a
Pronunciation (delivery) conversational, life in your voice great deal more life
pleasant, and and/or use a more in your voice in
powerful which conversational tone; order to maintain
helped engage us in continue to work on the audience’s
your message; articulation and attention
articulation and pronunciation.
pronunciation were
Nonverbal/Posture/Gestures (delivery) Your looked Your body language You had very few
. comfortable, using worked well. gestures, body
your hands, body and motions, or facial
facial expressions expressions; you
naturally and need to be more
effectively, without animated; your
distractions. posture and gesture
were distracting
and/or unnatural.
Preparedness, Composure, and Polish You appeared well You seemed fairly Your presentation
(delivery) prepared, confident comfortable and seemed pretty
and comfortable, confident, which rough. You needed
which enhanced your started to build more practice to
credibility. Your credibility although increase your
presentation seemed you seemed to need a credibility and build
polished. bit more practice to your confidence.
have a polished

Script Writing Rubric

Category 1 The submitted The submitted The submitted The submitted
work manifests work manifests the work partially work does not
qualities which go required qualities manifests the manifest any of the
beyond the required qualities. requirements.
requirements. Certain aspects are
either incomplete
or incorrect.
Category 2 The submitted The submitted The submitted
work manifests work manifests the work partially
qualities which go required qualities. manifests the
beyond the required qualities.
requirements. Certain aspects are
either incomplete
or incorrect.
Category 3 The submitted The submitted The submitted
work manifests work manifests the work partially
qualities which go required qualities. manifests the
beyond the required qualities.
requirements. Certain aspects are
either incomplete
or incorrect.

OTHER REQUIREMENTS AND ASSESSMENTS: Aside from the final output, the student will
be assessed at other times during the term by the following:

 Reaction Paper
 Speech tasks
 Accomplished Script
 Group Report
 Stage Play
The student will be graded according to the following:
Attendance – 10%
Assignment/Project – 20%
Quizzes – 20%
Class Participation – 10%
Periodical Examinations (Prelim, Midterm, Finals) – 40%

Number Grade Equivalent in %

The final grade corresponding to the student’s general average is given in the table below:
97 - 100 1.0
94 - 96 1.25
91 - 93 1.50
88 - 90 1.75
85 – 87 2.0
82 - 84 2.25
79 - 81 2.50
76 - 78 2.75
75 3.00
Conditional 4.00
Incomplete INC
Failed 5.00
Dropped DRP
In Progress In prog.

DeVito, J.A. (2009). The Essential Elements of Public Speaking. (3rd ed.) Boston: Pearson
Education, Inc. Lucas, S.E. (2009). The Art of Public Speaking. (10th ed.) New York: McGraw
- Hill Co. Zarefsky, D. (2011). Public Speaking: Strategies for Success. (6th ed. Boston:
Pearson Education, Inc).
Rustica C. Carpio, P. D. (2004). Private and Public Speaking. Sampaloc, Manila: Rex Book
Ommanney, K.A. (1982). The Stage and the School. United States of America: McGraw Hill
Class policies shall be in accordance to the school policies. The Instructor may implement
rules as needed.

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