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Speech and stage arts

Task A-1 How to Describe Consonants (follow the samples)


[b] Voiced Bilabial Stop
[s] Voiceless Alveolar Fricative

Task A-2 Oral Recitation of Consonant sounds (Individual Video-chat). You will
pick at least 5 blind cards and you will describe each consonants according to its
voicing, place of articulation and manner of placing. The Schedule will be
posted on your group chat.

Task B-1
Task C-1 Directions: Read each item carefully, then choose the letter that best completes the sentence.

1. When sounds produced by the speaker do not become understandable speech, the problem is
most likely in the __________.
A. resonators C. articulators
B. vibrators D. generators
2. The vocal folds vibrate at a high speed when these sounds are produced:
A. [n], [m], [v] C. [f], [s], [Ɵ]
B. [p], [k], [t] D. [h], [S], [t]
3. When we produce voiceless sounds, our vocal folds and the arytenoids are _________.
A. pressed together C. moved back and forth
B. held wide apart D. contracted slowly
4. Good speakers use effectively a series of organs such as larynx, pharynx, mouth, and nasal
passages to ____.
A. expel air from the lungs C. amplify the voice
B. modify the speech D. vibrate the vocal cords
5. Speakers who use the same pitch or a limited pitch pattern when they speak and who sound
disinterested and unenthusiastic are _________.
A. bilingual speakers C. nasal speakers
B. monolingual speakers D. monotone speakers
6. When a speaker’s vocal pitch changes. It is accompanied by a change in ________.
A. volume C. articulation
B. rate D. pronunciation
7. To complete the communication process, the receiver of a message must provide the sender
A. medium C. feedback
B. gesture D. stimulus
8. If the host delivers a speech after dinner to get the audience to relax, his type of speech is that
of ____.
A. occasional C. persuasive
B. informative D. explanatory
9. The _________sound is a combination of a stop and a fricative.
A. affricative C. approximant
B. plosive D. nasal
10. The _____ sound is produced with the back of the tongue against or near the velum or the soft
A. dental C. velar
B. glottal D. bilabial
11. The following are fricative sounds except _______.
A. v C. Ɵ
B. h D. t
12. Arena staging is sometimes called _________.
A. ‘acting in the round’ C. thrust stage
B. proscenium arch D. extended staging
13. The following are front vowels except ________.
A. i C. I
B. e D. o
14. A speaker delivers a speech too fast for the audience to understand. This increase in the
speaker’s rate of speech is a manifestation of ______.
A. breathiness C. harshness
B. hoarseness D. nervousness
15. A speaker has a difficulty producing the fricative sounds such as (f) and (v) which makes him say
(pan) instead of (fan), and (ban) instead of (van). To remedy this, the speaker should work on
A. phonation C. Vibration
B. articulation D. respiration

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