Effect of Leeward Orientation, Adiabatic Framing Surfaces, and Eaves On Solar-Collector-Related Heat Transfer Coefficients

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Solar Energy,Vol. 29, No. 1, pp. 33--41, 1982 0038-092X/821010033-09803.

Printed in Great Britain. Pergamon Press Ltd.




Department of MechanicalEngineering,University of Minnesota,Minneapolis,MN 55455, U.S.A.

(Received 13 July 1981; revision accepted 24 December 1981)

Abstract--Wind tunnel experiments were carried out to determine forced convectionheat transfer coefficientsfor
the leeward face of a roof-like structure. The experiments encompassed a variety of surface configurations,
including: (a) a leeward face which transfers heat to the airflowover its entire surface, (b) a leeward face on which
a thermally active zone is flanked by an adiabatic frame, and (c) eaves positioned along the lateral edges of the
windward and leeward faces. Heat transfer coefficientswere also measured on the windward face. It was found
that in the operating range of flat plate collectors, the leeward-faceheat transfer coefficientsexceed those for the
windward face. For a leeward face where adiabatic framing surfaces are situated along the lateral edges of a
thermally active zone, the heat transfer coefficientsare higher than those for the unframed case. On the other hand,
framing adjacent to either the upper or lower edge of the face has little effect. Eaves situated along the lateral
edges of the windwardand leewardfaces bring about only a slightincrease in the leeward-facetransfer coefficients.
A flow visualizationstudy revealed that the flowpattern adjacent to the leewardface is shaped by fluid which wells
up from the sides of the roof-like structure.

INTRODUCTION the direction of the oncoming flow, such as occurs, for

The prediction of the performance of flat plate solar example, on the back side of a cylinder or sphere in
collectors involves consideration of various heat loss crossflow, that surface may not be in direct contact with
mechanisms as well as of the insolation and its ab- the main forward-moving flow. This is because the
sorption. One of the prominent heat losses is due to mainflow is unable to turn sufficiently rapidly to get
wind-related forced convection at the upper cover plate around to the back side and, instead, it separates from
of the collector. Until the recent past, the heat transfer the contour of the body before the turn. As a con-
coefficients needed for the computation of the wind- sequence, the leeward-facing surface may be washed by
related heat losses were universally evaluated from a a recirculating flow (i.e. an eddy) which occupies the
dimensional formula in which the coefficient is a function separated region.
only of the wind velocity[I-3]. As discussed in [4], the Examination of the extensive literature on cylinders in
application of this formula to solar collectors involves crossflow (e.g.[15-17]) indicates that the heat transfer
considerable uncertainty because it does not take ac- coefficients for the leeward portion of the cylinder sur-
count of the dimensions of the collector and because it is face (i.e. washed by the recirculating flow) are quite
specific to airflow parallel to a surface. Recent wind- different from those for the forward-facing portion of the
tunnel experiments by the authors [4--6] have resulted in cylinder. At lower Reynolds numbers, the coefficients for
a dimensionless correlation for the heat transfer the forward portion exceed those for the rear portion,
coefficient which takes account of both the wind velocity while at higher Reynolds numbers the opposite relation-
and plate dimensions and which is relatively insensitive ship may prevail.
to the angle at which the wind is incident on the surface. The foregoing discussion serves to set the stage for the
Comparative collector performance calculations present investigation, which is focused on the experi-
employing both the new correlation and the formerly mental determination of heat transfer coefficients rele-
standard formula are reported in [7]. vant to a leeward-facing solar collector. The in-
Quite apart from the question of accuracy, both of the vestigation has several foci. Among these, the first is to
aforementioned representations for the heat transfer make comparisons between leeward-face and windward-
coefficient share a common characteristic--namely, that face heat transfer coefficients and, by this, to provide
they are intended to be applied to surfaces which face perspective on the presently standard use of windward-
into the wind. This preoccupation with windward-facing face coefficients in design calculations.
surfaces also runs through the recent solar literature, as The second focus has to do with the fact that solar
exemplified by[l-3]. In practice, however, the collector collectors frequently do not occupy the entire surface of
may face away from the wind. Such a leeward orien- the roof to which they are affixed. In such cases, the
tation is encountered when the collector faces south (as portion of the roof which is not covered by the collector
is common in the northern hemisphere) and the wind is is, in effect, a thermally inactive frame which surrounds
from the north, the northeast, or the northwest. the collector. One consequence of this arrangement is
It is well known that when a surface faces away from that the hydrodynamic edges of the system (i.e. the outer

34 E. M. SPARROWet aL

edges of the frame) are displaced from the thermally eddying in nature, may not have the same turbulence
active zone (i.e. the edges of the cover plate). There is characteristics as a boundary layer flow or a pipe flow.
evidence for forward-facing collectors/8] that the dis- Therefore, it is not unreasonable to inquire whether
placement of the hydrodynamic edges of the system Eckert's proof of the heat/mass transfer analogy is ap-
from the thermally active zone can substantially affect plicable to a recirculating flow.
the heat transfer coefficient. This issue is addressed here To examine this issue, mass transfer experiments have
for leeward-facing surfaces. been performed at the University of Minnesota for flows
The final focus of the research is a set of experiments over bodies for which there is a recirculating region that
to determine the effect of eaves (i.e. overhangs) on the significantly affects the rate of heat (mass) transfer. The
heat transfer coefficient. These experiments were two cases studied are the sphere and the cylinder in
motivated by the conjecture that the presence of the crossflow, both of which have been extensively in-
eaves might affect the nature of the recirculating flow vestigated in the heat transfer literature and for which
that washes the leeward-facing surface. well-established heat transfer correlations exist. For the
The experimental work was performed in a wind tun- cylinder in crossflow, the measured dimensionless mass
nel, using a model rather than an actual solar collector. transfer coefficients [11] typicallyfell within 2-3 per cent of
To facilitate the experiments, mass transfer measure- the heat transfer correlation of Zukauskas[12] over a
ments were made rather than direct heat transfer Reynolds number range that spanned an order of mag-
measurements, and the resulting mass transfer nitude, with a maximum deviation of 5 per cent. For the
coefficients were converted to heat transfer coefficients sphere, the mass transfer data (unpublished) all fell
by employing the analogy between the two processes. In within three per cent of the Whitaker heat transfer
addition to the mass transfer measurements, a flow correlation/13], also over an order of magnitude in Rey-
visualization experiment using the oil-lampblack tech- nolds number.
nique was performed to investigate the pattern of fluid These findings buttress the Eckert proof and lend
flow adjacent to the leeward-facing surface. strong support to the use of the heat/mass transfer
A search of the literature did not reveal any prior analogy for recirculating flows on leeward-facing sur-
experimental work on heat transfer to leeward-facing faces.
surfaces of the type considered here--the leeward face
of a roof-like structure. The most closely related work Experimental apparatus
deals with the rear surfaces of cylinders, spheres, and A schematic of the experimental model is shown in
plates in crossflow, but those cases differ markedly from Fig. 1. The main part of the figure is a pictorial view,
the roof-like geometry of the present experiments. Some while the inset at the lower right is a side view. As seen
initial results of the experimental work were presented in the figure, the model is a roof-like structure which
earlier as a progress report/9]. That presentation was includes two sloping faces, respectively serving as the
limited to data which relate to only one of the seven heat windward and leeward surfaces. In the pictorial diagram,
(mass) transfer graphs which are included here (in actu- the model is viewed from behind, looking in the direction
ality, all of the initially reported data runs were repeated of the oncoming airflow.
and their Reynolds number range extended). The pictorial view also shows eaves in place along the
lateral edges of the windward and leeward surfaces. The
eaves are indicated by dashed lines because they were
THEEXPERIMENTS used only during two of the eight sets of data runs that
The naphthalene sublimation technique were made. For the other six sets of runs, the eaves were
The use of mass transfer measurements, performed via absent.
the naphthalene sublimation technique, as an indirect The sides of the model were flat, as was the bottom.
way of obtaining heat transfer coefficients has a number As indicated in the inset, each of the sloping surfaces of
of advantages over direct heat transfer measurements.
Included among these are significant simplifications in
the experimental apparatus, higher accuracy of
measurement, minimal extraneous losses, and greater
f J f J
likelihood of attaining the equivalent of uniform wall
temperature (a standard thermal boundary condition).
To use mass transfer measurements for determining
heat transfer coefficients, it is first necessary to establish i/ i II
the validity of the analogy between the two processes.
This has been done by Eckert[10] from a consideration ii// iIj
of the conservation equations which respectively govern L/_.
beat and mass transfer. The proof of the analogy is free
of assumptions for laminar flow, but for turbulent flow it
requires the assumption that the turbulent diffusion of
heat and of mass are equal in magnitude.
A recirculating flow in a separated region, such as
occurs adj.:cent to a leeward facing surface, although Fig. 1. Schematicdiagramof the experimentalmodel.
Solar-collector-relatedheat transfer coefficients 35

the model makes an angle of 450 with the horizontal, so the cassette were beveled. These bevels facilitated the
that at the apex, where the two surfaces meet, the angle precise mating of the cassette with the model proper. In
is 900. The velocity vector of the air approaching the addition, the rear face of the cassette was fitted with a
model was also horizontal. short cylindrical boss which mated with a corresponding
The model was supported from below by a pair of thin, cylindrical recess in the contiguous face of the model.
flow-aligned struts which elevated it above the floor of The boss ensured precise and consistent positioning of
the wind tunnel in which the experiments were per- the cassette. A set screw, which could be tightened
formed. The struts are not shown in Fig. 1 because their against the cylindrical surface of the boss, locked the
presence did not affect the pattern of fluid flow on the cassette in place.
sloping surfaces of the model. Indeed, the flow pattern The support system of the model was such that the
on these surfaces corresponds to the case in which the naphthalene test surface could be positioned in either the
flow passes freely (without blockage or obstruction) un- windward or leeward orientations. A set of data runs was
der the model. The study of blockage effects is beyond made in the windward orientation in order to provide
the scope of the present investigation because the wind baseline data against which to compare the results for
tunnel cross section is too small to accommodate ad- the leeward orientation.
ditional blockages beyond that of the model itself. Fur- Aside from windward vs leeward positioning, several
thermore, in view of the general acceptance of blockage- other variants of the basic apparatus were used in order
free heat transfer coefficients in the solar literature, it is to fulfill the other objectives of the research. As noted in
appropriate to perform these first leeward-face experi- the Introduction, one of these objectives was to examine
ments for no-blockage conditions. the situation in which a thermally active zone (i.e. the
The aforementioned concern about excessive blockage collector cover plate) is flanked by a thermally inactive
of the wind tunnel cross section played a decisive role in frame. Within the context of the mass transfer analogy,
the selection of the dimensions of the model. The wind this situation is modeled by a mass transfer surface
tunnel cross section is rectangular, 30.5 x 61 cm (1 x 2 ft), flanked by a framing surface where there is no mass
width x height, respectively. To achieve a blockage ratio transfer. With regard to the naphthalene sublimation
(blocked cross section divided by total cross section) technique, any portion of a naphthalene surface can be
well below 3 per cent, each of the sloping faces of the instantly converted from a zone of active mass transfer
model was chosen to be a square with a 7.62 cm (3 in.) to a zone of zero mass transfer by affixing a highly
side dimension. This yielded a projected area (normal to adhering pressure-sensitive tape (3M Company no. 56,
the flow direction) equal to 2.2 per cent of the total cross 0.005 cm (0.002 in.) thick).
section--a percentage sufficiently small so that the In view of the foregoing, various arrangements of an
results of the wind tunnel experiments should be applic- active surface framed by an inactive surface can be
able to an unbounded flow. The model was positioned by obtained by taping over those portions of the naph-
the support struts so that it was centered in both the thalene test surface where mass transfer is to be sup-
width and height dimensions of the cross section. pressed. The framing arrangements that were in-
The model was fabricated from a solid block of alu- vestigated here are shown in Fig. 3. Cases A and B are
minum. As indicated in Fig. 2, a recess was cut into one characterized by inactive zones along the lateral edges
of the sloping faces of the model in order to accommodate (lateral-edge framing), while cases C and D correspond
a cassette which housed the naphthalene test plate. The to top-edge and bottom-edge framing. For Cases A, C
cassette was detachable from the model and, as will be and D, each segment of the frame is one sixth of the
described shortly, it served as one of the parts of a mold
in which the naphthalene plate was cast. It was fabri- A B
cated from an aluminum plate into which a cavity was
milled for housing the naphthalene casting. The cavity

walls (the heavy black lines bordering the naphthalene
surface in Fig. 2) were kept as thin as possible consistent
with strength and straightness.
As can be seen in Fig. 2, the upper and lower edges of


F~. 2. Diagram of the model showing the detachable casset~
w~ch houses the naphthflene test sufface.
I jjjjjl
Fig. 3. Leeward-face framing arrangements. The cross-hatched
regions denote the zones which do not participate in the mass
36 E. M. SVARROWet al.

overall dimension of the plate; for Case B, each frame mation, which might have occurred during the second
segment is one third of the plate dimension. equilibration period or during the uncapping and capping
Another apparatus modification was the attachment of of the naphthalene surface at the beginning and end of
the eaves that are illustrated in the pictorial view of Fig. the actual run. The after-run was identical in all respects
1. The eaves were made of 0.038cm (0.015in.) thick to the actual run (including the twenty-minute equili-
sheet metal, especially chosen for surface smoothness. bration period), except that the exposure of the naph-
Four eaves were fabricated, one for each of the lateral thalene surface to the airflow was omitted. Generally, the
edges of the windward and leeward faces of the model. corrections determined from the after-run were in the
Each eave overhangs the model by 1.27 cm (~~in.).' It was 1-2 per cent range.
anchored against the side of the model by the same The amount of mass sublimed during a data run was in
pressure-sensitive tape as was used to suppress mass the range of 100mg, with run times extending from
transfer at selected zones of the naphthalene surface, as 15-60rain., depending on the Reynolds number. These
described in the foregoing paragraph. run times were selected so that the average recession of
Two sets of data runs were made with the eaves in the naphthalene surface during a data run did not exceed
place. In the first set, eaves were attached only to the 0.0025 cm (0.001 in.).
lateral edges of the leeward face of the model (no eaves The velocity of the airflow was measured by a
on the windward face), while in the second set the eaves retractable impact tube in combination with a wall static
were in place at both the windward and leeward faces. tap, with the pressure signals being sensed and converted
to a voltage output by a Baratron capacitance-type solid-
Experimental procedure. state pressure meter capable of detecting 10-4mm Hg.
Each data run was preceded by a number of pre- With regard to temperature measurements, preliminary
paratory steps. The first step was the casting of the data runs had demonstrated that the readings of a ther-
naphthalene test surface. To begin, the naphthalene mocouple embedded in the model agreed very closely
remaining in the cassette from the prior data run was (within 0.2°F) with the readings of a thermometer situ-
removed by melting and evaporation. Then, the cassette ated in the airstream just downstream of the model.
was placed face down on a highly polished stainless steel Since the use of the thermocouple caused a certain
plate, and molten naphthalene was poured into the mold amount of inconvenience in the setup and disassembly of
cavity through an aperture in the back face. In addition to the apparatus, the thermometer was used for all of the
the pouring aperture, three smaller apertures were pro- final data runs. The thermometer was ASTM certified
vided to allow air to escape from the mold cavity. Upon and had a smallest scale division of 0.1°F.
cooling of the mold, the cassette was separated from the The mass of the cassette was measured with a Mettler
stainless steel plate, thereby exposing the naphthalene analytical balance with a smallest scale division of 0.1 mg
surface that had solidified against the plate. The finish of and a total weighing range of 200 g.
the thus-exposed surface was comparable to that of the
plate. When the casting procedure was completed, the Flow visualization.
pouring and air-escape apertures were sealed with pres- As noted in the Introduction, the oil-lampblack tech-
sure-sensitive tape. nique was used to visualize the pattern of fluid flow
The next preparatory step encompassed two suc- adjacent to the leeward-facing surface. To use this tech-
cessive equilibration periods, during which the model nique, lampblack powder is mixed with oil, and the
was placed in the wind tunnel to attain thermal equili- mixture, when brushed on a surface, produces a glossy-
brium with the airflow. To prevent unwanted sublimation black coating. The fluidity of the mixture can be
during these periods, the naphthalene test surface was regulated by the selection of the viscosity of the oil and
capped with a tight-fitting plexiglass cover which was by the proportions of the lampblack powder and of the
sealed with tape. At the end of the initial equilibration oil.
period, whose duration was at least one hour, the cas- The general procedure for using the technique is to
sette was detached from the model and weighed, with the brush the oil-lampblack mixture on a surface and then to
cover removed. Then, the cover was replaced and the expose the surface to the airflow whose patterns are to
cassette re-installed in the wind tunnel for a second be studied. Ideally, under the action of the shear stresses
equilibration period, which was of twenty-minutes dura- exerted by the flow, the mixture will move along the
tion. surface, following the paths of the fluid particles that
At this point, the cover was removed and the data run pass adjacent to the surface. If, however, the mixture is
initiated. During the run, the air temperature and the too stiff, it will not respond to the shear stresses, and no
dynamic pressure were read at one-minute intervals, path lines will be observed. On the other hand, if the
while the tunnel static pressure and the barometer were mixture is too light, it will be completely blown off the
read periodically. The run was concluded by the capping surface without giving an indication of the flow pattern.
of the test surface and the deactivation of the wind The degree of fluidity of the mixture is an especially
tunnel, immediately after which the cassette was relevant factor when flow adjacent to an inclined surface
weighed. is to be visualized, as in the present investigation. In
Subsequent to each run, an after-run was made. Its such a situation, the mixture will sag under the action of
purpose was to determine a correction to the measured gravity, unless it is constituted so as to be stiff. This
mass transfer to account for possible extraneous subli- requirement limits the visualization study to high Rey-
Solar-collector-relatedheat transfer coefficients 37

nolds numbers, where the shear stresses are relatively subliming surface and in the free stream. From the mass
higE It also makes the attainment of high-resolution, measurements made before and after a data run (along
aesthetically pleasing visualization patterns more with the after-run correction), the duration time of the
difficult. run, and the area of the subliming surface, rn was
In light of the foregoing, the visualization was per- evaluated. The naphthalene vapor density at the surface
formed for R e - 100,000, which was the highest Rey- was obtained from a two-step calculation. First, using the
nolds number attainable in the wind tunnel. Extensive measured temperature as input, the naphthalene vapor
visual observations indicated an unambiguous flow pat- pressure at the surface was evaluated from the Sogin
tern, a sketch of which will be presented later. vapor pressure--temperature relation[14]. Then, the
For all the visualization runs, the leeward-facing sur- corresponding naphthalene vapor density p,,~(s ~surf-
face was coated with white, plasticized contact paper in ace) was computed from the perfect gas law. In the free
order to provide the highest possible contrast for the stream, the naphthalene vapor density is zero since the
black streak lines induced on the surface by the flow. wind tunnel was operated in the open-circuit mode, with
air drawn from within the building and the discharge
DATA REDUCTION vented outdoors.
The procedures used to determine mass transfer In light of the foregoing, K = rhlp.,, so that, from eqn
coefficients and Reynolds numbers from the experimen- (6)
tal data will now be described, as will the transformation
of the mass transfer results into heat transfer results. For j = (KI Us) Sc2/3 = Ohlp,s U~) Sc2/3 (7)
heat transfer,
where U~ is the measured free stream velocity and
Nu =/(Re, Pr) (1) Sc = 2.55 for diffusion of naphthalene vapor in air.
Attention will now be turned to the Reynolds number.
and, according to the analogy between heat and mass As mentioned earlier, experiments were performed for
transfer, various configurations including mass transfer from: (a)
the windward face, (b) the leeward face, (c) the leeward
Sh =/(Re, Sc) (2) face with mass transfer occurring on only part of the
surface, and (c) the leeward face with eaves in place
where the Sherwood and Schmidt numbers, Sh and Sc along the lateral edges. In order to enable an unam-
respectively, are the counterparts of the Nusselt and biguous comparison of these results, the Reynolds num-
Prandtl numbers. The essential feature of the analogy is ber was defined in the same way for all cases. If S
that the function f is the same for both heat and mass denotes the side of the square sloping faces of the model
transfer. For external flows, it is widely accepted that (S = 7.62 cm, 3 in.), the Reynolds number was defined as

Nu = Pr~/3F(Re), Sh = Scl/-~F(Re). (3) Re = U~S/v (8)

Alternative forms of eqn (3) can be obtained by intro- where v is the kinematic viscosity of air.
ducing the Stanton numbers for heat and mass transfer

Sth = Nu/RePr = h/pcoU~ (4) In view of the analogy between the two processes, the
terms heat transfer and mass transfer will be used
St,, = Sh/ReSc = K/U= (5) intechangeably throughout the presentation of results.
The presentation will begin with the information
in which h and K denote the heat and mass transfer obtained from the flow visualization studies, with the
coefficients. If equations (4) and (5) are introduced into heat (mass) transfer results to follow.
(3) and F(Re)/Re is denoted by G(Re), there follows
Flow visualization results
(h/pcp U~) Pr 2/3 = (K/U~) Sc2/~---j = G(Re) (6) As noted earlier, the oil-lampblack technique was used
to investigate the pattern of fluid flow adjacent to the
in which the symbol j is Colburn's j-factor. leeward-facing surface. A sketch is presented in Fig. 4
According to eqn (6), the j-factors for heat and mass which conveys what was observed when the leeward
transfer are equal in magnitude at any given Reynolds face was viewed head-on (i.e. looking perpendicular at
number, Thus, if (K/U~)Sc 2/3 is determined by experi- the face) during and subsequent to the period when the
ment as a function of the Reynolds number, then the airstream passed over the model. In interpreting this
variation of (h/pcpU~)Pr 2/3 with Reynolds number is, diagram, it should be noted that prior to the initiation of
thereby, also determined. With this as background, the airflow, the entire face was covered with a uniform
attention is now turned to the evaluation of j = black coating (i.e. the oil-lampblack mixture). Thus, the
(KIU~) Sc2/3 and Re from the experimental data. pattern in evidence in Fig. 4 represents a significant
The ingredients needed for the evaluation of the mass rearrangement of the oil-lampblack mixture in response
transfer coefficient K are the rate of mass transfer per to the forces exerted by the fluid flow.
unit area rh and the densities of naphthalene vapor at the One of the remarkable features of Fig. 4 is the array of
38 E. M. SPARROWet al.

These bands again represent zones of collision between

two oppositely moving flows. For concreteness, the band
adjacent to the right-hand edge may be considered. For
this band, the corresponding collision is between the
already discussed rightward moving flow adjacent to the
plate and a flow that is sweeping leftward over the edge,
coming from the side of the model. This invading flow is
induced by the relatively low pressure that exists ad-
jacent to the leeward face. As the invading flow sweeps
in over the edge, it drags against the surface, giving rise
to the narrow array of horizontal lines in evidence in Fig.
4 (adjacent to the edge) and to the collision which creates
the black band.
The aforementioned flow which sweeps over the
leeward face from the sides of the model is, in fact, the
agent which drives the counter-rotating eddies. Thus, the
flow pattern which prevails over most of the leeward
Fig. 4. A sketch of the observed oil-lampblackflow-visualization
pattern on the leeward face. face is shaped by fluid which comes from the sides of the
model, rather than by fluid which passes over the top of
the model.
more or less parallel horizontal lines which emanate to Only in the upper portion of the leeward face does the
the right and left from a black band that is centered fluid which passes over the top of the model act to shape
between the lateral edges of the surface. These lines are the flow pattern. As actually observed, the streak lines in
actually traces of flow paths along which fluid moves the upper portion of the face were not as sharply etched
from the center toward the respective lateral edges. The as was the horizontal array of lines, but the flow pattern
presence of such transverse flows, whose direction is was unambiguously that portrayed in Fig. 4. It appears
parallel to the top and bottom edges of the surface and that fluid which passes over the top of the model tends to
perpendicular to the lateral edges, is quite surprising. drag lightly against the upper portion of the leeward
The explanation of this unexpected flow pattern is surface before being forced toward the lateral edges by
given in Fig. 5, which shows a pair of parallel, counter- the aforementioned eddies.
rotating eddies whose axes are parallel to the lateral There are several heat transfer ramifications of the
edges of the surface. The direction of rotation of the just-discussed fluid flow pattern. For example, upon
eddies is such that for the right-hand eddy, the fluid considering the stagnation line that is centered in the
adjacent to the surface moves rightward from the cen- surface and the lateral flows emanating from the stag-
terline of the surface toward the lateral edge; in the outer nation line, it may be conjectured that the highest heat
part of this eddy (i.e. away from the surface), the fluid transfer coefficients would be encountered in the central
moves from the edge toward the center. A similar but region of the surface. This expectation is based on the
oppositely directed flow pattern occurs in the left-hand characteristics of stagnation-type flows, where the
eddy. highest coefficients occur at the stagnation line (or stag-
The flows in the outer portions of the two eddies nation point) and decrease in the direction in which the
collide as they approach the centerline of the surface, flow moves away from the stagnation zone. Other
and the collision gives rise to a stagnation line which is ramifications of the fluid flow patterns will be discussed
shown in Fig. 4 as the black band that is centered during the presentation of the heat transfer results.
midway between the lateral edges.
Another prominent feature of Fig. 4 is the two black Heat (mass) transfer results.
bands respectively situated adjacent to the lateral edges. The results for the heat (mass) transfer coefficient will
be reported in terms of the j-factor of eqn (6). J-factor
data for both the leeward and windward faces are plotted
J in Fig. 6 as a function of the Reynolds number, which
spans the range from about 25,000-100,000. For both
orientations, j is seen to decrease with the Reynolds
number, a trend which is altogether reasonable since
j - Nu/Re and Nu - Re m with m < 1 for all known flows.
Of greater interest is the fact that the j-factors for the
two orientations show different Reynolds number
dependencies, with the result that the curves cross. The
crossing point of the curves, Re - 60,000, is not believed
to signify a flow transition. At the lower Reynolds num-
bers (i.e. below 60,000), the heat transfer coefficients for
the windward face are greater than those for the leeward
Fig. 5. Eddy pattern adjacent to the leeward face. face, but the deviations do not exceed 10 per cent in the
Solar-collector-related heat transfer coefficients 39

L- (b) o

~C) 4

2' L I I I I I I III L
I 2 4 6 8 I0 20 x
•- - (a)
Re x I(] 4 -- 0
Fig. 6. Heat (mass) transfer coefficients for the leeward and
windward faces.
range investigated. At higher Reynolds numbers, the 0 NARROW LATERAL-EDGE
leeward-face coefficients exceed those for the windward L l I I I I l lll J
2 4 6 8 I0 20
face. At Re = 100,000, the deviation is 15 per cent, but an Re x I(~4
extrapolation suggests a deviation in the 40-50 per cent
Fig. 7. (a), (b) Effect of lateral-edge framing on the leeward-face
range at Re=200,000. Extrapolation beyond Re= heat (mass) transfer coefficient: (a) narrow framing, 0a) wide
200,000 is, in the opinion of the authors, unfounded. framing.
The Reynolds numbers for wind-related airflow over a
solar collector should exceed 60,000 for most ap-
plications. It follows, therefore, that the use of wind- [ (d)
ward-face heat transfer coefficients for leeward-facing
collectors will yield a low estimate for the wind-related
heat loss.
The just-discussed trends with Reynolds number can -- UNFRAMED LEEWARD FACE

be readily rationalized by considering the differences in o BOTTOM-EDGE FRAMING

the fluid flow patterns for the two orientations. The -~ (c)
windward orientation is characterized by a laminar
boundary layer flow. Such flows yield a simple power-
law dependence such as the j = 0.97IRe 1/2 relationship
found here. On the other hand, as discussed earlier in -- UNFRAMED LEEWARD FACE
connection with Figs. 4 and 5, the flow field on the o TOP-EDGE FRAMING
leeward face encompasses large recirculation zones. It is , I I I I I IIII
2 4 6 8 I0 20
well established in the literature that for external flows,
Re x I 0 4
the heat transfer effectiveness of recirculation zones
Fig. 7. (c), (d) Effectof top-edgeand bottom-edgeframingon the
increases markedly with increasing Reynolds number-- leeward-face beat (mass) transfer coefficient:(c) top-edge fram-
more markedly than the ~-power dependence for a ing, (d) bottom-edgeframing.
laminar boundary layer. For instance, for a fully
separated flow, Nu - Re 2/3 and j - Re-~/3[18]. Therefore,
the trends evidenced in Fig. 6 are consistent with the tation of the patterns of fluid flow. There, it was noted
literature. that the highest heat transfer coefficients should exist in
Attention will now be turned to the situation in which the neighborhood of the centerline of the surface and
a thermally active zone on the leeward face (e.g. the that the coefficients should decrease with increasing
collector cover plate) is flanked by a thermally inactive lateral distance from the centerline, Consequently, if
frame. The framing configurations investigated are dis- heat (mass) transfer is suppressed in bands that are
played in Fig. 3. The results for lateral-edge framing are laterally displaced from the centerline (as in Cases A and
presented in Figs. 7(a, b), respectively for Cases A and B of Fig. 3), the remaining thermally active zone, which
B, while the results for Cases C and D are presented in straddles the centerline, should have relatively high heat
Figs. 7(c, d). transfer coefficients.
All of these figures have a common format. In each Furthermore, the wider the thermally inactive frame,
figure, the heat transfer coefficients for the framed the more is the remaining active area confined to the
thermally active zone are compared with the coefficients neighborhood of the centerline, with correspondingly
for the unframed leeward face. Since the latter have higher heat transfer coefficients. This expected behavior
already been displayed as discrete data in Fig. 6, it was is indicated by the experimental data, as can be seen by
deemed unnecessary to repeat the data points in Figs. 7 comparing Figs. 7(a) (narrow frame) and (b) (wide
and, instead, they are represented by a continuous curve. frame).
Figures 7(a, b) show that framing adjacent to the Further inspection of Figs. 7(a, b) shows that there is a
lateral edges gives rise to heat transfer coefficients at the tendency for the effect of framing to diminish with
thermally active zone that are higher than those for the increasing Reynolds number. Thus, for the narrow
unframed leeward face. This finding is not unexpected in frame, the increase in the coefficient due to framing
light of the discussion which accompanied the presen- diminishes from 13 to 6 per cent as Re increases from
40 E. M. SPARROWet al.

25,000 to 100,000. The corresponding decrease for the 8~ (b)

wide frame is from 23 to 14 per cent. Since operation at
high Reynolds numbers is quite likely, it appears that
lateral-edge framing gives rise to about a 10 per cent
Heat transfer coefficients for framing adjacent to the o WINDWARD- AND LEEWARD-
top and bottom edges of the leeward face are presented %i FACE EAVES

in Figs. 7(c, d), respectively. These results correspond to - (o)

the framing configurations of Cases C and D of Fig. 3.
Inspection of Figs. 7(c, d) indicates that neither top-edge
framing nor bottom-edge framing yields heat transfer
coefficients that differ significantly from those for the - - UNFRAMED LEEWARD FACE
unframed leeward-facing surface. This signifies that the o LEEWARD-FACE EAVES
transfer coefficients for transverse strips of surface res- t I I I I I Illl i
2 4 6 8 I0 20
pectively adjacent to the top and bottom edges of the Re x IO-4
leeward face are essentially equal in magnitude to the
Fig. 8. (a), (b) Effect of the presence of eaves on the leeward-face
average coefficient for the face as a whole. heat (mass) transfer coefficient: (a) leeward-face eaves, (b)
Careful inspection of Fig. 7(c) shows that the windward- and leeward-faceeaves.
coefficients corresponding to top-edge framing are
slightly higher than those for the unframed leeward face, collector will yield a low estimate for the wind-related heat
with typical deviations of 2 per cent and a maximum loss.
deviation of four per cent. The coefficients for the bot- Experiments were also performed for the situation in
tom-framed case (Fig. 7d) do not differ by more than 2 which a thermally active zone on the leeward face (e.g.
per cent from the unframed case. These minor deviations the collector cover plate) is flanked by a thermally in-
dissuaded further study of top-edge and bottom-edge active frame. Framing along the lateral edges of the
framing (e.g. wider frames). leeward face brings about an increase in the heat transfer
The next set of results to be reported are those cor- coefficient compared with that for the unframed case.
responding to the presence of eaves positioned along the For Reynolds numbers appropriate to practical solar
lateral edges of the windward and leeward surfaces. In collectors, it appears that the effect of lateral-edge fram-
the initial experiments performed in this connection, the ing on the heat transfer coefficient should not exceed 10
eaves were attached only at the lateral edges of the per cent. Framing adjacent to the top and bottom edges
leeward face (none were attached at the windward face). of the leeward face does not have a significant effect on
The motivation for examining this arrangement was the the transfer coefficient.
conjecture that such eaves might block the fluid flow When eaves are affixed to the lateral edges of the
which wells up from the sides of the model and inun- leeward face (but not the windward face), the leeward-
dates the space above the leeward face. Such a blocking face transfer coefficients are essentially the same as
action, if it were to occur, could significantly affect the those without eaves. For eaves in place along the lateral
leeward-face heat transfer coefficients. edges of both the leeward and windward faces, the
The leeward-face heat transfer coefficients presented in transfer coefficient is slightly increased (~ 5 per cent).
Fig. 8(a) do not support the aforementioned conjecture. Flow visualization experiments revealed that the flow
Rather, the data corresponding to the presence of the eaves pattern adjacent to the leeward face is shaped by fluid
does not differ significantly from those without eaves. which wells up from the sides of the model and inun-
In Fig. 8(b), leeward-face heat transfer results are dates the space above the leeward face.
presented for the case in which eaves are attached to the It should be pointed out that a wind tunnel experiment
lateral edges of both the windward and leeward faces. is not able to model, in all details, fluid t~ow conditions in
The presence of the eaves is seen to increase the heat the outdoor environment such as unsteadiness, tur-
transfer coefficient, but to an extent which depends on bulence level and scale, and directionality due to special
the Reynolds number. The largest increase in evidence in features in the surroundings. By this same token, owing
Fig. 8(b) is about 7½ per cent. to the variability of the outdoor environment, it is not
realistic to think in terms of a universal set of fluid flow
CONCLUDING REMARKS conditions for solar collectors. For example, the
The present experiments have shown that whereas specification of the mean wind speed does not charac-
windward-face heat transfer coefficients exceed those for terize unsteadiness or turbulence. Consequently, model
the leeward face at lower Reynolds numbers (i.e. for experiments of any kind, whether performed in a wind
Re < 60,000), the opposite relationship prevails at higher tunnel or outdoors, can only approximate any particular
Reynolds numbers. At Re = 100,000, the leeward-face solar collector application. Despite these reservations,
coefficient is about 15 per cent higher than the windward- the information provided by model experiments of the
face value, and a deviation in the 40-50 per cent range is type performed here serves as a valuable guide to design.
projected at Re = 200,000. Since wind-related Reynolds
Acknowledgment--This research was sponsored, in part, by the
numbers for solar collectors will generally exceed 60,000, American Societyof Heating, Refrigeratingand Air-Conditioning
the use of windward-face coefficients for a leeward-facing Engineers.
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SE Vol. 29, No. l--D

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