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For all the VAMPIRE fans out there and for the love of the game.

WRITTEN BY - The many creative creatures over the years, most of this book is a
collaboration of the Salubri Clanbook and other Vampire the Masquerade Source-books
(With a little creativity on my part).

EDITED BY - Jasin Holliday, so any mistakes blame him.

COVER ART DESIGN BY - Jasin Holliday | Vampire the Masquerade Logo
by Chris Elliott,Tomas Arfert.


PHOTOGRAPY - iStock | ShutterStock Edited By - Jasin Holliday





Know you are made to be

unmade. You are the white
lamb,The gentle sacrifice, You are
the greatest part of the
bounty of Caine
And on your shoulders shall be
his greatest Sin, for alone among
the children of Caine I have asked
the One Above for forgiveness.


Our Origin The Salubri are the childer of Saulot, most beloved
of Caine and the healer of the Kindred, so it is said.
Saulot was a mystic uncomfortable with his
The Salubri were once a true Clan. Their Clan awakened Beast and constantly questing to squelch
founder, Saulot, was said to be a superlative warrior as it. In the interests of furthering this quest, and to
well as a fair-minded judge. It was also said that he tame the pains of the living and dead, Saulot
grew progressively more disgusted with Kindred affairs Embraced the wise and the gentle to tend the pains
over time, and weary of the constant, bloody cycles of of Caine and Seth's get. These childer, the Salubri,
violence and betrayal. He left his home for lands far to were revered as healers and peacemakers, unusually
the east. When he returned, he was changed. He was selfless for creatures more often defined by their
tranquil and contemplative, but also somewhat greed.
fatalistic. Most surprisingly, though, he had developed
a third eye in his forehead. Saulot Embraced new Sometime in the era of the legendary Second City,
childer, and his Clan slowly split into two distinct lines Saulot despaired of conquering his beast and fled to
— the “warrior” and “healer” Salubri. For centuries, the unknown East to study under Hindu gurus and
they acted as advisors, bodyguards, and sages to other the Great Arhat Xue (under the moniker Zao-lat,
Kindred and, to a lesser extent, mortals. leaving a rather unflattering mark in the collective
And then came the diablerie of Saulot. The Mages of memory of Xue's conspecifics). When he returned,
the newly created Tremere line found Saulot’s torpid he bore a third eye and new insight into the
body, and drained his blood and soul. They usurped the vampiric condition; his beast was quieted and he
power of the one of the Clans of Caine, and sent the described his new condition as being in Golconda,
Salubri into a downward spiral from which they never named for the town where he finally achieved inner
recovered. peace. The clan, revitalized by their ancestor's
Tonight, rumor has it that only seven members of the return, embraced the new discipline of Valeren (The
once respected line exist at any given time. This rumor Healer Path) and enhanced their abilities. It was at
is not true rumors die hard, however. this time, with the adoption of Valeren, that the
third eye became the mark of all Salubri, originally
Modern Kindred know of the Salubri as diablerists a sign of enlightenment, it eventually became a
who consume their own sires (and do it openly — target.
patricide is hardly unknown among the other Clans,
but they don’t admit to it) and remove the souls of Saulot's return was a joyous occasion, but what
other Kindred. The Soulsuckers are, supposedly, a Clan followed behind him was not – a hitherto unknown
of defilers and liars from centuries past, possibly line of vampiric demon worshipers, the Baali,
involved with demon worship, and demonstrably part attacked the Second City. Saulot, normally
of the Sabbat. relatively sedate, viewed the Baali as an
abomination and encouraged active retaliation. To
that end, one of his childer, named Samiel,
discarded the path of healing and took up the
I say this and mean it truly - sword. Samiel was the founder of a new caste of

no burden I have ever carried is Salubri, an order of warriors wielding the new path
of Valeren (The Warrior Path), dedicated to
heavier than what this new eye overthrowing Baali and other forces of darkness.

has seen.


Salubri in Kindred
The Salubri do not have much of an organization
in the Final Nights. There are not enough of them
for them to have one. When Salubri do meet, it
tends to be on the instruction of their sires – the
dying wish of a given Cyclops to her childe might
be to seek out another member of the bloodline and
deliver a message or pay respects.

Things were different before Saulot's death. At

that time, the Healers had a loose community of
equals, largely distinguished by progress on the path
to Golconda. The Warriors, however, were
distinguished by a ritual called the Blooding; it was
in this ritual that a warrior was truly consecrated
and took an angelic name to indicate their purpose
and path. The Blooding also granted special powers;
however, with the effective extermination of the
warrior caste, the Code of Samiel was lost, and the
antitribu of the modern age show no knowledge of

Who Are We Again, there are not enough of them to have a

culture. What little there is has mostly focused
In the moder nights the Salubri have all but died out. It around Golconda lore. Salubri believe that vampiric
is rumoured that only seven to be active, though this existence is torment from which Golconda or death
rumour is also believed by some to have been started by is the only escape. Consequently, the modern
the Salubri themselves in order to hide their true Salubri would Embrace, teach a childe the basics of
numbers. The Salubri, if they are known at all, are the route, leave clues for the childe to follow to
reviled for their strange and frightening soul-devouring achieve Golconda, and then have their childe
powers. diablerize them.

And then something even stranger and more

frightening happens, Salubri antitribu; the Sabbat
accepts into its ranks the childer of Adonai. These
warriors are consumed by the need for vengeance, and
Our dedication to humanity keeps us
are creatures of rage, dubbed Furies by their Sabbat going. Mortality shields us. Service
compatriots. They are not honorable creatures, but defines us. Golconda will save us.
rather bitter knights driven to destroy the Tremere and
seeking vengeance for their founder's destruction.


The Third Eye

Valeren cause a physical change in
vampires: a bump or nodule developing
in the center of the forehead, eventually
cracking open when the character learns
the Discipline’s second dot. This
stigmata bleeds whenever it opens, but
remains an open wound for a mortals
lifetime as the eye inside takes years to
fully form. Those clinging to Humanity
have human eyes, while the Salubri
with lower Humanity have
concomitantly inhuman eyes. The scar
or eye opens intermittently (when
the Salubri is agitated), or when she uses
level of Auspex orValeren.

Attempting to cover the sensitive

opening results in a penalty of one die to
all rolls, though a decent hoodie is
usually good enough to keep it from
being easily noticed. It may be retracted
and hidden for the scene with a
Stamina + Stealth roll, though a
slight, faded scar remains on the
forehead. Using any level of
Auspex or Valeren brings it forth
once more.


Salubri Embrace
This brought them into conflict with various
Clans and their unsavory members and when
Salubri generally Embrace noble souls; the Tremere began their pogrom, the Warriors
healers, teachers, empaths, and other good had nowhere to turn to and were unsure how to
people that they feel can find Golconda. proceed. Many Warriors died in battles against
Beyond that, there is not much forces they deemed evil.
commonality. However, on occasion a
Salubri might embrace an evil person in The majority of Salubri Warrior's joined the
hope of seeing them redeemed (or at least Sabbat but in resent nights have been found
setting them on a path to redemption). among the Anarchs. These Warrior's are not
Each childe of a Salubri are seen as the the quiet, contemplative Kindred that seek
culmination of their unlife, so they tended Golconda in persecuted exile like their gentler
to observe their targets carefully and counterparts. No, these Kindred call themselves
generally only Embraced when the person "Furies", and they seek the blood of the
was willing to endure unlife. Camarilla vampires – the Tremere especially –
with a venomous passion. They are the modern
incarnation of the ancient Warrior Caste, The
Salubri antitribu are devoted to the cause of
killing Camarilla vampires, but not necessarily
to other Sabbat or Anarchs agendas.

What truly fires them up is the chance to

The Castes invade Camarilla territory and burn some

Tremere. If the ancient rumors of the Salubri
warriors being honorable knights are true, then
Modern references to the Salubri typically times have indeed changed. These Kindred do
refer exclusively to the Healer Caste, who not know "honorable combat", they just want
make up the bulk of the "normal" to watch their enemies crumble to dust.
Bloodline. However in recent nights the
Warrior Caste, also called antitribu, seems
to have had a resurgence after the Fall of

The Warrior Caste were founded during

the Baali Wars by Saulot's childe Samiel.
Samiel renamed himself after an angel of
the Lord, in a secret ceremony that is
called the Blooding. Since then, every
Salubri Warrior was expected to undergo
the same ritual and be granted an angelic

All warriors undergo rigorous training to

prepare them for the Blooding, sometimes
even when they are still mortal. The
Warriors were wanderers, always searching
for evil to destroy wherever it might grow.


Salubri Archetypes Bane

Salubri have difficulty feeding on unwilling vessels.
You were a criminal in life you had little interest in If she attempts to feed from someone that has not
living in society, you could see the dirty beneath its given them permission they loses a point of
shining exterior. You dealt with the worst of humanity Willpower per level of Bane.
and saw what it did to people. It was at a shelter you
would see the abused refuges of society, the people that
have been pushed aside to be forgotten. These people
suffered at the had of others, you take from the ones
that caused the pain and give to their victims.
Clan Compulsion
Your mortal days are of little concern for you, all that Salubri feel they are the savors of the damned.
matters is that evil is wiped from the Earth, especially While the Healers wish to forgive the sinners, the
Warriors want to punish.
the Usurpers they must pay for what they have done.
Salubri Healer feels a drive convert a sinner on the
MYSTIC HEALER path of forgiveness. While the Warriors are
In life you were a doctor, you joined Greenpeace to compelled to punish them. If they cannot
help the victims of war, you were doing the Lords work. accomplish their compulsion they will suffer a
After your Embrace you continue to help the negative 1 to all social and mental rolls.
unfortunate and look for the answers to the great
Auspex: The ability see the unseen and hidden. To
You have found refuge in the Camerilla court, posing
determine someones fears and weaknesses. They
as a Malkavian you advise the Price of the city and are
can see their enemies coming.
respected for you insight.

Fortitude: The Salubri are survivors if anything,

Fortitude allows them to be fearless in the face of
evil and take what evil delivers onto them.

Valeren: Provides control over pain and increase

I say this and mean it morality. The Salubri casts use Valeren in different
ways, some to punish some to redeem.
truly - no burden I have With their ability to absorb the souls
of others is why they are so feared and
ever carried is heavier misunderstood by the other Clans.

than what this new eye

has seen.


Valeren Level 1
Valeren relies upon a third eye which is formed when
With a glance, the Salubri can instantaneously read
a vampire gains a second level in either Discipline.
a target’s physical or spiritual vital markers. She
The third eye is said to bestow "sight beyond sight"
may learn how much damage a target has incurred
and enable the Salubri to see the threads of life and
or what manner of being he is.
death around them. Use of any power but the first
• Cost: Free
causes the third eye to open and glow brightly,
• Dice Pool: Perception + Empathy or Medicine
making surreptitious use very difficult.
• System: The third eye squints, revealing the
small details of life to the Salubri’s second
Valeren was originally split between two distinct
sight. The player makes a Perception +
paths of powers: the Path of the Healer, and the Path
Empathy or Medicine roll, with successes
of the Warrior, an offshoot Discipline developed by
cumulative if the Salubri continues
Samiel to fight the Baali and other infernalists. In the
examination. Two successes reveal how many
Modern Nights, the Path of the Healer has come to be
health levels of damage the subject has
known as Obeah, and Valeren refers only to the Path
suffered. Three successes tell how much blood
of the Warrior.
a living target has left in her system. Four
successes reveal the subject’s Humanity
It has long remained a closely guarded secret of the
Rating. Alternately, successes allow the player
once-proud clan, and is all but forgotten in the
to ask the Storyteller one question about the
Modern Nights by vampiric society.
subject’s general health. “Was he drugged?” or
“Was this done with Vicissitude?” are valid,
Nickname: Obeah, Sight beyond Sight
but “Who did this to him?” or “Was it
Rustovitch?” are not.
• Duration: As long as the Salubri concentrates
The third eye is said to bestow "sight beyond sight" Rather than diagnosing the sick and dying, the
and enable the Salubri to see the threads of life and nascent third eye sees the cycle of life entire. They
death around them. Once their abilities to restore see the ebb and flow of lives in the streets, not the
lost vitality and cleanse individuals of taints of both vitality locked within veins and organs. The Salubri
the body and the soul earned the Salubri awe and experiences waking visions that alter her perception
respect, but after years of Tremere propaganda the of the world around her, leaving her prone to seeing
use of Valeren became more associated with soul- dire omens and auspicious portents in the smallest
stealing and infernalism. event. When she focuses, these visions resolve into
incredible personal insight.
• Type: Mental • Cost: One Rouse Check
• Masquerade threat: Medium to High, when • Dice Pool: Perception + Investigation
using Valeren the third eye glows. or Empathy
• Blood Resonance: Phlegmatic. • System: The Salubri instinctually realizes
missionaries, visionaries, mediums, prophets. when she’s in the presence of a character or
event that is significant to her future (and the
narrative, as determined by the Storyteller).
Sense Cycle automatically informs the Salubri
of potentially hostile encounters in the
immediate future, ensuring she’ll only be
encountered unawares in locales unfamiliar to
her. If she spends one Willpower point and


• rolls Perception + Investigation or Empathy • Cost: One Rouse Check per turn
she may glean omens and visions of the • Dice Pool: Willpower
person in question. Each success allows the • System: The Salubri rolls a Rouse Check and
player to ask the Storyteller a question spends a Willpower point, then touches a foe
regarding the target, such as his public hostile to him. For three turns, the target’s
identity and role in society, if he is hostile or difficulty to strike the Salubri increases by
could become so (and for another success, two (maximum 9). If the target is a vampire,
under what circumstances), or one she sees the difficulty of Rötschreck or frenzy
psychological weakness he possesses. rolls decrease by 2, making it easy for her to
restrain herself. The Salubri may not use this
• Duration: One Turn power on himself. Knowing Gift of Sleep or
Morphean Blow increases the duration for
two turns (to a maximum of 7).
• Duration: One Turn
GIFT OF SLEEP Healers use sleep to accelerate the healing process.
The Unicorn can ease a target’s pain or place him Warriors use sleep to incapacitate enraged foes.
into a deep, soothing sleep. The Healers have Stories abound of Salubri Warriors quelling lupines
staunch ethical concerns about forcing uncon- with a single slap, leaving the beasts vulnerable to
sciousness on the unwilling, but these are concerns, the killing blow.
not limits. • Cost: One Rouse Check
• Cost: One Rouse Check • Dice Pool: Willpower
• Dice Pool: Willpower vs Willpower • System: This power works identically to the
• System: If used on the willing, the power Gift of Sleep; despite the name, Warriors may
requires a touch and a Willpower roll to dull their wound penalties with this
block the subject’s pain. This allows the Discipline. Knowing both Gift of Sleep and
subject to ignore all wound penalties for one Morphean Blow grants an additional two dice
turn per success, and the Salubri may use this in the resisted Willpower roll to pacify the
power on himself. To put a living being to target. This Discipline may be used in combat
sleep (willing or unwilling) the vampire must as part of a Brawl attack.
make a contested Willpower roll against the • Duration: One Turn
subject. This target sleeps for eight hours (or
whatever is normal for the individual) and
regains one temporary Willpower point upon Level 3
awakening. Being put to sleep in the midst of
combat is entirely possible; while dropping to HEALER'S TOUCH
the ground does not awaken the subject, being The signature power of the Healers stems from the
struck with a weapon will snap the victim ability to apply the vampiric regenerative process
back to full wakefulness. Vampires and other to others. The third eye opens wide, shedding slick
undead creatures, or those who are sleepless sanguine light. The target feels sweet, invigorating
for whatever reason, are not affected by this energies rushing into their wounds.
• Duration: The effect lasts eight hours • Cost: One or More Rouse Checks
• Dice Pool: Rouse Check
• System: This power works on any living or
PEACEFULL TOUCH undead creature, but the character must be
Healing wounds after they occur is miraculous, but able to touch the target, even if they merely
greater miracles lie in calming the bloodlust that “lay on hands.”
comes with violence.


The target’s wounds may be healed by Rouse • Cost: One Rouse Check per turn
Checks, as if the vampire were healing herself. • Dice Pool: Willpower vs Willpower
Aggravated wounds may be also healed in this • System: The Salubri spends two Willpower
manner, requiring three Rouse Checks for each points. Erecting the force barrier is a
aggravated health level. The Healer’s Touch may standard action, but maintaining it per turn
also cleanse any blood borne infectious diseases, or dropping it is reflexive. The invisible
requiring two Rouse Checks per infection; they barrier extends in a 10-foot/3-meter radius
must first be identified, and this power does not from the character. Those within it at its
prevent a recurrence, but it will alleviate the creation may leave and return, and the
worst of the malady. barrier moves with the Salubri. Those who
• Duration: One Turn wish to cross the barrier from the outside
must contest the character in an extended,
BURNING TOUCH contested Willpower roll The opponent may
cross the barrier as soon as he accumulates
The character’s grasp inflicts searing pain akin to
three net successes against the Salubri; if the
being burnt with a red-hot iron. This power inflicts
Salubri accumulates three net successes, the
no damage, but painfully disrupts the vital energies
opponent is permanently barred from the
of the target. The Warrior can use prolonged or
threshold. Rocks, thrown weapons, or
repeated exposure to this power in order torture a
crossbow bolts may penetrate the barrier
without penalty, but everyone within the
• Cost: One or More Rouse Checks barrier is considered to have two additional
• Dice Pool: Rouse Check dice of soak against such attacks.
• System: The vampire must grasp the target (a • Duration: One Turn or permanent
Dexterity + Brawl roll). The character rolls at
least one Rouse Check to activate this power;
each Rouse Check reduces the victim’s dice
pools by two for so long as the Cyclops grasps
the victim and for the next turn thereafter.
Each activation of the power causes one level
of superficial (not halved) damage to the target
from sheer physical strain. The pain triggers
Rötschreck in vampires (as “being burned”),
and Warriors have occasionally used it as a
blunt demonstration of the victim’s spiritual
• Duration: One Turn

Level 4
The third eye opens and flares a bright white,
illuminating a barely-visible ward around the
Unicorn and his charge.
No foe may breach this sacred shield.
The Salubri himself must stand among
those he defends as he generates
this barrier; he cannot guard them
from afar.


PEACEMAKER rarely surge again. The Peacemaker Aura is

Salubri arbiters and negotiators, dealing with hostile not a numbing or hypnotic effect, but more
supernatural beings on behalf of all Cainites. Keeping clearing one’s head from the distractions of
the peace is paramount. With this power, out of anger. Those under the power’s effect are more
control tempers find restraint and bitter arguments are inclined to talk out a dispute than reach for
reduced to differences of opinion. the sword. Even Brujah or similarly rage-prone
characters find it harder to lose their tempers
• Cost:One Rouse Check and 2 Willpower — the aura mitigates such weaknesses, and
• Dice Pool: Willpower they roll against frenzy as normal. Anyone
• System: The player spends two Willpower wishing to insult someone or attack under
points to erect the Peacemaker aura, which Peacemaker must roll Willpower (difficulty of
must be inside a chamber no larger than a the Salubri’s Humanity) or hesitate. This
ballroom. The Salubri’s third eye opens, but occurs even in the midst of an active battle,
sheds no light. The aura lasts for as many turns wherein all participants must roll each turn to
as he has dots in his Humanity rating or until continue hostilities until the duration expires.
he leaves the area, though once used, tempers This applies to the Salubri as well — the aura
must be raised in good faith and cannot be
used to create an ambush.
• Duration: One Turn


ARMY OF CAINE'S FURY cannot try again until the following night,
The third eye opens, blazing redder than the while a botch means the Unicorn acquires
setting sun. This radiance spreads along the a temporary Derangement. Success takes
Salubri’s desiccated veins in a flash until their entire the target’s soul. Souls drawn out in this
body is enveloped in a web of radiant light that manner become part of the Salubri’s soul
defies wounding. The Cyclopes consider this (and while the healing process takes place, and
their talent at Fortitude) to be the chief reasons she may return it to its proper body at any
they are so feared in war. time. Bereft of a soul, the target’s body is
vacant, but alive; it obeys the Salubri’s
• Cost: One Rouse Check
commands. The body may be forced into
• Dice Pool: Stamina + Melee
combat, but loses two dice to its dice pools
• System: The player rolls one Rouse Check and
due to lack of coordination (Healers
rolls Stamina + Melee. For each success, the
consider this gravely unethical, even if they
vampire gains one point of armor, to a
absorbed the subject’s soul as a defensive
maximum of five points. This stacks with any
measure). The subject’s body and soul were
worn armor. Additionally, for every two
never meant to be separated; holding a soul
successes rolled, she gains an additional die to
for longer than strictly necessary —
resist Rötschreck.
usually, a night — is considered a sin
• Duration: One scene
against most Salubri. The soul may
eventually attempt to escape; this is
resisted by a Willpower roll (difficulty of
the trapped soul’s Wits + Empathy),
attempted once per week. She may only
Level 5 hold one soul at a time.

By spending five Willpower points over

UNBURDEN THE BESTIAL SOUL the course of an hour, the Salubri may roll
The third eye opens and a shaft of golden radiance Manipulation + Empathy to increase the
lances out, transfixing the victim. Something barely subject’s Humanity rating and clean any
perceptible wafts out of the subject’s mouth, drawn stains acquired. She sees the myriad
into the Salubri’s body. It is the victim’s soul. degenerations that led to the soul’s fallen
Salubri with this level of Valeren may draw the state as harrowing visions. The Salubri may
tattered soul from the vampire into the Salubri’s only restore or degrade a total number of
third eye, allowing the Healer to repair damage points equal to her Empathy rating per
done by the burden of unlife and the Beast. night, and must pay the Willpower cost
when she attempts it again. She may
• Cost: One Rouse Checks + Two Willpower expend additional Willpower (one per) to
Dice Pool: Stamina + Empathy vs Wits + cure the subject’s Derangements.
Empathy. Malkavians may be healed of their clan
System: Vampiric souls with a Humanity weakness, but only for a night.
rating of zero cannot be healed by this • Duration: One Turn
power. For all others, the character spends
two Willpower points and rolls Stamina +
Empathy . Failure means the character
This is a secret of the Watchers: the Curse of
Caine to subsist on blood and bitter ashes is a lie.
Progression of the soul allows one to draw out the
sanguine humor that floats within the lungs and
the vitality of will in the breath. It’s a meager
draught, but one can sup one’s fill from
a crowd with none the wiser.


• Cost: One Rouse Check or one who truly wishes death without coercion.
• Dice Pool: Intelligence + Occult Generally, the mortally wounded or the elderly are
• System: The Salubri must be facing a victim targets of this power, but those of a deeply
within speaking distance. He rolls Intelligence melancholic temperament or torture victims are
+ Occult (+/-2 to difficulty with a kiss, equally viable. Tremere whisper rumors of un-
difficulty +2 for shouting across a ballroom). forgiving Warriors afflicting captives with the
Success on the roll allows the Salubri to sup Burning Touch, then taking their souls when they
one “blood” point per turn (maximum beg for death.
duration of his successes) from his victim’s
• Cost: One Rouse Checks + Willpower
breath. The victim rarely knows what’s
Dice Pool: Perception + Empathy
happening to them, experiencing the loss as a
System: The Salubri spends a Willpower
moment of discomfiting weakness. She loses
point and lays a hand over a valid target’s
one health level per point of “blood”, as if he’d
heart, peacefully and painlessly killing them.
fed from her. The Salubri may divide his
If the vampire kills with a melee attack, they
successes amongst multiple targets in range to
may make a reflexive Dexterity + Brawl roll
draw in more breath per turn, rapidly
to touch the target and activate this power.
draining a crowd of breath and continuing on.
This is a mercy killing, for all the difference
Breath does not sate like blood; he may only
that makes to a vampire with high Humanity.
use this power for a number of nights equal to
The player then rolls the character’s
his Humanity rating before needing to
Perception + Empathy; upon a success, the
physically drink blood. Supernatural creatures
target’s soul is absorbed. For each success on
targeted by this Discipline lose both “blood”
the absorption roll, the Salubri may do one
and part of their power. Each success on the
of two things:
roll to activate Soul’s Breath carries both a
Rouse Check “blood” (and concurrent level of
• Recall facts of the target’s memory,
damage) and robs the supernatural being of
requiring a separate Intelligence + Empathy
one point of her power pool (Cainites have
roll for each fact of significance. With the
their vitae rendered inert, Lupines lose Gnosis,
soul’s vitality residing inside the Salubri, he
etc.), translated to the Salubri as a point of
knows much of what the dead man did —
Willpower. At Storyteller’s dis-cretion, this
interesting secrets, rare treasures, or vital
theft provides an excellent justification for the
documents. The Salubri may choose to let
purchase of out-of-clan Disciplines or
pertinent orpressing information come to
Supernatural Merits.
him (Storyteller’s choice) but this raises the
• Duration: One or more turns
difficulty of the roll to 7.

ENDING THE WATCH • Absorb the living energies of the mortal’s

The Warriors trace their origin to Samiel’s soul to bolster their own; each success allows
ancient fury in the days after the Second City. Yet the Warrior to recoup a point of Willpower.
ancient tales record the Salubri of Enoch walking The Warrior may store these Willpower
the streets, laying hands upon the terminally ill points above their normal maximum (to a
and freeing their souls from mortality’s coil. In total of 10). The soul remains within the
return, the Salubri gained both wisdom and Salubri’s own for as long as he wishes, but
strength of will. Despite their anger, the Warriors only one soul may be contained at a time.
retain the fundamentally peaceful disposition of Once the successes on the roll have been used
Clan Salubri, and this power reflects their hewing by either or both options, the remnants of
to the clan’s original nature. When acting as death the soul fade, venturing to their final
watch, the third eye’s iris flares gold, absorbing destination. The corpse of the target may be
the essence of the mortal’s departing soul into the fed upon, regardless of clan weakness. Their
Salubri’s own. This power may only be used on a blood tastes rich and hot, even many nights
dying mortal (Incapacitated in Aggravated after death; however, they may not be
damage, but not yet dead) Embraced.
• Duration: One Turn


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