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ADVANCED Teacher's Book

Date, Haines & Sayer OXPORD



Introduction 4

Teacher's notes
U nit 1 Influences 8
U nit 2 Infernal machines 18
U nit 3 Open questions 24
U nit 4 Danger 32
U nit 5 Dilemmas 40
U nit 6 Natural assets 47
U nit 7 Senses 54
U nit 8 Control 61
U nit 9 Music matters 68
U nit 10 From place to place 77
U nit 11 Remember 83
U nit 12 All the rage 91
U nit 13 Conflict 99
U nit 14 Work 106
U nit 15 Behaviour 112
U nit 16 Processes 1 20
U nit 17 Creativity 127
U nit 18 In the public eye 134

Extra material 140

Writing guidelines key 146


T hem e: fam ous an d o rd in a ry people, beliefs, an d th e ir

influence o n us 1.1 20th century people p.6
1.1 20th century people Stage 1 includes a reading text w hich is a reactio n to Tim e
People w ho influenced th e 20th cen tu ry m agazine’s list o f 100 people w ho influenced th e 2 0th century,
an d contextualizes discourse m arkers.
Reading: gist an d specific info rm atio n
Language focus: discourse m arkers
Listening: p ro m p t for discussion Lead in
Speaking: reaching a consensus an d presenting ideas IJffii To get students thinking and talking a bout the them e o f
the lesson and, particularly w ith new classes, to break the ice
1.2 My influences and provide an opportunity to talk about ideas, attitudes, and
People talk ab o u t individuals w ho have been an influence on
th em 1 -2 In tro d u ce th e activity briefly: ask stu d en ts to look at the
Listening: gist an d specific info rm atio n pictures an d th e five categories.
E x ploring n a tu ra l speech: p ro n u n cia tio n o f unstressed • Ask th e m to com plete tasks 1 and 2 in pairs.
syllables • M o n ito r b u t do n o t in terru p t. S tudents are getting to know
V ocabulary: tw o -p art adjectives (hard-hitting, low-flying) each o th e r as well as finding the answ ers to th e task.
Speaking: discussion
• C o n d u ct whole-class feedback to see w hich o f th e people
W riting: a personal profile
they know. Supply answers as necessary.

1.3 -isms Glossary___________________________________________________

Influential m ovem ents an d beliefs Titan - someone of great size or strength, from the Greek mythological
character. Adjective - titanic. Often used as in this text, i.e. a person of
Reading: m atching text an d sum m ary great importance: Henry Ford was a titan of industry.
Language focus: all, both, either, neither, none Icon - In this usage means someone who is uncritically admired.
O th e r in p u t: co m parison language The singer Madonna is an icon to many young people.
Speaking: ‘inventing’ a new - ism
1 Leaders and Revolutionaries Mohandas Ghandi /
Pope John Paul II
Exploring words Artists and Entertainers Picasso / Oprah Winfrey
Builders and Titans Henry Ford / Bill Gates
W hy we are like we are: personality an d te m p eram en t
Scientists and Thinkers Sigmund Freud /
Albert Einstein
Workbook Heroes and Icons Marilyn Monroe / Pele
Language focus: discourse m arkers all, both, either, neither, 2 Albert Einstein
V ocabulary focus: -isms; describing people - m etap h o rs an d Note
idiom s The answers given here are those that Time magazine listed, but there
V ocabulary expansion: adjectival suffixes; adverbs is certainly room for discussion and disagreement. Marilyn Monroe and
Pele could be entertainers; Oprah Winfrey might be considered an icon.
L istening: influences Encourage students to discuss and defend their answers - this is good
for their English! There is a full list of Time magazine's people on p.17.

8 Unit 1
Reading Language focus: discourse markers p.7
E H I To extend vocabulary, practise paraphrasing skills, and E O To expose students to a wide variety o f discourse markers,
encourage students to react personally to the letter, which is one both fo rm a l and informal, and encourage them to extend their
person’s written reaction to the T im e magazine list. range by practising a fe w o f them.

1 Ask students to w ork individually w ith o u t w orrying at this D iscourse m arkers help us u n d ersta n d how spoken language
stage ab o u t difficult vocabulary. or a w ritten text is co n stru cted an d so how a speaker’s or
w riter’s th o u g h ts are linked.
• W hen m ost have finished, ask students to com pare and
discuss th e ir answers in pairs for a few m inutes. It is not a good idea to ask stu d en ts to practise all the
discourse m arkers presented; th is w ould be overw helm ing
• T here is no need for w hole-class feedback at this p o in t.
an d d au n tin g . T hey need to b u ild up th eir range gradually, by
recognizing an d identifying m arkers w hen th ey com e across
Close up
th em an d by gradually using m o re themselves.
To extend vocabulary and to focus students’ attention on
D iscourse m arkers often present difficulties, even for
the differences between form a l and informal language.
advanced stu d en ts (and native speakers!). S tudents m ay n o t
• Ask students to do this individually o r in pairs. E ncourage u n d ersta n d w hat a p articu lar w o rd o r p hrase really m eans,
th em to m ake guesses from context rath er th an rely o n th eir th ey m ay n o t recognize how form al o r inform al th e discourse
dictionaries. m ark er is, th ey m ay place it incorrectly in th e sentence, and
• Check answers w ith th e w hole class. th ey m ay sim ply have a very lim ited range w hich they
consequently overuse. T his section will help th em becom e
1.12 figures = people (as in public figures / a cult figure)' other
meanings: m o re co n fid en t an d co m p eten t users o f these co m m o n
1 body shape - She's got a slim figure. linguistic devices.
2 numbers - He earns a six-figure salary.
3 a diagram or illustration in a book - Figure 16 shows how a 1 W ith books closed, ask stu d en ts w hat th ey u n d ersta n d by
computer keyboard works. ‘discourse m arkers’. W rite up any th a t th ey know, an d p o in t
4 to think / calculate - I figure we'll arrive at about midnight, o u t th a t discourse m arkers can be inform al (well, anyway, I
(informal conversation and American English) m ean) as well as form al ( nevertheless, therefore). Ask th em to
1.16 met th in k ab o u t th e discourse m arkers th ey use in th eir ow n
1.17 ethnic minority = a group within a larger population
language, an d th o se th ey use in English.
which is a racial minority
ethnic cleansing = the policy or practice of killing or driving • Explain th e aim s for this section: in Language focus, they will
out of an area the people of one race or religion by those of look at exam ples o f language from th e context th ey have ju st
studied. T hey will th en do tasks w hich will help th em to
ethnology = the comparative study of human people
1.22 Leave out the word whom check an d expand th eir know ledge o f th e language area.
• S tudents answ er th is q u estio n individually o r in pairs.
Note______________________________________________________ • C heck answ ers w ith th e w hole class.
Whom is virtually non-existent in spoken English today. It is sometimes
used in written English to add weight or seriousness to the language: a Nevertheless introduces a contrast,
'He was someone for whom I am sure we all had the deepest regard' b Here are introduces examples.
rather than 'He was someone who I am sure we all had respect for'.
2 -3 Ask stu d en ts to com plete task 2 in pairs. (T hey will need
2 Ask students to com plete th e task individually o r in pairs. to copy th e ch art in to th eir notebooks.)
• C heck answers an d encourage a w hole-class discussion. • Set a tim e lim it. M onitor, b u t d o n ’t spend too long w ith each
pair. You will probably need to go over the answers w ith the
Possible answers
a most people on the lists were American / the list was w hole class.
unbalanced, biased • C heck answ ers to 2, an d ask stu d en ts to th in k ab o u t 3 as you
b including a wider range of people / people from the Third go th ro u g h th e ir answers.
World, more from the early part of the 20th century, fewer
from contemporary pop culture • Use th e Language co m m en tary o n p. 13 for fu rth er
c he was ethnocentric, he didn't know much about people of explanations an d exam ple sentences.
his parents' generation, he rated people he liked as more
important than those he disliked

Unit 1 9
2 Purpose of words or phrases Examples Speaking
• Adding information in addition; another thing is;
as well as that; on top o f l^ l'I'l To practise listening fo r key information a n d to develop
that; what's more inform al discussion skills.
Balancing contrasting ideas whereas; while O u tlin e th e task briefly. Allow students tim e to read th ro u g h
Changing the subject anyway; incidentally
Concluding / summing up to sum up; in short th e lists an d check th a t they know w hat th ey refer to.
Pointing out a contrast however; despite this Play th e recording.
Giving examples for example; for instance
Logical consequence therefore; so Note______________________________________________________
Making something clear in other words; I mean; Throughout Landmark Advanced, recordings and transcripts are of
what I mean is; actually; as a spontaneous speech. They therefore include any grammatical slips and
matter o f fact errors which the speakers have made.
Showing your attitude to be honest; frankly; quite
Structuring and sequencing to start with; firstly; lastly; at Speaker 1 For me the key event of the 20th century would have to be
first; eventually; in the end; the erm, coming down of the Berlin Wall. ...
Worst idea of the 20th century must be the the motor car, I think.
3 Most of these markers could be used in informal Speaker 2 I think the most important event of the 20th century was er
conversation, although you are unlikely to use: in addition, the er breaking down of the Berlin Wall and the er union of the two
however, despite this, therefore, firstly, lastly. They would Germanies and the integration of the ex-Communist countries into
be more likely to be used in formal writing. the erm shall we say 'free world'? And I think one of the worst ideas
of the 20th century was beside Cold War was Communism, state
Exploitation socialism.
I2E2I To provide controlled practice in using some o f the Speaker 3 Erm I would say some of the key events of the 20th century
would be erm, the first things that spring to mind are the wars, so the
discourse markers.
First World War and the Second World War and the Vietnam War
O utlin e th e task. Explain th a t th e students should only add erm, man on the moon, and scientific advances, the discovery of DNA
th e discourse m arkers in bo ld type because the o th ers are which has huge implications now ...
already in th eir table. Erm I don't know if I'd call it really the worst idea of the 20th century
but I think possibly cars or or motorized transport would come would
C heck answ ers quickly w ith the w hole class. Set a tim e lim it. come fairly close ...
See table above Speaker 4 ... I think I would list all the wars - the First World War, the
Second World War, Vietnam, I think all the wars. Erm ...
Ask students to do this individually. Som etim es m o re th an Intertwined with the hundred key events, cos although the First World
o ne answ er is possible. War the Second World War were key events, they were also bad
ideas, Hitler's idea to eliminate the Jews, for example, would be one
Students check th eir answers in pairs. M o n ito r this stage so of the worst ideas ...
th a t you can give individual atten tio n w here necessary and
S tudents com pare th eir answers in pairs.
sp ot confusion o r m istakes th a t are general.
Play the recording again if necessary.
C heck answ ers w ith th e w hole class.
Speaker 1: the coming down of the Berlin Wall; the motor car
Where more than one choice is possible, the first answer given Speaker 2: the Berlin Wall; the Cold War
is the better. Speaker 3: the First World War; Second World War; the
1 To start with / At first Vietnam War; man on the moon; DNA; cars
2 However / Despite this Speaker 4: all the wars; Hitler's idea to eliminate the Jews
3 Despite this / However
4 Actually / As a matter of fact
5 Anyway Note______________________________________________________
6 so Elvis Presley - American pop singer 1935-1977, famous as a pop icon
7 At first / To start with and for making rock 'n' roll popular in the 1950s.
8 Then First landing on the moon - 1969. The American Neil Armstrong was
9 Eventually / In the end the first person to walk on the moon.
10 In the end / Eventually / So World War 11- 1939-1945. A global war was fought in the air, on
11 for instance land, and at sea. By the end of the war 45 million people had died.
12 whereas US civil rights movement - Led by Martin Luther King (1929-1968) to
13 quite honestly establish equal rights for black people. Civil Rights Act was passed in
14 As a matter of fact 1964.
15 What I mean is Prohibition - 1920-1933. Period in USA when it was illegal to
manufacture or sell alcohol. Led to huge trade in illegal, home-made
alcohol and people who sold it - 'bootleggers'.
Message T-shirts - refers to T-shirts printed with messages on them,
e.g. I V London.
Suntans - The idea that it was attractive / desirable to get a suntan
was a 20th century phenomenon.
Videophones - Refers to phones with video monitor so that you can
see the person you are talking to.
Unit 1
2 Give students five m inutes to th in k o f things to include in the
two lists.
3 Students w ork in sm all groups to agree their ‘Top 5’ lists. Set
a tim e limit.
4 Each group should choose one m em b er to present th eir list
to the class. Set a tim e lim it.
• Ask the groups listening to n o te dow n each ‘Top 5’ an d see
how m any ideas they have in com m on. (This helps to ensure
they listen to each other.)
• If y o ur class w ould benefit from som e extra inform al w riting
practice, you could use th e follow ing activity in class o r as
hom ew ork. If possible, ask students to send it by e-m ail to
o th er m em bers o f th e class.
W rite an e-m ail to the ed ito r o f Tim e m agazine com m en tin g 1 Possible influences:
o n the four Worst Ideas o f the C entury listed on p.7 and Family: parents; grandparents; older siblings
arguing for the inclusion o f o ne o f your ow n ideas. Outside: teachers; sports personalities; pop stars; school
friends; priests; national leaders
W rite quickly an d inform ally - in other w ords, a typical
2 They represent the kind of person you would like to be.
e-m ail. They lead the kind of life you'd like for yourself.
Use inform al discourse m arkers o f these four types: They seem happy or successful.
- P ointing o u t a contrast They are interested in you. They advise and help you.
- Giving exam ples 3 A role model is someone you attempt to emulate - a very
strong influence.
- Showing your attitu d e
- S tructuring and sequencing
W rite 80-100 words. Listening
Give / send your e-m ail to som eone else in th e class.
To practise the skill o f listening to informal, natural
speech in order to obtain specific information.

smart - intelligent, clever (US English)
1.2 My influences p.8
1 Explain th e task briefly th en play th e recording.
Stage 2 introduces listening to spontan eo u s speech, and
provides vocabulary and skills work. Speaker 1 I'd say one person that really influenced me when I was
growing up was erm a teacher. Now I'd moved schools at a time
when not many children were moving across to a new school - it was
Lead in sort of in the middle of a, in the middle of a term, I think it was and
erm, I didn't know anyone obviously and I was feeling a little bit
E H To encourage students to think and talk about types o f unsure of myself and er the physical education teacher was called
people who have personal influence. Ralph which is my name and he was very popular - he was a really
1 -2 Students w ork in pairs o r sm all groups to look at the sort of tall guy, you know, er he was er ranked in the country for his
tennis playing and I loved tennis and I really sort of admired him and
pictures and discuss the questions. Alternatively:
because I had the s..., the same name I thought that there may be
• In tro d u ce the them e w ith books closed. W rite th e w ords ‘My some connection and erm you know, I sort of you know would watch
influences’ on th e b o ard and ask students to suggest various him and see what he was up to and then he actually took me under
people / groups o f people w ho influence us. W rite up th eir his wing a little bit and gave me some extra coaching, tennis
coaching, and erm it was great, but it taught me a lot about
suggestions in note form , perhaps in a ‘bubble diagram ’: sportsmanship and a lot of values and things that were to do with
w rite th e w ord influences in a central bubble, an d add the with with sport and sport-related which was you know something I
categories they suggest such as fam ily, teachers, friends, was very much into when I was a child and er it was really useful and
fam ous people in sm aller bubbles radiating from it. You then very beneficial even now.
elicit from the students the specific influences, an d also Speaker 2 ... erm well, I'm influenced I suppose by by my parents and
perhaps w hen they w ere influential. W rite these o n th e b o ard friends and stuff and I base, well my role model might be, I think
probably my brother because he's he's always erm really confident and
radiating o u t from the appropriate bubble (see diagram ).
relaxed and I seem seem to get a bit stressed and I dunno, tied up and
• Ask students to discuss th e suggestions in pairs o r sm all he'll come home and watch TV and phone up his friends and stuff
groups. Set a tim e lim it. and if he's got an exam he won't really care - he'll just go out and
enjoy himseif and I'm a bit more conscientious so I sort of look up to
• It is n o t necessary to conduct a group feedback unless the him and I I see that he's always enjoying himself - but he's still got
stu d ents w ould like to. time to, you know he still does well, and he's got a good job and he
he works hard, so he he is probably the person that I look up to
most ...
Unit 1 11
Speaker 3 I'd have to say one of the people who has has had a great 1 O u tlin e th e task briefly an d give students tim e to read the
influence on me would be Barbara Walters, believe it or not. Erm I just sentences carefully. Ask th em to predict w hat th e m issing
remember as a little girl er turning on the TV and there not being a
w ords m ig h t be an d com pare answers in pairs.
whole lot of women er giving the news, I mean hard-hitting news,
and I remember watching Barbara Walters be right up there with all 2 Play th e recording an d ask students to check th e ir answers.
the the other male news anchors and thinking 'Wow if she can do it (This is n o t included in th e tapescript section o f th e S tu d en t’s
then I can definitely do it!' and er I just always loved er watching her
stories and the questions that she would ask and for me she was just Book.) You m ay w ish to explain to stu d en ts th a t th e extracts
a smart woman erm that I could you know flip on the TV and see her from recordings w hich appear in th eir books are o f
and she was a real inspiration and made me feel like as a woman as un scrip ted speech, an d therefore include any ap p a ren t ‘erro rs’
a young girl I could really do whatever I wanted to do - so she was a w hich the speakers have m ade.
role model for me in that way.
• S tudents com pare th eir answers in pairs.
a I'd say one person that really influenced me when I was growing up
• If they haven’t got all the answers, play th e recording again. was erm a teacher. Now I'd moved schools at a time when not many
T his is m ore helpful th a n m erely giving th e m th e answers; it children were moving across to a new school ...
encourages th em to develop their ow n self-reliant listening b 'Wow if she can do it then I can definitely do it!' and er I just always
strategies. loved er watching her stories and the questions that she would ask
and for me she was just a smart woman ...
a Speaker 1 - teacher c ... and she was a real inspiration and made me feel like as a woman
Speaker 2 - older brother as a young girl I could really do whatever I wanted to do ...
Speaker 3 - successful public figure, the American TV d ... so she was a role model for me in that way.
newsreader Barbara Walters
b They were all inspired to improve or develop in some way a that; was; a; were; a
by someone older and more successful than themselves. b can; can; and; and; that; for; was; a
c was; to
2 Ask students to read th e questions carefully. d that
• Suggest they w ork in pairs to see if there are any questions
• W hen th ey have th e correct answers, play th e recording again
th ey can already answer.
an d ask th e m to th in k ab o u t th e question.
• Play the recording again.
• Check answers an d discuss w ith th e w hole class. Explain th a t
• S tudents check th e ir answers an d com pare in th eir pairs.
th e ‘schwa’ is th e m o st co m m o n vowel so u n d in English.
• Repeat as necessary (probably tw o o r three tim es) and
co nduct w hole-class feedback. All words in a-c contain the 'schwa' sound. The vowel sound is
Note______________________________________________________ that in d does not contain the 'schwa' sound. When that is
Barbara Walters has received many awards for her broadcast journalism used as a determiner, the vowel is never weakened.
and interviews. She became the first woman to co-host national
network news in the United States when she joined ABC News in
1976. She had previously worked on NBC's Today programme. Vocabulary: two-part adjectives
r j i i i i To introduce students to some com m on tw o-part
a He admired him, felt protected by him, grateful because he
learned a lot from him. adjectives and to develop their ability to use them descriptively.
b The speaker had moved schools at an unusual time and felt 1 In tro d u ce th e task briefly an d ask stu d en ts to lo o k at th e two
unsure of himself at his new school. He identified with the lists o f w ords. Check th a t th ey u n d erstan d them .
teacher partly because they shared the same first name,
c The older brother is laid back and confident. The younger • Students com plete the task in pairs. Give th em en o u g h tim e
brother is conscientious and feels more stressed, to have a go b u t n o t to reach th e p o in t w hen th ey are
d He enjoys himself but is still successful, struggling. Several com b in atio n s are logically possible, b u t
e She was a successful woman in an otherwise male world,
are n o t used in English.
f The speaker realizes that if her role model can succeed, so
can she. • C heck answers w ith th e w hole class.

hard-hitting forceful, strong, powerful

Exploring natural speech p.9 easy-going calm, relaxed
T his section focuses o n the so u n d ‘schwa’ h i. Students will long-suffering puts up with trouble patiently
have com e across this before, b u t even advanced students slow-moving
som etim es find it difficult to believe, o r accept, th a t n atu ral dean-living honest, upright character
English reduces so m any vowel sounds to this ‘schwa’. T he low-flying
aim is to help students recognize this so th a t they can focus loose-fitting fits loosely, baggy
o n th e o th e r sounds, w hich in tu rn helps th em to m ake sense
o f faster speech.

12 Unit 1
2 Suggest that students com plete the task in pairs. Writing
• Check answers w ith the w hole class.
c o m To develop students’ sem i-form al w riting skills and to
hard-hitting documentary / film / speech / consolidate the theme.
easy-going company / family / patient / politician / student / As this is th e first u n it, you could take th e o p p o rtu n ity to ru n
teacher / wife
th ro u g h the advantages o f th e process ap p ro ach to w riting.
long-suffering patient / politician / student / teacher / wife
fast-growing business / company / family This should include:
slow-moving film / plane / story / traffic
• Planning
clean-living family / politician / student / teacher / wife
low-flying plane • W riting a first d raft (quickly)
loose-fitting jacket / jeans
• C hecking for errors o f gram m ar, vocabulary, spelling, style
3 Ask students to com plete th e task in pairs. • W riting an accurate final version
• C heck answ ers w ith th e w hole class. M ake sure stu d en ts are aw are o f an d refer to th e W riting
guidelines at the back o f th e ir books o n p. 150.
a long-running e smooth-talking
b sweet-smelling 1 O u tlin e the task briefly. It follows o n very clearly from the
c fast-flowing speaking.
d important-looking
• R un th ro u g h th e o u tlin e plan w ith th e class. You could ask
• For fu rth er practice you could w rite u p a selection o f stu d en ts to n o te d ow n any adjectives th ey w ould use to
tw o-w ord adjectives from questions 1, 2, an d 3. Students describe this p erso n ’s qualities, as well as exam ples w hich
w ork in sm all groups to categorize a selection o f th e tw o- illustrate them , for example:
w ord adjectives into ‘positive’, ‘negative’, o r ‘it depends’. This M y m a th s teach er
will probably provoke considerable discussion (is easy-going Q ualities Exam ples
always positive? From w hose perspective?) an d should p a tie n t helped m e to understand the basics o f m aths /
therefore help students to rem em ber the adjectives. spent tim e w ith m e after school / never lost his
• Check answers w ith th e w hole class. temper w ith me
kin d always encouraged m e even when I got low
► T here is an extra activity on p. 140 w hich practises
m etaphors to describe people.
• Students w o rk individually to p ro d u ce th eir plan in class
Speaking tim e.
2 If th ere is n o t tim e for task 2 in class, set it for hom ew ork,
To give students the opportunity to practise the language
b u t m ake sure th e stu d en ts u n d ersta n d th a t a fellow stu d e n t
learned and discuss the them e o f the lesson more freely. It also
will be looking at it before you do. R em ind th em also th a t
provides them with useful preparation fo r the writing task.
this is a draft, to be d o n e quickly, an d set a tim e lim it.
1 -2 Ask students to com plete th e tasks in pairs o r sm all
3 Students w ork in pairs. Give th e m tim e to read each o th e r’s
w o rk th ro u g h . T hey m ay first need to clarify p roblem s caused
• Alternatively, do question 1 yourself first. Tell the class ab o u t
by handw riting.
som eone w ho has been your role m odel, an d w h at influence
• S tudents help each o th e r to im prove th eir draffs. Set a tim e
this person has had o n your personality, ideas an d beliefs,
lim it, e.g. five m in u tes to read each draff, an d tim e these
career o r education. Talking to th e class yourself like this is
stages fairly strictly.
som etim es referred to as ‘live listening’. U sed carefully - i.e.
speaking naturally, n o t for too long, an d encouraging • Clarify req u irem en ts for final profile, n u m b e r o f w ords, title,
reaction an d follow -up questions - it can provide extrem ely layout.
useful and m otivating listening an d speaking practice. 4 S tudents discuss th eir ideas for im provem ents, th e n w ork
• N ow ask th e students to do the sam e, in sm all groups. individually to w rite th eir profiles.
• T here is n o need for w hole-class feedback as this is a personal
speaking activity. O nly ask for feedback if you feel it is
necessary to ro u n d off this stage o f the lesson.

Unit 1 13
Close up
1.3 -isms p.10 To develop and practise intensive reading skills.
• Ask students to do this individually o r in pairs. E ncourage
Stage 3 consists o f a reading text an d w ork o n all, both, either, th em to m ake guesses from context rath er th a n rely o n th e ir
neither, none, follow ed by a light-hearted design task. dictionaries.
• C heck answers w ith w hole class.
Lead in
1.2 idealist
To prepare fo r the reading task by getting students
1.3 for example
thinking about beliefs, qualities, and movements. 1.4 to found
1 Books closed. Set th e task as a b rain sto rm in g activity w ith 1.13 believes
1.17 the end of one century and the beginning of the next
th e w hole class to begin w ith, w riting up a few -isms as they
1.21 to seek
th in k o f them . T hen once the students have got the idea, they
should w ork in groups and w rite dow n as m any w ords as 2 Put the students into pairs for this task.
they can. Set a tim e lim it. aD bB cE d F e A fC
• D o a quick oral group feedback, an d w rite u p the w ords
• If you w ant to give stu d en ts an o p p o rtu n ity to talk ab o u t the
article m ore freely, w rite these discussion questions on the
2 P u t th e categories o n th e b o ard and ask students to group board:
th eir -ism s u n d e r these headings. T hey should keep their
W hat do you personally associate w ith th e -ism s you have
books closed.
read about?
Examples W h at’s y o u r o p in io n o f them ?
Political or religious beliefs
Communism; Socialism; Conservatism; Marxism; Liberalism;
Language focus: all, both, either,
Hinduism; Buddhism; Judaism; Sikhism neither, none p. 11
Attitudes and abstract qualities
fanaticism; radicalism; racism; sexism; cynicism; stoicism; These are very fam iliar to m any stu d en ts at advanced level,
idealism b u t they can still cause problem s, e.g. w ith w ord order, or
Creative movements singular / plural verbs, so the aim here is to review b o th
Cubism; Expressionism; Impressionism; Surrealism; Modernism;
m eaning an d use an d to ensure th a t stu d en ts can use th em
ap p ropriately an d correctly. C hoosing th e rig h t form o f the
verb th a t follows these w ords often m akes stu d en ts (and
Reading native speakers!) feel insecure. (N either is / are fro m England
iiW ii To develop the them e o f attitudes, beliefs, and - ‘is’ is correct, b u t m any people say ‘are’.)
movements, practise intensive reading skills, and extend 1 O u tlin e th e task briefly.
• Ask stu d en ts to w ork individually or in pairs. Refer th em to
1 Q uickly check th e w ords in th e list if they did n o t com e up in the Language co m m en tary on p. 13.
Lead in, th en ask th e w hole class to look at P aragraph A an d • C heck answers w ith the w hole class.
give th em tim e to w ork o u t w hich -ism it refers to
(m aterialism ). Show them how there are clues in th e w riting a both
b 1 either / neither / none
( the only thing that really exists in the world is m a tter ...).
2 both
• Ask the students to do the rest o f the task individually, then 3 all
com pare th eir answers.
2 Check answers w ith the w hole class.
• C heck briefly w ith w hole class, going over th e p ro n u n ciatio n
o f th e -isms as you do so. It is useful to ask the students to all / both
m a rk th e w ord stress an d th en practise saying it. If th e stress
is in the right place, the o th e r vowels will tend to becom e Note______________________________________________________
sh o rter an d so u n d m o re accurate. either and neither are followed by singular verbs, which sometimes
causes difficulty. You might want to remind them that everything and
A Materialism /mn'tiorislizm/ B Behaviourism /bi'heivjarizm/ nothing are also followed by singular verbs.
C Buddhism /'bodizm/ D Nihilism / nihilists /'nanlizm/
E Anarchism /'snskizm / F Pacifism /'paesifizm/ 3 Ask stu d en ts to com plete this task in pairs.
• Check answers w ith the w hole class.

1 a ll/a re 2 none / is 3 both / end 4 neither/is

Unit 1 rk9604an
► There is an extra activity o n p. 140 w hich can be used Bushism: M ore and more o f our im ports come from
after task 3 for extra individual practice in class. overseas. (G eorge W. Bush)
G oldw ynism : A n y m an who goes to a psychiatrist
Exploitation should have his head exam ined. (Sam G oldw yn)
To give fu rth er semi-controlled practice in using all / I can answer you in two words: im-possible. (Sam
n o n e, etc. in context, and also to give the students free, inform al Goldw yn)
speaking practice. • S tudents w ork in pairs o r sm all groups to discuss w hat
these fam ous people’s -ism s tell us ab o u t th e people
1 a O utline th e task briefly. You m ight like to assign different them selves, an d w hether there are any typical sayings
lists to different pairs o r groups o f students. Em phasize the like th em associated w ith people from th eir country.
need to find as m any different, com plex, com parisons as T hey could also m ake up som e - is m s o f this k in d o f
possible, and encourage th em to do so.
th eir own.
Paris and London are both cities. - too sim ple • Ask stu d en ts to tell th em to the rest o f th e class,
Paris and London are both im portant cultural and financial explaining th em if necessary.
centres. They are both built on m ajor rivers, and neither o f
them is on the coast. - better
• M onitor, b u t there is n o need for w hole-class feedback.
Exploring words p.12
b You can ask students w ho finish sooner to do this, o r the
w hole class if you feel they still need th e practice.
ftfffil To extend students’ vocabulary connected with
2 Focus atten tio n o n th e C om p ariso n language in the box. personality and m ood and to raise awareness o f the quite subtle
• D em o nstrate th e task using yourself an d an o th er studen t, distinctions between sim ilar words. There is also the
th en ask th e class to do this in pairs. opportunity fo r students to discuss personality and so extend
• M o n itor an d encourage students to discuss all the areas their speaking skills.
suggested an d to go into som e d ep th w ith th eir questions and 1 a O u tlin e th e task quickly an d check answers. Tem peram ent
answers. m ay be a new w ord an d th e subtle d istinctions betw een the
• W hile they are still interested an d there is still a buzz o f fo u r m ay need som e help. W h at is m ost im p o rta n t here is
activity ask th em to jo in w ith an o th er p air to find o u t w hat th a t any possible m o th e r ton g u e interference is dealt w ith (in
som e languages, for exam ple, tem peram ent is negative).
they all have in com m on.
• In all speaking activities it is difficult to gauge w hen to stop The difference between these words is very difficult to
an d m ove on. As a general rule it is b etter to try an d m ove on describe or explain. They can be seen as a difference in layers
of presentation to the world, with nature at the deepest level
ju st before the level o f interest dips.
and mood at the most superficial.
So nature is the way we fundamentally are; people are
Speaking described as having a nice or an unpleasant nature.
Temperament is a manifestation of this nature in the way we
T his activity gives som e light-hearted speaking practice behave, similar to disposition, so people have a pleasant /
focusing on inventing a new -ism an d describing its features calm / aggressive temperament.
to th e rest o f the class. Character suggests something fuller than temperament; a
combination of our fundamental nature, which gives us our
1 E ncourage a sh o rt general class discussion on the -ism s th at temperament, together with other qualities, so character gives
are im p o rta n t to the students, o r the stu d en ts’ country/ies. a more multi-faceted description of a person: decent /
You m ay need to start the discussion so be prep ared w ith honourable / fastidious / gregarious, etc.
som e ideas. Mood is used to describe the way we are feeling at a
particular moment: in a good / bad mood, irritable / relaxed,
2 Read th ro u g h th e task w ith th e students, m aking sure they etc.
u n d erstan d w hat they have to do.
b Ask stu d en ts to look at questions 1 -4 in th e q u estio n n aire
• P u t th e students into sm all groups o f three o r four and set a
first. Go over any difficult vocabulary.
tim e lim it. M o n ito r an d help as necessary, m aking sure each
g ro u p notes dow n its key ideas. • Play th e recording.

• Give each group a set tim e (short) to present th eir -ism to the 1.4
rest o f th e class. You could ask th e class to vote o n th e best / 1

m ost am using / m o st original if you feel it is appropriate. W1 Well, I'd like to think that I'm a quite strong person, would you say?
W2 Yeah, yeah, you know your own mind.
• You could also look at these sayings o r -ism s th a t becam e
associated w ith particu lar w ell-know n people, often W1 Good, I'm glad you agree with me on that. Erm I have been accused
of being I suppose, a bit self-centred sometimes.
politicians o r com edians. W rite the follow ing exam ples on
W2 Everyone's like that though. OK.
th e b o ard an d go th ro u g h th em w ith the w hole class to m ake
sure they get the p o in t o f the hum our.

Unit 1 15
W1 OK. Erm, the last two. M I would edge towards carefree, b u t...
W2 Ah, you're dependable. W Right.
W1 Yeah. I'd say (definitely). I'm always there on time, aren't I? M ... that sounds a bit lacksadaisical, but no I do, I'm not feeling
W2 Yeah. terribly pensive or thoughtful.
W1 Yeah, dependable. W OK.
2 M And ...
M Er, I'd say, I'm I'm quite an excitable person actually. W And well obviously if you're in a good mood, you're probably feeling
W Definitely, you do get a bit overexcited at times.
M I am ...
M I do, I do get a bit carried away. I'm maybe I should try some
meditation to calm down. W Yeah.
W Maybe, what about, what about the second two? M No definitely feeling optimistic. It's it's the middle of the week,
there's lots of things happening. It's good.
M Oh all right, erm ...
W Good.
W You're quite easy-going, though.
• Students check th eir answers in pairs.
M I'm very easy-going ...
W Quite laid back. • Play the recording again if necessary.
M Yeah very laid back. I I should learn to be more difficult, really. I Glossary___________________________________________________
(should) go to difficult classes or something.
lackadaisical - not showing enough care and attention. (The speaker
W Erm. adds a redundant 's' to this word.)
M I'd like to be more passionate about things. (Yeah, yeah) I think, erm
I think more oomph ... 1 strong, self-centred, dependable
W Yeah, you lack a bit of passion. Bit of ambition. 2 excitable, easy-going, cautious
3 timid, sunny, agreeable
M I'm a bit too cautious perhaps.
4 good, carefree, optimistic
W So, I suppose cautious will do.
M Yeah. I am cautious. C O u tlin e the task briefly an d set a tim e lim it for individuals
3 to answ er th e questions.
W1 Erm ... • P u t stu d en ts in pairs to discuss an d com pare th eir answers.
W2 Well, I think that's answered it really.
d Ask stu d en ts to draw them selves a table w ith two
W1 What? Timid?
colum ns: Adjectives an d N ouns, an d to w rite th e asterisked
W2 Yes. Timid, definitely. We'll choose timid.
adjectives in th e adjectives colum n.
W1 Timid. And - er oh, I'm not gloomy.
• In th eir pairs, th ey try an d w ork o u t the related nouns.
W2 No, definitely not, you're always in a good mood.
W1 So ... Adjectives Nouns
W2 Sunny. strong strength
weak weakness
W1 Sunny.
independent independence
W2 Definitely, yeah. self-centred self-centredness
W1 OK. calm calm / calmness
W2 And, agreeable or moody? excitable excitement / excitability
cautious caution
W1 Do you think I'm moody?
assertive assertion / assertiveness
W2 Not at all, no. timid timidity
W1 Really? I'm not moody, am I? moody mood / moodiness
thoughtful thought / thoughtfulness
W2 No.
optimistic optimism
W1 No, I think I'm quite agreeable. pessimistic pessimism
W2 Definitely.
W1 OK. e T his task will w ork best if y o u r stu d en ts kn o w m o st o f the
4 adjectives here so encourage th e m to use dictionaries.
W So, what sort of mood are you in then? Alternatively, select ju st a few adjectives for th e m to w ork on
M I am in a good mood. in th e way suggested.
W Good. • Ask stu d en ts to do this to g eth er in pairs. It is probably a good
M Definitely in a good mood. idea for th em to draw u p three colum ns in th eir notebooks
W OK. an d record the adjectives u n d er th e headings positive, negative,
M I have a smile on my face. an d neutral. T hey m ay w an t an o th er colu m n it depends.
W Right, and are you, do you think you're in a carefree mood or a
thoughtful mood?
Differences of opinion are a good thing! They provoke discussion,
which helps the language become more memorable.

16 Unit 1
Possible answers b Ask stu d en ts to discuss th e ir answ ers w ith an o th er pair
affectionate - positive (i.e. in g roups o f four), to see how m u ch overlap / difference
aggressive - usually negative, though when someone is th ere is in th eir ideas.
described as being an 'aggressive defender of human rights'
for example, this may be seen as a more positive attribute, You could ro u n d up th e lesson w ith a gro u p feedback.
ambitious - may be positive or negative depending on context
and culture Complete Time Magazine list:
determined - positive
emotional - often negative, carrying the suggestion of not Albert Einstein: Person o f the Century
being in control; sometimes positive, meaning not afraid to H e was th e iconic 2 0 th -cen tu ry scientist, th e b u m b lin g
show one's feelings professor w ith the G erm an accent, a com ic cliche in a th o u sa n d
energetic - positive
films. Instantly recognizable, like C harlie C haplin's Little
frank - generally positive
hypocritical - negative T ram p, A lbert Einstein’s shaggy h aired visage was as fam iliar to
logical - neutral o rd in ary people as to th e m a tro n s w h o fluttered ab o u t h im in
loyal - positive salons from Berlin to H ollyw ood. Yet he was u n fath o m ab ly
malicious - negative p ro fo u n d - th e genius am ong geniuses w ho discovered, m erely
modest - positive, though sometimes slightly negative, e.g. a
by th in k in g ab o u t it, th a t th e universe was n o t as it seem ed.
modest salary, o f modest ability
narrow-minded - negative
Leaders and Revolutionaries
obstinate - negative
possessive - negative T h eo d o re Roosevelt; V ladim ir Ilyich Lenin; M argaret Sanger;
practical - neutral M ao Zedong; W inston Churchill; F ranklin D elano Roosevelt;
protective - positive; over-protective is negative Eleanor Roosevelt; A dolf H itler; M ohandas G andhi;
rational - generally positive
D avid B en-G urion H o C hi M inh; M artin L uther King;
reserved - neutral
selfish - negative A yatullah R uhollah K hom eini; M argaret T hatcher;
sensitive - can be positive or negative Lech Walesa; R onald Reagan; M ikhail G orbachev;
truthful - positive Pope John Paul II; T he U nk n o w n Rebel; N elson M andela

2 a Ask students to do this individually o r in pairs, b u t to Artists and Entertainers

check th eir answers in pairs. Pablo Picasso; M arth a G raham ; Le C orbusier; Igor Stravinsky;
• T h en check answers w ith the w hole class. C oco C hanel; Jam es Joyce; T.S. Eliot; Louis A rm strong;
C harlie C haplin; M arlon Brando; Rodgers & H am m erstein;
affect = verb Frank Sinatra; Lucille Ball; T he Beatles; Bob Dylan;
effect = noun
A retha Franklin; Jim H enson; Steven Spielberg; B art Sim pson;
open to = willing to accept an idea / suggestion
prone to = likely to do something, usually negative, e.g. prone O p ra h W infrey
to accidents. Note also accident-prone.
mood = the frame of mind you are in, may be good or bad Builders and Titans
temper = bad mood, often sudden and quick H en ry Ford; D avid Sarnoff; C harles M errill; W illis C arrier;
Lucky Luciano; W illiam Levitt; Leo B urnett; Ray Kroc;
b Ask students to do this individually first before com p arin g Pete Rozelle; Sam W alton; Louis B. Mayer; A m adeo G iannini;
answers in pairs. S tephen Bechtel; W alt D isney; Juan Trippe; W alter R euther;
• C heck answers w ith the w hole class. T h o m as W atson, Jr.; Estee Lauder; Akio M orita; Bill Gates

1 effect (effect is a noun / affect is a verb) Scientists and Thinkers

2 prone (note that this is followed by the preposition to)
S igm und Freud; Leo Baekeland; W ilb u r & O rville W right;
3 swings (mood swings collocate, mood turns do not)
4 keep (you keep your temper but hold your tongue) A lbert Einstein; A lexander Flem ing; R obert G oddard;
5 temper (the opposite of keep your temper - you could say Jonas Salk; E dw in H ubble; Ludwig W ittgenstein; Jean Piaget;
Jack was in a terrible mood, but not that he lost his mood) E nrico Ferm i; Louis, M ary & Richard Leakey;
6 restrain (restrain is to hold back, constrain is to confine and Philo F arnsw orth; K urt G odel; Rachel C arson;
is more commonly used in the passive: He was constrained
W illiam Shockley; A lan Turing; John M aynard Keynes;
by the four walls o f his room.)
7 regain (He might reclaim his lost suitcase, but not his James W atson & Francis Crick; T im Berners-Lee
8 composure (to regain composure collocates; otherwise you Heroes and Icons
could say He was calm again / He became calm again / His E m m eline P ankhurst; H elen Keller; C harles L indbergh;
calmness returned) Bill W ilson; T he A m erican G.I.; Jackie Robinson; A nne Frank;
Billy G raham ; E d m u n d H illary & Tenzing Norgay; Rosa Parks;
3 a O utline th e task briefly. S tudents could m ake notes u n d er
C he G uevara; M arilyn M onroe; T he Kennedys;
the three headings: colleague, holiday companion, frien d an d M u h am m ad Ali; Bruce Lee; Pele; H arvey Milk; M o th er Teresa;
attrib u te five qualities to each. D iana, Princess o f Wales; A ndrei Sakharov
• Give students enough tim e to th in k ab o u t this quietly on
th eir ow n before sharing ideas w ith their partner.
Russia Unit 1
Theme: the relationship between people and m achines
2.1 Computers and cars p.14
2.1 Computers and cars
A h u m o ro u s com parison o f com puters an d cars Stage 1 revises conditionals w ith in the context o f com paring
cars an d com puters.
Reading: intensive - gap-filling
Language focus: the conditional - if sentences
Speaking: discussion - m aking future predictions Lead in
T O To get the students interested in the them e o f the lesson
2.2 Computers and you by means o f a personalized speaking activity involving
People talk ab o u t th e role o f com puters in th eir lives
• Check th a t stu d en ts kn o w th e w ords for the item s in the
Listening: gist an d specific info rm atio n
Vocabulary: m ake an d do
Language focus: em phasis • D iscuss the first p h o to g rap h as a class to get the students
Speaking: arguing for an d against started, th en ask th em to do th e task in pairs.
• C o n d u ct a w hole-class feedback. Ask th e stu d en ts to justify
Exploring words th eir ideas.
C om puters an d com puting
Workbook To provide practice o f intensive reading.
Language focus: the conditional; em phasis T he stu d en ts have to read th e text closely to in sert phrases
Vocabulary focus: m ake and do in to the ap p ro p riate spaces. It also previews, and creates a
Vocabulary expansion: form al and inform al language context for, the use o f conditionals.
Listening: a sh o rt story 1 Start this p art o f the lesson by asking the students to read the
title and in tro d u cto ry paragraph o f the reading text. Ask them
one o r two open questions in feedback: Do you think computers
are reliable? Which are more reliable - cars or computers?

Bill Gates is the founder of Microsoft, the world's biggest computer
software company, and General Motors is the largest car producer in
the United States.

■ W rite these w ords o n th e b o ard an d ask stu d en ts to w ork in

pairs to p u t th em in to tw o groups: car w ords an d co m p u ter
w ords. Som e w ords can go in b o th groups.
airbags / battery / carburettor / crash / disk drive /
engine / hard drive / headlights / keyboard / m onitor /
mouse / warning lights / windows / windscreen wiper /

carburettor - the apparatus in an engine that mixes fuel and air.

Car words:
airbags / battery / carburettor / crash / engine / headlights /
warning lights / windows / windscreen wiper / mirror
Computer words:
battery / crash / disk drive / (search) engine / hard drive /
keyboard / monitor / mouse / warning lights / windows

Unit 2
• Tell the students they are going to m ake a list o f possible likely to be a confusion as to w h eth er a co n d itio n al is possible
com puter faults. Elicit one o r tw o exam ples, th en p u t the o r im probable. P oint o u t th a t this is often d ep en d en t on the
students in pairs to m ake th e ir lists. You could do this activity p o in t o f view o f th e speaker. After d oing exercise 3, you could
as a pyram id discussion: th e stud en ts m ake a list in pairs, com pare tw o sentences o n the board:
th en add to their list by com p arin g w ith an o th er p air in a I f I get a new computer, I ’ll give you m y old one.
group o f four. Finally, pull all th e ir ideas together by w riting I f I got a new computer, I ’d give you m y old one.
a class list o n the board. Ask th e stu d en ts to tell you in w hich context they m ig h t use
each sentence. A possible answ er is th a t in th e first th e
Possible computer faults:
crash / lose work / disk gets stuck / can't connect to Internet / context m ig h t be th a t he/she is p la n n in g o r saving u p to buy
will not print / everything freezes / cursor disappears / get a a new com puter, w hereas in th e second he/she has n o plans
virus / can't open a file to change. M ake sure you w atch o u t for erro rs w ith these two
form s in th e exploitation section.
2 W ith th e w hole class read th ro u g h the first p o in t in th e text
com paring cars w ith com puters. Ask students to look at the 1 C om plete th e first sentence as a class, as an exam ple. To focus
list o f sentence com pletions a to j, an d elicit th e correct th e m on the task, ask th em w hy th e second co n d itio n al form
co m pletion o f the first p o in t (b). is used here.

• Ask the students w hat clues helped th em w ork o u t the a was; would regularly stop
answer. For exam ple, th e gram m atical clue is th a t would is The answer is that a car is not like a PC, and unlikely ever
followed by an infinitive w ith o u t to, so only a, b, d, f, an d i to be so. Consequently, we use this form to show that the
condition is purely hypothetical. There is little or no
are gram m atically possible.
possibility that it will be fulfilled.
• Ask th e students to w ork individually to read th e text an d
com plete the sentences. Let th em check th eir answ ers w ith a • P u t th e stu d en ts in pairs to com plete th e o th e r sentence, th en
p a rtn e r before co nducting a w hole class feedback. let th em check th eir answers by looking back at th e article.

1b 2 i 3 g 4 d 5h 6 f 7 c 8 e b fitted; might not work

9 j 10 a
2 Ask th e stu d en ts to com plete th is task in pairs.
Close up • C heck as a class. You m ay w ish to refer th e stu den ts to the
• P ut students in pairs to do th e exercise. Encourage th em to Language co m m en tary on p. 19.
m ake guesses from context rath er th a n rely on their
a Second conditional
dictionaries. b C something unreal or hypothetical
• M o n ito r closely to see w hat problem s they have, b u t d o n ’t tell The whole article is based on the first idea: If a car was
th em th e answers before the w hole-class feedback at th e end. really like a PC ... Of course, a car is not really like a PC.

1.14 manoeuvre is of French origin and is pronounced 3 Ask th e stu d en ts to com plete this task individually, th en
/manuiva/; army manoeuvres are large-scale exercises by armed check th eir answ ers in pairs.
1.26 such as is followed by a noun. Other similar expressions: • C heck answers w ith th e w hole class.
like / for example / for instance
aB b A cC dD
1.28 IBM / Time / Macintosh, etc.
make is used to describe cars. • At this stage, if you th in k y o u r stu d en ts need rem inding, you
m ay w ish to check th e form here:
Language focus: the conditional p.15 a Past perfect form / would+have+past participle
To review and practise first, second, third (past), and b Present simple form / w///+infinitive
m ixed conditionals. c Past simple form / wou/cf+infinitive
d Past simple form / wou/cf+infinitive
T his area o f g ram m ar is probably n o t new for the students.
C onsequently, th e focus o f th e exercises is to activate the Note_______________________________________________________
stu d en ts’ know ledge by getting them to m atch rules to Tense and time are not the same thing here. The past form is used to
exam ples, and to encourage th em to th in k ab o u t w hy they refer to something hypothetical about the present or future, not the
m ight choose to use different conditional form s. It also past. The past perfect form is used to refer to something hypothetical
checks th eir ability to use alternative conjunctions to i f about the past.
D ifficulties at this level m ay still include problem s w ith the 4 Ask th e stu d en ts to com plete this task individually, th en
com plex form , in particu lar using will an d would after if, for check in pairs.
exam ple, * I fI will / w ould have enough money, I will / would
• C heck answ ers w ith th e w hole class.
go on holiday. T he p ro n u n cia tio n o f I ’ll /ail/ an d I ’d /a id / m ay
be difficult for som e students. However, th e m ain pro b lem is

Unit 2 19
a The first part refers to past / second part to present • T h en p u t th e students in pairs or small g roups to d o th e
b The first part refers to present / second part topast activity. M onitor, p ro m p t, and note dow n an y erro rs the
c The first part refers to present / second part to past stu d en ts m ake as they speak to each other.
These are called mixed conditionals.
• D o a w hole-class feedback, eliciting and en couraging
5 D o the first as an exam ple, th en ask th e stud en ts to com plete interesting o r h u m o ro u s examples.
th e task in pairs. • D o an erro r feedback (if there were any!). W rite any erro rs
• C heck as a class. You m ay w ish to refer the studen ts to the stu d en ts m ad e on the b o ard (anonym ously). Ask th e stu d en ts
Language com m en tary o n p. 19. to suggest corrections.

a ... camera as long as / providing / provided you look after it. Discussion
b Unless I get my computer fixed, ...
c ... this programme unless you'd done the training course, To improve the students’ ability to express themselves
d Providing / Provided (that) / As long as you've got the flu en tly and to practise some o f the language from the lesson.
rig h t...
1 P ut th e stu d en ts in groups o f three or four to do activity 1.
Note______________________________________________________ • D o a b rief w hole-class feedback. This activity should set the
Unless may cause a problem. It generally means except if, and cannot stu d en ts up to do th e next task, w hich requires m ore
always replace i f ... not. Compare these examples: im agination.
If the weather isn't sunny, we'll stay at home.
Unless the weather is sunny, we'll stay at home. 2 If y o u r stu d en ts have difficulty in com ing u p w ith ideas, elicit
In other words, we'll stay at home except if it's sunny. one o r tw o from th e class before getting th em to continue in
If the weather isn't sunny. I'll be really surprised. th eir groups.
*Unless the weather is sunny, I'll be really surprised.
In other words, I'll be surprised in the situation that it isn't sunny. • M o n ito r an d help w ith ideas.
Here, i f ... not does not mean except if, so cannot be replaced by • Students express th eir ideas as new spaper headlines.

To test the students’ ability to use the gram m ar 2.2 Computers and you p.16
accurately and fluently. They have to use their im agination,
personalize the language, and think up appropriate vocabulary
to use. Stage 2 uses th e context o f people describing th e ir relationships
w ith com puters to contextualize th e way we use em phasis in
1 Ask th e stud en ts to com plete the sentences, an d com pare n atu ral speech.
th e m w ith a partner. T hey could correct each o th e r’s erro rs at
this stage. Lead in
• In th e feedback, ask one o r tw o stud en ts to give you an
To get the students talking about computers by means o f
exam ple for each sentence.
a personalized speaking activity involving a questionnaire.
Possible answers • Ask th e stu d en ts to com plete b o th p arts o f th e questionnaire
a ... you'd better start working harder,
individually, th e n p u t th em in pairs o r groups to com pare
b ... if I had checked the car brakes.
c ... I could get out and see my friends. / I hadn'tbroken my th eir answers.
leg. • D o a w hole-class feedback.
d ... we wouldn't be having to ask you so many questions
now. • Alternatively, do th e second p a rt o f the q uestionnaire as a
e ... we're going to go on strike, m ingle. Ask th e stu d en ts first to com plete it individually, then
f ... you fill it up with petrol, circulate an d ask all th e o th e r stu d en ts in th e class w hich
g ... you let me use it from time to time. things th ey use a co m p u ter for. T hey could ask follow -up
questions, for exam ple: W h a t sort o f work do you do on the
2 S tart w ith a class b rain sto rm to generate ideas, for example: computer? O nce they have finished, you could ask students to
• If children were like com puters, they w ould rem em ber w ork in pairs to briefly tabulate th eir findings, an d th en
everything / they w ould do w hat we told th em / we could present th em as percentages, for exam ple, 80% o f the class use
sw itch th e m off. computers a t work.
• If the governm ent was like a com puter, it w ou ld send us
lots o f ju n k m ail / you could sw itch it off after fo u r years.
• If planes w ere like com puters, they w ould fly you to your
destination at the press o f a b u tto n , b u t you w ould have
to w ait in an in-box for ages before som eone o p en ed it
an d let you out.

20 Unit 2
Listening Speaker 1
Where? work
To listen first fo r gist, and then fo r specific information. Why? Internet
Speaker 2
• If you wish, you could do exercises 1 an d 2 o f Exploring
Where? work
words (p. 18) as a lead-in o r follow -up to the listening activity. Why? word-processing / e-mail
Speaker 3
Glossary___________________________________________________ Where? work
Word - word-processing package Why? e-mail / word processing
Where? home
1 Focus the students o n the task an d play th e recording. Why? games
Speaker 4
Where? work
Speaker 1 Erm computers really equal work in my mind, erm. That's Why? design tasks
not to say I don't like them. I do. I love, love using them and I can't Speaker 5
believe the sort of progress I personally have made in my use of it in Where? work
the last, well, two years, since working here. Erm, I would like one at Why? word-processing / e-mail
home in some ways, I mean, mainly just as an information source,
rather than having to make phone calls all the time - I'd much rather 2 Read th ro u g h th e phrases w ith th e stu d en ts a n d check
be on e-mail or the Internet, erm - I really like using the Internet vocabulary. T h en play th e recording again.
actually and would like to do it more erm. I wonder what else I'd use
it for if I had one at home. I probably would end up working at home a Speaker 4 b Speaker 3 c Speaker 2 d Speaker 5
which is not a good thing in my mind - so not in that sense erm, but e Speaker 1
yeah, I'm not really into computer games or anything like that, but I
guess I could be converted. • You could follow up this task by asking th e stu d en ts if any o f
Speaker 2 Computers - incredibly important for work erm - where I th e speakers has a sim ilar experience to them selves o f using
just completely take them for granted - if one went wrong I wouldn't com puters.
know what to do with it at all erm, but basically I just use it as a sort
of glorified typewriter and for sending e-mails to friends erm and I Exploring natural speech
have got a computer at home which probably hasn't been turned on,
I would guess for at least a year now erm and is under a blanket. E ffu l To practise I suppose in natural speech.
Speaker 3 I suppose the, most of the contact I have with computers is 1 Ask th e stu d en ts to look at th e exam ples an d discuss the
at work. Erm and they are vital for for the kind of work I do - erm
q u estio n in pairs.
communication between different people via e-mail, erm writing up
documents erm and researching on the Internet -1 suppose these are, I suppose has a similar meaning to I believe or I imagine. It is
are the main uses. I really only use Word erm when I'm creating a used frequently here as a filler, partly to give the speaker
document myself because I'm not, I'm not a computer wizard. Erm at thinking time, and partly to signal to the listener that the
home I do have a computer but I use it very little erm, I suppose erm speaker is thinking up her ideas and opinions as she goes
the most it's used for at home is is games and I'm not very good at along. She isn't sure about what she is saying - it's just what
them, so so I don't play. she thinks.
Speaker 4 Computers are very important to me, cos I couldn't do my
job without one really - I'm a designer and I basically sit in front of a 2 Play th e recording for th e stu d en ts to listen an d repeat for
computer for most of my working day and then I haven't got my own
p ro n u n ciatio n . Suppose is p ro n o u n ce d /s s 'p s o z / w ith a weak
computer at home but my housemates do and I have used them at
home as well, so my life is erm pretty much revolving round ‘schwa’ so u n d o n th e first syllable an d stro n g stress o n the
computers some of the time but I could live without one and erm second syllable. (This is n o t included in th e tap escrip t section
maybe I quite appreciate living without one some of the time. o f th e S tu d en t’s Book.)
Speaker 5 I'm not sure how important computers are to me really. I 2.2
think I need to use one at work but only really for for word-
a I suppose most of the contact I have with computers is at work,
processing. I tend not to use one at home although we've got one.
E-mail clearly is a very important part of what you can do with a b I suppose these are, are the main uses,
computer at the moment and I must say that I think it's a wonderful c Erm I suppose erm the most it’s used for at home is - is games.
invention, but if we didn't have e-mail then I'm sure I'd go back to
communicating in the ways we used to and in fact I think in a way it 3 M odel th e activity w ith a stro n g stu d en t, th en p u t the
would almost be good if if I did and chose to write letters to people stu d en ts in pairs to practise.
and telephone people rather than rely on e-mail which is very easy in
a way - it's it's a very good thing to have but it also makes you fairly • M o n ito r an d correct errors in use an d p ro n u n ciatio n .
lazy, I think. This activity requires the students' own answers, but they
should start their answers like this:
a Isuppose I mostly use it f o r ...
b Isuppose I send about ... e-mails a day.
c Isuppose I like ... / The aspects I like are ...

Unit 2 21
React and discuss • Check th e students u n d erstan d the ways listed in exercise 1
by asking for an exam ple o f each.
• You could do this as a w hole-class discussion, o r in small
groups w ith a w hole-class feedback at the end. • P u t th e students in pairs, an d ask them to listen to a n d read
th e extracts, an d underline any examples o f em phasis. (This
Vocabulary: make and do does n o t ap p ear in th e tapescript section o f th e S tu d en t’s
To practise the use o f m ake and do.
M ake an d do are confusing for students o f m any nationalities
a Computers really equal work in my mind, erm. That's not to say I don't
because th eir use is often co n tra ry to the use in th eir first like them. I do.
language o r can be translated w ith one verb. If you have a b They really frustrate me, computers do.
m onolingual class, try to m ake a list o f exam ples o f your
c Computers - incredibly important for work erm - if one went wrong,
stu d en ts’ co m m o n errors before th e class. O r you could start I wouldn't know what to do with it at all erm, ...
the lesson by eliciting confusions th a t the studen ts are aware d E-mail clearly is a very important part of what you can do with a
of. computer at the moment and I must say that I think it's a wonderful
• Read th ro u g h the rules w ith th e students as a class. invention, but ...
e He hasn't got a clue about what to do if his computer crashes, Paul
a P u t the students in pairs to com plete th e extracts. hasn't.
1 made 2 make 3 do 4 do f You always accuse me of not answering your e-mails. I do reply to
them - eventually.
b S tudents m ake th eir lists individually, th en com pare w ith • D o a w hole-class feedback. Refer th e students to the
th eir partner. Elicit the stud en ts’ collocations an d list th em Language co m m en tary on p. 19.
on th e board.
a really = adverb; I do = extra auxiliary verb
Some common expressions b really = adverb; computers do (at end) = word order; also
the auxiliary verb do
make: an offer, an excuse, money, sure, fun of, a decision, the
c incredibly = adverb; at all = emphatic phrase
most of, room for, a go of (something), certain, a discovery, a
d clearly = adverb; I must say = emphatic phrase
suggestion, a choice, an effort, an enquiry, a bed
e Paul hasn't = word order
do: an exam, (someone) a favour, damage, (your) best, (your) f I do reply = extra auxiliary verb
duty, business, good, housework, nothing

► If your students need m ore practice w ith m ake a n d do, 2 D o th e first as an exam ple, th en p u t th e students in pairs to
there is an extra gap-fill exercise o n p. 140 w hich can be done do th is exercise.
in class, o r for hom ew ork. a not / enjoy / do d fa ir/d o
b amazes e expect / listening / have
Language focus: emphasis p.17 c say / brilliant f always / accusing / listening / say / do

To m ake the students aware o f how spoken English uses 3 Play th e recording for th e students to check th eir answers.
extra auxiliary verbs, adverbs, word order, and specific T h en stu d en ts take it in tu rn s to practise saying th e sentences
em phatic words and phrases to emphasize ideas. w ith th eir p artn ers. Alternatively, play the recording again,
The m ain p roblem at this level is th a t students are sim ply an d pause it after each phrase for th e stu d en ts to repeat.
unused to m an ip u latin g gram m ar, particularly auxiliary (This does n o t ap p ear in th e tapescript section o f the
verbs, to express em phasis in English. It requires a certain feel S tu d en t’s Book.)
an d confidence in English to do this. So be aware th a t this
m ay seem strange to students an d difficult to do. The
a That's not to say I don't enjoy driving. I do.
approach here is very m u ch one o f finding o u t how it works.
b It really amazes me, the Internet does.
D o n ’t expect to o m u ch fluency from students. T here is
c I must say I think they're brilliant, the latest computer games.
fu rth e r practice in later units.
d That's not fair - I do work hard.
A uxiliary verbs for em phasis in English are particularly
e I expect you think I haven't been listening. Well I have.
difficult because we use such a range, an d studen ts have to
f You're always accusing me of not listening to what you say. I do listen.
w ork o u t w hether it is am, do, did, have, will, would, could,
etc. If you have a m onolingual class, reflect o n how
auxiliaries are o r are n o t used for em phasis in th e stu d en ts’
ow n language. In certain languages, auxiliaries are n o t used
ES3 To practise gram m atical ways o f emphasizing.
in this way. It is difficult for stu d en ts to integrate these gram m atical ways
o f em phasizing in to th eir speech. Consequently, the activities
1 S tart w ith books closed. W rite the w ord emphasis o n the
in th is section are quite guided an d accuracy-focused, and
board, and ask th e students to give you different ways th a t we
expect stu d en ts to com e u p w ith language from prom pts.
use to em phasize ideas w hen we are speaking.
Give th e stu d en ts p len ty o f p rep aratio n tim e here.

22 Unit 2
1 Put the students in pairs to prepare an d w rite responses in stu d en ts to change th eir allegiance, from fo r to against, or
each conversation. M onitor an d help w ith ideas and vice versa.)
corrections. • M o n ito r an d help w ith ideas as above.
• W hen they have finished, give th e students tim e to practise • Split th e class so th a t tw o from a fo r gro u p jo in tw o from an
their conversations in pairs, taking it in tu rn s to be A a n d B. against group. T his results in m o re in teractio n an d a m ore
• Ask som e pairs to act o u t one or two conversations for the realistic o p in io n gap for th is activity.
class. Ask th e o th e r students w hether they have em phasized • M o n ito r th e activity an d do an erro r feedback as above.
the auxiliary verbs correctly.

Possible answers
b I do (put petrol in the car occasionally),
c I do. I really like them, Exploring words p.18
d I did (remind you) but you weren't listening,
e I would.
f (Well) I am (hungry). To expand the students’ vocabulary around the topic o f
2 D o one as an exam ple, th en p u t the students in pairs o r This lesson could be w orked th ro u g h as a w hole. It does,
threes to prepare this exercise. however, split easily in to tw o p arts, each o f w hich could be
• G et som e students to say the sentences w ith different stress in co rp o rated in to th e m ain p a rt o f th e u n it. Exercises 1 an d 2
for th e class to co m m en t on. could be used as a lead-in o r follow -up to th e listening
activity in Stage 2. Exercises 3 to 5 could be d o n e before the
Possible answers
a You must be joking. / You are joking, aren't you? speaking activity at the en d o f Stage 2 to m ake a reading /
b It really is true. / You may think it isn't true, but it is. vocabulary / speaking lesson. Exercises 1 an d 4 could be set as
c They're brilliant, computers are. / Computers are really hom ew ork.
brilliant, they are.
d I do understand, really. / I really do understand, 1 Ask th e stu d en ts to com plete th e sentences.
e I really do think it was difficult, and you agree with me, I
know you do. a send; e-mail
b surf; Web or Internet
c websites; visit
Speaking d sit; terminal; log on; Internet
e join or visit; chat room
BEHnl To get the students using the functional language o f f back up; files
arguing fo r and against, and using emphasis, in a group
discussion. 2 P u t th e stu d en ts in pairs to discuss th e questions. M o n ito r
an d check th ey are using th e ap p ro p riate collocations from
If you w ish, you could do exercises 3 -5 o f Exploring words
exercise 1. These are deliberately avoided in th e questions.
(SB p. 18) before this speaking activity.
3 Use th e o p en in g q uestion to encourage a b rie f discussion. If
1 M ake sure students u n d ersta n d th e instructions. Set a tim e
your stu d en ts have experience o f using e-m ail at w ork, ask
lim it for them to prepare th eir argum ents individually.
ab o u t th eir com pany’s policy o r any p ersonal experiences.
M o nitor and help w ith ideas.
• Set the gist question, an d ask th e stu d en ts to read th e passage.
• Give students tim e to th in k ab o u t how to present th eir ideas,
using th e expressions in th e box. 4 Focus on th e exam ple th en ask th e stu d en ts to m atch the
2 S tudents present th e ir ideas to th eir group. Set a tim e lim it
for this, an d also for any discussion w hich follows. M o n ito r a derogatory / insulting / complimentary
an d listen for errors. b private / confidential / public
c informal / casual / formal
3 After groups have voted, you m ay w ish to do an erro r d speedy / rapid / slow
feedback on the board, focusing on how students used the e inappropriate / improper / fitting
expressions in the box an d em phasis in th eir argum ents. f scandalous / outrageous / inoffensive
g complicated / complex / simple
• H ere is an alternative way o f organizing this activity, w hich h legitimate / official / unlawful
should w ork well if you have a vocal class w ith strong
opinions: 5 P u t th e stu d en ts in groups to discuss the questions. M o n ito r
• If y our class is n o t too big, p u t the statem ent on th e b o ard an d encourage th em to use th e vocabulary from this lesson.
an d ask w hich students agree o r disagree w ith it.
• If you get a fairly even split, p u t the students in groups o f
four. Each group has to prepare a persuasive arg u m en t fo r or
against, depending o n the gro u p ’s p o in t o f view. (If you d o n ’t
get an even split, you m ay need to persuade one o r two

Unit 2 23
Open questions

Theme: questions w ith no clear answer

3.1 Caught in the rain p.20
3.1 Caught in the rain
Is it b etter to w alk o r ru n w hen it rains? Stage 1 introduces th e first ‘o pen question’, and provides an
• Listening: context-setting initial context for the Language focus (wish).
• Reading: intensive for gap-filling an d specific in fo rm atio n
• Language focus: wish Lead in
ESS To introduce the topic and prepare fo r the reading and
3.2 Time travel Language focus.
People talk ab o u t w here they w ould go if th ey could travel in 1 You could do this w ith books closed. W rite the w ords damp,
tim e soaked, an d wet up on th e b o ard an d ask students to order
■ Listening: context-setting an d specific info rm atio n them , either as a w hole class, o r in pairs.
• Exploring natural speech: contractions • You could ad d these w ords / expressions to the lists if you
• Language focus: speculating an d im agining (would, might, th in k y o u r class can cope w ith m o re vocabulary.
could, Imagine, Suppose, etc.) saturated, wet through, soaked to the skin, drenched
• Speaking: role play interview
dash, walk briskly, dawdle, sprint
• W riting: a form al letter
a damp / wet / soaked / drenched / saturated / wet through /
3.3 Saving a language soaked to the skin
b dawdle / stroll / walk / walk briskly / run / dash / sprint
C an dying languages be saved?
• Vocabulary: w ords to describe language (dialect, m other 2 Have a b rie f w hole-class discussion on this question. The
listening an d reading explore this in depth; use this
• Reading: m atching an d specific info rm atio n o p p o rtu n ity to set th e scene.
• Vocabulary: ad jectiv e-n o u n collocations 3 O u tlin e the task briefly.
• Speaking: role play
• Play th e recording.
Exploring words
W Oh I know I got absolutely soaked - I wish I'd brought my umbrella
C rim e an d p u n ish m en t - I can't believe it, but I ...
M1 Oh - what this morning?
Workbook W Yeah yeah - but it occurred to me actually - cos I was running down
the street to try and get into the office and erm, as I say, I arrived
• Language focus: wish; i f only; o th e r ways o f expressing drenched but erm someone said to me - when I got into the office
wishes; speculating an d im agining - was saying oh well, you know, I mean you don't achieve anything
• Vocabulary focus: n o u n —adjective collocations more by by running cos you're still going to get just as w e t...
• Vocabulary expansion: adjectives to describe size; M2 Yes.
collocations - n o u n + of+ n o u n , hot and cold, etc. M1 Well it's about a ten-minute walk isn't it, so ...
• Listening: rain W Well, no no, that's not the ...
M1 ... by running you'll do it in five, so you're not going to achieve
anything - you're still going to be wet.
M2 Yeah.
W Yeah, but no the idea that, you know, you're by running in it you're,
you're still - as much rain is falling on you as if you were walking -
mind you it would have gone totally against the grain just to have
strolled down the road.
• Ask stu d en ts to check th eir answers together.
• Play the recording again if necessary.

24 Unit 3
a She forgot her umbrella, so she ran to her office to try to • You could th en co n d u ct a w hole-class feedback to find the
avoid getting too wet. best answer, deciding as you are going th ro u g h why one
b No definite answer is given in the conversation. Obviously, answ er / w ord / p hrase is b etter th a n another.
the woman speaker thought she would get less wet by
running, but a colleague at work told her it didn't make Possible answers
any difference whether she ran or walked. a It is pointless to run in the rain because you get just as wet
running as you do walking. This is because you get wetter
Ask students to do this in pairs. from the raindrops in front of you, than you do from the
raindrops that fall on your head,
If necessary, play th e recording again so th a t they can hear b The scientists used idealized cuboid people because it was
the relevant sections. easier to calculate the differences between the top and the
front surfaces of a cube than to use real people.
a I suddenly realized
b but
Language focus: wish p.21
► T here is an extra activity practising the phrases o n p. 141.
i M I To develop students’ existing knowledge o /w ish and
Reading explore alternative structures.
S tudents will have com e across wish before b u t m ay n o t be
To give students practice at reading a text intensively at
fam iliar w ith som e o f th e alternative uses an d constructions.
word, sentence, and paragraph level.
This section includes th e easier uses ( I wish I was ten years
a Read the in stru ctio n s an d ask students to w ork younger, I wish I had brought m y umbrella) b u t also m o re
individually o r in pairs. If individually, ask th em to check com plicated uses ( I wish you w ouldn’t smoke, I wish the
th eir answers in pairs. weather would improve). It also focuses o n alternative phrases
C o n d u ct a w hole-class feedback. for expressing wishes (I f o n ly ..., I t’s a p ity ...).

Weather / rain / problem / downpour / walk / run 1 O u tlin e th e task briefly. Give the stu d en ts tim e to w ork
th ro u g h this on th eir ow n before asking th em to com pare
b B rainstorm ideas from th e w hole class. P ut th em into th e ir answers in pairs.
pairs to discuss their answers. • Go th ro u g h th e answ ers w ith th e w hole class, clarifying as
Ask for ideas from th e w hole class b u t d o n ’t say w heth er they necessary.
are right o r not. T hey will find o u t w hen they read the • Refer th e stu d en ts to the Language co m m en tary o n p .27 for
article. fu rth e r explanations an d examples.
Give students tim e to read th e article quietly o n their own. a regretting something that happened or didn't happen in
W hen m ost are ready ask th em to check w ith th e ir p a rtn e r the past
w hether th eir predictions were right. b desiring a change in the present situation
c expressing an impossible fantasy
Ask students to do this individually, th e n com pare th eir d criticizing another person's actions or showing you are
answers in pairs. C on d u ct a b rie f w hole-class feedback. annoyed with them
e hoping for something in the future
a False. You get just as wet if you run as if you walk,
b False. It falls directly onto the top surface (head and 2 Ask th e stu d en ts to do this in pairs.
shoulders) and then you also run into it with the front of
• M o n ito r an d help as necessary. E ncourage th e stu d en ts to
your body.
c True. They used 'idealized cuboid people', th in k o f at least th ree alternatives for each sentence. As you
d True. If we were caught in a terrible storm, it would be a m o n ito r, draw th eir atten tio n to th e different gram m atical
good idea to make a dash for it. stru ctu res needed w ith th e different phrases.
e False. Scientists are 'baffled' by why most people prefer to
• Elicit answers from th e w hole class. W rite these u p on the
b o ard o r an O H T so th a t everyone is quite clear ab o u t the
Put the students into pairs. correct stru ctu res to use. T his is tim e-co n su m in g b u t picks
u p o n typical m istakes such as *I f only I brought m y umbrella.
O u tline the task briefly, m aking sure students know they
*1 regret I d id n ’t ...
should prepare clear explanations in th eir pairs first, (w riting
b rie f notes if they w ant to), before trying to explain these to
an o th er pair.
M o nitor and help as necessary.
W hen they are ready, ask th e pairs to team up an d w ork in
groups o f four.
The pairs read their explanations to each o th e r and decide
w hich is clearer.

Unit 3 25
Sample answers
a I'm sorry I didn't bring my umbrella. 3.2 Time travel p.22
If only I'd brought my umbrella.
Unfortunately I didn't bring my umbrella.
I regret not bringing my umbrella. This stage includes tw o listenings w hich contextualize the
It's a pity I didn't bring my umbrella, language o f speculating an d im agining.
b I'm sorry it's raining.
I'd really like it to stop raining. Lead in
If only it wasn't raining. / If only it would stop raining.
Why won't it stop raining? E j M To introduce the topic o f tim e travel.
Unfortunately it's raining.
Set a tim e lim it for stu d en ts to discuss the question. If th ey
It's a pity it's raining,
need p ro m p ts, ask th em to th in k o f science-fiction films (eq
c I'm sorry I'm not ten years younger.
I'd really like to be ten years younger. Star Trek) they know.
If only I was / were ten years younger.
Unfortunately I'm not ten years younger. Listening
It's a pity I'm not ten years younger,
d I'd really like you not to smoke in here. EM To build confidence in listening to authentic speech for
Please don't smoke in here. specific information.
I'd be grateful if you didn't smoke in here,
e I really hope the weather improves. 1 a Ask th e students to lo o k at the pictures.
I'd really like the weather to improve. • Spend a few m inutes letting th e class discuss w hat / where
If only the weather would improve. these places are.
• O u tlin e th e listening task an d play the recording.
1 Ask students to do this in pairs.
Speaker 1 First of all. I'd like to go back to around the turn of the
• M onitor, draw ing atten tio n to th e gram m atical stru ctu re century, 1900 I'm thinking - 1899-1900 in England cos I'd really like
follow ing wish. to see what it was like before the First World War, before things really
started to go wrong.
• C o n d u ct a b rief w hole-class feedback.
Speaker 2 I'm very curious about the very very early time of the sort of
a I wish I could stop smoking. the beginnings of humans when we first came down from the trees,
b I wish you were coming with us. / 1 wish you would come if if that's how we started, so I'd be very curious to see what ... how
with us. (This suggests that the other person is able to do we lived ...
so but is choosing not to. 'I wish you could come with us' Speaker 3 Perhaps the time of the the pharaohs in a in a sort of
suggests that the other person is not able to do so.) Egyptian - yes I I quite fancy the idea of being an Egyptian.
c I wish you would stop telling me what to do. Speaker 4 I think I would go back to the time of Jesus, I think -
d I wish I'd brought my camera, first century Palestine ...
e I wish I was / were young again.
Speaker 5 Erm, I dunno, I think the Renaissance would just be
absolutely amazing - to go to Florence and sort of walk through
Note those narrow streets and see the workshops, hear hear the noise of
Point out the was / were choice. Both are correct nowadays. Some people working on these huge canvases and furniture and stuff, I
people always use were with /, and was with the other persons (/ wish I think that would be great.
were young again. I wish he was here. Remind students of If I were Ask stu d en ts to com pare answers in pairs. It probably w on’t
you, ...)
be necessary to do a w hole-class feedback as it is quite a
2 O utline th e task briefly. straightforw ard task.

• Give the students a few m inutes to th in k quietly ab o u t the a Speaker 1 Victorian England / England at the turn of the
five areas before p u ttin g them into sm all groups to com pare century
an d discuss. Speaker 2 The time of very primitive humans
Speaker 3 The time of the Egyptian pharaohs
■ M onitor, b u t unobtrusively, joining in th e discussions if Speaker 4 The time of Jesus / first century Palestine
appropriate b u t n o t correcting th e gram m ar. Speaker 5 Renaissance Florence
• M ake notes o f m istakes m ade an d co n d u ct an e rro r feedback
o n th e b o ard if this seems appropriate o r useful.
b Ask th e stu d en ts to w ork in pairs and try to rem em ber any
reason the speakers gave for th eir choices. Allow the students
Personal answers som e tim e to th in k ab o u t this - they often rem em ber m ore
th a n they th in k they do!
Play th e recording again an d let th em check together.
b Speaker 1 wants to see what England was like before the be able to live in today's world knowing how much it's ... I mean I
First World War / before things started to go assume it's going to change a great deal.
wrong M1 Well, if I had no choice - would I want to come back? I don't
Speaker 2 wants to see how people lived know till I go into the future.
Speaker 3 likes the idea of being an Egyptian M2 Yeah, it might be great there. (Yeah)
Speaker 4 no reason given
W1 Or, you know what - it might not exist.
Speaker 5 wants to see workshops / hear noises of people
working / see huge paintings, furniture, etc. M 1 That's the thing that I'd fear, (That's scary) like - or the world ended
ten minutes (Yes) before the time I decided to visit.
2 C heck students u n d ersta n d th e task, th en ask them to do this • Let th em th in k ab o u t th eir answers o n th eir ow n before
in pairs. checking in pairs.
• Check th e answers w ith the w hole class. Clarify / explain • C heck answ ers w ith th e w hole class.
m eaning an d use as necessary.
a You have to decide whether you are allowed to change
a 3 e.g. We need to lay down the basic structures first, things you find in the past. The speaker uses the example
b 6 e.g. Before we start, let's agree on the ground rules. of whether someone who travelled back to 1912 would be
c 5 e.g. Don't make any bets - it won't happen, allowed to advise someone not to travel on the Titanic,
d 1 e.g. It's a fly-on-the-wall documentary about families, because the time traveller would know that the ship was
e 4 e.g. The field was covered in cow and sheep dung, going to sink.
f 2 e.g. He finds it difficult to interact with children. b The transport situation. New York would be full of horses,
not cars. There would be horse dung all over the place as
well as other accompanying smells and noises.
c You'd get the smells and noises rather than just
a fly on the wall - present but invisible knowledge.
d She'd like to see what her parents were like as children,
3 Give students a few m inutes to look th ro u g h th e questions and how they got on with their own families.
o n th eir own. e We can find out about the past in various ways (films, etc),
but the future is unknowable.
• Ask th em to note dow n any answers they th in k they know
• Play the recording.
React and discuss
m m To enable students to discuss and react to w hat they have
M1 The problem with making choices about time travel is you have to
lay down the ground rule of 'Can I change things?' - (Oh) or do you • Ask th e class to do this in sm all groups.
have to leave everything - tell people not to get on the Titanic or
yeah, ... (Right, yeah) and can I make bets on, you know, can I sell Exploring natural speech
short on Wall Street just before the Crash? If you can't it's not worth
bothering to go back ... To m ake students aware o f contractions (w anna, g o n n a)
W1 Oh no, but I think it'd be interesting to go back and just sort of be in natural speech.
a fly on the wall, cos it's one thing to read it, but it's another thing N ative speakers are often unaw are, an d som etim es
to actually be there and see it and smell it and (Yeah) taste it, you u nconvinced, th a t they use these co n tractio n s regularly. It
will n o t be su rp risin g if y o u r stu d en ts feel th a t such language
M1 And yeah, you wouldn't realize like if you went back in time in New
is ‘w ro n g ’. It is n o t im p o rta n t, o r useful, to get in to a long
York and you're so used to New York now that first of all there's
going to be horse dung everywhere, you know and multitudes of debate ab o u t th e correctness o f these co n tractio n s, b u t if the
flies and it must smell and the the noises the sounds you hear are stu d en ts begin to h ear th em , th e n this will help th em to
not horns - it's clip-clop, dip-clop. (Right) Things you don't u n d ersta n d n atu ral speech.
necessarily think of - you just look at photographs and you don't
get that sense of like smell and hearing. (Yeah) Note_______________________________________________________
W2 Oh that's true and also on a much more personal level, I would love The words are sometimes written as dunno, wanna, gotta, gonna,
to go back and see my parents as children - see what their lives gimme in informal situations (e-mails, songs, cartoons, etc.).
were like - see how they interacted with their family.
W2 That's a scary thought to me. 1 Ask stu d en ts to discuss this in pairs.
M1 No, that's too personal, I wanna go back and look at strangers at a a dunno
time before anybody I know existed. b wanna
M2 I think it might be more fun to project a thousand years into c gotta; gonna; gimme
the future.
W1 You would, you'd want to go ahead? 2 Ask th em to check th eir answers w ith th e recording, w hich
M2 Yeah because we have books and movies to ... you know and now gives co n tracted (dunno, gim m e, etc.) form s as well as
the Internet is like a library in in your home, you know to to explore u n co n tracted form s in fast n atu ral speech. T he co n tracted
the past, but er (To go into the future) the absolute unknowable ... form s are h eard first. T hey (an d you) can choose w hich
W1 What would it be like to come back? You know to go somewhere form s to practise; b o th are acceptable in n o rm al
and find out - yeah all this stuff to come back - do you think you'd conversation. (This is n o t included in th e tap escrip t section
o f th e S tu d en t’s Book.)

Unit 3 27
a Erm, I don't know, I think the Renaissance would just be absolutely To provide controlled practise o f the language o f
amazing. speculation.
b I want to go back and look at strangers at a time before anybody I
know existed. Ask th e stu d en ts to do this individually before checking th eir
c A There's a new film at the cinema about time travel - I've just got answers in pairs. M o n ito r an d help as necessary before
to see it. co n d u ctin g a w hole-class check.
B Have you decided when you're going to go? • You could ask stu d en ts to practise saying the sentences /
A No, but if you can give me a lift we could go together. phrases to develop th eir pro n u n ciatio n . You will need to
• Em phasize th a t practising this p ro n u n cia tio n will also help d em o n strate first.
students to ‘h ea r’ th e item s in context.
a would d were; would
► T here is an extra activity o n p.141 w hich practises b could; would e would; heard; was going to
colloquial language. c could; had; would

Language focus: speculating and Speaking

imagining p.23 F jn n To develop the students’ ability to speak in a semi-formal
m To draw students’ attention to the different ways o f setting. It is also preparation fo r the w riting task which follows.
speculating and im agining (would, could, m ight, Suppose, • D ivide the class in to As an d Bs. Ask Students A to look at
e tc j. p. 157 an d S tudents B to look at th e in stru ctio n s o n this page.
1 O utline the task briefly. T hen ask students to do this • P u t pairs o r sm all groups o f As together. Do th e sam e w ith
individually. Allow th em a few m inutes to th in k ab o u t it. Bs. Give th em tim e to th in k th ro u g h th e situation an d w hat
th ey are going to say.
• Ask th em to check their answers in pairs before th ey refer to
the tapescript o n p. 141. • N ow p air u p As w ith Bs (m aking a gro u p o f 3 if you have an
o d d n u m b er) and ask th em to co n d u ct th e interview.
a would c might
b would d would; might; might • M onitor, taking notes if you in ten d to co n d u ct an error
feedback, b u t d o n ’t in te rru p t.
2 Ask th e stud en ts to do this in pairs. • You m ig h t like to ask on e o r two pairs to con d u ct th eir
interview in fro n t o f th e class.
• Ask th em w hat type o f conditional is used in the ‘a’ sentences
(the second conditional: th e situation is im aginary). Allow • C o n d u ct an erro r feedback if necessary.
th em a few m inutes to discuss o r argue ab o u t the differences
before checking w ith th e w hole class. Writing
a would - certainty under the condition mentioned - in m a To give practice in w riting a fo rm a l letter which needs to
other words if the other part of the sentence happened m ake a point.
(you travelled back in time) then the rest is certain (you
would discover your family secrets). 1 -3 O u tlin e th e task. C heck th a t students are clear ab o u t the
might - possible, not certain even if the condition letter w riter’s m otives in w ritin g to th e ed ito r o f the
mentioned happened - in other words even if the new spaper. (T heir original w ords have been changed by the
travelling back in time were certain, the might part u n sc ru p u lo u s jo u rn alist.) You m ig h t refer to any oth er
(discover your family secrets) is possible but not certain,
situations k now n to you o r th e stu d en ts in w hich the m edia
b There is no difference here between could and might: both
are used to express uncertain future possibility. has exaggerated o r changed th e ‘facts’ o f a story.
• Ask th e stu d en ts to discuss an d possibly plan th eir letters in
3 Read th ro u g h the phrases w ith th e students, po in tin g o u t the pairs.
gram m atical features.
• Set th e w riting activity as a h om ew ork task.
• Elicit a few responses to each o f th e phrases (e.g. Yeah - it’d
• M ake sure students refer to th e W riting guidelines on p. 152
be great / I ’d hate all that publicity!). This helps to check th at
w hich include a sam ple form al letter.
the students really u n d ersta n d how they are used.
• Ask th e students to practise these m ini-dialogues in pairs.
Refer th em to the Language com m en tary o n p.27. M o n ito r
an d help w ith the structures as necessary.

Unit 3
2 W hile you’ve got th e w hole class together, ask th em question
3.3 Saving a language p.24 2. E ncourage discussion an d debate an d ask th em to find
sections from the text to su p p o rt th eir p o in t o f view.
This stage includes a rich reading text an d has detailed
The article is generally positive in outlook (though also
co m prehension an d discussion work. realistic, not idealistic). Phrases and sections which show this
Vocabulary Paragraph C But many languages are not in such a serious
f j i m To stim ulate interest in the subject o f languages and Paragraph D There are some famous cases which illustrate
prepare fo r the reading. what can be done.
A language can be brought back from the very brink o f
• W ith books closed w rite u p the w ord language.
• Elicit related w ords from th e students and w rite th em up ... new government policies brought fresh attitudes and a
aro u n d language. Try to elicit th e w ords from the exercise, i.e. positive interest in survival.
Several seriously endangered Aboriginal languages o f
m other tongue, linguist, m inority language, native speaker,
Australia have been maintained and revived.
fluent, dialect, foreign language, second language, accent. Paragraph E ... in some parts o f the world (revived languages)
• Focus students on the exercise an d ask them to com plete it in are attracting ... the range o f positive attitudes ... which are
pairs. the preconditions for language survival.

• Q uickly check answ ers w ith the w hole class. 3 Ask th e stu d en ts to w ork in pairs o r sm all groups. Set a
1 mother tongue 7 classical; dead realistic tim e lim it and encourage th em to p rovide fairly
2 linguist 8 modern; living detailed answers. M o n ito r an d help as necessary.
3 minority 9 foreign
4 native 10 second a There are only a few speakers of the language left - the
5 fluent 11 accent language is not being passed on from generation to
6 dialect generation.
b By destroying small, isolated communities which may be
the one remaining place where a particular language is
Reading spoken.
c First of all the community must want to save its language,
To develop students’ ability to read fo r detail. and funding must be available. There could be courses,
teachers, and materials. Linguists could record, analyse, and
1 Focus students o n the questions th a t precede the text. document the language,
• Check th a t they u n d ersta n d th e questions an d the task. d Maori - language nests in which young children are
intensively exposed to the endangered language, so that
• Ask th em to read th e text. Give the students plenty o f quiet they acquire it naturally. They will in turn pass the
tim e for this. If app ro p riate to your class, you could set this language on to their children.
for hom ew ork. Ainu - Semi-speakers were persuaded to become active
speakers again. (Semi-speakers were people who had
■ W hen m o st o f th e class appear to have finished, p u t th em
stopped using Ainu because of the negative attitude of
in to pairs an d give th em enough tim e to discuss their others to their language),
answers before checking briefly w ith the w hole class. e In various parts of the world, there are positive attitudes
and support for attempts to save languages.
a E bD cA d C eB

React and discuss p.25

Close up
To give students an opportunity to discuss the subject
• Ask th e students to do this in pairs. E ncourage them to m ake
more freely, and to round up the topic.
guesses from context rath e r th a n rely o n th e ir dictionaries.
Students can som etim es find it difficult to discuss an issue
• C heck answers w ith th e w hole class.
w ith th eir ow n ideas; either they m ay n o t have any, o r they
1.6 about / approximately m ay n o t be q u ite ready to express them . In this case it often
1.15 suicide / homicide / matricide / patricide / infanticide helps to set up a discussion as an in fo rm al debate first.
Note: insecticide / pesticide / herbicide are words which
• O rganize th e class in to G roups A and B. G ro u p A believes
refer to substances rather than actions, although all are
connected with killing. th a t it is essential to save the w o rld ’s dying languages, G roup
1.17 inhabit / inhabitant / habitation B th in k s it’s a w aste o f tim e an d effort.
1.18 famine = severe shortage of food for people often • Split the As an d Bs in to sm all groups o f three o r fo u r and
leading to illness or death
give th em tim e to collect som e ideas an d argum ents to
drought = long period when there is little or no rain
If there is no rain, crops cannot grow and animals die, su p p o rt th eir p o in t o f view.
so food supply is damaged and famine occurs. • Reorganize stu d en ts in to g roups o f a ro u n d four, w ith a m ix
1.43 a nest is a warm, protective home in which animals and
o f As an d Bs. Give th em tim e to argue / discuss th e point.
birds can give birth to and look after their young.
1.50 absolute M o n ito r if you like, b u t d o n ’t in te rru p t.

Unit 3 29
• To ro u n d up, you can ask th em to talk about w hat they really • It’s probably a good idea to conduct a w hole-class feedback in
th ink, either still in their sm all groups or, for the m ore ord er to ro u n d o ff the discussions. You could ask each group
confident classes, as a w hole class. to n o m in ate a speaker w ho tells the rest o f th e class ab o u t
• Alternatively, for classes able to discuss freely, b u t p erhaps th eir decision an d the process leading tow ards it, o r you
w anting slightly different subject m atter, you could ask th em could have a w hole-class discussion about this ty p e o f p ro ject
to th in k ab o u t and discuss th e following: in general, o r you could discuss the problem s th ey h ad in
doing the task, i.e. difficulties in reaching decisions /
H ow w ould students feel if th eir language were u n d er threat,
persuading people / finding the right kind o f language.
for exam ple, from a d o m in a n t dialect in th eir ow n country,
o r from a w orld language like English?

Vocabulary: adjectives and nouns Exploring words p.26

E O To help students remember certain collocations fro m the
text and extend these to other collocations using the same
To extend students’ vocabulary using an area that is rich
words. This enables students to extend their range o f vocabulary
in lexical items.
w ithout having to learn new words.
1 E ither ask stu d en ts to w ork th ro u g h the instructions in the
1 Ask stud en ts to do this first o n th e ir ow n, th en com pare w ith
S tu d en t’s Book, o r follow this alternative procedure. W ith
a p artner. O nce they have h ad a try, let th em look back at the
books closed, tell th e stu d en ts th a t you are going to be
text to find the answers.
looking at th e language o f crim e an d pun ish m en t.
active - speakers • Ask th em q uestion a ‘W h at is th e w orst crim e th at you have
cultural - assimilation / movements / organizations h eard of?’ Be p repared to discuss som ething o f your ow n in
dominant - languages
case n o -o n e can th in k o f anything. (Usually, som eone can
fluent - speakers
isolated - areas after a while, b u t people often need a b it o f th in k in g tim e,
local - community / organizations w hich y o u r ow n story can provide th em w ith.)
natural - disasters • E ncourage a fairly free discussion an d lead in to the second
negative - attitudes
positive - attitudes question, b ‘H ow should som eone w ho com m its this crim e
be p unished?’
2 T his is a d em anding activity, so it w ould be best carried o u t • Be prep ared for som e stro n g o pinions, w hich m ay well be
w ith th e w hole class. D o n ’t spend too long on it. conflicting ones. E ncourage a fairly free discussion b u t d o n ’t
let it go on for to o long; th is is an in tro d u c tio n to som e
active - community / movements / organizations
dominant - community / movements / organizations / speakers / detailed vocabulary w ork.
attitudes 2 a Ask stu d en ts to draw a table in th e ir notebooks. The
isolated - community / organizations / speakers
local - areas / attitudes / disasters / languages / movements / heading is Crimes an d th ere are three sections: crime,
speakers criminal, verb.
natural - assimilation / community / speakers • Ask th em to w ork in pairs an d to do task a (deciding w hat
negative - speakers
type o f crim e th e various crim es are). Ask th em to w rite the
positive - organizations / speakers
crim e in the first co lu m n o f th eir tables.
• C heck answers w ith th e w hole class.
Role play
abduction Pe (taking a person away, unwillingly)
H I Students extend and develop their oral skills, practising arson Pr (setting fire to something or somewhere)
argum ent and discussion w ithin a sem i-form al context. assault Pe (physical attack)
• Ask stud en ts to keep th e ir books closed as you outlin e for assisting suicide Pe (helping someone to kill themselves)
bank robbery Pr
th em the context for the role play.
bigamy Pe (being married to two different people at the
• D ivide th e class in to four roughly equal groups, As, Bs, Cs, same time)
an d Ds, an d seat th em together. T he As an d Bs look at blackmail Pe (threatening to say or do something unless a
different in fo rm atio n o n p. 157, Cs look at p. 158, an d Ds look condition is met)
bribery Pe (offering something, usually money, so that
at p. 159. Give the groups tim e to w ork o u t th eir task
another person does something)
together. burglary Pr (robbing a house - not a bank, office, etc.)
• W hen they are ready, re-organize the students into ABCD drink-driving B (driving with more than a permitted amount
of alcohol in your blood)
groups. T heir task now is to describe and discuss the projects
drug-dealing Pe (buying and selling drugs)
to gether an d to decide w hich tw o should be suppo rted . forgery Pr (making something look real and pretending that
• M onitor, b u t d o n ’t in terru p t. it is - often with paintings, money, etc.)
fraud B (deliberately trying to mislead people)
hijacking B (taking a plane / train / bus somewhere else by
30 Unit 3
kidnap Pe ( taking a person away by force) The answers may vary according to the country and culture of
manslaughter Pe (killing a person - without planning it) your students, and also from person to person.
mercy-killing Pe (killing someone who is very ill or dying) Possible answers
mugging B (attacking someone in order to steal a bag or Major Crimes Petty Crimes Minor Offences
purse) abduction assisting suicide possession of
murder Pe (planning to, and killing someone) drugs
possession of drugs Pe (having illegal drugs on you) arson bribery speeding
rape Pe (forcefully having unwanted sexual intercourse) assault burglary
shoplifting Pr (stealing from a shop) bank robbery forgery
smuggling B (bringing something into a country illegally) blackmail fraud
speeding B (driving faster than the speed limit) drink-driving mercy killing
stalking Pe (following someone obsessively) hijacking mugging
treason B (betraying your country) kidnap shoplifting
manslaughter smuggling
b N ow ask the stud ents to com plete the second colu m n o f murder stalking
th eir tables w ith the w ord for th e crim inal w ho com m its the rape bigamy
crim e.
• C heck answers w ith th e w hole class.
• N ow ask th e pairs to jo in an o th er p air to com pare th eir lists.
b and c In th eir fours th ey m u st try to agree the three m ost serious
person verb
an d th e th ree m o st m in o r offences. Set a tim e lim it.
abductor to abduct
arsonist to set fire to • C o n d u ct a b rie f feedback to see w h at everyone th o u g h t. (Try
assailant to assault to avoid a m ajo r discussion here th o u g h .)
accomplice to suicide to assist suicide
bank robber to rob a bank 4 a Ask stu d en ts to w ork in sm all groups an d to b u ild u p a list
bigamist to commit bigamy o f p u n ish m en ts. Set a tim e lim it an d discourage discussion at
blackmailer to blackmail this p o in t; th ey have a chance for this in th e next task. W rite
someone who offers a bribe to bribe
any new suggestions on th e board.
burglar to burgle
drink-driver to drink and drive Possible answers
drug-dealer to deal (in) drugs custodial sentence
forger to forge suspended sentence
fraudster; someone who to defraud; to commit fraud 'points' added to driving licence
commits fraud repossession of property
hijacker to hijack
kidnapper to kidnap
killer to kill / to commit manslaughter b Ask stu d en ts to discuss th eir ideas in sm all groups. Again,
someone who commits a to commit a mercy killing set a tim e lim it.
mercy killing
5 Set th e scene for th e task w ith th e w hole class. Refer th em to
mugger to mug
murderer to murder th e p ictu re an d give th em a few m inutes to read th ro u g h the
someone who possesses to possess drugs text.
drugs • Ask th em for th e ir first reaction to th e facts o f this case.
rapist to rape
shoplifter to shoplift Invite com m en ts b u t do n o t volunteer an o p in io n yourself at
smuggler to smuggle this stage, o r give fu rth e r in fo rm atio n . D o n ’t sp en d to o long
speeder to speed on this as there will be plen ty o f o p p o rtu n ity for fu rth er
stalker to stalk discussion.
traitor to commit treason
• N ow ask th e stu d en ts to read th e in fo rm atio n on p. 157. Give
C Ask students to com plete th e th ird colum n in the same th em a few m in u tes to read quietly.
way, po in tin g o u t th a t there m ay n o t be one verb b u t a w hole • Ask th e class if th eir o p in io n s have changed. E ncourage
phrase to describe the verb.
• Check answers w ith th e w hole class.
• N ow p u t th e class into pairs o r sm all groups an d ask th em to
3 P ut students into pairs. You m ay w ant to change th e pairs discuss q u estio n c. Set a tim e lim it.
th a t the students have been w orking in up to now.
• T h en ask th e stu d en ts to tu rn to p. 158 to find o u t w hat
• Ask th em to do the task (grouping the crim es into m ajor actually h appened.
crim es, petty crim es, m in o r offences) and set a tim e lim it.
• Ask th e stu d en ts w hat they th in k / feel now. You can ask the
• M o nitor an d help as necessary. Be prepared for som e w hole class, o r ask th e sm all groups to finish the discussion
arg um ent am ongst th e students. Try n o t to take sides! together.

The farmer's conviction was reduced, on appeal, in November 2001 to
Unit 3 31

Theme: people relate stories about dangerous situations

4.1 A near miss p.28
4.1 A near miss
A story ab o u t ro ad rage Stage 1 consists o f a listening text w hich contextualizes past
tense use an d ‘vague’ language used in story-telling.
• Listening: gist an d specific info rm atio n
• Exploring natural speech: using ‘vague’ language
• Vocabulary: phrases connected w ith danger Lead in
• Speaking: telling a TV news story E O To introduce vocabulary and get the students talking
about the them e o f the lesson by means o f a matching task.
4.2 Anonymous threats
1 Focus th e stu d en ts o n the first p icture and elicit as m any
People tell stories ab o u t threatening situations dangers as th ey can th in k of. T hen p u t th e students in pairs
• Listening: p redicting an d specific in fo rm atio n o r sm all groups to discuss th e rest o f the photos.
• Exploring natural speech: using sort o f • Elicit th e ir ideas an d w rite th em o n th e board.
• Language focus: narrative tenses
• Writing: a story for a m agazine Possible answers
Football match: injury to players / crowd violence
Rough sea: drowning / ship sinking / flooding
4.3 Cyber danger Rainforest: wild animals / disease / getting lost
Disco: drugs / alcohol / crime - theft, fights, threatening
D iscussing co m p u ter viruses behaviour
• Reading: jigsaw reading - predicting an d interpretin g Traffic: accidents / pollution / road rage
• Language focus: rep o rted speech an d rep o rtin g verbs Kitchen: poisonous substances / electrics / heavy or sharp
objects / fire

Exploring words 2 Focus the stu d en ts o n th e headlines, an d check th e m eaning

N ou n -ad jectiv e collocations: fullness an d em ptiness o f any difficult w ords.
V e rb -n o u n collocations: dangers, difficulties, problem s Glossary
striker - a football player whose main job is to score goals
• P ut the stu d en ts in pairs to m atch th e headlines to the
• Language focus: narrative tenses; rep o rted speech pictures. In th e feedback, ask w h eth er th ey p redicted the
• Vocabulary focus: anger; v e rb -n o u n collocations dangers m e n tio n e d in th e headlines.
• Vocabulary expansion: travel an d tra n sp o rt
Twenty arrested in midnight drugs raid - disco
• Listening: a sense o f danger
Striker hit by flying bottle - football match
Domestic accidents on the increase - kitchen
Passenger cut free after six-hour ordeal - traffic
I woke up next to a snake - rainforest
Helicopter rescues four in off-shore drama - rough sea

• W ith an im aginative class, an alternative way to do this lead-

in is to p u t stu d en ts in pairs o r sm all groups, ask th em to
m atch p h o to s to headlines, th e n get th em to choose one o f
th e stories an d briefly expand o n it. You could p u t these
q uestions o n th e b o ard to get th em thinking:
W here did it happen?
W ho did it happen to?
W h a t happened in the end?
■ Ask th e stu d en ts to tell th eir story briefly to the class. This
activity previews past tense use an d th e speaking exercise at
th e en d o f Stage 1.

Unit 4
Listening p.29 • Ask th e stu d en ts to check in pairs before giving th e answers.

To practise listening fo r gist in the first p a rt and fo r more a Out of his car - he'd got out of his car when the other car
stopped in front of him.
detail in the second p a rt o f the listening.
b Terrified / apprehensive / regretting he'd got out of his car
1 Ask the students to read th e extract an d discuss the m eanings c They apologized for the damage, said they didn't realize he
was going so slowly,
o f the w ords w ith a p artner. If these are new w ords for your
d Their insurance details.
students, a good way to check th e m is to draw a junction and
slip road o n th e b o ard and m im e the actions o f the drivers. 4 Elicit suggestions from th e students.
2 Focus the students o n the questions an d play th e recording.
Possible answer '
4.1 Lone driver in late-night motorway scare
M1 ... late at night on the motorway when I was, erm, I was driving
home from London to Oxford, erm about, I don't know, about 11 • You could do exercise 2 o f Exploring words (SB p.34) at this
o'clock at night or something like that on a Saturday night and the stage, as a n atu ral vocabulary extension.
motorway was quite deserted - it was a very clear night, very good
visibility and I noticed these lights coming up very very fast behind React and discuss
me ...
• E ncourage a w hole-class o r g ro u p discussion.
• Alternatively, you could do a b rie f role play at this stage.
M1 Well, it wasn't, it wasn't. I only wish it had been erm and er we were
approaching a junction and I thought well this car's coming up very Im agine th e speaker decided to rep o rt th e accident to the
close behind me obviously he's going to go off up the slip road to police. P u t th e stu d en ts in pairs. H alf th e pairs are th e driver,
the junction but he didn’t - he came right up behind me and at the an d h alf th e pairs are a police officer. T he drivers w ork
last minute swerved out to overtake me, hit the back of my car but to g eth er in pairs to th in k how they are going to describe the
not enough to to to send either of us off course, and sped off up
accident. T he police officers w ork in pairs to th in k o f
the motorway, so I thought well, you know, I'm not having this, so
I chased him and flashed him and he pulled over on to the side of q uestions to ask ab o u t the accident. W hen th ey are ready,
the road erm when I caught up with him and I pulled in behind. divide the stu d en ts in to new pairs w ith one driver an d one
M2 Do you think he hadn't noticed or something? police officer in each pair. T he police officers m u st ask the
M1 Er well, it's difficult to imagine he couldn't have noticed cos there drivers questions.
was a big bang and there was actually quite a lot of damage to both
cars when we actually got out and had a look, but I got out of the Exploring natural speech
car erm and of course I could see the car in front in my headlights
I t O To introduce students to the use o f ‘vague’ language when
and both doors opened ... (Ah) ... and two very large guys in
baseball caps and big Puffa jackets got o u t... telling a story.
M2 Oh no, big Puffa jackets is fine though, T-shirts would be more T his so rt o f language, typical in th e speech o f native English
dangerous ... speakers, is used w hen th e speaker ca n n o t o r does n o t w ant
M 1 ... all right well, there were two two big guys in baseball caps and to be precise. T his could be because th ey can’t rem em b er
I suddenly realized that I was completely alone on this motorway, it exact tim e o r details, because there is n o need to be precise as
was just me and them and they looked extremely ...
it w ould d istract from th e story, o r it could be for effect -
• Ask th e students to check in pairs before giving the answer. som etim es being vague can ap p ear ‘cool’ o r laid-back.

He was afraid that the two men in the other car might attack It is o f course difficult for stu d en ts to in co rp o rate such item s
him. in to th eir ow n speech. It m ay seem u n n a tu ra l an d forced. But
it is fun to try, and, in trying, stu d en ts at th is level get a feel
3 Focus th e students o n the questions an d play the recording for telling stories in English in a m o re n atu ra l way, an d it
again. You could get th e students to try to answ er the im proves th eir ability to follow native speakers w hen th ey use
questions in pairs before they listen. a lo t o f often m isleading ‘vague’ language. If you have a
EH m on o lin g u al class, it m ay be a good idea to get stu d en ts to
M1 And er I suddenly realized that I was completely alone on this th in k o f w hat so rt o f vague language th ey use in th eir ow n
motorway, it was just me and them and they looked extremely language.
intimidating ...
1 Ask th e stu d en ts to u n d erlin e any exam ples o f ‘vague’
M2 Sorry were you still in your car at this stage?
language in th e tw o extracts. Ask th em w hy th e speaker has
M1 No no, I was out of my car but I was wishing I was backin thecar.
used these phrases an d w hat effect this has, (see A im above).
M2 No baseball cap I presume?
M1 No baseball cap. No baseball bat - anything like that. Erm, and they
they sort of approached me, one from either side of the car erm and
there were a couple of minutes when I thought mm yeah this was
a bad idea - I really wish I was anywhere but here, erm but in fact
they were very apologetic and and said sorry we didn't realize you
were going so slowly, erm but it's OK - here's our insurance details
and sorry about the damage to your car and everything was fine,
but just for those two seconds, you know, ...

Unit 4 33
a ... I was driving home from London to Oxford, erm about. I Speaking
don't know, about 11 o'clock at night something like that
on a Saturday night and the motorway was quite ETl'fll To practise speaking from notes.
deserted ...
1 C heck th e stu d en ts un d erstan d the headline language.
Note: quite here means completely not fairly so it is not an
example of 'vague language'
b No baseball cap. No baseball bat - anything like that. And
they sort of approached me, one from either side of the car abandoned - left alone
erm and there were a couple of minutes when I thought deserted - empty / no people
mm yeah this was a bad idea ... hostages - people held captive by someone who wants money or has
political demands
2 Go th ro u g h the language in th e box w ith th e stud en ts and • P ut the students in pairs to choose one o f the stories an d
check they u n d ersta n d these exam ples o f ‘vague’ language. w rite b rief notes to prepare to tell the story as if it were o n a
Elicit exam ples o f w ords ending in -ish: news pro g ram m e. M o n ito r an d help w ith ideas.

Suggested examples • If y o u r students need help to get started, you could

I'll be arriving at eight-ish. / He's got brownish hair. / I'd say b rain sto rm th e first sto ry as a class. Ask questions like Where
she's youngish, not young. was it abandoned? W hy did it look suspicious? W hat did the
bomb squad do?
• Before asking students to create sentences for themselves,
w rite one o r tw o sentences o n the b o ard an d ask stu d en ts as 2 C hange th e pairs, ideally so th a t th e students are w ith a new
a class o r in pairs to tu rn th em into sentences w ith ‘vague’ p a rtn e r w ho has p rep ared a different story. M onitor the
language, for example: story-telling, an d n o te errors for feedback at the end.
I m et friends at seven and we w ent to the cinema. • You could ask one or tw o students to present th eir stories to
T he students m ig h t suggest: th e class.
I sort o f m et a couple o f / a fe w / two or three friends at • You m ay w ish to extend an d personalize this speaking stage
about / j u s t after seven-ish (or) som ething like that, and we by getting stu d en ts to do th e following extra activity.
sort o f w ent to the cinem a and stuff.
1 P ut th e stu d en ts in groups o f four o r five, an d ask th em to
• P ut students in pairs to tell each o th e r ab o u t w hat th ey did th in k o f som ething dangerous th a t h ap p en ed to them
yesterday, using ‘vague’ language. M onitor an d correct any w hich th ey can tell th e group about. Set a tim e lim it for
m isuses o f ‘vague’ language. th em to prepare.
2 Students take tu rn s to tell th eir stories to the rest o f the
Vocabulary: danger group. (It is a good idea to m odel th e activity by telling a
To introduce and practise vocabulary around the key sh o rt story o f y o u r ow n first.)
word danger. As th ey listen to o th e r stories, stu d en ts w rite dow n one or
• W ith o u t looking at the book, ask the stud en ts to give you any tw o questions th ey w ould like to ask.
phrases they know using th e w ord danger. W rite th em on the 3 W hen everyone has finished th eir stories, students ask
board. each o th e r th eir questions.
• P ut the stud en ts in pairs to com plete the sentences an d
answ er th e questions.

a a danger to himself: he might drive his car and have an 4.2 Anonymous threats p.30
accident, or get into a fight
b on the danger list: in hospital
c danger money: police officers; deep sea divers Stage 2 consists o f a listening text w hich contextualizes th e use
d out of danger: she will get better o f n arrative tenses.
e hidden dangers: personal answers

E fffil To listen fo r specific information.

1 a Focus stu d en ts on th e pictures an d ask th em to describe

them . W h a t sort o f dangers are there in these situations?

b M atch o ne o r tw o phrases to the pictures as a class to get

th e stu d en ts started. Ask th em w hy they th in k th ey m atch.
• P u t th e stu d en ts in pairs to m atch the phrases to th e pictures.
O ne way o f approaching this activity is to get the stu d en ts to
m atch th e w ords an d phrases, th en to bu ild up predictions
ab o u t th e stories from these w ords an d th e pictures.

34 Unit 4
2 Ask th e students to listen to th e first story and check th eir enough to do that) he basically said you know if you do that again I'm
predictions in lb . Play th e recording. going to knock your head off - he was just absolutely furious, so I said
I was sorry erm ...
EO W Like you do.
W ... it was in Italy and I went to erm this er station which was well
M Like you do, yes, and he drove off and he scowled at me in a very
outside the city and erm the friend that I'd met there took me to the
nasty way. But it was quite unsettling.
station and I missed the train before last back so I was, I had to catch
a very late train back - there were two people on the platform and Correct order of events
when I got into the carriage there was only one other person in there 1 c he opened his window
and there were about eight stops on the train, erm and halfway 2 f and shouted abuse at me
through the journey the other person in the train got out so I was on 3 b I made an angry gesture
my own in this train late at night... 4 e stuck his head out of the sunroof
M With the lights on? 5 a if you do that again I'm going to knock your head off
W With the lights on, with the lights on, but I was thinking to myself, 6 d I said I was sorry
well this is all right because when I get to the end when I get to the
station it'll be fine because I can just jump out and get into a taxi and
React and discuss
I'll be back in the hotel and everything'll be fine. When I got to the
end of the, when I got to the station, erm because it was the last • E ncourage a w hole-class discussion.
train, everybody had gone home there was nobody there, it was
virtually deserted erm and I grabbed this person I said 'Where's the Exploring natural speech
taxi rank?' and they pointed over to this sort of clump of trees in the
middle of this sort of like very dark patch ... i M t To introduce and practise so rt o f as a filler or vague
language in spoken English.
absolutely furious 2
angry gesture 2
T he stu d en ts have com e across sort o f as an exam ple o f vague
clump of trees 1 language in th e E xploring n atu ra l speech section o f Stage 1 o f
dark patch 1 this u n it. Sort o f is often used as a filler w hich adds no extra
eight stops 1 m eaning. This is sim ilar to you know o r I mean. Som etim es,
on my own 1 however, it is a vague language p hrase w hich m eans
road rage 2
shouted abuse 2
som ething like. For exam ple: H e lived in a so rt o f tent. (i.e. n o t
sunroof 2 a conventional tent, b u t so m eth in g a bit like a ten t). If
taxi rank 1 som eone uses it a lo t w hen th ey are speaking, it can ju st be a
habit, b u t it could be an ind icatio n th a t th e perso n lacks
3 Focus the students on the statem ents in exercise 3 th en play confidence in w hat they are saying. P oint o u t the
recording again. p ro n u n cia tio n , /so:t3v/, as it involves tw o vowel so u n d s th a t
som e stu d en ts m ay find difficult to p ro d u ce accurately.
a F one person in train, two on platform
b F about eight stops - the speaker didn't count them exactly 1 P ut stu d en ts in pairs to discuss th e questions.
so it could have been more or less - good example of
'vague language' a Here it is vague language meaning 'it looked a bit /
c F They were on. something like ...' The speaker is being imprecise,
d F It was 'virtually deserted' (although earlier the speaker b Here it is a filler and doesn't have any meaning. The
says 'everyone had gone home, there was nobody there' speaker either lacks confidence in what he is saying, or has
she then goes on to say she 'grabbed this person'.) got into a habit of using this phrase unnecessarily.
e F It was in a very dark patch.
2 Ask stu d en ts to w ork individually to ad d sort o f to th e story.
4 Focus the students on th e list o f events before they listen to M o n ito r an d help.
th e second story, th en play th e recording.
• W h en they are ready, ask th em to read th eir sto ry to th eir
EO partner.
M My only experiences of road rage or potential road rage have been
with me on a bicycle and other people in cars which instantly puts you Sort o f can be added almost anywhere in spoken English:
at a fairly large disadvantage erm ... He sort o f glanced at me with a strange sort o f expression in
his eyes and sort o f told me to sort o f follow him. I sort o f
W Have you been knocked off?
smiled and sort o f did what he said. He sort o f took me into a
M I've never been knocked off, no, no. I made an angry gesture at a car sort o f large room. It was a sort o f dining room with an
driver once ... enormous sort o f table sort o f in the middle. I sort o f sat
W Oh did you? down but I felt sort o f uncomfortable. I sort o f didn't know
M Yes, cos I was sort of cycling along as I thought I was in the right as what to expect. He sort o f went out of the room, leaving me
cyclists always are, (Yes, definitely) erm and he didn't think I was in sort o f alone.
the right and he opened his window and shouted abuse at me, (Yeah)
erm so I made an angry gesture as they call it in the newspapers
(Uhuh) erm and he actually followed me (Oh) and pulled alongside
and stuck his head out of the sunroof while driving along which was
slightly odd, stuck his head out of the sunroof and and (He was big

Unit 4 35
Language focus: narrative tenses p.31 Exploitation
m i l l To practise using narrative tenses in story-telling.
jjflu l To revise and practise narrative tenses: Past simple, Past
continuous, and Past perfect. 1 Ask th e stu d en ts to com plete the story, th en check th eir
T his is n o t a new area for students at this level, an d the rules answers w ith a partner.
o f use are fairly straightforw ard. T he em phasis is on
1 was walking 10 stood
practising th e tenses in th e context o f story-telling. The 2 heard 11 looked
stud en ts should be encouraged to try to m ix these tenses 3 was 12 went up
appropriately w hen telling o r w riting stories. 4 ran 13 grabbed
5 had come 14 said
Students should be very fam iliar w ith th e fo rm an d had never seen
6 burst 15
p ro n u n ciatio n . However, you m ay w ish to p o in t o u t th e use 7 lay 16 did he know
o f th e w eak ‘schwa’ so u n d in was /w sz / an d were /wo/. 8 was 17 had murdered
M o n ito r an d correct p o o r p ro n u n cia tio n w hen stu d en ts are 9 had been used
d oing exercise 2 o f the Exploitation section.
• Ask if any stu d en ts know how th e detective knew th a t the
• You could talk th ro u g h this section as a class, o r get students p o stm an was the m urderer.
to discuss questions 1 to 3 in pairs th e n feedback as a class. A
The lawyer and the accountant were both women. The
suggested approach is to do n u m b e r 1 as a class, as it is
postman was the only man in the room, and, therefore, the
straightforw ard revision, th e n give the students tim e to only person called John.
discuss 2 an d 3 in pairs before feedback. O nce the stu d en ts
are clear as to the use o f these tenses, p u t th em in pairs or 2 a Focus th e class o n th e tw o photos, an d briefly elicit w hat
sm all groups to do exercise 4. th ey show, an d w h at so rt o f stories they m ight suggest.

1 Ask the students to read th e extract an d answ er th e questions. • P ut th e stu d en ts in pairs to choose one o f th e pictures an d to
prepare a story. E ncourage th em to w rite notes so th a t they
Past simple. It is used to tell a sequence of events in a story. can tell th eir story later, b u t n o t to w rite w hole sentences.
2 -3 P ut the stud en ts in pairs to discuss these questions. You b C heck th a t th e stu d en ts u n d erstan d th e in terru p tin g
m ay w ish to refer th em to th e Language co m m en tary on language in the box. Briefly drill the com m ents an d questions
p.35. for p ro n u n ciatio n .

The Past continuous is used for background description or N ote th a t the w ords and syllables in bold below are stressed:
events in progress, against which the main sequence of events
takes place. I'm not sure I understand.
The Past perfect is used to indicate that other actions / events What a strange thing to do.
took place before the main sequence of events. I'm sorry, I didn't catch that.
That's not very likely. / That's not very likely.
The difference between the two sentences:
Why did they do that? / Why did they do that?
• everyone went home before the speaker arrived at the
What happened next?
Where did this happen?
• everyone went home the moment / at the time the speaker
arrived • Rearrange pairs so th a t th ey are w ith stu d en ts w ho prepared
th e o th e r story, th en m o n ito r as th e pairs take it in tu rn s to
4 Students rem ain in pairs to m ake u p the next p a rt o f the
tell th e ir stories an d be in terru p ted .
stories. Elicit examples. M ake sure th e students are using the
tenses correctly. ► T here is an extra chain story-telling activity on p.141.

Possible answers
• I was cycling home last night ...
... when suddenly it started to rain.
... when I had a puncture.
The Past continuous action gives the background to an
event or action.
• I cycled home last n ig h t...
... and got in about 6 o'clock. Then I had a shower, made
myself a snack, and called a taxi.
The first of a sequence of events.
• I'd cycled home last n ig h t...
... That's why I was tired and needed a rest before going to
meet my friends.
The Past perfect often provides the background to or
explanation for a more recent past event or action.

Unit 4
Writing a Personal answers. Possibilities:
Melissa: David Smith admitted the crime / 10 years in
To use narrative tenses in writing a story. prison / $150,000 fine / he did not expect to cause so much
• Make sure students u n d ersta n d the task an d th e readers they damage
Johnny: Johnny's lifestyle / complete dedication to virus
will be w riting for. writing / his reasons for writing viruses / he is not anti-social
• Ask students in pairs to choose a story they have heard or / he has not intentionally spread a virus
told earlier in th e lesson. Ask th em to w rite dow n as m uch o f b Both men admit to being virus writers / neither man
deliberately set out to cause damage
th e story as they can in n o te form . Give th em a tim e lim it to
c Smith does not give a reason, except to deny trying to
do this - no m ore th a n ten m inutes. cause damage
• Ask th e students to divide th e story into three to five Johnny said it allowed him to play God / to pretend to be a
paragraphs. P oint o u t th a t in th e first paragraph, they need villain / cyberterrorist / fun to play with
d Answers to Close up tasks:
to set the scene an d will probably need to use th e Past
co ntinuous. 1.17 loud
• Set the w riting for hom ew ork. Refer th e students to the 1.20 insignificant / unimportant / minor consequences
W riting guidelines o n p. 151 w here there are notes o n sto ry ­ 1.22 a crime without a victim, e.g. fraud or other crimes
involving large organizations rather than individuals
telling and a m odel story.
1.3 done by hand: manual work = physical labour;
opposite of automatic: cars can be automatic or have
manual gears
4.3 Cyber danger P-32 1.8 microscope / microchip / microfilm / microphone /
microsurgery / microwave
1.12 mathematics / physics / acoustics / economics /
In Stage 3 th e reading text contextualizes th e use o f rep o rted statistics / phonetics / politics
speech an d rep o rtin g verbs.
React and discuss
Reading • E ncourage a sh o rt class discussion.
HTffil This is a jigsaw reading. The students read to confirm
expectations, then share inform ation from the texts in a Language focus: reported speech and
com m unicative task. reporting verbs p.33
Ask th e students the questions in the b o o k as a class.
Idtu^ To introduce and practise various reporting verbs, and
c It's an appropriate word because in medicine, a virus is a the reported speech verb patterns that follow them.
simple organism that spreads quickly to cause infectious R eported speech is a g ram m atical area th a t th e stu d en ts will
disease. Computer viruses spread like diseases and are
have com e across before. T he focus here is o n th e com plex
sometimes difficult to stop or fight.
verb p attern s th a t follow rep o rtin g verbs.
2 Elicit suggestions from th e students. If they d o n ’t have any 1 D o the first as an exam ple, th en p u t th e stu d en ts in pairs to
ideas, w rite a few w ords on th e b o ard and ask th em to choose change th e rep o rted speech to direct speech.
th e w ord they th in k is appropriate, for example: shy / o u t­
going, sociable / anti-social, caring / irresponsible, popular / a 'This is a very dangerous virus.'
b 'Yes, I entered user groups without authorization.'
'I admit I entered / 1 admit entering user groups without
■ P ut the students into pairs, an d ask S tudent A to read the text authorization.'
on this page, an d S tudent B to read the text o n p. 157. c 'OK, I deliberately broke into the systems and I knew what I
was doing.'
• Briefly feedback th e answers to b. d 'The virus has paralysed tens of thousands of computer
3 Ask the students to w ork th ro u g h a - d w ith their partner, systems.'
e 'This is (the reason) why I am a virus writer. / Here's why ...'
w ho has read th e o th e r text.
• Feedback answers. 2 Ask th e stu d en ts to look at th e tense o f th e rep o rtin g verb,
an d th e tense o f th e follow ing clause to help th e m answ er this
question. You m ay w ish to refer th e stu d en ts to th e Language
co m m en tary on p.35, w here th e basic rules o f fo rm are
covered in detail.

Unit 4 37
If the reporting verb is in the present, the tense of the verb in 2 P u t th e stu d en ts in pairs. Tell Student A to read th e e-m ail on
reported speech does not change. p. 158, an d S tu d en t B to read the e-m ail on p. 159.
If the reporting verb is in the past, the tense of the verb in
• W hen they are ready, students tell their p a rtn e r a b o u t their
reported speech changes from Past simple to Past perfect.
Note also that -ing forms do not change in reported speech. e-m ail, using rep o rted speech. M onitor for errors.
• T his is an extended activity to get students to practise
► If th e students find this new o r difficult, you could copy rep o rted speech. W ith slower classes, it is probably b etter to
an d set the extra activity o n p. 141 to give th e students ask stu d en ts to read th eir e-m ails carefully two o r three tim es,
accuracy practice. th e n close th eir books an d rep o rt the key points they
3 a - b Give th e stud en ts tim e to do exercises a an d b, checking rem em ber. If stu d en ts w ork th ro u g h every sentence o f th e
th eir answ ers in pairs before discussing the answ ers as a class. e-m ail, it could becom e boring.
R em ind students th a t there are m any different rep o rtin g
Possible answers
verbs in add itio n to the overused said. A The director of the English Department said he'd recently
received complaints about some of the students in the
verbs from extracts near synonyms
Advanced class. He said it seemed that a small proportion
a states declare(s)
of students had been enjoying their English lessons. He
b admitted confess(ed)
claimed that this was just a minority who were making it
c acknowledged concede(d)
difficult for other students to concentrate.
d pointed out observe(d)
He maintained that it had even been suggested that some
e explains spell(s) out
of the teachers had been making their lessons interesting.
He pointed out that this situation could not continue.
c Ask the students to discuss th e sentences in pairs first. He said that in the next few days he would be visiting
classes to make sure that there was no unnecessary fun.
Sentences 1, 3, 4, 5 are all correct. Only 2 is wrong. Suggest
B The director of the English Department said he was pleased
cannot be followed by an infinitive construction.
to tell us that he had just received a letter from the British
Government about changes to the English language.
Exploitation He said that the most important changes would be these.
All verbs would be regular. The verb drink would be ...
fitfu l To practise using reporting verbs and reported speech. All words would be spelt in the same way as they were
1 Check th a t th e students u n d ersta n d all the verbs, an d are
All question tags would be replaced by a single ...
aware th a t som e require a (given) preposition. P oint o u t th at He pointed out that these changes would come into effect
after a p reposition th e stud en ts will need to use -ing. from January 1st.
N ote th a t here m aintain m eans claim o r argue.
• Ask th e stud en ts to rew rite the conversation an d com pare
w ith a p artner. M o n ito r an d help.

a Sue accused Nick of using her computer, Exploring words p.34

b Nick denied that he had used her computer and suggested
that she asked Pete.
Nick denied having used / using her computer,
EES To practise adjective-noun and verb-noun collocations.
c Sue asked Pete if / whether he'd been playing games on This section is th e first o f tw o th a t looks at collocation. It
her computer.
splits n atu rally in to tw o parts. Exercises 1, 2, an d 3 could be
d Pete confessed / admitted that he couldn't even use a
computer, used as an integral vocabulary lesson o n collocation.
e Sue apologized for accusing him. Exercises 4 an d 5 could m ake a reading/vocabulary/speaking
f Pete suggested that it was probably Jon. lesson. Exercise 2 m akes a n atu ra l vocabulary extension to the
g Sue asked him how he knew that. listening in Stage 1. Exercises 2 an d 3 could be set as
h Pete claimed / maintained that he had seen him sitting at
hom ew ork.
her / Sue's desk the previous afternoon / the afternoon
before. 1 As a lead-in, if you th in k your students will know w hat
i Sue asked him / Jon if / whether it was true. Had he used collocations are, elicit som e interesting collocations th at they
her computer? (Had it been him who had used her often use. Alternatively, w rite som e co m m o n (o r recently
j Jon admitted / confessed that is was him / had been him learnt) collocations on the b o ard, an d ask stu d en ts w hat is
and apologized, special ab o u t th e way the w ords go together. For example,
k Sue told him / Jon not to be sorry. She congratulated him delicious food, handsom e m an, cosy flat.
on getting the highest game score ever.

38 Unit 4
• Let the students choose th e ir definition, before discussing the b P u t th e stu d en ts in pairs to com plete the sentences.
questions in groups o r as a class.
1 overcome / fears
a The best definition is 2. The others are only partly correct: 2 combating diseases
1,3: collocation applies to other kinds of words, e.g. verbs 3 overcome / problem
and adverbs. fighting / losing battle
4: collocations can involve more than 3 words and these
words are not always used together, C S tudents th in k o f collocations an d check th e m w ith th eir
b It is better to learn words in groups than to learn them partner.
separately. The idea of collocation often explains
combinations that are otherwise inexplicable. Ask th e stu d en ts to look at th e title an d guess w hat th e text
m ig h t be ab o u t, th en ask th em to read it quickly to see if they
2 a -b The students w ork individually to m atch th e adjectives were right.
w ith nou n s, th en check in pairs. Ask th e stu d en ts to u n d erlin e th e collocations an d check w ith
th eir partner.
abandoned car /village / house
bare feet / room assess the risks v-n
busy house / person / station / street / village daily lives a-n
crowded beach / house / room / station / street / village everyday situations a-n
deserted beach / house / station / street / village committing suicide v-n
empty beach / bottle / car / house / room smokes (40) cigarettes v-n
full bottle / car / house / room exposing himself to (nearly as much) danger v-n
lonely beach / person playing a game v-n
routine activity a-n
C P ut the students in pairs to com plete th e sentences. v-n
come into the same category
accidental fall a-n
1 abandoned cars 3 beaches / crowded
(be) involved in a (driving) accident a-n
2 an empty house 4 deserted streets
carrying out (household) chores v-n
d Students rem ain in th eir pairs to th in k ab o u t the pairs o f household chores a-n
P u t th e stu d en ts in pairs to discuss the questions.
deserted = no-one is there - it's empty
abandoned = everyone has left and no-one lives there any
busy = a lot of trains and people are leaving and arriving
crowded = full of people
empty = there is no furniture in it
bare = there is furniture, but it is simple and basic

3 a E ither do this as a class o r in pairs.

beat an enemy
combat crime / (a) disease / a fear / a handicap /
a problem
come to terms with (a) difficulty / a handicap / a problem
confront danger / difficulty / a fear / an enemy /
a problem
defeat an enemy
face a challenge / a danger / a difficulty /
a fear / an enemy / the future /
a problem / a risk
fight crime / (a) disease / an enemy / a (losing)
battle / a problem / a war
meet a challenge
overcome a challenge / difficulty / a disadvantage /
a disease / a fear / an enemy /
a handicap / a problem
run a risk
solve a crime / a problem

Unit 4 39
Theme: moral and practical dilem m as
5.1 In the workplace p.36
5.1 In the workplace
Advice and suggestions about problem s in the workplace Stage 1 consists o f a listening text w hich introduces the language
o f o p in io n s an d suggestions.
L istening: specific in form ation
Exploring natural speech: I ’m afraid
Vocabulary: th ree -p a rt phrasal verbs
Lead in
Language focus: opinions and suggestions To get students thinking and talking about the kind o f
dilem m as (problems) th a t people m ight encounter a t work.
5.2 A quiet Sunday bus ride • Ask stu d en ts to com plete the q uestionnaire quickly on th eir
R eactions to threatening behaviour in public ow n, th en p u t th em in pairs o r sm all groups an d give th em
tim e to discuss th eir answers. Even if y o u r students do n ot
Reading: specific in fo rm atio n an d in te rp re tatio n
have experience o f w ork, they sh o u ld be able to offer an
Language focus: inversion
o p in io n o n the issues raised in th e questionnaire.

5.3 How far should we go? • C o n d u ct a general class feedback to ro u n d up th e activity an d

focus on the next task.
G enetic engineering
Listening: general in fo rm atio n an d specific language Listening
Vocabulary: a d jec tiv e-n o u n collocation ( infectious disease)
To practise listening fo r specific information.
Speaking: discussion
Writing: an article for a m agazine A pre-listening exercise pre-teaches som e o f the idiom atic
expressions an d collocations students will com e across in the
Exploring words recording. T he recording itself is a radio p ro g ram m e w hich
asks people to give advice o n problem s e-m ailed in. Students
Rights, responsibilities, tru th , and lies have to listen for specific p o in ts in th e conversations.

Workbook 1 Give stu d en ts a few m in u tes to w ork th ro u g h th e exercise in

Language focus: opinions and suggestions; inversion after
• C heck answers w ith th e w hole class.
expressions w ith a negative m eaning; other exam ples o f
inversion a Everybody / the general public.
Vocabulary focus: th re e -p a rt phrasal verbs; health Property owned by the government or a council, such as
Vocabulary expansion: form al style; adjectives an d verbs to roads, parks, etc. The opposite is private property,
b Note: You can also spread gossip.
describe voices; verbs like shine c Badly: you behave as badly as the other person, sink = go
Listening: genetic engineering down
d If the person had asked you a question about a private
matter / a question you are not prepared to answer,
e Quickly.

2 In tro d u ce th e listening, i.e. a radio pro g ram m e giving advice

to people w ho have e-m ailed w ith problem s an d dilem m as.
• Give stu d en ts tim e to read questions a and b. They m ay need
to take notes in o rd er to answ er fully.
• Play the recording.
P All right. I have another e-mail here. This one's from Jo. Er, let's see
what you think of this. She says that somebody she sits near at work
is always on the phone - he has a very loud voice and she can hear
everything he says. Now she wants to know, does she treat his

Unit 5
conversations as public property? You know passing on bits of gossip React and discuss
or even interrupt his conversations - adding her own comments, you
know. So, what do you think she should do about that? FflTiTl To provide a free speaking practice activity which gives
W I don't think she has the right, I'm afraid, I just don't think she has the students the chance to express their own opinions.
right - she has to put up with it. She's got to concentrate on what • If you are sh o rt o f tim e, you could o m it this section because
she's doing and erm let him get on with it - maybe talk to him about stu d en ts have th e o p p o rtu n ity for free speaking later in the
it, but it's absolutely not her right to get involved.
M I completely disagree. I think that erm if he is going to be so rude as to,
you know, have conversations like that - at that tone and interfere with • Ask stu d en ts to com pare th eir ideas in pairs. If you w ant to
her work - there's no way that he can expect her to not take what he's extend th e activity, you can th e n ask pairs to team u p so th a t
been saying and erm and use it or to to refer to it. I think it's it's the they discuss answ ers in fours.
most annoying thing to be in a work environment and have someone
shouting down the phone to them so ..., you know to to whoever. • You could th e n co n d u ct a w hole-class feedback an d
W I agree, but why not rise above it? Why sink to their level?
P I would imagine it would be very distracting. What do ... when you
say rise above it, what do you think she could do to sort that out? Exploring natural speech p.37
W Possibly try and talk to him about it, but to start gossiping and using his To focus students’ attention on the way the phrase I’m
conversations as public property is being absolutely no better than what afraid is used in natural spoken English in order to express
he's doing - erm I think that would be an appalling way to behave. disagreement or criticism.
M But perhaps by doing that he would stop, he would get the hint. He'd
start maybe being a little more considerate with his conversations. 1 Read th e sentence alo u d to th e stu d en ts as they follow in
W But why not simply talk to him in an adult manner? th eir books.
M Yeah, you're probably right. That's probably the first thing that she • Ask th e m w hat th e p hrase I ’m afraid m eans an d w hy it is
should do, but erm I think that she should definitely confront it, either there. M ake sure th ey realize it does n o t m ean I ’m frightened.
by speaking to him or by just making it completely obvious that she's
heard everything he's said. 2 Ask stu d en ts to w o rk on these in pairs.
P Well, Jo, hopefully you're listening and hopefully that can be of some • C heck answ ers as a class. N ote th a t I ’m afraid can go in
help. various positions, b u t tends to be used at th e begin n in g or
• Ask students to com pare th eir answers in pairs. en d o f a sentence.

a Colleague has loud telephone conversations. The speaker 1 Your work is not good enough. You'll have to do a lot
doesn't know whether to regard the information she hears better. I'm afraid.
as private and confidential or public property to be passed (I'm afraid your work is not good enough. You'll have to do
on to other colleagues, a lot better.)
b Female adviser says she has no right to pass on what she (Your work is not good enough. I'm afraid. You'll have to
hears. The male adviser disagrees. He thinks the loud do a lot better.)
telephone caller is giving up the right to privacy by 2 I'm afraid the business is doing very badly. We can't afford
speaking so loudly. to keep you.
Both advisers agree how annoying it is to have to put up (The business is doing very badly. I'm afraid. We can't
with someone shouting down the phone when you are afford to keep you.)
trying to work, but they disagree about what should be (The business is doing very badly. I'm afraid we can't afford
done about it. to keep you.)
3 Your behaviour at work is completely unacceptable. I'm
3 S tudents look at questions a and b. afraid.
(I'm afraid your behaviour at work is completely
• Play the recording. unacceptable.)
5.2 4 I'm afraid the office was broken into last night.
(The office was broken into last night, I'm afraid.)
P Well, let's move on to our next e-mail from someone in London. They
don't give us their name and we don't know if they're a man or a
woman, so we'll call them Sam. Let's hear what Sam says. 'My boss 3 Play th e recording an d get stu d en ts to check th e ir answers.
has asked me to book him a double room at a hotel for a conference. (This is n o t included in the tap escrip t section o f the S tu d en t’s
The thing is he's not taking his wife with him. I feel like protesting - Book.)
but I know that if I do he'll just tell me to mind my own business.' So,
do we have any advice for Sam?
a Your work is not good enough. You'll have to do a lot better, I'm
M Well Sam, erm, I think this might be a case of jumping to conclusions
because erm ...
b I'm afraid the business is doing very badly. We can't afford to keep
• S tudents check their answers together. you.
a Boss has asked someone to book a double room for him at c Your behaviour at work is completely unacceptable, I'm afraid,
a conference he is going to, but they know boss is not d I'm afraid the office was broken into last night.
taking his wife,
• Give stu d en ts tim e to practise saying th e sentences in pairs.
b They want to protest, but know they will be told to mind
their own business. M o n ito r an d help, especially w ith p ro n u n ciatio n .
D em o n strate y o u rself if necessary.

Unit 5 41
c I agree, but why not rise above it? Why sink to their level?
Vocabulary: three-part phrasal verbs
d Possibly try and talk to him about it, but to start gossiping ...
E S Q To draw students’ attention to the fa c t that the m ajority e Yeah, you're probably right. That's probably the first thing she should
o f three-part verbs are not separable and to recognize and do ...
practise a num ber o f these. f I think that she should definitely confront i t ...
As w ith all phrasal verbs, it is b etter to practise a few at a • Play th e recording again if necessary.
tim e rath e r th a n a lot all at once.
a I completely disagree. I think if he is going to be so rude ...
1 Ask stud en ts to look at this o n th eir ow n. Give th em a few b ... there's no way that he can expect her to not take what
m o m en ts to think, th en elicit answers from th e w hole class. he's been saying
c I agree, but why not rise above it? Why sink to their level?
• Do n o t get draw n into a long explanation o f all th e different d Possibly try and talk to him about it, but to start gossiping
kinds o f phrasal verb an d w hether o r n o t they are separable. e Yeah, you're right. That's probably the first thing she
T his exercise is sim ply intended to draw atten tio n to the should do
useful generalization th a t m ost th ree -p a rt verbs are f I think she should definitely confront it ...
The majority of three-part phrasal verbs are not separable - Students will already know the normal ways of expressing opinions and
the three parts always stay together. making suggestions. This activity draws attention to some of the more
In sentences a-c, the object of the verbs follows the verb. subtle ways.
In sentences d-e, the pronoun object it separates the two b there's no way - in my opinion this is impossible. This is a colloquial
parts of the phrasal verbs. expression.
c Why not / why - is a short way of saying Wouldn't it be a good
2 Ask stud en ts to do this on th eir ow n first, th en com pare idea to and What's the point o f ...
answers w ith a partner. d Possibly is used to make the suggestion sound more tentative, less
• Check answers w ith the w hole class.
• Faster students could be asked to w rite th eir ow n exam ple 3 You could either do this in pairs o r sm all groups, or you
sentences. could do it as a w hole-class activity. W hichever you do, d o n ’t
sp en d to o long o n it o r you m ig h t lose th e focus o f the
Possible answers lesson. T here are m o re exam ples in the Language
a He's (not) looking forward to it.
co m m en tary o n p.43.
b No, he got away with it.
c Yes, but we've nearly run out of it. / No, I'm afraid we've Possible answers
run out of it. If you ask me ... (he shouldn't have done it) for opinions
d They used to look down on them, I'm inclined to think ...
e No, I'm afraid she went back on it. Have you / he / she (ever) thought of ...? for suggestions
f You'll have to send off for it. / You could try sending off
for it.
Language focus: opinions and 1 You m ig h t w ant to play th e recording again to rem in d the
suggestions stu d en ts o f th e context.
• Split th e class in to three roughly equal groups: Presenters,
fJT ui To extend students’ repertoire o f language fo r offering
Adviser Is, an d Adviser 2s an d give th e groups a few m inutes
opinions and m aking suggestions.
to prepare th eir ideas together.
Students will probably tend to use only a lim ited range o f
• R egroup so th a t you have a Presenter, an Adviser 1, and an
language, for exam ple I think an d I suggest, to express
Adviser 2 in each gro u p (extra students can w ork in pairs o r
o pinions and m ake suggestions. This gives th em an
jo in threes to m ake fours).
o p p o rtu n ity to develop m ore sophisticated language, e.g. It
m ight be an idea to ... I ’d advise him to ... ■ Ask th e stu d en ts to discuss th e dilem m a. Set a tim e limit.
M o n ito r b u t d o n ’t in terru p t.
1 Ask students to do this on th eir ow n first, th en com pare
• C o n d u ct a class feedback to find o u t w hat m ost people
answ ers in pairs. Allow th em enough tim e to try and
th o u g h t.
rem em ber o r w ork these o u t before m oving o n to 2.
2 O rganize the class in to sm all groups o f three or four. Rem ind
2 Play the recording an d get students to check th eir answers.
th em o f the th ree ‘dilem m as’ from th e Lead in, or you could
(This is n o t included in the tapescript o f the S tud en t’s Book.)
use y o u r ow n o r those o f th e students. H ere are some m ore
E fl examples:
a I completely disagree. I think that erm if he is going to be so rude as
1 Your best friend cheated in th e last test / exam. You know
to ...
he / she has been u n d er a lot o f pressure at hom e recently.
b ... there's no way that he can expect her to to not take what he's
been saying ... W h at sh o u ld you do?
2 You saw som eone / a friend / the paren t o f a friend b -e S tudents can do these in sm all g roups o r you can do
shoplifting. It was only a sm all item . Should you do / say th em as a w hole-class activity.
anything to anyone?
b children / kids
3 You know th a t people have been talking ab o u t a friend o f c children (kids) / grown-up
yours, saying th a t he / she is likely to lose his / her job / be d fight / punch-up / scrap
expelled from school. Your friend seems to be oblivious to e hand: fist / knuckles
such dangers. Should you say anything? head: brains / lip

4 You saw y our frien d ’s boyfriend / girlfriend / h u sb an d / 2 Ask stu d en ts to read th e questions.
wife in a restau ran t w ith som eone else last w eekend. W hat
• Set th em a realistic tim e lim it for reading th e article.
should you do?
• Ask th em to com pare th eir answers in pairs.
• M o nitor b u t d on’t in te rru p t. If you have tim e an d it’s
ap p ropriate, w rite u p som e exam ples th a t you heard o f a He asked the yobs to stop using bad language in front of
language w hich could be m ade m ore sophisticated (for his young children,
exam ple, using o th e r phrases to replace I think). b They were amazed that anyone had dared to criticize them.
Then they became abusive.


5.2 A quiet Sunday bus ride p.38 Asterisks (****) are often used in newspaper reports to avoid printing
offensive language.
A yob is a colloquial word for a young person (late teens or early
This stage includes a reading text w hich contextualizes the use twenties), usually a boy / man who behaves badly.
Road rage refers to the kind of crime committed on the roads because
o f inversion in w riting. those involved are extremely angry, in a rage. 'There was another case
of road rage on the M l 1 yesterday when the driver of a Landrover
Reading attacked a woman he claimed had come out of the slip road too fast'.
People also refer to 'air rage' to describe attacks or aggressive
u n til To develop students’ ability to read fo r general m eaning behaviour on aeroplanes.
and to extend their vocabulary.

1 a W ith books closed, w rite up the w ords from the S tu d en t’s Close up
Book o n th e b o ard o r an OHT. Tell th e students th a t these • Ask stu d en ts to do this in pairs. E ncourage th em to m ake
w ords all appear in the article they are going to read. W hat guesses from context rath e r th a n rely on th eir dictionaries.
do they th in k the article will be about? • Check answers w ith th e w hole class.
• Listen, b u t d o n ’t say w hether they are right o r w rong at this
1.6 continuous / unstoppable
stage. Explain th a t they are going to look at this vocabulary
1.39 A close shave is less serious. It means you just manage to
in greater d ep th before going on to th e reading. avoid a bad situation.
• W rite up th e colum n headings from th e S tu d en t’s Book table let alone means and certainly not. It is used after a
an d ask students to copy these into th e ir notebooks. negative statement to emphasize how unlikely a
situation is because something even more likely has
• Ask th em to group the w ords on the b o ard u n d er these never happened. I can't afford a week's holiday in
headings. T hey can do this in pairs o r sm all groups. Britain, let alone a month in the Caribbean.
1.47 a ban on expressing yourself
People Bad language Violent Parts of 1.70 to cause an increase in a quality, trendify = to make
behaviour the body more trendy / simplify = make more simple, etc.
children abuse fight brains 1.71 violent anger caused by the stress and frustration of
grown-up swear punch-up fist driving a car or, in this case, travelling on a bus.
kids scrap knuckles 1.78 making eye contact means looking someone directly in
opponent smack lip the eye.
victim spit
a youth React and discuss
f a r m To provide an opportunity fo r free speaking and also act
Note_____________________________________________________ as a comprehension check fo r the article.
Children are often referred to as kids.
1 You m ight w ant to do this as a w hole-class discussion.
Smack generally refers to a light, open-palmed hit, (If you don't put it
back. I'll give you a smack) but in the language of the young, and in 2 You could start by telling th e stu d en ts ab o u t one o f y o u r ow n
this article, smack simply means hit.
personal experiences. S tudents often like this, an d find it
easier to talk them selves afterw ards. T h en organize the
stu d en ts in to sm all g roups an d ask th em to reco u n t th eir
ow n experiences. You could o m it this stage if sh o rt o f tim e.

Unit 5 43
3 In ad d itio n to being a speaking exercise this is a check on Possible answers
stu d en ts’ u n d erstan d in g o f th e text as they need to have a Not until three weeks later / Only three weeks later did I
find out the names ...
u n d ersto o d th e reading text in order to do the task.
b Not once did I think of ...
• O rganize th e class so th a t the As w ork together an d th e Bs c Hardly ever / Seldom have I felt as frightened ...
w ork together first. Give them tim e to reread th e article. d No sooner had I got on the bus than the driver drove off.
e On no account / Under no circumstances / No way will I
• T hen p air the As an d Bs to co n d u ct the interview . If you have take my children ...
uneven num b ers it doesn’t m atter; you can have two f Under no circumstances / On no account are bus drivers
journalists and one interview ee, o r vice versa. allowed ...
g Nothing / Not a thing did he hear from the police ...
• You m ight w an t to dem o n strate w ith one o f th e m ore
h Never before have I been involved in ...
confident and able stud en ts first.
• M onitor b u t d on’t in te rru p t. W rite u p som e o f th e m istakes
you’ve noticed an d ask stud en ts to correct them .
To give the students the opportunity to plan a story
Language focus: inversion p.39 together which includes inversion.

1 W ith books closed, tell th e students they are going to w rite a

E J u I To fam iliarize students w ith the use o f som e o f these
phrases and to m ake them aware o f how pow erful they can be. story.
• P u t th em in to sm all groups o f three or fo u r an d ask them to
S tudents often quite enjoy practising inversion because it
m akes th eir language sou n d m uch grander. However, th ey are read th e instructions.
often unaw are o f th e extent to w hich it is used. This is quite • C heck th a t th ey have u n d ersto o d w hat they have to do.
an inform ally-w ritten article in m any ways, an d yet it uses 2 N ow ask th em to b rain sto rm w hat happened. Set a tim e
inversion a lot to em phasize th e d ram a / seriousness o f the lim it. M o n ito r an d help w ith ideas as necessary b u t d o n ’t be
situation, an d the a u th o r’s shock. to o intrusive.
1 Set this u p for stud en ts to do individually o r in pairs, o r w ith 3 G o th ro u g h th e in stru ctio n s w ith them . Make sure they
w eaker classes, as a w hole-class exercise. u n d erstan d th a t the phrases can go anyw here in the story. Set
a tim e lim it.
• C heck answers.
• T hey d o n ’t need to w rite the w hole story o u t b u t they will
Each sentence starts with a negative or restrictive word or need to m ake notes. Even at advanced level, students need
phrase. This causes the subject and verb to be inverted. In
each case it is the auxiliary verb that precedes the subject and guidance in m aking notes. Suggest th a t they list the m ain
the main verb follows it. events o f the story an d th e phrases th a t use inversion.
a N ever... did I have ...
4 Each gro u p tells o r reads th eir story to the others. M ake sure
b Nor could we trendify ...
c Not only did the boys sw e ar... th a t th e groups th a t are listening are n o t busily trying to
d At no time did any of the other passengers support me. finish o r am en d th eir ow n stories.
e Hardly had the bus moved off ... • These stories could be w ritten up neatly for hom ew ork.

2 Ask students to do this in pairs, th en check answers w ith the

w hole class.

The negative words and phrases at the beginning make these 5.3 How far should we go? p.40
sentences sound more dramatic or more serious.

3 It is probably a good idea to do the first one o r tw o w ith the T his stage includes a listening text w hich introduces a speaking
w hole class, to m ake sure they u nderstand. an d w riting topic.

• Ask students to com plete th e rest individually o r in pairs,

th en check answ ers w ith the w hole class.
• Refer th em to the Language com m en tary o n p.43. E O To develop the skills o f listening fo r general and specific
inform ation and to stim ulate interest in the topic in general.

1 W ith books closed, w rite th e phrase ‘genetic engineering’ on

th e board.
• C heck w hat stu d en ts u n d ersta n d by this and ask w hat they
th in k an d feel ab o u t th e issue. Avoid a lengthy discussion;
ju st let th em get interested.
• T h en ask stu d en ts to look at the questions. Focus students o n
th e questions. You can cover tasks a, b, an d c in an inform al

Unit 5
whole-class discussion o r you could ask th e students to • W hen th ey have all finished, ask th e m to com pare their
discuss them together in sm all groups. D o n ’t spend too long answers in pairs.
on this - there will be later o p p o rtu n ities for discussion.
3 Possible answers
2 Focus students o n the questions. a ... eradicate disease,
b ...p la y God.
• Play th e recording. c ... to 200 (years old) /... to a much older age.,
5.5 d ... consequences /... results / ... repercussions,
e ... choose their children's gender or eye colouring /...
M Have you read about the progress they're making with the whole
decide on their children's appearance.
mapping of the of the genes for for for humans?
W No, I mean a little bit about that it could help them solve some er
diseases and things like that or understand them ... Vocabulary: adjective-noun collocations
M Right, that's the good part ... p.41
W ... which I think is great yeah.
M Sure, I mean I guess probably like most people I have incredible m i To extend students’ vocabulary by drawing their attention
ambivalence about this, because you know we we, no matter what to collocations often used in the context o f health and illness.
your religious faith is, you know, we move into sort of playing God if
we can actually pinpoint, you know what gene in the body does what 1 Check th a t stu d en ts know th e adjectives an d n o u n s before
in effect... th ey do the task individually o r in pairs.
W Definitely, and then if we start to choose 'Well we want this or we • C heck answ ers w ith the w hole class.
want that', it's I think you're right, I think the whole issue of God and
erm creation really comes into play and I think it's actually a scary area, drastic cure / treatment
I think as as far as, you know, helping the medical field, I think that's effective cure / operation / recovery / treatment
wonderful, (Sure) but when we get into actually changing things gradual recovery
(Right) - that's a little scary to me. infectious disease
M Right - well I'm a Star Trek fan (yeah) and that's always amazing when instant cure / recovery
one of the crew people, you know, are are sent to the erm, you know, old-fashioned cure / treatment
the doctor and they just do a (Noise) you know ... painful cure / disease / treatment
serious disease / operation
W Right right and they're all better right. successful cure / operation / recovery / treatment
M Right, and they're they've been scanned and you know and somehow
they're they're better within seconds usually, you know. (Right) So in
terms of eradicating disease, you know, that's that's a wonderful
thing, although I guess if we all lived to two hundred years old drastic - severe, serious
because so many natural cause diseases, if you will, have been infectious - passed from one person to another through the air
eradicated (Right) - that cause a natural death is what I'm trying to operation - usually happens in hospital. The word surgery is used
say (Right), then then we have economic issues to deal with, you either to refer to the place where doctors see you, or to the process of
know. having an operation.
Your knee will require surgery.
W Well, right and I guess what, what scares me is where does it all end?
The surgery is open from Monday to Friday.
(Sure) You know where does it stop and how do we control it (Right)
and I really don't know how we do. Who in the end says 'OK, 2 M ake sure stu d en ts u n d ersta n d th ey have to use ten different
enough,' or you know, what can actually happen in these labs? What a d jec tiv e-n o u n com binations.
what can they create?
M Right, right and er the expense of all of it is just astronomical and er • Ask th e m to do th e task individually o r in pairs, th e n check
it it could be very exciting to finally find cures for cancer and to and answers w ith the w hole class.
to be able to pluck out those genes or modify them so so that people
don't have these horrible diseases ... a infectious disease d effective treatment
b serious operation e old-fashioned cure
W Right, but I think choosing whether your child has blue eyes or brown c successful recovery
eyes, whether it's male or female I, I really, I don't agree with that
personally. I think you know, I think that should be left up to God.
M I agree. Speaking
• Let students check th eir answers in pairs. To give students the chance to discuss the subject
presented in the listening text. They also develop the skills o f
a Personal answer
b They have mixed feelings / they are ambivalent. They can arguing fo r and against a particular p o in t o f view, which is
see the potential advantages, but are also worried about preparation fo r the w riting task.
the speed of developments.
1 O rganize th e stu d en ts in to pairs o r sm all groups an d check
3 Give students tim e to look at th e sentences carefully. Check th a t they u n d ersta n d th e statem ents.
th a t they u n d ersta n d them . • Ask th e m to choose tw o o r three o f th e statem ents, or
• Play th e recording. allocate the statem ents to th e different groups. If you prefer,
get stu d en ts to look at only on e o r tw o statem ents, so th a t
• Give students tim e to com plete their answers individually,
they discuss th em in m ore detail.
th en play th e recording again.

Unit 5 45
• Ask th em to discuss th eir statem ents, using as m u ch detail 1 in two minds about
an d com plexity o f th o u g h t as possible. Faster groups can be 2 in the public interest
asked to m ove on to som e o f th e o th e r statem ents as long as 3 blowing the whistle on
th ey have discussed th e ir first one in depth. 4 sit on the fence
5 be laying myself open to
2 C heck th a t students u n d ersta n d the task, especially th a t they 6 lesser of two evils
have to include the m oral, practical, and econom ic issues 7 discussed the rights and wrongs of
involved. 8 responsible for their own actions

• Ask them to w ork in th e sam e groups as before so th a t the d If you are sh o rt o f tim e, you could leave this out. You m ay
focus is o n w riting th e lists o f pros an d cons rath e r th an on already have discussed dilem m as earlier on in the unit.
discussing the issues again. Set a tim e lim it.
2 a O u tlin e th e task. M ake sure they un d erstan d th at th e task
• M o n ito r and help as necessary. E ncourage the stud en ts to
at th e m o m e n t is sim ply to m ake two lists: people they w ould
consider the issues in as m uch d ep th as possible.
tru st / believe an d people th ey w o u ld n ’t tru st / believe.

Writing • W hen you have checked th e list, go th ro u g h the vocabulary.

To give students practice in writing an article about a These people are trustworthy: Mike, Dave, Sue, Liz, Matt,
serious issue.
These people are not: Jo, the President, Helen, Jeff.
This activity follows o n directly from th e speaking activity.

1 -2 Briefly outline the task. Check th a t th e students Glossary___________________________________________________

u n d erstan d w hat kin d o f m agazine th eir article w ould appear above board - honest and open
two-faced - hypocritical, dishonest, has two different 'faces'
in. Refer to a relevant title in th eir country, if possible.
as good as his word - honest, no need for formal contract, the word
• Let th e students stay in the sam e pairs o r sm all groups as is the contract
they were in for th e speaking exercise. Give them tim e to came clean - confessed to something she'd done wrong
w ork th ro u g h th e p lanning stages an d refer th em to the cover-up - an attempt to hide what really happened
made up - invented
W riting guidelines o n p. 154.
sticks to the facts - only says what is definitely true; doesn't
• M onitor an d help as necessary. M ake sure the stud en ts have exaggerate or guess
u n d ersto o d th e k ind o f style th a t is required here: inform al, straightforward - honest, direct, no fabrication
light, an d personal. telling tall stories - telling untruths, lies
tells it like it is - frank, honest
3 Set this as a hom ew ork task.
b You could do this as a w hole-group discussion, o r ask
stu d en ts to w ork to g eth er in sm all groups.

3 a -C This article provides an o th er exam ple o f a m oral

Exploring words p.42 dilem m a. As it is p roviding fu rth e r practice and free speaking
on the topic o f th e section, it could be om itted if you are
C E l To extend students’ vocabulary in the context o f ethical sh o rt o f tim e.
issues. • O u tlin e th e pre-read in g question, a. You m ight also w ant to
explain th a t a ‘first-class h o n o u rs degree’ is the top category
1 a You m ay need to help th em get started by p o in tin g o u t
o f degree an d th a t C am bridge University, along w ith O xford
som e o f th e rights you feel you have, e.g. to live in a
U niversity, is considered by m any to be th e best university in
reasonable place (w hat does ‘reasonable’ m ean?), to express a
p o in t o f view, to have access (free?) to health, education, etc.
• Ask th e stu d en ts to read th e text, th en to discuss the answ ers
b Ask students to try this on their ow n first before to 3a an d b in pairs before reading the end o f the story on
co m paring answers w ith a partner. p. 158.
• C heck answers w ith th e w hole class.
d Ask stu d en ts to consider this in sm all groups. You may
1 for 2 of 3 in 4 on 5 of 6 on w ant to give th em a few m in u tes o f thinking tim e first, in
7 in; about 8 to o rd er for th em to com e u p w ith som e ideas.

C Students can do this in pairs o r individually.

• C heck answers w ith th e w hole class.

46 Unit 5
Natural assets

Theme: talents, gifts, and abilities

6.1 Personal gifts p.44
6.1 Personal gifts
People talk ab o u t th eir talents Two listenings contextualize th e Language focus (should, etc.)
■ Listening: in te rp retatio n , specific inform ation, an d sum m ary an d in tro d u ce the them e.
• Exploring natural speech: interaction w ithin conversation
• Language focus: should, ought to, m ust, have to, need to Lead in
To introduce a useful vocabulary set to be used w ith the
6.2 Survivors theme.
W hy crocodiles have existed successfully for so long 1 -2 E ither ask stu d en ts to w o rk th ro u g h th e in stru ctio n s in
• Reading: checking ideas an d in terp retatio n the book, o r follow this alternative procedure.
• Language focus: determ iners
• Start th e lesson w ith books closed an d th e stu d e n ts’ atten tio n
• Speaking: interview
focused on you an d th e board.
• W rite up the expressions from the list an d elicit any others
Exploring words
th a t the stu d en ts m ig h t know {have a head fo r figures, be a
W ords an d th eir roots gifted artist).
• Q uickly m ake sure th a t th e stu d en ts know how to use these,
Workbook by show ing th em w hich w ords in th e phrases can be
• Language focus: m odal verbs should, ought to, must, have to, substituted:
need to, an d o th e r expressions o f obligation; did n ’t need to / a b o rn teacher / m usician / artist / athlete
needn’t have-, determ iners some, any, every, no, all, few , a few, a talen ted singer /fo o tb a ller / musician
little, a little an ap titu d e for languages / num bers /fig u res / words
• Vocabulary focus: w ords an d their roots a gift for m aking people laugh / w riting clearly / understanding
• Vocabulary expansion: n o u n s w ith take; n o u n s and other people
expressions w ith turn a(n ) musical / artistic / incredible talent
’ Listening: talented children • N ow get th e stu d en ts talking ab o u t people they know w ho
fall in to these categories. You m ay w an t to describe som eone
yourself first, th en ask th e stu d en ts to discuss in pairs or
sm all groups.
• C o n d u c t a w hole-class feedback o r go straig h t o n to the
p rep aratio n for listening.

To practise picking o ut specific inform ation fro m natural

1 Before you set up the listening task, check the vocabulary

quickly. You can eith er do this from th e b ook, o r ask the
stu d en ts quick questions {‘W h a t do you call someone who has
a high opinion o f themselves?’ ‘Big-headed.’ ‘H ow do you
describe the way you feel when y o u ’ve done som ething really
silly?’ ‘Embarrassed.’)
• O u tlin e th e task briefly an d play th e recording.

Unit 6 47
6.1 how m uch o r little speaking you w ant at th is stage o f the
Speaker 1 Yes, wordgames, I'm quite good at. I'm quite quick about lesson an d organize th e class accordingly.
words and visually, I'm good at crosswords and I can spot an anagram • Ask th e stu d en ts to w ork in small groups to discuss the
very very quickly - and I always impress the children with these quiz questions in 3 an d the beginning o f 4 an d set a tim e lim it.
games on the television where you have a couple of letters and you
have to think of the word or the phrase and I always get it straight M onitor, b u t d o n ’t in terru p t.
away and they, they're open-mouthed in amazement and tell me I 4 a Check th a t stu d en ts know w hat the phrases m ean a n d ask
ought to go on the telly.
th em to predict w hat m ig h t be said.
Speaker 2 A natural asset I have which I didn't realize I had until
relatively recently is incredibly good eyesight. Erm, I haven't had my Glossary___________________________________________________
eyes tested for about 20 years, probably more, erm but I was driving
an affinity for something - a liking and an understanding for
along with a friend one day, who's got particularly bad eyesight and
we were doing the kind of classic driving-test test, where you have to
inclination - tendency, aptitude
read somebody's number plate from, I dunno, X metres behind you
environment /in'vaiamnmant/ - note the spelling and pronunciation
and erm I could see, sort of four or five cars in front on the motorway
influence - the speaker uses unusual stress: influence, rather than the
and this friend of mine was completely astonished and then she was
standard stress 'influence.
testing me all the rest of the weekend as to what I could see and what
I couldn't see.
b Play th e recording an d let students check th eir ideas.
Speaker 3 Yes, bizarrely enough, I do have this ability to remember
things like phone numbers and birthdays and dates of all kinds - erm 6.2
I've no idea where the ability comes from - er it's not something I W1 Oh gosh there are all kind of gifts that people can be born with -
cultivate consciously erm but I don't actually need to carry people's you know mental gifts, intelligence, physical attributes - beauty -
phone numbers around with me - I've got them in my head. strength
Speaker 4 Erm I've always been, I've always been fiendishly fiendishly W2 Definitely, yeah. Talent ...
good at mental arithmetic erm, which goes back an awfully long way, W1 Talent absolutely, musical inclination.
erm I mean even when I was at at primary school at the age of eight
I used to come erm sort of top in the mental arithmetic tests, which W2 And I definitely believe that people are born with certain talents - I
were probably, just things like you know eight plus seven and you'd think that they can can also, er you know they can grow depending
have a roomful of seven-year-olds scratching their heads and I would on the environment that they're in, but ...
get 1S straight away. W1 Yeah, but I think you either have an affinity for something or you
• Let stud en ts check answers together in pairs.
W2 Definitely.
• C om pare answ ers w ith th e w hole class. T here m ay be som e
W1 Two children take piano lessons - one's going to be amazing and the
discussion here as there are n o specifically right o r w rong other...
answers; it’s a question o f interp retatio n . W2 ... the other is just OK, I agree and I ...
Possible answers W1 Do you think it comes from the parents?
1 matter-of-fact = not showing any emotion W2 I think, you know, maybe partly, like I said, I think that it can
2 amused / mystified influence a talent, but I think I think some people are born with
3 mystified certain talents and some people aren't.
4 mystified / amused / big-headed W1 And the people that are born with it, is it because their parents, like
were their parents musically gifted so they have an inclination?
2 Allow stud en ts a few m inutes to try an d com plete th e ch art
W2 I think so, yeah ...
o n th eir ow n before com paring w ith a partner. Give them
C Ask stu d en ts to sum m arize the m ain ideas orally w ith a
enough tim e to attem p t this before playing the recording
p a rtn e r an d check th e ir answers together.
again. S tudents often rem em ber m ore th a n they th in k they
do, especially w hen they talk to som eone else ab o u t it. Main ideas
• Play recording again an d let students check th eir People are bom with talents. Talents are from parents. They
can be affected by environment.
answers together.

a Speaker's talent React and discuss

S1: word games, crosswords; S2: good eyesight; S3 memory;
S4: mental arithmetic To give students the opportunity to develop their free­
b Example given by speaker speaking skills.
S1: TV quiz games; S2: reading car number plates;
S3: telephone numbers, dates, birthdays; S4: came first in • Ask stu d en ts to w ork in pairs o r sm all groups. M o n ito r b u t
class at primary school d o n ’t in terru p t.
c Other people's reactions • C o n d u ct a w hole-class feedback to ro u n d up the activity.
S1: children amazed; S2: friend astonished; S3: no answer;
S4: no answer

3-4 T his speaking activity can take as m u ch o r as little tim e as

you w an t it to; the im p o rta n t th in g is to decide beforehand

Unit 6
Exploring natural speech p.45 1 It will p robably be a good idea to do the first one o r two
to g eth er w ith th e w hole class. T h en ask th e stu d en ts to w ork
O n e o f the features o f n atu ra l speech is th e way in w hich
individually or in pairs. Give th e m en o u g h tim e to w ork
people in te rru p t each other, finish off sentences o r th o u g h ts
th ro u g h all th e extracts.
for each other, or sim ply p u n ctu ate th e conversation w ith
apparently m eaningless phrases ( Yeah, Definitely). • M o n ito r an d help as necessary, b u t be careful n o t to give too
m u c h help too quickly. It is useful for stu d en ts to have to
A lthough it is extrem ely difficult for non-native speakers to
th in k ab o u t language an d articulate th e ir reasons for using a
in teract in this way them selves, it is im p o rta n t th a t th ey can
p articu lar w ord.
recognize th e way conversation proceeds because it helps
th em to follow the flow o f n atu ra l speech. This section draws • C heck th e answers w ith th e w hole class.
th eir atten tio n to som e o f these conversational devices so th at
a ought to / should
they can develop th eir listening skills. b have to
Talk to th e students briefly ab o u t the way people connect c need to / have to
w ith each o th e r in conversation. In a m onolingual class, you d should / ought to
e should have / ought to have
could discuss th e w ords an d phrases used in th e stu d en ts’
f don't have to / needn't / don't need to
ow n language. g needn't / don't need to
Ask the students to look at th e tran sc rip t o f Q 9 and follow h must
it as they listen. D o n ’t w o rry ab o u t the task ju st yet.
2 C heck th a t stu d en ts u n d ersta n d w hat is required here, an d do
Play the recording.
the first on e w ith the w hole class.
N ow focus th e stud en ts’ atten tio n on th e task. M ake sure they
• Ask th e stu d en ts to co n tin u e in pairs, th e n check th e answers
u n d erstan d w hat they have to do and th a t som e answers are
w ith th e w hole class.
used m ore th a n once.
Play the recording again. a advice / recommendation
b rule
Ask students to check their answers together, th en check w ith c necessity (in this case absence of necessity)
th e w hole class. d duty / responsibility / advice
e advice / recommendation about the past
1 B shows agreement f rule or law
2 B/A shows agreement and adds to an idea g necessity (in this case absence of necessity)
3 E shows slight disagreement h advice or order that the speaker gives to themselves.
4 B shows agreement
5 C finishes an idea 3 H ad better is likely to be m o re fam iliar to stu d en ts th a n the
6 D replies to a question
expressions supposed to an d m eant to, th o u g h in n atu ral
7 A adds to an idea
8 D replies to a question English all th ree phrases are heavily used. H a d better
som etim es causes p roblem s because o f th e c o n tr a c te d ’d: I d
better do it now w hich is som etim es d ro p p ed altogether in
Language focus: should, ought to, must, spoken English so th a t w hat you h ear is I better do it now.
have to, need to • Look at th e exam ple w ith th e students, th e n ask th em to do
E E 3 To focus students’ attention on the som etim es subtle th e exercise in pairs. M o n ito r an d help as necessary b u t, as
distinctions between expressions o f obligation (1 have to do a before, give th em tim e to w ork it o u t before offering help.
test / I m u st do a te st) and encourage them to use them more • C heck answ ers w ith th e w hole class a n d get th em to practise
accurately and confidently. saying the sentences in o rd er to im prove p ro n u n ciatio n .
Students will have com e across all the structures dealt w ith Possible answers
here (should, ought to, must, have to, need to) b u t are still a You're not supposed to / meant to park here without a permit.
likely to have som e difficulty in using th em appropriately. You're supposed to / meant to have a permit to park here.
You'd better not park here without a permit,
You could sta rt this section w ith th e books closed. W rite up
b You're not supposed to / meant to travel without a ticket.
the w ord obligation on the b o ard and see w hich w ords the You're supposed to / meant to have a ticket if you want to
stu dents com e u p w ith. travel.
Accept any verbs and phrases th a t the students offer b u t only You'd better buy a ticket if you want to travel,
c You'd better not tell him you've seen me.
w rite up th e ones th a t will be dealt w ith here: should, ought
to, must, have to, need to and elicit m eaning and use as you 4 Ask stu d en ts to do th is to g eth er in pairs. M o n ito r an d help.
deal w ith each one. Ask students to refer to the Language Som e stu d en ts m ay n o t be aware o f any difference at all
co m m en tary o n p.49 if they are having specific difficulties. betw een th e sentences. W ith o u t telling th em th e answer, you
Note_____________________________________________________ can ask th e m to th in k ab o u t w ho has decided on th e action
in each sentence; th e p erso n them selves o r an outsider?
Pronunciation and spelling of ought to /'o:t ta, 'o:ta / can cause
problems. Note too the ' f in have to /'hrefta/ (W hat is som etim es referred to as an internal o r external

Unit 6 49
• Check answers w ith the w hole class. N ote th e stress in the • N ow ask th e stu d en ts to take it in tu rn s to talk to each oth er
sentences and get the students to practise saying them . ab o u t th eir topics. Again, set a tim e lim it. M onitor, b u t d o n ’t
in te rru p t. M ake notes ab o u t any mistakes m ade, p articularly
a 1 I have to means the obligation is external - my manager
those to do w ith th e target language.
has told me to work. Note: /'hsefta/
2 I must means the obligation is internal - I personally feel • W rite up th e errors th a t you hear and ask the stu d en ts to
the need to work. Note: must is stressed, correct them .
b 1 You don't have to means you are not obliged to / you
needn't (if you don't want to). ► T here is an extra discussion activity on p.142 w hich leads
Note: needn't tends to sound more formal. in to a letter-w riting exercise - b o th practising th e use o f
2 You mustn't is a prohibition - you are not allowed to. these structures.
Note: /’mAsnt/, i.e. T at end of must is dropped,
c 1 I needn't have means I wore a suit but it wasn't
necessary. Note: / ‘nkdsntsv/ may need some drilling to
make it sound like one word.
2 I didn't need to means it wasn't necessary, so I didn't 6.2 Survivors p.46
wear a suit. Note: 't' at end of didn't tends to be
This stage continues the th em e o f n atu ral talents, in th is case
Exploitation survival, to provide a context for reading co m prehension and
th e Language focus, determ iners.
To give students the opportunity to practise using som e o f
these expressions in short, functional contexts.
Lead in
1 T he students m ay find it difficult to com e u p w ith
H flnl To prepare students fo r the text by getting them to think
appropriate, n atu ra l-so u n d in g language straight away, b u t
about crocodiles and m ake their own questions fo r the text.
given tim e an d encouragem ent, they should be able to
p roduce som ething th a t sounds realistic. This is a useful way o f p rep arin g for reading texts,
particularly factual ones; it arouses interest by m aking
• Give th em a few m inutes to read th ro u g h the situations.
stu d en ts focus o n th e text in a way th a t is personal to them .
Check any u n k n o w n language, e.g. day off.
• W rite up th e w ord crocodile.
• Go th ro u g h the first situation w ith them . Ask for suggestions
an d ideas, an d refine o r elaborate as necessary. • P ut stu d en ts in groups to n o te dow n all they know , o r th in k
they know, ab o u t crocodiles u n d er th e two headings.
• Ask th e stud en ts to do th e rest in pairs. M onitor an d help as
necessary. • Ask th e class w hat they know ab o u t crocodiles.

• Ask students to read o u t th eir sentences, using app ro p riate • W rite u p any facts an d ideas th ey com e up w ith, w h eth er or
in tonation. n o t you k now th em to be true.
they live in Africa; they live fo r a long time; they are bigger
• If you w ant to extend the exercise, you can ask stu d en ts to
than alligators; they have different names in different parts
develop th em into m ini-dialogues:
o f the world, etc.
A You shouldn’t have taken m y car w ithout asking.
B I know, I ’m sorry. The thing is, it was an emergency and you Reading
weren’t around and I ju st had to go.
A W hat do you mean emergency? W hat kind o f emergency? ... 1 Ask stu d en ts to read th e text to check th eir answers. (N ot all
th eir ideas will necessarily be confirm ed by th e text.)
Possible answers
• N ow let th em answ er th e q uestion ab o u t th e survival o f
a You shouldn't have borrowed my car without asking.
You should have asked before borrowing my car. crocodiles. T hey sh o u ld find four o r five m ain reasons.
b You needn't have bought me a present. / You didn't need
to buy me a present. Basic design / have adapted to environment / tough and
You shouldn't have ... robust / effective immune system / adapt to changes / learn
c I don't have to go to work tomorrow. / 1 don't need to ... quickly / intelligent (according to some people)
d I didn't have to go to the meeting. / 1 was supposed to /
meant to go to the meeting but it was cancelled. Close up
2 H ere th e students are given th e o p p o rtu n ity to talk quite • P ut th e stu d en ts in pairs to do th e exercise. E ncourage th em
freely ab o u t relatively serious issues. Because o f th e n atu re o f to m ake guesses from context rath er th a n rely on th eir
th e task, students will need to use som e o f the m odals an d dictionaries.
related expressions presented.
• P ut the stud en ts in pairs o r sm all groups an d ask th em to
choose tw o o r three o f th e topics. Tell th em to m ake notes
ab o u t these, paying particu lar atten tio n to needs, obligations,
an d responsibilities. Set a tim e lim it.
1.28 frogs, toads, salamanders about 150 million people - some 150 million people
1.32 only enough - check the pronunciation of the other approxim ately 10,000 dollars
words with them: though /Sou/; through /0ru:/; around 500 visitors
thorough /'0Ara/; cough /kof/
about 25,000 years ago
x.40 in captivity (in zoos and in a cage are correct, but the
phrase used is in captivity) approxim ately 50 kilometres wide
1.78 emerge from an egg; birds hatch around 60 m illion inhabitants

a approximately
2 Again, suggest th a t stud en ts w ork together on these. Set a
b a proportion (not all) of
tim e lim it, b u t allow th e students tim e to grapple w ith the c a quantity of
answers. M o n ito r and help as necessary, b u t avoid giving
answers too quickly. 2 Ask stu d en ts to discuss an d do the exercise in pairs, th en
check answ ers w ith th e w hole class.
a Human beings represent the greatest threat there has ever
been to crocodiles and other wild animals, a some programmes = not all / a proportion
b Modern day crocodiles are very similar to fossils of any programme = all / it doesn't matter which
crocodiles that lived in the past, b some money = the speaker assumes the person has some
c The reason appears to be that crocodiles learn very quickly money to lend
to avoid dangerous situations and have adapted to the any money = the speaker isn't sure whether the person has
devastating effect of humans on their environment, money or not
d This is an interpretation question to which there is no right c Every 18-year-old = All 18-year-olds
or wrong answer. Dr Ross probably associates the word A ny 18-year-old = No 18-year-old is banned from going to
intelligence with humans rather than animals; he may feel university. The implication is that they have to meet certain
that intelligence is multi-faceted whereas the rapid criteria; the sentence could well continue with provided that
learning referred to is only to do with learning to adapt to they... .
the environment.
3 Ask stu d en ts to do th is together, th en check th e answers w ith
Language focus: determiners p.47 th e w hole class.
• Ask stu d en ts to practise saying th e sentences w ith th e correct
EU To introduce students to more sophisticated and subtle
in to n atio n .
use o f determiners.
Students will be very fam iliar w ith the determ iners some, any, a The sentences with no sound more negative and therefore
every, an d can probably use th em accurately an d fluently. more emphatic,
b Uncountable nouns like food; plural countable nouns like
However, in this section m ore sophisticated an d subtle uses
friends; singular countable nouns like passport: in other
are introduced, som e o f w hich m ay appear to con trad ict words, all types.
w hat the students have already learned (as is often th e case
w hen students get to an advanced level). 4 It’s p robably a good idea to do th is w ith th e w hole class. This
For exam ple, studen ts will have learnt th a t some is used in is on e o f th o se exercises w here stu d en ts either know o r d o n ’t
affirm ative sentences, w hilst any is used in th e negative and know th e answer, an d discussing it in pairs o r groups does
interrogative. Here, however, they will be show n any used in n o t really help.
th e affirm ative, I like a n y wildlife programmes. • Ask th e stu d en ts if they know th e answers. If th ey do, w rite
Differences o f em phasis are also illustrated: There isn’t any th em up. If not, tell th em an d explain the difference to the
food in the house an d There is no food in the house-, There were w hole class.
a fe w people at the party an d There were fe w people at the
a few and a little sound more positive or optimistic.
Rem ind students to refer to the Language co m m en tary on Note______________________________________________________
p.49. few and little are formal and are mainly used in written English. In
speech people more often say not much and not many, which sound
1 Go th ro u g h these different m eanings w ith the w hole class to
more obviously negative or pessimistic.
m ake sure th a t everyone understands. T he distinctio n
betw een a proportion an d a quantity is small, b u t n o t difficult
to use.
E H To give the students some controlled and semi-controlled
a proportion o f = p a rt o f a whole, like a percentage
practice in using determiners.
a quantity o f = a num ber of.
• Som e w ith th e m eaning o f approxim ately m ay well be new. 1 You m ay w ant to do th e first question w ith th e w hole class
You can drill students in it quite quickly by giving th em o th er an d th en get stu d en ts to w ork on th eir ow n o r in pairs.
n u m bers (always large, always ro u n d ) w hich they rephrase • Give th em tim e to check th eir answ ers w ith a p a rtn e r before
using some, e.g. checking w ith th e w hole class.

a any b no c some d any e No f Some

Unit 6 51
2 Check th a t th e stud en ts u n d ersta n d the task, i.e. th a t they
only have to w rite dow n th e second p a rt o f the sentence. Exploring words p.48
• Ask th em to do this individually.
• N ow p u t th e m in sm all groups. Students take it in tu rn s to QJJJ] To give students practice in recognizing a n d fo rm in g
read o u t their endings, w hile th e others in th e ir gro u p try to words fro m their roots, and also to highlight potential pitfalls in
guess w hich beginning phrase they go w ith. over-generalizing the basic rules.

• You m ay w ant to co n d u ct a w hole-class feedback o f som e o f It is extrem ely useful for stu d en ts b o th to be able to try an d
th e m o re am using / the best sentences. w ork o u t th e m ean in g o f an u n k n o w n w ord by looking at
how it’s m ade up, an d to be able to make new w ords from a
• You could vary this activity by asking students to w ork in
know n base.
sm all groups th ro u g h o u t. D o the first sentence w ith the
w hole class, eliciting an d d em o n stratin g various possibilities: 1 a Ask stu d en ts to draw a table in th eir notebooks w ith the
live in Igloos; have worked w ith crocodiles and still have fo u r headings Adjective, Adverb, N oun, Verb.
limbs; do not lie. • D o th e first on e o r tw o w ords w ith the w hole class, ju st to get
• N ow ask th e students in th eir groups to p roduce th e best th em started, th en ask th e stu d en ts to w ork in pairs o r sm all
sentences they can. Set a tim e lim it. M onitor and help as groups. M o n ito r an d help as necessary.
necessary. • C heck th e w ords w ith th e w hole class. (If you have access to
• At th e end o f th e activity, ask for som e exam ples from the an overhead projector, a transparency w ith th e com plete table
groups. You m ay w ant to w rite u p an exam ple for each will save tim e in w ritin g up th e answers.)
p hrase so th a t the stud en ts can copy them . • As you check th e w ords, pay atten tio n to p ro n u n cia tio n an d
Personal answers w o rd stress. It’s a good idea to get stu d en ts in to th e h ab it o f
m arking the stress o n w ords as they w rite th em dow n; very
often if you get th e stress in the rig h t place, th e rest o f the
Speaking: interview p ro n u n cia tio n follows an d th e w ord will so u n d right.
I d 11'! To give students freer speaking practice around the theme
a Adjectives: a stonished / beautiful / dangerous /
o f the unit. fearsome / im pressive / musical / natural / prehi storic /
• O u tlin e th e task. Explain th a t it’s a radio / TV interview scratching
Note: fearsome is not a very common adjective,
ab o u t th e ability o f h u m a n s to survive in th e w orld.
'frightening is more usual.
• D ivide th e class in to tw o halves: journalists and m edia Adverbs: suc cessfully
p u n d its. (If the class is uneven it is easier to have m ore Nouns: a bility / a mazement / bi'ologist / extinction /
p u ndits.) incli nation / 'modesty / musical / re searcher / sur'vivor /
• T h en p u t the class into pairs, journalists together an d p u n d its Verbs: a risen / a stonished / ’scratching
together. Give th em tim e to prepare th eir p a rt o f the
interview . M o n ito r an d help as necessary. You m ay need to b Again, it is probably best to start stu d en ts off as a w hole
encourage th em to be m ore adventurous, m o re expansive, class, so th a t they’re clear w hat to look for, th en allow th em
m o re ‘advanced’ in th eir ideas. tim e to w ork together in pairs. M o n ito r an d help as
• N ow split the class in to groups o f four, tw o jo urnalists and necessary.
tw o pu n d its. O ne o f th e journalists conducts an interview • C heck w ith th e w hole class, b u t d o n ’t w orry ab o u t everyone
w ith one o f th e m edia pu n d its. T he others are, for th e w riting everything dow n. It’s m o re im p o rta n t th a t they get
m o m en t, th e audience. You probably w on’t need to set a tim e th e general idea o f w hat we look for, rath er th an getting stuck
lim it, b u t will need to encourage th e students to keep going, on th e differences betw een -ible an d -able endings, for
to extend a line o f questioning, to p robe further, to stop the example.
interview dying. You could d em o n strate this w ith on e o f the
Adjectives: -ed / -ful / -ous / -some t -ive / -a/ / -ic / -ing
m ore able stud en ts first.
PLUS -able / -ible / -less / -ly / -ish / -y
• W hen the interview is finished, the pairs swap over an d the Adverbs: -ly (some are adjectives)
fo rm er audience m em bers co n d u ct th eir interview. Nouns: -ity / -ment / -ist / -tion / -ation / -y / -er / -or / -ness
PLUS -ee / -ism / -hood / -ship / -th
• You m ay w an t to ro u n d up th e activity by asking on e o f the Verbs: -en (past participle) / -ed / -ing
pairs to dem o n strate th eir interview w hile th e rest o f th e class PLUS -ize or -ise / -ify / -en
is the audience.
• S tudents could w rite u p th e interview for hom ew o rk as a C You could ask stu d en ts to do this individually, for a change
m agazine article. Refer th em to th e W riting guidelines o n o f focus, an d th e n com pare answers w ith a partner, o r sim ply
p. 154. co n d u ct a w hole-class check.

52 Unit 6
1 smaller is a comparative adjective (the others are nouns for 3 Q uickly check th a t th e stu d en ts know th e ro o t w ords and
people / occupations). u n d ersta n d th e task (i.e. th a t they m ay need to use derivatives
2 roomful is a noun (the others are adjectives). o f these w ords to com plete the p arag rap h , n o t ju st th e w ords
3 critic is a noun (the others are adjectives).
them selves).
4 table is a noun (the others are adjectives).
5 outlive is a verb (the others are adjectives). • Ask th em to com plete exercise 3 individually. M o n ito r and
help as necessary.
2 a O utline the task briefly, th e n do th e first one or tw o w ith • Put stu d en ts in to pairs to check th eir answers, th e n check
the w hole class. M ake sure they realize ju st how m any w ords quickly w ith th e w hole class.
they can m ake, by including opposites and negatives:
disagree, disagreement, disagreeable as well as agree, agreement, 1 seriously 6 faultless
agreeable. 2 predictions 7 impossible
3 accompanying 8 difference
• You could ask students to do this individually o r in pairs, b u t 4 distinctive 9 entertainment
let th em com pare answers in pairs. M onitor an d help as 5 symmetrical 10 perfectly
4 T his activity provides free speaking practice so it’s u p to you
• Check answers w ith the w hole class. M ake sure th e students
how m u ch tim e you w ant to sp en d on this.
are able to p ro n o u n ce the w ords correctly.
■ B rainstorm som e personal qualities / personal descriptions
Noun Verb Adjective o n to th e b o ard , e.g. beautiful, intelligent, conscientious, hard­
a adaptability. adapt adaptable
working, punctual, ethical, moral, sensible, sensitive, etc. G et as
adaptation, adapter
b agreement. agree, disagree agreeable m any as you can, b u t do this activity quite quickly.
disagreement disagreeable • Split th e class in to at least fo u r groups o r pairs. Give each
c amusement amuse amusing,
gro u p a different subject a, b, c, o r d. Tell th em w hat letter
d art X artistic, unartistic th ey are.
e base base basic • Ask th em to discuss an d decide o n th e qualities n eeded to be
f danger endanger dangerous successful in th a t p articu lar profession. Set a tim e lim it, b u t
9 description describe descriptive.
encourage stu d en ts to discuss th e issue properly, e.g. I think
h injury injure injured, uninjured y o u ’d have to be really p a tie n t to be a teacher - it m u st get so
i reliability, unreliability rely reliable, unreliable frustrating when people don’t learn or do their hom ew ork ...
j truth, untruth X true, untrue rath e r th a n sim ply to list different qualities.
• M o n ito r an d jo in in th e discussions as ap p ro p riate, b u t d o n ’t
b It m ay be best to do this as a w hole-class activity in o rd er
in te rru p t o r correct. This is a free-speaking activity, n o t a
to m ake it m ore focused. Students either know som e
g ram m ar o r vocabulary exercise.
collocations o r they d o n ’t; unlike m any o th e r activities, they
d o n ’t get better at it by discussing it w ith a partner. • Just before th e groups ap p ear to be ru n n in g o u t o f steam ,
stop th e activity an d regroup. M ake new groups o f four, each
• W h at is im p o rta n t here is th a t they get a few w ords to use
w ith an a, b, c, an d d in them .
w ith each adjective, so d o n ’t spend too m u ch tim e on
w hether o r n o t certain w ords collocate. • N ow ask th e stu d en ts to talk to each o th e r ab o u t the qualities
th ey felt th eir profession needed. E ncourage th em to ask and
Possible answers answ er questions, to agree an d disagree as m u ch as possible.
a adaptable person / piece of furniture / position
b (dis)agreeable person / food / disposition: both words tend • A gain m o n ito r by going aro u n d th e g roups an d jo in in g in
to sound rather old-fashioned, w here ap p ropriate. Stop th e activity before stu d en ts start to
c (un)amusing person / story / situation lose interest.
d (un)artistic person / film / culture
• You can co n d u ct a w hole-class feedback if you feel the
e basic instinct / truth / life
f dangerous water / person / cliffs / situation activity needs to be ro u n d e d off.
g nondescript story / paragraph / person
descriptive story / paragraph / film
Note: descriptive and nondescript are used rather
differently; nondescript means something so ordinary and
uninteresting that there is nothing about it worth
describing, and so cannot be used merely as the opposite
of descriptive.
h (un)injured player / footballer; injured (but not uninjured)
i (un)reliable witness / source / person
j true (but not untrue) identity / love / life; (un)true story

Unit 6 53

Theme: the senses, intuition, and com m on sense

7.1 Gut feelings p.50
7.1 Gut feelings
A discussion ab o u t in tu itio n an d a survey o f beliefs Stage 1 consists o f a listening text w hich contextualizes phrases
used w hen expressing agreem ent an d disagreem ent.
Listening: gist and developing in terp retatio n skills
Exploring natural speech: incom plete sentences
Language focus: degrees o f agreem ent
Lead in
Speaking: co nducting a survey To introduce vocabulary and get the students talking
Writing: rep o rtin g a survey about the them e o f the lesson.

1 P u t th e stu d en ts in pairs to ask th e questions an d com plete

7.2 Don't stare - it's rude! th e table.
A scientific study o f how people know w hen they are being • Feed back to a table on the b o ard , o r prepare an O H T w ith
stared at th e answers.
Vocabulary: verbs o f seeing
a Senses b Parts of body c Sensitive to d Adjectives
Reading: gist an d specific info rm atio n
hearing ears noises; sounds audible; aural
Language focus: Present perfect
sight eyes movement; light visible; visual
7.3 Common sense touch skin; texture; tactile; tangible
fingers; temperature
C o m m o n sense in business m anagem ent all body
Reading: intensively to com plete a questionnaire taste tongue tastes: sweet; tasty
(taste buds) sour; bitter; salt
Vocabulary: v e rb -n o u n collocations
smell smells; odours; smelly; odorous;
Language focus: m aking generalizations
scents scented
Speaking: talking ab o u t th e best way o f learning English
2 In pairs, o r as a class, check th e vocabulary an d discuss the
Exploring words questions.
Colloquial w ords an d expressions Possible answers
sixth sense = an awareness of something you can't see or hear
Workbook gut feelings = feelings based on instinct rather than thought
(gut = stomach)
Language focus: Present perfect; m aking generalizations intuition = ability to know or understand something without
Vocabulary focus: senses - sight and sounds; n o u n -v e rb the need to think, learn, or reason
collocations deja-vu = the feeling that you've been somewhere or done
Vocabulary expansion: idiom s with keep; co m p o u n d something before even though you 'know' you haven't.
Other possibilities: second sight / telepathy / mind reading /
being clairvoyant or psychic
Listening: deja-vu
• You could personalize th e lead-in at this stage. Ask the
stu d en ts in sm all groups to discuss the follow ing questions.
Which is the m ost im portant o f our senses and w hy?
Do you believe in a sixth sense or in deja-vu?
H ave you ever had a psychic experience?
Listening Exploring natural speech p.51
E S I To expose students to unfinished lines o f natural
To listen fo r gist and develop interpretation skills.
conversation and to get them to m ake guesses about the missing
1 Focus th e students on the questions an d play th e recording. words.
7.1 In n atu ral speech, people often fail to finish w hat th ey in ten d
M1 Well now, you see, the thing, what I think is, is the reason that the to say. This m ig h t either be because it’s obvious to th e listener
five senses are called senses is because they are in effect tangible in w hat they are ab o u t to say next, o r they can’t th in k o f the
that there's something that we can either agree on or disagree on - rig h t w ord, or because they choose to rephrase w hat they are
if you start talking about erm intuition or instinct as a sense, you're
into a vaguer area, you know - your instincts - your both your going to say. T he aim o f th is exercise is to expose stu d en ts to
instincts are different to mine, whereas if I say 'Do you think this th is feature o f speech, an d get th e m to m ake guesses ab o u t
feeis like cat's fur' or whatever, then there's a point that we can the m issing w ords. It is an exercise in guessing vocabulary
agree on - we can use our tangible senses, but 11 don't think instinct from context, b u t it sh o u ld also im prove th e stu d en ts’ ability
and intuition is something that's - I think some people have more to follow n atu ral speech.
intuition than ...
• Put th e stu d en ts in pairs to com pare th e ir guesses. Play the
W I was going to say - there does seem to be, which is is peculiar, I
mean why that should be. extract from th e recording. (This is n o t included in th e
M2 There's a heck of lot we don't know about the human mind though, tap escrip t section o f th e S tu d en t’s Book.)
isn't there, (Yeah) when you you go into the situation where you
think 'I've been here before, I know I've been and I know what's
M1 ... Whereas if I say 'Do you think this feels like cat's fur' or whatever,
going to happen next.' How can you explain that?
then there's a point that we can agree on - we can use our tangible
M1 Well exactly - it's a vague area. I mean it's the way I always feel senses, but I I don't think instinct and intuition is something that's
about, you know, psychology and therapy and psychiatry because, (?) - I think some people have more intuition than (?)...
you know, you're supposed to be dealing with something that is
M1 Well if I do, I could only take that, I could only accept it as a female
tangible or recognizable, but there's nothing to go on and I think
point of view, so we could, yeah, we could debate that all night. I
instinct and intuition is much the same thing - it's different for all of
mean, yes, I'm prepared (?)... Convince me.
us, you know.
W Would you agree that there is such a thing as female intuition? Possible answers
M2 We know there is. • so definable / measurable / definite / concrete
• others
M1 Well if I do, I could only take that, I could only accept it as a female
• to be convinced / persuaded
point of view, so we could, yeah, we could debate that all night. I
mean, yes, I'm prepared ... Convince me.
W Well, I have to say I feel that there is, but erm I might just be just a Language focus: degrees of agreement
little bit biased. lu ll'il To introduce and practise phrases used to express
a instinct, intuition, deja-vu, female intuition different degrees o f agreement and disagreement.
b Yes
1 D iscuss l a as a class, th en p u t the stu d en ts in pairs to discuss
b -d .
2 T he students listen again and answ er th e questions. Let them
check in pairs before checking w ith th e w hole class. • As a strongly-stressed p ro n u n cia tio n is im p o rta n t to express
th e strength o f feeling w ith these phrases, you m ay w ish to
a They are concrete / provable / definite / undisputed / drill th em briefly before m oving on to exercise 2.
everyone experiences the same,
b They are unprovable / people experience them differently a I agree
and to differing degrees / some people think they don't b Agreement phrases: Absolutely / Indeed / O f course /
exist. Quite / Sure / You're right
c As an example of something tangible - everyone can feel The others are expressions of disagreement: I don't know /
it. I'm not so sure / Nonsense
d Persuade him of the existence of female intuition, c Absolutely / Indeed / Quite are stronger than O f course /
e Because she is a woman. She may feel she is more likely to Sure / You're right, although it can depend on how strongly
believe in female intuition than a man would. you say these expressions. Nonsense is stronger than / don't
know, which is stronger than I'm not so sure.

2 M odel the activity w ith a quick stu d e n t - th ey read o u t the

first sentence, an d you agree using one o r tw o strongly-
stressed expressions.
• In pairs stu d en ts take it in tu rn s to practise. M o n ito r and
correct as necessary.

Unit 7 55
7.2 Don't stare - it's rude! p.52
To practise expressing agreement and disagreement by
doing a class survey on the them e o f the lesson.
Stage 2 consists o f a reading text w hich contextualizes uses o f
1 W rite: Female intuition, The significance o f dreams, The special th e Present perfect.
relationship between twins, an d D eja-vu o n th e board. Ask the
stud en ts w hich o f these they believe in, o r have experience of, Vocabulary
a n d encourage one o r tw o to briefly share their views.
E S I To introduce and practise verbs o f seeing.
• P u t th e students in pairs o r sm all groups to discuss the
statem ents ab o u t the beliefs listed. • If you prefer a m o re teacher-focused start to a lesson, w rite
look o n th e b o ard an d try to elicit synonym s for look from the
• Have a b rie f feedback.
students. You could m im e som e o f th e words, and see if the
2 Ask students, in th eir pairs o r groups, to prepare questions to stu d en ts can tell you w hich w ords you’re m im ing. O r ask:
ask o th e r students in th e class ab o u t tw o o f the ideas. Focus W hat do you call it when you look quickly / in an angry way /
th e students o n th e exam ples, and elicit one o r tw o m ore fo r a long tim e / because y o u ’re in love, etc.
from them to get th em started. • P ut th e stu d en ts in pairs o r sm all groups to w o rk th ro u g h
3 W hen the stud en ts are ready, get th em to circulate an d ask q uestions a-f.
th e ir questions. T hey should ask as m any students as they a They are all to do with looking.
can, an d should note th eir answers. Set a tim e lim it: five to b watch = look at something for a length of time, especially
ten m inutes. something changing or moving
watch a TV programme / a football match / someone's
4 P u t the students back in their original groups to discuss the every movement
results o f th e ir survey. Ask th em to select a spokesperson to look at = to point your eyes in a direction to see something
present th eir findings. look at a clock / a book / newspaper headlines
c Probably embarrassed or uncomfortable,
• You could p u t som e language o n th e b oard to help th em d gaze = look at someone or something for a long time (e.g.
present th eir findings statistically, for example: because they are beautiful or interesting) often without
We fo u n d t h a t ... realizing - gazing is not deliberate.
O ur research has shown t h a t ... gaze at someone you love / the stars / the sky
stare = deliberately look at someone or something for a
...% o f the class ... whereas ... long time without moving your eyes (e.g. because you are
M ost o f the class ... angry or interested)
The m ajority o f the class ... stare at someone you dislike / a road accident
Som e o f the class ... e glare = stare angrily at someone for a long time, often to
A fe w m embers o f the class ... intimidate them
f glance = look at something very briefly
A sm all m inority ...
• An alternative way to do this is to divide the studen ts into
fo ur groups, depending o n w hich belief they w ere m ost Reading
interested, in at th e lead-in stage above. Ask each gro u p to To read fo r gist and specific information. The text also
prepare a questionnaire ab o u t th eir belief to ask other contextualizes uses o f the Present perfect.
stud en ts in th e class. T hen conduct the survey as above.
1 As a lead-in, ask th e stu d en ts w h eth er th ey can tell if they are
being w atched o r stared at. Have th ey ever been in a situ atio n
w here they felt som eone was w atching them , even th o u g h
To write a report sum m arizing the class survey above. th ey co u ld n ’t see them ? Alternatively, you could do the
ex p erim en t described in th e text as a lead-in.
1 -3 Let th e stud en ts w ork in th e sam e groups they prep ared
th e survey in. • Focus stu d en ts on th e questions an d ask th em to read th e
• Read th ro u g h th e in fo rm atio n w ith the students, refer th em
to the W riting guidelines on p. 155 o f th eir books, an d a He is trying to show that some people have an instinctive
m o n ito r an d help as they w rite th e rep o rt. M ake sure they awareness of when they are being stared at. (In other
th in k ab o u t the audience they are w riting for. words he wants to prove the possible existence of some
kind of sixth sense.)
• You could do the p rep aratio n in class, an d let th e stu d en ts b She thinks that the people who do experiments only submit
w rite th e rep o rt for hom ew ork. positive results and that in these cases some kind of
cheating may be going on.

56 Unit 7
Close up React and discuss
P u t th e students in pairs to do the exercise. E ncourage th em P u t th e stu d en ts in sm all g roups to discuss th e question.
to m ake guesses from th e context rath er th a n rely o n th eir S tudents m ig h t like to try o u t the ex p erim en t described in
dictionaries. Paragraph 2 o f th e article w ith o th e r stu d en ts in th e class. It’s
1.2 so-called is used to introduce a word or phrase that the n o t necessary to use blindfolds unless th e stu d en ts w ant to.
readers may not be familiar with. It draws attention to
the name. It can also cast doubt on a fact.
1.25 The children would have an equal chance of being wrong Language focus: Present perfect p.53
or right. / There's an equal chance that the children could
be wrong or right. To revise and check various uses o f the Present perfect
1.35 Such a high success rate and Present perfect continuous.
1.47 roughly / approximately / about / more or less
A lthough stu d en ts will have com e across this tense m any
1.61 sceptical
tim es before, th ey are still likely to have problem s. T his is
Let the stud en ts rem ain in pairs to answ er the questions. because th e concept o f th e P resent perfect - a tense th a t in
These questions require th em to read the text closely and som e way links past to present - is p robably n o t easily
in terp ret th e im plied m eaning o f w ords and phrases, so tran slated in to th e stu d e n t’s language. In m any languages the
encourage th em to spend tim e discussing the answers, an d be form o f th e Present perfect in English is th e sam e as th e form
p rep ared for different answers in the feedback. used to refer to th e past. T his leads to errors such as: *1 have
worked in London last year. At this level, it is w o rth looking at
a In wartime conditions pilots would be under great stress
and might imagine all kinds of strange things, ‘perfect’ in term s o f aspect - w hat connects all th e uses o f the
b To prove that his first set of experiments were valid. / To Present perfect an d Present perfect co n tin u o u s discussed is
counter accusations of fraud. / To tighten up the conditions th a t th ey h ap p en ed o r started in the past an d lead up to or
of the tests - to make sure children were not picking up have som e so rt o f result now.
c To make sure no sound got through, Elicit th e answ er to th e first q u estio n as an exam ple. Ask the
d That children are very skilled at cheating and had in fact students: Are the stories still circulating now, or are they
cheated in the first set of experiments.
finished? C heck th a t th e stu d en ts are aw are o f th is basic idea
At this stage, you could do the follow ing extra activity to th a t th e Present perfect is co nnected to th e present, before
practise the variety o f ways used by th e w riter to convey d oing th e rest o f th e exercise.
d o u b t ab o u t th e study. These include: P u t th e stu d en ts in pairs to choose th e correct form s, and
- referring to D r B lackm ore as a controversial biologist, an d th e n to check in th e article.
in tro d u cin g a sceptic to counter his view.
a have circulated (Clue: for years is often used with the
- referring to th e th eo ry as so-called, an d m en tio n in g Present perfect - although you could
accusations o f fraud. use it with the past)
- using ‘casting d o u b t’ phrases: claim (ing) / (even) claimed / b has completed (Clue: Now)
seems to be /A ccording to D r Sheldrake / he believes / His c sat (Clue: In the experiments - completed
past events)
own theory
d I've never seen (Clue: never)
W rite these sentences o n th e board. D o the first as an e organized No clue in the sentence itself.
exam ple, th en p u t th e students in pairs to rephrase th e rest in
a way w hich im plies doubt. 2 P ut th e stu d en ts in pairs to look at th e exam ples an d answ er
th e questions. You m ay w ish to refer th e stu d en ts to the
1 A flying saucer landed in N ew York last night.
Language co m m en tary o n p.57.
2 H alf o f E urope will be u n d er w ater by th e year 2100.
3 Eating three apples a day will help you live to the age The Present perfect always connects the present in some way
o f 100. with the past.
4 Sm oking is good for you. The Past simple refers to completed past actions which we
have no interest in linking with the present.
5 Exercise kills m ore people th a n it helps.

Possible answers 3 P ut th e stu d en ts in pairs to m atch th e tim e expressions w ith

1 It is claimed that a flying saucer... th e correct tense.
According to one controversial scientist...
3 D r ... seems to believe that ... yesterday PS recently PS/PP
4 ...'s own theory seems to be that ... since 1997 PP just PP
5 This so-called expert claims that ... in 1999 PS already PP
for 22 years PS/PP several times PS/PP
when I was 15 PS It's the first time ... PP

Unit 7 57
4 P u t the students in pairs to discuss the form s.
7.3 Common sense p.54
a I've done three experiments - these are completed
experiments. Emphasis on achievement / product / quantity
I've been doing experiments - the experiments may not yet Stage 3 consists o f a reading text w hich contextualizes the
be complete. Emphasis on process / activity language used w hen m aking generalizations.
b I've been carrying out experiments - repeated action in
time leading up to the present
He's been staring at me - continuous action in time leading Lead in
up to the present To introduce the them e o f the lesson and get students
5 Ask th e stud en ts to discuss th e sentences in pairs.
1 Check th a t stu d en ts have u n d ersto o d common sense. You
Possible answers
could check by asking questions like:
a I know both sides of the argument. / Now I can make up
my own mind about the theory, If you always forget your key, w hat w ould be a com m on sense
b So I don't know what it feels like to be in the dark, solution?
c And now I am qualified. / So I know what I am talking - p u ttin g it in som ething th a t you never forget, like y o u r
w allet or purse
- n o t d oing anything
Exploitation - sticking it to y o u r forehead
• P ut th e stud en ts in pairs to com plete the article w ith the
2 Ask the stu d en ts to discuss th e problem s in pairs.
correct tenses. D o th e first as an exam ple.
Possible answers
1 There are many possible answers here. A couple of possibilities
1 has won for the first are that you should stay at home and try not to
2 did spend too much, or that you should try to get a part-time job.
3 have done / have been doing For the second, you should try to share cars to work with
4 have spent other colleagues, or introduce a scheme where you allocate
5 have won parking spaces on the basis of who has furthest to travel or
2 needs their car most for their job, etc.
6 has dropped
7 fell
8 told Reading
9 have ever had
10 have been looking forward Hffnl To read intensively to complete a questionnaire.
11 joined
3 1 Ask stu d en ts to discuss the questions in pairs. T he w ords in
12 left italics are from th e text. T his is a way o f checking in advance
13 rang th a t stu d en ts are fam iliar w ith th eir m eaning.
14 have now passed
15 saw Possible answers
16 I have been telephoning a / b Personal answers. Challenging often collocates with job
17 I've contacted or career and means difficult and hard work, but in an
18 has seen interesting and stimulating way. Here, goal means
19 (has) heard ambition.
20 has just disappeared c Working conditions / pay / attitude of management /
whether the company is growing or shrinking / staff
• To give the students som e fluency speaking practice at this relations. Morale means the state of confidence and
stage you could do the follow ing extra activity. enthusiasm felt by a person or group of people,
d Between employees or unions and management over, for
1 S tudents w ork in groups o f three to th in k o f three
example, working hours / pay and conditions / job
interesting events th a t have occurred in class this week. descriptions. Negotiations means discussions aimed at
For exam ple, a stu d en t has do n e th e ir hom ew ork, o r the coming to an agreement,
fire alarm has gone off. e This depends on the kind of job. By sales figures / exam
results / productivity. Your performance is how well you do
2 Explain th a t students are going to read th e news. They the job.
should prepare to read o u t th e three sh o rt news stories by f Soldiers are reprimanded by officers.
adding a few details, an d be careful ab o u t using the Drivers are reprimanded by police officers.
Present perfect o r Past simple. Prisoners are reprimanded by prison officers.
Reprimand means tell off / criticize.
3 S tudents choose one person from th e ir group to read the
news to th e rest o f the class. 2 a Ask th e stu d en ts to read an d tick True o r False.

b Students com pare in pairs th en listen an d check.

Language focus: making generalizations
Number 1 is false. Paying someone to do something they already like to
do will not lead them to enjoy the task more. To introduce language used in m aking generalizations.
Number 2 is false, too. The majority of employees prefer non­ T his section looks at generalization expressions such as on the
challenging jobs that allow them to socialize. whole an d broadly speaking; th e use o f th e zero an d first
Number 3. Again, this is false. Most people get upset about inequity in co n d itio n al to express general tru th s; an d th e use o f the
pay rather than their own low pay. People can be happy with low pay Present sim ple w ith frequency w ords an d expressions w hen
when everyone in the company is the same. generalizing.
Number 4. False again. It is better to start with the most extreme
position you can take. Most negotiations end up in the middle of 1 Start by eliciting from th e stu d en ts as m any generalization
where the two parties started. The more extreme your starting point expressions as they can th in k of. W rite th em up o n th e board.
the more likely you are to end up with the better side of the bargain.
• Ask th e stu d en ts to look back at th e q u estio n n aire an d
Number 5. This is true. The essence of leadership is sticking to a position u n d erlin e o r highlight any o th e r expressions. Let th em check
despite appearances. By changing their position too often, leaders
in pairs before feedback. You m ay w ish to refer th e students
create confusion in the organization.
to th e Language co m m en tary o n p.57.
Number 6 . True again. Groups do not bring out the best in people unless
they are well-structured and individual contributions are clear. Most If you pay someone ..., they w ill... Statement 1
people, it seems, need to be held accountable. If you have to reprimand .... it is better Statement 10
Number 7. False. The data does not support the idea that happy workers Most people ... Statement 2,3
are necessarily better, more productive workers. Unfortunately, while (it is) usually (best) Statement 4
angry workers may be unproductive, satisfied workers are not In most cases Statement 5
necessarily productive. they tend to Statement 6
Number 8 . Once more, this is false. Employees do better when they are almost always (improves) Statement 7
told what is expected. often Statement 8
In general Statement 9
Number 9. False again. All the data shows that groups can make more
extreme and less accurate decisions than individuals.
2 Ask the stu d en ts the question.
Number 10. This one's true. Give your feedback immediately. Don't wait.
This has been shown on mice and men alike. Tell them what's wrong The Present simple
right away.

1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8 , 9 are False Exploitation

5, 6, 10 are True
• D o th e first subject to g eth er o n th e b o ard to check th a t the
stu d en ts can m an ip u late th e various form s. Elicit sentences
React and discuss from stu d en ts an d w rite th em u p on th e board. C o rrect any
1 -2 P ut th e students in pairs o r sm all groups to do this erro rs as a class.
exercise. If your students have a business background, • P ut the stu d en ts in pairs o r sm all g roups to m ake
encourage them to talk ab o u t th e ir personal experiences in generalizations. O ne way o f d oing this is to ask stu d en ts to
the feedback. w rite generalizations for b an d c w hile you m o n ito r an d
check. T h en ask th em to do d, e, an d f as a speaking activity.
Vocabulary p.55 T his way you com bine som e co ntrolled accuracy w ork w ith
som e m o re creative fluency work.
fSlfffil To check verb-noun collocations around the topic.

1 Ask th e students to w ork in pairs to m atch verbs w ith nouns. Speaking

T hey could refer back to the reading text w here som e o f the
E S 3 To practise using generalizing language.
collocations are contextualized.
1 E ither ask stu d en ts to w ork th ro u g h th e in stru ctio n s in the
express an idea
give a decision / feedback book, o r follow this alternative procedure.
make a decision / an effort • Ask th e stu d en ts to w ork individually o r in pairs to
put in an effort b rain sto rm th eir ow n list. You could start th em o ff by
stick to a decision / an idea
eliciting from th e class three o r fo u r ideas for the first
take a decision
category, Learning new words and phrases, an d w riting th em
2 Ask the students to com plete th e sentences on their own. on th e board. M o n ito r an d p ro m p t ideas.

• Check the answers as a class, th e n p u t the students in small 2 Put th e stu d en ts in groups o f fo u r to agree on a ‘Top 10’ list.
groups to ask each oth er the questions. Feed back som e o f
3 Ask th e stu d en ts to th in k ab o u t how they are going to present
th e interesting com m ents as a class.
th eir ideas using generalization language. Give th em som e
a making / taking c express tim e to prepare, th en ask a spokesperson from each gro u p to
b give d made / taken; stick to present th eir ‘Top 10’ tips.

Unit 7 59
Exploring words p.56 C P ut th e stu d en ts in pairs to answer the questions.

jm jjj To introduce and practise colloquial words and Personal answers

4 a D o th e first w ith th e w hole class as an exam ple, th e n p u t
S tudents usually enjoy learning inform al expressions an d
th e stu d en ts in pairs to guess th e answers to th e rest.
slang - an d pick th em u p quickly. M ake sure they n o te the
degrees o f inform ality an d pay particu lar atten tio n to 1 person; any man's name
expressions th a t should only be used if they are sure the 2 thing; the name of any object (probably with an unusual
people they are talking to will accept their use o f them . name); corkscrew / stapler / battery charger
3 thing; like 2
1 P u t th e stud en ts in pairs to m atch the w ords w ith the 4 person; a man
pictures. 5 thing; like 2
6 person; any woman's name
clockwise from top left: Note: These are all words we use when we can't remember a
ciggie cigarette word or a name.
pickie picture (photograph)
cardy cardigan b -C P u t th e stu d en ts in pairs to th in k ab o u t the
woolly pullover (woollen garment) p ro n u n ciatio n , th e n listen, check, an d repeat. (T his is n o t
zapper TV remote control included in the tapescript section o f the S tu d en t’s Book.)
sarny sandwich
wellies Wellington boots EQ
telly television 1 Where's what's-his-name?
hanky handkerchief 2 Pass me that thingummyjig, please.
specs spectacles / glasses
3 There's a blue and red whatchamacallit in my case.
2 a P ut th e students in pairs to decide w hether the 4 There's this bloke in our street ...
expressions m ean a lot o r a little. 5 I can't find that little doodah.
6 I saw thingy the other day.
c, d, e, and g mean a lot
a, b, and f mean a little d P u t stu d en ts in groups. Give th em a sh o rt tim e to th in k o f
th eir d escription, th en take tu rn s to describe th eir people an d
3 a Ask th e students to m atch the tw o parts o f the questions things, w hile the rest o f the gro u p guesses.
th en check th eir answers in pairs.

1 c boiling = very hot

2 d parched = very thirsty
3 e peckish = a bit hungry
4 a shattered = very tired
5 f gutted = very disappointed
6 b sozzled = drunk

b Play the recording so th a t the students can check th eir

answers. (This is n o t included in th e tapescript section o f the
S tu d en t’s Book.)

A It's boiling in here.
B Take your coat off, then.
A I'm parched.
B Do you want some of my Coke?
A I'm feeling a bit peckish.
B We'll be having lunch soon.
A It's been a hard day - I'm shattered.
B Have an early night, then.
A I failed the exam and I'm gutted.
B Don't worry. You can take it again.
A He can't walk. He's completely sozzled.
B Hardly surprising - he's been drinking all night.

60 Unit 7
Theme: family pressures on children to succeed, gun control,
and waste control 8.1 Family pressures p.58
8.1 Family pressures Stage 1 consists o f a reading text ab o u t fam ily pressures w hich
H ow far parents push th eir children to succeed early in life contextualizes reference w ords like they a n d those.
Reading: prediction, specific inform ation, and in terp retatio n
Vocabulary: take up Lead in
Language focus: reference w ords (1) fitfu l To get the students talking about the them e o f the lesson.
• Focus th e stu d en ts o n th e p ictu re an d ask th em w hat they
8.2 Gun control know ab o u t th e W illiam s sisters. D o th ey th in k it’s a good
A rep o rt o n gun control in th e USA th in g th a t th eir father p lan n ed th eir career from an early age?
Listening: prediction an d note-taking Note_______________________________________________________
Exploring natural speech: co nsonant linking Richard Williams, the father of Venus and Serena, planned his
Language focus: w hat and it clauses for em phasizing daughters' tennis careers from an early age. He consulted psychologists
Speaking: a discussion o n gun control and coaching videos, and the girls lived and breathed tennis. The girls
are both ranked in the top ten in the world. Venus Williams has won
both the US Open and Wimbledon titles twice and is currently ranked
8.3 Waste control! number one.
T he dam age th a t plastic waste can do to the environm en t
■ Put th e stu d en ts in sm all g roups to discuss th e questions.
Reading: gist and sum m arizing E ncourage stu d en ts to express th eir views o r even experiences
Language focus: talking ab o u t the future in feedback.
Writing: a m agazine article ab o u t the future
Exploring words
1 2 3 To give practice in prediction, reading fo r specific
C ountable an d u ncountable nou n s inform ation, and interpretation.

Workbook 1 Read th e in tro d u c tio n as a class, th en p u t th e stu d en ts in

pairs to do th e task. T his p re-read in g activity is designed to
Language focus: w hat an d it clauses; sim ilar constructions; p re-teach som e o f th e key w ords an d phrases from th e article.
the future E ncourage th e stu d en ts to guess th e m eanings o f w ords
Vocabulary focus: crim e before using dictionaries.
Vocabulary expansion: the prefix anti--, Latin phrases
• Elicit on e o r tw o p red icted stories before d oing th e reading.
Listening: parental control
young prodigies - young people with exceptional intelligence or
accelerated learning - learning more intensively than in mainstream
insular family - a family that tends not to meet other people
The other difficult words are dealt with later in the Close up section.

2 Ask stu d en ts to read th e article an d check th eir ideas.

Sufiah's father says she has been led astray by 'nasty socialists
and boyfriends' and has been brainwashed. He says this was
against her will.
Sufiah's own explanation is that she has finally succeeded in
escaping from a stifling home environment in which she
suffered from physical and emotional abuse.

Unit 8 61
Close up 1 P ut the students in pairs to consider the extracts briefly, th en
discuss th e answers as a class.
• P ut the students in pairs to do the exercise. E ncourage them
to m ake guesses from the context rath er th a n rely on th eir a the same = passed A level maths at grade A at the age
dictionaries. of 13
b A ll this = the effort Mr Yusof has made to speed up his
1.17 naive is pronounced /nai'i:v/. The noun is naivety. children's education
1.19 has it ever occurred to you ... c They = Sufiah's parents
1. 29 , 31 spies / espionage / war d those = the things that Sufiah said about her family in her
1.46 choose / select e-mail
1.46 If you want to push your children
2 Let th e stu d en ts com plete this individually th en check th eir
3 Ask the students to answ er th e questions in pairs. T hey will answers w ith a partner. D o th e first as an example.
need to refer back to the text.
• In th e feedback, ask the stu d en ts to say why th ey have chosen
a That the learning process in children can be accelerated, each reference w ord. In particular, check the rules for using
b 1 Sufiah talking about her parents having chosen to one, discussed in th e A im section above. Check th a t the
publicize her disappearance. stu d en ts u n d erstan d th a t then refers here to the tim e w hen
2 Sufiah talking about why she disappeared.
Venus an d Serena were b orn.
3 Sufiah comparing her experiences at Oxford with her
brother's fate as a competitive tennis player. 1 him 2 them 3 then 4 one 5 all this
4 Mr Yusof expressing his pessimism about the future of 6 The man 7 they 8 that
the family's relationship with Sufiah.
c She supports Sufiah's rebellion and does not approve of
how her parents treated her. Vocabulary
4 Ask the stud en ts to look at th e descriptions, and discuss w ith To check and practise the different meanings o f the
a p a rtn e r w hich fit(s) Sufiah. N ote th a t parent-bashing m eans m ulti-w ord verb take up.
constantly criticizing o r shouting at her parents. 1 P ut th e stu d en ts in pairs to m atch m eanings w ith examples.
• Discuss as a class in feedback.
a accept b start c adopt d continue
e occupying f moved into
React and discuss p. 59
1 -2 P ut th e stud en ts in small groups to discuss these 2 a -C P ut th e stu d en ts in sm all groups to discuss the
questions, th e n do a b rief class feedback. questions.

Language focus: reference words (1)

liffiil To revise and practise the use o f reference words in
w ritten English.
8.2 Gun control p.60
This section looks at the use o f reference w ords in w ritten
Stage 1 consists o f a listening text ab o u t gun co n tro l w hich
English. In particular, it looks at subject p ro n o u n s like he, she,
contextualizes w hat a n d it clauses for em phasizing.
they, an d object p ro n o u n s like him, her, them, w hich refer to
a n d replace a n o u n , and it looks at definite (or dem onstrative)
p ro n o u n s like this, that, those w hich refer to a clause. Lead in
In the practice section, it checks the use o f one as a reference or To get the students talking about the theme o f the lesson.
substitute word. The use o f one is quite difficult to get right. In
1 If you have a class o f stu d en ts from the sam e country, do this
the exam ple here it is used to replace o r avoid repeating the
as a class discussion. If th e stu d en ts com e from different
noun. But the following basic rules are w orth noting:
countries, p u t th em in sm all groups to talk ab o u t the
You can only use one to replace countable, n o t u n co u n tab le differences before discussing briefly as a class.
2 T his activity introduces the stu d en ts to the subject o f the
C om pare, for exam ple:
listening to follow. Read th ro u g h the extract and discuss the
I enjoy film s, especially the one on last night.
questions as a class. N ote th a t bear m eans carry, an d here to
I enjoy dancing, especially the dan cin g we did last night.
infringe m eans to interfere w ith or restrict.
You can use articles before one, b u t you can only use a / an if
there is an adjective. a Carry guns for self defence
b There are too many guns around. They can easily get into
C om pare, for exam ple: the wrong hands. One of the results is an increase in the
I like that shirt. Could you get m e one? number of deaths from guns - especially massacres in
a blue one? schools and other public places.
the one over there?

Unit 8
Presenter And while campaigners on both sides of the argument will
Listening continue to put as much pressure on politicians as possible the battle
To give practice in prediction and note-taking. is increasingly being fought in the courts. Not only are people testing
out what the second amendment actually means, but more than
1 Ask students to w ork in pairs to guess th e answers. Elicit a thirty cities and states are trying to sue gun manufacturers for medical
few thoughts, b u t d o n ’t give the answers yet. costs that stem from the misuse of firearms. Barbara Holt of the group
New Yorkers against Gun Violence explains the basis of the cases
2 Play th e first p a rt o f the rep o rt so th a t the students can check being brought.
th eir guesses. Barbara Holt When you are making and distributing a product that is
particularly dangerous, you have a duty as a manufacturer to take
particular care in how you distribute it - whose hands it gets into. And
Presenter Gun control is a subject which concerns most people in the what they're arguing is that the gun manufacturers have not
United States - whether they want to defend their right to own and taken care
use weapons - or whether they see them as the curse of modern
America. And it's easy to see why it's such an emotive issue when you Presenter While similar law suits have been successful against other
study the statistics. Each year half a million gun-related crimes are industries, it's far from clear what the results of the ones against the
gun manufacturers will be. What is certain is that the process is
committed in the US - including thirteen thousand murders. And with
nearly two hundred and fifty million firearms in circulation it's clearly being watched closely by campaigners and politicians alike, to see
not an easy task to keep track of who has a gun and why they want what it will mean for the future of gun law in America.
to keep it. b S tudents exchange in fo rm atio n from th eir notes in pairs.
a B - 500,000 (half a million) Student A
b C - 13,000 • The NRA supports citizens' right to own guns (a firearm).
c C - 250 million The association also teaches people how to use guns safely
and responsibly.
3 a Make sure the students know w hether they are A o r B, • NYAGV believes that the gun manufacturers have direct
and w hat they are listening for, th en play th e recording - the responsibility for how the guns they produce are used or
com plete report. misused.
Student B
8.2 • The Million Mothers' March called for tighter gun control
Presenter Gun control is a subject which concerns most people in the laws.
United States - whether they want to defend their right to own and • The gun lobby thinks the 2nd amendment gives individual
use weapons - or whether they see them as the curse of modern citizens the right to carry a gun.
America. And it's easy to see why it's such an emotive issue when you
study the statistics. Each year half a million gun-related crimes are C P ut the stu d en ts in sm all g roups to discuss.
committed in the US - including thirteen thousand murders. And with
nearly two hundred and fifty million firearms in circulation it's clearly
Exploring natural speech
not an easy task to keep track of who has a gun and why they want
to keep it. To get students to recognize and practise the way words
[Radio extract The Million Mom March flooded the national mall today run into each other in natural speech.
with a call for tougher gun control. 'I was eight years old when my T his section looks specifically at th e linking th a t takes place
w hen a co n so n an t so u n d at th e en d o f on e w ord m erges w ith
Presenter The Million Mothers' March, when tens of thousands of
a co n so n an t so u n d w hich starts th e next w ord.
people converged on Washington to call for tighter gun laws, was an
example of how strongly many campaigners feel about the issue. But 1 If y o u r stu d en ts haven’t d o n e th is so rt o f activity before,
while tragedies like Colombine - when two teenagers shot dead
w rite th e first line on th e b o ard, read it out, an d ask the
twelve of their classmates and a teacher - have heightened public
concern about guns, many people want to keep their right to own stu d en ts w here they h ear exam ples o f linking.
one. Trish Gregory is a member of the NRA - the National Rifle
Gun control is a subject which concerns m osif^eople in the
United States.
Trish Gregory I am a law-abiding American - I've never broken a law.
I'm a single woman who lives alone and I feel like I have a right to • P oint o u t th e exam ple o f th e loss o f th e / 1/ so u n d in most.
defend myself. For instance if someone was stalking me or I was
fearful about myself or my family, I have a right to own a firearm. • Ask th e stu d en ts to w ork in pairs to m ark w here th ey th in k
th ere are sim ilar m erged consonants.
Presenter The gun lobby argues that the second amendment gives
everyone the right to carry a firearm. But as with most things to do 2 Play th e recording an d ask th e stu d en ts to check w here they
with the gun debate, it's not that simple. The amendment is open to
have m arked th e m erges. You m ay need to play an d pause to
a variety of interpretations - as Yan Vernick, the Assistant Director of
the Centre for Gun Control in Baltimore, explains. let th e stu d en ts h ear these m erges (This recording is th e sam e
Yan Vernick One of the primary controversies is whether the second as b u t is recorded again for convenience.)
amendment protects an individual right to own a gun, or whether, • Check as a class. If you have access to an OHP, w rite the
instead, the second amendment protects only some kind of collective answers below on a transparency.
right, that's closely related to the old-fashioned idea of state militias -
groups of citizens who collectively were there to help to keep the

Unit 8 63
Gun control is a subject which concerns mos(bg)eople in the Exploitation
United States - whether they wan<0b defencTtheir ri gh@ o
To practise w hat and it clauses fo r adding emphasis.
own and use weapons - or whether they see them as the
curse of modern America. And it's easy to see why it(0)uch an 1 You could do th is orally. Elicit a few suggestions from the
emotive issue when you study the statistics. Each year half a class for th e first sentence stem , th en give th e stu d en ts a few
million gun-related crimes are committed in the US - including
thirteen t h o u s a n f L n f u r d e r s . And with nearly two hundred and m in u tes to th in k o f ideas for the others. P ut th e stu d en ts in
fifty million firearms in circulation it's clearly not an easy sm all groups to share th eir ideas.
tas(0 o keep track of who has a gun and why they wan|0 b • Alternatively, you could ask th e students to w rite sentences,
keep it.
th en ask th em to read o u t a few.
• P ut th e stud en ts in pairs o r threes to take tu rn s reading o u t
Possible answers
th e passage w ith the correct linking. a the warm weather / holidays / eating outside / having time
• M o n ito r an d correct. off work
b having to get there so early / my boss / getting home so
late / the low pay
Language focus: what and it clauses p.61 c resign / reduce taxes / put up taxes / improve the health
K O To introduce and practise w hat and it clauses.
As discussed in the Language co m m en tary o n p .65, these • Before th e stu d en ts read o u t th eir sentences, o r talk in
structures, som etim es referred to as cleft sentences, are used groups, it is a good idea to drill th e stru ctu re for
to ad d em phasis to th e speaker’s key in fo rm atio n by p ro n u n ciatio n . P oint o u t th a t th e m ain stress in these
effectively giving p rom inence to th a t inform atio n . It’s sentences is o n best, most, really, an d should, an d on th e key
im p o rta n t th a t the students are aware th a t this is very m uch a in fo rm atio n w o rd th a t follows. M odel it, an d ask th e students
feature o f spoken English. M anipulating the com plex form o f to repeat:
• •
th e structures is difficult, so spend tim e checking this w hen W h at I like best ab o u t su m m er is the holidays.
d oing th e tran sfo rm atio n exercises in th e E xploitation
• C heck th a t th e stu d en ts try to get th e p ro n u n cia tio n correct
section. You m ay also need to in tro d u ce som e drilling w ork
as th ey speak.
so th a t th e students have an o p p o rtu n ity to practise p u ttin g
th e stress in th e right place. 2 Ask stu d en ts to th in k o f sentences th en com pare th em w ith a
1 Do this as a class. Elicit answers from th e students, an d w rite
th e correct answers o n th e board. P oint o u t th a t in a, W h a t is • M o n ito r an d correct th e key stress.
replacing th e object, w hereas in b it replaces it, th e subject. 3 D o th e first as an exam ple, th en ask stu d en ts to com plete this
exercise in pairs.
a What they're arguing is that the gun manufacturers have
not taken care. b It was in 1980, not 1990, that John Lennon was shot,
b What is certain is that the process is being watched closely d It was his wife, not his sister, who was with him when he
by campaigners. was shot.
e It was a single gunman, not a group of three gunmen, who
2 Read th ro u g h the exam ples and explanations w ith the killed John Lennon.
students. f It was Mark Chapman, not John Chapman, who shot John
• P ut th e stud en ts in pairs to change the sentences.
Note: In each of these sentences, the not phrases can be
a What the gun lobby argues is that people have the right to put at the end.
carry guns. a It was in 1980 that John Lennon was shot, not 1990.
b What their opponents say is that so many guns on the b It was his wife who was with him when he was shot, not
streets lead to serious crime. his sister,
3 - 4 Read th ro u g h th e exam ples and explanations w ith the

5 Ask th e stud en ts to do this in pairs, th en check th e answers

w ith the w hole class.

a her father, not her mother, her friends or anyone else,

b the increase in crimes of violence, not crime in general,
theft or fraud, etc.
c the Columbine High School killings, not any of the previous
shooting incidents, or the general level of shootings,
d the Million Mothers' March, not what politicians or any
other individuals or groups said.
Speaker 2 Rubbish that we regularly get rid of in our household, erm
Speaking is normally paper, erm paper packaging and plastic packaging for
To practise speaking flu en tly by encouraging a discussion food, cardboard, newspapers, bottles, tins, and we do sort them into
different types. Erm we sort out the bottles and the paper which we
on the them e o f the lesson.
leave out for recycling and that's collected once a week. We probably
1 You will need to decide w hether this is a relevant subject for use about three to five bags a week, I should say, for getting rid of
actual rubbish, er but that obviously depends - over Christmas we
stu d en ts in your country. If n o t, o r if you have a m ix o f
certainly got rid of a lot more. The rubbish is taken away by the local
nationalities in your class, you could get them to discuss the council refuse collectors or dustmen, whatever you like to call them,
U nited States. and the recycling is also taken away on a weekly basis by the same
• D ivide th e students into groups o f three o r four to discuss council. I would imagine that the rubbish goes to landfill sites and is
buried there and the bottles and the paper are taken away and
th e topic for a few m inutes. Ask th em to draw u p a five-point
recycled into some other form.
action plan - five things th a t should be done to im prove the
situation. Speaker 1 Speaker 2
• food, packaging, paper, paper, packaging,
2 Ask one person from each group to present th eir five-point cardboard, plastic, plastic, cardboard,
plan. You could encourage the use o f w hat and it clauses for newspapers, bottles newspapers, bottles,
em phasizing by w riting on the b oard som e language for the tins
students to use to organize th eir presentations: • She says 'Not really,' Yes: bottles and newspapers.
but she does sort bottles
W hat we should do is ... and newspapers
The first thing we should do is ... • Yes: 1 large bag Yes: 3-5 bags
It is vital/im perative that we ... • Local council Local council: refuse
• T he follow ing extra activity could be set for hom ew ork. collectors, dustmen
• Rubbish dump Landfill site
• Students w rite a m agazine article p u ttin g forw ard th eir ow n Sorted, then rest goes Some sorted and
ideas ab o u t th e causes o f violence in m o d e rn societies and into landfill site. recycled, the rest buried.
w hat could be done to reduce it in the future. Refer th em to
W riting guidelines p. 154. Reading
E O To practise reading fo r gist and sum m arizing.

1 P u t th e stu d en ts in pairs to answ er th e questions. In the

8.3 Waste control! p.62 feedback, m ake sure th ey u n d ersta n d these m o re technical
w ords.
Stage 3 consists o f a reading text ab o u t th e dam age th a t plastic a landfill site b biodegrade c recycle d fossil fuel
can do to the environm ent. It contextualizes fu tu re form s. e disposable

Lead in 2 Focus th e stu d en ts on the headline an d th e picture, an d ask

th e class to p redict tw o o r th ree exam ples o f dam age th a t
To get the students talking about the them e o f the lesson,
plastic w aste can do to th e sea an d to anim als.
to practise listening fo r specific information, and to prepare the
students fo r the reading to follow. • Ask th e stu d en ts to read th e passage an d answ er the
1 -2 You could do this as an open class discussion.
A lternatively, let the students do th e survey by them selves, a litters sea bed and coasts in ever-increasing quantities
b can get inside animals like turtles and seabirds
th en p u t th em in pairs o r sm all groups to com pare answers.

3 Play the recording. T he students listen an d note answers to

Close up
th e questions in 1.
• P ut th e stu d en ts in pairs to do this exercise. E ncourage th em
to m ake guesses from th e context rath e r th a n rely on th eir
Speaker 1 The rubbish in my house consists of food, packaging, paper, dictionaries.
cardboard, plastic, newspapers, bottles, that kind of thing. Erm, I
don't really sort into different types, I'm afraid. I'm not a very green 1.32 make
person - I try to put the bottles in the bottle bank er when I've got 1.49 ingest = to take food into stomach
the energy and I do put the newspapers into a a collection box that digest = to process food in the stomach
we have for newspapers, but apart from that I don't sort the rubbish. 1.59 negative. It means the negative side.
Erm I use about one large plastic bag a week, not very much, because 1.63 refuse here is a verb /ri'fju:z/. The noun refuse /'refju:s/
I live by myself, and the local council takes the rubbish away. I don't means rubbish.
know where it goes. I presume it goes to a local rubbish dump. Erm,
I presume that when it gets there - I hope they sort the newspapers
3 Ask th e stu d en ts to read th e text again an d m atch the
and the bottles and things like they say they do, but I'm not
convinced and I think the rest of the rubbish just goes to erm fill in sum m aries to th e paragraphs, th en check in th eir pairs.
the land.

Unit 8 65
aD b E cA d C eB o f th e speaker. Consequently, you could use going to m eet in
c, for exam ple, b u t th en you w ould be stressing your personal
• An alternative way o f doing this activity, if it is new an d in ten tio n , rath e r th a n th e m ore n eutral fact th a t this is all
difficult for your students, is to get th e students to w ork in p re-arranged. Similarly, you could say w ill retire in d, b u t
pairs to try to rem em ber o r guess answers to the th e n you w ould be stressing a prediction, y o u r personal p o in t
sum m arizing questions (a -e ) first, before reading th e text o f view, rath e r th a n th e fact th a t this is a general social trend.
again. T his way they create a prediction task, so th a t w hen
they read to m atch th e p aragraphs w ith th e sum m aries, they a an intention (or plan) d a future trend
b an offer e a scheduled event
will be reading for th e key in fo rm atio n they have predicted.
c an arrangement

React and discuss p.63

• E ncourage a w hole-class discussion.
HITnl To raise awareness o f com m on errors in fu tu re form s, and
Language focus: the future to improve the students’ accuracy.

To revise and practise fu tu re form s. 1 D o th e first as an exam ple, th e n p u t th e stu d en ts in pairs to

correct th e sentences.
L earners at this level often still have problem s w ith accurate
use o f different future form s. T he aim o f this revision section a I'll send you a postcard, (a promise)
is to get stud en ts to m atch form to use, an d to discuss the b I'm going to give up smoking ... (an intention)
difference betw een use o f one form an d use o f another. T he c ✓
d My sister is going to have a baby, (a prediction based on
m ost im p o rta n t an d difficult confusion is betw een will and
evidence now)
going to, and it is w o rth taking tim e to check th a t the e I'll pay. (an offer)
stud en ts grasp th e differences checked in 3a and b, an d 5a f I'm having lunch ... (an arrangement)
an d b. T he rules o f use are covered in the Language
co m m en tary on p.65. • You m ig h t like to w rite o n th e b o ard (or on a h an d o u t) five
o r six typical erro rs w ith fu tu re form s th a t y o u r students
If you have a m onolingual class, you could appro ach this
have m ade recently, o r errors th a t speakers o f your stu d en ts’
lesson by th in k in g ab o u t how th e ir ow n language is different
first language typically make. T hen ask the stu d en ts to correct
from English, and by asking students to translate exam ple
in pairs. This will focus o n the problem s y o u r p articu lar
sentences. It is also w o rth p o in tin g o u t th a t uses often
stu d en ts are m o st likely to have.
overlap, an d th a t u n d erstan d in g th e basic rules an d th en
developing som e so rt o f ‘feel’ for w hich one to use is all the 2 M odel th e activity w ith tw o quick students.
students need w orry about. • D ivide th e stu d en ts in to groups o f three, an d allocate th eir
1 -2 Ask th e stud en ts as a class o r in pairs to label th e tenses roles if they can’t agree.
an d m atch th eir uses. • M o n ito r an d n o te errors th a t th e students make. They should
m ostly be using th e F uture sim ple an d continuous.
a Future simple (or will future) future fact or certainty
b Future continuous prediction or expectation • W ith a quiet class, it is b etter to set this u p m o re th o ro u g h ly
c Future passive prediction or expectation - it usually results in m o re an d m o re accurate language
p ro d u ctio n . First o f all, divide th e stu d en ts in to roughly
3 Ask the students to discuss in pairs, th e n feedback as a class. equal groups o f optim ists, pessim ists, an d realists, w ith three
stu d en ts to each group. Ask th em to w rite as m any
a This prediction, using going to, is based on observable
present evidence, pred ictio n s as th ey can for each subject in five o r six m inutes.
b There is no concrete evidence for this prediction. It is Insist on a strict tim e lim it, b u t m o n ito r an d help w ith ideas.
simply an expectation. Finally, re-divide th e groups so th a t there is an optim ist, a
pessim ist, an d a realist in each group. T hen in stru ct the
4 Ask the students to discuss in pairs, th en feedback as a class. discussion as above.
a At some point in time before 2020 we will stop using
plastic bags. By means at or at sometime before this time.
This sentence uses the Future perfect,
b We will stop using plastic bags in, but not before, the year
2020 .

5 Ask the students to do the m atching task in pairs.

• Be p repared to discuss the answers as a class, an d deal w ith
stu d en ts’ queries here. You m ay w ish to refer th e stu d en ts to
th e Language co m m en tary o n p.65. The im p o rta n t p o in t to
m ake is th a t th e choice o f tense depends o n the p o in t o f view

Unit 8
Writing 2 D o on e as an exam ple, th en ask th e stu d en ts to com plete the
exercise in pairs.
fJfH I To write a m agazine article.
a Crime; crimes; violence
• D iscuss this task in class, before setting the actual w riting for
b means; traffic; places; cars
hom ew ork. H ere is a suggested way o f approaching it: c rubbish; food; paper; packaging; newspapers; card; bottles;
• P u t th e students in pairs, an optim ist w ith an optim ist, a facilities; metal; plastic
d people; control; information; Internet
pessim ist w ith a pessim ist, etc.
e parents; abuse
• Ask the students to note dow n five o r six views th a t they f music; form; pollution
expressed in th e discussion, th en to p u t them in a suitable always countable: places; cars; bottles; facilities; people;
o rd er for an article. You m ight suggest th a t they p u t th eir parents
m ost strongly-held o r interesting p o in t first or last. always uncountable: violence; traffic; rubbish; packaging;
information; music; pollution; Internet
• Ask them to decide o n a headline for the article, and to can be countable or uncountable: crime; food; paper;
decide on the tone. H ow are they going to start th e article? newspaper; card; metal; plastic; control; abuse; form
Contem platively, perhaps: W hat will life really be like a singular words ending in -s: means
plural words which do not end in -s: people
hundred years from now?
• Refer them to the W riting guidelines on p. 154. 3 P u t th e stu d en ts in sm all groups to discuss th e subjects.
• Give th em a few m in u tes to decide w hich subjects th ey w ish
to talk ab o u t, an d w hat th ey are going to say. T h en start the
activity, m aking sure th a t they take it in tu rn s to speak. Ask
Exploring words p.64 on e stu d e n t in each gro u p to tim e th e speaker carefully.
H aving to speak for tw o m in u tes m akes it m o re d em anding.
i^ O I To introduce and practise countable and uncountable • M o n ito r an d n o te errors, especially w ith th e use o f the
nouns. n o u n s, for feedback.
1 W rite on the board: Where would you norm ally fin d piped • An alternative is to play The 60 seconds game. See explanation
music or muzak? Do you think it is a good thing or bad thing? o f th e rules o n p.103. To m ake it even tougher, you could
Why? E ncourage a b rief class discussion. T his introduces the allow challenges if speakers m ake g ram m ar m istakes, or
text and creates a pred ictio n task. m isuse a n o u n .
• Ask the students to read th e article and u nderline n o u n s th a t
can be both countable an d uncountable.
’ T he students should w ork w ith a p a rtn e r to discuss lb , an d
th in k o f sentences to illustrate different m eanings.
■ P ut the pairs together to share th eir ideas, th en w rite up
som e o f th e best sentences in the feedback.

Nouns that can be countable (C) and uncountable (U):

Pipedown is an organization which fights against muzak. (C)
He's good at organization. (U)
Cats have nine lives. (C)
My granddad's 85 but he's still got a lot of life in him. (U)
Who's making those funny squeaking sounds'? (C)
Sound travels more slowly than light. (U)
Stop the car. There a rattling noise coming from the engine. (C)
Modern cities are full of noise, even at night. (U)
That was one of the most interesting conversations I've ever
had. (C)
To be successful at conversation, you've got to be a good
listener. (U)

Unit 8 67
Music atters

Theme: styles, effects, and reactions to m usic

9.1 My music p.66
9.1 My music
This stage includes a listening w hich contextualizes adverbs o f
People talk ab o u t th e m usic they like
L istening: specific inform ation
Exploring natural speech: adjectives ending in -y
Lead in
Language focus: adverbs o f degree {quite, really, particularly,
etc.) To get students thinking about music as an introduction
Speaking: reaching a consensus to the them e o f the unit.
It will probably m ake a change for the stu d en ts to listen to
9.2 The player and the listener m usic in class. Because th is is a com pletely different area
from language learning, you m ay find th a t the dynam ics o f
A n extract from The Piano describing the effect o f m usic
y o u r class change quite dram atically. Previously quiet
Vocabulary: w ords describing m usic an d people
stu d en ts m ay have a lot to say, they m ay be passionately
Reading: specific in fo rm atio n
interested in an obscure m usic type, w hile previously
Language focus: form al and inform al style (choice o f
articulate stu d en ts m ay have little to say. Be prepared!
vocabulary, com plex sentences, etc.)
• Before playing th e m usic, w rite th e w ord music o n th e b o ard
an d elicit from th e stu d en ts all the different types o f m usic
9.3 The good and the bad
th ey know. M ake sure you have th e ones listed in the
Reactions to an d reviews o f m usic S tu d en t’s B ook ( ballroom dance, Celtic, choral, classical,
Vocabulary: m usic country, disco, folk, heavy metal, la tin ,ja zz, opera, pop, reggae,
Listening: context-building, specific inform ation, rock ’n roll, soul, traditional ja zz {trad ja zz), world music).
in terp retatio n D o n ’t spend too long o n this th o u g h , an d try to avoid at this
Reading: jigsaw; sum m arizing stage any d raw n -o u t discussions. T he p o in t is to d em o n strate
Writing: a review how w ide the variety o f m usical styles is.
• N ow tell th e stu d en ts they are going to listen to som e
Exploring words snippets o f m usic. Tell th em there will be 17 quick b u rsts o f
m usic, each lasting ab o u t 20 seconds, and get th em to w rite
C ollocation (2): a rt an d m usic
dow n n u m b ers 1-17 in th e ir n otebooks before they listen.
You d o n ’t have to play th em all, ju st as m any as you o r your
class w ant to do. T he w hole 17 take ju st u n d er five m inutes.
Language focus: adverbs o f degree; form al and inform al style • Play th e recording an d ask stu d en ts to identify th e types o f
Vocabulary focus: adjectives w ith sim ilar form s
Vocabulary expansion: w ord-building; adjectives w ith the
prefix un-
Snippets of different kinds of music
Listening: m usic
• Ask th em to com pare answers w ith a p artn er, th en play the
recording again so th a t the stu d en ts can check.
• Go th ro u g h th e answers w ith the w hole class, playing the
recording again, pausing after each section an d checking th a t
they all know w hich type o f m usic it is.

1 Rock 'n' roll 7 Ballroom dance 13 Soul

2 Traditional jazz 8 Jazz 14 Pop
3 Classical 9 Choral 15 Disco
4 Opera 10 Reggae 16 World music
5 Celtic 11 Country 'n' western 17 Heavy metal
6 Latin 12 Folk

Unit 9
Listening Speaker(s)
1 Classical 1; 3
( 2 E I To pick out specific inform ation from a conversation Pop 2
between a group o f speakers. Jazz 2; 4
Dance 2
1 -4 Ask students to read questions 1-4. Check th a t they Film music 3
un d erstan d how m any speakers there are (four) an d th at 2 Mozart 1; 3
there m ay be m ore th a n one answ er to each question. Ella Fitzgerald 2; 4
MichaelJackson 2
• Check th e p ro n u n cia tio n o f th e nam es in 2 (M ozart Bach 3
/'m a o ts a it/, Bach /b a :k /, Ella Fitzgerald /'e ls fits 'emerald/, 3 1; 4
M ichael Jackson /'m a ik o l 'd y ek sa n /), otherw ise they m ig h t 4 4
n o t ‘h ear’ the nam es.
• Play th e recording. Exploring natural speech
9.2 To draw the students’ attention to the fo rm o f certain
Speaker 1 I have quite specific music tastes. If I'm working, I have to adjectives in inform al English, (poppy, cheesy, catchy).
listen to classical music because ... anything with words I start singing
It is quite easy, an d useful, for stu d en ts to create th eir ow n
along and then I can't work. So I like Faure's Requiem and Mozart's
Requiem and depressing things like that - a bit of Debussy. Er, adjectives in th is way (papery, leathery), an d can really help to
otherwise I like acoustic rock, as everybody laughs at me. I like develop in fo rm al speaking skills.
acoustic guitars and Jeff Buckley and Tom Waites because it's fairly
depressing but very soothing kind of music. I like Radiohead, makes 1 -3 Ask stu d en ts to read th e tran sc rip t briefly.
me quite mellow cos otherwise I am quite an intense person. So my • Play th e recording and give the stu d en ts tim e to com plete the
music calms me down. blanks. (This does n o t ap p ear in th e tap escrip t section o f the
Speaker 2 I've always loved Michael Jackson music and sort of really S tu d en t’s Book.)
poppy stuff - everything that's in the charts. I know that it's cheesy
but it's erm, I don't know, it's fun to dance to and it's catchy - you you 9.3
hear it once and I dunno next time you hear it, you sort of know know I've always loved Michael Jackson music and sort of really poppy stuff -
the lyrics and you want to sing along. And then when you go to night everything that's in the charts. I know that it'scheesy butit's erm, I don't
clubs or wherever, it's fun to dance to. Erm, but more serious stuff, I, know, it's fun to dance to and it's catchy - you youhear it once and I
I really like Ella Fitzgerald and jazzy stuff but yeah, that's about it. dunno next time you hear it, you sort of know know the lyrics and you
Speaker 3 Well I'm actually a bit of a classical music buff myself and I want to sing along. And then when you go to night clubs or wherever,
like all the Classic FM Standards by sort of Mozart and Elgar, and it's fun to dance to. Erm, but more serious stuff, I, I really like Ella
people like that. The really sort of cliched ones. I think my favourite Fitzgerald and jazzy stuff but yeah, that's about it.
piece of music is probably Bach's Brandenburg Concertos. Erm, I like • Ask th em to com pare answers w ith a partner.
listening to that and it helps me unwind and relax at the end of a day,
something like that. Erm, I also quite like erm, erm classical music • N ow ask th em to do 2 an d 3 together.
when it's adapted in films, I particularly like the way someone like • Briefly check th e answers.
Stanley Kubrick uses it sort of in an undermining way, sort of, in A
Clockwork Orange - the Beethoven scenes in that, I think that 1 All the adjectives end in -y. The suffix -y means like. (Similar
there ... that's very clever and very moving and erm, yeah. to -ish.)
Speaker 4 Erm, my favourite music is kind of older music. The sort of 2 poppy root = noun pop + -py
erm, the sort of standards, I think they're called - jazz standards, catchy root = verb catch + -y
which are sung by people like Ella Fitzgerald and er people like that. I cheesy root = noun cheese -0 + -y
like it because erm, I like singing it myself. Erm, I used to sing in a jazzy root = noun ja zz + -y
band where we did a lot of stuff like that. Erm, I find it very relaxing, 3 a poppy (like pop), jazzy (like jazz)
erm and it's just very calming music. It's it's something that you can b catchy
just sort of lie down and listen to. Erm I like having it on in the car cos c cheesy
I sing in the car a lot which is quite embarrassing at traffic lights
because it's quite obvious that I'm singing very loudly. Erm and er it's 4 You m ay w ant to do th e first on e quickly w ith th e students.
just nice - it's nice music to go to sleep to, it's nice music to sort of T h en set th e o th e r th ree for th em to do in pairs.
just relax to, it's nice music to drive to, erm and they're just they're
they're classic pieces, they're sort of classic melodies. • C heck th e answers. You m ay w an t to extend th e activity and
ad d som e o th e r adjectives, e.g.
• Give students a few seconds to com plete w riting their
like rub b ish rubbishy
answers, if necessary, th en ask th em to check w ith a partner.
(tastes) like w ood (tastes) w oody
• If there are any do u b ts or queries, play th e recording again.
• If necessary, check the answers w ith th e w hole class once they a This meat tastes rubbery.
b I hate chewing gum that tastes fruity.
have checked w ith th eir partners.
c Fle's worked as a builder all his life - that's why his hands
are leathery.
d I don't like that camera. It looks plasticky.

Unit 9 69
React and discuss they see fit. D em o n strate these examples yourself, o r write
12321 To allow the students to talk about the music they like. th em on the board.
I am q u ite an intense person, (very)
It’s u p to you how m uch tim e you spend o n this, b u t it is
I am quite an in te n se person, (fairly)
likely th a t all students will w ant to spend at least a few
I really like Ella Fitzgerald, (extra em phasis)
m inutes talking fairly freely ab o u t their m usic.
I really like Ella Fitzgerald, (maybe o th er people d o n ’t)
1 -2 If you th in k the stud en ts m ay find it difficult to get
3 Ask stu d en ts to do this in pairs. Make sure they realize th a t
started, it som etim es helps to do the activity yourself, in front
th ere m ay be m o re th an one answer.
o f th e w hole class. Talk to th em quite freely, naturally, an d
fully ab o u t your favourite kinds o f m usic, w hy they ’re your • M o n ito r b u t d o n ’t do th e w ork for them .
favourite, how they m ake you feel, w hen you ten d to play • Check th e answers w ith th e w hole class.
th em , w here, an d w hether you play o r have played m usic
yourself. Let the students ask you questions if you like and a quite; really; particularly; very; fairly; slightly; rather
b as for a
th en p u t th em into sm all groups to do the sam e themselves. c quite; really; particularly; rather
• M o n ito r by listening an d contrib u tin g , if appropriate, b u t d quite; rather
d o n ’t in te rru p t o r correct. e really; particularly; very; fairly; slightly; rather

4 O u tlin e the task. Ask students to copy th e table headings into

Language focus: adverbs of degree p.67
th eir books, th en w ork in pairs to do th e task.
To raise awareness o f and practise using adverbs o f • M onitor, b u t again, d o n ’t do the w ork for them . Struggling
degree. slightly to w ork o u t th e answers will m ake th e language m ore
S tudents will be very fam iliar w ith m ost o f th e adverbs m em orable.
illustrated {quite, really, fairly, rather, slightly) b u t m ay n o t • C heck th e answers w ith the w hole class.
realize the extent to w hich they are used in n atu ra l speech
a n d will probably n o t be able to use th em fluently an d Note: Full degree adverbs are used with non-gradable
n aturally them selves. In this section students practise p u ttin g adjectives.
Full degree High degree Medium degree Small degree
adverbs in the correct place in a sentence an d using th em in a
particularly really fairly slightly
freer speaking activity. quite (#2) very quite (# 1) a little
1 O utline th e task briefly, th en do th e first one o r two sentences absolutely rather
w ith th e w hole class. totally awfully somewhat a bit
• N ow ask the students to do the rest in pairs. entirely terribly
• C heck th e answ ers w ith the w hole class.
• Refer students to th e Language com m en tary on p.73.

a quite f a lot; quite; quite; very Exploitation

b really g fairly m To give fa irly controlled speaking practice which gives the
c quite h slightly
students the chance to personalize the language.
d particularly i rather; absolutely
e very (x 2) This can also be extended in to a freer speaking activity if you
feel th a t this w ould be useful for y o u r students.
2 It’s probably best to do this w ith the w hole class, since it’s a
1 Briefly check th e m eaning o f any w ords you th in k the
single question.
stu d en ts m ig h t n o t know.
Meaning 1 quite em barrassing = fairly, but not very - quite is
not stressed. Glossary___________________________________________________
Meaning 2 quite obvious = completely / absolutely - here the impulsive - doing things on impulse, without considering / thinking
word quite and the following word have equal stress. about them first
inquisitive - curious, or wanting to know everything
• For p ro n u n cia tio n practice, it w ould be useful to ask students moody - describes someone whose mood changes, easily gets in a bad
to go back to exercise 1 an d practise saying th e sentences mood
aloud. A lthough there is often no rig h t o r w rong way o f
• N ow ask th e stu d en ts to m ake up sentences ab o u t themselves,
saying a sentence - the w ords we choose to stress d ep en d on
using an adverb o f degree w ith each adjective.
o u r p o in t o f view, o r o u r m ood at the tim e o f speaking -
students often find it difficult to read o r say a longer sentence • Students can th en com pare w ith a partner, o r in a sm all
w ith a certain degree o f fluency. It is useful to give th em group, o r you could elicit a few exam ples from th e w hole
o p p o rtu n ities to practise. class.

• Ask th em to w ork together in pairs. E ncourage th em to read

th e sentences w ith fluency, stressing the adverb o r n o t, as

70 Unit 9
• If you w ant to extend the activity you can ask th e stu d en ts to W2 Yeah.
p rep are to talk ab o u t tw o o r three o f the qualities, giving W1 Really?
exam ples to explain th eir choice o f adverb. You could start by M So we can rock out ...
talking yourself, e.g. W2 Yeah, maybe some classics.
I ’m extrem ely stubborn; when I ’ve set m y m ind on something, I W1 Yeah maybe a bit of Queen classics. What else?
stick to it and I don’t let anyone or anything change m y mind. W2 How about some classical stuff?
There was one occasion when .... M /W 1 Hmm.
• N ow ask the students to do the sam e, in sm all groups o f W2 OK. Write that off. That says it all.
three o r four. M Not too sure. Maybe.
W1 Erm.
2 P ut students into sm all groups and ask th em to discuss tw o
W2 How about some songs from the musicals? Come on we all love
o r three things from th e list.
• M o nitor and encourage - particularly encourage th e use o f W1/M No, No.
the adverbs. W2 ... we can all sing ...
W1 No we don't want ...
Speaking W2 Pleeese.
To round up the section by asking students to discuss, M1 We should have some Motown.
explain, and defend their choice o f music. W1 Yeah, definitely.
1 Set the listening task briefly by asking students to read the W2 Some Diana Ross, some Stevie Wonder, ...
questions. M Stevie Wonder, yeah stuff like that.
W1 Jackson Five, we'll have some of the old ...
Glossary___________________________________________________ M Ah, (I) like (the) Jackson Five, very good.
trip-hop - a style of music, usually slow, that combines other styles - W1 Yeah, definitely.
hip hop, reggae, and ambient sounds.
M That'll keep us awake.
• Play the recording. W1 Sing along with that.
EH W2 Yeah, sing along with Stevie, that would be good ...
W1 Right, well. I've got to have my boys - my Backstreet Boys. W1 ... show off your musical voice.
M Oh no. W2 It passes the time, doesn't it?
W2 Oh Ellie. W1 All right, OK what else, what have we got here?
W1 We've got to have some pop in the car to sing alongwith. W2 Eminem?
M OK, but just short bursts of that, please. W1 Could have a bit of that.
W1 Oh all right. Well what do you want? W2 Yeah, we like that.
W2 Well, I like to sing in the c a r... W1 Yeah.
W1 Exactly! W2 You don't like that, do you?
W2 So, I think some sort of, I dunno, girl with a guitar, some Joni M Well, no, it's all right. I don't mind.
Mitchell, Suzanne Vega. W1 You'll just start getting all political, and contro ..., d'you know what
W1 Yeah but nobody knows them. I mean?
W2 I know it. M I'll bite my tongue.
W1 God, Mum and Dad'll probably know that more than you. W1 Controversial.
W2 Shut up. It's better than Backstreet Boys. M It's fine.
M I definitely want ... I want some quitechilled-out stuff, some W2 So, so far we've got Joni Mitchell, the Backstreet Boys ...
instrumentally kind of trip-hoppy stuff, so when we've got the nice M Yeah.
vistas, the nice things to look at through the window ...
W1 All right.
W1/2 All right. OK
W2 Some chill-out stuff,
M ... we can all feel very relaxed.
M Yeah.
W1 Well Backstreet Boys do a really chilled-out one on their album.
W2 Some Queen ...
W2 No.
M Some Queen, some Motown ...
M Leave the Backstreet Boys, honestly.
W1 OK.
W2 You wanna bring Kylie as well, don't you?
W1 No.
W2 You did last time.
W1 That was last year.
M Do we want any rock?

Unit 9 71
• Ask students to com pare th eir answers. Reading
• Play again if necessary.
To practise intensive reading o f a literary text.
• C heck answers w ith th e w hole class if you th in k it’s
T his is a dense, richly descriptive text w hich im m erses the
reader in th e heavily-charged atm osphere o f th e scene. You
a They are choosing music to take with them on holiday, will need to prepare y o u r students for this, n o t o nly in term s
b Personal answer o f language, b u t in term s o f th e atm osphere an d em o tio n
th a t th e text creates.
2 O utline th e task carefully an d check th a t students u n d erstan d
th e scenario. 1 Set the scene briefly first. You could either ask if anyone has
seen the film / video o f The Piano o r heard the m usic and
• N ow p u t th e m into groups o f three o r four an d give th em
discuss w hat th ey th o u g h t ab o u t it, o r you could ask the
tim e to speak.
stu d en ts to look at th e pictures. W h at im pressions do they
• M o n ito r and join in if appropriate, b u t d o n ’t in te rru p t. Take evoke? W h at k in d o f film / b o o k do you th in k it is?
notes o f m istakes m ade.
• N ow ask the stu d en ts to read questions a-c.
• W rite th e m istakes u p (d o n ’t say w ho m ade them !) an d ask
• Give th em q u iet tim e to read P art 1, th en ask th em to answer
th e students to correct them themselves.
th e questions an d com pare in pairs.
• You m ig h t like to ask each group to choose som eone to
• C heck w ith th e w hole class if necessary. D o n ’t w o rry ab o u t
present th e ir group choice o f album s to the rest o f the class.
individual vocabulary questions at this stage - rem in d
stu d en ts th a t there will be a Close up stage later o n w hen
th eir questions will be answered.

9.2 The player and the listener a To give him piano lessons,
b She played with George's dog, Flynn,
p .6 8 c To play the piano for her own pleasure.

2 -3 Repeat the sam e procedure for Parts 2 an d 3.

T he extract from a piece o f literature d em onstrates the use o f a
form al w ritten style. 2
a It was completely different.
b It awakened emotions in him. Fie could listen to her
Vocabulary forever. Fie enjoyed watching her and listening to the
1 2 0 3 To prepare the students fo r the text that follows. music.
• O utline th e task briefly. D o n ’t let students quiz you ab o u t the a She couldn't understand why he was satisfied by just
m eaning o f th e w ords yet - th a t’s w hat they are going to listening and not playing,
w ork o u t themselves. b Possible answers: to concentrate on the music / to see
images created in his mind by the music,
• Ask th em to do th e task individually o r in pairs. c She wasn't sure about his motives / what he really wanted.
• Let th e m com pare answers in pairs before checking w ith the
w hole class. Close up
Note______________________________________________________ • Put stu d en ts in pairs to do th e exercise. E ncourage th em to
Pronunciation of discerning /di's3:nir)/ and insatiable /in'seijabl/ m ake guesses from context rath e r th a n rely o n their
a People: absorbed; discerning; engrossed; insatiable; longing • Check th e answers w ith th e w hole class. If there are oth er
Music: harmony; melody; rhythm
b absorbed; engrossed questions o r queries ab o u t language, this is th e tim e to deal
c insatiable w ith them .
d discerning
e rhythm; melody; harmony 1.12 a stick
f longing 1.28 and not
not refined and not discerning (either)
1.38 piano keys
Other meanings: key for a door / key to a puzzle or a
1.40 bow /bao/ noun = front end of a ship
bow /bao/ noun = 1 weapon that shoots arrows;
2 loop: tie your shoelaces with bows / bow tie
bow /bao/ adjective = rounded: bow-window / bow-
1.55 further
1.61 so / therefore / consequently

Unit 9
Glossary___________________________________________________ More examples of formal features from the extract
Part 1 1 precise rather than everyday vocabulary
mongrel - a dog without a pedigree, a dog of mixed parentage torment (tease); complied (went along with); taking refuge
torment - tease / bother (hiding); weapon (stick); dropped all efforts (stopped
complied, comply - agreed to, agree trying); whirled (went round and round); observed
whereupon literary or old-fashioned - meaning when this happens / (watched); cessation (pausing / stopping); presently (soon);
happened conscious (aware); suffused with (full of / filled with);
at once - at the same time (not immediately here) longing (desire)
Part 2 2 long sentences with several clauses
ports - harbours 1.15 Inside, George Baines ... insistent.
whirled, whirl - turn fast 1.17 She had dropped all efforts ... beneath his gaze.
counter rhythm - a rhythm that beats against the first rhythm 1.21 Baines had heard ... whirled gaily.
cessation - stopping 1.40 Baines kept his head ... eyes to watch.
parlor - a sitting room 1.53 She became engrossed ... closer to the keys.
jig - a kind of dance 1.60 From this position ... emotion on her face.
Part 3 3 uncontracted verb forms
presently - soon All verb forms are uncontracted.
shifted, shift - moved, move 4 use of participle clauses to link ideas
supple - flexible 1.11 Flora tried to force him out into the driving rain by
tapered - slim, narrowing to a point pushing her weapon through a hole in the veranda
suffused - filled floor, her excited leaping and shouting keeping tempo
with her mother's rhythmic melodies.
1.17 She had dropped all efforts to teach Baines, and now
Language focus: formal and informal played for her own pleasure, stealing time for herself
from beneath his gaze.
style p.69 1.42 He sat at a far corner o f the room, enjoying the whole
E U JI To use the form a lity o f the text the students have ju st vision o f this woman at her piano.
1.57 Again Baines shifted his chair, carrying it round the back
read to highlight some o f the m any differences between fo rm a l
and to the other side o f the piano.
and inform al text. 5 formal rather than conversational grammar
Students will have already seen m any differences betw een whereupon 1. 11; thus 1.61
form al and inform al text. However, this section will
in troduce them to som e quite sophisticated differences, som e Exploitation
o f w hich are likely to be quite challenging even for advanced
students. M ake sure they refer to the Language com m en tary
ES3 To provide some semi-controlled practice in rewriting
fo rm a l and inform al texts.
o n p.73.
1 O u tlin e th e task briefly. T his is often an enjoyable task for
1 O utline th e task. You m ay w ant to talk briefly ab o u t general
stu d en ts as it gives th em a real sense o f being able to
differences betw een form al and inform al styles.
m an ip u late quite difficult language.
• Ask students to w ork together to com plete the task th en
• Ask stu d en ts to do this individually o r in pairs. M o n ito r an d
check the answers w ith the w hole class.
help as necessary, b u t give stu d en ts th e space an d tim e to try
a 2 long sentences to w ork so m eth in g o u t for themselves.
b 4 participle clauses to link • Elicit possible answers from the w hole class. You m ig h t w ant
c 5 formal grammar (whom is rarely used in spoken English
to give th em a possible answ er to copy out.
nowadays, but is still quite common in written English.)
d 1 precise vocabulary Suggested rewriting
e 3 uncontracted verb forms Baines kept a friendly mongrel dog (that) he called Flynn, and
Flora loved to tease Flynn with a stick. The dog went along
2 Set the task briefly. It is probably a good idea to do th e first with her games passively. Fie hid under the hut when she got
one o r tw o exam ples w ith th e class to start th em off. R em ind too enthusiastic / excited. When he did this Flora tried to force
th em th a t they are finding fu rth e r exam ples from th e text. him out into the pouring rain by pushing her stick through a
hole in the veranda floor. As she did this she jumped and
• T he task requires intensive reading an d u n d erstan d in g o f the shouted with excitement in time with her mother's piano
text. Allow students enough tim e to com plete it. M o n ito r an d playing / rhythm on the piano.
help as necessary.
• A general feedback stage m ay be too tim e-consum ing , so you 2 a You m ay w ant to ask stu d en ts to com plete the w ritin g
m ay w ant to ask students to h a n d in th eir answers, o r if you tasks w ith a p a rtn e r before going o n to p a rt b, so m ake up
have a sm all enough class, m ake sure th a t you have seen pairs o f As and pairs o f Bs an d o u tlin e the task.
everyone’s w ork as you m onitor. Alternatively, if you have • D irect th e As to p. 158 an d th e Bs to p. 159. It is essential th a t
access to an OHP, prepare the answers o n a transparency. everyone w rites o u t th e text, n o t ju st on e person in each pair.
Set a tim e lim it, an d m o n ito r an d help as necessary.
• N ow ask stu d en ts to form AB pairs.

Unit 9 73
b T hey com pare their w ritten texts - and should find they’ve referred to in th e ir abbreviated form e.g. sax, w hile cello is
w ritten each other’s starting text! Look back at pp. 158-9 and h ardly ever referred to by its full nam e violoncello.
Possible answers
C Let students discuss th e differences in th eir pairs, th en • Music people: band; group; orchestra; musician;
feedback briefly w ith the w hole class on w hat they fo u n d instrumentalist; violinist; pianist; guitarist; drummer; singer;
difficult / easy. vocalist; choir
• Instruments: drum; guitar; trumpet; clarinet; flute; piano;
• If you w ant to give th e students fu rth e r w riting practice o f violin; accordion; cello; double bass; synthesizer; keyboard;
th is kind, you could set u p this sim ilar w riting task. sax(ophone); trombone; percussion
• Musical features: tune; note; rhythm; harmony; melody;
1 Give different stud en ts different topics, e.g.
chord; major; minor; arrangement; key
A great night out • Types of music: rock; heavy metal; folk; classical; choral;
The worst day o f m y life country
A good frien d • Types of recording: album; CD; vinyl record; single; tape;
cassette; minidisk; MP3
M y first English lesson
The first CD I ever bought
2 O u tlin e the task briefly an d play th e recording.
an d give th em a few m inutes to th in k ab o u t the topic,
w ith o u t w riting anything.
Speaker 1 (A) piece of music that I was actually given, not a piece of
2 N ow ask th em to w ork individually to w rite, inform ally music that I bought recently erm was a CD by someone called Badly
a n d quickly. Set a sh o rt tim e lim it, e.g. five m inutes, after Drawn Boy, which I'd heard of but I assumed that I wouldn't like and
w hich tim e they exchange th eir pieces o f w riting w ith a in fact it's one of the best CDs that I've heard in a very long time -
and the reason why I like it is that it's got some excellent tunes and
some very sensible and meaningful lyrics which I think is quite a rarity
3 Give the students a m in u te o r tw o to read each o th e r’s nowadays and since we were given it at Christmas we've played it
w riting, to clarify handw riting, etc. non-stop, so we obviously like it very much.
Speaker 2 I went to this concert in Oxford a couple of months ago. It
4 N ow ask th em to rew rite the piece using form al language.
was Elgar's the Dream of Gerontius, which is a choral piece and I'm
Again, set a tim e lim it - a little longer for this one, e.g. not a big fan of choral music but it surprised me. It was fantastic. It
seven m inutes. had some really really surprising stuff in it that I didn't expect - it
5 W hen tim e is up, students retu rn the form al piece to the sounded like erm a movie soundtrack ...
stu d en t w ho w rote th e original inform al piece. Speaker 3 I went to a concert last year which I thought was really
fantastic, erm it was a violinist who I'm quite keen on in any case and
it was just really good to see him perform. He was conducting the
orchestra as well so as well as seeing him perform I can't remember
what piece he did, erm as well as seeing him perform that, we were
9.3 The good and the bad p.70 able to get an idea of how he felt erm music should be interpreted.
The atmosphere was really nice erm it was at the Albert Hall which is,
er, an interesting place to go to a concert - although the acoustics
T his section extends the them e o f m usic an d looks at the aren't that good the actual atmosphere in the audience is is excellent.
language an d style o f m usic reviews. • Ask stu d en ts to com pare th eir answers in pairs. You m ay need
to play th e recording again.
Lead in • Check th e answers w ith th e w hole class.
B O To extend students’ music vocabulary and prepare them
a Speaker 1 a CD by Badly Drawn Boy
fo r the recording they are about to hear.
Speaker 2 choral music (Elgar’s The Dream o f Gerontius)
1 You could ask stud en ts to do this in th eir books, w orking in Speaker 3 orchestral music with a violinist
b Speaker 1 excellent tunes; sensible and meaningful lyrics
pairs, o r alternatively you could do it as a w hole class
w orking from th e board. Either way, you will need to do the Speaker 2 sounded like film music
first one o r tw o w ith the w hole class to set th em off. Speaker 3 violinist who also conducted; interpretation
• If you are w orking from the board, you could set this o u t as a of the music
atmosphere in the concert hall;
spidergram / bubble m ap, w riting th e w ord m usic in a central acoustics (not very good)
bubble, w ith the o th e r categories, music people, instruments,
musical features, types o f music an d types o f recording w ritten 3 Read th ro u g h the questions w ith th e students before listening
in sm aller bubbles radiating from it. to the recording again.
• You th en elicit w ords from th e students an d w rite th em on • Let students check answers w ith a partner.
the board, radiating o u t from the app ro p riate bubble.
a She has played it non-stop since being given it as a present,
■ C heck the p ro n u n cia tio n o f th e w ords as you w rite them , b Because he is not usually a fan of choral music,
m arking th e w ord stress as you do so. Som e w ords are often c Because the violinist, who was also conducting, was
someone she already knew she liked.

74 Unit 9
El Hadj N'Diaye text
Reading has created quite a stir - has caused a lot of interest
Itffffl To fam iliarize students w ith the language and style o f elsewhere - in other places (only used in written texts, quite literary)
little known elsewhere - note the use of little (cf. Unit 6 little vs. a
reviews and practise reading fo r gist.
Reviews have a very particu lar style and for som e reviewers suffused - filled (literary / poetic language)
th e cleverness o f the review becom es m ore im p o rta n t th a n stirring voice - a voice which stirs the emotions
the subject they are review ing. It can be quite difficult to read Besides - as well as (Beware confusion with beside, meaning next to)
outstanding - stands out from the rest, i.e. well above average
th ro u g h the sophisticated language to extract the basic sense intriguing - mysteriously interesting
o f w hat th e review er is trying to say. But w ith gripping - grips / holds your attention
encouragem ent, students often enjoy reading reviews an d are haunting - mysterious
quite m otivated to try to p roduce their own. utterly - completely, very
compelling - forces you to pay attention, irresistible
1 Focus students o n th e questions. Read quickly an d check
• Ask h alf th e class to read th e G enesis text, h alf th e El H adj
there are no problem s o f m eaning.
N ’Diaye text. Give th em tim e to read quietly. Try n o t to
• Ask students to discuss the questions in sm all groups. Set a
answ er any questions at this stage, b u t reassure th em th a t
tim e lim it. M o n ito r b u t d on’t in terru p t.
there will be a tim e w hen you will deal w ith any w ords they
• C o n d u ct w hole-class feedback if you feel it’s app ro p riate to still d o n ’t un d erstan d .
ro u n d the discussion off.
• W h en m o st o f the class has finished, p air th em up w ith
2 O u tline the tasks. Check th a t the star system in b is clearly som eone else w ho has read th e sam e text. You m ay need to
u n d ersto o d (unm issable = it is excellent, so good th a t you m ake up som e threes.
sh o u ld n ’t miss it; m ediocre = it’s n o th in g special, n eith er ■ Ask th e stu d en ts to com pare th eir answers to 2a an d b.
good n o r bad, unexceptional) E ncourage th em to u n d erlin e o r highlight all th e w ords o r
• You m ay w ant to pre-teach som e o f the vocabulary th at phrases th a t gave th em th eir answers.
com es up in the reviews, if you feel th a t it will seriously • M o n ito r an d help as necessary.
detract from their un d erstan d in g o f the text. At this stage
• You can deal w ith any u n k n o w n vocabulary now, an d you
th o ugh, only provide one o r tw o item s o f vocabulary p er text
could in co rp o rate task 4 here (adding th e w ords to the
an d do n o t let yourself get draw n into discussions or
colum ns o r bub b le m ap o f th e Lead in exercise) o r after the
q uestions ab o u t m eaning. T he students will probably be able
next, paired discussion activity.
to w ork o u t quite a lot o f th e m eanings from the contexts.
a Genesis
Glossary___________________________________________________ Likes production: lighting; animation; the group
Genesis text computer graphics; video
I'd trailed down to Earl's Court - I'd gone down to Earl's Court. Trail Dislikes the music itself
suggests a long, not very pleasant journey. Earl's Court is an area of El Hadj N'Diaye
London, and in this case, a very large hall used for international trade Likes music: emotional intensity; arrangements;
fairs, concerts, etc. N'Diaye's voice; musician; lyricist; love songs
thrilling - exciting Dislikes nothing
provocative - arousing anger/ sexually exciting
b Suggested rating
lighting pods - pods are what peas and beans grow in, a lighting pod
Genesis 1-2 stars
is therefore a section of lights, in a pod-like structure.
El Hadj N'Diaye CD 4-5 stars
a trip down ... memory lane - commonly-used expression meaning to
remember, as if going down a lane (small road) to your memories.
aversion - extreme dislike 3 W hen th e stu d en ts have discussed th eir texts sufficiently, ask
plonk - an unmusical noise, hitting keys without any skill or musicality th em to re-p air / regroup in AB pairs.
aimlessly - without direction • N ow ask th e stu d en ts to do tasks a an d b.
huff and bluster - make huffing sounds, as when you are trying to
defend yourself but can't think of the right words to say. 4 T his can be d one now, in c o rp o ratin g all th e o th e r u n k n o w n
blue in the face - from lack of oxygen. Usually used about a pointless vocabulary, if you haven’t already d one so.
activity: You can argue until you're blue in the face. The answer is still

Unit 9 75
b Ask stu d en ts to com plete th e task in pairs, th en check the
Writing p.71
answers w ith the w hole class.
ISflnl To give students practice in w riting a review.
1 depressing meeting 4 relaxing shower
H aving read the reviews an d discussed th em quite fully, the 2 catchy tune 5 calming influence
stu dents should feel well prep ared for this task. 3 moving story
a O u tlin e the task. It is im p o rta n t to give th e stud en ts a few
C O u tlin e th e task. You m ay w an t to do th e first on e for
m o m en ts o f q uiet tim e to think ab o u t w hat they are going to
th em to get th em going. Try to th in k o f a depressing an d a
m oving film yourself first!
b N ow p u t the stu dents in to pairs o r sm all groups to talk • M ake sure you give stu d en ts a couple o f m inutes to collect
ab o u t w hat they are going to review. T his is a very im p o rta n t th eir th o u g h ts, th e n set th em u p to com plete th e task in pairs
stage in prep arin g for the w riting. For a lot o f people, talking or sm all groups.
ab o u t so m ething helps th e m gather their th o u g h ts an d ideas,
as well as check th e m o u t w ith a colleague before co m m ittin g 2 Ask all th e stu d en ts to look at th e first p air o f sentences. Elicit
th em to paper. answers an d check / confirm w ith the w hole class.
• N ow ask th e students to do th e rest o f the task in pairs or
Ask the stud en ts to w ork on th eir ow n again now as they
individually, th en check answers w ith the w hole class.
m ake th eir parag rap h plan. Refer th em to th e W riting
guidelines on p. 156). Note______________________________________________________
You could ask th e students to show th eir p arag rap h plans to Even native speakers confuse these two adjectival forms, e.g. comic =
each other, and to talk th eir p a rtn e r th ro u g h th e ir in ten d ed intended to be funny / comical = funny because it is silly, strange, etc.
a 1 classical 2 classic
Set the activity to be done as hom ew ork, o r in class if you b 1 economic 2 economical
have th e tim e. c 1 historical 2 historic
d 1 comical 2 comic
It’s a nice idea to ask the students to follow up the paired
w o rk they did earlier by show ing each o th e r the final version,
3 Ask stu d en ts to com plete the task individually o r in pairs,
either before o r after you have m arked it. B ut check w ith the
th e n to com pare th e ir answers together.
stu dents first; som e people are very sensitive ab o u t th eir
w ritten w ork becom ing m ore public. • C heck w ith the w hole class w hether there are any problem s.
If n o t, you can m ove on to th e next activity.

1 gripping 2 intriguing 3 thrilling 4 poignant

5 remarkable 6 haunting 7 impressive
Exploring words p.72
4 T his is a free-speaking activity an d students will need tim e,
an d m ay need som e extra stim ulus to begin.
KffiTB To extend students’ active and passive vocabulary
connected with music, focusing particularly on adjective-noun • Focus stu d en ts o n th e subjects an d give th em a few m o m en ts
collocations. to read th ro u g h them .
• S tart by talking ab o u t on e o f th e subjects to th e w hole class
a C heck th e w ords w ith th e w hole class, paying atten tio n to
yourself (live listening). Speak freely an d n aturally giving
w o rd stress an d thereby p ro n u n cia tio n (N ote to o th e silent T
p len ty o f detail, w hether central o r incidental, thereby
in calming).
show ing stu d en ts th e k in d o f th in g th ey m ig h t do themselves.
Ask th em to com plete th e task in pairs o r sm all groups, th en Let th e stu d en ts co m m en t or ask questions as they wish.
check the answers w ith th e w hole class.
• N ow ask th em to w o rk in pairs o r sm all groups to choose one
These are the most likely collocations - others may be o f th e subjects a n d talk ab o u t it to th e group. T he others
possible but would be less common. listen, ask questions, an d com m ent.
calming influence
catchy slogan / title / tune
cheerful book / film / person / smile / story
depressing look / comments / film / influence / person / story
lively book / film / influence / meeting / person / tune
loud person / tune / comments
moving book / film / story
relaxing holiday / swim / shower
romantic book / film / holiday / person / smile / story / title /
soothing influence / shower

76 Unit 9
From place to place

Theme: travel - adventure holidays and first im pressions o f

a place 10.1 Travel p.74
10.1 Travel Stage 1 consists o f a listening text a b o u t adventure holidays
The increasing p o p u larity o f adventure holidays w hich contextualizes uses o f as an d like.
• Listening: specific info rm atio n
• Exploring natural speech: ju st Lead in
• Vocabulary: vague language used to refer to people’s ages o a To get the students talking about the them e o f the lesson.
• Language focus: as an d like
1 You could do th is in sm all groups, or, if y o u r class is n o t too
• Speaking: planning an adventure holiday
big an d if space allows, as a m ingle.

10.2 First impressions • C heck th e stu d en ts u n d ersta n d remote, (far away an d difficult
to get to ), an d landm ark (an easily recognized building, often
First im pressions o f the South Pole sym bolic o f a place - e.g. th e Eiffel Tower in Paris, or th e Taj
• Reading: gist, in terp retatio n o f tone, specific in form atio n M ahal in India).
• Language focus: historic present in story-telling • Ask stu d en ts to th in k ab o u t w hich o f th e places in th e list
• Writing: an account o f a first visit to a tow n o r city they have been to.

Exploring words 2 Ask th e stu d en ts to stan d up, w alk ro u n d an d talk to as m any

people as possible ab o u t w here they have been. Set a sh o rt
C o m p o u n d nou n s tim e lim it - five o r six m inutes. M o n ito r o r jo in in yourself.
• Do a b rief feedback, an d find o u t w ho has been to th e m ost
Workbook interesting place.
• Language focus: as an d like, story-telling - the H istoric
present; perform ative verbs Listening
• Vocabulary focus: co m p o u n d nou n s
To listen fo r specific information.
• Vocabulary expansion: similes; adjectives ending in -ous
• Listening: travel im pressions 1 P ut th e stu d en ts in pairs to discuss th e questions, th en do a
b rie f w hole-class feedback.
• Alternatively, before d oing th e discussion an d instead o f
exercise la , you could build som e vocabulary o n th e th em e o f
extrem e sp o rts an d activities.
• Elicit an d teach som e vocabulary aro u n d th e them e. E ither
b rin g in som e pictures o f extrem e sports an d activities, or
b rain sto rm as m any as th e stu d en ts can th in k o f to the board.
Suggested vocabulary sh o u ld include w ords m e n tio n e d in the
rep o rt, i.e. trekking an d cam el-riding. O th er suggested
activities include: white-water rafting-, scuba- o r deep sea-
diving, climbing, bungee jum ping, canoeing, rally driving,
windsurfing, waterskiing, potholing (clim bing into
u n d erg ro u n d caves); abseiling (ju m p in g dow n a m o u n ta in ,
push in g against th e sides, in a special harness).

Unit 10 77
2 Play the recording. T he students listen an d check th eir b 14-79; people in their eighties; all different types of people
answ ers to th e questions in 1. c discover other cultures; get to know a place properly;
10.1 get away from the 'safe life'; experience more than what
they already know; keeps people lively
Presenter You work hard all year and your few weeks of holiday are
d boredom; people want to find out about how other
precious - so surely the last thing you'd want to do during them
nationalities live their real lives
would be to give up your creature comforts. But in fact that's exactly
Deep-sea diving, trekking, and camel-riding are all
what a growing number of people are choosing to do. Travel
companies which specialize in anything from deep-sea diving or
trekking to camel-riding are reporting a year on year growth in
customers. Michelle Cook, who's worked as a tour leader with an React and discuss
adventure holiday firm for more than ten years, says the interest
doesn't just come from students or twenty-somethings. 1 -2 D o th is in sm all groups o r as a class discussion.
Michelle Cook We actually take people from fourteen to seventy-nine • N ote th a t a traveller is som eone w ho likes to m ake th eir ow n
years old. In the past I've led tours with people in their eighties and way from place to place a ro u n d a country, often carrying a
they've been the life and soul of the group. And the people that travel
with us are people that have the right attitude, a sense of adventure, backpack an d seeking o u t m o re rem ote places, w hereas a
a sense of humour - they're people that want to go on holiday, have tourist p re-books a holiday, stays in hotels, goes on organized
some fun, but they also want to learn about the country they're excursions. T here is also a difference in attitude: th e traveller
travelling in. They really are all different types of people, from enjoys th e challenges o f th e difficulties such as th e language
different backgrounds, different nationalities, all ages. barrier, o r public tran sp o rt, w hereas to u rists expect to have
Presenter Michelle's company regularly holds information evenings for everything arran g ed for them .
people who want to find out more about their holidays. Some of the
potential clients explained why they were interested in trying out
something different. Exploring natural speech p.75
Woman 1 I think because I want to be a traveller rather than a tourist na To introduce and practise the use o f ju st in natural
- or I want to believe that I am and I want to understand a bit about speech.
the culture and where I'm going to - and lying on a beach is kind of
boring by comparison. 1 -2 Read th ro u g h th e explanation o f th e use o f ju st w ith the
Woman 2 I'm just really interested in getting to know exactly what's students, th en play the recording so th a t they can hear the
going on in the country and really seeing the place rather than going p ro n u n ciatio n . (This is n o t included in the tap escrip t section
out and just having a relaxing time. I just think this gives a more o f th e S tu d en t’s Book.)
comprehensive look at a country rather than just going to relax really.
Man You're not staying in a you know always a British or in an
American mentality, I mean anyone can be a tourist - see all the I'm just really interested in getting to know exactly what's going on in
pictures you know when you get home, but to really experience the the country and really seeing the place rather than going out and just
food, and the experience and and the way they dress and how they having a relaxing time. I just think this gives a more comprehensive look
treat one another... at a country rather than just going to relax really.
Woman 3 Cos life's too safe at times. I mean I'm not going to be doing Just is almost always pronounced /ct;As/ before a consonant.
anything very adventurous but I think riding a donkey is going to be
adventurous for me and for the donkey so urn I think it's a challenge • Play th e recording again so th a t th e stu d en ts can listen an d
cos, yeah, we live very safe lives, and it keeps you lively if you try
something new. repeat.
Presenter And as tour leader Peter Crane points out, this trend • If you w ould like to give your stu d en ts fu rth e r practice using
towards adventurous holidays is likely to continue. As people's just, ask th em to th in k o f three o r fo u r things they expect
disposable incomes increase, more are encouraged to experiment
from a holiday. P ut th em in pairs, an d ask th em to tell th eir
with their holidays - just as with the first foreign holidays a generation
ago. p a rtn e r ab o u t them . E ncourage th em to include the w ord ju st
Peter Crane The beach holiday in itself is a relatively new several tim es, for exam ple: I ju st like to get away fro m - ju st
phenomenon - it began in the nineteen sixties with the advent of air relax, you know, ju st have fu n .
travel. It may be the case that after a generation of beach holidays
people are just finally getting a little bit bored with lying on beaches.
It's not as fulfilling and as exciting as erm as many people want their
holidays to be. They want to know what happens away from the
tourist hotels, how the local people live their lives, where the children
go to school - really just understanding the real country as opposed
to the tourist version of it.
Presenter So it looks as if the quest for challenge and excitement and
the desire to be a traveller rather than a tourist, will continue to shape
the kind of holiday many people decide to take.

78 Unit 10
Vocabulary Exploitation
To introduce and practise vague language expressions • Elicit th e first answ er as an exam ple, th en p u t th e students in
used when referring to ages. For example, m id-tw enties, late pairs to com plete the news story.
teens, etc. 1 as
2 As
1 P ut the students in pairs to find an d underline the
3 like (We can also say unlike anything he had ever done
expressions in the extract. before.)
• Alternatively, you could try to elicit expressions from the 4 as if (like)
students. W rite 25 on the board , an d ask students to th in k o f 5 Like
6 As
as m any ways as they can o f expressing that age. O r p u t one
7 as (= because)
o r two photos o f people on the b oard and ask students to
predict th eir ages. Ask questions like, H ow old do you think
she is? Are you sure? Speaking
twenty-somethings / from fourteen to seventy-nine years old / H fffl To develop spoken fluency in a group work activity based
people in their eighties on the them e o f the lesson.

1 -2 P ut th e stu d en ts in pairs o r sm all groups to discuss the

2 Students rem ain in pairs to discuss w hich expressions use
p o in ts an d plan the holiday. M o n ito r an d help w ith ideas and
vague language.
All the expressions in the list are vague except the first Pete is • Ask on e o f th e stu d en ts from each g ro u p to present their
twenty-five. holiday plan to th e w hole class. You could ask stu d en ts to
vote on w hich holiday they th in k is best.
3 S tudents w ork in pairs o r sm all groups to talk ab o u t people
in th eir family. • If you w ish, you can do this alternative to th e speaking
activity above.
Language focus: as and like 1 P ut stu d en ts in groups o f four an d ask th em to im agine
they w ork for an adventure holiday firm . Ask th em to
To revise and practise as and like.
discuss the so rt o f holiday th eir firm is selling, using the
Students often confuse th e use o f as an d like. In this section, questions in Speaking 1.
th e subtle differences in m eaning betw een the tw o w ords are
2 Give th em a sheet o f A3 p ap er an d coloured pens, an d ask
contrasted, an d the inform al use o f like as an alternative to as
th em to design a p o ster to illustrate th eir holiday. T he
or as i f is focused on. T he rules are discussed in detail in the
p o ster sh o u ld have a head in g to attract atten tio n , a picture
Language com m en tary o n p79. Basically, though, the rules
to illustrate th e holiday, an d features listed in bullet
are as follows:
as m eans in the role/function of. For exam ple, H e works as a
3 W h en they have com pleted th eir poster, ask th em to p in it
to th e wall b eh in d them . Two o f th e fo u r stu d en ts stay
It is often used as a conjunction followed by a clause,
w ith th e poster to describe it, w hile th e o th e r tw o stu d en ts
m eaning in the same way as, because, o r while,
walk aro u n d th e class, V isiting’ th e o th e r holiday firms.
like m eans sim ilar to o r in the same way as. For exam ple, He E ncourage th e ‘visiting’ stu d en ts to ask questions ab o u t
looks like his father. th e holiday in each p o ster th ey visit.
It is a preposition an d therefore followed by a n o u n or
4 At th e end, ask th e stu d en ts to say w hich adventure
p ro n o u n .
holiday was best an d why.
In inform al English, like can be used as a conjunction , an d as
an alternative to as o r as if.

1 P ut th e students in pairs to discuss the paired sentences.

a 1 Michelle was a tour leader.

10.2 First impressions p.76
2 Michelle worked in the same way as a tour leader,
b 1 My function / purpose when I travel is to see ... Stage 2 consists o f an extract from a b o o k w hich uses and
2 I am not a traveller, but in a similar way to a traveller, I
contextualizes the H istoric present.
like to see ...

2 P ut th e students in pairs to decide in w hich sentences like can Lead in

be used. iS C T To get the students talking about the them e o f the extract.
Like could be used instead of as if in b. 1 -2 P ut th e stu d en ts in pairs o r sm all groups to discuss the
In everyday informal language some people might also use questions. You could start by asking th em to describe the
like instead of as in c and as if in d.

Unit 10 79
pho to s in the book. Alternatively, ask w hat they know ab o u t a The US Government is not prepared to take responsibility
the Poles an d ask th em to share in fo rm atio n w ith the class. for the safety of everyone who arrives at the South Pole.
The air traffic controller is telling the pilot that he must
take this responsibility; both of them know that the plane
Reading intends to land,
To read fo r gist, interpretation o f tone, and specific b Because of the weather conditions (cold, wind) and maybe
because the visitors have to walk through deep snow,
c It has to be thick and therefore heavy to keep out the cold
1 P ut th e stud en ts in pairs to do this exercise. T he aim here is and to keep in the warmth,
to focus o n som e key vocabulary, so allow the stu d en ts to use d He has become so involved in the routines of their arrival
th eir dictionaries. You m ay n o t w ant to tell studen ts the that he has forgotten the main purpose of the trip, which
is to see the South Pole,
answers before they read the article; ask th e m to check th eir
f He can cross all the lines of longitude by walking in a small
p redictions as th ey read for the first tim e. circle around the small bronze post which marks the South
scudding to a halt describes the plane as it lands on the snow
scud means to move quickly and smoothly. React and discuss
in a dream describes the writer as he is walking from the
1 -2 P u t th e stu d en ts in sm all groups to discuss th e questions.
plane to the base camp.
brightly-lit describes the canteen at the base at the South
Pole. Language focus: story-telling
almost paralyzing the low temperature
numb-faced the effect of the low temperature To introduce and practise the Historic present.
short o f breath the effect of the low temperature W h en telling stories set in th e past, th e Present sim ple,
anoraked figures people walking about at the South Pole
Present co n tin u o u s, an d Present perfect can be used. Using
wearing anoraks to keep warm
present tenses has th e effect o f m aking the listener (o r reader)
2 Focus students o n the questions, th en ask th em to read the feel as th o u g h they are w itnessing th e events o f th e story as if
extract. Let th em check in pairs before going th ro u g h the th ey are h ap p en in g now. It m akes th e story m ore im m ediate
answers. You could also check th e ir vocabulary pred ictio n s an d dynam ic. Using present tenses to tell stories is m ore
from 1 at this stage. co m m o n in spoken English, w hen telling anecdotes an d
jokes, for exam ple. However, it is also used in w riting, as here,
a He feels as if he's in a dream; walking makes him feel tired;
for d ram atic effect, to involve th e reader an d give th e w riting
he feels confused (7Ve completely forgotten why we are
here.')', he's very cold, a sense o f im m ediacy. It is n o t a difficult area for stu d en ts to
b Factual: he describes the site, the Pole. grasp - you use the Present sim ple instead o f th e Past sim ple,
Impressionistic and personal: he describes the effect of the th e P resent co n tin u o u s instead o f th e Past co n tinuous.
place on him: after what seems like a lifetime, ... we Effectively, th e present tenses are used in th e sam e way as
trudge .... ... we all stand together at the bottom o f the
narrative past tenses. T here are som e exam ples in the
world. Or the top.
Impersonal: no examples Language co m m en tary o n p.79.
1 P u t th e stu d en ts in pairs to u n d erlin e the m ain verbs in the
Close up extracts.

P ut th e stud en ts in pairs to do this exercise. E ncourage th em Present simple: a wait / shake; c realize / are; d it's / set out
to m ake guesses from context ra th e r th a n rely on th eir Present perfect: c I have completely forgotten
dictionaries. Present continuous: b is piling

1.26 a collection of things which are left behind, no longer 2 -4 D iscuss these questions as a class.
2 Past tenses: simple, perfect, continuous.
1.43 proffer is similar to and sounds like offer. Literally it
3 The use of the present tense makes the sentence more
means to hold something out for someone. It is also
immediate. The intended effect is to make readers feel that
used with these collocations: to proffer advice, help,
this is happening now. The past tense emphasizes the fact
opinions, your resignation.
that the event took place in the past and is over.
1.44 walk slowly and with heavy steps because you are tired
4 You can use past tenses to tell any story that happened in
or depressed
the past. Present tenses are usually used when you want to
1.67 crunch normally describes a sound. Here it refers to the
make a story conversational, dynamic, and immediate, so
sound of footsteps on the snow.
you can use it in anecdotes and jokes, but also in novels,
1.86 This can have two meanings: either, literally, it depends
short stories, and personal letters.
whether you look at it from above or below, or, it
depends on your point of view.

3 Read th ro u g h the questions w ith the students, th en ask th em

to read th e text again an d find th e answers. Let th em check in
pairs before doing a w hole-class feedback.

Unit 10
Exploitation • If n o b o d y can th in k o f a joke, tell th e joke below, (o r on e o f
y o u r ow n), th en w rite th e p ro m p ts w hich follow o n the
1 D o this as spoken practice. P ut the students in pairs to
bo ard . Ask the stu d en ts to retell th e joke using th e p rom pts.
p rep are the story. Ask th em to u n d erlin e all the past verbs,
A m an runs into a pub, and says to the barman, ‘Quick, give
b u t n o t to change them . T h en tell th e m to take it in tu rn s to
m e a beer before the trouble starts!’ The barm an pours a glass o f
tell th e story to each other, changing the tenses as they go.
beer and gives it to the m an who drinks it quickly. ‘Q uick,’ says
It's Tuesday and I'm driving to work when my mobile phone the man, ‘g ive m e another one before the trouble starts!’ The
rings. The traffic's very busy and by the time I pick up the barm an pours another, and gives it to the m an, who drinks it
phone to answer it, it's stopped ringing. It's my girlfriend's
quickly. The barm an is starting to get worried now. ‘W h a t’s
number, so I call her back. While I'm waiting for her to
answer, a police car overtakes me and flags me down. I stop happening?’ he asks. ‘W h a t’s the trouble?’ ‘I haven’t got any
the car and open my window. The police officer points out money,’ says the man.
that it's an offence to use a mobile phone while driving and M an / p u b / say / b a rm a n / beer / tro u b le / p o u r / d rin k /
fines me £40 on the spot. As soon as I get to work, I ring my
an o th er / quickly / w o rried / h ap p en in g / m oney
girlfriend to find out why she was calling. I ask her why she's
phoned. She says she's missing me and wants to check I'm OK. • Feedback any erro rs m ade w ith th e H istoric present.

• W hen telling an anecdote, it is im p o rta n t to th in k ab o u t

stress an d pausing. A n alternative way o f approaching this
practice is to do th e follow ing exercise. yjiTii To write an account o f a first visit to a place.
1 Ask the students to change the past form s to present 1 Read th ro u g h th e in stru ctio n s w ith th e students.
form s.
• Ask th em to th in k o f a place, th en to w rite d ow n ideas u n d er
2 Read o u t th e passage so th a t students can check th eir th e follow ing headings: Images and arrival; A description o f
answers. the place; W h a t I saw/did.
3 Let the students listen to the passage again, and this tim e • Ask th e m to w rite a parag rap h , linking th e ideas th ey have
m a rk strong stresses an d w here there is a pause. com e u p w ith, an d using th e H istoric present. You co uld give
4 C heck th e answers w ith the w hole class, th en ask the th em th e op en in g line for each o f th e headings above:
students to practise retelling th e story in pairs. T his way, Before com ing to , I think o f it as ...
w hen they tell th e stories, they are m ore likely to stress
I arrive, and it’s ...
an d pause correctly, an d th u s m ake th e anecdote m o re
n atu ra l an d interesting. As I w alk into the centre, I see ...
• You could set this for hom ew ork. Refer th em to th e W riting
5 You m ay w ish to record the anecdote on to a cassette
before th e lesson, and provide the answers below on a guidelines on p. 151.
h a n d o u t o r OHT. 2 Ask th e stu d en ts to exchange th eir parag rap h s w ith a partner.
It’s 'Tuesday / an d I’m driving to 'w ork / w hen m y m obile T h eir p a rtn e r sh o u ld read th e story, th e n th in k o f questions
'p h o n e rings. / T he 'traffic’s very busy / an d by th e tim e I to ask ab o u t th e visit.
pick up the 'p h o n e to 'answ er it, / it’s stopped 'ringing. / • You could also ask th e stu d en ts to suggest im pro v em en ts an d
It’s m y 'girlfriend’s num ber, / so I 'call her back. / W hile correct each o th e r’s w ork. T hey discuss th e im provem ents
I’m w aiting for h er to 'answer, / a po'lice car over'takes m e w ith each other, th e n rew rite th e paragraphs.
/ and 'flags m e dow n. / 1 'stop the car / an d 'o p en m y
• If you set this for hom ew ork, you could p u t th e corrected
window . / The po'lice officer / p o in ts o u t th a t it’s an
accounts o n the wall, if th is is OK w ith y o u r students. The
o ffe n c e to use a m obile 'p h o n e w hile 'driving / an d 'fines
stu d en ts have to w alk ro u n d and read each p erso n ’s piece o f
m e 'fo rty p o u n d s on the 'spot. / As soon as I get to 'w ork, /
w ork, th en find som ebody w ho has w ritten ab o u t a place
I ring m y 'girlfriend to find o u t 'why she was 'calling. I ask
th ey are interested in. T h en th ey have to interview th a t
h er w hy she’s 'phon ed. / She says she’s 'm issing m e / an d
perso n ab o u t th e tow n.
w ants to 'check I’m OK.

© O xford U niversity Press PHO TO CO PIA BLE

2 Read th e joke as a class, and m ake sure all th e students have

got it.
• S tudents often can’t th in k o f a joke. It is a good idea to ask
ro u n d th e class an d find a few students w ho can th in k o f a
joke. T hen divide the class into groups o f three w ith at least
on e person w ith a joke in each group. Give th e group a few
m in utes to prepare th e joke to tell the rest o f the class.

Unit 10 81
2 a-b P ut the stu d en ts in pairs to th in k a b o u t the stress, th en
Exploring words p.78 play th e recording for th em to listen an d check. (This is n ot
included in the tap escrip t section o f th e S tu d en t’s Book.)
To introduce and practise com pound nouns, with
particular emphasis on fo rm and stress. 1 I really like horse-riding - I can't stand bullfighting.
This section could be w orked th ro u g h as a w hole. It does, 2 He's a window cleaner not a fire fighter.
however, split easily into tw o sh o rter lessons. Exercises 1 an d 3 Let's go on a beach holiday this year, not an adventure holiday.
2 could be do n e as an in tro d u c tio n to fo rm an d stress, w ith 4 This is a hotel room not a campsite.
exercises 3 and 4 done a lesson or two later as an extension 5 Use the dishwasher, not the washing machine.
w ith th e em phasis o n fluency. 6 Can I work on the checkout instead of in the storeroom?
As a lead-in to co m p o u n d no u n s, you m ay w ish to do the
The stress goes on the first word or part of most compound
following: nouns.
First, elicit w hat a co m p o u n d n o u n is. (It’s a n o u n fo rm ed by
p u ttin g tw o or m ore w ords together). T hen divide the 3 Put th e stu d en ts in pairs to th in k ab o u t w hy th e stress is on
stud en ts into team s o f three o r four an d ask them to w rite th e second word.
dow n th e follow ing categories: Travel, Sport, Clothes, Work,
1 In this group the first word specifies where something is.
School. T he team s m u st th in k o f an d w rite dow n one 2 In this group the first word specifies what something is
co m p o u n d for each category. T he first team to th in k o f a made of.
co m p o u n d n o u n for each category is th e w inner.
Som e suggested com pounds: 4 C reate a p red ictio n task by asking stu d en ts to look at the
picture o f th e m arket. Ask th em to tell you w hat so rt o f
Travel: flight attendant, air traffic, railway
things they m ight find in such a place. T h en ask th em to read
Sport: tennis court, football boots, w indsurfing to see if they w ere right.
Clothes: raincoat, sweat shirt, sw im suit • P ut the stu d en ts in pairs to find an d u n d erlin e the
W ork: job interview, lunch hour co m p o u n d no u n s, an d decide w hich type o f co m p o u n d n o u n
School: playground, exercise book, head teacher each is. N ote th a t m o st are n o u n / n o u n co m p o u n d s, the
m ost co m m o n type.
a - b Read th ro u g h th e rules w ith th e students, th en p u t
th em in pairs to m atch the rules w ith the exam ples, an d eye-opener B drinking coconuts A
lemon grass A scorch marks A
th in k o f o th e r examples.
lime leaves A coconut juice A
A noun + noun: beach holiday; hotel room; town centre; car weekend market A street markets A
engine rubbish bag A flyscreens A
B noun + verb + -e r dishwasher; window cleaner; sheep
a Put th e stu d en ts in pairs to w rite the paragraph. Ask them
farmer; cigarette lighter
C noun + verb + -ing: bullfighting; housekeeping; to decide w hat so rt o f place they are going to w rite about,
windsurfing; town planning th en m ake sure they are clear th a t th ey have to use at least
D adjective + noun: grandparents; greenhouse; highway; easy five co m p o u n d no u n s.
M o n ito r an d help w ith ideas an d vocabulary.
E verb + particle: break-in; checkout; take-away; passer-by
F particle + verb: bypass; input; outbreak; uptake b -C W hen th ey are ready, ask one perso n in each p air to
read o u t th eir parag rap h . Ask th e class to vote on w hich place
C D o the first as an exam ple, th en p u t the studen ts in pairs
sounds th e m o st attractive w hen all th e students have
to m atch the verbs and nouns.
2 sports commentator If you have a large class, you m ay w ish to p u t students into
3 antique dealer g roups to read o u t th eir paragraphs, o r you could p u t the
4 interior decorator
parag rap h s on th e wall or circulate th em so th a t th e students
5 bus driver
6 fire fighter can read th em before voting.
7 clothes manufacturer
8 portrait painter
9 road sweeper
10 piano tuner

Theme: m em ories, m em ory, and rem em bering to do things

11.1 Memories p.80
11.1 Memories
In this stage a reading text introduces th e topic and a listening
C h ildhood m em ories
contextualizes m u st have an d can have.
• Reading: gist
• Listening: specific inform ation
Lead in
• Exploring natural speech: reference w ords
• Language focus: m ust, can, can’t (+ have): certainty an d i i O To prepare students fo r the them e o f the u n it by reading a
ded u ction highly descriptive account o f an Irish w riter’s childhood
• Speaking: m em ories memory. It is a fu ll and rich description; yo u m ay w a n t to
• Writing: an account o f an early m em ory explore it as a reading passage, not ju s t as a lead-in.

1 Ask stu d en ts to look at th e pictures an d th e title o f th e u n it,

11.2 Memory an d p redict w hat it is about.
D ifferent types o f m em o ry • Focus o n questions a an d b.
• Vocabulary: remember, remind, recall, etc. • Give the students quiet tim e to read the passage, or read it
• Reading: gist an d m atching paragraphs to descriptions aloud to the class. (Pronunciation o f C noc on Oir:
• Language focus: relative clauses /n D k o n 'u ir/)
• Speaking: a m e m o ry test • If th ey are ju st listening to you, teach som e o f th e u n k n o w n
vocabulary first.
11.3 Help! 2 Ask th e m to com pare th eir answers in pairs. It isn’t necessary
W h at people rem em ber an d forget to go in to detailed explanations o f vocabulary, b u t th ere m ay
• Listening: gist be som e questions.
• Reading: general in form ation
Possible answers
• Language focus: articles a It's his first memory of the country. It's very clear,
• Speaking: devising an online service b Sights - great detail: donkey and cart / fuchsia and bramble
/ empty milk churn / metal casing / pasture: snipe grass and
Exploring words dark loam of the bogs
Sounds - tapping fingers / clicked tongue
Loan w ords used in English Smells - new-mown hay / ripening blackberries / sea salt

Workbook Note_______________________________________________________
fuchsia - flower, usually pink / purple / red, ballerina-like
• Language focus: m odals must, can, can’t + have, relative brambles - thorny bushes, often in hedges
clauses; articles creamery - place which makes butter and cream, not very common
• Vocabulary focus: m e m o ry and m em ories; w ords often today
confused milk churn - the large metal container in which milk used to be
• Vocabulary expansion: rise, raise, arise, arouse, the prefix re
reins - the guiding ropes from the horse / donkey for the rider to hold
• Listening: earliest m em ories pasture - field for animals to graze on
snipe grass - type of spiky grass
loam - rich, dark soil
bogs - marsh, wet ground

Unit 11 83
G good ones?
B Erm, not ...
Q £ j] To listen fo r specific inform ation in natural conversation. G So we've both had really bad childhoods.
1 O u tlin e th e task an d play th e recording. B I think I think you tend to remember the bad things, more than the
good things.
G Yeah.
B Okay, so what are your earliest memories?
• Ask stu d en ts to com pare th eir answers.
G Erm, well, I think probably one of my very earliest memories was
when I was in Canada. Erm, I must have been about five or six years
1 five or six
old at the time... 2 In Canada, on a family holiday at an uncle's house
B Right okay... 3 mother, father, brother, uncle, aunt
G ...and erm, basically, I was on a family holiday with my mum, my dad
and my brother and we were staying with erm my uncle and his wife
and they erm had some very strange rules of their house that you had
Exploring natural speech
to abide by if you stayed with them and I was quite sort of fussy as a | 2 E | To raise awareness o f reference words in natural speech.
kid. Anyway they had these rules and we had to stick to them, as we
were staying there, and we sat down to dinner one one night and one 1 Focus stu d en ts o n th e task.
of his rules was that you had to eat everything that was on your • Play th e recording an d ask stu d en ts to follow this section in
plate ...
th eir books.
B No!
• Ask th em to decide w hat th e w ords in b o ld refer to. T hey
G Yeah, you had to completely finish your food.
could w o rk individually o r in pairs.
B What if you didn't like it?
• Let th em com pare th eir answers in pairs.
G Well, you weren't allowed to not like it, basically.
B O K ... 1 we = my mum, my dad, my brother and I
G Erm, and anyway I was quite fussy and my mum had made sure that 2 they = my uncle and his wife
he did make something that I liked, so I had this hamburger. Anyway, 3 them = my uncle and his wife
I was talking to my uncle, telling some kind of story and basically I was 4 them = the rules
putting ketchup on my hamburger and I was talking and I didn't 5 there = in my uncle's house
basically realize how long I was talking for, and turned to look at my 6 his = my uncle's
meal and there was ketchup everywhere all over my plate. 7 it = the food
B Oh no!
2 Deal w ith this q uestion quickly as a w hole class; elicit guesses,
G And, basically, I had to eat everything that was on my plate and my
uncle, cruelly, actually made me sit there and finish it, and I was sick th en provide th e answers.
afterwards for about two days.
Unlucky for some is a common expression used when talking
B Oh my. about the number thirteen. Another example might be 'We
G So, yes, that's mine ... had our meeting in room 13.' 'Unlucky for some'.
B Well, let me see.
G ... not a pleasant one. React and discuss
B No, I don't think mine was good either, erm. To give students a chance to talk about w hat they’ve been
G Go on then. listening to.
B I can only have been about four, maybe slightly older. • O u tlin e th e task an d ask stu d en ts to discuss th e questions in
G Yeah. pairs o r sm all groups. Set a sh o rt tim e lim it.
B And, er, I was in my mum and dad's house and I was messing about
on the stairs and of course my mum was, like, you know'Be careful, Language focus: must, can, can't (+
you'll fall down the stairs.' (Yeah) But I didn'treally listen to her, and
of course I did, fell down the stairs and tumbled all the way down the have): certainty and deduction p.81
stairs and cracked my head open on the radiator at the bottom of the
To extend students’ recognition o f advanced constructions
with modal verbs.
G Oh dear.
• Students will be fam iliar w ith the use o f m odal verbs to
B Yep. So of course I was crying and screaming ...
express certainty and ded u ctio n b u t they will probably have
G Did you go to hospital?
difficulty w ith the m ore un u su al uses (I m ust have been about
B Yeah, my head was bleeding andI had to go tohospital and have
thirteen stitches. six years old) an d w ith can have in the affirmative (I can only
have been about three years old).
G Err!
B 'Unlucky for some,' my mum said.So that's another badmemory as 1 Ask th e stu d en ts for different ways o f show ing th a t w e’re
well. certain o r u n certain ab o u t som ething. T hey’ll probably
G Yeah. suggest things like I ’m sure ... / I ’m not quite sure. Accept these
B Can you think of any ... answ ers an d th e n ask th em to look at th e sentences. You m ay

84 Unit 11
w an t to do the first one w ith them , an d also refer them to the a 1 This whole episode is in the past.
Language com m entary o n p.87. 2 This is happening in present time. She's on her way but
she hasn't arrived yet.
• N ow ask them to do the o thers in pairs or individually, th en
b 1 This is happening now.
check the answers w ith th e w hole class. 2 This refers to a past event - for which there is present
a must have been = almost certain
b probably = almost certain
c I know = certain Exploitation
d no doubt = certain
e I might have been = uncertain To give the students some relatively controlled speaking
practice using the structures learned.
2 Focus students o n th e task. You m ay w ant to do this as a • Ask stu d en ts to look at th e pictures.
w hole-class activity.
• C hoose one, an d elicit com m en ts ab o u t it, steering stu d en ts
• Give students a few m o m en ts to read th e sentences. tow ards using th e stru ctu res learned an d away from easier
• Ask them why they th in k can has been used here, and why it structures, e.g. maybe, it could be that, I think. T h en recap
is possible. yourself, using th e stru ctu res an d vocabulary you are
expecting from th em , e.g. The wom an ju m p in g m ight have
Can to express deduction is only used in questions and, as won the Lottery / passed an exam / had good news.
practised here, in sentences with never, hardly, and only - all
of which have a negative connotation. • N ow ask th e stu d en ts to w o rk in pairs o r sm all g roups an d do
Using can gives greater emphasis, making the situations sound th e sam e. M o n ito r an d help as necessary, encouraging th em
more surprising. to extend th eir language an d use a w ider range o f stru ctu res
and language th a n th ey m ig h t otherw ise be te m p te d to.
3 O utline the task and go through the example w ith the students.
• R o u n d u p by asking different pairs o r groups to talk ab o u t
• Ask th em either to w ork in pairs, o r to w ork individually and
th e different pictures.
th en to check their answers in pairs, th e n check th e answers
w ith the w hole class.
3 Possible answers
I B To give the students some guided speaking practice to
a never liked using phones. / never phoned me before,
b the only one who knows my phone number, prepare them fo r the w riting task th a t follows.
c because there was water all over the roads, • O u tlin e th e task. You m ig h t like to try th e follow ing
d There are empty bottles all over the place. technique, called G uided V isualization, to encourage students
to im m erse them selves in th e subject th ey are going to speak
Note______________________________________________________ and w rite about. It can be very useful in allow ing stu d en ts to
Pronunciation: The students will need practice of the double rem em b er o r im agine som ething in greater descriptive or
contraction can't Ve. / 'kantav/ It is also a good idea to get students to
em o tio n al depth.
practise saying the sentences aloud, with the right emphasis or stress,
as this is a crucial part of the meaning. • Ask th e stu d en ts to close th eir eyes. If they haven’t d o n e this
Try a ‘Mumble drill'. before in class, th ey m ay feel self-conscious ab o u t d oing it.
Focus students on the problematic part of the phrase (must Ve Reassure th em , b u t d o n ’t m ake a big issue o f it.
/nustsv/, can't Ve / ’ka:ntav/, etc.) Provide / elicit a model for the
phrase. Allow students to mumble - practise saying the phrase • N ow ask th em to th in k back to an early ch ild h o o d m em ory.
(must Ve been, must've been) quietly and repeatedly to themselves - Ask th em to try an d rem em b er how old th ey were, w here
before trying to say it out loud. th ey were. Ask o th e r questions for th em to th in k ab o u t b u t
• Very often w hen teachers dem onstrate sentences they change n o t answ er o u t loud: Was there anyone else around? W ho?
th e way they say th em w ith o u t realizing. T his is obviously Can th ey rem em b er any smells? Sounds? H ow did th ey feel?
confusing for students, so it’s a good idea to decide first • As you ask these questions, allow p len ty o f q u iet tim e for
w hich w ord you are going to stress, in other w ords how you stu d en ts to do w hat you are asking th e m to do, i.e. cast th eir
are going to say the sentence, and th en stick to it. m in d s back to an o th er tim e an d place.
M odel these sentences for students to copy w ith th e stress as • W hen you feel you have asked en o u g h questions an d given
show n in bold. th em en o u g h tim e, tell th em to really focus on th a t tim e an d
a Som eone p h o n ed w hile I was out, b u t it can’t ’ve been my feeling in th e ir m in d ’s eye.
brother. • T h en ask th em to o pen th eir eyes slowly an d com e back to
b It can o n l y ’ve been m y sister, th e present tim e.
c It m u s t ’ve rained very h a rd there,
• W hen th ey are ready, ask th em to w ork in pairs o r sm all
d S om ebody m u s t ’ve been having a p a rty here.
groups an d tell each o th e r ab o u t th e ir m em ory, in as m u ch
4 O utline the task th en ask students to try and w ork o u t the detail as possible. R em ind th em to use m o d al form s from the
differences in pairs. Language focus an d expressions from th e box.
• Check the answers w ith the w hole class.

Unit 11 85
• M o n ito r an d join in, if appropriate, taking notes o f m istakes 2 -3 M ake sure stu d en ts close th eir books. Explain th a t they
m ade if you like, b u t d o n ’t correct now. Allow en o u g h tim e can use th eir ow n language, if they like, to w rite dow n all the
here; rem em ber th a t this is n o t only speaking practice b u t objects they rem em ber.
p rep aratio n for w riting. • Students th e n com pare th eir lists w ith each o th e r before
• C o n d u ct a correction session if necessary, w riting u p the checking w ith th e book.
m istakes m ade an d asking students to correct them . • Students m ay w an t to talk ab o u t w hat th ey rem em b ered /
forgot, w hat was difficult, an d why, so h o ld a b rie f feedback
Writing session.
To give students practice in w riting a descriptive 4 T his q u estio n checks th e d istin ctio n betw een an im p o rta n t
paragraph. vocabulary set. Set u p th e task quickly, p erhaps d oing the first
sentence w ith th e students as an example.
1 -2 Follow ing o n from the speaking activity, ask stu d en ts to
m ake a few notes ab o u t th e m e m o ry they described (o r a • Ask th em to w o rk th ro u g h th e others o n th eir ow n o r in
different one), using th e aspects listed. pairs, th e n check th e answers w ith th e w hole class.
• Ask th e m to list a few phrases o r p articu lar w ords th ey m ig h t a remember / recall d memorize
use. R em ind th em o f th e richness o f d escription used in the b reminds e Remind
Lead in text an d refer th e m to th e W riting guidelines o n c remember / recall f recognize
p. 151. Set a tim e lim it for note-m aking.
• M o n ito r a n d help d u rin g note-m aking. Reading
3 Ask th e stud en ts to w rite th eir paragraph. You could do this To develop students’ ability to read fo r general
in class o r set it as a hom ew o rk activity. inform ation (gist) and also to read intensively.
4 Ask students to exchange paragraphs an d read ab o u t each • T his text is quite a detailed factual account o f w h at we m ean
o th e r’s m em ories. As well as asking m ore questions, they by m em ory. A lthough it is quite long an d fairly dense, the
could also be asked to co m m en t o n w ords o r phrases they language used is relatively straightforw ard, w ith few new
p articularly liked in th e description. w ords th a t are n o t explained in th e text itself.

Note______________________________________________________ 1 Explain to the stu d en ts th a t th ey are going to read a text

It is useful for students to realize the importance of an 'audience' in ab o u t m em ory. Tell th em th a t th ey will be reading it in detail
writing activities; too often they view writing as an exercise to satisfy later, b u t for th e m o m e n t you w ant th em to focus on
the teacher. Asking other people to read their work and respond to it, questions a an d b. Ask th em to keep questions ab o u t
rather than merely correct it, can be a useful way of helping students vocabulary u n til later.
realize that writing is written to be read!
Tell them before they actually start writing that someone in the class as • Give th em a strict tim e lim it an d ask th em to find the
well as you will be reading and commenting on their work. answers to th e tw o questions as quickly as they can.
• W h en m o st o f th em have finished reading, ask th em to
com pare th eir answ ers in pairs, th en check th e answers w ith
th e w hole class.
11.2 Memory p.82 a There are 7 types of memory mentioned:
short-term / long-term / working / procedural / declarative /
The reading text o n m em o ry in this stage contextualizes relative eidetic or photographic. A distinction is also made in the
article between recognition and recall (though these are
not necessarily different types of memory.)
b how all the different brain processes combine to produce
Lead in coherent conscious experience
To get the students thinking about m em ory by doing a
Close up
m em ory game. This also serves as preparation fo r the reading
text that follows. • Ask stu d en ts to do these individually an d th en to com pare
answers in pairs, before checking w ith th e w hole class.
1 Ask students to do th e task o n th eir ow n, th en to check
• At this stage th e stu d en ts m ay well w ant to know o th e r item s
quickly w ith a p a rtn e r to m ake sure there are no problem s
o f vocabulary. D eal w ith these as you see fit, try in g to balance
w ith vocabulary.
th e stu d en ts’ w ish to u n d ersta n d every single w ord, w ith your
From left to right: need to focus on co m p reh en sio n o f a text, a great deal o f
p82: zip, ticket, pipe, screw, lipstick, duck, rose w hich is possible w ith o u t know ing every word.
p83: sunglasses, pill, mousetrap, biscuit, shoe, match, boy,

86 Unit 11
I . 2 - I .3 There are 10 centuries in a millennium. 1 b Ask th em to identify th e relative p ro n o u n s th a t haven’t
10 years is a decade. been used.
1.3 hardly / scarcely
1.44 photo'graphic / pho'tographer / 'photograph whom; whose; that; when; where; why

Note______________________________________________________ 2 - 3 Students can probably w ork these o u t together, in pairs. If,

Here are two tips on how to deal with being pestered for vocabulary: however, you feel they need greater teacher control, you
Tell students you will only explain a limited number of words (say 3), could lead th e tasks yourself, eliciting answers from the w hole
and they can decide which ones. class an d dealing w ith any queries o r p roblem s as th ey arise.
Tell students to try to find the meaning of new vocabulary at home.
Reassure them that you will help with anything they couldn't find at Students som etim es find it difficult to see th e difference
the beginning of the next lesson. betw een defining an d n o n -d efin in g relative clauses (task 2)
an d feel th a t it isn’t really im p o rta n t anyway. T he sentences in
Glossary___________________________________________________ 2b show how there can be a real difference in m eaning
saddles - place where you sit on a bicycle or a horse betw een th e two. You m ay w ant to explain th a t in speech we
handlebars - things you hold on to on a bicycle ten d to use pauses to show th e difference, as well as to use a
Alzheimer's disease - illness affecting the brain which causes people m o re ro u n d a b o u t way o f expressing th e sam e idea: M y
to lose memory
daughter, you know, the one who works as a teacher, well she
myriad - any immense number (quantity)
has a photographic memory. S tudents can also find it quite
2 Ask students to do this individually o r in pairs, th e n check difficult to identify a relative clause, especially w hen there is
the answers w ith the w hole class. n o relative p ro n o u n (task 3a).

a C bD cF d A eG fB g E 2
a The relative clauses in the first two sentences of 1a are
non-defining clauses. The others are all defining. (Non­
Language focus: relative clauses p.83 defining clauses can be taken away without changing the
sense of the main clause. They are separated by commas.)
To practise use o f relative clauses. b 1 I have more than one daughter. The one with the
■ Students will have studied relative clauses before. It is an area photographic memory is the one who works as a
o f g ram m ar w hich they do n o t generally find particularly teacher, (defining relative clause)
2 I have only one daughter and she works as a teacher,
difficult w hen analysing. However, even advanced students
(non-defining relative clause)
are often quite p o o r at actually using relative clauses, w hether
in speaking o r in w riting. It is im p o rta n t therefore, to keep 3
rem inding students ab o u t this feature o f language, 1 photos that / which they have seen before and new ones
highlighting it in texts th a t they read and show ing th em how 2 a person that / whom you met yesterday
th eir ow n w riting, an d speaking, could be m ade m ore b A relative pronoun which is the object of a defining
relative clause can be left out.
sophisticated by th e use o f relative clauses. Som e students
Relative pronouns can never be left out of non-defining
m ay be concerned ab o u t th e difference betw een which an d relative clauses.
that. T hey can m ostly be used interchangably (see the
Language com m en tary on p.87) as subject o r object o f 4 Ask stu d en ts to do th is in pairs o r individually, th e n check
relative clauses w hen referring to things. However, to th e answers w ith th e w hole class.
sum m arize the Language com m entary;
a which refers to the house.
1) which is used (n o t that) w hen referring to an idea b which refers to the act of remembering going past the
expressed by a clause: There was absolutely no-one there, white house.
w h ich was terrifying. Note the use of the comma in b.
2) which is used (n o t that) as th e subject o f a n o n ­
defining relative clause: Pelota, w hich is a Spanish ball Exploitation
game, is quite popular in Japan.
1 It’s a good idea do th e first sentence w ith th e class as an
3) that can refer to a person as well as a thing, w hereas exam ple, th en ask th e stu d en ts to do th e rest in pairs or
which can only refer to a thing: H e’s the m an th a t I was individually.
telling you about.
• C heck the answers w ith th e w hole class.
1 a Before you begin th e exercise, you m ay w ant to
b rain sto rm w ith th e students th e various relative p ro n o u n s: a the apartment that / which we're in now
b the person to whom this parcel
who, which, whom, whose, that, when, where, what, why.
c the one that / who has just come
• N ow ask th e m to do task l a on th eir ow n o r in pairs, then d people whose opinions I despise
check their answers w ith th e article. e her job which surprised me
f by which time people had already left
1 who 2 which 3 what 4 by which 5 with which

Unit 11 87
2 Ask the stud en ts to do this o n th e ir ow n, th e n check answers
quickly together. 11.3 Help! p.84
The relative pronouns could be left out in a and b.
b ... the person this parcel is addressed to ... T he lig h t-h earted reading text in this stage contextualizes the
use o f articles.
3 O utlin e the task, th e n w rite the follow ing exam ple definitions
o n the board. Lead in
a A n ad u lt is a person over the age o f 18. m tttI To introduce the topic.
b A n ad u lt is som eone w ho is m entally an d em otionally
m ature. 1 -2 These tasks can either be d one as a w hole-class activity
c A n adult is som eone w ho has stop p ed getting taller an d w ith books closed, w ith you asking the questions an d
started getting fatter. eliciting answers, o r as a discussion in pairs o r sm all groups.

• Ask stud en ts to w ork in sm all groups to w rite th eir ow n • You m ig h t w an t to ask th e class briefly if th ere is anything
definitions. M o n ito r a n d help as necessary. Since th is is a very th ey always rem em b er o r never rem em ber.
focused activity, it w ould be app ro p riate to correct too, in • T here is no need for group feedback.
o rd er to ensure th a t students really u n d ersta n d the
3 Ask stu d en ts to read questions a an d b.
• Play the recording an d ask stu d en ts to com pare th eir answers.
• S tudents m ay w an t to read o u t som e o f th eir sentences to the
w hole class. You could ask for com m ents on the clearest, 11.3
m o st am using, etc. Speaker 1 I think I'm at the age when I'm starting to for... realize that
I'm forgetting more things than I used to. Erm, I cert..., I've always
found it very difficult to remember directions how to get to places.
Speaking Erm, but I've now, I've had to start to use a diary which is an
admission I think that I'm forgetting more than, than I used to or
B O To round up this section o f the u n it in a light-hearted
maybe I'm just doing more things, erm, so using a diary really is how
way by referring back to the beginning o f the u n it and checking I try to remember things as much as possible - maybe repeating
their own memories again. things to myself that are very important just so I realize how important
they are.
1 Ask students to close th e ir books.
Speaker 2 I'm very good actually. I don't forget many things - I'm one
• N ow ask th e m to try an d rem em ber th e pictures an d objects of these people that's quite good at remembering birthdays,
th ey tried to rem em b er in Lead in. Give th em a sh o rt tim e to anniversaries, friends and family. I tend to remember most things and
w rite dow n as m any as they can rem em ber, using th eir ow n I remember because I am a compulsive list-writer, which is very tragic
language if they w an t to. in my life ...
Speaker 3 I'm quite proud of never forgetting anything - erm I have a
2 P u t th em in pairs to com pare th eir lists. H ow m any d id they system erm which revolves around post-it notes erm which,
rem em ber? H ow sim ilar are they? W h at did they b o th depending on what I have to remember, I'll write it down on a post-
rem em ber? Why? it note and stick it to the inside of my front door, erm so I never forget
anything - amazing.
3 N ow ask th em to open th eir books an d lo o k at th e pictures
o n pp. 82-3. Still in th eir pairs, ask th em to talk ab o u t w hy Speaker 4 I always forget when I have to pay my bills, and I always
forget to water the plants. With bills I have to leave them sitting in
th ey th in k th ey d id n ’t rem em ber certain objects. front of me so that I actually remember to pay them, but most other
• You will probably w an t to conduct a b rie f class feedback things, birthdays, names, phone numbers, useful things I can
sim ply to ro u n d u p the activity an d this stage o f th e lesson. remember, but just not the bills, the serious stuff.
Speaker 5 My memory's getting worse and worse and worse and it's
very difficult to say what kind of things I forget because I forget
everything, erm I used to have an extremely good memory for
numbers and faces and dates and people and general information
and now that's just got worse and worse and because it is something
that I didn't use to have problems with, I actually find it quite difficult
to find a good way to remember things. I, I write lists and keep books
and leave myself notes, but none of those works as well as actually
having a memory that works and unfortunately mine doesn't do it so
well any more.
• If necessary, play th e recording again before checking the
answ ers w ith th e w hole class.

Speaker 1 a directions to places b keeps diary

Speaker 2 a nothing b writes lists
Speaker 3 a nothing b post-it notes
Speaker 4 a pay bills, water plants b leaves things visible
Speaker 5 a everything b lists, books, notes

88 Unit 11
Reading Language focus: articles p.85
E353 To extend students’ abilities to extract essential To review the use o f articles.
inform ation from a piece o f writing. This section reviews th e use o f articles an d gives stu d en ts the
T his is an article ab o u t an In tern et service w hich enables o p p o rtu n ity to prepare a su m m ary o f use.
people to rem em ber im p o rta n t personal events. It is quite
1 Ask students to do th e tasks in pairs, th en check th eir
ch atty an d colloquial and contains a lot o f info rm atio n in
answers by referring back to th e article on p .84.
relatively few words.
• Refer stu d en ts to th e Language co m m en tary o n p .87 w hich
1 O u tline th e task an d ask students to look at th e text together. can be used to check th eir answers to 1 an d 2, an d also to
• Check the answers w ith the w hole class. check th e Exploitation exercise w hich follows.

It is a sample e-mail reminder sent by a 1 the 2 the 3 a 4 a 5 the

b 6 a 7 an
2 Ask students to read the article quickly in order to answ er the c 8 the 9 the
questions. Set a tim e lim it. d 10 A 11 A 12 a 13 A

• Ask th em to com pare their answers in pairs, th e n check w ith 2 Ask stu d en ts to do th is task in pairs, using th e extracts in 1 to
the w hole class. help them . T h en check answers w ith th e w hole class.
a birthdays; anniversaries; special occasions; appointments; Examples, from extracts where used
goals (ambitions) a a(n): a loved one's birthday (3); a quick e-mail (4); A new
b gift shop; wish list; personal calendars; New Year's survey (6)
resolutions; losing weight; saving for an important b the: the solution to your dilemma (5)
purchase c A (no examples)
d the: the most unforgettable public events (9)
e a (no examples)
React and discuss
f the: the White House (2)
1 -3 Ask students to discuss th e questions in sm all groups. g the: the survey polled (8)
h a: a loved one's birthday (3); a quick e-mail reminder (4)
M o nitor b u t d o n ’t in te rru p t, except to join in if appropriate.
i a(n): an information management and online reminder
■ You could extend this topic by asking students to b rain sto rm service (7)
th e kin d o f rem inders people m ight need in relation to these j A: offers, online tools ( 10 ); help, users ( 11 ); such as,
categories: birthdays (13)
Auto, Entertainm ent, Health and Beauty, Fam ily and
Friends, Finance, Holidays, H ome, Pet Care, School, Travel Exploitation
and Vacation, Work. To practise and test w hat students have learned fro m the
previous activity.
Close up • Ask stu d en ts to do this individually, th en com pare answers in
• Ask students to do th e tasks in pairs. Give th em tim e to w ork pairs.
o u t th eir answers before checking w ith the w hole class. • M o n ito r an d encourage, referring th em to th e ap p ro p riate
l.i /fsm fte1tael/ Woman who is attractive in a mysterious section in th e Language co m m en tary on p.87, b u t avoid
way, leading men into danger and causing their giving th em the answers.
destruction. Example: Marilyn Monroe • Finally check answers w ith th e w hole class. M ake sure
1.9 forty-six point seven / twenty-seven point five everyone is clear ab o u t w hy the answers are correct.
Note: You may want to do a quick check here of
pronunciation of other numbers, dates, times, e.g. 3,672, 1989 1 the 2 the 3 a 4 the 5 A 6 a 7 A
(the year), 12/05/01 (both the American way - month, day, 8 the 9 a 10 the 11 A 12 A 13 the
year; and the British way - day, month, year); 10:25 (both 14 A 15 a 16 A 17 a 18 a 19 A
analogue and digital ways, i.e. ten twenty five and twenty- 20 A
21 the 22 the
five past (British) / after (American) ten
1.11 birthday is the day on which you were born; anniversary Speaking
is the day each year when something (but not a birth)
happened, for example wedding anniversary. i f f O To give the students some free speaking and writing
1.20 the site which was easy to use. (note no hyphens) practice.

1 P ut stu d en ts in to sm all groups to discuss th e q u estio n and

m ake a list. If y o u r stu d en ts have n o t used In tern et services,
o m it this question.

2 Ask g roups to discuss w hat th e sites m ig h t do; you could

have a quick feedback session to com pare ideas.

Unit 11 89
M ake sure groups first decide w hat th eir service is to be, th en People like living in cul-de-sacs because they're usually quiet and
traffic-free, cul-de-sac
choose a catchy n am e for it, th en w rite a tw o-line description
We have two duvets - a light one for the summer and a heavier one
for it. M o n ito r an d m ake suggestions as necessary.
for the winter, duvet
W hen they are ready, p u t th em in larger groups, o r a w hole Paul Getty was one of the twentieth century's most successful
class, an d let them try to ‘sell’ th eir service to th e others. entrepreneurs, entrepreneur
I'd love a slice of that chocolate gateau, gateau
Novels and poems belong to different literary genres, genre

Exploring words p .8 6 a bouquet

b bourgeois
collection of flowers /bu'kei/
belonging to or typical of the middle class
To extend students’ knowledge o f com m only-used loan c cache secret hiding place /kaej/
words. d cliche an expression or idea which is overused
M ost languages b o rro w w ords from o th e r languages, b u t e creche place for pre-school children /kreJY
English is unu su al in the huge q u an tity o f w ords it has f cul-de-sac a road which is blocked off /’kAl da sask/
borrow ed. Students generally find it useful an d interesting to 9 duvet bedding /'du:vei/
h entrepreneur someone who starts and runs a business
look at these w ords an d this section extends th eir know ledge
/D n t r a p r a 'n a :/
o f com m only-used ‘foreign’ w ords. i gateau large rich cake /'g stsu /
1 Read th e in tro d u c tio n w ith the class. T he process has been i genre particular type / '3 a :n r a /
going o n for m an y years! bungalow com es from H in d u stan i,
C Ask stu d en ts to try this in pairs o r sm all groups if you feel
village an d fe m m e fatale from French.
th ey know en o u g h French w ords. O therw ise go th ro u g h
• Ask students to w ork in pairs to com plete the tasks. som e w ith th e w hole class.
• C heck th e answers w ith th e w hole class.
Possible answers:
• If relevant, you could ask if there are any w ords from th eir ending in -e(e) cafe; papier mache; resume; fian$e(e)
ow n language th a t are used in English. ending in -et ballet; beret
ending in -eau bureau; plateau
junta: government formed by group of military officers ending in -eur de rigeur; raconteur; bon viveur
following a coup d'etat - Spain Others: cuisine; contretemps; rapport; carte blanche; fait
ballet form of classical dance - France accompli; faux pas; savoir faire
paparazzi: photographers who specialize in spying on famous
people in order to get photos of them in unguarded moments 3 Ask stu d en ts to com plete th e task on th eir ow n before
- Italy
co m p arin g answers w ith a partner. T here is no need to
Czar: ruler, usually used negatively today, a despot - Russia
robot: automaton - Czech m onitor.
pizza: bread-like food with topping - Italy • C heck the answers w ith the w hole class.
trekker: person who walks on a long, hard journey - Holland
cafe: place where you can eat or drink - France hoi-polloi /hnipo'bi/ - poor, common people
menu: list of food available - France siesta /si'esta/ - short sleep
tandoori: style of cooking, in a clay pot - India sauna /'soma/ - hot steam bath
sauna: steam room - Finland patio /'paetwu/ - paved area
blitz /blits/ - violent attack
2 O u tlin e th e task an d ask th e students to com plete it in pairs. crescendo /kn'Jendoo/ - peak in volume
macho /msetfou, 'maskao/ - aggressively masculine
• Ask th e m to try an d guess the p ro n u n ciatio n . D on’t let th em
spiel /Jpi:l/ - persuasive speech
sp end too long o n this.
• Listen to th e recording, check p ro n u n cia tio n an d practise 4 Focus stu d en ts on th e questions an d m ake sure they
saying th e w ords. (This is n o t included in the tapescript u n d ersta n d them .
section o f th e S tu d en t’s Book.) • Give th em a few m in u tes to discuss th e questions in sm all
groups o r pairs.
After the performance the star was presented with an enormous • C o n d u ct a feedback session to ro u n d o ff the activity.
bouquet of roses, bouquet
Many of the friends I was at university with now live very bourgeois
lives, bourgeois
It took undercover police officers three months to find the terrorists'
cache of weapons, cache
The televised debate between the two presidential candidates was full
of political cliches, cliche
It's very convenient - they're going to start a new creche at the place
where I work, creche

90 Unit 11
All the rage

T hem e: crazes, fashions, an d favourite film s

12.1 Crazes p.88
12.1 Crazes
Past an d cu rren t crazes Stage 1 consists o f a listening text ab o u t past crazes w hich
contextualizes uses o f used to an d would.
Listening: gist an d in terp retatio n
E xploring n a tu ra l speech: rep etition an d th e use o f
Lead in
Language focus: used to and would G J J I To define craze, and get the students talking about the
Speaking: talking ab o u t childhood interests them e o f the lesson.

1 Read th e d efinition o f craze w ith th e students, and ask them

12.2 Fast food fashions to look at the pictures. P u t th em in pairs to guess w hat they
T he rise o f th e h am burger are.
Reading: prediction an d in terp retatio n
From left to right: Lego®, hand-held computer games, diabolo,
Language focus: ellipsis skateboarding, pogo sticks, in-line skating, soft toy collecting
What they have in common is that they are all crazes, past
12.3 Films and present.
W hat m akes a successful film
• You could personalize the discussion by asking th e students
Listening: gist an d specific info rm atio n w hich crazes they are / were into. O r talk ab o u t c u rren t
E xploring n a tu ra l speech: contrasting n atu ra l speech w ith a crazes sw eeping th e co u n try you are in.
form al talk
V ocabulary: phrasal verbs w ith o ff Listening
Speaking: describing a scene in a film
yjfMi To listen fo r gist and interpretation.
Exploring words 1 Read th ro u g h th e questions as a class, and check th e w ords
Fashion taste, (personal preference) and obsession (in this case, a sp o rt
o r ho b b y th a t you can’t stop d oing - for exam ple, spending
Workbook ten h o u rs a day on co m p u ter gam es).

Language focus: used to an d would; o m ittin g w ords Glossary___________________________________________________

V ocabulary focus: phrasal verbs w ith o ff Lego® - system of building bricks for children, with which they can
V ocabulary expansion: verbs like throw, idiom s w ith back make intricate constructions.
Listening: childhood p ursuits • Play th e recording.
Speaker 1 When I was a girl I suppose I was completely ballet-mad -
erm I used to go to ballet classes two or three times a week, erm used
to get books about ballet from the library, used to read novels about
ballet and always wanted to be a ballerina and of course never
managed to do that - but I was absolutely obsessed with ballet and
all my friends were as well.
Speaker 2 Actually one time, I had a birthday party and I invited about
twenty kids and I told them all what I wanted was a stuffed animal
and every single one of them got me a stuffed animal and my mother
was so mad and it was like 'What are you doing?'
Speaker 3 Slightly embarrassing childhood, not exactly an obsession,
but I used to be a great fan of heavy metal music erm which now
seems incredibly embarrassing - I was about 14 years old and wore
blue jeans and a sort of blue anorak with a grey rabbit fur hood and

Unit 12 91
went around listening to what now seems to be the most awful music grounds, I knew their colours, I knew the names of most of the players
in the world ... in all the teams - it was a complete obsession and the odd thing is that
Speaker 4 When I was really young I was really keen on playing with now I have absolutely no interest in football whatsoever ...
Lego® and I had to have every set and I really wanted to go to
1 The effect of the repetition of the phrase I knew is to
Legoland in Denmark, but never made it and then I was too old and
emphasize how obsessed he was with football.
when it came over here and there was one in Windsor, but erm I was
2 Like at all, whatsoever follows no + noun, none, and
a member of the Lego® club and I had lots of sets and I used to play
nothing to emphasize what is being said. It is a little
for hours and hours with it making different buildings and houses and
stronger than at all.
cars ...
Speaker 5 I think probably from about the age of 7 or 8 until 11 or 12,
I was completely obsessed with football - erm all my spare time was React and discuss
spent playing football with friends. Every break time every lunchtime
E ncourage a w hole-class discussion, o r let th e students
at school we would play football in the playground. Erm it had a
disastrous effect on my shoes - my mother was having to buy me discuss the questions in sm all groups, th en present th eir ideas
shoes, I remember, every, every three or four months or so cos I wore to th e class.
them out so quickly erm I used to buy regularly a football magazine
which I would read avidly every Saturday morning - 1knew the names Language focus: used to and w ould
of all the teams in the football league, I knew their grounds, I knew
their colours, I knew the names of most of the players in all the teams p.89
- it was a complete obsession and the odd thing is that now I have
absolutely no interest in football whatsoever... Eff!H To revise and practise used to and w ould to talk about
p a st states and past habits.
• Let th e stud en ts check in pairs before going th ro u g h the
answers w ith th e w hole class. T he assu m p tio n here is th a t stu d en ts have com e across used
to an d would before. Consequently, th e fo rm and use are
a 3 the music he listened to and the clothes he wore initially checked in a quiz, w hich encourages th e stu d en ts to
b 4 Lego® club discuss th eir u n d erstan d in g o f th e structures.
c 1 ballet-mad girl
d 5 football-crazy boy At this level, stu d en ts m ay still have problem s rem em bering
e 2 girl with the stuffed toys th e com plex form o f used to, m aking m istakes like *1 d idn’t
used to live in London, o r *1 was used to live in Paris. In the
2 Focus th e stud en ts o n th e question, th e n play the recording latter case, they m ay still be getting confused w ith the sim ilar-
again. Let th e m check in pairs before going th ro u g h the looking stru ctu re to be used to + -ing. These are all checked in
answers w ith th e w hole class. th e quiz.
Possible answers T he stu d en ts m ay also have problem s w ith p ro n u n ciatio n ,
Speaker 1 - sounds a little sentimental an d it is w o rth including som e rep etitio n w ork to practise the
Speaker 2 - sounds amused, perhaps nostalgic correct p ro d u ctio n o f /ju:sto/.
Speaker 3 - sounds amused and embarrassed
Speaker 4 - sounds nostalgic T he m ajo r problem s, however, are w ith use. Students te n d to
Speaker 5 - sounds factual, unemotional avoid th em , b u t it is im p o rta n t to encourage th em to start
using th em w hen talking ab o u t m em ories, or being nostalgic,
► A n atu ra l follow -up here is to focus o n som e o f th e
as it so u n d s u n u su al an d dull n o t to in English. A lthough the
language involved w ith talking ab o u t crazes. You m ay w ish to
basic rules are straightforw ard, an d stu d en ts usually grasp the
do th e E xtra activity o n p. 142 at this p oint.
idea th a t used to is for habits an d states th a t are no longer
tru e, b u t you ca n n o t use would for states, w atch o u t for errors
Exploring natural speech
o f th e follow ing types:
This activity looks at tw o features o f n atu ra l speech: firstly,
*W hen I used to be twenty, I used to live in a bedsit.
th e way th a t the rhetorical rep etition o f a phrase can add
em phasis to w h at you’re saying. Secondly, th e use o f (T he second p a rt o f the sentence, used to live, is fine, as it is a
whatsoever at th e end o f a sentence for em phasis. past state th a t is n o longer true. In th e first p a rt used to be
tw enty m ay look like a past state th a t is no longer tru e, b u t
1 -2 P ut th e stud en ts in pairs to discuss the questions. the w ord when suggests th a t th e speaker sees it as one event
• You m ay w ish to read th ro u g h the extract as th e stu d en ts in tim e. Consequently, it should be W hen I was twenty.)
listen an d read, o r re-play th e last extract from th e recording. *1 used to live in Bristol fo r seven years.
N o t only will this help th e students to w ork o u t how th e two (You can’t use used to to say ho w long.)
features in q u estion w ork, it will also show how the w ords are
*1 use to play tennis all the time.
strongly stressed to show em phasis.
(You can’t apply th e form to present habits.)
Every break time every lunchtime at school we would play football in
the playground. Erm (It) had a disastrous effect on my shoes - my *I would live in London when I was younger.
mother was having to buy me shoes, I remember, every three or four (You can’t use would for states, an d here live is seen as
months or so cos I wore them out so quickly erm I used to buy regularly a state.)
a football magazine which I would read avidly every Saturday morning
- I knew the names of all the teams in the football league, I knew their

92 Unit 12
It is also w orth n oting th a t we tend to focus o n used to, Speaking
b u t th a t would is a very frequent form w hich learners
o ften avoid. To get the students talking about crazes and using used
to and w ould, and ‘enthusiasm ’ expressions.
• P u t th e students in pairs to do th e quiz. If there is a lot o f
debate, let them double check th e ir ideas w ith an o th er pair 1 -2 Set th e scene by eliciting a few things th a t th e stu d en ts
before feedback. You m ay w ish to refer the students to the were interested in as children. T h en ask th em to w ork
Language com m entary o n p.95 to check their answers. individually an d w rite a list, th e n use th e list to say how
interested they were in each activity.
Quiz answers
1 True 3 P u t th e stu d en ts in sm all groups to discuss th e ir lists an d find
2 False - we use the Past simple. o u t w hether anyone shared th eir interests.
3 False
4 a - implies that this habit has been stopped. • If you d id n ’t do a m ingle activity in th e Exploitation, you
5 False (would can't be used to refer to a habitual past could ask stu d en ts to w alk ro u n d an d find people w ho shared
state.) th eir interests.
6 a is correct, b is an example of the rule in 5 above.
7 b
8 If a time or length of time is specified used to cannot be
9 a could mean I went once or / went more than once - no 12.2 Fast food fashions p.90
indication is given.
b means I went more than once.
10 a = / am accustomed to Stage 2 consists o f a reading text ab o u t th e rise o f th e burger. It
b = I did this several times in the past, and don't any more. looks at ellipsis, i.e. o m ittin g w ords unnecessary to m ean in g in
Lead in
1 Ask students to w ork individually to com plete the extract,
th en check th eir answers in pairs. I J E l To get the students talking a bout the them e o f the lesson,
fa st food, in a personalized discussion.
Note: Usually, but not always, there is a choice of forms. The
important thing to impress upon students is that they should 1 -3 P ut th e stu d en ts in sm all g roups to discuss th e questions.
vary the forms they use so that the text as a whole does not
sound repetitive. Reading
1 was
2 used to collect / collected I d fi'l To develop prediction and interpretation skills.
3 were [Note: used to be would imply that they are no
longer free - which is not true; so although grammatically 1 P u t th e stu d en ts in pairs o r threes to do questions a - d . D o n ’t
possible, could only be used if you now have to pay for give th e answers at this stage. T he aim here is to get the
cheese labels and stones.] stu d en ts interested in th e topic, an d to create a p red ictio n
4 was task for th e first reading.
5 moved
6 went 2 Ask the stu d en ts to read th e article an d check their
7 used to go / would go / went predictions.
8 would take / used to take / took
9 became a B (1904) b B c C d C (7%)
10 used to insist / would insist / insisted
11 went
12 I'd remove / used to remove Close up
13 had • P u t th e stu d en ts in pairs to do th e exercise. E ncourage th em
to m ake guesses from context rath e r th a n rely o n th eir
2 Read th ro u g h th e exam ple w ith th e students, th e n ask th em
to w rite sentences. M o n ito r an d help. M ake sure they are
varying the use o f used to and would.
• Ask som e students to read o u t som e o f th eir sentences for the
class. Alternatively, p u t th e students in sm all groups to use
th e sentences as a basis for discussion, o r do a m ingle activity
if space in th e classroom allows. Ask th e students to walk
ro u n d an d try to find people in the class they have som ething
in co m m o n w ith. You could also set this task for hom ew ork.

Unit 12 93
1.2 person - hero / heroine Suggested answers
quality - heroism a It's easy and quick to make and cook / It was brilliantly
1. 1- 1.8 galloped - to gallop describes how horses run fast marketed / Because no one got a trademark on the word,
saddle - the thing a horse rider sits on anyone could make it so there were many people selling it /
1.26 Hamburgers are people from the German city of Children particularly like food of this kind,
Hamburg. b They're cheap, quick, and you can buy one at all hours of
hamburgers are the flattened circles of minced beef you the day.
eat in McDonald's. c These foods seem to have no connection with meat. They
1.48 one can refer to people in general or the speaker / certainly don't look like meat,
writer in particular. The writer of this article uses the d He is saying that when we call them cheap hamburgers
phrase to show that he has no evidence for the what we really mean is poor quality hamburgers. The word
'information' he is giving us. anonymously means that they have no brand name,
1.50 potato e Because of various diseases connected with meat, specifically
1.65 quickly new variant CJD - the human form of mad cow disease.
to scoff also means to mock I speak with contempt.
Stop scoffing. You're always scoffing at me. Glossary
T his reading text has a lo t o f difficult vocabulary. If you th in k CJD - Creutzfeld-Jakob's disease
mad cow disease - bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE)
y o ur students are having difficulty, the follow ing exercise
extends the Close up an d will help the students to u n d ersta n d Note
th e text. Since there are so m any w ords, you m ay w ish to deal Creutzfeld-Jakob's disease (CJD) affects the brain of sufferers, causing
ju st w ith the ones you th in k your stud en ts will have m ost damage to all functions, and eventually death. The development of
p roblem s w ith. BSE, which affected cattle, and its link to new variant CJD, began to be
explored in 1990, with the first cases of nv CJD being found in 1994.
W rite these w ords an d phrases on the b o ard an d ask the
These cases in humans were linked to the consumption of beef from
stu dents to w ork in pairs to find w ords in th e passage w ith a infected cattle - hence the danger of eating meat from a source you
sim ilar m eaning: don't know.
1 flat, grassy plains
2 attacking an d robbing React and discuss
3 tried for th e first tim e E ncourage a w hole-class discussion.
4 places in a m arket o r fair w ith special perm issio n to sell a
p ro d u ct Language focus: omitting words p.91
5 new idea o r invention
6 pressed into shape w ith y o u r fingers To introduce and practise the use o f ellipsis - leaving out
7 a tightly-packed ball words and phrases which are unnecessary to the m eaning - in
8 very h o t cooking surface spoken and written English.
9 an A m erican coin w orth five cents This section looks at the way subject p ro n o u n s, auxiliary
10 really enjoy verbs, articles, an d others, are left o u t in o rd er to avoid giving
11 buying a n d selling o r repeating in fo rm atio n th a t is already clear from the
12 unskilled w orker context. Conceptually, this is quite a straightforw ard idea.
13 salesm an However, som e stu d en ts at this level often avoid ellipsis w hen
14 sell th ey ’re speaking in favour o f being ‘gram m atically co rrect’. It
15 a com pany w ith perm ission to sell a p ro d u ct is difficult to ‘feel’ w hen an d w hich w ords to leave o u t. T he
16 n o t considered properly em phasis here is o n recognition rath er th a n practice - getting
17 likely to stu d en ts to th in k ab o u t w hich w ords to leave o u t an d why.

1 steppes 10 relish 1 Put the students in pairs to look at the sentences and answer
2 pillage 11 merchandising the questions. Refer them to the Language com m entary on
3 pioneered 12 menial p.95.
4 concessionaire stalls 13 vendor
5 innovation 14 peddle
6 kneaded 15 franchise 1 It's / They're Subject pronoun and verb
7 pellet 16 glossed over 2 Q Have you Subject pronoun and auxiliary verb in
8 hotplate 17 prone to question
9 nickel A No, I'm Reply to question; subject pronoun and
3 Ask stud en ts to look back at th e text an d answ er the I haven't. Short answer
q uestions in pairs. Expect som e discussion in th e feedback as 3 The article
th e task necessitates in terp retin g th e w riter’s w ords, so the I’ve Subject pronoun and auxiliary verb
4 / Subject pronoun
stu d en ts m ay have m ore th a n one possible answer. Are you Subject pronoun and auxiliary verb in

94 Unit 12
2 Read through the exam ples as a class.
12.3 Films p.92
1 D o the first as an exam ple, th e n ask th e students to w ork in Stage 3 consists o f tw o listening texts: one in w hich a speaker
pairs to cross o u t th e unnecessary words. describes successful films, an d an o th er in w hich people describe
a frightening scene in a film.
• After checking th e answers, you could get the students to
practise the conversations w ith th eir partners.
Lead in
a Q Is there any chance of you g iving mo a lift?
A Sure I can g ive you o lift. Get in. K I O To get students to describe their favourite film in a
b Q Navo you seen my dad recently? personalized speaking activity.
A Yes, I have soon your dad recently. I saw him this
morning. 1 -2 Elicit as m any different types o f film as you can from the
students. T hen p u t th e stu d en ts in pairs to tell th eir p a rtn e r
• To give th e students m ore fluency practice in this area, you w hich is th eir favourite type o f film an d why.
could do th e follow ing extra activity.
Suggested answers
1 P ut th e stud en ts in pairs. W rite a list o f q uestions on thrillers; horror films; romantic films; sci-fi; animated; comedy;
the board . You could use the list below, or m ake up action; classic; westerns; gangster
your ow n to reflect your stud en ts’ interests. S tudent A
m u st ask S tudent B the questions, using ellipsis, and 3 C heck th a t stu d en ts u n d ersta n d th e language in th e box, th en
S tudent B m u st give sh o rt answers, also using ellipsis. give th em a few m in u tes to prepare how to describe th eir
2 G et the stud en ts started by eliciting suggested sh o rt favourite film. D ubbed m eans tran slated in to an o th er
answers th en m odelling th e activity. language an d recorded over th e original so u n d track .
Exam ple:
D one your hom ew ork? Listening
N o t yet. No. You? Too busy. H aven’t had time. Sort of.
ftH ni To listen fo r gist and specific information.
Couldn’t be bothered.
Suggested questions: Note_______________________________________________________
H ave you done your homework? Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (2000) - film directed by Ang Lee,
Are you tired? starring Chow Yun-Fat and Michelle Yeoh. A beautiful blend of martial
arts and romance which won four Oscars and was nominated for six
Do you fancy a coffee?
H ave you got a pen? Julia Roberts - American actress who won an Oscar for her role in Erin
Are you coming to the party on Friday? Brockovich (2000), and received nominations for Steel Magnolias (1989)
and Pretty Woman (1990).
Michael Douglas - actor and producer. Son of actor Kirk Douglas and
2 D o the first sentence as a class, th en ask students to w ork one of only two people ever to have won Oscars both for best picture
individually to do the first exercise. (One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest, 1975) and best actor (Wall Street,
• Ask the students to com pare their versions in pairs, an d do 1987).
Braveheart (1995) - film directed by and starring Mel Gibson, about
exercise c.
13th century Scot William Wallace who united the Scots in a battle to
Possible answers overthrow English rule. It won five Oscars, including Best Film and Best
Since last Friday been from Perth to Adelaide then to Mount Director, and was nominated for five more.
Gambier, a remote farming town. Climbed a volcano, saw
koalas and kangaroos in the wild. Tuesday hired a car and 1 O u tlin e th e task, th en play th e recording.
Tina and I drove along Ocean Road past rocks in the picture. 12.2
Views really breath-taking. Never seen anything like it.
I think in the past obviously classic films, things like Casablanca, things
Planning to visit rainforest tomorrow. (57 words) that have endured over the years, but I think also films in the past that
were popular were very strict to their genre, things like Westerns, which
• As a follow -up o r hom ew ork activity, ask students to w rite
had a very strict set of rules that were always followed. They were based
th e ir ow n postcard ab o u t an adventurous holiday they have around the same thing - that actually have a fairly universal appeal. I
been on. think a Western is actually an example of a sort of myth, a legend, almost
• Alternatively, give students in pairs a postcard w ith an like a fairy tale - the good guy and the good guy always wins, and the
bad guy. But the good guy never quite integrates into society - the good
interesting p icture o f a w ell-know n place o n the front, and
guy always goes off riding into the sunset and these rules are very very
ask th em to w rite ab o u t th e place using ellipsis. O r you could strict, but I think that that's part of the appeal, but that that genre really,
ask each pair to w rite the text in w hole sentences, then give I think, has had its day, erm I think it's being eclipsed by other things and
th e ir text to an o th er pair w ho have to cross o u t unnecessary I think an example of that is Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, which is a
words. similar sort of thing actually, in some ways.
Looking at things in the cinema at present and I think there's the two
main types of film erm there's blockbusters, box-office smash films,
romantic comedy, there's, you know, things, I don't know, any Julia

Unit 12 95
Roberts film, anything, you know, some of the Michael Douglas films, React and discuss
whatever, erm and then there's the big action films, things like
Braveheart. D o this as a class discussion o r in sm all groups.

a classic; Western; romantic comedy; action Vocabulary: phrasal verbs with o ff

b Julia Roberts; Michael Douglas
I f l O To introduce and practise phrasal verbs w ith off.
Play the recording again an d ask students to com plete the This section introduces a n u m b e r o f phrasal verbs by looking
sentences. at th e different m eanings o f o ff w hen used as a particle.
a classic film 1 D iscuss th e sentences as a class.
b a myth, legend, or fairy tale
c the good guy; the bad guy a goes riding - this describes a simple activity
d the good guy riding into the sunset b goes o ff riding - this means he is leaving on horseback, and
probably not coming back.
3 Play th e second p a rt o f the recording.
2 a - b Ask stu d en ts to w ork in pairs to m atch the phrasal
verbs w ith the m eaning groups, an d say w hich single verb
As for where films are going, I think the idea that the genre is no longer
applied as strictly as it was once that erm genre is something which is could be used as an alternative.
increasingly you know that and a good example of that is Crouching
Tiger, Hidden Dragon, that what kind of movie is it? Well it's a feminist, a b
art house, martial arts movie - very very difficult to pigeonhole. It comes 1 call off B cancel / postpone
across much more like something like a computer game than a film in 2 spark off C start / begin / cause
some ways, the fighting scenes and the flying scenes and the treetops 3 divide off D separate
and the canopy of the forest, you know it's an incredible mixture of of 4 set off A begin / start
different influences and yet it's got this nineteenth-century China, star- 5 kick off C start / begin (The football match starts
crossed lovers erm, and the honour code and you know this this amazing with a kick off.)
story behind it that it's a really interesting film and I think what's 6 break off B end
interesting about it is that it doesn't fit into the rules of any one genre. 7 block off D close
8 blast off A leave
I think that actually is the key to what makes a good film is if it really
carries you into that film and involves you in it and has you somewhere
C Students rem ain in pairs to categorize th e phrasal verbs
else for two hours and I think that's what film does probably better than
any other art form. A book does but you're still having to read it and yeah an d illustrate the m eanings. M o n ito r an d help, an d get som e
I love books, don't get me wrong erm, but I I feel that a film really can stu d en ts to read o u t th eir best sentences in the feedback.
do that - it transports you it's the, the whole atmosphere, the music and
that especially when you see it at the cinema and you have to go and close off D ring off B
make an effort to go see it, erm and you sit there in the dark and this drive off A seal off D
massive movie is is playing - and you know there's the music and the lead off C take off C
effects and the sound and the pictures and it's just the whole experience. put off B wave off A
I really think that's the essence of a good movie is a movie that carries Some possible sentences
you away that takes you from your normal life for a couple of hours - it's The police closed off the area after the accident.
an escapist thing. He drove off at top speed.
The captain led the players off the pitch to collect the trophy
A good film is one which involves and absorbs the audience. after their victory.
It provides an escape from real life. They decided to put off the race meeting because of the bad
weather. / Don't put me off when I'm trying to concentrate.
She was so angry that she rang off without answering his
Exploring natural speech p.93 question.
To contrast natural speech w ith the language used in a Because of the gas leak, we will have to seal off the factory so
fo rm a l talk. that no-one can enter.
The plane took off. (beginning a journey) The craze for micro
Read th ro u g h th e in tro d u c tio n as a class, th en p u t stu d en ts in scooters took off very quickly.
pairs to tu r n the passage in to a form al talk. Their families waved them off as they left for Australia.

Possible answer
A film transports you. It's the whole atmosphere and the Listening and speaking
music. That's especially true when you see a film at the
E ffn i To listen fo r gist, and to practise describing a scene in a
cinema; probably because you have to make an effort to go
see it. You sit there in the dark with this massive movie film using the Historic present.
playing. There's the music, the effects, the sound and the
1 Set th e scene by asking th e stu d en ts w hat was the m ost
pictures. It's the whole experience which makes a film
successful or not. frightening film th ey have ever seen, an d w hy it was so

96 Unit 12
Note_____________________________________________________ • Ask th e stu d en ts to th in k o f a frightening scene, an d take five
Psycho (1960) - classic thriller directed by Alfred Hitchcock and starring o r six m in u tes p lan n in g how to describe it. Ask th em
Anthony Perkins as the deranged Norman Bates who famously stabs a questions a an d b, an d use som e o f th e language in
young woman in her motel room shower. Nominated for four Oscars. exercise 2, p articu larly th e H istoric present. Refer th e m to the
Misery (1990) - film directed by Rob Reiner, starring Kathy Bates (who
Language co m m en tary o n p.79.
won an Oscar for Best Actress) and James Caan. A famous novelist is
first rescued from a car crash and then held prisoner by an obsessed • If y o u r stu d en ts find it difficult to be creative, th ey could do
fan. th is in pairs, an d th in k how to describe a frightening scene
• O u tline the task and play th e recording. th ey have b o th seen.

12.4 • W hen th ey are ready, p u t th e stu d en ts in groups o f fo u r or

five to describe th e ir scenes. M o n ito r for errors.
T There's that bit in Psycho when I think there's a girl hiding under the
staircase, isn't there, and whoever it is, is coming in, he runs up the • A n atu ra l follow -up for hom ew o rk is to ask th e stu d en ts to
stairs and you're you're not quite sure if he's noticed her or not and w rite a film review. Refer th em to th e W riting guidelines on
he's sort of looking around the house and you know that he's about
p. 156.
to come down and find her and then obviously the shower scene.
R Hitchcock is always good for suspense really.
K Definitely.
R I love the bit in I think it's Misery, is it called Miseryl with Kathy Bates
(Yes) where where she's she's gone out for a drive and he's in the
Exploring words p.94
house and he has to try and get out of the room which she's locked
him in and, you know, he gets all the way ... E m u To introduce and practise phrases based around the key
K (Does it) with hairpins or something? He finds ... word fashion, and adjectives used to describe clothes.
R Yeah, he has to unlock all sorts of doors and of course he's
wheelchair-bound as well and then she ... you see the car coming 1 Ask stu d en ts to w ork alone o r in pairs to com plete th e gaps.
back and the camera keeps cutting to the car coming back and he's
a fashion-conscious d fashion victims
got to get back into the position that she expects to find him in.
b the latest fashion e went out of fashion
J And obviously, he just makes it. c come (back) into fashion f unfashionable
R Just in the nick of time.
J In an amazingly short period of time. Apart from the fact that when 2 a Ask stu d en ts to divide th e adjectives in to three lists.
she comes back in, one of her china erm ornaments is the wrong way
round. Positive:
cool; elegant; flattering; posh; smart; snazzy*; special; stylish;
R That's right, she notices something's just slightly been moved.
tasteful; trendy
J Total psychopath because she's noticed that. Negative:
R Picks up the sledge hammer and breaks his legs. conservative; dressy*; dull; flashy; naff*; ordinary; shocking;
J That is an absolutely horrible scene. unflattering
a Personal answers bright; casual; classic; formal; neat; neutral; presentable;
b Suspense: characters and audience not quite sure what's sensible; sporty; traditional
going to happen next. * snazzy = very fashionable
* dressy = too smart or elegant for a particular occasion
2 Put th e students in pairs to read th e extracts and discuss the * naff = bad taste / unfashionable
b - c S tudents w ork in pairs o r sm all groups to look at the
Extract A pictures, describe th em , an d discuss th e questions in c.
• bit = part of the film / scene M o n ito r an d help.
• The speaker is trying to get the agreement of the people
with him. He is assuming they have seen the film and will d O u tlin e th e task an d play th e recording.
support his opinions.
• Present tenses are used to make the action come alive. 12.5
(Compare with the text. Welcome to the Pole! in Unit 10.) 1
• you = the cinema-goer, the person watching the action, M1 This looks kind of office wear.
W1 Quite conservative, isn't it?
Extract B
• where refers to the bit in Misery. When could be used W2 Yeah. It's a bit sensible.
instead. M1 I like her red dress though.
• The Present perfect is used in combination with Present W2 Really?
tenses. If the main narrative had been in the Past simple
W1 Yeah, but you wouldn't actually wear it. I wouldn't.
and Past continuous, this verb would be in the Past perfect.
W2 Remind me not to go shopping with you.
3 Elicit from the class w hat m akes film scenes frightening. M1 No I wouldn't wear it either, actually, funnily enough.
Some suggestions include: dram atic m usic, so u n d effects, M2 I prefer the one in the middle - she looks kind of ...
lighting, rap id editing, unusual cam era shots. W2 Yeah, she's a bit more snazzy.

Unit 12 97
M2 Yeah, definitely. 5
W1 Yeah, OK. W2 OK, let's move on to her.
M2 Whereas the one on the right - not very flattering. W1 Ooh.
W2 No. M2 Right. Action.
M1 Well, she's chosen pale colours, hasn't she, ... W1 I like the colour.
2 M2 It's bright.
W2 Right what about him? Now that's very office. W1 I know.
M2 Very office. M1 It's sporty-ish.
M1 But it's kind of casual office. M2 Yeah. That's what I'm thi ... I'm thinking outdoor wear.
W1 It works. All Yeah / Definitely.
W2 It's kind of special, but in a stylish way. M1 Could be good snowboarding ...
W1 I think he looks neat. W2 All weather, all weather.
M1 Nice tie. M2 Yeah it's kind of got that snowboard look, hasn't it, it's sort of ...
M2 Presentable. W1 Yeah - it's still trendy, it's cool.
W2 Definitely - if you're going for an interview, you know - it's fine. M2 Yeah.
W1 You could take him home to your mum ... W2 Like the boots.
3 M2 Yeah good boots.
W1 Ooh look at her! W1 Hiking.
M1 Now that's saucy secretary, isn't it? M1 Sturdy boots. She's got sunglasses on her head, as well.
W2 That's kind of air hostess actually, isn't it? W2 Has she?
W1 It's quite scaring. M1 Yeah. I think she's thinking she's ...
M2 She looks quite powerful - you know bit of a power suit there, W1 She's quite trendy.
powerful su it... M2 She could be going sailing. ...
W2 It is powerful definitely - yep, she knows where she's going - she
knows what she's doing ... Adjectives in bold are not from the list in 2a.
4 *office(wear); conservative; sensible; snazzy; (not) flattering;
casual; special; stylish; neat; presentable; *saucy secretary; *air
W2 So, what about this guy?
hostess; scaring; powerful; classic; neutral; uncomplicated;
W1 Hello. smart; bright; sporty(-ish); trendy; cool
W2 No, he does look pretty fit, do you know what I mean? *These are nouns used as adjectives, i.e. clothes such as might
W1 Yeah, but what about the clothes? be worn in an office (dull, boring), or by a 'saucy' secretary
(too sexy, maybe a bit cheap) or an air hostess (smart suit,
W2 OK, let's look at the clothes.
formal elegance).
M2 That's classic.
M1 Chinos, black T-shirt. 3 P u t th e stu d en ts in sm all groups to look at th e questions in
M2 Yeah. th e tw o lists, an d decide w hich ones they are going to discuss.
W2 Casual again. • M o n ito r th e discussions.
W1 Quite neutral.
• W hen th ey have talked ab o u t fo u r questions, ask th e students
W2 Yes. to stan d up, if possible, w alk ro u n d th e class, an d find an d sit
M2 Uncomplicated. do w n w ith o th e r stu d en ts w ho have discussed th e sam e
W2 Definitely. questions. T hey can th e n com pare answers.
M1 Smart.
W2 Classic.
W1 Yeah.
M1 That's it, really, isn't it?
W2 Yeah.
M1 And I think everyone likes it.
W2 You could wear that anywhere, really, couldn't you?

98 Unit 12

Theme: how people deal w ith different kinds o f conflict

13.1 Personal and professional
13.1 Personal and professional p.96
People talk ab o u t how they deal w ith conflict in their
personal an d professional lives
T his stage includes tw o listenings w hich look at th e topic o f
• Listening: m atching an d specific inform ation conflict in different ways.
• Exploring natural speech: ‘echoing’ for em phasis
• Listening and speaking: role play - a conflict situation Lead in
13.2 Only a game To get students thinking and talking about conflict in
people’s lives.
An article ab o u t conflict in the playground
• Reading: gist and specific in fo rm atio n
• Language focus: -ing form s Throughout this unit, and particularly in the speaking and discussion-
based activities, it is important to remember that different cultures
• W riting: a story
define and resolve conflict in very different ways.

13.3 Families at war 1 You could elicit ideas from th e w hole class before asking
stu d en ts to discuss th e q u estio n in pairs o r groups.
R elationships an d conflict w ithin families
• Listening: causes o f argum ent w ithin families 2 C heck vocabulary, th en ask stu d en ts to do th e task. D o n o t
• Reading: gist, analysis, in terp retatio n get feedback at this p o in t as this can be d o n e after Listening 1.
• Language focus: singular o r plural?
• Speaking: form al discussion Listening
C O To practise extracting the m ain idea o f w hat is being said
Exploring words (the gist) fro m different speakers talking quite informally.
C onflict 1 O u tlin e th e task an d play th e recording.
Workbook Speaker 1 Well it's very different in personal and professional, but erm
• Language focus: -ing form s; adjective + p reposition + -ing I think I probably find it easier to deal in a professional context
form ; verb + (object +) preposition + -ing form ; singular or because you have some sort of structure that you can you have
recourse to, but in personal life I find it very stressful.
Speaker 2 Conflict - I'm getting better at it - much better than I used
• Vocabulary focus: conflict - collocations an d idiom s
to be, but it's not enjoyable, it's never enjoyable having to deal with
• Vocabulary expansion: idiom s w ith big; idiom s w ith conflict, erm but I can stay much calmer now than I used to be in
word / words those kinds of situations, which always helps, because then you can
• Listening: tro u b le at w ork step back from it and decide what's really happening without getting
upset or excited or angry or any of those things.
Speaker 3 Absolutely impossible I would always avoid conflict
whenever I possibly could, which I think is always, if if you want to
avoid conflict badly enough you can avoid it. Which is cowardly I know,
and I see it as a a failing I think, because I think some people can make
something constructive out of conflict but I can't. I don't like it at all.
Speaker 4 In my personal life I find it erm probably a bit easier than in
my professional life. I would say that, erm I like to deal with it absolutely
immediately and er can't rest until it is dealt with whereas professionally
although I would like to do that it's not quite as easy to do that.
Speaker 5 I find it very difficult, but you need to be able to deal with
conflict in order to to progress.
So how do you approach it - what do you do about it?
You've got to be sure of your facts before you start, and I think you've
also got to be aware of some position of compromise.

Unit 13 99
Speaker 6 ... I feel professionally I deal with it pretty well, but In n atu ra l speech th e subject o f the discussion, an d o f the
personally that's a whole nother ball-game for me - I really have a sentences, can be b ro u g h t to th e front o f th e sentence (see
problem with it personally - when someone yells at me, even if it's
U nit 15 Language co m m en tary on p. 116) in o rd er to add
totally unjust, rather than argue back or yell back, I cry which isn't
very helpful in resolving the conflict, but I just, I get so upset I ... em phasis an d / o r to give th e speaker tim e to th in k ab o u t
Speaker 7 Well conflict - I'd rather not talk about it, that's basically w h at th ey w an t to say ( C o n flic t... I ’m getting better a t it).
how I deal with conflict. I'm I'm very uncomfortable with conflict A lth o u g h stu d en ts are given th e chance to practise som e
quite honestly and - personally and professionally - and I'll do just fro n tin g them selves, the m ain aim here is to increase
about anything to avoid it. I like to be an easy-going laid-back kind of
aw areness o f it so th a t they are th e n b etter able to follow
person and it really takes a lot for me to confront someone on
something even if they've treated me badly - it's actually an area that n atu ral speech. S tudents will have m ore o p p o rtu n ity for
I'd like to get better at, but erm I have a boyfriend who is, loves practice in U nit 15.
conflict so we actually make a great pair because ...
1 E ither play excerpts a an d b from recording Q Q or read the
• Ask stud en ts to com pare th eir answers. Play the recording sentences yourself, in as n atu ra l a w ay as possible. T h en ask
again, if necessary. stu d en ts to th in k ab o u t th e question.
• C heck answers w ith th e w hole class, you m ay w an t to h o ld a
There are two possible explanations:
b rief feedback on th e ir ow n answers at this p oint.
They are deliberately 'fronting' the key idea to give it
a 3/7 b 1/6 c 5 d 2 e 6 f4 emphasis.
They are giving themselves time to think of what they want to
2 Ask students to read the statem ents a-g .
In either case, starting with the word conflict focuses the
• Go th ro u g h any difficult vocabulary w ith them , for example: listener's attention.
step back = to try to becom e m ore objective ab o u t a
2 You could go th ro u g h these w ith the w hole class first, eliciting
situation, by ‘stepping back’
possible answers so th a t students are sure o f the w ord order,
fa iling = a w eakness, a character fault th en ask th em to practise in pairs o r sm all groups.
laid-back = having a relaxed attitu d e
Possible answers
• C heck stud en ts u n d ersta n d th e task. a Family rows, can't say they worry me too much,
• Play recording | Q | again. It is probably a good idea to b Well, war, now that's a big question,
pause after each speaker to give students tim e to w rite th eir c Disappointments, well I guess you've just got to put up
with them, haven't you?
answers. d My neighbours, now there's something I could talk about
• After th e w hole recording, ask students to com pare th eir all night!
answers before checking w ith th e w hole class.

Possible answers Listening and speaking

a There is a structure for dealing with conflict at work. /
To identify and practise language used to calm people
There is a structure to fall back on.
b She stays calmer if she is able to step back from the down.
situation. / She tries to step back from the situation and see
1 O u tlin e th e task briefly.
what's actually happening,
c He thinks it's a failing. / He see it as a failing. • Play th e recording. Give th e stu d en ts a few m in u tes to
d He can't rest (relax) until he has dealt with the situation, com plete any notes th ey m ig h t b e m aking.
e You have to be prepared to compromise. / You have to try
to think of a compromise position, 13.2
f It doesn't help him to resolve the conflict. / Crying and M1 What do you think you're doing?
being upset makes it more difficult to resolve the conflict, M2 I was following you. I wasn't that, I wasn't that far behind - you
g She is more laid-back than her boyfriend. stalled ...
M1 You, yeah, you wait till I move off, right? The lights turned green.
React and discuss p.97 You are behind me and you wait till I've moved off.
M2 Yeah, all right, all right.
To give students a chance to talk about themselves and
how they have dealt w ith conflict. M1 Look at this.
M2 I know, well look at my headlight mate.
Be p repared by having a conflict situ atio n o f your ow n th a t
M1 Well look at my rear lig... They're not even working.
you are w illing to talk about. Tell th e stud en ts y o u r sto ry in
M2 All right. We're not going to get anywhere by shouting, are we?
as n atu ra l a way as possible. (I've got to go) We're not going to get anywhere by shouting.
M1 I've got to go and pick my kids up and it's getting dark.
Exploring natural speech
M2 All right. You gonna get, all right look I've got a mobile phone if you
Edful To draw students’ attention to fronting, the way in which wanna use it. It's fine, you can call, you can tell em you're gonna be
natural, spoken English often has a different word order fro m late.
the one the students are taught. M1 I don't believe this.

100 Unit 13
M2 Look there's no point getting upset. Look - you've lost a bit out the role play. This is a rehearsal. As they rehearse, go a ro u n d an d
back. I've lost me headlight. It's fine. It's not serious. It's absolutely m o n ito r, n o tin g any problem s o f language an d especially
not serious. If you've got your insurance ...
in to n atio n .
M1 It's your fault mate.
• Stop th e rehearsal. Give th em a few general tips as a w hole
M2 I don't ...
g ro u p based o n y o u r observations an d th en get th em to do
W Excuse me.
th e role play again, th is tim e as well as th ey possibly can.
M2 I don't think it's right to start blaming people. M o n ito r an d take notes.
M1 It is.
• If ap p ro p riate, ask on e o f the b etter groups to d em o n strate
M2 I mean this is, this is it's easily remediable.
th e ir role play to th e w hole class.
W Look, excuse me, but you're really causing quite a tailback, back here.
• Ask th e listeners / observers to co m m en t o n th e k in d o f
M1 What's it got to do with you?
language used, th e effectiveness o f th e p articip an ts, w hat
• Ask th em to com pare th e ir answers in pairs, th en play the w orked / d id n ’t w ork, an d how well th e situ atio n was
recording again so th a t they can check and add to th eir notes. resolved.
a A minor road accident. One car has driven into the back of
the car in front. There is damage to the headlights of one
car and the rear lights of the other,
b The driver in front is very aggressive, rude, and angry. The
other is polite, conciliatory, and ready to compromise,
13.2 Only a game p.98
c all right, all right
We're not getting anywhere by shouting, are we? T his stage includes a reading w hich contextualizes -ing form s.
there's no point in getting upset
It's not serious
I don't think it's right to start blaming people Lead in
It's easily remediable. ES3 To start the students thinking about childhood conflict
and to prepare fo r the reading text th a t follows.
2 Before starting th e role play, spend som e tim e practising the
p ro n u n cia tio n o f th e expressions in th e box. 1 -3 Read th ro u g h th e questions quickly w ith th e students,
• It is usually a good idea to spend som e tim e setting up a role dealing w ith any p roblem s th a t arise.
play; if students are really involved an d feel they can im agine • Ask th em to w ork in pairs o r sm all g roups to discuss th e
the situation an d th eir role quite well, they generally have questions.
m o re to say. • You m ig h t like to share th e answers to 1 to help lead in to the
• Taking S ituation 1 as an exam ple, ask the students to look at reading.
th e p icture and describe th e scene to you, then try to get
th em to fill in som e details. W hat day is it? W hen is it? Reading
(W hen is rush hour?) H ow do they th in k the people are
E ffn l To develop the students’ ability to read a sem i-form al
feeling? T he cyclist? T he pedestrian? T he oth er pedestrians?
text, extracting the m ost im portant points and argum ents from
Check som e vocabulary w ith them : Walkman; mobile phone;
fairly dense writing.
knock someone over / down; hit / hurt; in a rush; dashing across
a road. 1 Briefly o u tlin e th e task an d check th e vocabulary w ith the
• W hen you feel th a t the situation has been well described w hole class.
from a variety o f angles ask students to divide up th eir roles: a bully = to frighten or hurt a weaker person. Bullying can be
cyclists, pedestrians, and probably tw o different oth er mental as well as physical.
pedestrians. fight = to struggle against physically
Bullying may include fighting, but fighting isn't necessarily
• If any groups decide to practise th e o th e r situation, ask th em
to follow the sam e procedure: th in k ab o u t th e situatio n an d b hit = to strike
fill in details before assigning roles. hurt = to damage, possibly as a result of hitting. You can
■ G roup the students so th a t they are sitting w ith o th e r people hurt someone psychologically as well as physically,
c uncoordinated = not good at controlling your movements,
o f the sam e role (all the cyclists together, th e pedestrians clumsy
together, etc.). unfit = unhealthy or not fit due to lack of exercise
• N ow ask th em to th in k ab o u t w hat hap p en ed from th eir
perspective. Ask th em to consider how they feel now. G et 2 O u tlin e th e task an d give students quiet tim e to read th e text.
th em to decide w hich language from the box an d expressions • W hen m o st o f th e class has finished, ask th em to com pare
they n o te d from 1 they m ight w ant to use. Set a tim e lim it th e ir answers in pairs, th e n check w ith th e w hole class. Avoid
for this (probably a few m inutes only). dealing w ith o th e r com p reh en sio n o r vocabulary questions
• Regroup the students so th a t each role is represented in each here - they m ay com e u p in the Close up section o r in
group. Tell them they have a few m inutes to practise th eir q u estion 3.

Unit 13 101
• Children's identities are formed through competition and 1 Give stu d en ts tim e to do the task on th eir ow n to begin w ith;
conflict. long en o u g h to read th e task properly an d to try to separate
• Fighting is a form of role play. It allows children to see the th e different types.
effects of their actions.
• After ab o u t five m inutes, let th em com pare th e ir answers in
• Fighting helps children to become aware of the need for
rules and compromise. pairs before checking w ith the w hole class.

Use Extract
Close up a 5 (were fighting)
b 3 (boring)
• P u t the stud en ts in pairs to do the exercise. E ncourage th em c y
to m ake guesses from context rath e r th a n rely on their d 1 (saying after listen); 3 (sitting after keep); 5 (hitting
dictionaries. after started)
e 4 (interacting after while)
1.6 climb f 1 (Listen to the designer who is saying ...); 6 (adults
1.6 hang (dangle = to hang loosely) who were supervising)
1.17 water
2 G o th ro u g h th e exam ple sentence w ith the w hole class. You
3 Ask students to answ er these questions in pairs o r sm all m ay also w ant to do th e next sentence w ith th e class to
groups, referring to th e text as necessary. d em onstrate.
• W hen you have checked th e answers, you can ask the • Ask th e stu d en ts to com plete the task in pairs, th en check
stu d ents if there are any o th e r w ords they w ant to know. answers w ith the w hole class.
Even if it is n o t necessary for general u n d erstan d in g o f the
text, som e students, especially at advanced level, like to feel a Fie ran out of the playground, slamming the gate behind
th ey u n d ersta n d every w ord o f a reading text. Be careful to
b Parents don't let their children play in the street, thinking
avoid w ord-for-w ord tran slatio n th o u g h , as this is generally they may get into trouble,
u n helpful for b o th com prehension an d vocabulary c She sent a text message, not realizing the teacher was
developm ent. watching her.
d The woman was interviewed several times before being
a Children are bored, unfit, uncoordinated, and depressed, arrested.
b They make their own rules (in order to make the outcome
more unpredictable).
c Fie thinks children should not be left alone (unsupervised).
If they are not supervised, he says, there will be bullying, -ing forms are often used after conjunctions in participle clauses (use e
d The experiment supports Flemmen's ideas. in 1). They tell us when actions took place in relation to each other.
Children should be careful when crossing the road.
Glossary__________________________________________________ While travelling in Scotland, I met someone I used to play with as a
tyres - the rubber outside of wheels child.
presided - ruled, governed Since studying abroad, he's been much better at looking after himself.
intervene - physically interrupt The subject of the verb in these participle clauses is the subject of the
thrilling - exciting main clause: when (they are) crossing; while (I was) travelling.

React and discuss Exploitation

■ Ask stud en ts to share th e ir ow n ideas an d discuss in small • O u tlin e th e task briefly.
g roups w hether they agree w ith A sbjorn F lem m en’s views. • S tart th e first passage o ff w ith th e w hole class, going th ro u g h
• You m ay find th a t th e w hole class w ant to talk ab o u t the th e first o ne o r two w ith all th e stu d en ts un til they are sure o f
article. Give th em tim e to do so, as th e kin d o f speaking th a t w hat they have to do. You m ay decide to do th e w hole o f the
will h ap p e n here is different from th a t practised earlier. first text together. Som e o f th e sentence linking m ay be quite
difficult to begin w ith b u t the stu d en ts sh o u ld soon get better
Language focus: -ing forms p.99 at m an ip u latin g language in this way.
• Ask th e students to do the second text on th eir ow n o r in
Students will have com e across th e -ing form s before (and
pairs, an d to check th eir answers together.
th ey m ay have learnt th e term s geru n d o r participle).
However, even at advanced level, stud en ts often m ake
mistakes w ith the -ing form s, tending to use th e infinitive
instead (*H e’s a m an who thinks to fig h t is good fo r children.)
o r using a w hole phrase (A fter the boy fell o ff his bike, he had
to go to hospital.). In this section th e various uses o f th e -ing
form are reviewed an d students th en practise using som e o f
the m ore difficult ones. You m ay w ish to refer th em to th e
Language co m m en tary on p. 103.

102 Unit 13
1 Passengers travelling (1) on a flight from Miami to Puerto T he stu d en t w ho notices th e m istake con tin u es w ith
Rico were amazed when a deranged passenger walked to th e sam e topic for the rem ain d er o f th e 60 seconds.
the back of the plane and then started to run up the aisle, 5 T he stu d e n t speaking at the en d o f 60 seconds w ins
slapping (2) passengers' heads along the way. He then th e ro u n d .
kicked a pregnant flight attendant and bit a young boy on
the arm. Cabin crew restrained the man by jumping (3) on D em o n strate the gam e yourself first.
him and holding (4) him down. He was arrested when the Act as the speaker, (m aking sure you d o n ’t speak too
plane landed. fluently!) an d ask th e stu d en ts to in te rru p t you if you
2 On another flight, for some unknown reason, a passenger repeat, hesitate, o r change th e subject.
who had been drinking (1) started throwing peanuts at a
N ow co n tin u e th e activity w ith the w hole class. W hen
well-built man sitting (2) with his wife minding (3) his own
business. When the first peanut hit him in the face, he th ey have got th e idea, th ey could do it in groups.
ignored it. After being struck (4) by a second peanut, he O nce th e rules are clear, an d if th ey enjoy it, this can be a
looked up to see who had thrown it. He gave the man a good w arm -u p o r filler activity for subseq u en t lessons.
dirty look, expecting (5) him to stop immediately. When a M ake sure you have som e topics handy.
third peanut hit him in the eye, he'd had enough. 'Do that
again' he said, 'and I'll punch your lights out.' But the
peanut-thrower couldn't resist throwing (6) one last
peanut. Getting out of his seat, the victim (7) punched the
man so hard that witnesses heard his jaw break. 13.3 Families at war p.100
Writing This stage includes tw o reading texts, w hich provide an initial
E S I To give students practice at writing short texts fo r a fairly context for th e Language focus, singular o r plural.
inform al context.
Lead in
1 D raw stu d en ts’ atten tio n to th e W riting guidelines o n p. 151.
• P ut th e students in sm all groups an d ask th em to tell a 1 Set u p th e task w ith th e w hole class th e n ask th e stu d en ts to
conflict story o f their ow n, o r to talk ab o u t a story w ith one discuss th e questions in pairs o r sm all groups.
o f the suggested endings in b. 2 Tell stu d en ts th a t th ey will now h ear five people discussing
• M o n ito r an d join in if appropriate, b u t d o n ’t correct. th e sam e subjects. T he stu d en ts need to m ake notes o f th eir
answers. (T hey m ay find it useful to draw up a ch art o r grid
2 N ow ask the students to plan th eir stories. Give th e m a few
to m ake notes - see Answers below.)
m in utes to note dow n the key p o in ts an d to ask you for any
vocabulary o r phrases they m ight need. • Play th e recording.

• Give th em tim e to w rite th eir stories in class o r set for 13.3

hom ew ork. Speaker 1 Mess, I think is the biggest cause of arguments in our house,
erm, who made it, whose turn is it to clear it up, who makes more
mess, who clears up more mess, erm, can't think we argue about
The 60 seconds game anything else really, just general tidiness, organization and mess.
Speaker 2 Me and my family have argued about very few things really.
If your students are confident speakers, you could do this
Erm, I mean, I suppose the only things I can remember would be
extra speaking activity w here students have to speak for playing Scrabble and arguing over whether a word was actually a
60 seconds ab o u t som ething w ith o u t repetition, word, but that's always sorted out by getting the dictionary, and
hesitation, o r deviation from the subject. (You will need occasionally what to watch on TV, but that's pretty much it really.
to dem o n strate it yourself first.) These are th e rules: Speaker 3 Erm - my family and I have argued a lot about food, erm.
My mother likes meat and my sister's a vegetarian so often we have
1 S tudents w ork in groups an d take tu rn s to start
to cook more than one meal - causes a lot of problems.
talking ab o u t one o f these subjects:
Speaker 4 We tend to argue about really silly things, I think. It's very
• Sm oking in public places
often something and nothing and the argument is is basically simply
• Sending an d receiving e-m ails because somebody feels in a bad mood and just needs to have the
• Buying birth d ay presents release of possibly picking a fight of some kind, so erm we can argue
• L earning to drive about anything and everything. It really is impossible to say whether
• G etting m arried there is anything specific that we we argue about.
• Leaving school Speaker S My family always argue about holidays. My mum always
wants to go abroad, but my dad doesn't like to fly, so he always wants
2 O ne m em ber o f th e group should keep tim e.
to stay in the country. My brother and sister like a seaside-type
3 T he student talking m u st try to speak fluently w ithout: holiday, but my mum likes to do sightseeing and I always argue,
• repeating a w ord o r phrase because I never get an opinion.
• hesitating • Ask stu d en ts to com pare th eir answers in pairs. Play the
• changing the subject recording again if necessary.
4 T he other students in the group should listen an d
• C heck answ ers w ith th e w hole class.
in te rru p t th e speaker if they break any o f these rules.

Unit 13 103
a b Glossary__________________________________________________
S1 mess; tidiness; organization not mentioned about to - very useful, very common phrase meaning 'on the point of
S2 wordgames; TV family doing'
S3 food mother; sister blew his top - got very angry
in the wrong - wrong
S4 bad moods; anything and not mentioned
slunk out (to slink out) - left quietly, in a cowardly way
I'd cracked it - I'd solved the problem. Colloquial
S5 holidays mother; father; sister; brother

Language focus: singular or plural? p.101

E H To focus on nouns which can be considered as either
E i a To provide students w ith texts they can compare and
singular or plural.
contrast in terms o f style and attitude, and to give them fu rth er
intensive reading practice. Students will, o f course, be very fam iliar w ith singular and
plural verb form s an d they m ay have little difficulty in using
1 Go th ro u g h th e task w ith the w hole class. M ake sure they th em appropriately. However, they m ay be unsure o f w hich
realize they have to read b o th texts. Tell th em n o t to w o rry form is correct after certain n o u n s (fa m ily, the government,
ab o u t u n k n o w n vocabulary at this stage b u t to focus on the etc.). This section aim s to p o in t o u t any distinctions th a t exist
questions. an d provide practice in using the form s correctly. It also shows
• Give students tim e to read th e texts quietly. the flexibility in English w here it is acceptable, w ith certain
• Ask th em to com pare th e ir answ ers in pairs, th e n check w ith n ouns, to use a plural verb w ith a singular subject. You m ay
th e w hole class. w ish to refer students to the Language co m m entary o n p. 103.

a A father 1 Go th ro u g h the th ree sentences w ith the w hole class.

B mother E ncourage discussion. T he p o in t here is th a t these n o u n s can
b A had three sons / school teacher / very old-fashioned / he be used w ith either a singular o r a p lu ral verb.
used to shout at his children
B black hair / small ears / looks after son a is / are b has / have c has / have

2 Go th ro u g h th e task w ith the students, m aking sure th a t th ey 2 Again, this is p robably best d o n e as a w hole class. Try to get
are clear ab o u t w h at th ey have to do. (Again, u n k n o w n th e stu d en ts to w o rk o u t th a t these are all collective nouns.
vocabulary is n o t im p o rta n t yet). T hey are singular in fo rm b u t refer to a gro u p m ad e u p o f a
n u m b e r o f individuals, so can be th o u g h t o f as either
• Ask students to com plete th e task in pairs, th e n check
singular o r plural.
answ ers w ith th e w hole class.
Possible answers:
Possible answers
audience; class; club; committee; company; congregation (in
church); council; crowd; gang; group; jury (in court); staff;
Text A focuses on single event. Son makes a remark to
father who demands apology. Son refuses and walks out. team; union
Text B Here the focus is on the developing relationship
between the son and his mother. 3 Ask stu d en ts to look at th is in pairs, th en check w ith the
Attitude w hole class.
A The son feels sorry / pity for his father. He has just
refused to continue being subservient to him, so he also A singular verb tends to be used if the group word is thought
feels proud to have asserted his independence. of as a single, unified entity. If we think of the group as a
B Mother amuses son / he's fascinated by her / feels collection of individuals, then a plural verb is more likely to be
protected by her / feels he knows her better as time goes by. used.
A is more conversational, i.e. I suppose, I'd say, blew his 4 Again, ask stu d en ts to do this quickly in pairs, th en co n d u ct a
top, slunk out quick feedback.
B is more formal, literary, especially because it includes a
poem. Possible answers
Organizations: NATO; The EC; The BBC; The World Bank;
3 Ask students to answ er th e questions o n th eir ow n, th en Companies: Sony; Benetton; Shell; BMW; Coca-Cola
check th e ir answ ers in pairs.
• Briefly check answ ers w ith th e w hole class. Exploitation
To give students the chance to practise using singular and
Key points from text
a1 (He blew his top) plural verb form s in a less controlled context.
b3 (I'd cracked it. He's never behaved like that to me again.)
1 O u tlin e th e task briefly. You m ay w an t to do th e first sentence
c2 (Our eyes are locked together)
together to show stu d en ts w hat to do. N ote th a t b o th singular
an d p lu ral verbs are possible; it depends o n w h eth er you are
th in k in g ab o u t th e subject as a singular en tity (the w hole o f

104 Unit 13
th e older generation) o r th e m ass o f individuals (all the
v arious old people).
Exploring words p.102
Ask students to com plete th e task in pairs.
C o n d u c t feedback an d check answers.
ES3 To become fa m ilia r w ith the adjective-noun and
verb-noun collocations th a t are typical in the vocabulary o f
Possible answers conflict.
a In my experience, the older generation is / are more
conservative than the younger generation, 1 Briefly check the m ean in g o f th e verbs w ith th e w hole class.
b The local council is / are working hard to repair the • Ask stu d en ts to w ork individually an d th en com pare answers
damage caused by the latest floods,
w ith a p artn er, o r if you feel they will n o t be able to w ork o u t
c My favourite football team is / are going to win the cup.
d The government in my country has / have just cut taxes by collocations, it w ould be b etter to do this as a w hole-class
5%. exercise.

a reach b quell c spark off d settling / resolving

Ask students to w ork in pairs. E ncourage th em to be
e avoid / create f avoid
adventurous w ith language an d to speak at length ab o u t each
subject, w heth er or n o t they agree w ith w hat they are saying. 2 a Ask students to w ork in pairs to find the w ords an d phrases
M o nitor an d m ake notes o f m istakes m ade w ith singular and in the headlines, th en check answers w ith th e w hole class.
plural verbs.
fury fight rioting challenge row /rau/
W rite th e m istakes up o n th e board, an d ask students wins battle attacks rival expels clash
w h ether the correct verb was used / w hether you could use
singular o r plural. b Ask stu d en ts to w o rk in groups. C heck th a t they
u n d ersta n d th e task.
Speaking • C heck answers as a class.
To develop the students’ sem i-form al oral English in the Possible answers
context o f a debate. Passengers (probably) with those who have increased the rail
fares (government or rail companies)
O u tline th e task, checking th a t students u n d erstan d the The government and those who impose / use child labour
language an d w hat they have to do. Soldiers.with civilians
P ut th e m in sm all groups to gather th eir th o u g h ts ab o u t the An ex-spy and those who have introduced laws about secrecy
(presumably the government)
issues and prepare for the discussion. Set a tim e lim it.
Presumably the government which owns the plane that was
R e-organize the groups so th a t they are now sitting w ith new spying and the country in which / over which it was spying
A supermarket and the government (who allow cheap imports)
The leader of a political party and his / her rival
O u tline th e task, m aking sure everyone know s th e pro ced u re The USA and the ten diplomats
an d th a t this is a fairly form al discussion. You m ay need to go The managers of various top European football clubs
th ro u g h the characteristics o f a form al discussion, i.e. the
im p ortance o f tu rn -tak in g and suitable language. (N ot C Show th e stu d en ts w hat th ey have to do by going th ro u g h
‘R ubbish!’, ‘N o way!’, ‘Yeah!’, etc.) th e first exam ple w ith th e w hole class. T he language o f
new spapers an d new spaper headlines is quite difficult, so be
C o n d u ct the discussion. M o n ito r b u t d o n ’t in te rru p t. You can
p repared to offer assistance. M o n ito r an d help.
m ake notes for som e erro r correction later.
• You could set this task for hom ew ork, after you have done
At the end o f the activity (stop it ju st before you th in k they
o ne o r tw o w ith th e w hole class.
will ru n o u t o f steam ) ask the class to vote o n th e statem ent.
D o som e erro r correction from th e b oard, using exam ples o f Possible answers
There was fury among passengers on the south-east network
m istakes heard in the discussion.
at the proposed 23% fare increase.
If you have tim e, you could get students to discuss the Governments of all the EU member countries said that they
follow ing statem ents: are fighting to end child labour in their countries.
- Extended families have less conflict th a n nuclear A former UK spy is to challenge the secrecy laws of the country
after being arrested at his home in South London.
British and American leaders argued fiercely that the plane shot
- T he generation gap has a serious effect on family down over British waters last night had no right to be there.
relationships. The ASDA supermarket chain has won a historic battle to have
the right to refuse to stock cheap European imports.
Michael Portillo launched a bitter attack on his rival Kenneth
Clarke at the Conservative Party Conference yesterday.
The US government has expelled 10 Chinese diplomats accused
of spying in Washington.
The UEFA cup will be decided when AC Milan and Benfica play
next Saturday.

Unit 13 105

Theme: the world o f work

14.1 Time management p.104
14.1 Time management
Im proving tim e m anagem ent Stage 1 consists o f a reading text ab o u t tim e m anag em en t w hich
contextualizes th e language o f ability an d possibility.
• Reading: in te rp re tatio n and sum m arizing
• Language focus: ability o r possibility
• Speaking: plan n in g a w ork schedule
Lead in
E H To get students talking about the them e o f the lesson,
14.2 The big wide world tim e managem ent, by means o f a personalized quiz and a short
listening exercise.
Young people talk ab o u t getting a job
• Listening: gist an d specific in fo rm atio n 1 S tart by asking th e stu d en ts w h eth er they th in k th ey are good
• Exploring natural speech: th e use o f colloquial adjectives o r b ad at m anaging th eir tim e. Ask questions like:
• Vocabulary: phrasal verbs w ith out Can you do two things a t once?
• Language focus: someone, everybody, anything Do you p u t o ff until tomorrow w hat yo u can do today?
• Speaking / writing: a job description o f th e ideal job Do you m ake lists, and tick things o ff when you do them?
Do you often leave tasks unfinished?
Exploring words • If you have a class th a t are used to this subject - business
E uphem ism s people p erhaps - ask th em to share experiences o f occasions
w hen p o o r tim e m anag em en t has resulted in fu n n y or
Workbook disastrous situations.
• Let th e stu d en ts do th e quiz, th en check answers w ith a
• Language focus: ability and possibility; indefinite p ro n o u n s
• Vocabulary focus: the prefix co-; phrasal verbs w ith out
• Vocabulary expansion: expressions w ith time, expressions • Talk th ro u g h the quiz as a class, encouraging discussion.
w ith come 2 a Ask th e stu d en ts to listen to Lorna, th e m anagem ent
• Listening: career choices trainer, an d answ er q u estion 2a.
I think one of the most common problems people have is that they simply
just try to do too much. They have too many tasks on the go at once.
Rather than concentrate on one task at a time. So at the start of the day
they might have several things on their 'to do' list but they'll try and do
a bit of everything all in one go. So they'll try and be writing a report and
answering the phone and talking to people at the same time. Secondly I
think we tend to take on too much in the first place because we are not
very good at saying no to other people. Particularly it is hard to say no if
it's our boss or other managers asking us to do a task and that doesn't
help because we're too quick to give their task priority over our own.
Thirdly I think interruptions are a big time management problem for
people. There's two types of interruptions, firstly, interruptions caused by
other people either dropping in for a chat or dropping in to get some
information, or ringing you up to see if you've got their e-mail. And the
second type of interruption is the interruptions that we cause ourself, so
procrastination, which is the art of putting off till tomorrow the things
that we should be doing today. And we are our own worst enemy
because we tend to put off particularly large or difficult tasks and instead
we do easy short tasks to avoid doing the long ones.

She mentions 1, 2, 4, 7.

106 Unit 14
b Ask the students to listen to th e second p a rt o f the Close up
recording and answ er q u estion 2b. • P u t the stu d en ts in pairs to do th e exercise. E ncourage them
• If y o u r class are used to this subject, you could ask th em to to m ake guesses from th e context, rath e r th a n rely on
p red ict w hat advice for im proving tim e m anagem ent Lorna dictionaries.
m ig h t give.
1.8 whoever; whenever; wherever
14.2 1.12 personal answer
What would be your top tips for improving time management? 1.16 colleague
Lorna Well I think leading on from what I was just saying about using 1.22 coffee break / tea break / drinks break
your time well, is is first of all to be really clear about what it is you
want to achieve. Not only at work but in your home life as well. And 3 Ask th e stu d en ts to read th e passage again and m atch a
then focus your time and effort on those things. The principle being su m m ary to each parag rap h . Let th em check in pairs before
that if you don't know what you want to achieve, it's very much, it's feedback.
much more easy to get side-tracked. Secondly I think, be realistic
about how long things really take. When we are planning tasks I think a 3 b 5 c 1 d 4 e2
we assume that they'll only take an hour or two hours, when in
reality, once you have been interrupted several times they might
actually take three or four hours. And then, once you have decided Language focus: ability and possibility
how long tasks really will take, put them in your diary. I think people
could use their diaries more effectively to make appointments with p.105
their tasks not just appointments with other people. And my last tip I To revise and practise the language o f ability and
think, is to break down big tasks into manageable chunks. It makes it
much more easy to get started if you if you break it down into short possibility.
steps and then start with an easy one to get the ball rolling. Can, can’t, an d could are n o t as easy to use as th ey m ay
appear. In m any languages, different w ords an d phrases are
1 Be clear about what you want to achieve. Focus your time used to express th e n o tio n s o f ability an d possibility.
and effort on those things. C onsequently, alth o u g h fam iliar w ith can, can’t, an d could,
2 Be realistic about how long things are going to take. m any stu d en ts at this level avoid using them , instead using
3 Write down what you are going to do in a diary. convoluted stru ctu res such as ‘it is possible to ’, an d overusing
4 Break down big tasks into manageable chunks.
‘m aybe’ an d ‘p erh a p s’.

C P ut the students in pairs to discuss, th en feedback as a O th er confusions include th e fact th a t could refers to a past
class. ability, b u t refers to present o r fu tu re w hen talking ab o u t
possibility. Could is also used to talk ab o u t a general past
• W ith younger, pre-w ork students, elicit an d list som e areas o f
ability, for exam ple, I could sw im when I was five, b u t is n o t
th eir lives w here they could apply tim e m anagem ent
used w hen referring to a specific past ability in the
suggestions. For exam ple, doing th eir hom ew ork, doing a
affirm ative, in w hich case manage to o r be able to are used, for
school project, revising for their exams, w riting
exam ple, I m anaged to open the door. However, it is possible
com positions.
to use couldn’t to talk ab o u t a specific past ability in the
negative, for exam ple, I couldn’t get in last night.
N ote th a t can and could are m o d al verbs, an d have o th e r uses
To read fo r interpretation and sum m arizing. th a n those dealt w ith here. See th e Language co m m en tary on
1 C heck th a t th e students u n d erstan d the w ords in italics, th en p. 109 for exam ples.
p u t them in pairs to discuss th e questions. 1 -2 P ut th e stu d en ts in pairs to discuss w hich extracts refer to
• T he aim o f this activity is to pre-teach som e o f th e key ability an d w hich refer to possibility. D o th e first as an
phrases from the text. You m ay w ish to get th e studen ts to exam ple. Tell th e stu d en ts to check by try in g to rephrase each
use th e ir dictionaries to check u n k now n w ords, o r explain sentence w ith ‘is / are possible to ’ o r ‘is / are able to ’.
th em yourself.
Glossary___________________________________________________ Ability b
Possibility a, c, d
collect your thoughts - take a few minutes to regain control of
yourself and what you think - after a shock, perhaps
Ability a, b, d
onerous - very hard
Possibility c
impending - approaching, coming up soon

2 Ask th e students to read the text an d answ er th e gist 3 S tudents discuss th e questions in th e ir pairs. You m ay w ish to
refer th em to the Language co m m en tary o n p. 109 at this

Unit 14 107
3 • Read th ro u g h th e factors w ith the students an d elicit a few
Sentences b and c can be rephrased: ideas to get th e m started. For example, flexi-tim e so th at they
b I had so many interruptions I couldn't reply to your e-mail. can d ro p o ff o r pick up th eir children fro m school.
c If left with many hours on your hands you could compose an
uplifting ... • Ask th e stu d en ts discuss th e factors an d com plete the
Sentence a cannot be rephrased because can / could, etc. schedule. M o n ito r an d help.
cannot be used to refer to ability in the future. • W hen th e stu d en ts have finished, exchange th e schedules
Sentence d cannot be rephrased because could cannot be used
am ong th e groups, o r ask the ‘secretaries’ to p resen t the ideas
to refer to specific abilities in the past.
to th e rest o f th e class.

1 C heck the stud en ts u n d ersta n d pu m p , puncture, an d touch
(his) toes. Use m im e (blow ing u p a tyre an d to uchin g y o u r 14.2 The big wide world p.106
toes - if you can!) to get across the m ean in g o f these w ords.
• D o the first as an exam ple, th e n ask th e students to w ork Stage 2 consists o f a listening text in w hich young people discuss
individually to com plete the rest o f the text. P ut th em in th eir fu tu re plans. It revises indefinite p ro n o u n s.
pairs to check th e ir answ ers before doing a w hole class
feedback. Lead in
1 haven't been able to get / can't get / haven't managed to Kfflif To get the students talking about different types o f jobs in
get / haven't succeeded in getting preparation fo r the listening text.
2 can still ride / is still able to ride
3 I'll be able to cycle / can cycle • As an exam ple, elicit from th e class th e plus an d m inus
4 couldn't ride i wasn't able to p o in ts o f being an office worker. Some suggestions include:
5 managed to stop / succeeded in stopping / was able to stop P lus p o in ts a clean, w arm w orking en vironm ent, regular
6 could / was able to (general not specific ability) h o u rs, n o t dangerous.
7 couldn't do it / can't do it / wouldn't be able to do it
M inus p o in ts a lack o f fresh air, a lack o f exercise, having to
8 can still touch / is still able to touch
9 haven't been able to touch / haven't managed to touch w ear a suit, office-related illnesses like stress, headaches.
• P u t th e stu d en ts in pairs o r threes to discuss the o th e r jobs.
M o n ito r an d help w ith vocabulary, th en elicit som e o f the
best ideas to p u t on th e board.
A group discussion in w hich the stud en ts plan a weekly • Alternatively, choose one o f the jobs - teacher, perhaps - and
schedule. It ro u n d s off th e them e o f tim e m anagem ent. divide the class into two halves. H alf the class, in pairs, have to
You m ay w ish to do this sh o rt discussion activity, either as a think o f as m any reasons as they can why teaching is a great job.
lead-in to th e Speaking, to get the stud en ts th in k in g ab o u t The other half have to think why it is a terrible job. Redivide the
how little tim e office w orkers take off, or as an alternative students into new pairs w ith opposing views, and ask the
sh o rt group discussion. W rite the survey findings o n the students to persuade their partn er why teaching is a great /
bo ard. terrible job. This creates an opinion gap, and mixes the students.
1 Read these findings from a survey o f 2,000 British people.
• Less than one in five British people take an hour o ff fo r Listening
lunch. To listen fo r gist and specific information.
• M ost people take only 20 m inutes fo r lunch and m any ju s t
1 P u t th e stu d en ts in pairs to discuss th e m eaning o f the
grab a bite to eat while sitting at their desks. 14% o f workers
phrases. Ask th em to guess from th e context before checking
skip lunch altogether. in a dictionary. T he aim here is to pre-teach vocabulary, and
• B ritain’s sandwich market, worth 3.2 billion p ounds a year, in tro d u ce th e subject o f th e listening passage, before playing
has become the largest in Europe. th e recording.
2 H ow do you react to these facts? H ow does this com pare
a get stuck = become unable to move or leave
w ith th e situation in your country? b get kicked out = be forced to leave
c get sucked into = attracted to (almost against your will)
1 D ivide the stud en ts into groups o f three o r four.
d get head-hunted = be offered a job with a high salary
• Give one stu d en t in each group an A4 sheet divided in to five without having applied for it. Often used to refer to the
boxes headed M onday, Tuesday, W ednesday, T hursday, Friday. habit of attracting senior, key, or bright people already in
O r get th em to copy th e headings from the board. This helps work to change jobs,
e fund yourself = pay for yourself / pay your own fees and
the students do th e activity because they have a fram ew ork to
living expenses.
fill in w ith th eir ideas. Ask one stu d en t to play the role o f
The use of the verb get in sentences a-d shows that the
‘secretary’, taking responsibility for n o tin g dow n the o th er speakers do not feel in control of their situation. These things
stu d en ts’ ideas. will happen to them, whether they like it or not.

108 Unit 14
2 Focus the students o n the questions, th en play the R And then you get head-hunted. (Yeah)
recording. J Yeah, and that's probably very flattering but it's the perfect way to
make a lot of money and then go and be anactor. Doyou know what
14.3 I mean? Because, you know ... (You make it sound so ...)
T I'm just worried that I'll get stuck in some sort of boring job or that I K Yeah, and then I'm going to go and be an actor.
won't get a job and I won't have enough money and that I'll have to J No, but you, but you've sorted out enough money to ...
pay off my student debts and it will be impossible and stuff like that.
Hopefully something more exciting will happen. R Fund yourself.
K Meaning what? J Yeah, to be able to maybe go to drama school or to not have to worry
about things.
T I'll get a great job, I don't know, maybe, I don't know something in
theatre or TV, or something fun but everyone wants to do that. K Yeah. Someone said to me a couple of months ago, 'Oh isn't it so
scary you know going out and going into your first real grown-up job
R Everyone's dream. in a couple of months' - and I was ... 'Well it's actually more scary that
T Totally. I'm not going into my first adult grown-up job in two months because
K It's everyone's real hope, isn't it? To be able to be paid for something I don't have a job at all.'
that they really enjoy doing. J What are you gonna do?
R Yeah. R What are you doing at the moment?
T A hobby. K Well, I am working at the moment but I'm saving up to go away over
K Yeah. the summer. (On holiday) Yeah. Six weeks in China.
J I can't work in an office. I mean at the moment my major hopes and All Wow!
fears are that I won't get kicked out of university but beyond that, I K That's what I am hoping to do.
could not work in an office. (Yeah)
K You might have to. a They worry about jobs being boring. / They don't want
office jobs. / They worry about money. / They think once
J I have to do something where I stand up.
they have a well-paid job they may not be able to give it
K Where you stand up? up because they have come to depend on the money. /
J Or move around at least. They worry about not being able to get a job at all.
T You are allowed to move around in an office, you can go to the b A creative job - 'something in theatre or TV'.
photocopier, get some tea.
3 Allow th e stu d en ts tim e to read th ro u g h the questions, th en
K Yeah, (Four walls) it is those first sort of couple of years of making tea,
isn't it that just seem a bit ... play th e recording again.
R It's just immediately what you are going to do once you leave a Having to sit down all the time.
university really, what really scares me - the big wide world. b They would hate it, but would find it difficult to give up
K I work in a cafd - I make coffee all the time. the high salary,
J You make coffee all the time? c They think you might get trapped by the lifestyle
associated with jobs of this kind,
T We keep on getting leaflets at college or posters and things saying
d Your job makes you so bored you just want to go out. Go
wouldn't you just love a job in the city? - which is not what you want
out here means going to clubs, pubs, shopping, etc. and
at all. inevitably spending money,
K Well, (It's a lot of money) everyone I know who's started working in e Making a lot of money quickly would allow them to do
the city within a year they absolutely hate it. what they really want to do - become actors.
J But it's the kind of thing that you don't need to really love, I mean it
would be amazing to do it for a year. It, it's hard work but it's an awful
lot of money. Exploring natural speech
T But once you start having that sort of lifestyle, like a really nice flat ESS3 To explore the use o f colloquial adjectives in natural
and a mobile phone and everything then you want to keep it. speech.
R And you probably get sucked into it, don't you? D o th e first as an exam ple, th en p u t the stu d en ts in pairs to
T Yeah, you stay there for two or three years. com plete th e exercise.
J Everybody says that and maybe it's just very naive ofme not to believe
it but why can't you just save? a rewarding (both the salary and the job satisfaction)
b comfortable / pleasant / attractive
K Because you are so miserable, your work makes you so miserable that
c more challenging / more satisfying
you you are desperate to go out. d serious
J Because it's the perfect way, yeah but you can go out I mean it's not e frightening / worrying / alarming
as if anyone's saying that you can't spend any money. You've got
double the amount of money that you'd have in any other job.
T I think that if you tell yourself that it's just going to be for a year or React and discuss
two and that you've got better things you want to do. 1 D iscuss as a class.
K Yeah.
2 Allow th e stu d en ts tim e to th in k ab o u t th e so rt o f job they
J Everybody says that, though, don't they?
w ould like, th en p u t th e m in sm all groups to discuss.
T It's dangerous.
J And then stays there.

Unit 14 109
Vocabulary: phrasal verbs with out p. 107 Exploitation

KOI To introduce and practise phrasal verbs w ith out. 1 D o on e o r tw o exam ples to get the stu d en ts started, th en give
th em a few m in u tes to prepare sentences ab o u t th eir family
T his section introduces a n u m b e r o f phrasal verbs by looking
and friends. M o n ito r an d correct errors.
at the different m eanings o f out w hen used as a particle.
• P u t the stu d en ts in sm all groups to discuss th e ir answers, or,
1 Read th ro u g h the in tro d u c tio n as a class, th e n p u t the if you have a sm all class, ask the students to w alk ro u n d an d
stu d ents in pairs to m atch th e verbs w ith th e m eanings. D o find o th er people w ith sim ilar answers.
th e first as an example.
2 If y o u r stu d en ts are o f th e sam e nationality, p u t th em in
1 cut out C 6 locked out C pairs to p rep are generalizations. M o n ito r an d correct, th en
2 deal out A 7 run out B
ask pairs to tell th e class som e o f th eir sentences.
3 died out B 8 shared out A
4 stamp out B 9 voted out C • If y o u r stu d en ts are from different countries, let th em m ake
5 handing out A th eir ow n sentences, th e n share ideas w ith o th er students in
sm all groups.
In the feedback, you could check u n d erstan d in g by asking
stu d ents to try to th in k o f single-w ord verbs th a t could be • Alternatively, ask stu d en ts to use the phrases to m ake
used instead o f these phrasal verbs. controversial generalizations, for exam ple: H ardly anyone
nowadays votes in elections, so we should abolish them.
• P u t th e stu d en ts in sm all groups to read o u t and discuss th eir
cut out exclude
deal out distribute controversial statem ents.
die out disappear
stamp out eradicate / eliminate Speaking and writing
hand out distribute
lock out exclude / bar / ban To describe an ideal job, and write a job description.
run out expire
N ote th a t a jo b descrip tio n is a form al, official d o cu m en t
share out distribute / divide
vote out reject w hich defines th e lim it a n d responsibilities o f a post. This
will affect th e style.

Language focus: someone, everybody, 1 C heck th a t th e students u n d erstan d the vocabulary in the
headings, an d elicit one o r tw o suggestions from th e class to
anything get th em started. Alternatively, you could describe your perfect
1221 To revise and practise indefinite pronouns. job as a m odel o f the so rt o f th in g you w an t th em to say.
S tudents at this level are probably clear a b o u t the basic uses • Give th e stu d en ts a few m in u tes to prepare w hat they are
o f some a n d any. Problem s th a t arise are confusions ab o u t going to say.
w h ether indefinite p ro n o u n s are used w ith singular o r plural
2 Put the students in pairs to describe their ideal jobs to each other.
verbs, o r used in positive negative statem ents. C o m m o n
Tell them to rem em ber as m uch as they can, or to write notes.
errors, for exam ple, are:
*Everybody like chocolate. 3 Read th ro u g h th e headings for th e job descrip tio n w ith the
*No one can’t come to the party. students, an d elicit th e so rt o f in fo rm atio n req u ired u n d er
*7 haven’t done nothing today. each heading. P oint o u t th e stru ctu res used in a job
description. You m ay w ish to m ake a list on th e b o ard, an d
O th er problem s include th e often subtle difference betw een
elicit o th e r phrases th e stu d en ts m ig h t use. For example:
any a n d every, an d som e o f th e m o re com plex constru ctio n s
involving indefinite p ro n o u n s. See the Language com m en tary You will spend ...
o n p. 109 for details o f these. You will be expected to ...
You will have to ...
Read th ro u g h the extract as a class, th en p u t th e stud en ts in
The ideal candidate should be / have / be able to ...
pairs to answ er the questions.
• Ask the stu d en ts to w o rk individually to w rite b rief job
a 1T d escriptions for th eir partner.
3F • M o n ito r an d help as necessary.
4 T - Note that some grammars may say that they should
4 W h en th e stu d en ts have finished, ask th em to exchange job
have singular pronouns, but now it is acceptable to use
'they' rather than 'he.' or 'she'. d escriptions w ith th e ir p a rtn e r an d ask th em if th ey w ould
5F like to apply for th e job.
6T • You could extend this activity in to a role play by telling the
b Sentence 4 is incorrect. Nothing cannot be used with a
stu d en ts th a t th ey are going to do a job interview based on
negative verb,
c any job - one but it doesn't matter which one o ne o f th e job descriptions. Ask each p air to choose one. The
every job - all the jobs perso n w ho w rote the jo b descrip tio n has to th in k o f five or

110 Unit 14
six questions to find o u t w h eth er th eir p a rtn e r is suitable for 2 a Focus th e stu d en ts o n the q uestion an d play th e recording.
th e job. The p artn e r has to th in k o f five o r six questions 14.4
a b o u t the job to check th a t it is th e job they really w ant. 1
• W h en they are ready, ask th e stud en ts to roleplay the A If anything happens to me. I'd like you to take over the business.
interview . M onitor an d listen for errors. B I'm sure everything will be OK - it's only a minor operation.
A The papers accuse you of being tired and emotional after the party,
Minister. Is that true?
B No, certainly not.
Exploring words p.108 3
A The figures clearly show that the economy is doing very well. Incomes
are up and inflation is down.
T his section looks at euphem ism s. It divides into tw o sets o f
B Yes, but everyone knows that figures can prove anything. Our party
vocabulary. Exercises 1 an d 2 look at euphem istic thinks the government has been involved in creative accounting here.
expressions. Exercise 3 looks at using negative w ords to create 4
a euphem ism . C onsequently, you could do all four exercises A I was sorry to hear about your grandmother. Had she been ill long?
in one lesson, o r split it into tw o shorter lessons com prising B No, only a couple of weeks - she's always been very healthy.
exercises 1 and 2, an d th e n exercises 3 an d 4. 5
A You wanted to see me, Mr Birch.
1 a Read th ro u g h th e in tro d u c tio n an d th e categories as a B Yes, John. I'm afraid your work has not been satisfactory recently.
class. Ask the students if they can th in k o f any euphem ism s We're going to have to let you go at the end of the month.
th a t could be p u t in any o f th e categories m entioned.
1 death
• P ut the students in pairs to m atch th e euphem ism s w ith the 2 alcohol
subjects. 3 dishonesty
4 death
A Wealth and poverty 5 employment
comfortably o ff rich
from a deprived poor b -C Ask th e stu d en ts in pairs to m ake a n o te o f the
background euphem ism s th e speakers use, th e n discuss w hat they th in k
hard-up poor
each on e m ig h t m ean. D o the first as an exam ple.
B Death, illness, etc.
to pass away to die 1 If anything happens to me = If I die
to slip away to die 2 tired and emotional = drunk
C Dishonesty 3 creative accounting = false accounting / fraud
disinformation rumours and lies to confuse and 4 I was sorry to hear about your grandmother = I'm sorry
mislead your grandmother has died.
(to be) economical to be a liar 5 to let you go = to sack you / to fire you
with the truth
imaginative journalism lies published in a newspaper 3 a Read th e in tro d u c tio n as a class, th en stu d en ts in th eir
D Ability pairs discuss th e m ean in g o f th e negative expressions.
hard o f hearing deaf or almost deaf
less able unintelligent / academically slow 1 no scholar = dull / unintelligent / non-academic
visually handicapped blind or almost blind 2 non-industrialized = poor / underdeveloped
E Age 3 not all there = of low intelligence / old, with failing mental
in your golden years old abilities
mature old 4 not as young as you were = quite old / middle-aged
F Alcohol 5 no longer with us = dead
to enjoy a drink to be a frequent, probably heavy 6 not the most sociable o f people = unsociable / unfriendly
to have a drink problem to be an alcoholic b S tudents in th eir pairs th in k o f som e negative
G Employment euphem ism s o f th eir ow n.
between jobs unemployed
economically inactive unemployed Possible answers
unwaged unemployed 1 not particularly bright / not the most intelligent person
2 not the clearest of thinkers
b P ut th e students in pairs to m atch the euphem ism s w ith 3 not unaccustomed to alcohol / no stranger to the bottle
the contexts. 4 not in work
5 not easy to make friends with / not easy to get to know
1 He / she is economical with the truth. 6 not very well / not in the best of health
2 They're a less able class.
3 He / she is between jobs / economically inactive. 4 P u t th e stu d en ts in sm all groups to discuss th e questions.
4 She enjoys a drink. / He has a drink problem.
5 He / she is comfortably off.
6 He's mature. / He's in his golden years.

Unit 14 111
Beha our

Theme: unusual behaviour - strange com petitions, attitudes

to cheating, avoiding work 15.1 Why do they do it? p.110
15.1 Why do they do it? This stage includes a reading text - a new spaper article w hich
C om petitiveness an d strange com petitions contextualizes alternatives to relative clauses.

• Listening: gist
• Reading: jigsaw - retelling
Lead in
• Language focus: alternatives to relative clauses (‘reduced IdfiTI To start students talking about competitiveness in general
relative clauses’) as an introduction to the listening and reading which follow.
• Speaking: designing a strange com petition 1 Focus stu d en ts o n th e task, an d p u t th em in pairs to discuss
an d com pare ideas. Set a tim e lim it.
15.2 Honesty?
2 a Let th e stu d en ts stay in pairs. M ake sure they u n d erstan d
People talk ab o u t w hether they have ever cheated th e listening task.
• Listening: m atching an d specific info rm atio n • Play th e recording.
• Exploring natural speech: auxiliaries to add em phasis
• Language focus: fronting
Speaker 1 I don't think I'm a particularly competitive person. I suppose
like most people I don't like it if I feel something good or worthwhile
15.3 How to skive that I've done hasn't been recognized, but I'm not actually
competitive. I'm not particularly bothered about being the best or
A light-hearted article ab o u t avoiding w ork
being number one or getting to the top, being the star and being the
• Reading: gist, m atching, and specific in fo rm atio n boss and all those sorts of things ...
• Language focus: -ing form s an d infinitives Speaker 2 I don't think I'm very competitive, although I find lately that
• Speaking and writing: ‘H ow to . . pr esenting ideas and in some ways I am, but I never did any sports I never got into the habit
w riting an article of beating other people or being defeated. I always just try to achieve
things or be good at what I do on my own and not compete with
Exploring words Speaker 3 I'm very, very, very competitive - having an older brother
C om petitions definitely is why, erm. We had a pool table - it was my brother's and
he could always beat me - he's three years older. I thought 'Right! I'm
going to beat him,' and I used to practise on the pool table, for like,
Workbook three hours a day and I beat him finally - it was brilliant and now I'm
quite good at pool actually.
• Language focus: alternatives to relative clauses; fronting; -ing
form s an d infinitives Speaker 4 I wouldn't say I'm particularly competitive - only at things
like games and quizzes where I do like to win, but that's just showing
• Vocabulary focus: the prefix out-
off ...
• Vocabulary expansion: dishonesty - w ords an d expressions;
• Ask stu d en ts to com pare th eir answers. Play th e recording
ways o f laughing
again if necessary.
• Listening: stories o f dishonesty
Suggested answers
From most competitive to least competitive: 3, 4, 2, 1

b Ask th e stu d en ts to discuss th e question.

E S u l To give students practice a t extracting sufficient
inform ation fro m a short newspaper article to be able to tell a
partner about it.

1 Ask stu d en ts to look at th e pictures an d to guess o r predict

w hat th ey will be reading ab o u t (strange co m petitions).

112 Unit 15
• Split th e class into two; h alf th e class are As, the other half Bs. • T he stu d en ts can th e n sp en d a few m in u tes discussing the
Tell th em they are going to read different stories b u t their strange b ehaviour they have read about.
task is the same. • If you have tim e and feel it w ould be useful, you could th en
• Ask th em to read th ro u g h the task an d questions a and b, ask th e stu d en ts to read the text th ey haven’t read yet.
m aking sure they have u nderstood.
• Now ask the As to tu rn to p. 159, read the news story there
React and discuss
an d m ake notes o f the key facts. To give students a chance to discuss w hat they’ve read
and to round up this stage o f the lesson.
• Ask the Bs to read th e story o n this page an d m ake notes.
D iscuss these questions briefly as a w hole class.
• W atch the class carefully to gauge w hen m ost students have
finished, then ask them to p air up w ith som eone w ho has
read th e sam e passage, and to com pare answers. Language focus: alternatives to relative
• At this stage you m ay need to m onitor, trying to get ro u n d clauses p.111
the pairs quickly to m ake sure they have all understood. To show students how to m ake their writing more concise
Student A or clearer by using alternatives to relative clauses.
a Geoff Smith had himself buried alive for 5 months (147 1 You will p robably w ant to do this w ith the w hole class so th at
days) in a wooden box.
b He wanted to get into the Guinness Book of Records. you can talk th em th ro u g h alternatives to relative clauses.
Wanted to make himself and his family world famous. (His Give th em tim e to read th e in tro d u c tio n an d th e exam ples,
mother had held the world record for human endurance th en elicit an d discuss possible answers.
until 1968 and then lost it.)
Ironically while he was under ground the Guinness Book of Relative clauses can sound clumsy and sometimes confusing if
Records removed the human endurance category for safety several are used in the same sentence (as in sentence b).
reasons. Leaving them out (as in sentence a) means that more
Student B information can be conveyed in relatively few words. In
a A Polish woman became world screaming champion with a newspapers space and immediacy are important factors.
scream of 126 decibels.
b World fame. / Attention-seeking. 2 -3 You m ig h t w an t to start th e stu d en ts o ff by d oing the first
on e w ith th e w hole class, an d th en ask th em to w ork on th eir
Close up ow n o r in pairs. Refer th em to the Language co m m en tary on
• Ask students to w ork th ro u g h their Close up questions w ith a p. 116.
p a rtn e r w ho read the sam e text. (S tudent A’s questions are • If stu d en ts are having difficulty, you could provide the
w ith the text o n p. 159). You will need to check th e ir Close up relative clauses (or th e relative p ro n o u n s) on th e b o ard an d
answers at this p o in t, either orally w ith each group, o r you ask th em to w o rk o u t w here th ey go. A lternatively you could
could p roduce a h a n d o u t o f the answers an d give th em to tell th e stu d en ts how m any relative clauses there are in each
each pair for final checking. Encourage th em to m ake guesses sentence if you th in k th ey ju st need a little help.
from context rath er th a n rely o n th eir dictionaries. • Give th em tim e to com pare th eir answers, if th ey have w orked
o n th eir ow n, th en check answers w ith the w hole class.
Student A
1.2 a coffin a Dagmara Stanek, who is 25, and who comes from the
1.13 supporting Baltic resort of Sopot, emitted a scream of just over 126
1.14 lunacy decibels, which is equivalent to the noise of a racing car
Student B which is travelling at top speed,
1.11 outrun = to run faster than; outlive = to live longer than; b Europe's only vocal noise competition, which is modelled
outnumber = be more in number than; outplay = play on an annual screaming festival in Japan, took place in the
better than town of Goldap ...
1.6 25-year-old Dagmara Stanek / Dagmara Stanek, who is c The judges measured the highest scream level of each
25 years old, ... contestant with equipment which is normally used to check
1.12 35-year-old Pawel Dabrowski / Pawel Dabrowski, who is noisy workplaces and neighbours,
3 5 years old, ... d Mr Sokolowski is also behind Poland's first kissing
1.28 Each o f the winners took home a colour television set. championship, which is to be held in October.
The winners took home a colour television set each. All these added relative clauses are non-defining.

2 Ask the students to close th eir books now an d pick up th eir

notes. Regroup th em so th a t they are in AB pairs.
• Tell th em they are going to tell each other th eir stories. The
person listening has to m ake sure they u n d ersta n d it, so can
ask questions for clarification.

Unit 15 113
Exploitation Speaking
To extend the practice that students have had and get them to
ilW ii To round o ff this stage o f the u n it a n d give students some
work on alternatives to relative clauses at text rather than
free, light-hearted oral practice.
sentence level.
1-2 O u tlin e th e task. M ake sure th at the stu d en ts u n d erstan d
In doing exercise 1 they are also practising th e skills o f
th a t th ey are to th in k o f crazy, lunatic ideas for a record-
su m m arizing an d w riting, w hich they will need for the
b reaking co m petition.
follow ing w riting task.
• Ask th em to w ork in sm all groups an d set a tim e lim it for
1 a Give stud en ts a few m inutes to read the story, th en outline getting ideas. M o n ito r an d encourage.
th e task.
• N ow ask th e groups to present th eir ideas, either to th e w hole
• You could start the students off by doing th e first line o r
class o r to o th e r groups.
sentence w ith them , th e n ask th em to w ork in pairs. M o n ito r
an d help as necessary.

b -C W hen they have finished, outline this n ext task.

• Set a tim e lim it for this an d encourage th em to enjoy the 15.2 Honesty? p.112
activity - it’s quite fun slashing a text dow n! M o n ito r and
help, as before. If pairs are having trouble, draw their T his stage includes a listening text w hich provides an initial
atten tio n to th e phrases w hich can be reduced, e.g. addiction context for fronting.
to gambling.
• W hen m ost pairs have finished, ask th em to exchange th eir Lead in
final text w ith an o th er pair.
To start students thinking about cheating and w hat kinds
a John Philips, who is 37, years old and comes from the North o f actions they consider right or wrong.
West, said his wife who is called Edwina had left him
because of his 10-year addiction to gambling. Philips, w be
1 Ask stu d en ts to look at th e p h o to g rap h s an d th in k w hat the
works as a senior accountant with a company which is co n n ectio n is.
based in the centre of Manchester, appeared in court,
where ho was accused of dangerous driving. Colleagues The three pictures are all connected with cheating. The
and others who ore close to Mr Philips say he is heart­ student is cheating, possibly in an exam; the painting shows
broken. Tim Roberts, who has been a friend of Philips since someone cheating at cards; the photograph of the race shows
the two were at school together said he can't stop thinking Ben Johnson, who was stripped of his Olympic medal in 1988
about his wife, 'John's doing everything he can to win for having taken anabolic steroids.
Edwina back.' 2 O u tlin e the task, focusing o n th e questions.
[104 words originally / 82 words with cuts]
b John Philips, 37, from the North West, said his wife Edwina • Give stu d en ts a few m in u tes to read, th en ask th em to
had left him because of his 10-year gambling addiction. com pare th eir answers in pairs or sm all groups.
Philips, a senior accountant with a central Manchester-
• C o n d u ct a class feedback so th a t th e focus is back o n the
based company, appeared in court accused of dangerous
driving. Colleagues and close friends say he is heart-broken. w hole group.
Old schoolfriend Tim Roberts said he can't stop thinking
Possible questions
about his wife. 'John's doing everything possible to win
Would you lie, cheat, or sleep with your boss if it helped you
Edwina back.'
to get on?
[64 words]
How would you define success?
Would you sleep with your boss if it advanced your prospects?
2 T his is a sh o rt w ritin g activity so you can do it in class w ith Would you be willing to do something ethically or morally
stu dents w orking together in pairs, w hich they usually find wrong if it advanced your prospects?
m o re enjoyable. Alternatively, if you are sh o rt o f tim e, you Would you be willing to be dishonest if it advanced your
could set it as a hom ew ork task. E ither way, try to get prospects?
stu dents to choose quickly w hich story they are going to
3 Go th ro u g h th e task w ith th e w hole class.
w rite.
• Ask th e m to w o rk in sm all groups. M onitor, b u t d o n ’t
• C irculate th e stories and ask students to decide w hich is the
in te rru p t.
clearest, funniest, m o st interesting. Strong classes could be
asked to w rite in exactly 80 w ords.

114 Unit 15
Listening 2 a-b G o th ro u g h the questions.
• Play th e recording again.
EEI To develop students’ ability to m atch information and to
listen fo r detail. • Ask stu d en ts to com pare an d check th eir answers in pairs.

1 O utline the task. D raw stu d en ts’ atten tio n to th e fact th at Four of the speakers admit having cheated:
there are five speakers a n d six statem ents, i.e. one statem ent Speaker 1 took notes into an exam. (These notes are
sometimes called a crib-sheet.)
doesn’t m atch any o f the speakers. Speaker 2 cheated at a game (the board game Monopoly).
• Play the recording. Speaker 3 cheated in a school test - she and her friends copied
from each other.
15.2 Speaker 5 cheats slightly at sport.
Speaker 1 Yeah, I did cheat once - it wasn't an exam exactly - it was
a course I was doing - a sort of training course where in preparation C Ask stu d en ts to do this in th eir pairs. Set a tim e lim it.
for the exam we had to do a timed essay - like a like a little mock
exam and we had one hour to do this timed essay and I wasn't very
well prepared for it and I decided that I would get more out of it if, Exploring natural speech p. 113
instead of writing an essay that was complete rubbish - because I To raise awareness o f the correct use o f extra auxiliaries
hadn't particularly studied the topic we were writing about - if I took fo r emphasis and to give students controlled practice in using
a little crib sheet in with me and wrote a very good essay - and so
that's what I did - I mean it was one of these subjects where there are
basically ten major points, so rather than desperately try to remember T he use o f auxiliaries for em phasis was in tro d u ced in U nit 2
them in the two minutes before the exam, I just wrote them down on - you m ay w ish to refer stu d en ts to th e Language
a little piece of paper about the size of cigarette packet and took it in co m m en tary o n p. 19.
- it wasn't it wasn't sort of (a) sneaky childhood thing - I was
probably in my mid-twenties and and cheated in a very sort of mature 1 Focus on th e extracts from th e recording.
kind of a way and wrote quite a good essay - not surprisingly ...
• Ask stu d en ts to answ er th e questions quickly in pairs, th en
Speaker 2 Cheating, erm, have I ever cheated in anything? I think as a
very young child I found it very hard to lose at Monopoly and I did check w ith th e w hole class.
cheat once and my family has never forgotten erm - they mistakenly
They use the auxiliary for emphasis.
put me in the bank and I must have been about seven and I thought
the bank was there to give me money and erm I took it. I think apart
from that I'm too cowardly to cheat. In an exam I was given a very 2 N ow ask stu d en ts to do th e sam e them selves. You could do
stern warning at age seven that my exam would go in the bin if I the first on e w ith th e m if you feel th ey need an o th er
smiled or talked to the person next to me and since then I, I haven't exam ple, th e n ask th em to do th e others individually o r in
risked it. Sports I don't want to win that badly and competitions I'm pairs.
probably not competitive enough.
• Let th em com pare answ ers briefly.
Speaker 3 I haven't actually cheated in anything that I can remember
- the only very very small thing I did was in the first year there used a I have to confess, I did take a crib sheet into the exam with
to be about four of us who sat round a table and we had a science me.
test - and (we'd) all sort of copy each other, sort of - that's the only b I'm ashamed to say, I did copy from my friend in a science
sort of thing I can remember but erm, no I've never tripped anybody test.
up in a sports event or anything - would have liked to, would have c I must admit, I did write a very good essay,
broken my ankle or something. d It's hard to believe, but she does occasionally cheat at
Speaker 4 I haven't ever cheated in an exam or any other kind of sport.
competition and I think the main reason for that is that I haven't really
had an opportunity to do that but I probably wouldn't if it came to 3 Play th e recording. (This is n o t included in th e tapescript
the crunch. section o f th e S tu d en t’s Book.)
Speaker 5 I've never cheated in an examination and never would erm
but that I think is to do with the fear of being found out as much as 15.3
anything else. I occasionally slightly cheat at sport, I think, and in fact a I have to confess, I did take a crib sheet into the exam with me.
I don't know anybody who doesn't, so when you're playing a game b I'm ashamed to say, I did copy from my friend in a science test,
where it's a very close decision where something is 'in' or 'out' -
c I must admit, I did write a very good essay,
depending on how I'm feeling and whether we're winning or losing
- I might say something was 'in' when it was 'out' or vice versa, but d It's hard to believe, but she does occasionally cheat at sport.
not very often - maybe once in every five or six games and it doesn't • Ask th em to check th eir answ ers w ith the recording. Students
worry me at all - I think it's part of the game. can use the recording to im prove th eir ow n p ro n u n cia tio n by
• Ask students to com pare th eir answers, th en check w ith the im itatin g th e em phasis p u t on th e auxiliary verb. By getting
w hole class. stu d en ts to em phasize, even over-em phasize, the auxiliary
verb you can often get th em to sm o o th o u t th e rest o f the
a Speaker 2
b Speaker 4 sentence, so th a t it sounds n atural. Som e stu d en ts will ten d
c Speaker 5 to em phasize o r stress every o th e r w ord, w hich can so u n d
d Speaker 1 very jum py, w hile others m ay use too little stress o r em phasis.
e Not mentioned by any of the speakers
f Speaker 3 N ow play th e recording section by section, draw ing stu d en ts’
atten tio n to the way th e speakers said th e sentences.

Unit 15 115
• Ask th em to repeat the sentences aloud after each section, 2 O u tlin e the task briefly an d ask students to do this in pairs.
paying p articu lar atten tio n to th e em phasized auxiliary. Point o u t th a t these phrases are possible in w ritten English as
• W hen they have practised all four sentences together ask well as spoken English an d th a t inversion {N ot once did I
th em to w ork in pairs and to practise reading the sentences cheat at anything) is actually m ore co m m o n in th e w ritten
to each other. form . You m ay w ish to refer th em to the Language
co m m en tary on p.43, w hich covers inversion.
• You can call on individual students to say th eir sentences,
em phatically, to th e w hole class. • Check together.

4 Focus on th e first p a rt o f the sentences in a -d : a We visit friends or relatives nearly every weekend,
b There's a bus stop at the end of the road.
I have to confess ...
I ’m asham ed to say ... 3 You can discuss this q u estio n together as a w hole class.
I m ust a d m i t ...
I t’s hard to believe ... The effect is to emphasize particular information in the
sentence, information that would not be highlighted if the
• Ask students w hat they have in com m on. normal word order was retained.
These phrases prepare the reader for some important or
surprising information. What follows includes the use of the Exploitation
auxiliary verb did for emphasis.
1 3 0 To give students the chance to practise fronting.
• If you have tim e, ask stud en ts to practise saying them . T his is n o t necessarily difficult for the stu d en ts b u t it may
D em onstrate yourself first, th e n ask th em to practise well feel slightly strange an d unco m fo rtab le for them . D o n ’t
altogether, before getting them to w ork in pairs to practise w o rry at this stage; w hat is m o re im p o rta n t is th a t by
w ith each other. practising saying sentences like this, they actually learn to
• You could extend th e activity slightly by asking the students h ear th em w hen th ey are used by others.
in th eir pairs to th in k o f o th e r ways o f co n tin u in g th e first
1 Briefly ru n th ro u g h the phrases in the w ord list and explain
p arts o f the sentences in a-d.
th e task quickly.
• Ask th e stu d en ts to do th e task individually o r in pairs, th en
Language focus: fronting
to check th eir answers w ith each other.
To draw students’ attention to the com m on practice in
• Check answers w ith th e w hole class.
spoken English o f starting a sentence w ith a key word - the
• O nce th ey have all got correct sentences, ask th em to practise
object or the com plem ent - instead o f the subject.
saying th e m to each other.
1 Go th ro u g h th e task w ith the students. You m ight w ant to
read sentences a -d aloud as these are exam ples o f spoken, Possible answers
a Opposite the library there are tennis courts,
n o t w ritten, English.
b Most o f the time she sits staring into space,
• Ask stud en ts to rew rite th e sentences, using m o re no rm al c (An) awful accident I saw on the way to work,
w ord order, individually o r in pairs. Refer th e m to the d My next-door neighbour I've only spoken to two three
times in the last ten years,
Language co m m en tary o n p. 116.
e (The) best meal I've had for ages, that was.
• C heck answers together. f Dates, times, and phone numbers I just can't remember.

a I don't want to win sports that badly, I'm probably not 2 Ask stu d en ts to w ork o n th eir ow n sentences in pairs.
competitive enough for competitions,
b I absolutely hate doing washing up and ironing when I'm • As before, give th e m th e chance to practise saying th em once
tired. they have th e ideas an d language in place.
c That was a brilliant film!
d I don't mind eating in pubs, but I can't stand fast food 3 Go th ro u g h the task w ith the students an d m ake sure they
restaurants. u n d erstan d th e questions.
• N ow p u t th em in pairs or sm all groups and ask th em to do
Note_____________________________________________________ the task, co n tin u in g or extending th e conversations in any
You may want to point out that when we front a sentence with a way th ey see fit. E ncourage th em to speak freely and
singular countable noun + adjective we often leave out the indefinite
confidently, n o t w orrying too m uch ab o u t th e exact sense o f
article necessary in a sentence with more 'normal 'word order. This is
another way of bringing the important idea to the very beginning of w hat th ey m ight be saying!
the sentence: • If you w an t to, ask som e o f th e m ore confident students to
Great guy, your father! (Your father is a great guy.) d em o n strate th eir conversations to th e w hole class.
Terrible song, that is! (That is a terrible song.)

116 Unit 15
Possible answers Possible answers
a (On) Friday evenings, I don't do a lot. a People in work, fairly educated people
b Taking exams I absolutely hate, b ironic / humorous / tongue-in-cheek / light-hearted
c TV game shows I think are a load of rubbish,
d Writing letters I don't mind actually, 3 Give stu d en ts tim e to read th ro u g h th e p arag rap h
e My first day at school I remember almost nothing about, sum m aries. Ask th em to do th e task individually an d check in
f Football I play most of the year. Volleyball I play a bit in
the summer,
g On holiday I like to take it easy. Key phrases
a Paragraph 2 has a long history / Trojan wars / 1960s and
b Paragraph 4 A more creative approach was called for
c Paragraph 5 The day o f return
15.3 How to skive p.114 d Paragraph 3 An employee could be absent for up to
8 weeks
e Paragraph 6 ensure a tool o f your trade ... walk briskly ...
In this stage the reading text ab o u t skiving (getting o u t o f o r leave a jacket
avoiding doing som ething) contextualizes -ing form s and f Paragraph 1 Skiving is a skill. The good skiver... attracts no
infinitives. attention, etc.

4 Give stu d en ts tim e to read th ro u g h th e questions, th en ask

Lead in
th em to com plete th e task o n th eir ow n o r in pairs.
E E 3 To get students thinking and talking about excuses. • Ask th em to check th eir answers w ith each other, th e n check
1 Go th ro u g h the task w ith the students. You could do this w ith th e w hole class.
w ith books closed.
a At school and at work.
• Give th e students a few m inutes to talk to a p a rtn e r ab o u t the b It sounds serious and is impossible to prove or disprove,
excuses they m ade. c Employees did not need to get a doctor's note until they
had been off work for eight weeks (so-called self-
2 O utline th e task briefly and ask the students to com pare th eir certification).
excuses in groups. d To give the impression that the illness is serious. To
intimidate employers and discourage them from
• Ask each group to choose th eir ‘best excuse’ to present to the questioning the illness,
w hole class. e The scarf is a sign that the skiver has not fully recovered.
• C o n d u ct a w hole-class feedback session to discuss answers The paper bag would contain medicines still being taken,
f These are signs that the skiver is actually busy.

flourish - to do well / succeed, thrive
To extend students’ reading skills by asking them to read fit the bill - to suit the circumstance well
a fairly long article written in a particular tongue-in-cheek flagged up - signalled for attention
tucked - put neatly, folded
style. In other words, it appears to be serious but is in fa c t light­
slung - thrown casually
hearted and is m aking fu n o f the whole subject.

1 Set the task; m ake sure the students u n d ersta n d they are only Note_______________________________________________________
going to read the first paragraph. Paragraph 2
• National service (military service) lasted in Britain from 1945 to 1961.
• Ask th em to com pare their answers in pairs, th en check w ith • The 'spectacular results in the 1960s and 1970s' refers to a period
the w hole class. when militant trade unions frequently called their workers out on
skive = to avoid work Paragraphs 3/4
• Until the 1970s, you could only be off work for two days (later
Glossary__________________________________________________ extended to three) before having to get a certificate from your
skive - a very colloquial term to describe getting out of work or school: doctor, confirming to your employer that you were unfit for work. It
He skived (off) the last days of term, or generally avoiding work: She was sometimes possible, by claiming to have a 'bad back' or
manages to skive out of the things she doesn't want to do. It is very another ailment equally difficult to diagnose, to obtain a doctor's
informal; students need to be made aware of this. certificate under false pretences, and so avoid returning to work.

2 Ask students to read the rest o f the article quickly. T hey are
only going to answ er the tw o questions. Set a sh o rt tim e
lim it. You d o n ’t w ant them to get too involved in th e text yet.

Unit 15 117
Close up Exploitation
• P u t th e stud en ts in pairs to do the exercise. E ncourage th em To give free practice o f using -ing or infinitive forms.
to m ake guesses from context rath e r th a n rely o n their
1 Give stu d en ts tim e to com plete the sentences o n th eir own,
th en p u t th em in pairs an d ask th em to tell each o th er their
Check answ ers w ith th e w hole class. sentences.
t.4 personal = adjective: to do with an individual person • If the stu d en ts k now each o th er quite well, you could ask
/'p3:s3nsl/ th em to guess ho w th eir p artn e rs w ould com plete the
1.54 personnel = noun: people employed by an organization sentences.
1.30 is refined Possible answers
1.83 the main basis: bread and butter stands for basic foods, a I wish I could afford to take a trip to the moon.
staple diet b There's no way anyone will ever persuade me to do a
parachute jump,
c I'd really like to give up smoking.
Language focus: -ing forms and d I'll always be grateful that my parents taught me to cook.
infinitives p.115 e I'm not looking forward to taking m y final exams.

To give the students fu rth er exposure to and practice o f 2 Go th ro u g h the task quickly w ith th e stu d en ts an d check th a t
these form s. th ey know th e m eanings o f th e key phrases:
S tudents will have been in tro d u ced to - i n l a n d infinitive p u t o ff = p o stp o n e
form s before, b u t it is an area th a t they contin u e to find give up — stop d oing som ething
difficult. O ne o f th e problem s is th a t they sim ply have to • Give th em som e q u iet th in k in g tim e to prepare for th e task.
learn w hich verbs take w hich verb form . A n o th er is th a t som e
• N ow ask th e stu d en ts to stan d u p an d m ove aro u n d the class,
verbs can be used w ith either fo rm w ith a difference in
try in g to find people w ho have som e o f the sam e responses.
m eaning ( remem ber to do / rem em ber doing).

1- 2 Set u p th e tasks quickly an d ask stud en ts to com plete Speaking and writing
th em in pairs.
i l l ' l l To give an opportunity to develop an article in a similar
• Ask th e m to check th e ir answers w ith th e article.
‘tongue-in-cheek’ style.
1 1 P u t th e stu d en ts in to sm all groups.
a forgetting to tidy
b managed to bunk off • Give th em tim e to p rep are th eir ideas. M o n ito r an d help the
c need to produce g roups as necessary.
d start questioning
2 2 Go th ro u g h th e phrases in th e language box.
in extract d the -ing form or the infinitive would be equally • Give th e groups a few m in u tes to finalize th eir presentations,
correct: start questioning or start to question.
th e n ask th em to m ake th eir p resentations either to the w hole
3 Go th ro u g h th e task w ith th e w hole class to m ake sure they class o r to o th e r groups.
u n d e rsta n d w hat to do. You m ay w ant to do th e first exam ple • M o n ito r an d m ake notes o f m istakes m ade.
w ith them .
• Go th ro u g h som e o f th e m istakes w ith the w hole class,
• Ask stud en ts to com plete th e task in pairs. M o n ito r an d help choosing to focus o n language they m ig h t w an t to use for the
as necessary. w ritin g activity.
a the infinitive without to. Examples: m ust / should / m ight / 3 Set u p th e w riting activity. Check th a t stu d en ts realize th a t it
can / could / would, etc. is im p o rta n t to try an d use th e sam e ‘to n g u e-in -ch eek ’ style,
b the -ing form. Examples: loathe / enjoy / hate / can't stand / i.e. using quite form al, in stru ctio n al language ab o u t a trivial
c the -ing form. Examples: give up / end up / take up / look
forward to / p u t o ff • Ask th e stu d en ts to w rite th e article in 150-170 w ords as a
d the infinitive with to. Examples: teach som eone / tell / ask / ho m ew o rk activity. Refer th em to th e W riting guidelines on
order / persuade p. 154.
► There is an extra exercise o n p. 142 w hich gives som e useful
practice o n the different m eanings som e verbs have, depending
o n w hether they are followed by the -ing form or the infinitive.
If you have n o t taught this before, m ake sure you are very well
prepared! Check the Language com m entary o n p. 117 an d make
sure you are confident about the differences between each o f
the tw o sentences in this task. D raw ing a tim e line o n the
b o ard w hen you com e to check th e answers can be helpful.

118 Unit 15
3 a C om plete th e first line w ith th e w hole class as an example.
Exploring words p.116 • S tudents com plete th e rest o f the ch art in pairs. M o n ito r an d
help as necessary.
E O S To look at the language o f sport and competition and b Ask stu d en ts to check h o w they th in k th e w ords are
extend students’ vocabulary through word families. p ro n o u n ced . T hey sh o u ld m a rk th e stress o n each w ord.
1 Briefly set up the task, m aking sure the students read the
Person Other noun Verb Adjective
questions before you play th e recording. It m ay be helpful to 1 competitor competition com pete competitive
tell them th a t there are eight speakers, an d eight different 2 champion 'championship X X
com petitions. 3 rival 'rivalry rival X
4 defendant defence defend defensive
• Play th e recording. (This is n o t included in th e tapescript 5 contestant 'contest contest X
section o f th e S tu d en t’s Book.) 6 winner win win X
C Play th e recording for stu d en ts to check an d practise the
1 This year's top prize, a cheque for £5,000, has gone to a first-time
correct p ro n u n ciatio n .
2 For the third year running, David Jones has taken the title of 15.5
champion jockey with 25 wins in 30 rides. 1 Twenty competitors went in for the race.
3 The race was abandoned after three cars skidded off the track and 2 The competition was won by the youngest athlete.
burst into flames. 3 All athletes should compete hard.
4 This year's competition was held in Paris. In addition to the first prize 4 The winner was by far the most competitive of the lot.
of £20,000, Miss Europe was awarded a modelling contract with a
5 The contestants were all under 30.
top agency.
6 The contest was held in London.
5 All you have to do is complete this sentence in no more than ten
words: 'Hi there' is my favourite magazine because ... . Got any 7 The winner will be too old to contest the race next year.
1 competitor /kam'petita/
6 If you're ambitious and you've got talent, just complete the form and 2 competition /kDmpa'tifn/
send it with a video of one of your performances. Fifty lucky
3 compete /kam'pi:t/
contestants will compete in a series of 10 weekly programmes and 4 competitive /kam'petatrv/
the final winner will be awarded a recording contract. 5 contestant /kan'testant/
7 Brazil is through to the final after beating Norway 5-4 on penalties. 6 contest /'kDntest/
The match went into extra time and ended in a penalty shoot-out. 7 contest /kan'test/
8 The winning yacht, captained by Richard Merryweather, came in
nearly two days ahead of its nearest rival. 4 T his exercise checks a n u m b e r o f co m m o n collocations. Ask
• Ask students to com pare answers in pairs, th e n check w ith stu d en ts to do this individually o r in pairs, th e n check
the w hole class. answ ers w ith th e w hole class.

Speakers Types of competition 1 set 2 beat 3 broke 4 holds 5 wins

1 literary / writing / book
2 horse-racing 5 D ivide th e class in to pairs o r sm all groups.
3 motor-racing
• Go th ro u g h th e task and set a tim e lim it.
4 beauty contest
5 magazine competition • M o n ito r an d help, b u t d o n ’t interfere o r in te rru p t to o m uch.
6 TV talent contest • Ask stu d en ts to present th eir co m p etitio n ideas to th e rest o f
7 football competition, e.g. The World Cup
8 yacht race / sailing th e class, w ho could th e n vote o n th e m ost original / the
Least dependent on skill or ability is the beauty contest. funniest / th e m o st practical.

2 Ask th e students to read sentences a - h . Give th em a few

m in utes to try an d rem em ber or guess the m issing w ords in
• Play the recording again and ask stud en ts to check th eir
answers in pairs.

a prize; gone to
b taken; title
c race; abandoned
d held; awarded
e complete
f winners; compete; final; awarded
g beating
h winning; rival

Unit 15 119

Theme: how people do things / how things are done

16.1 Getting to sleep p.118
16.1 Getting to sleep
T he listening text contextualizes the range o f stru ctu res used to
Talking a b o u t sleeping habits
describe hab its an d predictable behaviour.
• Listening: m atching an d specific info rm atio n
• Exploring natural speech: thing an d s tu ff
Lead in
• Language focus: habits and predictable behaviour
• Speaking: designing a survey itTfiTB To introduce the topic o f sleep, and prepare fo r the
listening tasks which follow.
16.2 Animation • Ask stu d en ts to com plete th e survey o n th eir ow n first, then
T he process o f anim atio n p u t th em in pairs to com pare an d discuss answers.
• R ound o ff th e activity by asking th e stu d en ts to rep o rt back
• Reading: checking predictions
to th e class any u n u su al b ehaviour o r situations they have
• Listening: specific in fo rm atio n
• Language focus: th e passive
• Writing: a rep o rt
• Speaking: discussion Listening
E O To listen fo r detail and match information.
16.3 Interviews
1 Focus stu d en ts’ atten tio n on th e task. M ake sure they know
D os an d d o n ’ts for interview ees th a t som e speakers m en tio n m ore th an o ne thing.
• Reading: general in fo rm atio n an d m atching • Give th em tim e to read th ro u g h th e list.
• Vocabulary: applying for a job
• Play the recording.
• Language focus: verb + object + to + infinitive
• Role play: interview
• Writing: a personal profile o r a letter o f application Speaker 1 If I don't go bed when I'm completely and utterly exhausted
like when your head is about to, you know, just drop off regardless of
where you are - if I don't go to bed at that time, then I will actually
Exploring words stay awake for an awful lot longer when I actually do go to bed. I
have to make sure that I'm completely relaxed, and completely
British an d A m erican English unwound before I actually go to bed, otherwise then, you know
I'll just be lying awake for ages. Erm my mind starts to wander and
Workbook I start thinking about all the things that I haven't done or that I've got to
do, so I have to sit in front of the television for an hour or something or
• Language focus: habits and predictable behaviour; the two hours and er just make sure that I'm completely exhausted and
passive; verb + object + infinitive; verbs w ith o th e r p attern s completely tired and my eyes are closing before going to bed, otherwise
• Vocabulary focus: applying for a job I just stay awake for hours. In terms of position, well, I mean, if I'm that
tired I, I just go to bed in any position and I'll probably sleep anywhere
• Vocabulary expansion: -ing adjectives; dream an d sleep -
when I get to that stage - on a bus on a train, you, you name it erm and
w ords and expressions if I can't get to sleep, well, I dunno I try all sorts of things of, try to think
• Listening: dream s of erm, relaxing thoughts of you know waterfalls and fields ...
Speaker 2 I don't have a fixed routine of going to bed - I panic if I'm
going to get less than about eight hours - 1always have done and always
will. I sleep always on my left side - I start off always on my left side
er but that can switch. And what keeps me awake is usually either
hunger or anxiety, so if I can't sleep I'll either eat something or I'll
usually e-mail now actually which'll, which is very bad because then I
definitely get at least an hour less sleep than I should have, but I'm
addicted to it, or I'll read a novel or listen to Radio 4 and yes I can sleep
absolutely anywhere, if I'm knackered enough, but er also feel terribly,
terribly vulnerable doing that and get off at wrong stops and drool and
stuff so try not to but er if I can't sleep I can panic because I do have a
thing about getting enough hours - and it'll affect me the whole next
day - so it's a psychological thing probably more than a physical.

120 Unit 16
Speaker 3 To be honest, being an English student sleep isn't really 1 It’s p robably a good idea to go th ro u g h this w ith the students.
much of a problem for me - I spend a lot of time sleeping. Erm I often Make sure they u n d ersta n d th e key words:
lie in till about 2 o'clock in the afternoon when I'm supposed to be
writing an essay or making notes or something and then just end up knackered - extrem ely tired - a very colloquial w ord
working really late - so get into sort of bad patterns anyway. If ever vulnerable = able to be h arm ed , exposed
I can't sleep - which as I say isn't really often the case, I often drool = to w ater at th e m o u th , salivate
listen to music to try to get to sleep or I'll just sit up and read a
book if, basically if I can't sleep, then I don't try. stuff = other embarrassing things like these (getting off at the
Speaker 4 I tend to drink quite a lot of coffee, so sleeping is often wrong stops / drooling)
quite difficult, and it drives me mad. If I can't sleep I tend to get up thing = obsession / fixation
and read or watch TV. Some nights I just don't go to sleep at all, thing = issue / matter / problem
which is very bizarre and then just continue the next day as if I have
been to sleep, cos once it gets light I then can't get back to sleep - 2 Ask stu d en ts to answ er th e questions in pairs, th en check
like I went to a ball the other day and we didn't go to sleep all night w ith th e w hole class.
and then by nine o'clock the next morning as far as I was concerned
it was the next day so I just carried on which is quite bizarre. Possible answers
a things possessions / belongings
Note______________________________________________________ b thing problem / dilemma / difficulty / point
Radio 4 is a BBC radio channel which is devoted mainly to news, c Things activities / business / matters
current affairs, and other fairly serious documentary programmes. d stuff material / substance
e stuff belongings / possessions (the same here as things)
Ask students to com pare answers in pairs, then check w ith
the w hole class. • T he follow ing activity provides speaking practise o f the
w ords thing an d stuff. It is probably a good idea for you to
a Speaker 3 d em o n strate it first.
b Speaker 2
c Speakers 2 / 3 / 4 1 P ut students in groups.
d Speaker 2 2 Each stu d e n t thinks o f an object o r a substance an d th en
e Speaker 1
describes it to the rest o f th e group using only the w ords
f Speaker 4 (Speaker 1 also watches TV to make himself tired
enough to go to bed.) thing an d stuff. T hey m ust n o t use the nam e o f th e object
o r substance. T he o th e r m em bers o f the grou p have to
Give students a couple o f m inutes in pairs to see if th ey can w o rk o u t w hat is being described.
rem em ber any o f th e answers, b u t tell th em th a t you will play
th e recording again so they can check their answers. Language focus: habits and predictable
Play recording | £ J | . behaviour p.119
Ask students to check their answers together, th en check w ith liffifl To focus attention on the frequency with which will is
the w hole class. used in preference to the Present sim ple in inform al speech to
a He lies awake for a long time. His mind starts to wander refer to typical or predictable behaviour.
and he thinks of things that he hasn't done or that he has T he language here is n o t difficult in itself, b u t th e stu d en ts
to do in the future. m ay sim ply find it strange th a t will can be used in this way
He has to make himself completely exhausted, by watching
w hen th ey will have previously learn t to use the Present
TV, etc.
b Hunger or anxiety may keep her awake. She eats sim ple.
something, sends e-mails, reads a novel, listens to the
1 Ask stu d en ts to read th ro u g h extract a an d to try to
c Because he often stays in bed until late (2 p.m.) and then rem em ber, o r guess, w hat th e verb form s were.
has to finish his work, • C heck w ith th e w hole class, highlighting th e fact th a t will is
d On nights when she doesn't sleep, she just continues on som etim es used, n o t the P resent sim ple. (But give the
into the next day.
answers yourself, w ith o u t letting th e stu d en ts refer to the
► If you feel your students w ould benefit from som e tap escrip t them selves yet).
ad ditional sleep vocabulary w ork, there is an extra exercise
a . . . if I don't go to bed at that time, then I will actually stay
on p .143. awake for an awful lot longer when I actually do go to
bed. I have to make sure that I'm completely relaxed, and
Exploring natural speech completely unwound erm before I actually go to bed,
otherwise then, you know I'll just be lying awake for ages.
The vague words th in g and stuff are extrem ely common
Erm my mind starts to wander.
in spoken English (they came across sort o f in Stage 2 o f Unit
4). This section aims to fam iliarize students with these words • N ow ask stu d en ts to try b and c in pairs.
and give them some practice in using them. • W hen th ey have finished, refer th em to th e tapescript on
p. 148 to check th eir answers.

Unit 16 121
b I start off always on my left side er but that can switch. • Ask one p erso n in th e p air to try o u t th eir survey on their
And what keeps me awake is usually either hunger or p artn e r(s). Set a tim e lim it.
anxiety, so if I can't sleep I'll either eat something or I'll
• N ow ask th em to change over. They can try o u t th eir survey
usually e-mail now actually ...
c If ever I can't sleep - which as I say isn't really often the on as m any o th e r stu d en ts in the class as tim e perm its.
case, I often listen to music to try to get to sleep or I'll just • At the end o f th e activity, ask th e students to go back to their
sit up and read a book. original g roups to rep o rt back to each o th e r o n w h at they
• At this p o in t it m ight be useful to do som e extra practice o f fo u n d o u t from th e ir survey.
th e contracted will. A dvanced students usually have no • C o n d u ct a general class feedback o n th e stu d en ts’ findings.
problem w ith I ’ll, he’ll, she’ll, we’ll, b u t still find it difficult to
say yo u ’ll, we’ll, they’ll, an d usually find contractio n s like it’ll,
w h a t’ll a n d who’ll very bizarre an d unreasonable! T hey need
to be able to recognize these contractions, an d if they are able 16.2 Animation p.120
to use th em them selves, th eir speech will so u n d m o re fluent
an d natural.
T he reading an d listening texts in this stage contextualize the
3 You could do this task w ith th e w hole class, o r ask stu d en ts to use o f th e passive.
do it in pairs.
• C heck answ ers w ith th e w hole class. Reading
a future b predictable c predictable d predictable To develop students’ ability to read a fairly detailed text
e predictable f predictable in order to extract information.

1 S tart w ith books closed.

4 T his is p robably best do n e w ith th e w hole class.
• Before th e class find o u t th e nam es o f som e an im ated films
typical behaviour y o u r stu d en ts will know o r have heard of. W rite th e titles on
recent / temporary habit th e b o ard o r tell the class th e titles, an d ask th em to tell you
• Refer stud en ts to th e Language co m m en tary o n p. 125 for w h at th ey have in co m m o n . O nce they have som e concrete
m ore in fo rm atio n on habits an d predictable behaviour. films in m in d th ey will find th e b rain sto rm in g easier.
• You can either ask stu d en ts to b rain sto rm w hat they know
Exploitation ab o u t an im ated films in groups, o r you can do it w ith the
IJT771 To give students the opportunity fo r som e freer speaking w hole class. E ither way, m ake sure th a t they w rite dow n
practice using will to describe habitual or predictable behaviour. an y thing an d everything th ey com e up w ith, w h eth er o r n ot
th ey can agree it’s true.
1 Focus stud en ts o n th e pho to s an d o utline the task,
• Set a tim e lim it.
em phasizing th a t they will need to use th eir im agination.
• P ut the stud en ts in to groups to talk ab o u t th e pictures. 2 N ow tell th e m th ey are going to to read an article ab o u t
M onitor an d correct as necessary. In te rru p tio n and m aking an im ated films.
co rrection is ap p ro p riate here because th e stud en ts are being • Ask th em to read and find o u t w h eth er the ideas they
asked to practise a p articu lar language structure. b rain sto rm ed are correct o r not. T he article m ay n o t answ er
o r deal w ith all th e p o in ts they raised - th is is n o t im p o rtan t.
2 O u tlin e the task an d look at th e exam ple together,
m e n tio n in g th e ad d itio n o f possibly o r probably. • W hen th e stu d en ts have finished reading, ask th e m to w ork
in pairs to check th eir ideas, o r those o f th e group.
’ Ask stud en ts to w ork in pairs. Again, m o n ito r and correct as
necessary, helping particularly w ith pro n u n ciatio n . • C o n d u ct a feedback if this is appropriate.

Speaking Close up
• P u t stu d en ts in pairs to do the exercise. E ncourage th em to
lifffil To give the students free speaking practice w ith a task
m ake guesses from context rath e r th an rely o n th eir
1 Ask students to w ork in sm all groups o f three o r four. • C heck answers w ith the w hole class.
• Tell th em they are going to design a survey. M ake sure th a t
th ey all w rite dow n th e questions. E ncourage th em to follow
th e p attern o f th e Sleep Survey on p .l 18.
• Set a tim e lim it. M o n ito r an d encourage as necessary.

2 R egroup the stud en ts so th a t they w ork in pairs, w ith

som eone they were n o t w orking w ith before.

122 Unit 16
1.1 optical - concerned with the sense of sight Language focus: the passive p.121
optics noun - the scientific study of sight and of light in
relation to it EH To review the fo rm and use o f the passive.
optician /op'tifn/ noun - person who makes and sells
glasses (spectacles) and contact lenses. Note 1 Ask th e stu d en ts to do th e task in pairs, th en check w ith the
pronunciation and word stress. w hole class.
1.2 live /laiv/ = adjective. (Note the different pronunciation
from live /lw/ the verb.) It means living as opposed to para 2 has to be changed; needs to be repeated
inanimate. The same adjective can be used to refer to TV para 4 will be used
or radio programmes that are broadcast as they happen, para 5 have been made; has been decided
not sometime afterwards as a recording.
1.12 bones 2 You could com plete this task to g eth er as a w hole class in
1.19 manually o rd er to check th a t everyone is as fam iliar as th ey need to be
w ith the form o f th e passive. You m ay w ish to refer th e m to
Listening th e Language co m m en tary on p. 125.

To practise listening fo r very specific information. a Present simple b Past simple c Present continuous

• O u tline th e task an d play th e recording.

3 -4 Ask th e stu d en ts to answ er these questions in pairs.
• M o n ito r an d help as necessary.
So, once rough sketches of the character have been made and it’s been
decided how the character will move, the modelling process begins. • C heck w ith th e w hole class.
First of all a detailed drawing is made showing the model's armature or 3
skeleton. a Reasons: A / E
Then the armature is made using twisted wire or ball and socket joints. b Reasons: B / C / D / E
This enables a basic clay model to be created and this in turn becomes c Reasons: C / D / E
the finished character. 4
a News report: radio, TV, or newspaper
Next the storyboard is filmed and the voices are added, allowing the b An encyclopaedia
director to check that the scenes, and the movie as a whole, work. This c Public notice - in a shop
stage is followed by a very simple animation known as a 'blocking d Academic textbook
rehearsal' where the director checks characters' movements and how
they look on set.
Once the voices of the characters have been recorded the animators are Exploitation
able to match the shape of the mouth to the dialogue. The mouth forms Hfffil To raise awareness o f the use o f the passive fo rm in
different shapes depending on what sound is coming from the character.
fo rm a l or official contexts.
This process is called lipsynch.
Then finally there's the actual filming of the movie. This is a painstaking 1 O u tlin e th e task briefly.
process. The final action may be fast and furious but Chicken Run took
• Ask stu d en ts to w rite th e sentences together, in pairs.
four years to make. Every aspect of the character has to be carefully
adjusted for each frame, 1,400 times to produce one minute of film time. • C heck w ith th e w hole class.
This means that actions like the blinking of an eye can take hours to film.
a Smart formal clothes must / have to / should / be worn for
• Ask students to check th eir answers in pairs, th en check w ith meetings.
the w hole class. b The party leader was blamed for the election defeat,
c The new town hall was opened on 15 September 2001.
The correct order of illustrations: B / C / A / E / D / F d The boy was sentenced to six months in prison for
'borrowing' his father's car.
► T here is an extra vocabulary exercise on p. 143 w hich Note: the judge does not need to be mentioned: it is only
could be done as hom ew ork w ith students using th eir ow n judges who sentence people,
dictionaries. e The government cannot be blamed for the recent increase
in the price of petrol.

2 Set u p the task carefully. It is im p o rta n t th a t stu d en ts choose

a process th ey have som e know ledge of, alth o u g h th ey should
also be encouraged to use th eir im ag in atio n to fill in any gaps
in th eir know ledge. T he im p o rta n t p o in t is th a t th ey are able
to describe a sequence o f actions involved in th e process they
• Ask stu d en ts to w o rk in pairs. T hey are speaking, n o t w riting
at this p o in t.
• M o n ito r an d help w ith vocabulary as necessary.

Unit 16 123
Writing Reading
To use the ideas they have ju s t been talking about to To give students practice at reading and responding
write a report about a process, using the passive voice. personally to a text before analysing it, and then to help them
develop their detailed reading skills through a m atching task.
This is a second o p p o rtu n ity for students to w rite a rep o rt
(the first was in U nit 7). 1 O u tlin e th e tasks briefly. You m ay w ant to p o in t o u t th a t the
text is in A m erican English from a US new spaper.
1 -3 Refer students to the description o f the task an d m ake sure
th ey know exactly w hat is required. 2 W h en m o st o f th e stu d en ts have finished, ask th e m to
• Refer students to th e W riting guidelines o n p.155. com pare th eir answers in pairs. This becom es a discussion
p o in t, as th ere are n o rig h t o r w rong answers to a or b, b u t in
• You could ask the stud en ts to do the p rep aratio n w ork in
discussing th eir o p in io n s it is likely th a t th e stu d en ts will
class an d th en to w rite the rep o rt at hom e. If they have
p repared th e w riting together, they m ight th en like to read actually im prove th eir com prehension.
each o th e r’s final w ritten versions. • You could co n d u ct a b rief w hole class feedback if needed.

3 Now focus stu d en ts o n th e questions a - h . Give th em tim e to

Speaking re-read th e text an d answ er th e questions individually.
Efffil To give the students the opportunity fo r some free • Ask th em to com pare th eir answers in pairs, th en check the
speaking. I t also serves as a fin a l round up fo r the unit. answ ers w ith th e w hole class.
• If you have a fairly confident, com m unicative class, you could
a F-
he didn't know what the company did
discuss these questions w ith th e w hole class, w ith you leading b G-
doesn't like working with people
and directing the conversation to m ake sure th a t th e p o in ts c H-
couldn't answer questions
are discussed as fully as possible. d B-
'not a nickel less'
e C-
thought references were people (confusion with
• If n o t, it is probably b etter to p u t th e stud en ts into sm all 'referee')
groups. You could ask different groups to discuss different f A - 'I asked him not to eat it until later'
p oints, give th em a tim e lim it, an d th en ask them to switch g E - wearing a bathing suit
over. h D - The only evidence of 'organizational skills' was being
able to pack a suitcase.
• As usual in this sort o f activity, m o n ito r and jo in in, if
ap propriate, b u t d o n ’t in te rru p t o r correct.
Vocabulary: applying for a job p.123
T he stu d en ts will probably kn o w several o f th e vocabulary
item s here, so this section serves as a review an d a rem in d er
16.3 Interviews p.122 o f som e vocabulary associated w ith interviews.
• Ask stu d en ts to do th e task in pairs, th en check answers w ith
A lig h t-hearted text ab o u t interview s contextualizes verb + th e w hole class, paying atten tio n to p ro n u n cia tio n an d w ord
object + infinitive. stress.

1 applicants /'aeplikants/
Lead in 2 personnel /p3 :s3 'nel/
C S 3 To prepare the students fo r the article they are going to 3 C.V. /si:'vi:/
4 referees /refa'ri:z/
5 shortlisted /'Joalistid/
1 O u tlin e th e task and give stud en ts a tim e lim it to com pile 6 interview
7 candidate
th eir lists.
• C o n d u ct a b rie f class feedback.
Language focus: verb + object + to +
2 Ask students to do this in pairs. W hen they have decided o n a
‘w orst th in g ’, the pairs could th en team up to m ake fours, an d infinitive
com pare th eir ‘w orst things’. To review and categorize verbs which use this structure
• Ask th e m to decide, in th eir fours, on one ‘w orst th in g ’, th en and which do not.
jo in th e fours together so th a t you have groups o f eight an d Students will have com e across m any o f th e verbs th a t use
again ask th em to com pare th eir ideas and th en to decide on this p attern b u t are unlikely to be aware th a t they ten d to fall
on e ‘w orst th in g ’. (This w ay o f building up groups for in to certain categories ( influencing, causing, wanting). They
discussions is som etim es called a ‘pyram id discussion’.) m ay also overuse the stru ctu re so th a t they apply it to verbs
• Eventually the w hole class decides o n a w orst interview th a t use a different stru ctu re, saying things like *She insisted
mistake. m e to do it.

124 Unit 16
1 Give students a few m inutes to do this task quickly. Role play
• C heck answers - there is m o re th a n one possibility.
E H To develop the students’ oral English skills w ith a fairly
Possible answers fo rm a l role play.
a asked/told • Tell th e stu d en ts th ey are going to prepare for a role play.
b asked/told
c get / persuade / convince • D ivide th e class into two halves, As an d Bs. Ask th e As to read
d remind th e notes on p. 158 an d th e Bs to read th e notes o n p. 159.
• Give th e As som e tim e to prepare th eir roles together, an d the
2 a Set up the task. Go th ro u g h th e verbs in the list quickly,
Bs th e same. E ncourage th e groups to be adv en tu ro u s rath er
checking m eaning an d p ro n u n cia tio n as necessary.
th a n safe w ith the language.
• Give one or two exam ples o f th e Influencing category, to
• N ow reg ro u p the stu d en ts in to AB pairs.
show students w hat is w anted. T hen ask them to do the rest
together in pairs. • Elicit / clarify the k in d o f language an d b eh av io u r expected at
a jo b interview . You are try in g to ap p ear professional,
• C heck answers w ith the w hole class.
organized, m ature, responsible, etc.
A Influencing: ordering / requesting ■ Ask th em to co n d u ct th e role play. E ncourage th em to say as
advise; ask; beg; encourage; forbid; invite; order; persuade; m u ch as th ey can, to experim ent w ith the language by
practising w ords / phrases / stru ctu res th ey m ay n o t be
B Causing / helping
allow; enable; get; help; permit; teach entirely com fortable w ith yet. If ap p ro p riate, give th em two
C Wanting / liking stages; a rehearsal, w here they can experim ent, ask for help,
want; wish; would like etc., an d a ‘real’ ru n -th ro u g h .
• M onitor, b u t d o n ’t in te rru p t. M ake notes. This tim e you
b Ask students to w ork in pairs to do this task, th en check
could focus on w ords / phrases / expressions you hear th at
answers w ith th e w hole class. You m ay wish to refer th em to
are good.
the Language com m entary on p. 125.
• At the end o f th e role plays you could ask one o r tw o pairs to
discourage someone from doing something d em o n strate to th e w hole class.
insist on someone doing something / that someone does
something • Finish w ith a feedback session w here you tell th em o r w rite
let someone do something up th e good things you n o ted , explaining w hy they were
make someone do something good.
prevent someone from doing something
prohibit someone from doing something
suggest that someone does something Writing
i s o To provide w riting practice based on the them e o f
Exploitation interviews.
i i O To give the students som e free speaking practice using the S tudents are given a choice here o f w riting an inform al
verb + object + to + infinitive structure. personal profile o r a m o re form al application letter.
• Give students a few m inutes to prepare th e ir sentences. (They • Ask the students to decide o n th eir type o f w riting (unless
d o n ’t need to w rite th em dow n, b u t they will need tim e to you are m aking the choice for th em ).
think.) • You could gro u p th em so th a t those w orking on th e profile
• N ow ask th em to team up w ith one o r tw o others an d to sit together, an d those d oing th e form al letter are together.
com pare th eir answers. • Refer th em to th e ap p ro p riate W riting guidelines on p. 152.
• M onitor, b u t d o n ’t in te rru p t. Make notes o f m istakes for a • Give the groups som e tim e to decide o n th e key ideas, w ords,
later correction task. a n d phrases they w ant to use.
• After th e speaking activity, conduct a correction task in • Set th e task for hom ew ork.
w hich the students correct the m istakes you noted.

Unit 16 125
British American Other examples - British English
Exploring words p.124 words
1 centre center theatre; fibre; sombre; litre
2 rumour rumor favour; flavour; humour; labour
S tudents are often very interested in th e differences betw een 3 offence offense defence; licence; pretence
British and A m erican English an d enjoy finding o u t ab o u t 4 dialogue dialog catalogue; monologue
them . It is also useful for stud en ts at an advanced level to be 5 travelled traveled jewellery
able to recognize som e o f the m o re co m m o n differences so
th a t they are able to fu n ctio n in either language setting. Speaking
1 Briefly in tro d u ce the topic o f this section an d ask stu d en ts to To round up the u n it with a free-speaking activity which
do th e quiz on th e ir own. gives students a chance to talk about the different fo rm s o f
• Ask th em to com pare th eir answ ers w ith a partner. English that exist.
• N ow play the recording w hich will confirm th e answers. • You could co n d u ct th e discussion in pairs, sm all groups, o r as
16.3 a w hole class. E ncourage stu d en ts to discuss th e questions in
OK, here are the answers to the quiz. Give yourself a point for each as m u c h d ep th as possible.
correct answer.
A. How many more speakers of American English than British English are
there? The answer is C - there are actually four times as many speakers
of American English.
B. The most noticeable difference between British and American English
is in fact B - pronunciation. There are relatively few differences in spelling
and vocabulary.
C. The statement 'Where words are spelt differently in British and
American English, the American spelling is usually shorter', is true.
D. The statement 'There are no differences in grammar between British
and American English', is false. But there are only a few, for example in
American English it is possible to use the time adverbs already and yet
with the Simple past.
E. This statement is false. Pairs of words with different spellings in British
and American English are usually pronounced in the same way.
And finally F. It is true that most British people understand American
English without any problem. This is probably because British people are
used to seeing lots of American films and TV programmes.

A c
B b
C TRUE (Examples: color (colour) / traveled (travelled)
D FALSE (Example: American English uses Past simple with
already / yet)
F TRUE - this is partly because British people are constantly
exposed to American films and TV programmes.

2 Ask stud en ts to try this in pairs. Between them , they will

probably be able to w ork o u t m o st o f these.
• C heck answers w ith the w hole class.

a 5 b 9 C IO d 8 e 2 f7 g 4 h i
i 6 j 3

3 You could begin by asking students if they know o f any

differences in spelling betw een British an d A m erican English.
• T h en ask th em to com plete the table in pairs an d n o te any
o th e r exam ples.
• Go th ro u g h it w ith the w hole class.

126 Unit 16

Theme: the arts

17.1 Mr Gormley's Angel p.125
17.1 Mr Gormley's Angel
A fam ous sculpture Stage 1 consists o f a listening text in w hich a scu lp to r describes
his work. It contextualizes uses o f d ep en d en t prepositions.
• Listening: gist, listening for specific w ords, an d sum m arizing
• Language focus: d ep e n d en t prepositions
• Speaking: talking ab o u t oneself using d ependent prepositions
Lead in
ESZI To get the students talking about the them e o f the lesson,
17.2 But is it art? and to introduce key vocabidary used to describe the sculpture,
T he Angel o f th e N o rth .
A rt created by gorillas
• Vocabulary: to describe a painting 1 Ask th e stu d en ts to look at th e sculptures ( The Angel o f the
• Reading: gist an d specific in form ation North, A nother Place, an d The Iron M an) in th e photos, an d
• Language focus: reference w ords (2) discuss th e questions as a class.
• Speaking: a discussion ab o u t how we exploit anim als • Ask w h eth er th ere are any large, fam ous ‘m o to rw ay ’
sculptures near th e stu d en ts’ h o m e tow ns. If so, ask the
17.3 Women in the arts stu d en ts to describe th em , and say how th ey feel ab o u t them .

T he role o f w om en in the arts ■ A lternatively you could get th e students to w ork in pairs to
describe an d discuss th e sculpture The Angel o f the North in
• Listening: gist and interp retatio n
detail. T his should preview som e o f th e language used in later
• Vocabulary: m ale an d female w ords
activities. W rite these questions o n th e board:
• Speaking: discussion ab o u t the roles o f m en an d w om en in
th e w orkplace H ow would you describe T he Angel o f th e N o rth to
someone who hasn’t seen it?
Exploring words H ow do you think it was made?
W hy do you think it was placed near a motorway?
M etaphorical language
2 Focus the stu d en ts on the questions, th en ask th em to read
Workbook th e factual in fo rm atio n .
• Put th e stu d en ts in pairs to discuss th e ir answ ers before
• Language focus: dep en d en t prepositions; reference w ords
an d phrases
• E ncourage th e stu d en ts to m ake guesses at these questions,
• Vocabulary focus: m ale an d female w ords
• Vocabulary expansion: criticism w ords; idiom s w ith run b u t d o n ’t tell th em w h eth er th eir ideas are rig h t o r not. T hey
will get m o re in fo rm atio n ab o u t th e scu lp tu re w hen they
• Listening: public art
listen to th e scu lp to r talking.

a The Angel o f the North is located very close to a major

road and so can be seen by thousands of passing motorists
every day.
b It is made of steel which will corrode after 100 years of
exposure to the weather.

• Check th a t th e stu d en ts u n d erstan d th e m o re difficult

vocabulary in the text. M ound, wingspan, an d steel can be
checked by referring to the p icture on p. 126.
Plaster is the m aterial used to im m obilize broken bones w hile
they heal.

Unit 17 127
Listening p.127 Note: The words omitted from the extract are important to
the understanding of Gormley's ideas.
E J J l To listen fo r gist and fo r specific words, and practise 1 tripping - Gormley means that he wants people to be
sum m arizing. taken by surprise when, by chance, they come across his
sculptures. This is quite different from taking the decision
1 Read th ro u g h the questions w ith the students, an d p o in t o u t to go to an art gallery to look at art.
th a t each o f the four sh o rt extracts they are going to listen to 2 culture
is a response to one o f the four questions a -d . Play the 3 snacking - Gormley seems to disapprove of the modern
approach to art where the public is told what to expect
recording. (This recording was m ade in A ntony G orm ley’s
from and what to think about art. (Snacking usually means
studio, an d so th e so u n d quality is less good - there is a slight eating small things like crisps, biscuits, and chocolate bars
‘echo’ effect.) between meals.)
4 experience
5 aware
Extract 1 Well it's a long process, but I think it starts always with the 6 landscape
place, the location. The actual piece came about from a conversation 7 value
that I had with councillor Pat Murphy who had been a miner himself 8 alive - Gormley sees art not as a commodity with a cash
- he was Irish - and er he said 'What we need Mr Gormley is is one value, but as a means of making people aware of the
of your angels,' and I said 'Well if you're serious about this, Pat, it's natural world and their place in it.
going to have to be 65 foot tall,' and that was the beginning of the
whole thing.
b D iscuss th e questions as a class.
Extract 2 I had told the people that I wasn't interested in making
motorway art erm rather snobbishly - but, as it turned, out this 3 is the best summary.
relationship between this mound and the road got me very intrigued.
There is always cars on it and we know that 90,000 motorists pass • T here are vocabulary exercises o n th e use o f m e tap h o r in the
that point a day. Exploring words section o n p. 132, w hich you could in tro d u ce
Extract 3 You would expect a work of that scale to perhaps express at this stage if you wish.
some heroic ideal or anyway monumental certainty and it doesn't, - I
think it expresses as much anxiety as it does succour. React and discuss
Extract 4 Not at all. Couldn't matter less. I mean I think these are the,
• P ut th e stu d en ts in sm all groups to discuss the questions.
these are the thoughts and feelings that I had in the process of
making it, having made it er looking at it as a work amongst my other
works erm, but for the average person I wouldn't even imagine they Language focus: dependent prepositions
would begin to think in these terms, so that you know an ex-ship
builder or an ex-miner or a housewife or the train driver or the I flO l To revise and practise dependent prepositions.
schoolboy that passes every day - each of them will have their own T his stage looks at various form s:
particular relationship with this with this work.
Verb + p rep o sitio n + n o u n : to believe in ...
a 4 b 1 c 3 d 2 Verb + object + p rep o sitio n + n o u n : to arrest (someone)
f o r ...
2 a P ut the students in pairs and play the recording so th at N o u n + preposition: a contrast between ...
they can com plete th e extract. You m ay need to play an d Adjective + preposition: I ’m afraid o f ...
p ause w hile they w rite dow n the words.
In particular, it explores different possible com b in atio n s o f
adjectives w ith prepositions, good fo r a n d good at, for
What I'm more interested in is tripping people up you know on their way exam ple, an d exam ines th e change o f m eaning.
to the supermarket because I think that part of the problem with our
It is a difficult area for students, because unless the
culture at the moment is that we deal in a culture of you know snacking
basically, er of highly-articulated highly-hyped, almost predigested d ep en d en t p rep o sitio n h appens to be th e sam e as th a t in
experience. I hope the Angel makes you aware of the time of the day, of th eir ow n language it is very difficult to rem em b er w hat it is.
the shape of the landscape, your speed, erm, also, even though people In o rd er to im prove th eir accuracy in this area, th ey need to
wouldn't recognize that perhaps as part of their response to a work. The revise, m em orize, and practise. If you have a m onolingual
only value of art, I think, is as a instrument of reflexivity to makeus feel
class, it is a good idea to look at th e list o f dep en d en t
more alive - there's no intrinsic value to art.
p rep o sitio n s on p. 133 an d decide w hich ones have a
confusingly different form , an d are therefore likely to cause
problem s for y o u r students. C o n cen trate on these.

128 Unit 17
1 -2 P u t the students in pairs to com plete th e extracts, an d
check their answers in th e tapescript on p. 148. 17.2 But is it art? p.128
a with b with c about d between e with
Note: One person / thing has a relationship with another. Stage 2 consists o f a reading text ab o u t gorillas creating abstract
There is a relationship between two people / things. pictures. It is used as a context for looking at reference w ords
like this an d these.
3 Ask th e students to com plete th e sentences and discuss th eir
answers w ith a partner. You m ay w ish to refer the students to Lead in
the Language com m en tary on p. 133, particularly to check
E H To introduce and practise vocabulary used to describe a
how the choice o f p reposition affects the m eaning.
1 angry with the driver
angry about the length 1 C heck th e stu d en ts u n d ersta n d an d can p ro n o u n ce th e art
2 good with learner drivers vocabulary.
good at parking in small spaces A good way o f checking th e styles is to find and b rin g in
good for you to drive
som e pictures o r p ostcards o f various styles o f art. You could
3 sorry for him
sorry about the damage check th e techniques an d m aterials by draw ing o r m im ing
th e w ords. A p icture o f an artist p ain tin g on canvas w ould be
useful. Depict m eans show, portray, represent. For exam ple, the
p a inting depicted the president as a lion.
1 It is best to do this in sm all groups o f three o r four. N ote the stress o n th e w ords in th e style section:
• Give the stud en ts a few m inutes to th in k ab o u t w hat to say. 'ab stract / 'classical / 'm o d ern - o n th e first syllable
Let th em m ake a few notes, if they w ish, b u t n o t w rite full
ex'pressionist / im 'p ressio n ist / su rre a list / sym 'bolic - on
the second syllable
• Ask the students to take it in tu rn s to talk ab o u t each subject.
rep resen 'tatio n al - p rim a ry stress on the fo u rth syllable.
M o n itor and note errors m ade w ith d ependent prepositions.
• P ut th e stu d en ts in pairs to discuss th e questions and
• Alternatively, you could m ake this a little m ore com petitive
describe th e painting.
by playing T he 60 Seconds G am e. See p. 103 o f this bo o k for
details o f how to play. Possible answers
a abstract / expressionist / modern / symbolic
2 E ither ask students sim ply to test each other, o r do the b you can see the brushstrokes / the colours are bright / it’s
following: probably done with oil paints / the painter has used a large
1 D ivide the studen ts into groups o f three o r four an d ask paintbrush
them to look at the lists o f d ep en d en t preposition s in the
2 Ask th e stu d en ts to discuss th e statem en t as a class.
Language com m en tary o n p .133.
2 T hey should w ork together to w rite five sentences using Reading
nouns, verbs, or adjectives from these lists w ith the
d ependent preposition m issing. To read fo r gist and specific information.

3 W rite an exam ple o n th e board: I ’m so tired I can’t 1 Focus th e stu d en ts on the gist question, th en ask th em to
concentrate m y work. read th e text.
4 M onitor and help. W hen they are ready, ask the students
It was painted by an ape: Michael.
to exchange their sentences w ith an o th er group. It was inspired by a bouquet of flowers.
5 Ask th e students to fill th e gaps w ith o u t looking at the list It is called Stink Gorilla More.
in the book, th en check their answers w ith the group w ho
prepared the sentences.

Unit 17 129
Close up Speaking
• P ut th e stud en ts in pairs to do th e exercise. E ncourage th em E H To discuss and extend the issues raised by the lesson.
to m ake guesses from the context rath e r th a n rely on th eir
dictionaries. 1 -2 Put the stu d en ts in groups to discuss th e questions. Ask
on e m em b er o f each gro u p to m ake notes o f th e g ro u p ’s
1.4 to dress = to put on clothes / to get dressed conclusions to q u estio n 2 an d rep o rt back to th e w hole class.
to dress up = to put on clothes which are intended to
make you look like someone or something you are not.
1.10 finding it difficult to make money / poor and
commercially unsuccessful
to struggle also means to fight 17.3 Women in the arts p.130
1.18 primates - animals like monkeys, apes, gorillas,
Stage 3 consists o f a listening text in w hich people discuss the
2 Read th ro u g h the questions w ith the class th e n ask th em to role o f w om en in th e arts.
read the text again. Let th em check in pairs before feedback.

a The paintings have received critical acclaim. They have

Lead in
been successful, To get students talking and thinking about the role o f
b They are considered to be representational, not merely m en and wom en in the arts.
random or abstract,
c Similar characteristics to humans. The ability to joke, lie, 1 C heck th a t th e stu d en ts u n d erstan d th e vocabulary. You
get embarrassed, to represent reality through signs or could ask check questions like: W hich word describes people
who write m usic? (composer); W hich word describes people who
d Both are symbolic representations,
e Personal answers m ake art fro m materials like clay or m etal? (sculptor). T hen
p u t th e stu d en ts in pairs or sm all groups to th in k o f two
fam ous people in each category. Have a w hole-class feedback.
Language focus: reference words (2) p. 129 You could b u ild up a list on th e bo ard . If stu d en ts m en tio n
To revise and practise reference words and phrases. any artists w ho are n o t well k now n by the o th e r students, ask
T his section looks at how reference w ords a n d phrases like th em to give the class a little in fo rm atio n ab o u t them .
this, these, an d there refer forw ards an d backw ards to 2 Ask th e stu d en ts briefly to discuss th e tw o questions. It is
in fo rm atio n m e n tio n e d in a text. It contextualizes p ro n o u n s likely th a t there will be few w om en in th eir list. If so, you
like it, mine, which, and both, an d tim e an d place w ords like could briefly preview the th em e o f th e listening by asking
th at time, then, an d here / there. w h eth er they have any ideas w hy there are so few w om en.
• P u t the students in pairs to discuss th e use o f reference
3 Ask th e stu d en ts briefly to discuss the pairs o f artists.
w ords. Refer th em to the Language co m m en tary on p. 133.
• C heck answ ers w ith th e w hole class. Picasso and Morisot: Visual arts
Schumann and Mozart: Music
a this tale the story told in the first paragraph Dickens and Austen: Literature / writing novels
their of the struggling artists in California
they the struggling artists in California 4 Ask the stu d en ts in pairs o r sm all groups to tell each o th er
These great apes Michael and Koko w hat they know ab o u t the pairs o f artists.
b when in the late 1950s
Their of chimps in the late 1950s • Refer th e stu d en ts to p. 158 to check w hat th ey have said
at that time in the late 1950s ab o u t th e fam ous people.
that the price • If you feel th a t y o u r class will n o t have m u ch to say o n this
c This the occasion when Koko drew a glass, etc.
subject, o r will be ig n o ran t o f th e people m en tio n ed , you
d By then by the age of three
could approach this lead-in differently.
• Start by eliciting fam ous people in th e categories in question
1 as a class, o r b rin g in pictures o f fam ous m usicians, w riters,
• Ask th e stud en ts to com plete th e article w ith reference w ords, an d artists you th in k the stu d en ts m ig h t know, an d ask them
th e n check in pairs. to tell you w hat they do know ab o u t them .
1 they 2 them 3 they 4 the same 5 this • In tro d u ce th e stu d en ts to the artists m en tio n ed in q u estio n 3,
6 these similarities 7 them 8 she 9 their th en divide th em in to groups o f six. Refer th em to the
10 something 11 who
in fo rm atio n on p. 158 ab o u t th e six people m en tio n ed in 3
an d ask th em to read ab o u t on e o f th e people, m aking sure
th a t each perso n in th e gro u p reads ab o u t a different person.
W hen th ey are ready, they share th ree or fo u r pieces o f
in fo rm atio n ab o u t th eir fam ous perso n w ith th e rest o f the

130 Unit 17
Listening 3 Focus th e stu d en ts on th e questions, th en play the recording.
To listen fo r gist and interpretation.
J It's funny, though. If you look at say, composers, directors, theatre
1 Focus th e students on the questions, then play the recording. directors, film directors, how many of those could you name who are
K You mean the people who are in charge?
W1 But, you know, it's a question of if you ask, are there more famous
men in the arts than women - famous in the sense that we probably J Yeah. How many female composers? There are, I would say there are
know about more men than women in the arts, do you know what less female ...
I'm saying? R (I can) Think of a few directors, a few producers.
M Well as far as classical painters, you know, you certainly don't think J There are very few female, well-known female theatre directors or
of women. film directors.
1/1 (That's true,) but does that mean they didn't exist? R Oh yeah, comparatively.
1/2 Good point... J Comparatively.
1 They may have been edited, who knows? R Of course you're right.
i/2 ... or not had, you know, the kind of exposure that a male painter J Which is bizarre, because that is nothing that need be dominated by
had. men, (No) but it just is. And I mean, even I feel th a t...
1 Well, look at authors like Georges Sand - women traditionally for a R But that's you ... There's a parallel there with sort of I don't know, sort
good number of years had to put a male pseudonym on their books of business as well, do you know what I mean?
(Right, exactly, yes) or they were not going to sell. K Except that busi...
i/2 Smart women who did that, boy. R Like the director is sort of the head of the theatre business in a sense,
1 Yeah, also women were not historically given the educational or the director and the producer.
advantages that men were - women were to, you know, grow up J But that's become quite controversial and there are therefore a lot
and marry off and men were sent to the universities where they more women who have risen to the top because a few years ago
were exposed to art. (Right) there were a lot of people who made a lot of fuss about women being
i/I Do you think it's changing, now? Do you think more women are on average being paid less, and a lot of women did go to the top of
getting positions of prominence in the arts? businesses. But going back to art, er musicians, what about
1 Not in the business of art. musicians? How many famous female musicians do you know?
72 Yeah, I mean what do you mean - in what field of art are you T There are just thousands. Do you mean ...?
talking about? J Of female?
71 Well all different fields - let's talk about the media - what do you T Umm.
think about like film and TV? Do you think more and more women J Female famous musicians?
are ...
R That can play instruments or singers?
72 I think more and more although I heard a statistic in this
K Classical musicians?
documentary that, I think last year, out of the 200 or so sort of
feature films, you know big feature films not independent films that J Classical musicians ...
were made, maybe 20 of them were directed by women. K Well it's interesting, isn't it because ...
71 Wow! J ... or jazz musicians.
K Well I don't know I think classical music is always perhaps, well not
a (classical) painting / writing (authors) / TV and film
always but is rather more balanced. It's just no one is that high profile.
I mean I could, you could name classical musicians, you could name
b Historically women were not given the same educational
Vanessa Mae, you could name Jacqueline Du Pre, you could name,
advantages as men. Women were expected to get married.
you know, there are quite a lot of people.
Men went to university and were more likely to be exposed
to art. a music (composers / classical and jazz musicians) / film and
theatre directors
2 P ut th e students in pairs to discuss th e statem ents. b In both the arts and business it is men who are the
organizers, the controllers, the bosses.
a edited - omitted from the records, perhaps because they
were considered to be less worthy than men
4 P u t th e stu d en ts in pairs to discuss the statem ents.
b Women had to give themselves a man's name to hide the
fact that they were women. a reached senior positions in their profession or in the arts
b no one is that well known

Unit 17 131
React and discuss 2 D o th e first as an exam ple, th en students rew rite the
sentences in th e ir pairs.
1 B rainstorm fam ous w om en artists to th e board, o r p u t
stu dents in pairs and give th em tw o o r three m inutes to th in k a Human beings are ... creatures
o f as m any w om en artists as they can, th e n b rain sto rm to the b staff
c artificial
b o ard as a class. D o n ’t w o rry if th ey can’t th in k o f m any -
d People / Human beings have
this sim ply illustrates the p o in t. H ere are a few possible e staffed

Visual arts: Frida Kahlo (Mexican artist), Barbara Hepworth Exploitation

(British sculptor), Bridget Riley (British artist) • S tudents rem ain in pairs to rew rite the news reports.
Literature: Emily Dickinson, Sylvia Plath (poets), George Eliot,
Simone de Beauvoir, Agatha Christie, Virginia Woolf, Maya 1 Four police officers went to a club in central London last
Angelou (novelists) night after a bartender / one of the bar staff had phoned
Music: Maria Callas (opera singer) to report a disturbance.
Popular arts: Edith Piaf, Marlene Dietrich, Madonna, Whitney 2 A meeting took place yesterday between a group of flight
Houston (singers), Marilyn Monroe, Brigitte Bardot, Meryl attendants and representatives of the management. The
Streep, Julia Roberts (actors), Anna Pavlova, Margot Fonteyn chairperson / chair reported that there was overstaffing in
(ballet dancers), Martha Graham (choreographer), Jodie Foster the company and that redundancies were inevitable.
(actor and film-maker) 3 Before leaving, the manager of the shop made a thorough
search of the burning building to check that all the staff
2 P u t the stud en ts in groups to do this, th e n feedback as a were safely out. Firefighters who attended the blaze
class. praised her for her bravery. A spokesperson said: 'Lives
could so easily have been lost.'
Exploring natural speech p. 131
To look at different expressions used in conversation to Speaking
check that the other person is following, or to show agreement
with w h a t is being said.
EO To discuss the issue o f male a n d fem ale roles in the
• P u t th e students in pairs to discuss the w ords an d
N aturally, this is a controversial area, an d it is w o rth
considering w h eth er y o u r stu d en ts m ay have strongly-held
a do you know what I'm saying? means do you understand views here, especially in a m u lti-cu ltu ral classroom . If it is a
the point I'm making? - do you follow my argument? It is a concern, ju st do q u estion 1, an d appro ach this discussion as
way of checking that the listener understands and is in an exchange o f cu ltu ral views, rath e r th a n asking people to
broad agreement.
agree o r disagree w ith each other.
Good point means I agree completely, or it could be a way
of saying that is a point that I hadn't considered before. 1 P u t th e stu d en ts in groups to discuss, b u t d o n ’t have class
b Right, exactly means that you agree completely with the
feedback at this stage.
point just made.
Smart women is a way of expressing approval for what the 2 In th e sam e groups, ask stu d en ts to decide w hether they agree
women did. o r disagree, an d to th in k o f tw o o r three reasons why. You
c Wow! expresses astonishment at the statistic just
mentioned. could ap p o in t one perso n in each g ro u p as a ‘secretary’.
• E ither th e secretary o r th e gro u p as a w hole presents the
Vocabulary: male and female words
I t O To look at the use o f non-gender specific language in
• Read th ro u g h the in tro d u c tio n as a class. You could ask
w h ether this change to neutral, non-sexist language has taken
place in the stu d en ts’ ow n language.

1 P u t th e stud en ts in pairs to do th e exercise.

a bar tender / barperson

b chair / chairperson
c author
d firefighter
e police officer
f business executive / business person
9 head / head teacher
h camera operator
i flight attendant / member of cabin crew
j (senior) politician

132 Unit 17
1 poaching = taking from in an underhand way (literally,
Exploring words p.132 hunting illegally)
shore up = support (literally, from construction, to support
a building or wall with a beam (a shore) to stop it
T his section looks at m etaphorical language. Exercise 1 looks collapsing)
at w ords used m etaphorically in the listening passage in Stage crumbling = failing / falling apart (literally, breaking into
1; consequently, you could insert it as a follow -up small pieces)
2 savaged = heavily criticized (literally, attacked by a wild
vocabulary-in-context exercise, perhaps extending it w ith one
o f the o th e r exercises in this section. Exercises 2, 3, an d 4 3 launched = started / opened (literally, put a new ship into
in troduce m etaphors u n d e r th e headings o f topic, cu rren t water, or sent a rocket into space)
use, an d conversational use. 4 feverish = hectic / very busy (literally, suffering from a fever
- a very high temperature)
1 Read th ro u g h the in tro d u c tio n as a class, th en p u t the turned the spotlight on = placed attention on (literally,
students in pairs to w ork o u t th e literal m eanings. This from the theatre, the beam of light that can be directed
exercise w orks well w ith learners’ dictionaries. Ask the onto a particular small area of the stage)
hole = error / problem (literally, an empty space)
students to use th eir dictionaries to find b o th the literal and
5 drop their guard = stop being vigilant (literally, from
m etaphorical m eanings. boxing, to lower your hands, allowing your opponent to hit
Trip up literally means deliberately put your foot in the way to
make someone fall. Gormley means that he wants people to
be taken by surprise when people come across his work by b-c S tudents rem ain in pairs to rew rite th e extracts.
Possible answers
Snacking means eating between meals - usually biscuits or
1 The attracting of nurses ... to support Britain's failing
chocolate. Snack is usually a noun. Snacking tends to be an
health service ...
American usage. Gormley means that we live in a culture
2 ... was heavily criticized yesterday ...
where thought is not required, in the way that we are fed
3 A murder enquiry has been started ...
experiences which have little intrinsic value.
4 In an extremely busy day ... the opposition focused
2 Students rem ain in pairs to identify th e m etap h o rs and attention on ... a £10 billion deficit in their finances.
5 ... not stop being vigilant about / to continue to watch
discuss the m eanings.
carefully for foot-and-mouth disease ...
1 flared up = suddenly and violently started The versions with metaphorical language are more dramatic
2 s e t ... alight = excite and colourful.
3 blaze (of publicity) = enormous amount
4 burning (ambition) = very strong 4 Play th e recording, check th a t stu d en ts have identified the
5 spark off = start m etap h o rs, th e n let th e m discuss the m eanings an d th e effect
6 blazing (rows) = very strong, violent in th eir pairs. (This is n o t included in th e tap escrip t section
smouldering (discontent) = literally burning slowly, so here
o f the S tu d en t’s Book.)
it means that although it doesn't show itself, the
discontent is there quietly under the surface 17.5
Note that the words in brackets are very common collocations 1 It was a great day out - the children were bubbling with excitement
with the 'fire' words. the whole time.
2 I've never seen him so angry. He absolutely thundered at us that we
• Ask th e students to stay in the sam e pairs to th in k o f must do the whole job again, right from the start.
different situations in w hich to use th e m etaphors.
3 I'm fed up with the way he tiptoes round the issue. I just wish he'd
3 a P u t the students into different pairs to discuss the come out and say what he really means.
m eanings. 4 We spent the whole afternoon kicking ideas around until we found
something we could all agree about.
5 It was a really useful meeting. At least we managed to squash that
ridiculous suggestion of Tony's.

1 bubbling with excitement = jumping up and down (like

2 thundered = shouted (noisily, like thunder)
3 tiptoes round = carefully avoids (tiptoeing, walking very
4 kicking ideas around = discussing ideas in an unsystematic
fashion (you can kick a football around)
5 squash = stop (like treading on an insect)

Unit 17 133
n the public eye

Theme: different sorts o f fame

18.1 Infamy p.134
18.1 Infamy
Stage 1 consists o f a reading text ab o u t how crim inals seek
H ow crim inals deliberately seek n o to riety
notoriety. It contextualizes th e use o f com plex an d co m p o u n d
Vocabulary: abstract n o u n s connected w ith fa m e
Reading: p rediction, specific info rm atio n , an d sum m arizin g
Language focus: sentence stru ctu re
Speaking and writing: describing a favourite villain
UJJuJ To introduce and practise vocabulary around the topic o f
18.2 A year in the public eye fam e.

T he Castaway 2000 experim ent o n TV 1 P ut th e stu d en ts in pairs to look at the n o u n s an d do the

tasks. T hey could use a d ictio n ary to do this.
Listening: gist an d specific in fo rm atio n
Exploring natural speech: being tentative a positive: celebrity / fame / glory / heroism / renown
Language focus: th e verb get negative: infamy / notoriety / villainy
Speaking: pla n n in g a new reality TV p ro g ram m e neutral: reputation (a reputation can be good or bad)
b celebrity / fame / renown
c heroism / villainy
Exploring words d celebrity celebrated
G etting away from it all - vocabulary a ro u n d th e topic o f fame famous
glory glorious
places heroism heroic
infamy infamous
Workbook notoriety notorious
renown renowned
Language focus: sentence structure; get; phrasal verbs reputation reputable
w ith get (Note: this has a positive meaning)
Vocabulary focus: fam e villainy villainous
Vocabulary expansion: collocations - parts o f th e body;
In th e feedback, check th e difference betw een th e w ords in
verbs - ways o f looking for som ething
each group. You m ay w ish to p o in t o u t the following:
Listening: getting away from it all
Fame is greater and more long-lasting than celebrity. For
example, a great film star has fame, but a soap opera actor
has celebrity.
Infamy is worse and longer-lasting than notoriety. Hitler, for
example, is infamous, whereas a soap opera star in a sex
scandal might be described as notorious.
You achieve renown as a singer or an artist, for example. In
other words because of something you are good at.
You achieve glory through war or revolution. You must be
brave and victorious.
Heroes, traditionally, do good, brave things. Villains do bad,
cowardly things. Nowadays, we tend to use hero to describe
people we look up to or admire - a footballer who wins a
match, a film star in the lead role in an action film, a
firefighter who risks his / her life to save a child. We use villain
to describe someone we boo and hiss - a footballer
responsible for losing a match, the bad guy in a film.
A good way of checking further is to ask students for
examples of people, and what word you would use to describe
them. For example, Picasso is a renowned artist. Napoleon was
a glorious leader.

Unit 18
• Alternatively, you could do this as a b oard presentation. W rite 1 D iscuss sentences a - c as a class.
th e w ord fa m e on the b oard an d try to elicit as m any w ords as
Simple sentences have one part (clause), one verb, one main
you can from the students connected w ith fame. Or, find
pictures o f a w orld-fam ous person, a m in o r celebrity, and an Compound sentences have two clauses connected by a linking
infam ous killer or crim inal th a t you th in k your students will word.
know. P ut the pictures on th e b oard and ask the students to Complex sentences have more than one part and more than
describe them o r m atch th em to the w ords in the book. one verb and clauses. One or more of the clauses are
dependent on the main clause.
2 Discuss this as a class. T h in k o f a few infam ous people -
historical an d co n tem p o rary - relevant to your learners. 2 D o the first as an exam ple, th e n ask th e stu d en ts to un d erlin e
th e m ain clauses in th e o th e r sentences. Let th e m check in
Reading pairs before feedback. You m ay w ish to refer th e stu d en ts to
the Language co m m en tary o n p. 139.
I 2 E I To practise prediction skills, reading fo r specific
information, and sum m arizing. The main clauses are underlined.
a Since he wasn't a great warrior, or creative person, his best
1 -2 Elicit ideas from th e students, th en ask them to read the chance was to gain infamy bv destroying something,
passage to see if they were correct. b To punish his selfish act and deter others, the citv banned
speaking of him,
According to the article, the writer doesn't want to give killers c By harming innocents, you're only destroying vour own
notoriety because they are committing their crimes in order to name.
be famous. They want their moment of glory - they want d Some of those anqrv ones out there, who are teetering in
society's attention. indecision with each desperate day, may even decide that
it's better to help lav a few bricks,
e If they choose to join us, we should try to welcome them.
Close up
• P ut the students in pairs to do the exercise. E ncourage th em 3 C heck th a t th e stu d en ts can recognize these sorts o f clauses
to m ake guesses from context rath e r th a n rely o n th eir by asking a few questions: W h a t kin d o f clause begins with
dictionaries. ‘who’ or ‘which’? W h a t kin d begins with ‘to’? W hat kin d begins
w ith ‘i f ’?
1.3 just / proportionate / equitable
1.29 poisonous - a toxic idea might have a dangerous, • P ut th e stu d en ts in pairs to label th e d ep en d en t clauses in
negative effect task 2. You m ay w ish to let th em check by referring to the
x.47 You can't make up your mind. Language co m m en tary o n p. 139.

3 P ut th e students in pairs to answ er the questions. 2a Since he wasn't a great warrior = d an adverb clause
expressing reason
a Sentence 2 2b To punish his selfish act and deter others = e an infinitive
b They all sought attention by committing crime. They are clause
infamous for this reason as much as for the crimes 2c By harming innocents = b a clause introduced by a
themselves. participle expression
c He committed crime for attention, but this is not his real 2 d who are teetering in indecision with each desperate day
name. He was probably called this in order to deny him = a a relative clause
public attention. 2e If they choose to join us = c a conditional clause

► T here is an extra exercise on the effect o f com plex vs.

Language focus: sentence structure p.135 sim ple sentences o n p. 143.
To introduce and practise complex sentences in written
T his section contrasts th e use o f sim ple, co m p o u n d , and
com plex sentences. C o m p o u n d sentences are tw o clauses
in d ep en d en t o f each o th e r joined by a conjunction. C om plex
sentences, as their nam e suggests, consist o f a m ain clause,
and one o r m ore o th e r clauses w hich are d ep en d en t or
subordinate to th e m ain clause. T here are various types o f
d ep en d en t clauses - relative clauses, conditional clauses, and
clauses in tro d u ced by an adverb, an infinitive, o r a participle.
Look at the Language com m en tary o n p. 139 for m o re detail.
The students are introduced to these ideas in a series of
recognition exercises, then given lots o f practice in
transform ing simple to com plex and com plex to simple

Unit 18 135
• Give the stud en ts tim e to read th ro u g h th e profiles o f fam ous
18.2 A year in the public eye
film villains first, an d check vocabulary. T hen, for fu rth er p.136
practice o f com plex sentences, ask th e students to w ork
individually to rew rite th e profiles. M o n ito r an d help.
Stage 2 consists o f a listening text ab o u t the reality TV
• W h en the students have finished, ask a few to read o u t th eir
p ro g ram m e, Castaway 2000. It contextualizes th e m an y uses o f
profiles, o r p u t th e stud en ts in groups to read o u t th eir
th e verb get.
profiles to each o th e r an d to m ake com m ents.

Possible answers Lead in

a Catwoman from Batman
Protected by her nine lives, this sexy, feline queen of crime To get the students talking about the them e o f the
constantly has her evil eye on Batman. If she can get him to listening text, and explain w hat Castaway 2000 is about.
turn to crime, then he will be hers forever!
b Cruella De Vil in Disney's 101 Dalmatians N ote_____________________________________________________
Cruella De Vil lies, cheats, and steals to get what she wants, 4,000 people applied to join the Castaway experiment - 28 adults and
which is the fur of Dalmatian puppies. When their owners, 8 children were chosen. The castaways spent a year on Taransay, a
Roger and Anita, say the pups are not for sale, Cruella is small, uninhabited island in the north of Scotland. TV programmes
angry and swears she she will get her hands on the dogs followed their progress. The castaways slept in 'pods' designed to
somehow. provide shelter from 160kph winds. They had to grow their own
vegetables and keep farm animals.
The Adventures of Robinson Crusoe is a famous novel about a man
Speaking and writing who runs away to sea and asks to be left on an uninhabited island and
rescued five years later. The Swiss Family Robinson is a similar story
To describe favourite villains, and write a profile using about a family who leave Switzerland to start a new life in New Guinea.
complex sentences. On the way they are shipwrecked and land on an uninhabited tropical
island. In both stories the theme is survival through hard work and
1 If possible, b rin g in som e pictures o f w ell-know n villains.
Alternatively, w rite u p as m any nam es o f villains as you can
• Read th ro u g h th e advertisem ent as a class.
th in k of, o r elicit th em from th e students.
• C heck th e m ean in g o f W ant o u t o f the rat race? (Do you w ant
• Ask th e students to choose a favourite villain an d th in k o f
to escape fro m the competitive struggle o f city life?). You could
five o r six interesting things to say ab o u t h im o r her. You
refer back to ellipsis in U nit 12 Stage 2.
co uld give th em headings to consider. For exam ple, W hy is he
or she a villain? W hat does he or she look like? W hat villainous • Ask th e stu d en ts if they w ould be interested in taking part.
things have they done?
• P ut the stud en ts in sm all groups to describe th eir villains.
To listen fo r gist and specific information.
2 Ask th e students to w rite a 40 -6 0 w ord profile using th eir
ideas in 1, an d rem in d th en to use com plex sentences. Refer 1 Ask th e stu d en ts to read th e questions an d listen to the
th em to th e W riting guidelines o n p. 150. recording.
• You could set this for hom ew ork. 18.1
P So what did you think about that Castaway 2000 documentary - have
you seen anything of it?
R Yeah - it was scary.
K I think it's awful.
J Yeah, I couldn't do that.
K No way!
J Never! Just to be thrown on to an island in the cold north of Scotland
with a whole group of people that you don't know.
K Awful people, though, awful people!
P Is it the idea of being filmed? Is that the problem? Or, or just the
J It's the fact that you can't choose who you're who you're spending
time with - I think that's what I would find difficult.
K Then it's too late because you're stuck there - and there's no going
back - and it's such a risk.

a The general reaction is negative, but in this first part it is

only the women who express opinions,
b Being with people you haven't chosen to be with.

136 Unit 18
2 Ask th e students to read th e questions an d listen to the J Yes.
recording. K And there are natural leaders and natural followers which would
inevitably happen - and some people might not like that, they might
18.2 not like being a follower o r ...
R I did two years of agriculture at my school. J ... or being led by somebody that they don't particularly like.
K Did you? K Absolutely and how many leaders do you have? And ... that could be
R Because the choice was agriculture or Latin. very difficult.
K Wow! R But what if you were in a situation where there were, you know, six
R And my father said in his very practical Dutch way 'You'll never people - three people considered themselves or felt that they were
learn need to learn Latin - why learnLatin - learnabout sheep.' natural leaders, I mean, there's immediately a conflict there with the
three of them and three people underneath not really knowing what
J So can you, do you know about farming? - I mean would you know
to do, I mean - in some ways it's almost better to say 'OK - you're our
how ...
spokesman or spokeswoman'.
R I did then.
P What elect somebody?
K But I'm sure that must still be there.
R Yeah ...
R Yeah, I'm sure it's all there, yeah.
K I think we need a therapist as well - a group therapist. (Yes) a Students' own ideas. Possibilities: election of leader/
everyone takes turns to be leader / ask for a volunteer,
R And do you think that you could bring that to the group?
b They'd have a meeting and elect someone.
K That would be a laugh, I'd love to try that, yes absolutely.
R I thinkyou'd need one.
Exploring natural speech
K I think definitely - definitely something.
R So we've got farming, we've got therapy covered. FJTul To explore ways o f expressing opinions in a tentative way.
J I'm very good at DIY. 1 -2 Read th ro u g h th e in tro d u c tio n as a class, th e n ask the
P Yeah, me too. students to com plete th e ex tract w ith tentative w ords. D o one
K/R Well, that's fantastic! / Great! as an example.
R So we don't eat anything, though at this stage. • Let the stu d en ts check in pairs th en play th e recording so
J Eat? th ey can check th eir answers. (This does n o t ap p ear in the
R Mmm. (Can) anyone cook? tap escrip t section o f th e S tu d en t’s Book.)
K Oh yeah, yeah, cooking - I'm sure we can all cook,can't we, I can 18.4
cook, (Yeah) yeah. Grow things, I mean grow vegetablesand - (Yeah)
R So, if we're on the island - we're all faced with having to deal with
we could do that.
new people and we all are faced with the fact that we're going to be
P Did they ... Did they have to do that? Grow their own food? with these people for the next, I don't know, six months, where do
K I think so, I'm sure. you start? I mean how do you, how do you put everyone into their,
into their sort of hierarchal positions, and, and does it happen by itself
R / J I don't know.
or do you think it ...?
K I'm sure they did.
K I don't like the sound of hierarchical - I think that would be one of
a farming (agriculture) / therapy (psychologist) / DIY (Do It the things you'd want to try and avoid, don't you think? To try and
Yourself = practical skills - mending, building, making.) / find some sort of er some sort of society that isn't built on hierarchy
cooking / growing food - that's built on skill maybe.
b Personal answers R Yeah - I suppose that's, that's an ideal, but maybe things would just
3 P ut the students in pairs o r threes to th in k ab o u t how they P I think they would. I think the idea would be to perhaps all sit down,
w ould organize people in the experim ent. have a meeting and I suppose talk about what skills you have and try
and share out certain responsibilities based on that.
• Play the recording so th a t they can check th eir answers.
18.3 1 I don't know 5 maybe
2 I mean 6 maybe
R So, if we're on the island - we're all faced with having to deal with
3 sort of 7 perhaps
new people and we all are faced with the fact that we're going to be
4 don't you think? 8 certain
with these people for the next, I don't know, six months, where do
you start? I mean how do you, how do you put everyone into their,
into their sort of hierarchal positions, and, and does it happen by itself
or do you think it ...?
K I don't like the sound of hierarchical - I think that would be one of
the things you'd want to try and avoid, don't you think? To try and
find some sort of er some sort of society that isn't built on hierarchy
- that's built on skill maybe.
R Yeah - I suppose that's, that's an ideal, but maybe things would just
P I think they would. I think the idea would be to perhaps all sit down,
have a meeting and I suppose talk about what skills you have and try
and share out certain responsibilities based on that.

Unit 18 137
Language focus: get p.137 • You could use the follow ing extra activity to ro u n d off w ork
o n th e verb get w ith som e prepared speaking practice.
iif f f l To revise and practise uses o f the verb get.
1 W rite these subjects up on the b o ard a n d tell students th a t
T his section looks at get as a m ain verb, th e use o f get plus th ey are going to talk for a m inute ab o u t each one.
th e past participle in causative constructions, an d get as a
• A perso n you get on well w ith
p hrasal verb. As a m ain verb, in inform al, spoken English, it
is regularly used as a vague alternative to m ore specific verbs • A perso n w ho som etim es gets at you
like achieve, arrive, o r catch. O ne way o f u n d ersta n d in g its • H ow you th in k you’d get by if you took p a rt in a
use is to see it as a verb th a t expresses som e so rt o f change, p ro g ram m e like Castaway
w h ether th a t is a change o f state, (get thinner), change o f • T hings you used to do to get o u t o f going to school or
po sition, (get home), o r change o f possession, (get a present). doing hom ew ork
Get som ething done m ay be used causatively like have
• T hings you used to get up to as a child (things your
som ething done, for exam ple, I got the w indow fixed, (= I
parents d id n ’t approve of)
d id n ’t do it, b u t I was responsible for causing som eone else to
• T hings you never get ro u n d to doing
fix it). N ote th a t it can also be used non-causatively, for
exam ple, I got stuck. Look at the Language co m m en tary on 2 Give th e stu d en ts a few m in u tes p rep aratio n tim e to read
p. 139 for m o re detail. th ro u g h th e subjects an d th in k w hat to say. T h en p u t
th e m in pairs o r threes to talk for a m in u te ab o u t each
1 O ne way o f startin g is to b rain sto rm as m any phrases
involving get as the stud en ts can th in k of. W rite th em on the
3 M o n ito r an d check th a t th ey are using get correctly.
bo ard, an d ask th e stud en ts w hat different m eanings an d uses
th ey th in k th e w ords m ay have.
• Look at th e tw o exam ples from the tapescript w ith the
stu d en ts an d ask th em to explain the m eaning o f get in those To get the students to discuss, plan, and present a new
contexts. reality T V programme.

a Get means receive. 1 You could set this u p by asking stu d en ts as a class to describe
b Get on is a phrasal verb meaning have a good relationship. reality p ro g ram m es th a t have been on TV recently.
• P u t th e stu d en ts in to sm all groups to plan th eir ow n
2 P u t th e students in pairs to m atch the uses.
pro g ram m e. Ask th em to discuss th e questions. Set a tim e
a becoming b caught c arrive d fetch lim it - ten o r fifteen m inutes is realistic.
e achieved f buy g catch h understand
2 W hen th ey have finished, ask o ne stu d en t from each gro u p to
present th eir ideas.
3 D o th e first as an exam ple, th en p u t the students in pairs to
discuss the sentences. • Alternatively, rath e r th an ju st presenting th eir ideas, you
could tell th e stu d en ts th a t they have to p rep are a persuasive
a get it cleaned = arrange for another person to clean it p resen tatio n o f th e ir p ro g ram m e to th e b o ard o f a TV
clean it = clean it myself
have it cleaned = the same as get it cleaned, but a little com pany. Ask th em to include reasons w hy th eir p ro g ram m e
more formal is special. W hen th ey present th eir ideas, you could n o m in ate
b I must finish it = this is me telling myself about an a panel, m ade u p o f on e m em b er from each group, w ho have
obligation to briefly discuss an d decide on th e m o st persuasive
I must get it finished = implies difficulty or slight panic on presen tatio n at th e end.
the part of the speaker
c I got my finger trapped = this was a misfortune that ► As a follow -up, o r for hom ew ork, you could do th e extra
happened to the speaker activity on p. 143. Refer th e stu d en ts to th e W riting guidelines
My finger was trapped = neutral statement of fact o n p. 151 o f th e S tu d en t’s Book.

4 Students rem ain in pairs to replace the verbs w ith phrasal


a ... get on very well with my boss,

b ... getting at me.
c ... getting up to.
d ... managed to get by.
e ... get round to answering ...
f ... get out o f (doing)
Note: The -ing form is used after get round to and get out of.

138 Unit 18
T his is an o p p o rtu n ity for th e stu d en ts to practise the
Exploring words p.138 vocabulary in tro d u ced in exercises 1 an d 2.
Let th em rem ain in pairs to prepare things to say, an d ask
m o l To introduce and practise vocabulary around the topic o f th em to try to use as m u ch o f th e new vocabulary as possible.
places. T hen divide the stu d en ts in to sm all groups, splitting the
pairs, to discuss th eir ideas.
T his section has tw o stu d en t-cen tred activities w hich
in troduce vocabulary, an d tw o extended speaking activities to A way to create m o re o f an o p in io n gap is to ask th e students
practise it. to argue for o r against living in th e city o r th e country.
A lternatively, you could do this as a class p resentation. Ask
a-d P ut th e stud en ts in pairs to categorize th e w ords an d
stu d en ts to prepare a sh o rt talk in pairs, th e n ask one
discuss the questions. T hey could use dictionaries to do this
m em b er o f each p air to deliver th e talk to th e class.
T his so rt o f activity w orks best if you break it in to stages,
Possible answers
City life Country life giving the stu d en ts p len ty o f tim e to prepare w hat they are
bright + backward - going to say.
bustling + bad transport - Read th ro u g h th e in tro d u c tio n as a class, th en divide the
dangerous at night - close to nature +
stu d en ts in to g roups o f four.
exciting + conservative - / +
lonely - cut off - / + Ask th em to th in k o f three o r fo u r reasons w hy each o p tion
noisy - dull - m ig h t be a good idea. You could divide the fo u r in to two
overcrowded - isolated - / + pairs, an d ask each p air to p rep are arg u m en ts for on e o f the
polluted - lonely -
poor public services - no nightlife - / + o ptions.
poverty - peaceful - / + Ask th e stu d en ts to discuss th e o p tio n s an d decide w hich one
stressful - poor public services - th ey are going to choose.
traffic - poverty -
unreliable public transport -- relaxed + Give th e stu d en ts a few m in u tes to th in k ab o u t how they are
secure + going to present th eir o p tio n , th e n ask on e m em b er o f the
tranquil + g ro u p to m ake a p resen tatio n to th e class.
uncrowded +
unpolluted +
unreliable public transport -
bright / dull
bustling / tranquil or peaceful
dangerous / secure
exciting / dull
overcrowded / uncrowded
polluted / unpolluted
stressful / relaxed

S tudents rem ain in pairs to m atch the words.

1 agricultural land (country)

2 farming communities (country)
3 high-rise blocks (city)
4 multi-storey car parks (city)
5 narrow lanes (country)
6 one-way systems (city)
7 open fields (country)
8 parking restrictions (city)
9 shopping malls (city)
10 traffic congestion (city)

Unit 18 139
Extra materia

Unit 1 sb p.9 ■■Unit 2 SB p.16

Metaphors to describe people make and do
T he th ird speaker in refers to B arbara W alters as a C o m p le te th is le tte r w ith a n a p p ro p ria te fo rm o f m ake o r
news anchor. T his is a nam e for the presenter o f a new s or do.
cu rren t affairs program m e, especially o n TV in the US.
I’ve b e e n in th is jo b fo r a m o n th now . A t first I d id n ’t
a M a tc h th e b eg in n in g s a n d en d in g s to fo rm sen ten ces really en jo y th e w o rk a n d th o u g h t a b o u t leaving, b u t n o w
w h ich d escrib e c e rta in k in d s o f peo p le. I 1 q u ite w ell a n d I’ve d ec id e d t o 2 a go o f it.
B eginnings E ndings
1 E m m a’s a real w et a - she reorganized o u r A ctually, since I sta rte d h ere, I 3 am a z in g p ro g ress. T h e
blanket office in h er first week c o m p a n y p a id fo r m e t o ....... 4 a c o m p u tin g co u rse, w h ich
here. w as really h elp fu l, a n d ....... 5 a b ig d ifferen ce to m y self-
A nnie’s a m ine o f - she’s been w onderful co n fid en ce.
inform ation since Paul and I split up. U n fo rtu n a tely , to s ta rt w ith , w o rk in g a t th e c o m p u te r gave
~f\ Paula’s a com plete - she’s w orried ab o u t m e a b ack ach e. B ecause I c o u ld n ’t c o n c e n tra te , I 6 lo ts
bag o f nerves everything at the m om ent. o f m istak es. N o w I ’ve g o t a special chair, a n d t h a t 7 th e
Jo’s a real live wire - I w on’t go o n holiday
tric k - n o m o re backache!
w ith h er again.
~f\ Suzy’s m y shoulder - I’ve never m anaged to W h a t I ’d really like n o w is to b e c o m e a c o m p u te r
to cry on get really close to her. c o n s u lta n t like m y b ro th e r. H e ’s really w ell p a id - in fact
f] Julia’s a b it o f a - if you w an t to know he 8 an ab so lu te fo rtu n e !
cold fish anything ab o u t cars, ask
b W h a t k in d s o f p e o p le d o th e p h rase s in italics describe?
D o y o u k n o w an y o n e y o u w o u ld d escrib e as a cold fish,
a live wire, etc?

■ Unit 1— —— —— sb p.11
Language focus practice
C om plete this conversation w ith all, both, either, neither, or
Jo I’m late for w ork. C a n ' o f you drive m e to the
Amy I can.
S am So can I.
Jo Well you can’t 2 - there’s only one car. B ut I
d o n ’t m in d w ho takes m e 3 o f you will do - as
long as I get to the station o n tim e.
Amy We’l l 4 go. I’ll drive - you sit in the front, Jo,
an d Sam can go in th e back w ith th e dog.
S am I do n ’t w ant to sit w ith th e dog!
Jo Well, we can’t 5 sit in th e front. We m ig h t crash
an d t h e n 6 o f us w ould get to the station.

140 Extra material Lan dm ark A d va n ce d © Oxford University Press PHOTOCOPIABLE

■ Unit 3 m ■— i— in in in ini- sb p.20 ■ Unit Am m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m SB p.31
It's (just) occurred to me and mind you Story-telling
W o rk in pairs. M ake c o n v e rsatio n s ad d in g th e p h rase s in W o rk in g ro u p s o f four. M ake u p sto ries b e g in n in g w ith
b rac k ets to B’s replies. o n e o f th e se lines. Take tu r n s to a d d th e n ex t line.
1 A D on’t you w an t to w alk into town? 1 T h e stu d e n ts w ere d rin k in g , c h a ttin g , a n d w aitin g for
B Yeah, b u t I haven’t got an um brella, ( it’s ju st th e n ex t lesso n to b eg in .
occurred to me) 2 She clim b e d o n to th e w in d o w -sill a n d lo o k e d d o w n .
2 A It’s really cold, isn’t it? 3 I h a d n ’t seen m y b r o th e r fo r n ea rly seven years.
B Yes, an d we haven’t got any w arm clothes w ith us.
( it’s occurred to me) Take tu r n s to a d d th e n ex t lin e o f th e story.
3 A W asn’t it fantastic o n th e beach yesterday? E x am p le
B It was to o h o t for m e. I’ve never enjoyed A The bell h a d ru n g fiv e m in u tes earlier a n d there were still
sunbathing. (M in d you) ten m in u te s’ break.
4 A I hate snow an d ice.
B T he P rincipal w a lked in a n d w e n t stra ig h t to the m id d le
B M e too. I enjoy skiing. (M in d you)
o f the room.
C She looked round, a n d ...
■ U n i t 3 nnmmmmmnmmmmmmmmmmm SB p.22
Colloquial language ■ Unit 4 _ h ^ _ h i k S b p.33
W ork in pairs. Take tu rn s to be Student B, w hose replies
Reported speech
sh o u ld include everyday speech versions o f th e w ords
underlined. Rewrite these sentences in rep o rted speech.
1 A Hi. Are you ready to leave? 1 ‘I’ll see you o n Friday,’ she said. (It’s no w the
B (You are n o t quite ready. Ask your friend to give follow ing Tuesday.)
you tw o m o re m inutes).
2 A W here’s John?
B (You’re sorry, you d on’t know ). 2 ‘I’m busy at th e w eekend,’ he said (It’s th e W ednesday
3 A Shall we go out this evening? before th e w eekend.)
B (You are tired. You w ant to stay in an d relax).
4 A D o you fa n cy a gam e o f squash?
B (You can’t. You’ve got to w ork late). 3 ‘I still love you.’ she said. (T he speaker still loves him !)
5 A H ave you seen M andy recently?
B (You haven’t, b u t you’re going to see h er this
evening). 4 ‘We m ay go to Florida for o u r holiday,’ she said.

5 ‘I o u g h t to stay in an d w ork this evening,’ I said.

6 ‘I m u st take m y car to th e garage,’ he said.

7 ‘W ould you like to com e ro u n d for th e evening?’ she


8 ‘C an you com e w ith us?’ she asked.

9 ‘Are you w o rried ab o u t losing data?’ she asked me.

10 ‘W ork h ard er!’ she said.

Landm ark A d van ce d © Oxford University Press PHOTOCOPIABLE Extra material

1 c p.45 ■ Unit p.88
G ivin g advice Craze vocabulary
1 W ork in groups. D iscuss o n e o f th e se le tte rs to a m ag azin e. 1 C om plete each sentence w ith an ap p ro p riate w o rd from this
W h a t advice w o u ld yo u give? list.
My younger brother is a very talented footballer. He'd like to about in into mad of on with
play professionally w hen he's older, but he doesn't thin k he's
good enough to be considered by the local football club and a I was com pletely b allet-.........
is too shy to apply for a trial. W hat can I do to help? How b Iw as anim als.
can I build up my brother's confidence? c I used to be a great fan heavy m etal m usic.
B d I was really k e e n playing w ith Lego®.
My younger sister is a brilliant singer. I think she's good e I was com pletely o b se sse d ......... football.
enough to become a professional - but she's not very f I was always very in te re s te d m usic.
ambitious and says she just wants to sing for fun. W hat should g I’m absolutely c ra z y scuba diving.
I do to persuade her to think again about singing as a career?
2 W ork w ith a p artn er. Talk ab o u t activities you are n ot
2 Use som e o f the ideas you have ju st discussed to w rite a reply interested in o r actually dislike.
to the w riter o f one o f th e letters. Refer to the W riting
U se so m e o f th e se expressions:
guidelines o n p. 152.
1 M ake a parag rap h plan, for exam ple: really a n n o y s m e.
Para 1 Show u n d erstan d in g o f the w riter’s • I ca n ’t sta n d / lo a th e / d e t e s t .
situation and p o in t o f view. • I ’m (co m p letely ) in d ifferen t to / u n e n th u s ia s tic a b o u t
Para 2 M ake practical suggestions th a t the
w riter can follow up im m ediately.
Para 3 Say w hat m ight h ap p en if the w riter
does n o t follow your advice.
■ Unit 15 m m m m m m m SB p.1 1 5
Para 4 E nd on a reassuring note, expressing
Lan gu age focus practice
your ho p e th a t things tu rn o u t well.
2 W rite a first draft letter. Keep a clear im age in your Som e verbs have different m eanings d ep en d in g o n w hether
m in d o f th e person you are w riting to. W rite in a they are follow ed by th e -ing form or th e infinitive. W hat is
sim ple, friendly style w hich will convince th e reader th e difference in m ean in g betw een these pairs o f sentences?
o f your sincerity an d concern. 1 I forgot to m eet h er at th e station. / I’ll never forget m eeting
3 Exchange letters w ith a partner. Read each o th e r’s h er at th e station.
letters from th e p o in t o f view o f th e person w ho asked 2 O n th e way h o m e I stopped to buy a new spaper. / 1’ve
th e question. D oes the advice m ake sense to you? stopped buying new spapers - th ey ’re so expensive.
4 C o m m en t o n y o u r p a rtn e r’s letter. Say how you 3 I d idn’t m ean to offend you. / I’ve got to say this, even if it
w ould react to th e advice an d co m m en t on th e style. means offending you.
5 W rite the final draft o f your letter. 4 Rem em ber to phone m e as soon as you get back. /
I distinctly remem ber phoning h er as so o n as I got back.
5 D espite his in ju ry he w ent on playing football. / H aving
started playing football at school, he w ent on to play for
his country.
6 I regret to tell you th a t you’ve failed y o u r exam. / 1 really
regret telling you the exam result.

Extra material Lan dm ark A d va n ce d © O xford University Press PHOTOCOPIABLE

-Unit 16 SB p.118 -Unit 18 SB p .135

Sleep vocabulary Complex sentences

1 W h at are the differences in m ean in g betw een these sets o f W hy do we use com plex sentences? W h at effect do they have
sleep w ords and phrases? Use a d ictio n ary to help you w ith com pared w ith sim ple sentences? Read these tw o texts an d
w ords you’re n o t sure of. com pare ideas w ith a partner,
a exhausted / tired / knackered / sleepy a W hich text so u n d s m o re exciting?
b to go to bed / to go to sleep b W hich text con tain s m o re com plicated ideas?
c to fall asleep / to get to sleep / to drop off c W hich text explains th e conn ectio n s betw een facts?
d to lie dow n / to lie in d W hich text is easier to understand?
e have a nap / to doze A
f to stay up / to be awake Guy Burgess w orked fo r the British secret service at a time
when British power in the w orld was decreasing. Blam ing the
2 C hoose the m o st appropriate w ord o r phrase.
upper classes for this situation, he became a Marxist who
a After th e exam s we w ent to a club an d danced all night. believed that the future of Britain was as a communist
T he next day we were com pletely exhausted / sleepy. country. He w orked as a Russian spy until the mid-1950s
b I d id n ’t go to bed / go to sleep until 1 a.m . even th o u g h I when, realizing the authorities suspected him, he fled to
w ent to bed / w ent to sleep early, Moscow.
c I’d only been o n the plane for 10 m inutes before I got to B
sleep / dropped off. The radio crackled. It w ent quiet. He tried the phone. That
d O n Saturday m ornings I often lie down / lie in until was dead too. Was he being watched? He looked out of the
midday. window. He tho ugh t he saw a m ovement by the gate. He ran
e D o n ’t w o rry ab o u t distu rb in g him - he’s ju st having a nap downstairs. Maybe he could escape through the back of the
/ dozing in fro n t o f th e TV. house. He took the revolver out of his pocket. He opened the
back door. Instantly, he was blinded by a strong light.
f W e h a d so m u c h to ta lk a b o u t th a t w e stayed up / were
awake all n ig h t.
- Unit 1 Q sb p. 137
- U n it 16 II if -Ill HIP SB p. 1 2 0
Writing and speaking
Pairs of adjectives You have decided to apply to take p a rt in a p ro g ram m e like
Castaway. You can apply for a real p ro g ram m e you know
1 In recording | £ 2 J the final action o f Chicken R un is
a b o u t o r on e o f th e p ro g ram m es presented to the class.
described as fa st and furious. W hat do you th in k this means?
2 H ere are som e m ore sim ilar expressions. W hat do you notice 1 W rite a letter o f application, saying w hy you th in k you
ab o u t them ? sh o u ld be chosen for the p ro g ram m e. Include th e follow ing
rough and ready / prim and proper / bright and breezy / cold inform ation:
and calculating / w et and w indy • Say w h y y o u are ap p ly in g . W h y d o es th e p a rtic u la r
3 W hich o f the expressions m ight you use to describe: p ro g ra m m e ap p e al to you?
a a w in ter’s night • W rite a b o u t y ourself. D escrib e y o u r p erso n ality . List
b a cheerful person y o u r skills a n d abilities. M e n tio n an y rele v an t
c a secon d -h an d car repaired in a h u rry ex p erien ce y o u have alre ad y h ad .
d the behaviour o f a refined young w om an • E n d w ith a s u m m a ry o f w h a t y o u co u ld c o n trib u te to
e an am bitious politician th e p ro jec t.

2 Exchange letters w ith a p a rtn e r w ho is applying for th e sam e

p ro g ram m e as you.
a R ead each o th e r ’s letters carefully,
b Take tu r n s to in te rv ie w each o th er. A sk f u rth e r
q u e stio n s a b o u t y o u r p a r tn e r ’s ch aracter, ex p erien ce
a n d skills.
c Finally, d ecid e w h e th e r y o u r p a r tn e r is a su itab le
ca n d id a te fo r th e p ro g ra m m e .

Landm ark A d v ance d © Oxford University Press PHOTOCOPIABLE Extra material

Extra material key

Unit 1 ii" h i Metaphors m Unit 12 wmmmmmmmmmmmCraze vocabulary

a l d 2 f 3 c 4 a 5 b 6 e 1 a mad b into c of d on e with f in g about
b Personal answers 2 Personal answers

Unit 1 s Language focus

1 either 2 both 3 either 4 all 5 all
6 none

Unit 2 i make and do

1 am doing 5 made / has made
2 make 6 made
3 have made 7 did / has done
4 do 8 makes / has made

m Unit 3 ■ h b h m h b h m i Colloquial language

1 B Not quite - can you gimme two more minutes?
2 B Sorry, I dunno.
3 B No, I'm tired. I wanna stay in and relax.
4 B Sorry, I can't. I've gotta work late.
5 B No, but I'm gonna see her this evening.

■ Unit 4 Reported speech

1 She said she'd see me on Friday.
2 He said he's / he was busy at the weekend.
3 She says she still loves you.
4 She said they might go to Florida for their holiday.
5 I said I ought to stay in and work that evening.
6 He said he had to take his car to the garage.
7 She asked if / whether we'd like to go roundfor the
8 She asked if / whether I could go with them.
9 She asked me if / whether I was worried about losing data.
10 She told me to work harder.

144 Extra material key Lan dm ark A d van ce d © O xford University Press PHOTOCOPIABLE
Unit 15, i Language focus practice ■ Unit 16 Sleep vocabulary
It might be useful to draw a time line on the board.
1 forgot to meet her = I didn't meet her because I forgot exhausted
forget didn't meet go to sleep, went to bed
-----------------------X ------------------------ X --------------------------------- dropped off
forget meeting her = I met her and I' never forget about it lie in
meet forget dozing
X ----------------------------------- X ----- stayed up
2 stopped to buy = broke my journey in order to buy
stop buy
— X--------------- ------------- Unit 16, Pairs of adjectives
stopped buying = I didn't buy (newspapers) any more
1 The action is quick and energetic.
-X - 2 The adjective pairs have the same initial letter.
buy 3
I didn't mean to offend you = this wasn't my intention a wet and windy
even if it means offending you = involves offending you b bright and breezy
(time line not relevant here) c rough and ready
Remember to phone = don't forget d prim and proper
remember phone e cold and calculating
x ------------------------ X ------ -— -----------------------
I remember phoning = I recall the occasion
phone remember
--------------------X ------------------------ X---------------
Unit 18, Complex sentences
went on playing = continued Complex sentences allow us to express the links between facts
went on to play = progressed to do something else or ideas in a way which simple sentences do not. On the other
(time line not relevant here) hand, we may choose to use simple sentences to make what
we write more immediate and dynamic.
I regret to tell you = I'm sorry but I have to inform you (the
aB b A cA d B
speaker is going to tell)
regret tell
-X -
I regret telling you = I wish I hadn’t told you (the speaker
has already told)
tell regret
..............— X-------------------------- X—-----------------------------------

Landm ark A d v ance d © O xford University Press PHOTOCOPIABLE Extra material key
Writing guidelines key
Personal profiles Stories and narratives
Analysis - suggested answers Analysis - suggested answers
Profile A 1 c
1 A reference 2 A Factual b o o k / article ab o u t Salvador Dali
2 To su p p o rt a stu d e n t’s application for a course B Letter / e-m ail
3 A teacher / ex-teacher 3 E xtract A
4 A dm issions officer / tu to r at a college T he effect is to give th e reader a vivid im pression o f places
Profile B a n d people.

1 A letter / e-m ail a By th e use o f sh o rt snappy sentences an d exclam ation

m arks [!!!]
2 As p a rt o f inform al co m m u n icatio n betw een friends / to keep
som eone u p to date By th e use o f ‘extrem e’ vocabulary: You probably w o n t believe
this... / fantastic / it was absolutely fantastic
3 A friend
4 A friend Useful language - suggestions
P rofile C E xtract A
1 A CV / resum e D riving along a coast road, we passed / N e xt m orning /
2 In su p p o rt o f a jo b application Suddenly / Then
3 An applicant for a job E x tract B
4 A p o ten tial em ployer Then
Profile D E xtract C
1 A bio g raphy / o b itu ary D uring the first weeks a t school she had ru n g ! N ow
2 To record details o f o r celebrate som eone’s life
3 A professional w riter o r jo u rn alist (possibly an acquaintance
o f th e subject) Letters
4 A general readership - e.g. new spaper readers
Analysis - suggested answers
Useful language - suggestions L etter A

Profile A 1 In fo rm al letter a b o u t fam ily m atters

highly-m otivated student I o f an excellent standard / is rather 2 F ather to son

quiet and reserved / flu e n t and colloquial / to com m unicate 3 Least form al
effectively / worked hard / the slight accent / w ide vocabulary t 4 • W riter is father (or perh ap s older bro th er). M att is his
an excellent student son. T ina is a friend o f M att. Becky is M att’s sister. Val is
Profile B th e w riter’s wife (probably second wife - therefore M att’s
nothing special to look at - tall and slim w ith short dark hair / step m o th er).
such a lovely personality / so kind / I t was am azing • Possible endings: Love / Take care / W rite soon
Profile C L etter B
All w ords an d phrases are useful. 1 Letter o f com p lain t
Profile D 2 C ouple w ho stayed in hotel to hotel m anager
a professional m usician / polished m usicianship / rarely o ut o f 3 -
work 4 • T he first p arag rap h states th e p u rp o se o f th e letter. The
final p arag rap h states w hat action the w riter w ants to
• Ending: Yours fa ith fu lly

146 W riting guidelines key

Letter C
1 Letter o f application (for place o n m usic course) Articles
2 P otential course m em b er to course adm in istrato r Analysis
3 M ost form al 1 Article A: Public interest in n atu re as show n by p o p u larity o f
4 • Topics o f the five paragraphs: TV survival program m es
1 States the p u rp o se o f the letter A im ed at general readers

2 T he w riter says w hy his application is appropriate Article B: H uge tidal wave th reaten in g Britain
A im ed at general readers
3 T he w riter’s qualifications an d suitability for the course
Article C: W hat attracts w om en to certain kinds o f m en
4 T he w riter’s reassurance th a t this is a serious
Aim ed at general readers - perhaps m ore for w om en
Article D: Problem s w ith com puters
5 A concluding sentence
A im ed at users o f M acintosh com puters
• Possible beginning: Dear M r X / Dear M s Y (a perso n ’s
2, 3 Personal answers
nam e)
4 Article A: Q u estio n in headline needs an answ er
Letter D
Article B: Provocative / in trig u in g q u estio n in headline needs
1 Reply to a request
an answ er
2 U niversity teacher to ex-student Addresses th e reader directly - YOU
3 - Article C: N am es o f fam ous people used in the first
4 ■ Possible ending: Best wishes / All the best p arag rap h
Article D: T he w riter w arns readers ab o u t problem s th ey m ay
Useful language - suggestions
have w ith com puters. T he article will help th em
Letter A w ith these.
Informal language: All verb contractions, plus: H i M a tt / very 5 E xtract E is th e en d o f A rticle B. T he w riter leaves the reader
kind o f her / we fancy / loads o f fantastic big houses / all cost a w ondering, m aybe w orry in g ab o u t fu tu re threat.
fo rtu n e / Better stop now
Letter B Useful language - suggestions
Formal language: to com m ent on / satisfactory / the following Article A
m orning / appealing / In addition to this / your response • T he use o f interesting w ords in the title question: Is this
Letter C paradise or a hell o f a challenge?
Formal language: In response to 11 wish to apply / to be held / • I am definitely a four-star hotel kind o f girl
achieved Grade 8 / lim ited / I f accepted on the course I would Article B
be a com m itted and enthusiastic participant / contribute / • D irectly addressing th e reader: I f yo u ’ve read this fa r / B u t
consider m y application favourably
don’t relax too m uch
Letter D • Strong stating o f case: there’s no question that
Sem i-formal language: good to hear from you / m aking use o f I
Article C
received / challenging / In answer to your request / you require /
• A ddressing th e reader in a conversational way: D o n ’t ask
your project / Everyone sends their regards
m e w hy / Yes, th a t’s right
Article D
• Conveying th e idea th a t problem s are inevitable: Sooner or
• Reassuring th e reader: This isn’t unusual a n d it certainly
isn’t som ething to panic about
Article E
U sing direct speech to qu o te an expert


Writing guidelines key 147

Reports Reviews
• In com parison w ith articles, reports are m ore factual and
Analysis - suggested answers
objective. T he em phasis is on conveying inform ation clearly ^
a Review C (H a rry Potter)
an d effectively, so there is n o t the sam e need for reports to
capture the reader’s attention or to be interesting. b Review A (R adiohead)
N arratives usually involve a n u m b e r o f events in sequence. C Review B ( Titanic)
• Personal answers d Review C is th e m o st form al. Review A could be described
as very inform al o r ‘conversational’.
Analysis - suggested answers 2 P ersonal answers
1 T he p u rp o se is to rep o rt o n a survey o f stu d en t attitu d es to
th e eating facilities at th eir college. Useful language - suggestions
It could have been w ritten by an outside research Review A
organization; m o re likely to have been a gro u p o f stud en ts at som ething completely new and magnificent. I fir m ly believe that
the college. It was probably w ritten for college m anagem ent, this is one o f the best album s ever released / i f you haven’t
o r o utside caterers responsible for th e resta u ran t facilities. bought it yet, then you should / listen to it again / it’s not long
2 Variety / Range o f food available enough! I love the variations in tim e signature, and the
overlapping rhythm s / I ju st can’t w ait fo r their next album
3 Personal com m ents by th e w riter com e in the conclusion,
w hen a rec o m m en d atio n is m ade: I suggest that the college Review B
m anagem ent fin d a w ay... Titanic is a disappointm ent / The m ain problems are / Too
m uch tim e is spent on / W h a t the audience really wants to see
Useful language - suggestions is / the special effects are incredible / this film will n ot sink
This report outlines / The m ajority o f students were satisfied / Review C
Sandwiches were criticized / There was support fo r the idea /
a highly readable and im aginative adventure story / this is the
not a m ajor concern / M any reported / There is a widespread
book you have been waiting fo r
feeling that / college m anagem ent fin d

148 Writing guidelines key

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