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154 Burns.

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Pressure therapy in the treatment of

post-burn hypertrophic scar-A critical look
into its usefulness and fallacies by pressure

J. C. Y. Cheng, J. H. Evans, K. S. Leung, J. A. Clark,T. T. C. Choy, f?. C. Leung

Department of Orthopaedic and Traumatic Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, The Chinese
lJn>versity of Hong Kong

Summary and treatment of hypertrophic scars has received

Pressure therapy is generally accepted as the best non- growing recognition in different parts of the
invasive means of preventing and controlling hyper- world in recent years (Fujimori et al., 1968;
trophic scarring after burn injury. Most studies in the Larson et al., 197 1; Larson et al., 1974; Kischer
past have failed to correlate clinical response with et al., 1975; Tolhurst, 1977; Leung and Ng,
magnitude of the garment-scar interface pressure.
1980; Naismith, 1980; Robertson et al., 1980).
This study looked critically at our usual techniques
of pressure therapy using pressure ‘sensors’ manu- Pressure therapy is currently applied by an
factured locally and based on electro-pneumatic prin- elasticated garment acting on the scar surface
ciples. Many pitfalls, such as large variations of with or without additional pressure-paddings.
pressure at different geometric sites on the body, elastic Lycra, a spandex fibre material consisting of
deterioration in garments, problems of garment manu- 80-85 per cent polyurethane is the material com-
facture, and the unfavourable properties of the Lycra monly used, The general belief is that pressure
garments, were observed. Recommendations on press- therapy should be started early, preferably with-
ure treatment were made based on our experiences, to in two weeks after the burn wound or the skin-
improve the present technique of pressure therapy.
grafted area has healed (Larson et al., 1974;
These included the standardization of measurement
techniques and garment tailoring, the regular checking Thomson, 1974; Leung and Ng, 1980; Robertson
of pressure at the garment-scar interface using pressure et al., 1980); the garment should be worn twenty-
transducers, the appropriate garment adjustments, a four hours a day with short rest periods for meals
strict regimen for garment wearing, and the intelligent and hygienic measures; the treatment should be
use of pressure-padding and reinforcement. Areas of continued for at least nine months and relapses
further research are also discussed. of the healing process should call for a prompt
resumption of treatment. A pressure of at least
INTRODUCTION 24 mmHg was considered necessary for effective
HYPERTROPHIC scarring is a well-known compli- therapy (Larson et al., 1974; Baur et al., 1976).
cation following bum injury to the human body. Commercially available pressure garments
It causes serious functional and cosmetic disable- were plainly accepted as effective without alter-
ment and considerable socio-economic impli- ation and actual garment-scar interface press-
cations to the community. Methods oftreatment ures were seldom measured. Measuring and
available and preventive measures for this con- monitoring of the pressure applied by a garment
dition are, on the whole, unsatisfactory and inef- on a hypertrophic scar was just considered un-
fective for large scar areas. The use of external necessary and it was only recently that
pressure as a non-invasive means of prevention special pressure ‘sensors’ were available for
Cheng at al.: Pressure therapy treatment monitored 155

clinical use. These pressure transducers opened

up new prospectives for more scientific and
quantitative studies on the application and effec-
tiveness of pressure therapy (Isherwood et al.,

1975; Naismith, 1980; Robertson et al., 1980).
This manuscript first analyses the problems
associated with the present techniques of press-
ure therapy, then identifies areas for further
improvement and research.


Pressure therapy clinic L TO LIGHT + SOUND
Since 1976, over 400 patients have attended the
Pressure Therapy Clinic at Princess Margaret
Hospital in Hong Kong. The majority (60 per
cent were new patients referred shortly after
bum wound healing while the rest (40 per cent)
were late cases of well-formed hypertrophic
scars which had been present from a few months
to three years.
After initial assessments, suitable patients
were started on pressure therapy. The elasticated
Lycra garments were all custom-made by the
Occupational Therapists. The technique of tail-
oring and patient measurement has been de-
scribed in a previous article (Leung and Ng,
1980). Patients with pressure garments were fol- ELECTRODES SEPARATED
lowed up in the Clinic regularly every two to
four weeks. They were seen jointly by the Sur-
geon and the Occupational Therapist and the Interface pressure recorded
symptoms of pain, itchiness, blistering, and the when electrodes separate.
state of the scar which included colour, hardness
and thickness were noted. The tension in the gar-
ment was assessed subjectively by ‘feeling’ at the
seams and checking on the comfort and toler- - AIR
ance of the patient wearing it. The garments
were then adjusted if they appeared ‘slack- ELECTRODES IN CONTACT
ened’, usually at monthly intervals. Appropriate
splints and physiotherapy were provided should Fig. I. Electra-pneumatic pressure transducer.

there be joint tightness. Signs of clinical im-

provement in hypertrophic scars were defined as
decreased vascularity, thinning and softening of body surface, it is imperative that this geometry
the scar and an associated decrease in the itchi- must not be significantly disturbed by the press-
ness and pain. Based on these criteria, we ana- ure measurement technique (Naismith, 1980).
lysed 100 patients in 1979 and 72.5 per cent This implies that an acceptable pressure sensor
were found to show good response (Leung and or transducer must be small, thin, flexible, and
Ng, 1980). This previous study, like many others provides a pressure reading at a small localized
of similar nature, has an inherent limitation of area. Specially constructed capacitance trans-
assuming that the garments applied the necess- ducers or sensors utilizing electro-pneumatic
ary external pressure and no actual measure- principles would satisfy these requirements. The
ments of the garment-scar interface pressures latter type is more suitable for routine clinical
were taken. use as it requires no calibration, can be handled
easily, is robust, and provides a direct reading of
Pressure measurement the externally applied pressure on the scar (Fig.
As the pressure provided by a Lycra garment is 1). Commercially available electro-pneumatic
strongly dependent on the local geometry of the pressure transducers, however, are not suitable
156 Burns Vol. 1 O/No. 3




(mmHg measurement)

(hand operated)

Fig. 2. Garment-scar interface pressure measuring apparatus.

for our needs as they are usually designed to scar interface pressure measurements. Our gen-
measure much higher pressures than that eral understanding and appreciation is enhanced
normally applied by pressure garments. if the following information can be obtained:
In this study, a reliable system of pressure (i) The actual magnitude of pressure at the
‘sensor’ utilizing electro-pneumatic principles garment-scar interface,
and developed in the Bioengineering Depart- (ii) The pressure variation over different
ment of Strathclyde University, Glasgow, parts of the body in regions of different
were used for pressure measurement. They were geometry,
tested repeatedly and found to have an accuracy (iii) The changes in pressure when the gar-
of f 3 mmHg within the range of O-50 mmHg ment was worn continuously for long
pressure. The pressure was read off from a periods of time, i.e., due to garment
special Air-flow Measuring Manometer with sen- deterioration,
sitivity of f 1 mm water gauge pressure (Figs. 2 (iv) Pressure differences related to differ-
and 3). ences in tailoring techniques among
different therapists, i.e. manufacturing
Methodology differences.
Instead of adopting the subjective ‘feeling’ Starting early in 1982, 50 patients having press-
method of assessing the tension in the garment ure garment treatment for hypertrophic scarring
the pressure ‘sensors’ gave quantitative garment- affecting different sites of the body were selected
Cheng et al.: Pressure therapy treatment monitored 157

Fig. 3. Garment-scar interface pressure measuring apparatus.



0 I 0



Fig. 4. Specific sites for pressure monitoring on upper limb.

158 Burns Vol lo/No. 3

Table /. Garment-scar interface pressures (mmHg) at different sites (50 patients)

Range of pressures Average pressure

Area (minimum & maximum) (mmHgl

Upper Limb
Mid-arm Medial O-10 5
Lateral 5-l 5 10
Dorsal 5-10 8
Ventral 5-15 10
Mid-forearm Medial 5-l 5 10
Lateral 5-20 15
Dorsal 5-l 5 10
Ventral 3-l 5 8
Lower Limb
Mid-thigh Medial O-10 8
Lateral 5-20 15
Posterior o-1 5 7
Anterior 5-l 5 10
Mid-calf Medial O-15 10
Lateral 5-20 12
Posterior 5-20 15
Anterior 1040 25
Front Presternal area o- 2 0
Lateral chest 5-25 15
Abdomen o- 3 0
Back Interscapular area o- 3 0
Scapular prominence 5-25 15
Lumbosacral area o- 5 0
Buttock o-15 8
Head c!?Neck
Front Chin 1040 25
Cheek O-10 5
Malar region 5-25 20
Forehead/neck O-10 5
Neck o- 5 2
Back Occiput 5-20 15
Neck o- 5 2

for study. The range of pressures at different The measuring sites were located over the ven-
areas were recorded with the pneumatic pressure tral and dorsal sides (4 each) of the arm as indi-
transducer. Children were excluded from the cated in Fig. 4.
study because of their unreliable behaviour Using the same measuring and tailoring tech-
which would affect the results. All the pressure niques, different garments were manufactured by
measurements were made at the interface be- different therapists according to their experience
tween the hypertrophic scar and the garment and on similar areas of scar undergoing pressure
which had been manufactured locally and worn treatment. The pressures applied by these gar-
by the patients and no special adjustments on ments were compared using the pneumatic
the garments were made prior to measurements. transducers.
Another group of 10 patients with hyper-
trophic scars on the upper limbs were selected RESULTS
for more detailed studies. They were all fitted Pressure variation at different sites of
with newly manufactured pressure garments application
and the pressures at eight specific sites were Standard sites over the head and neck, trunk and
measured immediately and thereafter at weekly extremities were chosen for the pressure measure-
intervals with no garment adjustments made. ments. The pressure readings were grouped
Cheng et al.: Pressure therapy treatment monitored 159

:30 -
B :
E 01
&2%b +
p .20-
E 15.

y lo-

I I I I I 1 b
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 6
Time (Weeks)

Fig. 5. Graphs showing the decay of garment-scar interface pressure with

time from data of 10 patients.

together and expressed as the ‘maximum and and then at weekly intervals. Only a single gar-
minimum’ and the ‘average pressure’ at each ment was given to each patient so that he had
specific chosen site, and they are listed in to wear it throughout the testing period of 8
Table I. weeks.
From Table I, wide variations of pressure The pressure data obtained for each site was
were found over different parts of the body. Very averaged from the measurements on 10 patients,
low pressures were detected over areas like the and these pressure readings were plotted against
back, the abdomen, and the prestemal area (sites the time intervals of measurement in a graph
of large radii of curvature); much higher press- (Fig. 5).
ures were noted over the shin and chin region The graph indicates a significant drop in
while the pressures over the limbs were medium garment-scar interface pressure which amounted
in range. to around 50 per cent of the initial pressure after
It was also obvious that the majority of the 50 an interval of four weeks. All the eight sites
patients showed an average garment-scar inter- under study gave the same results indicating the
face pressure of 5-l 5 mmHg and only a few had gradual decline in interface pressure.
applied pressures greater than 20 mmHg. We
noted with great interest that all of these gar- Tailoring techniques of manufacture and
ments had been previously checked by the thera- pressure variation
pists and passed as being suitable for supplying There were significant differences in the press-
satisfactory garment tension. And what was ures recorded (greater than 5 mmHg) for the
more, actual good clinical responses were same area of scar of the same patient treated
recorded. with different garments made by different thera-
pists although they were directed to follow the
Time-dependent changes in garment-scar same manufacturing techniques. This could be
interface pressure related to differences in tailoring measurements,
The applied pressures on all the eight specific cutting and sewing techniques (Table II), and no
sites of the 10 chosen patients were measured therapist could guarantee the reproduction of
immediately after a satisfactory initial fitting, garments with identical tension.
160 Burns Vol. 1 O/No. 3

Tab/e //. Variations in applied pressures (mmHg) by 3 different occupa-

tional therapists on the same patient using separately manufactured

Therapist Therapist Therapist

Type of garment 1 2 3 Site of injury

Gloves 9 12 8 Dorsum of
Forearm Tubes 15 20 22 Dorsal
12 18 18 Ventral
Pants 5 6 3 Dorsal
12 15 10 Ventral
Mask 15 10 18 Chin
10 6 9 Forehead

DISCUSSION The variations in applied pressure over differ-

Pressure therapy has been demonstrated to be ef- ent parts of the body appear to be related to the
fective in inducing earlier remodelling of hyper- compliance of the underlying tissue and the local
trophic scars both clinically (Fujimori et al., geometry of the area. The interface pressure
1968; Larson et al., 1971; Larson et al., 1974; tends to be very high over bony prominences
Thomson, 1974; Tolhurst, 1977; Leung and Ng, such as shin regions, in contrast to the soft abdo-
1980; Robertson et al., 1980) ultrastructurally men and buttock where the pressure may be as
(Larson et al., 1971; Kischer et al., 1975; low as zero. Geometrically, the pressure on a
Baur et al., 1976; Tully, 1980), biochemically convex area of small radius of curvature was
(Kischer et al., 1975; Naismith, 1980) and bio- higher than that on an area with large radius of
mechanically (Tully, 1980). The exact range curvature although the garment tension ap-
of effective external pressures, though usually peared much the same. Furthermore, concave
taken as around the arterial capillary pressure of surfaces like the presternal area, the interscapu-
25 mmHg (Larson et al., 1974; Baur et al., lar area, the sacral area and all surfaces where
1976) has actually not been scientifically there is a change of curvature from convex to
proven. concave tend to show zero pressures no matter
Our previous analysis of 100 patients (Leung how tight the garment is stretched. These obser-
and Ng, 1980) did show good clinical response vations in fact are adequately explained by the
in 72.5 per cent despite the fact that the average Laplace Law which states that PRESSURE=
pressure in this group was found retrospectively TENSION/RADIUS OF CURVATURE. Con-
to be in the range of 5-l 5 mmHg only. This im- cave surfaces possess negative radii of curvature
plies that pressure therapy of a low pressure and therefore will not be able to produce any
range can still be effective as a therapeutic interface pressure despite the higher tension
measure in certain types of patients. However, provided by the garment.
recent studies have shown that within the ‘safety The continuous fall-off in pressure at the
margin’ of 35-40 mmHg, higher pressures ap- garment-scar interface is the result of the
parently induce more rapid maturation of marked visco-elastic property of the garment
hypertrophic scars (Naismith, 1980). It seems, material and appears to be unavoidable unless a
therefore, logical to assume that if the pressure different material is used with more favourable
can be maintained more constant at or above an extensibility properties.
‘optimal’ level, one should be able to achieve While realizing the pitfalls in our routine press-
even better clinical results. ure treatment, which we believe will be present
Our analysis of the present techniques of in any other treatment centre in the absence of
pressure therapy using Lycra garments has indi- regular pressure monitoring, we would make the
cated obvious pitfalls. These include the large following recommendations:
variation of pressure over different sites on the (i) The techniques of measuring, tailoring
body, the elastic deterioration or extensibility and sewing of the garments should be
of garment, and the problems associated with standardized to give adequate pressure.
tailoring techniques. (ii) Regular checks on the pressure under
Cheng et al.: Pressure therapy treatment monitored 161





Fig. 7. Pressure distribution around biconcave surfaces

(e.g. upper trunk): its modification with padding to
change a negative radius of curvature to positive one.



Fig. 6. Pressure distribution around the palm: its

modification with padding to decrease the radius of Fig. 8. Recommendation for the attachment of padding
curvature. to garment.

the garment at the initial and sub- should be continued for at least one
sequent fittings are necessary and this year and until full clinical maturation
should be done objectively using elec- of the scars are observed.
tro-pneumatic pressure transducers. (vii) Appropriate use of pressure-paddings,
(iii) Close follow-up and documentation for example, to increase the effective
of pressures and clinical response is convexity of scarred area, and thus
important. increase the pressure exerted on the
(iv) Tailoring adjustment of the garments scars. A practical example is supplied
should be done routinely and regularly in the treatment of scars over the
when found slackened or when the dorsum of the hand (Fig. 6).
applied pressure drops. For concave surfaces like the prestemal
(v) Every patient should be given two sets area, interscapular area, pressure-paddings
of garments with 12-hourly changes to change the effective radius of curvature
advisable to minimize the time-depen- from a negative to a positive convex one is
dent drop in pressure. A completely absolutely necessary if positive pressure is
new set of garments is advisable every desired (Fig. 7).
month. Many types of material are available for
(vi) Garments should be worn twenty-four making the pressure-paddings. Soft material
hours a day except for meals and like polyurethane foam (Fujimori et al.,
hygienic measures and the therapy 1968). harder materials such as plastozote.
162 Burns Vol. 1 O/No. 3

Fig. 9. Double-layered garment.

sansplints and orthoplast (Larson et al., lishing simple and reliable objective means of
1971; Thomson, 1974; Tolhurst, 1977) are quantifying the progress and maturation of
all useful. For an uneven scarred surface, hypertrophic scars, prospective trials on the
elastomer works well by filling up all the delineation of the optimal pressure range for
crevices and building up the contour. therapy, and last, but not least, preventing the
These materials have all been used for our growth of hypertrophic scars at the biochemical
patients, either singly or in combination. and pharmaceutical levels. The most currently
They are inserted into the garment-scar needed requirement, perhaps, should be related
interface and held there to the garment by to the standardization of a pressure range for
velcro attachments (Fig. 8). better clinical results.
In order to produce a pressure of above Undesirable features of Lycra material in-
25 mmHg over the limbs, one has to apply clude: the anisotropic property resulting from
a very tight garment and usually the patient the unidirectional lay of the elastic element pro-
finds it too difficult to put on. By rolling ducing different elastic properties at right angles,
another layer of Lycra garment in the form the non-linear response of the Lycra to stress,
of a sleeve on top of the-original layer (that the marked visco-elastic property giving rise
is double layered), a consistent high press- to time-dependent fabric elastic deterioration
ure of above 25 mmHg can be achieved characteristics, and the abrasive and non-
(Fig. 9). This manoeuvre is simple to apply absorbing nature of the nylon knit component
and is most effective. causing intolerance and blistering problems over
the fragile epidermis in certain patients and es-
FURTHER RESEARCH pecially in hot-humid weather. A more suitable
The pressure measurements at the garment-scar material with more desirable elastic and mech-
interface presently are all ‘static’ measurements, anical properties with biocompatibility could
that is, they are taken with the patient relaxed perhaps be manufactured.
and resting. Physical activities and movements The achievement of all these objectives would
would predictably alter the pressures signifi- require the collaboration of multiple disci-
cantly. One is not certain whetherthese ‘dynamic’ plines involving clinicians, bioengineers and
pressure effects could have more important re- technologists.
modelling potential on the scars than the static
pressures. Acknowledgements
Further research, in the author’s opinion, We are most grateful to the British Council who
could be directed towards the development of sponsored one of the authors of this paper, Dr
more effective ways of monitoring the static John H. Evans from Strathclyde, Glasgow, on a
pressures as well as the instantaneous interface special one month’s visit to Hong Kong for the
pressure variations with limb movements, estab- main supervision of this study. Professor R. M.
Cheng et al.: Pressure therapy treatment monitored 163

Kenedi, the Associate Director of the Hong Kischer C. W., Shetlar M. R. and Shetlar C. L. (1975)
Kong Polytechnic, has given us most appropri- Alteration of hypertrophic scars induced by mech-
ate technical advice and encouragement. We anical pressure. Arch. Dermatol. 111, 60.
would like to thank also Mr H. W. Hui of the Larson D. L., Abston S., Evans E. B. et al. (I 97 I )
Techniques for decreasing scar formation and con-
Textile Division of the Hong Kong Polytechnic
tracture in the burned patient. J. Trauma, 11, 807.
for advising us on Lycra material, Mr S. M. Chu, Larson D. L.. Abston S.. Willis B. et al. (1974) Con-
Technician in the Electronics Department ofthe tracture and scar formation in the burned patient.
Chinese University of Hong Kong, for manufac- Clin. Plast. Surg. 1,653.
turing our pneumatic pressure transducers, all Leung P. C. and Ng M. (1980) Pressure treatment for
colleagues and occupational therapists who have hypertrophic scars. Burns 6, 244.
treated our bum patients and Mrs A. Kwong Naismith R. S. (1980) Hypertrophic scar therapy:
who typed the manuscript for us. Pressure induced remodelling and its determinents.
Ph.D. Thesis, Bioengineering Unit, University of
Strathclyde, Glasgow.
Robertson J. C. and Druett J. E. (1980) Pressure
therapy for hypertrophic scarring preliminary
communication. J. Roy. Sot. Med. 73, 348.
REFERENCES Thomson W. G. (1974) Hypertrophic scarring. Proc.
Ram P. S., Larson, D. L., Stacey T. R. et al., (1976) Roy. Sot. Med. 6, 256.
Ultrastructural analysis of pressure-treated human Tolhurst D. E. (1977) Hypertrophic scarring pre-
hypertrophic scars. J. Trauma, 16, 958. vented by pressure: A case report. Br. J. Plast. Surg.
Fujimori R., Hiramoto M. and Ofuji S. (1968)Sponge 30,218.
fixation method for treatment of early scars. Plnst. Tully A. E. (1980) Hypertrophic scar tissue: Its micro-
Reconstr. Surg 42, 322. .structure and mechanical property and the Qjlects qf
Isherwood P. A., Robertson J. C. and Rossi A. (1975) pressure therapy Ph.D. Thesis, Bioengineering
Pressure measurements beneath below-knee ampu- Unit, University of Strathclyde. Glasgow.
tation stump bandages: elastic bandaging, the Puddi
foot dressing and a pneumatic bandaging techniques
compared. Br. .I. Surg. 62,982. Paper accepted 22 December 1982

(‘orre.~pondmcr should he addressed lo: Professor P. C. Leung, Department of Orthopaedic and Traumatic Surgery. Faculty
of Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Shatin, N.T., Hong Kong.

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