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RANK Is the Essential Signaling Receptor for Osteoclast

Differentiation Factor in Osteoclastogenesis
Nobuaki Nakagawa,1 Masahiko Kinosaki,1 Kyoji Yamaguchi, Nobuyuki Shima,
Hisataka Yasuda, Kazuki Yano, Tomonori Morinaga, and Kanji Higashio2
Research Institute of Life Science, Snow Brand Milk Products Co., Ltd., 519 Ishibashi-machi,
Shimotsuga-gun, Tochigi 329-0512, Japan

Received October 31, 1998

topoietic cells of the monocyte-macrophage lineage. A

Osteoclast differentiation factor (ODF) is a ligand co-culture system of spleen cells and osteoblasts or
for osteoclastogenesis-inhibitory factor/osteoprotegerin bone marrow stromal cells is established to produce
(OCIF/OPG), and mediates an essential signal for os- osteoclast-like cells (OCLs) (4, 5). A variety of osteo-
teoclastogenesis. Soluble-form ODF binds directly to tropic factors, such as 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3
osteoclast progenitors, suggesting the presence of a [1,25(OH)2D3], parathyroid hormone (PTH), prosta-
membrane-bound receptor for ODF (ODFR) on the glandin E2 (PGE2), and interleukin 11 (IL-11), are es-
cells. To understand the ODF-mediated signal trans- sential for inducing OCL formation in the co-cultures
duction mechanism in osteoclastogenesis, we molecu- (1, 2, 6). These osteotropic factors seem to transduce
larly cloned ODFR from a mouse macrophage-like os- their signals to osteoblasts/stromal cells. Suda and co-
teoclast progenitor cell line, C7. Nucleotide sequence
workers hypothesized that a membrane-bound factor,
analysis revealed that ODFR is identical to RANK, a
designated “osteoclast differentiation factor (ODF)” is
recently identified member of the tumor necrosis fac-
expressed on osteoblasts/stromal cells in response to
tor receptor (TNFR) family, which is involved in the
regulation of dendritic cell function. A polyclonal an-
osteotropic factors, and that it transduces a signal for
tibody against the extracellular domain of RANK in- osteoclastogenesis to osteoclast progenitors through
duced osteoclastogenesis in the presence of macro- cell-to-cell interaction (1, 2, 6) (Fig. 1).
phage colony-stimulating factor (M-CSF). In contrast, We recently purified and molecularly cloned
both a genetically engineered soluble RANK and Fab osteoclastogenesis-inhibitory factor (OCIF) (7, 8) (also
fragment of the antibody blocked the binding of ODF called osteoprotegerin [OPG] (9)). OCIF/OPG is a se-
to RANK and ODF-mediated osteoclastogenesis. These creted member of the tumor necrosis factor receptor
results indicate that RANK is the signaling receptor (TNFR) family, and inhibits osteoclastogenesis stimu-
essential for ODF-mediated osteoclastogenesis. © 1998 lated by 1,25(OH)2D3, PTH ,or IL-11 (7, 8) (Fig. 1).
Academic Press Analyses of rats injected with OCIF/OPG (8, 9), trans-
genic mice overexpressing OCIF/OPG (9), and OCIF/
OPG knockout mice (10, 11) demonstrated that OCIF/
OPG plays an important role as an inhibitor of
Bone remodeling involves bone resorption by osteo-
osteoclastogenesis in vivo. Subsequently, we succeeded
clasts and bone synthesis by osteoblasts (1–3). Osteo-
in molecular cloning of ODF as a ligand for OCIF/OPG
clasts are multinucleated cells that derive from hema-
(12). ODF (also called OPG ligand [OPGL] (13)) is a
member of the membrane-associated tumor necrosis
These authors contributed equally to this work. factor (TNF) ligand family, and induces osteoclast dif-
To whom correspondence should be addressed. Fax: 81-285-53- ferentiation from mouse spleen cells, mouse bone mar-
1314. E-mail:
row cells, C7 mouse macrophage-like cells, or human
Abbreviations used: ODF, osteoclast differentiation factor; OCIF,
osteoclastogenesis-inhibitory factor; OPG, osteoprotegerin; TNF, tu- peripheral blood mononuclear cells, which cells are
mor necrosis factor; M-CSF, macrophage colony-stimulating factor; co-treated with macrophage colony-stimulating factor
OCL, osteoclast-like cell; 1,25(OH)2D3, 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3; (M-CSF) in the absence of osteoblasts/stromal cells and
PTH, parathyroid hormone; PGE2, prostaglandin E2; IL, interleukin; osteotropic factors (12–14) (Fig. 1). In a fetal mouse
sODF, soluble ODF; sRANK, soluble RANK; RANK-Ab, anti-RANK
polyclonal antibody; Fab-RANK, Fab fragment of RANK-Ab; GAPDH,
organ culture system, a genetically engineered soluble
glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase; TRAP, tartrate-resistant form ODF (sODF) induces bone resorption. Both anti-
acid phosphatase. ODF antibody and OCIF/OPG negated bone resorption
395 0006-291X/98 $25.00
Copyright © 1998 by Academic Press
All rights of reproduction in any form reserved.

FIG. 1. A model illustrating a molecular mechanism by which osteoblasts/stromal cell regulate osteoclastogenesis (1, 6, 12).

elicited by osteotropic factors, such as 1,25(OH)2D3, sion library in pSRaEX was constructed using the Great length
PTH, and PGE2 (15). The results established that ODF cDNA synthesis kit (Clontech) from poly(A)1RNA of C7 cells. Screen-
ing of the C7 cDNA expression library was performed by several
is a long sought ligand expressed on osteoblasts/ rounds of transfection and selection by panning (27). After four cycles
stromal cells in response to osteotropic factors and that of panning, plasmid DNA was prepared from randomly-selected
it mediates an essential signal to osteoclast progenitors transformants and subjected to a binding assay as described previ-
for their differentiation into active osteoclasts. Binding ously (12). The insert fragments in these cDNA clones obtained were
analysis demonstrated that sODF specifically binds to sequenced using AmpliTaq DyeDeoxy Terminator Cycle Sequencing
on an ABI 377 sequencer (Perkin-Elmer).
C7 cells (12), suggesting the presence of a membrane-
bound ODF receptor (ODFR) on osteoclast progenitors Binding analysis of 125I-labeled sODF to COS7 cells expressing
RANK. Radioiodination of sODF was performed as described (12).
(Fig. 1). ODF was found to be identical to TRANCE (16, COS7 cells transfected with pRANK (a RANK expression vector) or
17)/RANK ligand (RANKL) (18), a factor regulating pcDL-SRa296 (an empty vector) were cultured for two days, and then
dendritic-cell function. This raised the possibility that they were incubated with 1.5 nM of 125I-labeled sODF (2 3 105 cpm)
ODF mediates osteoclastogenesis through RANK (12, at 37¡C for 1 hr in the presence or absence of 600 nM of unlabeled
sODF as described previously (12). Cells were washed with
13, 19) (Fig. 1). Alternatively, it is possible that an-
phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) three times, and were lysed in 500
other receptor transduces the signaling for osteoclas- ml of 0.1 M NaOH. Radioactivity of the lysate was measured as
togenesis since several members of the TNF ligand described previously (12).
family, such as TNFa, LTa, LTb, and TRAIL, utilize Northern blot analysis. Isolation of total and poly(A)1RNAs and
multiple receptors (20 –24). hybridization, were done as described previously (12, 28).
In the present study, we screened a C7 cDNA expres- Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) mRNA was
sion library by panning to isolate a functional ODFR used as an internal control.
for osteoclastogenesis. Sequencing analysis of the pu- Preparation of sRANK. The vector to express sRANK was con-
tative ODFR cDNAs showed that they encoded RANK. structed as follows. A DNA fragment encoding myc-His tags was
amplified using pSecTag A (Invitrogen) as a template and TagF
To examine whether RANK is the only signaling recep- (59-GCTGGCTAGCCACCATGGAGACAGACACACTC-39) and BgR
tor for ODF, we prepared a genetically engineered sol- (59-CCAGATCTTGATCAGCGGGTTTAAACTCAATGATG-39) as prim-
uble RANK (sRANK), anti-RANK polyclonal antibody ers by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The amplified fragment was
(RANK-Ab), and Fab fragment of the antibody (Fab-
RANK). RANK-Ab induced OCLs from mouse spleen
cells. Both sRANK and Fab-RANK suppressed the
binding of ODF to RANK and the ODF-mediated OCL
formation. This report provides the first direct evi-
dence that RANK is a receptor for ODF and is essential
for osteoclastogenesis.


Reagents. Recombinant OCIF was prepared as described previ-

ously (25). sODF was prepared as described previously (12, 15). C7
cells were a generous gift from Dr. S.-I. Hayashi (Tottori University).
Screening of cDNA expression library. An expression vector,
pSRaEX was constructed by inserting the annealed product of two FIG. 2. sODF specifically binds to RANK. Binding analysis of
oligonucleotides: 59-GAATTCTAGAGCTAGCGGCCGCGG-39 (sense) I-labeled sODF to COS7 cells transfected with a RANK expression
and 59-GTACCCGCGGCCGCTAGCTCTAGAATTCTGCA-39 (anti- vector (COSRANK) or with the empty vector (COSVec). Data are ex-
sense) into the PstI-KpnI site of pcDL-SRa296 (26). A cDNA expres- pressed as means6standard errors (SE) of three cultures.


M-CSF in the presence or absence of 100 mg/ml of RANK-Ab. The

cells were subjected to TRAP staining as described previously (5).
Effect of Fab-RANK, sRANK, or OCIF on the binding of sODF to
sRANK. Each well in a 96-well plate was coated overnight at 4°C with
sRANK in PBS (312 ng/ml for the assay of Fab-RANK and 1.25 mg/ml
for the assay of sRANK and OCIF). The wells were blocked with 300 ml
of 50% BlockAce (Snow Brand, Tokyo Japan) in PBS for 1 hr at room
temperature and washed three times with PBS containing 0.05%
Tween 20 (PBS-T). For the assay of Fab-RANK, serially diluted Fab-
RANK or Fab-control was added to the wells of the sRANK-immobilized
plate. The plate was incubated at room temperature for 2 hr and then
washed three times with PBS-T. Then, 100 ng/ml of sODF was added to
the wells, and the plate was further incubated at room temperature for
2 hr. The wells were washed three times with PBS-T, and sODF in the
wells was detected using horseradish peroxidase (HRP)-labeled anti-
ODF antibody by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). For
the assay of sRANK and OCIF, 25 ng/ml of sODF was premixed with
FIG. 3. Expression of the RANK gene. Two blots loaded with 20
serially-diluted sRANK or OCIF, incubated at room temperature for 1
mg of total RNA from C7 cells, or OCLs induced from spleen cells
hr, and then the mixture was added to the sRANK-immobilized plate.
with sODF and M-CSF, and a blot of mouse tissue poly(A)1RNA (2
The plate was incubated at room temperature for 2 hr. The wells were
mg) were probed with RANK cDNA. The blot of tissue poly(A)1RNA
washed three times with PBS-T, and sODF in the wells was detected by
was reprobed with GAPDH cDNA. RNA size markers (Invitrogen)
ELISA as described above.
are shown on the left of each panel.

digested with restriction endonucleases NheI and BglII and inserted Cloning of ODF Receptor
between NheI and BamHI sites of pCEP4 (Invitrogen) to yield
pCEP4-myc-His. A DNA fragment encoding Igk chain leader se- By screening a cDNA expression library of C7 cells
quence was amplified by PCR using pSecTag A as a template and using sODF, eleven positive clones were isolated. Se-
TGGAACCCA-39) as primers. A DNA fragment encoding the extra-
cellular domain of RANK (Gln30-Pro213) was amplified by PCR
using pRANK as a template and mRANKF (59-TCCACTGGTGACC-
AGGGGCAGGTAAGCCTGGGCCTCC-39) as primers. The two frag-
ments were fused by the secondary PCR using primers TagF and
YLPXhR. The chimeric DNA fragment encoding Igk chain leader
sequence and the extracellular domain of RANK was digested with
restriction endonucleases NheI and XhoI and the NheI/XhoI frag-
ment obtained was inserted between NheI and XhoI sites of pCEP4-
myc-His to yield pCEP4-sRANK. pCEP4-sRANK was transfected
into 293-EBNA cells (Invitrogen) using FuGene 6 (Boehringer Mann-
heim) according to the manufacturer’s protocol. sRANK was purified
from the conditioned medium of the transfectants by Ni-NTA column
chromatography (QIAGEN), followed by gel filtration.
Preparation of anti-RANK polyclonal antibody and its Fab frag-
ment. Male JW rabbits were subcutaneously immunized, four
times at two weeks intervals, with 1 ml of emulsion prepared by
mixing sRANK (200 mg/ml) with equal volume of complete Freund’s
adjuvant (Difco). Anti-RANK polyclonal antibody (RANK-Ab) was
purified from serum obtained from the rabbits 10 days after the final
injection using a HiTrap Protein A column (Amersham Pharmacia
Biotech) according to the manufacturer’s protocol. Fab fragment
prepared from either RANK-Ab (Fab-RANK) or non-immunized rab-
bit immunoglobulin (IgG) (Fab-control) was prepared using the Im-
munoPure Fab preparation kit (PIERCE).
OCL formation assay. For the examination of the effect of
sRANK, Fab-RANK or OCIF on the ODF-mediated OCL formation,
mouse spleen cells (7 3 105 cells) obtained from 6- to 15-week-old FIG. 4. sRANK inhibited ODF-mediated osteoclastogenesis. (A)
male ddY mice were cultured for 3 or 6 days in a 24-well plate in Effect of sRANK and OCIF on ODF-mediated OCL formation. Mouse
a-MEM containing 10% fetal calf serum (FCS), 20 ng/ml of human spleen cells were cultured in a-MEM containing 10% FCS and 20 ng/ml
M-CSF (Green Cross, Osaka, Japan), 50 or 100 ng/ml of sODF, and of M-CSF for a week in the presence or absence of the indicated con-
serially-diluted sRANK, Fab-RANK or OCIF. Activity of tartrate- centrations of sODF, sRANK, and OCIF. OCL formation was evaluated
resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP, a marker enzyme of osteoclasts) by measuring TRAP activity. Data are expressed as means6SE of three
in the cells was measured as described (7). For the examination of cultures. (B) Effect of sRANK (open circle) and OCIF (closed circle) on
the effect of RANK-Ab on OCL formation, mouse spleen cells were the binding of sODF to the immobilized sRANK was assessed by a
cultured for 6 days in a-MEM containing 10% FCS and 20 ng/ml of solid-phase ELISA as described in Materials and Methods.


FIG. 5. Morphology of OCLs induced from spleen cells by RANK-Ab. Mouse spleen cells were cultured in a-MEM containing 10% FCS
and 20 ng/ml of M-CSF for a week, in the presence (right panel) or absence (left panel) of 100 mg/ml of RANK-Ab. The cells were stained for
TRAP. TRAP-positive cells appeared as red cells. Bar 5 100 mm.

quence analysis revealed that all these clones encoded OCIF was much lower than that of sRANK (Fig. 4A). A
RANK. 125I-labeled sODF specifically bound to COS-7 solid-phase ELISA using immobilized sRANK revealed
cells transfected with a RANK expression vector that OCIF is much more effective than sRANK as a
(COSRANK), but not to COS-7 cells transfected with the competitor for the binding of sODF to sRANK (Fig. 4B).
empty vector (COSVec) (Fig. 2). When a 400-fold excess
of unlabeled sODF was simultaneously added, the Anti-RANK Polyclonal Antibody (RANK-Ab) Mimics
binding was completely abolished (Fig. 2). ODF-Mediated Osteoclastogenesis

Expression of the RANK Gene in Osteoclast To understand the role of RANK in osteoclastogen-
esis, we examined the effect of RANK-Ab on the OCL
Progenitors, OCLs, and Trabecular Bone
formation. RANK-Ab induced OCL formation from
Northern blot analysis using a 1.0 kb RANK probe spleen cells in the absence of sODF (Fig. 5). The OCLs
detected transcripts of approximately 5.5, 4.0, 3.5 and formed were morphologically similar to those induced
3.0 kb in C7 cells and OCLs induced from spleen cells by sODF. M-CSF was essential for the RANK-Ab-
(Fig. 3). The 5.5 kb mRNA was expressed strongly in mediated osteoclastogenesis. While simultaneous addi-
trabecular bone and weakly in spleen and bone marrow tion of sRANK with the RANK-Ab completely inhibited
(Fig. 3). Strong signal of 5.5 kb was also seen in lung, the OCL formation, OCIF did not affect the RANK-Ab-
brain, kidney, small intestine, and thymus, although mediated osteoclastogenesis (data not shown).
the gene was found to be expressed ubiquitously (data
not shown). Fab Fragment of Anti-RANK Polyclonal Antibody
(Fab-RANK) Abolishes the ODF-Mediated
Soluble RANK (sRANK) Abolishes ODF-Mediated Osteoclastogenesis
To elucidate whether ODF mediates osteoclastogen-
sODF induced OCL formation from spleen cells in esis through RANK, we examined the effect of Fab-
the presence of M-CSF (Fig. 4A). Addition of sRANK to RANK on the OCL formation induced by sODF. As
the culture inhibited the OCL formation in a dose- shown in Fig. 6A, Fab-RANK strongly inhibited the
dependent manner (Fig. 4A). Addition of OCIF also ODF-mediated OCL formation in a dose-dependent
inhibited the OCL formation, and the effective dose of manner. In contrast, Fab-control had no effect on the

expected to transduce RANK-mediated signal because

of its ability to cross-link and cluster antigens as is the
case with agonist antibodies against TNFR (29 –33). In
contrast, Fab-RANK was thought to be incapable of
clustering the surface receptors and act as an antago-
nist by blocking the ligand-receptor binding. Use of the
two antibodies enabled us to further characterize the
role of RANK in osteoclastogenesis. The complete inhi-
bition of ODF-mediated osteoclastogenesis by Fab-
RANK indicates that RANK is the only signaling re-
ceptor for ODF. The mimicking of the ODF function by
RANK-Ab suggests that the clustering of RANK is
required for the RANK-mediated signaling.
OCIF/OPG was thought to be a naturally occurring
decoy receptor for ODF (12–15, 19). In this report, we
demonstrated that both OCIF/OPG and sRANK inhib-
ited ODF-mediated osteoclastogenesis by interfering
the binding of ODF to RANK. We also showed that
OCIF/OPG had no effect on RANK-Ab-mediated osteo-
clastogenesis, while sRANK completely inhibited it.
These results provide the first direct evidence that
OCIF/OPG acts as a decoy receptor for ODF to compete
against RANK.
Northern blot analysis shows that expression of the
RANK gene is strong in bone, the only tissue where
FIG. 6. Fab-RANK inhibited ODF-mediated OCL formation. (A) osteoclasts are present. Both an osteoclast progenitor
Effect of Fab-RANK on the ODF-mediated OCL formation. Mouse cell line C7 and OCLs expressed abundant RANK
spleen cells were precultured for 1 hr in a-MEM containing 10% FCS
and 20 ng/ml of M-CSF in the presence or absence of the indicated
mRNA. Other tissues with osteoclast progenitors such
concentrations of Fab-RANK, Fab-control or OCIF. Then sODF was as spleen and bone marrow also expressed the mRNA.
added to some cultures, and the cells were cultured for 3 days. OCL These results suggest that RANK expression is neces-
formation was evaluated by measuring TRAP activity. Data are ex- sary but not sufficient for osteoclastogenesis. On the
pressed as mean6SE of three cultures. (B) Fab-RANK blocked the other hand, the involvement of RANK and ODF/
binding of sODF to sRANK. The effect of Fab-RANK (open circle) and
Fab-control (closed circle) on the binding of sODF to sRANK was as- TRANCE/RANKL in T-cell activation has recently
sessed by a solid-phase ELISA as described in Materials and Methods. been reported (16 –18). The ubiquitous expression of
the RANK gene may suggest its new role(s) in other
organs besides osseous and immune tissues.
OCL formation. A solid-phase ELISA employing immo- In conclusion, ODF mediates a signal through RANK
bilized sRANK confirmed that Fab-RANK blocked the expressed on the osteoclast progenitors for their differ-
binding of sODF to sRANK in a dose-dependent man- entiation into osteoclasts. The discovery of RANK, as
ner (Fig. 6B). Fab-control had no effect on the binding. well as ODF and OCIF/OPG, opens new avenues of
research into the mechanisms regulating osteoclast
differentiation and activation. Further characteriza-
DISCUSSION tion of the signaling pathway downstream of RANK is
urgently needed.
In this report, we described the identification of the
receptor for ODF in osteoclastogenesis. From the fol- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
lowing evidence, we conclude that RANK transduces
an essential signal for osteoclastogenesis into osteo- We thank K. Aoki and K. Yoshiba for preparing anti-RANK poly-
clast progenitors by binding to ODF. 1) All putative clonal antibody.
ODFR cDNA clones isolated from a C7 cDNA library
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