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Briyan: third largest automobile company. (why don’t you R& D top 2 ??

Supply chain of motor Company. Critical success factors.

What is your market.

Strength Weakness
1. Strong Distribution Network 1. cultural disconnect between Briyan and
2. New plants Jamie
3. Regional offices in new locations 2. Patchy customer service
3. Inefficient supply chain and dispatch
management.(delay in fullfilling)
1. geo strength, product portfolios. Strong 4. Negative in social circles
Manufacturing hubs 5. low motivation among Briyan dealers
6. inefficient incentive management
7. increasing R&D costs wo benefits..
8. Missing connection with digital age

Opportunity Threat
1. Promising acquisitions. 1. building up of costs during COVID
2. Shift to electric and hybrid cars.
3. Falling stock price.(due to market

Before COVID:

1. Steadily Growing, but not fast enough.

2. VERGE of negative growth for 2 quarters in a row.
3. Acquired Jamie Motors.Inc. :: geo strength, product portfolios. Strong Manufacturing
hubs. :::: Cultural disconnect.

together esp manufactioning and distribution? The forcast , Bookings, actuals. Consider value to all
stakeholders(who are they).

What are favorable condition and what needs to be changed?

What is joint value proposition and create a unified branding and campign.


1. Sales (exhibit 1): 235.22billion $ then how is USA market vehicle sales are 2150 billion $?
2. According to exhibit 4: one car costs 1082 $ only….. if all cars produced are what could
be cost of car?

In view of current competitive environment automobile manufacturers are expected to

innovate new features in their products and process as well as to follow environmental
standards along with economical cost. Due to this organisations are forced to source more
components from low-cost countries.

Due to competitive environment automobile companies are getting engage in mergers and
acquisitions. They are facing challenges in improving their quality, cost reduction and
developing time to market.

The relationship between automobile assembler and their suppliers is changed due to
current globalisation, implementation of lean production and development of

reducing cost of Research and Development, innovative sales, marketing approaches, rising
focus on enhancing effectiveness in production and supply chain.

Theory around the issues of operation management, supply chain management, porter’s five
forces, the four V’s and value chain

Supply chain of typical Automobile Company:

1. Raw materials like Seat, CAR
1. Manufacturing
steering etc
2. Service operations
2. Employes,workers
3. Infrastructure

four V’s’ processes which affect the method of processes which required to be managed. The four V’s
are Volume i.e. how many products or services produced via operations, Variety: how many different
types of products or services produced by operations, Variation: amount of level of demand changed
over time and Visibility: amount of visibility of its processes to its customers. 

Volume- High




Porters 5 force:

The Bargaining power of buyers: bargaining power of buyer is high as variety of choice
available for the customers and services as it will provide range of choice for the Indian

assume that suppliers have considerable bargaining power as they are not dependent on a
single manufacturer..

bargaining power of supplier will be low in JOINT because they can source the supply from
different parts of world when one supplier increases price.

Threat of Substitutes :Is usally high in deleveloping countries and medium in developed

Rivalry among existing firms: Rivalry among existing firms is high as there are various
competitors .(reduced rival)

Supply chain management:

Procurement from single supplier and outsourcing ,long term contracts to lower the costs.

Alllow creativity in inputs

Intangible output such as information for safe drive, fuel save, end of life vehicle process as
well as other services provided by the organisation to their stakeholders.

Link its dealers and service network on web site, which will improve the customer service
level,track orders and have a knowledge management system where products complains is
stored for the future benefit of service network.

Stable Economic Policies— geographical spread.

Proximity to Markets-geographical spread.

Supplier shall normally establish its manufacturing facilities near assembly location of Tata Motors
with an objective of JIT supplies to Tata Motors.

Tata Motors provide an annual non-binding forecast to the supplier. The supplier for planning purposes
only may use this forecast.

Enhanced capacity utilization of facilities---joint

Regional Sales Office --+@ outbound logistics

Product portfolio and presence across world---helps in marketing.
Threat: emission-level targets
Industry charaterictics: high costs, low profit margins, and accelerated competition.

Pricing strategies can be used to match demand and supply

reducing inventory, eliminating waiting times and delays, increasing utilization of warehouse and trucks

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