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Panduan Singkat

1. Ganti nama file soal ini dengan format kelas[garisbawah]jurusan[garisbawah]namamapel{dilarang

2. Tulis judul soal dengan format kelas[garisbawah]jurusan[garisbawah]namamapel{dilarang
3. Masukkan soal pada kotak disamping kotak MC;
4. Masukkan jawaban pada kolom Answer;
5. Beri grade 100 pada jawaban yang benar, dan beri grade 0 untuk jawaban yang salah;
6. Jika soal bersumber dari dokumen lain (meng-copy) maka wajib mem-paste(tempel) dengan paste
7. Jika soal maupun jawaban menggunakan gambar, maka wajib diformat in line with text

Contoh penulisan soal yang benar adalah sebagai berikut;


Soal 01 (Pilihan_Ganda)
Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 0
# Answers Feedback Grade
A.   100

B.   0

C.   0

D.   0

E.   0
General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

Soal 02 (Pilihan_Ganda)

Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 0
# Answers Feedback Grade
A.   100

B.   0

C.   0

D.   0

E.   0
General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

Soal 03 (Pilihan_Ganda)
Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 0
# Answers Feedback Grade
A.   100

B.   0

C.   0

D.   0

E.   0
General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

Soal 04 (Pilihan_Ganda)
Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 0
# Answers Feedback Grade
A.   100

B.   0

C.   0

D.   0

E.   0
General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

Soal 05 (Pilihan_Ganda)
Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 0
# Answers Feedback Grade
A.   100

B.   0

C.   0

D.   0

E.   0
General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

Soal 06 (Pilihan_Ganda)
Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 0
# Answers Feedback Grade
A.   100

B.   0

C.   0

D.   0

E.   0
General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

Soal 07 (Pilihan_Ganda)
Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 0
# Answers Feedback Grade
A.   100

B.   0

C.   0

D.   0

E.   0
General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

Soal 08 (Pilihan_Ganda)
Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 0
# Answers Feedback Grade
A.   100

B.   0

C.   0

D.   0

E.   0
General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

Soal 09 (Pilihan_Ganda)
Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 0
# Answers Feedback Grade
A.   100

B.   0

C.   0

D.   0

E.   0
General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

Soal 10 (Pilihan_Ganda)
Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 0
# Answers Feedback Grade
A.   100

B.   0

C.   0

D.   0

E.   0
General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

Soal 11 (Pilihan_Ganda)
Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 0
# Answers Feedback Grade
A.   100

B.   0

C.   0

D.   0

E.   0
General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

Soal 12 (Pilihan_Ganda)
Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 0
# Answers Feedback Grade
A.   100

B.   0

C.   0

D.   0

E.   0
General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

Soal 13 (Pilihan_Ganda)
Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 0
# Answers Feedback Grade
A.   100

B.   0

C.   0

D.   0

E.   0
General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

Soal 14 (Pilihan_Ganda)
Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 0
# Answers Feedback Grade
A.   100

B.   0

C.   0

D.   0

E.   0
General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

Soal 15 (Pilihan_Ganda)
Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 0
# Answers Feedback Grade
A.   100

B.   0

C.   0

D.   0

E.   0
General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

Soal 16 (Pilihan_Ganda)
Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 0
# Answers Feedback Grade
A.   100

B.   0

C.   0

D.   0

E.   0
General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

Soal 17 (Pilihan_Ganda)
Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 0
# Answers Feedback Grade
A.   100

B.   0

C.   0

D.   0

E.   0
General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

Soal 18 (Pilihan_Ganda)
Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 0
# Answers Feedback Grade
A.   100

B.   0

C.   0

D.   0

E.   0
General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

Soal 19 (Pilihan_Ganda)
Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 0
# Answers Feedback Grade
A.   100

B.   0

C.   0

D.   0

E.   0
General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

Soal 20 (Pilihan_Ganda)
Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 0
# Answers Feedback Grade
A.   100

B.   0

C.   0

D.   0

E.   0
General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

Soal 21 (Pilihan_Ganda)
Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 0
# Answers Feedback Grade
A.   100

B.   0

C.   0

D.   0

E.   0
General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

Soal 22 (Pilihan_Ganda)
Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 0
# Answers Feedback Grade
A.   100

B.   0

C.   0

D.   0

E.   0
General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

Soal 23 (Pilihan_Ganda)
Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 0
# Answers Feedback Grade
A.   100

B.   0

C.   0

D.   0

E.   0
General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

Soal 24 (Pilihan_Ganda)
Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 0
# Answers Feedback Grade
A.   100

B.   0

C.   0

D.   0

E.   0
General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

Soal 25 (Pilihan_Ganda)
Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 0
# Answers Feedback Grade
A.   100

B.   0

C.   0

D.   0

E.   0
General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

Soal 26 (Pilihan_Ganda)
Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 0
# Answers Feedback Grade
A.   100

B.   0

C.   0

D.   0

E.   0
General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

Soal 27 (Pilihan_Ganda)
Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 0
# Answers Feedback Grade
A.   100

B.   0

C.   0

D.   0

E.   0
General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

Soal 28 (Pilihan_Ganda)
Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 0
# Answers Feedback Grade
A.   100

B.   0

C.   0

D.   0

E.   0
General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

Soal 29 (Pilihan_Ganda)
Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 0
# Answers Feedback Grade
A.   100

B.   0

C.   0

D.   0

E.   0
General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

Soal 30 (Pilihan_Ganda)
Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 0
# Answers Feedback Grade
A.   100

B.   0

C.   0

D.   0

E.   0
General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.


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