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Change the adjectives to the appropriate

nice  …………….. ADVERBS clear –used
ADJECTIVES - used to
terrible  …………….. describe to modify
kind nouns
 a verb,
and an
pronounsor adverb
1 slow
B. Circle the correct  ……………..
form given * sudden
in italics and match
he ……………….
a nice explained
2 sentences to thefast
pictureson the left.
…………….. * I’m happy party
the terribly
great ……………….
1. (Unfortunate / Unfortunately Jef and Roger can’t get
 …………….. * highly successfully
quiet with
on very (good/well) each other. They are  ……………….
having another (heavy / heavily) fight now.
2. Our neighbour is a very (famous / famously) baker. His
loaves taste (perfect / perfectly).
3. The mechanic is inspecting the tyres
4 of the car (thorough / thoroughly).
4. My friend has bought a (new / newly) car. But I’m
3 afraid he will drive too (fast / fastly), he always does.
5. Where is that (loud / loudly) music coming from?
I can (hard / hardly) hear what you are saying.
6. He has worked (hard / hardly) lately. He must be
(extreme / extremely) tired.
7. The toddler is listening (attentive / attentively) to his
5 6 mother, because she is reading so (beautiful /
beautifully) to him.
8. Bruno has got a really (huge / hugely) ice cream.
7 8 I think he (real / really) loves it.
9. The cleaner is (diligent / diligently) cleaning the
kitchen, she always works very (cheerful / cheerfully).
10. Our chickens are (fantastic / fantastically) good
layers! We can’t (possible / possibly) eat all these
Choose an
adjective and D. immediate
hartje boven 46 KB! turn it into the honest
adverb. careful
9 1 loud
0 angry
C. Put the following words in the correct order. good (2)
1. made – has – some – songs. – beautiful – painful
Madonna 1. Mr. Adams …………………….. explains the math tasks.
2. The baby – didn’t – her way. – get –cried - 2. Why do you answer me so ……………………….? I haven’t
terribly – when – she done anything wrong!
3. quickly – when – ran – approaching. – it – a 3. Yesterday you played the guitar very ……………………….
The mouse – away – saw – cat 4. If you call me, I will ……………………………… come to you.
4. that – to lock – the – suddenly – forgotten - 5. You don’t have to speak so …………………………….. I can
realized – I – I - had – door. hear you very …………………..
5. good – We – some – news – got - 6. I ………………………….. promise you, I’ll keep my word!
today! - extremely 7. She twisted her ankle ………………………. , how sad!
exercise A
nice – nicely clear - clearly
terrible – terribly kind – kindly
slow – slowly sudden - suddenly
fast – fast happy - happily
quiet – quietly honest – honestly

exercise B sentence - picture

1. Unfortunately – well – heavy 1–1
2. famous – perfect 2-3
3. thoroughly 3-6
4. new – fast 4-2
5. loud – hardly 5-4
6. hard – extremely 6-7
7. attentively – beautifully 7 - 10
8. huge – really 8-9
9. diligently – cheerfully 9-8
10. fantastically – possibly 10 - 5

exercise C
1. Madonna has made some beautiful songs.
2. The baby terribly cried when she didn’t get her way.
3. The mouse quickly ran away when it saw a cat approaching.
4. I suddenly realized that I had forgotten to lock the door.
5. We got some extremely good news today.

exercise D
1. carefully
2. angrily
3. well
4. immediately
5. loudly – well
6. honestly
7. painfully

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