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¿ ()¡'h. a \\¡rite thc luissiliu u.ol-c[s.
I r\Lr) brds i¡r Ihc rr¡clur. I I can't rLlln rht.'l \'. \\'herr ¡¡. ¡q,.¡l11,Lr L.,1[r,\ t
(rr1 15,
. r.3(
-,llLl'(: itr(
il I ilL'rc lS (/¿1, I I A [:xctst mt:. \\'h¡":¡c can I chtinqe nlollr.rr'-a
2 Theru:¡ren'¡ *.inrlorvs. Il illr r'."s u trc1,1É. (,n \l:lut \lr(ct.
. s()nlt' @ *n.t J Yorr'r'c in rooul I Ill. llkr- rl¡c ck-!.,ior- rLr rhc I ltli ltLrnr.
3 a in ¡he blt[r¡:,.ro¡:r? 4 Thrre 4.,,,r'r a,rv tu[ , un¡l i rr.¡ut tr) tilkr¡ ir sh,.»

(i) ts thcre b Arc rl¡rre 5 r\ rir¡crt¡r'*'orks in a hrq,;i¿J

4 Tl¡erc buok.: r¡n the t¡rhle. l, I e;rrrrl'tr(':lriiltlre pu,t-
¡t are ¿lr\ @ ale s<.rnrt I I'rl ¡rl thc airp,'i . \lr ¡l;rnc leurrs .rt ():{10.
5 lt \'arl h()t hsl sumr¡rr-r. {r (qrntlik:¡rr u'ith ir¡, r¡I, (rr (}1. He iitts il Los ;\rrqck:s.
fñ u,as i¡ nie rc I Slrr u orks ¿'S l¡r)r'lrc.

6 \Vhcrc vcsrcrday ar
I I rlirs ii'\ 1hc qr,rr this rnoluilg.
six n clor:ki
.l ¡\t'c i'oir '!n lletj'f (irt u¡tl It's ten r¡'chrclll
il \'(Ill \\'L'r§ [) tt'.',a.',,,,
-l I h¡.i ¡ sunrlu ich Qn tlrc ¡rlal:c-
J Kartrel¡l _ irt
sr:hilt:l l ettcrtl;rt.
5 l'nl * J lnüt'Iiu{ urru.. C¡n trrlrlli'ou fourorrtru'i'

@r,.,rr,r'r 1r u,cren't c (itir.irplere * irh u vrrh i'txn tllt !ist.

I I tr¡ \,'ictran-r llrst vear. ur¡iv* rniri rtá t lravel ' W wa¡Í.
a uo S,i'enr
I I'r'ninrhct.,Kfirr:rr,rar. lrr¿.s: n¡r ti.icnclsirrrdtir¡rilyir¡rht{.S.
I I -_ -- rlinnrr l;rst rrirhr.
I u¿s verv t¡ltsr- ;rr rr.rlrk.
I \\'hlt tinlc cLr u,r J¡f :ut¡l linish class?
ru rkr¡r'tr hr.l tlirln't har,e
3 I hcr' úttvivc "tt thc ¿irtl*rt ¿t .i:3{}-
O t'
{ I.tlrr.¡r q,+cJ l,¡',1i:c }¡rrs ¡rt 1111. r11r¡r {rrt tltc i.,r¡( t'.
l() lLrrlr-h rhls;rlitrilurrrri'
.5 ¡\ \\'h..n .ti.1 rl.,u f l sushi-i U a*., r,c;,"r. I rr,¡s in ep;ru.
G} ni¿ vou hrvt¡ h f l¡d loir f

i Ther, {'r L)irl -r,tru f.,t^d tr" rr\il)r rr;rin'i

1 [nglisli in ctrl.lcgc.
a srutlr.rcl §) sructicd d C.onrplcrc rhc phrnser.
I : §()llr irrulen t¡rk lust r:ight? I -l-he
restur¡l'anr ic bat.rstl tlre hunk anrl the st:lrnol.
¿ Dirl r,ou 6] ni¿ It¡u do 2 A \\'here \\.crc \'()rr rhic rr'eckenri? * nt r1,. ¡r,i¡.,[ri . I iu,..e the occ:r:r.
i 3 \\'' hat rinre . ? .i A Is rhrre ll irharr.r.rlcv nra¡'i¡ere?
ff'clit1 thrv ar'r'irt B 1'cr" lt's rrn l-irct Stltet. acrcg'i xrlrr rhr rtttirur-
I: r'Íid tlr¿r arlixrd 4 A F ¡,cr,¡sc nrc. rvhrrc's tilc \1 hote lT
l.+ I ii grcat i.irleo rrf B ( io straiqhr ahe:rrl. ;ln(l t qrtl r'i{hr.
\,Ícati{rn larl r,'c;rr.

@ rrrlkr:r{ 1¡ rr;rclt
l5 \\'c r-r¡r e arh \iisl{rrd¿l.. ¿r (-i1n \ f)ir rerrellthrr thes( t,r.rrds l¡ttrl sr)r¡rtd§?
a gerr (b qor

tr (lhetk thr u,olcis lr¡rtl snurrcls,;tr:d

suv i:rg rhr rrit rtt¡rle \\'{}f

c Liuclrr'lir¡e rhr srr'erser"i :ivllahlr.

H I tr¡ vei 2 rgs tau rant .i air port 4 a 5 u !tgs"

4 14i) i"irttn lird chrorr rhc riqhr auswrr.
I \\'lrtrt \\.lstllr. ntJni
ir At his lritrnd': housu.
,br'At thr rnovic ¡hratcr.
I §'h¿t did thc u,()nrillt likt about flrr: hottl'r
¡/ Tl',. .,',u,r',r.
1.l The brcuktust.
3 \\'herc tlicl tl¡e nr;l¡r,n,ork vester¡l¿n?
a In hir oilicc.
,1, .,\t 1r.,,',..,
-l \\'h:u clitl rhe \\'()üillu stt litsr nii:hr?
¿ .\ Cllrirlcst 1l)or i1 .

_.IalA lrlcnch r»uvic.

5 \\'ire rc rlicl th* \y()nrált stur, in Rio?
¡r At u irorcl.
,b--At a fi'it:n<l's hr¡r.rsr.
6 \\,'har rlitl f he ma n ¡kr <¡n Satrlr<l¿r'?
l Ic tli<l h,,tr.crr,'t L.
[r Ilc [r.rd
I \\ihcrc's tlre post oftite?
/ \a.,,.. fr,,nr r lrr girs sriltir)n.
h Actrss irrrnr lhe bus st¡rrii¡n-
.t \\'h;rr lre rhs riirerrill-rs to the t.¡s¡rk?
ir tio
str-aiuhr alreilel irnrl t¡-rr¡r Irfi.
(io straiglrt ahclel ilnci rur-n riglrl.
Chcck l/ ) tl.rc l¡oxcs.
Can you...?
i irie¡tii-r'rhings in ¡ hotel rLr,rn'r 'r'' 1ts. I i-un.
2 lsk airout fitt:ili¡ics in l ltutel r' \'es. [ ¡.::rn.
,j rulk ;¡ht.rrtr places ir
)i{)nr t()\\'r'r ' , l-rs. ir:en.
a Relcl lt;oLtt l trrurisf 's e xlrtrirttr:e at it rcs{}rt.
-l sar.*,here 1.()u \\'el'e ¿ntl *.lrat r.o,u rlirl
\{*lk tlrc sen[e¡rt:es T {rrut) ur F ifirlsr)" '" \'en. t r;,n.
,5 ¿rsk u'hat other people ilirl ' l'es. f rar:.
I Tlre l-t¡on¡ ir¿rl a sht¡lter" F {r gii r lnd r¡nrle¡stauri sinr¡rle tli¡-ertions l' \'es. I can"
I it rr ¿'t c,,1,'1 n,ghr. f
3 A¡-t-lr'nscd rhc lrrt*r'n¡-:t ¿it t¡tc rrsr)rt, F !( Short movies
.{ You c:rn srri¡.It at tl¡c resorr. lí vlDFo V/¿tch dnd enjoy ilre movte
-i Anrr"s hushancl likctl rhr: rcrr,r'r" ]
ii Anll u,Inttrrf frr sta_\.'¿nt:rltt:rttc,k. É'
b Look ar rhe hi{hliul'rred rl'trcls ánd Fhrtcüs arlrl
guessrhrir aleirllir]!I. Check rvirh vour rciicher ill'
¡ dit:rionar'r,.
3o¡¡¿a4 --z lri -r-¿rr
,*U="i -> {vq.«r" ¿'¡'"o'd*)
¿ollut, -> {¿[L¡r -i
.*_ii Lr
L,,-,,,, . -)l4aLú'alc

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