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Millicent Atkins School of Education: Common Lesson Plan Template

Teacher Candidate Name: Ashley Schwarz

Grade Level: Kindergarten (centers)
Subject: Language Arts Lesson
Date: Wednesday, November 6th and Friday, November 8th
List the Common Core/State Standard(s) to be addressed in this lesson.
• CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.L.K.1-Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage
when writing or speaking.
• CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.L.K.1.A-Print many upper- and lowercase letters.
List the Rationale (cite theories or theorists):
• Lev Vygotsky’s theory of scaffolding states that in order to meet the ability of the child, the level of support
must be modified. By pre-assessing, we can gauge how much support we will need to provide while doing
each center activity. Kindergartners often need more support because they are young and still learning. This
lesson also follows Piaget’s theory of constructivism. The theory of constructivism states that students learn
by doing, rather than by being told. Using the playdoh, the smart board activity, and the worksheet, students
are able to do the hands-on activities mostly on their own (with some teacher guidance).
List the learning objective(s) to be addressed in this lesson (specific, measurable, attainable, timebound).
Use the following format: “Students will be able to…”
• Students will be able to write and identify the letter ‘s’ by completing a variety of centers using their writing,
coloring, and sorting skills.
• Students will be able to identify and select words that start with the letter ‘s’.
Describe how the learning objective(s) and the learning outcomes is/are appropriate for the
age/developmental level of the students.

• The students will know how to write an uppercase and lowercase ‘s’ when finished with all the centers.

Describe the Classroom Demographics: (e.g., ethnicities; gender ratios; special needs, including those of
gifted students, those of students’ physical needs, and those due to cultural characteristics).
• 11 girls, 12 boys
• 1 student on the IEP
• 3 students on behavior plans
Describe your Knowledge of Students: (in terms of the whole class and individual students)
(e.g., language needs; approaches to learning; prior learning and experiences; academic
proficiencies/behavioral differences; areas of interest).
• 2 students that go to speech class
• 1 student that has hearing aids
• 2 ESL students
List the materials/resources you will need to teach the lesson.

• Letter writing worksheet

• Pencils
• Crayons
• Playdoh
• Smart Board
• Scissors
• Black and white paper
• Little Miss Muffet sequencing worksheet

Describe the instructional and/or assistive technology that you plan to incorporate into the lesson and explain how it
will enhance instruction and student learning.
• We will use a Smart BOARD game to enhance the lesson on the letter ‘s’. We will have the students sort
letters on the Smart BOARD to help the students with recognition of the letter ‘s’.
Accommodations: Base this on the information you provided for Classroom Demographics and
Knowledge of Students above.
Describe the accommodations/differentiation/modifications you will use to meet the needs of all learners
and accommodate differences in students’ learning, culture, language, etc. *
• The accommodations that we will use during our lesson will be the microphone so that the students with the
hearing aids is able to hear a little bit better.
Pre-Assessment: Describe the instrument or process you will use to measure students’ level of
understanding toward the learning objective(s) prior to teaching the lesson.

• We will have the students come together on the ug and have the students use their fingers to write an
upper- and lowercase letter ‘s’ in the air. We will watch as the students air write the letter to see who knows
it and who is still struggling. Along with having the students air write the letters, we will also have the
students write the letter on the SMART Board. We will also ask the students if they know the sound that the
letter ‘s’ makes.
Pre-Assessment: Describe how the results of the pre-assessment (what the students have demonstrated
they know) will be used to design the lesson objectives, instruction, and post-assessment. (Include charts,
graphs if applicable)
• With the knowledge of the letter ‘s’ that the students have demonstrated we will continue to
practice how to write the letter ‘s’ in many different ways.

Chart Title


Classroom Management
Identify the management and motivational strategies you will use to meet student behavioral/developmental needs
in order to keep students on task and actively engaged throughout the lesson.

• Proximity
• Precorrection
• Redirection
• Call Backs/ attention getters
• Active and total participation
• We planned groups ahead of time to make sure that the three students that had behavior plans were in
separate groups. We wanted to make sure that those three students were in different groups so that they
could not distract the other students.
“I Do”
(Teacher introduces lesson and models expected outcome(s) of learning objectives)
Describe what instructional strategies you will use to model/explain/demonstrate the knowledge and skills
required of the objective.
1.- We will explain to the students what our expectations are and then we will model what to do at each
one of the centers for the students
2.-We will separate the students into predetermined groups that they will go through centers together
4.-The teachers will explain what is expected of them at each center
A. SMART BOARD activity: The students will be distinguishing letter ‘s’ from other letters by circling the ‘s’
and crossing out the other letters. The students will also be separating pictures into two categories, one
that has words that start with the letter ‘s’ and the another for words that do not start with ‘s’.
I will model what to do for the students and then have the students take turns and come up to the
board and circle either an uppercase or lowercase ‘s’.
I will also model an example of putting one picture into the correct category and then have the students
finish separating the pictures.
B.- Writing Worksheet: The students will go through the worksheet with guidance and color the pictures
that start with ‘s’. The students will write an upper- and lowercase ‘s’.
Before starting the worksheet, I will ask my students what sound the letter ‘s’ makes.
I will say two words, one example (snake) and one non-example (apple).
I will ask the students which one starts with the letter ‘s’.
C.- Little Miss Muffet: The students will be told the Little Miss Muffet prior to the centers. The students will
recreate the story line by cutting and coloring the different scenes from the story. The students will glue
the pictures onto a black strip of paper and fold it to look a scene.
D.- Play Dough: The students will shape the letter ‘s’ in playdoh.
I will show the students an outline of an uppercase ‘s’ and a lowercase ‘s’.
Then I will demonstrate two different ways to use the play dough to make an ‘s’
First way is to give the students one handful of play dough and show them that they can either roll out
the play dough into a skinny line and make it into an ‘s’.
The second way that the students can make a ‘s’ is to flatten out the play dough and draw or make and
indent with their finger, or popsicle stick in the play dough.
7.- We will set a timer for 12 minutes so that the students know when it is time to clean up their center
and switch to the new one.
8.- We will bring everyone to the rug to recap everything that we learned in the different centers and to
give the students stuff for our post-assessment.

“We Do”
(Teacher engages students in guided practice)
Describe the learning activities you will use to provide students multiple opportunities to practice the skills and
content needed to meet the learning objective(s).
3.-The students will go to their first center.
5.- The students, with the guidance of the teacher, will do one or two examples at each center.
“You Do”
(Students engage in independent practice)
Describe what the students will do to independently practice the knowledge and skills required by the lesson
6A.-The students will then finish finding and circling the upper- and lowercase letter ‘s’ and they will have
sorted all the pictures into the correct boxes.
6B.- The students will write an upper- and lowercase letter ‘s’ on the line and color the picture that starts
with the letter ‘s’.
6C.-The students will then retell the Little Miss Muffet story using their story sequence project to the
teacher that is at the center.
6D.- The students will make their own uppercase and lowercase ‘s’ by themselves or following the
Lesson Closing
Describe how you will reemphasize the lesson objective(s) and any skills/content that were taught in an
interactive manner (whole/small group, etc.).
A.- Show the students the difference between an upper- and lowercase ‘s’ and talk again about the
pictures that start with ‘s’ and the pictures that do not.
B.-The students will make the sound that the letter ‘s’ makes, and the students will hear the difference
between words that start with ‘s’ and words that do not.
C.- The students will retell the story Little Miss Muffet to the teacher using their story line project.
D.- Show the students side by side an uppercase ‘s’ and lowercase ‘s’ using play dough.
Post-Assessment: APPENDIX: Include a blank copy of the lesson post-assessment you will use to measure
students’ level of understanding toward the learning objectives after teaching the lesson.

• We will have the students come all together on the rug in the front. Ask the students to draw an uppercase
and lowercase ‘s’ in the air with their finger. We will also give the students an example and a non-example of
words that start with ‘s’. The students will give a thumbs up if it. Starts with ‘s’ and thumbs down if it does
not. We will also use exit slips, where the students have to write an uppercase and lowercase ‘s’ and hand it
to a teacher.
Post Assessment: Based on the results of the Pre and Post-Assessment, to what extent did students achieve the
learning goals/objective of the lesson? Cite examples from the lesson plan, assessments, and/or video.
If applicable, insert a table/chart/graph before your explanation.

Chart Title






Reflect on your instructional strategies, interactions with students, and classroom management strategies. Describe
what went well and what areas you need to revise in the future. Cite examples (from video) that support your
Describe revisions that you could make if you were to teach this lesson again. Why would you make each revision?
Cite examples from the lesson plan, video and/or student work that would prompt revisions.
• I think the centers that we choose were good choices because the students seemed to be interested in all of
them and it seemed like the students were excited and engaged at all of the centers. I also believe that telling
the students at the very beginning of the lesson what each center was and what the students would be doing
there was a good reminder of what we were looking for from the students. The classroom management
strategies work for the most part of the lesson, a lot of the students did a very good job in paying attention and
others were distracted.
• I believe that there were areas that needed some more work from us as the teachers. I believe that it would
have been a little bit better if I would have spent some more time really learning how to us the Smart
Notebook program. On the first day our lesson, I had some major troubles with the smart board so then I had
to stop what the other teacher was doing to see it she could help me get it back to the way that it was supposed
to be. If I would have been better with the program, I would have then known a little better how to fix the
issues on my own. I think that the students would have learned a little bit more from that one center if I wasn’t
trying to get the screen back to normal after it had been messed up. I also think that we should have added one
minute to the timer so that students knew that they had one minute to get their center cleaned up before they
had to rotate to the next center. The classroom management strategies worked for the most part except for the
students that are on behavior plans. Those students struggled with centers because there was a lot of stuff
going on in the classroom. With everything going on they got distracted and then caused them to act out.


• The following is the SMART BOARD activity that the students did for the lesson.

• The following pictures are the ‘s’ worksheet what was one of our centers.

• The following are the templates that we had the children use while shaping out the letter ‘s’.

• The following are the pictures for the Little Miss Muffet scene pictures for the scene strip.

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