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E1886 Yet we have not had a national debate on ‘the draft and we certainly aid ot have that debate ths week. H.R. 163 was not marked Up oF voted on by any committee here in the House. Ths bil was added tothe suspension ‘calendar ‘of the House reeerved for nom conoversial items. And yet itis quite con troversial Me Speaker, the war in lraq—combined with other worldwide deployments in Afghani- San, Korea, and over 140 other counties — has put an enormous strain on our aclve duty And reserve soldiers. We have teen under alg, hequipped, and overextended Amorcan Iroops figting In rag. More than two-thras ot New Jersey's National Guard wil be activated thie year. There are hard questions that need 1 be answered about how we can continue this war. at this pace. We do need to reviow ‘ur commitments overseas and asses our ability to meet thom. Ths bil shows that a Na~ tional debate on these issues fs greatly nee fe. Ths week, we aid not have that debate The House leaders simply tied to make a po- Ileal point But I hope that this has sown the seeds of the discussion. The nation’s miltary leaders are neatly unanimous in saying that ‘the miltary can meet ts needs better without 2 draft, None of us here in the House today ‘would be eligible under potential drat. We 4376100 ad. And | woul tke fo see this aebate ‘withthe input ofthe young people who are al- fected by it | foe! strongly thal wo should all go back to our distcts and continue ths ais ‘Sussion—but witn those who it wlll be affected byt 10 not believe that an active miltary drat system is currently necessary of advieable. More important, the generals ana acinirals do not Boiove that a drat Is necossary or advis- Sole. | nave co-sponsored legislation nt duced by Representative ELLEN TAUSCHER fo ‘meet miltary manpower needs by temporarily increasing by 8 porcent he ond:stronath rum bers of our alvolunteer armed forces uring the next five years and increasing ensloes pay and benefits accordingly (H.R. 3698). Tis iterative approach would crease ‘he volun- {eer numbers 0° active dutysolders gradually ‘ver the next tive years, thus enabling rer bers ofthe National Guard and Reserve To ro- tate cut or wansiton voluntary into active duty lots with better benefits and equipment ‘Mr. Speaker, have heard rom many moms and dads. and | have heard from many stu dents from all across my dstrct who are ois ‘ured by the idea of renewing the draft and [ragree with them. We do not need to return tothe drat system MENTAL ILLNESS AWARENESS ‘WEEK HON. DANNY K. DAVIS Thursday, October 7, 2004 Mr, DAVIS of Ilinols. Mr. Speaker, October 3-9 ls Mental Iness Awareness Week. Durng any one-year period, up to 50 millon Amer= ‘cans—more than 22_percent—suller trom a Slearly lagnosable mental disorder involving & degree of Incapacty that inerteres. with er loyment, attendance at senoal of dally Ie, Like'so many asorders, menial lness” does not dlscriminate and affects every age, eth And socioeconemic group. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks During this week, there will be @ more vis- ble push in the communties to get the info: ‘mation oul about mental ilness. There will be Booths set up and mental health fairs across ‘our country as a way to reach out to more people. | commend the efforts of organizations And individuals who not only durng ths week but throughout the year war to help others Identity and teat their mental ilness. UUnfarunataly, their nara work 's somewhat stiled wien there is not equal heath care for mental ilness or every person needing psy: thatrc care does nat have accese to 8 psy Chitrt of thet choice. With one in four adults Suffering from a men‘al illness or substance Use disorder in any year, itis Ikely that every family will feel ths Impact. Yet, most healt plans discriminate by providing less care for mental iness, and by requiong patients and thelr fails to pay more out-ot-pocket costs. Me. Speaker, Congress needs to correct ins sispaniy. Our constituents should nol be pe nalzed because they have 2 menial iss Compared to a physical lines. We should en Sure that the mental health system provide a ‘more individualized and holistic approach to are without shame or inequly in coverage Mental ness a ike mest physical linesses: the pation’ Is in need of treatment, suppor and rehabilitation, JEFFERSON HIGH SCHOOL REUNION, YORK, SOUTH CAROLINA HON. JOHN M, SPRATT, JR. Thursday, October 7, 2004 Mr. SPRATT. Mr. Speaker. on the weekend belore Labor Day, some four hundred alumni of Jelferson High School gathered for their frst reunion since Jefferson closed more than thy years ago. Jefferson got ts start In a frame. school house bull for Alrean-American students next to Wesley United Methocist Church on West detierson Street in York, South Carolina. From there, vetfeson graduated to a Rosenwald school and Became the Alrcan-Ametican pub lc school in a racially segregated system Al though the. system was_called “separate bu equal.” Jetferzon never had facies or teach ing materials equal to its counterparts, the we schools that | attended. Used books Were passed on trom white siuderts, dated land wor. The schoo! dst Bult a new high School for white students in 1850, but left black students fo make the best of thelr ld fone. The students, teachers, and administra tors at Jefferson i just that. They made the ‘motto thelr circumstances. The students who tame back for this Reunion did not dell on wnat they lacked. at Jefferson High. School They saluted teachers Who took a personal I terest, Believed in them, and encouraged them to excel They recalled ther formidable teams In footoal and basketbal anc the musical tal tent they produced. They recognized the val tes intl in them for a Hetime Wien the alumni sat down ‘or a banguet the last night of ther reunion, the pre they fek at beng “Jettersonians” was easly el and well-founded. Among the four hundred a tending the dinner, there were graduates who had rsen to the highest levels of the. Civ Service and become department heads. In October 11, 2004 stale government; Ph.Ds in the sclences and Tperal ats; college professors. school teach fers, successtul entrepreneurs, alorneys: and ‘many more who had dieinguished” (ner Selves. The banguet speaker, Roberta Weight symbolized their success. She fished Jefe son and went on to become & Phi Beta Kaopa Graduate of Fisk University and the University Of Michigan School of Law. She made a sti fing speech, challenging everyone to do more forthe common 9004, ‘With the onset of integration in the eatly 1970s, Jetterson High School came to an end But the three-day reunion made clear that Je. ferzon Ives on in the ives it made beter Hundreds of the alumni atlending atested to Detter, more productive nes aecause of what ‘hey learned at Jefferson under teachers who cared, encouraged, and challenges IN RECOGNITION OF ADMIRAL ‘THOMAS H. MOORER HON, JOHN CONYERS, JR. Thursday, October 7, 2004 Mr. CONVERS. Mr. Speaker, on February 5 ofthis year, a legendary American naval nero passed away in Bethesda, Maryland. Admiral Thomas H. Moorer pitomized the finest qual ties of dedication and rational service. His dl inguished naval career spanned 41 year, in clucing service as a naval aviator, as one of ‘ho fst plots off the ground during th attack fon Peat Haroor, as a decorated hero of nu ‘marous combat missions in the Southwest Pa Cie and the Bate of Midway, as Commander In Chet of the Pacie Fleet. 4s commander of NATO's US. Atlantic Command and the US. Atlantic Flee, becoming the only office in the Navy's history to command both our Atlantic land Paciie Fleets, a8 Chiet of Naval Oper: lone, a= Chairman of the Joint Chie'e of Stat, and as a teloss advocate for American Volorans, Admiral Moorer was instrumonial in festablehing the United States Navy Memorial fon Pennsylvania Avenue, In numerous ap nces before Congressional Commitoes, Komiral Meoror provided valuao ‘ostmeony (na varety of national socury concems. ‘Capping this extraordinary career, Admiral Mooter made his final appearance on Capital Hil on October 22, 2003, a8 Chairman of the Independent Commission of Ingury ino the 1967 attack on the USS Liberty It's. priv lege for me to intoduce the Findings of the Independent Commission of Inquiry Ino. the Terao Atlack on the USS Liberty into the CON. (GAESSIONAL RECORD. Wo, the undersigned, having undertaken an indopendent investigation of Ieaol's attack fon the USS Liber, including evevstnoss tore tsmemy from surviving crewmembers, &. ‘iow of naval and other official records, a hamination of official statements by. the Tereolt and Amoriean governments, s study ‘of the coneteeione of al proviows siietal ine uiries, ands consideration. 9 Important October 11, 2004 fsck of the cover up, Aoreby find Ue 10! actiat surveillance, Targel launched Uo ‘hour air and navel attack against the USS “aber, the world's most sophisticated tstel- Higenee ship. infleting 31 dead and) 72 ‘Wounded Amerean servicemen (a casualty Fate af seventy pereenl, In a crew 0f 290) YoThae the’ ferast alr attack ‘Tastod ape proximately 2 minutes, during which time {tnmarked Toracli alreraft. dropped napalm fanisters om the Liberty's bridge, and fired {omm ‘cannons and rockets into our hip. fusing 8a holes, more ten 100 of wach trere reckotoize; curvivors estimate oF Tore rortios wore flown over the thip By A minimum oI attacking” Ietall planes ‘rnieh were jamming all sive American ome Foney redie channols "That the torpodo boat attack involved not onlt the irae of torpedoes, but the mae Ghinewrunning. of the Liberty's retientors fd stretener-tearors ao choy strugelod to {ve taair ship and crow: tho Israel! torpode boats later roburaod to machine-gun at close ange thao of tho Liberiy's Ife rafts that bad been loveered into tho water by survivors fereacue the most soriously wounded “sthat Shore is compelling avidence that tapacl's attack waa a deliberate attempt 10 destroy an American ship and ill hor entire Gri: ldo of such att aupperted ty Odom, USA (Rot), Admiral Bovey Tay Tamas, USN det), Gnd” Marshal” Carton, former NSA deputy’ directors Ollver Kuby Uitet); and cormer Aimbassadar Dwigit Por forvicemen and an ct of war against the S.That coating confict with Tsracl, the ‘white House deitboravaly prevented the U.S Navy fom coming to the defonso of the Lib= fy by recalling Sixth Flect military rescue ‘Support who tho chip was under attack; wvie donee of the recall of resexe aircraft's sap ported hy statements ef Captain Joe Tully, Commanding Ortcer of the aurera carrier USS Saratoga, and Roar Admiral Lawrence (ois, the Sisih Plove earrier divislon come ander, es the ime of she attack never De- fore in American naval history has a roscue Iisston en caneciied when an American ‘Sup yas under attack: "That although the Liberty was saved ‘om almost certain destruction through *he Retole efforts of the ships Capraun. Willis En'Medonsele (MOH), and bis brave cree, ‘rviving efowmembors wore lator threat: ned with “court-martial, imprisonment oF ‘worso" if they exposed the truth, and Wore oandoned by thett ows government fe hat due to the infsnce of arses pow ceful supportore Is the United States, tae White House. deliberately covered up the ‘ets of this attack from the Asericad poo Bist | That due to continuing pressure by the pro-Traot lobty ia the United Staten, is gated by Congress: te thie Jay, nos ‘ving crewmember has been pormicted to of Feta and pabilely Leatity about The at ek “otha thore has boon an oftess! cover-up without precedent in American naval hie “ory: the existonon of sich s caver-p is now supported by statements of Rear Admiral CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks ‘Advocate General of the Navy ard Captain ‘Ward Boston, USN, Gta.) the hist counsel Tevthe Navy‘ in? Couto Sngutry of the i ‘That the truth about Tarael's attack snd subsequent Waite House coverup con finuca to be ofslsaly concealed from the ‘American people to the present day and is 4 ational dneraco 12. That a danger to our national security cxitis whonever our clocted oftlals are il {ng tov subordinate American interests to ‘howe of any forien nation, and specifically ‘te uniting to challenge Tracts interests ‘Phen thoy eondlict with American invests thir polles, evidenced by the saturn to de fend Pho USS Liberty un the sabecguent of fal coversp ofthe Tran attack, eadangsrs ‘he auioty of Americans and the tocurly of the Unitod Staten "Whereupon, we, he undersigned, i order te tail our duty to the brave ofew of the Us Liberty aod Yo all Americans Wao are taned to serve tn our Armed Poress” nereby Sch apon the Department of the Navy, the Conszese of the United States and the Amer. {can prople to immediately take the 1 Towing actions First, That a new Court of Inqury be con ey the Baptist of he Mary oe Dutilc™ testimony som "surviving crew Srinath ft operation Gam the Nata five in aunehing said attack on'w U8. naval ‘Second, That every appropriate commits ot the Congress of the United Statea inves: Slgate the actions of the White House and Defense Department that prevented the fe Cue of the USB Liberty, hereafter threatened See Surviving ofticere and mea if they ex Dovod the truth, and coverod up the true Gr Eamuances of the attack omehe Amerean ighth day of June of ovory year bo proclaimed fo he noreateor known USS Liverty Remembrance Day, in order to ‘ommemorace the Liberty's Revole crow 2d tevedueato the Amortean poopie of the dan fer to our na-ional security interent tn any Datcienate ateachment of our elected ott Chu, SENIOR COUNSEL TO TIM .S. AVY ont on the topic of the USS diberty. Tam a 'Howover, recont attempts to rowrite Ais tory compal me to chavo the trata, "a Tune of T867, who serving as a Captain in the udze Advocates General Deparemen™ or tho Nevy, T was assigned as senior logal counsel for tho Navy's Court of Inquiry into the brutal attack on the USS Liberty which Jaca occurred om vane teh, 'Tae late Admics! fssso'6. Kida. prosigent of the Court, and wore given oniy one weok to gather evidence for the Navs'soitcial investigation inte the ftiack. Admiral John 8. McCain, Je, thon [Commandersin-chict, Naval Forces Burope [CINCUSNAVEUR), at his eadguarters in fuondon, bad charged Admiral Kida (in a lt for davod Tune Ie, 396) to "ingsire tno ali the pertinent tacts and cireamstancos Toad ing £0 and conneoted with the armes stack Jdxmage resulting therosrom: ana deaths of ind injuries to Naval personnel.” Dospico the hort amount of ime Wo Were E:¥N W, E1887 "fue evidence was clear. Both Admiral Kidd land T believed with cortainty that this at ack, which eiled 94 American sailors and injaved 12 ocmere, was s deliberate etfor to Sink an American ship and murder ts entire fnew. I am cortain that che loraolt pilots hat undertook the attack ae Well aa Uaeit fuperiare who had cedered tho wstack, wore sivae that tho ap was American Tauw the fag, which had vinbiy sdentisod juno anip as American, siddled with Wellet Hotes, and heard testimony that. made tt lear thatthe lass intended there be re furvivers. Not only did tho Tsanils attack the ship with napalm. euntire, and missles, erat torpede boats muchine-rurnet three ifeboass that ad boon lasachod in an ate fempt by the crew to save the most seriously fwounaod—e war crime Titm outraged at the effor of the apolo- esis for lrast in thie country to claim that ty." tn parcletar, the recent publication of Say Cistors book, ‘The Liverty incidents eat the ase and laeponete the wens is Crisats isigious alzempt to wnivewssh the facts that has pushed me to speak out. with Admiral Hida chat Prosigont Eyndon Spite overwasiming evidence to the contrary. [Contrary to she mistnformation presented by fEriotol and others, fete important for the [American people to know that i ls clear hat trae: ie Feaponatbie for deliberately ate facing an American ship and) murdering tna ala, whee bereaved shpmates 1. What happened to tho USS Liberty? The USS Liberty was a virtually unarmed Amer~ ean Navy ship that wan ateaceeg by Taraelh Planes and ‘orpedo beats on June 8,197 “American sailors were ied apd 72 injured ‘hat day, 2 eatualty rato of 0%, Ths te the igheat cavalty tate ever inpleted upon US. naval vesiel that Fomained afloat afer 3 What wae Zerac's explanation forthe at= ic was an American ship Ming would we question that explanation feat However. as time paced, they have Jscepped forward to cay the attack was delibe Recently, high government ond military Jociciais nave suggostod that not only was Ta addition, tho Navy's chief attorney to Jone original i967 military Coury of Inquiry foes Sevued « seatement that orders to cow jsp tho incident wore istuod by President Itryadon Johnson and Secretary of Defense [overt McNamara [ave Starement of Captain [Ward Boston, USN, JAC ot) Sips teraol ave reason fo believe the Juss Libery was tn Bevpiian chip! Israel Jays its plots and torpedo boat commanders E1888 contucod tho USS Liberty with the Bt Quit Sn Hryptien ship allegedly ‘fring upen 03 forces Im the Sinai. But there Was no Keve Sas naval Hombardmon’ that day, nor did fhe gf Quser can unarmed Teaie-ora 0r90 farrior out af sorvico in Alexandria) Roar sn osomblanes tote 1ibery STi ie Sitiewle to ident « ship st you're ia an aurplaso? th 196, the USS Lib fey was the most sophisticated Intelligence “Ship the worl, wich dovene of lange abtone fas, including large. moon-bounce. eat filstedisn mosnted on a tll stracture nest the stern. 10 may have becn one of the most facily Hdemtifable chips oc aay navy tn the World, With a displacement of 10.000 tons, tras four times she size of the anisaue Rev fina transport it fe claimed to havo rosea bled Freshly. painted, te Liber carried Jarge white ‘dentifeation mambors ‘on tts bow. Bevptien hull mumbors are. painted havi "F Tocen't Taras) say thatthe Laberty slew no slag? According to American survivore, 8 Bby-s toot Amoriean fag was hoistod easly hat morning and was fging all day tnt 1 tras shot sway hy avtackeing aireratt, Within ovoral minute, [c was roplacod by tho giant ‘ fect holiday ensign, which flow for he dgration of tne attacle °F Gould Toracl have thought tho ship was tn war zone, acting suapielously? According te surviving crewmombere, Isracil feconnale- ance airerafe closely studied Tho Liberty over ag eight-hour ported prior to tho ate ack, one fying within two hundred ‘eot of tho ship. AL all times tho Liberty was a eloat= Jy markod American ship im international ‘ators, procooding at a spood of only knot. 3 Wad wan the weather Ike the day of he attack? Weathor roports confirm that It was {clear day with limited visihility. The Toracit. Foconnaissance™ planes could have soon the Liberty's crow sunbathing on the tipper docks jst before the steacke "Tho flag tras flying in& 12enot hreoes for most of the Stemneon. 1o, Doosn’t Teracl say they ended the at tack the minute thoy saw someone hoist as ‘American flag? he Teraelt attack by. come ‘bined air and naval foreoe spanned two Inoure—as long as the ateaci on Peacl Hare Yor. Tho. air attack alone lasted approxi- mately 25 minutes’ consisting of more thas 40" cortise "ey appronimataly 12 separate lanes using napalm, cannon, and rockets ‘roveh et wholes in the ship. Following She ir ateace, canoe Istasls motor torpede bouts torpedoed the ship causing & 102 a Wide holo tm her hull, and mackino-cunning Fretignters and streteher-besrers actempeing fe save their ship and erew. Moro than 5.00 machine-gun bullet holes were later eountod fp tho Liberty's ball. Attor tho attacks was fought to have ended, three ite rafts were Jowered into the water i roseuo the most ee Hously wounded Tho Teraolt torpode bouts Foturned and machine-gunned thoes lif rats it cloce range. This was followed by the a> proach of two largo Terao Army asseult bol feoptere iliod with armed commandos car= Fine what appoarod to be explosive catehols {thoy departed ator hovering ever ‘be skip for toveral minutes, maleing no actompt te communion. “TE Did the Liberty sond out a distress aie- tal whon ft wat under attack? Taroushoat She air ateacke the Liberty's radio operators found i disielt to teanemis a dittons se fal becauso the attacking Taraely azerait Jammod all sve of the Libery’s Ameriean, fot BeypHian, emergency radio chanucls Howover, e call for hoip did roach the US, Navy command in tho Mediterranean {3° What was che Ameriean response time? ltaough American carrir-basod air support ‘ras only 40 minutes away, help did not each The USS liberty tor seventeen hows. Navy CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks Here meric and Saratoga waste the Liberty Iprrucalla by tho White House. Th tthe thn American ship was unde attack 1s: Why would arash have deliberately at tacked an American snip? Iaval's motive for Iunehing the attack has never boot deter. ‘ined with certainty. This fe why a tmper Hal investigation ia critical. One Dypotbests {b'thatLorael intended to sii the ship (with 0 survivors) and blame Bxypt because this ight have bourht the United States into ‘he 1 war. Another bypothesi is that the Livery waa gathering inelligence about ae fivicie "that Lorael did not, want revealed Examples might Include tae massacre of Eryplian prisoners of war Uhat was then oe Gtrving ia the Sinai, ae well as letaal's te Sending Invasion a Svzia Th Hus the incident. boon Investigated in tne past? Some poople say that there have Seon “thirvoen oficial invessigation?” al Gonchuding the attack was a cave of mix {Shon Identity. Boveral ‘were. conducted by Iivael, ‘Upon examination. however, oe ne ie Dazed upon the conclusions of the Sririnal i967 US. Nevy Court of Tnaulry Which accepted tho Iasi version, but which Eis toon exposed and Gacrodived by its chet ‘tiorney as cover-up fn the ether investigttions” ta net one of ‘hese “Snvesigations” wore any of he Li tcrgys surviving crewmembers: permited to putty testi Te. Why would the White Bouse prevent the rescue ofan American abipt This, peshape, fhe most iatarhine question arisbe out at planes that bad bec sent to rescue the Li Eri why. ald-tney onder that the survivors ‘om the american people? VF What ind of vestigation are you cal: sng for? We ave calling for a tem Court of i Guiey by the Department of the Navy, with Soneresstonai oversight, to take public test ‘ony from surviving crewmembers and ol frwise thoroughly examine the ci Camtances of tne attack i. Why aro You calise for « naval—and ot a congresslonal=inveatiration” We be lieve hie would remove the tnguiry com the polltical pressures traditionally exerted. by pocial Interest groups upoa individual com fressional olfices Fundraising and slvetion Brossures ove prevented aa onset tnver Uration trom bolar conducted for the past 36 1 Why Is this significant for the Amer. scan people 26 years fator? We have a daly to the crew of t30 USS Liberty, while the tur ‘ivors are atl alive to Lest and while she perpetrators ean be brought to justice. Fur Blermore, aay potion that, paralyze our slocd Ieadership to the extent they become inablo or unwilling to protect amerieans tind American interests, endangers not only {he safety of all Amocitane but aso the na onal security of the Univea state, “h. Docast America have a special ui wien ari" No sation of. popie fa of any ‘oreiga nation. Those Lraelie re ‘pons for onder the atacand the Admiral Thomas H. Moorer,formor Chair mam Woint Chiste of Seatithe distin October 11, 2004 Sfoores spanned a years” Following is Graduation trom the Noval Acagemy in 138, fe became « Navy pilet, a wat hero, abd © ships capiain. On Decomber 7, 19 as © aval aviator, Liestenant Mooret was one of fheviat plats oft the ground following the Vator during WWII iaclode the Silver Star Sad Purple Heart In 396 Moorer waa Dror foted to the rank of Admiral, In S68, he ‘rok now ground, bocoming tho only Amcr= {can admiral to Rave ever commanded oth ‘Ghat of thu Joint Ghia ee State The f= Se'Temeat the Navy's mais Heber for many Yoate, was named for Admiral Moorer_ Since in rtiremoat in 1974, Admiral Moore ‘bas Served on the boards of many American cot= porations, and"ir a tivless auvocate Yor Rimevican veterans "Working with Admital ‘Asisigh murke {CNO). Admital Moore wa ‘States Navy Memorial en Penteyivania Av ue in. Washington, D.C. He te currently Ghasrman of the Liborty Alliance, an ongani= fttion dedlented Go obtaining am honest ‘erigation ot lara’ attack on the USS Lib: {rg ana he oficial coverup that followed General of Marines Ragimend G. Davs (MOU). former Assistant Commandant of the ‘Marine Corpe—General Davie, ane of amer= {ea's most decorated heroes, passed away 03 September 4, 2003 As 4 combat veteran of fhron wars and a dedicated member of the ‘Marine Corps for 81 years, Gonoral Davis ree sivod She Congressional Modal of Honor= the nation’s Richost award for valorar woll 1 the Nevy Cross, two Distinewionea Service Modais, two Silver Stars, two. Logion. of ‘Mert awards, tho Bronso Star, and the Pure plo Heart. General Davia was renowned for Bis cxploite im the Pacite during WWI ay ‘battalion and rerimental commander during the Korean, War, and ts Commanding Gon ral of the ard Marine Division in Viet Nam, ‘Attaining fourar sane ia 197, Davis Served. ts Assistant Commandant of the ‘Corps before reiting in 19 A strong pro: Dosen’ of votorane" inves, General ‘Davis erved as chairman of the advisory board to ‘the Rorean War Votorane Mmorial in Washe Ingvon, D.Cy dedicated in 19%. Prior his death, Gonoral Davis served aa View Chai. ‘man of the Tiberey Alliance and Waa a prt pal member of the Commision of Inquiry Inte the cover-up of the altace on the USS Tiere. rat’ Admiral Morin Staring, former sage Advocate General of the Nevy—Mertin ‘Staring's distingwioned naval carver, which Spannod noariy 35 yoats, began as an onaizn {in Decomber 18 Among his numerous doce ations, Admiral Staring” way awarded. the Navy Digtinevishod Service Medal In Jane oF Ise, Staring served as Stat! Leeal Osicer to Admiral Jona 3. Mecain, Jr the Come Mander-inchief, U.S. Naval Portes Burope (CINCUSNAVEUR) in London, which encom patsod tho Moditerrancan, and was easinod Torericw the record of the Navy Gourt of foe ‘qury's investigation into the laren a@taele fn the USS faverty Admiral Staring later Served as the Navy's legal advisor to Sere {ars of tae Navy Pasl BTenatius and John HChatoo. Attaining the ranie of Roar Amt alin I, ho was appointed Judge Agvoeals ‘General of the Navoeethe Navy's chief attore ove position he held through i975. Cur. Fenty, Admiral Starine is Treavater and Aizector ofthe Liberty allie, “Ambassador James Akins former U.S, Am vatandor to, Suu AtabiewJames Altns Served his country for 2 veare an distin fuished member of tho. diploma:te compe ‘From 19-168, bo sorved az an attache at October 11, 2004 fh active and outepoken proponont for a Just PAYING TRIBUTE TO MANCEL PAGE HON. SCOTT MclNNIS| Friday, October 8, 2004 Me. MCINNIS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to pay bute to Mancel Page, 2 dedicated Wwatehmaker ftom Grand Junction, Colorado, Mancel is rotiing at the age of 81 aftr 40 years n the jewelry business, and | want to {ake this opporuniy 10 resognze his many years of service to his community betore ths body of Congress and iis Nation. “Mancel came by the jewelry business natu. rally, His mother's uncle was a jeweler in Gor- many, and Mancel began taking apart and re Bairng clocks when he was ten years old. His Store, Page Parsons Jewelers, located on the main steel of dovntown Grand Junction. was founded in 1895 anc le one ofthe oldest bus nesses in the city. Mancel, grew up repairing ‘locks and loving sports. Ho played basketball {or his school in Missouri and during the time he sored in the military during Word War I Aihleiss are something outsige of work that he sil makes timo to eniey Winie'in the miltary Mancel worked at a local jewelry store and then went on to college ta study gemalgy before becoming 2 cerifed gemologist. Mansel ana his wite Anna moved {e Grand Junetion in 1950 and Bought the jon fry store. in. 1964. Through the decades Mancel nas enjoyed great success. Mancel is also active in Grand Juneton communty orga nizations such as the Downtown Developmen Author. and the downlown merchant's 2sso- ‘lation that have been Instrumental in revital- ining the downtown area to be more customer endl Mr. Speaker, Mancel Page has dedicated 40 years to the jewely business and his ef- fons inthe Grand Junction community” are highly commendable. | am honored to recog” nize his many years of service before ths Body of Congress and ths Navan. Thank you {or all your hard work Manel, and | wish you yout wite Anna, and your daughter Peggy all {tho best in your future endeavors. DEMOCRATIC PROGRESS IN KAZAKHSTAN HON, RALPH M. HALL Friday, October 8, 2004 Me. HALL. Mr. Speaker, I rse today to com- mend the Republi of Kazaxnstan on is con CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks tinuedand steady—progress toward building democracy. In partcular, | note the recen parlamentary elections held in Kazaxnstan on September 12. While the elections show that Kazakhstan has work to do in order to mare fully meet Intemational standards for demo cratic elections, they were a signiicant Ir provement aver past elections Earle this year, | was Visited by members of the Kazakhstan Embassy. Among other I formation | Teamed thal Kazakhstan gained i independence in 1991. It hold iis fist mutiparty election in 1994, In 1998, the repub Te conducted. parlameniaty elections tha were widely erleized by the International com ‘muni. Since tha time, Kazakhstan passed 8 ‘much-improved law on elections, held twelve Televised debates, conducted eifectve voter education, permitted more than 1,000 election aservers to monitor the elections, and reg istered. 12. partes—includng an. apposition ary thal had been refused registration in ror elections, These are all posiive steps forward for Kazakhstan—sleps thal were un thnkable in past elecions. I thanked them for thelr vist—and assured them that as Chav man of the Energy and Air Qualiy Sub Committee | looked forward to workng ou mutual energy. thrusts helpful” to BOIn Kazakhstan and the United States. Mr. Speaker, | would tke to Righight to my colleagues an essay publshed by United Press. Intemational on September 25, 2004, and. writen by Gregory Fossedal, entiled “Outside View: Big progress in Kazakhstan ‘The essay provides 4 balanced assessment of the recent Kazakh election Unike many of his colleagues, Mr. Fossedal examines the elecions win the context of Kazakhstan's young history. He Teoks at how far Kazakhstan has come since ts independ fence and how it compares with its neighbors. Moreover. the essay makes & competing case thal, considering Kazakhstan's geographic and demographic postion, ts steady progress Is Important to U'S. security. Mr. Speaker. | urge my colleagues to read this essay and | would lke to have the text of this essay. placed info. the CONGAFSSIONA Recon following my statement [rom United Prose international, Sept. 25, ‘OvnsIDR Vin: a PROGRESS IN KARARIAN Waamiaran, DO, Sept, 24 (UPD) —Kazalehe tan ‘nela. national” loetions on Sunday prompting comments trom & number of os Eide eosorvers, and all the Teeal opposition, Sat the ote was a stop backwards for ae Trocracy. Was We that—or wes ft fart mot ag Wich progross as domocrucy-lovere around ‘he world, including mo, might hope for? "ro answer that question, we nod to decide what “Kasaiehetan't admittedly sloppy ae Trocracy touay is boing compared: the ioe in the rogion 10 Youre aro, oF Bissla China, Trea of Florida? "ay moe of those standards, the country scems v0 neve made mild but sendy tn fowards «gosh. Furthermore, considering Karakenstan's geographle and’ domozraphie position, 1's a steady. Improvement shat's Important to U's. arcursty and democracy in eneral ‘Moasuring democracy's progress at the tow end of development tsa sricky matter, bot Kazsienstan'n recent vote appears 10 E1889 "The most balancod report. to omorgo, by tne Organization for Security. and: Coopers tion in Burope, goncratea Wosterm headlines saying the ction “failed. the democracy tone The New Yorke Times) and. even wae ‘randulent™ (The Washingeon ‘Tmcs), Bet the report Hselt noted postive. areas of lena, who wes in Kasaknstan go an cbgorver, judged the Veting to be fundamentally ms Br he election was “a step forward, not fortunately, such views Wore ‘ot widely Tn rocial Vrms, Kazakhstan also parailols some of the dovelopmones soon tn Mesiea 0 the Pbaippiaes im the 1000s, Income fa sare to'ia poreent pace exch of the lass five ears, ‘This,'n turn, io generating a-middle clase ‘With erostor access to information, and ne ‘tones on freedom of oxprossion ‘Serge! Duvanov of tho Tnstitute for War and Foaco Reporting outlined how Kevalhs swore able to get around many of the blocks

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